1 00:01:15,367 --> 00:01:18,787 This girl living in a tent outside of this big old house? 2 00:01:18,787 --> 00:01:19,955 Something is wrong with her. 3 00:01:19,955 --> 00:01:22,291 Since I'm pretty much solving this case by myself, 4 00:01:22,291 --> 00:01:24,042 I'm gonna take the lead interviewing Hannah. 5 00:01:24,042 --> 00:01:26,712 - You guys can back me up. - I don't think that's a good idea. 6 00:01:26,712 --> 00:01:28,714 She's obviously obsessed with her brother. 7 00:01:28,714 --> 00:01:31,717 She didn't want him to get married. That is what we call motive. 8 00:01:32,759 --> 00:01:34,720 I mean, it's a pretty plausible idea. 9 00:01:34,720 --> 00:01:37,222 Mm-hmm. Okay. We'll do it your way. 10 00:01:37,222 --> 00:01:41,518 But just remember, we actually need Hannah to talk to us. 11 00:01:41,518 --> 00:01:44,730 Oh, come on. I found the murder weapon. 12 00:01:45,230 --> 00:01:48,025 Plus, her typewriter key was in Edgar's pocket. 13 00:01:48,942 --> 00:01:50,694 Now we just gotta catch her in a lie. 14 00:01:55,657 --> 00:01:57,659 Shalom. Welcome to my home. 15 00:01:57,659 --> 00:01:59,119 Please excuse the untidiness. 16 00:01:59,828 --> 00:02:03,665 Okay... [sighs] ...enough with the, uh, being a gracious host. 17 00:02:03,665 --> 00:02:06,293 We are here to talk to you about this. 18 00:02:07,377 --> 00:02:08,544 The devil's trumpet. 19 00:02:08,544 --> 00:02:09,545 - Yes. - Huh. 20 00:02:10,130 --> 00:02:12,633 So you think that's what killed Edgar. And because it's from my garden, 21 00:02:12,633 --> 00:02:14,593 - you think that I killed him. - Exactly. 22 00:02:14,593 --> 00:02:16,595 Well, should I procure a lawyer, 23 00:02:16,595 --> 00:02:18,764 or should we just head straight to my execution? 24 00:02:18,764 --> 00:02:21,725 Hannah, we just wanna hear your side of the story. 25 00:02:22,351 --> 00:02:25,479 - No one's here to accuse you of anything. - Uh, I am. [scoffs] 26 00:02:25,479 --> 00:02:27,523 Why do you have Edgar's dead lizard? 27 00:02:28,065 --> 00:02:29,525 Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want her? 28 00:02:29,525 --> 00:02:31,151 [stammers] No, ew. 29 00:02:31,151 --> 00:02:33,654 Well, she's my niece, so please don't talk about her like that. 30 00:02:33,654 --> 00:02:37,157 Look, we're here because Travis said that you wanted to stop the wedding. 31 00:02:38,659 --> 00:02:39,910 I did. 32 00:02:41,036 --> 00:02:42,329 Very much so. 33 00:02:42,329 --> 00:02:45,499 Your own brother's wedding? Why did you wanna stop it? 34 00:02:48,627 --> 00:02:49,628 Very well. 35 00:02:51,880 --> 00:02:52,881 Please. 36 00:02:56,426 --> 00:02:57,261 [sighs] 37 00:03:01,265 --> 00:03:02,432 Oh, do you like music? 38 00:03:02,432 --> 00:03:04,810 Um, I think everybody likes music. 39 00:03:05,769 --> 00:03:08,355 Oh. Oh, I know. 40 00:03:14,528 --> 00:03:16,655 ["Piazza, New York Catcher" playing] 41 00:03:21,577 --> 00:03:24,204 My story begins with this precocious young girl. 42 00:03:24,705 --> 00:03:27,207 Hannah Cornelia Minnows was the adopted child 43 00:03:27,207 --> 00:03:29,084 of Alexander and Isabel Minnows. 44 00:03:29,960 --> 00:03:32,504 {\an8}[Hannah] When she came of age, 11 to be exact, 45 00:03:32,504 --> 00:03:35,507 she built herself a yurt fashioned after the Mongolian Ger. 46 00:03:36,800 --> 00:03:38,093 [builder grunting] 47 00:03:39,178 --> 00:03:41,638 [Hannah] It was one of her many hobbies. 48 00:03:42,514 --> 00:03:44,808 {\an8}Hannah was denied proper affection as a child. 49 00:03:45,976 --> 00:03:48,604 [Hannah] So she found herself engaging in unique activities 50 00:03:48,604 --> 00:03:50,105 {\an8}that would help pass the time. 51 00:03:57,988 --> 00:03:59,573 [Hannah] Often Edgar would join her. 52 00:04:00,157 --> 00:04:03,452 {\an8}Having a frigid mother and an absent father brought them together. 53 00:04:04,203 --> 00:04:05,329 [thuds] 54 00:04:06,455 --> 00:04:08,540 {\an8}[Hannah] Sebastian would often join as well. 55 00:04:08,540 --> 00:04:11,502 {\an8}Despite presumably having his own family in England, 56 00:04:11,502 --> 00:04:13,629 {\an8}he was a regular fixture at the Minnows home. 57 00:04:13,629 --> 00:04:15,881 Though Edgar never liked an audience. 58 00:04:16,632 --> 00:04:17,632 {\an8}[sighs] 59 00:04:26,975 --> 00:04:28,644 [typing] 60 00:04:28,644 --> 00:04:32,814 {\an8}[Hannah] As they grew older, Edgar became more dogged about his business endeavors. 61 00:04:33,607 --> 00:04:35,609 He lost interest in their mutual hobbies. 62 00:04:36,735 --> 00:04:39,613 But Hannah's love for her brother remained steadfast and true. 63 00:04:41,323 --> 00:04:42,991 [all] Happy Birthday! 64 00:04:43,492 --> 00:04:46,495 Oh, it's actually my adoption day. I don't know when I was born. 65 00:04:46,495 --> 00:04:47,579 Oh. 66 00:04:48,830 --> 00:04:49,831 [Hannah blowing] 67 00:04:52,751 --> 00:04:56,129 [cheering, laughing] 68 00:04:58,090 --> 00:05:00,676 [dance music playing] 69 00:05:00,676 --> 00:05:03,971 Hannah, this is Grace. 70 00:05:04,471 --> 00:05:08,642 She sold me this typewriter so that I could give it to you. 71 00:05:08,642 --> 00:05:11,895 So, I-I guess one could say that it's from both of us. 72 00:05:13,146 --> 00:05:16,233 I'm really thrilled it's going to someone who will really appreciate it 73 00:05:16,233 --> 00:05:17,943 for all of its quirks and charms. 74 00:05:19,278 --> 00:05:21,280 - It's perfect. - [horn blows] 75 00:05:22,573 --> 00:05:23,991 Oh. [chuckles] 76 00:05:24,867 --> 00:05:27,035 It's my telephone. Excuse me. 77 00:05:27,536 --> 00:05:29,162 Bartholomew, you ne'er-do-well. 78 00:05:32,833 --> 00:05:35,752 [gasps] Edgar told me the theme of your party is "Francophile." 79 00:05:35,752 --> 00:05:37,171 Are you French? 80 00:05:37,171 --> 00:05:38,463 Oh, I don't know. 81 00:05:38,463 --> 00:05:41,008 - Oh. - But I'm turned on by their culture. 82 00:05:41,008 --> 00:05:43,218 They're an unkind and beautiful people. 83 00:05:43,218 --> 00:05:44,887 I'd like to live there someday. 84 00:05:45,846 --> 00:05:49,099 In a really rundown building with charming fixtures. 85 00:05:49,099 --> 00:05:50,184 [chuckles] 86 00:05:50,851 --> 00:05:53,979 Edgar tells me you share my penchant for antique oddities. 87 00:05:55,105 --> 00:05:56,273 Yes, the odder the better. 88 00:05:56,857 --> 00:06:00,235 I get really caught up imagining the life it's had. 89 00:06:00,235 --> 00:06:04,198 - The places it's traveled to. - I'd like to show you something. 90 00:06:04,823 --> 00:06:05,657 [Grace] Okay. 91 00:06:11,288 --> 00:06:12,998 Is that a Blickensderfer No. 7? 92 00:06:12,998 --> 00:06:15,250 - It is a Blickensderfer No. 7. [chuckles] - [gasps] 93 00:06:15,250 --> 00:06:17,169 Oh, she's beautiful. 94 00:06:18,670 --> 00:06:19,671 She really is. 95 00:06:20,172 --> 00:06:22,674 Hannah and Grace were immediately friends. 96 00:06:22,674 --> 00:06:25,177 And soon, Grace and Edgar were engaged to be married. 97 00:06:25,677 --> 00:06:29,431 Hannah felt a kinship with her, and the two spent more time together. 98 00:06:29,431 --> 00:06:31,683 [Danner] Wait, you were in Amsterdam with Grace? 99 00:06:31,683 --> 00:06:34,102 Wasn't that supposed to be a lunch date with Edgar? 100 00:06:34,102 --> 00:06:36,522 He was very busy with work, so I took his place. 101 00:06:36,522 --> 00:06:38,190 Grace didn't tell me that. 102 00:06:39,233 --> 00:06:40,234 Hmm. 103 00:06:41,109 --> 00:06:43,403 On an overcast Saturday afternoon, 104 00:06:43,403 --> 00:06:45,822 exactly 37 days before the wedding, 105 00:06:45,822 --> 00:06:49,076 Grace and her bachelorette party congregated by Lake Swellgood. 106 00:06:49,868 --> 00:06:53,539 The lake is forested with maple, redwood and orange blossom trees. 107 00:06:53,539 --> 00:06:57,543 There were spa treatments, arts and crafts and a mime who was also a stripper. 108 00:06:57,543 --> 00:06:59,086 It was your perfect bachelorette. 109 00:06:59,086 --> 00:07:00,963 Except that Grace was fighting with Zoë. 110 00:07:00,963 --> 00:07:03,215 You think marriage will fix your problems? 111 00:07:03,215 --> 00:07:05,259 - [groans] - The guy can't even bring you chicken-- 112 00:07:05,259 --> 00:07:06,385 "...soup!" 113 00:07:06,385 --> 00:07:09,304 Okay, I just wanna say again, I was not yelling. 114 00:07:09,304 --> 00:07:12,975 And we were not fighting. I was just worried about my sister, 115 00:07:13,475 --> 00:07:15,853 and that is what older sisters are supposed to do. 116 00:07:15,853 --> 00:07:18,605 If you want, I could just say that you were intensely whispering. 117 00:07:18,605 --> 00:07:21,066 [whispering] You think a marriage will fix all your problems? 118 00:07:21,066 --> 00:07:22,860 This guy can't even bring you soup. 119 00:07:22,860 --> 00:07:25,529 I mean, that wasn't what happened either. 120 00:07:26,238 --> 00:07:28,448 Why don't we just skip ahead to what happened next? 121 00:07:28,448 --> 00:07:29,741 We shall. 122 00:07:31,451 --> 00:07:32,953 Can I get you anything? 123 00:07:32,953 --> 00:07:34,288 Jamón ibérico? 124 00:07:34,830 --> 00:07:36,039 Courtesan au chocolat? 125 00:07:37,499 --> 00:07:39,835 Swig of whiskey? [chuckles] 126 00:07:40,335 --> 00:07:42,296 No, thank you. I'm too upset. 127 00:07:42,880 --> 00:07:45,507 Also, I really think whiskey tastes like drinking a catcher's mitt. 128 00:07:46,258 --> 00:07:47,134 I agree. 129 00:07:47,968 --> 00:07:49,094 [splashes] 130 00:07:49,094 --> 00:07:53,265 So, are you upset because your sister is right or because she's wrong? 131 00:07:54,057 --> 00:07:55,267 I'm not sure. 132 00:07:57,060 --> 00:07:59,688 You know better than anyone how busy Edgar's been lately. 133 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:03,233 But I know he wants to be with me. 134 00:08:03,775 --> 00:08:04,943 Well, what do you want? 135 00:08:04,943 --> 00:08:06,570 Well, I want love. 136 00:08:08,113 --> 00:08:12,534 Heart-bursting, mind-exploding, nipple-chilling love. 137 00:08:13,118 --> 00:08:14,119 You know? 138 00:08:15,162 --> 00:08:17,206 All I know is that Edgar is so lucky 139 00:08:17,206 --> 00:08:19,124 to be marrying someone as wonderful as you. 140 00:08:28,383 --> 00:08:30,052 I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. 141 00:08:34,056 --> 00:08:35,640 [Zoë] No fucking way. 142 00:08:35,640 --> 00:08:37,518 You kissed my sister? 143 00:08:37,518 --> 00:08:41,063 Technically, she kissed me, but I was very willing and very consensual. 144 00:08:41,063 --> 00:08:45,817 Ooh, bachelorette parties are so juicy. Good stuff come out of them. 145 00:08:45,817 --> 00:08:48,737 If this really happened, why wouldn't Grace tell me? 146 00:08:48,737 --> 00:08:51,740 Maybe 'cause you wouldn't stop whisper-shouting at her. 147 00:08:51,740 --> 00:08:54,243 Or maybe because it makes her look very guilty. 148 00:08:56,286 --> 00:08:59,039 Well, I don't believe it. I need to go talk to Grace. 149 00:08:59,039 --> 00:09:00,207 Tell her I say hi. 150 00:09:00,791 --> 00:09:02,751 [Danner] Whoa, whoa. Hey, hold up. 151 00:09:02,751 --> 00:09:04,503 Now, if we wanna solve this, 152 00:09:04,503 --> 00:09:06,672 we have to finish hearing what Hannah has to say. 153 00:09:06,672 --> 00:09:09,007 Why? She is obviously lying. 154 00:09:09,007 --> 00:09:12,010 Zoë, Danner's right. We should hear her out. 155 00:09:13,637 --> 00:09:15,097 You know what? 156 00:09:15,097 --> 00:09:19,309 I think it might be better for all of us if we conduct separate investigations. 157 00:09:20,143 --> 00:09:21,645 - [door opens] - Zoë. 158 00:09:21,645 --> 00:09:23,814 - [door closes] - I-I should go with her, right? 159 00:09:23,814 --> 00:09:28,986 Nuh-uh. Look, I know you love her, but that is some sister shit. 160 00:09:30,404 --> 00:09:31,405 [sighs] 161 00:09:34,366 --> 00:09:36,243 Okay, so y'all was kissing. 162 00:09:38,370 --> 00:09:39,997 [door closes] 163 00:09:39,997 --> 00:09:41,540 [footsteps approaching] 164 00:09:42,541 --> 00:09:45,502 You are not gonna believe... [whispering] ...what Hannah is saying about you. 165 00:09:45,502 --> 00:09:47,087 Would you stop whisper-shouting? 166 00:09:47,671 --> 00:09:48,714 [through teeth] I'm not. 167 00:09:50,382 --> 00:09:51,550 [chuckles] 168 00:09:55,846 --> 00:09:58,223 Can we please not do this here? 169 00:09:58,223 --> 00:09:59,975 Oh, my God, is it true? 170 00:09:59,975 --> 00:10:03,937 There are things that are true, yes. But this is not the time-- 171 00:10:03,937 --> 00:10:05,564 Girls, everything all right? 172 00:10:06,231 --> 00:10:08,609 Yeah. Everything's... [chuckles] ...fine. 173 00:10:08,609 --> 00:10:10,194 Is it though? 174 00:10:10,944 --> 00:10:11,945 [clicks tongue] 175 00:10:12,946 --> 00:10:16,366 Well, obv-- obviously other than the big thing that's not fine. 176 00:10:17,534 --> 00:10:19,369 Feng, can I borrow you? 177 00:10:19,369 --> 00:10:20,621 It's business. 178 00:10:20,621 --> 00:10:25,918 Business? Yeah, absolutely. It's like they say, "Money never--" 179 00:10:25,918 --> 00:10:27,586 - Now, please. - Yep, coming. 180 00:10:29,713 --> 00:10:31,924 You know, do you wanna talk outside? 181 00:10:31,924 --> 00:10:34,218 - Yeah, I'd love that. - Oh! How wonderful for both of us. 182 00:10:34,218 --> 00:10:35,844 Cute. Sister time. 183 00:10:38,388 --> 00:10:43,519 Um, Feng, uh... [stammers] ...do you mind if I ask, what are you? 184 00:10:43,519 --> 00:10:47,356 Wow. Great question. So many things. 185 00:10:47,356 --> 00:10:50,567 I'm a businessman. A father. A dreamer. 186 00:10:50,567 --> 00:10:51,735 Ethnically. 187 00:10:52,611 --> 00:10:55,531 Oh, well, my mother was Korean, but my father w-- 188 00:10:55,531 --> 00:10:56,823 Oh, thank God. Do you speak it? 189 00:10:56,823 --> 00:10:59,284 - Korean? Uh, yeah, but-- - Fantastic. 190 00:10:59,284 --> 00:11:02,204 I have a very important deal out of Busan, 191 00:11:02,204 --> 00:11:04,331 and I was hoping that, as a fellow businessman, 192 00:11:04,331 --> 00:11:06,291 you might be able to help me close it. 193 00:11:06,291 --> 00:11:09,920 Be the, uh, Rosetta to my stone. What do you say? 194 00:11:10,504 --> 00:11:14,216 I say you came to the right guy. I'm an ace negotiator. 195 00:11:14,216 --> 00:11:17,553 - You'll see. This will be a bowl of bing. - A what? 196 00:11:17,553 --> 00:11:20,722 Like "piece of cake," but "bing." I-It doesn't matter. I would l-- 197 00:11:21,849 --> 00:11:23,642 There we are. Careful. 198 00:11:23,642 --> 00:11:25,310 This guy's a real knacker cracker. 199 00:11:25,310 --> 00:11:27,187 [line rings] 200 00:11:27,813 --> 00:11:31,358 - [person, in Korean] Hello? - Hello, how are you? 201 00:11:31,358 --> 00:11:33,610 My name is Feng Zhu. 202 00:11:33,610 --> 00:11:36,655 I'm a... top business partner of-- 203 00:11:36,655 --> 00:11:41,869 [person] Tell Sebastian I'm in. I'll take five million. 204 00:11:41,869 --> 00:11:44,037 Oh. Oh. 205 00:11:46,748 --> 00:11:48,125 [in English] This guy's playing hardball. 206 00:11:48,125 --> 00:11:50,002 What? Really? 207 00:11:50,586 --> 00:11:51,587 [groans] Damn it. 208 00:11:51,587 --> 00:11:56,300 [person] Hello? Are you saying something? What are you saying? 209 00:11:56,300 --> 00:11:59,803 Tell him I will go 5% percent lower, but that's my basement. 210 00:11:59,803 --> 00:12:00,888 Okay. 211 00:12:01,471 --> 00:12:06,518 [in Korean] How's the weather in Busan? 212 00:12:06,518 --> 00:12:09,938 - By now it's around bedtime I guess! - [person] What? 213 00:12:09,938 --> 00:12:13,066 I'm just saying words so it sounds like we're negotiating! 214 00:12:13,775 --> 00:12:17,738 [person] I don't understand. Are you in or are you out? 215 00:12:17,738 --> 00:12:20,532 - What's he saying? - [in English] He's furious. 216 00:12:20,532 --> 00:12:22,659 - I'm gonna have to sweet-talk him. - Don't lose this. 217 00:12:22,659 --> 00:12:28,040 All right, all right. Let's proceed as originally negotiated then, okay? 218 00:12:28,040 --> 00:12:31,960 [person] As originally negotiated? What is all this nonsense? 219 00:12:32,878 --> 00:12:38,300 Ah, that's nice. Thank you. Sure, I'll contact you soon again. 220 00:12:38,967 --> 00:12:39,843 [in English] Bye. 221 00:12:39,843 --> 00:12:41,094 [person, in Korean] Whatever. 222 00:12:41,803 --> 00:12:44,640 That's it? What happened? 223 00:12:44,640 --> 00:12:48,602 He's in and at the original price. 224 00:12:48,602 --> 00:12:50,812 [sighs] No discount? 225 00:12:50,812 --> 00:12:51,980 No discount! 226 00:12:51,980 --> 00:12:54,775 I've gotta say, you have really come through on this one, mate. 227 00:12:54,775 --> 00:12:55,859 Thank you, Feng. 228 00:12:56,735 --> 00:13:00,364 Hey. Like I told you, "bowl of bing." 229 00:13:00,364 --> 00:13:02,241 - [chuckles] - Whatever that is. 230 00:13:02,241 --> 00:13:05,369 So, now that we're working together, 231 00:13:05,369 --> 00:13:07,996 and Edgar is technically unavailable forever, 232 00:13:07,996 --> 00:13:10,832 I would love to discuss a business opportunity with you. 233 00:13:11,416 --> 00:13:14,795 [stammers] Absolutely. No, yeah, I'd love to do that. 234 00:13:14,795 --> 00:13:16,088 [Feng] Great. 235 00:13:16,088 --> 00:13:19,007 Um, we'll, uh, set a time and then, you know, knock it around. 236 00:13:19,007 --> 00:13:20,092 All right. 237 00:13:20,092 --> 00:13:22,970 Imagine ribbons of ice shaved so fine, 238 00:13:22,970 --> 00:13:26,306 it melts the second it hits your tongue. 239 00:13:26,306 --> 00:13:29,768 But it's-- And you-- Where are you? 240 00:13:30,978 --> 00:13:33,146 [Danner] So, this kiss. 241 00:13:33,146 --> 00:13:36,441 If Grace didn't tell us about it, why are you? 242 00:13:36,441 --> 00:13:38,944 Well, probably because it was just a onetime mistake, 243 00:13:38,944 --> 00:13:41,655 and both of you realized that and decided to pretend it never happened 244 00:13:41,655 --> 00:13:42,781 and move on with your lives? 245 00:13:42,781 --> 00:13:44,533 No, it happened many, many times. 246 00:13:44,533 --> 00:13:45,659 [sighs] 247 00:13:45,659 --> 00:13:48,245 And it was the most thrilling month of my entire life. 248 00:13:51,498 --> 00:13:52,958 Mmm. [chuckles] 249 00:13:52,958 --> 00:13:55,085 We can't keep doing this. 250 00:13:55,669 --> 00:13:56,670 Okay. 251 00:13:57,629 --> 00:13:59,131 [chuckles] 252 00:14:04,845 --> 00:14:07,389 [grunts] We can't keep doing this. 253 00:14:07,890 --> 00:14:08,807 Okay. 254 00:14:14,104 --> 00:14:16,064 [kissing] 255 00:14:16,064 --> 00:14:17,566 We can't keep doing this. 256 00:14:18,984 --> 00:14:19,818 Okay. 257 00:14:19,818 --> 00:14:21,111 [chuckles] 258 00:14:21,111 --> 00:14:22,946 Dee-dee-dee-dee-dee. 259 00:14:27,201 --> 00:14:30,287 [Hannah] Hannah and Grace both knew it wasn't fair to Edgar. 260 00:14:30,996 --> 00:14:34,499 But they were so drawn to each other, and Edgar was never around. 261 00:14:36,376 --> 00:14:40,589 We should go on a trip to Paris, finally. 262 00:14:40,589 --> 00:14:41,590 [Grace sighs] 263 00:14:43,008 --> 00:14:44,176 Maybe Spain. 264 00:14:45,552 --> 00:14:46,887 The Florida Panhandle? 265 00:14:49,306 --> 00:14:51,058 I marry your brother in a week. 266 00:14:52,351 --> 00:14:53,977 Then we'll go the week after. 267 00:14:56,522 --> 00:14:57,856 Hannah... 268 00:14:59,942 --> 00:15:01,276 we have to stop. 269 00:15:01,944 --> 00:15:03,111 Okay. 270 00:15:03,111 --> 00:15:06,114 N-No. Like, I really mean it this time. 271 00:15:09,159 --> 00:15:11,453 I just feel like I've been really awful to Edgar. 272 00:15:12,120 --> 00:15:13,163 Yeah, we both have. 273 00:15:14,581 --> 00:15:15,874 I'm sorry. 274 00:15:20,504 --> 00:15:21,713 But I'm in love with you. 275 00:15:23,799 --> 00:15:24,800 [sighs] 276 00:15:24,800 --> 00:15:26,260 [sizzling] 277 00:15:26,260 --> 00:15:28,512 [Hannah] And so Hannah entered a state of mourning. 278 00:15:28,512 --> 00:15:31,306 - [knocks] - Who is it? 279 00:15:31,306 --> 00:15:33,308 - [person] It's your mother. - [door opens] 280 00:15:33,308 --> 00:15:34,643 But I don't know my mother. 281 00:15:36,228 --> 00:15:37,229 Oh, it's you. 282 00:15:38,272 --> 00:15:39,898 Did you order a suit of armor? 283 00:15:39,898 --> 00:15:41,400 Oh, I don't think so. 284 00:15:41,400 --> 00:15:42,526 I guess I did. 285 00:15:43,735 --> 00:15:45,362 - I like it. - Hmm. 286 00:15:47,114 --> 00:15:48,115 You look upset. 287 00:15:49,741 --> 00:15:50,742 I am upset. 288 00:15:51,243 --> 00:15:52,244 Mmm. 289 00:15:53,912 --> 00:15:55,122 Well, get over it. 290 00:15:56,456 --> 00:15:59,293 [Hannah] It was good advice, and despite her sadness, 291 00:15:59,293 --> 00:16:00,794 Hannah decided to take it. 292 00:16:02,546 --> 00:16:03,547 Get over it. 293 00:16:05,716 --> 00:16:06,717 Okay. 294 00:16:07,509 --> 00:16:09,803 After all, she had agreed to officiate the wedding. 295 00:16:10,679 --> 00:16:11,889 [bubbles blowing] 296 00:16:12,806 --> 00:16:14,183 [Hannah] But at the rehearsal, 297 00:16:14,183 --> 00:16:17,060 when Hannah saw Grace make her way towards the altar, 298 00:16:17,644 --> 00:16:19,646 she realized she would never get over it. 299 00:16:33,410 --> 00:16:34,661 She had to tell her. 300 00:16:35,370 --> 00:16:36,413 I have to tell her. 301 00:16:36,413 --> 00:16:38,832 I'd like to tell everyone about my flowers. 302 00:16:38,832 --> 00:16:41,752 - [groans] - They're from my Garden of the Bizarre. 303 00:16:42,586 --> 00:16:45,714 So first we have the Venus flytrap, or Dionaea muscipula. 304 00:16:45,714 --> 00:16:48,509 Then we have the devil's trumpet, Datura stramonium. 305 00:16:49,176 --> 00:16:51,303 And then some very lush Cannabis sativa 306 00:16:51,303 --> 00:16:53,305 that will take us straight into outer space. 307 00:16:54,181 --> 00:16:56,642 [Hannah] But to tell her, Hannah needed a distraction. 308 00:16:56,642 --> 00:16:58,227 Aniq knows what I'm talking about. 309 00:16:58,852 --> 00:17:00,187 He does drugs. 310 00:17:01,772 --> 00:17:04,525 Oh, there seems to be a very big misunderstanding here. 311 00:17:04,525 --> 00:17:09,905 The only drugs I enjoy are life, family, friends, ducks, in general... 312 00:17:09,905 --> 00:17:11,365 - When? - ...babies and adults... 313 00:17:11,365 --> 00:17:15,536 ...leather goods, such as belts, Toblerone, a violin. 314 00:17:19,122 --> 00:17:20,290 What do you want? 315 00:17:20,290 --> 00:17:22,251 I want you to call off the wedding. 316 00:17:24,044 --> 00:17:25,127 Well, I can't do that. 317 00:17:26,171 --> 00:17:27,297 But I'm in love with you. 318 00:17:27,297 --> 00:17:29,216 I told you, I'm marrying your brother. 319 00:17:30,342 --> 00:17:31,426 But do you love him? 320 00:17:33,095 --> 00:17:34,137 Yeah. Of course I do. 321 00:17:37,850 --> 00:17:39,101 I have to-- I have to go. 322 00:17:39,101 --> 00:17:41,061 Wait. Come to my yurt tonight. 323 00:17:45,482 --> 00:17:46,483 I'm sad. 324 00:17:48,694 --> 00:17:49,862 Hey, take my picture. 325 00:17:52,948 --> 00:17:53,949 Are you talking to me? 326 00:17:53,949 --> 00:17:55,325 You're the videographer, right? 327 00:17:55,909 --> 00:17:58,996 Kind of. I'm-- I'm supposed to be invisible. 328 00:17:59,580 --> 00:18:00,998 Hmm. I can relate. 329 00:18:01,498 --> 00:18:02,499 Oh. 330 00:18:09,882 --> 00:18:10,883 [Hannah sighs] 331 00:18:13,385 --> 00:18:15,637 When Hannah witnessed that disturbing display of affection, 332 00:18:15,637 --> 00:18:18,473 she realized Grace was playing some sort of game. 333 00:18:18,473 --> 00:18:19,766 So she thought to herself... 334 00:18:19,766 --> 00:18:20,976 Okay, I'll play. 335 00:18:23,645 --> 00:18:25,189 Can I have this? I'm gonna have it. 336 00:18:25,981 --> 00:18:26,982 [slurps] 337 00:18:27,733 --> 00:18:28,734 Who are you again? 338 00:18:29,776 --> 00:18:30,777 Grace's ex? 339 00:18:31,320 --> 00:18:32,321 Hmm, perfect. 340 00:18:34,865 --> 00:18:36,617 - Just so you know... - Mm-hmm. 341 00:18:36,617 --> 00:18:38,368 ...I'm here to take this wedding down. 342 00:18:38,368 --> 00:18:40,704 - [chuckling] - [slurps] 343 00:18:46,793 --> 00:18:49,129 You're so funny. You're fun. 344 00:18:51,173 --> 00:18:54,092 You're full of adventure. [slurps] 345 00:18:55,093 --> 00:18:56,094 Kiss me. 346 00:18:56,595 --> 00:18:57,596 What? 347 00:18:58,972 --> 00:18:59,973 [Hannah kisses] Oh. 348 00:19:00,807 --> 00:19:03,393 Mmm. Mmm. 349 00:19:03,977 --> 00:19:06,563 Oh, my God. I'm wet. 350 00:19:07,189 --> 00:19:09,024 You should probably know, I have a girlfriend. 351 00:19:09,024 --> 00:19:12,528 Her name is Weronika. She's a nautical crane operator. 352 00:19:17,991 --> 00:19:21,245 [Hannah] Hannah could see the flash of jealousy in Grace's eyes. 353 00:19:21,245 --> 00:19:24,039 Now she was certain Grace would come to her yurt that night. 354 00:19:24,039 --> 00:19:24,957 [typing] 355 00:19:24,957 --> 00:19:26,917 [Hannah] She decided to type Grace a letter. 356 00:19:26,917 --> 00:19:29,127 One that would convey her feelings properly. 357 00:19:29,127 --> 00:19:31,880 Forged from the typewriter that had brought them all together. 358 00:19:40,430 --> 00:19:41,557 Hmm. 359 00:19:45,435 --> 00:19:46,812 - [knocking] - [door opens] 360 00:19:46,812 --> 00:19:47,813 Grace? 361 00:19:50,023 --> 00:19:50,899 [thuds] 362 00:19:50,899 --> 00:19:52,192 Oh, it's you. 363 00:19:52,693 --> 00:19:54,653 I couldn't sleep. Saw your light on. 364 00:19:55,153 --> 00:19:56,613 Thought you might need some company. 365 00:19:57,322 --> 00:19:59,449 - You look upset. - I am upset. 366 00:19:59,950 --> 00:20:02,202 - Would you like to talk about it? - Not really. 367 00:20:04,204 --> 00:20:05,205 I'm upset too. 368 00:20:05,706 --> 00:20:07,291 Tomorrow's a big day for both of us. 369 00:20:08,125 --> 00:20:10,627 You're losing a brother. I'm losing a business partner. 370 00:20:11,628 --> 00:20:13,172 I think it's time for you to leave. 371 00:20:13,172 --> 00:20:14,256 [chuckles] 372 00:20:15,924 --> 00:20:17,301 Oh, you actually want me to go. 373 00:20:17,301 --> 00:20:18,677 - Right now. - Cheerio. 374 00:20:18,677 --> 00:20:20,012 Bye. 375 00:20:23,390 --> 00:20:24,683 Oh, please don't even... 376 00:20:26,894 --> 00:20:27,895 [Sebastian grunting] 377 00:20:27,895 --> 00:20:30,731 - [crashing] - [Sebastian] Oh, tits. 378 00:20:30,731 --> 00:20:31,815 Sorry. 379 00:20:31,815 --> 00:20:36,320 Hold up. Sebastian showed up here Friday night looking to get busy? 380 00:20:37,112 --> 00:20:38,322 You hitting that too? 381 00:20:38,322 --> 00:20:41,283 Sebastian? Oh, no. I don't find him... [chuckling] ...attractive. 382 00:20:41,283 --> 00:20:45,871 Right. I mean, his face is, like, so weird. And that accent. 383 00:20:45,871 --> 00:20:47,206 No, his accent's very charming. 384 00:20:47,206 --> 00:20:48,707 It's hot. 385 00:20:48,707 --> 00:20:49,791 Tsk. 386 00:20:54,796 --> 00:20:57,049 I knew you weren't happy with Edgar. 387 00:20:57,049 --> 00:20:59,384 I knew it. Why didn't you just tell me? 388 00:20:59,384 --> 00:21:02,763 I didn't know how to. I was cheating on Edgar. 389 00:21:03,972 --> 00:21:07,768 And Brett cheated on you, and I know how much that hurt you. 390 00:21:07,768 --> 00:21:11,480 - Right, I-- Well... - [sighs] 391 00:21:11,480 --> 00:21:13,315 ...do you have real feelings for her? 392 00:21:13,315 --> 00:21:17,402 No, it was just a fling. I-I mean, I think I was confused. 393 00:21:17,402 --> 00:21:18,654 Are you sure? 394 00:21:19,238 --> 00:21:20,239 Yes. 395 00:21:21,114 --> 00:21:22,115 Okay. 396 00:21:22,741 --> 00:21:24,910 Then it's all gonna be fine. 397 00:21:24,910 --> 00:21:27,287 Just no more secrets. 398 00:21:27,287 --> 00:21:30,082 Because when you hide things, it makes you look more guilty. 399 00:21:33,502 --> 00:21:36,922 Hey. I really don't think Hannah could have killed him though. 400 00:21:36,922 --> 00:21:38,465 Yeah, well, someone did. 401 00:21:38,966 --> 00:21:41,844 And maybe she was hoping it wasn't just a fling. 402 00:21:43,929 --> 00:21:46,932 Okay, so you sat up all night. 403 00:21:47,724 --> 00:21:48,892 Did Grace ever come? 404 00:21:48,892 --> 00:21:52,020 No. I was confused and frustrated, 405 00:21:52,020 --> 00:21:54,815 and so I needed to meditate and just let off some steam. 406 00:22:04,783 --> 00:22:05,909 Sorry! 407 00:22:05,909 --> 00:22:07,077 First time? 408 00:22:07,703 --> 00:22:10,581 No, really bad at it. 409 00:22:14,668 --> 00:22:16,670 - Welsh longbow. - Mm-hmm. 410 00:22:17,379 --> 00:22:19,673 - F-Fifteenth century? - I bought it from The Louvre. 411 00:22:21,049 --> 00:22:22,050 May I? 412 00:22:26,221 --> 00:22:28,432 [Hannah breathes deeply] 413 00:22:38,317 --> 00:22:40,611 [groans] 414 00:22:43,405 --> 00:22:44,615 Clearly done this before. 415 00:22:45,532 --> 00:22:47,409 I spent some time among the Apache. 416 00:22:48,160 --> 00:22:50,787 Well, among one Apache. 417 00:22:50,787 --> 00:22:53,957 [inhales sharply] Really nice guy. He's actually a data analyst now. 418 00:22:53,957 --> 00:22:55,042 But he used to say, 419 00:22:55,042 --> 00:22:59,087 "Ulysses, your aim is off because you're not shooting from here." 420 00:23:00,172 --> 00:23:01,298 And the Apache say, 421 00:23:01,298 --> 00:23:04,426 "Don't aim with your eyes, aim with your heart." 422 00:23:06,094 --> 00:23:08,514 Of course, the Chippewa say, "Aim with your eyes." 423 00:23:08,514 --> 00:23:10,182 And they won the war, so... 424 00:23:10,682 --> 00:23:13,560 Thank you for that strange piece of wisdom. 425 00:23:13,560 --> 00:23:14,645 Don't give up. 426 00:23:15,521 --> 00:23:16,688 In archery or in love? 427 00:23:17,189 --> 00:23:18,440 Dealer's choice. 428 00:23:23,487 --> 00:23:24,571 [Hannah exhales sharply] 429 00:23:25,989 --> 00:23:27,824 Last night you told me you wanted to stop the wedding. 430 00:23:27,824 --> 00:23:30,536 - Your brother is a criminal. I have proof. - Great. 431 00:23:30,536 --> 00:23:32,204 So we'll stop this wedding together. 432 00:23:32,829 --> 00:23:34,164 Here's how we're gonna do it. 433 00:23:35,958 --> 00:23:37,543 I'm going to officiate the wedding. 434 00:23:38,752 --> 00:23:42,881 If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. 435 00:23:42,881 --> 00:23:44,758 And then, you're gonna jump up and say... 436 00:23:45,259 --> 00:23:47,386 I do! I object! 437 00:23:47,386 --> 00:23:48,804 [gasps] 438 00:23:49,805 --> 00:23:54,184 As the officiant, I have no choice but to allow this objection to be heard. 439 00:23:54,184 --> 00:23:56,061 What is your objection, sir? 440 00:23:56,061 --> 00:23:59,439 - Edgar's a criminal! I have proof! - [crowd gasps] 441 00:24:00,023 --> 00:24:01,024 [gasps] 442 00:24:01,900 --> 00:24:03,527 You'll never take me alive! 443 00:24:05,195 --> 00:24:08,574 - Citizen's arrest! Don't let him get away! - [clamoring] 444 00:24:14,371 --> 00:24:16,999 You don't have to marry him now. We can be together. 445 00:24:18,125 --> 00:24:19,126 I love you. 446 00:24:25,382 --> 00:24:28,594 "Citizens' arrest?" I would never say that. 447 00:24:28,594 --> 00:24:30,804 Do you really think your brother's a criminal? 448 00:24:30,804 --> 00:24:34,057 No. I-- He's just a capitalist. 449 00:24:34,057 --> 00:24:36,894 And why do you think he would run if he hadn't done anything wrong? 450 00:24:36,894 --> 00:24:40,105 I'll admit it wasn't a very well-thought-out scheme, 451 00:24:40,105 --> 00:24:42,649 but I thought I was the one that truly loved Grace. 452 00:24:44,151 --> 00:24:45,694 Until I heard Edgar's vows. 453 00:24:46,195 --> 00:24:50,073 - [Edgar] Oh, damn it! - [Grace] Aniq, that was incredibly loud. 454 00:24:50,073 --> 00:24:52,201 Ladies and gentlemen, the vow box. My apologies. 455 00:24:55,454 --> 00:24:58,665 [Edgar] I know I'm stuck in my ways, but Grace, when I look at you, 456 00:24:59,708 --> 00:25:05,005 my dopamine levels go from 16% to 37%. 457 00:25:05,797 --> 00:25:10,219 Norepinephrine from 12% to 26%. 458 00:25:10,928 --> 00:25:14,348 And the oxytocin rises to levels I've never known before, 459 00:25:14,973 --> 00:25:17,809 23.2%. 460 00:25:17,809 --> 00:25:20,896 These-- These are unprecedented moves. 461 00:25:20,896 --> 00:25:24,691 [Hannah] It was the most raw emotion her brother had shown in his entire life. 462 00:25:25,192 --> 00:25:26,902 She knew there was no denying it. 463 00:25:26,902 --> 00:25:28,987 Edgar was deeply in love with Grace. 464 00:25:30,531 --> 00:25:32,157 And that meant they both loved her. 465 00:25:33,075 --> 00:25:34,701 But they couldn't both be with her. 466 00:25:34,701 --> 00:25:36,328 One of them would have to be alone. 467 00:25:37,204 --> 00:25:38,830 Hannah decided it would be her. 468 00:25:39,623 --> 00:25:41,291 [Edgar] It's a glandular typhoon. 469 00:25:41,291 --> 00:25:42,459 [camera shutter clicks] 470 00:25:42,459 --> 00:25:45,838 [photographer] Okay, folks, now let's get one that's just the wedding party. 471 00:25:51,218 --> 00:25:52,219 [camera shutter clicks] 472 00:25:52,928 --> 00:25:54,346 My brother really loves you. 473 00:25:55,097 --> 00:25:56,098 I know. 474 00:25:57,140 --> 00:25:58,141 Good. 475 00:25:59,601 --> 00:26:00,769 I'm really happy for you. 476 00:26:01,562 --> 00:26:02,729 [camera shutter clicks] 477 00:26:06,942 --> 00:26:09,194 [Hannah] Hannah decided it would be far too painful 478 00:26:09,194 --> 00:26:10,737 to see them together every day. 479 00:26:10,737 --> 00:26:13,115 So, she booked passage on an ocean liner. 480 00:26:18,120 --> 00:26:20,080 {\an8}[Hannah] Hannah would spend a year at sea. 481 00:26:24,168 --> 00:26:26,545 [Hannah] But there was one more thing she needed to do. 482 00:26:44,188 --> 00:26:45,814 [laughs] 483 00:26:51,236 --> 00:26:54,406 I see Sebastian is throwing back an entire bottle of Shackleton. 484 00:26:59,620 --> 00:27:01,079 He's having a rough day. 485 00:27:01,663 --> 00:27:02,497 A toast. 486 00:27:03,874 --> 00:27:04,708 Hmm? 487 00:27:06,585 --> 00:27:07,586 To you... 488 00:27:09,129 --> 00:27:09,963 and Grace. 489 00:27:15,844 --> 00:27:17,054 I have something for you. 490 00:27:21,350 --> 00:27:22,392 [chuckles] 491 00:27:30,067 --> 00:27:31,777 Well, it's very thoughtful, 492 00:27:31,777 --> 00:27:34,821 but won't this make your typewriter unusable? 493 00:27:36,114 --> 00:27:39,451 There'll be hundreds of thousands of words you'll never be able to spell. 494 00:27:40,786 --> 00:27:41,912 Dungarees. 495 00:27:42,788 --> 00:27:44,122 Frigate. 496 00:27:44,122 --> 00:27:45,290 Gigolo. 497 00:27:45,290 --> 00:27:48,085 If you wanna write about a gargantuan gigolo, 498 00:27:48,085 --> 00:27:49,711 you're gonna be in a real fix. 499 00:27:49,711 --> 00:27:51,129 You've been very kind to me. 500 00:27:51,880 --> 00:27:55,175 Treating me like a sister even when I'm not. 501 00:27:56,176 --> 00:27:57,553 I'm returning the kindness. 502 00:27:58,971 --> 00:28:01,765 And also, I'm moving out. 503 00:28:02,266 --> 00:28:03,517 Effective immediately. 504 00:28:03,517 --> 00:28:09,106 So... [sighs] ...goodbye, Edgar. 505 00:28:11,358 --> 00:28:13,819 Well, it would be, "Oodbye, Edar." 506 00:28:18,866 --> 00:28:19,867 - Ooh. - Oh. 507 00:28:19,867 --> 00:28:22,870 Oopsie-daisy. Be careful. Someone's a little bit drunk. 508 00:28:29,168 --> 00:28:30,169 Bye. 509 00:28:33,755 --> 00:28:34,590 Fin. 510 00:28:34,590 --> 00:28:37,092 Wha-- Really? That's the end? 511 00:28:37,676 --> 00:28:42,222 Most people, when they tell their stories, they try to refute their motives. 512 00:28:42,222 --> 00:28:44,516 Yours is just all motive. 513 00:28:44,516 --> 00:28:46,768 Okay. Well, I didn't kill my brother. 514 00:28:46,768 --> 00:28:49,813 Yeah, well, he was poisoned with flowers from your garden 515 00:28:50,314 --> 00:28:51,565 and the last thing you did-- 516 00:28:51,565 --> 00:28:53,775 Was run into Sebastian, who was sad and drunk. 517 00:28:53,775 --> 00:28:56,069 But why would Sebastian be sad? 518 00:28:56,069 --> 00:28:59,489 Well, when he came here on Friday just wanting me so bad, 519 00:28:59,489 --> 00:29:02,743 he said, "You're losing a brother. I'm losing a--" 520 00:29:02,743 --> 00:29:04,786 "...a business partner." Yeah, no, I remember. 521 00:29:05,287 --> 00:29:07,873 But you don't lose a business partner because of a marriage. Y-- 522 00:29:09,416 --> 00:29:11,502 Holy shit! 523 00:29:12,002 --> 00:29:13,212 [Danner] Wait! Where are you going? 524 00:29:13,212 --> 00:29:15,088 - Damn! I gotta follow him. - [door closes] 525 00:29:15,088 --> 00:29:18,300 Hold up. Now that your brother's at rest, 526 00:29:19,134 --> 00:29:20,636 at peace if you will, 527 00:29:21,512 --> 00:29:24,014 you think you're gonna try to get Grace back? 528 00:29:25,641 --> 00:29:28,644 I don't know. We're both very upset right now. 529 00:29:29,520 --> 00:29:30,896 I feel like you do know. 530 00:29:32,189 --> 00:29:33,398 Wait a minute, fool! 531 00:29:33,398 --> 00:29:34,441 [door opens] 532 00:29:39,279 --> 00:29:42,491 You're really gonna make me chase you all over this damn estate? 533 00:29:43,033 --> 00:29:44,243 I'm looking for something. 534 00:29:45,285 --> 00:29:48,497 Does it have anything to do with this SEC4 thing? 535 00:29:48,497 --> 00:29:50,207 No. I still don't know what to make of that. 536 00:29:50,207 --> 00:29:53,377 And it's all just making me nuts. [sighs] 537 00:29:59,424 --> 00:30:00,425 [Aniq] I knew it. 538 00:30:02,010 --> 00:30:03,887 These aren't cover identities. 539 00:30:03,887 --> 00:30:06,265 They're candidates from an executive headhunter. 540 00:30:06,265 --> 00:30:08,350 Edgar was looking for a new business partner. 541 00:30:08,350 --> 00:30:10,310 Because he fired Sebastian. 542 00:30:10,310 --> 00:30:12,062 Damn, you good. 543 00:30:12,062 --> 00:30:13,730 Well, thank you. It's-- [chuckles] 544 00:30:13,730 --> 00:30:16,817 But wait, if Edgar fired Sebastian, 545 00:30:16,817 --> 00:30:20,112 why is he on the phone making calls like he still works for the company? 546 00:30:20,112 --> 00:30:21,405 Because no one knew. 547 00:30:23,490 --> 00:30:25,409 Yes, things are moving very quickly. 548 00:30:26,076 --> 00:30:27,911 That's why Edgar and I wanna get this done. 549 00:30:29,705 --> 00:30:31,957 Of course. I'll just go get him. 550 00:30:36,962 --> 00:30:39,298 [imitating Edgar] Hello. This is Edgar Minnows. 551 00:30:41,049 --> 00:30:42,050 Yes. 552 00:30:42,551 --> 00:30:45,929 Sebastian Drapewood has my full authority.