4 00:03:04,434 --> 00:03:06,937 I fought my war from five miles up. 5 00:03:08,772 --> 00:03:12,943 I dropped at one time seven or eight tons of bombs on somewhere 6 00:03:13,902 --> 00:03:17,155 came back, had me breakfast, out on the booze the next day 7 00:03:17,239 --> 00:03:18,240 thought nothing of it. 8 00:03:19,700 --> 00:03:23,161 It was totally another world. 9 00:03:28,208 --> 00:03:33,422 But I realised that what I had done was fundamentally wrong. 10 00:03:36,091 --> 00:03:39,010 But the circumstances were such that we did it. 11 00:03:41,096 --> 00:03:44,266 And I can't reconcile those two viewpoints. 12 00:03:44,349 --> 00:03:46,268 I just... I can't reconcile them. 13 00:03:52,482 --> 00:03:55,444 I was 20 years old, very naive. 14 00:03:57,154 --> 00:03:59,906 Didn't have any experience of life at all. 15 00:04:01,324 --> 00:04:04,369 You knew you were facing death all the time. 16 00:04:04,786 --> 00:04:07,372 Night after night, after night, after night. 17 00:04:09,082 --> 00:04:11,418 But it's just a thing you accepted. 18 00:04:16,173 --> 00:04:17,716 A pet aversion of mine 19 00:04:17,841 --> 00:04:20,510 it's what I call retrospective historians. 20 00:04:21,678 --> 00:04:25,515 Even now if I met one, I'd ask them just two questions... 21 00:04:26,516 --> 00:04:31,938 "Were you there, were you personally aware of the circumstances and conditions 22 00:04:32,022 --> 00:04:33,064 of that time?" 23 00:04:33,648 --> 00:04:38,278 The answer to both those questions is no, so keep your bloody mouth shut. 25 00:04:45,494 --> 00:04:47,120 We heard them coming. 26 00:04:47,913 --> 00:04:52,751 We heard the squadrons on their way to bomb our town. 27 00:04:54,127 --> 00:04:56,046 The Lancaster bombers at night. 28 00:05:00,383 --> 00:05:04,054 There's no second prize in a war, you win it or you lose it. 29 00:05:04,471 --> 00:05:07,641 And all we could do in bomber command was to keep on bombing them 30 00:05:07,724 --> 00:05:09,351 and bombing them and bombing them 31 00:05:09,601 --> 00:05:11,061 until someone gives up. 32 00:05:14,648 --> 00:05:18,777 And the Lancaster played a big part in winning the war. 33 00:05:19,444 --> 00:05:21,238 It was the best of its day. 34 00:05:24,658 --> 00:05:27,327 And it brought us back alive. 36 00:05:57,524 --> 00:06:01,444 Today, five squadrons of Royal Air Force Typhoon fighters 37 00:06:01,528 --> 00:06:02,696 are based at Coningsby. 38 00:06:05,156 --> 00:06:08,535 They share the run ways with one of the most iconic aircraft 39 00:06:08,618 --> 00:06:10,495 in British aviation history. 40 00:06:12,038 --> 00:06:13,331 The Lancaster bomber. 41 00:06:16,585 --> 00:06:19,296 It is one of only two that remain airworthy. 42 00:06:21,965 --> 00:06:23,633 Looking back now 43 00:06:23,884 --> 00:06:29,055 I have to tell myself, "did I really fly one of those aeroplanes?" 44 00:06:29,848 --> 00:06:31,766 It's such a long time ago 45 00:06:32,392 --> 00:06:35,770 maybe it's all... Maybe it all happened to someone else 46 00:06:35,854 --> 00:06:38,982 and I'm just making it... making it up. 47 00:06:42,736 --> 00:06:46,615 It's a living thing and it was a living thing. 48 00:06:47,365 --> 00:06:50,160 There were times almost when she spoke to you. 49 00:06:50,952 --> 00:06:52,412 Or you felt she did. 50 00:06:53,622 --> 00:06:57,584 I could still go to her right now and press the right buttons I think. 51 00:06:58,877 --> 00:07:01,379 I'd love to. 52 00:07:04,549 --> 00:07:07,427 Pure nostalgia, pure nostalgia. 53 00:07:07,969 --> 00:07:12,057 Every time I see it in the air I say "God, look at that. Beautiful." 54 00:07:12,641 --> 00:07:14,643 And there's no question about it 55 00:07:14,726 --> 00:07:20,148 it transformed bomber command by its pure operational capacity. 56 00:07:20,941 --> 00:07:23,526 It was an amazing, amazing aircraft. 57 00:07:27,238 --> 00:07:29,866 The Avro Lancaster was a crucial weapon 58 00:07:29,950 --> 00:07:31,952 in winning the war against Hitler. 59 00:07:35,121 --> 00:07:40,210 But before the bomber's arrival, Britain was fighting for survival. 61 00:07:57,936 --> 00:08:00,271 I can still hear it sometimes. 62 00:08:02,565 --> 00:08:05,694 It's a whistle that gets louder and louder and louder 63 00:08:05,777 --> 00:08:08,363 and everything gets darker and darker. 65 00:08:14,619 --> 00:08:16,162 then there was nothing left. 67 00:08:21,292 --> 00:08:24,462 my mum had gone into an Anderson shelter. 68 00:08:25,797 --> 00:08:27,340 When she came out 69 00:08:27,841 --> 00:08:33,054 she just went berserk and she felt the thud in the ground 70 00:08:33,763 --> 00:08:35,849 but of course to see her house gone... 71 00:08:49,320 --> 00:08:51,239 When the London blitz started 72 00:08:51,322 --> 00:08:54,784 I used to stand on the cliff at Whitstable 73 00:08:54,993 --> 00:08:58,496 and could see all the German bombers, hordes of them 74 00:08:58,580 --> 00:09:00,331 coming up the Thames estuary. 75 00:09:07,297 --> 00:09:10,592 They bombed about 22 mile of dockland. 76 00:09:11,009 --> 00:09:14,471 There were all timber wharfs and all that along the Thames 77 00:09:14,846 --> 00:09:16,556 and they set them on fire. 78 00:09:18,600 --> 00:09:21,895 And then they just showered the bombs on the arsenal 79 00:09:22,062 --> 00:09:23,229 Woolwich arsenal. 80 00:09:25,648 --> 00:09:28,443 I was in the auxiliary fire service 81 00:09:29,235 --> 00:09:31,112 and I thought, "well, bugger this". 82 00:09:31,446 --> 00:09:33,656 There was ammunition going off, you know? 83 00:09:34,407 --> 00:09:36,159 Exploding and all that. 84 00:09:40,121 --> 00:09:41,640 I can remember one night 85 00:09:41,664 --> 00:09:44,042 my father and I had to go down the fire escape 86 00:09:44,125 --> 00:09:49,255 because the bombers were so close and I trod on a huge piece of human flesh. 87 00:09:53,843 --> 00:09:57,180 And that was my... I suppose my induction to war. 88 00:10:05,772 --> 00:10:08,775 For eight months, the bombs fell. 89 00:10:12,070 --> 00:10:17,742 London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Glasgow and most notoriously, Coventry 90 00:10:18,076 --> 00:10:19,953 were amongst those cities hit. 91 00:10:25,959 --> 00:10:29,337 In all, 43,000 people were killed 92 00:10:33,883 --> 00:10:35,528 I thought, "well, if that's the game we're in 93 00:10:35,552 --> 00:10:36,886 that's the game we're in." 94 00:10:39,055 --> 00:10:42,934 You couldn't be one—sided otherwise it would have been over in no time. 96 00:10:57,991 --> 00:11:00,118 I wanted... always wanted to fly 97 00:11:01,536 --> 00:11:04,289 so I told my dad I wanted to join the air force 98 00:11:04,747 --> 00:11:07,167 and of course he hit the roof. 99 00:11:08,668 --> 00:11:10,646 And I kept nagging my father 100 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:12,839 to let me join the RAF. 101 00:11:13,339 --> 00:11:16,843 Well, I wanted to be a plotter, one of Churchill's girls. 102 00:11:18,344 --> 00:11:20,889 Pilots training took anything up to a year 103 00:11:21,347 --> 00:11:25,476 navigators about nine months, and gunners about eight weeks. 104 00:11:26,227 --> 00:11:27,872 I thought, "hell, I don't want to miss the war" 105 00:11:27,896 --> 00:11:29,939 so I joined as a gunner. 106 00:11:30,940 --> 00:11:34,194 I think one of the factors is everyone was relatively young. 107 00:11:34,652 --> 00:11:37,572 And of course, when you're young, you want to really have a go at 'em 108 00:11:37,655 --> 00:11:40,617 and I think this was the attitude in many respects. 109 00:11:41,826 --> 00:11:46,206 I was the 39th man to join the Royal Air Force in Jamaica. 110 00:11:47,165 --> 00:11:48,165 We were shipped out 111 00:11:48,708 --> 00:11:51,669 and I remember leaving Jamaica 112 00:11:53,087 --> 00:11:56,466 in the sunset, and seeing Jamaica fade away 113 00:11:56,716 --> 00:12:01,012 and I wondered if I would ever return. 115 00:12:13,316 --> 00:12:17,570 RAF fighter command had saved the country in its hour of need 116 00:12:19,572 --> 00:12:24,827 but in 1941, bomber command was not yet equipped to play its part. 117 00:12:29,165 --> 00:12:33,836 There was no equivalent of the Spitfire in the RAF's bomber squadrons. 118 00:12:35,088 --> 00:12:40,051 Those aircraft they did have were slow and mostly out of date. 119 00:12:40,843 --> 00:12:43,805 We flew in the Wellington bomber. 120 00:12:43,972 --> 00:12:49,310 It had Bristol Pegasus 18 engines and they were not powerful enough. 121 00:12:51,688 --> 00:12:54,232 So the result was that if you lost an engine 122 00:12:54,691 --> 00:12:57,360 there was only one way to go and that was downwards. 123 00:13:01,781 --> 00:13:06,661 Flying at night with no radar, weather conditions as they were 124 00:13:06,828 --> 00:13:09,414 sometime the winds were... Perhaps veered a bit 125 00:13:09,497 --> 00:13:12,792 and you could finish 30 miles off course. 126 00:13:14,210 --> 00:13:17,463 Hello Mac, where are we now? As though you're likely to know. 127 00:13:18,214 --> 00:13:19,841 I can't find where we are. 128 00:13:20,049 --> 00:13:25,013 I'm not surprised at all that a lot of the bombs were way off target. 129 00:13:25,638 --> 00:13:26,638 Left, left. 130 00:13:27,974 --> 00:13:28,850 Steady. 131 00:13:28,933 --> 00:13:32,895 In 1941, if you bombed a target and got within five miles of it 132 00:13:32,979 --> 00:13:34,772 you reckon that was a bloody good hit. 133 00:13:37,066 --> 00:13:41,529 And all the time the German defences were getting stronger. 134 00:13:43,781 --> 00:13:48,202 We went into this knowing that there was going to be losses 135 00:13:48,786 --> 00:13:53,624 and er, we just hoped it wasn't going to be us. 136 00:13:56,919 --> 00:14:01,341 We were caught in a cone of search lights, about 15 lights 137 00:14:01,841 --> 00:14:03,426 and they hammered hell out of us. 138 00:14:06,220 --> 00:14:07,680 My turret was on fire. 139 00:14:08,473 --> 00:14:09,891 Suddenly the navigator said 140 00:14:10,058 --> 00:14:12,268 "look out, Dave, for that fighter on the port quarter" 141 00:14:12,685 --> 00:14:14,685 and of course, went to swing the gun... He chuckles 142 00:14:15,104 --> 00:14:16,147 turret wouldn't move. 144 00:14:18,066 --> 00:14:20,151 God, I could have wept with frustration. 145 00:14:20,234 --> 00:14:22,236 Bombs explode I was useless. 146 00:14:23,654 --> 00:14:25,782 Ok chaps, don't worry. Everything's alright. 147 00:14:25,865 --> 00:14:27,785 Then we were given the orders to bail out. 148 00:14:27,825 --> 00:14:28,825 Anybody hurt? 149 00:14:28,910 --> 00:14:30,750 The wireless operator's copped it. 150 00:14:34,374 --> 00:14:35,708 Once I landed 151 00:14:35,917 --> 00:14:38,669 I came across some buildings, and I thought they were farm buildings 152 00:14:39,629 --> 00:14:43,466 and then a door opened, and a shaft of light shot out 153 00:14:43,716 --> 00:14:45,134 and a voice said "halt!" 154 00:14:45,968 --> 00:14:48,721 And I put my hands up 155 00:14:49,263 --> 00:14:52,975 and it was a building occupied by searchlight crews. 156 00:14:53,893 --> 00:14:57,480 And we were regaled with cognac and coffee. 157 00:14:58,064 --> 00:15:00,274 And I remember one guy saying 158 00:15:00,358 --> 00:15:06,114 "don't worry, the war will soon be over, and our fuhrer will ride on a white horse 159 00:15:07,240 --> 00:15:09,700 up to Buckingham Palace and take occupation." 160 00:15:10,284 --> 00:15:12,370 We said, "wait and see". 161 00:15:16,332 --> 00:15:19,669 David Fraser's captors did not have to wait too long. 162 00:15:25,967 --> 00:15:30,888 In the works were new aircraft that could take the blitz back to Berlin. 164 00:15:38,896 --> 00:15:42,150 I suppose, really, it's ironical that, er... 165 00:15:42,233 --> 00:15:47,113 How the Lanc was developed almost accidentally. 166 00:15:52,577 --> 00:15:56,539 Two of these new bombers, the Stirling and Halifax 167 00:15:56,831 --> 00:15:59,333 were already on order for the RAF. 168 00:16:01,210 --> 00:16:03,671 At aircraft builders Avro 169 00:16:03,880 --> 00:16:07,258 chief engineer Boy Chadwick thought he could do better. 170 00:16:08,259 --> 00:16:10,970 A twin—engined aircraft called the Manchester. 171 00:16:12,305 --> 00:16:16,517 But its Rolls—Royce vulture engines were causing trouble. 172 00:16:18,478 --> 00:16:21,814 They were a completely revolutionary type of design 173 00:16:21,898 --> 00:16:23,483 but it was never successful. 174 00:16:24,901 --> 00:16:27,528 The minute they got airborne they got problems straight away. 175 00:16:28,112 --> 00:16:30,531 Nothing but engine failures, one after another. 176 00:16:32,033 --> 00:16:33,951 Although already in production 177 00:16:34,076 --> 00:16:36,787 the fate of the Manchester hung in the balance. 178 00:16:42,210 --> 00:16:47,548 With the RAF desperate for new bombers, Chadwick suggested a radical solution. 179 00:16:49,842 --> 00:16:55,389 He swapped the two flawed Vultures for four proven Rolls—Royce Merlins 180 00:16:56,098 --> 00:16:58,601 the same engine that powered the Spitfire. 181 00:16:59,477 --> 00:17:03,189 And they were so amazed at the difference in performance 182 00:17:03,439 --> 00:17:08,402 and that's really how the Lancaster developed almost accidentally. 183 00:17:36,597 --> 00:17:40,560 There were six of us, all trainee gunners. 184 00:17:41,602 --> 00:17:43,813 We were in having lunch 185 00:17:44,438 --> 00:17:50,236 when we were told, "right, gentlemen, you're all going back 186 00:17:51,237 --> 00:17:53,322 to such and such a hangar 187 00:17:54,240 --> 00:17:58,619 and they'll be a lot of other air crew there." 188 00:17:58,703 --> 00:18:02,415 And then this was almost out of Monty Python. 189 00:18:03,541 --> 00:18:06,544 They said "well, gentlemen, we've all completed our training 190 00:18:06,627 --> 00:18:11,549 and now we've um, we've got to get together to form crews." 191 00:18:20,516 --> 00:18:22,351 And what we were told then 192 00:18:22,435 --> 00:18:24,228 you pick your own crew. 193 00:18:25,229 --> 00:18:27,523 Well, we thought this was madness. 194 00:18:27,607 --> 00:18:32,320 You had no idea of people's abilities or their background whatsoever. 195 00:18:33,404 --> 00:18:36,907 And we wandered around looking at people and looking at their brevets. 196 00:18:40,328 --> 00:18:42,913 From the brevet on your uniform 197 00:18:43,164 --> 00:18:45,916 it indicated what you were in the crew. 198 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:47,501 "N" for navigator 199 00:18:47,585 --> 00:18:51,255 "s" for signals or wireless operator, etcetera. 200 00:18:52,131 --> 00:18:54,050 So the first thing you think about is 201 00:18:54,133 --> 00:18:57,094 "how do I find a pilot who is going to get me through the war?" 202 00:18:58,095 --> 00:19:02,183 You had to think a bit about this because you realise "I'm stuck with these guys". 203 00:19:03,351 --> 00:19:06,729 You would think, "gosh, I don't fancy him as a pilot!" 204 00:19:08,314 --> 00:19:09,958 You're going to live or die with them 205 00:19:09,982 --> 00:19:12,109 so you made sure you were going to live. 206 00:19:13,152 --> 00:19:15,821 You'd go around saying, "I'm short of a navigator 207 00:19:15,905 --> 00:19:17,490 would you like to fly with me?" 208 00:19:17,573 --> 00:19:20,576 "We haven't got a rear gunner, let's see if we can find a rear gunner." 209 00:19:20,785 --> 00:19:24,872 And if you liked who you were talking to, you'd offer to go in the crew with them. 210 00:19:26,040 --> 00:19:29,460 If I'd handpicked the best, I couldn't have done better 211 00:19:29,543 --> 00:19:31,671 because we just gelled. 212 00:19:32,046 --> 00:19:35,508 It was like a dating agency in a way. 213 00:19:35,591 --> 00:19:38,052 A little bit of wizardry, I think. 214 00:19:39,595 --> 00:19:41,031 I didn't know it at the time 215 00:19:41,055 --> 00:19:43,516 but I was joining the best crew in the air force. 216 00:19:43,891 --> 00:19:46,769 Every crew thought they were the best crew. 217 00:19:47,144 --> 00:19:49,146 Everybody got on very well with each other. 218 00:19:49,230 --> 00:19:53,067 That was the great part of it because after all 219 00:19:53,150 --> 00:19:55,152 the whole thing was about teamwork. 220 00:20:07,081 --> 00:20:11,585 In June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. 221 00:20:15,548 --> 00:20:17,425 With the Red Army overwhelmed 222 00:20:17,508 --> 00:20:21,637 it was vital that Britain support its new ally in the fight against Hitler. 223 00:20:22,930 --> 00:20:25,725 We have offered to the government of Soviet Russia 224 00:20:25,891 --> 00:20:30,354 any technical or economic assistance which is in our power. 225 00:20:34,650 --> 00:20:37,153 Churchill knew there was only one way 226 00:20:37,236 --> 00:20:39,405 he could relieved the pressure on the russians. 227 00:20:45,161 --> 00:20:48,998 We shall bomb Germany by day as well as by night 228 00:20:49,081 --> 00:20:51,167 in ever—increasing measure 229 00:20:53,502 --> 00:20:57,965 casting upon them month by month a heavier discharge of bombs. 230 00:20:59,633 --> 00:21:01,093 A few weeks later 231 00:21:01,260 --> 00:21:05,514 the prime minister met the aircraft that could help him win the war. 232 00:21:08,601 --> 00:21:11,729 It was a prototype of Avro's Lancaster. 233 00:21:21,739 --> 00:21:26,118 Finally he had the means to take the fight to the enemy. 235 00:21:52,061 --> 00:21:54,146 But this is only a beginning. 236 00:21:54,730 --> 00:21:59,443 From now henceforward, the main expansion of our air force 237 00:21:59,860 --> 00:22:04,406 especially in heavy bombers, proceeds with gathering speed. 238 00:22:22,842 --> 00:22:25,010 In February 1942 239 00:22:25,469 --> 00:22:28,430 a new man was appointed to lead bomber command 240 00:22:28,848 --> 00:22:29,974 Arthur Harris. 241 00:22:31,308 --> 00:22:36,605 His intention was to show the world what strategic bombing could achieve. 242 00:22:38,107 --> 00:22:40,109 The Nazis entered this war 243 00:22:40,776 --> 00:22:45,030 under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else 244 00:22:45,614 --> 00:22:47,533 and nobody was going to bomb them. 245 00:22:49,326 --> 00:22:55,332 At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw and half a hundred other places 246 00:22:55,791 --> 00:22:59,712 they put that rather naive theory into operation. 247 00:23:01,130 --> 00:23:05,759 They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind. 248 00:23:08,429 --> 00:23:10,973 That whirlwind was to be unleashed 249 00:23:11,265 --> 00:23:15,269 by the new aircraft being delivered to RAF bomber stations. 250 00:23:20,316 --> 00:23:22,943 I was posted down to RAF Wyton 251 00:23:23,193 --> 00:23:24,778 which became my base. 252 00:23:25,905 --> 00:23:28,574 And I remember I went to bed 253 00:23:28,991 --> 00:23:32,620 next morning there were 22 brand new Lancasters 254 00:23:32,703 --> 00:23:34,496 all round the perimeter road. 255 00:23:34,580 --> 00:23:36,457 And they'd all been flown in overnight 256 00:23:36,540 --> 00:23:40,336 by women and other people from the ferry service. 257 00:23:41,712 --> 00:23:43,130 Blokes couldn't believe it. 258 00:23:54,975 --> 00:24:00,105 When we went to Lancs, the impression was how cramped it was. 259 00:24:01,690 --> 00:24:05,110 It was obviously a machine made for war. 260 00:24:06,403 --> 00:24:09,114 Noisy, uncomfortable, cramped 261 00:24:09,198 --> 00:24:12,284 difficult to move in, but did the job. 262 00:24:13,035 --> 00:24:14,954 It was basically a flying bomb—bay, wasn't it? 263 00:24:16,872 --> 00:24:18,540 When you got in the aircraft 264 00:24:18,791 --> 00:24:23,462 the pilot would go through with his parachute to sit on 265 00:24:23,629 --> 00:24:27,383 and then the bomb aimer would go right through so he was down on the floor. 266 00:24:29,134 --> 00:24:32,388 I had the best view in the aircraft in the bombing hatch 267 00:24:32,805 --> 00:24:34,640 lying prone, looking down. 268 00:24:36,058 --> 00:24:37,601 And then the rear gunner 269 00:24:37,851 --> 00:24:42,731 I would get in and lock him in and put his parachute outside 270 00:24:42,815 --> 00:24:44,817 because there wasn't room for that. 271 00:24:45,651 --> 00:24:47,695 I was very comfortable in my turret. 272 00:24:47,861 --> 00:24:52,032 I always said I was the first to start flying and the last to land. 273 00:24:55,202 --> 00:24:57,082 I'm coming from the back of the Lancaster there. 274 00:24:57,121 --> 00:24:59,957 The rear gunner is back there, I'm coming further along 275 00:25:00,040 --> 00:25:02,751 and the first thing you get to is the mid upper turret. 276 00:25:04,962 --> 00:25:08,507 Ken Johnson: It was very limited room in a mid upper turret 277 00:25:09,091 --> 00:25:12,511 so a small bloke like me were, it were ideal. 278 00:25:13,679 --> 00:25:16,682 And then I had to get over the main spar 279 00:25:16,890 --> 00:25:20,602 and the wireless operator's sitting there on the port side. 280 00:25:22,104 --> 00:25:23,856 And there is two sets there. 281 00:25:24,148 --> 00:25:26,984 The receiver and transmitter. 282 00:25:28,444 --> 00:25:30,946 But the side of him had a little passage 283 00:25:31,071 --> 00:25:32,591 and that would be the navigator's seat 284 00:25:32,656 --> 00:25:35,951 so I'd be sitting facing the port side of the aircraft. 285 00:25:37,745 --> 00:25:43,250 And then flight engineer for the engines and the pilot next, they were up a bit. 286 00:25:44,209 --> 00:25:45,961 The seat was comfortable. 287 00:25:46,712 --> 00:25:48,088 You got a good view. 288 00:25:48,922 --> 00:25:51,467 All the throttles were nicely put together. 289 00:25:51,550 --> 00:25:54,261 It was... it was um... Sounds a bit presumptuous 290 00:25:54,344 --> 00:25:56,055 it was a pilot's aeroplane. 291 00:25:56,722 --> 00:26:00,434 It was responsive but very powerful. 292 00:26:05,272 --> 00:26:06,565 I loved the thing. 293 00:26:21,455 --> 00:26:22,932 Lancasters are being built 294 00:26:22,956 --> 00:26:26,794 in several factories in Britain and Canada, built in terrific numbers. 295 00:26:27,127 --> 00:26:29,838 With every man and woman engaged in their construction 296 00:26:29,922 --> 00:26:31,381 one thought is upper most 297 00:26:31,548 --> 00:26:35,677 the RAF is depending on them for Lancasters, more Lancasters 298 00:26:35,761 --> 00:26:37,596 and yet more Lancasters. 299 00:26:49,608 --> 00:26:54,029 Lancasters, consisting of over 55,000 separate parts 300 00:26:54,446 --> 00:26:59,535 were made in sections in Avro's factories in Manchester and the north of England. 301 00:27:02,329 --> 00:27:05,499 Most were then assembled here in Woodford. 302 00:27:10,254 --> 00:27:12,297 It was a vast undertaking. 303 00:27:13,298 --> 00:27:18,011 Six major organisations employed over 1.1 million people 304 00:27:18,095 --> 00:27:20,889 in 927 separate companies. 305 00:27:22,266 --> 00:27:25,477 Over 7300 of the bombers were built. 306 00:27:31,275 --> 00:27:32,860 As part of their training 307 00:27:33,026 --> 00:27:37,156 some aircrew were sent to Woodford to learn more about the aircraft. 308 00:27:37,990 --> 00:27:41,076 Coaches came and took us all to Manchester. 309 00:27:41,451 --> 00:27:43,537 And as we got off the coach 310 00:27:43,620 --> 00:27:45,998 there were loads and loads of girls. 311 00:27:47,708 --> 00:27:50,169 They were coming up to us and, "hello, I'm so and so" 312 00:27:50,252 --> 00:27:53,255 and this young lady came up, she was about the same age as me 313 00:27:53,338 --> 00:27:54,965 and she said, "oh, my name's Yvonne". 314 00:27:55,799 --> 00:27:58,594 And I managed to meet her every evening. 315 00:27:59,678 --> 00:28:03,015 Yeah, that was quite a, um... Enlightening experience. 316 00:28:04,057 --> 00:28:08,687 She taught me more about the facts of life than they did about the Lancaster. 317 00:28:10,898 --> 00:28:13,192 Well, I've often said, "thank you". 318 00:28:17,738 --> 00:28:22,075 but it was fantastic to see the aircraft being built at Woodford. 319 00:28:22,951 --> 00:28:27,331 They had hundreds of aircraft there all in the stage of being assembled. 320 00:28:28,498 --> 00:28:30,709 I can still picture it in my mind now. 321 00:28:44,389 --> 00:28:48,060 Now, with sufficient aircraft and aircrews 322 00:28:48,518 --> 00:28:51,230 bomber command could raise its game. 323 00:28:58,737 --> 00:29:00,614 In May 1942 324 00:29:00,864 --> 00:29:06,036 one of Harris' first moves was a spectacular operation against Cologne. 325 00:29:07,621 --> 00:29:11,333 I think Harris wanted to draw attention 326 00:29:11,416 --> 00:29:15,087 to the fact that we could put a thousand aircraft in the air 327 00:29:15,170 --> 00:29:16,630 to bomb Germany. 328 00:29:19,591 --> 00:29:23,303 Amongst those bombers were Stirlings, Halifaxes 329 00:29:24,513 --> 00:29:29,685 and 73 Lancasters, their first large—scale use on operations. 330 00:29:36,441 --> 00:29:39,695 The thousand bomber raid was a major success. 331 00:29:40,570 --> 00:29:42,281 Churchill wrote to Harris 332 00:29:42,823 --> 00:29:46,410 ”this proof of the growing power of the British bomber force 333 00:29:46,493 --> 00:29:52,207 is also a herald of what Germany will receive city by city from now on. ” 334 00:29:53,292 --> 00:29:56,503 And at the heart of it would be the Lancaster. 336 00:30:00,674 --> 00:30:04,219 the new strategy was called area bombing. 337 00:30:05,095 --> 00:30:09,516 Cities themselves rather than the factories in them became the targets. 338 00:30:12,394 --> 00:30:16,231 Night after night, orders were issued for their destruction. 339 00:30:17,149 --> 00:30:19,860 Telephonists, messengers, teleprint operators 340 00:30:19,943 --> 00:30:22,779 the orders pass along a chain, staffed by air women. 341 00:30:23,739 --> 00:30:25,449 I was in signals section. 342 00:30:25,532 --> 00:30:27,844 From command headquarters to group headquarters 343 00:30:27,868 --> 00:30:29,953 from group to station, from station to squadron. 344 00:30:30,037 --> 00:30:32,372 Obviously we knew when ops were on 345 00:30:32,873 --> 00:30:34,666 it was just part of our life. 346 00:30:35,709 --> 00:30:39,671 We were connected to headquarters, to bomber command 347 00:30:39,755 --> 00:30:42,799 and um, you'd get messages of course 348 00:30:42,883 --> 00:30:46,511 which we then had to give to the ops room or whatever. 349 00:30:53,685 --> 00:30:57,022 So we got ready for our first operation. 350 00:31:00,567 --> 00:31:05,113 Nobody can actually tell you what it's like to go on ops. 351 00:31:05,197 --> 00:31:07,532 You've got to experience it. 352 00:31:07,616 --> 00:31:10,452 You have to do the on—the—job training, as it were. 353 00:31:11,912 --> 00:31:14,373 I certainly had butterflies in my stomach. 354 00:31:14,498 --> 00:31:17,334 I began to feel, "well, this is the real thing now" 355 00:31:17,667 --> 00:31:20,796 we were going to fly on an operational sortie. 356 00:31:22,547 --> 00:31:24,817 The announcement came over the loudspeaker. 357 00:31:24,841 --> 00:31:29,471 "Crews number so and so, so, so, so, so, report to the briefing room." 358 00:31:34,226 --> 00:31:36,561 You were always wondering 359 00:31:36,645 --> 00:31:39,606 what the target was going to be for... For the night. 360 00:31:41,942 --> 00:31:46,947 We walked in and there is a curtain drawn across the backboard. 361 00:31:48,615 --> 00:31:51,868 And then in walked the co 362 00:31:52,869 --> 00:31:57,874 and he would be followed by a whole string of officers 363 00:31:58,417 --> 00:32:04,381 who were all, in theory anyway, experts in their field. 364 00:32:09,052 --> 00:32:13,306 Then the commanding officer would pull back a curtain 365 00:32:13,390 --> 00:32:17,477 that was covering the huge map on the wall of Northern Europe 366 00:32:17,561 --> 00:32:20,689 and he would announce to us 367 00:32:21,231 --> 00:32:25,485 "your target tonight, gentlemen, is..." 368 00:32:30,157 --> 00:32:33,994 It was dramatic, the revelation when they drew back the curtain 369 00:32:34,077 --> 00:32:36,788 and told you where you were going. 370 00:32:36,872 --> 00:32:39,040 and if it was Berlin or some of the big ones 371 00:32:39,124 --> 00:32:41,793 there would be a groan going round the briefing room. 372 00:32:42,377 --> 00:32:44,171 There would be various exclamations 373 00:32:44,254 --> 00:32:45,797 of blasphemy and whatnot. 374 00:32:46,214 --> 00:32:48,258 "Oh Lord, not going back there again!" 375 00:32:48,341 --> 00:32:50,051 "Not that place again!" 376 00:32:52,888 --> 00:32:56,266 there was always an air of suspicion over the met forecasts. 377 00:32:56,349 --> 00:33:00,020 They were always laughed at and shouted down, you know? 378 00:33:00,103 --> 00:33:03,273 "Oh, the met man", cos they could never get it right. 380 00:33:04,816 --> 00:33:09,070 the weather's good, we hope, so you should have no difficulty 381 00:33:09,154 --> 00:33:12,365 in finding the target, so prang it and prang it hard. 382 00:33:13,033 --> 00:33:15,118 Alright, chaps? And good luck. 383 00:33:16,745 --> 00:33:22,083 On that first op you were more in wonder what was gonna happen. 384 00:33:23,001 --> 00:33:26,546 But I did realise that, from what people had told me 385 00:33:26,755 --> 00:33:28,298 you didn't stand an earthly. 387 00:33:43,355 --> 00:33:46,107 I was young, 18 years old, and I was scared. 388 00:33:47,317 --> 00:33:49,194 Scared, scared, scared. 389 00:33:50,111 --> 00:33:55,700 Cos we was all fresh, but we were all very confident in our pilot. 390 00:33:59,454 --> 00:34:04,000 I suppose at that age as well I was 18, still 18 391 00:34:04,084 --> 00:34:09,089 it was the excitement, I suppose, of fulfilling all your training. 392 00:34:13,218 --> 00:34:16,012 I was apprehensive from the word go. 393 00:34:16,846 --> 00:34:19,182 I started off more apprehensive than the rest of the group 394 00:34:19,266 --> 00:34:21,434 cos I think they thought it was gonna be a doddle 395 00:34:21,768 --> 00:34:24,020 but I thought, "this isn't gonna be easy". 396 00:34:27,649 --> 00:34:29,568 We were definitely nervous 397 00:34:29,693 --> 00:34:32,404 and I remember the wing commander coming round in his car 398 00:34:32,612 --> 00:34:33,989 knowing it was our first 399 00:34:34,656 --> 00:34:37,701 and said, "best of luck, boys". 400 00:34:38,243 --> 00:34:40,287 And I remember the ground crew, wonderful 401 00:34:40,662 --> 00:34:44,291 they said to us, "your uncle will never let you down". 402 00:34:47,502 --> 00:34:50,255 When an aircraft takes off it goes. 403 00:34:51,214 --> 00:34:52,674 There's no room for turning 404 00:34:52,757 --> 00:34:54,759 stopping and looking back. 405 00:34:55,010 --> 00:34:57,804 It goes, so everything gotta be right. 408 00:35:15,530 --> 00:35:17,574 When those four Merlins cough 409 00:35:17,657 --> 00:35:21,411 and you start to hear the exhaust it's er... 410 00:35:21,494 --> 00:35:25,790 It's like something that's almost born again. 411 00:35:33,757 --> 00:35:37,969 When it started, you felt all the noise and the... 412 00:35:38,762 --> 00:35:40,221 In your chest. 413 00:35:41,222 --> 00:35:45,393 The er... the feeling of the power and the... 414 00:35:46,227 --> 00:35:47,604 Everything about it. 415 00:35:54,694 --> 00:35:56,780 And then the ground crew said, "cheerio" 416 00:35:56,863 --> 00:36:02,494 and you taxied out and you got into this long chain of aircraft 417 00:36:02,577 --> 00:36:03,995 taxiing round to take off. 418 00:36:08,667 --> 00:36:11,127 I had no fears, I was... 419 00:36:12,587 --> 00:36:14,214 "Get on with the job." 420 00:36:18,218 --> 00:36:19,469 We were at war. 421 00:36:21,930 --> 00:36:25,183 But as far as being a Christian is concerned... 422 00:36:29,938 --> 00:36:33,775 How could you ask your God to give you a blessing 423 00:36:34,442 --> 00:36:39,030 when he knows that you're carrying a load of weapons 424 00:36:39,114 --> 00:36:40,407 that's gonna to kill people? 425 00:36:47,247 --> 00:36:50,917 But I'm afraid, what was going on in the world... 426 00:36:51,418 --> 00:36:53,128 Something had to be done. 427 00:37:08,268 --> 00:37:13,106 I had no other feelings but, "get this done". 428 00:38:00,445 --> 00:38:01,780 Target Germany. 429 00:38:02,447 --> 00:38:05,784 These were some of the main centres of German heavy industry. 430 00:38:06,201 --> 00:38:10,747 Nuremberg, where they made u boat engines, guns, tanks, bombers. 431 00:38:11,247 --> 00:38:14,334 Berlin, aero engines, the electrical industry 432 00:38:14,584 --> 00:38:16,002 a great railway centre. 433 00:38:16,920 --> 00:38:20,256 The Ruhr, the heart of German heavy industry 434 00:38:20,590 --> 00:38:23,218 coal and iron, steel and power. 435 00:38:26,387 --> 00:38:27,764 In 1943 436 00:38:27,847 --> 00:38:31,059 every operation we did on the Ruhr was an epic. 437 00:38:31,142 --> 00:38:32,769 There's no other word for it. 438 00:38:39,150 --> 00:38:41,444 Take the Krupp works at Essen. 439 00:38:42,195 --> 00:38:44,948 Enormous importance to the Germans. 440 00:38:45,865 --> 00:38:49,536 It was an obvious target that was always gonna be attacked. 441 00:38:58,545 --> 00:39:00,213 I would say that er... 442 00:39:01,047 --> 00:39:04,968 Sixty percent or 70 percent of our trips were to the Ruhr valley. 443 00:39:07,262 --> 00:39:09,764 Duisburg. Gelsenkirchen. 444 00:39:10,223 --> 00:39:11,683 Dortmund. Wuppertal. 445 00:39:11,850 --> 00:39:13,309 Dusseldorf. Essen. 446 00:39:13,393 --> 00:39:15,228 Hamm. Monchengladbach. 447 00:39:15,562 --> 00:39:17,772 Krefeld. Munster. 448 00:39:18,857 --> 00:39:21,734 The whole lot of them, all the way through, one after the other. 449 00:39:22,277 --> 00:39:23,903 Alarm! 450 00:39:27,240 --> 00:39:30,410 the Ruhr was also known as happy valley. 451 00:39:31,411 --> 00:39:33,288 It was anything but happy. 452 00:39:35,707 --> 00:39:41,546 It was probably the most heavily defended area in Germany. 453 00:39:41,796 --> 00:39:44,883 The defences were just unbelievable. 455 00:40:02,442 --> 00:40:05,028 When we were approaching the target... 456 00:40:05,570 --> 00:40:08,865 You could see the fires and you could see the flak. 458 00:40:11,951 --> 00:40:15,079 The sky is filled with bursting shells. 459 00:40:15,163 --> 00:40:16,539 I really mean filled. 460 00:40:23,463 --> 00:40:25,798 Fireworks. Er... 461 00:40:26,466 --> 00:40:29,844 Now I'm not so keen on fireworks 462 00:40:30,470 --> 00:40:33,806 because it's such a reminder of what it was like then. 463 00:40:35,016 --> 00:40:39,062 When you look at the New Year's Eve fireworks 464 00:40:39,145 --> 00:40:40,772 over Sydney Harbour 465 00:40:42,398 --> 00:40:47,612 that is what you're looking at roughly at the target in Germany. 466 00:40:49,405 --> 00:40:50,907 And you think to yourself 467 00:40:51,824 --> 00:40:54,118 "how the hell are we gonna get through that lot?" 468 00:40:59,874 --> 00:41:03,461 If the anti—aircraft fire is getting close to you 469 00:41:04,712 --> 00:41:07,423 you'll know how close it is cos you'll smell it. 470 00:41:07,548 --> 00:41:08,841 You could smell the cordite. 471 00:41:09,217 --> 00:41:11,678 That's how close they were putting us down. 472 00:41:11,844 --> 00:41:13,805 I know the first time I smelt cordite 473 00:41:13,888 --> 00:41:16,224 I thought, "Christ, the next one's gonna hit us." 474 00:41:18,017 --> 00:41:22,522 It really only needed a tiny piece of a shell fragment to hit an engine 475 00:41:22,605 --> 00:41:24,732 which would catch on fire and that would be it. 476 00:41:25,942 --> 00:41:31,406 So it was alarming but I just ignored it and got on with my job. 477 00:41:34,534 --> 00:41:36,786 To help increase bombing accuracy 478 00:41:37,078 --> 00:41:42,333 experienced crews were formed into special squadrons called pathfinders. 479 00:41:44,377 --> 00:41:46,170 Using the latest navigation aids 480 00:41:46,629 --> 00:41:51,801 they dropped coloured flares known as target indicators on the aiming point. 481 00:41:53,302 --> 00:41:56,472 It meant the bombers coming in 482 00:41:56,556 --> 00:42:01,602 now had visual reference on the ground that that was the target. 483 00:42:05,606 --> 00:42:08,234 When we get to the target 484 00:42:08,317 --> 00:42:11,446 at a certain distance out the bomb aimer takes over. 485 00:42:13,322 --> 00:42:18,327 My job was to align the bomb sight with the target 486 00:42:18,703 --> 00:42:19,871 and drop the bombs. 488 00:42:24,167 --> 00:42:26,961 I said to Dickie, "I'll point you in the right direction 489 00:42:27,045 --> 00:42:29,255 and you get it right first time 490 00:42:29,338 --> 00:42:35,011 cos we drop the bombs on the first run, we are not going round again." 492 00:42:39,265 --> 00:42:42,852 And this is where he is giving you this, "left, left, right, right 493 00:42:43,019 --> 00:42:44,270 steady, steady, steady." 494 00:42:45,772 --> 00:42:49,025 And when he was over the target he'd say, "right, bomb's gone". 495 00:42:49,484 --> 00:42:51,986 Bomb '5 gone. 496 00:42:52,236 --> 00:42:54,155 But you didn't escape straight away 497 00:42:54,238 --> 00:42:57,742 because we had to take a photograph of where your bomb's burst. 498 00:42:59,660 --> 00:43:02,038 And then you put the nose down 499 00:43:02,121 --> 00:43:04,624 pointing to where you were going as fast as you could 500 00:43:04,707 --> 00:43:05,787 and got the hell out of it. 501 00:43:18,221 --> 00:43:21,891 Harris ' campaign against the industrial cities of the Ruhr 502 00:43:21,974 --> 00:43:23,810 was devastatingly effective. 503 00:43:25,269 --> 00:43:29,357 But less conventional methods of bombing were also being considered 504 00:43:32,944 --> 00:43:36,614 one was an idea from inventor Barnes Wallis. 505 00:43:38,157 --> 00:43:40,910 It harnessed the full capability of the Lancaster 506 00:43:41,410 --> 00:43:43,913 and would put it on the world stage. 507 00:43:50,962 --> 00:43:53,381 Wallis was developing a secret bomb 508 00:43:53,464 --> 00:43:56,717 to destroy the dams that powered the Ruhr factories. 509 00:44:00,429 --> 00:44:03,724 A special unit was formed to carry out the operation 510 00:44:04,183 --> 00:44:05,685 Squadron X. 511 00:44:07,270 --> 00:44:11,440 Squadron X was 617 squadron, eventually. 512 00:44:13,484 --> 00:44:16,821 Its leader was wing commander Guy Gibson. 513 00:44:18,781 --> 00:44:23,327 He was arrogant and a strict disciplinarian 514 00:44:24,579 --> 00:44:29,375 but the true essence of his leadership comes in the attack itself. 515 00:44:30,001 --> 00:44:32,461 He was no doubt a brilliant attack leader. 516 00:44:32,879 --> 00:44:35,506 That's your main target, the Mohne Dam. 517 00:44:35,673 --> 00:44:40,386 The stay of the attack was immortalised in the 1955 film. 518 00:44:40,469 --> 00:44:42,197 If you can blow a hole in this wall 519 00:44:42,221 --> 00:44:44,765 you'll bring the Ruhr steel industry to a standstill 520 00:44:45,141 --> 00:44:46,642 and do much other damage besides. 521 00:44:47,310 --> 00:44:48,370 I'm showing you the targets 522 00:44:48,394 --> 00:44:50,122 but you'll be the only man in the squadron who knows 523 00:44:50,146 --> 00:44:52,064 so keep it that way. — very good, sir. 524 00:44:52,148 --> 00:44:53,667 And these are the models of the two other dams 525 00:44:53,691 --> 00:44:57,528 the Eder and the Sorpe, but the Mohne is the most important. 526 00:44:57,612 --> 00:44:59,280 I see, sir. — come along and study these 527 00:44:59,363 --> 00:45:00,364 as often as you like. 528 00:45:03,367 --> 00:45:05,077 Having proved the concept 529 00:45:05,411 --> 00:45:08,539 Wallis had to work out how to get the weapon on target. 530 00:45:10,708 --> 00:45:14,045 The Lancaster was adapted to carry the four—ton bomb. 531 00:45:15,254 --> 00:45:17,590 To fly at precisely 60 feet 532 00:45:17,840 --> 00:45:21,010 spotlights measured the aircraft's height above the water. 533 00:45:21,761 --> 00:45:25,014 A motor was used to spin the weapon before it was dropped 534 00:45:25,348 --> 00:45:28,184 which would then skip across the surface of the lake. 535 00:45:31,103 --> 00:45:35,316 No other bomber at that time was capable of carrying out the operation. 537 00:46:20,653 --> 00:46:21,862 Well, the training's over. 538 00:46:23,781 --> 00:46:26,951 For obvious reasons you've had to work without knowing your target 539 00:46:27,535 --> 00:46:28,536 or even your weapon. 540 00:46:28,911 --> 00:46:30,579 The AOC was there 541 00:46:30,913 --> 00:46:34,625 station commander, Gibson, of course, doing the briefing 542 00:46:35,042 --> 00:46:36,294 Barnes Wallis was there. 543 00:46:38,838 --> 00:46:42,591 You're going to attack the great dams of western Germany. 544 00:46:45,011 --> 00:46:47,471 Gibson explained that he would take off 545 00:46:47,555 --> 00:46:51,225 with two others in three formation and they would head for the Mohne 546 00:46:51,309 --> 00:46:56,063 and once it had been breached, they'd go over to the Eder and attack that. 547 00:46:58,065 --> 00:47:00,192 Five crews were briefed for the Sorpe 548 00:47:00,276 --> 00:47:01,986 and that had to be different. 549 00:47:02,445 --> 00:47:05,489 They had no towers, so there's no sighting means of it 550 00:47:06,032 --> 00:47:10,036 and it was so placed in the hills that it couldn't be attacked head on. 551 00:47:12,246 --> 00:47:15,875 Instead we were briefed that we had to fly along the dam 552 00:47:16,125 --> 00:47:19,920 and to drop the bomb as near as possible as you could estimate 553 00:47:20,004 --> 00:47:21,339 to the centre of the dam. 554 00:47:22,923 --> 00:47:25,885 It meant we weren't going to use any of the bombing techniques 555 00:47:25,968 --> 00:47:26,968 we'd used in training. 556 00:47:31,557 --> 00:47:32,892 As the film showed 557 00:47:32,975 --> 00:47:38,939 the operation was bold, daring, and extremely dangerous. 558 00:48:10,930 --> 00:48:12,932 As we crossed the coast 559 00:48:13,766 --> 00:48:19,271 we had to fly down at low level to avoid enemy fighters. 560 00:48:21,565 --> 00:48:25,528 Our pilot Joe McCarthy saw a couple of sand dunes on the coast 561 00:48:25,611 --> 00:48:27,071 and went down between them. 562 00:48:29,573 --> 00:48:32,827 At zero feet, our biggest problem was the guns down there. 563 00:48:39,750 --> 00:48:42,086 We got to, eventually, the Sorpe. 564 00:48:44,130 --> 00:48:47,675 The first thing that we saw was on the side of the hill 565 00:48:47,758 --> 00:48:49,677 down which we were supposed to attack 566 00:48:49,760 --> 00:48:53,931 there was a church steeple, which I don't remember seeing on the model. 567 00:48:59,186 --> 00:49:02,982 And so Joe decided to use that as a marker. 568 00:49:07,820 --> 00:49:09,196 Not an easy thing. 569 00:49:09,280 --> 00:49:11,907 We'd had no practice at that sort of attack at all. 570 00:49:12,450 --> 00:49:15,286 If I wasn't satisfied, I called, "dummy run." 571 00:49:15,744 --> 00:49:20,833 If he wasn't satisfied, he just pulled away before we hit the hills on the opposite side. 572 00:49:29,341 --> 00:49:32,011 And after about the sixth or seventh of these 573 00:49:33,137 --> 00:49:37,558 a voice from the rear turret, "won't somebody get that bomb out of here?" 574 00:49:38,225 --> 00:49:42,521 And I had to realise I had become the most unpopular member of crew 575 00:49:42,605 --> 00:49:43,689 in double quick time. 576 00:49:52,656 --> 00:49:55,910 I'm sure Joe thought that the lower we got 577 00:49:56,577 --> 00:50:00,164 the easier it would be to estimate the dropping point. 578 00:50:02,708 --> 00:50:06,670 So on the tenth run, we were down to 30 feet 579 00:50:06,879 --> 00:50:08,380 and when I said, "bomb gone" 580 00:50:08,464 --> 00:50:11,300 "thank Christ" came from the rear turret just like that. 581 00:50:17,056 --> 00:50:22,228 And he estimated that that tower of water went up to something like a thousand feet. 582 00:50:23,687 --> 00:50:28,442 We had crumbled the top of the dam for a distance of about ten yards. 583 00:50:30,778 --> 00:50:32,446 So then we set course for home 584 00:50:32,988 --> 00:50:35,741 and that for me was the highlight of the trip. 585 00:50:37,910 --> 00:50:40,037 It took us over the Mohne. 586 00:50:40,371 --> 00:50:43,082 We knew by radio that it had been breached. 587 00:50:44,291 --> 00:50:46,335 There was water everywhere. 588 00:50:46,710 --> 00:50:51,674 It was just like an inland sea and it was still coming out of that dam 589 00:50:52,132 --> 00:50:55,844 even what, 20 minutes, maybe half an hour after it had been breached. 590 00:50:58,847 --> 00:51:01,475 But my God, what a loss. 591 00:51:03,060 --> 00:51:04,353 Eight aircraft. 592 00:51:05,145 --> 00:51:09,024 Fifty—three aircrew killed and three taken prisoner. 593 00:51:09,817 --> 00:51:15,489 What a devastating result for one squadron on one night's operation. 594 00:51:33,132 --> 00:51:38,971 I went back to the mess where the waitresses, some of them were crying 595 00:51:40,055 --> 00:51:44,685 because of the number of empty seats there were in the mess, the dining room. 596 00:51:45,811 --> 00:51:49,898 And the chief said, "I think you better go back to bed, girls. 597 00:51:50,441 --> 00:51:53,027 Come back in the morning, you might feel a bit better." 598 00:52:00,784 --> 00:52:01,869 Was it worth it? 599 00:52:03,245 --> 00:52:04,288 I wonder. 600 00:52:04,955 --> 00:52:09,001 But that was, of course, was the loss side. 601 00:52:09,752 --> 00:52:12,796 There was a gain side which was more important. 602 00:52:22,514 --> 00:52:25,517 We all thought what a magnificent effort 603 00:52:25,601 --> 00:52:27,102 had been made, you know? 604 00:52:27,394 --> 00:52:31,565 Er, these chaps going in over water 605 00:52:31,982 --> 00:52:36,528 flying at 240 miles an hour at 60 feet. 606 00:52:37,488 --> 00:52:39,782 Just spellbound by it 607 00:52:40,783 --> 00:52:44,995 wondering whether we could ever have done the same thing. 608 00:52:51,210 --> 00:52:54,963 Whatever it achieved was to our advantage. 609 00:52:55,923 --> 00:52:59,468 It proved to Hitler and the German hierarchy 610 00:53:00,094 --> 00:53:02,262 that what they thought was impregnable 611 00:53:02,763 --> 00:53:05,516 the Royal Air Force could get through and destroy. 612 00:53:13,148 --> 00:53:16,944 When people saw this and read about it 613 00:53:17,486 --> 00:53:22,241 I thought, "well, what a marvellous thing that the RAF has done 614 00:53:22,825 --> 00:53:26,620 and is this a sign of what they can do in the future?" 615 00:53:29,248 --> 00:53:31,834 Perhaps its greatest effect 616 00:53:32,334 --> 00:53:35,671 was on the morale of the people in this country. 617 00:53:36,630 --> 00:53:40,008 It raised the thought, "we're winning something. 618 00:53:40,467 --> 00:53:42,636 Is this a turning point in the war?" 619 00:53:43,137 --> 00:53:45,180 It may have been, I'm still not sure. 620 00:53:45,806 --> 00:53:47,891 But at least it didn't get worse than that. 621 00:54:02,906 --> 00:54:06,160 The dams raid caused great destruction 622 00:54:06,702 --> 00:54:09,830 but enemy engineers were quick to repair the damage. 623 00:54:10,456 --> 00:54:13,459 Despite these setbacks at home and on other fronts 624 00:54:13,917 --> 00:54:16,336 Germany remained a formidable enemy. 625 00:54:22,050 --> 00:54:26,388 Morale in bomber command was very low indeed 626 00:54:26,472 --> 00:54:28,474 because the losses were building up 627 00:54:28,640 --> 00:54:31,643 and we didn't seem to have any positive way 628 00:54:31,727 --> 00:54:37,608 of getting over these defences that the Germans were improving all the time. 629 00:54:39,067 --> 00:54:41,278 The most effective of these defences 630 00:54:41,361 --> 00:54:44,031 was the Luftwaffe's night fighter force. 632 00:54:48,660 --> 00:54:51,163 flying heavily armed, twin—engined aircraft 633 00:54:51,246 --> 00:54:54,875 like the Messerschmitt 110 or the Junkers 88 634 00:54:55,292 --> 00:55:00,380 radar—equipped night fighters accounted for the bulk of bomber command's losses. 635 00:55:03,342 --> 00:55:07,846 Now, a night fighter was guided by a ground radar operator. 637 00:55:11,850 --> 00:55:16,980 and once he picked up your blip, he would then guide the aircraft on to you. 639 00:55:20,776 --> 00:55:23,362 That's how most aircraft got shot down 640 00:55:23,445 --> 00:55:24,947 was between that team. 641 00:55:25,280 --> 00:55:26,323 It was very efficient. 642 00:55:29,117 --> 00:55:30,369 Very efficient indeed. 643 00:55:34,873 --> 00:55:38,585 But British scientists came up with a deceptively simple device 644 00:55:38,669 --> 00:55:40,587 to counter the enemy's radar. 645 00:55:42,172 --> 00:55:44,424 It was codenamed ”window”. 646 00:55:46,927 --> 00:55:49,596 Window was a strip of metallic paper 647 00:55:49,972 --> 00:55:52,724 which we scattered from the aircraft 648 00:55:53,517 --> 00:55:56,395 and it gave the impression to the German radar 649 00:55:56,770 --> 00:56:00,732 of an enormous amount of planes so they couldn't pick up an individual plane. 650 00:56:02,651 --> 00:56:06,822 The German defences were poleaxed in a way 651 00:56:07,114 --> 00:56:09,241 because they just didn't know what they were doing. 652 00:56:12,411 --> 00:56:16,456 In July 1943, using window for the first time 653 00:56:16,540 --> 00:56:20,878 Harris planned four attacks on the heart of German y's shipbuilding industiy. 654 00:56:27,926 --> 00:56:29,595 With the defences blinded 655 00:56:29,887 --> 00:56:32,639 the bombers were targeting not just the shipyards 656 00:56:33,432 --> 00:56:35,434 but the workers' housing too. 657 00:56:36,101 --> 00:56:39,897 We went to Hamburg to bomb that place. 658 00:56:41,356 --> 00:56:46,111 After the first night, place was still burning. 659 00:56:54,745 --> 00:56:56,038 On the second night 660 00:56:56,121 --> 00:57:01,585 hot and dry weather conditions combined with the blazes started by the bombing 661 00:57:02,002 --> 00:57:05,672 created a firestorm that swept through the city. 662 00:57:12,554 --> 00:57:18,518 The second night, I remember asking my navigator 663 00:57:18,602 --> 00:57:19,686 to come and have a look. 664 00:57:21,146 --> 00:57:26,610 He didn't like to see towns burning, and yet that's what our task was. 665 00:57:36,578 --> 00:57:38,330 You could see it from a long way off. 666 00:57:39,206 --> 00:57:43,710 The whole city on fire, and it's quite an alarming sight. 667 00:57:44,169 --> 00:57:46,088 And you're adding to it. 668 00:57:47,714 --> 00:57:51,093 And the bomb aimer has the best view of them all as you can imagine 669 00:57:51,176 --> 00:57:53,345 through the front perspex. 671 00:58:03,772 --> 00:58:04,815 I can see it now. 672 00:58:04,898 --> 00:58:08,110 The firestorm was started on the submarine pens 673 00:58:08,193 --> 00:58:10,570 went right the way through, right up the river Elbe 674 00:58:10,654 --> 00:58:15,075 right to the other side and Hamburg was literally wiped right out. 675 00:58:28,839 --> 00:58:32,175 I was sorry that we had to do so much damage to it. 676 00:58:37,848 --> 00:58:40,517 Bombers of the Eighth United States Air Force 677 00:58:40,642 --> 00:58:42,561 taking off from aerodromes in England 678 00:58:42,686 --> 00:58:46,690 continue their round the clock devastation of war plants in Nazi Germany. 679 00:58:51,611 --> 00:58:55,574 America had come into the conflict in December 1941 680 00:58:56,324 --> 00:58:58,994 and now it too was taking the war to Germany. 681 00:59:00,704 --> 00:59:02,539 The daylight raid on Hamburg 682 00:59:02,706 --> 00:59:06,001 was the first time US bombers joined the RAF in the attack. 683 00:59:07,377 --> 00:59:11,256 In broad daylight, mighty squadrons roar across the North Sea. 684 00:59:11,590 --> 00:59:15,010 Over Hamburg, tons of bombs rain from the skies... 685 00:59:15,677 --> 00:59:20,182 The allied raids shattered the city and rocked the Nazi leadership. 686 00:59:20,265 --> 00:59:22,585 Aerial photographs show the results... 687 00:59:23,060 --> 00:59:28,648 40,000 people were killed and 1.2 million flied for the countryside. 688 00:59:30,067 --> 00:59:32,152 The Germans were absolutely shattered 689 00:59:33,028 --> 00:59:37,657 but war is war, whichever way you look at it. 690 00:59:38,200 --> 00:59:41,828 The hard facts are we had a job to do and we had to get on with it. 691 00:59:42,871 --> 00:59:46,666 There were no ifs and buts that er, "well, perhaps we shouldn't do this 692 00:59:46,750 --> 00:59:48,126 or we shouldn't do that." 693 00:59:49,127 --> 00:59:50,670 We were given the target 694 00:59:50,754 --> 00:59:54,424 we were told why we were taking that particular target 695 00:59:54,966 --> 00:59:56,635 and we had to get on with it. 696 00:59:56,718 --> 01:00:02,641 It was taking the war to Germany by the only means possible at that time 697 01:00:03,141 --> 01:00:07,104 and nobody, in arguing against it 698 01:00:07,395 --> 01:00:09,439 has come up with another solution 699 01:00:09,523 --> 01:00:11,483 for carrying the war to Germany. 700 01:00:20,075 --> 01:00:22,410 But RAF reconnaissance had revealed 701 01:00:22,828 --> 01:00:28,542 that Germany had new and terrifying ideas about carrying the war to Britain. 702 01:00:33,505 --> 01:00:37,175 V2 rockets, the world's first ballistic missiles 703 01:00:37,509 --> 01:00:41,138 were being developed at a secret location on the Baltic coast 704 01:00:43,765 --> 01:00:47,519 carrying a one—ton warhead at three times the speed of sound 705 01:00:48,353 --> 01:00:50,564 there would be no defence against them. 707 01:00:59,781 --> 01:01:04,369 the site had to be destroyed before they could enter service. 708 01:01:08,999 --> 01:01:12,794 Well, the first thing we noticed when we got to the briefing room 709 01:01:13,211 --> 01:01:18,842 was that there were more RAF police on the door than was normal. 710 01:01:22,846 --> 01:01:25,307 We thought, well, you know, "what's going on?" 711 01:01:26,016 --> 01:01:27,475 And of course when we got in 712 01:01:27,559 --> 01:01:31,021 and sat down and they drew the curtains back 713 01:01:31,563 --> 01:01:33,440 we couldn't believe what we were seeing. 714 01:01:35,901 --> 01:01:39,654 The ribbon going all the way up the North Sea 715 01:01:40,238 --> 01:01:44,367 across Denmark to a tiny place 716 01:01:45,035 --> 01:01:46,328 called Peenemunde. 717 01:01:48,079 --> 01:01:50,081 It was a strange feeling 718 01:01:50,165 --> 01:01:55,253 to know that we were going a little bit into the unknown. 719 01:02:00,634 --> 01:02:04,221 Peenemunde was... it was a long journey. 720 01:02:06,514 --> 01:02:07,724 Full moon. 721 01:02:08,600 --> 01:02:10,977 To try that over Germany... 722 01:02:11,770 --> 01:02:12,896 Suicide. 723 01:02:21,404 --> 01:02:25,325 So we went low level across the North Sea. 724 01:02:31,790 --> 01:02:37,254 We were told that it was a very, very important target 725 01:02:37,629 --> 01:02:41,800 which could affect the outcome of the war. 726 01:02:43,468 --> 01:02:47,097 And if we didn't do the job that night 727 01:02:47,764 --> 01:02:49,432 we'd go back the following night 728 01:02:50,016 --> 01:02:53,270 and the night after, and the night after that 729 01:02:54,020 --> 01:02:55,814 until it was obliterated. 730 01:03:08,451 --> 01:03:13,957 And then arriving at the target, you could see everything quite clearly. 731 01:03:16,459 --> 01:03:22,465 A brilliant, lovely night, and yet we were there to destroy and kill. 732 01:03:40,859 --> 01:03:42,902 When we went in on our bombing run 733 01:03:43,361 --> 01:03:45,947 there was a bit of flak, not too serious 734 01:03:46,364 --> 01:03:49,617 and we were able to bomb and get out 735 01:03:51,286 --> 01:03:53,246 without too much trouble. 736 01:03:55,707 --> 01:03:59,961 You could clearly see the ground and what you were trying to hit. 737 01:04:03,131 --> 01:04:06,176 But of course it was a brilliant moonlight night. 738 01:04:07,093 --> 01:04:11,181 When the fighters got there, they had a bit of a field day. 739 01:04:16,144 --> 01:04:18,938 We lost over 40 aircraft. 740 01:04:24,110 --> 01:04:27,447 245 RAF aircrew were killed 741 01:04:28,531 --> 01:04:31,618 along with approximately 700 people on the ground 742 01:04:34,329 --> 01:04:37,832 but the raid delayed development of the rockets by many months. 743 01:04:41,127 --> 01:04:44,964 It was enough to ensure that the V weapons would not be the war winner 744 01:04:45,048 --> 01:04:46,466 that Hitler hoped for. 745 01:04:49,677 --> 01:04:53,973 We were quite proud to think that we'd taken part in that 746 01:04:54,349 --> 01:04:59,396 and of course very much relieved that we didn't have to go back 747 01:05:01,940 --> 01:05:03,149 cos that was... 748 01:05:04,317 --> 01:05:08,822 Well, we thought that that would be it 749 01:05:09,197 --> 01:05:10,365 if we had to go back. 750 01:05:11,950 --> 01:05:15,245 That that would... that would be... That would be the chop. 751 01:05:20,041 --> 01:05:22,794 So that was a huge sigh of relief. 752 01:05:24,546 --> 01:05:26,214 We were stood down. 753 01:05:33,179 --> 01:05:35,974 The most atmospheric place you can ever be 754 01:05:36,057 --> 01:05:37,684 is in a bomber station. 755 01:05:37,892 --> 01:05:42,355 If there's been a stand down for two days, there's a station dance 756 01:05:42,439 --> 01:05:45,733 and every station had got a dance band of some sort. 759 01:05:57,495 --> 01:06:00,457 They used to use the hangars, they'd push the aeroplanes back 760 01:06:00,540 --> 01:06:04,752 there's a bar, there's the station band belting out Glenn Miller. 761 01:06:08,256 --> 01:06:09,632 It's... it's electric. 762 01:06:10,884 --> 01:06:12,010 Electric. 763 01:06:18,600 --> 01:06:20,685 We laughed and joked with each other 764 01:06:20,768 --> 01:06:22,479 and some paired off. 765 01:06:24,314 --> 01:06:27,859 Some were a bit naughty and... you know. 766 01:06:30,195 --> 01:06:32,655 These boys became very precious. 767 01:06:32,739 --> 01:06:33,823 Very precious. 768 01:06:34,240 --> 01:06:35,742 They were bomber crew. 769 01:06:36,409 --> 01:06:40,371 Just to hold hands or hug a boy was magic. 770 01:06:45,543 --> 01:06:47,462 Beer and girls. 771 01:06:48,046 --> 01:06:49,255 And this was the... 772 01:06:49,506 --> 01:06:52,425 We drank an awful lot, even when you weren't flying. 773 01:06:52,884 --> 01:06:54,761 Six, eight pints a night was nothing. 774 01:06:55,053 --> 01:06:57,180 You never knew the guy that you were drinking with 775 01:06:57,263 --> 01:06:58,908 whether he's going to be there tomorrow or not. 776 01:06:58,932 --> 01:07:00,266 We took it for granted. 777 01:07:04,354 --> 01:07:06,481 You didn't sit in the mess and dwell 778 01:07:06,856 --> 01:07:08,274 you just got on with living. 779 01:07:11,319 --> 01:07:14,364 And the girls were so affectionate and so lovely. 780 01:07:14,614 --> 01:07:15,657 Charles, look. 781 01:07:16,533 --> 01:07:18,076 Who's that smasher over there? 782 01:07:18,660 --> 01:07:22,121 One of my friends said, "thank God for sex, it's kept me sane". 783 01:07:22,205 --> 01:07:24,005 What would you say if I asked you for a dance? 784 01:07:24,040 --> 01:07:26,292 I should rather be saying... yes. — lovely. 785 01:07:28,336 --> 01:07:29,336 Well, I'm damned. 786 01:07:32,882 --> 01:07:34,634 Well, I met this young man 787 01:07:34,717 --> 01:07:39,264 his name was Bruce, he was a pilot in a Lanc. 788 01:07:40,348 --> 01:07:42,350 And he asked me to dance 789 01:07:44,018 --> 01:07:46,896 and I mean, we just... 790 01:07:47,522 --> 01:07:49,941 You know, we fell in love really. 791 01:07:52,151 --> 01:07:55,280 We used to meet whenever he wasn't on ops 792 01:07:56,030 --> 01:07:57,574 or I wasn't on duty. 793 01:07:59,284 --> 01:08:00,952 So that was just wonderful. 794 01:08:06,916 --> 01:08:11,212 And yet we never spoke about what he did. 795 01:08:11,838 --> 01:08:13,381 We didn't talk about it. 796 01:08:14,007 --> 01:08:15,967 And in a way it was right really. 797 01:08:16,759 --> 01:08:17,759 That was done. 798 01:08:19,012 --> 01:08:20,597 And then it was on to the next one. 800 01:08:52,837 --> 01:08:55,557 The green light flashes on the control tower. 801 01:08:55,590 --> 01:08:59,510 It's our turn to go now as we start to slowly gather speed 802 01:08:59,594 --> 01:09:02,263 down the mile—and—a—half—long runway. 803 01:09:13,900 --> 01:09:16,903 For eight months from August 1943 804 01:09:17,612 --> 01:09:20,615 one in three of bomber command's major operations 805 01:09:20,990 --> 01:09:23,076 were against Germany's capital. 806 01:09:26,537 --> 01:09:28,039 Harris said to Churchill 807 01:09:28,748 --> 01:09:34,420 ”we can wreck Berlin from end to end if the US Army Air Force will come in on it. 808 01:09:35,338 --> 01:09:38,716 It will cost between us 400 to 500 aircraft. 809 01:09:39,676 --> 01:09:42,845 It will cost Germany the war. ” 810 01:09:47,725 --> 01:09:50,205 We're crossing the coast in good company. 811 01:09:50,687 --> 01:09:55,024 Another Lancaster away and over our broad starboard wing. 812 01:09:56,234 --> 01:09:59,862 Right before us now is the darkness and Germany. 813 01:10:00,363 --> 01:10:03,866 It was a long way, four hours to Berlin 814 01:10:03,950 --> 01:10:06,327 and then you had to get four hours back. 815 01:10:06,994 --> 01:10:08,639 At the back of your mind you were thinking 816 01:10:08,663 --> 01:10:11,708 "well, Berlin is gonna be very heavily defended" 817 01:10:12,250 --> 01:10:16,879 so you were a bit apprehensive as to what you might expect. 818 01:10:18,297 --> 01:10:20,466 The Germans became very adept, of course. 819 01:10:21,259 --> 01:10:23,219 Our bombing techniques improved 820 01:10:23,845 --> 01:10:27,598 but also German technique of shooting us down improved. 821 01:10:29,934 --> 01:10:34,647 I'm just glancing back now, I can see our mid upper gunner 822 01:10:34,731 --> 01:10:38,484 his turret moving, searching in the darkness. 823 01:10:40,611 --> 01:10:42,697 We're in the land of the night fighter. 824 01:10:45,742 --> 01:10:47,827 The first thing would be the thunder of guns. 825 01:10:47,910 --> 01:10:49,829 Fighter coming in port quarter, skipper! 826 01:10:50,079 --> 01:10:52,165 I screamed, "corkscrew starboard go!" 827 01:10:55,877 --> 01:10:58,212 The evasive manoeuvre was corkscrew. 828 01:11:01,090 --> 01:11:02,759 You put full aileron on 829 01:11:02,842 --> 01:11:06,137 you pushed the stick right down to 360 miles an hour. 830 01:11:06,345 --> 01:11:07,472 When you get to the bottom 831 01:11:07,555 --> 01:11:10,600 with some physical effort, you pull the bloody thing like that 832 01:11:10,683 --> 01:11:12,185 and pull it up the other side. 833 01:11:12,393 --> 01:11:16,814 You dived down and climbed up and you're flying this corkscrew pattern. 834 01:11:20,151 --> 01:11:22,528 Down goes the nose of the Lancaster. 835 01:11:24,864 --> 01:11:27,241 We feel like as if we've been flung around. 836 01:11:27,533 --> 01:11:30,661 A furious angle, up comes our starboard wing. 837 01:11:31,579 --> 01:11:35,082 And then you repeat the operation by which time either you're dead 838 01:11:35,166 --> 01:11:36,667 or he's shoved off. 839 01:11:38,044 --> 01:11:41,714 First thing we can see now is a stream of red sparks. 840 01:11:41,964 --> 01:11:45,384 Away to the starboard, tracer from night fighters. 841 01:11:46,844 --> 01:11:50,723 I saw a tracer and I'm like "where is the so and so?" 842 01:11:50,807 --> 01:11:52,934 And all of a sudden he's appeared 843 01:11:53,643 --> 01:11:56,270 and I just kept my fingers on the triggers. 845 01:11:58,731 --> 01:12:02,193 and then I saw licks of flames coming off his wings. 846 01:12:02,443 --> 01:12:05,154 And all of a sudden he turned over and went down in flames. 847 01:12:05,238 --> 01:12:06,614 I got him! I got him! 848 01:12:07,740 --> 01:12:10,743 And I thought to myself then, "I hope my bullets have killed them" 849 01:12:11,077 --> 01:12:13,955 cos there's nothing worse than to die by fire. 850 01:12:16,999 --> 01:12:18,959 Look! Look! They've got him! 851 01:12:20,378 --> 01:12:22,964 The boys, they make it a Junkers 88. 852 01:12:28,803 --> 01:12:30,471 I only did two berlins. 853 01:12:32,974 --> 01:12:35,977 We did four trips on Berlin altogether. 854 01:12:38,145 --> 01:12:41,023 I think I did six if I remember rightly. 855 01:12:43,234 --> 01:12:47,280 I think I made seven raids on Berlin. 856 01:12:50,032 --> 01:12:51,617 We went there eight times. 857 01:12:52,243 --> 01:12:53,619 Eight trips to Berlin. 858 01:12:55,162 --> 01:12:59,667 So we knew the way, we knew what it was gonna be like. 860 01:13:12,430 --> 01:13:14,015 There was a tremendous explosion. 861 01:13:14,223 --> 01:13:15,558 Tremendous, woof! 863 01:13:16,976 --> 01:13:18,144 port outer engine's on fire! 864 01:13:18,227 --> 01:13:20,062 Everything happened in slow motion. 865 01:13:20,146 --> 01:13:21,898 I mean ultra—slow motion. 866 01:13:22,857 --> 01:13:26,527 You felt yourself going, you went down like a sack of bricks. 867 01:13:27,820 --> 01:13:29,405 And as you were going down 868 01:13:29,739 --> 01:13:34,285 you saw sparks going above the cockpit. 870 01:13:36,829 --> 01:13:42,585 what I thought was sparks were in fact tracer shells from an ME 110 871 01:13:42,668 --> 01:13:44,378 that was attacking us and I didn't know. 873 01:13:46,881 --> 01:13:48,721 and I could hear the screams of the bomb aimer. 874 01:13:50,927 --> 01:13:54,388 So I went to the nose of the aircraft and well, dreadful sight. 875 01:13:54,472 --> 01:13:57,391 I... actually, I vomited. 876 01:13:58,601 --> 01:13:59,602 He was dead. 877 01:14:02,730 --> 01:14:06,192 And then the wireless op, he died on the way back in fact. 878 01:14:10,279 --> 01:14:12,615 For some unaccountable reason 879 01:14:13,574 --> 01:14:15,534 perhaps I resigned myself to my fate 880 01:14:15,618 --> 01:14:17,703 or perhaps I was too busy working out the fuel 881 01:14:17,995 --> 01:14:18,995 I wasn't frightened. 882 01:14:19,038 --> 01:14:21,838 That was the only time I wasn't absolutely petrified. I don't know why. 883 01:14:24,794 --> 01:14:27,630 Couldn't raise the bomb doors, couldn't lower the under carriage 884 01:14:27,713 --> 01:14:29,048 couldn't use the flaps. 885 01:14:30,758 --> 01:14:34,929 And we descended quite rapidly until we reached the coast. 886 01:14:35,888 --> 01:14:37,574 Our first sight of England 887 01:14:37,598 --> 01:14:43,104 a little light from a beacon flashing up to us from the darkness below. 888 01:14:52,113 --> 01:14:56,033 We all here heed a heartfelt sigh of relief. 889 01:14:59,161 --> 01:15:02,206 We landed, I was the first one out 890 01:15:02,748 --> 01:15:06,043 and the thing I remember vividly was kissing the ground. 891 01:15:11,298 --> 01:15:13,175 Well, I used to ring him every day 892 01:15:13,259 --> 01:15:18,097 but you had to ring before 12 o'clock because once they'd had the first briefing 893 01:15:18,180 --> 01:15:19,181 you couldn't. 894 01:15:20,683 --> 01:15:24,645 And this particular day, I didn't get to the phone in time 895 01:15:25,563 --> 01:15:27,440 and I didn't speak to him. 896 01:15:29,316 --> 01:15:34,321 And next morning, I knew the moment I walked in that he hadn't come back. 897 01:15:40,119 --> 01:15:41,537 I was devastated. 898 01:15:42,621 --> 01:15:47,293 And I was so, so, so devastated I wasn't able to say 899 01:15:47,376 --> 01:15:48,919 "goodbye, darling. God bless." 900 01:15:51,297 --> 01:15:53,132 I felt it was almost my fault. 901 01:15:56,886 --> 01:15:57,970 But that was war. 902 01:16:00,639 --> 01:16:01,639 Yes. 903 01:16:09,190 --> 01:16:11,776 He was only 22 when he died. 904 01:16:24,121 --> 01:16:26,957 The battle of Berlin was in its final phase 905 01:16:27,917 --> 01:16:32,296 but it had not, as Harris had promised, cost Germany the war. 906 01:16:33,881 --> 01:16:38,511 RAF losses continued to mount, yet in March 1944 907 01:16:38,594 --> 01:16:42,473 Harris insisted on one last operation in the campaign 908 01:16:43,474 --> 01:16:45,726 despite being advised against it. 909 01:16:50,022 --> 01:16:53,234 However, the final trip was not to Berlin 910 01:16:53,818 --> 01:16:57,863 but Nuremberg, symbolic home of the Nazis. 911 01:17:00,282 --> 01:17:01,784 The weather forecast was 912 01:17:01,867 --> 01:17:04,245 "you're gonna be in cloud all the way to the target 913 01:17:04,620 --> 01:17:06,038 and the target's gonna be clear." 914 01:17:07,164 --> 01:17:10,584 But a freak wind came up and blew all the cloud away 915 01:17:11,293 --> 01:17:14,213 and when you had a clear night with this lovely moon 916 01:17:14,296 --> 01:17:15,840 it was like flying in daylight. 917 01:17:27,685 --> 01:17:29,145 Very bright moon that night. 918 01:17:30,688 --> 01:17:32,773 Another Lancaster moved across. 919 01:17:34,483 --> 01:17:36,610 And suddenly, with no warning whatsoever... 920 01:17:37,903 --> 01:17:38,903 Boom! Gone. 921 01:17:41,699 --> 01:17:44,827 The Germans had sent 240 night fighters 922 01:17:44,910 --> 01:17:46,662 right into the bomber stream. 923 01:17:47,121 --> 01:17:48,706 We saw them flashing past 924 01:17:48,998 --> 01:17:52,376 but we'd see aircraft just blowing up and disappearing 925 01:17:52,626 --> 01:17:55,045 others literally just falling out of the sky. 926 01:17:57,506 --> 01:18:01,468 We saw over 40 aircraft, separate aircraft 927 01:18:01,552 --> 01:18:03,721 reported by the crew as going down. 928 01:18:07,600 --> 01:18:10,936 We were sitting ducks shot to buggery. 929 01:18:11,437 --> 01:18:15,816 The last 200 miles was just a straight run in to Nuremberg. 930 01:18:19,612 --> 01:18:23,574 But instead of being clearer, it was cloudy over Nuremberg 931 01:18:24,283 --> 01:18:27,286 and most of the aircraft missed the target. 932 01:18:28,162 --> 01:18:30,456 So the raid was a failure. 934 01:18:38,797 --> 01:18:42,092 When we'd landed and got out the aircraft 935 01:18:42,885 --> 01:18:47,806 normally you were chatty and a bit exuberant, but that night we never spoke. 936 01:18:48,515 --> 01:18:51,185 Just said "hello", "alright?" 937 01:18:53,020 --> 01:18:54,146 Well, how do you get on? 938 01:18:54,271 --> 01:18:56,398 And then we had to go to be debriefed. 940 01:19:02,029 --> 01:19:05,824 We actually saw 50 plus aircraft shot down. 941 01:19:05,908 --> 01:19:07,076 We actually saw it. 942 01:19:07,534 --> 01:19:10,287 But when we landed back at base, they wouldn't believe us. 943 01:19:10,371 --> 01:19:12,390 They said, "well, you saw it, you saw it, you saw it. 944 01:19:12,414 --> 01:19:14,124 That's only one aeroplane, not three." 945 01:19:14,208 --> 01:19:15,501 The crew were a mad lot. 946 01:19:15,584 --> 01:19:18,128 They used to have a little kitty in between them 947 01:19:18,212 --> 01:19:22,716 and the one who guessed most accurately the number of aircraft shot down 948 01:19:22,841 --> 01:19:23,926 got the kitty. 949 01:19:24,176 --> 01:19:28,681 And curly, cos he was looking out all the time, said "ooh, 60 to 100". 950 01:19:29,181 --> 01:19:30,975 And he won the kitty that night 951 01:19:31,183 --> 01:19:34,979 because 96 aircraft were shot down over Germany. 952 01:19:36,230 --> 01:19:37,606 Ninety—six. 953 01:19:38,899 --> 01:19:40,776 In one night. 954 01:19:43,821 --> 01:19:49,743 That's 672 empty chairs at breakfast. 955 01:19:58,127 --> 01:20:01,255 Empty chairs at empty tables. 956 01:20:02,756 --> 01:20:06,302 That's where John used to sit, that's where Harry used to sit. 957 01:20:09,054 --> 01:20:12,766 Bomber command lost more aircrew on that one night 958 01:20:13,100 --> 01:20:16,812 than fighter command during the entire battle of Britain. 959 01:20:19,023 --> 01:20:21,608 At night you could see other aircraft 960 01:20:21,692 --> 01:20:24,737 and you could certainly see them being shot down. 961 01:20:25,529 --> 01:20:29,533 We all saw them and our attitude was "it's not our turn tonight". 962 01:20:30,367 --> 01:20:33,329 You know, you sympathise, you're sorry to see them go 963 01:20:33,412 --> 01:20:36,248 but your attitude is, "well, it's not our turn. 964 01:20:36,332 --> 01:20:39,001 It might be tomorrow night, but it's not our turn tonight." 965 01:20:42,087 --> 01:20:46,592 We never thought that anything was going to happen to us. 966 01:20:46,967 --> 01:20:48,844 When I look back, it's crazy. 967 01:20:48,927 --> 01:20:53,599 I mean, the odds were staring you in the face. 968 01:20:56,268 --> 01:20:59,313 In the mess, if anybody disappeared 969 01:20:59,897 --> 01:21:02,775 we'd just shout "hard luck! Hard luck". 970 01:21:03,692 --> 01:21:05,277 Tom's gone. "Hard luck!" 971 01:21:05,736 --> 01:21:07,321 That's the only way we could do it. 972 01:21:11,408 --> 01:21:12,910 When somebody got the chop 973 01:21:12,993 --> 01:21:16,538 you used to go down to the mess and say, "here's to good old so and so 974 01:21:16,622 --> 01:21:18,207 and here's to the next one to die." 975 01:21:18,791 --> 01:21:21,251 And you just accepted you weren't gonna live. 976 01:21:25,547 --> 01:21:27,257 One accepts certain things in a war 977 01:21:27,341 --> 01:21:29,927 that you don't accept in life, and you don't think about it. 978 01:21:30,969 --> 01:21:33,389 It's sad to talk about these things. 979 01:21:33,972 --> 01:21:37,476 Very... um, moving. 980 01:21:42,189 --> 01:21:44,858 According to bomber command's official history 981 01:21:45,150 --> 01:21:47,653 the Battle of Berlin was more than a failure. 982 01:21:48,862 --> 01:21:49,988 It was a defeat 983 01:21:51,990 --> 01:21:54,535 questions were asked of Harris' leadership 984 01:21:55,160 --> 01:21:58,789 and a week after the Nuremberg raid, he threatened to resign. 985 01:22:00,165 --> 01:22:02,042 His superiors backed down. 986 01:22:04,253 --> 01:22:06,422 But change was in the air. 987 01:22:13,971 --> 01:22:16,181 In the spring of 1944 988 01:22:16,265 --> 01:22:19,184 bomber command was put under temporary new management 989 01:22:20,894 --> 01:22:22,980 allied generals needed the heavy bombers 990 01:22:23,063 --> 01:22:25,858 to pave the way for the liberation of Europe. 991 01:22:28,068 --> 01:22:29,379 The German gunners 992 01:22:29,403 --> 01:22:31,697 and coast defence troops along the Seine bay 993 01:22:31,864 --> 01:22:34,575 were called very early on the morning of June 6th 994 01:22:34,908 --> 01:22:37,619 by 8500 tons of bombs 995 01:22:37,703 --> 01:22:40,873 dropped upon them by Lancasters and Halifaxes of bomber command 996 01:22:41,165 --> 01:22:44,293 Fortresses and Liberators of the United States Air Force. 997 01:22:44,710 --> 01:22:49,465 We were told that we were going to be sent 998 01:22:49,548 --> 01:22:52,843 to a beach off the coast of Normandy 999 01:22:53,260 --> 01:22:57,139 and bomb a target, five naval guns 1000 01:22:57,556 --> 01:23:03,061 and no one knew that it was in fact, the run up to D day. 1001 01:23:12,321 --> 01:23:14,698 So we were to cross and to drop 1002 01:23:15,115 --> 01:23:18,619 probably 1800 thousand pound bombs 1003 01:23:18,702 --> 01:23:22,331 on an area less than a city block, for sure. 1004 01:23:26,877 --> 01:23:29,630 And it just wiped out the whole place. 1005 01:23:29,713 --> 01:23:31,924 We took half the cliff and the gun emplacements 1006 01:23:32,007 --> 01:23:33,008 everything else away. 1007 01:23:44,394 --> 01:23:46,605 And as we turned to come home 1008 01:23:47,189 --> 01:23:50,484 I'm sure we all just went, "ahh". 1009 01:23:56,949 --> 01:24:00,327 It was a sight that will never ever be seen again 1010 01:24:01,203 --> 01:24:05,207 because the first of the landing ships with the troops on were coming in. 1011 01:24:06,542 --> 01:24:08,001 That was the start of D Day. 1012 01:24:11,713 --> 01:24:13,674 As we come across the channel 1013 01:24:14,925 --> 01:24:19,346 we looked down, you couldn't see the sea for boats. 1014 01:24:19,805 --> 01:24:22,766 All the landing barges and everything was going in 1015 01:24:23,976 --> 01:24:28,522 the gliders were going in with the airborne divisions 1016 01:24:29,189 --> 01:24:31,817 and it was a magnificent sight. 1017 01:24:34,152 --> 01:24:36,280 I reckon I could have put my wheels down 1018 01:24:36,363 --> 01:24:37,363 and taxied home 1019 01:24:37,406 --> 01:24:40,367 because there was just not a piece of the channel left for us. 1020 01:24:40,450 --> 01:24:42,369 It was just all covered with ships. 1021 01:24:56,300 --> 01:24:57,926 The war was not won 1022 01:24:58,176 --> 01:25:00,012 but the tide was turning. 1023 01:25:01,847 --> 01:25:04,057 After four years of flying at night 1024 01:25:04,308 --> 01:25:06,977 bomber command resumed daylight operations. 1025 01:25:08,895 --> 01:25:11,231 With the allies in control of the air 1026 01:25:11,398 --> 01:25:17,070 the Lancaster and her crews would prove that precision bombing was now possible. 1027 01:25:24,036 --> 01:25:26,455 Our job was to be the heavy artillery. 1028 01:25:28,624 --> 01:25:33,295 The German troops and tanks assembled at the Caen area 1029 01:25:35,005 --> 01:25:37,507 and we bombed very, very accurately 1030 01:25:39,843 --> 01:25:42,054 which bomber Harris didn't think we could manage. 1031 01:25:45,932 --> 01:25:48,727 That pinpoint bombing was taken a step further 1032 01:25:48,810 --> 01:25:51,438 by the lifting capability of the Lancaster. 1033 01:25:53,065 --> 01:25:55,817 Barnes Wallis had developed two new bombs 1034 01:25:55,901 --> 01:25:58,070 that only the Lanc could carry. 1035 01:25:59,237 --> 01:26:02,407 One was the tallboy at 12,000 pounds 1036 01:26:03,408 --> 01:26:08,455 and the other was the grand slam at 22,000 pounds, the ten ton bomb. 1037 01:26:10,582 --> 01:26:12,417 So immediately after D Day 1038 01:26:12,834 --> 01:26:16,797 the squadron found itself equipped with the tallboy. 1039 01:26:20,717 --> 01:26:25,138 And the first operation was on a major rail tunnel. 1040 01:26:25,430 --> 01:26:27,641 German troops had been sent through that tunnel 1041 01:26:27,724 --> 01:26:30,352 heading towards the Normandy beaches 1042 01:26:30,477 --> 01:26:33,522 and therefore it was essential to knock it out, which we did. 1043 01:26:39,611 --> 01:26:43,323 So we were achieving great accuracy with our bombing. 1045 01:26:49,079 --> 01:26:51,123 Yet despite these achievements 1046 01:26:51,373 --> 01:26:56,253 bomber command was still directed to continue area attacks at night 1047 01:26:57,921 --> 01:27:01,675 in February 1945, the stage was set 1048 01:27:01,842 --> 01:27:04,594 for the most notorious bombing raid of the war. 1049 01:27:08,890 --> 01:27:11,768 My father got me into a school in Dresden 1050 01:27:12,102 --> 01:27:15,605 which was about 50 miles away 1051 01:27:15,689 --> 01:27:18,400 from my hometown, Chemnitz. 1052 01:27:20,485 --> 01:27:24,406 Most of the war we felt safe and we were safe 1053 01:27:24,489 --> 01:27:26,825 because we were so far east. 1054 01:27:27,367 --> 01:27:30,620 In those days they didn't have enough fuel or whatever. 1055 01:27:30,996 --> 01:27:32,247 They didn't come to us. 1056 01:27:33,540 --> 01:27:34,875 Until later on. 1057 01:27:38,962 --> 01:27:40,839 With the Russians advancing 1058 01:27:41,047 --> 01:27:47,053 Churchill was keen to assist and baste the Germans as they retreat from Brest. 1059 01:27:48,513 --> 01:27:52,768 Four cities in front of the Soviet push were selected as potential targets. 1060 01:27:53,727 --> 01:27:57,647 Of those cities, the bed army requested that Dresden 1061 01:27:57,731 --> 01:28:00,901 as an important transport hub, be bombed 1062 01:28:00,984 --> 01:28:04,780 to disrupt German reinforcements coming into the battle area. 1063 01:28:09,659 --> 01:28:13,038 And Dresden was full of refugees 1064 01:28:13,121 --> 01:28:16,458 who had run away from the Russian army coming. 1065 01:28:17,000 --> 01:28:21,213 They all came because, well, that was safe. 1067 01:28:29,387 --> 01:28:33,558 The attack was planned as a deliberate effort to destroy morale 1068 01:28:33,892 --> 01:28:36,394 and create chaos behind the front line. 1069 01:28:41,566 --> 01:28:44,402 I was born in Stoke—on—Trent 1070 01:28:45,028 --> 01:28:47,239 commonly known as the potteries 1071 01:28:48,698 --> 01:28:52,911 so Dresden to me was Meissen pottery. 1072 01:28:55,622 --> 01:28:58,917 That... that did affect me at the briefing 1073 01:28:59,501 --> 01:29:01,962 that I thought, "this is rather like... 1074 01:29:04,005 --> 01:29:06,091 Bombing Stoke—on—Trent." 1075 01:29:10,428 --> 01:29:12,347 The briefing was no different 1076 01:29:12,430 --> 01:29:13,723 to any other target. 1077 01:29:14,474 --> 01:29:17,811 We were told to Mark the marshalling yards and that sort of thing 1078 01:29:17,894 --> 01:29:19,396 in the centre of the town 1079 01:29:19,729 --> 01:29:24,150 and we were told it was to help the Russian advance. 1080 01:29:27,612 --> 01:29:30,115 People think that we bombed a little town 1081 01:29:30,198 --> 01:29:32,826 that was full of shops selling Dresden China. 1082 01:29:33,410 --> 01:29:36,121 It wasn't, it was full of ammunition factories. 1083 01:29:36,246 --> 01:29:41,001 It was also a staging point for the people defending Berlin. 1084 01:29:44,754 --> 01:29:47,424 This was bomber command at the height of its power. 1085 01:29:48,675 --> 01:29:51,177 One thousand six hundred heavy bombers 1086 01:29:51,261 --> 01:29:55,515 three quarters of which were Lancasters, in 73 squadrons. 1087 01:29:57,684 --> 01:30:01,271 And Dresden would be an all—Lancaster operation. 1088 01:30:01,980 --> 01:30:06,067 796 of the aircraft were launched against the city. 1089 01:30:10,113 --> 01:30:12,365 I remember at the time we thought... 1090 01:30:13,241 --> 01:30:15,035 Well, I don't know what's the right word 1091 01:30:15,118 --> 01:30:20,790 very privileged to be going on such a big raid 1092 01:30:21,249 --> 01:30:23,376 at such an important stage. 1093 01:30:31,468 --> 01:30:33,929 And then on the 13th of February 1094 01:30:37,057 --> 01:30:41,269 I was at home in Chemnitz on half term. 1095 01:30:43,438 --> 01:30:45,148 I was then 16 1096 01:30:46,358 --> 01:30:50,779 and we could hear the Lancaster squadrons above us coming. 1097 01:30:53,740 --> 01:30:56,785 You could hear it on the glass vibrating. 1098 01:30:56,993 --> 01:31:00,163 Such big squadrons coming over. 1099 01:31:00,705 --> 01:31:01,705 So many. 1100 01:31:03,875 --> 01:31:07,545 The sound of it alone made you frightened. 1102 01:31:22,936 --> 01:31:25,105 And we thought, "that must be Dresden." 1103 01:31:25,271 --> 01:31:28,400 That's the direction, you know? "That's Dresden. 1104 01:31:28,483 --> 01:31:31,361 They got... they gone... They're bombing Dresden." 1105 01:31:42,247 --> 01:31:46,167 We were dropping a target indicator on Dresden. 1106 01:31:49,629 --> 01:31:52,674 We were pathfinders, we were one of the first. 1107 01:31:53,925 --> 01:31:57,303 We were about three or four minutes before main force 1108 01:31:58,013 --> 01:32:01,808 and it gave us a little bit of leeway. 1109 01:32:03,560 --> 01:32:06,479 Main force were then called in to bomb. 1111 01:32:24,831 --> 01:32:29,002 We got to a point where the bomb aimer took over for the run in 1112 01:32:29,085 --> 01:32:31,463 and I could see out of the dome. 1113 01:32:32,255 --> 01:32:35,884 I can't relate to anything 1114 01:32:35,967 --> 01:32:38,595 where the fire and the destruction 1115 01:32:38,678 --> 01:32:42,265 was so vast over an area as Dresden. 1116 01:32:50,523 --> 01:32:52,525 And it was such an inferno 1117 01:32:53,109 --> 01:32:57,405 that we saw it on the sky going red at night. 1118 01:33:05,246 --> 01:33:07,999 As the rear gunner, coming out of Dresden 1119 01:33:08,166 --> 01:33:11,669 all I could see was one massive great red sky 1120 01:33:12,420 --> 01:33:15,715 and I could see those flames over a hundred mile away. 1121 01:33:15,924 --> 01:33:17,444 You could see the big glow in the sky. 1122 01:33:18,676 --> 01:33:22,347 Every single way you looked was red with flames. 1123 01:33:24,224 --> 01:33:26,452 As daylight broke on the returning Lancasters 1124 01:33:26,476 --> 01:33:28,937 a huge force of American fortresses and liberators 1125 01:33:29,020 --> 01:33:30,605 were rising from British airfields. 1126 01:33:31,606 --> 01:33:35,151 For 450 of them, the target was again Dresden. 1127 01:33:35,860 --> 01:33:38,905 The beauty of these aircraft in flight is in curious contrast 1128 01:33:38,988 --> 01:33:41,616 to the unavoidable ugliness of their essential mission. 1129 01:33:41,908 --> 01:33:43,660 Well, of course I lost my school. 1130 01:33:43,743 --> 01:33:44,953 I never saw it again. 1131 01:33:45,495 --> 01:33:47,080 Nobody ever went back. 1132 01:33:48,998 --> 01:33:51,251 It was a terrible destruction 1133 01:33:51,960 --> 01:33:56,339 and the dead just lying around in heaps. 1134 01:33:57,799 --> 01:33:59,801 Mountains of dead people 1135 01:34:02,762 --> 01:34:04,389 which had burned to death. 1136 01:34:06,182 --> 01:34:07,934 It was really terrible. 1137 01:34:13,356 --> 01:34:16,359 Approximately 25,000 people were killed 1138 01:34:16,442 --> 01:34:18,069 in the attacks on Dresden. 1139 01:34:21,698 --> 01:34:25,493 For lads 19, 20, 21... 1140 01:34:28,454 --> 01:34:30,540 We'd never known maturity 1141 01:34:31,499 --> 01:34:35,253 because we'd lived in a strange world. 1142 01:34:37,547 --> 01:34:39,215 One where we would go out 1143 01:34:39,799 --> 01:34:43,970 and we would have killed hundreds of people that night 1144 01:34:46,389 --> 01:34:48,600 and not known a thing about it. 1145 01:34:51,603 --> 01:34:54,063 War's a dirty business, isn't it? 1146 01:34:58,735 --> 01:35:00,361 A month after Dresden 1147 01:35:00,862 --> 01:35:05,200 Churchill sent a draft memo to Charles Portal, head of the RAF 1148 01:35:05,491 --> 01:35:07,452 critical of bombing policy. 1149 01:35:08,661 --> 01:35:12,415 Although it was later re— written, lasting damage was done 1150 01:35:12,498 --> 01:35:16,127 to both bomber command's and Harris ' reputations. 1151 01:35:17,712 --> 01:35:20,381 I'm pretty sure politics came into this 1152 01:35:20,548 --> 01:35:24,552 cos Harris, obviously he wasn't the easiest bloke to get on with 1153 01:35:25,470 --> 01:35:29,515 but his instructions came from Air Ministry and the Government. 1154 01:35:30,433 --> 01:35:35,271 Churchill sent to the Portal a list of targets 1155 01:35:35,355 --> 01:35:36,439 which had to be bombed. 1156 01:35:36,522 --> 01:35:38,566 When he wore his tin hat he was good. 1157 01:35:39,359 --> 01:35:42,237 When he put his bowler on, he was a different man altogether, wasn't he? 1158 01:35:42,320 --> 01:35:44,030 He was more interested in politics 1159 01:35:44,405 --> 01:35:46,407 and winning an election than the war, wasn't he? 1160 01:35:46,491 --> 01:35:48,493 And he wanted to wash his hands of Dresden. 1161 01:35:48,576 --> 01:35:50,787 Well, he couldn't because he ordered it. 1162 01:35:50,912 --> 01:35:55,750 He was afraid of the consequences, that he'd ordered this slaughter 1163 01:35:56,459 --> 01:36:00,463 and when it had been accomplished he didn't want to know. 1164 01:36:01,005 --> 01:36:04,175 So poor old Harris was blamed 1165 01:36:04,467 --> 01:36:07,053 for what the politicians had told him what to do 1166 01:36:07,262 --> 01:36:08,930 so he carried the can. 1167 01:36:28,741 --> 01:36:33,579 The war in Europe ended on May 8th, 1945. 1168 01:36:35,999 --> 01:36:39,127 I still think that it was necessary. 1169 01:36:41,170 --> 01:36:44,257 We lost a lot of men, we lost women and children 1170 01:36:44,340 --> 01:36:46,050 and so did the Germans. 1171 01:36:47,510 --> 01:36:51,264 But then, wherever you go, war is war, isn't it? 1172 01:36:51,931 --> 01:36:56,185 And it's always the civilians that cop it the worst. 1173 01:36:59,063 --> 01:37:04,277 I suppose one could say that it was futile really 1174 01:37:04,694 --> 01:37:09,866 but what would have happened if we hadn't have gone to war with Germany 1175 01:37:10,825 --> 01:37:12,118 and did what we did? 1176 01:37:17,915 --> 01:37:20,668 We know now that they killed six million Jews. 1177 01:37:24,881 --> 01:37:30,803 Any country which can sanction that deserves any punishment that they can get. 1178 01:37:33,431 --> 01:37:37,101 If we hadn't have bombed Germany, we wouldn't have won the war. 1179 01:37:40,813 --> 01:37:44,984 So I think that that saved a lot of lives 1180 01:37:45,276 --> 01:37:47,278 and in the concentration camps. 1181 01:37:52,450 --> 01:37:54,577 There wasn't much left of Berlin, was there? 1182 01:37:55,787 --> 01:38:01,918 Or Cologne or Frankfurt, or Bremen or Munich in the south. 1183 01:38:03,211 --> 01:38:04,712 I know it was terrible 1184 01:38:04,796 --> 01:38:09,967 but I mean to say, what could you do here in England fighting the Germans? 1185 01:38:10,051 --> 01:38:13,429 That was the way they fought each other, was bombing each other. 1186 01:38:14,389 --> 01:38:15,389 I mean 1187 01:38:15,598 --> 01:38:18,810 I didn't think that, well, I was too young then 1188 01:38:18,976 --> 01:38:22,230 but now I think, "what else could they have done?" 1189 01:38:45,795 --> 01:38:47,755 The world that we live in today 1190 01:38:48,881 --> 01:38:53,219 owes a lot to what those guys did 75 years ago. 1191 01:38:55,346 --> 01:38:57,890 This aircraft is a living memorial. 1192 01:38:59,434 --> 01:39:04,147 It has an emotional effect on people, probably down to what she represents 1193 01:39:04,856 --> 01:39:10,027 because of 125,000 bomber command aircrew 1194 01:39:10,111 --> 01:39:13,030 of whom all were volunteers 1195 01:39:14,282 --> 01:39:18,411 55,573 is the official figure 1196 01:39:18,494 --> 01:39:19,579 for those that were lost 1197 01:39:19,662 --> 01:39:22,373 and that does not include life—changing injuries 1198 01:39:22,457 --> 01:39:24,125 that we would possibly count today. 1199 01:39:27,003 --> 01:39:31,090 So there are very few families in this country 1200 01:39:31,174 --> 01:39:34,552 who don't know someone who was involved in some way 1201 01:39:34,635 --> 01:39:35,803 with bomber command. 1202 01:39:44,562 --> 01:39:48,024 The greatest feeling you get when boarding the aircraft 1203 01:39:48,107 --> 01:39:51,277 and making your way to your seat and sitting there 1204 01:39:51,360 --> 01:39:54,363 is thinking about the guys who did this before you 1205 01:39:54,447 --> 01:39:58,201 and you can't help but think how the mixture of emotions 1206 01:39:58,284 --> 01:40:01,829 must have been affecting these much younger chaps than us 1207 01:40:02,163 --> 01:40:05,958 as they climbed on board to carry out the task that they were given. 1208 01:40:12,423 --> 01:40:14,509 But also we have a tradition 1209 01:40:14,592 --> 01:40:16,552 that every time we get on board the Lancaster 1210 01:40:16,844 --> 01:40:20,264 we have a memorial plaque to the rear of the aircraft that we touch 1211 01:40:20,348 --> 01:40:22,099 and the idea is that by touching this 1212 01:40:22,183 --> 01:40:24,352 we're taking some of those guys along with us. 1213 01:40:24,977 --> 01:40:27,688 We all do it and all think about them when we get on board. 1214 01:40:29,815 --> 01:40:31,067 Switching off. Got that! 1215 01:41:04,225 --> 01:41:05,476 At the end of the war 1216 01:41:06,102 --> 01:41:11,232 all the top politicians didn't seem to want to know about us 1217 01:41:12,858 --> 01:41:14,610 even Churchill himself 1218 01:41:15,653 --> 01:41:18,656 which was a... a bit of a blow. 1219 01:41:19,115 --> 01:41:23,244 I really was upset about Churchill 1220 01:41:23,327 --> 01:41:26,497 the fact that he sort of turned his back on us 1221 01:41:27,164 --> 01:41:30,459 when we'd previously done such a good job for him. 1222 01:41:40,011 --> 01:41:43,639 After the war we just got used to not thinking about it 1223 01:41:43,723 --> 01:41:46,475 and never even talked about it. 1224 01:41:46,559 --> 01:41:47,560 Nobody asked us. 1225 01:41:47,977 --> 01:41:50,438 And so it went on, time went on. 1226 01:41:57,194 --> 01:41:58,946 I'd been married 35 years 1227 01:41:59,030 --> 01:42:02,533 and it was only at our first reunion when we got together 1228 01:42:02,825 --> 01:42:04,035 and my wife said to me 1229 01:42:04,368 --> 01:42:07,705 "you never told me any of this. I didn't know this." 1230 01:42:08,706 --> 01:42:11,208 I said, "well, we haven't talked about it". 1231 01:42:11,292 --> 01:42:15,254 Nobody... bomber command, if you mention you was in bomber command 1232 01:42:15,338 --> 01:42:18,174 you were looked at as though you were a murderer. 1233 01:42:26,057 --> 01:42:29,018 We didn't realise that people wouldn't like us 1234 01:42:29,101 --> 01:42:30,728 after all we'd gone through. 1235 01:42:30,978 --> 01:42:32,480 We just couldn't understand it. 1236 01:42:33,022 --> 01:42:35,608 And I can remember one poor chap saying to me 1237 01:42:35,983 --> 01:42:37,485 "was it all in vain?" 1238 01:42:38,069 --> 01:42:41,322 And it wasn't until later on 1239 01:42:41,405 --> 01:42:43,783 when the bomber command memorial was built 1240 01:42:44,617 --> 01:42:47,995 that the public had a better understanding of what we'd done. 1241 01:42:55,461 --> 01:42:58,756 We worked hard doing all sorts of things 1242 01:42:58,839 --> 01:43:00,716 for ten years, I think it was 1243 01:43:00,800 --> 01:43:03,969 to get enough money to build that memorial. 1244 01:43:05,971 --> 01:43:09,975 It was built by us, not by the government, any government. 1245 01:43:11,852 --> 01:43:13,396 It's a wonderful memorial. 1246 01:43:28,786 --> 01:43:30,538 I was asked to do the reading 1247 01:43:30,621 --> 01:43:31,872 and that touched me. 1248 01:43:34,750 --> 01:43:35,918 It still does. 1249 01:43:41,841 --> 01:43:44,885 "As the father is tended towards his children 1250 01:43:44,969 --> 01:43:48,139 so was the Lord tended to those that fear him 1251 01:43:48,889 --> 01:43:51,642 for he knows of what we are made. 1252 01:43:52,435 --> 01:43:55,229 He remembers that we are but dust. 1253 01:43:58,774 --> 01:44:00,735 We are but grass. 1254 01:44:03,154 --> 01:44:05,823 We flourish like a flower of the field. 1255 01:44:06,490 --> 01:44:09,618 When the wind goes over it, it is gone 1256 01:44:10,411 --> 01:44:13,581 and its place will know it no more. 1257 01:44:14,248 --> 01:44:19,587 But the merciful goodness of the Lord endures forever and ever 1258 01:44:19,962 --> 01:44:22,465 amongst those that fear him." 1260 01:44:57,750 --> 01:45:00,628 It's so different, Lancaster was so different. 1261 01:45:01,295 --> 01:45:04,298 It was always the best aeroplane you ever flew. 1262 01:45:07,676 --> 01:45:10,095 But when you finished your operational flying 1263 01:45:10,179 --> 01:45:14,934 you realised how bloody lucky you must have been to survive, you know? 1264 01:45:15,351 --> 01:45:17,603 When you think of all the friends that you've lost. 1265 01:45:18,687 --> 01:45:20,940 This affected you for the rest of your life. 1266 01:45:22,399 --> 01:45:25,986 At night now when I go to bed and tonight going to bed 1267 01:45:26,070 --> 01:45:27,613 talking about all this during the day 1268 01:45:27,696 --> 01:45:29,865 when I go to bed, put my head down on the pillow 1269 01:45:30,991 --> 01:45:34,119 I can see flak bursting, little red lights, flak bursting. 1270 01:45:34,203 --> 01:45:35,923 But it doesn't bother me, I know what it is. 1271 01:45:35,996 --> 01:45:41,293 It's alright, no problem whatsoever, but these memories are still there. 1274 01:46:08,654 --> 01:46:16,654 we are the heavy bombers 1275 01:46:16,871 --> 01:46:24,871 we try to do our bit 1276 01:46:25,838 --> 01:46:33,838 we fly through concentrations 1277 01:46:34,847 --> 01:46:42,847 of flak, we signed for it 1278 01:46:43,856 --> 01:46:51,856 and when we drop our cargoes 1279 01:46:52,865 --> 01:47:00,865 we do not give a damn 1280 01:47:01,749 --> 01:47:09,749 the eggs may miss the goods yard 1281 01:47:10,716 --> 01:47:18,716 but they muck up poor old hamm 1282 01:47:37,743 --> 01:47:45,743 And when in adverse weather 1283 01:47:46,335 --> 01:47:54,335 the winds are all to hell 1284 01:47:55,219 --> 01:48:03,219 the navigator's ballsed up 1285 01:48:04,061 --> 01:48:11,860 the wireless ballsed as well 1286 01:48:12,653 --> 01:48:20,653 we think of all the popsies 1287 01:48:21,662 --> 01:48:29,662 we've known in days gone by 1288 01:48:30,254 --> 01:48:38,254 and curse the silly effers 1289 01:48:39,346 --> 01:48:47,346 who taught us how to fly