1 00:00:09,493 --> 00:00:10,467 (keypad beeping) 2 00:00:11,512 --> 00:00:12,827 (line ringing) 3 00:00:12,921 --> 00:00:14,238 (female dispatcher speaking) 4 00:00:14,256 --> 00:00:15,572 (stanley jensen speaking) 5 00:00:15,591 --> 00:00:16,432 (female dispatcher speaking) 6 00:00:17,334 --> 00:00:18,142 (stanley speaking) 7 00:00:23,766 --> 00:00:25,190 (female dispatcher speaking) 8 00:00:25,860 --> 00:00:26,984 (stanley speaking) 9 00:00:52,702 --> 00:00:57,114 My life is wrecked and everything that I know could be ruined. 10 00:00:57,207 --> 00:01:01,802 If I don't win my case, I could go to prison for the rest of my life. 11 00:01:01,896 --> 00:01:05,397 I hope and pray that the jury will see the truth. 12 00:01:20,322 --> 00:01:24,416 My name is jack maro. I am representing stanley jensen. 13 00:01:26,812 --> 00:01:29,313 Stanley is charged with second-degree murder, 14 00:01:29,331 --> 00:01:31,331 Which is the taking of a human life 15 00:01:31,425 --> 00:01:32,424 Without premeditation. 16 00:01:34,837 --> 00:01:38,555 Stanley is accused of shooting his tenant, marc bruss. 17 00:01:40,826 --> 00:01:44,603 Stanley believed that marc was selling drugs, 18 00:01:44,754 --> 00:01:47,439 And they had gotten into an argument over non-payment of rent. 19 00:01:50,018 --> 00:01:53,503 So, stanley took it upon himself to enter the mobile home 20 00:01:53,597 --> 00:01:56,506 And remove marc's personal property. 21 00:01:56,525 --> 00:01:59,284 This made marc extremely angry and upset 22 00:01:59,436 --> 00:02:00,536 And he actually called the police. 23 00:02:07,628 --> 00:02:08,961 (female deputy speaking) 24 00:02:15,952 --> 00:02:22,699 About an hour later, stanley heard commotion coming from the rental property. 25 00:02:22,792 --> 00:02:26,311 He was extremely concerned about the well-being of the co-tenant, 26 00:02:26,538 --> 00:02:28,647 So he went back over there to check on him. 27 00:02:30,225 --> 00:02:32,800 As soon as he walked in, 28 00:02:32,895 --> 00:02:36,321 He was attacked by marc, who came at him with a machete. 29 00:02:38,808 --> 00:02:42,143 Stanley had no choice but to shoot him in self-defense. 30 00:02:42,163 --> 00:02:43,662 (sirens wailing) 31 00:02:45,482 --> 00:02:46,999 (male police officer speaking) 32 00:03:02,758 --> 00:03:04,591 Maro: The prosecution is going to claim 33 00:03:04,743 --> 00:03:07,186 That stanley shot marc in cold blood. 34 00:03:09,264 --> 00:03:12,482 But we're going to argue that he fired in self-defense. 35 00:03:14,753 --> 00:03:17,345 For stanley, this is extremely serious. 36 00:03:17,364 --> 00:03:19,865 Life in florida is a life sentence. 37 00:03:20,092 --> 00:03:22,201 You die in prison and you come home in a box. 38 00:03:34,381 --> 00:03:38,300 I have lived here since 2016. 39 00:03:39,536 --> 00:03:42,387 Since moving here, I've found out 40 00:03:42,614 --> 00:03:46,183 That it's rampant with the drugs and the alcohol. 41 00:03:56,553 --> 00:03:59,963 Never would I have dreamt that moving here 42 00:03:59,982 --> 00:04:05,160 Would have landed me in with this drug abuse and the craziness at night. 43 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:12,584 (dog barking) 44 00:04:13,587 --> 00:04:15,587 Good girl. Shh. Stop. 45 00:04:24,581 --> 00:04:29,101 Stanley: I started renting the property out and it was going okay. 46 00:04:30,829 --> 00:04:34,498 Everything changed when marc moved in. 47 00:04:34,516 --> 00:04:38,610 When he entered my life, it was awful. 48 00:04:40,597 --> 00:04:44,432 I found out he was heavily into meth 49 00:04:44,451 --> 00:04:46,285 And it's been nothing but trouble. 50 00:04:50,516 --> 00:04:55,443 Being accused of murder has been gut-wrenching. 51 00:04:55,537 --> 00:04:59,047 Knowing that I had to kill somebody in self-defense, 52 00:05:00,542 --> 00:05:01,967 I'm not happy with it. 53 00:05:03,620 --> 00:05:06,363 I've been a christian all my life, 54 00:05:06,381 --> 00:05:09,474 And it weighs heavily on me, personally. 55 00:05:11,386 --> 00:05:14,980 It's something that I have to deal with on a daily basis. 56 00:05:26,660 --> 00:05:27,492 Stanley, have a seat. 57 00:05:35,227 --> 00:05:36,743 All right, stanley. 58 00:05:36,895 --> 00:05:39,412 We're going to go over some things today. 59 00:05:39,565 --> 00:05:42,507 Tell me a little bit about the property. 60 00:05:42,734 --> 00:05:45,326 Stanley: It's a two-bedroom, one bath trailer 61 00:05:45,346 --> 00:05:48,572 Less than 100 feet from my property. 62 00:05:48,665 --> 00:05:50,832 And how many renters did you have? 63 00:05:50,851 --> 00:05:54,686 Two. Marc bruss and a co-tenant. 64 00:05:54,913 --> 00:05:58,598 Tell me a little bit of what problems that you were having with marc. 65 00:05:58,750 --> 00:06:01,418 There was a lot of people coming, 66 00:06:01,511 --> 00:06:05,179 Foot traffic and cars late at night 67 00:06:05,273 --> 00:06:08,033 Till the early morning. 68 00:06:08,260 --> 00:06:13,187 And he started behaving badly towards jimmy. 69 00:06:13,281 --> 00:06:14,614 Maro: Jimmy's the co-tenant? 70 00:06:14,766 --> 00:06:18,543 Yes. And then marc said he was refusing to pay rent, 71 00:06:18,770 --> 00:06:22,288 And it was gonna cost me months to get him out. 72 00:06:22,383 --> 00:06:27,052 So, I took marc's clothes and put them out on the carport. 73 00:06:28,463 --> 00:06:30,722 Marc calls for the police, 74 00:06:30,874 --> 00:06:35,560 And the officer told me to go home and not to come back. 75 00:06:37,289 --> 00:06:41,625 About an hour later, I could hear yelling, 76 00:06:41,718 --> 00:06:44,653 And so I go next door to see if jimmy's okay. 77 00:06:46,632 --> 00:06:50,467 I step in and I'm knocking on the first door 78 00:06:50,560 --> 00:06:52,577 On my right-hand side, which is jimmy's bedroom. 79 00:06:53,805 --> 00:06:55,414 Jimmy wasn't there. 80 00:06:55,565 --> 00:06:57,732 So you didn't see the co-tenant? 81 00:06:57,751 --> 00:07:04,005 No, I turned and I see marc yelling at me. 82 00:07:05,333 --> 00:07:07,651 He was carrying a machete. 83 00:07:07,669 --> 00:07:12,747 He says, "I'm going to f-ing kill you." 84 00:07:12,766 --> 00:07:17,269 I took out my gun that I had in my back pocket, and I shot him. 85 00:07:21,257 --> 00:07:22,999 So, you were afraid for your life? 86 00:07:23,018 --> 00:07:25,277 Well, I believed him when he said he was going to kill me. 87 00:07:27,114 --> 00:07:31,450 Then I immediately dialed 911. 88 00:07:32,694 --> 00:07:35,770 And as I'm talking to dispatch, 89 00:07:35,789 --> 00:07:39,958 I see two people next to marc's body. 90 00:07:42,796 --> 00:07:45,446 You were not aware of the fact that they were in the house prior? 91 00:07:45,466 --> 00:07:50,117 No. I'm telling them that they can't be here, 92 00:07:50,212 --> 00:07:51,303 And they run out the back door. 93 00:07:54,958 --> 00:07:58,551 Let's kind of summarize what we're at. 94 00:07:58,704 --> 00:08:05,208 The prosecution is going to try to show that you were a trespasser 95 00:08:05,301 --> 00:08:08,945 And that marc actually had a right to defend himself from you. 96 00:08:09,990 --> 00:08:12,157 I was on my property. 97 00:08:12,384 --> 00:08:15,309 But a police officer told you not to go back in, 98 00:08:15,329 --> 00:08:18,722 -And you went back in. -Oh, well then, I... 99 00:08:18,740 --> 00:08:20,815 So, we need to be able to show the jury 100 00:08:20,834 --> 00:08:23,818 That marc attacked you with a deadly weapon 101 00:08:23,837 --> 00:08:27,154 And that gave you the right to utilize self-defense. 102 00:08:27,174 --> 00:08:29,424 And that's basically an outline of what we need do. 103 00:08:30,344 --> 00:08:31,301 Right. 104 00:08:32,346 --> 00:08:33,345 Thanks for coming in. 105 00:08:36,258 --> 00:08:37,832 Maro: I have some concerns 106 00:08:37,926 --> 00:08:42,687 About how stanley comes across a little nonchalant at times. 107 00:08:42,914 --> 00:08:45,172 I mean, you have someone that's lost their life 108 00:08:45,267 --> 00:08:48,676 And stanley is accused, obviously, of taking that life. 109 00:08:48,770 --> 00:08:52,197 And he's in a position that he needs to justify that to the jury. 110 00:09:06,438 --> 00:09:09,172 Hello. Good to see you. 111 00:09:10,033 --> 00:09:10,882 Stanley: Thanks. 112 00:09:19,785 --> 00:09:21,226 Julia: Stanley's a good brother. 113 00:09:22,804 --> 00:09:27,715 He is somebody that I go to for advice. 114 00:09:27,809 --> 00:09:32,320 He's very thoughtful and he likes to help people. 115 00:09:33,574 --> 00:09:35,073 He's very trustworthy. 116 00:09:40,247 --> 00:09:43,156 When I first heard about the shooting, 117 00:09:43,308 --> 00:09:47,252 I about fell on the floor in shock. 118 00:09:48,830 --> 00:09:51,815 To call stanley a murderer 119 00:09:51,908 --> 00:09:55,677 'cause somebody is chasing you with a hatchet, 120 00:09:57,489 --> 00:09:58,597 He doesn't deserve this. 121 00:10:05,922 --> 00:10:07,439 Stanley: Do you want something to drink? Do you want water? 122 00:10:08,108 --> 00:10:10,108 Please, yeah. 123 00:10:10,335 --> 00:10:14,671 Aphrodite: Stanley is the most loving son. 124 00:10:14,689 --> 00:10:19,618 I need him to be here for me because I'm 90. 125 00:10:21,529 --> 00:10:25,198 Stanley: My mother relies on me. 126 00:10:25,292 --> 00:10:29,544 If I'm found guilty, she's gonna be destroyed. 127 00:10:31,539 --> 00:10:34,782 I keep telling her we're gonna win, 128 00:10:34,876 --> 00:10:38,970 But I don't think she really believes it until she sees it. 129 00:10:41,700 --> 00:10:43,642 Julia: We count on stanley so much. 130 00:10:45,479 --> 00:10:48,388 If he were to go to prison, 131 00:10:48,482 --> 00:10:52,984 It would be a tragedy. 132 00:11:02,311 --> 00:11:03,620 (female dispatcher speaking) 133 00:11:05,666 --> 00:11:06,998 (stanley speaking) 134 00:11:15,324 --> 00:11:16,174 (female dispatcher speaking) 135 00:11:29,597 --> 00:11:32,357 Maro: This is an extremely difficult case. 136 00:11:32,584 --> 00:11:34,508 The biggest challenge is the fact that 137 00:11:34,528 --> 00:11:37,937 During this incident, there were no witnesses that saw it. 138 00:11:38,089 --> 00:11:40,924 So, we need to match the evidence to stanley's account 139 00:11:40,942 --> 00:11:44,260 To give credence to what stanley says happened. 140 00:11:44,279 --> 00:11:45,370 Hey, shane. 141 00:12:02,872 --> 00:12:04,038 (detective bartlett speaking) 142 00:12:04,057 --> 00:12:05,557 (stanley speaking) 143 00:12:11,806 --> 00:12:14,566 Maro: Stop right there. 144 00:12:14,793 --> 00:12:19,963 He tells the 911 operator he's going back to talk to marc and collect rent 145 00:12:20,056 --> 00:12:23,575 But now he's saying he went back over there to check on jimmy. 146 00:12:24,652 --> 00:12:25,577 That's a concern. 147 00:12:44,005 --> 00:12:47,340 Maro: He's telling this officer that marc and the two men... 148 00:12:47,492 --> 00:12:49,250 It's like the three of them were coming at him. 149 00:12:49,344 --> 00:12:51,919 But he told me he does not know 150 00:12:52,013 --> 00:12:58,259 There's two other people there until after marc is shot. 151 00:12:58,278 --> 00:12:59,569 Now we have a different statement. 152 00:13:01,931 --> 00:13:03,615 (detective bartlett speaking) 153 00:13:20,300 --> 00:13:21,132 (detective bartlett speaking) 154 00:13:25,530 --> 00:13:27,864 Maro: The interview is very troubling. 155 00:13:27,882 --> 00:13:31,217 There's a tremendous amount of contradictions in stanley's story, 156 00:13:31,311 --> 00:13:33,144 So that's something that we've got to deal with. 157 00:13:36,057 --> 00:13:38,441 Perception-wise, this does not help stanley at all. 158 00:14:00,489 --> 00:14:02,582 I'd like to go over the interview 159 00:14:02,676 --> 00:14:07,737 That you gave law enforcement after the incident. 160 00:14:07,755 --> 00:14:14,001 What's not fitting is, you said in the 911 call you're in there to get rent. 161 00:14:14,095 --> 00:14:20,859 I... I don't know why I... I guess I'm jumping ahead of myself. 162 00:14:21,010 --> 00:14:23,987 Maro: That is an issue. It's gonna be an issue at trial. 163 00:14:34,432 --> 00:14:38,543 Maro: You didn't even know they were there until after you went back in. 164 00:14:41,456 --> 00:14:44,607 -(stammering) -well, uh, you know, understand... 165 00:14:44,700 --> 00:14:47,552 My timeframe is... Is not accurate, obviously. 166 00:14:48,947 --> 00:14:52,298 I'd been up since 4:00 in the morning, 167 00:14:52,392 --> 00:14:55,635 So when I'm having my interview with the detective, 168 00:14:55,729 --> 00:14:56,728 I was exhausted. 169 00:14:58,623 --> 00:15:00,289 From a prosecution's point of view 170 00:15:00,308 --> 00:15:02,716 Is you're not telling the truth about little things, 171 00:15:02,810 --> 00:15:05,194 Therefore you're not telling the truth about big things. 172 00:15:12,895 --> 00:15:16,639 Stanley: I don't know why I said those things that were not true. 173 00:15:16,658 --> 00:15:19,584 I guess I just remembered them wrong. 174 00:15:22,905 --> 00:15:26,090 The stress of going to prison 175 00:15:27,485 --> 00:15:28,593 For any amount of time, 176 00:15:30,488 --> 00:15:31,387 It's a terrible thing. 177 00:15:33,658 --> 00:15:38,252 All I can do is hope and pray that the jury 178 00:15:38,346 --> 00:15:44,275 Will pick through the statements and... And see the truth. 179 00:15:45,520 --> 00:15:46,611 (sniffles) 180 00:15:53,787 --> 00:15:55,119 (dog barking) 181 00:15:56,623 --> 00:16:00,458 Stanley: Say hi, brooklyn. Good girl. 182 00:16:03,188 --> 00:16:03,962 Come on. 183 00:16:06,874 --> 00:16:10,301 What I did wasn't intentional, wasn't premeditated. 184 00:16:12,697 --> 00:16:16,975 I've always tried to be a good citizen, following the law. 185 00:16:19,980 --> 00:16:24,373 This has gotten to the point where my life is wrecked 186 00:16:24,392 --> 00:16:27,151 And everything that I know could be ruined. 187 00:16:30,898 --> 00:16:36,327 Mentally, where I'm at right now is terrified. 188 00:16:38,498 --> 00:16:42,166 Knowing the worst scenario could easily happen... 189 00:16:44,229 --> 00:16:45,003 It's bad. 190 00:16:57,350 --> 00:16:59,517 Maro: Hey, shane, let's look at this crime scene video. 191 00:17:03,931 --> 00:17:06,190 You see stanley's firearm on the left side. 192 00:17:14,442 --> 00:17:17,593 Bachman: There's jimmy's bedroom. 193 00:17:17,686 --> 00:17:21,205 This is when he said marc just appeared and came at him with a machete. 194 00:17:23,601 --> 00:17:24,876 Whoa. Stop that for a second. 195 00:17:27,789 --> 00:17:32,550 Stanley says he was attacked by marc wielding a machete, 196 00:17:32,777 --> 00:17:36,612 But in the picture, it shows a machete sitting on a table 197 00:17:36,631 --> 00:17:38,056 And it's not in marc's hand. 198 00:17:40,635 --> 00:17:45,021 The state's gonna ask whether that machete was ever actually in his hand. 199 00:17:46,457 --> 00:17:48,232 The prosecution is gonna argue that, 200 00:17:48,384 --> 00:17:49,475 You know, he never had the weapon, 201 00:17:49,627 --> 00:17:51,402 He wasn't acting in self-defense. 202 00:17:53,722 --> 00:17:56,240 The more we view this case, the more difficult it gets. 203 00:18:13,909 --> 00:18:16,243 Maro: I'm on my way to stanley's. 204 00:18:16,337 --> 00:18:19,488 I want to be able to get a feel 205 00:18:19,582 --> 00:18:24,251 For the positioning of where the parties were inside of the mobile home, 206 00:18:24,270 --> 00:18:28,606 To get a feel for how much stanley's life was really in danger. 207 00:18:35,189 --> 00:18:36,522 Hello, stanley. 208 00:18:36,616 --> 00:18:39,675 -Stanley: Hello. -(dog barks) 209 00:18:39,768 --> 00:18:43,028 Maro: Is this the path that you would have taken to get to the mobile home? 210 00:18:43,123 --> 00:18:44,038 Stanley: Yes. 211 00:18:55,042 --> 00:18:59,637 So, the first thing I did was I reached over to knock on the bedroom door, 212 00:18:59,788 --> 00:19:01,264 Looking for the co-tenant. 213 00:19:02,142 --> 00:19:03,699 He wasn't there. 214 00:19:03,792 --> 00:19:06,477 Maro: All right. I want you to become marc 215 00:19:06,629 --> 00:19:09,981 And go to where you believe he was when you first saw him. 216 00:19:12,301 --> 00:19:16,303 It was here or maybe here, 217 00:19:16,322 --> 00:19:19,139 Because he was moving forward. 218 00:19:19,159 --> 00:19:20,474 Maro: Do you remember if he was holding a machete 219 00:19:20,568 --> 00:19:22,309 -When you first came in? -Yes. 220 00:19:22,328 --> 00:19:25,646 He was holding it in his right hand. 221 00:19:25,665 --> 00:19:30,668 He said, "I'm going to (bleep) kill you" as he's coming towards me. 222 00:19:30,819 --> 00:19:34,655 How close do you think marc was when you discharged your weapon? 223 00:19:34,674 --> 00:19:36,490 Stanley: Less than four feet. 224 00:19:36,509 --> 00:19:39,343 He must have had his hand on me by then 225 00:19:39,570 --> 00:19:41,637 Because I... I've been... My shirt's been ripped. 226 00:19:43,666 --> 00:19:47,351 As I reach for my weapon, I shoot him and he falls back. 227 00:19:51,173 --> 00:19:53,674 And then, I'm talking to dispatch, 228 00:19:53,693 --> 00:19:55,751 They instruct to come back in 229 00:19:55,844 --> 00:19:58,845 And check to see if he's got a pulse. 230 00:19:58,865 --> 00:20:03,684 That's when I saw the two young men in here. 231 00:20:03,703 --> 00:20:08,948 Maro: My concern is this machete being on the table. 232 00:20:09,100 --> 00:20:11,542 There's no indication there is any blood on the machete, 233 00:20:11,769 --> 00:20:14,103 So the prosecution is going to argue that 234 00:20:14,121 --> 00:20:15,788 Marc never had the weapon 235 00:20:15,940 --> 00:20:17,965 And that you weren't acting in self-defense. 236 00:20:20,461 --> 00:20:26,641 I moved it in fear of him grabbing it for any reason. 237 00:20:28,043 --> 00:20:30,619 I don't know if he's alive or dead 238 00:20:30,713 --> 00:20:34,190 And I wanted to get it out of... Out of the way. 239 00:20:36,477 --> 00:20:37,401 Maro: Okay. 240 00:20:41,966 --> 00:20:44,742 The walk-through with stanley went well. 241 00:20:44,893 --> 00:20:50,639 It gave me an understanding of how claustrophobic it is, how tight it is. 242 00:20:50,658 --> 00:20:54,143 And that adds a lot to the understanding of why 243 00:20:54,161 --> 00:20:57,755 Someone could not retreat when someone is coming upon you with a weapon. 244 00:20:59,500 --> 00:21:02,485 I would prefer the machete being in marc's hands, 245 00:21:02,578 --> 00:21:05,554 But stanley says he moved it 'cause he didn't know if marc was dead. 246 00:21:06,766 --> 00:21:08,391 So that was important. 247 00:21:19,186 --> 00:21:21,520 All right. What have we got? 248 00:21:21,614 --> 00:21:25,533 We've got the hofacker interview with one of the detectives. 249 00:21:35,128 --> 00:21:36,043 (line ringing) 250 00:21:40,191 --> 00:21:41,448 (hofacker speaking) 251 00:21:41,467 --> 00:21:43,592 (detective bartlett speaking) 252 00:21:46,697 --> 00:21:47,471 (hofacker speaking) 253 00:21:59,968 --> 00:22:01,986 (detective bartlett speaking) 254 00:22:02,213 --> 00:22:03,988 (hofacker speaking) 255 00:22:17,653 --> 00:22:18,502 (detective bartlett speaking) 256 00:22:19,564 --> 00:22:20,338 (hofacker speaking) 257 00:22:23,492 --> 00:22:24,342 That's not good. 258 00:22:25,494 --> 00:22:26,919 According to mr. Hofacker, 259 00:22:27,013 --> 00:22:31,256 Stanley went down there and shot marc in cold blood. 260 00:22:31,351 --> 00:22:34,435 This basically could be a linchpin for their case. 261 00:22:42,528 --> 00:22:44,987 Hey, donna, do you have the hofacker file? 262 00:22:46,257 --> 00:22:48,115 -Donna: Here it is. -Thank you. 263 00:22:57,785 --> 00:23:00,936 Maro: We're going to try to undermine hofacker 264 00:23:00,955 --> 00:23:04,289 Because I do think he has a drug history. 265 00:23:04,442 --> 00:23:09,612 It gives a whole different spin on to why he was there. 266 00:23:09,630 --> 00:23:12,348 Let's show the jury this boy's got some dirty shorts. 267 00:23:22,960 --> 00:23:26,311 Stanley indicates that he was grabbed by marc 268 00:23:26,464 --> 00:23:29,465 At the time that he discharged the firearm. 269 00:23:29,558 --> 00:23:32,301 We're looking to see if there is any physical evidence 270 00:23:32,319 --> 00:23:35,162 To give credence to what stanley says happened. 271 00:23:38,084 --> 00:23:39,250 Hey, come take a look at this. 272 00:23:42,404 --> 00:23:45,756 Maro: That's a picture of stanley while he was being detained. 273 00:23:46,575 --> 00:23:47,425 Look at his shirt. 274 00:23:49,336 --> 00:23:51,153 Maro: Look, there's a button missing. 275 00:23:51,172 --> 00:23:52,930 You can see where it's actually torn. 276 00:23:56,343 --> 00:24:00,104 All right, let's take a look at the responding deputy's bodycam. 277 00:24:01,999 --> 00:24:04,108 Maro: She showed up there before the shooting. 278 00:24:05,611 --> 00:24:07,236 Look at his shirt, for the button. 279 00:24:09,264 --> 00:24:10,072 Maro: Stop it right there. 280 00:24:12,601 --> 00:24:16,287 Well, the button is intact, and the shirt is intact. 281 00:24:19,016 --> 00:24:23,127 So that shirt got ripped and the button torn off after the police officer left. 282 00:24:24,446 --> 00:24:27,856 That supports that there was a scuffle. 283 00:24:27,950 --> 00:24:30,593 Marc got close to him. Marc grabbed him. 284 00:24:32,863 --> 00:24:34,454 Maro: This is a game-changer. 285 00:24:34,548 --> 00:24:36,198 'cause it's physical evidence 286 00:24:36,217 --> 00:24:39,143 That gives credence to what stanley says happened. 287 00:24:40,646 --> 00:24:42,480 Oh, this strengthens the case tremendously. 288 00:24:56,721 --> 00:25:00,498 Maro: Hey, donna, can I have the autopsy report on mr. Jensen's case? 289 00:25:15,515 --> 00:25:19,016 The autopsy revealed there were six gunshot wounds. 290 00:25:20,168 --> 00:25:21,835 Two in the front, 291 00:25:21,929 --> 00:25:24,522 And the other wounds appeared also to be in the back. 292 00:25:29,770 --> 00:25:31,103 Hey, mike. How are you? 293 00:25:31,255 --> 00:25:32,196 Very good. How are you, jack? 294 00:25:33,366 --> 00:25:34,198 Maro: Come on in. 295 00:25:35,760 --> 00:25:39,352 Mike, the prosecution's theory is gonna be that 296 00:25:39,372 --> 00:25:41,446 Because there are four shots in the back 297 00:25:41,599 --> 00:25:45,876 That he may have been, uh... The decedent may have been retreating. 298 00:25:46,028 --> 00:25:48,604 Well, you can see in these photographs with the button 299 00:25:48,697 --> 00:25:50,881 That mr. Jensen is grabbed. 300 00:25:51,108 --> 00:25:53,384 That actually tears the whole button off. 301 00:25:54,461 --> 00:25:56,870 So, if I grabbed at your shirt, 302 00:25:56,889 --> 00:26:00,707 And I could easily have a machete in my hand here, 303 00:26:00,726 --> 00:26:05,563 And you were to fire, then I'd get the gunshot wound in my left side. 304 00:26:05,714 --> 00:26:07,731 The wound path of it being downward 305 00:26:07,958 --> 00:26:11,068 Is not only consistent with my left side being presented, 306 00:26:11,219 --> 00:26:13,553 But me leaning out more. 307 00:26:13,573 --> 00:26:16,740 And then I began to turn away 308 00:26:16,967 --> 00:26:19,410 Because now I realize I'm being shot at, 309 00:26:20,896 --> 00:26:23,080 And then the shots in the back occur 310 00:26:23,307 --> 00:26:25,749 And then we have him falling to the ground 311 00:26:25,976 --> 00:26:27,710 In this area where he came to rest. 312 00:26:30,072 --> 00:26:34,425 So, this substantiates our position regarding self-defense. 313 00:26:34,576 --> 00:26:36,835 -It's really very helpful. -I think that's right. 314 00:26:36,929 --> 00:26:39,930 There's nothing here that would point to his statement 315 00:26:40,082 --> 00:26:44,393 As being in some way false or untrue based upon that physical evidence. 316 00:26:49,500 --> 00:26:51,108 Maro: Having mike on board is a big win. 317 00:26:53,504 --> 00:26:56,780 It takes away any type of theory that marc was running away 318 00:26:56,932 --> 00:26:59,950 And stanley just decided to shoot him in cold blood. 319 00:27:15,635 --> 00:27:16,634 (stanley sighs) 320 00:27:18,863 --> 00:27:20,304 Stanley: It's the night before the trial. 321 00:27:21,623 --> 00:27:22,973 I'm petrified. 322 00:27:25,311 --> 00:27:27,144 I've been in limbo for two and a half years. 323 00:27:29,148 --> 00:27:32,983 It's cost me a lot, my reputation. 324 00:27:34,487 --> 00:27:37,321 I'm worried that if I do lose, 325 00:27:37,472 --> 00:27:41,216 My mother, she's only got a certain amount of time left. 326 00:27:41,309 --> 00:27:43,619 She's worried sick about this. 327 00:27:46,314 --> 00:27:47,998 This time next week, 328 00:27:49,985 --> 00:27:54,730 I want to be here, nowhere but here. 329 00:27:54,748 --> 00:27:58,509 I want to win and prove what happened is what really happened. 330 00:28:14,843 --> 00:28:16,026 (elevator dings) 331 00:28:18,864 --> 00:28:22,424 Maro: The key to this trial is gonna be perception. 332 00:28:22,443 --> 00:28:24,927 We hope that the jury will see this case, 333 00:28:24,945 --> 00:28:27,371 The facts and the perceptions, from stanley's point of view. 334 00:28:34,438 --> 00:28:35,212 Stanley: It's a big day. 335 00:28:36,698 --> 00:28:38,382 I'm pretty nervous. 336 00:28:40,368 --> 00:28:42,177 Just gotta wait and see what happens. 337 00:28:48,877 --> 00:28:51,044 Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, 338 00:28:51,138 --> 00:28:54,356 This is the case of the state of florida vs. Stanley jensen. 339 00:29:02,891 --> 00:29:06,243 "really? You're gonna shoot me?" 340 00:29:06,394 --> 00:29:09,821 Those were the last words that the victim, marc bruss, said 341 00:29:09,974 --> 00:29:15,902 Before he was shot six times as he stood in his own living room. 342 00:29:15,996 --> 00:29:20,665 The man who shot him was his landlord, stanley jensen. 343 00:29:20,818 --> 00:29:24,319 The defendant decided he was going to evict the victim, marc bruss, 344 00:29:24,412 --> 00:29:25,429 For failure to pay his rent. 345 00:29:27,249 --> 00:29:29,324 Less than an hour later, 346 00:29:29,417 --> 00:29:30,842 The defendant was calling 911, 347 00:29:30,995 --> 00:29:32,936 Saying he had shot and killed the victim. 348 00:29:35,516 --> 00:29:38,942 I'm going to ask that you find the defendant guilty of second-degree murder. 349 00:29:45,526 --> 00:29:49,678 "I'm going to bash your head in with a hammer." 350 00:29:49,771 --> 00:29:53,290 That was something that was said by the alleged victim in this case. 351 00:29:54,126 --> 00:29:55,250 He's a drug user. 352 00:29:56,870 --> 00:30:00,130 His weapon of choice became a three-foot machete. 353 00:30:01,616 --> 00:30:05,135 I ask you to find mr. Jensen not guilty, 354 00:30:05,287 --> 00:30:09,381 Predicated upon his righteous use of self-defense. 355 00:30:09,533 --> 00:30:11,433 In this case, deadly force to protect himself. 356 00:30:26,550 --> 00:30:28,408 Miss kidney, are you ready to get going? 357 00:30:35,317 --> 00:30:37,742 Prosecutor: Detective bartlett, how would you describe 358 00:30:37,837 --> 00:30:41,730 The defendant's statement to you about what happened? 359 00:30:41,748 --> 00:30:45,233 Um, it was kind of evolving as we discussed things. 360 00:30:45,327 --> 00:30:49,404 There were things being either added or altered. 361 00:30:49,423 --> 00:30:51,682 Prosecutor: Were there differences between that 911 call 362 00:30:51,909 --> 00:30:53,425 And the interview you conducted with him? 363 00:30:53,519 --> 00:30:56,912 Yes. Why he was going over to the residence was different. 364 00:30:56,930 --> 00:31:00,415 Prosecutor: Did he also mention that there were other people in the home? 365 00:31:00,508 --> 00:31:05,770 Yes, he told me that the other two people that were inside of the house 366 00:31:05,865 --> 00:31:09,424 Were near the victim when he was coming after him. 367 00:31:09,517 --> 00:31:12,685 Prosecutor: Did he later change where they were standing during the incident? 368 00:31:12,779 --> 00:31:14,705 I think he described that they were coming out of a room. 369 00:31:17,525 --> 00:31:18,500 Cross examination. 370 00:31:20,287 --> 00:31:23,271 Maro: Detective, on the 911 call, 371 00:31:23,290 --> 00:31:25,290 Mr. Jensen does make some statements 372 00:31:25,384 --> 00:31:27,792 Which appear to be inconsistent, 373 00:31:27,945 --> 00:31:30,536 But is it not uncommon for people 374 00:31:30,556 --> 00:31:34,207 To make misstatements during a 911 call and later correct them? 375 00:31:34,226 --> 00:31:35,058 Sure, it could happen. 376 00:31:42,717 --> 00:31:43,567 Prosecutor: Jordan holzer. 377 00:31:45,295 --> 00:31:47,237 Do you recognize these photographs? 378 00:31:47,389 --> 00:31:50,723 Yes. These are the photos that I took on scene. 379 00:31:50,817 --> 00:31:52,651 Prosecutor: Did you also take photos of the defendant? 380 00:31:52,803 --> 00:31:54,636 Yes. 381 00:31:54,655 --> 00:31:56,413 Prosecutor: Did you look over this shirt 382 00:31:56,640 --> 00:31:58,306 And observe that it was missing a button? 383 00:31:58,325 --> 00:32:00,475 Holzer: Yes. 384 00:32:00,494 --> 00:32:03,495 Prosecutor: When you were processing the residence, did you find any buttons? 385 00:32:03,647 --> 00:32:04,671 A button was not collected. 386 00:32:07,593 --> 00:32:09,242 Judge: Call your next witness. 387 00:32:09,261 --> 00:32:10,177 Christopher hofacker. 388 00:32:21,348 --> 00:32:23,256 Prosecutor: On October of 2019, 389 00:32:23,275 --> 00:32:25,834 Did you ever go to the house that marc was living in at that time? 390 00:32:25,852 --> 00:32:28,445 Yes, I went to the house. 391 00:32:28,596 --> 00:32:30,505 Prosecutor: What did you do when you were inside? 392 00:32:30,524 --> 00:32:32,598 I went to the restroom. 393 00:32:32,618 --> 00:32:34,025 Prosecutor: Did you hear a knock on the door? 394 00:32:34,178 --> 00:32:35,268 Yes, I did. 395 00:32:35,287 --> 00:32:36,119 Prosecutor: What did you hear? 396 00:32:41,368 --> 00:32:42,626 Prosecutor: After that statement, what did you hear? 397 00:32:43,353 --> 00:32:45,520 Gunshots. 398 00:32:45,539 --> 00:32:47,130 -(chattering indistinctly) -prosecutor: Thank you, no further questions. 399 00:32:51,361 --> 00:32:54,529 Maro: Mr. Hofacker, "really, you're going to shoot me?" 400 00:32:54,622 --> 00:32:56,289 -Is that what you hear? -Yes. 401 00:32:56,383 --> 00:32:59,792 Maro: Okay. And you heard this while you were in a bathroom, 402 00:32:59,886 --> 00:33:02,312 Urinating behind a closed door? 403 00:33:02,464 --> 00:33:04,389 It's a very small trailer. 404 00:33:04,541 --> 00:33:08,301 Maro: Isn't it true that after the incident, you don't call the police, 405 00:33:08,320 --> 00:33:09,444 You don't do anything immediately? 406 00:33:12,232 --> 00:33:13,657 I guess not. 407 00:33:13,884 --> 00:33:15,400 Maro: Is the reason that you didn't call the police 408 00:33:15,552 --> 00:33:17,310 'cause when they did their investigation, 409 00:33:17,329 --> 00:33:19,997 They would possibly tie you into a drug transaction? 410 00:33:20,741 --> 00:33:21,665 No. 411 00:33:24,503 --> 00:33:25,335 Maro: Nothing further, judge. 412 00:33:40,761 --> 00:33:43,979 Stanley: Tonight could be my last night of freedom. 413 00:33:45,507 --> 00:33:49,026 Could be over tomorrow... One way or the other. 414 00:34:01,523 --> 00:34:03,523 Maro: The rule of thumb in a criminal case 415 00:34:03,617 --> 00:34:07,193 Is you do not want a defendant on the witness stand. 416 00:34:07,212 --> 00:34:10,696 You worry about what they're going to say or not say, 417 00:34:10,716 --> 00:34:13,366 But in some cases you have no choice. 418 00:34:13,385 --> 00:34:14,468 You hope it pays off. 419 00:34:21,635 --> 00:34:23,285 We're determined to win. 420 00:34:23,303 --> 00:34:25,787 I mean, this is this man's life. 421 00:34:25,806 --> 00:34:27,397 At the end of the day, we're hoping for a "not guilty." 422 00:34:46,476 --> 00:34:49,586 Maro: Mr. Geans, were you present when mr. Jensen 423 00:34:49,813 --> 00:34:52,572 And the law enforcement officer was there? 424 00:34:52,591 --> 00:34:53,507 -(geans speaking) -frame it. 425 00:34:57,429 --> 00:35:01,080 And what did you hear mr. Bruss specifically say to mr. Jensen? 426 00:35:01,100 --> 00:35:02,557 (geans speaking) 427 00:35:12,185 --> 00:35:13,110 Thank you, sir. 428 00:35:15,930 --> 00:35:17,614 Judge, we call mr. Michael knox. 429 00:35:28,535 --> 00:35:32,445 Mr. Knox, in your review of the medical examiner's report 430 00:35:32,464 --> 00:35:34,689 And of the crime scene photographs, 431 00:35:34,782 --> 00:35:37,617 Can you render an opinion of the proximity 432 00:35:37,636 --> 00:35:41,304 Of mr. Bruss to the firearm at the time of its discharge? 433 00:35:41,456 --> 00:35:43,531 Knox: Well, with the stippling you're looking at 434 00:35:43,625 --> 00:35:47,144 Probably somewhere around six inches to 24 435 00:35:47,371 --> 00:35:50,647 From the muzzle of the gun to the gunshot wound. 436 00:35:50,798 --> 00:35:54,151 Stippling is where gunpowder particles 437 00:35:54,302 --> 00:35:58,304 Have struck the skin and caused tiny abrasions. 438 00:35:58,323 --> 00:36:03,385 That typically occurs when the muzzle is fairly close to the gunshot wound. 439 00:36:03,403 --> 00:36:05,737 After that, the wounds are more in the back, 440 00:36:05,831 --> 00:36:10,074 Indicates that he suffers those two gunshot wounds 441 00:36:10,227 --> 00:36:12,318 Kind of in an orientation like this 442 00:36:12,337 --> 00:36:14,504 And turning and falling to the right, 443 00:36:14,656 --> 00:36:18,008 And the additional wounds are occurring subsequent to that. 444 00:36:19,419 --> 00:36:20,343 Thank you, sir. 445 00:36:22,848 --> 00:36:25,590 Prosecutor: This is gunshot wound number 10. Is that correct? 446 00:36:25,742 --> 00:36:27,500 Knox: That is correct, yes. 447 00:36:27,594 --> 00:36:29,502 Prosecutor: And this is the only entry wound on the victim's back 448 00:36:29,596 --> 00:36:31,688 -That has stippling. Is that correct? -That's right. 449 00:36:31,839 --> 00:36:34,691 Prosecutor: So does that mean the firearm was closer to mr. Bruss 450 00:36:34,918 --> 00:36:36,860 When he was shot in the back at this location? 451 00:36:37,011 --> 00:36:42,348 It's closer to the wound than the other ones on the back, yes. 452 00:36:42,442 --> 00:36:46,852 Prosecutor: So, it's possible he fired a shot at mr. Bruss as he was already on the ground. 453 00:36:46,872 --> 00:36:49,372 Well, I don't think you could eliminate that from the physical evidence. 454 00:36:59,200 --> 00:37:00,383 How are you feeling? 455 00:37:00,535 --> 00:37:01,551 Hmm. Nervous. 456 00:37:05,782 --> 00:37:08,541 Maro: The biggest challenge is gonna be with stanley on the witness stand. 457 00:37:08,560 --> 00:37:12,454 How stanley holds up under cross examination. 458 00:37:12,547 --> 00:37:16,191 I have to tell the truth. I'm gonna get the jury to believe me. 459 00:37:29,489 --> 00:37:32,415 Maro: Mr. Jensen, let's talk about the day in question. 460 00:37:34,311 --> 00:37:37,754 From my back door, I could hear marc yelling 461 00:37:39,499 --> 00:37:42,259 And I went over to see if jimmy was okay. 462 00:37:43,820 --> 00:37:46,412 Marc had a machete in his hand 463 00:37:46,431 --> 00:37:48,765 And he says, "I'm going to (bleep) kill you." 464 00:37:51,270 --> 00:37:53,419 Maro: What did you do? 465 00:37:53,438 --> 00:37:58,108 I pulled out my weapon and I pivoted and I shot him. 466 00:37:59,611 --> 00:38:01,503 The force that you used, 467 00:38:01,596 --> 00:38:02,612 Did you believe it was necessary? 468 00:38:04,524 --> 00:38:05,448 Yes. 469 00:38:06,618 --> 00:38:08,934 What transpired next? 470 00:38:09,029 --> 00:38:14,291 I walk back in and I see two men standing with marc's body. 471 00:38:17,629 --> 00:38:21,298 Maro: The machete on the table. Did you come into contact with that machete at all? 472 00:38:21,525 --> 00:38:22,299 Yes. 473 00:38:23,860 --> 00:38:25,543 While on the phone with dispatch, 474 00:38:25,695 --> 00:38:27,971 They asked me to check on his breathing. 475 00:38:29,699 --> 00:38:31,641 I was hesitant about approaching him. 476 00:38:33,294 --> 00:38:35,537 I moved the machete. 477 00:38:35,555 --> 00:38:42,152 I checked his vitals and I said, "I don't think he's breathing" 478 00:38:43,713 --> 00:38:44,988 Or something to that effect. 479 00:38:46,733 --> 00:38:47,615 Thank you, sir. 480 00:38:50,162 --> 00:38:50,994 Cross examination. 481 00:38:59,821 --> 00:39:01,671 Prosecutor: Mr. Jensen, in the 911 call, 482 00:39:01,898 --> 00:39:04,174 You say that you walked in on a drug deal. 483 00:39:04,325 --> 00:39:06,343 -Yes. -And you didn't see those two other guys 484 00:39:06,494 --> 00:39:08,994 Until you said today that you went outside and came back in. 485 00:39:09,089 --> 00:39:09,971 You didn't see them until then. 486 00:39:11,424 --> 00:39:13,591 Right. I didn't know they were in there. 487 00:39:13,685 --> 00:39:15,577 So, anything that you said about a drug deal, 488 00:39:15,595 --> 00:39:17,520 It's not actually something you saw. You're just assuming that. 489 00:39:19,583 --> 00:39:21,483 Well, there again, I said it out of timeline. 490 00:39:23,344 --> 00:39:25,695 You said it out of timeline? 491 00:39:25,922 --> 00:39:29,699 I said to the detective something that was wrong. 492 00:39:32,262 --> 00:39:34,353 Prosecutor: You had your gun in your back pocket, 493 00:39:34,373 --> 00:39:36,264 And you shot marc in the living room? 494 00:39:36,282 --> 00:39:38,208 -Yes. -And you knew marc was dead when he was on the ground. 495 00:39:40,770 --> 00:39:42,604 Yes. 496 00:39:42,697 --> 00:39:45,289 So, your testimony earlier about needing to move the machete 497 00:39:45,384 --> 00:39:46,791 Because you didn't know if he was still alive, 498 00:39:46,943 --> 00:39:49,219 You were worried about it, is not correct. 499 00:39:50,371 --> 00:39:51,871 Uh, the stress of that 500 00:39:51,890 --> 00:39:54,206 -Short period of time... -Sir, just answer my question. 501 00:39:54,226 --> 00:39:56,784 I'm not asking for an explanation. 502 00:39:56,803 --> 00:39:58,561 You knew marc was dead and you moved the machete. 503 00:40:00,624 --> 00:40:01,398 Okay. 504 00:40:04,719 --> 00:40:07,219 Is it fair to say you've made a lot of incorrect statements here? 505 00:40:07,239 --> 00:40:08,905 Yes, absolutely. 506 00:40:13,895 --> 00:40:14,702 No further questions. 507 00:40:17,749 --> 00:40:18,706 Judge: Step down. 508 00:40:35,842 --> 00:40:37,842 Maro: I'm truly concerned. 509 00:40:37,994 --> 00:40:40,437 Stanley didn't do as well as I hoped he would do. 510 00:40:43,183 --> 00:40:44,107 I think it went bad. 511 00:40:48,004 --> 00:40:49,428 We don't know how long it's gonna take. 512 00:40:49,448 --> 00:40:52,073 -Oh. -It could be an hour. 513 00:40:52,951 --> 00:40:55,118 I don't care. I'm going to stay. 514 00:40:56,846 --> 00:40:58,079 Stanley: Definitely scared. 515 00:40:59,458 --> 00:41:01,249 Shockingly scared. 516 00:41:03,628 --> 00:41:05,628 I just want to stand by you for a minute. 517 00:41:12,712 --> 00:41:14,137 -Stanley: Do we need to come in? -Yes. 518 00:41:25,225 --> 00:41:27,150 (jury forewoman speaking) 519 00:41:45,504 --> 00:41:48,171 Judge: Stanley jensen, the jury having found you guilty 520 00:41:48,398 --> 00:41:51,490 Of the crime of murder in the second degree. 521 00:41:51,510 --> 00:41:55,253 You are hereby adjudicated guilty of that offense. 522 00:41:55,347 --> 00:41:57,013 You will be remanded in custody. 523 00:41:59,333 --> 00:42:00,350 Court will be in recess. 524 00:42:21,598 --> 00:42:23,706 Maro: On a personal level, of course, I'm upset for stanley. 525 00:42:25,952 --> 00:42:27,710 You always want the best for a client. 526 00:42:29,956 --> 00:42:32,382 Unfortunately, bad things can come to good people, 527 00:42:34,611 --> 00:42:36,778 And he made that bad mistake. 528 00:42:36,871 --> 00:42:40,372 He went somewhere where he shouldn't have gone under the circumstances. 529 00:42:40,392 --> 00:42:42,392 That just didn't turn out right for him.