1 00:00:08,410 --> 00:00:09,420 - Tonight on 2 00:00:08,410 --> 00:00:09,420 "Celebrity Game Face"... 3 00:00:09,420 --> 00:00:10,243 - This is historic. 4 00:00:10,243 --> 00:00:11,378 - Three celebrity teams 5 00:00:10,243 --> 00:00:11,378 are joining 6 00:00:11,378 --> 00:00:12,979 another wild night 7 00:00:11,378 --> 00:00:12,979 of games. 8 00:00:12,979 --> 00:00:14,481 - I mean, all we do 9 00:00:12,979 --> 00:00:14,481 is win over here. 10 00:00:14,481 --> 00:00:17,117 - Wow, right, wow. 11 00:00:14,481 --> 00:00:17,117 - Wow, wow, wow, wow. 12 00:00:17,117 --> 00:00:18,518 - Things are about 13 00:00:17,117 --> 00:00:18,518 to get weird. 14 00:00:18,518 --> 00:00:20,620 - Whoo... 15 00:00:18,518 --> 00:00:20,620 [laughter] 16 00:00:20,620 --> 00:00:21,888 - What the ---- is that? 17 00:00:21,888 --> 00:00:23,623 - My greatness jiggles a lot. 18 00:00:23,623 --> 00:00:25,725 [laughter] 19 00:00:25,725 --> 00:00:27,270 - Go! 20 00:00:27,270 --> 00:00:28,528 They'll win money for charity. 21 00:00:28,528 --> 00:00:29,696 - I will make 22 00:00:28,528 --> 00:00:29,696 everyone look bad. 23 00:00:29,696 --> 00:00:31,398 - Yeah. 24 00:00:29,696 --> 00:00:31,398 - Yabba-dabba-doo! 25 00:00:32,631 --> 00:00:34,768 - But only one team 26 00:00:32,631 --> 00:00:34,768 will have the honor 27 00:00:34,768 --> 00:00:37,437 of taking home the coveted 28 00:00:34,768 --> 00:00:37,437 Hart of a Champion award. 29 00:00:38,271 --> 00:00:40,373 - We're all winners. 30 00:00:38,271 --> 00:00:40,373 - We're not all winners. 31 00:00:40,373 --> 00:00:41,975 - I'm telling you, 32 00:00:40,373 --> 00:00:41,975 ever since you got that show, 33 00:00:41,975 --> 00:00:43,743 you've changed, okay. 34 00:00:43,743 --> 00:00:46,780 [upbeat music] 35 00:00:46,780 --> 00:00:48,648 If you do not know, 36 00:00:46,780 --> 00:00:48,648 I'm Kevin Hart. 37 00:00:48,648 --> 00:00:50,383 I am the host, the game master. 38 00:00:50,383 --> 00:00:51,651 You know, I basically 39 00:00:50,383 --> 00:00:51,651 do everything here, 40 00:00:51,651 --> 00:00:53,119 but I can't do it alone. 41 00:00:53,119 --> 00:00:55,922 I have to do it with the help 42 00:00:53,119 --> 00:00:55,922 of my amazing wife, Eniko. 43 00:00:55,922 --> 00:00:57,323 She's like my Guinea pig 44 00:00:57,323 --> 00:00:59,325 'cause you're who I test 45 00:00:57,323 --> 00:00:59,325 all the games on. 46 00:00:59,325 --> 00:01:00,360 - Yeah. 47 00:01:00,360 --> 00:01:02,162 - This is 48 00:01:00,360 --> 00:01:02,162 who I test them all on. 49 00:01:02,162 --> 00:01:04,397 It's not about us. 50 00:01:02,162 --> 00:01:04,397 Let's meet our teams. 51 00:01:04,397 --> 00:01:07,133 First up, we got hip-hop 52 00:01:04,397 --> 00:01:07,133 royalty in the building. 53 00:01:07,133 --> 00:01:08,268 - Bless up, bless up. 54 00:01:08,268 --> 00:01:09,602 - DJ Khaled and his wife, 55 00:01:09,602 --> 00:01:11,271 entrepreneur, Nicole Tuck. 56 00:01:11,271 --> 00:01:13,106 She's also here. 57 00:01:11,271 --> 00:01:13,106 What's going on guys? 58 00:01:13,106 --> 00:01:16,209 - Actually, this is probably 59 00:01:13,106 --> 00:01:16,209 our first time ever doing... 60 00:01:16,209 --> 00:01:19,612 - First time me speaking. 61 00:01:16,209 --> 00:01:19,612 - Yeah, yeah. 62 00:01:19,612 --> 00:01:21,810 Usually I'm just... 63 00:01:21,810 --> 00:01:22,982 - She's usually telling me 64 00:01:21,810 --> 00:01:22,982 get the camera out her face. 65 00:01:22,982 --> 00:01:24,617 - Yeah, I've seen 66 00:01:22,982 --> 00:01:24,617 her speak before. 67 00:01:24,617 --> 00:01:26,252 Khaled go ahead with that ----. 68 00:01:26,252 --> 00:01:28,621 Don't bring it over here. 69 00:01:26,252 --> 00:01:28,621 Not today, Khaled. 70 00:01:28,621 --> 00:01:30,256 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 71 00:01:30,256 --> 00:01:32,625 - Next up from 72 00:01:30,256 --> 00:01:32,625 "Saturday Night Live," 73 00:01:32,625 --> 00:01:35,328 and "The Last O.G.," 74 00:01:32,625 --> 00:01:35,328 and from "Home Economics," 75 00:01:35,328 --> 00:01:37,997 actress, comedian, 76 00:01:35,328 --> 00:01:37,997 Sasheer Zamata. 77 00:01:37,997 --> 00:01:39,132 Did I say it right, Zamah-ta? 78 00:01:39,132 --> 00:01:41,735 - Zamay-ta, Sasheer Zamata. 79 00:01:39,132 --> 00:01:41,735 Mm-hmm. 80 00:01:41,735 --> 00:01:43,737 Like tomay-tah, tomato, tomato. 81 00:01:41,735 --> 00:01:43,737 - Yeah. 82 00:01:43,737 --> 00:01:44,938 - You think 83 00:01:43,737 --> 00:01:44,938 you're better than me 84 00:01:44,938 --> 00:01:46,106 because you corrected me? 85 00:01:46,106 --> 00:01:47,340 You proud of yourself? 86 00:01:47,340 --> 00:01:48,541 - I should know how 87 00:01:47,340 --> 00:01:48,541 to say my own name. 88 00:01:48,541 --> 00:01:49,743 - It'd be weird 89 00:01:48,541 --> 00:01:49,743 if she didn't know. 90 00:01:49,743 --> 00:01:52,445 - Making me look stupid 91 00:01:49,743 --> 00:01:52,445 on my own show. 92 00:01:52,445 --> 00:01:54,180 - Well, maybe your producer 93 00:01:52,445 --> 00:01:54,180 should have told you 94 00:01:54,180 --> 00:01:56,348 what was going on 95 00:01:54,180 --> 00:01:56,348 before the show even started. 96 00:01:56,348 --> 00:01:57,550 - I knew Sasheer. 97 00:01:57,550 --> 00:01:59,386 I knew Sasheer. 98 00:01:57,550 --> 00:01:59,386 Who says last names? 99 00:01:59,386 --> 00:02:02,288 It's 2022. 100 00:01:59,386 --> 00:02:02,288 Nobody says last names in 2022. 101 00:02:02,288 --> 00:02:04,157 - This is true, this is true. 102 00:02:02,288 --> 00:02:04,157 - That's true. 103 00:02:04,157 --> 00:02:05,925 - I'm trying to pull a Beyoncé. 104 00:02:05,925 --> 00:02:07,160 - Well, you're not by yourself. 105 00:02:07,160 --> 00:02:08,895 You're with 106 00:02:07,160 --> 00:02:08,895 your "Home Economics" costar, 107 00:02:08,895 --> 00:02:11,498 Caitlin McGee, 108 00:02:08,895 --> 00:02:11,498 who has a regular last name. 109 00:02:11,498 --> 00:02:13,867 Thank you. 110 00:02:11,498 --> 00:02:13,867 Hey, hey, Caitlin. 111 00:02:13,867 --> 00:02:15,902 - You got that correct. 112 00:02:13,867 --> 00:02:15,902 I'm great, yes. 113 00:02:15,902 --> 00:02:17,937 - Congrats on the show. 114 00:02:15,902 --> 00:02:17,937 You guys having a good time? 115 00:02:17,937 --> 00:02:19,339 - It's been very, very fun. 116 00:02:17,937 --> 00:02:19,339 - Yeah. 117 00:02:19,339 --> 00:02:20,573 - This is my queen. 118 00:02:19,339 --> 00:02:20,573 - Yes. 119 00:02:20,573 --> 00:02:22,242 - I'm so blessed. 120 00:02:20,573 --> 00:02:22,242 - This is--I'm her queen. 121 00:02:22,242 --> 00:02:24,277 - This is my TV wife. 122 00:02:22,242 --> 00:02:24,277 - I love it. 123 00:02:24,277 --> 00:02:27,800 Our last but definitely 124 00:02:24,277 --> 00:02:27,800 not our least contestant 125 00:02:27,800 --> 00:02:30,483 on the show today, 126 00:02:27,800 --> 00:02:30,483 actor, producer, rap legend, 127 00:02:30,483 --> 00:02:32,452 Big Boi on the show, 128 00:02:30,483 --> 00:02:32,452 and he's not by himself. 129 00:02:32,452 --> 00:02:34,721 He's with his son, 130 00:02:32,452 --> 00:02:34,721 Bamboo Patton. 131 00:02:34,721 --> 00:02:36,523 Bamboo, what's going on 132 00:02:34,721 --> 00:02:36,523 with you, champ? 133 00:02:36,523 --> 00:02:39,192 - What's going on, man? 134 00:02:36,523 --> 00:02:39,192 Little big is bigger than big. 135 00:02:39,192 --> 00:02:42,896 Goddamn, Bamboo, do you respect 136 00:02:39,192 --> 00:02:42,896 your dad's level of cool? 137 00:02:42,896 --> 00:02:44,898 - It's OG, man, always. 138 00:02:44,898 --> 00:02:47,167 My son think 139 00:02:44,898 --> 00:02:47,167 I'm a ------- mess. 140 00:02:47,167 --> 00:02:48,401 - He's a teenager. 141 00:02:48,401 --> 00:02:49,736 - Yeah, he think-- 142 00:02:48,401 --> 00:02:49,736 but he think he got it. 143 00:02:49,736 --> 00:02:51,237 He don't realize 144 00:02:49,736 --> 00:02:51,237 that he got it from me. 145 00:02:51,237 --> 00:02:52,439 - He think he is the cool one. 146 00:02:52,439 --> 00:02:54,307 - Yeah, he think 147 00:02:52,439 --> 00:02:54,307 he the coolest guy walking. 148 00:02:54,307 --> 00:02:55,841 What's going on, Big? 149 00:02:55,841 --> 00:02:57,100 - Oh, man, we just chilling, 150 00:02:57,100 --> 00:02:58,445 live from the planet 151 00:02:57,100 --> 00:02:58,445 of Stankonia, 152 00:02:58,445 --> 00:02:59,879 where all the funky 153 00:02:58,445 --> 00:02:59,879 things come from, 154 00:02:59,879 --> 00:03:01,470 you know what 155 00:02:59,879 --> 00:03:01,470 I'm talking about? 156 00:03:01,470 --> 00:03:02,916 Doing super fantastic, 157 00:03:01,470 --> 00:03:02,916 phenomenal world, 158 00:03:02,916 --> 00:03:04,884 perfectly whole, complete, 159 00:03:02,916 --> 00:03:04,884 blessed, and highly fatal, 160 00:03:04,884 --> 00:03:07,253 and can't be ------ with, 161 00:03:04,884 --> 00:03:07,253 yeah, like that. 162 00:03:07,253 --> 00:03:09,890 - You know what I'm doing. 163 00:03:07,253 --> 00:03:09,890 I'm here. 164 00:03:09,890 --> 00:03:12,425 I'm here laid up and laid out. 165 00:03:12,425 --> 00:03:14,940 So you don't know that. 166 00:03:12,425 --> 00:03:14,940 - Living the dream. 167 00:03:14,940 --> 00:03:15,462 - And that means 168 00:03:14,940 --> 00:03:15,462 you got to get out. 169 00:03:15,462 --> 00:03:18,980 Come on now. 170 00:03:15,462 --> 00:03:18,980 Everybody know that route. 171 00:03:18,980 --> 00:03:20,466 And if you gonna go fishing, 172 00:03:18,980 --> 00:03:20,466 bring back a trout. 173 00:03:20,466 --> 00:03:22,235 Yeah, 174 00:03:20,466 --> 00:03:22,235 I'm talking big mouth bass, 175 00:03:22,235 --> 00:03:23,436 something for that ass. 176 00:03:23,436 --> 00:03:25,338 So let's get 177 00:03:23,436 --> 00:03:25,338 to playing the game 178 00:03:25,338 --> 00:03:27,730 'cause you know I'll pass, 179 00:03:25,338 --> 00:03:27,730 right? 180 00:03:27,730 --> 00:03:28,875 I keep telling you 181 00:03:27,730 --> 00:03:28,875 I'm talented, honey. 182 00:03:28,875 --> 00:03:30,760 You just saw me spit. 183 00:03:30,760 --> 00:03:32,545 He may sign me after this. 184 00:03:30,760 --> 00:03:32,545 It could happen. 185 00:03:32,545 --> 00:03:34,800 - Come on, Droppa. 186 00:03:34,800 --> 00:03:36,316 - All right, guys, we are going 187 00:03:34,800 --> 00:03:36,316 to start off with a bang. 188 00:03:36,316 --> 00:03:38,118 We're playing one 189 00:03:36,316 --> 00:03:38,118 of our favorite games. 190 00:03:38,118 --> 00:03:41,353 The first game we're gonna play 191 00:03:38,118 --> 00:03:41,353 is called, What the Blank? 192 00:03:41,353 --> 00:03:43,356 * 193 00:03:43,356 --> 00:03:46,920 I basically turn story time 194 00:03:43,356 --> 00:03:46,920 into a guessing game. 195 00:03:46,920 --> 00:03:49,429 So one person on each team will 196 00:03:46,920 --> 00:03:49,429 share a one-sentence story. 197 00:03:49,429 --> 00:03:51,970 Only, it's got a blank in it. 198 00:03:51,970 --> 00:03:53,767 For example, 199 00:03:51,970 --> 00:03:53,767 I might say in 2015, 200 00:03:53,767 --> 00:03:56,936 I became the first comedian 201 00:03:53,767 --> 00:03:56,936 to sell out a blank. 202 00:03:56,936 --> 00:03:59,172 Then I'll give you the option. 203 00:03:56,936 --> 00:03:59,172 Is it a bowling alley? 204 00:03:59,172 --> 00:04:02,420 Is it space shuttle hanger 205 00:03:59,172 --> 00:04:02,420 or an NFL stadium? 206 00:04:02,420 --> 00:04:03,910 Honey, what's the answer 207 00:04:02,420 --> 00:04:03,910 to that? 208 00:04:03,910 --> 00:04:05,345 - I'm not sure. 209 00:04:03,910 --> 00:04:05,345 - You don't--you don't-- 210 00:04:05,345 --> 00:04:08,515 - I'm joking. 211 00:04:05,345 --> 00:04:08,515 I'm joking--NFL. 212 00:04:08,515 --> 00:04:11,117 - You almost got a goddamn 213 00:04:08,515 --> 00:04:11,117 divorce right here on the show. 214 00:04:11,117 --> 00:04:13,153 It almost happened. 215 00:04:11,117 --> 00:04:13,153 It almost happened right here. 216 00:04:13,153 --> 00:04:15,880 Yes, yes. 217 00:04:15,880 --> 00:04:18,124 Now, if you guys get it right, 218 00:04:15,880 --> 00:04:18,124 I'll give you 5 points. 219 00:04:18,124 --> 00:04:19,492 Once again, 5 points. 220 00:04:19,492 --> 00:04:20,760 Does everybody 221 00:04:19,492 --> 00:04:20,760 understand the game? 222 00:04:20,760 --> 00:04:21,861 - Yeah. 223 00:04:20,760 --> 00:04:21,861 - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 224 00:04:21,861 --> 00:04:23,960 I'm with you. 225 00:04:23,960 --> 00:04:24,397 - All right, 226 00:04:23,960 --> 00:04:24,397 well, then we gonna start off 227 00:04:24,397 --> 00:04:25,865 in the planet of Stankonia. 228 00:04:25,865 --> 00:04:28,702 Big Boi, Bamboo, you're first. 229 00:04:25,865 --> 00:04:28,702 What's your story, guys? 230 00:04:28,702 --> 00:04:29,969 - Oh, okay. 231 00:04:33,340 --> 00:04:35,575 Frozen worms, dead mice... 232 00:04:35,575 --> 00:04:37,110 - Oh, man. 233 00:04:35,575 --> 00:04:37,110 - Or pig urine. 234 00:04:37,110 --> 00:04:39,179 - Jesus Christ. 235 00:04:37,110 --> 00:04:39,179 - What? 236 00:04:39,179 --> 00:04:40,880 - You saw what he said, 237 00:04:39,179 --> 00:04:40,880 frozen worms, 238 00:04:40,880 --> 00:04:42,449 dead mice, or pig urine. 239 00:04:42,449 --> 00:04:44,840 - What do you think? 240 00:04:42,449 --> 00:04:44,840 - I mean-- 241 00:04:44,840 --> 00:04:46,860 - Pig urine might be 242 00:04:44,840 --> 00:04:46,860 something special in it. 243 00:04:46,860 --> 00:04:47,554 - I feel like dead mice 244 00:04:46,860 --> 00:04:47,554 would mean, 245 00:04:47,554 --> 00:04:48,922 like, he has a snake 246 00:04:47,554 --> 00:04:48,922 or something. 247 00:04:48,922 --> 00:04:51,909 - The reality sounds 248 00:04:48,922 --> 00:04:51,909 like the mice. 249 00:04:51,909 --> 00:04:52,759 - Yeah but why? 250 00:04:51,909 --> 00:04:52,759 What are you gonna do with it? 251 00:04:52,759 --> 00:04:54,159 - I think frozen worms. 252 00:04:54,159 --> 00:04:55,595 - Probably frozen worms. 253 00:04:54,159 --> 00:04:55,595 - 'Cause he was talking about-- 254 00:04:55,595 --> 00:04:56,629 - Khaled, Nicole, 255 00:04:55,595 --> 00:04:56,629 what do you got? 256 00:04:56,629 --> 00:04:58,298 - I'ma let Nicole answer 257 00:04:56,629 --> 00:04:58,298 this one 258 00:04:58,298 --> 00:04:59,933 'cause she act 259 00:04:58,298 --> 00:04:59,933 like she know the answer, so... 260 00:04:59,933 --> 00:05:01,670 - What do you got, Nicole? 261 00:05:01,670 --> 00:05:02,702 - If you're gonna like it, 262 00:05:01,670 --> 00:05:02,702 you do it. 263 00:05:02,702 --> 00:05:04,370 - I don't know. 264 00:05:02,702 --> 00:05:04,370 I said pig urine. 265 00:05:04,370 --> 00:05:05,205 - Man. 266 00:05:05,205 --> 00:05:06,373 - Nicole, you wanna go 267 00:05:05,205 --> 00:05:06,373 with pig urine? 268 00:05:06,373 --> 00:05:07,640 - You know, hey, it might have 269 00:05:07,640 --> 00:05:09,142 something special in it 270 00:05:07,640 --> 00:05:09,142 we don't know about. 271 00:05:09,142 --> 00:05:11,878 - Nah, we don't need all that. 272 00:05:09,142 --> 00:05:11,878 - You could defrost it. 273 00:05:13,790 --> 00:05:14,447 - Sasheer and Caitlin, 274 00:05:13,790 --> 00:05:14,447 what do you got? 275 00:05:14,447 --> 00:05:16,449 - We're gonna go 276 00:05:14,447 --> 00:05:16,449 with frozen worms. 277 00:05:16,449 --> 00:05:18,818 - Because it makes sense 278 00:05:16,449 --> 00:05:18,818 with fishing... 279 00:05:18,818 --> 00:05:19,819 - Yeah. 280 00:05:18,818 --> 00:05:19,819 - And stuff like that. 281 00:05:19,819 --> 00:05:21,121 So I think-- 282 00:05:21,121 --> 00:05:22,756 - Seems like the most practical 283 00:05:21,121 --> 00:05:22,756 out of the three. 284 00:05:22,756 --> 00:05:24,124 - It seems like 285 00:05:22,756 --> 00:05:24,124 a practical thing, yeah. 286 00:05:24,124 --> 00:05:25,692 - That's what I was trying 287 00:05:24,124 --> 00:05:25,692 to tell you. 288 00:05:25,692 --> 00:05:27,894 - Didn't even think about it. 289 00:05:25,692 --> 00:05:27,894 - You went straight left on us. 290 00:05:27,894 --> 00:05:29,729 - All right, Big, Bamboo, 291 00:05:27,894 --> 00:05:29,729 what's the answer here? 292 00:05:29,729 --> 00:05:33,733 - The answer is dead mice. 293 00:05:29,729 --> 00:05:33,733 - Dead mice. 294 00:05:33,733 --> 00:05:35,602 both: Oh. 295 00:05:33,733 --> 00:05:35,602 - I told you that. 296 00:05:35,602 --> 00:05:37,103 - You did say-- 297 00:05:35,602 --> 00:05:37,103 - I told her dead mice. 298 00:05:37,103 --> 00:05:38,271 - Oh. 299 00:05:37,103 --> 00:05:38,271 - Okay. 300 00:05:38,271 --> 00:05:40,373 - We're all wrong. 301 00:05:40,373 --> 00:05:42,509 - Dead mice for what? 302 00:05:42,509 --> 00:05:44,411 - Eurasian eagle-owls, 303 00:05:42,509 --> 00:05:44,411 and we done had 'em 304 00:05:44,411 --> 00:05:46,746 for a couple of years now, 305 00:05:44,411 --> 00:05:46,746 and we have to order the mice 306 00:05:46,746 --> 00:05:48,214 off the internet, 307 00:05:46,746 --> 00:05:48,214 you know what I'm saying? 308 00:05:48,214 --> 00:05:49,916 So we can keep the owls fed. 309 00:05:49,916 --> 00:05:51,985 - Just a quick question, Big, 310 00:05:49,916 --> 00:05:51,985 just for me if you don't mind. 311 00:05:51,985 --> 00:05:55,822 So when did you get past 312 00:05:51,985 --> 00:05:55,822 the dog and the cat stage? 313 00:05:55,822 --> 00:05:57,791 When did you figure 314 00:05:55,822 --> 00:05:57,791 that you would-- 315 00:05:57,791 --> 00:05:59,459 when did you... 316 00:05:59,459 --> 00:06:00,860 - I mean, 317 00:05:59,459 --> 00:06:00,860 it started a long time ago. 318 00:06:00,860 --> 00:06:02,595 You know, I'm just an animal 319 00:06:00,860 --> 00:06:02,595 lover in general, man. 320 00:06:02,595 --> 00:06:04,230 - Wow. 321 00:06:02,595 --> 00:06:04,230 - I ain't gonna lie, man. 322 00:06:04,230 --> 00:06:06,866 That's heavily, heavily 323 00:06:04,230 --> 00:06:06,866 intrigued right there, honey. 324 00:06:06,866 --> 00:06:09,350 - Yeah, I didn't see that one 325 00:06:06,866 --> 00:06:09,350 coming, not dead mice. 326 00:06:09,350 --> 00:06:10,537 - That's what they do. 327 00:06:10,537 --> 00:06:12,572 Now, I'm about to get an owl, 328 00:06:10,537 --> 00:06:12,572 wear that bitch on my shoulder. 329 00:06:12,572 --> 00:06:14,641 - You don't even like birds. 330 00:06:12,572 --> 00:06:14,641 You would never. 331 00:06:14,641 --> 00:06:17,110 - No, I figure, ain't no way. 332 00:06:14,641 --> 00:06:17,110 Ain't no way I could do it. 333 00:06:17,110 --> 00:06:19,612 Okay, so you both got 334 00:06:17,110 --> 00:06:19,612 the answer wrong, 335 00:06:19,612 --> 00:06:21,181 so neither of you 336 00:06:19,612 --> 00:06:21,181 receive points. 337 00:06:21,181 --> 00:06:22,382 - Oh. 338 00:06:22,382 --> 00:06:23,917 - That's big whopping zero. 339 00:06:22,382 --> 00:06:23,917 Next story. 340 00:06:23,917 --> 00:06:25,552 Sasheer and Caitlin, 341 00:06:23,917 --> 00:06:25,552 you guys go. 342 00:06:25,552 --> 00:06:26,786 - Okay. 343 00:06:32,225 --> 00:06:36,129 A tarot card reader, 344 00:06:32,225 --> 00:06:36,129 a mushroom trip, 345 00:06:36,129 --> 00:06:38,498 or an episode of "Star Trek." 346 00:06:38,498 --> 00:06:39,866 - That's a good one. 347 00:06:41,868 --> 00:06:43,470 - I'ma go crazy with it. 348 00:06:43,470 --> 00:06:45,710 Mushroom trip. 349 00:06:43,470 --> 00:06:45,710 You know what I'm saying? 350 00:06:45,710 --> 00:06:46,139 Like, a mushroom trip. 351 00:06:46,139 --> 00:06:47,440 - Big, Bamboo. 352 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:48,808 - We was gonna say 353 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:48,808 the same thing. 354 00:06:48,808 --> 00:06:50,143 - We was gonna say 355 00:06:48,808 --> 00:06:50,143 the same thing too. 356 00:06:50,143 --> 00:06:51,144 - Ooh. 357 00:06:50,143 --> 00:06:51,144 - Mushroom trip. 358 00:06:51,144 --> 00:06:52,345 - Mushroom trip. 359 00:06:52,345 --> 00:06:53,713 You know, I... 360 00:06:52,345 --> 00:06:53,713 - Wow. 361 00:06:53,713 --> 00:06:58,318 - Definitely recognize a child 362 00:06:53,713 --> 00:06:58,318 of a mushroom user. 363 00:06:59,386 --> 00:07:03,790 You know, I'm getting 364 00:06:59,386 --> 00:07:03,790 a heavy sense 365 00:07:03,790 --> 00:07:05,492 of shrooms right here. 366 00:07:05,492 --> 00:07:07,160 That's got drugs 367 00:07:05,492 --> 00:07:07,160 written all over it. 368 00:07:07,160 --> 00:07:11,331 Go ahead, Sasheer. 369 00:07:07,160 --> 00:07:11,331 Sasheer, what's the answer? 370 00:07:11,331 --> 00:07:14,167 - Mushrooms is a good vibe 371 00:07:11,331 --> 00:07:14,167 for what I have going on, 372 00:07:14,167 --> 00:07:17,303 but no, it's actually 373 00:07:14,167 --> 00:07:17,303 from an episode of "Star Trek." 374 00:07:17,303 --> 00:07:19,773 - Okay, so we're not Trekkies. 375 00:07:17,303 --> 00:07:19,773 I was like... 376 00:07:19,773 --> 00:07:22,420 - I'm just little shroomy 377 00:07:19,773 --> 00:07:22,420 over there. 378 00:07:22,420 --> 00:07:23,376 - Whose name was Sasheer? 379 00:07:23,376 --> 00:07:26,946 - Sasheer isn't a character. 380 00:07:23,376 --> 00:07:26,946 It's a crystal flower. 381 00:07:26,946 --> 00:07:28,581 Captain Kirk was flirting 382 00:07:28,581 --> 00:07:30,717 with the alien princess, 383 00:07:28,581 --> 00:07:30,717 as he does. 384 00:07:30,717 --> 00:07:32,686 And my parents were drunk 385 00:07:30,717 --> 00:07:32,686 when they watched that episode, 386 00:07:32,686 --> 00:07:34,120 so it was 387 00:07:32,686 --> 00:07:34,120 a little bit of a mix. 388 00:07:34,120 --> 00:07:37,157 - It sounds like they were 389 00:07:34,120 --> 00:07:37,157 on mushrooms watching that. 390 00:07:37,157 --> 00:07:38,457 - They're like... 391 00:07:37,157 --> 00:07:38,457 - Yeah. 392 00:07:38,457 --> 00:07:39,459 - Yes. 393 00:07:39,459 --> 00:07:40,659 - Mushrooms are 394 00:07:39,459 --> 00:07:40,659 connected there. 395 00:07:40,659 --> 00:07:41,861 - It all goes together. 396 00:07:40,659 --> 00:07:41,861 - All right. 397 00:07:41,861 --> 00:07:43,396 That's another whopping zero. 398 00:07:43,396 --> 00:07:47,400 No points there. 399 00:07:43,396 --> 00:07:47,400 You guys are wrong yet again. 400 00:07:47,400 --> 00:07:49,690 - Yikes, we're doing terribly. 401 00:07:49,690 --> 00:07:51,404 - We're doing bad. 402 00:07:49,690 --> 00:07:51,404 - Yeah, no, no, no. 403 00:07:51,404 --> 00:07:53,540 I'm not big on 404 00:07:51,404 --> 00:07:53,540 putting the contestants down, 405 00:07:53,540 --> 00:07:55,875 but let's just address 406 00:07:53,540 --> 00:07:55,875 the elephant in the room. 407 00:07:55,875 --> 00:07:57,177 You guys ------- suck. 408 00:07:57,177 --> 00:07:59,646 - We even, we even. 409 00:07:59,646 --> 00:08:00,914 - We got time. 410 00:07:59,646 --> 00:08:00,914 We got time. 411 00:08:00,914 --> 00:08:03,516 - Yeah, okay, do we have time? 412 00:08:00,914 --> 00:08:03,516 I don't know. 413 00:08:03,516 --> 00:08:06,520 Don't waste my time 414 00:08:03,516 --> 00:08:06,520 and me have a bunch of zeros 415 00:08:06,520 --> 00:08:08,888 across this board, 416 00:08:06,520 --> 00:08:08,888 and I got nothing to hype up. 417 00:08:08,888 --> 00:08:13,930 Okay, with that being said, 418 00:08:08,888 --> 00:08:13,930 Khaled, Nicole, your turn. 419 00:08:13,930 --> 00:08:15,328 - Honey, why don't you read it? 420 00:08:13,930 --> 00:08:15,328 - No, you read this one. 421 00:08:15,328 --> 00:08:16,930 - All right. 422 00:08:22,350 --> 00:08:24,738 Broadcast the whole thing 423 00:08:22,350 --> 00:08:24,738 on Snapchat, 424 00:08:24,738 --> 00:08:27,474 had his first poop dipped gold, 425 00:08:27,474 --> 00:08:29,609 or bought him a Lamborghini. 426 00:08:29,609 --> 00:08:32,178 - Either way, I have 427 00:08:29,609 --> 00:08:32,178 my back turned, either way. 428 00:08:32,178 --> 00:08:33,679 - I say, like, 429 00:08:32,178 --> 00:08:33,679 all of the above. 430 00:08:33,679 --> 00:08:35,548 - I mean, this is-- 431 00:08:35,548 --> 00:08:37,517 this one definitely needs 432 00:08:35,548 --> 00:08:37,517 an all of the above. 433 00:08:37,517 --> 00:08:38,818 - All the above. 434 00:08:38,818 --> 00:08:40,953 - Yeah, I was like all 435 00:08:38,818 --> 00:08:40,953 of them seem possible. 436 00:08:40,953 --> 00:08:42,522 - Yeah. 437 00:08:40,953 --> 00:08:42,522 - About to say-- 438 00:08:42,522 --> 00:08:44,758 - So I said 439 00:08:42,522 --> 00:08:44,758 they were all possible. 440 00:08:44,758 --> 00:08:47,127 - I think it's the Snapchat. 441 00:08:47,127 --> 00:08:49,362 - That sounds right. 442 00:08:47,127 --> 00:08:49,362 - Snapchat. 443 00:08:49,362 --> 00:08:51,498 - [indistinct], right? 444 00:08:51,498 --> 00:08:53,199 - What is it, guys? 445 00:08:51,498 --> 00:08:53,199 Give me an answer. 446 00:08:53,199 --> 00:08:54,768 - All right, we're gonna say 447 00:08:54,768 --> 00:08:57,737 broadcast the whole thing 448 00:08:54,768 --> 00:08:57,737 on Snapchat. 449 00:08:57,737 --> 00:08:59,105 - We gonna say the same thing. 450 00:08:57,737 --> 00:08:59,105 - Okay. 451 00:08:59,105 --> 00:09:00,407 - That was too easy, Kevin. 452 00:09:00,407 --> 00:09:03,760 - I mean, it was very easy. 453 00:09:00,407 --> 00:09:03,760 He definitely did. 454 00:09:03,760 --> 00:09:06,379 Khaled definitely broadcasted 455 00:09:03,760 --> 00:09:06,379 the whole birth 456 00:09:06,379 --> 00:09:08,248 of his son on Snapchat. 457 00:09:08,248 --> 00:09:09,716 - [laughing] 458 00:09:09,716 --> 00:09:11,170 [baby crying] 459 00:09:11,170 --> 00:09:13,720 - I'ma let y'all 460 00:09:11,170 --> 00:09:13,720 hear it only. 461 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:17,390 God is great, man. 462 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:17,390 I'm scared. 463 00:09:17,390 --> 00:09:19,693 - Nah, come on. 464 00:09:19,693 --> 00:09:21,194 - Nicole, how did you 465 00:09:19,693 --> 00:09:21,194 feel about that? 466 00:09:21,194 --> 00:09:22,929 - Yeah. 467 00:09:21,194 --> 00:09:22,929 - You don't wanna know. 468 00:09:22,929 --> 00:09:25,632 - Whoa, Sasheer and Caitlin, 469 00:09:22,929 --> 00:09:25,632 what are you trying to do here? 470 00:09:25,632 --> 00:09:26,933 - I was just asking her... 471 00:09:26,933 --> 00:09:28,168 - I just wanna get... 472 00:09:26,933 --> 00:09:28,168 - How she feels. 473 00:09:28,168 --> 00:09:29,569 - multiple perspectives. 474 00:09:29,569 --> 00:09:31,771 - Oh my God, what type of ---- 475 00:09:29,569 --> 00:09:31,771 starters are you guys? 476 00:09:31,771 --> 00:09:34,307 - Which way was the camera 477 00:09:31,771 --> 00:09:34,307 facing, is my question. 478 00:09:34,307 --> 00:09:35,942 - Hope it was like-- 479 00:09:34,307 --> 00:09:35,942 - Was it facing towards you? 480 00:09:35,942 --> 00:09:39,346 - Listen the push kick 481 00:09:35,942 --> 00:09:39,346 was unbelievable. 482 00:09:39,346 --> 00:09:42,449 - After Sasheer and Caitlin 483 00:09:39,346 --> 00:09:42,449 and Big Boi and Bamboo 484 00:09:42,449 --> 00:09:43,783 got the correct answer, 485 00:09:43,783 --> 00:09:45,385 that means that 486 00:09:43,783 --> 00:09:45,385 for the first time, 487 00:09:45,385 --> 00:09:47,530 somebody's actually 488 00:09:45,385 --> 00:09:47,530 on the board. 489 00:09:47,530 --> 00:09:49,189 Big Boi, Bamboo, 490 00:09:47,530 --> 00:09:49,189 Sasheer and Caitlin, 491 00:09:49,189 --> 00:09:53,590 well, they are tied with 5. 492 00:09:49,189 --> 00:09:53,590 Khaled, Nicole, 0. 493 00:09:53,590 --> 00:09:55,295 But we got more games, guys. 494 00:09:53,590 --> 00:09:55,295 That's the first round. 495 00:09:55,295 --> 00:09:57,497 So much games left. 496 00:09:55,295 --> 00:09:57,497 Don't go nowhere. 497 00:09:57,497 --> 00:09:59,650 As you can see, 498 00:09:57,497 --> 00:09:59,650 this is gonna be a doozy. 499 00:09:59,650 --> 00:10:02,200 We got more "Celebrity Game 500 00:09:59,650 --> 00:10:02,200 Face" when we get back. 501 00:10:02,200 --> 00:10:04,371 All right, one down. 502 00:10:02,200 --> 00:10:04,371 I'll have you out of here fast. 503 00:10:04,371 --> 00:10:06,206 - Yeah, 'cause Big Boi's 504 00:10:04,371 --> 00:10:06,206 got Pilates at 5:30, 505 00:10:06,206 --> 00:10:07,674 so you gotta 506 00:10:06,206 --> 00:10:07,674 get him outta here. 507 00:10:07,674 --> 00:10:09,976 - And I got Pilates 508 00:10:07,674 --> 00:10:09,976 and a pumpkin peel. 509 00:10:09,976 --> 00:10:12,212 - And a pumpkin peel. 510 00:10:12,212 --> 00:10:15,150 - We about the cold collagen 511 00:10:12,212 --> 00:10:15,150 face mask after this. 512 00:10:15,150 --> 00:10:16,716 - That's nice. 513 00:10:15,150 --> 00:10:16,716 - That's my favorite. 514 00:10:16,716 --> 00:10:19,319 - Yeah, it's very soothing, 515 00:10:16,716 --> 00:10:19,319 very soothing. 516 00:10:19,319 --> 00:10:20,854 - See, you're not alone. 517 00:10:20,854 --> 00:10:23,390 [laughter] 518 00:10:23,390 --> 00:10:25,725 * 519 00:10:28,995 --> 00:10:30,960 - Are you guys competitive? 520 00:10:30,960 --> 00:10:31,970 Like, are we going 521 00:10:30,960 --> 00:10:31,970 for blood here, 522 00:10:31,970 --> 00:10:32,198 or what are we doing? 523 00:10:32,198 --> 00:10:33,233 - I mean, 524 00:10:32,198 --> 00:10:33,233 all we do is win over here. 525 00:10:33,233 --> 00:10:34,467 - Wow. 526 00:10:33,233 --> 00:10:34,467 - Right, wow. 527 00:10:34,467 --> 00:10:37,137 - Oh, ----. 528 00:10:34,467 --> 00:10:37,137 - What a doozy we got. 529 00:10:37,137 --> 00:10:39,539 - It looks like it's gonna be 530 00:10:37,137 --> 00:10:39,539 another win for us. 531 00:10:39,539 --> 00:10:42,542 [upbeat music] 532 00:10:42,542 --> 00:10:44,244 * 533 00:10:44,244 --> 00:10:46,312 - Welcome back to 534 00:10:44,244 --> 00:10:46,312 "Celebrity Game Face," guys. 535 00:10:46,312 --> 00:10:47,847 We have just kicked things off. 536 00:10:47,847 --> 00:10:50,350 So far, well, 537 00:10:47,847 --> 00:10:50,350 the leading teams are, 538 00:10:50,350 --> 00:10:52,419 Big Boi, Bamboo sit with 5. 539 00:10:52,419 --> 00:10:54,587 Sasheer and Caitlin sit 540 00:10:52,419 --> 00:10:54,587 with 5 as well. 541 00:10:54,587 --> 00:10:56,990 Khaled, Nicole sit 542 00:10:54,587 --> 00:10:56,990 with zilch, nothing, nada. 543 00:10:56,990 --> 00:10:58,258 - Nah, nah, nah. 544 00:10:58,258 --> 00:11:00,600 - But we're just 545 00:10:58,258 --> 00:11:00,600 getting started. 546 00:11:00,600 --> 00:11:02,620 Tonight, we do have some music 547 00:11:00,600 --> 00:11:02,620 icons that are joining us, 548 00:11:02,620 --> 00:11:04,397 and I know that they got a 549 00:11:02,620 --> 00:11:04,397 bunch of awards between them, 550 00:11:04,397 --> 00:11:07,334 but none of them have 551 00:11:04,397 --> 00:11:07,334 a Hart of a Champion award. 552 00:11:07,334 --> 00:11:08,702 Nope, you don't have it. 553 00:11:08,702 --> 00:11:11,604 It's like a Grammy 554 00:11:08,702 --> 00:11:11,604 but with more street cred. 555 00:11:11,604 --> 00:11:13,406 Thugs want this. 556 00:11:11,604 --> 00:11:13,406 - Oh yeah. 557 00:11:13,406 --> 00:11:15,975 - Thugs wish they had this, 558 00:11:13,406 --> 00:11:15,975 and this is the only place 559 00:11:15,975 --> 00:11:17,610 where you can get it, 560 00:11:15,975 --> 00:11:17,610 so good luck to all. 561 00:11:17,610 --> 00:11:19,646 It's time to play a little game 562 00:11:17,610 --> 00:11:19,646 called Guess Who, people. 563 00:11:19,646 --> 00:11:22,215 * 564 00:11:22,215 --> 00:11:23,883 This one challenges you to ID 565 00:11:23,883 --> 00:11:25,819 the other players 566 00:11:23,883 --> 00:11:25,819 by what they sound like. 567 00:11:25,819 --> 00:11:27,554 But it's a lot harder 568 00:11:25,819 --> 00:11:27,554 than you think 'cause they're 569 00:11:27,554 --> 00:11:29,522 gonna try to trick you 570 00:11:27,554 --> 00:11:29,522 by disguising their voice. 571 00:11:29,522 --> 00:11:31,910 One team is blindfolded. 572 00:11:31,910 --> 00:11:33,326 I'll hold up the name 573 00:11:31,910 --> 00:11:33,326 of someone on the other team. 574 00:11:33,326 --> 00:11:35,662 That person grabs their mic 575 00:11:33,326 --> 00:11:35,662 and says a phrase into it 576 00:11:35,662 --> 00:11:37,130 while disguising their voice. 577 00:11:37,130 --> 00:11:40,667 Today's phrase is 578 00:11:37,130 --> 00:11:40,667 "yabba-dabba-doo." 579 00:11:40,667 --> 00:11:43,169 I repeat, yabba-dabba-doo. 580 00:11:43,169 --> 00:11:45,105 All right, babe, 581 00:11:43,169 --> 00:11:45,105 disguise your voice and say it. 582 00:11:45,105 --> 00:11:47,107 - No, okay, lemme think. 583 00:11:47,107 --> 00:11:48,108 - Do it, come on. 584 00:11:48,108 --> 00:11:49,175 - [growling] 585 00:11:48,108 --> 00:11:49,175 Yabba-dabba-doo. 586 00:11:49,175 --> 00:11:51,378 - No, that--what 587 00:11:49,175 --> 00:11:51,378 did you just do? 588 00:11:51,378 --> 00:11:53,346 What was that? 589 00:11:51,378 --> 00:11:53,346 What did you just do? 590 00:11:53,346 --> 00:11:54,848 - You're not supposed to know. 591 00:11:54,848 --> 00:11:56,316 - I mean, but who did you 592 00:11:54,848 --> 00:11:56,316 just turn into? 593 00:11:56,316 --> 00:11:57,684 - Exactly. 594 00:11:56,316 --> 00:11:57,684 You're not supposed to know. 595 00:11:57,684 --> 00:12:00,920 - She's just over here, 596 00:11:57,684 --> 00:12:00,920 "Yabba-dabba-doo." 597 00:12:00,920 --> 00:12:03,556 All right, you gotta say 598 00:12:00,920 --> 00:12:03,556 those exact words loud enough 599 00:12:03,556 --> 00:12:05,725 for everyone to hear 600 00:12:03,556 --> 00:12:05,725 but whatever voice you want. 601 00:12:05,725 --> 00:12:07,260 We'll do two per team, 602 00:12:07,260 --> 00:12:08,895 and I give 5 points 603 00:12:07,260 --> 00:12:08,895 for each one you get right. 604 00:12:08,895 --> 00:12:11,640 Big, Bamboo, 605 00:12:08,895 --> 00:12:11,640 you guys are gonna be first. 606 00:12:11,640 --> 00:12:13,333 Put the blindfolds on, please. 607 00:12:13,333 --> 00:12:15,168 - That's very silly. 608 00:12:15,168 --> 00:12:18,171 - So remember the phrase that 609 00:12:15,168 --> 00:12:18,171 you're saying, yabba-dabba-doo. 610 00:12:18,171 --> 00:12:20,173 All right, honey, go. 611 00:12:22,442 --> 00:12:25,578 - [in raspy voice] 612 00:12:22,442 --> 00:12:25,578 Yabba-dabba-doo. 613 00:12:25,578 --> 00:12:30,250 * 614 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:31,785 Big, Bamboo, 615 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:31,785 who do you think it was? 616 00:12:31,785 --> 00:12:34,688 - I know--Caitlin. 617 00:12:34,688 --> 00:12:36,456 - Yeah, exactly. 618 00:12:34,688 --> 00:12:36,456 - You guys going with Caitlin? 619 00:12:36,456 --> 00:12:38,858 All right. 620 00:12:36,456 --> 00:12:38,858 First of all, great teamwork. 621 00:12:38,858 --> 00:12:40,930 You guys got that wrong. 622 00:12:40,930 --> 00:12:41,561 - Okay. 623 00:12:41,561 --> 00:12:43,363 - Yeah. 624 00:12:43,363 --> 00:12:45,365 All right, all right. 625 00:12:45,365 --> 00:12:47,667 Take another one, baby. 626 00:12:45,365 --> 00:12:47,667 Who do you want to go next? 627 00:12:47,667 --> 00:12:48,768 - All right. 628 00:12:48,768 --> 00:12:49,936 * 629 00:12:49,936 --> 00:12:51,237 - The phrase is 630 00:12:49,936 --> 00:12:51,237 yabba-dabba-doo. 631 00:12:51,237 --> 00:12:53,273 - All right, 632 00:12:51,237 --> 00:12:53,273 come on, here we go. 633 00:12:53,273 --> 00:12:56,376 - [in squeaky voice] 634 00:12:53,273 --> 00:12:56,376 Yabba-dabba-doo! 635 00:12:56,376 --> 00:13:01,147 * 636 00:13:04,684 --> 00:13:06,286 - Yeah, Nicole. 637 00:13:04,684 --> 00:13:06,286 - There you go. 638 00:13:06,286 --> 00:13:07,887 Way to make up 639 00:13:06,286 --> 00:13:07,887 for the last one. 640 00:13:07,887 --> 00:13:10,560 That was Nicole. 641 00:13:10,560 --> 00:13:12,192 Khaled, Nicole, 642 00:13:10,560 --> 00:13:12,192 you guys throw the mask on. 643 00:13:12,192 --> 00:13:13,526 - You making us lose. 644 00:13:13,526 --> 00:13:15,128 You know, if I was-- 645 00:13:13,526 --> 00:13:15,128 I'm letting her do her thing 646 00:13:15,128 --> 00:13:17,297 'cause you know, 647 00:13:15,128 --> 00:13:17,297 all we do is win over here. 648 00:13:17,297 --> 00:13:18,898 But you know 649 00:13:17,297 --> 00:13:18,898 we gotta pay homage 650 00:13:18,898 --> 00:13:20,200 to the queen, 651 00:13:18,898 --> 00:13:20,200 you know what I mean? 652 00:13:20,200 --> 00:13:22,469 - Okay, mask on, all right. 653 00:13:20,200 --> 00:13:22,469 Go, babe. 654 00:13:22,469 --> 00:13:24,738 * 655 00:13:24,738 --> 00:13:28,141 Yabba-dabba-doo 656 00:13:24,738 --> 00:13:28,141 into the microphone. 657 00:13:28,141 --> 00:13:30,910 - [in deep voice] 658 00:13:28,141 --> 00:13:30,910 Yabba-dabba-doo! 659 00:13:30,910 --> 00:13:36,716 * 660 00:13:36,716 --> 00:13:38,451 - Who do you think it is? 661 00:13:38,451 --> 00:13:42,222 - That's--that's Big Boi 662 00:13:38,451 --> 00:13:42,222 and his son. 663 00:13:42,222 --> 00:13:44,657 - You gotta pick one of 'em. 664 00:13:42,222 --> 00:13:44,657 Who was it? 665 00:13:44,657 --> 00:13:46,559 - That's Big Boi. 666 00:13:44,657 --> 00:13:46,559 - Way to vet it out. 667 00:13:46,559 --> 00:13:47,961 Way to process it. 668 00:13:47,961 --> 00:13:50,230 That's the best way 669 00:13:47,961 --> 00:13:50,230 to get answers ------- wrong. 670 00:13:50,230 --> 00:13:53,990 You're wrong, okay? 671 00:13:50,230 --> 00:13:53,990 You're wrong. 672 00:13:53,990 --> 00:13:55,702 All right, let's go, let's go. 673 00:13:53,990 --> 00:13:55,702 Another one, babe. 674 00:13:55,702 --> 00:13:58,338 - Damn. 675 00:13:58,338 --> 00:13:59,939 - Okay. 676 00:13:59,939 --> 00:14:02,409 * 677 00:14:02,409 --> 00:14:05,478 [in high voice] 678 00:14:02,409 --> 00:14:05,478 Yabba-dabba-doo! 679 00:14:05,478 --> 00:14:10,717 * 680 00:14:10,717 --> 00:14:12,552 - Y'all are funny with this. 681 00:14:12,552 --> 00:14:14,387 - It's-- 682 00:14:12,552 --> 00:14:14,387 - Catlin. 683 00:14:14,387 --> 00:14:17,390 - Catlin and-- 684 00:14:14,387 --> 00:14:17,390 - Caitlin and Sasheer. 685 00:14:17,390 --> 00:14:19,759 - Yeah, it's Caitlin. 686 00:14:17,390 --> 00:14:19,759 - That was Caitlin. 687 00:14:19,759 --> 00:14:21,761 By the way, 688 00:14:19,759 --> 00:14:21,761 way to ask for the other name 689 00:14:21,761 --> 00:14:24,970 to just say the name 690 00:14:21,761 --> 00:14:24,970 that your wife said, Khaled. 691 00:14:24,970 --> 00:14:27,567 - I just wanna make-- 692 00:14:24,970 --> 00:14:27,567 - You just wanna make sure. 693 00:14:27,567 --> 00:14:29,302 - I just wanna make sure 694 00:14:27,567 --> 00:14:29,302 I say the name right. 695 00:14:29,302 --> 00:14:31,710 That's it, I got respect. 696 00:14:29,302 --> 00:14:31,710 - I said Caitlin. 697 00:14:31,710 --> 00:14:33,440 - All right, Sasheer, 698 00:14:31,710 --> 00:14:33,440 Caitlin, mask on. 699 00:14:33,440 --> 00:14:35,275 - I'm gonna just hover it 700 00:14:33,440 --> 00:14:35,275 in front of my face 701 00:14:35,275 --> 00:14:36,943 'cause I spent a lot of time 702 00:14:35,275 --> 00:14:36,943 on this makeup. 703 00:14:36,943 --> 00:14:39,946 - Oh, yeah, that's true. 704 00:14:36,943 --> 00:14:39,946 - You're clearly cheating. 705 00:14:39,946 --> 00:14:42,349 - I'll just put my hand 706 00:14:39,946 --> 00:14:42,349 in front of her face. 707 00:14:42,349 --> 00:14:44,184 - I'm not cheating at all. 708 00:14:44,184 --> 00:14:46,786 Go for it, go for it. 709 00:14:44,184 --> 00:14:46,786 I'm not looking. 710 00:14:46,786 --> 00:14:48,688 - All right, here we go. 711 00:14:48,688 --> 00:14:55,729 * 712 00:14:56,463 --> 00:14:58,631 - [in meek voice] 713 00:14:56,463 --> 00:14:58,631 Yabba-dabba-doo. 714 00:14:58,631 --> 00:15:01,267 - Oh, hmm. 715 00:15:01,267 --> 00:15:02,769 - Okay, I think... 716 00:15:01,267 --> 00:15:02,769 - Very faint. 717 00:15:02,769 --> 00:15:04,537 - Okay, this is tricky. 718 00:15:04,537 --> 00:15:05,572 - Uh-huh. 719 00:15:05,572 --> 00:15:06,740 - But I think it's DJ Khaled 720 00:15:06,740 --> 00:15:07,907 'cause his house 721 00:15:06,740 --> 00:15:07,907 is echoing more. 722 00:15:07,907 --> 00:15:09,542 - Ooh, good. 723 00:15:07,907 --> 00:15:09,542 - Oh. 724 00:15:09,542 --> 00:15:11,678 - Good. 725 00:15:09,542 --> 00:15:11,678 Little detective over here. 726 00:15:11,678 --> 00:15:14,414 - So you're saying that 727 00:15:11,678 --> 00:15:14,414 because Khaled is in a palace. 728 00:15:17,250 --> 00:15:20,120 Okay, that is correct. 729 00:15:17,250 --> 00:15:20,120 That was Khaled. 730 00:15:20,120 --> 00:15:22,522 - Yes! 731 00:15:20,120 --> 00:15:22,522 - All right, go again, babe. 732 00:15:22,522 --> 00:15:27,627 * 733 00:15:27,627 --> 00:15:29,863 - [in strained voice] 734 00:15:27,627 --> 00:15:29,863 Yabba-dabba-doo! 735 00:15:33,660 --> 00:15:34,434 - I think that was 736 00:15:33,660 --> 00:15:34,434 so crystal clear, 737 00:15:34,434 --> 00:15:35,602 it must have been Big Boi. 738 00:15:35,602 --> 00:15:36,936 - Yeah, 739 00:15:35,602 --> 00:15:36,936 'cause you're in a studio, 740 00:15:36,936 --> 00:15:38,838 and it was sharp. 741 00:15:38,838 --> 00:15:40,607 - Unbelievable. 742 00:15:40,607 --> 00:15:43,760 - All right, 743 00:15:40,607 --> 00:15:43,760 don't do nothing that requires 744 00:15:43,760 --> 00:15:46,790 any type of sound detection 745 00:15:43,760 --> 00:15:46,790 around these two. 746 00:15:46,790 --> 00:15:47,514 They'll crack the code. 747 00:15:47,514 --> 00:15:49,749 Sasheer, yes, 748 00:15:47,514 --> 00:15:49,749 you are absolutely correct. 749 00:15:49,749 --> 00:15:51,851 - Yes! 750 00:15:49,749 --> 00:15:51,851 - We're here to win. 751 00:15:51,851 --> 00:15:53,319 - Got some great scores 752 00:15:51,851 --> 00:15:53,319 that round. 753 00:15:53,319 --> 00:15:54,821 Let's do a little score recap. 754 00:15:54,821 --> 00:15:56,122 Sasheer and Caitlin, 755 00:15:56,122 --> 00:15:57,590 they turned up the notch 756 00:15:56,122 --> 00:15:57,590 a little bit. 757 00:15:57,590 --> 00:15:58,758 They got 15. 758 00:15:58,758 --> 00:16:00,460 Big Boi and Bamboo 759 00:15:58,758 --> 00:16:00,460 sitting with 10. 760 00:16:00,460 --> 00:16:02,429 Khaled and Nicole, 761 00:16:00,460 --> 00:16:02,429 they got 5. 762 00:16:02,429 --> 00:16:05,565 - Yeah, we suck, Khaled. 763 00:16:02,429 --> 00:16:05,565 - Gotta turn it up. 764 00:16:05,565 --> 00:16:07,801 - Guys, it's not over. 765 00:16:05,565 --> 00:16:07,801 - We gotta turn it up. 766 00:16:07,801 --> 00:16:09,350 - You're not even close 767 00:16:07,801 --> 00:16:09,350 to getting 768 00:16:09,350 --> 00:16:10,170 the Hart of a Champion 769 00:16:09,350 --> 00:16:10,170 award yet, 770 00:16:10,170 --> 00:16:11,771 and only one person 771 00:16:10,170 --> 00:16:11,771 can get it. 772 00:16:11,771 --> 00:16:15,108 So I suggest you get focused 773 00:16:11,771 --> 00:16:15,108 and stop funking around. 774 00:16:15,108 --> 00:16:16,910 Stop funking around. 775 00:16:16,910 --> 00:16:18,178 Guys, we got more 776 00:16:16,910 --> 00:16:18,178 "Celebrity Game Face" 777 00:16:18,178 --> 00:16:19,179 when we get back after this. 778 00:16:19,179 --> 00:16:20,480 Don't go nowhere. 779 00:16:20,480 --> 00:16:22,820 - Is there a disqualification 780 00:16:22,820 --> 00:16:23,516 with this acoustics 781 00:16:22,820 --> 00:16:23,516 and all that ----? 782 00:16:23,516 --> 00:16:25,418 [laughter] 783 00:16:25,418 --> 00:16:27,887 That's very smart. 784 00:16:25,418 --> 00:16:27,887 That is very smart, man. 785 00:16:27,887 --> 00:16:29,155 - We're just using 786 00:16:29,155 --> 00:16:30,857 our ingenuity over here, 787 00:16:29,155 --> 00:16:30,857 you know what I mean? 788 00:16:30,857 --> 00:16:32,125 - I wouldn't even 789 00:16:30,857 --> 00:16:32,125 announce that ----. 790 00:16:32,125 --> 00:16:33,760 I would act 791 00:16:32,125 --> 00:16:33,760 like I did it on my own. 792 00:16:33,760 --> 00:16:35,261 - I know. 793 00:16:35,261 --> 00:16:40,533 * 794 00:16:43,970 --> 00:16:45,705 - Real fun, real loose, guys, 795 00:16:45,705 --> 00:16:47,374 I refuse 796 00:16:45,705 --> 00:16:47,374 to make anyone look bad. 797 00:16:47,374 --> 00:16:48,441 That's a promise. 798 00:16:48,441 --> 00:16:49,642 - I will make 799 00:16:48,441 --> 00:16:49,642 everyone look bad. 800 00:16:49,642 --> 00:16:51,711 - Yeah. 801 00:16:49,642 --> 00:16:51,711 - I like that. 802 00:16:51,711 --> 00:16:53,446 I like the way that you got 803 00:16:51,711 --> 00:16:53,446 close to the camera 804 00:16:53,446 --> 00:16:54,748 when you said it too. 805 00:16:54,748 --> 00:16:56,415 - And another thing. 806 00:16:54,748 --> 00:16:56,415 - Yeah, like that. 807 00:16:56,415 --> 00:16:57,784 Right there, yeah. 808 00:16:57,784 --> 00:17:01,210 [upbeat music] 809 00:17:01,210 --> 00:17:03,456 Welcome back to 810 00:17:01,210 --> 00:17:03,456 "Celebrity Game Face." 811 00:17:03,456 --> 00:17:05,692 Pew, pew, pew! 812 00:17:05,692 --> 00:17:06,693 - What was that? 813 00:17:06,693 --> 00:17:07,694 - It's, like, my new thing 814 00:17:07,694 --> 00:17:09,619 when I come back 815 00:17:07,694 --> 00:17:09,619 from commercials. 816 00:17:09,619 --> 00:17:10,563 Pew, pew, pew! 817 00:17:09,619 --> 00:17:10,563 - Pew, pew! 818 00:17:10,563 --> 00:17:12,132 - Shhk-shhk, boom! 819 00:17:10,563 --> 00:17:12,132 - You try it. 820 00:17:12,132 --> 00:17:14,670 - Pew, pew, pew. 821 00:17:12,132 --> 00:17:14,670 - No, come on, come on. 822 00:17:14,670 --> 00:17:16,703 You're not even trying. 823 00:17:16,703 --> 00:17:18,771 - I can't. 824 00:17:16,703 --> 00:17:18,771 You're too exaggerated. 825 00:17:18,771 --> 00:17:20,240 - Huh, well, that's what you 826 00:17:18,771 --> 00:17:20,240 gotta do, all right. 827 00:17:20,240 --> 00:17:22,108 So far, Sasheer and Caitlin, 828 00:17:22,108 --> 00:17:23,710 they sit at the top with 15. 829 00:17:23,710 --> 00:17:26,279 Big Boi, Bamboo sit 830 00:17:23,710 --> 00:17:26,279 in second place with 10. 831 00:17:26,279 --> 00:17:29,115 And in last place, 832 00:17:26,279 --> 00:17:29,115 not winning at all, 833 00:17:29,115 --> 00:17:31,840 is Khaled and Nicole. 834 00:17:31,840 --> 00:17:34,540 - We're just warming up. 835 00:17:31,840 --> 00:17:34,540 We're warming up, warming up. 836 00:17:34,540 --> 00:17:38,580 - That could change right now. 837 00:17:34,540 --> 00:17:38,580 Guys, holy cow. 838 00:17:38,580 --> 00:17:40,600 This next game is one 839 00:17:38,580 --> 00:17:40,600 of my favorite games 840 00:17:40,600 --> 00:17:42,562 because it deals 841 00:17:40,600 --> 00:17:42,562 with one of my favorite toys 842 00:17:42,562 --> 00:17:44,631 that I used to play with 843 00:17:42,562 --> 00:17:44,631 when I was growing up. 844 00:17:44,631 --> 00:17:46,466 And that's this toy here, 845 00:17:44,631 --> 00:17:46,466 right? 846 00:17:46,466 --> 00:17:48,968 This is what I used to play 847 00:17:46,466 --> 00:17:48,968 with all the time. 848 00:17:48,968 --> 00:17:51,710 The only bad thing is, 849 00:17:48,968 --> 00:17:51,710 we only had two steps. 850 00:17:51,710 --> 00:17:53,730 - Poor thing. 851 00:17:53,730 --> 00:17:56,760 - This game is called 852 00:17:53,730 --> 00:17:56,760 Flipping Out. 853 00:17:56,760 --> 00:17:59,346 * 854 00:17:59,346 --> 00:18:02,349 Stayed up all night, 855 00:17:59,346 --> 00:18:02,349 all night building each team 856 00:18:02,349 --> 00:18:04,451 a special "Celebrity 857 00:18:02,349 --> 00:18:04,451 Game Face" springy hat. 858 00:18:04,451 --> 00:18:05,652 I did these. 859 00:18:05,652 --> 00:18:06,753 Just pull 'em out. 860 00:18:05,652 --> 00:18:06,753 There they go. 861 00:18:06,753 --> 00:18:08,855 - You worked really hard 862 00:18:06,753 --> 00:18:08,855 on these. 863 00:18:08,855 --> 00:18:11,491 - Go ahead and load up. 864 00:18:08,855 --> 00:18:11,491 Put the springy hats on. 865 00:18:11,491 --> 00:18:12,859 - There you go, you got it. 866 00:18:11,491 --> 00:18:12,859 Oh, yeah, you got this ----. 867 00:18:12,859 --> 00:18:14,940 - All right, look, 868 00:18:12,859 --> 00:18:14,940 one member of each team 869 00:18:14,940 --> 00:18:15,950 is gonna wear my amazing hat. 870 00:18:15,950 --> 00:18:16,429 - Okay. 871 00:18:16,429 --> 00:18:19,650 - Your spring begins 872 00:18:16,429 --> 00:18:19,650 dangling off your head. 873 00:18:19,650 --> 00:18:20,233 When I say go, 874 00:18:20,233 --> 00:18:21,468 you gotta get the spring 875 00:18:20,233 --> 00:18:21,468 to coil. 876 00:18:21,468 --> 00:18:22,669 That's all you gotta do. 877 00:18:22,669 --> 00:18:24,437 - I feel foolish. 878 00:18:24,437 --> 00:18:26,539 - Sasheer, 879 00:18:24,437 --> 00:18:26,539 you don't just feel it. 880 00:18:26,539 --> 00:18:28,541 You look it. 881 00:18:28,541 --> 00:18:32,780 First team to get their spring 882 00:18:28,541 --> 00:18:32,780 stacked up gets 20 points. 883 00:18:32,780 --> 00:18:34,714 Second place gets 10 points. 884 00:18:32,780 --> 00:18:34,714 Third place gets 0. 885 00:18:34,714 --> 00:18:36,449 - If she gets this, 886 00:18:34,714 --> 00:18:36,449 we'll be on top. 887 00:18:36,449 --> 00:18:37,717 - I think you should know, 888 00:18:36,449 --> 00:18:37,717 Asahd, 889 00:18:37,717 --> 00:18:40,587 that your mom and dad 890 00:18:37,717 --> 00:18:40,587 are losing, all right? 891 00:18:40,587 --> 00:18:42,255 - We gotta win. 892 00:18:42,255 --> 00:18:44,691 - Okay, guys, on three. 893 00:18:42,255 --> 00:18:44,691 You ready? 894 00:18:44,691 --> 00:18:48,610 - I'm ready, all right. 895 00:18:44,691 --> 00:18:48,610 Come on, come on. 896 00:18:48,610 --> 00:18:50,960 - Sasheer, it's not football. 897 00:18:48,610 --> 00:18:50,960 It's not football. 898 00:18:50,960 --> 00:18:51,731 - Come on! 899 00:18:50,960 --> 00:18:51,731 - Why you stretching? 900 00:18:51,731 --> 00:18:54,670 Sasheer, stop stretching. 901 00:18:54,670 --> 00:18:55,201 You're not gonna 902 00:18:54,670 --> 00:18:55,201 pull a hamstring. 903 00:18:55,201 --> 00:18:56,403 You're only using your head. 904 00:18:56,403 --> 00:18:58,304 - Come on. 905 00:18:56,403 --> 00:18:58,304 - You ready? 906 00:18:58,304 --> 00:19:01,775 On your mark, get set, go! 907 00:19:01,775 --> 00:19:03,543 - Come on, bud. 908 00:19:01,775 --> 00:19:03,543 - Okay, this is gonna be hard. 909 00:19:03,543 --> 00:19:05,110 - Can you go down 910 00:19:03,543 --> 00:19:05,110 to your knees? 911 00:19:05,110 --> 00:19:07,414 - Come on, Nicole. 912 00:19:07,414 --> 00:19:09,382 - Damn, bro. 913 00:19:07,414 --> 00:19:09,382 - Like, on my knees? 914 00:19:09,382 --> 00:19:11,584 - Like, would that help at all? 915 00:19:09,382 --> 00:19:11,584 No, I guess not. 916 00:19:11,584 --> 00:19:14,870 - Wait, Sasheer, 917 00:19:11,584 --> 00:19:14,870 what are you--oh. 918 00:19:14,870 --> 00:19:15,855 - That was Caitlin's idea. 919 00:19:14,870 --> 00:19:15,855 I don't know. 920 00:19:15,855 --> 00:19:18,825 She told me to get on my knees. 921 00:19:15,855 --> 00:19:18,825 - I regret it, I regret it. 922 00:19:18,825 --> 00:19:20,627 - There you go, there you go. 923 00:19:18,825 --> 00:19:20,627 Almost, just like that. 924 00:19:20,627 --> 00:19:24,297 - Asahd is watching, Nicole. 925 00:19:20,627 --> 00:19:24,297 - Asahd, is it working? 926 00:19:24,297 --> 00:19:25,565 - No. 927 00:19:25,565 --> 00:19:26,833 * 928 00:19:26,833 --> 00:19:29,169 - Wait, this actually 929 00:19:26,833 --> 00:19:29,169 seems impossible. 930 00:19:29,169 --> 00:19:31,438 Are you guys sure this-- 931 00:19:29,169 --> 00:19:31,438 - It's not impossible. 932 00:19:31,438 --> 00:19:34,174 - Just slow it down. 933 00:19:31,438 --> 00:19:34,174 Slow, there you go. 934 00:19:34,174 --> 00:19:37,177 - Maybe try going slower 'cause 935 00:19:34,174 --> 00:19:37,177 you're overshooting the back. 936 00:19:37,177 --> 00:19:39,790 - All right, 937 00:19:37,177 --> 00:19:39,790 take your time for one second. 938 00:19:39,790 --> 00:19:41,470 Take your time. 939 00:19:41,470 --> 00:19:43,490 - Bamboo going. 940 00:19:41,470 --> 00:19:43,490 - Come on, boy. 941 00:19:43,490 --> 00:19:44,684 We gotta get this 20 points. 942 00:19:44,684 --> 00:19:46,386 Don't swing your head back 943 00:19:44,684 --> 00:19:46,386 so much. 944 00:19:46,386 --> 00:19:49,589 - By the way, 945 00:19:46,386 --> 00:19:49,589 Bamboo has resulted to somewhat 946 00:19:49,589 --> 00:19:53,693 of a flying technique that just 947 00:19:49,589 --> 00:19:53,693 doesn't seem to be registering. 948 00:19:53,693 --> 00:19:55,762 * 949 00:19:55,762 --> 00:19:57,630 - Yes, that was closer. 950 00:19:55,762 --> 00:19:57,630 That was closer. 951 00:19:57,630 --> 00:20:01,134 - Okay, all right, well... 952 00:19:57,630 --> 00:20:01,134 - Oh, my God. 953 00:20:01,134 --> 00:20:02,635 - Ah! 954 00:20:01,134 --> 00:20:02,635 - I got it! 955 00:20:02,635 --> 00:20:04,270 - All right, 956 00:20:02,635 --> 00:20:04,270 we got a first-place winner. 957 00:20:04,270 --> 00:20:06,600 - What? 958 00:20:04,270 --> 00:20:06,600 - Nicole got it. 959 00:20:06,600 --> 00:20:07,607 But you gotta keep going, 960 00:20:06,600 --> 00:20:07,607 keep going! 961 00:20:07,607 --> 00:20:09,542 - Damn, Nicole! 962 00:20:07,607 --> 00:20:09,542 - Keep going, boy. 963 00:20:09,542 --> 00:20:11,244 - Keep going. 964 00:20:09,542 --> 00:20:11,244 We can get second place. 965 00:20:11,244 --> 00:20:13,713 - Yo, listen, 966 00:20:11,244 --> 00:20:13,713 this gonna put us on top. 967 00:20:13,713 --> 00:20:16,216 - Khaled got sick of all 968 00:20:13,713 --> 00:20:16,216 of the talk about losing. 969 00:20:16,216 --> 00:20:18,184 - Just use your neck. 970 00:20:16,216 --> 00:20:18,184 - What if I do it again? 971 00:20:18,184 --> 00:20:20,754 - Do it again? 972 00:20:18,184 --> 00:20:20,754 - Undershoot a little bit. 973 00:20:20,754 --> 00:20:22,655 Yeah, that was better. 974 00:20:20,754 --> 00:20:22,655 Like half of it. 975 00:20:22,655 --> 00:20:27,270 - I don't think we got time 976 00:20:22,655 --> 00:20:27,270 for Sasheer and Bamboo 977 00:20:27,270 --> 00:20:28,261 to actually finish. 978 00:20:28,261 --> 00:20:29,796 - You're gonna get this. 979 00:20:28,261 --> 00:20:29,796 You're gonna get this. 980 00:20:29,796 --> 00:20:31,498 - Oh, there you go. 981 00:20:29,796 --> 00:20:31,498 You almost had it. 982 00:20:31,498 --> 00:20:32,966 Come on, bro. 983 00:20:31,498 --> 00:20:32,966 Come on. 984 00:20:32,966 --> 00:20:35,368 - Oh, this is just sad. 985 00:20:32,966 --> 00:20:35,368 - Come on. 986 00:20:35,368 --> 00:20:36,403 There you go! 987 00:20:36,403 --> 00:20:38,400 - Come on. 988 00:20:36,403 --> 00:20:38,400 - Oh, he got it. 989 00:20:38,400 --> 00:20:39,939 - Oh, he got it, he got it, 990 00:20:38,400 --> 00:20:39,939 he got it, he got it. 991 00:20:39,939 --> 00:20:41,675 - He got it? 992 00:20:39,939 --> 00:20:41,675 - Did Bamboo got it? 993 00:20:41,675 --> 00:20:43,176 - Bamboo got it. 994 00:20:43,176 --> 00:20:45,145 Okay, that is it. 995 00:20:43,176 --> 00:20:45,145 - I got it, I got it, I got it. 996 00:20:45,145 --> 00:20:46,813 - Oh, she got it, she got it. 997 00:20:45,145 --> 00:20:46,813 - I got it too. 998 00:20:46,813 --> 00:20:48,948 - Sasheer, I saw you place it 999 00:20:46,813 --> 00:20:48,948 on your head. 1000 00:20:48,948 --> 00:20:52,252 - No, you did not see that. 1001 00:20:48,948 --> 00:20:52,252 - I clearly saw you place it. 1002 00:20:52,252 --> 00:20:54,320 * 1003 00:20:54,320 --> 00:20:56,523 - I got it, I got it, I got it. 1004 00:20:54,320 --> 00:20:56,523 - Oh, she got it. 1005 00:20:56,523 --> 00:20:59,159 No, you didn't see--see? 1006 00:20:56,523 --> 00:20:59,159 What? 1007 00:20:59,159 --> 00:21:00,493 - No, Sasheer, 1008 00:20:59,159 --> 00:21:00,493 you didn't get it. 1009 00:21:00,493 --> 00:21:02,162 - What are you talking about? 1010 00:21:02,162 --> 00:21:05,265 - Just because you go out 1011 00:21:02,162 --> 00:21:05,265 the screen and come back in. 1012 00:21:05,265 --> 00:21:08,234 Guys, let's get 1013 00:21:05,265 --> 00:21:08,234 a quick score recap. 1014 00:21:08,234 --> 00:21:10,870 Khaled and Nicole 1015 00:21:08,234 --> 00:21:10,870 sit at the top now. 1016 00:21:10,870 --> 00:21:12,605 - Yeah, get the score. 1017 00:21:10,870 --> 00:21:12,605 - Got 25 points. 1018 00:21:12,605 --> 00:21:15,575 We can put our hands up 1019 00:21:12,605 --> 00:21:15,575 because now they're winning. 1020 00:21:15,575 --> 00:21:17,577 - Hands up, Asahd. 1021 00:21:15,575 --> 00:21:17,577 Hands up. 1022 00:21:17,577 --> 00:21:21,810 - Big Boi and Bamboo got 20. 1023 00:21:17,577 --> 00:21:21,810 Sasheer and Caitlin. 1024 00:21:21,810 --> 00:21:22,449 - Oh, no. 1025 00:21:22,449 --> 00:21:23,683 - We just plummeted 1026 00:21:22,449 --> 00:21:23,683 to the bottom. 1027 00:21:23,683 --> 00:21:25,719 How did that happen? 1028 00:21:23,683 --> 00:21:25,719 How many points was that? 1029 00:21:25,719 --> 00:21:28,822 - Wait, why does that game 1030 00:21:25,719 --> 00:21:28,822 count way more? 1031 00:21:28,822 --> 00:21:32,920 - Caitlin, you would know why 1032 00:21:28,822 --> 00:21:32,920 if you paid attention 1033 00:21:32,920 --> 00:21:33,927 because I said 1034 00:21:32,920 --> 00:21:33,927 what the scores were. 1035 00:21:33,927 --> 00:21:36,262 - The stakes were higher, 1036 00:21:33,927 --> 00:21:36,262 and I didn't know. 1037 00:21:36,262 --> 00:21:38,431 - Guys, as you can see, 1038 00:21:36,262 --> 00:21:38,431 things are heating up. 1039 00:21:38,431 --> 00:21:39,699 This is "Celebrity Game Face." 1040 00:21:39,699 --> 00:21:41,234 The Hart of a Champion award 1041 00:21:39,699 --> 00:21:41,234 is on the line, 1042 00:21:41,234 --> 00:21:43,236 and only one team 1043 00:21:41,234 --> 00:21:43,236 can walk away with it. 1044 00:21:43,236 --> 00:21:45,705 - Listen, Kevin, 1045 00:21:43,236 --> 00:21:45,705 we all the way up. 1046 00:21:45,705 --> 00:21:47,407 Like, this is something 1047 00:21:45,705 --> 00:21:47,407 I'm used to, 1048 00:21:47,407 --> 00:21:48,675 you know what I'm saying? 1049 00:21:48,675 --> 00:21:50,310 - I think that baby tipped 1050 00:21:48,675 --> 00:21:50,310 that Slinky, man. 1051 00:21:50,310 --> 00:21:52,312 - You said-- 1052 00:21:50,310 --> 00:21:52,312 [laughter] 1053 00:21:52,312 --> 00:21:53,813 - I'm sweating. 1054 00:21:52,312 --> 00:21:53,813 I'm sweating. 1055 00:21:53,813 --> 00:21:55,315 I'm telling you. 1056 00:21:55,315 --> 00:21:57,350 - Guys, we got more show. 1057 00:21:57,350 --> 00:21:58,952 Please do not go anywhere. 1058 00:21:58,952 --> 00:22:02,122 "Celebrity Game Face" 1059 00:21:58,952 --> 00:22:02,122 will be right back. 1060 00:22:02,122 --> 00:22:05,759 Wow, what a host. 1061 00:22:02,122 --> 00:22:05,759 What a host. 1062 00:22:05,759 --> 00:22:07,427 - You're so good at this, 1063 00:22:05,759 --> 00:22:07,427 Kevin Hart. 1064 00:22:07,427 --> 00:22:09,620 - You know, you just 1065 00:22:07,427 --> 00:22:09,620 gotta understand, like-- 1066 00:22:09,620 --> 00:22:10,296 - You're so good at this, 1067 00:22:09,620 --> 00:22:10,296 Kevin Hart. 1068 00:22:10,296 --> 00:22:11,398 - What a host. 1069 00:22:11,398 --> 00:22:13,333 You wanna dangle with me? 1070 00:22:15,680 --> 00:22:16,302 Dangle a little bit? 1071 00:22:16,302 --> 00:22:18,710 - No. 1072 00:22:24,978 --> 00:22:26,279 - How y'all like my new teeth? 1073 00:22:26,279 --> 00:22:27,547 I been smiling all day. 1074 00:22:27,547 --> 00:22:28,682 - You look good. 1075 00:22:28,682 --> 00:22:29,749 The pictures 1076 00:22:28,682 --> 00:22:29,749 when you first got 'em, 1077 00:22:29,749 --> 00:22:31,840 you was going... 1078 00:22:31,840 --> 00:22:33,186 - No, he's still doing it. 1079 00:22:31,840 --> 00:22:33,186 He's over here like... 1080 00:22:33,186 --> 00:22:34,354 - I can't believe 1081 00:22:33,186 --> 00:22:34,354 I waited so long. 1082 00:22:34,354 --> 00:22:39,292 * 1083 00:22:39,292 --> 00:22:41,695 - Welcome back to 1084 00:22:39,292 --> 00:22:41,695 "Celebrity Game Face," 1085 00:22:41,695 --> 00:22:42,829 and things are heating up. 1086 00:22:42,829 --> 00:22:45,198 We got a new first-place team. 1087 00:22:45,198 --> 00:22:47,100 Khaled and Nicole sit with 25. 1088 00:22:47,100 --> 00:22:48,301 [cat meows] 1089 00:22:48,301 --> 00:22:50,870 What the ---- is that? 1090 00:22:48,301 --> 00:22:50,870 Oh, God. 1091 00:22:50,870 --> 00:22:52,205 I'm sorry. 1092 00:22:52,205 --> 00:22:54,708 Sorry, guys, I panicked. 1093 00:22:52,205 --> 00:22:54,708 I didn't know what it was. 1094 00:22:54,708 --> 00:22:57,110 I thought 1095 00:22:54,708 --> 00:22:57,110 Big Boi's eagle landed. 1096 00:22:57,110 --> 00:22:59,112 I had no idea what that was, 1097 00:22:57,110 --> 00:22:59,112 Khaled. 1098 00:22:59,112 --> 00:23:01,381 Sorry. 1099 00:23:01,381 --> 00:23:04,351 Big Boi and Bamboo got 20. 1100 00:23:04,351 --> 00:23:07,787 Sasheer and Caitlin sit 1101 00:23:04,351 --> 00:23:07,787 at the bottom with 15. 1102 00:23:07,787 --> 00:23:10,390 You know, the chemistry may not 1103 00:23:07,787 --> 00:23:10,390 be as good as they think it is. 1104 00:23:10,390 --> 00:23:12,892 - They had plenty of times. 1105 00:23:10,390 --> 00:23:12,892 - Well, I mean do they? 1106 00:23:12,892 --> 00:23:14,394 Do they? 1107 00:23:12,892 --> 00:23:14,394 'Cause we started off good. 1108 00:23:14,394 --> 00:23:16,620 Seems like it may not have 1109 00:23:14,394 --> 00:23:16,620 a good ending. 1110 00:23:16,620 --> 00:23:18,798 - That is my wife. 1111 00:23:16,620 --> 00:23:18,798 - Yeah. 1112 00:23:18,798 --> 00:23:20,333 - Okay, guys, it's time 1113 00:23:20,333 --> 00:23:22,680 to break out your phones 1114 00:23:20,333 --> 00:23:22,680 for one of my favorites. 1115 00:23:22,680 --> 00:23:24,270 This game is called 1116 00:23:22,680 --> 00:23:24,270 Hit 'Em Up. 1117 00:23:24,270 --> 00:23:27,107 * 1118 00:23:27,107 --> 00:23:29,442 Each team will call a friend 1119 00:23:27,107 --> 00:23:29,442 or family member. 1120 00:23:29,442 --> 00:23:31,311 All you gotta do is have 1121 00:23:29,442 --> 00:23:31,311 a conversation with 'em. 1122 00:23:31,311 --> 00:23:33,146 It's easy. 1123 00:23:31,311 --> 00:23:33,146 It's actually too easy. 1124 00:23:33,146 --> 00:23:34,547 So here's the twist. 1125 00:23:34,547 --> 00:23:36,249 While you're talking, 1126 00:23:34,547 --> 00:23:36,249 one of the other teams 1127 00:23:36,249 --> 00:23:38,651 will hold up two words 1128 00:23:36,249 --> 00:23:38,651 that you gotta get the person 1129 00:23:38,651 --> 00:23:40,787 on the phone to say 1130 00:23:38,651 --> 00:23:40,787 in 60 seconds. 1131 00:23:40,787 --> 00:23:42,856 Each word you get 'em to say 1132 00:23:40,787 --> 00:23:42,856 is worth 20 points. 1133 00:23:42,856 --> 00:23:45,392 Sasheer, Caitlin, you're last, 1134 00:23:42,856 --> 00:23:45,392 so you guys will go first. 1135 00:23:45,392 --> 00:23:46,559 - Great. 1136 00:23:45,392 --> 00:23:46,559 - Okay? 1137 00:23:46,559 --> 00:23:48,161 - Perfect. 1138 00:23:46,559 --> 00:23:48,161 - Who you calling? 1139 00:23:48,161 --> 00:23:50,497 - I'm calling my best friend, 1140 00:23:48,161 --> 00:23:50,497 Nicole Byer. 1141 00:23:50,497 --> 00:23:53,233 - I don't think that's 1142 00:23:50,497 --> 00:23:53,233 a good choice, but okay. 1143 00:23:53,233 --> 00:23:56,200 Do what you want. 1144 00:23:53,233 --> 00:23:56,200 Let's get Nicole on the phone. 1145 00:23:56,200 --> 00:23:58,104 Big and Bamboo, you guys are 1146 00:23:56,200 --> 00:23:58,104 gonna come up with the words. 1147 00:23:58,104 --> 00:23:59,472 - All right. 1148 00:23:58,104 --> 00:23:59,472 - Hello? 1149 00:23:59,472 --> 00:24:01,107 - Nicole. 1150 00:23:59,472 --> 00:24:01,107 - Yes? 1151 00:24:01,107 --> 00:24:02,442 - How's it going? 1152 00:24:02,442 --> 00:24:04,177 - Pretty good. 1153 00:24:04,177 --> 00:24:06,312 * 1154 00:24:06,312 --> 00:24:08,748 - You know, 1155 00:24:06,312 --> 00:24:08,748 when you have good poops... 1156 00:24:08,748 --> 00:24:09,749 - Yeah, oh, that's good. 1157 00:24:09,749 --> 00:24:11,840 - What do you call them? 1158 00:24:11,840 --> 00:24:14,320 - When I have good poop, 1159 00:24:11,840 --> 00:24:14,320 what do I call them? 1160 00:24:14,320 --> 00:24:16,956 - You know if it's not 1161 00:24:14,320 --> 00:24:16,956 sinking to the bottom, 1162 00:24:16,956 --> 00:24:18,324 what is it doing? 1163 00:24:18,324 --> 00:24:20,393 - Like a buoy. 1164 00:24:20,393 --> 00:24:22,595 - And what would you call it? 1165 00:24:22,595 --> 00:24:24,130 - A floater? 1166 00:24:24,130 --> 00:24:25,632 - Okay, that's good to know. 1167 00:24:24,130 --> 00:24:25,632 - That's good. 1168 00:24:25,632 --> 00:24:26,733 I'm so glad 1169 00:24:25,632 --> 00:24:26,733 that we called you to talk 1170 00:24:26,733 --> 00:24:27,834 to you about your poops. 1171 00:24:27,834 --> 00:24:29,502 - Nasty asses. 1172 00:24:29,502 --> 00:24:30,904 - You wanna know 1173 00:24:29,502 --> 00:24:30,904 about my ----, 1174 00:24:30,904 --> 00:24:33,139 and now you wanna know 1175 00:24:30,904 --> 00:24:33,139 about what, my pee? 1176 00:24:33,139 --> 00:24:35,542 - Well, actually, 1177 00:24:33,139 --> 00:24:35,542 while we're on this subject... 1178 00:24:35,542 --> 00:24:37,610 - Yeah, while we're 1179 00:24:35,542 --> 00:24:37,610 on this subject, 1180 00:24:37,610 --> 00:24:41,314 if you do pee, and it burns, 1181 00:24:37,610 --> 00:24:41,314 what usually is happening? 1182 00:24:41,314 --> 00:24:42,615 - Yeah. 1183 00:24:42,615 --> 00:24:44,818 - Think you have 1184 00:24:42,615 --> 00:24:44,818 a urinary tract infection 1185 00:24:44,818 --> 00:24:46,152 or maybe-- 1186 00:24:46,152 --> 00:24:48,355 - Or--yeah, what's another 1187 00:24:46,152 --> 00:24:48,355 thing you could have? 1188 00:24:48,355 --> 00:24:50,357 - A yeast infection. 1189 00:24:48,355 --> 00:24:50,357 I don't know. 1190 00:24:50,357 --> 00:24:51,691 - Yeah. 1191 00:24:51,691 --> 00:24:53,193 - Yeah, that's too bad 1192 00:24:51,691 --> 00:24:53,193 when that happens. 1193 00:24:53,193 --> 00:24:54,494 - This is insane. 1194 00:24:54,494 --> 00:24:57,163 - I wish you vaginal 1195 00:24:54,494 --> 00:24:57,163 and poop health. 1196 00:24:57,163 --> 00:24:58,465 - And poop health, yes. 1197 00:24:58,465 --> 00:25:00,734 - Nicole, get your nasty ass 1198 00:24:58,465 --> 00:25:00,734 off the phone. 1199 00:25:00,734 --> 00:25:03,503 - Goodbye. 1200 00:25:00,734 --> 00:25:03,503 - Okay, bye! 1201 00:25:03,503 --> 00:25:05,438 - Your nasty ass has got 1202 00:25:03,503 --> 00:25:05,438 both of them right. 1203 00:25:05,438 --> 00:25:07,173 You got 40 points that round. 1204 00:25:07,173 --> 00:25:09,542 Let's go, BigBoi and Bamboo. 1205 00:25:07,173 --> 00:25:09,542 You guys are on the phone. 1206 00:25:09,542 --> 00:25:11,444 Khaled and Nicole, 1207 00:25:09,542 --> 00:25:11,444 you're supplying the words. 1208 00:25:11,444 --> 00:25:13,460 Big Boi, Bamboo, 1209 00:25:11,444 --> 00:25:13,460 who you calling? 1210 00:25:13,460 --> 00:25:15,348 - 'Bout to call my mom 1211 00:25:13,460 --> 00:25:15,348 and his grandmother. 1212 00:25:15,348 --> 00:25:16,449 - This gonna be great. 1213 00:25:16,449 --> 00:25:18,251 What you calling me for? 1214 00:25:16,449 --> 00:25:18,251 What you want? 1215 00:25:18,251 --> 00:25:20,587 I can already-- 1216 00:25:18,251 --> 00:25:20,587 this is gonna be great. 1217 00:25:20,587 --> 00:25:21,688 - Hello. 1218 00:25:20,587 --> 00:25:21,688 - Ma. 1219 00:25:21,688 --> 00:25:23,156 How you doing? 1220 00:25:23,156 --> 00:25:25,125 - I'm fine. 1221 00:25:23,156 --> 00:25:25,125 How are you? 1222 00:25:25,125 --> 00:25:28,962 - I'm super fantastic. 1223 00:25:25,125 --> 00:25:28,962 Oh, man. 1224 00:25:28,962 --> 00:25:32,165 So you know we got Eunice 1225 00:25:28,962 --> 00:25:32,165 at the house, right, the baby. 1226 00:25:32,165 --> 00:25:33,366 - Yes? 1227 00:25:33,366 --> 00:25:34,634 - And so we trying 1228 00:25:33,366 --> 00:25:34,634 to figure out, 1229 00:25:34,634 --> 00:25:35,869 where do they usually 1230 00:25:34,634 --> 00:25:35,869 get a rash at? 1231 00:25:35,869 --> 00:25:37,237 - On their bottoms. 1232 00:25:37,237 --> 00:25:38,571 - What else you call it though? 1233 00:25:37,237 --> 00:25:38,571 - Their butt? 1234 00:25:38,571 --> 00:25:40,373 - It's two words to it. 1235 00:25:40,373 --> 00:25:41,608 - Two words for behind? 1236 00:25:41,608 --> 00:25:43,877 - Yes, not the ones 1237 00:25:41,608 --> 00:25:43,877 on your face, 1238 00:25:43,877 --> 00:25:45,345 but you got sets of 'em. 1239 00:25:45,345 --> 00:25:46,413 - I got a what? 1240 00:25:46,413 --> 00:25:47,881 - You got some on your face, 1241 00:25:47,881 --> 00:25:49,382 and you got some on the other 1242 00:25:47,881 --> 00:25:49,382 word for your ass. 1243 00:25:56,723 --> 00:25:58,291 - No! 1244 00:25:58,291 --> 00:25:59,859 [laughter] 1245 00:25:59,859 --> 00:26:01,594 Where are dimples located? 1246 00:26:04,297 --> 00:26:06,320 - Come on, there you go. 1247 00:26:06,320 --> 00:26:08,535 - I mean, God damn. 1248 00:26:08,535 --> 00:26:10,360 - Oh, Lord. 1249 00:26:10,360 --> 00:26:12,439 When you're having sex, 1250 00:26:10,360 --> 00:26:12,439 and the man enters the woman, 1251 00:26:12,439 --> 00:26:13,573 that is called to... 1252 00:26:16,910 --> 00:26:19,112 - What's the other word? 1253 00:26:19,112 --> 00:26:20,914 To push through. 1254 00:26:20,914 --> 00:26:22,115 Get up in there. 1255 00:26:24,840 --> 00:26:25,251 [laughter] 1256 00:26:25,251 --> 00:26:26,886 - Oh, my God. 1257 00:26:26,886 --> 00:26:28,488 - Appreciate it, Ma. 1258 00:26:26,886 --> 00:26:28,488 I'ma call you back. 1259 00:26:28,488 --> 00:26:29,489 - All right. 1260 00:26:29,489 --> 00:26:30,724 - Okay. 1261 00:26:30,724 --> 00:26:32,459 Big Boi got his mom 1262 00:26:30,724 --> 00:26:32,459 to say butt cheeks 1263 00:26:32,459 --> 00:26:33,727 and got 20 points. 1264 00:26:33,727 --> 00:26:36,196 Khaled, Nicole, you're up next. 1265 00:26:33,727 --> 00:26:36,196 Who you calling? 1266 00:26:36,196 --> 00:26:38,640 - Yeah, we calling J Balvin. 1267 00:26:38,640 --> 00:26:40,166 - Sasheer and Caitlin, 1268 00:26:38,640 --> 00:26:40,166 you're supplying the words. 1269 00:26:40,166 --> 00:26:41,334 - You ready? 1270 00:26:40,166 --> 00:26:41,334 - Hello? 1271 00:26:41,334 --> 00:26:42,469 - Hello, hello, hello. 1272 00:26:42,469 --> 00:26:44,104 - J Balvin. 1273 00:26:44,104 --> 00:26:45,739 All right, all right. 1274 00:26:45,739 --> 00:26:47,340 Check this out, I'm a big boy. 1275 00:26:47,340 --> 00:26:49,776 You know what I'm saying, 1276 00:26:47,340 --> 00:26:49,776 sometimes, 1277 00:26:49,776 --> 00:26:52,946 my jackets don't fit me right, 1278 00:26:52,946 --> 00:26:57,450 or, you know, 1279 00:26:52,946 --> 00:26:57,450 my greatness jiggles a lot. 1280 00:26:57,450 --> 00:27:01,454 And what do I wear 1281 00:26:57,450 --> 00:27:01,454 under my shirt 1282 00:27:01,454 --> 00:27:03,223 that doesn't make it jiggle? 1283 00:27:03,223 --> 00:27:04,391 Like-- 1284 00:27:04,391 --> 00:27:05,825 - I think something better 1285 00:27:04,391 --> 00:27:05,825 for J Balvin is, 1286 00:27:05,825 --> 00:27:08,280 what do you do to a girl's 1287 00:27:05,825 --> 00:27:08,280 butt with your hand? 1288 00:27:09,429 --> 00:27:11,631 - Like, you know, on your-- 1289 00:27:11,631 --> 00:27:13,133 - He wants to demonstrate. 1290 00:27:13,133 --> 00:27:14,300 - When you're-- 1291 00:27:13,133 --> 00:27:14,300 - He can't see you. 1292 00:27:14,300 --> 00:27:15,802 - No, you know what I'm saying? 1293 00:27:15,802 --> 00:27:18,380 - When you was a kid, 1294 00:27:15,802 --> 00:27:18,380 you was bad, 1295 00:27:18,380 --> 00:27:19,906 so your mom and dad, 1296 00:27:18,380 --> 00:27:19,906 what would they do? 1297 00:27:19,906 --> 00:27:21,741 - Pa-pow, a pa-pow. 1298 00:27:19,906 --> 00:27:21,741 - A pow-pow. 1299 00:27:21,741 --> 00:27:23,610 - Pa-pow in English. 1300 00:27:23,610 --> 00:27:25,445 - Pow-pow in English. 1301 00:27:28,314 --> 00:27:31,217 - Okay, take the L out. 1302 00:27:28,314 --> 00:27:31,217 Now listen to the sound. 1303 00:27:31,217 --> 00:27:33,887 It's the same sound 1304 00:27:31,217 --> 00:27:33,887 as a slap though. 1305 00:27:33,887 --> 00:27:36,489 - If somebody does something 1306 00:27:33,887 --> 00:27:36,489 bad, you blank them. 1307 00:27:36,489 --> 00:27:39,426 Like you do it 1308 00:27:36,489 --> 00:27:39,426 to a girl's butt. 1309 00:27:42,620 --> 00:27:44,631 - When you got in trouble, 1310 00:27:42,620 --> 00:27:44,631 on your butt, 1311 00:27:44,631 --> 00:27:48,168 what did your mom and dad do 1312 00:27:44,631 --> 00:27:48,168 to the side of your butt? 1313 00:27:50,437 --> 00:27:52,739 - Spank! 1314 00:27:50,437 --> 00:27:52,739 - Time, I love it. 1315 00:27:52,739 --> 00:27:55,308 - Yeah! 1316 00:27:52,739 --> 00:27:55,308 Yes, yo, J Balvin. 1317 00:27:55,308 --> 00:27:56,343 Thank you, brother, man. 1318 00:27:59,379 --> 00:28:00,580 - Kevin Hart came up 1319 00:27:59,379 --> 00:28:00,580 with the show. 1320 00:28:00,580 --> 00:28:03,149 I didn't come up 1321 00:28:00,580 --> 00:28:03,149 with this ----. 1322 00:28:03,149 --> 00:28:05,251 - Here's the thing, 1323 00:28:03,149 --> 00:28:05,251 you got him one right. 1324 00:28:05,251 --> 00:28:06,353 - Thank you, brother. 1325 00:28:06,353 --> 00:28:07,520 - And they will receive 1326 00:28:06,353 --> 00:28:07,520 20 points. 1327 00:28:07,520 --> 00:28:10,900 Holy cow. 1328 00:28:07,520 --> 00:28:10,900 The game is close. 1329 00:28:10,900 --> 00:28:12,525 Sasheer and Caitlin, 1330 00:28:10,900 --> 00:28:12,525 they didn't like being in last, 1331 00:28:12,525 --> 00:28:14,127 so they decided 1332 00:28:12,525 --> 00:28:14,127 to do something about it. 1333 00:28:14,127 --> 00:28:16,596 They now sit in the first 1334 00:28:14,127 --> 00:28:16,596 place with 55 points. 1335 00:28:16,596 --> 00:28:19,320 Khaled and Nicole sit 1336 00:28:16,596 --> 00:28:19,320 in second with 45. 1337 00:28:19,320 --> 00:28:23,103 Big Boi and Bamboo now 1338 00:28:19,320 --> 00:28:23,103 are in last place with 40. 1339 00:28:23,103 --> 00:28:25,438 God, this game is all 1340 00:28:23,103 --> 00:28:25,438 over the place, man. 1341 00:28:25,438 --> 00:28:27,540 But here's the thing. 1342 00:28:25,438 --> 00:28:27,540 It's not over. 1343 00:28:27,540 --> 00:28:29,750 We got more 1344 00:28:27,540 --> 00:28:29,750 "Celebrity Game Face" 1345 00:28:29,750 --> 00:28:30,677 when we get back. 1346 00:28:30,677 --> 00:28:32,846 Sasheer and Caitlin, so that's 1347 00:28:30,677 --> 00:28:32,846 what you guys call it, huh? 1348 00:28:32,846 --> 00:28:33,947 Floaters. 1349 00:28:33,947 --> 00:28:35,915 - How else do you 1350 00:28:33,947 --> 00:28:35,915 describe a floater? 1351 00:28:35,915 --> 00:28:38,351 - You know, 1352 00:28:35,915 --> 00:28:38,351 when magic happens 1353 00:28:38,351 --> 00:28:41,554 and they act like people 1354 00:28:38,351 --> 00:28:41,554 are just in the air, 1355 00:28:41,554 --> 00:28:43,623 and they stay there, 1356 00:28:41,554 --> 00:28:43,623 and they start to move around. 1357 00:28:43,623 --> 00:28:44,891 What do those people do? 1358 00:28:44,891 --> 00:28:46,159 - No one's ever called 1359 00:28:44,891 --> 00:28:46,159 that person a floater. 1360 00:28:46,159 --> 00:28:47,327 - No one's ever called 1361 00:28:46,159 --> 00:28:47,327 that person a floater. 1362 00:28:47,327 --> 00:28:48,328 - No one's ever said that. 1363 00:28:48,328 --> 00:28:49,462 - You went to a reference 1364 00:28:49,462 --> 00:28:51,531 of a lightweight ---- 1365 00:28:49,462 --> 00:28:51,531 in the toilet. 1366 00:28:51,531 --> 00:28:52,799 - We got the answer. 1367 00:28:51,531 --> 00:28:52,799 - But we nailed it. 1368 00:28:52,799 --> 00:28:54,934 - You went 1369 00:28:52,799 --> 00:28:54,934 to a lack of gravity poo. 1370 00:28:54,934 --> 00:28:56,690 [laughter] 1371 00:29:02,800 --> 00:29:03,900 - I'm still bugging out. 1372 00:29:03,900 --> 00:29:04,440 I was try--I 1373 00:29:03,900 --> 00:29:04,440 was trying to tell 1374 00:29:04,440 --> 00:29:05,311 J Balvin to say spanks. 1375 00:29:05,311 --> 00:29:07,313 - Nobody knew 1376 00:29:05,311 --> 00:29:07,313 that you wore spanks. 1377 00:29:07,313 --> 00:29:08,481 It was your secret. 1378 00:29:08,481 --> 00:29:09,616 You didn't have 1379 00:29:08,481 --> 00:29:09,616 to let that out. 1380 00:29:09,616 --> 00:29:11,170 - Yeah. 1381 00:29:11,170 --> 00:29:13,453 - I mean, I don't wear spanks. 1382 00:29:11,170 --> 00:29:13,453 I don't. 1383 00:29:13,453 --> 00:29:14,521 I've tried it. 1384 00:29:14,521 --> 00:29:15,722 It just--it doesn't 1385 00:29:14,521 --> 00:29:15,722 work with me 1386 00:29:15,722 --> 00:29:17,390 'cause it makes it one big... 1387 00:29:17,390 --> 00:29:18,391 - Bubble. 1388 00:29:17,390 --> 00:29:18,391 - Bubble. 1389 00:29:18,391 --> 00:29:19,626 - It gives you gas. 1390 00:29:19,626 --> 00:29:20,927 You don't need that, man. 1391 00:29:20,927 --> 00:29:22,395 You don't need that ----. 1392 00:29:22,395 --> 00:29:24,931 [laughter] 1393 00:29:27,500 --> 00:29:29,903 Welcome back to 1394 00:29:27,500 --> 00:29:29,903 "Celebrity Game Face," guys, 1395 00:29:29,903 --> 00:29:31,137 where things are heating up. 1396 00:29:31,137 --> 00:29:32,505 A quick score recap. 1397 00:29:32,505 --> 00:29:34,641 Sasheer and Caitlin sit 1398 00:29:32,505 --> 00:29:34,641 at the top with 55. 1399 00:29:34,641 --> 00:29:36,943 Khaled and Nicole sit 1400 00:29:34,641 --> 00:29:36,943 in second place with 45. 1401 00:29:36,943 --> 00:29:39,813 Big Boi and Bamboo are 1402 00:29:36,943 --> 00:29:39,813 in Stankonia. 1403 00:29:39,813 --> 00:29:41,147 They're last. 1404 00:29:41,147 --> 00:29:43,483 They got 40 points, 1405 00:29:41,147 --> 00:29:43,483 but it's not over, guys. 1406 00:29:43,483 --> 00:29:46,353 It's time to get you guys 1407 00:29:43,483 --> 00:29:46,353 out of your chairs and moving. 1408 00:29:46,353 --> 00:29:49,289 I wanna play a game called 1409 00:29:46,353 --> 00:29:49,289 Name That Dance. 1410 00:29:49,289 --> 00:29:51,157 [upbeat music] 1411 00:29:51,157 --> 00:29:53,760 I've sent each team a list 1412 00:29:51,157 --> 00:29:53,760 of five dance moves. 1413 00:29:53,760 --> 00:29:55,128 One of you has 1414 00:29:53,760 --> 00:29:55,128 to perform those dances. 1415 00:29:55,128 --> 00:29:58,198 The other one has to guess 1416 00:29:55,128 --> 00:29:58,198 them all in 45 seconds. 1417 00:29:58,198 --> 00:29:59,699 I need to see your passion 1418 00:29:58,198 --> 00:29:59,699 for dance 1419 00:29:59,699 --> 00:30:01,634 in every single move 1420 00:29:59,699 --> 00:30:01,634 that you do. 1421 00:30:01,634 --> 00:30:03,770 Each correct answer 1422 00:30:01,634 --> 00:30:03,770 gets you 10 points. 1423 00:30:03,770 --> 00:30:05,672 Sounds easy, right? 1424 00:30:03,770 --> 00:30:05,672 But it's not easy. 1425 00:30:05,672 --> 00:30:07,730 'Cause there's a twist. 1426 00:30:07,730 --> 00:30:08,775 There's always a twist. 1427 00:30:07,730 --> 00:30:08,775 - Oh boy. 1428 00:30:08,775 --> 00:30:10,610 I made all these dances up 1429 00:30:08,775 --> 00:30:10,610 in my head, 1430 00:30:10,610 --> 00:30:12,846 like this one, 1431 00:30:10,610 --> 00:30:12,846 the toothbrush. 1432 00:30:12,846 --> 00:30:14,381 * 1433 00:30:14,381 --> 00:30:16,850 - You're not supposed 1434 00:30:14,381 --> 00:30:16,850 to say it. 1435 00:30:16,850 --> 00:30:18,418 - But that's how I would 1436 00:30:16,850 --> 00:30:18,418 do the dance. 1437 00:30:18,418 --> 00:30:19,719 - Like this though? 1438 00:30:19,719 --> 00:30:22,389 - The toothbrush. 1439 00:30:19,719 --> 00:30:22,389 - What about this? 1440 00:30:22,389 --> 00:30:25,191 - That's why I stopped going to 1441 00:30:22,389 --> 00:30:25,191 clubs with you a long time ago. 1442 00:30:25,191 --> 00:30:27,127 I stopped going to clubs with 1443 00:30:25,191 --> 00:30:27,127 you 'cause you can't dance. 1444 00:30:27,127 --> 00:30:28,194 - Okay. 1445 00:30:28,194 --> 00:30:29,195 - And I used 1446 00:30:28,194 --> 00:30:29,195 to get mad at that. 1447 00:30:29,195 --> 00:30:30,430 - Whatever. 1448 00:30:30,430 --> 00:30:31,664 - You know what I'm saying. 1449 00:30:30,430 --> 00:30:31,664 It's not a dance. 1450 00:30:31,664 --> 00:30:32,899 I made it up, 1451 00:30:31,664 --> 00:30:32,899 but your partner might have 1452 00:30:32,899 --> 00:30:34,267 to guess what 1453 00:30:32,899 --> 00:30:34,267 it is that you're doing. 1454 00:30:34,267 --> 00:30:35,869 You guys understand the game. 1455 00:30:34,267 --> 00:30:35,869 It's simple. 1456 00:30:35,869 --> 00:30:37,303 It's time to play. 1457 00:30:37,303 --> 00:30:39,773 Sasheer and Caitlin, 1458 00:30:37,303 --> 00:30:39,773 you're gonna go first. 1459 00:30:39,773 --> 00:30:41,307 Which one of you is dancing? 1460 00:30:39,773 --> 00:30:41,307 - I'm dancing. 1461 00:30:41,307 --> 00:30:42,509 - You're dancing. 1462 00:30:42,509 --> 00:30:43,877 All right, 1463 00:30:42,509 --> 00:30:43,877 let's go and get in position. 1464 00:30:43,877 --> 00:30:46,613 - Okay. 1465 00:30:43,877 --> 00:30:46,613 - The category is Tool Time. 1466 00:30:46,613 --> 00:30:48,148 - Mm-hmm. 1467 00:30:46,613 --> 00:30:48,148 - All right, are you ready? 1468 00:30:48,148 --> 00:30:51,451 On your mark, get set, go! 1469 00:30:51,451 --> 00:30:53,190 * 1470 00:30:53,190 --> 00:30:54,654 - Jack hammer. 1471 00:30:54,654 --> 00:30:55,922 - Wow. 1472 00:30:54,654 --> 00:30:55,922 - Nice. 1473 00:30:55,922 --> 00:30:57,223 * 1474 00:30:57,223 --> 00:30:58,324 - Saw. 1475 00:30:57,223 --> 00:30:58,324 - Yes. 1476 00:30:58,324 --> 00:31:01,194 - All right. 1477 00:30:58,324 --> 00:31:01,194 Oh, this is good. 1478 00:31:01,194 --> 00:31:03,430 - Ooh, a shovel. 1479 00:31:03,430 --> 00:31:05,131 A seat. 1480 00:31:03,430 --> 00:31:05,131 Electric lawnmower. 1481 00:31:05,131 --> 00:31:07,367 Bidet. 1482 00:31:07,367 --> 00:31:09,469 An electric toilet. 1483 00:31:09,469 --> 00:31:11,471 A plunger. 1484 00:31:09,469 --> 00:31:11,471 - She did the whole scene. 1485 00:31:11,471 --> 00:31:13,640 She did the whole scene. 1486 00:31:13,640 --> 00:31:16,109 - Pulling it out of a-- 1487 00:31:16,109 --> 00:31:19,112 She's moving her hips. 1488 00:31:16,109 --> 00:31:19,112 She's moving her hips. 1489 00:31:19,112 --> 00:31:20,880 * 1490 00:31:20,880 --> 00:31:22,716 Shovel. 1491 00:31:20,880 --> 00:31:22,716 - Yes. 1492 00:31:22,716 --> 00:31:24,918 And then I don't know 1493 00:31:22,716 --> 00:31:24,918 how to do that one. 1494 00:31:24,918 --> 00:31:26,920 - Just try! 1495 00:31:26,920 --> 00:31:28,888 - [grunting] 1496 00:31:28,888 --> 00:31:31,925 - Clipper. 1497 00:31:28,888 --> 00:31:31,925 Rose trimmer. 1498 00:31:31,925 --> 00:31:36,960 * 1499 00:31:36,960 --> 00:31:37,163 - It's a tool that you use. 1500 00:31:37,163 --> 00:31:38,865 - It's a clipper. 1501 00:31:37,163 --> 00:31:38,865 It's a clipper. 1502 00:31:38,865 --> 00:31:40,300 - Look how 1503 00:31:38,865 --> 00:31:40,300 she's moving around. 1504 00:31:40,300 --> 00:31:41,601 - What's the thing 1505 00:31:40,300 --> 00:31:41,601 that I'm clipping? 1506 00:31:41,601 --> 00:31:44,400 What is that? 1507 00:31:44,400 --> 00:31:46,439 - I don't know 1508 00:31:44,400 --> 00:31:46,439 what you this for. 1509 00:31:46,439 --> 00:31:48,274 I don't know how you this for. 1510 00:31:48,274 --> 00:31:50,110 - Time, time. 1511 00:31:50,110 --> 00:31:52,512 - What was it? 1512 00:31:50,110 --> 00:31:52,512 - It was pliers. 1513 00:31:53,646 --> 00:31:56,750 - Guys, you got four correct 1514 00:31:53,646 --> 00:31:56,750 for 40 points. 1515 00:31:56,750 --> 00:31:58,518 - That was really good. 1516 00:31:56,750 --> 00:31:58,518 - ----, all right. 1517 00:31:58,518 --> 00:32:00,653 - That was good. 1518 00:32:00,653 --> 00:32:02,555 Big Boi and Bamboo, 1519 00:32:00,653 --> 00:32:02,555 you're up next. 1520 00:32:02,555 --> 00:32:04,290 Who's dancing? 1521 00:32:02,555 --> 00:32:04,290 - Bub. 1522 00:32:04,290 --> 00:32:05,825 - All right, let's go. 1523 00:32:05,825 --> 00:32:07,894 - Category is Monsters. 1524 00:32:07,894 --> 00:32:11,640 - On your mark, get set, go. 1525 00:32:11,640 --> 00:32:12,399 * 1526 00:32:12,399 --> 00:32:15,680 - Godzilla, Godzilla. 1527 00:32:15,680 --> 00:32:19,720 * 1528 00:32:19,720 --> 00:32:20,940 King Kong. 1529 00:32:20,940 --> 00:32:22,876 * 1530 00:32:22,876 --> 00:32:25,945 - [howls] 1531 00:32:26,913 --> 00:32:28,248 - Oh, the werewolf. 1532 00:32:26,913 --> 00:32:28,248 - Yeah. 1533 00:32:28,248 --> 00:32:29,516 - Oh, ----, come on. 1534 00:32:29,516 --> 00:32:30,884 - [hisses] 1535 00:32:30,884 --> 00:32:32,285 - Vampire, vampire. 1536 00:32:30,884 --> 00:32:32,285 - Yeah. 1537 00:32:32,285 --> 00:32:34,254 - All right. 1538 00:32:32,285 --> 00:32:34,254 Come on. 1539 00:32:34,254 --> 00:32:36,856 Michael Jackson, "Thriller." 1540 00:32:36,856 --> 00:32:38,124 The zombie. 1541 00:32:36,856 --> 00:32:38,124 - Yeah. 1542 00:32:38,124 --> 00:32:39,225 - Okay, come on. 1543 00:32:39,225 --> 00:32:42,295 - Oooh! 1544 00:32:43,730 --> 00:32:46,166 - What the ---- is that? 1545 00:32:47,867 --> 00:32:49,402 - Oooh! 1546 00:32:49,402 --> 00:32:50,737 - A ghost. 1547 00:32:49,402 --> 00:32:50,737 - Yeah. 1548 00:32:50,737 --> 00:32:52,305 - All right, come on, 1549 00:32:50,737 --> 00:32:52,305 come on, one more. 1550 00:32:52,305 --> 00:32:53,973 - Oh, my God. 1551 00:32:53,973 --> 00:32:55,942 * 1552 00:32:55,942 --> 00:32:57,877 - Hocus pocus. 1553 00:32:55,942 --> 00:32:57,877 - The magician. 1554 00:32:57,877 --> 00:32:59,245 [laughter] 1555 00:32:59,245 --> 00:33:00,480 - Hocus-- 1556 00:32:59,245 --> 00:33:00,480 - The wizard. 1557 00:33:00,480 --> 00:33:02,480 Witch! 1558 00:33:00,480 --> 00:33:02,480 - Yeah. 1559 00:33:02,480 --> 00:33:05,510 - What are you doing 1560 00:33:02,480 --> 00:33:05,510 when you--were 1561 00:33:05,510 --> 00:33:06,619 you doing a cabbage patch 1562 00:33:05,510 --> 00:33:06,619 at the end? 1563 00:33:06,619 --> 00:33:07,854 What were you doing 1564 00:33:06,619 --> 00:33:07,854 over there? 1565 00:33:07,854 --> 00:33:10,490 * 1566 00:33:10,490 --> 00:33:13,590 A werewolf ain't never 1567 00:33:10,490 --> 00:33:13,590 did this right here. 1568 00:33:13,590 --> 00:33:15,228 [howls] 1569 00:33:15,228 --> 00:33:17,831 Guys, you got all five correct. 1570 00:33:15,228 --> 00:33:17,831 That is 50 points. 1571 00:33:17,831 --> 00:33:18,832 - Wow. 1572 00:33:17,831 --> 00:33:18,832 - Good. 1573 00:33:18,832 --> 00:33:20,660 - They're putting 1574 00:33:18,832 --> 00:33:20,660 the pressure on. 1575 00:33:20,660 --> 00:33:23,169 Khaled and Nicole, 1576 00:33:20,660 --> 00:33:23,169 You're up next. 1577 00:33:23,169 --> 00:33:24,838 Nicole, are you dancing? 1578 00:33:24,838 --> 00:33:28,742 Nicole, say yes. 1579 00:33:24,838 --> 00:33:28,742 What's our category? 1580 00:33:28,742 --> 00:33:31,277 - So the category is animals 1581 00:33:28,742 --> 00:33:31,277 at the zoo. 1582 00:33:31,277 --> 00:33:35,810 You ready? 1583 00:33:31,277 --> 00:33:35,810 - On your mark, get set, go. 1584 00:33:35,810 --> 00:33:38,818 * 1585 00:33:38,818 --> 00:33:41,855 - All right, elephant. 1586 00:33:41,855 --> 00:33:44,357 - Okay. 1587 00:33:44,357 --> 00:33:45,725 - Monkey. 1588 00:33:45,725 --> 00:33:48,461 * 1589 00:33:48,461 --> 00:33:50,130 - What am I even looking at 1590 00:33:48,461 --> 00:33:50,130 right now? 1591 00:33:50,130 --> 00:33:51,231 - That's an animal? 1592 00:33:51,231 --> 00:33:54,567 * 1593 00:33:54,567 --> 00:33:56,369 Crocodile. 1594 00:33:56,369 --> 00:33:58,271 * 1595 00:33:58,271 --> 00:34:00,173 - Penguin. 1596 00:34:00,173 --> 00:34:02,776 * 1597 00:34:02,776 --> 00:34:04,544 A snake. 1598 00:34:04,544 --> 00:34:05,912 - There you go. 1599 00:34:04,544 --> 00:34:05,912 - Wow. 1600 00:34:05,912 --> 00:34:08,447 - There you go. 1601 00:34:05,912 --> 00:34:08,447 - That was fast. 1602 00:34:08,447 --> 00:34:10,750 - How did we--we got pliers. 1603 00:34:10,750 --> 00:34:13,530 - It's over, 1604 00:34:10,750 --> 00:34:13,530 Sasheer and Caitlin. 1605 00:34:13,530 --> 00:34:15,688 - Who would've gotten that? 1606 00:34:13,530 --> 00:34:15,688 - Easy, watch this. 1607 00:34:15,688 --> 00:34:18,425 Look at that. 1608 00:34:15,688 --> 00:34:18,425 - That could be anything! 1609 00:34:18,425 --> 00:34:22,562 - That could be a doorknob. 1610 00:34:22,562 --> 00:34:25,165 That could be--nope, 1611 00:34:22,562 --> 00:34:25,165 that could be another plunger. 1612 00:34:25,165 --> 00:34:27,233 - Flashlight. 1613 00:34:25,165 --> 00:34:27,233 - I'm adjusting the screw. 1614 00:34:27,233 --> 00:34:29,369 - You don't use pliers 1615 00:34:27,233 --> 00:34:29,369 for a screw. 1616 00:34:29,369 --> 00:34:32,304 You use a screwdriver. 1617 00:34:29,369 --> 00:34:32,304 - Oh, my God. 1618 00:34:32,304 --> 00:34:33,606 This is why I'm telling you, 1619 00:34:33,606 --> 00:34:35,608 ever since you got that show, 1620 00:34:33,606 --> 00:34:35,608 you've changed. 1621 00:34:35,608 --> 00:34:39,446 Okay, guys, let's go 1622 00:34:35,608 --> 00:34:39,446 through a quick score recap. 1623 00:34:39,446 --> 00:34:42,581 After that amazing fifth round, 1624 00:34:39,446 --> 00:34:42,581 you got all five correct. 1625 00:34:42,581 --> 00:34:44,717 That is 50 points, wow! 1626 00:34:42,581 --> 00:34:44,717 - Oh, we're tied. 1627 00:34:44,717 --> 00:34:48,880 - What in the bulletin bop butt 1628 00:34:44,717 --> 00:34:48,880 is going on here, huh? 1629 00:34:48,880 --> 00:34:49,389 - What happened? 1630 00:34:48,880 --> 00:34:49,389 - Huh? 1631 00:34:49,389 --> 00:34:50,889 - How'd that happen? 1632 00:34:49,389 --> 00:34:50,889 - Let me tell you something. 1633 00:34:50,889 --> 00:34:52,257 Somebody shut the front door, 1634 00:34:50,889 --> 00:34:52,257 and don't let the heat in 1635 00:34:52,257 --> 00:34:53,693 'cause it's getting hot 1636 00:34:52,257 --> 00:34:53,693 in here. 1637 00:34:53,693 --> 00:34:55,949 - Oh, no. 1638 00:34:53,693 --> 00:34:55,949 - Oh, boy. 1639 00:34:55,949 --> 00:34:56,362 - What was that? 1640 00:34:56,362 --> 00:34:57,731 - Somebody go start the car up 1641 00:34:57,731 --> 00:34:58,932 and let the engine run 1642 00:34:58,932 --> 00:35:01,201 because what's happening 1643 00:34:58,932 --> 00:35:01,201 ain't gonna be fun! 1644 00:35:01,201 --> 00:35:03,360 [laughter] 1645 00:35:03,360 --> 00:35:04,337 You know? 1646 00:35:04,337 --> 00:35:06,639 One of you guys go 1647 00:35:04,337 --> 00:35:06,639 to the washing machine or dryer 1648 00:35:06,639 --> 00:35:08,641 and open it and close it 1649 00:35:06,639 --> 00:35:08,641 'cause I gotta take 1650 00:35:08,641 --> 00:35:10,643 the linen out 1651 00:35:08,641 --> 00:35:10,643 'cause what I see is fuzzy. 1652 00:35:10,643 --> 00:35:11,878 - No fun. 1653 00:35:11,878 --> 00:35:14,481 - No? No? 1654 00:35:14,481 --> 00:35:16,149 No? 1655 00:35:14,481 --> 00:35:16,149 All right. 1656 00:35:16,149 --> 00:35:20,453 After an amazing round, wow, 1657 00:35:16,149 --> 00:35:20,453 we are tied at first place. 1658 00:35:20,453 --> 00:35:22,689 Khaled and Nicole, 1659 00:35:20,453 --> 00:35:22,689 Sasheer and Caitlin, 1660 00:35:22,689 --> 00:35:24,557 they are tied with 95. 1661 00:35:24,557 --> 00:35:28,128 Big Boi and Bamboo are right 1662 00:35:24,557 --> 00:35:28,128 there in arms reach with 90. 1663 00:35:28,128 --> 00:35:29,429 I don't think 1664 00:35:28,128 --> 00:35:29,429 we've had a game this close 1665 00:35:29,429 --> 00:35:30,563 since we've 1666 00:35:29,429 --> 00:35:30,563 been doing the show. 1667 00:35:30,563 --> 00:35:32,650 - I don't know. 1668 00:35:30,563 --> 00:35:32,650 This is crazy. 1669 00:35:32,650 --> 00:35:34,601 - Well, I suggest you stay put 1670 00:35:32,650 --> 00:35:34,601 and not go anywhere 1671 00:35:34,601 --> 00:35:35,935 'cause this is for the Hart 1672 00:35:34,601 --> 00:35:35,935 of a Champion award. 1673 00:35:35,935 --> 00:35:37,700 We'll take a quick break. 1674 00:35:37,700 --> 00:35:38,438 We'll see you 1675 00:35:37,700 --> 00:35:38,438 when we come back. 1676 00:35:38,438 --> 00:35:42,175 Honey, it's all--I mean, 1677 00:35:38,438 --> 00:35:42,175 it's--they're all right there. 1678 00:35:42,175 --> 00:35:44,411 - I like the crocodile. 1679 00:35:42,175 --> 00:35:44,411 That was my favorite one. 1680 00:35:44,411 --> 00:35:48,810 - We could definitely do a zoo 1681 00:35:44,411 --> 00:35:48,810 party whenever y'all are ready. 1682 00:35:48,810 --> 00:35:49,449 - I'm the only one 1683 00:35:48,810 --> 00:35:49,449 that can dance. 1684 00:35:49,449 --> 00:35:52,152 - Really? 1685 00:35:49,449 --> 00:35:52,152 Like, where is it, where is it? 1686 00:35:52,152 --> 00:35:53,286 Where is the thing? 1687 00:35:53,286 --> 00:35:54,654 - That's what 1688 00:35:53,286 --> 00:35:54,654 the young kids are doing. 1689 00:35:54,654 --> 00:35:55,789 - Next! 1690 00:35:55,789 --> 00:35:57,724 [laughter] 1691 00:35:55,789 --> 00:35:57,724 - Yeah. 1692 00:36:03,290 --> 00:36:04,230 [upbeat music] 1693 00:36:04,230 --> 00:36:06,266 - Welcome back to 1694 00:36:04,230 --> 00:36:06,266 "Celebrity Game Face," 1695 00:36:06,266 --> 00:36:08,601 where things have heated up. 1696 00:36:08,601 --> 00:36:09,936 It's a fire. 1697 00:36:09,936 --> 00:36:12,380 Somebody's gotta put it out, 1698 00:36:09,936 --> 00:36:12,380 and it won't be me. 1699 00:36:12,380 --> 00:36:14,607 Quick recap, 1700 00:36:12,380 --> 00:36:14,607 we are tied at first place. 1701 00:36:14,607 --> 00:36:16,609 Khaled and Nicole have 95. 1702 00:36:16,609 --> 00:36:18,778 Sasheer and Caitlin sit 1703 00:36:16,609 --> 00:36:18,778 with 95. 1704 00:36:18,778 --> 00:36:22,682 Big Boi and Bamboo are right 1705 00:36:18,778 --> 00:36:22,682 there in arms reach with 90. 1706 00:36:22,682 --> 00:36:24,851 I know I've said this 1707 00:36:22,682 --> 00:36:24,851 for a couple of games, 1708 00:36:24,851 --> 00:36:26,653 but this one honestly 1709 00:36:24,851 --> 00:36:26,653 is my favorite 1710 00:36:26,653 --> 00:36:27,921 because this is 1711 00:36:26,653 --> 00:36:27,921 where you get active. 1712 00:36:27,921 --> 00:36:29,823 This is where you get up 1713 00:36:27,921 --> 00:36:29,823 and you get after it. 1714 00:36:29,823 --> 00:36:33,590 This game is called 1715 00:36:29,823 --> 00:36:33,590 Show Me Your Junk. 1716 00:36:33,590 --> 00:36:34,594 I'm gonna ask you 1717 00:36:33,590 --> 00:36:34,594 to bring me two items 1718 00:36:34,594 --> 00:36:35,962 from somewhere in your house. 1719 00:36:35,962 --> 00:36:37,831 When I say go, you need 1720 00:36:35,962 --> 00:36:37,831 to go and find the items, 1721 00:36:37,831 --> 00:36:40,133 bring the item back here, 1722 00:36:37,831 --> 00:36:40,133 hit this red button. 1723 00:36:40,133 --> 00:36:41,701 [siren wails] 1724 00:36:41,701 --> 00:36:42,702 Okay? 1725 00:36:42,702 --> 00:36:43,837 The first team to bring back 1726 00:36:43,837 --> 00:36:45,205 the correct items 1727 00:36:43,837 --> 00:36:45,205 gets 50 points. 1728 00:36:45,205 --> 00:36:47,640 Second team gets 25 points. 1729 00:36:45,205 --> 00:36:47,640 Third team gets 10. 1730 00:36:47,640 --> 00:36:48,875 If you cannot find 1731 00:36:47,640 --> 00:36:48,875 an item at all, 1732 00:36:48,875 --> 00:36:50,577 or if you bring back 1733 00:36:48,875 --> 00:36:50,577 the wrong thing, 1734 00:36:50,577 --> 00:36:51,845 you get no points. 1735 00:36:51,845 --> 00:36:54,800 First clue, here we go. 1736 00:36:51,845 --> 00:36:54,800 You wanna read it, babe? 1737 00:36:54,800 --> 00:36:55,382 - Ready? 1738 00:37:04,190 --> 00:37:06,590 - Aha, go! 1739 00:37:06,590 --> 00:37:09,290 * 1740 00:37:09,290 --> 00:37:11,398 - We have to race? 1741 00:37:09,290 --> 00:37:11,398 - Yes! 1742 00:37:11,398 --> 00:37:13,633 - Go, go, go, go, go! 1743 00:37:13,633 --> 00:37:15,235 - Sasheer and Caitlin 1744 00:37:13,633 --> 00:37:15,235 left the house. 1745 00:37:15,235 --> 00:37:16,336 - I gotta go to my trunk. 1746 00:37:16,336 --> 00:37:17,537 I got some in my trunk. 1747 00:37:16,336 --> 00:37:17,537 - You do? 1748 00:37:17,537 --> 00:37:19,390 - Yeah. 1749 00:37:17,537 --> 00:37:19,390 - Come on. 1750 00:37:19,390 --> 00:37:21,708 - Oh, my goodness. 1751 00:37:19,390 --> 00:37:21,708 This is gonna be good. 1752 00:37:21,708 --> 00:37:24,770 [laughs] 1753 00:37:24,770 --> 00:37:27,113 The studio is dope. 1754 00:37:27,113 --> 00:37:29,490 - It's so messy, but--okay. 1755 00:37:29,490 --> 00:37:31,351 - One, two. 1756 00:37:29,490 --> 00:37:31,351 - One, two, three. 1757 00:37:31,351 --> 00:37:32,886 - Wait, do pairs count, or is-- 1758 00:37:31,351 --> 00:37:32,886 - I don't know! 1759 00:37:32,886 --> 00:37:34,154 - Six pairs? 1760 00:37:32,886 --> 00:37:34,154 - Just bring 'em all! 1761 00:37:34,154 --> 00:37:36,423 - Look at the--Asahd. 1762 00:37:34,154 --> 00:37:36,423 - I lost my earpiece. 1763 00:37:36,423 --> 00:37:39,426 - Oh, my God, six. 1764 00:37:36,423 --> 00:37:39,426 One, two, three, four. 1765 00:37:39,426 --> 00:37:41,561 - You're lucky I put 1766 00:37:39,426 --> 00:37:41,561 those right there in my office. 1767 00:37:41,561 --> 00:37:44,531 - No, go, go back 1768 00:37:41,561 --> 00:37:44,531 and ring the buzzer. 1769 00:37:44,531 --> 00:37:48,435 - Whoa, it's gonna be close. 1770 00:37:44,531 --> 00:37:48,435 Oh my God. 1771 00:37:48,435 --> 00:37:50,537 You get first place. 1772 00:37:50,537 --> 00:37:53,506 Oh, my God, 1773 00:37:50,537 --> 00:37:53,506 oh, my God, second. 1774 00:37:53,506 --> 00:37:55,375 Look at Khaled. 1775 00:37:53,506 --> 00:37:55,375 I like it. 1776 00:37:55,375 --> 00:37:56,576 That's six. 1777 00:37:56,576 --> 00:37:57,610 There you go. 1778 00:37:56,576 --> 00:37:57,610 There it is. 1779 00:37:57,610 --> 00:37:58,945 - Come on. 1780 00:37:57,610 --> 00:37:58,945 Come on, man. 1781 00:37:58,945 --> 00:38:00,413 - You guys are out of breath. 1782 00:37:58,945 --> 00:38:00,413 - Where are they? 1783 00:38:00,413 --> 00:38:01,681 Oh, they got to go farther. 1784 00:38:00,413 --> 00:38:01,681 They're in the studio. 1785 00:38:01,681 --> 00:38:04,484 - Sasheer and Caitlin. 1786 00:38:01,681 --> 00:38:04,484 - Oh, that sucks. 1787 00:38:04,484 --> 00:38:05,685 [siren wails] 1788 00:38:05,685 --> 00:38:07,921 - Oh. 1789 00:38:05,685 --> 00:38:07,921 - Okay. 1790 00:38:07,921 --> 00:38:09,489 - Wait. 1791 00:38:09,489 --> 00:38:10,824 - Big, did you go outside 1792 00:38:10,824 --> 00:38:12,759 and remove those socks 1793 00:38:10,824 --> 00:38:12,759 from actual people? 1794 00:38:12,759 --> 00:38:14,928 Where did you just... 1795 00:38:14,928 --> 00:38:16,696 All right. 1796 00:38:14,928 --> 00:38:16,696 - Wow. 1797 00:38:16,696 --> 00:38:18,431 - Sasheer and Caitlin got 50. 1798 00:38:18,431 --> 00:38:21,234 - Yes. 1799 00:38:18,431 --> 00:38:21,234 - Nicole and Khaled got 25. 1800 00:38:21,234 --> 00:38:23,360 Big Bamboo did come back 1801 00:38:21,234 --> 00:38:23,360 with socks, 1802 00:38:23,360 --> 00:38:24,637 so they got 10 points, 1803 00:38:23,360 --> 00:38:24,637 all right? 1804 00:38:24,637 --> 00:38:26,406 - We did all that ---- for-- 1805 00:38:24,637 --> 00:38:26,406 - This is the last thing. 1806 00:38:26,406 --> 00:38:28,341 The final item 1807 00:38:26,406 --> 00:38:28,341 is worth big points. 1808 00:38:28,341 --> 00:38:31,440 100 points go to the team 1809 00:38:28,341 --> 00:38:31,440 that comes back first. 1810 00:38:31,440 --> 00:38:32,412 - 100. 1811 00:38:32,412 --> 00:38:33,913 - 50 points go to the team 1812 00:38:32,412 --> 00:38:33,913 that comes back second. 1813 00:38:33,913 --> 00:38:36,820 25 for the team 1814 00:38:33,913 --> 00:38:36,820 that comes back third. 1815 00:38:36,820 --> 00:38:38,318 All right, here's your riddle. 1816 00:38:36,820 --> 00:38:38,318 Hit 'em with it, baby. 1817 00:38:46,493 --> 00:38:49,129 - Go! 1818 00:38:46,493 --> 00:38:49,129 - Ah! 1819 00:38:49,129 --> 00:38:51,164 Ah, ah! 1820 00:38:51,164 --> 00:38:53,660 - Let's go. 1821 00:38:53,660 --> 00:38:54,501 - Where the first aid kit at? 1822 00:38:54,501 --> 00:38:55,769 I gotta get a bandage. 1823 00:38:55,769 --> 00:38:58,571 - Goodness gracious. 1824 00:38:55,769 --> 00:38:58,571 Oh, my God. 1825 00:38:58,571 --> 00:39:00,507 - I got it, I got it. 1826 00:39:00,507 --> 00:39:01,808 - Bandage, bandage, bandage. 1827 00:39:01,808 --> 00:39:04,770 Okay. 1828 00:39:01,808 --> 00:39:04,770 - Where is it? 1829 00:39:04,770 --> 00:39:05,912 [siren wails] 1830 00:39:04,770 --> 00:39:05,912 - Oh, wow! 1831 00:39:05,912 --> 00:39:07,147 - It's not 1832 00:39:05,912 --> 00:39:07,147 on their face though. 1833 00:39:07,147 --> 00:39:09,115 - Ahh! 1834 00:39:07,147 --> 00:39:09,115 - Ah, ah! 1835 00:39:09,115 --> 00:39:11,217 - Oh, my God, 1836 00:39:09,115 --> 00:39:11,217 oh, my God, oh, my God. 1837 00:39:11,217 --> 00:39:13,530 - [laughs] 1838 00:39:13,530 --> 00:39:14,287 [siren wails] 1839 00:39:14,287 --> 00:39:15,455 - We're gonna win this. 1840 00:39:15,455 --> 00:39:16,923 - We got it on! 1841 00:39:15,455 --> 00:39:16,923 - I got it! 1842 00:39:16,923 --> 00:39:18,792 - Oh, got it. 1843 00:39:18,792 --> 00:39:20,260 - The whole time you had it 1844 00:39:20,260 --> 00:39:21,428 and didn't stick it 1845 00:39:20,260 --> 00:39:21,428 on your face? 1846 00:39:21,428 --> 00:39:22,929 - Man, ---- that ----. 1847 00:39:22,929 --> 00:39:24,497 - Are you ready for this? 1848 00:39:22,929 --> 00:39:24,497 - Oh, man, guys. 1849 00:39:24,497 --> 00:39:26,499 - Say lunatic over here. 1850 00:39:24,497 --> 00:39:26,499 - I think ours was first. 1851 00:39:26,499 --> 00:39:29,903 - Oh, my God, okay. 1852 00:39:26,499 --> 00:39:29,903 Big done came back. 1853 00:39:29,903 --> 00:39:32,539 - Man, ---- that ----. 1854 00:39:29,903 --> 00:39:32,539 - All right, okay. 1855 00:39:32,539 --> 00:39:34,374 Okay, this is gonna be bad, 1856 00:39:34,374 --> 00:39:36,420 and I hate 1857 00:39:34,374 --> 00:39:36,420 to deliver this news. 1858 00:39:36,420 --> 00:39:39,879 Khaled and Nicole came back 1859 00:39:36,420 --> 00:39:39,879 first with the Band-Aid box, 1860 00:39:39,879 --> 00:39:41,114 But she didn't-- 1861 00:39:39,879 --> 00:39:41,114 - But it wasn't on their face. 1862 00:39:41,114 --> 00:39:42,515 - Put it on and hit the button. 1863 00:39:42,515 --> 00:39:44,317 You're supposed to put it on-- 1864 00:39:42,515 --> 00:39:44,317 - Damn, we had it. 1865 00:39:44,317 --> 00:39:45,618 - But it's 1866 00:39:44,317 --> 00:39:45,618 still gonna be close. 1867 00:39:45,618 --> 00:39:47,354 - We put it on 1868 00:39:45,618 --> 00:39:47,354 at the same time. 1869 00:39:47,354 --> 00:39:49,222 [siren wails] 1870 00:39:49,222 --> 00:39:51,291 - Big is still looking 1871 00:39:49,222 --> 00:39:51,291 for a Band-Aid. 1872 00:39:51,291 --> 00:39:52,525 - He ain't put it on her face. 1873 00:39:52,525 --> 00:39:54,961 - Big, it's still--Big-- 1874 00:39:54,961 --> 00:39:57,731 All right. 1875 00:39:54,961 --> 00:39:57,731 - It's too late. 1876 00:39:57,731 --> 00:39:59,599 - This is gonna be very close. 1877 00:39:59,599 --> 00:40:01,301 Dun-dun-dun! 1878 00:40:01,301 --> 00:40:02,836 Look at Asahd over there. 1879 00:40:01,301 --> 00:40:02,836 - Come here, Asahd. 1880 00:40:02,836 --> 00:40:04,370 I see you hiding. 1881 00:40:04,370 --> 00:40:05,572 - She just wants 1882 00:40:04,370 --> 00:40:05,572 to see what's going on. 1883 00:40:05,572 --> 00:40:08,274 - Okay, Big Boi and Bamboo, 1884 00:40:05,572 --> 00:40:08,274 you guys, 1885 00:40:08,274 --> 00:40:09,809 unfortunately, 1886 00:40:08,274 --> 00:40:09,809 came in last place. 1887 00:40:09,809 --> 00:40:12,278 Guys, you got 125 points, 1888 00:40:09,809 --> 00:40:12,278 so good effort. 1889 00:40:12,278 --> 00:40:14,114 - We at the studio too. 1890 00:40:12,278 --> 00:40:14,114 - Yeah. 1891 00:40:14,114 --> 00:40:16,282 Well, Big, 1892 00:40:14,114 --> 00:40:16,282 I don't wanna hear that. 1893 00:40:16,282 --> 00:40:17,617 - It's a disadvantage for sure. 1894 00:40:17,617 --> 00:40:20,186 - That is 1895 00:40:17,617 --> 00:40:20,186 a legitimate disadvantage. 1896 00:40:20,186 --> 00:40:23,923 - Yeah, Big, I don't care. 1897 00:40:20,186 --> 00:40:23,923 Okay, all right. 1898 00:40:23,923 --> 00:40:25,792 Okay, all right, guys, 1899 00:40:25,792 --> 00:40:28,161 in first place... 1900 00:40:28,161 --> 00:40:30,196 * 1901 00:40:30,196 --> 00:40:33,133 Sasheer and Caitlin sit 1902 00:40:33,133 --> 00:40:36,302 with a whopping 245 1903 00:40:33,133 --> 00:40:36,302 after that last round. 1904 00:40:36,302 --> 00:40:37,537 - Thank you. 1905 00:40:37,537 --> 00:40:38,938 - All we do is win, 1906 00:40:37,537 --> 00:40:38,938 you know what I mean? 1907 00:40:38,938 --> 00:40:40,240 - I would like 1908 00:40:38,938 --> 00:40:40,240 to say something. 1909 00:40:40,240 --> 00:40:42,475 We're all winners. 1910 00:40:40,240 --> 00:40:42,475 - There you go. 1911 00:40:42,475 --> 00:40:44,110 - No, but--no, 1912 00:40:42,475 --> 00:40:44,110 but the actual truth 1913 00:40:44,110 --> 00:40:46,846 is that we are the winners. 1914 00:40:46,846 --> 00:40:50,650 We're not all winners. 1915 00:40:46,846 --> 00:40:50,650 We're not--we the best. 1916 00:40:50,650 --> 00:40:52,385 - We love you. 1917 00:40:50,650 --> 00:40:52,385 Congratulations. 1918 00:40:52,385 --> 00:40:54,654 - Thank you, DJ Khaled. 1919 00:40:52,385 --> 00:40:54,654 - Here's the good news, guys. 1920 00:40:54,654 --> 00:40:56,923 First of all, 1921 00:40:54,654 --> 00:40:56,923 you all are winners. 1922 00:40:56,923 --> 00:40:59,590 You do receive money 1923 00:40:56,923 --> 00:40:59,590 to donate to charities 1924 00:40:59,590 --> 00:41:01,961 of your choice, of course, 1925 00:40:59,590 --> 00:41:01,961 but there is only one person 1926 00:41:01,961 --> 00:41:03,563 that can take home 1927 00:41:01,961 --> 00:41:03,563 the Hart of a Champion award. 1928 00:41:03,563 --> 00:41:05,650 And Sasheer and Caitlin, 1929 00:41:03,563 --> 00:41:05,650 you gotta go 1930 00:41:05,650 --> 00:41:06,660 to your front door, please. 1931 00:41:06,660 --> 00:41:07,200 [doorbell rings] 1932 00:41:06,660 --> 00:41:07,200 - Ooh! 1933 00:41:07,200 --> 00:41:08,702 - There we go. 1934 00:41:07,200 --> 00:41:08,702 - It's there right now. 1935 00:41:08,702 --> 00:41:10,870 - I can't wait to see. 1936 00:41:08,702 --> 00:41:10,870 - Why is it so big? 1937 00:41:10,870 --> 00:41:12,105 - It's fragile. 1938 00:41:10,870 --> 00:41:12,105 - Be careful. 1939 00:41:12,105 --> 00:41:13,773 Make sure you're careful, 1940 00:41:12,105 --> 00:41:13,773 please. 1941 00:41:13,773 --> 00:41:15,342 - I'm gonna pull it up 1942 00:41:13,773 --> 00:41:15,342 from the bottom. 1943 00:41:15,342 --> 00:41:17,770 - This could have been you. 1944 00:41:17,770 --> 00:41:19,379 This is what it's about, okay? 1945 00:41:17,770 --> 00:41:19,379 - Oh, no. 1946 00:41:19,379 --> 00:41:23,830 - Where is it gonna go? 1947 00:41:19,379 --> 00:41:23,830 - This is what it's about. 1948 00:41:23,830 --> 00:41:25,852 That right there 1949 00:41:23,830 --> 00:41:25,852 is a one-of-one. 1950 00:41:25,852 --> 00:41:27,821 It can go 1951 00:41:25,852 --> 00:41:27,821 on any one of your walls. 1952 00:41:27,821 --> 00:41:30,824 - Wow, thank you. 1953 00:41:27,821 --> 00:41:30,824 - Oh, my God, such an honor. 1954 00:41:30,824 --> 00:41:33,727 - It's too big. 1955 00:41:30,824 --> 00:41:33,727 - I'm looking around here. 1956 00:41:33,727 --> 00:41:34,894 There's stuff 1957 00:41:33,727 --> 00:41:34,894 that you can move. 1958 00:41:34,894 --> 00:41:37,163 We'll make it work. 1959 00:41:34,894 --> 00:41:37,163 - No, I think-- 1960 00:41:37,163 --> 00:41:38,965 - As you can see, 1961 00:41:37,163 --> 00:41:38,965 that's what it's about. 1962 00:41:38,965 --> 00:41:41,101 That's the Hart 1963 00:41:38,965 --> 00:41:41,101 of a Champion award. 1964 00:41:41,101 --> 00:41:43,336 I wanna say thank you 1965 00:41:41,101 --> 00:41:43,336 to Big Boi and Bamboo. 1966 00:41:43,336 --> 00:41:44,771 I wanna say thank you 1967 00:41:43,336 --> 00:41:44,771 to Khaled and Nicole. 1968 00:41:44,771 --> 00:41:46,600 - We had so much fun. 1969 00:41:46,600 --> 00:41:47,907 - Asahd, 1970 00:41:46,600 --> 00:41:47,907 thank you for your cameo. 1971 00:41:47,907 --> 00:41:49,809 We love you guys, 1972 00:41:47,907 --> 00:41:49,809 love your household. 1973 00:41:49,809 --> 00:41:51,845 Sasheer and Caitlin, 1974 00:41:49,809 --> 00:41:51,845 our winners today, 1975 00:41:51,845 --> 00:41:53,279 so vibrant, so much fun. 1976 00:41:53,279 --> 00:41:55,482 Congrats again 1977 00:41:53,279 --> 00:41:55,482 on the new show, okay? 1978 00:41:55,482 --> 00:41:56,883 - Yes. 1979 00:41:55,482 --> 00:41:56,883 - I'll tell you what. 1980 00:41:56,883 --> 00:41:58,585 Explain that 'cause people 1981 00:41:56,883 --> 00:41:58,585 are gonna come in, 1982 00:41:58,585 --> 00:41:59,919 and they're 1983 00:41:58,585 --> 00:41:59,919 gonna ask questions. 1984 00:41:59,919 --> 00:42:01,287 You tell 'em where you got it, 1985 00:42:01,287 --> 00:42:02,856 right here on 1986 00:42:01,287 --> 00:42:02,856 "Celebrity Game Face," okay? 1987 00:42:02,856 --> 00:42:03,957 - Yeah. 1988 00:42:03,957 --> 00:42:05,580 - The Hart of a Champion 1989 00:42:03,957 --> 00:42:05,580 award. 1990 00:42:05,580 --> 00:42:06,292 That's it for our episode. 1991 00:42:06,292 --> 00:42:07,861 We'll see you next time 1992 00:42:06,292 --> 00:42:07,861 on "Celebrity Game Face." 1993 00:42:07,861 --> 00:42:09,462 Pow-pow! 1994 00:42:07,861 --> 00:42:09,462 - Bye. 1995 00:42:09,462 --> 00:42:11,464 - Thank you to my amazing wife. 1996 00:42:09,462 --> 00:42:11,464 Pow-pow! 1997 00:42:11,464 --> 00:42:12,665 - See you guys. 1998 00:42:11,464 --> 00:42:12,665 - Love, everybody. 1999 00:42:12,665 --> 00:42:14,670 - This was so fun. 2000 00:42:12,665 --> 00:42:14,670 - See you later, guys. 2001 00:42:14,670 --> 00:42:15,101 - Thank you. 2002 00:42:14,670 --> 00:42:15,101 - Thank you, brother. 2003 00:42:15,101 --> 00:42:17,700 - Bye. 2004 00:42:17,700 --> 00:42:18,438 - Next week on 2005 00:42:17,700 --> 00:42:18,438 "Celebrity Game Face"... 2006 00:42:18,438 --> 00:42:21,207 - I went to acting school 2007 00:42:18,438 --> 00:42:21,207 for two years for that ----. 2008 00:42:21,207 --> 00:42:23,810 - We got the next wave of 2009 00:42:21,207 --> 00:42:23,810 Hollywood stars in the house. 2010 00:42:23,810 --> 00:42:26,913 Watch our teams play from 2011 00:42:23,810 --> 00:42:26,913 the comfort of their home... 2012 00:42:26,913 --> 00:42:29,416 - They gave a little man 2013 00:42:26,913 --> 00:42:29,416 a little hammer. 2014 00:42:29,416 --> 00:42:31,584 - With all the discomfort 2015 00:42:29,416 --> 00:42:31,584 and embarrassment... 2016 00:42:31,584 --> 00:42:32,719 Boom! 2017 00:42:32,719 --> 00:42:34,870 Of our hilarious game. 2018 00:42:34,870 --> 00:42:35,522 - Almost knocked the TV out. 2019 00:42:35,522 --> 00:42:37,257 - Only one team will 2020 00:42:35,522 --> 00:42:37,257 have the honor of taking home 2021 00:42:37,257 --> 00:42:39,426 the coveted 2022 00:42:37,257 --> 00:42:39,426 Hart of a Champion award. 2023 00:42:39,426 --> 00:42:41,895 - [blowing raspberries] 2024 00:42:39,426 --> 00:42:41,895 - What? 2025 00:42:41,895 --> 00:42:43,296 - You been 2026 00:42:41,895 --> 00:42:43,296 to Old Country Buffet before? 2027 00:42:43,296 --> 00:42:44,297 - Exactly. 2028 00:42:43,296 --> 00:42:44,297 - That's how it sounds. 2029 00:42:44,297 --> 00:42:45,565 - Join me next time 2030 00:42:45,565 --> 00:42:46,766 for an all-new 2031 00:42:45,565 --> 00:42:46,766 "Celebrity Game Face."