1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,291 Last night, a Jedi was murdered on Ueda. 2 00:00:04,291 --> 00:00:06,250 The suspect matched your description. 3 00:00:06,250 --> 00:00:08,208 We have a suspect in custody. 4 00:00:08,833 --> 00:00:11,333 An old Padawan of yours... Osha Aniseya. 5 00:00:11,333 --> 00:00:13,625 We're planning an escape. 6 00:00:13,625 --> 00:00:14,916 Security breach. 7 00:00:15,833 --> 00:00:17,541 Whoa. 8 00:00:23,250 --> 00:00:27,291 I request permission to go to Carlac and bring Osha in myself. 9 00:00:27,291 --> 00:00:28,458 She had a sister? 10 00:00:29,208 --> 00:00:30,208 She had a twin. 11 00:00:31,291 --> 00:00:32,291 Mae? 12 00:00:35,500 --> 00:00:36,875 Osha. 13 00:00:36,875 --> 00:00:37,958 Mae is alive. 14 00:00:37,958 --> 00:00:39,083 I believe you. 15 00:01:30,416 --> 00:01:33,041 Hello! I'm over here, come on! 16 00:02:37,916 --> 00:02:38,916 Master Torbin. 17 00:02:43,208 --> 00:02:44,708 We have unfinished business. 18 00:02:49,750 --> 00:02:53,875 Attack me with all your strength. 19 00:03:45,666 --> 00:03:47,916 There's been a break-in. Check the entire temple. 20 00:03:47,916 --> 00:03:49,000 Someone's here. 21 00:04:41,125 --> 00:04:42,125 Hey, Padawan. 22 00:04:42,833 --> 00:04:45,416 You could try repolarizing the power couplings. 23 00:04:52,041 --> 00:04:54,291 Thanks. You must be a pilot, then? 24 00:04:54,291 --> 00:04:55,625 No. I'm a meknek. 25 00:04:56,208 --> 00:04:58,625 Wow. That's dangerous. 26 00:05:00,125 --> 00:05:02,458 I thought that only R2 droids did the outer ship work. 27 00:05:02,458 --> 00:05:04,333 Well, any astromech can do the job. 28 00:05:04,333 --> 00:05:09,333 But I'm better company than a droid. And, um, way more flexible. 29 00:05:13,000 --> 00:05:14,666 I'm sorry, Pip. Uh... 30 00:05:14,666 --> 00:05:16,083 Pip is also very flexible. 31 00:05:16,083 --> 00:05:17,166 Mm. 32 00:05:25,125 --> 00:05:26,166 Master Sol. 33 00:05:27,625 --> 00:05:30,708 I must protest over not restraining the prisoner. 34 00:05:30,708 --> 00:05:32,500 She has escaped once before. 35 00:05:32,500 --> 00:05:34,541 You still think she killed Indara. 36 00:05:35,291 --> 00:05:36,541 You don't? 37 00:05:36,541 --> 00:05:38,708 Even if her sister was alive, 38 00:05:38,708 --> 00:05:41,625 Mae would not have the training to defeat a Jedi Master. 39 00:05:41,625 --> 00:05:43,750 Osha hasn't trained in six years. 40 00:05:45,166 --> 00:05:48,625 Let's say this, this twin theory holds true. 41 00:05:49,958 --> 00:05:51,750 They could be working together. 42 00:05:51,750 --> 00:05:55,625 Yord, don't let fear affect your judgment. 43 00:06:01,083 --> 00:06:03,833 Twins? Osha has a twin sister? 44 00:06:03,833 --> 00:06:05,166 Her name is Mae. 45 00:06:06,708 --> 00:06:09,375 She was presumed dead 16 years ago. 46 00:06:10,750 --> 00:06:14,000 But I believe she is responsible for Indara's murder. 47 00:06:14,791 --> 00:06:16,125 I'm inclined to agree. 48 00:06:16,125 --> 00:06:17,791 There's been another incident. 49 00:06:18,375 --> 00:06:22,458 A suspect matching Osha's description broke into a local Jedi temple. 50 00:06:22,458 --> 00:06:24,208 - Where? - Olega. 51 00:06:24,875 --> 00:06:26,375 She could hardly be in your custody 52 00:06:26,375 --> 00:06:28,333 and committing another crime at the same time. 53 00:06:32,291 --> 00:06:36,125 Would you like me to investigate or bring Osha back to Coruscant? 54 00:06:36,125 --> 00:06:37,250 Go investigate. 55 00:06:37,250 --> 00:06:39,916 Take Osha with you. She could be an asset. 56 00:06:41,916 --> 00:06:43,625 Set a course for Olega. 57 00:06:43,625 --> 00:06:45,041 Olega? 58 00:06:45,041 --> 00:06:46,583 Torbin is on Olega. 59 00:06:47,666 --> 00:06:49,875 We're not escorting the prisoner back to-- 60 00:06:49,875 --> 00:06:51,541 Osha is coming with us. 61 00:06:52,541 --> 00:06:55,333 - I believe she can help. - Master, Osha is not-- 62 00:06:55,333 --> 00:06:57,583 The Jedi agree with me. 63 00:06:59,583 --> 00:07:00,833 Setting course for Olega. 64 00:07:40,583 --> 00:07:41,583 Hello? 65 00:07:43,916 --> 00:07:44,958 Qimir? 66 00:08:03,541 --> 00:08:06,708 Oh. Hey, Mae. 67 00:08:08,208 --> 00:08:12,666 Ah. I waited up all night. Where, uh, where have you been? 68 00:08:12,666 --> 00:08:14,083 Out there risking my life. 69 00:08:15,083 --> 00:08:16,083 Oh, yeah. 70 00:08:17,375 --> 00:08:18,500 What are you wearing? 71 00:08:18,500 --> 00:08:20,458 Oh, I took it off the guy who owns this place. 72 00:08:20,458 --> 00:08:23,875 Yeah, I'm, uh... I'm blending in. 73 00:08:23,875 --> 00:08:26,500 You can "blend in" without sampling the merchandise. 74 00:08:26,500 --> 00:08:31,041 Well, I had to do something while I waited and worried. 75 00:08:32,250 --> 00:08:33,291 So, did you kill the guy? 76 00:08:33,291 --> 00:08:35,833 I was this close and I couldn't land a single blow. 77 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:37,541 Find his weakness. 78 00:08:37,541 --> 00:08:39,166 He doesn't have one. 79 00:08:39,166 --> 00:08:40,875 Everyone has a weakness. 80 00:08:40,875 --> 00:08:42,416 He's impenetrable. 81 00:08:46,958 --> 00:08:48,166 I need a weapon. 82 00:08:48,166 --> 00:08:50,041 I need you to make me a poison. 83 00:08:52,458 --> 00:08:54,291 Bunta? Really? 84 00:08:54,291 --> 00:08:55,875 I'm running out of time. 85 00:08:56,500 --> 00:08:57,875 You're running out of Jedi. 86 00:08:58,500 --> 00:09:02,708 And if you think a sleeping monk is tough, good luck defeating a Wookiee. 87 00:09:02,708 --> 00:09:05,041 I have two Jedi to kill after Torbin. 88 00:09:05,750 --> 00:09:09,666 And I will kill one of them without a weapon and please the Master. 89 00:09:11,750 --> 00:09:14,083 But I need to do this my way. 90 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:16,000 Mm. 91 00:09:16,375 --> 00:09:18,750 I need a drink. 92 00:09:20,291 --> 00:09:23,416 Don't you think what we do is so [sighs] stressful? 93 00:09:25,875 --> 00:09:27,708 I do really believe that, though. 94 00:09:27,708 --> 00:09:30,166 Everyone has a weakness. 95 00:09:31,375 --> 00:09:36,500 The Jedi justify their galactic dominance in the name of peace. 96 00:09:36,500 --> 00:09:38,750 - And peace-- - Is a lie. I know. 97 00:09:39,541 --> 00:09:45,291 Torbin is not the serene and, as you say, impenetrable meditator. 98 00:09:45,875 --> 00:09:48,708 Like every Jedi, he only thinks he's found peace. 99 00:09:49,541 --> 00:09:54,291 What he really needs is something only you can give him. 100 00:10:02,375 --> 00:10:03,791 Absolution. 101 00:10:12,875 --> 00:10:13,875 Ah. 102 00:10:20,916 --> 00:10:22,166 Thank you. 103 00:10:27,833 --> 00:10:30,833 It wouldn't bode well for either of us if you told him about this. 104 00:10:31,666 --> 00:10:32,666 Of course. 105 00:10:51,625 --> 00:10:52,625 What is that? 106 00:10:54,000 --> 00:10:55,666 Oh, this is a PIP droid. 107 00:10:56,208 --> 00:10:58,041 I'm trying to sync him to your ship 108 00:10:58,041 --> 00:11:00,333 so I can get some fuel levels, and some vitals, and-- 109 00:11:00,333 --> 00:11:02,791 I mean, what is that? 110 00:11:04,333 --> 00:11:07,250 Oh, uh... I got this in CorpSec. 111 00:11:07,791 --> 00:11:10,541 It was a crazy night with some of my crew. 112 00:11:11,791 --> 00:11:13,583 And you hate it. 113 00:11:15,291 --> 00:11:17,250 It doesn't matter what I like. 114 00:11:23,291 --> 00:11:27,000 Do you believe that Mae is behind Indara's murder? 115 00:11:28,458 --> 00:11:30,583 It's the only way to explain all of this. 116 00:11:32,583 --> 00:11:34,291 She must have survived somehow. 117 00:11:36,500 --> 00:11:37,958 Even though we saw her... 118 00:11:41,375 --> 00:11:43,791 I wanted to save you both. 119 00:11:46,416 --> 00:11:48,791 What happened that night wasn't your fault, Sol. 120 00:11:49,750 --> 00:11:51,125 I've told you that. 121 00:11:53,458 --> 00:11:54,458 You did. 122 00:11:57,125 --> 00:12:00,666 And I have made peace with what happened on Brendok. 123 00:12:01,750 --> 00:12:02,833 I know you have. 124 00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:09,125 That was a lesson you tried to teach me, many times. 125 00:12:10,458 --> 00:12:12,000 To accept what I'd lost. 126 00:12:15,250 --> 00:12:17,041 And I wasn't a very good student. 127 00:12:19,541 --> 00:12:22,291 Perhaps I wasn't a very good teacher. 128 00:12:25,625 --> 00:12:27,250 Coming up on Olega. 129 00:12:56,833 --> 00:12:57,833 Welcome to Olega. 130 00:12:57,833 --> 00:13:00,458 We didn't think Coruscant would be interested in our little break-in-- 131 00:13:00,458 --> 00:13:03,916 This crime may be connected to another open investigation. 132 00:13:14,875 --> 00:13:17,083 Please, walk us through what happened last night. 133 00:13:17,875 --> 00:13:20,083 Someone spotted a hooded intruder and alerted me, 134 00:13:20,083 --> 00:13:23,416 but we searched the temple and found nothing. 135 00:13:23,416 --> 00:13:25,208 But before the gatekeeper droids failed, 136 00:13:25,208 --> 00:13:28,166 they caught this little scoundrel, messing around our portcullis. 137 00:13:28,166 --> 00:13:30,583 Stop-- Stop squirming! 138 00:13:30,583 --> 00:13:34,791 Do you remember me, Master Torbin? 139 00:13:39,041 --> 00:13:41,291 I know why you took the Barash Vow. 140 00:13:42,250 --> 00:13:45,083 You thought this life would give you the peace you seek. 141 00:13:50,500 --> 00:13:52,666 But your past still haunts you. 142 00:13:55,625 --> 00:13:57,208 Did you activate the security droid? 143 00:13:58,166 --> 00:13:59,166 Hmm? 144 00:14:00,125 --> 00:14:01,500 Why did you activate it? 145 00:14:01,500 --> 00:14:02,583 She paid me to. 146 00:14:02,583 --> 00:14:03,791 Who paid you to? 147 00:14:03,791 --> 00:14:07,583 - She had a hood on, but it was her. 148 00:14:10,708 --> 00:14:13,291 I would like to speak with Master Torbin, please. 149 00:14:14,166 --> 00:14:16,500 Master Torbin hasn't spoken to anyone in over ten years. 150 00:14:16,500 --> 00:14:17,833 He will speak to me. 151 00:14:19,041 --> 00:14:20,333 I'm an old friend. 152 00:14:20,958 --> 00:14:22,375 I offer you a choice. 153 00:14:24,000 --> 00:14:27,083 Confess your crime to the Jedi Council. 154 00:14:30,750 --> 00:14:33,000 Or receive the forgiveness you seek... 155 00:14:35,416 --> 00:14:38,875 Right here. Right now. From me. 156 00:14:49,666 --> 00:14:52,916 Face the past, Master Torbin. 157 00:15:01,375 --> 00:15:03,083 I've been waiting for you, Mae. 158 00:15:08,666 --> 00:15:09,750 Osha! 159 00:15:21,583 --> 00:15:22,583 Forgive me. 160 00:15:29,083 --> 00:15:30,958 We thought we were doing the right thing. 161 00:16:24,083 --> 00:16:25,208 Hey! 162 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:29,291 - Step away from the body. 163 00:16:29,291 --> 00:16:32,125 I know what this looks like, but I can explain. 164 00:16:32,125 --> 00:16:33,583 Do not move. 165 00:16:37,333 --> 00:16:38,791 Maybe start explaining. 166 00:16:39,625 --> 00:16:40,625 He was poisoned. 167 00:16:40,625 --> 00:16:42,666 - How do you know? She didn't do it. 168 00:16:43,958 --> 00:16:45,833 My sights were on her the entire time. 169 00:16:46,583 --> 00:16:48,500 I followed her when she broke off. 170 00:16:54,416 --> 00:16:57,125 This Master was dead when we arrived. 171 00:16:57,625 --> 00:16:58,833 Thank you, Yord. 172 00:17:07,875 --> 00:17:09,791 Master, there are no signs of struggle. 173 00:17:10,416 --> 00:17:12,500 He took this poison willingly. 174 00:17:12,500 --> 00:17:14,458 Why would Master Torbin kill himself? 175 00:17:16,625 --> 00:17:17,666 This is bunta... 176 00:17:20,041 --> 00:17:21,083 from my home planet. 177 00:17:27,041 --> 00:17:28,125 Bunta is a poison. 178 00:17:28,666 --> 00:17:30,833 My sister and I were taught to use it in hunting. 179 00:17:30,833 --> 00:17:33,041 If it's distilled, its effects don't last very long, 180 00:17:33,041 --> 00:17:35,375 so it had to have come from nearby. 181 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:37,958 Is this the only apothecary in town? 182 00:17:38,500 --> 00:17:39,958 It is, but... 183 00:17:42,791 --> 00:17:44,083 that's not our regular guy. 184 00:17:44,083 --> 00:17:45,625 I don't know who that guy is. 185 00:17:46,166 --> 00:17:48,625 Was he alone? I've seen no signs of Mae. 186 00:17:48,625 --> 00:17:50,166 Any suggestions? 187 00:17:51,250 --> 00:17:53,125 Ah! Uh, we secure the perimeter. 188 00:17:54,125 --> 00:17:57,500 Jecki stays on lookout, and I will confront this imposter. 189 00:17:58,166 --> 00:18:01,875 Stun him, if need be, then we bring him back to the ship for questioning. 190 00:18:01,875 --> 00:18:05,333 Or we skip that and she just talks to him. 191 00:18:06,750 --> 00:18:10,750 If he's Mae's accomplice, we can send her in, she can talk to him. 192 00:18:10,750 --> 00:18:12,708 We can record and monitor the conversation. 193 00:18:12,708 --> 00:18:16,000 That way, we have a lead on Mae, plus we also get a confession from him. 194 00:18:16,833 --> 00:18:18,333 It seems like the most logical way. 195 00:18:19,333 --> 00:18:20,333 I'm in. 196 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:26,000 We will follow your plan, Padawan. It's a good one. 197 00:18:29,125 --> 00:18:31,708 Giving a civilian a weapon violates 13 precepts of the-- 198 00:18:31,708 --> 00:18:34,375 Osha knows how to use one of these. 199 00:18:34,916 --> 00:18:36,791 She used to be a Jedi. 200 00:18:39,375 --> 00:18:40,416 Are you ready? 201 00:18:45,125 --> 00:18:46,208 Of course. 202 00:18:57,250 --> 00:18:58,583 I hope you guys can hear me. 203 00:19:24,041 --> 00:19:25,291 Hello? 204 00:19:26,958 --> 00:19:27,958 Oh. 205 00:19:28,791 --> 00:19:29,916 Hello. 206 00:19:31,625 --> 00:19:32,625 Hi. 207 00:19:33,916 --> 00:19:34,916 Hi. 208 00:19:39,166 --> 00:19:40,166 Hi. 209 00:19:43,083 --> 00:19:44,083 You all right? 210 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:47,000 You're back so early. 211 00:19:48,166 --> 00:19:49,458 I wanted to see you. 212 00:19:51,166 --> 00:19:52,166 See me? 213 00:19:52,750 --> 00:19:53,750 Oh. 214 00:19:55,375 --> 00:19:57,750 Mae, uh, are you okay? 215 00:19:58,291 --> 00:19:59,541 Did the poison work? 216 00:19:59,541 --> 00:20:01,583 - That's all we need. - Let's pull her out. 217 00:20:01,583 --> 00:20:02,833 Wait! 218 00:20:02,833 --> 00:20:05,416 You're acting so strange. 219 00:20:07,958 --> 00:20:08,958 Wait. 220 00:20:09,916 --> 00:20:12,458 You killed Torbin without the poison. 221 00:20:13,125 --> 00:20:15,416 He will be so pleased. 222 00:20:17,791 --> 00:20:18,875 Go. 223 00:20:20,208 --> 00:20:21,375 No, I used it. 224 00:20:22,208 --> 00:20:23,958 I just wanted to thank you. 225 00:20:29,625 --> 00:20:33,625 You look exactly like her. 226 00:20:37,875 --> 00:20:39,791 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! 227 00:20:39,791 --> 00:20:41,250 - Hold on. - Back away. 228 00:20:42,875 --> 00:20:44,583 - Where is Mae? - Hold on, hold on. 229 00:20:44,583 --> 00:20:47,250 We know you supplied Mae with the poison that killed Master Torbin. 230 00:20:47,250 --> 00:20:48,375 We have your confession. 231 00:20:48,375 --> 00:20:50,583 Wait, wait, wait. That isn't my thing. This is her. 232 00:20:50,583 --> 00:20:52,916 I didn't know what she was going to do with that stuff. 233 00:20:52,916 --> 00:20:57,333 If you cooperate, we will consider letting you go with a warning. 234 00:20:57,333 --> 00:20:59,666 Okay, thank you. Thank you, sir. 235 00:21:00,458 --> 00:21:04,208 Please don't do the memory wipe thing or whatever it is you guys do. 236 00:21:06,500 --> 00:21:08,750 What is your relationship to Mae? 237 00:21:09,375 --> 00:21:10,541 I'm just her supplier. 238 00:21:10,541 --> 00:21:12,958 Yeah, I started out gunrunning for the Hutts. 239 00:21:12,958 --> 00:21:16,083 Now, I supply people like her with what they need. 240 00:21:16,083 --> 00:21:17,625 For the right price. 241 00:21:17,625 --> 00:21:20,125 Well, maybe you can supply us with the truth. 242 00:21:20,125 --> 00:21:21,208 Who is "He"? 243 00:21:22,708 --> 00:21:25,666 Uh, I thought he was with you? 244 00:21:26,833 --> 00:21:28,125 Does Mae have a Master? 245 00:21:28,125 --> 00:21:29,666 Is someone training her? 246 00:21:30,291 --> 00:21:33,333 Listen, I have no idea what's going on with that girl. 247 00:21:34,375 --> 00:21:39,208 All I know is that she wants revenge on four Jedi. 248 00:21:43,000 --> 00:21:45,166 If you wanna get to her, she'll be back here tonight. 249 00:21:45,166 --> 00:21:46,875 I'm holding some things for her. 250 00:21:47,708 --> 00:21:49,875 Yord, secure the perimeter. 251 00:21:49,875 --> 00:21:51,250 Keep an eye out for Mae. 252 00:21:52,708 --> 00:21:54,916 Jecki, get to the ship. 253 00:21:57,250 --> 00:21:58,541 You're coming with me. 254 00:21:59,666 --> 00:22:01,000 We return tonight. 255 00:22:17,708 --> 00:22:19,000 Any sign of Mae? 256 00:22:21,000 --> 00:22:22,000 Not yet. 257 00:22:22,958 --> 00:22:24,375 I have a bad feeling about this. 258 00:22:25,208 --> 00:22:27,791 What if this guy is lying? Or if this is a trap? 259 00:22:27,791 --> 00:22:29,125 Yord, stick to the plan. 260 00:22:29,125 --> 00:22:30,916 Do not interfere. 261 00:22:30,916 --> 00:22:33,375 - Master Sol wants to face her on his own. 262 00:22:41,291 --> 00:22:42,666 I will confront her. 263 00:22:43,875 --> 00:22:46,416 No, I must face her alone. 264 00:22:47,500 --> 00:22:48,750 You brought me here. 265 00:22:49,875 --> 00:22:51,916 We both knew this is where this trip was headed. 266 00:22:53,125 --> 00:22:55,416 I didn't know you are still so angry. 267 00:22:57,666 --> 00:22:59,041 She killed my family. 268 00:23:00,500 --> 00:23:01,875 She destroyed my life. 269 00:23:04,083 --> 00:23:05,208 This is grief. 270 00:23:06,208 --> 00:23:07,375 Let it go. 271 00:23:08,625 --> 00:23:10,250 You are not my Master. 272 00:23:11,208 --> 00:23:14,125 I do not need your permission to go out there and confront her. 273 00:23:14,583 --> 00:23:15,583 I deserve justice. 274 00:23:15,583 --> 00:23:17,333 You want revenge. 275 00:23:17,333 --> 00:23:19,958 Look what revenge has done to your sister. 276 00:23:22,833 --> 00:23:25,166 I couldn't save her when you were children. 277 00:23:26,750 --> 00:23:28,291 Let me try now. 278 00:23:35,083 --> 00:23:36,791 She wants to kill four Jedi. 279 00:23:38,208 --> 00:23:40,041 Stationed on Brendok 16 years ago. 280 00:23:43,583 --> 00:23:47,208 Indara, Torbin, Kelnacca, and you. 281 00:23:48,541 --> 00:23:49,708 She wants to kill you. 282 00:23:53,916 --> 00:23:55,458 Have faith in Mae. 283 00:24:00,041 --> 00:24:01,958 Then have faith in me. 284 00:24:25,958 --> 00:24:26,958 I see her. 285 00:24:26,958 --> 00:24:29,250 It's Mae. She's approaching. 286 00:24:29,250 --> 00:24:30,333 Headed your way. 287 00:24:32,666 --> 00:24:34,041 Mae! 288 00:24:38,416 --> 00:24:39,458 You survived. 289 00:24:42,750 --> 00:24:46,625 You killed Indara. 290 00:24:48,916 --> 00:24:50,041 And Torbin. 291 00:25:19,416 --> 00:25:21,208 You attack me without a weapon. 292 00:25:23,833 --> 00:25:24,833 Why? 293 00:26:02,083 --> 00:26:05,208 You have misunderstood the Jedi arts. 294 00:26:06,083 --> 00:26:07,500 Your Master has failed you. 295 00:26:08,458 --> 00:26:10,250 Tell me. Who trained you? 296 00:26:24,000 --> 00:26:25,875 What's going on, Yord? 297 00:26:25,875 --> 00:26:28,500 Sol is trying to find out who trained Mae. 298 00:26:28,500 --> 00:26:30,041 I'll turn on his comms. 299 00:26:49,208 --> 00:26:53,875 I see your Master has taken great pains to hide his identity. 300 00:26:54,875 --> 00:26:56,583 Even from you. 301 00:26:56,583 --> 00:26:59,833 You couldn't tell me who he is, even if you wanted to. 302 00:26:59,833 --> 00:27:02,166 Get out of my head, Jedi. 303 00:27:11,708 --> 00:27:13,500 Even after all this time, 304 00:27:16,250 --> 00:27:18,333 your thoughts still go to your sister. 305 00:27:20,083 --> 00:27:22,041 My sister is dead! 306 00:27:22,708 --> 00:27:24,375 Osha is alive. 307 00:27:27,041 --> 00:27:28,041 You lie! 308 00:27:32,458 --> 00:27:33,458 He speaks the truth. 309 00:27:35,833 --> 00:27:37,041 Osha lives. 310 00:27:57,750 --> 00:28:00,166 In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, 311 00:28:00,166 --> 00:28:02,125 you are under arrest. 312 00:28:02,125 --> 00:28:04,750 Lay your weapons down and surrender. 313 00:28:44,291 --> 00:28:47,041 I've lost visual. I'm turning back around. 314 00:28:47,041 --> 00:28:49,333 Copy that. We are headed to the city gates. 315 00:28:49,333 --> 00:28:51,958 We have to stop Mae before she escapes from Olega. 316 00:29:23,250 --> 00:29:24,458 Oshie? 317 00:30:07,666 --> 00:30:10,458 I have convened a small council to discuss next steps. 318 00:30:10,458 --> 00:30:11,791 We are awaiting your arrival. 319 00:30:11,791 --> 00:30:15,375 With respect, we don't have time for talks, Master Vernestra. 320 00:30:15,375 --> 00:30:17,125 Our problem has changed. 321 00:30:17,125 --> 00:30:19,750 Your old Padawan going rogue was one thing. 322 00:30:19,750 --> 00:30:22,125 But now a trained outsider is responsible. 323 00:30:22,875 --> 00:30:24,500 We need to strategize. 324 00:30:25,541 --> 00:30:28,000 But we know where she's going next. We must move-- 325 00:30:28,000 --> 00:30:31,583 We don't make decisions like this without meaningful discussion, Sol. 326 00:30:32,208 --> 00:30:33,541 We will see you soon. 327 00:30:58,833 --> 00:31:00,833 You sold me out to the Jedi? 328 00:31:00,833 --> 00:31:02,041 They're right up there. 329 00:31:02,041 --> 00:31:03,500 They're everywhere. 330 00:31:03,500 --> 00:31:05,708 I should kill you for betraying me like this. 331 00:31:05,708 --> 00:31:09,208 I can make it up to you. I can get us out of this city. 332 00:31:09,875 --> 00:31:11,625 - And go where? - Khofar. 333 00:31:12,208 --> 00:31:13,208 What the hell is Khofar? 334 00:31:13,208 --> 00:31:17,625 A relaxing forest retreat in the Outer Rim where the Wookiee Jedi lives. 335 00:31:19,583 --> 00:31:20,916 You found Kelnacca? 336 00:31:23,458 --> 00:31:24,625 Osha's alive. 337 00:31:25,291 --> 00:31:26,291 I know. 338 00:31:28,583 --> 00:31:29,916 He's gone. Come on. 339 00:31:29,916 --> 00:31:31,083 Come on!