1 00:00:02,541 --> 00:00:04,458 {\an8}- What is that? 2 00:00:07,666 --> 00:00:09,208 Osha, run! 3 00:00:15,458 --> 00:00:16,750 No! 4 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:20,166 What do you want? 5 00:00:20,166 --> 00:00:23,333 I want a pupil, 6 00:00:23,333 --> 00:00:25,333 - an Acolyte. 7 00:00:25,333 --> 00:00:26,875 What have you done? 8 00:00:26,875 --> 00:00:29,041 Have you forgotten who we are? 9 00:00:29,041 --> 00:00:30,708 Where we come from? 10 00:00:30,708 --> 00:00:32,666 They've brainwashed you. 11 00:00:34,791 --> 00:00:38,291 You're a criminal, Mae. You must pay for your crimes. 12 00:00:42,791 --> 00:00:44,166 Where is she? 13 00:00:44,166 --> 00:00:45,708 Your sister. 14 00:00:45,708 --> 00:00:47,000 She's gone. 15 00:04:54,500 --> 00:04:57,333 Coruscant 51-12. You have clearance for transmission. 16 00:04:57,333 --> 00:04:59,958 Emergency Code Zero. 17 00:04:59,958 --> 00:05:01,875 - Please re-- 18 00:05:01,875 --> 00:05:03,125 GX-- Repeat. 19 00:05:05,291 --> 00:05:06,500 There's been a-- 20 00:05:11,583 --> 00:05:13,583 My whole team is dead. 21 00:05:23,166 --> 00:05:25,291 Mae, in this test, 22 00:05:25,291 --> 00:05:28,541 you must divine what images appear on the testing screen. 23 00:05:28,541 --> 00:05:30,291 What do you want me to do? 24 00:05:30,291 --> 00:05:32,625 I must speak to Master Vernestra. 25 00:05:38,583 --> 00:05:41,458 We were ambushed. Someone knew we were coming. 26 00:05:43,791 --> 00:05:45,708 Please boost comms and run a... 27 00:05:47,125 --> 00:05:50,750 There is a much larger threat than we anticipated. 28 00:05:52,916 --> 00:05:56,666 Osha, I'm going to reset the transceiver. 29 00:05:56,666 --> 00:05:59,166 - Take the wheel. 30 00:09:24,000 --> 00:09:25,000 How does it feel? 31 00:09:29,875 --> 00:09:30,916 Don't move. 32 00:09:31,500 --> 00:09:33,750 Feels good. Doesn't it? 33 00:09:36,041 --> 00:09:37,375 To hold one in your hand again. 34 00:09:38,666 --> 00:09:42,958 I assume you didn't keep your own saber when you left the Order. 35 00:09:43,750 --> 00:09:44,750 Your stance is good. 36 00:09:46,041 --> 00:09:48,250 You should keep your other elbow up higher. 37 00:09:49,708 --> 00:09:51,291 Allows for a swifter block. 38 00:09:53,666 --> 00:09:54,958 Stay where you are. 39 00:09:56,833 --> 00:10:01,333 If you're not gonna join me, I'd like to put my clothes back on. 40 00:10:11,875 --> 00:10:16,375 You're wondering if it's honorable to kill me like this. 41 00:10:17,500 --> 00:10:20,250 Heat of battle, it's justified, 42 00:10:21,583 --> 00:10:23,625 but a few hours later, it's vengeance. 43 00:10:25,458 --> 00:10:28,625 Now you're wondering how I can read your mind. 44 00:10:30,416 --> 00:10:31,416 I can't. 45 00:10:32,416 --> 00:10:33,500 Not exactly. 46 00:10:35,041 --> 00:10:36,666 Your anger betrays your thoughts. 47 00:10:39,125 --> 00:10:40,250 Why bring me here? 48 00:10:41,416 --> 00:10:42,541 Why not kill me? 49 00:10:43,708 --> 00:10:45,541 Am I supposed to be your prisoner? 50 00:10:45,541 --> 00:10:48,541 "Prisoner"? You're the one with the weapon. 51 00:10:50,416 --> 00:10:51,791 Did you kill Sol? 52 00:10:57,125 --> 00:10:58,125 No. 53 00:11:01,500 --> 00:11:02,500 Did you kill Mae? 54 00:11:03,916 --> 00:11:04,916 No. 55 00:11:06,125 --> 00:11:08,500 Interesting you ask about him first, though. 56 00:11:09,458 --> 00:11:10,958 He taught you the Jedi arts. 57 00:11:14,666 --> 00:11:16,000 But he's more to you than that. 58 00:11:19,750 --> 00:11:21,791 A special relationship, isn't it? 59 00:11:24,458 --> 00:11:27,666 Master and pupil. 60 00:11:58,708 --> 00:11:59,833 All set. 61 00:12:05,666 --> 00:12:07,708 You saved us, Osha. 62 00:12:09,125 --> 00:12:10,541 You saved me. 63 00:12:11,583 --> 00:12:15,000 That man... He corrupted your sister. 64 00:12:15,625 --> 00:12:17,750 He pushed me to a place I-- 65 00:12:22,958 --> 00:12:24,458 I'm sorry. 66 00:12:26,041 --> 00:12:28,250 It's time to make things right. 67 00:12:29,625 --> 00:12:32,458 It's time for me to face the High Council. 68 00:12:33,125 --> 00:12:35,000 To tell them everything. 69 00:12:36,708 --> 00:12:37,916 Everything? 70 00:12:39,958 --> 00:12:43,666 Coruscant 51-12 to Polan GX-8. You are clear for transmission. 71 00:12:55,333 --> 00:12:56,750 Do you want to take a look? 72 00:13:00,375 --> 00:13:01,791 Give me a couple of minutes. 73 00:13:06,500 --> 00:13:09,166 Senator Rayencourt continues to gain support. 74 00:13:09,791 --> 00:13:12,500 My colleagues in the Expansion Region will vote in favor 75 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:15,083 of an external review of the Order. 76 00:13:15,083 --> 00:13:17,541 Rayencourt has never been a friend of the Jedi. 77 00:13:18,208 --> 00:13:20,291 But I worry his fear has convinced so many. 78 00:13:20,291 --> 00:13:22,375 A review should not be cause for alarm. 79 00:13:22,375 --> 00:13:24,833 The Jedi are always transparent with the Senate. 80 00:13:24,833 --> 00:13:28,666 This is a case of an ambitious senator grasping for power. 81 00:13:28,666 --> 00:13:32,583 Apologies, Senator, I must go. But thank you for your update. 82 00:13:37,041 --> 00:13:38,125 What is it, Mog? 83 00:13:38,125 --> 00:13:40,291 We received a distress call from Master Sol. 84 00:13:40,291 --> 00:13:42,250 Apparently he's on a mission in the Outer Rim. 85 00:13:42,250 --> 00:13:44,250 - What did he say? - There were casualties. 86 00:13:44,250 --> 00:13:45,333 Who? 87 00:13:45,333 --> 00:13:47,291 The connection was faulty, but it sounded like... 88 00:13:48,583 --> 00:13:50,166 the entire team. 89 00:13:54,625 --> 00:13:56,041 Get him back on the comms. 90 00:13:56,041 --> 00:13:57,625 Unfortunately, we've lost contact. 91 00:13:58,583 --> 00:14:01,708 Prepare a rescue team to depart for the planet Khofar immediately. 92 00:14:01,708 --> 00:14:03,208 How do you know where he is? 93 00:14:03,208 --> 00:14:04,583 I sent him there. 94 00:14:11,625 --> 00:14:13,333 You speak as if you were a Jedi. 95 00:14:13,958 --> 00:14:14,958 I was. 96 00:14:15,833 --> 00:14:17,166 A long time ago. 97 00:14:19,416 --> 00:14:20,708 I've never heard of you. 98 00:14:21,916 --> 00:14:23,750 It was a really long time ago. 99 00:14:25,541 --> 00:14:26,833 Why'd you bring me here? 100 00:14:27,250 --> 00:14:28,583 Why do you think? 101 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:31,500 Leverage. 102 00:14:33,458 --> 00:14:35,208 Everyone does seem to want you. 103 00:14:38,500 --> 00:14:40,958 If you keep me here, Sol comes to you. 104 00:14:40,958 --> 00:14:45,375 He's found me before, and his strength in the Force is very powerful. 105 00:14:46,416 --> 00:14:48,666 You think that's his strength? 106 00:14:50,916 --> 00:14:53,500 That's your strength in the Force, Osha. 107 00:14:55,083 --> 00:14:56,708 Someone ought to teach you that. 108 00:14:59,166 --> 00:15:02,583 I'd start swimming if you want to make it to the ship before sundown. 109 00:15:03,666 --> 00:15:05,750 Or you could wait for the tide to go out. 110 00:15:08,791 --> 00:15:09,791 You hungry? 111 00:15:55,125 --> 00:15:57,750 Hey, hey, hey. Relax. Relax. Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa. Relax. Okay. 112 00:16:13,916 --> 00:16:17,666 What if I reset you to factory settings, hmm? 113 00:16:26,291 --> 00:16:27,291 Yep. 114 00:16:30,875 --> 00:16:32,166 All right. 115 00:16:42,375 --> 00:16:44,375 Can you run a check on the power system? 116 00:17:06,291 --> 00:17:08,416 What did you mean my strength in the Force? 117 00:17:08,416 --> 00:17:10,125 Exactly that. 118 00:17:10,125 --> 00:17:12,791 If you were a Jedi, you know it's something you must exercise. 119 00:17:12,791 --> 00:17:14,750 Without training, it fades. 120 00:17:14,750 --> 00:17:16,416 And that's what they told you. 121 00:17:17,625 --> 00:17:21,375 The Jedi teach there's only one way to access the Force 122 00:17:21,375 --> 00:17:24,250 and if you don't do it their way, it fades. 123 00:17:27,583 --> 00:17:28,833 But there is another way. 124 00:17:30,708 --> 00:17:34,541 Below the surface of consciousness are powerful emotions. 125 00:17:35,416 --> 00:17:37,500 Anger. Fear. 126 00:17:38,500 --> 00:17:39,500 Loss. 127 00:17:41,791 --> 00:17:42,791 Desire. 128 00:17:45,208 --> 00:17:47,166 That's the path to the dark side. 129 00:17:50,208 --> 00:17:51,458 Semantics. 130 00:17:56,666 --> 00:17:58,333 You murdered my friends. 131 00:17:59,000 --> 00:18:00,166 I killed Jedi. 132 00:18:01,208 --> 00:18:03,000 I killed those who threaten my existence. 133 00:18:03,583 --> 00:18:04,833 You killed Yord. 134 00:18:04,833 --> 00:18:09,250 A man who didn't hesitate to turn you in for a crime you didn't commit. 135 00:18:09,250 --> 00:18:10,750 You killed Jecki! 136 00:18:10,750 --> 00:18:13,083 And where did you think that was going to go? 137 00:18:13,833 --> 00:18:17,125 You would've had the same relationship with her that you have with your Master. 138 00:18:18,166 --> 00:18:19,166 One-sided. 139 00:18:21,208 --> 00:18:23,916 Why do you love people who can only go so far? 140 00:18:26,125 --> 00:18:28,000 Who can't go as deep as you can. 141 00:18:31,541 --> 00:18:33,083 I'm not my sister. 142 00:18:34,083 --> 00:18:36,083 I'm not that easily corrupted. 143 00:18:49,458 --> 00:18:51,208 Aren't you forgetting something? 144 00:18:56,875 --> 00:18:58,875 You stayed here to do something. 145 00:19:00,375 --> 00:19:01,416 Do it. 146 00:19:05,708 --> 00:19:06,916 Turn it on. 147 00:19:08,833 --> 00:19:10,666 A Jedi doesn't attack the unarmed. 148 00:19:11,333 --> 00:19:13,791 Why do you still think of yourself as a Jedi? 149 00:19:13,791 --> 00:19:15,250 They didn't want you. 150 00:19:15,833 --> 00:19:16,833 That's not true. 151 00:19:18,000 --> 00:19:19,000 I left. 152 00:19:19,000 --> 00:19:20,375 Why? 153 00:19:20,375 --> 00:19:21,791 Because I chose to. 154 00:19:21,791 --> 00:19:23,291 Are you sure about that? 155 00:19:24,041 --> 00:19:25,166 Let me go! 156 00:19:25,166 --> 00:19:27,083 What you're feeling right now, 157 00:19:27,083 --> 00:19:31,291 this anger, this pain, this is who you are. 158 00:19:31,291 --> 00:19:34,958 The Jedi saw it, and that's why they threw you away. 159 00:19:37,250 --> 00:19:38,416 They didn't throw me away. 160 00:19:38,416 --> 00:19:40,291 Then why aren't you a Jedi? 161 00:19:42,166 --> 00:19:43,833 Why aren't you a Jedi, Osha? 162 00:19:46,333 --> 00:19:47,416 Because I failed! 163 00:19:56,500 --> 00:19:57,916 I understand. 164 00:20:01,833 --> 00:20:05,541 I lost everything, Osha. 165 00:20:07,041 --> 00:20:09,416 But when you lose everything... 166 00:20:13,125 --> 00:20:15,125 that's when you're finally free. 167 00:20:39,916 --> 00:20:40,916 Mog. 168 00:20:42,250 --> 00:20:43,833 Have you heard from Master Sol? 169 00:20:43,833 --> 00:20:47,666 Uh, no, but our team is readied and we depart in 20. 170 00:20:47,666 --> 00:20:49,916 Are you joining us on the mission, Master? 171 00:20:49,916 --> 00:20:51,208 I am. 172 00:20:51,208 --> 00:20:53,791 To the Outer Rim? It's just... 173 00:20:54,833 --> 00:20:57,041 You get nauseous when you travel through hyperspace. 174 00:20:57,041 --> 00:20:58,291 I don't get sick. 175 00:20:59,500 --> 00:21:00,750 I find it unsettling. 176 00:21:02,041 --> 00:21:04,166 But, Master, I'm sure that these casualties 177 00:21:04,166 --> 00:21:06,125 are due to the planet's uncharted environment. 178 00:21:06,125 --> 00:21:09,625 I need to handle this personally. I hope that is all right with you. 179 00:21:36,875 --> 00:21:37,916 Osha? 180 00:21:39,291 --> 00:21:40,291 Yes? 181 00:21:48,833 --> 00:21:50,208 I ran a diagnostic. 182 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:52,375 Had to restart the system. 183 00:21:53,250 --> 00:21:54,833 Should be five minutes or so. 184 00:21:59,083 --> 00:22:00,083 Sol? 185 00:22:02,166 --> 00:22:03,375 What is it? 186 00:22:04,833 --> 00:22:09,166 How could I not have sensed that villain's true intentions 187 00:22:09,916 --> 00:22:12,333 when we first met him on Olega? 188 00:22:16,875 --> 00:22:21,500 I think when you really want something, 189 00:22:21,500 --> 00:22:22,958 it can cloud your mind. 190 00:22:24,125 --> 00:22:25,875 You see what you wanna see. 191 00:22:26,375 --> 00:22:27,708 He fooled us all. 192 00:22:28,875 --> 00:22:30,208 You found him. 193 00:22:33,875 --> 00:22:34,875 Your PIP droid. 194 00:22:38,500 --> 00:22:41,000 Yes. He's okay now. 195 00:22:41,583 --> 00:22:44,416 I noticed the way you take care of him, 196 00:22:45,208 --> 00:22:46,375 talk to him, 197 00:22:47,833 --> 00:22:49,083 love him. 198 00:22:50,083 --> 00:22:52,708 Even though he is just a machine. 199 00:22:58,541 --> 00:23:00,416 I've always been like that. 200 00:23:01,625 --> 00:23:03,083 Even when I was little. 201 00:23:04,000 --> 00:23:05,083 I know. 202 00:23:07,708 --> 00:23:12,333 I had to lose a lot of myself in order to become a Jedi. 203 00:23:14,500 --> 00:23:16,541 Even if I didn't know it at the time. 204 00:23:17,458 --> 00:23:20,333 I'm sorry if you felt that way. 205 00:23:20,833 --> 00:23:22,500 How could I feel any other way? 206 00:23:27,750 --> 00:23:30,458 Have you told me everything that happened on Brendok? 207 00:23:32,041 --> 00:23:33,583 You were very young. 208 00:23:37,958 --> 00:23:39,625 But I'm not now. 209 00:23:40,875 --> 00:23:42,291 You can tell me. 210 00:23:59,166 --> 00:24:02,041 - Hello? Is anybody there? Can you hear me? 211 00:24:02,041 --> 00:24:03,500 Identify yourself. 212 00:24:03,500 --> 00:24:04,916 - My name is-- 213 00:24:18,083 --> 00:24:19,416 Oh, Mae. 214 00:24:20,833 --> 00:24:24,000 Master Sol, the rescue team is on their way. 215 00:24:24,000 --> 00:24:26,166 - Leave your transponder on-- 216 00:25:04,708 --> 00:25:06,166 Everything all right, Master? 217 00:25:06,166 --> 00:25:07,666 What did they say? 218 00:25:07,666 --> 00:25:09,666 Seems an umbramoth colony hatched last night 219 00:25:09,666 --> 00:25:11,916 and wreaked havoc on a local settlement. 220 00:25:11,916 --> 00:25:14,125 If the Jedi had been anywhere near that colony, 221 00:25:14,125 --> 00:25:16,500 that could explain a large amount of casualties. 222 00:25:17,791 --> 00:25:19,000 It could. 223 00:25:21,250 --> 00:25:22,458 This way. 224 00:25:54,958 --> 00:25:57,041 Did you give the same pitch to my sister? 225 00:25:57,708 --> 00:25:59,291 I made a mistake with Mae. 226 00:26:00,750 --> 00:26:02,958 I thought she wanted more than just revenge. 227 00:26:03,916 --> 00:26:05,583 I thought she wanted what I want. 228 00:26:05,583 --> 00:26:07,500 And what do you want? 229 00:26:10,375 --> 00:26:11,791 The power of two. 230 00:26:19,791 --> 00:26:21,208 Where'd you get that scar? 231 00:26:24,375 --> 00:26:26,041 How do you think I got it? 232 00:26:26,041 --> 00:26:28,125 Looks like someone stabbed you in the back. 233 00:26:29,250 --> 00:26:31,958 Someone who threw me away. 234 00:26:32,708 --> 00:26:34,083 Your Jedi Master? 235 00:26:45,208 --> 00:26:46,375 Cortosis. 236 00:26:46,375 --> 00:26:48,458 Handy against lightsabers. 237 00:26:48,458 --> 00:26:52,625 But also a sensory deprivation headpiece. Like we used as younglings. 238 00:26:53,875 --> 00:26:55,958 It blocks out all your senses? 239 00:26:55,958 --> 00:26:57,583 So it's just you and the Force. 240 00:26:58,666 --> 00:26:59,958 And what you bring with you. 241 00:27:02,541 --> 00:27:04,750 - Try it on. - I don't trust you. 242 00:27:09,375 --> 00:27:10,583 Nor should you. 243 00:27:11,708 --> 00:27:13,375 But you should learn to trust yourself. 244 00:28:32,583 --> 00:28:33,958 Osha, run! 245 00:28:36,208 --> 00:28:38,666 No sign of Osha or her twin. 246 00:28:39,166 --> 00:28:42,083 They must have survived somehow. 247 00:28:44,833 --> 00:28:45,833 What happened here? 248 00:28:47,708 --> 00:28:48,791 What do you see? 249 00:28:51,666 --> 00:28:52,916 An explosion. 250 00:28:53,916 --> 00:28:55,250 Then, a battle. 251 00:28:55,250 --> 00:28:57,583 One versus many. His power, extraordinary. 252 00:28:57,583 --> 00:28:59,333 His skills, erratic. 253 00:29:01,416 --> 00:29:04,375 - His sole aim was to leave no survivors. 254 00:29:12,833 --> 00:29:16,291 They were all killed by a lightsaber. What does that tell you? 255 00:29:17,250 --> 00:29:18,750 A powerful Jedi has fallen. 256 00:29:21,333 --> 00:29:24,750 You don't think Master Sol was responsible? 257 00:29:24,750 --> 00:29:26,708 That is quite the accusation. 258 00:29:28,041 --> 00:29:31,250 Who else would possess the power to slay such a strong group? 259 00:29:33,750 --> 00:29:35,750 Something to tip the scales. 260 00:29:36,541 --> 00:29:39,541 But if he did this, why would he send us a distress signal? 261 00:29:40,833 --> 00:29:42,875 It's time to get back to the ship. 262 00:29:42,875 --> 00:29:45,375 We should prepare these bodies for burial. 263 00:30:19,250 --> 00:30:22,000 I have no intention of harming you, Mae. 264 00:30:22,958 --> 00:30:24,416 Then let me go. 265 00:30:28,083 --> 00:30:29,375 I will. 266 00:30:31,833 --> 00:30:32,916 Believe me. 267 00:30:34,666 --> 00:30:36,416 We have a lot to do. 268 00:30:37,583 --> 00:30:40,000 We need to find your Master. 269 00:30:40,500 --> 00:30:42,416 We need to save Osha. 270 00:30:43,375 --> 00:30:48,666 But first, you and I are going to talk. 271 00:30:50,333 --> 00:30:52,958 I've had sixteen years 272 00:30:52,958 --> 00:30:59,291 to think about what I would say to you if I ever got the opportunity. 273 00:31:01,166 --> 00:31:03,166 So you're going to listen.