1 00:00:01,333 --> 00:00:03,791 Hero’s quests are world-defining events. 2 00:00:03,791 --> 00:00:06,625 They have made and broken empires. 3 00:00:06,833 --> 00:00:09,291 Altered the course of human civilization. 4 00:00:09,875 --> 00:00:11,500 A quest is a sacred thing. 5 00:00:11,666 --> 00:00:14,041 And to be charged with one is to be in conversation 6 00:00:14,208 --> 00:00:15,666 with the gods themselves. 7 00:00:15,875 --> 00:00:17,875 Monsters can't be avoided entirely. 8 00:00:18,166 --> 00:00:19,625 They're more common than you think. 9 00:00:19,916 --> 00:00:21,791 {\an8}The trick is to spot them first, 10 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:23,875 before they spot you. 11 00:00:25,625 --> 00:00:29,833 It's a pleasure to meet you, son of Poseidon. I'm Medusa. 12 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:31,666 Medusa offered to help me save my mom 13 00:00:31,791 --> 00:00:33,083 if I turned on the two of you. 14 00:00:33,291 --> 00:00:35,333 - What'd you say? - I cut off her head. 15 00:00:38,750 --> 00:00:41,166 Percy, you can't ship Medusa's head to Olympus. 16 00:00:42,041 --> 00:00:43,333 {\an8}Why not? 17 00:00:43,458 --> 00:00:44,916 Because the gods won't like it. 18 00:01:08,583 --> 00:01:09,625 Ready? 19 00:01:09,958 --> 00:01:11,916 - You have to let go, Percy. - I can't. 20 00:01:12,041 --> 00:01:14,250 Yep. You really can. You just have to try. 21 00:01:14,250 --> 00:01:16,625 - I did try. - No, you didn't. 22 00:01:16,625 --> 00:01:18,750 We have been in the same position for 15 minutes. 23 00:01:18,750 --> 00:01:20,625 Please. Come on. Just do it once with me. 24 00:01:21,125 --> 00:01:25,041 - Can we go home now? - Percy, we paid for this class. 25 00:01:29,375 --> 00:01:32,250 You know I wouldn't ask you to do this if it wasn't safe, right? 26 00:01:34,083 --> 00:01:38,083 Percy, it could be dangerous for you if you don't know how to do this. 27 00:01:38,916 --> 00:01:41,666 One day, it could be really, really important, 28 00:01:41,875 --> 00:01:43,500 and I may not be there to help you 29 00:01:43,708 --> 00:01:46,708 when that happens, so I need to make sure you can do it. 30 00:01:46,708 --> 00:01:48,666 - Breathe. - What? 31 00:01:49,666 --> 00:01:51,791 Just breathe, Mommy. 32 00:01:52,916 --> 00:01:54,666 That's what you always tell me to do. 33 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:05,750 You'll always be here. 34 00:02:15,916 --> 00:02:17,833 Mom? 35 00:02:18,958 --> 00:02:20,500 Mom! 36 00:02:24,166 --> 00:02:27,875 Hello again, little hero. 37 00:02:28,708 --> 00:02:33,750 What sort of trouble are you up to now? Hmm? 38 00:02:33,750 --> 00:02:37,875 A forbidden child attracts attention. 39 00:02:38,166 --> 00:02:42,375 A forbidden hero? Well... 40 00:02:42,500 --> 00:02:44,500 They attract doom. 41 00:02:45,083 --> 00:02:47,750 She is coming. 42 00:02:58,875 --> 00:03:00,208 Hey, you asleep? 43 00:03:04,208 --> 00:03:05,208 Yes. 44 00:03:08,625 --> 00:03:10,666 You and Thalia were really close, right? 45 00:03:12,958 --> 00:03:13,958 Yeah. 46 00:03:15,791 --> 00:03:16,916 What was she like? 47 00:03:19,708 --> 00:03:20,708 Why? 48 00:03:23,208 --> 00:03:25,500 She was the last forbidden kid before me, right? 49 00:03:26,833 --> 00:03:28,625 She must've dealt with the same kind of stuff. 50 00:03:30,125 --> 00:03:31,166 She was tough. 51 00:03:32,416 --> 00:03:35,125 I mean, she knew she was a forbidden kid, she just didn't care. 52 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:41,083 When Luke and Thalia found me, Luke cared for me right away. 53 00:03:41,541 --> 00:03:43,333 But Thalia... 54 00:03:44,875 --> 00:03:45,875 she made me earn it. 55 00:03:47,250 --> 00:03:48,916 Is that why you give me a hard time? 56 00:03:50,041 --> 00:03:51,333 I gotta earn it with you too? 57 00:03:52,375 --> 00:03:54,875 Yeah. Maybe. 58 00:03:56,125 --> 00:03:58,208 I gotta say, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. 59 00:04:00,541 --> 00:04:01,958 What doesn't make sense to you? 60 00:04:02,916 --> 00:04:05,083 The way you guys all talk. 61 00:04:06,041 --> 00:04:07,833 The way the gods want us to think. 62 00:04:08,666 --> 00:04:11,166 Gotta burn an offering to get a parent's attention. 63 00:04:11,916 --> 00:04:13,291 Gotta beat up on Clarisse 64 00:04:13,291 --> 00:04:16,000 just to get my father to admit he's my father. 65 00:04:17,083 --> 00:04:18,750 It isn't supposed to work that way. 66 00:04:21,750 --> 00:04:24,541 People who are close to you aren't supposed to treat you that way. 67 00:04:27,791 --> 00:04:30,583 You wanna know how I ended up alone on the road in the first place? 68 00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:36,541 I started out as a gift to my father. 69 00:04:37,916 --> 00:04:39,291 That's how it works with Athena. 70 00:04:40,083 --> 00:04:41,708 We're born from a thought in her mind, 71 00:04:41,708 --> 00:04:44,083 and then given to a partner she feels connected to. 72 00:04:45,791 --> 00:04:47,833 And for a while, I was treated like a gift. 73 00:04:50,083 --> 00:04:51,416 My father cared for me. 74 00:04:54,291 --> 00:04:55,291 He loved me. 75 00:04:57,041 --> 00:04:58,041 I knew it. 76 00:05:01,500 --> 00:05:02,625 Then he met a woman. 77 00:05:04,083 --> 00:05:05,333 They had their own kids. 78 00:05:07,375 --> 00:05:09,166 And to her, I-- I wasn't a gift. 79 00:05:10,750 --> 00:05:11,833 I was a problem. 80 00:05:14,416 --> 00:05:15,416 So I left. 81 00:05:17,625 --> 00:05:18,625 I was seven. 82 00:05:23,000 --> 00:05:24,666 It isn't the gods who think that way. 83 00:05:25,583 --> 00:05:26,625 It's everybody. 84 00:05:29,791 --> 00:05:31,416 But at least with the gods you know the rules. 85 00:05:32,083 --> 00:05:33,791 Show them respect and they'll be in your corner, 86 00:05:33,791 --> 00:05:35,000 no matter what. 87 00:05:40,166 --> 00:05:41,666 You awake? 88 00:05:41,916 --> 00:05:43,750 Well, I am now. Thanks. 89 00:05:43,916 --> 00:05:45,791 Are you okay? 90 00:05:46,083 --> 00:05:47,875 He's super grouchy when he doesn't get enough sleep. 91 00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:50,583 "He's super grouchy when he doesn't get enough..." Nah! 92 00:05:51,250 --> 00:05:52,250 Wow. 93 00:05:52,250 --> 00:05:53,833 You've never been on the road with him before. 94 00:05:55,083 --> 00:05:57,166 A little different than a froofy boarding school. 95 00:05:57,166 --> 00:06:00,250 Who's froofy? You're froofy. What's froofy? 96 00:06:02,208 --> 00:06:03,833 I think I need to eat. 97 00:06:22,041 --> 00:06:23,750 Two days until we reach Los Angeles. 98 00:06:24,708 --> 00:06:26,833 Plenty of time before our deadline to reach the Underworld. 99 00:06:29,416 --> 00:06:30,791 Can I ask a dumb question? 100 00:06:31,750 --> 00:06:33,583 It's like you need me to make fun of you. 101 00:06:34,500 --> 00:06:35,583 Shoot. 102 00:06:36,583 --> 00:06:38,375 I've never been to Los Angeles before. 103 00:06:38,750 --> 00:06:41,750 I'm guessing neither of you have been to Los Angeles. 104 00:06:42,416 --> 00:06:45,000 So, how will we have any idea where we're going? 105 00:06:46,083 --> 00:06:47,125 No idea. 106 00:06:48,166 --> 00:06:51,541 But that's like step 37, and we're still on step four. 107 00:06:52,250 --> 00:06:53,666 Cross that bridge when we get there. 108 00:06:55,500 --> 00:06:57,708 - Follow-up stupid question. - Dude. 109 00:06:57,875 --> 00:07:00,583 "And you shall fail to save what matters most in the end." 110 00:07:01,875 --> 00:07:04,708 Back in Jersey, I told you the Oracle said this quest would fail. 111 00:07:04,833 --> 00:07:06,166 And no one's mentioned it since. 112 00:07:07,875 --> 00:07:11,041 Seems like something we oughta be taking a little more seriously. 113 00:07:12,833 --> 00:07:13,875 Hey. 114 00:07:15,500 --> 00:07:16,666 Look at that. 115 00:07:18,125 --> 00:07:20,041 - Are those... - Centaurs. 116 00:07:30,041 --> 00:07:31,250 No one even knows they're there. 117 00:07:32,208 --> 00:07:34,708 There used to be herds of them everywhere. 118 00:07:35,416 --> 00:07:36,666 What happened to them? 119 00:07:37,583 --> 00:07:38,666 Humans. 120 00:07:41,500 --> 00:07:47,083 A few thousand years ago, the god of the wild, Pan, disappeared. 121 00:07:48,625 --> 00:07:51,833 And ever since, without Pan to protect the natural world, 122 00:07:51,833 --> 00:07:54,291 humans have been trying really hard to chip away at it. 123 00:07:56,041 --> 00:07:59,041 The bravest satyrs volunteer to become Searchers, 124 00:07:59,583 --> 00:08:01,000 trying to find Pan. 125 00:08:02,708 --> 00:08:04,083 None have ever returned. 126 00:08:06,666 --> 00:08:09,208 Your uncle we found in Medusa's, Ferdinand. 127 00:08:11,083 --> 00:08:12,291 He was a Searcher? 128 00:08:17,041 --> 00:08:19,041 The Oracle didn't say the quest would fail. 129 00:08:20,041 --> 00:08:23,708 "Fail to save what matters most." That could mean a lot of things. 130 00:08:23,708 --> 00:08:26,541 That's how prophecies work, that's how fate works. 131 00:08:27,291 --> 00:08:28,791 It could mean a lot of things. 132 00:08:29,791 --> 00:08:34,125 The harder you work to understand, the harder it gets to understand. 133 00:08:35,708 --> 00:08:38,041 Sometimes, you've just gotta let it come to you when it's ready. 134 00:08:39,416 --> 00:08:41,708 Excuse me. Can I see your tickets, please? 135 00:08:49,458 --> 00:08:50,833 You're in Cabin 17B? 136 00:09:05,875 --> 00:09:07,125 You wanna explain? 137 00:09:09,083 --> 00:09:11,583 Wait. Wait, you think we did this? 138 00:09:11,583 --> 00:09:15,333 - Did you? - I mean... How? And why? 139 00:09:15,333 --> 00:09:18,583 Sir, when we left to get breakfast, everything was intact. 140 00:09:19,041 --> 00:09:20,750 We don't know how this happened. 141 00:09:21,250 --> 00:09:24,500 We got a witness here, says she heard the window smash, 142 00:09:25,041 --> 00:09:26,916 - and then heard children's voices. - Oh, come on. 143 00:09:27,083 --> 00:09:28,583 Can you tell me what time you left the cabin? 144 00:09:28,750 --> 00:09:30,125 Are we under arrest? 145 00:09:31,291 --> 00:09:33,416 I don't think you wanna take that tone with me, little girl. 146 00:09:37,166 --> 00:09:38,625 Are we under arrest? 147 00:09:43,791 --> 00:09:45,125 So we're just killing time 148 00:09:45,125 --> 00:09:47,500 'til we find out that guy's like a werewolf or something, right? 149 00:09:47,708 --> 00:09:50,791 The train is arriving at St. Louis Gateway station 150 00:09:50,791 --> 00:09:52,916 - in ten minutes. - I don't think he's a monster. 151 00:09:54,083 --> 00:09:55,208 Hard to say. 152 00:09:56,458 --> 00:09:58,625 Well, if he's not a monster, what's going on here? 153 00:09:59,375 --> 00:10:01,041 Why would anyone tear our room apart? 154 00:10:01,541 --> 00:10:03,041 Maybe they were looking for something. 155 00:10:03,833 --> 00:10:05,041 We don't have anything. 156 00:10:05,041 --> 00:10:08,416 The people who think you stole Zeus's master bolt might disagree. 157 00:10:08,958 --> 00:10:11,041 Right. 158 00:10:11,625 --> 00:10:14,000 Well, look, they're not gonna find something we don't have. 159 00:10:15,375 --> 00:10:18,125 Either way, we aren't spending the day answering questions 160 00:10:18,125 --> 00:10:19,625 in the St. Louis police station. 161 00:10:19,750 --> 00:10:22,000 We need to get out of this before we get delayed. 162 00:10:23,375 --> 00:10:25,458 D-- Do you mind if I sit? 163 00:10:29,791 --> 00:10:31,166 You poor dears. 164 00:10:34,041 --> 00:10:35,625 Your parents aren't here, are they? 165 00:10:35,625 --> 00:10:38,458 Isn't that right, precious? 166 00:10:39,041 --> 00:10:41,875 Don't children get scared when they're all alone? 167 00:10:43,541 --> 00:10:47,291 It's okay. I'm a mom. I know how scared you must be. 168 00:10:49,416 --> 00:10:53,250 Excuse me. Would you mind giving us a little space? 169 00:10:53,500 --> 00:10:54,541 I think... 170 00:10:55,291 --> 00:10:57,083 I think you're making them nervous. 171 00:11:03,291 --> 00:11:04,375 I want you to know... 172 00:11:05,625 --> 00:11:08,791 I don't actually think that you made that mess back there. 173 00:11:09,750 --> 00:11:12,625 I just wanted a moment alone with you. 174 00:11:13,291 --> 00:11:16,791 There are some things I need you to understand-- 175 00:11:16,916 --> 00:11:18,125 You have something on your jacket. 176 00:11:18,916 --> 00:11:20,000 It looks like... 177 00:11:22,458 --> 00:11:23,708 It looks like glass. 178 00:11:27,125 --> 00:11:29,791 No one smashed out the windows from inside our cabin. 179 00:11:31,416 --> 00:11:34,000 Someone smashed them in from the outside. 180 00:11:36,333 --> 00:11:39,500 Hm. Oh! 181 00:11:39,666 --> 00:11:41,250 Yes, sweetheart. 182 00:11:41,666 --> 00:11:43,458 I know, I know. 183 00:11:44,000 --> 00:11:45,833 You're impatient. 184 00:11:45,833 --> 00:11:48,208 Oh! 185 00:11:48,916 --> 00:11:52,166 But we're almost there. 186 00:11:55,791 --> 00:11:56,958 This isn't your fault. 187 00:11:57,833 --> 00:11:58,875 But sadly, 188 00:11:59,541 --> 00:12:03,875 you're going to have to bear the burden of your parents' mistakes today. 189 00:12:04,000 --> 00:12:05,125 Listen, lady. 190 00:12:05,541 --> 00:12:07,708 I don't know who you are, but I think I know what you are. 191 00:12:08,541 --> 00:12:11,541 We've run across a few monsters like you and we've sent them all packing. 192 00:12:12,333 --> 00:12:15,666 Monsters like me? 193 00:12:16,875 --> 00:12:18,000 Well... 194 00:12:19,250 --> 00:12:21,125 of course they're like me. 195 00:12:23,166 --> 00:12:24,666 They were my children. 196 00:12:24,833 --> 00:12:26,833 Children? 197 00:12:27,583 --> 00:12:28,750 What does that mean? 198 00:12:29,958 --> 00:12:31,375 The Mother of Monsters. 199 00:12:32,541 --> 00:12:33,541 Echidna. 200 00:12:36,416 --> 00:12:38,875 Oh! 201 00:12:43,333 --> 00:12:44,416 Monster. 202 00:12:45,541 --> 00:12:46,833 It’s an odd word, 203 00:12:47,166 --> 00:12:51,375 considering my grandmother is your great-grandmother, 204 00:12:51,708 --> 00:12:53,833 and this has always been a family story. 205 00:12:55,041 --> 00:12:57,458 But... to my eye, 206 00:12:58,333 --> 00:13:02,416 the demigod is the more dangerous creature. 207 00:13:04,291 --> 00:13:05,333 Disruptive. 208 00:13:06,250 --> 00:13:07,375 Violent. 209 00:13:08,291 --> 00:13:10,250 If I exist for anything, 210 00:13:11,000 --> 00:13:15,125 it is to stand in the way of monsters 211 00:13:16,041 --> 00:13:17,125 like you. 212 00:13:19,875 --> 00:13:23,875 My little one here. She's just a pup now. 213 00:13:24,166 --> 00:13:26,833 Bless her heart. 214 00:13:27,666 --> 00:13:28,708 Today... 215 00:13:31,708 --> 00:13:33,125 you will be her prey. 216 00:13:37,875 --> 00:13:39,083 Are you afraid yet? 217 00:13:39,291 --> 00:13:42,791 Oh. It's all right. Fear is natural. 218 00:13:43,333 --> 00:13:45,375 It's also essential to the hunt. 219 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:48,541 Your fear. Your doubt. 220 00:13:49,083 --> 00:13:51,458 Your confusion. 221 00:13:51,625 --> 00:13:55,625 I needed you to understand what was happening 222 00:13:56,416 --> 00:13:59,083 so that she could track the scent. 223 00:14:01,166 --> 00:14:04,875 So that she could learn and grow, because... 224 00:14:05,958 --> 00:14:08,708 that's what a good mother does for her children. 225 00:14:09,791 --> 00:14:10,958 Not that you would know. 226 00:14:20,708 --> 00:14:22,041 You should run now. 227 00:14:25,958 --> 00:14:27,625 - No, sweetheart! - Go! 228 00:14:31,291 --> 00:14:32,375 You! Stop! 229 00:14:33,791 --> 00:14:35,000 Stop! 230 00:14:37,333 --> 00:14:39,125 Silly girl. 231 00:14:39,416 --> 00:14:40,958 You got ahead of yourself. 232 00:14:41,833 --> 00:14:43,041 We'll work on that. 233 00:14:56,166 --> 00:14:57,833 Stop! 234 00:15:23,458 --> 00:15:24,458 Hey! 235 00:15:24,583 --> 00:15:26,125 - Percy. - Open this door! 236 00:15:26,250 --> 00:15:28,250 Come back here and open this door! 237 00:15:28,250 --> 00:15:29,333 What is that? 238 00:15:30,083 --> 00:15:31,166 It's a stinger. 239 00:15:31,333 --> 00:15:33,291 Grover, do you know what kind of monster has one of those? 240 00:15:33,291 --> 00:15:36,125 I don't know. I mean, nothing good probably. 241 00:15:36,416 --> 00:15:38,625 - Do you feel okay? - I think so. Why? 242 00:15:38,958 --> 00:15:40,375 Do you think it's poisonous or something? 243 00:15:40,375 --> 00:15:42,125 Open this door, right now! 244 00:15:42,250 --> 00:15:43,416 - I'm not sure. - Come on. 245 00:15:43,416 --> 00:15:44,500 Hey! 246 00:15:57,000 --> 00:15:58,083 We gotta move. 247 00:16:00,208 --> 00:16:02,375 This train is making an unplanned stop. 248 00:16:02,375 --> 00:16:03,791 Please remain seated for your-- 249 00:16:10,083 --> 00:16:11,416 Why isn't it still chasing us? 250 00:16:12,291 --> 00:16:15,416 Echidna said whatever she was hiding in that carrier, it's young. 251 00:16:15,916 --> 00:16:17,625 It won't venture too far from her mother. 252 00:16:18,041 --> 00:16:19,250 She's learning to hunt... 253 00:16:20,791 --> 00:16:22,541 and this seems like the hunting part. 254 00:16:26,125 --> 00:16:28,375 We aren't gonna be able to outrun them for very long. 255 00:16:29,125 --> 00:16:32,208 We don't need to. We just need a safe place to hole up. 256 00:16:33,208 --> 00:16:34,208 Some place safe. 257 00:16:34,708 --> 00:16:36,666 Any ideas where we might find one of those? 258 00:16:38,541 --> 00:16:39,541 I do. 259 00:16:40,083 --> 00:16:42,125 A sanctuary, dedicated to Athena, 260 00:16:42,458 --> 00:16:44,458 built by one of her demigod children a long time ago. 261 00:16:44,791 --> 00:16:47,125 There is an Athenian temple hidden somewhere 262 00:16:47,125 --> 00:16:48,958 in the middle of downtown St. Louis? 263 00:16:49,500 --> 00:16:50,500 Yes. 264 00:16:51,583 --> 00:16:53,500 Except it's not all that hidden. 265 00:17:05,375 --> 00:17:10,750 It's 630 feet wide, 630 feet tall, both to within an inch. 266 00:17:12,541 --> 00:17:14,041 It's got no internal support. 267 00:17:14,541 --> 00:17:16,750 Each side is balanced perfectly against the other. 268 00:17:19,208 --> 00:17:20,666 The arch is held up by symmetry. 269 00:17:20,791 --> 00:17:22,458 It's held up by math. 270 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:24,166 And it's earthquake-proof, 271 00:17:24,166 --> 00:17:25,708 so Poseidon can't ruin it. 272 00:17:26,916 --> 00:17:28,458 - Nice. - Excuse me. 273 00:17:29,375 --> 00:17:31,791 This is how you show Athena your love. 274 00:17:32,500 --> 00:17:35,208 A monument to the power of perfection. 275 00:17:36,666 --> 00:17:38,416 It's a monument to some other stuff, too. 276 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:41,958 You're talking about what some humans 277 00:17:41,958 --> 00:17:43,291 want this place to be about. 278 00:17:44,333 --> 00:17:46,416 I'm talking about what it actually is. 279 00:17:47,958 --> 00:17:49,041 Whatever. 280 00:17:49,791 --> 00:17:51,166 We're safe here, right? 281 00:17:52,208 --> 00:17:55,000 No monsters can enter. Not even Echidna. 282 00:17:55,666 --> 00:17:57,250 - We're safe. - Great. 283 00:17:58,625 --> 00:18:00,791 Well, since our train exploded, 284 00:18:00,791 --> 00:18:03,208 I'm gonna see if there's another one we can get tickets on. 285 00:18:03,875 --> 00:18:05,208 We can't stay here forever. 286 00:18:10,291 --> 00:18:12,750 Just because we're prey, doesn't mean we need to be helpless. 287 00:18:17,333 --> 00:18:19,541 He doesn't like it when people mess with animals. 288 00:18:21,125 --> 00:18:22,166 Yeah. 289 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:24,083 I know. 290 00:18:25,625 --> 00:18:28,000 I shouldn't have s-- snapped at him, I just... 291 00:18:29,250 --> 00:18:31,333 I know. 292 00:18:33,375 --> 00:18:37,166 So, this is your mom's place? 293 00:18:38,458 --> 00:18:39,625 Wonder if she's around. 294 00:18:41,791 --> 00:18:43,916 Be right down! Just going to the potty! 295 00:18:47,583 --> 00:18:50,458 - Nice. - I have a gift. 296 00:18:53,916 --> 00:18:55,375 I guess you were right, by the way. 297 00:18:56,375 --> 00:18:59,458 We needed a safe place, and your mom had one waiting. 298 00:19:00,791 --> 00:19:02,875 Pretty lucky we happened to be in the right city for it. 299 00:19:04,791 --> 00:19:05,791 Luck or fate? 300 00:19:10,666 --> 00:19:14,125 I know you think it's all just in my head. 301 00:19:14,125 --> 00:19:18,125 That... That I tell myself my mother cares because it's easier that way. 302 00:19:18,958 --> 00:19:20,000 I didn't say that. 303 00:19:22,250 --> 00:19:24,375 Look, I've only been a demigod since... 304 00:19:25,375 --> 00:19:26,541 last Saturday. 305 00:19:27,916 --> 00:19:29,000 You shouldn't listen to me. 306 00:19:31,208 --> 00:19:36,875 You know, this is my mother's place, but a temple is a temple. 307 00:19:38,000 --> 00:19:40,083 Maybe you could say hi to your dad while we're here. 308 00:19:42,500 --> 00:19:43,541 No thanks. 309 00:19:44,208 --> 00:19:45,291 What could it hurt? 310 00:19:48,833 --> 00:19:50,083 Your thing with your mom... 311 00:19:51,958 --> 00:19:56,416 I get it. It's different. It works for you. But my father... 312 00:19:59,041 --> 00:20:02,166 I don't want anything from him. He's had his chances. 313 00:20:02,166 --> 00:20:05,416 Honestly, you've done more for me in the past few days 314 00:20:05,541 --> 00:20:07,041 than my father has done in my entire life. 315 00:20:07,958 --> 00:20:09,458 If I have to stick with someone, I-- 316 00:20:11,791 --> 00:20:12,916 Careful. 317 00:20:13,583 --> 00:20:15,250 I think you were about to call me a friend. 318 00:20:16,250 --> 00:20:18,208 Somewhere around here the Oracle is laughing at us, 319 00:20:18,208 --> 00:20:19,458 but you know-- Whoa! 320 00:20:19,458 --> 00:20:21,458 Percy! 321 00:20:21,583 --> 00:20:22,666 Hey! What happened? 322 00:20:22,666 --> 00:20:26,000 I think... I think those stinger things were poisonous. 323 00:20:26,708 --> 00:20:28,333 I have an idea. Come on, help me. 324 00:20:28,708 --> 00:20:29,791 Okay. 325 00:20:37,250 --> 00:20:38,750 The water cured him back at camp, 326 00:20:39,166 --> 00:20:40,875 it should work for poison too, right? 327 00:20:42,541 --> 00:20:44,541 You know, I think it's-- I think it's working. 328 00:20:45,500 --> 00:20:46,500 This was a great call. 329 00:20:50,208 --> 00:20:52,125 - Or not. - Maybe it needs to be 330 00:20:52,125 --> 00:20:54,750 naturally running water for Poseidon to be able to heal him. 331 00:20:59,625 --> 00:21:02,791 - Okay. We need to get back inside. - No, we need to keep trying. 332 00:21:03,000 --> 00:21:04,833 This isn't working. And she's coming. 333 00:21:09,500 --> 00:21:12,166 Okay, look, we'll take Percy inside, and we'll go the temple's altar. 334 00:21:12,375 --> 00:21:14,000 Altar? Where is there an altar? 335 00:21:14,000 --> 00:21:15,541 The highest point, the best view. 336 00:21:15,750 --> 00:21:17,541 Okay, but what good is that even gonna do us? 337 00:21:18,875 --> 00:21:21,916 We're gonna get to the altar and we're going to ask my mom for help. 338 00:21:24,541 --> 00:21:25,875 I thought we don't ask for help. 339 00:21:30,083 --> 00:21:31,625 Come on, let's get moving. 340 00:21:41,000 --> 00:21:42,541 Guys, d-- did you hear that? 341 00:21:43,000 --> 00:21:44,041 Hear what? 342 00:21:45,000 --> 00:21:46,375 Never mind. Come on. 343 00:21:55,541 --> 00:21:58,708 Please take your seats. The trams are about to depart. 344 00:22:03,958 --> 00:22:05,791 What was that back there? What did you hear? 345 00:22:08,666 --> 00:22:09,666 She spoke to you. 346 00:22:11,125 --> 00:22:13,500 Alecto did that with me back in the museum in New York. 347 00:22:14,333 --> 00:22:15,500 What did she say? 348 00:22:22,750 --> 00:22:24,125 Was that the Chimera? 349 00:22:25,250 --> 00:22:28,166 I think... I think that was the Chimera. 350 00:22:28,541 --> 00:22:30,833 How did the Chimera even get inside here? 351 00:22:30,958 --> 00:22:33,416 - How did any monster get inside here? - Annabeth? 352 00:22:33,541 --> 00:22:36,916 We're in a sanctuary. Athena would have had to let her in, 353 00:22:36,916 --> 00:22:38,458 - but why would she do that? - Annabeth! 354 00:22:39,666 --> 00:22:41,000 What did Echidna say to you? 355 00:22:44,041 --> 00:22:46,916 She said my impertinence wounded my mother's pride. 356 00:22:47,875 --> 00:22:49,833 And that that will be my doom. 357 00:22:50,875 --> 00:22:52,000 Impertinence? What kind of-- 358 00:22:54,458 --> 00:22:55,583 Medusa's head. 359 00:22:57,750 --> 00:22:59,083 I embarrassed my mother. 360 00:23:01,458 --> 00:23:03,458 But I'm the one who sent the head to Olympus. 361 00:23:03,916 --> 00:23:06,166 - I signed the note. - And I went along with it. 362 00:23:08,416 --> 00:23:09,583 It embarrassed her. 363 00:23:10,458 --> 00:23:11,583 Now, she's angry. 364 00:23:12,833 --> 00:23:14,666 Guys, what are we gonna do? 365 00:23:15,833 --> 00:23:18,125 She isn't gonna help us when we get to the top to save Percy. 366 00:23:18,541 --> 00:23:21,541 No, I meant, what are we gonna do about Echidna and Chimera? 367 00:23:22,083 --> 00:23:23,500 They're gonna be right behind us. 368 00:23:24,750 --> 00:23:27,083 We're not gonna have much time. 369 00:23:27,541 --> 00:23:28,666 They'll be up here any minute. 370 00:23:28,791 --> 00:23:30,791 And if my mother isn't going to protect us, 371 00:23:31,541 --> 00:23:33,250 then we'll just have to fight it out up here. 372 00:23:43,125 --> 00:23:44,125 Oh, no. 373 00:23:44,458 --> 00:23:46,333 We gotta get everybody outta here. 374 00:23:55,291 --> 00:23:57,458 Attention. Attention. 375 00:23:57,583 --> 00:24:00,208 - Everyone, let's line up. - You and Percy follow them down. 376 00:24:00,375 --> 00:24:02,791 What? No, no, no. W-- We're not splitting up. 377 00:24:02,791 --> 00:24:03,875 Grover, come on. 378 00:24:03,875 --> 00:24:06,416 No. No, no, no, no, no, we're all getting out of here together. 379 00:24:06,416 --> 00:24:10,458 We won't make it. The Chimera is the demigod-killer. 380 00:24:10,958 --> 00:24:13,958 Someone has to stay back to slow her down and buy everyone some time. 381 00:24:14,666 --> 00:24:15,750 Come on. 382 00:24:18,291 --> 00:24:20,875 Okay, help him down the stairs and get him to the river. 383 00:24:21,208 --> 00:24:23,625 And don't stop. Not till you get to Hades, 384 00:24:24,000 --> 00:24:26,416 not till you have the bolt, do you hear me? 385 00:24:28,750 --> 00:24:29,875 Okay, go. 386 00:24:30,375 --> 00:24:31,375 Wait. 387 00:24:37,125 --> 00:24:38,125 Take this. 388 00:24:41,750 --> 00:24:44,208 Wait! 389 00:24:44,333 --> 00:24:46,583 Hey! Percy! 390 00:24:46,833 --> 00:24:48,333 Percy, please! 391 00:24:48,500 --> 00:24:51,916 Percy, no! Don't do this. They'll kill you. 392 00:24:51,916 --> 00:24:53,333 Poseidon's never helped me before. 393 00:24:54,833 --> 00:24:57,208 - He wasn't gonna start now. - Percy! 394 00:24:59,375 --> 00:25:00,750 I would've never made it to Hades. 395 00:25:00,750 --> 00:25:03,416 Percy? Percy, please. 396 00:25:04,291 --> 00:25:05,500 But you can. 397 00:25:07,708 --> 00:25:08,750 And now you will. 398 00:25:09,083 --> 00:25:11,333 Percy! 399 00:25:12,625 --> 00:25:15,083 Percy, do you hear me? 400 00:25:15,083 --> 00:25:17,208 Percy, you can't do this on your own. 401 00:25:33,750 --> 00:25:35,708 This is the end, sweetheart. 402 00:25:36,583 --> 00:25:37,791 Don't fight it. 403 00:25:38,750 --> 00:25:40,500 You'll just make her angry. 404 00:26:55,083 --> 00:26:58,416 So unfair. You never had a chance, did you? 405 00:27:00,833 --> 00:27:04,583 If only someone'd cared enough for you to provide you with one. 406 00:27:59,916 --> 00:28:01,166 You are frightened. 407 00:28:03,791 --> 00:28:05,208 It's all right, Percy. 408 00:28:06,791 --> 00:28:09,000 Your father sent me to tell you, 409 00:28:09,833 --> 00:28:10,958 it's all right. 410 00:28:13,208 --> 00:28:15,500 Just breathe. 411 00:28:18,958 --> 00:28:20,250 Your father is here. 412 00:28:22,166 --> 00:28:24,791 He's always been here. 413 00:28:25,458 --> 00:28:27,500 It is so hard for him to stand back. 414 00:28:28,416 --> 00:28:30,000 To see you struggle. 415 00:28:30,291 --> 00:28:31,958 It is so hard for us all. 416 00:28:32,916 --> 00:28:33,958 But he's here. 417 00:28:34,791 --> 00:28:36,583 And he's so very proud. 418 00:28:39,416 --> 00:28:40,500 Trust him. 419 00:28:42,833 --> 00:28:44,708 Trust yourself. 420 00:28:46,958 --> 00:28:48,125 Just... 421 00:28:49,583 --> 00:28:50,708 breathe. 422 00:30:53,791 --> 00:30:55,958 My mom told me these stories all the time. 423 00:30:57,166 --> 00:30:58,916 Percy, stand up. I mean it. 424 00:30:59,416 --> 00:31:01,625 She said this is what the gods are like to each other. 425 00:31:03,041 --> 00:31:04,666 This is the kind of family they are.