1 00:00:01,208 --> 00:00:04,333 [Percy] Did you see it? Did you see what happened to my mom? 2 00:00:04,958 --> 00:00:07,333 Wait, so this is the kid who killed the Minotaur. 3 00:00:07,416 --> 00:00:10,208 -[♪ tense instrumental music playing] -[Chiron] I know you feel powerless, 4 00:00:10,291 --> 00:00:11,458 but you're not. 5 00:00:11,916 --> 00:00:13,791 All will reveal itself in time. 6 00:00:14,458 --> 00:00:15,458 [Annabeth] I'm Annabeth. 7 00:00:15,541 --> 00:00:16,833 [Luke] Annabeth sees the world differently. 8 00:00:16,916 --> 00:00:18,416 Always six steps ahead of everyone else. 9 00:00:18,500 --> 00:00:21,125 Chiron's been promising her for years a demigod would arrive 10 00:00:21,416 --> 00:00:24,125 who was fated to go on a quest that even Chiron couldn't prevent. 11 00:00:24,958 --> 00:00:27,375 [Chiron] You have been claimed by Poseidon. 12 00:00:27,791 --> 00:00:29,750 Your father needs your help. 13 00:00:29,875 --> 00:00:35,625 An ultimatum has been given to him by Zeus that if he doesn't return the master bolt, 14 00:00:35,708 --> 00:00:36,708 there will be war. 15 00:00:37,333 --> 00:00:38,333 [Grover] Your mother was stolen... 16 00:00:38,541 --> 00:00:39,583 by Hades. 17 00:00:40,041 --> 00:00:43,541 If you can find her there, I think you can bring her back. 18 00:00:44,958 --> 00:00:45,958 When do we leave? 19 00:00:47,041 --> 00:00:48,500 [♪ music concludes] 20 00:00:56,000 --> 00:00:58,291 [wind whistling] 21 00:00:58,416 --> 00:01:01,500 [footsteps approaching] 22 00:01:05,791 --> 00:01:07,250 [door lock clicking] 23 00:01:07,500 --> 00:01:10,666 [door creaking, opening] 24 00:01:15,125 --> 00:01:16,208 [sighs softly] 25 00:01:19,083 --> 00:01:21,083 [floorboards creaking] 26 00:01:28,375 --> 00:01:30,458 [house creaking] 27 00:01:42,250 --> 00:01:43,291 [sighs] 28 00:01:45,333 --> 00:01:48,708 Hi. I’m Percy. It's nice to meet you. 29 00:01:54,833 --> 00:01:58,750 I was told a quest isn’t a quest until you’ve said so? 30 00:02:01,500 --> 00:02:05,333 Which is weird considering you're a Halloween decoration. 31 00:02:05,916 --> 00:02:07,583 [gasps] 32 00:02:07,875 --> 00:02:09,083 Oh, geez. 33 00:02:09,500 --> 00:02:12,000 [♪ foreboding instrumental music playing] 34 00:02:13,166 --> 00:02:14,666 [groans softly] 35 00:02:14,750 --> 00:02:16,791 You seem busy. I’ll come back. 36 00:02:17,583 --> 00:02:21,375 [Oracle breathing raspingly] 37 00:02:31,958 --> 00:02:32,958 [Percy] Whoa. 38 00:02:38,291 --> 00:02:41,875 [scoffs] Come on, really? 39 00:02:42,500 --> 00:02:47,541 You shall go west and face the god who has turned. 40 00:02:49,000 --> 00:02:54,250 And you shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned. 41 00:02:55,375 --> 00:02:57,250 [♪ pensive instrumental music playing] 42 00:02:57,375 --> 00:03:00,125 The Oracle has confirmed what we expected, 43 00:03:00,666 --> 00:03:04,875 that this quest will proceed toward the Underworld, 44 00:03:05,916 --> 00:03:09,708 where you will confront the god who has rebelled against his brothers. 45 00:03:11,291 --> 00:03:12,375 Hades. 46 00:03:13,041 --> 00:03:17,375 The entrance to Hades's domain lies under the city of Los Angeles. 47 00:03:17,541 --> 00:03:19,833 This is where you will journey to. 48 00:03:20,583 --> 00:03:21,750 Time is short. 49 00:03:22,875 --> 00:03:25,875 I have selected our most compelling candidates, 50 00:03:25,958 --> 00:03:29,458 from which you will choose two to join you on this quest 51 00:03:29,875 --> 00:03:31,000 and ensure 52 00:03:31,125 --> 00:03:33,000 -that we succeed. -Annabeth. 53 00:03:37,791 --> 00:03:42,208 Customarily, one waits to at least hear a name or two before choosing. 54 00:03:43,000 --> 00:03:44,583 Are you sure you don't wanna hear more? 55 00:03:47,416 --> 00:03:50,125 This thing, Zeus’s master bolt, 56 00:03:51,000 --> 00:03:52,250 we need to get it back, right? 57 00:03:53,125 --> 00:03:55,875 -Yes. -And it’s gonna be hard to get, yes? 58 00:03:56,750 --> 00:03:57,875 Extraordinarily. 59 00:03:57,958 --> 00:04:00,125 And if the mission required someone to push me down 60 00:04:00,208 --> 00:04:02,041 a flight of stairs for it to succeed... 61 00:04:03,125 --> 00:04:05,291 you'd want someone who won’t hesitate when they do it. 62 00:04:08,666 --> 00:04:11,583 The first quest-mate shall be Annabeth Chase! 63 00:04:11,750 --> 00:04:13,583 [♪ uplifting instrumental music playing] 64 00:04:14,708 --> 00:04:16,791 [Chiron] Now, on to the other candidates. 65 00:04:18,666 --> 00:04:21,250 -[♪ music concludes] -[horse neighing in distance] 66 00:04:21,458 --> 00:04:22,666 [snorts] 67 00:04:23,166 --> 00:04:27,083 -[groans] Dude, what have you been eating? -[horse snorts] 68 00:04:28,291 --> 00:04:31,083 Whoa! Wait, hey. I’m not trying to antagonize you. 69 00:04:31,250 --> 00:04:32,541 I’m just genuinely curious. 70 00:04:33,375 --> 00:04:35,916 [snorts] 71 00:04:42,291 --> 00:04:43,291 [Percy] Hey. 72 00:04:44,833 --> 00:04:45,833 Hey. 73 00:04:46,625 --> 00:04:48,833 Sorry I missed your selection ceremony. 74 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:52,041 I’ve been, you know... 75 00:04:55,375 --> 00:04:56,458 shoveling his poop. 76 00:04:58,791 --> 00:05:00,416 Yeah, I'm sorry about that. 77 00:05:01,083 --> 00:05:04,083 I guess Mr. D wasn’t too happy you told me about my mom? 78 00:05:04,208 --> 00:05:05,250 No. 79 00:05:06,083 --> 00:05:07,208 No, he was not. 80 00:05:09,250 --> 00:05:11,791 So, who’d you choose to go with you? 81 00:05:13,625 --> 00:05:14,625 You. 82 00:05:15,916 --> 00:05:18,750 Funny. No, seriously, who'd you choose? 83 00:05:19,958 --> 00:05:20,958 I chose you. 84 00:05:23,291 --> 00:05:24,291 Why? 85 00:05:24,458 --> 00:05:26,208 [♪ foreboding instrumental music playing] 86 00:05:26,416 --> 00:05:32,250 You shall be betrayed by the one who calls you friend, 87 00:05:33,291 --> 00:05:39,041 and fail to save what matters most in the end. 88 00:05:40,583 --> 00:05:41,625 I trust you. 89 00:05:44,416 --> 00:05:48,958 And... And, right now, nothing's more important than that. 90 00:05:52,125 --> 00:05:53,750 I'm gonna pack the best snacks. 91 00:05:54,041 --> 00:05:55,750 [neighing in distance] 92 00:05:59,958 --> 00:06:01,625 [indistinct shouting in distance] 93 00:06:01,791 --> 00:06:02,833 [Percy sighs] 94 00:06:08,666 --> 00:06:10,791 [footsteps approaching] 95 00:06:12,708 --> 00:06:14,250 How much money did they give you? 96 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:19,250 Um, 200 dollars in cash, and a bag of these. 97 00:06:21,041 --> 00:06:23,250 I think they’re Canadian, maybe? 98 00:06:24,208 --> 00:06:25,750 Or from Chuck E. Cheese, I don’t know. 99 00:06:26,333 --> 00:06:27,541 They’re golden drachmas. 100 00:06:28,958 --> 00:06:31,083 Dollars for human world, drachmas for mythic world. 101 00:06:31,166 --> 00:06:32,250 Don't mix 'em up. 102 00:06:35,750 --> 00:06:36,875 I brought you this. 103 00:06:49,875 --> 00:06:50,875 Well, these are... 104 00:06:52,291 --> 00:06:53,916 -interesting. -[chuckles softly] 105 00:06:57,958 --> 00:06:58,958 [exhales] 106 00:06:59,458 --> 00:07:00,458 Maia. 107 00:07:00,583 --> 00:07:04,208 [♪ mystical instrumental music playing] 108 00:07:05,791 --> 00:07:07,041 Those are interesting. 109 00:07:08,166 --> 00:07:11,541 A gift. [clicks tongue] From my dad. 110 00:07:12,916 --> 00:07:13,958 Maia. 111 00:07:19,541 --> 00:07:21,000 [♪ sentimental instrumental music playing] 112 00:07:21,083 --> 00:07:23,291 I thought about choosing you before I chose Grover. 113 00:07:23,416 --> 00:07:25,500 Hey, Grover’s a lot stronger than people think. 114 00:07:25,583 --> 00:07:26,583 I was afraid. 115 00:07:28,791 --> 00:07:31,583 I have a chance to rescue my mom from Hades. 116 00:07:33,791 --> 00:07:35,333 I can’t let anything stop me. 117 00:07:36,416 --> 00:07:38,166 And I’m afraid... 118 00:07:39,458 --> 00:07:42,125 if it gets in the way of the quest, Annabeth might try to. 119 00:07:42,208 --> 00:07:45,083 And you told me you'll always be on her side no matter what, 120 00:07:45,166 --> 00:07:46,458 -and-- -It’s okay. 121 00:07:47,541 --> 00:07:50,166 Really, I... I get it. 122 00:07:53,250 --> 00:07:54,875 Just take care of each other out there. 123 00:07:58,291 --> 00:08:00,833 -[birds chirping] -[♪ music continues] 124 00:08:09,125 --> 00:08:10,833 She’s really gonna miss that tree, huh? 125 00:08:13,416 --> 00:08:15,875 When Annabeth first arrived here with Thalia and Luke, 126 00:08:15,958 --> 00:08:17,625 they were being chased by monsters. 127 00:08:18,208 --> 00:08:20,708 Agents of Hades. Sisters. 128 00:08:21,708 --> 00:08:22,708 Furies. 129 00:08:23,750 --> 00:08:25,250 -Mrs. Dodds? -Yes! 130 00:08:26,083 --> 00:08:28,041 One was our algebra teacher. Alecto. 131 00:08:29,791 --> 00:08:32,625 Thalia turned back to fight to buy her friends some time. 132 00:08:33,333 --> 00:08:36,333 Her satyr Protector tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t listen. 133 00:08:37,125 --> 00:08:38,666 So, at the last moment... 134 00:08:39,875 --> 00:08:42,041 Zeus intervened to save her life and... 135 00:08:43,333 --> 00:08:44,375 changed her form. 136 00:08:45,583 --> 00:08:49,250 The most powerful being in the universe’s best idea 137 00:08:49,333 --> 00:08:50,833 to save his daughter’s life... 138 00:08:51,833 --> 00:08:53,625 was to turn her into a tree? 139 00:08:54,166 --> 00:08:56,333 She was the bravest demigod I ever knew. 140 00:08:57,291 --> 00:08:59,833 She fought valiantly, and she met a hero’s fate. 141 00:09:00,666 --> 00:09:01,958 She met a pinecone’s fate. 142 00:09:05,041 --> 00:09:10,875 Forbidden children are always in danger, even the strongest ones, even Thalia. 143 00:09:11,500 --> 00:09:14,166 And you are not Thalia. 144 00:09:14,375 --> 00:09:17,333 Do exactly as I say, and maybe you survive this. 145 00:09:18,666 --> 00:09:19,666 Are we clear? 146 00:09:26,125 --> 00:09:27,416 Does she think she’s in charge? 147 00:09:28,250 --> 00:09:29,416 Who’d you think would be in charge? 148 00:09:29,708 --> 00:09:32,416 [Percy] I guess I assumed we’d do a show of hands or something. 149 00:09:33,708 --> 00:09:36,208 [♪ uplifting instrumental music playing] 150 00:09:37,500 --> 00:09:40,041 [Grover] Hero’s quests are world-defining events. 151 00:09:42,416 --> 00:09:44,708 They have made and broken empires... 152 00:09:46,500 --> 00:09:48,916 altered the course of human civilization... 153 00:09:50,291 --> 00:09:52,708 changed the balance of power on Olympus. 154 00:09:59,500 --> 00:10:01,375 A quest is a sacred thing. 155 00:10:05,333 --> 00:10:07,875 And to be charged with one is to be in conversation 156 00:10:07,958 --> 00:10:09,208 with the gods themselves. 157 00:10:11,250 --> 00:10:13,125 -[♪ music concludes] -[toilet flushes] 158 00:10:13,791 --> 00:10:15,958 [passenger coughs] 159 00:10:16,291 --> 00:10:18,750 There is no way this is what sacred smells like. 160 00:10:19,041 --> 00:10:21,208 We’re soldiers on a mission. It’s not a vacation. 161 00:10:21,750 --> 00:10:23,458 Thank you for clearing that up. 162 00:10:23,666 --> 00:10:26,875 But if this is so important, why didn’t Chiron spring for plane tickets? 163 00:10:27,375 --> 00:10:30,083 This seems kind of low priority, doesn’t it? 164 00:10:30,708 --> 00:10:32,875 Sorry, I assumed someone had told you. 165 00:10:33,708 --> 00:10:34,750 Tell me what? 166 00:10:34,833 --> 00:10:37,500 Percy, it isn’t just the monsters who are gonna be trying to stop us. 167 00:10:38,708 --> 00:10:40,166 You’re a forbidden child. 168 00:10:40,375 --> 00:10:42,875 Zeus might decide to take a shot at you himself. 169 00:10:43,416 --> 00:10:45,000 The sky is his domain. 170 00:10:45,083 --> 00:10:48,250 We’d be serving you up on a silver platter to try to travel through it. 171 00:10:49,541 --> 00:10:51,291 Yeah, no one mentioned that. 172 00:10:56,000 --> 00:10:57,666 [Annabeth] Okay, I'm gonna go get us some snacks. 173 00:10:57,791 --> 00:11:00,250 -I’ll come with you. -[Annabeth] No, you’ll stay right there. 174 00:11:00,583 --> 00:11:02,291 Why? It smells terrible back here. 175 00:11:02,833 --> 00:11:06,166 Monsters can’t smell you through that, so that’s where I want you. 176 00:11:06,750 --> 00:11:07,875 I wanna vote. 177 00:11:08,083 --> 00:11:10,125 Who thinks that we should all go get to breathe fresh air 178 00:11:10,208 --> 00:11:12,125 -and buy our own snacks? -[Annabeth] There’s no voting. 179 00:11:12,500 --> 00:11:13,791 Chips and sodas okay for you guys? 180 00:11:13,916 --> 00:11:16,375 I don’t think you should just get to decide we don’t vote. 181 00:11:16,708 --> 00:11:18,541 -I’m sorry to hear that. -[Percy] Okay. 182 00:11:19,041 --> 00:11:21,083 I wanna vote on whether you get to decide we don’t vote. 183 00:11:21,166 --> 00:11:23,750 -Grover, please, can you help your... -[Grover clapping slowly] 184 00:11:25,583 --> 00:11:28,000 -[Annabeth] ...friend? -I really don't wanna be a tiebreaker. 185 00:11:29,833 --> 00:11:30,958 I have a better idea. 186 00:11:33,291 --> 00:11:37,750 ♪ Oh, golly, the road’s gettin’ bumpy 'cause I got me some friends ♪ 187 00:11:37,875 --> 00:11:39,791 ♪ Who just can’t get along ♪ 188 00:11:39,875 --> 00:11:42,833 ♪ Oh, dear! When the team’s gettin’ grumpy ♪ 189 00:11:43,041 --> 00:11:45,791 ♪ The trick to gettin’ through it is singin’ this song-- ♪ 190 00:11:45,916 --> 00:11:46,916 Dude, what are you doing? 191 00:11:49,125 --> 00:11:50,458 It’s the consensus song. 192 00:11:51,083 --> 00:11:53,833 Verse two encourages us to say nice things about each other. 193 00:11:54,250 --> 00:11:56,083 You get a few rounds in and you’d be amazed 194 00:11:56,166 --> 00:11:57,458 at how disagreements just kind of... 195 00:12:02,125 --> 00:12:03,125 fade away. 196 00:12:06,041 --> 00:12:07,333 Chips and sodas okay for you guys? 197 00:12:07,416 --> 00:12:08,625 -Whatever. -Yes, please. 198 00:12:09,208 --> 00:12:10,208 Okay. 199 00:12:12,916 --> 00:12:14,541 Our voting system's broken. 200 00:12:15,916 --> 00:12:18,833 -[doorbell rings] -[indistinct chatter] 201 00:12:43,791 --> 00:12:46,958 [♪ suspenseful instrumental music playing] 202 00:12:47,416 --> 00:12:48,916 [coins clattering] 203 00:12:49,208 --> 00:12:51,416 [Grover] Monsters can’t be avoided entirely. 204 00:12:52,583 --> 00:12:54,416 They’re more common than you think. 205 00:12:55,666 --> 00:12:59,833 The trick is to spot them first before they spot you. 206 00:13:03,375 --> 00:13:06,666 It’s true they are more likely to sense a more powerful demigod. 207 00:13:07,333 --> 00:13:11,083 A child of the Big Three, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, 208 00:13:11,166 --> 00:13:13,125 is at the most extreme risk. 209 00:13:16,958 --> 00:13:19,791 But it isn’t your power, exactly, that draws them. 210 00:13:20,541 --> 00:13:22,250 It’s more complicated than that. 211 00:13:23,291 --> 00:13:24,333 They smell fear. 212 00:13:24,625 --> 00:13:25,750 That’s bees. 213 00:13:26,625 --> 00:13:30,041 What a monster senses kinda depends on the monster. 214 00:13:31,333 --> 00:13:33,791 Some are better at sensing your inadequacy. 215 00:13:34,583 --> 00:13:37,875 Some, your need for glory, your shame. 216 00:13:40,000 --> 00:13:42,750 It’s important to remember that if you’ve ever gotta confront one... 217 00:13:44,541 --> 00:13:46,333 wherever your armor is weakest, 218 00:13:46,958 --> 00:13:49,125 that monster's probably coming right for it. 219 00:13:49,583 --> 00:13:53,500 Nothing will stop them, not even death. 220 00:13:55,291 --> 00:13:58,458 [♪ music continues] 221 00:14:02,500 --> 00:14:03,583 [sighs] 222 00:14:05,166 --> 00:14:06,791 [Annabeth] If you guys were better at your job, 223 00:14:07,541 --> 00:14:09,458 I might not have noticed you here so easily. 224 00:14:11,041 --> 00:14:12,791 If Thalia were better at hers, 225 00:14:12,875 --> 00:14:16,375 there might not be a family of squirrels making her their home. 226 00:14:17,916 --> 00:14:19,708 [Annabeth] Is that why Hades sent you here? 227 00:14:20,208 --> 00:14:22,958 To gloat over a job you almost did right once? 228 00:14:23,083 --> 00:14:26,083 [scoffs] How things have changed. 229 00:14:26,958 --> 00:14:30,333 You're not the frightened little girl I came for all those years ago. 230 00:14:31,041 --> 00:14:33,791 [Annabeth] Don’t kid yourself. I wasn’t that frightened. 231 00:14:34,958 --> 00:14:37,083 Maybe so. Maybe so. 232 00:14:38,833 --> 00:14:42,458 Either way, now it would seem that you're exactly what they say you are. 233 00:14:43,500 --> 00:14:45,375 The pride of Athena’s offspring. 234 00:14:46,416 --> 00:14:49,166 Perhaps the most formidable demigod child alive. 235 00:14:49,250 --> 00:14:50,250 [Annabeth] Why are you here? 236 00:14:51,750 --> 00:14:53,416 I'm here to collect your friend. 237 00:14:53,541 --> 00:14:55,458 [Annabeth] Collect him? For what? 238 00:14:55,583 --> 00:14:56,958 Oh, I don’t question orders. 239 00:14:57,041 --> 00:15:00,083 "Bring him in, quick and quiet." That is what I was told. 240 00:15:00,250 --> 00:15:04,958 Lure him off this bus where I can take him quietly away from so many eyes, 241 00:15:05,041 --> 00:15:08,458 and your quest goes on unimpeded and unburdened. 242 00:15:09,458 --> 00:15:11,541 We both know he isn’t gonna be of any help to you, 243 00:15:11,625 --> 00:15:13,166 and maybe even a hindrance. 244 00:15:16,041 --> 00:15:17,250 [sighs] 245 00:15:18,083 --> 00:15:20,416 Some children must learn the hard way. 246 00:15:23,416 --> 00:15:25,333 Look, I’m not against the idea of consensus, 247 00:15:25,416 --> 00:15:27,958 I’m just not sure the song is doing what you think it is, is all. 248 00:15:28,041 --> 00:15:30,083 Guys, you need to open that window! Now! 249 00:15:31,041 --> 00:15:32,666 [Grover] I don't think these windows are supposed to-- 250 00:15:32,791 --> 00:15:34,000 [♪ tense instrumental music playing] 251 00:15:34,083 --> 00:15:35,541 -[Grover] Oh, no. -[shrieks] 252 00:15:36,750 --> 00:15:38,041 Go, go, go, go, go! 253 00:15:42,125 --> 00:15:43,750 [bus alarm wailing] 254 00:15:43,916 --> 00:15:46,958 Everyone, leave your belongings and exit the front of the bus. 255 00:15:51,791 --> 00:15:53,583 -[passenger] Excuse me. Lady. -[Alecto growls] 256 00:15:55,958 --> 00:15:57,166 [Percy] Annabeth, let's go! 257 00:15:57,291 --> 00:15:58,416 [Fury shrieking] 258 00:15:58,875 --> 00:16:01,125 -[Grover screams] -[Fury screeches] 259 00:16:02,750 --> 00:16:04,333 -[hisses] -[Annabeth] Hey! 260 00:16:05,833 --> 00:16:07,416 [screeches] 261 00:16:11,041 --> 00:16:12,708 [Annabeth] We're done here. Let's go. 262 00:16:13,500 --> 00:16:15,250 [♪ dramatic instrumental music playing] 263 00:16:16,250 --> 00:16:17,791 [Alecto growling] 264 00:16:19,916 --> 00:16:21,000 [♪ music concludes] 265 00:16:23,333 --> 00:16:25,916 [birds chirping] 266 00:16:26,416 --> 00:16:28,583 [Grover] Somewhere up ahead, this turns into a satyr path. 267 00:16:29,500 --> 00:16:30,666 [Percy] What’s a satyr path? 268 00:16:31,083 --> 00:16:32,583 [Grover] It's a road through the wilderness. 269 00:16:32,958 --> 00:16:34,333 Satyr explorers use them. 270 00:16:34,708 --> 00:16:35,791 Harder to track us. 271 00:16:35,958 --> 00:16:38,291 That’s great, but if we stay in the wilderness, 272 00:16:38,375 --> 00:16:39,583 how are we gonna find a phone? 273 00:16:39,916 --> 00:16:41,166 What do we need a phone for? 274 00:16:41,750 --> 00:16:43,000 So we can call camp. 275 00:16:43,875 --> 00:16:45,250 T-- To get help. 276 00:16:45,916 --> 00:16:47,666 We don’t need help. We’re fine. 277 00:16:48,541 --> 00:16:49,708 [scoffs] We’re fine? 278 00:16:51,125 --> 00:16:54,166 We haven’t even gotten to Trenton, and we're wandering through a forest. 279 00:16:54,291 --> 00:16:57,250 I didn’t even know they had forests in New Jersey, but we've found one. 280 00:16:57,666 --> 00:16:59,625 I would say we're the opposite of fine. 281 00:16:59,708 --> 00:17:01,583 [Annabeth] We were sent on a quest by the Oracle, 282 00:17:01,875 --> 00:17:02,875 by the gods. 283 00:17:03,375 --> 00:17:04,750 What'd you think, it would be easy? 284 00:17:05,041 --> 00:17:06,750 It’s supposed to be hard. 285 00:17:07,458 --> 00:17:09,291 That’s why only certain people are chosen. 286 00:17:09,666 --> 00:17:12,791 If we call camp, we’re basically saying it was a mistake to choose us. 287 00:17:14,666 --> 00:17:16,416 I’m completely comfortable with that. 288 00:17:17,375 --> 00:17:18,583 Everyone makes mistakes. 289 00:17:19,416 --> 00:17:21,583 Why are you so afraid of who you are? 290 00:17:21,875 --> 00:17:23,041 What? 291 00:17:24,125 --> 00:17:26,875 You know, what’s interesting about this particular satyr path 292 00:17:26,958 --> 00:17:28,833 is it’s actually the one my Uncle Ferdinand took 293 00:17:28,916 --> 00:17:30,250 when he set out on his own quest. 294 00:17:30,333 --> 00:17:32,875 What was that supposed to mean, afraid of who I am? I’m not afraid. 295 00:17:33,416 --> 00:17:35,250 Yes, you are. 296 00:17:36,083 --> 00:17:37,375 You aren't just a kid. 297 00:17:38,458 --> 00:17:41,625 "Just a kid" doesn’t do what you did to Clarisse back at camp. 298 00:17:41,708 --> 00:17:45,291 "Just a kid" doesn’t have Hades sending top lieutenants to retrieve them. 299 00:17:46,375 --> 00:17:48,041 You know, you are a part of something 300 00:17:48,125 --> 00:17:50,333 so much bigger than we can understand right now. 301 00:17:50,750 --> 00:17:53,458 We have to move forward, whether you like it or not, 302 00:17:53,541 --> 00:17:55,000 whether you want to or not. 303 00:17:55,083 --> 00:17:56,875 You don’t want to call camp, fine. 304 00:17:58,166 --> 00:18:00,625 Then, at least let’s call your mom. 305 00:18:02,333 --> 00:18:03,333 Excuse me? 306 00:18:04,041 --> 00:18:05,875 [Percy] Athena? Your mother. 307 00:18:06,791 --> 00:18:10,583 I’d call my father, but we aren’t exactly on speaking terms. 308 00:18:10,916 --> 00:18:12,750 You know, because of the lifelong neglect and all, 309 00:18:12,833 --> 00:18:16,375 but you and your mother seem close. So, why don't we ask her for help? 310 00:18:16,458 --> 00:18:19,208 Grover, will you explain to your friend that he needs to pull himself together? 311 00:18:20,833 --> 00:18:22,875 You can’t ask her, can you? 312 00:18:24,083 --> 00:18:26,166 -When was the last time she talked to you? -Grover. 313 00:18:26,250 --> 00:18:28,208 [Percy] I don’t know why you keep pulling him into this. 314 00:18:28,291 --> 00:18:30,083 -He’s on my side. -What makes you think that? 315 00:18:30,166 --> 00:18:31,875 He’s my Protector, it’s his job. 316 00:18:31,958 --> 00:18:34,083 -He was my Protector first. -First? 317 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:37,083 What do you mean "first?" 318 00:18:38,583 --> 00:18:42,708 Very exciting, getting to walk in Uncle Ferdinand’s footsteps. 319 00:18:42,875 --> 00:18:46,333 Next best thing to getting to talk to him again. 320 00:18:46,750 --> 00:18:49,250 Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth had a satyr Protector. 321 00:18:50,500 --> 00:18:51,500 That was you. 322 00:18:53,708 --> 00:18:55,375 -Why didn't you tell me? -[Grover sniffs] 323 00:18:57,333 --> 00:18:58,375 Do you guys smell that? 324 00:18:58,666 --> 00:19:02,208 -Grover, I’m not kidding-- -No, neither am I. Just shush. 325 00:19:02,958 --> 00:19:04,000 [Grover sniffs] 326 00:19:06,791 --> 00:19:07,791 Hamburgers. 327 00:19:11,875 --> 00:19:15,000 -[birds chirping] -[♪ intriguing instrumental music playing] 328 00:19:16,791 --> 00:19:17,791 Grover. 329 00:19:18,416 --> 00:19:20,791 -What are you doing-- -Somebody's making hamburgers 330 00:19:20,916 --> 00:19:23,250 in the middle of nowhere, on a satyr path. 331 00:19:24,041 --> 00:19:25,291 Whoever it is... 332 00:19:26,541 --> 00:19:27,791 they’re from our world. 333 00:19:32,458 --> 00:19:36,791 [♪ ominous instrumental music playing] 334 00:19:44,875 --> 00:19:46,125 [Annabeth] Oh, come on. 335 00:19:47,333 --> 00:19:48,375 What? 336 00:19:48,791 --> 00:19:51,708 Aunty "Em" has a garden full of petrified stone folks. 337 00:19:52,625 --> 00:19:55,250 Yeah, this is someone from our world, all right. 338 00:19:55,833 --> 00:19:58,166 Anyone wanna guess what "Em" is short for? 339 00:20:00,791 --> 00:20:01,791 Oh. 340 00:20:03,541 --> 00:20:06,250 [♪ music intensifying] 341 00:20:06,916 --> 00:20:09,458 Let’s get out of here, please, while we still can. 342 00:20:15,541 --> 00:20:17,166 [♪ suspenseful instrumental music playing] 343 00:20:17,291 --> 00:20:19,791 You should have accepted my offer when you had the chance. 344 00:20:21,083 --> 00:20:23,083 Offer? What offer is she talking about? 345 00:20:26,375 --> 00:20:28,250 [woman] Not today, friends. 346 00:20:29,000 --> 00:20:30,291 Not on my doorstep. 347 00:20:30,375 --> 00:20:32,666 [footsteps approaching] 348 00:20:34,875 --> 00:20:35,958 Oh, shoot. 349 00:20:38,000 --> 00:20:41,583 If you have something to resolve, why not come inside and I’ll help? 350 00:20:43,000 --> 00:20:45,541 Alecto? Will you be joining us? 351 00:20:47,791 --> 00:20:50,083 No, well I wouldn’t think you would. 352 00:20:52,125 --> 00:20:54,291 She won’t bother you as long as you’re with me. 353 00:20:55,041 --> 00:20:56,916 But it isn’t as though she’ll leave either, 354 00:20:57,000 --> 00:21:02,375 not if it means reporting that she failed to retrieve the son of Poseidon. 355 00:21:04,416 --> 00:21:05,416 How did you-- 356 00:21:05,541 --> 00:21:07,375 [woman] A forbidden child has been claimed. 357 00:21:07,916 --> 00:21:09,916 How long did you think that secret would keep? 358 00:21:11,625 --> 00:21:14,166 It’s a pleasure to meet you, son of Poseidon. 359 00:21:15,166 --> 00:21:16,500 I’m Medusa. 360 00:21:17,750 --> 00:21:21,458 [♪ tense instrumental music playing] 361 00:21:22,375 --> 00:21:23,541 Percy, don’t. 362 00:21:23,833 --> 00:21:25,000 She’s a monster. 363 00:21:25,458 --> 00:21:27,708 [Medusa] We all choose who we make our monsters, 364 00:21:27,833 --> 00:21:31,375 but, right now, that one wants to tear you limb from limb... 365 00:21:32,625 --> 00:21:35,916 and I’m offering you lunch. The choice is yours. 366 00:21:37,083 --> 00:21:39,333 [footsteps receding] 367 00:21:45,500 --> 00:21:46,666 I think we can trust her. 368 00:21:46,750 --> 00:21:47,875 -What? -Dude! 369 00:21:47,958 --> 00:21:49,416 I can’t explain it, I just... 370 00:21:50,375 --> 00:21:52,000 My mom used to tell me her story. 371 00:21:53,041 --> 00:21:55,500 And the point was always that she isn’t what people think. 372 00:21:56,041 --> 00:21:57,458 And I definitely trust my mom. 373 00:22:00,208 --> 00:22:03,666 So I’m going in. You guys do what you want. 374 00:22:06,875 --> 00:22:07,916 What are you... 375 00:22:14,708 --> 00:22:15,791 [♪ music concludes] 376 00:22:17,166 --> 00:22:20,333 -[bell chimes] -[door opens, closes] 377 00:22:25,583 --> 00:22:26,750 [Medusa] You must be hungry. 378 00:22:27,416 --> 00:22:30,166 I left snacks on the table while I get something proper going. 379 00:22:36,083 --> 00:22:37,208 You think it’s safe to eat? 380 00:22:38,833 --> 00:22:41,250 Percy, I’m not gonna lie to you, I’m really hungry, 381 00:22:41,333 --> 00:22:43,041 -and I’m ready to take that chance. -[bell chimes] 382 00:22:46,000 --> 00:22:47,083 Thanks for coming. 383 00:22:49,250 --> 00:22:51,125 This isn’t the same for me as it is for you. 384 00:22:51,458 --> 00:22:52,458 Why? 385 00:22:52,750 --> 00:22:55,166 [Medusa] You're concerned I would hold a grudge against you 386 00:22:55,250 --> 00:22:57,375 simply because you are a daughter of Athena? 387 00:22:58,875 --> 00:23:02,208 You shouldn’t be. We're not our parents after all. 388 00:23:02,875 --> 00:23:05,333 And you and I might have more in common than you think. 389 00:23:08,166 --> 00:23:10,166 Please, sit and eat. 390 00:23:18,875 --> 00:23:20,583 So you’re not a monster, what are you then? 391 00:23:22,666 --> 00:23:23,666 A survivor. 392 00:23:23,875 --> 00:23:25,333 You must be a little more than that. 393 00:23:26,250 --> 00:23:28,500 There's a Fury out there that seems terrified of you. 394 00:23:28,916 --> 00:23:30,666 Because she knows what I think of her. 395 00:23:31,458 --> 00:23:35,333 I don’t like bullies. When one shows up on my doorstep, 396 00:23:35,416 --> 00:23:38,791 they end up spending a lot more time there than they planned for. 397 00:23:39,458 --> 00:23:43,083 The gift the gods gave me is that I cannot be bullied anymore. 398 00:23:44,250 --> 00:23:46,000 [Annabeth] What my mother did to you wasn’t a gift, 399 00:23:46,833 --> 00:23:47,833 it was a curse. 400 00:23:49,375 --> 00:23:51,083 You are loyal to your mother. 401 00:23:51,875 --> 00:23:52,875 Yes. 402 00:23:53,208 --> 00:23:55,958 -[Medusa] You stand by her? -Always. 403 00:23:56,583 --> 00:23:58,708 -You love her? -Of course, I do. 404 00:23:58,791 --> 00:24:00,166 [Medusa] And so did I. 405 00:24:02,416 --> 00:24:03,458 So did I. 406 00:24:05,041 --> 00:24:07,791 Do you know the story of how I came to be this way? 407 00:24:07,916 --> 00:24:08,958 I do. 408 00:24:09,833 --> 00:24:11,416 -Do you? -[bell tolling] 409 00:24:14,000 --> 00:24:15,041 Do I? 410 00:24:16,208 --> 00:24:17,208 [bell tolling] 411 00:24:17,333 --> 00:24:20,750 Athena was everything to me. 412 00:24:21,750 --> 00:24:26,500 I worshipped her, I prayed to her. I made offerings... 413 00:24:27,583 --> 00:24:28,750 She never answered. 414 00:24:29,333 --> 00:24:32,833 Not even an omen to suggest she appreciated my love. 415 00:24:32,916 --> 00:24:35,000 [♪ somber instrumental music playing] 416 00:24:35,125 --> 00:24:37,041 I wasn’t like you, sweetheart. 417 00:24:38,208 --> 00:24:39,291 I was you. 418 00:24:41,541 --> 00:24:44,125 I would have worshipped her that way for a lifetime... 419 00:24:45,958 --> 00:24:47,083 in silence. 420 00:24:49,166 --> 00:24:53,208 But then one day, another god came, and he broke that silence. 421 00:24:55,041 --> 00:24:58,875 Your father. The Sea God told me that he loved me. 422 00:24:59,625 --> 00:25:03,791 I felt as though he saw me in a way I had never felt seen before. 423 00:25:04,833 --> 00:25:07,958 But then Athena declared that I had embarrassed her 424 00:25:08,041 --> 00:25:09,500 and I needed to be punished. 425 00:25:10,750 --> 00:25:11,750 Not him. 426 00:25:13,375 --> 00:25:14,375 Me. 427 00:25:17,083 --> 00:25:19,041 She decided that I would never be seen again 428 00:25:19,166 --> 00:25:21,375 by anyone who would live to tell the tale. 429 00:25:24,500 --> 00:25:25,666 That isn’t what happened. 430 00:25:26,041 --> 00:25:28,583 My mother is just, always. 431 00:25:28,708 --> 00:25:33,041 The gods want you to believe that, that they are infallible. 432 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:36,041 But they only want what all bullies want. 433 00:25:36,166 --> 00:25:39,041 They want us to blame ourselves for their own shortcomings. 434 00:25:39,125 --> 00:25:42,083 That is not what happened. And you are a liar. 435 00:25:48,500 --> 00:25:49,958 Something’s burning. 436 00:25:50,833 --> 00:25:51,875 [sighs] 437 00:25:52,000 --> 00:25:55,166 Would you give me a hand in the kitchen? I think lunch is ready. 438 00:25:55,750 --> 00:25:58,375 [footsteps receding] 439 00:26:06,625 --> 00:26:07,666 Grover... 440 00:26:09,041 --> 00:26:10,041 get ready to run. 441 00:26:15,333 --> 00:26:18,291 -[♪ melancholy instrumental music playing] -[pan sizzling] 442 00:26:27,416 --> 00:26:28,708 She's not usually like that. 443 00:26:31,791 --> 00:26:34,291 I mean, a little bit, she is, but that was a lot. 444 00:26:34,375 --> 00:26:35,708 [Medusa] She’s going to betray you. 445 00:26:36,958 --> 00:26:38,833 Sooner or later, people like her, 446 00:26:39,250 --> 00:26:41,083 they always do. 447 00:26:41,208 --> 00:26:42,500 I don’t think she’s like that. 448 00:26:42,583 --> 00:26:45,750 [Medusa] Then you will be an easy mark for her when the time comes. 449 00:26:46,791 --> 00:26:47,791 What do you care? 450 00:26:49,416 --> 00:26:52,791 [Medusa] Your mother and I, we're like sisters in a way. 451 00:26:53,458 --> 00:26:55,250 Targeted by the same monster. 452 00:26:56,000 --> 00:26:58,166 So I find myself feeling protective of you. 453 00:26:59,375 --> 00:27:00,416 A monster? 454 00:27:03,208 --> 00:27:05,375 My mom never talked about my dad that way. 455 00:27:07,041 --> 00:27:08,250 Where is she now, 456 00:27:09,333 --> 00:27:10,416 your mother? 457 00:27:11,916 --> 00:27:13,041 Is she safe? 458 00:27:15,166 --> 00:27:16,166 No. 459 00:27:18,166 --> 00:27:19,208 She’s not. 460 00:27:21,541 --> 00:27:24,958 And do you trust your friends to help you to make her safe? 461 00:27:26,166 --> 00:27:30,500 Will they let you make her safe if it conflicts with their quest? 462 00:27:31,666 --> 00:27:33,541 [♪ tense instrumental music playing] 463 00:27:33,625 --> 00:27:34,875 I could... 464 00:27:36,416 --> 00:27:40,041 help you remove them from the equation, 465 00:27:41,083 --> 00:27:42,791 so that you can be free of them. 466 00:27:45,125 --> 00:27:46,333 If you ask me to. 467 00:27:52,708 --> 00:27:56,500 [♪ music intensifies] 468 00:28:03,125 --> 00:28:04,708 [snakes hissing] 469 00:28:13,500 --> 00:28:14,583 [♪ music concludes] 470 00:28:16,000 --> 00:28:20,125 [♪ foreboding instrumental music playing] 471 00:28:37,125 --> 00:28:39,125 [♪ music intensifies] 472 00:28:40,416 --> 00:28:41,500 [♪ music concludes] 473 00:28:41,583 --> 00:28:45,791 [footsteps approaching] 474 00:28:52,875 --> 00:28:57,375 [door creaking] 475 00:29:00,500 --> 00:29:04,041 [♪ tense instrumental music playing] 476 00:29:14,083 --> 00:29:15,083 [Percy gasps] 477 00:29:17,833 --> 00:29:21,791 [♪ dramatic instrumental music playing] 478 00:29:25,416 --> 00:29:27,041 [door creaks, closes] 479 00:29:29,125 --> 00:29:30,125 Come on. 480 00:29:45,000 --> 00:29:46,791 [Grover] There’s three of us and only one of her. 481 00:29:47,125 --> 00:29:49,000 If we split up, she can’t be watching us all at once. 482 00:29:49,083 --> 00:29:50,791 -I don’t think it’d be that simple. -It could be. 483 00:29:51,583 --> 00:29:55,083 Here’s the plan. I’ll get in the air, I’ll draw her attention. 484 00:29:55,250 --> 00:29:57,791 As soon as you hear me say, "Maia," you guys start-- 485 00:29:57,916 --> 00:30:00,041 Oh, boy! Okay! Um... 486 00:30:00,583 --> 00:30:04,500 [whimpers] Off. Down. [screams] 487 00:30:08,458 --> 00:30:09,958 So, we’re gonna need a new plan. 488 00:30:10,541 --> 00:30:14,666 [Medusa] We are not our parents, until we choose to be. 489 00:30:16,041 --> 00:30:17,916 You two have chosen. 490 00:30:19,291 --> 00:30:22,750 [♪ suspenseful instrumental music playing] 491 00:30:22,916 --> 00:30:25,583 [Medusa] A daughter of a self-righteous mother, 492 00:30:26,333 --> 00:30:29,083 who chose self-righteousness for herself. 493 00:30:36,958 --> 00:30:40,125 [snakes hissing] 494 00:30:43,083 --> 00:30:47,000 [Medusa] And you, you could have shown your father 495 00:30:47,166 --> 00:30:50,541 what it means to stand up for someone you love. 496 00:30:50,833 --> 00:30:52,500 [footsteps approaching] 497 00:30:52,708 --> 00:30:55,541 [Medusa] You could choose to save your mother 498 00:30:55,625 --> 00:30:58,083 instead of doing your father’s bidding. 499 00:30:59,083 --> 00:31:01,625 If neither of you will help teach these lessons, 500 00:31:02,125 --> 00:31:05,083 perhaps you should be the lessons. 501 00:31:06,000 --> 00:31:08,958 When I ship your statues to Olympus... 502 00:31:09,083 --> 00:31:10,166 [snakes hissing] 503 00:31:10,333 --> 00:31:14,333 ...maybe that will get my point across even better. 504 00:31:15,708 --> 00:31:16,708 Stand up. 505 00:31:19,083 --> 00:31:20,500 Let’s have a look at you. 506 00:31:22,291 --> 00:31:23,333 [whimpers] 507 00:31:23,916 --> 00:31:25,875 [♪ dramatic instrumental music playing] 508 00:31:32,791 --> 00:31:35,916 [Grover yelling] I didn’t really think this through! 509 00:31:38,208 --> 00:31:39,208 Now! 510 00:31:39,375 --> 00:31:40,666 -[Medusa yells] -[grunts] 511 00:31:43,250 --> 00:31:45,875 -[pants] -[♪ music fades] 512 00:31:46,541 --> 00:31:48,875 -Did you hear that? -[Annabeth] Hey, are you okay? 513 00:31:51,791 --> 00:31:53,166 [Grover] Did you say something? 514 00:31:55,583 --> 00:31:56,666 [Percy scoffs in disgust] 515 00:32:04,250 --> 00:32:05,750 -[squelching] -[Percy grunts] 516 00:32:06,791 --> 00:32:08,916 -Aw, man. -You found it? 517 00:32:12,208 --> 00:32:13,208 Hope so. 518 00:32:16,041 --> 00:32:17,458 [Annabeth] Want me to take it from here? 519 00:32:17,541 --> 00:32:18,750 No, no, I got it. 520 00:32:18,916 --> 00:32:22,375 Just make sure it’s pointing in the right direction 521 00:32:22,458 --> 00:32:23,750 before you take my hat off. 522 00:32:25,416 --> 00:32:27,333 -Good tip. -Okay. 523 00:32:31,125 --> 00:32:34,291 -My hands are kinda full... -Of course. 524 00:32:36,833 --> 00:32:38,333 [Percy sighs] 525 00:32:38,458 --> 00:32:42,041 [♪ soft instrumental music playing] 526 00:32:50,875 --> 00:32:53,250 [Alecto screeching] 527 00:32:54,166 --> 00:32:55,458 -[hat deactivates] -[screams] 528 00:32:55,583 --> 00:32:57,666 [♪ majestic instrumental music playing] 529 00:33:03,291 --> 00:33:04,708 [hat reactivates] 530 00:33:07,416 --> 00:33:09,041 [♪ music fades] 531 00:33:12,833 --> 00:33:15,375 [♪ somber instrumental music playing] 532 00:33:18,833 --> 00:33:19,833 What is it? 533 00:33:23,333 --> 00:33:24,416 Uncle Ferdinand. 534 00:33:25,041 --> 00:33:26,125 [Percy] Oh, no. 535 00:33:26,250 --> 00:33:27,916 Grover, I’m so sorry. 536 00:33:30,833 --> 00:33:32,666 This is as far as he got on his quest. 537 00:33:34,916 --> 00:33:36,583 We aren’t even to Trenton. 538 00:33:37,041 --> 00:33:38,333 But look at him. [chuckles softly] 539 00:33:40,666 --> 00:33:42,291 He’s not like the others, he... 540 00:33:44,708 --> 00:33:45,875 He doesn’t look afraid. 541 00:33:50,666 --> 00:33:53,458 [clears throat] You used the, um, you used the head to get rid of Alecto? 542 00:33:54,333 --> 00:33:55,333 Yeah. 543 00:33:56,666 --> 00:33:57,666 Good. 544 00:33:59,833 --> 00:34:01,041 That was the right move. 545 00:34:03,750 --> 00:34:07,500 Uh, we probably should get going. It’ll be dark soon. 546 00:34:08,708 --> 00:34:10,166 But what are we gonna do with the head? 547 00:34:11,458 --> 00:34:14,125 I just took down a Fury with it, and I wasn’t even trying. 548 00:34:14,208 --> 00:34:16,166 We can’t just leave it for someone to find. 549 00:34:16,958 --> 00:34:18,791 Leave the hat on and bury it in the basement, 550 00:34:19,041 --> 00:34:20,291 that oughta keep it safe. 551 00:34:24,875 --> 00:34:25,875 Sure. 552 00:34:27,041 --> 00:34:29,208 Now, can we talk about the bigger issue here? 553 00:34:30,041 --> 00:34:31,083 What bigger issue? 554 00:34:31,166 --> 00:34:32,791 [Annabeth] "You could have saved your mother." 555 00:34:33,375 --> 00:34:35,583 That’s what she said to you, like you discussed it already. 556 00:34:35,666 --> 00:34:37,625 -Is your mother still alive? -She’s with Hades. 557 00:34:38,333 --> 00:34:41,250 -But I appreciate your concern. -Guys, just please stop. 558 00:34:41,333 --> 00:34:43,958 Oh, I'm concerned. What are you actually doing on this quest? 559 00:34:44,041 --> 00:34:45,916 And why did I have to hear about this from Medusa? 560 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:49,166 Okay, while we’re at it, "You should have accepted my offer?" 561 00:34:49,666 --> 00:34:50,875 What’s that about do you think? 562 00:34:51,000 --> 00:34:52,500 And why did we have to hear it from Alecto? 563 00:34:52,583 --> 00:34:53,625 [Grover] Enough! 564 00:34:56,541 --> 00:34:58,166 The hat was a gift from her mother. 565 00:34:59,041 --> 00:35:01,125 It’s the only thing she’s ever possessed that connects them. 566 00:35:01,208 --> 00:35:02,416 That oughta matter to you. 567 00:35:04,125 --> 00:35:05,875 Okay, but how are we gonna make sure this thing is safe? 568 00:35:05,958 --> 00:35:07,041 I’m not up to that yet. 569 00:35:08,875 --> 00:35:13,083 And you, really? His mom’s alive. 570 00:35:13,166 --> 00:35:15,583 Can you imagine how confusing that must be for him? 571 00:35:15,666 --> 00:35:18,333 Feeling like he may have to choose between the fate of the world 572 00:35:18,416 --> 00:35:21,333 and the fate of the only person who's ever cared about him? 573 00:35:21,791 --> 00:35:23,291 Why are you talking like this? 574 00:35:23,791 --> 00:35:26,750 Because all day I’ve been trying to keep this quest on track 575 00:35:26,833 --> 00:35:29,875 without upsetting either of you. [breathes heavily] 576 00:35:30,916 --> 00:35:33,541 But maybe things need to get a little upsetting before they move forward. 577 00:35:34,875 --> 00:35:36,458 She asked you a question back in the woods, 578 00:35:36,541 --> 00:35:38,958 and you never really answered. What are you so afraid of? 579 00:35:39,041 --> 00:35:40,875 -[Percy] What are you talking about? -You heard me. 580 00:35:42,250 --> 00:35:44,333 -I don’t know. -[Grover] I think you do. 581 00:35:45,458 --> 00:35:47,375 You’ve been fighting with her, you’ve been fighting with me. 582 00:35:47,500 --> 00:35:50,541 Because the Oracle said one of you would betray me. Okay? 583 00:35:51,125 --> 00:35:53,500 -[sighs] -[♪ somber instrumental music playing] 584 00:35:53,583 --> 00:35:56,375 "You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend, 585 00:35:56,458 --> 00:35:59,250 "and you shall fail to save what matters most in the end." 586 00:36:00,250 --> 00:36:01,625 That’s the rest of what she said to me. 587 00:36:03,791 --> 00:36:07,125 I chose her because I couldn’t imagine we’d ever be friends. 588 00:36:07,416 --> 00:36:10,458 And I chose you because I thought if I can count on anyone to be on my side, 589 00:36:10,541 --> 00:36:14,458 no matter what, it was you. And now, I'm feeling so alone. 590 00:36:14,708 --> 00:36:17,666 [breathes heavily] I don’t know what to think or who to trust. 591 00:36:28,291 --> 00:36:29,541 I didn’t mean it that way. 592 00:36:34,416 --> 00:36:37,333 Alecto offered to help our quest if I gave you up to her. 593 00:36:38,666 --> 00:36:39,666 What did you say? 594 00:36:41,708 --> 00:36:42,750 I killed her sister. 595 00:36:47,541 --> 00:36:50,416 Medusa offered to help me save my mom if I turned on the two of you. 596 00:36:52,208 --> 00:36:53,250 And what'd you say? 597 00:36:55,125 --> 00:36:56,250 [Percy] I cut off her head. 598 00:37:00,416 --> 00:37:02,125 You didn’t choose to be demigods. 599 00:37:03,666 --> 00:37:05,625 We didn’t choose this quest. 600 00:37:07,291 --> 00:37:10,875 But we can decide that as long as the three of us are together, 601 00:37:11,750 --> 00:37:13,041 none of us are gonna be alone. 602 00:37:15,958 --> 00:37:18,875 And if we can’t do that, we might as well just head back to camp right now. 603 00:37:21,000 --> 00:37:22,250 'Cause we won’t make it. 604 00:37:26,458 --> 00:37:28,541 I think I’ve got a better idea what to do with this. 605 00:37:29,750 --> 00:37:33,625 [♪ dramatic instrumental music playing] 606 00:37:34,041 --> 00:37:37,125 Hermes Express, she ships these things all over. 607 00:37:37,833 --> 00:37:39,333 Some of it goes to Olympus. 608 00:37:41,208 --> 00:37:44,250 Percy, you can’t ship Medusa’s head to Olympus. 609 00:37:45,166 --> 00:37:46,166 Why not? 610 00:37:47,041 --> 00:37:49,000 -Because the gods won’t like it. -At all. 611 00:37:49,500 --> 00:37:50,666 -"At all" at all. -[Percy] Why? 612 00:37:50,750 --> 00:37:52,166 That’s what you do with dangerous stuff. 613 00:37:52,916 --> 00:37:55,916 Like batteries, you just send 'em back where they came from. 614 00:37:56,375 --> 00:37:57,833 Okay. Look, this is a bad idea. 615 00:37:59,125 --> 00:38:01,458 -They will see this as impertinent. -I am impertinent. 616 00:38:01,833 --> 00:38:03,416 Yes, but we’re not. 617 00:38:03,500 --> 00:38:04,791 Really, very not. 618 00:38:05,375 --> 00:38:06,458 Look. 619 00:38:07,166 --> 00:38:11,666 Medusa tried to derail our quest. She’s got serious beef with your mom. 620 00:38:11,750 --> 00:38:13,208 When you look at it that way, 621 00:38:13,291 --> 00:38:15,708 this seems kinda like tribute or something, doesn’t it? 622 00:38:16,833 --> 00:38:17,916 And besides... 623 00:38:18,666 --> 00:38:19,708 [hat deactivates] 624 00:38:20,541 --> 00:38:23,458 ...this way, a part of your mom’s still with us. 625 00:38:26,083 --> 00:38:27,125 Thank you. 626 00:38:32,875 --> 00:38:36,708 So this isn’t exactly what I meant. By choosing each other. 627 00:38:38,666 --> 00:38:41,875 There are actual dangers involved here that cannot be... 628 00:38:46,291 --> 00:38:48,166 You're gonna sing the song, aren't you? 629 00:38:48,583 --> 00:38:50,375 -[clapping faster] -[Grover] Okay. 630 00:38:50,458 --> 00:38:52,000 [Percy] ♪ Oh, golly ♪ 631 00:38:52,125 --> 00:38:53,500 -♪ The road’s gettin’ bumpy ♪ -Whatever. 632 00:38:53,583 --> 00:38:54,583 [Percy] ♪ Consensus ♪ 633 00:38:54,708 --> 00:38:58,625 -[car horns honking] -[siren wailing in distance] 634 00:39:03,000 --> 00:39:04,625 [indistinct chatter] 635 00:39:15,166 --> 00:39:17,125 [keys jangling] 636 00:39:19,916 --> 00:39:24,500 [elevator whirring] 637 00:39:24,875 --> 00:39:28,291 [♪ soft rock music playing over speakers, Christopher Cross "Arthur’s Theme"] 638 00:39:37,625 --> 00:39:43,666 [vocalizes] ♪ New York City ♪ 639 00:39:46,833 --> 00:39:48,833 -[elevator bell dings] -[automated voice] Mount Olympus Causeway 640 00:39:48,958 --> 00:39:51,416 [elevator door opening] 641 00:39:54,541 --> 00:39:56,375 [Hermes] You guys are not gonna believe this. 642 00:39:57,166 --> 00:39:59,833 ♪ Arthur, he does as he pleases ♪ 643 00:40:00,625 --> 00:40:04,291 ♪ All of his life, his master's toys ♪ 644 00:40:04,416 --> 00:40:06,875 ♪ Deep in his heart, he's just ♪ 645 00:40:07,708 --> 00:40:09,416 ♪ He's just a boy ♪ 646 00:40:11,333 --> 00:40:14,416 ♪ Living his life one day at a time ♪ 647 00:40:14,500 --> 00:40:18,166 ♪ And showing himself a pretty good time ♪ 648 00:40:18,291 --> 00:40:23,166 ♪ Laughing about the way they want him to be ♪ 649 00:40:25,458 --> 00:40:30,458 ♪ When you get caught between the moon and New York City ♪ 650 00:40:31,875 --> 00:40:33,833 ♪ I know it's crazy ♪ 651 00:40:35,541 --> 00:40:36,625 ♪ But it's true ♪ 652 00:40:39,416 --> 00:40:45,250 ♪ If you get caught between the moon and New York City ♪ 653 00:40:46,458 --> 00:40:49,875 -♪ The best that you can do ♪ -♪ The best that you can do ♪ 654 00:40:50,000 --> 00:40:52,000 ♪ The best that you can do ♪ 655 00:40:52,625 --> 00:40:53,666 ♪ Is fall in love ♪ 656 00:40:53,791 --> 00:40:58,083 ♪ When you get caught between the moon and New York City ♪ 657 00:40:59,541 --> 00:41:01,291 ♪ I know it's crazy ♪ 658 00:41:03,250 --> 00:41:04,583 ♪ But it's true ♪ 659 00:41:07,291 --> 00:41:13,000 ♪ If you get caught between the moon and New York City ♪ 660 00:41:13,958 --> 00:41:17,666 -♪ The best that you can do ♪ -♪ The best that you can do ♪ 661 00:41:17,750 --> 00:41:20,041 ♪ The best that you can do ♪ 662 00:41:20,166 --> 00:41:21,666 ♪ Is fall in love ♪ 663 00:41:21,791 --> 00:41:25,416 ♪ When you get caught between the moon and New York City ♪ 664 00:41:25,750 --> 00:41:28,875 [♪ song concludes] 665 00:41:35,250 --> 00:41:37,666 [♪ dramatic instrumental music playing] 666 00:41:42,375 --> 00:41:43,625 [dog growling] 667 00:41:47,000 --> 00:41:48,250 You should run now. 668 00:41:52,541 --> 00:41:53,666 Was that the Chimera? 669 00:41:58,458 --> 00:42:00,166 [Percy] Poseidon's never helped me before. 670 00:42:00,416 --> 00:42:03,166 [Chimera growling] 671 00:42:03,250 --> 00:42:04,583 [Percy] He wasn't gonna start now. 672 00:42:05,333 --> 00:42:06,625 [Chimera growls] 673 00:42:08,000 --> 00:42:10,125 [♪ theme music resumes] 674 00:43:35,666 --> 00:43:37,666 [♪ theme music concludes]