1 00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:04,500 [Percy] We need to go to Santa Monica. 2 00:00:04,916 --> 00:00:06,333 My father's gonna meet me there. 3 00:00:06,708 --> 00:00:08,125 He's gonna help us. 4 00:00:08,416 --> 00:00:10,625 [Ares] Your quest is going to fail. 5 00:00:10,750 --> 00:00:13,208 - That's my cousin? - Ares. 6 00:00:13,208 --> 00:00:18,500 Whether the bolt's retrieved or not, Zeus is going to war with Poseidon. 7 00:00:18,750 --> 00:00:20,375 We're completing this quest. 8 00:00:21,208 --> 00:00:22,750 We're stopping this war. 9 00:00:23,250 --> 00:00:24,625 The chair is the bargain. 10 00:00:25,166 --> 00:00:27,708 One of us goes in, the other gets the shield. 11 00:00:28,125 --> 00:00:30,083 [Annabeth] I'm not leaving here without my friend. 12 00:00:30,083 --> 00:00:31,416 Eat or be eaten. 13 00:00:31,791 --> 00:00:34,125 Power and glory and nothing else matters! 14 00:00:34,666 --> 00:00:36,208 He isn't that way. 15 00:00:36,208 --> 00:00:37,750 He's better than that! 16 00:00:38,166 --> 00:00:41,375 [Ares] In a few hours, this thing is gonna be at the Lotus Casino in Vegas. 17 00:00:41,375 --> 00:00:43,958 Hermes hangs out there. You play your cards right, 18 00:00:43,958 --> 00:00:46,333 and his personal driver can get you to L.A. in minutes. 19 00:00:46,666 --> 00:00:47,875 I think I got it out of him. 20 00:00:49,958 --> 00:00:51,833 I know who stole the master bolt. 21 00:00:54,416 --> 00:00:56,958 {\an8}[thunder rumbling] 22 00:00:57,250 --> 00:01:00,458 {\an8}[♪ ominous instrumental music playing] 23 00:01:01,291 --> 00:01:04,250 [Headmaster] Do you think you're special, Lightning Thief? 24 00:01:06,833 --> 00:01:09,166 Do you think you cannot be replaced? 25 00:01:10,625 --> 00:01:13,208 I gave you the tools to steal the master bolt, 26 00:01:13,208 --> 00:01:15,125 only to watch it taken from you. 27 00:01:17,958 --> 00:01:19,625 That mistake has been corrected. 28 00:01:20,166 --> 00:01:23,416 But there is too much at stake for you to fail me again. 29 00:01:27,083 --> 00:01:28,500 The war ahead of us. 30 00:01:29,500 --> 00:01:32,500 The war beyond Zeus and Poseidon's war. 31 00:01:32,833 --> 00:01:35,458 Give me reason to question your worthiness again, 32 00:01:35,458 --> 00:01:37,333 and there is another that just might be ready 33 00:01:37,458 --> 00:01:38,833 to take your place. 34 00:01:39,833 --> 00:01:42,791 [♪ music continues] 35 00:01:42,791 --> 00:01:44,666 Isn't that right, little hero? 36 00:01:46,541 --> 00:01:48,625 Not time for us to meet quite yet. 37 00:01:48,958 --> 00:01:50,208 Run along now. 38 00:01:50,750 --> 00:01:52,958 And show me what you are capable of. 39 00:01:52,958 --> 00:01:54,750 [♪ music intensifies, concludes] 40 00:01:54,750 --> 00:01:57,916 - [animals clamoring] - [metal creaking] 41 00:01:58,250 --> 00:02:02,166 [animals squeaking and growling] 42 00:02:02,166 --> 00:02:03,416 Does that help? 43 00:02:03,708 --> 00:02:05,000 [sighs] Guess we're about to find out. 44 00:02:06,291 --> 00:02:07,500 Can you see where we are? 45 00:02:15,250 --> 00:02:16,250 We're almost there. 46 00:02:22,083 --> 00:02:24,708 [ethereal ringing] 47 00:02:24,708 --> 00:02:25,791 There. I've got a signal. 48 00:02:27,958 --> 00:02:29,125 Toss it, Seaweed Brain. 49 00:02:30,666 --> 00:02:32,583 [♪ mystical instrumental music playing] 50 00:02:32,750 --> 00:02:34,791 Okay. This will never stop being weird. 51 00:02:35,416 --> 00:02:37,666 If you want the gods' attention, you have to pay for it. 52 00:02:40,458 --> 00:02:43,208 Oh, Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, 53 00:02:43,750 --> 00:02:45,625 please accept my offering. 54 00:02:48,125 --> 00:02:49,916 Okay, show me Camp Half-Blood. 55 00:02:50,458 --> 00:02:51,708 Chiron's office. 56 00:02:53,375 --> 00:02:54,375 Luke? 57 00:02:55,958 --> 00:02:58,708 [echoing] Annabeth? Percy! Are you okay? 58 00:02:59,041 --> 00:03:00,500 Yeah, w-- we're fine. 59 00:03:01,125 --> 00:03:02,208 Where's Chiron? 60 00:03:02,541 --> 00:03:04,791 Chiron's holding camp together with both hands. 61 00:03:04,916 --> 00:03:07,541 Everyone thinks we're going to war, so the cabins are taking sides. 62 00:03:07,666 --> 00:03:09,333 Please tell me you're calling with good news. 63 00:03:09,333 --> 00:03:10,750 We know who stole the bolt. 64 00:03:11,291 --> 00:03:12,375 How do you know? 65 00:03:12,750 --> 00:03:14,958 We ran into Ares, and Grover got him talking 66 00:03:14,958 --> 00:03:18,541 and realized Ares knew who the thief was but was covering for them. 67 00:03:19,625 --> 00:03:22,708 - So, who would Ares cover for other than... - [Luke] His favorite daughter. 68 00:03:23,583 --> 00:03:24,833 Clarisse is the lightning thief. 69 00:03:25,000 --> 00:03:27,500 Chiron's gotta arrest her, find out what she knows. 70 00:03:27,833 --> 00:03:30,500 There's more to this than just the bolt, something bigger. 71 00:03:31,416 --> 00:03:33,750 Don't ask me how I know, you just gotta trust me. 72 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:36,666 Okay, I'm on it. 73 00:03:37,500 --> 00:03:39,625 So, Ares, huh? What was that like? 74 00:03:41,541 --> 00:03:42,625 Well... 75 00:03:43,000 --> 00:03:45,833 compared to the Chimera on Monday and Medusa on Sunday, 76 00:03:46,041 --> 00:03:47,458 could have been a lot worse. 77 00:03:47,875 --> 00:03:48,958 Medusa was Saturday. 78 00:03:48,958 --> 00:03:50,083 I thought Sunday. 79 00:03:50,500 --> 00:03:53,000 No monsters on Sunday. Monday, you died in the river. 80 00:03:53,208 --> 00:03:57,958 - Right. So, Medusa on Saturday. - Guys, what is this? 81 00:03:57,958 --> 00:03:59,083 - What? - What? 82 00:03:59,291 --> 00:04:01,166 When did you turn into an old married couple? 83 00:04:02,708 --> 00:04:05,708 Not to change the subject, but I'm gonna. 84 00:04:06,250 --> 00:04:07,750 We could use your advice on something. 85 00:04:08,333 --> 00:04:10,500 We're headed to Las Vegas to find your dad-- 86 00:04:10,666 --> 00:04:12,625 [animals clamoring] 87 00:04:12,833 --> 00:04:13,833 What was that about? 88 00:04:13,833 --> 00:04:15,625 You can't ask Luke about his dad. 89 00:04:16,500 --> 00:04:17,833 Well, now I certainly can't. 90 00:04:17,833 --> 00:04:21,250 If you tell him we're going to see Hermes, he's gonna try to talk us out of it. 91 00:04:21,875 --> 00:04:23,125 We don't need that right now. 92 00:04:23,250 --> 00:04:24,333 [♪ gentle instrumental music playing] 93 00:04:24,500 --> 00:04:25,500 They don't get along? 94 00:04:26,500 --> 00:04:27,625 [sighs] 95 00:04:28,375 --> 00:04:29,375 At all. 96 00:04:30,208 --> 00:04:32,958 Okay, got some updates. 97 00:04:35,416 --> 00:04:38,333 The men driving this truck are not nice people. 98 00:04:39,166 --> 00:04:40,250 Traffickers. 99 00:04:40,916 --> 00:04:43,166 We can do our best to help all these animals escape, 100 00:04:43,166 --> 00:04:45,125 but not if it means we're jeopardizing the quest. 101 00:04:45,125 --> 00:04:47,708 Oh, no, no, no. They've already got a plan to get themselves out. 102 00:04:48,458 --> 00:04:49,541 And us, too. 103 00:04:50,166 --> 00:04:53,541 I mean, some of these guys, so smart. 104 00:04:54,000 --> 00:04:55,166 They were really only missing, 105 00:04:55,291 --> 00:04:57,500 like, one piece of the puzzle to get the cages unlocked. 106 00:04:57,500 --> 00:04:58,583 What's that? 107 00:04:59,000 --> 00:05:00,041 Thumbs. 108 00:05:00,708 --> 00:05:03,625 But we're here now, so... all good. 109 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:06,500 And once the cages are open, they have a plan from there? 110 00:05:06,916 --> 00:05:09,166 Yeah. Really elegant. 111 00:05:09,166 --> 00:05:11,208 I mean, these guys, they're... 112 00:05:12,375 --> 00:05:13,583 they're like artists. 113 00:05:15,458 --> 00:05:18,250 [animals growling] 114 00:05:20,875 --> 00:05:23,458 - [horns honking] - [people shouting] 115 00:05:24,291 --> 00:05:25,375 This seems dangerous. 116 00:05:25,833 --> 00:05:28,375 Oh. They'll be totally fine. I gave them a Satyr's blessing, 117 00:05:28,375 --> 00:05:29,583 so they'll be able to reach 118 00:05:29,583 --> 00:05:31,208 - the wilderness safely. - I meant for the people. 119 00:05:31,208 --> 00:05:33,000 - [horns continue honking] - [animals growling] 120 00:05:33,000 --> 00:05:34,083 [Grover] Oh... 121 00:05:34,583 --> 00:05:35,750 - Them. - [indistinct shouting] 122 00:05:35,916 --> 00:05:37,333 Well, I mean, I'm sure they'll... 123 00:05:39,208 --> 00:05:41,083 Yeah, I don't know. But the animals are all set. 124 00:05:41,250 --> 00:05:43,375 - Okay, come on, before the cops show up. - [police siren blaring in distance] 125 00:05:43,500 --> 00:05:45,583 So, how do we know which hotel is the Lotus? 126 00:05:46,666 --> 00:05:49,250 I'm guessing the one with the giant lotus blossom on it. 127 00:05:50,583 --> 00:05:53,291 You were like two seconds ahead of me. Seriously. 128 00:05:54,166 --> 00:05:56,916 Sometimes, it might be okay to just let the easy ones go. 129 00:05:56,916 --> 00:05:58,958 - Can we agree to just try it, maybe? - [rollercoaster riders screaming] 130 00:05:58,958 --> 00:06:00,333 [♪ energetic pop song playing, Dua Lipa "Levitating"] 131 00:06:00,500 --> 00:06:02,458 ♪ If you wanna run away with me I know a galaxy ♪ 132 00:06:02,458 --> 00:06:04,708 ♪ And I can take you for a ride ♪ 133 00:06:05,000 --> 00:06:07,250 ♪ I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm ♪ 134 00:06:07,250 --> 00:06:09,541 ♪ Where the music don't stop for life ♪ 135 00:06:09,916 --> 00:06:14,000 ♪ Glitter in the sky, glitter in my eyes shining just the way I like ♪ 136 00:06:14,208 --> 00:06:16,666 ♪ If you're feeling like you need a little bit of company ♪ 137 00:06:16,666 --> 00:06:18,458 ♪ You met me at the perfect time ♪ 138 00:06:18,458 --> 00:06:20,458 I know we're supposed to be saving the world, 139 00:06:20,750 --> 00:06:24,833 but would it be unprofessional if we just hung out here for a bit? 140 00:06:26,291 --> 00:06:27,625 We find Hermes, 141 00:06:27,625 --> 00:06:30,416 we get him to hook us up with a ride to Los Angeles 142 00:06:30,416 --> 00:06:32,375 and a plan to get into the Underworld, 143 00:06:32,375 --> 00:06:35,083 - and we are out of here ten seconds later. - I was kidding. 144 00:06:35,583 --> 00:06:36,625 Wait, hang on. 145 00:06:36,625 --> 00:06:37,708 What? 146 00:06:37,708 --> 00:06:39,416 Your mom told you all the stories. 147 00:06:39,416 --> 00:06:40,916 Did she read you the Odyssey? 148 00:06:41,083 --> 00:06:42,083 The graphic novel. 149 00:06:42,083 --> 00:06:44,083 [♪ song continues] 150 00:06:44,083 --> 00:06:45,166 It counts. 151 00:06:45,958 --> 00:06:47,500 Odysseus lands on a beach. 152 00:06:47,791 --> 00:06:49,958 There's these guys who've forgotten where they came from, 153 00:06:49,958 --> 00:06:51,791 forgot everything that was important to them, 154 00:06:51,791 --> 00:06:54,750 - and they got that way because they ate-- - The lotus flowers. 155 00:06:56,208 --> 00:06:58,375 If we go in there and then forget everything, 156 00:06:58,375 --> 00:07:01,125 that would be bad on a number of levels. 157 00:07:01,583 --> 00:07:04,250 But if Hermes is in there, though, then what choice do we have? 158 00:07:05,625 --> 00:07:07,041 What do you think, Wise Girl? 159 00:07:09,791 --> 00:07:11,000 Just don't eat anything. 160 00:07:14,500 --> 00:07:16,583 Wait, why were you looking at me when you said that? 161 00:07:16,833 --> 00:07:18,083 [♪ song concludes] 162 00:07:19,458 --> 00:07:22,750 - [gambling machines chiming] - [people cheering] 163 00:07:22,750 --> 00:07:26,125 This place is a lot bigger than it looked from the outside. 164 00:07:27,333 --> 00:07:28,416 He could be anywhere. 165 00:07:29,541 --> 00:07:30,708 [Annabeth] Let's split up. 166 00:07:31,166 --> 00:07:32,875 [Percy] I thought we didn't do that anymore. 167 00:07:33,583 --> 00:07:36,875 Also, you guys have seen him before, but I haven't. 168 00:07:37,125 --> 00:07:38,708 So I'm not gonna be much help alone. 169 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:43,625 Go check that side of the floor. I'll take Percy this way. 170 00:07:43,875 --> 00:07:46,833 One way or the other, we meet back in the lobby in 20 minutes. 171 00:07:46,833 --> 00:07:48,291 - [coins clinking] - [gambling machines chiming] 172 00:07:48,416 --> 00:07:51,125 - What do I say to him if I find him first? - Nothing. 173 00:07:51,791 --> 00:07:53,458 Meet me here and you'll take me to him. 174 00:07:55,166 --> 00:07:56,541 Yeah. Of course. 175 00:08:00,041 --> 00:08:02,083 What are you gonna say to Hermes that Grover can't? 176 00:08:02,208 --> 00:08:04,041 [♪ energetic new wave music playing, A Flock of Seagulls "I Ran"] 177 00:08:04,208 --> 00:08:06,958 I was with Luke for a long time before Grover found us. 178 00:08:07,791 --> 00:08:09,500 I saw stuff Grover didn't get to see. 179 00:08:10,083 --> 00:08:11,333 Like meeting Luke's dad? 180 00:08:12,791 --> 00:08:13,791 Like meeting his mom. 181 00:08:14,416 --> 00:08:17,500 She's a seer. A human who can see through the Mist. 182 00:08:18,666 --> 00:08:20,750 Sometimes, they see stuff that messes them up. 183 00:08:21,208 --> 00:08:24,250 Scary stuff. Stuff that hasn't happened yet. 184 00:08:24,500 --> 00:08:26,291 Stuff they know is gonna happen. 185 00:08:26,708 --> 00:08:28,000 I think it happened to her 186 00:08:28,625 --> 00:08:30,291 and Luke blames Hermes for it. 187 00:08:30,291 --> 00:08:32,875 And I think Hermes would do anything to win him back. 188 00:08:34,166 --> 00:08:35,500 Maybe helping us is a start. 189 00:08:37,125 --> 00:08:39,375 ♪ I just ran ♪ 190 00:08:39,375 --> 00:08:42,583 ♪ I ran all night and day ♪ 191 00:08:43,333 --> 00:08:45,125 ♪ I couldn't get away ♪ 192 00:08:55,250 --> 00:08:56,333 Wait! 193 00:08:57,166 --> 00:08:58,708 [♪ song continues] 194 00:08:58,875 --> 00:08:59,916 Augustus... 195 00:09:00,583 --> 00:09:01,625 Wait! 196 00:09:02,083 --> 00:09:03,166 Augustus, it's me. 197 00:09:04,375 --> 00:09:05,458 It's Grover. 198 00:09:06,000 --> 00:09:07,166 Do you remember me? 199 00:09:13,083 --> 00:09:14,125 Oh. 200 00:09:15,166 --> 00:09:16,583 No, you don't remember me. 201 00:09:16,833 --> 00:09:18,375 You ate the lotus flowers. 202 00:09:21,583 --> 00:09:23,416 Listen, can I just say a couple of things? 203 00:09:25,458 --> 00:09:27,250 You were really important to my family. 204 00:09:27,833 --> 00:09:30,541 And I know you were a big influence on my Uncle Ferdinand. 205 00:09:31,458 --> 00:09:33,791 When he was preparing for his search, he talked about you. 206 00:09:34,375 --> 00:09:35,416 All the time. 207 00:09:36,875 --> 00:09:39,041 - Ferdinand. - Yeah. 208 00:09:40,875 --> 00:09:42,875 I just wanted to let you know I found him. 209 00:09:44,500 --> 00:09:45,500 Back in New Jersey. 210 00:09:46,250 --> 00:09:48,583 That was as far as he got on his search for Pan. 211 00:09:50,583 --> 00:09:52,291 I don't really know why I'm telling you this. 212 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:56,083 Guess it's just hard to talk to my friends about it. 213 00:09:56,083 --> 00:09:58,458 - I don't know if they can understand-- - I found him. 214 00:09:58,791 --> 00:10:01,666 No, I found Ferdinand. It's okay, I shouldn't be bothering you, it's-- 215 00:10:01,666 --> 00:10:03,666 [Augustus] No. Not Ferdinand. 216 00:10:04,541 --> 00:10:05,958 I found Pan. 217 00:10:07,250 --> 00:10:10,166 - What? - Almost. He's-- He's here. 218 00:10:10,375 --> 00:10:12,625 I've almost... g-- got him. 219 00:10:13,666 --> 00:10:15,541 Grover, I've just been waiting for-- 220 00:10:15,541 --> 00:10:17,666 for someone to-- to help me break through to him. 221 00:10:17,666 --> 00:10:19,166 [pants] And here you are. 222 00:10:22,041 --> 00:10:23,208 Will you help me? 223 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:27,041 [Percy] Look... 224 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:30,750 if I tell you something, do you promise not to make fun of me? 225 00:10:31,208 --> 00:10:32,458 - Dude. - Right. 226 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:35,291 - [gamblers cheering] - Okay. 227 00:10:35,291 --> 00:10:38,041 So, I've been having these dreams. 228 00:10:39,500 --> 00:10:41,416 For a while, they were weird. 229 00:10:41,625 --> 00:10:44,041 Then, like Luke's mom, they got scary. 230 00:10:44,041 --> 00:10:46,291 - You have these too, right? - Of course. 231 00:10:46,833 --> 00:10:49,791 And then this guy started showing up and talking to me. 232 00:10:51,083 --> 00:10:52,875 But not like in a regular dream. 233 00:10:54,000 --> 00:10:55,958 It's more like he knows we're in a dream. 234 00:10:57,625 --> 00:10:58,916 But today, it was different. 235 00:10:59,291 --> 00:11:02,333 Like I somehow ended up in his dream. 236 00:11:02,458 --> 00:11:05,041 Like I was eavesdropping on him talking to... 237 00:11:06,041 --> 00:11:07,041 Talking to who? 238 00:11:09,791 --> 00:11:12,208 To the person who stole the master bolt for him. 239 00:11:12,541 --> 00:11:14,416 [♪ eerie instrumental music playing] 240 00:11:14,833 --> 00:11:17,375 You're eavesdropping on Hades 241 00:11:17,375 --> 00:11:19,666 conspiring with Clarisse through your dreams? 242 00:11:20,125 --> 00:11:23,875 The part I don't get, though, is that they were talking about what comes next. 243 00:11:24,666 --> 00:11:27,583 Like getting Zeus and Poseidon to fight was only the beginning, 244 00:11:28,041 --> 00:11:30,125 and they're planning something bigger on top of it. 245 00:11:31,791 --> 00:11:33,916 So, do you think it's real? Because if it's real, 246 00:11:34,291 --> 00:11:36,416 something the gods don't even know about, 247 00:11:36,416 --> 00:11:37,541 I mean... 248 00:11:38,000 --> 00:11:39,791 what are we supposed to do about that? 249 00:11:41,958 --> 00:11:43,708 - [sighs] I don't know. - You don't know? 250 00:11:43,708 --> 00:11:45,083 There are things I don't know. 251 00:11:45,208 --> 00:11:47,291 [Percy] Yeah, but if you don't know, I mean, 252 00:11:47,291 --> 00:11:48,875 what chance do I have? 253 00:11:50,583 --> 00:11:51,750 [sighs] Well... 254 00:11:52,333 --> 00:11:53,708 it isn't gonna make any difference, 255 00:11:53,708 --> 00:11:55,750 unless we actually get to Santa Monica first. 256 00:11:56,250 --> 00:11:57,583 - We don't have much time. - [gamblers cheering] 257 00:11:58,333 --> 00:11:59,375 Come on. 258 00:12:01,541 --> 00:12:04,250 {\an8}Wait. Wait, wait. I don't think I can-- 259 00:12:04,625 --> 00:12:06,208 I don't think I'm allowed to do this. 260 00:12:06,916 --> 00:12:09,416 I don't have my Searcher's license to look for Pan. 261 00:12:09,541 --> 00:12:13,291 [gambling machines beeping] 262 00:12:13,416 --> 00:12:15,583 I won't tell if you won't. 263 00:12:20,291 --> 00:12:24,500 This may be a stupid question, but what is Pan doing in a Vegas casino? 264 00:12:24,666 --> 00:12:26,208 It's just a little further ahead. 265 00:12:26,208 --> 00:12:29,666 The god of nature has been hiding all this time, here? 266 00:12:29,791 --> 00:12:32,250 This is like the least natural place in the world. 267 00:12:32,500 --> 00:12:34,250 It seems like a strange choice. 268 00:12:35,208 --> 00:12:36,791 - [Augustus crunching] - Augustus? 269 00:12:38,500 --> 00:12:40,708 - I'm sorry, have we met? - [Grover] Yeah, w-- 270 00:12:42,791 --> 00:12:43,791 Yeah, we met. 271 00:12:44,250 --> 00:12:45,416 Would you like some? 272 00:12:45,416 --> 00:12:48,208 I can't eat the lotus flowers, Augustus. 273 00:12:48,625 --> 00:12:51,125 They're nacho chips. Would you like some? 274 00:12:55,750 --> 00:12:57,250 I don't... understand. 275 00:12:57,250 --> 00:13:00,500 If you're not eating the flowers, then why are you forgetting things? 276 00:13:01,125 --> 00:13:02,666 [laughter, indistinct chatter] 277 00:13:03,250 --> 00:13:05,041 [♪ ominous instrumental music playing] 278 00:13:05,625 --> 00:13:06,875 What's happening here? 279 00:13:09,583 --> 00:13:10,791 I gotta tell my... 280 00:13:12,375 --> 00:13:13,458 I gotta... 281 00:13:13,666 --> 00:13:15,375 [♪ music intensifies] 282 00:13:16,458 --> 00:13:17,708 Wait, I was here with... 283 00:13:18,875 --> 00:13:19,958 someone, wasn't I? 284 00:13:20,166 --> 00:13:21,375 You're here with me. 285 00:13:21,625 --> 00:13:23,208 [♪ music becomes eerie] 286 00:13:23,208 --> 00:13:24,416 What was I just saying? 287 00:13:24,416 --> 00:13:25,875 It's just a little further ahead. 288 00:13:25,875 --> 00:13:27,041 Will you help me? 289 00:13:31,291 --> 00:13:32,291 Yeah. 290 00:13:32,291 --> 00:13:33,416 [♪ music crescendos, concludes] 291 00:13:35,916 --> 00:13:39,291 - [gamblers cheering] - [♪ energetic guitar music playing] 292 00:13:39,833 --> 00:13:43,041 [man] So, a big wave comes and washes the boy back onto the beach. 293 00:13:44,750 --> 00:13:46,666 So the lady falls to her knees. 294 00:13:46,666 --> 00:13:48,833 She looks up at the sky, and she says... 295 00:13:49,625 --> 00:13:51,000 "He's wearing a hat!" 296 00:13:51,000 --> 00:13:52,791 [group laughs] 297 00:13:54,291 --> 00:13:56,375 Hey, demigods! Welcome! 298 00:13:58,166 --> 00:13:59,416 [croupier] Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen. 299 00:13:59,416 --> 00:14:00,625 We were sent to find you. 300 00:14:00,625 --> 00:14:01,875 Well, you found me. 301 00:14:02,541 --> 00:14:03,583 Come join us. 302 00:14:03,958 --> 00:14:05,291 You kids know how to play craps? 303 00:14:06,291 --> 00:14:08,041 Look, we don't really have a lot of time. 304 00:14:08,416 --> 00:14:09,541 We need your help to-- 305 00:14:09,541 --> 00:14:11,166 I know what you need my help for. 306 00:14:11,916 --> 00:14:14,416 You want my help to sneak into the Underworld. 307 00:14:14,916 --> 00:14:16,000 Wow. 308 00:14:16,458 --> 00:14:17,625 You're a really good guesser. 309 00:14:17,625 --> 00:14:19,833 I exist beyond space and time, kid. 310 00:14:19,833 --> 00:14:22,416 Why do you think they put me in charge of delivering the mail? 311 00:14:24,208 --> 00:14:27,000 Look, you're not the first demigods to ask and, trust me, 312 00:14:27,000 --> 00:14:30,041 you won't be the first demigods to walk away disappointed. 313 00:14:30,333 --> 00:14:32,166 So you might as well at least play a little-- 314 00:14:32,166 --> 00:14:33,333 We're friends of Luke's. 315 00:14:33,875 --> 00:14:37,291 [♪ stirring instrumental music playing] 316 00:14:37,458 --> 00:14:38,458 Yeah. 317 00:14:42,875 --> 00:14:43,916 Okay. 318 00:14:45,333 --> 00:14:46,833 Time and space are easy, kids. 319 00:14:47,833 --> 00:14:49,291 Parenting is... 320 00:14:49,625 --> 00:14:51,250 [sighs] ...something else entirely. 321 00:14:51,791 --> 00:14:52,791 Have a seat. 322 00:14:54,500 --> 00:14:56,416 [♪ piano playing in distance] 323 00:14:57,500 --> 00:14:58,500 I remember you. 324 00:14:59,625 --> 00:15:00,708 You were there. 325 00:15:01,458 --> 00:15:02,666 Last time I saw Luke. 326 00:15:04,375 --> 00:15:05,375 Yes. 327 00:15:06,375 --> 00:15:07,625 I saw you argue. 328 00:15:08,375 --> 00:15:09,416 I heard what he said. 329 00:15:10,041 --> 00:15:12,125 That what happened to his mom was your fault. 330 00:15:12,750 --> 00:15:14,208 That it was all your fault. 331 00:15:14,791 --> 00:15:16,000 That he hated you. 332 00:15:19,791 --> 00:15:21,291 Help us get to the Underworld. 333 00:15:21,833 --> 00:15:24,375 Help us retrieve Zeus's master bolt from Hades, 334 00:15:24,375 --> 00:15:25,875 and he'll see that you care. 335 00:15:30,500 --> 00:15:32,500 [♪ suspenseful instrumental music playing] 336 00:15:32,625 --> 00:15:34,708 There is a way into the Underworld. 337 00:15:35,041 --> 00:15:36,125 A secret way. 338 00:15:37,958 --> 00:15:39,916 I've helped others find it before. 339 00:15:41,250 --> 00:15:43,083 And do you know what happens every time? 340 00:15:44,333 --> 00:15:47,083 I mean, every single time. 341 00:15:48,541 --> 00:15:49,625 You don't want my help. 342 00:15:51,708 --> 00:15:53,833 No, we actually kind of do. 343 00:15:56,208 --> 00:15:58,875 I was warned to stay away from Luke and his mother. 344 00:16:00,291 --> 00:16:02,291 Warned that no matter how much I tried to help, 345 00:16:02,291 --> 00:16:04,208 I would just make things worse. 346 00:16:05,291 --> 00:16:06,791 And I went anyway. 347 00:16:07,750 --> 00:16:09,458 And it wasn't just awful for Luke. 348 00:16:10,791 --> 00:16:12,583 It was awful for all of us. 349 00:16:13,250 --> 00:16:14,583 Do you know what that feels like? 350 00:16:16,000 --> 00:16:18,250 To be so close to someone you love, 351 00:16:18,250 --> 00:16:23,291 knowing neither of you has any choice but to keep hurting each other? 352 00:16:26,541 --> 00:16:27,791 I know you do. 353 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:30,708 [♪ music intensifies] 354 00:16:34,333 --> 00:16:35,583 Should I remind you, too? 355 00:16:38,375 --> 00:16:40,500 I remember just fine. 356 00:16:45,250 --> 00:16:46,875 Are you gonna help us or not? 357 00:16:49,625 --> 00:16:51,125 I don't get involved anymore. 358 00:16:51,125 --> 00:16:52,958 It's just not worth it. I'm sorry. 359 00:16:54,291 --> 00:16:57,166 [♪ pensive instrumental music playing] 360 00:16:57,166 --> 00:16:59,208 Then this was all just a waste of time. 361 00:17:01,250 --> 00:17:02,958 And we don't have time to waste. 362 00:17:10,875 --> 00:17:12,083 She's right to be angry. 363 00:17:12,791 --> 00:17:14,791 It isn't fair. None of it is. 364 00:17:15,125 --> 00:17:16,208 Thanks. 365 00:17:16,541 --> 00:17:17,791 That's super helpful. 366 00:17:17,791 --> 00:17:19,833 It was your father who warned me to stay away. 367 00:17:20,916 --> 00:17:25,333 Said it was awful watching you struggle and feel powerless to stop it. 368 00:17:26,125 --> 00:17:27,916 But that sometimes... 369 00:17:28,833 --> 00:17:30,875 that's what parenting is. 370 00:17:36,791 --> 00:17:38,291 I was supposed to see him. 371 00:17:39,166 --> 00:17:41,000 He said he'd meet me in Santa Monica. 372 00:17:42,541 --> 00:17:45,458 Why would he say that if he thinks it'll make things worse? 373 00:17:46,375 --> 00:17:47,750 [sighs] 374 00:17:48,458 --> 00:17:52,791 It is... very hard for a god to feel powerless. 375 00:17:56,500 --> 00:17:58,625 I guess we're all just doing the best we can. 376 00:18:02,083 --> 00:18:04,708 Makes you feel any better, it won't be much use now anyway. 377 00:18:07,541 --> 00:18:09,000 What's that supposed to mean? 378 00:18:10,041 --> 00:18:12,166 [♪ music becomes suspenseful] 379 00:18:19,500 --> 00:18:20,500 [woman] Hey! 380 00:18:25,333 --> 00:18:27,375 [♪ dramatic instrumental music playing] 381 00:18:33,416 --> 00:18:34,708 We have a huge problem. 382 00:18:35,708 --> 00:18:38,125 I know it seems like we've only been here for like 20 minutes, 383 00:18:38,125 --> 00:18:39,333 but it's already Thursday. 384 00:18:39,583 --> 00:18:41,041 We've been here for days. 385 00:18:41,500 --> 00:18:43,250 Time moves differently here. Faster. 386 00:18:43,791 --> 00:18:45,958 Every second in here is like minutes outside. 387 00:18:46,333 --> 00:18:48,500 Hermes let us sit at that table the whole time, 388 00:18:48,500 --> 00:18:50,375 knowing the clock was running out on our quest. 389 00:18:50,375 --> 00:18:51,541 Yes. 390 00:18:52,083 --> 00:18:54,041 Then I feel a lot better about having stolen his keys. 391 00:18:54,041 --> 00:18:55,125 Exactly. 392 00:18:55,458 --> 00:18:56,500 Wait, what? 393 00:18:57,166 --> 00:18:58,875 [Annabeth] Got invisible. Picked his pocket. 394 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:00,583 You picked Hermes's pocket? 395 00:19:01,083 --> 00:19:02,083 I'm multi-talented. 396 00:19:02,833 --> 00:19:04,916 Now, all we have to do is find his car 397 00:19:04,916 --> 00:19:07,416 and it'll instantly transport us anywhere we wanna go. 398 00:19:07,416 --> 00:19:10,958 We still have time to finish this quest before the solstice, if we hurry. 399 00:19:11,291 --> 00:19:12,791 Hermes told me something else. 400 00:19:13,291 --> 00:19:16,000 The reason we can't feel time passing is because of the lotus fruit. 401 00:19:16,458 --> 00:19:18,750 - We didn't eat any lotus fruit. - They pump it into the air. 402 00:19:19,791 --> 00:19:20,958 It makes you forget. 403 00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:25,458 Hermes reminded me there was something we needed to do before we could leave. 404 00:19:26,750 --> 00:19:29,541 - Grover. - Who's Grover? 405 00:19:34,416 --> 00:19:35,416 Grover. 406 00:19:37,083 --> 00:19:38,333 I remember Grover. 407 00:19:39,875 --> 00:19:41,500 Man, Grover got really old. 408 00:19:42,125 --> 00:19:43,291 How long have we been here? 409 00:19:43,916 --> 00:19:44,916 Hey! 410 00:19:45,916 --> 00:19:48,708 We're looking for our friend, a satyr. Have you seen him? 411 00:19:51,500 --> 00:19:52,541 [Percy] Where is he? 412 00:19:53,041 --> 00:19:54,083 Wait! 413 00:19:54,083 --> 00:19:56,250 [♪ music intensifies] 414 00:19:56,666 --> 00:19:57,791 [woman cries out] 415 00:19:59,208 --> 00:20:00,333 [gamblers screaming] 416 00:20:04,416 --> 00:20:05,500 Hey! 417 00:20:06,541 --> 00:20:07,583 [Augustus groans] 418 00:20:08,166 --> 00:20:09,166 Where is Grover? 419 00:20:13,041 --> 00:20:17,875 - [video game sound effects] - [excited chatter] 420 00:20:20,208 --> 00:20:22,833 [♪ whimsical instrumental music playing] 421 00:20:26,333 --> 00:20:27,333 [Percy] Grover? 422 00:20:30,583 --> 00:20:31,625 Grover. 423 00:20:37,333 --> 00:20:38,708 [bell ringing in the background] 424 00:20:39,625 --> 00:20:41,208 I was so close. 425 00:20:41,750 --> 00:20:43,916 I know, I hate it when someone does that to me. 426 00:20:44,208 --> 00:20:46,041 And I can't believe I'm the one saying this, 427 00:20:46,041 --> 00:20:47,458 but it's really time to go. 428 00:20:48,166 --> 00:20:49,166 Of course. 429 00:20:49,791 --> 00:20:50,833 Where are we going? 430 00:20:51,041 --> 00:20:52,583 [♪ music becomes tense] 431 00:20:52,708 --> 00:20:54,333 You don't know who we are, do you? 432 00:20:54,833 --> 00:20:57,083 Yeah. No, I don't. Have we met? 433 00:20:59,250 --> 00:21:01,541 Percy. Annabeth. We're your best friends. 434 00:21:01,666 --> 00:21:04,000 - Really? - Oh, boy. 435 00:21:04,416 --> 00:21:07,500 Grover, we're on a quest. We can't do this without you. 436 00:21:07,500 --> 00:21:10,291 We're short on time, and we gotta go. Right now. 437 00:21:11,458 --> 00:21:14,541 A quest? That sounds amazing! 438 00:21:14,541 --> 00:21:18,291 But is it dangerous? It's not a deal-breaker, I'm just curious. 439 00:21:18,291 --> 00:21:20,791 Also, I'm sorry, what was your name again? 440 00:21:20,958 --> 00:21:24,375 [♪ music intensifies, concludes] 441 00:21:27,500 --> 00:21:29,666 [Percy] Okay, god of travelers. 442 00:21:30,375 --> 00:21:32,791 What kind of car does the god of travelers have? 443 00:21:33,250 --> 00:21:37,250 Guys, I gotta say, so far, this quest is really exciting. 444 00:21:38,458 --> 00:21:39,916 Really hoping we find that car. 445 00:21:40,416 --> 00:21:41,916 Finding the car isn't the quest. 446 00:21:42,333 --> 00:21:43,375 There's more? 447 00:21:44,833 --> 00:21:45,833 Jeez. 448 00:21:46,083 --> 00:21:48,541 We'll explain it to you on the way. We're in a bit of a hurry. 449 00:21:48,791 --> 00:21:50,833 - We're late? - Very, very late. 450 00:21:52,500 --> 00:21:53,958 Are we late because of me? 451 00:21:56,333 --> 00:21:57,708 [♪ soft instrumental music playing] 452 00:21:59,500 --> 00:22:00,500 It's okay. 453 00:22:01,083 --> 00:22:02,250 We're gonna be okay. 454 00:22:04,000 --> 00:22:06,708 [sighs] Although, I hope that game you were playing was amazing. 455 00:22:07,166 --> 00:22:08,333 I was hunting for Pan. 456 00:22:08,500 --> 00:22:09,666 Sounds great. 457 00:22:09,666 --> 00:22:12,833 No, I mean, like I actually felt I was about to find him. 458 00:22:13,250 --> 00:22:14,875 That-- That I'd be the first. 459 00:22:14,875 --> 00:22:17,625 That I'd help save the natural world. 460 00:22:18,958 --> 00:22:20,333 It just felt so real. 461 00:22:21,791 --> 00:22:22,791 [Annabeth] Guys! 462 00:22:24,750 --> 00:22:26,250 [Percy] Hermes drives a cab? 463 00:22:26,375 --> 00:22:27,541 [Annabeth] And left us a note. 464 00:22:27,541 --> 00:22:28,958 How do we know that's for us? 465 00:22:31,041 --> 00:22:32,083 {\an8}Nice. 466 00:22:33,291 --> 00:22:35,958 Should've known the god of thieves noticed his pocket getting picked. 467 00:22:37,666 --> 00:22:41,291 Back door to the Underworld, magic word, map in the glove box. 468 00:22:41,708 --> 00:22:43,833 And he says we'll become travelers once we're on the road. 469 00:22:44,583 --> 00:22:46,833 And then the car will take us wherever we wish to go. 470 00:22:46,833 --> 00:22:49,958 So, one of us just has to drive it out of the garage. 471 00:22:53,583 --> 00:22:56,500 Oh, I'm still not 100% sure what we're doing here, 472 00:22:57,083 --> 00:22:59,041 - which seems disqualifying. - Yeah. 473 00:23:00,625 --> 00:23:01,958 Yeah, sure, I mean... 474 00:23:02,208 --> 00:23:04,291 I killed the Minotaur on my first try, right? 475 00:23:05,083 --> 00:23:06,166 How hard could this be? 476 00:23:06,166 --> 00:23:07,625 - [tires screeching] - [car crashing] 477 00:23:07,625 --> 00:23:09,208 [♪ adventurous instrumental music playing] 478 00:23:09,208 --> 00:23:10,875 My fault. That was me. 479 00:23:11,291 --> 00:23:12,833 How do you make it go backwards? 480 00:23:15,416 --> 00:23:16,458 [engine revving] 481 00:23:19,500 --> 00:23:20,666 You're doing great. 482 00:23:20,791 --> 00:23:22,333 Maybe try aiming for the middle. 483 00:23:22,583 --> 00:23:25,583 - [engine revving] - [tires squealing] 484 00:23:25,708 --> 00:23:27,958 - [Grover grunts] - Look, you're welcome to give this a try. 485 00:23:29,291 --> 00:23:30,666 [tires screeching] 486 00:23:34,916 --> 00:23:37,875 - [car horn blaring] - [tires screeching] 487 00:23:38,583 --> 00:23:40,166 That guy didn't even slow down! 488 00:23:40,666 --> 00:23:42,125 [car horn honks] 489 00:23:42,291 --> 00:23:43,875 [Annabeth] Okay. Keep going. 490 00:23:44,083 --> 00:23:45,208 Up to the street. 491 00:23:45,583 --> 00:23:48,416 - [engine revving] - [tires squealing] 492 00:23:51,875 --> 00:23:53,333 [brakes squealing] 493 00:23:56,708 --> 00:23:58,500 It's okay. You've got this. 494 00:23:58,500 --> 00:24:01,750 [♪ music intensifies] 495 00:24:12,291 --> 00:24:14,375 [♪ music becomes triumphant] 496 00:24:19,750 --> 00:24:23,166 - [car scraping wall] - [light bulbs shattering] 497 00:24:23,166 --> 00:24:24,875 [♪ suspenseful music playing] 498 00:24:27,083 --> 00:24:28,083 [gasps] 499 00:24:34,958 --> 00:24:35,958 [yells] 500 00:24:35,958 --> 00:24:37,833 - [truck horn honking] - [brakes screeching] 501 00:24:38,041 --> 00:24:39,916 - [Annabeth shouts] - [tires screeching] 502 00:24:46,041 --> 00:24:48,500 - [panting] - [rain pattering] 503 00:24:48,666 --> 00:24:49,666 Where are we? 504 00:24:53,083 --> 00:24:54,125 Turn off the lights. 505 00:25:06,125 --> 00:25:08,625 [thunder rumbling] 506 00:25:12,708 --> 00:25:14,916 Percy, Annabeth, wait. You... 507 00:25:17,750 --> 00:25:19,166 You guys are my best friends. 508 00:25:19,416 --> 00:25:22,833 [♪ tender instrumental music playing] 509 00:25:23,041 --> 00:25:25,750 Little weird that I forgot a lot more stuff than you guys did. 510 00:25:26,333 --> 00:25:27,583 Wonder what that's about. 511 00:25:29,208 --> 00:25:30,416 We weren't alone. 512 00:25:31,708 --> 00:25:33,875 It's easy to forget what's important when you're alone. 513 00:25:34,166 --> 00:25:37,958 [thunder rumbling] 514 00:25:45,666 --> 00:25:47,500 I think I gotta go meet my dad now. 515 00:25:50,000 --> 00:25:51,458 We'll be here when you get back. 516 00:25:56,166 --> 00:25:57,291 What do I say to him? 517 00:26:01,500 --> 00:26:02,500 You'll know. 518 00:26:10,458 --> 00:26:12,208 [♪ music becomes dramatic] 519 00:26:47,041 --> 00:26:50,750 [water echoing] 520 00:26:53,291 --> 00:26:54,833 [♪ ethereal instrumental music playing] 521 00:27:11,666 --> 00:27:12,708 I'm sorry. 522 00:27:13,375 --> 00:27:14,875 He waited as long as he could. 523 00:27:16,750 --> 00:27:19,458 The summer solstice passed earlier this evening. 524 00:27:19,458 --> 00:27:21,250 Zeus's deadline has elapsed. 525 00:27:21,625 --> 00:27:25,208 Your father has gone to marshal his forces and prepare for war. 526 00:27:26,208 --> 00:27:27,708 He asked that I relay a message. 527 00:27:29,833 --> 00:27:31,041 This is not your fault. 528 00:27:31,875 --> 00:27:32,958 You were brave. 529 00:27:33,833 --> 00:27:35,000 You were strong. 530 00:27:35,333 --> 00:27:37,583 You made your father proud. 531 00:27:41,166 --> 00:27:44,250 Now, it is time for you to return to camp. 532 00:27:44,250 --> 00:27:47,291 [♪ music concludes] 533 00:27:49,541 --> 00:27:50,541 No. 534 00:27:50,708 --> 00:27:52,416 [♪ wistful instrumental music playing] 535 00:27:53,458 --> 00:27:54,791 I'm going to see this through. 536 00:27:55,000 --> 00:27:56,666 You are released from your quest. 537 00:27:56,666 --> 00:27:57,833 I don't care. 538 00:27:58,750 --> 00:28:00,125 This is too important. 539 00:28:01,000 --> 00:28:03,583 The war is only the beginning of Hades's plan. 540 00:28:03,875 --> 00:28:06,291 There's something else coming. Something worse. 541 00:28:08,791 --> 00:28:11,291 My father doesn't know about this, does he? 542 00:28:15,208 --> 00:28:16,541 I have to stop him. 543 00:28:17,625 --> 00:28:19,041 I have to keep going. 544 00:28:19,958 --> 00:28:22,750 If you can help, then you must help. 545 00:28:26,666 --> 00:28:27,833 So willful. 546 00:28:28,875 --> 00:28:29,916 Just like him. 547 00:28:33,750 --> 00:28:35,666 There is so much of him in you. 548 00:28:36,541 --> 00:28:37,541 We all see it. 549 00:28:39,583 --> 00:28:42,583 What belongs to the sea, can always return. 550 00:28:46,000 --> 00:28:47,750 [♪ music swells] 551 00:28:51,083 --> 00:28:54,500 [Nereid] Each will provide one of you safe passage back from the Underworld. 552 00:28:58,416 --> 00:28:59,625 There are four of them. 553 00:29:01,583 --> 00:29:02,666 Save the world... 554 00:29:03,791 --> 00:29:05,500 and then go save your mother. 555 00:29:06,375 --> 00:29:08,166 [♪ music intensifies] 556 00:29:09,958 --> 00:29:11,416 [♪ music concludes] 557 00:29:12,541 --> 00:29:16,083 [♪ adventurous theme music playing] 558 00:30:50,916 --> 00:30:53,375 [♪ theme music continues] 559 00:30:56,958 --> 00:30:58,083 [Cerberus snarling] 560 00:30:59,666 --> 00:31:01,958 [Percy] After we get the bolt, you guys are leaving. 561 00:31:03,041 --> 00:31:04,083 With my mom. 562 00:31:04,708 --> 00:31:05,875 [Grover] What about you? 563 00:31:06,500 --> 00:31:07,750 What about you? 564 00:31:10,166 --> 00:31:11,750 - [sword rings] - [Percy] Hold fast, Mom. 565 00:31:13,291 --> 00:31:15,375 [♪ theme music continues] 566 00:32:41,583 --> 00:32:43,708 [♪ theme music concludes]