1 00:00:14,515 --> 00:00:16,183 {\an8}How could we not have solved this? 2 00:00:16,183 --> 00:00:18,101 I was so sure we were gonna figure it out. 3 00:00:18,644 --> 00:00:19,811 Yeah, me too. 4 00:00:19,811 --> 00:00:21,230 I mean, anyone could have done it. 5 00:00:21,230 --> 00:00:23,023 Everyone had means. Everyone had opportunity. 6 00:00:23,023 --> 00:00:24,358 Everyone had motive. 7 00:00:24,358 --> 00:00:28,362 There's just one thing that just keeps nagging at me. 8 00:00:29,404 --> 00:00:30,531 But you wouldn't like it. 9 00:00:31,198 --> 00:00:32,533 Wait, what are you saying? 10 00:00:32,533 --> 00:00:36,745 There was only one person who wasn't mentioned 11 00:00:36,745 --> 00:00:39,957 in anyone's story during the after-party. 12 00:00:40,457 --> 00:00:41,875 In the library, 13 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:43,877 I saw Isabel, 14 00:00:43,877 --> 00:00:46,755 Hannah, Grace, Feng, 15 00:00:46,755 --> 00:00:49,132 Sebastian, Ulysses, 16 00:00:49,132 --> 00:00:51,260 Travis, Vivian... 17 00:00:52,803 --> 00:00:54,179 And no one saw Zoë. 18 00:00:55,973 --> 00:00:58,100 Well, no-- She was-- She's been trying to help Grace. 19 00:00:58,100 --> 00:01:00,018 Just like Yasper was trying to help you? 20 00:01:03,021 --> 00:01:04,105 This is delicious. 21 00:02:09,755 --> 00:02:11,882 What is it? What's going on? 22 00:02:11,882 --> 00:02:12,966 Have a seat. 23 00:02:14,259 --> 00:02:15,719 Did you figure out who did it? 24 00:02:16,303 --> 00:02:18,263 Because I feel terrible. 25 00:02:18,263 --> 00:02:20,098 I didn't want you to talk to my parents, 26 00:02:20,098 --> 00:02:23,185 and then they were hiding this whole crazy affair. 27 00:02:23,185 --> 00:02:26,063 We just need you to tell us 28 00:02:26,063 --> 00:02:29,775 what you were doing during the after-party last night. 29 00:02:29,775 --> 00:02:30,859 Shit. 30 00:02:32,569 --> 00:02:34,029 Really thought I'd covered up my tracks. 31 00:02:34,029 --> 00:02:35,739 Zoë, what did you do? 32 00:02:37,616 --> 00:02:39,117 I've been trying to block it out. 33 00:02:39,117 --> 00:02:41,745 - You and Grace had had a fight over Edgar. - Yeah. 34 00:02:41,745 --> 00:02:44,623 And I never got to make it up to her in my maid-of-honor speech 35 00:02:44,623 --> 00:02:46,500 because Edgar cut me off. 36 00:02:47,125 --> 00:02:47,960 And then I-- 37 00:02:48,460 --> 00:02:51,964 I just wanna say it was an accident. 38 00:02:53,257 --> 00:02:55,592 I didn't want him to die. 39 00:02:55,592 --> 00:02:57,886 No. 40 00:02:57,886 --> 00:03:00,973 Oh, my God, come on. No one cared about him anyway. 41 00:03:01,557 --> 00:03:03,934 You are being very casual about this. 42 00:03:03,934 --> 00:03:04,893 I don't know. 43 00:03:06,353 --> 00:03:11,984 The whole thing felt like this campy horror film or something. 44 00:03:13,902 --> 00:03:16,029 I knew Grace was still mad at me. 45 00:03:16,029 --> 00:03:17,114 {\an8}Hello? 46 00:03:17,823 --> 00:03:19,116 {\an8}Is anyone in here? 47 00:03:19,116 --> 00:03:22,619 {\an8}And I didn't want her going off to her honeymoon without setting things right. 48 00:03:23,787 --> 00:03:28,083 So I snuck into her bedroom to put my maid-of-honor speech in her suitcase. 49 00:03:30,544 --> 00:03:33,505 Hello? Is someone in here? 50 00:03:53,650 --> 00:03:55,986 Edgar, is that you? 51 00:03:57,613 --> 00:03:58,864 It isn't funny. 52 00:04:04,828 --> 00:04:05,829 Hi, doggy. 53 00:04:05,829 --> 00:04:09,583 I just was leaving a little note for my sister. 54 00:04:16,423 --> 00:04:19,927 Oh, my God! 55 00:04:20,594 --> 00:04:21,595 God! 56 00:04:25,933 --> 00:04:26,934 Go away! 57 00:04:30,854 --> 00:04:32,064 Oh, my God. 58 00:04:35,567 --> 00:04:36,944 No! 59 00:04:42,824 --> 00:04:45,536 Fetch this, bitch! 60 00:04:53,210 --> 00:04:55,838 Doggy? 61 00:04:57,506 --> 00:04:59,174 Holy shit. 62 00:04:59,174 --> 00:05:01,051 I killed the dog. 63 00:05:01,051 --> 00:05:02,219 It's okay, Zo. 64 00:05:02,219 --> 00:05:04,388 Look, it was an accident, right? Like you said. 65 00:05:04,388 --> 00:05:08,517 - She said, "Fetch this, bitch." - You did say that, didn't you? 66 00:05:08,517 --> 00:05:12,187 And if you remember, I have a tiny "rage-y" side of me 67 00:05:12,187 --> 00:05:13,772 that comes out when I am provoked. 68 00:05:13,772 --> 00:05:14,898 Oh, yeah, I remember. 69 00:05:14,898 --> 00:05:18,402 I really wanted to tell you, but you both figured it out anyway. 70 00:05:18,402 --> 00:05:21,697 - We were just wondering where the dog was. - Yeah, so that's answered. 71 00:05:21,697 --> 00:05:23,991 So, now on to who killed Edgar. 72 00:05:23,991 --> 00:05:25,659 Okay. So, who did it? 73 00:05:27,953 --> 00:05:29,371 We don't have a suspect. 74 00:05:29,371 --> 00:05:31,498 What? You don't have a suspect? 75 00:05:32,082 --> 00:05:34,001 Just-- There has to be something we missed. 76 00:05:34,001 --> 00:05:35,419 I'm sorry, partner. 77 00:05:36,003 --> 00:05:38,088 I came all this way, and I let you down. 78 00:05:38,088 --> 00:05:40,465 - And what about Grace? - I don't think Grace did it. 79 00:05:41,216 --> 00:05:42,634 Just don't know how to prove it. 80 00:05:42,634 --> 00:05:45,637 Gather around, folks. We've got some things to discuss. 81 00:05:46,305 --> 00:05:48,140 All right, my team is still working, 82 00:05:48,140 --> 00:05:50,976 but it seems clear to me that the bride did it. 83 00:05:50,976 --> 00:05:52,227 - No. - Yeah. 84 00:05:52,227 --> 00:05:54,188 - She married him for his money... - No. 85 00:05:54,188 --> 00:05:55,731 ...never signed the prenup, 86 00:05:55,731 --> 00:05:56,857 drugged his drink. 87 00:05:57,482 --> 00:05:58,734 Open and shut. 88 00:05:58,734 --> 00:06:00,110 Excuse me, Sheriff. 89 00:06:00,694 --> 00:06:02,112 You must be the ex-cop. 90 00:06:02,112 --> 00:06:03,906 - That's right. - Oh, boy. 91 00:06:03,906 --> 00:06:05,199 - Nice to meet you. - Yeah. 92 00:06:05,199 --> 00:06:06,909 I don't wanna tell you how to do your job, 93 00:06:06,909 --> 00:06:09,661 but don't you think you should actually investigate? 94 00:06:10,370 --> 00:06:14,166 Yeah, Grace is not the only person here whose circumstances are suspicious. 95 00:06:14,750 --> 00:06:16,877 Ten minutes ago, before she went back to accusing Grace, 96 00:06:16,877 --> 00:06:18,462 - Isabel thought she did it. - What? 97 00:06:18,462 --> 00:06:22,424 It's quite simple, actually. I never thought I murdered Edgar. 98 00:06:22,424 --> 00:06:26,261 I thought he murdered himself accidentally 99 00:06:26,261 --> 00:06:28,931 because he was intending to murder me. 100 00:06:28,931 --> 00:06:30,933 He was just the wrong target. 101 00:06:30,933 --> 00:06:34,520 But now I see all along that I was right and it was Grace. 102 00:06:36,522 --> 00:06:37,523 That's right. 103 00:06:38,023 --> 00:06:39,942 - That's right? Why would you say that? - Aniq, give me a minute. 104 00:06:39,942 --> 00:06:41,276 - What? - Just one minute. 105 00:06:41,276 --> 00:06:43,028 - One minute? We don't have-- - Give me-- 106 00:06:43,028 --> 00:06:46,448 Look, there's no way that you know for sure that Grace did it. 107 00:06:46,448 --> 00:06:49,618 - We have our killer. It's Grace. - Yes. 108 00:06:49,618 --> 00:06:52,829 And I'm taking her in. And may God have mercy on her soul. 109 00:06:52,829 --> 00:06:54,915 How do you know I didn't do it? 110 00:06:54,915 --> 00:06:57,543 Because I killed the dog. 111 00:06:57,543 --> 00:06:58,877 - You killed Colonel? - I think. 112 00:06:58,877 --> 00:07:01,588 - No, you didn't. - But I'm pretty sure I did. 113 00:07:01,588 --> 00:07:04,591 I assure you, Colonel is not dead. Little shit will not die. 114 00:07:04,591 --> 00:07:07,761 Third time he had cancer, thought he died, buried him. 115 00:07:07,761 --> 00:07:09,596 Horrible bastard dug his way out. 116 00:07:09,596 --> 00:07:10,639 Popped right out. 117 00:07:10,639 --> 00:07:13,517 - Colonel! Come on. - No! 118 00:07:13,517 --> 00:07:14,726 Oh, my God. 119 00:07:16,186 --> 00:07:17,437 Can't kill the little fucker. 120 00:07:18,480 --> 00:07:20,691 But how? I threw him out the window. 121 00:07:20,691 --> 00:07:22,067 I have a theory. 122 00:07:22,067 --> 00:07:26,488 And it would explain what Edgar said right before he died. 123 00:07:26,488 --> 00:07:30,158 Zoë threw the dog out the window, and it landed on Isabel's trampoline. 124 00:07:30,158 --> 00:07:32,160 You bounding hound of hell! 125 00:07:32,160 --> 00:07:33,704 That's what Edgar saw. 126 00:07:39,168 --> 00:07:40,169 Amazing. 127 00:07:40,794 --> 00:07:41,795 No one else? 128 00:07:42,713 --> 00:07:44,506 You got nine lives, don't you, little one? 129 00:07:47,676 --> 00:07:48,969 What a piece of shit. 130 00:07:48,969 --> 00:07:51,763 Anyway, you don't have evidence. Just motive. 131 00:07:51,763 --> 00:07:55,017 And there isn't anyone here who doesn't have a motive. 132 00:07:56,435 --> 00:07:57,436 Doesn't have motive. 133 00:07:58,562 --> 00:07:59,563 No motive. 134 00:07:59,563 --> 00:08:01,481 Yep, and if there's another Isabel situation... 135 00:08:01,481 --> 00:08:03,066 - We're looking in the wrong place. - Yeah. 136 00:08:03,066 --> 00:08:04,151 We gotta get the footage. 137 00:08:04,151 --> 00:08:06,111 Hey! Whoa! 138 00:08:06,111 --> 00:08:09,239 I'm not gonna stand around while you two ding-dongs play detective. 139 00:08:09,239 --> 00:08:10,991 This is over. 140 00:08:11,992 --> 00:08:13,785 Fine. Zoë didn't do it. 141 00:08:14,453 --> 00:08:16,246 Grace didn't do it. I did it. 142 00:08:16,246 --> 00:08:18,916 Son of a bitch. I know what you're trying to do. 143 00:08:19,499 --> 00:08:21,210 And it's not gonna work. 144 00:08:21,210 --> 00:08:22,878 I'm taking her in. 145 00:08:22,878 --> 00:08:24,254 I also killed him. 146 00:08:24,755 --> 00:08:25,797 I also killed Edgar. 147 00:08:25,797 --> 00:08:27,549 This is just getting absurd. 148 00:08:27,549 --> 00:08:31,386 As the Zulu say, "Death is a robe that all men must wear." 149 00:08:31,386 --> 00:08:33,931 I strangled him with my bare hands. 150 00:08:33,931 --> 00:08:37,518 - He was poisoned. - I poisoned Edgar with my bare hands. 151 00:08:37,518 --> 00:08:39,811 This is not some Agatha Christie bullshit. 152 00:08:39,811 --> 00:08:41,730 A man is dead. 153 00:08:41,730 --> 00:08:44,441 Well, then I guess you'll have to take all of us in 154 00:08:44,441 --> 00:08:46,610 because I also killed Edgar. 155 00:08:47,694 --> 00:08:50,864 I wish I could have killed him a second time. 156 00:08:50,864 --> 00:08:52,616 - Dad. - Sorry, got carried away. 157 00:08:52,616 --> 00:08:54,868 For the record, I didn't kill him. 158 00:08:54,868 --> 00:08:56,537 For the record, I did kill him. 159 00:08:57,162 --> 00:09:00,666 And it's because I'm in love with Grace. And I didn't tell you guys everything. 160 00:09:00,666 --> 00:09:03,710 And you're gonna go, "I told you everything." I didn't. 161 00:09:03,710 --> 00:09:05,838 When we were in Amsterdam, Grace and I, 162 00:09:05,838 --> 00:09:09,174 we got really high on those brownies, and I started freaking out. 163 00:09:09,174 --> 00:09:12,135 And then you talked me down, and you rubbed my back all afternoon, 164 00:09:12,135 --> 00:09:13,762 making sure that I was okay. 165 00:09:13,762 --> 00:09:15,264 Kind of like she did for Travis, 166 00:09:15,264 --> 00:09:17,516 but in this case, it was special and she meant it. 167 00:09:17,516 --> 00:09:22,187 And then, in that moment, our souls intertwined, 168 00:09:22,187 --> 00:09:23,605 never to come apart again. 169 00:09:23,605 --> 00:09:25,983 - And then I threw up in a canal. - Enough. 170 00:09:25,983 --> 00:09:27,276 Howie, take the girl in. 171 00:09:27,276 --> 00:09:28,485 No. 172 00:09:28,485 --> 00:09:30,487 - Well, no, you can't. - Don't touch Grace. 173 00:09:30,487 --> 00:09:32,447 This got messy real quick, huh? 174 00:09:32,447 --> 00:09:36,201 But ex-cop to current cop, you just heard a bunch of confessions. 175 00:09:36,201 --> 00:09:37,703 When the press gets ahold of this, 176 00:09:37,703 --> 00:09:40,873 and best believe it will get to the press, and it'll be saying, 177 00:09:40,873 --> 00:09:46,003 "Sheriff Reardon heard multiple confessions to a murder and ignored it all 178 00:09:46,003 --> 00:09:49,089 because his good friend, Isabel Minnows, told him to." 179 00:09:52,384 --> 00:09:53,385 Fine. 180 00:09:53,969 --> 00:09:58,473 I'll give you five minutes to convince me that somebody other than the bride did it. 181 00:09:58,473 --> 00:10:00,392 But you better be goddamn convincing, 182 00:10:00,392 --> 00:10:03,645 or else I'm taking all of you in for obstruction of justice. 183 00:10:03,645 --> 00:10:07,024 Aniq, you do know who actually did it, right? 184 00:10:07,024 --> 00:10:08,901 Yes, I do. Absolutely. 185 00:10:09,484 --> 00:10:11,570 There's just a video from Kyler we need to see again. 186 00:10:11,570 --> 00:10:12,779 Who the fuck is Kyler? 187 00:10:12,779 --> 00:10:14,907 You tell me which video. I'll pull it up on the phone. 188 00:10:14,907 --> 00:10:19,203 All right. To kill someone, you need means, motive and opportunity. 189 00:10:19,203 --> 00:10:22,748 Now everyone here had means: the flowers from Hannah's garden. 190 00:10:22,748 --> 00:10:28,003 And everyone had opportunity, 'cause you all were at the after-party. 191 00:10:28,003 --> 00:10:28,921 Except for Zoë. 192 00:10:28,921 --> 00:10:31,798 You were upstairs in the bedroom throwing a dog out the window. 193 00:10:31,798 --> 00:10:33,634 - Again, I'm so sorry. - You're not sorry. 194 00:10:33,634 --> 00:10:36,970 And also, everyone here had a motive. 195 00:10:37,513 --> 00:10:39,640 Isabel, the betrayed mother. 196 00:10:39,640 --> 00:10:42,017 Sebastian, the fired partner. 197 00:10:42,017 --> 00:10:44,144 Hannah, the lovesick sister. 198 00:10:44,144 --> 00:10:46,438 Travis, the jealous ex-boyfriend. 199 00:10:46,438 --> 00:10:50,567 And you got Ulysses, the wanderer who hates rich guys. 200 00:10:50,567 --> 00:10:54,112 Feng, the father-in-law who's secretly broke. 201 00:10:54,112 --> 00:10:57,616 Vivian, the mother-in-law who has her secret. 202 00:10:57,616 --> 00:11:00,452 Zoë, the doubting sister-in-law. 203 00:11:00,452 --> 00:11:04,331 And Grace, the not-so-in-love bride. 204 00:11:04,331 --> 00:11:05,916 - Four minutes. - Yep. 205 00:11:05,916 --> 00:11:09,169 But one person had the strongest motive of all. 206 00:11:09,711 --> 00:11:11,171 And that's the person who did it. 207 00:11:20,097 --> 00:11:21,223 Ulysses. 208 00:11:21,765 --> 00:11:23,934 - What? - Funcle Ulysses? 209 00:11:23,934 --> 00:11:27,271 So, you think I killed Edgar because I hate rich guys? 210 00:11:27,271 --> 00:11:30,357 - A pretty weak-sauce motive, isn't it? - You're right. 211 00:11:30,357 --> 00:11:32,526 If you think he's right, why do you think I would want to kill Edgar? 212 00:11:32,526 --> 00:11:33,443 You didn't. 213 00:11:33,443 --> 00:11:35,404 See, it's just like Feng said to me earlier. 214 00:11:35,404 --> 00:11:36,446 It wasn't about Edgar. 215 00:11:37,114 --> 00:11:38,407 - It was about Vivian. - What? 216 00:11:38,407 --> 00:11:43,287 And like Isabel said, the poison reached the wrong target. 217 00:11:43,287 --> 00:11:44,830 You were trying to kill Feng. 218 00:11:46,832 --> 00:11:51,378 Vivian, after the rehearsal dinner, you met Ulysses under the weeping willow. 219 00:11:52,921 --> 00:11:55,174 It's okay. We all know about the affair. 220 00:11:55,174 --> 00:11:57,134 - What affair? - My affair with Grace. 221 00:11:57,134 --> 00:11:58,427 No, not that one. 222 00:11:58,427 --> 00:12:02,681 I believe she's referring to my clandestine contretemps with Isabel. 223 00:12:02,681 --> 00:12:04,600 You took a cooking class with Isabel? 224 00:12:04,600 --> 00:12:07,144 Nope. Everybody already knows about that affair. 225 00:12:07,144 --> 00:12:08,812 What? Really? 226 00:12:08,812 --> 00:12:12,482 - My little Sebby, I told them everything. - Oh, God. 227 00:12:12,482 --> 00:12:15,861 Vivian and Ulysses had an affair years ago. 228 00:12:15,861 --> 00:12:17,988 Goddamn, you're a handsy bunch. 229 00:12:18,572 --> 00:12:20,824 Vivian, we need to know what happened. 230 00:12:21,450 --> 00:12:22,451 I-- 231 00:12:23,660 --> 00:12:26,705 I went to talk to Ulysses in private. 232 00:12:32,461 --> 00:12:33,879 {\an8}What are you doing here? 233 00:12:34,755 --> 00:12:35,881 Why did you come? 234 00:12:38,050 --> 00:12:39,051 Oh, Vivian. 235 00:12:40,636 --> 00:12:42,429 Vivian, I have tried. 236 00:12:44,264 --> 00:12:45,933 I have tried to forget you, 237 00:12:47,559 --> 00:12:49,102 but after all these years, I-- 238 00:12:50,812 --> 00:12:51,813 I can't do it. 239 00:12:52,314 --> 00:12:55,901 You fool. Don't say that. 240 00:12:55,901 --> 00:12:59,530 I have run around the world to escape my feelings. 241 00:12:59,530 --> 00:13:01,615 But I am tired of running. 242 00:13:03,200 --> 00:13:04,618 Be with me. 243 00:13:04,618 --> 00:13:06,036 Ulysses! 244 00:13:07,746 --> 00:13:10,874 Darling, you don't have to pretend anymore. 245 00:13:11,834 --> 00:13:13,168 Your children are grown. 246 00:13:13,168 --> 00:13:16,255 You don't have to stay with silly old Feng. 247 00:13:16,255 --> 00:13:18,382 He is not silly. 248 00:13:18,966 --> 00:13:20,175 He's kind. 249 00:13:20,759 --> 00:13:21,927 He's sweet. 250 00:13:21,927 --> 00:13:23,387 He's funny. 251 00:13:24,429 --> 00:13:26,306 He is generous. 252 00:13:26,306 --> 00:13:28,016 And he's brave. 253 00:13:28,600 --> 00:13:32,563 He's brave enough to give me a second chance. 254 00:13:32,563 --> 00:13:35,190 A chance I probably don't deserve. 255 00:13:35,190 --> 00:13:39,027 And I will never leave him. 256 00:13:42,656 --> 00:13:43,991 What's going on here? 257 00:13:43,991 --> 00:13:47,661 How dare you talk to my wife alone in the dark? 258 00:13:48,662 --> 00:13:52,583 I was just telling him he should go. 259 00:14:01,633 --> 00:14:03,927 Okay, that's plenty. Thank you. 260 00:14:03,927 --> 00:14:06,096 I love my husband. 261 00:14:07,389 --> 00:14:11,727 I made all my mistakes all those years ago, but I chose him. 262 00:14:12,853 --> 00:14:15,272 And I never regret it for a second. 263 00:14:15,272 --> 00:14:19,526 All right. So, if Vivian was never going to leave Feng, 264 00:14:19,526 --> 00:14:22,571 the only way to be with her was to get him out of the picture. 265 00:14:22,571 --> 00:14:27,034 {\an8}So, you went back to your campsite rejected and angry. 266 00:14:27,034 --> 00:14:30,078 You saw the flower arrangements were still on the barn tables 267 00:14:30,078 --> 00:14:32,456 because Vivian didn't take them until the next morning, 268 00:14:32,456 --> 00:14:34,333 and you recognized the devil's trumpet. 269 00:14:35,709 --> 00:14:38,337 Because you know all about flowers from your travels. 270 00:14:38,337 --> 00:14:42,799 Devil's trumpet. I've only heard of it used as a psychotropic aid. 271 00:14:43,509 --> 00:14:45,219 So you made your move. 272 00:14:45,219 --> 00:14:49,973 Hatch a plan so you could kill Feng, swoop in and take his place. 273 00:14:50,641 --> 00:14:53,101 All you had do was brew the flowers into a concentrated tea. 274 00:14:53,101 --> 00:14:55,604 I was outside all night. 275 00:14:55,604 --> 00:14:57,231 I didn't go into the house till the after-party. 276 00:14:57,231 --> 00:15:00,984 When do you think I procured this teapot and hot water? 277 00:15:03,487 --> 00:15:07,199 Well, the teapot was your horn, 278 00:15:08,075 --> 00:15:09,201 and the hot water... 279 00:15:13,539 --> 00:15:14,623 came from our shower. 280 00:15:17,501 --> 00:15:20,337 So, once you had your horn tea, 281 00:15:20,337 --> 00:15:23,131 at the after-party you poured yourself a glass of whiskey 282 00:15:23,131 --> 00:15:27,135 and one for Feng, with some added devil's trumpet. 283 00:15:27,135 --> 00:15:29,388 That is not what I was doing. 284 00:15:29,972 --> 00:15:31,849 I told you it was something else. 285 00:15:31,849 --> 00:15:33,976 Right. A paternity test. 286 00:15:33,976 --> 00:15:36,728 - Paternity test? - I asked them not to tell you, 287 00:15:36,728 --> 00:15:38,772 but I had to be certain, Grace. 288 00:15:38,772 --> 00:15:39,857 The thing is, 289 00:15:39,857 --> 00:15:43,777 if you were doing a paternity test, you were doing it on the wrong glass. 290 00:15:43,777 --> 00:15:47,155 Sebastian said he saw you messing with a whiskey glass. 291 00:15:47,155 --> 00:15:48,657 Everything all right, kemosabe? 292 00:15:49,449 --> 00:15:50,784 What can I get you? 293 00:15:50,784 --> 00:15:53,954 A rosé please, and a whiskey for my husband. 294 00:15:53,954 --> 00:15:56,790 But Grace was drinking rosé at the after-party. 295 00:15:56,790 --> 00:15:58,458 She doesn't even like whiskey. 296 00:15:58,458 --> 00:16:01,086 Also, I really think whiskey tastes like drinking a catcher's mitt. 297 00:16:02,504 --> 00:16:06,091 See, once it turned into a murder investigation, 298 00:16:06,091 --> 00:16:10,262 I think you realized Slick Rick seen you messing with the drinks behind the bar, 299 00:16:10,262 --> 00:16:12,431 so you had to come up with a story, baby. 300 00:16:12,431 --> 00:16:16,435 So you invented the idea of a fake paternity test. 301 00:16:16,435 --> 00:16:20,189 You knew Grace wasn't your daughter, but you could pretend to have doubts. 302 00:16:22,482 --> 00:16:24,902 I might be Grace's father. 303 00:16:26,570 --> 00:16:27,571 Is she mine? 304 00:16:27,571 --> 00:16:30,407 So you told us you asked Vivian about it, 305 00:16:30,407 --> 00:16:34,912 but in Vivian's version, there is no mention of paternity. 306 00:16:34,912 --> 00:16:36,788 But I am tired of running. 307 00:16:38,373 --> 00:16:39,374 Be with me. 308 00:16:39,374 --> 00:16:43,879 All you needed to sell the story was a Q-tip and a Ziploc bag. 309 00:16:45,547 --> 00:16:49,134 Shower tea, stolen Q-tips. 310 00:16:49,134 --> 00:16:51,720 This is all becoming absurdly far-fetched. 311 00:16:51,720 --> 00:16:55,390 You poisoned Feng's drink at that bar, then gave it to him, 312 00:16:55,390 --> 00:16:57,559 and in your story you said he took a sip 313 00:16:57,559 --> 00:17:01,063 and then went over to Edgar to show him his bing thing. 314 00:17:01,063 --> 00:17:02,439 To a better future. 315 00:17:04,441 --> 00:17:05,526 And burying the past. 316 00:17:07,236 --> 00:17:09,570 But I don't think Feng actually drank with you. 317 00:17:09,570 --> 00:17:12,532 I think Feng accidentally switched glasses with Edgar. 318 00:17:12,532 --> 00:17:14,242 - You think? - Thank you. 319 00:17:14,242 --> 00:17:16,869 Actually, I don't remember. 320 00:17:16,869 --> 00:17:17,954 Well, there's footage. 321 00:17:17,954 --> 00:17:21,124 See, Feng's social media guy, Kyler, he got some. 322 00:17:21,124 --> 00:17:24,169 - Zoë, you got it? - Yeah. Edgar's got a TV in his office. 323 00:17:24,169 --> 00:17:26,128 I think we can all cram in there. 324 00:17:26,128 --> 00:17:27,172 I have a TV here. 325 00:17:29,132 --> 00:17:30,133 See. That's good, right? 326 00:17:30,133 --> 00:17:31,635 Don't you ever do anything normal? 327 00:17:31,635 --> 00:17:33,846 So now we're watching a teenager's video. 328 00:17:33,846 --> 00:17:36,265 - Zo-Zo, press input. - Dad, I'm doing that. 329 00:17:36,265 --> 00:17:39,351 - Zo, I think if you push HDMI-- - No, just go to the Apple TV. 330 00:17:39,351 --> 00:17:41,478 - If you go in to Input, yeah. - I'm doing that. 331 00:17:41,478 --> 00:17:43,272 Input. HDMI3-- 332 00:17:43,772 --> 00:17:46,066 You know what? Shut up! I got it. 333 00:17:52,489 --> 00:17:53,490 Give 'em hell, Mr. Feng. 334 00:17:53,490 --> 00:17:56,994 Right here, Ulysses gives the glass with the poison in it to Feng. 335 00:17:57,619 --> 00:18:01,290 And Feng put that glass down in front of Edgar's. 336 00:18:01,874 --> 00:18:03,500 Okay, now pay attention here coming up, 337 00:18:04,251 --> 00:18:07,629 'cause if we're right, just after Edgar didn't like the bing... 338 00:18:07,629 --> 00:18:08,797 I don't like it. 339 00:18:08,797 --> 00:18:13,135 ...which is wild to me 'cause, like, how could you not like it, you know? 340 00:18:13,135 --> 00:18:16,013 I mean it's, like, sweet, but it's fruity and it's milky. 341 00:18:16,013 --> 00:18:18,432 - It's a perfect marriage of all those-- - Aniq. 342 00:18:18,432 --> 00:18:19,892 Yes. Okay. Sorry. 343 00:18:19,892 --> 00:18:22,227 Right... here. 344 00:18:22,227 --> 00:18:23,395 She hates it. 345 00:18:23,395 --> 00:18:26,190 I appreciate your candor. Thank you. 346 00:18:26,190 --> 00:18:27,191 Zoë, pause it. 347 00:18:27,191 --> 00:18:30,110 And... there. See? 348 00:18:30,110 --> 00:18:31,653 He picked up the wrong glass, 349 00:18:32,196 --> 00:18:34,198 accidentally leaving the poison with Edgar. 350 00:18:34,198 --> 00:18:36,074 Well, son of a bitch. 351 00:18:36,909 --> 00:18:39,203 So Edgar drank from the poisoned glass. 352 00:18:39,703 --> 00:18:41,038 So did Roxana. 353 00:18:41,038 --> 00:18:45,334 And Feng drank out of the glass that Grace had slipped the Adderall into. 354 00:18:45,334 --> 00:18:48,545 Kyler! Hey, are you recording? 355 00:18:48,545 --> 00:18:51,882 Look at that. That is a man that is high off of Adderall. 356 00:18:51,882 --> 00:18:52,966 Up all night. 357 00:18:52,966 --> 00:18:55,719 How can we sleep when I have so many new ideas for the business? 358 00:18:56,303 --> 00:18:59,890 Ulysses went to bed Saturday night thinking he had poisoned Feng. 359 00:18:59,890 --> 00:19:02,476 So the next morning, when he heard a woman scream... 360 00:19:04,353 --> 00:19:06,104 he assumed it was Vivian 361 00:19:06,104 --> 00:19:07,773 having discovered Feng's dead body. 362 00:19:07,773 --> 00:19:10,275 And Travis said he remembered the crunch, crunch, crunch 363 00:19:10,275 --> 00:19:12,653 of someone running on pistachio shells, 364 00:19:12,653 --> 00:19:15,489 but that was Ulysses 365 00:19:15,489 --> 00:19:18,700 running past Travis, past Grace's bedroom, 366 00:19:18,700 --> 00:19:21,745 right to Vivian's door, where he thought he heard the scream. 367 00:19:22,329 --> 00:19:23,664 That's right. 368 00:19:23,664 --> 00:19:25,707 When I opened the door, Ulysses was there, 369 00:19:25,707 --> 00:19:30,003 and when he saw Feng, he looked like he saw a ghost. 370 00:19:30,003 --> 00:19:31,171 I heard a scream. 371 00:19:31,171 --> 00:19:33,173 Okay, Kyler, I gotta go. Kyler. 372 00:19:36,051 --> 00:19:39,680 Oh, boy. Are you done? 373 00:19:39,680 --> 00:19:42,808 What else can we say? We just nailed that, man. 374 00:19:42,808 --> 00:19:46,270 Really? Because nothing you presented is evidence. 375 00:19:46,270 --> 00:19:47,813 It's all completely circumstantial. 376 00:19:47,813 --> 00:19:51,066 The glasses were switched. We just showed that in the video. 377 00:19:51,066 --> 00:19:52,734 We found a teapot 378 00:19:53,402 --> 00:19:56,446 hidden in a cabinet in the bathroom of the bride and the deceased. 379 00:19:56,446 --> 00:19:58,824 Well, what do we have here? 380 00:19:59,408 --> 00:20:03,078 Actual evidence found by actual police. 381 00:20:03,078 --> 00:20:05,998 Now, if the man wanted to make a flower tea in the shower, 382 00:20:05,998 --> 00:20:08,208 why would Grace hide the teapot in a cabinet? 383 00:20:08,208 --> 00:20:09,126 I did not-- 384 00:20:09,126 --> 00:20:13,297 Maybe it's because you two poseurs were playing detective while the real cops-- 385 00:20:13,297 --> 00:20:14,381 Poseur? 386 00:20:15,257 --> 00:20:16,842 Say that to my face. 387 00:20:17,426 --> 00:20:20,304 I don't like to repeat myself. 388 00:20:21,263 --> 00:20:22,514 I hid the teapot. 389 00:20:22,514 --> 00:20:25,559 No, I hid the teapot with my bare hands. 390 00:20:25,559 --> 00:20:28,729 - No, Travis. I really hid the teapot. - What the fuck? Why? 391 00:20:29,438 --> 00:20:31,148 I found it in your room, 392 00:20:31,148 --> 00:20:33,442 and once I knew the poison was tea, 393 00:20:33,442 --> 00:20:36,987 I was just worried it would look bad for you. 394 00:20:38,488 --> 00:20:41,575 Did you think I did it? 395 00:20:42,159 --> 00:20:44,703 No, I would never-- Look. 396 00:20:44,703 --> 00:20:45,621 Hey. No-- 397 00:20:45,621 --> 00:20:48,207 What the-- Zoë, stop. Zoë! 398 00:20:48,207 --> 00:20:49,791 That was way more than a sip. 399 00:20:49,791 --> 00:20:53,003 See? I believe you. 400 00:20:53,003 --> 00:20:55,506 I know in my heart that there isn't poison in here. 401 00:20:56,965 --> 00:21:01,011 - You're so fucking nuts, Zo. - I really am. Come here. 402 00:21:13,857 --> 00:21:15,526 Let me drink from your horn. 403 00:21:15,526 --> 00:21:19,363 You, of all people, should know it's a traditional Georgian kantsi. 404 00:21:19,363 --> 00:21:22,574 - Let me drink from your kantsi. - It's empty. 405 00:21:23,242 --> 00:21:25,619 I used the last bit of koumiss for the Dutch babies. 406 00:21:25,619 --> 00:21:27,120 Then let me have it. 407 00:21:28,205 --> 00:21:30,499 I will fill it with Isabel's gin. 408 00:21:30,499 --> 00:21:31,959 What? What's happening? 409 00:21:31,959 --> 00:21:37,256 Well, if there's no poison in it, then there's no problem, right? 410 00:21:38,632 --> 00:21:41,009 - What? No-- - Vivian. 411 00:21:43,178 --> 00:21:44,012 Fine. 412 00:21:45,806 --> 00:21:47,391 But this is ridiculous. 413 00:21:48,517 --> 00:21:49,351 Great. 414 00:21:49,935 --> 00:21:53,021 There is no reason for you to stop me. 415 00:21:58,986 --> 00:22:01,655 This is really top-shelf hooch. 416 00:22:02,364 --> 00:22:03,699 - Thank you. - Oh, yeah. 417 00:22:03,699 --> 00:22:04,992 It's okay. 418 00:22:10,873 --> 00:22:12,291 I believed in you. 419 00:22:15,669 --> 00:22:17,462 - Stop. - No, no! 420 00:22:17,462 --> 00:22:19,423 No. 421 00:22:21,216 --> 00:22:22,509 Why? 422 00:22:27,931 --> 00:22:28,932 I loved you. 423 00:22:30,642 --> 00:22:32,060 I truly loved you. 424 00:22:32,644 --> 00:22:34,021 And I loved you with a passion 425 00:22:34,021 --> 00:22:39,318 that my meek brother could never be capable of feeling. 426 00:22:41,403 --> 00:22:43,030 I know you felt it too. 427 00:22:43,030 --> 00:22:45,532 But you couldn't be honest with yourself. 428 00:22:47,159 --> 00:22:50,787 And that's why I had to help you move on. 429 00:22:50,787 --> 00:22:53,290 We could have had the rest of our lives together. 430 00:22:54,374 --> 00:22:55,751 A life of adventure, 431 00:22:56,919 --> 00:22:59,671 and excitement and romance. 432 00:23:00,172 --> 00:23:03,258 And you wouldn't be stuck with this boring, pathetic-- 433 00:23:08,597 --> 00:23:09,431 Wow. 434 00:23:13,435 --> 00:23:14,686 Got your killer, buddy. 435 00:23:16,396 --> 00:23:17,773 You're up there in heaven. 436 00:23:18,482 --> 00:23:19,858 Told you it wasn't me. 437 00:23:24,947 --> 00:23:29,576 Grace, I would like to apologize for accusing you of murder 438 00:23:29,576 --> 00:23:33,038 over and over and over again all day today. 439 00:23:33,038 --> 00:23:34,206 Okay. 440 00:23:34,206 --> 00:23:36,667 And while I am deeply sorry, 441 00:23:36,667 --> 00:23:40,045 if you think being married to my boy for a few hours 442 00:23:40,045 --> 00:23:42,798 gives you sole possession of his fortune, 443 00:23:42,798 --> 00:23:45,300 well, you'll be hearing from our lawyers. 444 00:23:45,300 --> 00:23:47,010 - And you won't win. - No. 445 00:23:47,010 --> 00:23:49,888 Because we can afford much, much better lawyers than you. 446 00:23:49,888 --> 00:23:53,725 Well, I don't really want any of your colonizer fortune, 447 00:23:53,725 --> 00:23:56,478 so I'm good, yeah. 448 00:24:04,820 --> 00:24:06,196 There we go. Finally. 449 00:24:06,196 --> 00:24:08,365 This does give me a million dollars though, right? 450 00:24:08,365 --> 00:24:09,449 You said that. 451 00:24:10,158 --> 00:24:11,118 Dad? 452 00:24:12,536 --> 00:24:15,455 How much money did you say you needed to get your truck back? 453 00:24:16,123 --> 00:24:18,000 - Really? - Like a million dollars? Isn't that what-- 454 00:24:18,000 --> 00:24:19,793 No, I'll pay you back every cent! 455 00:24:19,793 --> 00:24:21,003 No, don't! 456 00:24:22,254 --> 00:24:23,797 Thank you. 457 00:24:25,465 --> 00:24:27,509 Someone's just sent me an article about Edgar's death. 458 00:24:28,010 --> 00:24:29,052 It's public now. 459 00:24:30,220 --> 00:24:34,141 Were you able to sell off all the computer coins? 460 00:24:34,141 --> 00:24:37,352 It was a bit of a fire sale, but I got 62 cents on the dollar. 461 00:24:37,936 --> 00:24:39,938 Pretty lucky that happened before-- 462 00:24:40,814 --> 00:24:42,149 - What? - What? 463 00:24:42,149 --> 00:24:45,611 Bucephalus, it's going up. And up. 464 00:24:45,611 --> 00:24:47,988 It's worth three times more than when I sold it. 465 00:24:48,906 --> 00:24:49,907 You know what that is? 466 00:24:49,907 --> 00:24:54,536 That was me telling my Reddit army to invest in Bucephalus. 467 00:24:54,536 --> 00:24:56,455 Yeah, I know how to pronounce it. 468 00:24:58,081 --> 00:24:59,708 I became the house. 469 00:25:01,710 --> 00:25:04,671 Well, you're fired. Pack your bags and go. 470 00:25:06,298 --> 00:25:08,258 Isabel, come now. 471 00:25:09,843 --> 00:25:11,220 I could be your companion. 472 00:25:11,887 --> 00:25:14,139 Theater trips. The odd dinner. 473 00:25:14,139 --> 00:25:17,893 As long as we agree to keep it strictly to hand stuff in the bedroom, 474 00:25:17,893 --> 00:25:19,353 I think there could be a goer. 475 00:25:19,353 --> 00:25:22,105 I already have a dog that refuses to die. 476 00:25:26,109 --> 00:25:27,819 Fart in a jar. 477 00:25:29,613 --> 00:25:31,907 We wanted to thank you for saving Grace. 478 00:25:32,908 --> 00:25:36,995 Saving Grace. That's my one saving grace. 479 00:25:36,995 --> 00:25:39,831 'Cause the idiom, it was "saving grace." 480 00:25:39,831 --> 00:25:41,333 Because Grace is saved. So, that's-- 481 00:25:41,333 --> 00:25:44,378 So, she's saved, and I helped. But you know that. 482 00:25:44,378 --> 00:25:47,714 I'm trying to make a nice moment. Don't ruin it. 483 00:25:47,714 --> 00:25:50,092 Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm still nervous around you. 484 00:25:50,092 --> 00:25:51,635 I don't know if you can tell. 485 00:25:51,635 --> 00:25:54,972 Aniq, I know how hard it was for you 486 00:25:54,972 --> 00:25:59,434 to ask me to talk with Zoë and Grace about what happened. 487 00:25:59,434 --> 00:26:02,145 Yes, that is a conversation I didn't wanna have, 488 00:26:02,145 --> 00:26:03,772 believe you me, but-- 489 00:26:03,772 --> 00:26:05,524 Same thing with me and my business. 490 00:26:05,524 --> 00:26:08,193 And because of you, I talked to Vivian about my struggles. 491 00:26:08,193 --> 00:26:10,696 And I should have talked to her earlier. 492 00:26:11,280 --> 00:26:12,281 She's my partner. 493 00:26:19,246 --> 00:26:21,498 Aniq, you'll be a good husband to Zoë. 494 00:26:22,583 --> 00:26:24,168 If that were to happen someday. 495 00:26:24,168 --> 00:26:25,502 Funny you should mention it, 496 00:26:25,502 --> 00:26:28,255 'cause I was actually planning to propose to Zoë very soon. 497 00:26:28,881 --> 00:26:30,674 But, you know, with everything that's happened, 498 00:26:30,674 --> 00:26:33,594 I can't imagine a wedding is very appealing to her. 499 00:26:34,303 --> 00:26:36,555 - You never know. - You never know. 500 00:26:39,391 --> 00:26:42,394 You okay? This is pretty heavy. 501 00:26:42,394 --> 00:26:45,814 Yeah. No. I-- I'm okay. 502 00:26:45,814 --> 00:26:49,401 I guess I just didn't even know my uncle anymore. 503 00:26:49,902 --> 00:26:53,739 He was more of an idea than a person to me. 504 00:26:54,406 --> 00:26:57,576 Honestly, I'm more shaken about my mom having had an affair. 505 00:26:58,202 --> 00:27:01,580 Just so you know, I never really thought that Grace could have killed Edgar. 506 00:27:02,080 --> 00:27:03,916 - Oh, yeah, totally. - Yeah. 507 00:27:03,916 --> 00:27:06,084 I mean, I may have had a slight doubt. 508 00:27:06,084 --> 00:27:08,504 - The smallest of doubts. - Just for a second. 509 00:27:08,504 --> 00:27:14,718 But I guess this weekend has made me reexamine what love is, you know, 510 00:27:14,718 --> 00:27:17,846 and what's important and what I want for the rest of my life. 511 00:27:17,846 --> 00:27:19,097 Yeah, me too. 512 00:27:19,097 --> 00:27:23,393 And this might not be the right time or place to talk about this, 513 00:27:23,393 --> 00:27:26,605 but, life is short and-- 514 00:27:26,605 --> 00:27:27,731 Are you breaking up with me? 515 00:27:27,731 --> 00:27:29,149 No! 516 00:27:29,149 --> 00:27:32,402 I'm saying I like who I am when I'm with you, 517 00:27:32,402 --> 00:27:37,199 and there's no one I'd rather go through a murder with than you. 518 00:27:37,199 --> 00:27:38,534 I feel the same. 519 00:27:39,034 --> 00:27:40,994 But we are hoping that's it for murders, right? 520 00:27:40,994 --> 00:27:42,329 What I'm saying is, 521 00:27:43,247 --> 00:27:44,081 will you marry me? 522 00:27:45,207 --> 00:27:46,041 No way! 523 00:27:46,041 --> 00:27:48,252 What? Don't you want to-- 524 00:27:48,252 --> 00:27:50,128 Oh, no. Not "no way" like "no way." 525 00:27:50,128 --> 00:27:52,339 "No way" like, "No way! I was gonna propose to you!" 526 00:27:52,339 --> 00:27:54,049 - No way. - I was gonna do it on the way home, 527 00:27:54,049 --> 00:27:55,801 at the place where we first kissed. 528 00:27:55,801 --> 00:27:57,761 I've been trying to get your parents' blessing this whole weekend, 529 00:27:57,761 --> 00:27:59,012 and I finally just got it. 530 00:27:59,012 --> 00:28:01,765 I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had this, like, whole plan. 531 00:28:01,765 --> 00:28:03,433 I'll just retract it and wait. 532 00:28:03,433 --> 00:28:06,144 Nah, but now you know it's coming, so, you know, it won't be a surprise. 533 00:28:06,144 --> 00:28:07,646 I mean, plus, you already asked. 534 00:28:07,646 --> 00:28:08,605 Well, I'm "un-asking." 535 00:28:08,605 --> 00:28:10,649 Well, don't "un-ask." 536 00:28:10,649 --> 00:28:14,486 You know, I'm not gonna push you into, like, what I think the proposal should be. 537 00:28:14,486 --> 00:28:16,488 - Do you have a real ring? - Yeah, in the glove box. 538 00:28:16,488 --> 00:28:17,406 - Really? - Yeah. 539 00:28:17,406 --> 00:28:18,782 Go get it and ask. 540 00:28:18,782 --> 00:28:20,701 No, but it would ruin the surprise, because-- 541 00:28:20,701 --> 00:28:21,618 Will you marry me? 542 00:28:22,536 --> 00:28:23,662 You don't have a ring. 543 00:28:23,662 --> 00:28:27,249 That's true. I don't. But, you know what, I can make one just like you did. 544 00:28:27,249 --> 00:28:29,626 Out of the vines, exactly like you did. 545 00:28:29,626 --> 00:28:31,420 Well, not exactly like you did. How'd you do that? 546 00:28:31,420 --> 00:28:32,713 Tell you what. Let's make a deal. 547 00:28:32,713 --> 00:28:37,092 At some point in the next month, when we least expect it, 548 00:28:37,092 --> 00:28:39,887 one of us will surprise propose, okay? 549 00:28:39,887 --> 00:28:41,722 - That sounds fair. - Awesome. 550 00:28:41,722 --> 00:28:42,681 - Great. - Cool. 551 00:28:42,681 --> 00:28:44,224 - Wonderful. - Deal. 552 00:28:44,224 --> 00:28:45,475 Cool. 553 00:28:45,475 --> 00:28:46,894 Will you marry me? 554 00:28:47,394 --> 00:28:50,063 Okay. You saw what I was doing there? Okay. Well-- 555 00:29:08,707 --> 00:29:10,375 Are you gonna propose right now? 556 00:29:13,170 --> 00:29:15,756 Thanks for all your help. It was really nice to be partners. 557 00:29:15,756 --> 00:29:17,758 Yeah, it was good getting back in the saddle, 558 00:29:17,758 --> 00:29:21,803 listening to mind movies and solving a murder. 559 00:29:21,803 --> 00:29:24,056 And I saw you two over there. 560 00:29:24,056 --> 00:29:26,350 I told you I'd get you your Hollywood ending. 561 00:29:29,228 --> 00:29:31,355 Guess I'll get back to writing my book now. 562 00:29:31,355 --> 00:29:32,606 You know, I never understood. 563 00:29:33,190 --> 00:29:37,778 Why are you writing a book when your whole thing is mind movies? 564 00:29:45,244 --> 00:29:46,245 {\an8}Right this way. 565 00:29:47,496 --> 00:29:49,748 - Zoë! Aniq! - Hi! 566 00:29:49,748 --> 00:29:51,625 - Hey! - This is so cool! 567 00:29:53,043 --> 00:29:54,586 - I'm all Hollywood now. - Okay. 568 00:29:57,923 --> 00:29:59,716 Let me see those rings. 569 00:29:59,716 --> 00:30:01,385 - These rings? - Yes! 570 00:30:01,385 --> 00:30:04,137 Look at you! You two are the cutest! 571 00:30:04,137 --> 00:30:09,142 Wait. Now, did I read online that you guys got Daniel Radcliffe to play Xavier? 572 00:30:11,353 --> 00:30:13,063 And wait till you see who's playing me. 573 00:30:13,063 --> 00:30:14,398 {\an8}And action! 574 00:30:15,858 --> 00:30:17,276 {\an8}I wanna talk to all of you, 575 00:30:17,860 --> 00:30:20,487 because any one of you could be the murderer. 576 00:30:20,487 --> 00:30:22,906 - She's so good, right? - Amazing! 577 00:30:22,906 --> 00:30:25,117 Yeah. All the casting is so on point. 578 00:30:25,117 --> 00:30:28,579 You all came to your high school reunion for a second chance. 579 00:30:28,579 --> 00:30:31,665 At love. Life. Something else. 580 00:30:31,665 --> 00:30:33,125 I don't think Aniq did it. 581 00:30:33,125 --> 00:30:36,503 Aniq? No. Aniq's my best friend. I know he didn't do it. 582 00:30:36,503 --> 00:30:39,673 The person playing me, is that who I think it is? 583 00:30:40,174 --> 00:30:42,801 I didn't kill him. I didn't kill anybody. 584 00:30:42,801 --> 00:30:44,094 Cut! 585 00:30:44,094 --> 00:30:46,638 I told y'all I love me some Jaleel White. 586 00:30:47,139 --> 00:30:50,934 And you two aren't the only ones with the happy Hollywood ending. 587 00:30:50,934 --> 00:30:52,811 I'm engaged. 588 00:30:53,312 --> 00:30:54,688 Wait, what? 589 00:30:56,064 --> 00:30:58,859 - Hey, how'd I do? - Amazing. 590 00:31:01,278 --> 00:31:03,739 Danner's engaged to Jaleel White? 591 00:31:03,739 --> 00:31:04,948 You so fine. 592 00:31:07,451 --> 00:31:08,911 I feel so very uncomfortable.