1 00:00:03,500 --> 00:00:04,967 CARPENTIER: There is blood everywhere -- 2 00:00:04,967 --> 00:00:06,867 on the bed, on the floor. 3 00:00:06,867 --> 00:00:09,100 It's a horrific scene. 4 00:00:09,100 --> 00:00:11,734 His eyes have been gouged out. 5 00:00:13,266 --> 00:00:16,734 His estate is worth $10 million. 6 00:00:16,734 --> 00:00:18,367 He was ruthless in business 7 00:00:18,433 --> 00:00:23,066 but successful, and he always got his way. 8 00:00:23,100 --> 00:00:25,066 Business begets business. 9 00:00:25,066 --> 00:00:27,367 It also begets enemies. 10 00:00:27,433 --> 00:00:30,000 O'DONOVAN: He was cheating on her with a former porn star. 11 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:32,367 O'DONOVAN: He was cheating on her with a former porn star. 12 00:00:32,367 --> 00:00:34,066 CARPENTIER: Ben Novack had a sexual fetish. 13 00:00:34,100 --> 00:00:36,367 He enjoyed tying women up. 14 00:00:36,367 --> 00:00:39,700 Everybody's pointing the finger at everybody else, 15 00:00:39,700 --> 00:00:41,634 and everybody has a motive. 16 00:00:44,500 --> 00:00:46,734 It was all about the greed and the money. 17 00:00:48,634 --> 00:00:50,600 NARRATOR: Every day in North America, 18 00:00:50,600 --> 00:00:53,100 dozens of people are murdered. 19 00:00:53,100 --> 00:00:55,600 The key to solving the toughest of these homicides 20 00:00:55,600 --> 00:00:59,734 lies in the final 24 hours of the victim's life. 21 00:00:59,800 --> 00:01:00,000 To crack the case, 22 00:01:00,000 --> 00:01:01,367 To crack the case, 23 00:01:01,367 --> 00:01:05,166 detectives must reconstruct that critical timeline, 24 00:01:05,166 --> 00:01:08,166 the minutes and hours containing evidence that can 25 00:01:08,166 --> 00:01:11,333 help unlock the mystery and catch the killer. 26 00:01:20,700 --> 00:01:23,634 Just a 40-minute drive north from New York City, 27 00:01:23,734 --> 00:01:26,467 Rye Brook is a small, prosperous village in 28 00:01:26,467 --> 00:01:27,533 Westchester County. 29 00:01:28,600 --> 00:01:30,000 O'DONOVAN: Rye Brook, New York, is a very affluent town. 30 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:32,734 O'DONOVAN: Rye Brook, New York, is a very affluent town. 31 00:01:32,734 --> 00:01:36,600 There's a lot of successful people living in Rye Brook. 32 00:01:36,600 --> 00:01:38,867 CARPENTIER: Rye Brook is a beautiful community 33 00:01:38,867 --> 00:01:42,166 with beautiful big homes, wealthy families. 34 00:01:42,166 --> 00:01:44,900 Rye Brook is one of the safest towns in America. 35 00:01:47,166 --> 00:01:50,467 NARRATOR: But on the morning of July 12th, 2009, 36 00:01:50,533 --> 00:01:54,367 the town's facade of peace and calm is ripped away. 37 00:01:54,367 --> 00:01:56,634 CARPENTIER: We received a 911 call for 38 00:01:56,634 --> 00:01:59,533 police to respond to Rye Town Hilton 39 00:02:00,467 --> 00:02:03,467 O'DONOVAN: At 7:45 a.m., on the fourth floor, 40 00:02:03,467 --> 00:02:06,000 this hysterical woman comes running out, 41 00:02:06,000 --> 00:02:08,800 and she's screaming, "My husband, my husband!" 42 00:02:10,367 --> 00:02:14,634 He's deceased, and it's a violent-looking scene. 43 00:02:16,734 --> 00:02:19,467 NARRATOR: Police confirm the victim's identity as 44 00:02:19,533 --> 00:02:22,367 53-year-old Benjamin Novack Junior. 45 00:02:22,433 --> 00:02:23,867 He's a wealthy Floridian who 46 00:02:23,867 --> 00:02:26,500 made his fortune producing conventions. 47 00:02:26,500 --> 00:02:27,467 Ben and his wife, 48 00:02:27,467 --> 00:02:29,066 Narcy, were booked at the Rye Hilton 49 00:02:29,066 --> 00:02:30,000 running a large Amway event at the hotel. 50 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:32,166 running a large Amway event at the hotel. 51 00:02:32,233 --> 00:02:35,266 Narcy had just returned from a breakfast meeting 52 00:02:35,333 --> 00:02:37,800 when she found Ben and screamed for help. 53 00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:43,967 Westchester County Police 54 00:02:43,967 --> 00:02:47,367 Detective Alison Carpentier responds to the call. 55 00:02:48,700 --> 00:02:51,066 CARPENTIER: When we arrive at the Rye Town Hilton 56 00:02:51,100 --> 00:02:52,266 around breakfast time, 57 00:02:52,266 --> 00:02:55,734 the hotel was triple-booked -- the parking lot, 58 00:02:55,734 --> 00:02:57,367 the lobby, is abuzz. 59 00:02:57,367 --> 00:02:59,600 I mean, there are people everywhere. 60 00:02:59,600 --> 00:03:00,000 There's over 2,000 Amway Convention participants. 61 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:03,000 There's over 2,000 Amway Convention participants. 62 00:03:03,000 --> 00:03:06,467 So in my mind, I'm thinking, this place is packed. 63 00:03:06,467 --> 00:03:08,266 What could have happened? 64 00:03:08,266 --> 00:03:10,333 So we were directed to the fourth floor. 65 00:03:11,700 --> 00:03:15,634 As we enter the main bedroom of this suite, 66 00:03:15,734 --> 00:03:18,867 there is blood everywhere -- on the bed, on the floor. 67 00:03:18,867 --> 00:03:21,900 We see Ben Novack is badly beaten. 68 00:03:23,100 --> 00:03:27,066 He's laying face-down on the floor to 69 00:03:27,100 --> 00:03:30,000 the left of the bed, bound and gagged. 70 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:32,467 CARPENTIER: He is duct-taped with his hands behind him. 71 00:03:32,533 --> 00:03:35,066 His feet are also bound with duct tape. 72 00:03:36,000 --> 00:03:40,266 They had wrapped the duct tape around his face. 73 00:03:40,333 --> 00:03:41,333 CARPENTIER: There's blood on the bed, 74 00:03:41,333 --> 00:03:43,367 so it looked like the attack might have started in 75 00:03:43,367 --> 00:03:45,467 the bed, and then he was dragged to the floor. 76 00:03:47,467 --> 00:03:49,467 His head and his body looked like 77 00:03:49,467 --> 00:03:52,100 it had been beaten with a blunt object. 78 00:03:52,100 --> 00:03:53,467 It wasn't left in the room, 79 00:03:53,467 --> 00:03:55,867 so it must have been taken with the people 80 00:03:55,867 --> 00:03:57,066 that did this crime. 81 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:00,000 There's a star-shaped bruise on the side of his head, 82 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:03,100 There's a star-shaped bruise on the side of his head, 83 00:04:03,100 --> 00:04:05,433 and it resembles a dumbbell. 84 00:04:06,867 --> 00:04:11,800 The investigators turn him over, and it's a horrific scene. 85 00:04:11,900 --> 00:04:14,433 His eyes have been gouged out, 86 00:04:17,100 --> 00:04:19,533 and his throat has been cut. 87 00:04:22,734 --> 00:04:25,867 The medical examiner is able to report that he has 88 00:04:25,867 --> 00:04:30,000 had 34 blunt force injuries and 12 sharp force injuries. 89 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:32,100 had 34 blunt force injuries and 12 sharp force injuries. 90 00:04:32,100 --> 00:04:35,367 When you see severe beatings combined with restraints, 91 00:04:35,367 --> 00:04:38,734 this, to me, speaks of two offenders whereby overwhelming 92 00:04:38,800 --> 00:04:40,634 physical force was required 93 00:04:40,634 --> 00:04:43,533 in order to get the victim into the bindings. 94 00:04:44,533 --> 00:04:46,000 CARPENTIER: This is a vicious attack. 95 00:04:46,000 --> 00:04:48,367 The attackers probably sweated. 96 00:04:48,367 --> 00:04:50,266 They might have cut themselves. 97 00:04:50,266 --> 00:04:52,367 Obviously, we're looking for DNA. 98 00:04:52,433 --> 00:04:54,000 One of the pillows has some kind 99 00:04:54,000 --> 00:04:56,233 of moisture on it and also blood. 100 00:04:57,600 --> 00:05:00,000 Inside his bed was a piece of sunglasses. 101 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:01,266 Inside his bed was a piece of sunglasses. 102 00:05:01,266 --> 00:05:04,533 It was a knock-off of a particular designer brand. 103 00:05:05,700 --> 00:05:07,500 O'DONOVAN: At first, you think robbery. 104 00:05:07,500 --> 00:05:10,867 This must be a robbery, because these are wealthy people. 105 00:05:10,867 --> 00:05:13,533 This is an expensive hotel. 106 00:05:13,634 --> 00:05:16,000 We realized that there was no forced entry 107 00:05:16,000 --> 00:05:17,433 into the hotel room. 108 00:05:18,600 --> 00:05:20,634 O'DONOVAN: There's an expensive watch there. 109 00:05:20,734 --> 00:05:24,500 There's an envelope with quite a large amount of cash there. 110 00:05:24,500 --> 00:05:27,433 This isn't a robbery. This is something else. 111 00:05:29,700 --> 00:05:30,000 This is a very brutal crime scene, to say the least. 112 00:05:30,000 --> 00:05:33,066 This is a very brutal crime scene, to say the least. 113 00:05:33,066 --> 00:05:35,500 Why would you need to engage in that excessive 114 00:05:35,500 --> 00:05:39,533 level of violence unless you wanted someone to suffer? 115 00:05:39,634 --> 00:05:42,100 It could mean a close proximity between him 116 00:05:42,100 --> 00:05:43,166 and the offender, 117 00:05:43,233 --> 00:05:46,266 somebody who is that angry at him, or maybe 118 00:05:46,266 --> 00:05:48,634 somebody who's gaining pleasure from exacting this 119 00:05:48,734 --> 00:05:49,800 level of violence. 120 00:05:51,367 --> 00:05:53,734 NARRATOR: Based on evidence at the crime scene, 121 00:05:53,734 --> 00:05:58,166 investigators form a theory on how the attack likely occurred. 122 00:05:58,166 --> 00:06:00,000 There is no defensive wounds. 123 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:00,266 There is no defensive wounds. 124 00:06:00,266 --> 00:06:02,467 So we believe he was sleeping at the time 125 00:06:02,467 --> 00:06:03,734 when he was attacked. 126 00:06:03,734 --> 00:06:08,867 He is bound and gagged and subsequently beaten. 127 00:06:08,867 --> 00:06:10,467 They tried to muffle his sounds, 128 00:06:10,467 --> 00:06:13,000 because he would have been screaming out for help. 129 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:15,266 Somebody took some kind of very sharp 130 00:06:15,266 --> 00:06:18,233 object and purposely gouged out his eyes. 131 00:06:20,533 --> 00:06:23,266 Ben Novack died choking on his own vomit. 132 00:06:23,266 --> 00:06:24,367 He couldn't breathe. 133 00:06:24,367 --> 00:06:26,867 NARRATOR: Detectives have a daunting task to find 134 00:06:26,867 --> 00:06:29,266 Ben Novack's killers -- with so many people 135 00:06:29,266 --> 00:06:30,000 at the hotel for the convention that Ben had produced, 136 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:31,867 at the hotel for the convention that Ben had produced, 137 00:06:31,867 --> 00:06:34,600 the pool of possible suspects is immense. 138 00:06:34,600 --> 00:06:38,166 O'DONOVAN: There's at least 2,000 people at this convention, 139 00:06:38,166 --> 00:06:41,166 and then there's all the staff at the hotel. 140 00:06:41,233 --> 00:06:44,266 Any one of them could have been responsible for this. 141 00:06:44,266 --> 00:06:48,100 To find out who savagely murdered Ben Novack Jr., 142 00:06:48,100 --> 00:06:51,734 detectives must reconstruct his last 24 hours. 143 00:06:52,867 --> 00:06:56,467 We learned that Ben Novack receives a telephone call from 144 00:06:56,467 --> 00:06:59,867 one of the hotel workers at 6:54 in the morning. 145 00:06:59,867 --> 00:07:00,000 The employee wanted to let him know that the attendees were 146 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:02,634 The employee wanted to let him know that the attendees were 147 00:07:02,734 --> 00:07:05,900 crowding the breakfast room and they had more attendees 148 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:07,800 than they could handle at that time. 149 00:07:07,900 --> 00:07:10,700 Ben goes back to sleep, knowing that his wife, 150 00:07:10,700 --> 00:07:13,266 Narcy, will troubleshoot the issue. 151 00:07:13,333 --> 00:07:16,266 Her meeting lasts 40 minutes before she returns to 152 00:07:16,333 --> 00:07:17,533 their room. 153 00:07:17,634 --> 00:07:20,066 CARPENTIER: Narcy Novack found her husband's body at 154 00:07:20,066 --> 00:07:23,233 about 7:40 or so that morning. 155 00:07:24,500 --> 00:07:28,600 So Ben Novack is attacked and killed somewhere between 156 00:07:28,600 --> 00:07:30,000 the phone call with the hotel worker 157 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:30,867 the phone call with the hotel worker 158 00:07:30,867 --> 00:07:33,867 and Narcy Novack coming back to her room, 159 00:07:33,867 --> 00:07:35,533 which is less than an hour. 160 00:07:36,734 --> 00:07:39,100 Obviously, the first place to start is speak 161 00:07:39,100 --> 00:07:42,900 to Narcy, and she's now calm enough to talk. 162 00:07:44,266 --> 00:07:46,000 CARPENTIER: When we interview Narcy Novack, 163 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:48,166 she tells us that Ben Novack is 164 00:07:48,233 --> 00:07:52,367 a very well known man in the convention industry. 165 00:07:52,433 --> 00:07:57,734 Ben Novack Jr. is the owner of Convention Concepts Limited, 166 00:07:57,800 --> 00:08:00,000 and he operates from Florida, and he is a multimillionaire. 167 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:03,166 and he operates from Florida, and he is a multimillionaire. 168 00:08:04,100 --> 00:08:06,634 CARPENTIER: Narcy tells us that Ben was ruthless 169 00:08:06,634 --> 00:08:08,467 in business but successful. 170 00:08:08,533 --> 00:08:11,467 Even Ben's friends described him as somebody 171 00:08:11,533 --> 00:08:13,100 hard to deal with. 172 00:08:13,100 --> 00:08:16,166 O'DONOVAN: Ben Novack owns his own private jet. 173 00:08:16,233 --> 00:08:19,367 But even then, his own pilots have refused to fly him 174 00:08:19,367 --> 00:08:23,266 on occasions, because he is absolutely so horrid and rude 175 00:08:23,266 --> 00:08:24,367 to them. 176 00:08:24,367 --> 00:08:26,734 CARPENTIER: Ben Novack has a long list of people that 177 00:08:26,800 --> 00:08:30,000 have a grudge against him, that did not like him. 178 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:30,266 have a grudge against him, that did not like him. 179 00:08:30,266 --> 00:08:33,066 Any one of these people, that could be our suspect. 180 00:08:33,100 --> 00:08:35,533 Business begets business. 181 00:08:35,533 --> 00:08:37,433 It also begets enemies. 182 00:08:38,867 --> 00:08:41,166 This is almost a crime plucked from the pages 183 00:08:41,233 --> 00:08:43,166 of detective fiction, where you've got 184 00:08:43,233 --> 00:08:45,800 so many potential persons of interest that 185 00:08:45,900 --> 00:08:49,367 eliminating suspects becomes almost impossible. 186 00:08:49,367 --> 00:08:52,634 NARRATOR: As investigators try to narrow the list of suspects, 187 00:08:52,634 --> 00:08:56,266 Miami Beach Detective Charles Sceraydar contacts investigators 188 00:08:56,266 --> 00:08:57,600 in Westchester County 189 00:08:57,600 --> 00:09:00,000 about a bizarre incident involving Ben Novack 190 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:00,166 about a bizarre incident involving Ben Novack 191 00:09:00,166 --> 00:09:02,500 and his wife, Narcy. 192 00:09:02,500 --> 00:09:07,900 I had to let them know that there were events previously 193 00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:12,900 which could have had an impact on the murder of Ben Novack. 194 00:09:13,734 --> 00:09:17,166 In 2002, there was a home invasion 195 00:09:17,166 --> 00:09:20,166 robbery that occurred at Ben Novack's home. 196 00:09:20,166 --> 00:09:22,700 At approximately one o'clock in the morning, 197 00:09:22,700 --> 00:09:27,066 five males broke through his bedroom door. 198 00:09:27,066 --> 00:09:30,000 As the five guys barrel through the door, 199 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:34,867 Ben hears Narcy yelling at these guys, "Look out, 200 00:09:34,867 --> 00:09:37,367 he has a gun on his nightstand." 201 00:09:37,367 --> 00:09:39,867 So Ben doesn't know what to do. 202 00:09:39,867 --> 00:09:43,367 They tie him up in a chair, they rifle through the house, 203 00:09:43,367 --> 00:09:45,467 they take his business records, 204 00:09:45,533 --> 00:09:49,634 they take $370,000 in cash. 205 00:09:52,166 --> 00:09:56,066 Ben was tied up for 25 hours in this chair. 206 00:09:56,867 --> 00:10:00,000 A neighbor hears him yelling, goes upstairs, unties him. 207 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:01,367 A neighbor hears him yelling, goes upstairs, unties him. 208 00:10:01,433 --> 00:10:03,700 He picks up the phone, he calls me, 209 00:10:03,700 --> 00:10:05,533 tells me he was robbed, 210 00:10:05,533 --> 00:10:08,000 tells me what Narcy said. 211 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:10,266 CARPENTIER: According to Ben's friends, 212 00:10:10,266 --> 00:10:11,867 Narcy admitted doing this 213 00:10:11,867 --> 00:10:15,467 because she had been very frustrated with Ben 214 00:10:15,533 --> 00:10:17,367 seeing other women 215 00:10:17,367 --> 00:10:20,533 and demanding kinky sex from Narcy. 216 00:10:22,166 --> 00:10:24,634 So this was a little bit of a payback. 217 00:10:24,734 --> 00:10:27,467 Ben decided not to press charges against his wife. 218 00:10:27,467 --> 00:10:28,900 He actually had her back in 219 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:30,000 the home, and they continued their marriage. 220 00:10:30,000 --> 00:10:31,533 the home, and they continued their marriage. 221 00:10:31,634 --> 00:10:34,467 There were so many similarities to the way that 222 00:10:34,533 --> 00:10:35,634 Ben was tied up 223 00:10:35,734 --> 00:10:38,634 and the crime that occurred seven years earlier 224 00:10:38,634 --> 00:10:40,166 to our crime scene. 225 00:10:40,233 --> 00:10:42,367 So we had to look hard -- 226 00:10:42,367 --> 00:10:45,333 is Narcy involved in this crime? 227 00:10:49,367 --> 00:10:51,967 NARRATOR: At the upscale Hilton in Rye Brook, New York, 228 00:10:52,000 --> 00:10:54,333 convention king, Ben Novack Jr., 229 00:10:54,367 --> 00:10:56,734 is found bound and beaten to death. 230 00:10:58,367 --> 00:11:01,634 Police take a closer look at Ben's wife, Narcy. 231 00:11:01,634 --> 00:11:03,000 Ben had suspected her in 232 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:05,433 a previous incident at their Florida home. 233 00:11:06,634 --> 00:11:10,166 Seven years earlier, Ben was a victim of a home invasion 234 00:11:10,166 --> 00:11:11,533 where he was tied up 235 00:11:11,533 --> 00:11:15,166 and a large amount of money was stolen from his home. 236 00:11:15,233 --> 00:11:17,166 He believed that that attack was 237 00:11:17,166 --> 00:11:17,229 orchestrated by his wife, Narcy Novack. 238 00:11:17,229 --> 00:11:19,266 orchestrated by his wife, Narcy Novack. 239 00:11:21,166 --> 00:11:23,867 So we're raising some questions about her background, 240 00:11:23,900 --> 00:11:26,367 and we're learning about her history. 241 00:11:26,367 --> 00:11:29,734 Narcy is from a very rural area in Ecuador. 242 00:11:29,800 --> 00:11:33,533 She came to the States and settles in Miami, Florida. 243 00:11:35,000 --> 00:11:38,533 She was a stripper at a local club in Hialeah. 244 00:11:38,533 --> 00:11:42,734 Ben Novack bought a home on South River Drive in 245 00:11:42,800 --> 00:11:46,367 Fort Lauderdale, and during these years is 246 00:11:46,367 --> 00:11:47,229 when he met Narcy, and they hit it off. 247 00:11:47,229 --> 00:11:49,900 when he met Narcy, and they hit it off. 248 00:11:51,600 --> 00:11:53,100 NARRATOR: With Ben Novack, 249 00:11:53,100 --> 00:11:57,266 Narcy felt like she'd hit the jackpot in love and money. 250 00:11:57,333 --> 00:12:00,467 Ben Novack's father built the Fontainebleau Hotel, 251 00:12:00,467 --> 00:12:04,066 which was one of the hottest spots to be in Miami. 252 00:12:04,100 --> 00:12:07,100 There was a star-studded appearance 253 00:12:07,100 --> 00:12:10,867 of people always going through the hotel. 254 00:12:10,900 --> 00:12:16,734 Ben lived in the penthouse, and that's the way he grew up. 255 00:12:16,734 --> 00:12:17,229 After Ben was no longer involved in the Fontainebleau, 256 00:12:17,229 --> 00:12:20,433 After Ben was no longer involved in the Fontainebleau, 257 00:12:20,500 --> 00:12:24,000 he started his own company, where he ran conventions. 258 00:12:24,000 --> 00:12:27,266 Narcy says they were earning an upward of $50 million a year. 259 00:12:28,100 --> 00:12:32,634 Ben and Narcy married on August 16th, 1991. 260 00:12:34,467 --> 00:12:37,333 NARRATOR: But not long after their nuptials, Ben's bedroom 261 00:12:37,367 --> 00:12:40,100 antics become off-putting for Narcy. 262 00:12:40,100 --> 00:12:42,266 CARPENTIER: Ben Novack had a sexual fetish. 263 00:12:42,333 --> 00:12:45,100 He enjoyed tying women up, 264 00:12:45,100 --> 00:12:47,229 and he enjoyed watching porn of women that were amputees. 265 00:12:47,229 --> 00:12:50,166 and he enjoyed watching porn of women that were amputees. 266 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:54,367 He often would like Narcy to play sexual games with him 267 00:12:54,367 --> 00:12:55,867 where he could tie her up 268 00:12:55,900 --> 00:12:59,066 and tie her legs back and pretend that she was 269 00:12:59,100 --> 00:13:00,233 missing a limb. 270 00:13:01,600 --> 00:13:03,166 NARRATOR: Their disconnect in the bedroom 271 00:13:03,166 --> 00:13:05,734 sometimes led Ben's eye to wander. 272 00:13:05,800 --> 00:13:08,000 Still, Narcy worked long hours to 273 00:13:08,000 --> 00:13:09,867 keep Ben on the straight and narrow. 274 00:13:11,166 --> 00:13:13,000 CARPENTIER: Narcy went everywhere with Ben, 275 00:13:13,000 --> 00:13:14,967 partly because she wanted to help with his business, 276 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:17,229 and partly because she didn't trust him to be alone. 277 00:13:17,229 --> 00:13:17,634 and partly because she didn't trust him to be alone. 278 00:13:17,634 --> 00:13:20,900 And Narcy was an extremely jealous woman 279 00:13:20,900 --> 00:13:23,333 and she wanted to be his number one, 280 00:13:23,367 --> 00:13:26,533 and it became more of an issue as the years went on. 281 00:13:26,533 --> 00:13:30,066 SCERAYDAR: He tried to be a good boy, but he wasn't. 282 00:13:30,100 --> 00:13:31,867 In their later years, 283 00:13:31,900 --> 00:13:36,634 she became very defensive that he was going to leave her. 284 00:13:37,900 --> 00:13:40,333 NARRATOR: Narcy admitted that Ben's cheating had led her to 285 00:13:40,367 --> 00:13:43,266 have him tied up and robbed seven years earlier. 286 00:13:43,266 --> 00:13:46,266 So could his wandering eye have pushed her even further 287 00:13:46,333 --> 00:13:47,229 this time? 288 00:13:47,229 --> 00:13:47,533 this time? 289 00:13:47,533 --> 00:13:51,066 Jealousy is a mixed bag full of anger, hate, rage, 290 00:13:51,100 --> 00:13:54,734 and so it can escalate and end in violence. 291 00:13:54,734 --> 00:13:58,734 That robbery indicated that she had the potential 292 00:13:58,800 --> 00:13:59,900 to harm him. 293 00:14:01,900 --> 00:14:03,734 NARRATOR: And that's not the only coincidence 294 00:14:03,734 --> 00:14:05,166 detectives point out. 295 00:14:05,233 --> 00:14:07,000 We tell her that we find it odd that 296 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:09,533 he dies tied up in the way that he finds 297 00:14:09,600 --> 00:14:11,166 sexually arousing. 298 00:14:11,166 --> 00:14:14,266 But Narcy insists that when she left Ben in the hotel room to 299 00:14:14,266 --> 00:14:15,533 go down and help with breakfast 300 00:14:15,533 --> 00:14:17,229 that he was sleeping in the bed, and he was not tied up. 301 00:14:17,229 --> 00:14:18,800 that he was sleeping in the bed, and he was not tied up. 302 00:14:20,000 --> 00:14:22,000 She basically goes on the defense and says, 303 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:23,433 "Do you think I could have killed? 304 00:14:23,500 --> 00:14:25,333 If I did this, you should kill me." 305 00:14:26,367 --> 00:14:28,634 NARRATOR: But whether or not Narcy had a motive, 306 00:14:28,634 --> 00:14:31,066 did she have the opportunity? 307 00:14:31,100 --> 00:14:34,634 Narcy provides detectives with a detailed itinerary of her 308 00:14:34,634 --> 00:14:37,433 and her husband's activities leading up to his murder. 309 00:14:38,367 --> 00:14:42,100 Narcy tells us that the day before Ben was murdered, 310 00:14:42,100 --> 00:14:45,634 that her and Ben had worked a 16-hour day, because 311 00:14:45,734 --> 00:14:47,229 the convention was supposed to have maybe 1,200 or so 312 00:14:47,229 --> 00:14:49,734 the convention was supposed to have maybe 1,200 or so 313 00:14:49,800 --> 00:14:52,867 participants, and they wound up close to 2,000. 314 00:14:52,867 --> 00:14:54,867 Narcy tells us they had a late dinner. 315 00:14:54,867 --> 00:14:56,634 A few minutes after midnight, 316 00:14:56,634 --> 00:14:58,000 they enter their suites, 317 00:14:58,000 --> 00:15:00,100 which is confirmed by a key swipe. 318 00:15:00,100 --> 00:15:02,734 Narcy, she went to bed. 319 00:15:02,800 --> 00:15:05,634 She was exhausted from her long day. 320 00:15:05,634 --> 00:15:07,734 As was his routine, 321 00:15:07,800 --> 00:15:09,266 Ben Novack worked through the night 322 00:15:09,266 --> 00:15:12,533 into the early morning on convention material. 323 00:15:16,867 --> 00:15:17,229 SCERAYDAR: And about 6:30 in the morning, 324 00:15:17,229 --> 00:15:19,100 SCERAYDAR: And about 6:30 in the morning, 325 00:15:19,100 --> 00:15:23,166 Ben got a phone call about issues in the dining room. 326 00:15:24,900 --> 00:15:27,066 Narcy told Ben, 327 00:15:27,100 --> 00:15:30,233 "You catch some sleep, and I'll go to handle it." 328 00:15:32,100 --> 00:15:34,867 CARPENTIER: Narcy tells us that she got down 329 00:15:34,900 --> 00:15:37,734 to breakfast around 7:15 and found out 330 00:15:37,734 --> 00:15:40,333 that the staff was using plastic to serve some of 331 00:15:40,367 --> 00:15:41,867 the guests, and she said 332 00:15:41,867 --> 00:15:43,867 that was not with Ben's standards 333 00:15:43,867 --> 00:15:45,166 and that he would be furious 334 00:15:45,166 --> 00:15:47,229 and that she was down there to try to fix things. 335 00:15:47,229 --> 00:15:48,867 and that she was down there to try to fix things. 336 00:15:48,867 --> 00:15:51,166 Narcy had tried to reach him on his cell, 337 00:15:51,233 --> 00:15:52,467 and when he didn't answer, 338 00:15:52,467 --> 00:15:54,367 she went up to the suite to try to fill him in 339 00:15:54,367 --> 00:15:55,967 on what was going on. 340 00:15:57,900 --> 00:15:59,634 She entered into the bedroom. 341 00:16:01,867 --> 00:16:03,800 And that's where she found Ben. 342 00:16:07,867 --> 00:16:10,266 NARRATOR: Narcy's story sounds plausible, 343 00:16:10,333 --> 00:16:13,166 but detectives won't just take her word for it. 344 00:16:13,166 --> 00:16:15,900 They have a way to verify her every move throughout 345 00:16:15,900 --> 00:16:17,100 the hotel. 346 00:16:17,100 --> 00:16:17,229 So now the police have to go back 347 00:16:17,229 --> 00:16:19,066 So now the police have to go back 348 00:16:19,100 --> 00:16:21,533 and look at the surveillance footage from the hotel, 349 00:16:21,600 --> 00:16:24,734 see what investigators can learn from that. 350 00:16:24,734 --> 00:16:28,000 She does leave her hotel room a little after seven. 351 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:31,367 She goes down to the area where breakfast is being held. 352 00:16:31,367 --> 00:16:35,000 We could see Narcy making a few calls, and then we get her 353 00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:39,000 going back up and entering her room at 7:40 in the morning. 354 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:42,533 O'DONOVAN: Narcy Novack does have a strong alibi. 355 00:16:43,367 --> 00:16:45,166 CARPENTIER: We don't have any reason to charge her. 356 00:16:45,166 --> 00:16:47,229 So Narcy is able to go home. 357 00:16:47,229 --> 00:16:48,533 So Narcy is able to go home. 358 00:16:48,533 --> 00:16:51,533 NARRATOR: Police eliminate Narcy as a suspect, 359 00:16:51,533 --> 00:16:53,867 but the grieving widow does tell police about 360 00:16:53,867 --> 00:16:56,467 someone else who had access to the couple's room, 361 00:16:56,467 --> 00:16:58,367 May Abad, 362 00:16:58,367 --> 00:17:02,333 Narcy's 32-year-old daughter from a previous relationship. 363 00:17:03,734 --> 00:17:05,266 O'DONOVAN: May arrives at the suite. 364 00:17:05,266 --> 00:17:08,734 Her mother, Narcy, is hysterical, and she's screaming, 365 00:17:08,734 --> 00:17:10,433 "He's dead, he's dead." 366 00:17:10,500 --> 00:17:14,100 The duty manager says that Narcy was so upset 367 00:17:14,100 --> 00:17:17,229 and hysterical that she had to be led out of the room. 368 00:17:17,229 --> 00:17:17,467 and hysterical that she had to be led out of the room. 369 00:17:17,467 --> 00:17:21,266 May's reaction to this is to look at her mother 370 00:17:21,266 --> 00:17:23,533 and say, "Shut up." 371 00:17:23,600 --> 00:17:26,166 She tells her mother to shut up, because she's 372 00:17:26,233 --> 00:17:29,166 going to make her sick, the way she's behaving. 373 00:17:30,166 --> 00:17:32,333 NARRATOR: Detectives call May down to the station 374 00:17:32,367 --> 00:17:33,734 for an interview. 375 00:17:33,734 --> 00:17:36,433 They want to hear her perspective on her family 376 00:17:36,500 --> 00:17:40,266 and find out why she treated her grieving mother so poorly. 377 00:17:40,266 --> 00:17:42,867 May had a very difficult upbringing. 378 00:17:42,867 --> 00:17:45,634 Her father abandoned her and her mother, 379 00:17:45,634 --> 00:17:47,229 and she was passed around from 380 00:17:47,229 --> 00:17:47,367 and she was passed around from 381 00:17:47,367 --> 00:17:51,100 family member to family member while her mother was working 382 00:17:51,100 --> 00:17:52,533 as a stripper. 383 00:17:52,533 --> 00:17:56,900 Narcy and Ben got married when May was 13 years old. 384 00:17:56,900 --> 00:18:00,066 CARPENTIER: Narcy made it very apparent that she didn't 385 00:18:00,066 --> 00:18:02,467 want May around in her relationship with Ben. 386 00:18:02,467 --> 00:18:04,467 She would rather have her in 387 00:18:04,467 --> 00:18:07,533 boarding schools or with family members. 388 00:18:07,533 --> 00:18:10,467 NARRATOR: May tells detectives that unlike her mother, Narcy, 389 00:18:10,467 --> 00:18:13,433 her stepfather, Ben, welcomed her into the family. 390 00:18:15,000 --> 00:18:17,229 When May grew up and had children of her own, 391 00:18:17,229 --> 00:18:17,533 When May grew up and had children of her own, 392 00:18:17,600 --> 00:18:20,734 the bond between her and Ben grew stronger. 393 00:18:20,800 --> 00:18:23,900 SCERAYDAR: Ben wanted May to be part of the family. 394 00:18:23,900 --> 00:18:28,000 He adored May, and he adored her two boys. 395 00:18:28,000 --> 00:18:30,266 CARPENTIER: Ben was trying to teach her about business 396 00:18:30,266 --> 00:18:31,867 and brought her into the convention so 397 00:18:31,867 --> 00:18:34,634 she could learn and maybe one day help him run it 398 00:18:34,634 --> 00:18:36,266 or take it over. 399 00:18:36,333 --> 00:18:39,000 NARRATOR: But that idea didn't sit well with Narcy. 400 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:40,867 CARPENTIER: May told us that 401 00:18:40,900 --> 00:18:44,100 how jealous her mother was of her own daughter. 402 00:18:44,100 --> 00:18:47,229 She hated that May would spend any time with Ben. 403 00:18:47,229 --> 00:18:47,266 She hated that May would spend any time with Ben. 404 00:18:47,266 --> 00:18:49,433 May points the finger at her mother 405 00:18:49,500 --> 00:18:52,433 and says her mother may be involved in Ben's death. 406 00:18:52,500 --> 00:18:55,467 May claims that her mother was furious when 407 00:18:55,467 --> 00:18:58,066 she discovered a new mistress in Ben's life. 408 00:18:59,367 --> 00:19:03,734 There was a porn actress in Fort Lauderdale at a strip club, 409 00:19:03,734 --> 00:19:09,533 and Ben took a liking to her, and Narcy was aware 410 00:19:09,600 --> 00:19:14,166 of it, and there was growing animosity from Narcy 411 00:19:14,166 --> 00:19:17,229 that she was losing her husband and that 412 00:19:17,229 --> 00:19:17,867 that she was losing her husband and that 413 00:19:17,867 --> 00:19:21,533 she was losing her financial security. 414 00:19:21,533 --> 00:19:24,734 O'DONOVAN: So now investigators start to look at what Narcy 415 00:19:24,800 --> 00:19:28,634 was going to gain from Ben's untimely, violent death. 416 00:19:28,634 --> 00:19:30,734 We get a copy of Ben Novack's will. 417 00:19:30,800 --> 00:19:34,166 We see that his estate is valued at close to $10 million, 418 00:19:34,166 --> 00:19:37,533 if not more, with his real estate investments, 419 00:19:37,600 --> 00:19:40,166 his company, his life insurance. 420 00:19:40,233 --> 00:19:41,967 When police scrutinized the victim's will, 421 00:19:42,000 --> 00:19:44,734 they determine that his spouse ultimately stands to 422 00:19:44,800 --> 00:19:46,367 receive millions. 423 00:19:46,367 --> 00:19:47,229 This is a potential motive now. 424 00:19:47,229 --> 00:19:48,266 This is a potential motive now. 425 00:19:50,533 --> 00:19:52,333 NARRATOR: Investigators also discover 426 00:19:52,367 --> 00:19:55,266 that Ben Novack's estate had recently grown 427 00:19:55,333 --> 00:19:57,166 after another family tragedy. 428 00:19:57,166 --> 00:20:00,634 Just a few months before Ben's murder, 429 00:20:00,634 --> 00:20:04,166 Ben Novack's 86-year-old mother, Bernice had died, 430 00:20:04,233 --> 00:20:06,000 and because of her death, 431 00:20:06,000 --> 00:20:08,800 Ben's personal wealth had grown, as well. 432 00:20:10,800 --> 00:20:14,634 SCERAYDAR: In April of 2009, Bernice Novack 433 00:20:14,634 --> 00:20:17,229 was found deceased in her home in Fort Lauderdale. 434 00:20:17,229 --> 00:20:18,433 was found deceased in her home in Fort Lauderdale. 435 00:20:18,500 --> 00:20:23,333 There was blood that went from her car, which was parked in 436 00:20:23,367 --> 00:20:27,166 the garage with the door open, all the way through 437 00:20:27,166 --> 00:20:29,333 the kitchenette area. 438 00:20:29,367 --> 00:20:32,467 And then it traveled into the dining room. 439 00:20:32,467 --> 00:20:34,533 NARRATOR: At the end of that bloody trail, 440 00:20:34,600 --> 00:20:38,166 police found the lifeless body of Ben's mother. 441 00:20:38,166 --> 00:20:41,533 It was ruled by the Fort Lauderdale Police Department 442 00:20:41,533 --> 00:20:47,229 as several accidental falls by this 86-year-old woman. 443 00:20:47,229 --> 00:20:47,433 as several accidental falls by this 86-year-old woman. 444 00:20:48,467 --> 00:20:51,967 Ben was absolutely distraught. 445 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:53,734 He was an only child. 446 00:20:53,734 --> 00:20:58,533 His mother was everything to him and vice versa. 447 00:20:59,467 --> 00:21:02,367 NARRATOR: And for her only child, Bernice left everything 448 00:21:02,367 --> 00:21:05,900 to Ben and his family, including his wife, Narcy. 449 00:21:07,100 --> 00:21:08,734 But for Narcy, there was a catch to 450 00:21:08,734 --> 00:21:11,533 the inheritance and to the rest of Ben's wealth. 451 00:21:12,467 --> 00:21:15,166 There was a prenuptial agreement in place. 452 00:21:15,166 --> 00:21:17,229 And if Ben and Narcy divorced, 453 00:21:17,229 --> 00:21:18,867 And if Ben and Narcy divorced, 454 00:21:18,900 --> 00:21:22,634 Narcy would only receive a payment of $65,000, 455 00:21:22,634 --> 00:21:24,900 and not the entire estate. 456 00:21:26,600 --> 00:21:29,900 However, as his legal wife, if Ben dies, 457 00:21:29,900 --> 00:21:33,533 Narcy gets to inherit the entire estate. 458 00:21:33,533 --> 00:21:38,000 Narcy has a very big motive for Ben to die instead of her 459 00:21:38,000 --> 00:21:39,900 and Ben just to get divorced. 460 00:21:39,900 --> 00:21:41,634 NARRATOR: But Narcy wasn't the only one 461 00:21:41,634 --> 00:21:43,634 who stood to gain from Ben's death. 462 00:21:44,533 --> 00:21:46,800 O'DONOVAN: May herself has a motive. 463 00:21:47,734 --> 00:21:52,367 Police discover a loophole in the will whereby if the wife is 464 00:21:52,367 --> 00:21:55,734 involved in any capacity in his death, 465 00:21:55,800 --> 00:21:58,800 that, in fact, all of the inheritance flows to May. 466 00:21:59,700 --> 00:22:02,066 May's sons inherit the majority of 467 00:22:02,100 --> 00:22:06,433 the estate, and May herself inherits $150,000. 468 00:22:07,467 --> 00:22:11,166 Given what is revealed to be the animosity between Narcy 469 00:22:11,166 --> 00:22:13,100 and May, investigators begin to 470 00:22:13,100 --> 00:22:16,333 question whether or not May had been incentivized to 471 00:22:16,367 --> 00:22:17,229 actually frame her mother for this murder. 472 00:22:17,229 --> 00:22:18,634 actually frame her mother for this murder. 473 00:22:23,967 --> 00:22:26,734 NARRATOR: Just days after millionaire Ben Novack is beaten 474 00:22:26,734 --> 00:22:29,734 to death in his room at the Rye Brook New York Hilton, 475 00:22:30,533 --> 00:22:34,734 investigators discover motives for two people close to him. 476 00:22:34,734 --> 00:22:36,467 Ben's wife, Narcy, was jealous of 477 00:22:36,467 --> 00:22:38,900 his affairs and would inherit his fortune. 478 00:22:40,100 --> 00:22:42,166 But Narcy's 32-year-old daughter, 479 00:22:42,233 --> 00:22:46,166 May, and her young sons also stood to gain if May could pin 480 00:22:46,166 --> 00:22:47,266 the murder on her mother. 481 00:22:49,000 --> 00:22:51,967 O'DONOVAN: It could be that May wants to get her mother out 482 00:22:51,967 --> 00:22:52,090 of the way so that her sons and her can inherit. 483 00:22:52,090 --> 00:22:54,867 of the way so that her sons and her can inherit. 484 00:22:54,867 --> 00:22:58,433 It could also be Narcy is concerned that she's going 485 00:22:58,500 --> 00:23:00,533 to be replaced by Ben's mistress. 486 00:23:01,367 --> 00:23:04,433 Despite the suspicions, there's not enough evidence 487 00:23:04,500 --> 00:23:07,634 to focus on either of these parties. 488 00:23:07,634 --> 00:23:09,634 Both women are released. 489 00:23:11,734 --> 00:23:15,166 They return to Fort Lauderdale in Florida. 490 00:23:15,233 --> 00:23:16,867 NARRATOR: They're out of New York detectives' 491 00:23:16,867 --> 00:23:19,533 jurisdiction but not off their radar. 492 00:23:19,533 --> 00:23:22,090 O'DONOVAN: Investigators request the police in Florida to do 493 00:23:22,090 --> 00:23:23,467 O'DONOVAN: Investigators request the police in Florida to do 494 00:23:23,467 --> 00:23:25,967 round-the-clock surveillance on both of them. 495 00:23:25,967 --> 00:23:28,367 NARRATOR: Just a few days later, the team finds 496 00:23:28,433 --> 00:23:31,533 itself in the right place at the right time. 497 00:23:31,533 --> 00:23:36,266 I get a frantic call that May is at the house 498 00:23:36,266 --> 00:23:38,166 and Narcy is there. 499 00:23:39,467 --> 00:23:43,266 So I hop into the car, and I drive to the house, 500 00:23:43,266 --> 00:23:45,867 and Narcy has a crowbar in her hand 501 00:23:45,900 --> 00:23:48,900 and starts swinging at May. 502 00:23:51,734 --> 00:23:52,090 May had been hit several times already from the assault. 503 00:23:52,090 --> 00:23:55,233 May had been hit several times already from the assault. 504 00:23:56,166 --> 00:24:00,367 So I grab the crowbar away from Narcy, and I tell May, 505 00:24:00,367 --> 00:24:01,867 "Go sit in my car." 506 00:24:03,467 --> 00:24:05,100 NARRATOR: Detective Sceraydar finds out 507 00:24:05,100 --> 00:24:07,266 what triggered the attack 508 00:24:07,266 --> 00:24:10,266 and reports it to detectives in Westchester, New York. 509 00:24:10,333 --> 00:24:12,266 CARPENTIER: May Abad had gone to the home 510 00:24:12,266 --> 00:24:14,066 to gather some of her things. 511 00:24:14,100 --> 00:24:16,734 She also went into the office of Ben Novack 512 00:24:16,800 --> 00:24:19,634 and started to gather some of their business records. 513 00:24:19,700 --> 00:24:22,090 Narcy sees May going through paperwork at the business. 514 00:24:22,090 --> 00:24:22,634 Narcy sees May going through paperwork at the business. 515 00:24:22,700 --> 00:24:26,166 Narcy tells May that she has to get out of the house, 516 00:24:26,166 --> 00:24:28,266 because she believes that May 517 00:24:28,266 --> 00:24:31,533 has something to do with Ben Novack's death, and she doesn't 518 00:24:31,533 --> 00:24:32,967 want her at the house anymore. 519 00:24:32,967 --> 00:24:35,000 Witnesses tell us that May was screaming 520 00:24:35,000 --> 00:24:36,533 at her mother that, "You killed Ben. 521 00:24:36,533 --> 00:24:38,100 You killed my dad." 522 00:24:38,100 --> 00:24:40,533 At that time, Narcy grabs a crowbar. 523 00:24:41,800 --> 00:24:44,634 A report is taken, but nobody is arrested. 524 00:24:45,634 --> 00:24:48,166 O'DONOVAN: Everybody's pointing the finger at everybody else, 525 00:24:48,166 --> 00:24:50,967 and everybody stands to gain. 526 00:24:50,967 --> 00:24:52,090 Everybody has a motive. 527 00:24:52,090 --> 00:24:52,734 Everybody has a motive. 528 00:24:52,800 --> 00:24:54,967 This is just making it impossible 529 00:24:54,967 --> 00:24:58,266 to focus on one particular direction. 530 00:24:58,333 --> 00:25:00,467 CARPENTIER: This was a case that was difficult. 531 00:25:00,467 --> 00:25:01,734 I mean, you have to realize 532 00:25:01,734 --> 00:25:04,066 we're going from New York to Florida. 533 00:25:04,100 --> 00:25:06,634 It was a constant roller coaster -- right now, 534 00:25:06,700 --> 00:25:08,166 we're at the bottom of the roller coaster. 535 00:25:08,166 --> 00:25:09,967 You know, we're trying to figure out 536 00:25:09,967 --> 00:25:11,734 what direction we need to go in. 537 00:25:13,000 --> 00:25:15,166 NARRATOR: But just nine days after the murder, 538 00:25:15,166 --> 00:25:17,734 police receive a promising lead. 539 00:25:17,734 --> 00:25:20,467 An anonymous letter arrives at the Rye Brook 540 00:25:20,467 --> 00:25:22,090 Police Department. 541 00:25:22,090 --> 00:25:22,166 Police Department. 542 00:25:22,166 --> 00:25:23,734 CARPENTIER: This anonymous letter, 543 00:25:23,800 --> 00:25:25,000 it's written all in Spanish. 544 00:25:25,000 --> 00:25:27,734 We have it translated, and it's very clear 545 00:25:27,800 --> 00:25:29,266 that the person that's writing this letter 546 00:25:29,333 --> 00:25:32,100 has inside knowledge of the dynamics of 547 00:25:32,100 --> 00:25:33,266 the Novack family. 548 00:25:33,266 --> 00:25:38,166 They also give details of how this homicide occurred. 549 00:25:38,233 --> 00:25:40,634 NARRATOR: The writer shares specifics known only 550 00:25:40,634 --> 00:25:42,734 to the police or the killers. 551 00:25:42,800 --> 00:25:45,734 This anonymous person knows that Ben Novack's eyes were 552 00:25:45,734 --> 00:25:48,967 gouged out and claims to know who did it. 553 00:25:49,000 --> 00:25:51,367 CARPENTIER: The letter writer points the finger at 554 00:25:51,433 --> 00:25:52,090 Narcy Novack and her brother, Cristobal Veliz. 555 00:25:52,090 --> 00:25:53,634 Narcy Novack and her brother, Cristobal Veliz. 556 00:25:54,467 --> 00:25:56,533 NARRATOR: Cristobal Veliz is a 56-year-old 557 00:25:56,533 --> 00:25:59,166 bus driver who lives in Philadelphia. 558 00:25:59,233 --> 00:26:01,634 Cristobal's very close to Narcy. 559 00:26:03,100 --> 00:26:04,734 CARPENTIER: We decide it's time for us to jump in 560 00:26:04,734 --> 00:26:06,634 the car and head to Philadelphia, 561 00:26:06,700 --> 00:26:09,166 where Cristobal Veliz lives. 562 00:26:09,233 --> 00:26:12,166 We show up at Cristobal Veliz's house unannounced. 563 00:26:12,166 --> 00:26:14,734 We knock on the door -- he welcomes us in. 564 00:26:14,734 --> 00:26:16,266 There's things all around his kitchen. 565 00:26:16,266 --> 00:26:19,066 His kitchen table is filled with a bunch of paperwork. 566 00:26:19,100 --> 00:26:21,166 So he says, "Please sit down." 567 00:26:21,233 --> 00:26:22,090 At this time, we decide not to tell him 568 00:26:22,090 --> 00:26:23,867 At this time, we decide not to tell him 569 00:26:23,900 --> 00:26:26,166 about the anonymous letter we received. 570 00:26:26,166 --> 00:26:27,533 But we ask him if he was 571 00:26:27,600 --> 00:26:30,467 involved in his brother-in-law's death. 572 00:26:30,467 --> 00:26:32,166 He denies it. 573 00:26:32,233 --> 00:26:35,367 We asked Cristobal who could have done this, 574 00:26:35,433 --> 00:26:37,867 and he points the finger at May Abad. 575 00:26:37,900 --> 00:26:41,967 He said that she was an evil woman 576 00:26:41,967 --> 00:26:44,867 and that she had a lot of bad people around her 577 00:26:44,867 --> 00:26:46,367 and that she would be the one that could 578 00:26:46,433 --> 00:26:47,967 orchestrate this. 579 00:26:47,967 --> 00:26:49,867 NARRATOR: May's uncle joins her mother 580 00:26:49,900 --> 00:26:51,533 in pointing the finger at May. 581 00:26:52,533 --> 00:26:55,266 But police still need to know where Cristobal was when 582 00:26:55,266 --> 00:26:58,000 his brother-in-law was killed in Rye Brook, New York. 583 00:26:58,967 --> 00:27:00,533 CARPENTIER: We question him about his whereabouts 584 00:27:00,533 --> 00:27:02,734 on the day of the homicide. 585 00:27:02,800 --> 00:27:04,867 He states that he was driving a bus 586 00:27:04,900 --> 00:27:06,867 and didn't finish up work until almost 11 o'clock 587 00:27:06,867 --> 00:27:09,467 at night and then drove to his girlfriend's home 588 00:27:09,467 --> 00:27:11,266 in Brooklyn, New York. 589 00:27:11,266 --> 00:27:14,000 And from there, he slept in -- he was tired from work. 590 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:15,634 And then later on that afternoon, 591 00:27:15,634 --> 00:27:18,100 he took his girlfriend out for dinner. 592 00:27:18,100 --> 00:27:19,533 NARRATOR: Despite the anonymous letter 593 00:27:19,533 --> 00:27:22,090 accusing Cristobal of killing his brother-in-law, Ben Novack, 594 00:27:22,090 --> 00:27:22,634 accusing Cristobal of killing his brother-in-law, Ben Novack, 595 00:27:22,634 --> 00:27:26,000 Cristobal's cooperation with police and alibi during 596 00:27:26,000 --> 00:27:29,467 the murder lead detectives to believe he's not the killer 597 00:27:29,467 --> 00:27:30,533 and that the trail once 598 00:27:30,600 --> 00:27:32,734 again points back to Ben's stepdaughter, 599 00:27:32,800 --> 00:27:34,367 May Abad. 600 00:27:39,634 --> 00:27:41,266 NARRATOR: Westchester, New York Detectives 601 00:27:41,333 --> 00:27:43,066 investigating the murder of millionaire 602 00:27:43,066 --> 00:27:45,867 Ben Novack travel two hours south 603 00:27:45,867 --> 00:27:48,967 to Philadelphia to interview Cristobal Veliz, 604 00:27:48,967 --> 00:27:51,734 the brother of Ben's wife, Narcy. 605 00:27:51,800 --> 00:27:53,867 CARPENTIER: So we ask Cristobal if he can assist us 606 00:27:53,867 --> 00:27:56,867 and come to the Philadelphia Police Department 607 00:27:56,867 --> 00:27:58,166 and give us a formal statement, 608 00:27:58,233 --> 00:28:00,734 a written statement, and also a DNA sample. 609 00:28:00,734 --> 00:28:02,266 And he agrees. 610 00:28:02,333 --> 00:28:05,867 Cristobal leaves the room to go get ready to come with us. 611 00:28:05,867 --> 00:28:06,780 But the table is full with a bunch of paperwork, 612 00:28:06,780 --> 00:28:07,967 But the table is full with a bunch of paperwork, 613 00:28:07,967 --> 00:28:11,734 and we glance down, and we notice Western Union receipts 614 00:28:11,734 --> 00:28:13,233 are on the table. 615 00:28:15,066 --> 00:28:17,166 NARRATOR: Investigators consider the possibility 616 00:28:17,166 --> 00:28:18,634 that the wire receipts may 617 00:28:18,634 --> 00:28:21,734 hold names of people paid to kill Ben Novack. 618 00:28:21,800 --> 00:28:24,266 We're taking notes on the names we can see in plain 619 00:28:24,266 --> 00:28:26,967 sight that we believe that might be useful in 620 00:28:26,967 --> 00:28:28,533 our investigation. 621 00:28:28,533 --> 00:28:31,166 We bring Cristobal to the local station, 622 00:28:31,233 --> 00:28:34,367 we take DNA from him, we interview him. 623 00:28:34,433 --> 00:28:36,780 He writes a statement, and now it's time for us to take 624 00:28:36,780 --> 00:28:37,467 He writes a statement, and now it's time for us to take 625 00:28:37,533 --> 00:28:40,066 a closer look at some of the names that we came across 626 00:28:40,066 --> 00:28:43,166 that we saw on Cristobal's table. 627 00:28:43,166 --> 00:28:45,533 Among the receipts that we find, 628 00:28:45,533 --> 00:28:49,367 we come across a name, Alejandro Gutierrez-Garcia. 629 00:28:49,367 --> 00:28:52,467 He was wired $500 approximately a month after 630 00:28:52,467 --> 00:28:53,967 Ben's killing. 631 00:28:54,000 --> 00:28:58,367 We track Gutierrez to a Florida address. 632 00:28:58,433 --> 00:28:59,867 We have to look a little further into that 633 00:28:59,867 --> 00:29:01,867 and see Gutierrez is 634 00:29:01,867 --> 00:29:05,166 from Nicaragua and came to the United States 635 00:29:05,233 --> 00:29:06,780 on a work visa in 2005. 636 00:29:06,780 --> 00:29:07,266 on a work visa in 2005. 637 00:29:08,100 --> 00:29:10,867 Gutierrez has a record that runs from theft 638 00:29:10,900 --> 00:29:12,266 to violent crime. 639 00:29:13,266 --> 00:29:15,533 NARRATOR: With Gutierrez's mugshot in hand, 640 00:29:15,600 --> 00:29:18,467 investigators take a second look at the Rye Brook Hilton 641 00:29:18,467 --> 00:29:21,634 surveillance footage from the weekend of July 12th. 642 00:29:21,634 --> 00:29:23,266 CARPENTIER: We hit pay dirt. 643 00:29:23,333 --> 00:29:27,967 We were able to identify Alejandro Gutierrez one day 644 00:29:28,000 --> 00:29:30,533 before the homicide at the hotel 645 00:29:30,533 --> 00:29:32,967 with another Hispanic male. 646 00:29:33,000 --> 00:29:34,367 We believe that they are casing 647 00:29:34,367 --> 00:29:36,780 the hotel to look for their quick getaway. 648 00:29:36,780 --> 00:29:37,166 the hotel to look for their quick getaway. 649 00:29:37,166 --> 00:29:41,467 We noticed that Alejandro Gutierrez was wearing glasses. 650 00:29:41,533 --> 00:29:43,533 The glasses were also the same style 651 00:29:43,600 --> 00:29:46,266 glasses that were in Ben Novack's bed. 652 00:29:49,533 --> 00:29:50,734 NARRATOR: And video on the day 653 00:29:50,734 --> 00:29:53,967 Ben was killed reveals something more important. 654 00:29:54,000 --> 00:29:57,266 Surveillance cameras from the hotel pick up Gutierrez 655 00:29:57,266 --> 00:29:59,967 and his partner on the day of the murder 656 00:29:59,967 --> 00:30:03,467 within minutes of the time we believe Ben was killed. 657 00:30:03,533 --> 00:30:06,780 That video shows him walking with 658 00:30:06,780 --> 00:30:07,066 That video shows him walking with 659 00:30:07,066 --> 00:30:09,867 the sunglasses and coming out without them. 660 00:30:11,634 --> 00:30:14,467 NARRATOR: The video confirms that the man who Cristobal Veliz 661 00:30:14,533 --> 00:30:16,266 wired $500 to, 662 00:30:16,266 --> 00:30:19,734 Alejandro Gutierrez, was at the hotel when Ben Novack 663 00:30:19,734 --> 00:30:21,266 was murdered. 664 00:30:21,333 --> 00:30:23,967 Detectives are on the right track, but they need 665 00:30:23,967 --> 00:30:27,367 more than circumstantial evidence to make an arrest. 666 00:30:27,367 --> 00:30:31,867 We gather search warrants for Cristobal Veliz's phone records, 667 00:30:31,867 --> 00:30:33,867 and we identified a Florida number 668 00:30:33,867 --> 00:30:35,967 that he frequently called. 669 00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:36,780 We learned that number to be a number that 670 00:30:36,780 --> 00:30:38,533 We learned that number to be a number that 671 00:30:38,533 --> 00:30:42,367 Alejandro Gutierrez had used -- Gutierrez works at 672 00:30:42,367 --> 00:30:46,367 a local car wash in Miami, where the owner is connected to 673 00:30:46,433 --> 00:30:48,000 some pretty shady characters. 674 00:30:49,367 --> 00:30:50,967 Four months after the murder, 675 00:30:51,000 --> 00:30:54,100 we locate Alejandro Gutierrez, and we arrest him on 676 00:30:54,100 --> 00:30:56,634 an outstanding warrant for petty larceny. 677 00:30:56,634 --> 00:30:58,367 Gutierrez is transported back to 678 00:30:58,433 --> 00:31:00,367 the state of New York, and he's interviewed. 679 00:31:01,634 --> 00:31:04,533 Gutierrez is a tough-looking, violent person, 680 00:31:04,600 --> 00:31:06,367 and then you look at his criminal history. 681 00:31:06,367 --> 00:31:06,780 It's everything, from petty larceny crimes to homicides. 682 00:31:06,780 --> 00:31:10,166 It's everything, from petty larceny crimes to homicides. 683 00:31:10,233 --> 00:31:11,734 We ask him if he knows anything 684 00:31:11,734 --> 00:31:13,367 about Ben Novack's murder. 685 00:31:14,967 --> 00:31:17,634 He says he doesn't know anything about it. 686 00:31:19,634 --> 00:31:22,266 NARRATOR: Detectives feel sure he's lying. 687 00:31:22,333 --> 00:31:24,367 So they press him to explain why he's 688 00:31:24,433 --> 00:31:27,367 at the hotel on the day of the homicide. 689 00:31:27,433 --> 00:31:29,867 CARPENTIER: He's shown surveillance pictures of himself 690 00:31:29,867 --> 00:31:32,166 in the Rye Town Hilton. 691 00:31:32,233 --> 00:31:36,780 They're able to show him walking with another guy, 692 00:31:36,780 --> 00:31:36,867 They're able to show him walking with another guy, 693 00:31:36,867 --> 00:31:40,634 going in with his sunglasses and coming out without them. 694 00:31:41,634 --> 00:31:45,066 NARRATOR: The ex-con knows it's only circumstantial evidence. 695 00:31:45,066 --> 00:31:47,533 The photos and video aren't proof he had 696 00:31:47,533 --> 00:31:50,734 any involvement in Ben Novack's murder. 697 00:31:50,734 --> 00:31:52,734 CARPENTIER: He denies it's him and that he's not 698 00:31:52,734 --> 00:31:54,867 involved and he's never been to New York. 699 00:31:54,867 --> 00:31:57,367 And he says to me that he's scared. 700 00:31:57,367 --> 00:31:59,967 He's scared for his family in his country, that he has 701 00:31:59,967 --> 00:32:03,533 a daughter that he needs to protect, and the people involved 702 00:32:03,600 --> 00:32:06,266 in these crimes that we're speaking of 703 00:32:06,266 --> 00:32:06,780 are very dangerous people. 704 00:32:06,780 --> 00:32:08,000 are very dangerous people. 705 00:32:12,533 --> 00:32:14,166 NARRATOR: Four months after millionaire, 706 00:32:14,233 --> 00:32:16,634 Ben Novack, is slain at the Rye Brook Hilton, 707 00:32:18,700 --> 00:32:21,066 police are sure that prime suspect 708 00:32:21,100 --> 00:32:24,634 Alejandro Gutierrez knows more than he's admitting. 709 00:32:24,634 --> 00:32:27,066 He says he's fearful of reprisals against 710 00:32:27,100 --> 00:32:29,967 his family by the violent people involved. 711 00:32:30,000 --> 00:32:31,867 But police show him there's only one 712 00:32:31,900 --> 00:32:34,100 way to help himself and his family. 713 00:32:35,166 --> 00:32:37,734 Gutierrez is confronted with 714 00:32:37,800 --> 00:32:40,734 the evidence that they have against him. 715 00:32:40,800 --> 00:32:40,887 He was seen coming in with 716 00:32:40,887 --> 00:32:42,467 He was seen coming in with 717 00:32:42,533 --> 00:32:45,734 his sunglasses and coming out without them. 718 00:32:47,266 --> 00:32:50,467 The arm of the glasses that was subsequently 719 00:32:50,467 --> 00:32:55,467 located in the room, matches his sunglasses perfectly. 720 00:32:58,166 --> 00:33:00,166 He does give it up. 721 00:33:02,367 --> 00:33:04,634 He admits to killing Ben Novack. 722 00:33:09,166 --> 00:33:10,887 NARRATOR: To confirm his truthfulness and prove 723 00:33:10,887 --> 00:33:11,367 NARRATOR: To confirm his truthfulness and prove 724 00:33:11,367 --> 00:33:14,367 that Gutierrez is now a cooperating witness, 725 00:33:14,367 --> 00:33:16,967 detectives ask the confessed killer to identify 726 00:33:17,000 --> 00:33:18,967 the second man with him on surveillance. 727 00:33:20,734 --> 00:33:24,166 But Gutierrez claims he only knows the man by his first name, 728 00:33:24,166 --> 00:33:27,000 Joel, and that Joel stayed somewhere local the night 729 00:33:27,000 --> 00:33:28,266 before the murder. 730 00:33:28,266 --> 00:33:29,533 We don't have a last name. 731 00:33:31,700 --> 00:33:34,266 We find a motel in that area, 732 00:33:34,266 --> 00:33:36,166 and a lovely manager there says, 733 00:33:36,166 --> 00:33:39,600 "You can go through our records. We keep copies of licenses." 734 00:33:39,600 --> 00:33:40,887 We were able to locate a person by the name of 735 00:33:40,887 --> 00:33:42,233 We were able to locate a person by the name of 736 00:33:42,266 --> 00:33:43,967 Joel Gonzalez 737 00:33:43,967 --> 00:33:46,467 that had given a copy of his license when he stayed at that 738 00:33:46,467 --> 00:33:49,734 hotel on the date that Alejandro Gutierrez 739 00:33:49,800 --> 00:33:51,867 tells us he stayed in New York. 740 00:33:53,600 --> 00:33:56,233 Joel Gonzalez lives in Miami, 741 00:33:56,266 --> 00:33:57,533 and he once worked at 742 00:33:57,533 --> 00:34:00,634 the same car wash that Gutierrez worked at. 743 00:34:03,266 --> 00:34:06,533 Gonzalez has a record of petty crimes, and he hears 744 00:34:06,634 --> 00:34:09,367 from the streets that police are looking for him. 745 00:34:09,367 --> 00:34:10,887 He walks right into the police station and turns himself in. 746 00:34:10,887 --> 00:34:13,066 He walks right into the police station and turns himself in. 747 00:34:16,467 --> 00:34:18,367 NARRATOR: With both men responsible for 748 00:34:18,433 --> 00:34:20,967 the brutal slaying of conference king, Ben Novack, 749 00:34:20,967 --> 00:34:22,867 now in custody, 750 00:34:22,867 --> 00:34:25,533 investigators pressed the killers to reveal the rest 751 00:34:25,634 --> 00:34:28,233 of the hows, the whys, and the who elses. 752 00:34:34,533 --> 00:34:37,700 Gutierrez and Gonzalez say that they traveled 753 00:34:37,700 --> 00:34:39,967 from Miami to New York 754 00:34:39,967 --> 00:34:40,887 three days before the murder on July 9th, when their vehicle 755 00:34:40,887 --> 00:34:43,734 three days before the murder on July 9th, when their vehicle 756 00:34:43,800 --> 00:34:45,100 broke down. 757 00:34:45,100 --> 00:34:48,634 The investigators find surveillance video that shows 758 00:34:48,734 --> 00:34:51,800 a man towing the two hitmen to New York. 759 00:34:51,800 --> 00:34:54,367 This man, Cristobal Veliz, 760 00:34:55,467 --> 00:34:58,634 brother of Ben Novack's wife, Narcy. 761 00:34:58,634 --> 00:35:02,066 Cristobal's alibi is destroyed. 762 00:35:02,100 --> 00:35:04,634 He wasn't driving a bus in Philadelphia. 763 00:35:05,600 --> 00:35:07,367 That puts Cristobal with the two 764 00:35:07,433 --> 00:35:09,634 killers just days before the homicide. 765 00:35:10,533 --> 00:35:10,887 NARRATOR: Now Alejandro Gutierrez goes even further. 766 00:35:10,887 --> 00:35:13,634 NARRATOR: Now Alejandro Gutierrez goes even further. 767 00:35:14,700 --> 00:35:17,867 He admits that he was hired by Cristobal. 768 00:35:18,900 --> 00:35:21,634 NARRATOR: And Cristobal did more than just pay the hitmen. 769 00:35:22,800 --> 00:35:25,533 O'DONOVAN: Investigators look at Cristobal's banking 770 00:35:25,533 --> 00:35:27,967 records and credit card receipts. 771 00:35:27,967 --> 00:35:31,166 He actually purchased dumbbells, which are similar 772 00:35:31,166 --> 00:35:34,533 to those Gutierrez used to kill Ben Novack. 773 00:35:36,367 --> 00:35:38,066 NARRATOR: With Cristobal now directly 774 00:35:38,066 --> 00:35:39,967 linked to Ben's murder, 775 00:35:39,967 --> 00:35:40,887 Gutierrez finally gives up the last 776 00:35:40,887 --> 00:35:42,233 Gutierrez finally gives up the last 777 00:35:42,266 --> 00:35:45,166 co conspirator who brought it all together. 778 00:35:45,166 --> 00:35:48,634 Alejandro Gutierrez points the finger at Narcy Novack. 779 00:35:49,634 --> 00:35:53,166 Narcy Novack lays out the plot to kill Ben Novack. 780 00:35:53,166 --> 00:35:56,967 Narcy asked her brother, Cristobal, to help plan 781 00:35:56,967 --> 00:36:00,734 the murder nine months before it actually happened. 782 00:36:00,800 --> 00:36:04,734 And Cristobal enlisted Gutierrez and Gonzalez. 783 00:36:05,900 --> 00:36:07,700 Narcy had a secret flip phone that 784 00:36:07,700 --> 00:36:10,000 she received from her brother, Cristobal. 785 00:36:10,000 --> 00:36:10,887 She kept this a secret from her husband. 786 00:36:10,887 --> 00:36:12,867 She kept this a secret from her husband. 787 00:36:12,867 --> 00:36:16,066 Police have the ability to trace this phone and trace 788 00:36:16,100 --> 00:36:19,800 the phone records both in and out from this phone. 789 00:36:19,800 --> 00:36:24,533 That phone was used at 6:39 a.m. the morning of the murder, 790 00:36:24,533 --> 00:36:26,100 where Narcy used the phone 791 00:36:26,100 --> 00:36:29,700 to call her brother, Cristobal, to set up the events that'll 792 00:36:29,700 --> 00:36:31,967 lead to the assassination of her husband. 793 00:36:33,166 --> 00:36:36,367 NARRATOR: And Narcy triggered the final assault. 794 00:36:36,367 --> 00:36:39,233 Narcy allowed them into the hotel room 795 00:36:39,266 --> 00:36:40,887 while Ben was sleeping. 796 00:36:40,887 --> 00:36:41,367 while Ben was sleeping. 797 00:36:41,433 --> 00:36:43,467 This is the final piece of 798 00:36:43,467 --> 00:36:45,800 the puzzle that puts it all together. 799 00:36:47,166 --> 00:36:51,233 Now investigators know that Narcy is behind the whole thing. 800 00:36:52,367 --> 00:36:56,700 On July 8th, 2010, a year after the homicide, 801 00:36:56,700 --> 00:37:00,166 we arrest Narcy Novack and Cristobal Veliz 802 00:37:00,166 --> 00:37:01,900 for their part in this homicide. 803 00:37:03,266 --> 00:37:06,066 NARRATOR: Investigators finally have enough information to 804 00:37:06,100 --> 00:37:07,233 piece together the events 805 00:37:07,266 --> 00:37:09,734 that led to the murder of Ben Novack Jr. 806 00:37:10,700 --> 00:37:10,887 CARPENTIER: On July 12th, 2009, at 12:07 a.m., 807 00:37:10,887 --> 00:37:15,066 CARPENTIER: On July 12th, 2009, at 12:07 a.m., 808 00:37:15,100 --> 00:37:17,266 Ben and Narcy Novack used their key card 809 00:37:17,266 --> 00:37:18,533 to enter their hotel room. 810 00:37:19,634 --> 00:37:22,967 At 5:10 a.m., Gutierrez and Gonzalez arrive 811 00:37:22,967 --> 00:37:25,367 at a gas station close by to the hotel. 812 00:37:25,433 --> 00:37:28,166 O'DONOVAN: At approximately 6:30 a.m., 813 00:37:28,233 --> 00:37:29,533 Ben is getting ready for bed. 814 00:37:29,533 --> 00:37:31,600 He strips down to his boxer shorts, 815 00:37:31,600 --> 00:37:34,100 and he gets in next to his wife, Narcy. 816 00:37:35,500 --> 00:37:37,867 At 6:39 a.m., 817 00:37:37,867 --> 00:37:40,887 Narcy sneaks into the adjoining room of the suite 818 00:37:40,887 --> 00:37:41,266 Narcy sneaks into the adjoining room of the suite 819 00:37:41,266 --> 00:37:43,367 and uses her secret phone 820 00:37:43,433 --> 00:37:45,533 to call her brother, to call the killers, 821 00:37:45,533 --> 00:37:47,233 and invite them into the suite. 822 00:37:49,266 --> 00:37:52,867 CARPENTIER: At 6:54 a.m., an employee of the Rye Town Hilton 823 00:37:52,867 --> 00:37:56,700 calls Ben Novack and says for him to send somebody to the desk 824 00:37:56,700 --> 00:37:58,734 immediately because this problem at breakfast. 825 00:37:58,800 --> 00:38:02,367 NARRATOR: Narcy tells Ben she'll take care of it. 826 00:38:02,367 --> 00:38:04,467 But instead of going downstairs, 827 00:38:04,533 --> 00:38:07,467 Narcy waits in the room for the killers to arrive. 828 00:38:09,100 --> 00:38:10,367 O'DONOVAN: At 7 a.m., 829 00:38:10,367 --> 00:38:10,887 Narcy opens the door and lets Gutierrez and Gonzalez into 830 00:38:10,887 --> 00:38:14,367 Narcy opens the door and lets Gutierrez and Gonzalez into 831 00:38:14,367 --> 00:38:17,100 the room while her husband, Ben, is sleeping. 832 00:38:20,166 --> 00:38:23,233 As Gutierrez and Gonzalez enter the bedroom, 833 00:38:23,266 --> 00:38:26,467 they hit Ben Novack on the head with one of the barbells 834 00:38:26,533 --> 00:38:29,166 as he sleeps -- Gutierrez and Gonzalez 835 00:38:29,233 --> 00:38:31,100 then bind Ben with duct tape. 836 00:38:32,533 --> 00:38:35,066 Narcy is present in the room while 837 00:38:35,066 --> 00:38:38,166 the men brutally beat Ben with barbells. 838 00:38:40,867 --> 00:38:40,887 O'DONOVAN: Narcy even throws the hitmen a pillow to muffle 839 00:38:40,887 --> 00:38:44,266 O'DONOVAN: Narcy even throws the hitmen a pillow to muffle 840 00:38:44,266 --> 00:38:47,100 Ben's screams and keep it quiet in the room. 841 00:38:48,166 --> 00:38:53,233 Narcy then orders Gutierrez to gouge out Ben's eyes 842 00:38:53,266 --> 00:38:55,867 so he can never look at another woman. 843 00:38:57,700 --> 00:38:59,634 CARPENTIER: Narcy stays in the room and watches 844 00:38:59,634 --> 00:39:03,100 as Gutierrez gouges out her husband's eyes. 845 00:39:03,100 --> 00:39:05,367 NARRATOR: The entire brutal torture and murder 846 00:39:05,367 --> 00:39:06,634 took 11 minutes. 847 00:39:08,367 --> 00:39:10,166 CARPENTIER: At 7:11 a.m., 848 00:39:10,166 --> 00:39:10,887 Gutierrez and Gonzalez are seen 849 00:39:10,887 --> 00:39:11,800 Gutierrez and Gonzalez are seen 850 00:39:11,800 --> 00:39:15,367 on surveillance cameras leaving the hotel. 851 00:39:15,367 --> 00:39:16,533 O'DONOVAN: Afterwards, 852 00:39:16,533 --> 00:39:20,634 Narcy leaves and goes downstairs to establish her alibi. 853 00:39:21,967 --> 00:39:23,634 Narcy makes sure she is 854 00:39:23,634 --> 00:39:26,266 captured on numerous surveillance cameras. 855 00:39:26,266 --> 00:39:29,367 O'DONOVAN: And at 7:45 a.m., Narcy returns 856 00:39:29,367 --> 00:39:32,233 to the bedroom and starts screaming for help. 857 00:39:39,266 --> 00:39:40,887 NARRATOR: Narcy insisting that her husband's eyes 858 00:39:40,887 --> 00:39:41,266 NARRATOR: Narcy insisting that her husband's eyes 859 00:39:41,266 --> 00:39:42,467 be gouged out 860 00:39:42,467 --> 00:39:45,867 isn't even the full extent of her depravity. 861 00:39:45,900 --> 00:39:49,066 When we are interviewing Alejandro Gutierrez in New York, 862 00:39:49,100 --> 00:39:50,967 he has a wallet. 863 00:39:50,967 --> 00:39:54,867 When we go through it, we see a picture of May Abad. 864 00:39:56,800 --> 00:39:58,467 Gutierrez tells us that Cristobal 865 00:39:58,467 --> 00:40:01,066 approached him with another job. 866 00:40:01,066 --> 00:40:04,333 He wanted him to hurt or kill May Abad. 867 00:40:05,100 --> 00:40:08,600 O'DONOVAN: This is why he had her photograph in his wallet. 868 00:40:08,600 --> 00:40:10,887 It was because May was interfering 869 00:40:10,887 --> 00:40:11,166 It was because May was interfering 870 00:40:11,166 --> 00:40:14,967 in the possibility of Narcy inheriting everything. 871 00:40:18,100 --> 00:40:20,066 NARRATOR: To guarantee a higher windfall, 872 00:40:20,100 --> 00:40:22,967 May's own uncle and mother plotted to kill her, 873 00:40:23,000 --> 00:40:25,367 the mother of their nephews and grandsons. 874 00:40:26,634 --> 00:40:28,634 CARPENTIER: Gutierrez has one more bombshell 875 00:40:28,634 --> 00:40:31,233 to throw in this investigation. 876 00:40:31,266 --> 00:40:34,800 He says in April 2009, he was hired by 877 00:40:34,800 --> 00:40:39,166 Cristobal Veliz and Narcy Novack to kill Ben Novack's mother 878 00:40:39,166 --> 00:40:40,887 in her home in Fort Lauderdale. 879 00:40:40,887 --> 00:40:41,367 in her home in Fort Lauderdale. 880 00:40:41,367 --> 00:40:43,467 O'DONOVAN: With Ben's mother, Bernice, dead, 881 00:40:43,467 --> 00:40:45,467 Ben's fortune increased, 882 00:40:45,533 --> 00:40:48,867 and now there is more for Narcy to inherit -- at the time, 883 00:40:48,867 --> 00:40:52,367 Bernice's death was recorded as an accidental fall, 884 00:40:52,367 --> 00:40:54,734 but that case was reopened. 885 00:40:56,166 --> 00:40:59,734 CARPENTIER: In 2012, both Narcy and Cristobal Veliz 886 00:40:59,800 --> 00:41:01,533 are convicted of the murders of not only 887 00:41:01,533 --> 00:41:05,467 Ben Novack but Bernice Novack, with life in prison with 888 00:41:05,533 --> 00:41:06,900 no chance of parole. 889 00:41:08,533 --> 00:41:10,887 Gutierrez and Gonzalez plead guilty for lesser sentences 890 00:41:10,887 --> 00:41:12,233 Gutierrez and Gonzalez plead guilty for lesser sentences 891 00:41:12,266 --> 00:41:14,066 and get approximately 17.5 years 892 00:41:14,066 --> 00:41:17,467 in prison for their assistance in this investigation. 893 00:41:17,467 --> 00:41:21,233 The anonymous letter writer that tipped off police to Narcy 894 00:41:21,266 --> 00:41:23,166 and Cristobal's escapades 895 00:41:23,166 --> 00:41:25,467 is discovered to be none other than 896 00:41:25,467 --> 00:41:28,066 their older sister, Leticia Torano. 897 00:41:28,100 --> 00:41:31,066 O'DONOVAN: Leticia believed that her sister, 898 00:41:31,100 --> 00:41:32,800 Narcy, and her brother, Cristobal, 899 00:41:32,800 --> 00:41:35,066 deserved to be caught, and they deserved 900 00:41:35,066 --> 00:41:36,800 to go to jail for what they did. 901 00:41:37,867 --> 00:41:40,700 I believe justice in the long run was served. 902 00:41:40,700 --> 00:41:40,887 I wish it was served a little earlier. 903 00:41:40,887 --> 00:41:42,734 I wish it was served a little earlier. 904 00:41:43,800 --> 00:41:46,367 NARRATOR: But for those who knew Ben Novack Jr., 905 00:41:46,433 --> 00:41:48,233 long prison sentences for the guilty 906 00:41:48,266 --> 00:41:50,467 will not bring him back. 907 00:41:50,467 --> 00:41:53,600 I had known Ben since he was in his late teens, 908 00:41:53,600 --> 00:41:57,066 and the horrific nature in which he was murdered leaves 909 00:41:57,100 --> 00:41:58,634 a lot to be desired. 910 00:41:59,600 --> 00:42:04,867 This is the epitome of evil from people who just have 911 00:42:04,867 --> 00:42:07,734 no regard for life, and it was all about the greed.