1 00:00:07,042 --> 00:00:07,112 (cheery music) 2 00:00:31,183 --> 00:00:34,193 (people chattering) 3 00:00:39,242 --> 00:00:41,312 But Darby needs somewhere to 4 00:00:39,242 --> 00:00:41,312 drive around 5 00:00:41,312 --> 00:00:43,282 with Tess, Kimber and Ben! 6 00:00:43,282 --> 00:00:46,303 Santa doesn't have enough Darby 7 00:00:43,282 --> 00:00:46,303 Dream Wagon's to give out. 8 00:00:46,303 --> 00:00:48,212 The workshop is backed up. 9 00:00:48,212 --> 00:00:51,023 It's right here in the catalog. 10 00:00:51,023 --> 00:00:52,282 Can't you just buy it for me, 11 00:00:51,023 --> 00:00:52,282 daddy? 12 00:00:52,282 --> 00:00:54,303 It's only 74.99. 13 00:00:55,083 --> 00:00:56,072 A steal. 14 00:00:56,072 --> 00:00:58,193 The Christmas tree skirt 15 00:00:56,072 --> 00:00:58,193 factory is closing. 16 00:00:58,193 --> 00:01:01,113 We have to save money until 17 00:00:58,193 --> 00:01:01,113 I can find another job. 18 00:01:01,113 --> 00:01:02,312 And my holiday ice sculpting job 19 00:01:02,312 --> 00:01:05,092 is dried up since the accident. 20 00:01:05,092 --> 00:01:08,182 But Holly, we promise, it'll 21 00:01:05,092 --> 00:01:08,182 still be a great Christmas. 22 00:01:08,182 --> 00:01:09,182 Cheer up, Holly. 23 00:01:09,182 --> 00:01:11,242 At least we still have each 24 00:01:09,182 --> 00:01:11,242 other, right? 25 00:01:16,292 --> 00:01:20,083 Dear Santa, this Christmas, 26 00:01:20,083 --> 00:01:23,193 all I want is for my parents 27 00:01:20,083 --> 00:01:23,193 to go away, that's it. 28 00:01:24,152 --> 00:01:25,242 Can you make that happen? 29 00:01:26,273 --> 00:01:29,042 Love, Holly Winters. 30 00:01:32,023 --> 00:01:34,282 (whimsical music) 31 00:01:44,032 --> 00:01:46,203 (ominous music) 32 00:01:50,163 --> 00:01:52,182 (intense music) 33 00:01:59,242 --> 00:02:01,253 Naughty or nice this year, 34 00:01:59,242 --> 00:02:01,253 little girl? 35 00:02:03,182 --> 00:02:05,262 I'm a grown ass woman, bitch. 36 00:02:05,262 --> 00:02:08,062 That is not Christmassy! 37 00:02:08,062 --> 00:02:09,182 What the? 38 00:02:09,182 --> 00:02:11,083 Come on! 39 00:02:11,083 --> 00:02:13,092 (intense music cont.) 40 00:02:53,083 --> 00:02:57,222 That's right, frozen fish 41 00:02:53,083 --> 00:02:57,222 was Chef Ho's secret sauce. 42 00:02:57,222 --> 00:03:00,282 The fraud was then arrested for 43 00:02:57,222 --> 00:03:00,282 assault. 44 00:03:00,282 --> 00:03:02,083 Ho has closed the doors today 45 00:03:02,083 --> 00:03:04,252 because of the scandal 46 00:03:02,083 --> 00:03:04,252 that was about to break. 47 00:03:04,252 --> 00:03:08,212 So Ho is no, longer. 48 00:03:08,212 --> 00:03:09,162 What a tragedy. 49 00:03:09,162 --> 00:03:10,162 I know, Dean. 50 00:03:10,162 --> 00:03:14,083 I just love, love, loved 51 00:03:10,162 --> 00:03:14,083 their crab leg tower. 52 00:03:14,083 --> 00:03:16,233 Where will we have our office 53 00:03:14,083 --> 00:03:16,233 Christmas party this year? 54 00:03:16,233 --> 00:03:19,043 Don't you mean holiday party? 55 00:03:20,032 --> 00:03:23,092 Please don't give me that war 56 00:03:20,032 --> 00:03:23,092 on Christmas face, Christie. 57 00:03:23,092 --> 00:03:24,053 Cut. 58 00:03:24,053 --> 00:03:26,122 Great show today, Dean and 59 00:03:24,053 --> 00:03:26,122 Christie. 60 00:03:26,122 --> 00:03:28,092 Can I speak to you for a moment, 61 00:03:26,122 --> 00:03:28,092 Holly? 62 00:03:28,092 --> 00:03:31,122 I just wish you were a little 63 00:03:28,092 --> 00:03:31,122 bit more like Christie. 64 00:03:31,122 --> 00:03:34,083 Christie is like a 65 00:03:31,122 --> 00:03:34,083 talking tube of lipstick. 66 00:03:34,083 --> 00:03:35,212 Yeah, she's also pregnant. 67 00:03:35,212 --> 00:03:36,252 It's Dean's. 68 00:03:37,273 --> 00:03:39,182 So I gotta dump her from the 69 00:03:37,273 --> 00:03:39,182 show. 70 00:03:39,182 --> 00:03:41,233 Pregnancies make people 71 00:03:39,182 --> 00:03:41,233 uncomfortable, especially me. 72 00:03:41,233 --> 00:03:43,173 Yeah but, Christie's always 73 00:03:41,233 --> 00:03:43,173 in front of that giant desk, 74 00:03:43,173 --> 00:03:44,242 no one will even know. 75 00:03:44,242 --> 00:03:45,273 But I will. 76 00:03:45,273 --> 00:03:48,263 And because you'll never 77 00:03:45,273 --> 00:03:48,263 succumb to having children, 78 00:03:48,263 --> 00:03:51,263 I want you to fill that empty 79 00:03:48,263 --> 00:03:51,263 chair. 80 00:03:51,263 --> 00:03:52,222 As anchorwoman? 81 00:03:52,222 --> 00:03:56,252 The, anchorwoman of Channel 6 82 00:03:52,222 --> 00:03:56,252 News. 83 00:03:56,252 --> 00:03:59,092 Well uh, what about my 84 00:03:56,252 --> 00:03:59,092 investigations? 85 00:03:59,092 --> 00:04:00,222 Do you wanna keep wearing your 86 00:03:59,092 --> 00:04:00,222 ugly wigs 87 00:04:00,222 --> 00:04:02,073 and playing undercover dress up? 88 00:04:02,073 --> 00:04:03,103 Or do you want to triple your 89 00:04:02,073 --> 00:04:03,103 salary? 90 00:04:03,103 --> 00:04:04,053 The second thing. 91 00:04:04,053 --> 00:04:04,242 I'm, I'm in. 92 00:04:04,242 --> 00:04:05,312 Not so fast, Connie Chung. 93 00:04:05,312 --> 00:04:09,073 Once you take that seat, you'll 94 00:04:05,312 --> 00:04:09,073 be the face of this station. 95 00:04:09,303 --> 00:04:11,182 Billboards, bus benches, 96 00:04:11,182 --> 00:04:14,073 even those annoying little 97 00:04:11,182 --> 00:04:14,073 screens in the back of cabs. 98 00:04:14,073 --> 00:04:15,143 Yeah. 99 00:04:14,073 --> 00:04:15,143 Image is everything, 100 00:04:15,143 --> 00:04:16,172 and yours sucks. 101 00:04:16,172 --> 00:04:18,023 Screw you, Kevin. 102 00:04:18,023 --> 00:04:19,302 But, I have a way for you to 103 00:04:18,023 --> 00:04:19,302 take 104 00:04:19,302 --> 00:04:22,143 that giant sack of coal out of 105 00:04:19,302 --> 00:04:22,143 your ass. 106 00:04:23,243 --> 00:04:25,152 You're headed to Ornaments, 107 00:04:25,152 --> 00:04:27,203 the Christmasiest town ever, 108 00:04:27,203 --> 00:04:29,063 to cover their annual 109 00:04:29,063 --> 00:04:31,133 Ornaments Festival of Christmas 110 00:04:29,063 --> 00:04:31,133 Wonders. 111 00:04:31,133 --> 00:04:33,042 All their parties and events. 112 00:04:33,042 --> 00:04:34,313 They even have a hot cocoa ho 113 00:04:33,042 --> 00:04:34,313 down. 114 00:04:34,313 --> 00:04:36,203 Whatever that means. 115 00:04:36,203 --> 00:04:37,253 And you'll be checking in 116 00:04:36,203 --> 00:04:37,253 nightly 117 00:04:37,253 --> 00:04:39,243 with Dean and prego Christie. 118 00:04:40,253 --> 00:04:42,083 And since you're from there, 119 00:04:42,083 --> 00:04:44,083 you'll give the story a hometown 120 00:04:42,083 --> 00:04:44,083 spin. 121 00:04:44,083 --> 00:04:45,313 Look, I appreciate the gesture, 122 00:04:45,313 --> 00:04:49,292 but I hate Ornaments and 123 00:04:45,313 --> 00:04:49,292 everything that it stands for. 124 00:04:49,292 --> 00:04:50,253 You mean Christmas? 125 00:04:50,253 --> 00:04:52,162 It celebrates the tacky 126 00:04:50,253 --> 00:04:52,162 commercialism 127 00:04:52,162 --> 00:04:53,083 of some like. 128 00:04:52,162 --> 00:04:53,083 - Oh my God. 129 00:04:53,083 --> 00:04:56,052 Miracle baby born in a barn. 130 00:04:56,052 --> 00:04:59,133 I am never, ever going home, 131 00:04:56,052 --> 00:04:59,133 okay? 132 00:04:59,133 --> 00:05:01,162 Ornaments will land you the 133 00:04:59,133 --> 00:05:01,162 dream job 134 00:05:01,162 --> 00:05:02,302 people would kill for. 135 00:05:02,302 --> 00:05:05,042 Plus, while you're there, 136 00:05:06,203 --> 00:05:07,263 maybe you'll fall in love. 137 00:05:07,263 --> 00:05:09,063 Yeah, okay. 138 00:05:09,063 --> 00:05:10,052 Love. 139 00:05:11,193 --> 00:05:12,212 Gross. 140 00:05:13,222 --> 00:05:16,133 I'm Holly Frost and you're 141 00:05:13,222 --> 00:05:16,133 watching Channel 6 News. 142 00:05:23,263 --> 00:05:25,243 Good evening, I'm Holly Frost 143 00:05:25,243 --> 00:05:27,243 and you're watching Channel 6 144 00:05:25,243 --> 00:05:27,243 News. 145 00:05:34,102 --> 00:05:37,102 (mysterious music) 146 00:05:41,113 --> 00:05:44,203 (sleigh bells ringing) 147 00:06:05,313 --> 00:06:08,162 (Holly sighs) 148 00:06:08,162 --> 00:06:11,162 Yeah, it's gonna be great. 149 00:06:15,243 --> 00:06:16,193 Trying to get to Ornaments 150 00:06:16,193 --> 00:06:19,133 before I have to be live on 151 00:06:16,193 --> 00:06:19,133 camera. 152 00:06:19,133 --> 00:06:20,263 SAM: I'm sorry I'm late. 153 00:06:21,212 --> 00:06:22,253 Thanks for all the help. 154 00:06:26,023 --> 00:06:27,042 (romantic music) 155 00:06:27,042 --> 00:06:27,313 I'm Sam. 156 00:06:29,273 --> 00:06:31,123 I'm your camera man. 157 00:06:31,123 --> 00:06:34,222 (record stopping) 158 00:06:34,222 --> 00:06:36,042 You know anything about 159 00:06:34,222 --> 00:06:36,042 Ornaments? 160 00:06:36,042 --> 00:06:37,083 Unfortunately. 161 00:06:38,113 --> 00:06:41,113 Boat loads of Christmas 162 00:06:38,113 --> 00:06:41,113 events happen there every year 163 00:06:41,113 --> 00:06:43,203 and idiot people from all over 164 00:06:41,113 --> 00:06:43,203 the country 165 00:06:43,203 --> 00:06:47,023 come to partake in a 166 00:06:43,203 --> 00:06:47,023 joyous time in the snow. 167 00:06:47,023 --> 00:06:48,083 That sounds fun. 168 00:06:48,083 --> 00:06:50,222 Yeah, it's not, trust. 169 00:06:50,222 --> 00:06:53,243 So um, who are they, your 170 00:06:50,222 --> 00:06:53,243 sisters? 171 00:06:54,203 --> 00:06:56,143 Those are my ladies. 172 00:06:56,143 --> 00:06:58,083 It's my wife Lacey and 173 00:06:56,143 --> 00:06:58,083 our daughter Taylor. 174 00:06:58,083 --> 00:06:59,042 Huh. 175 00:06:59,042 --> 00:07:00,143 Lacey passed last year. 176 00:07:01,172 --> 00:07:03,203 Oh, I'm so sorry. 177 00:07:03,203 --> 00:07:05,052 How? 178 00:07:05,052 --> 00:07:06,222 Cancer. 179 00:07:06,222 --> 00:07:07,273 Mm. 180 00:07:07,273 --> 00:07:08,232 What kind? 181 00:07:10,143 --> 00:07:12,032 Cancer. 182 00:07:12,032 --> 00:07:13,232 Oh, right. 183 00:07:12,032 --> 00:07:13,232 Yeah. 184 00:07:15,123 --> 00:07:18,023 Let's just uh, get this 185 00:07:15,123 --> 00:07:18,023 over with, shall we? 186 00:07:18,313 --> 00:07:20,152 All right. 187 00:07:18,313 --> 00:07:20,152 I'm gonna take a-- 188 00:07:20,152 --> 00:07:21,212 Buckle up. 189 00:07:21,212 --> 00:07:23,183 Quick nap. 190 00:07:23,183 --> 00:07:26,123 (cheerful music) 191 00:07:46,063 --> 00:07:47,243 (ominous music) 192 00:07:47,243 --> 00:07:50,052 (Holly gasping) 193 00:07:50,052 --> 00:07:51,243 Whoa, are you okay? 194 00:07:52,292 --> 00:07:54,162 Yeah, yeah yeah, it's fine. 195 00:07:54,162 --> 00:07:55,263 What is it? 196 00:07:55,263 --> 00:07:57,212 We made it to Ornaments. 197 00:07:57,212 --> 00:07:58,273 (Christmas bells ringing) 198 00:07:58,273 --> 00:07:59,243 Sick. 199 00:08:00,243 --> 00:08:03,183 (cheerful music) 200 00:08:04,313 --> 00:08:06,023 All right. 201 00:08:07,143 --> 00:08:08,302 Okay, I'll go fetch 202 00:08:07,143 --> 00:08:08,302 the rooms to the hotel. 203 00:08:08,302 --> 00:08:11,112 Maybe you can uh, score some 204 00:08:08,302 --> 00:08:11,112 coffee? 205 00:08:11,112 --> 00:08:13,102 Something festive. 206 00:08:13,102 --> 00:08:16,042 (cheerful music) 207 00:08:24,203 --> 00:08:25,162 Shit. 208 00:08:27,212 --> 00:08:30,123 (cheerful music) 209 00:08:30,123 --> 00:08:32,052 Oh, Jesus dude. 210 00:08:32,052 --> 00:08:32,312 Oh my God! 211 00:08:38,023 --> 00:08:38,282 Bonjour, madam. 212 00:08:38,282 --> 00:08:39,233 Hi. 213 00:08:39,233 --> 00:08:40,202 BARISTA: What can we get you 214 00:08:39,233 --> 00:08:40,202 today? 215 00:08:40,202 --> 00:08:43,052 Um, 216 00:08:43,052 --> 00:08:47,273 two La Prancer's peppermint 217 00:08:43,052 --> 00:08:47,273 mocha latte's. 218 00:08:47,273 --> 00:08:49,072 Okay, coming right up. 219 00:08:49,072 --> 00:08:50,133 Great. 220 00:08:50,133 --> 00:08:53,093 Hey listen, you don't have 221 00:08:50,133 --> 00:08:53,093 any booze back there, do you? 222 00:08:54,052 --> 00:08:54,302 Uh. 223 00:08:54,302 --> 00:08:56,062 Whatever kind, really. 224 00:08:56,062 --> 00:08:58,113 (barista laughs) 225 00:08:58,113 --> 00:08:59,082 You're funny. 226 00:08:59,082 --> 00:09:00,062 Yeah, I wasn't. 227 00:09:02,123 --> 00:09:03,082 Nevermind. 228 00:09:04,123 --> 00:09:05,312 Go, make the latte's. 229 00:09:07,032 --> 00:09:11,182 Holly, Winters, is that you? 230 00:09:11,182 --> 00:09:14,312 Uh, it's actually Holly Frost 231 00:09:11,182 --> 00:09:14,312 now, Danica. 232 00:09:14,312 --> 00:09:16,103 Where's the ring? 233 00:09:16,103 --> 00:09:18,072 Oh I didn't, I didn't get 234 00:09:16,103 --> 00:09:18,072 married, 235 00:09:18,072 --> 00:09:19,072 I just changed my name. 236 00:09:19,072 --> 00:09:23,282 From Winters to Frost, but why? 237 00:09:23,282 --> 00:09:25,133 They're basically the same 238 00:09:23,282 --> 00:09:25,133 thing. 239 00:09:25,133 --> 00:09:26,282 Nope, they're not. 240 00:09:26,282 --> 00:09:29,292 Well, I'm actually married. 241 00:09:29,292 --> 00:09:30,292 And get this, 242 00:09:31,243 --> 00:09:33,133 I'm the Mayor now. 243 00:09:33,133 --> 00:09:34,172 It's crazy, right? 244 00:09:34,172 --> 00:09:35,302 (Danica laughs) 245 00:09:34,172 --> 00:09:35,302 Hm. 246 00:09:35,302 --> 00:09:39,202 Today, I am giving back to our 247 00:09:35,302 --> 00:09:39,202 community. 248 00:09:40,143 --> 00:09:42,302 Did you want me to wrap anything 249 00:09:40,143 --> 00:09:42,302 for you? 250 00:09:42,302 --> 00:09:45,243 Oh, just your sweet little 251 00:09:42,302 --> 00:09:45,243 mouth. 252 00:09:45,243 --> 00:09:48,243 I see you're just the 253 00:09:45,243 --> 00:09:48,243 same old Grinchy Holly. 254 00:09:48,243 --> 00:09:49,223 Oh no, come on, look. 255 00:09:49,223 --> 00:09:51,292 I can be cordial. 256 00:09:51,292 --> 00:09:56,312 Like how is your hot cousin? 257 00:09:59,052 --> 00:10:02,202 Oh, you mean my cousin Chris 258 00:09:59,052 --> 00:10:02,202 Pringle. 259 00:10:02,202 --> 00:10:05,312 The one who you dumped 260 00:10:02,202 --> 00:10:05,312 via IM on graduation day? 261 00:10:05,312 --> 00:10:07,213 No that you would care, 262 00:10:07,213 --> 00:10:10,253 but Chris has actually been 263 00:10:07,213 --> 00:10:10,253 through a lot recently. 264 00:10:10,253 --> 00:10:12,093 He just lost his wife. 265 00:10:13,062 --> 00:10:16,042 Hopefully not to, cancer. 266 00:10:16,042 --> 00:10:16,292 Hot air balloon. 267 00:10:16,292 --> 00:10:18,042 Like it caught on fire? 268 00:10:18,042 --> 00:10:19,113 No. 269 00:10:19,113 --> 00:10:20,202 One fell on her. 270 00:10:20,202 --> 00:10:21,282 Holly. 271 00:10:21,282 --> 00:10:22,282 Your latte's are ready. 272 00:10:22,282 --> 00:10:23,223 Oh, great. 273 00:10:25,243 --> 00:10:30,113 Hey, these uh, bows could use 274 00:10:25,243 --> 00:10:30,113 a little work there, Mayor. 275 00:10:30,113 --> 00:10:31,273 Pretty uh, limp. 276 00:10:34,113 --> 00:10:35,082 It's not limp. 277 00:10:36,213 --> 00:10:37,182 Hotel's sold out. 278 00:10:37,182 --> 00:10:40,042 Yeah, since it's the 75th 279 00:10:37,182 --> 00:10:40,042 anniversary, 280 00:10:40,042 --> 00:10:42,052 everything's booked. 281 00:10:42,052 --> 00:10:43,113 But I got a better idea. 282 00:10:43,113 --> 00:10:45,052 I can just put a blow up in 283 00:10:43,113 --> 00:10:45,052 the back of the van and uh, 284 00:10:45,052 --> 00:10:46,143 I'll sleep in the front seat. 285 00:10:46,143 --> 00:10:47,202 It's not necessary. 286 00:10:48,223 --> 00:10:50,103 I have a place we can stay. 287 00:10:51,042 --> 00:10:53,282 (cheerful music) 288 00:10:58,052 --> 00:10:59,032 Oh, Holly! 289 00:10:59,302 --> 00:11:02,143 Son of a nutcracker, 290 00:10:59,302 --> 00:11:02,143 you're really here! 291 00:11:02,143 --> 00:11:05,103 This is magical, wow. 292 00:11:05,103 --> 00:11:07,312 (ominous music) 293 00:11:14,113 --> 00:11:15,123 - Hi! 294 00:11:14,113 --> 00:11:15,123 - Hi. 295 00:11:16,032 --> 00:11:17,312 Okay, yeah, all right. 296 00:11:17,312 --> 00:11:19,072 Oh, you're really shaking there. 297 00:11:19,072 --> 00:11:20,263 Okay, that's quite enough. 298 00:11:20,263 --> 00:11:21,233 Oh my gosh. 299 00:11:21,233 --> 00:11:22,182 Let me look at you. 300 00:11:22,182 --> 00:11:24,093 Just, wow. 301 00:11:24,093 --> 00:11:27,123 My little sister, the big 302 00:11:24,093 --> 00:11:27,123 city TV star in the flesh. 303 00:11:27,123 --> 00:11:30,162 I just, oh hi. 304 00:11:30,162 --> 00:11:31,202 Is that your boyfriend? 305 00:11:31,202 --> 00:11:33,082 No, it's my camera man. 306 00:11:33,082 --> 00:11:34,123 His name is Sam. 307 00:11:34,123 --> 00:11:35,253 Camera man Sam. 308 00:11:35,253 --> 00:11:36,192 Camera man Sam. 309 00:11:36,192 --> 00:11:38,072 That is fun to say. 310 00:11:38,072 --> 00:11:39,062 I'm Cookie. 311 00:11:40,123 --> 00:11:42,062 Oh, Hol, I'm just so tickled 312 00:11:40,123 --> 00:11:42,062 you're back. 313 00:11:42,062 --> 00:11:43,223 We have so much catching up to 314 00:11:42,062 --> 00:11:43,223 do. 315 00:11:43,223 --> 00:11:46,113 We can wrap gifts and sip cider 316 00:11:43,223 --> 00:11:46,113 and oh, 317 00:11:46,113 --> 00:11:49,273 we can cook a holiday beef 318 00:11:46,113 --> 00:11:49,273 brisket on Christmas night. 319 00:11:49,273 --> 00:11:50,182 Yeah, no. 320 00:11:50,182 --> 00:11:52,093 I leave first thing on the 25th. 321 00:11:52,093 --> 00:11:54,172 I'm just, I'm just here for 322 00:11:52,093 --> 00:11:54,172 work. 323 00:11:54,172 --> 00:11:55,133 Oh. 324 00:11:56,213 --> 00:11:57,162 Boo. 325 00:11:57,162 --> 00:12:00,093 Well, I will take what I can 326 00:11:57,162 --> 00:12:00,093 get, so. 327 00:12:00,093 --> 00:12:01,113 That's great. 328 00:12:01,113 --> 00:12:02,292 How bout some of that cider? 329 00:12:02,292 --> 00:12:03,273 I have so much cider. 330 00:12:03,273 --> 00:12:05,312 I have three different flavors 331 00:12:03,273 --> 00:12:05,312 of cider. 332 00:12:05,312 --> 00:12:08,032 I have nutmeg cider, 333 00:12:05,312 --> 00:12:08,032 which is crazy, I know. 334 00:12:08,032 --> 00:12:10,273 (cheerful music) 335 00:12:15,113 --> 00:12:16,202 There it is, just like you left 336 00:12:15,113 --> 00:12:16,202 it. 337 00:12:16,202 --> 00:12:18,082 Not really. 338 00:12:18,082 --> 00:12:19,282 What is all this shit doing in 339 00:12:18,082 --> 00:12:19,282 here? 340 00:12:19,282 --> 00:12:21,273 Oh, I turned the attic 341 00:12:21,273 --> 00:12:24,233 into my Christmas sweater sewing 342 00:12:21,273 --> 00:12:24,233 studio. 343 00:12:25,273 --> 00:12:27,152 Okay. 344 00:12:27,152 --> 00:12:28,312 Holly, I really wish 345 00:12:28,312 --> 00:12:31,123 you'd reconsider leaving 346 00:12:28,312 --> 00:12:31,123 Christmas morning. 347 00:12:31,123 --> 00:12:33,133 It would mean a lot to have 348 00:12:31,123 --> 00:12:33,133 you here for the holiday. 349 00:12:33,133 --> 00:12:37,143 You know, spend some quality 350 00:12:33,133 --> 00:12:37,143 time with family, with me. 351 00:12:37,143 --> 00:12:42,023 Yeah, I um, I really gotta 352 00:12:37,143 --> 00:12:42,023 get ready for the story, so. 353 00:12:43,023 --> 00:12:45,172 Hey, I can take a hint. 354 00:12:48,032 --> 00:12:50,202 (tense music) 355 00:12:56,302 --> 00:13:00,072 (light bells ringing) 356 00:13:02,042 --> 00:13:02,302 Mm. 357 00:13:05,103 --> 00:13:07,192 (Holly laughs) 358 00:13:07,192 --> 00:13:08,202 Oh, so cute. 359 00:13:16,162 --> 00:13:19,072 (ominous music) 360 00:13:26,162 --> 00:13:27,213 Dear Satan? 361 00:13:27,213 --> 00:13:30,052 (dark music) 362 00:13:48,042 --> 00:13:49,152 I wrote Satan. 363 00:13:51,292 --> 00:13:54,233 (cheerful music) 364 00:13:57,233 --> 00:13:58,263 Greetings. 365 00:13:58,263 --> 00:14:00,273 Chad Pringle and? 366 00:14:00,273 --> 00:14:01,302 Joy Wreath. 367 00:14:01,302 --> 00:14:06,052 O-M-Gingerbread, I heard 368 00:14:01,302 --> 00:14:06,052 rumors she was back in town. 369 00:14:06,052 --> 00:14:07,312 Is the famous Holly Winters 370 00:14:07,312 --> 00:14:09,103 really sitting with us 371 00:14:07,312 --> 00:14:09,103 right now? 372 00:14:09,103 --> 00:14:10,182 It's Holly Frost now. 373 00:14:10,182 --> 00:14:12,023 Oh, you got married. 374 00:14:12,023 --> 00:14:14,103 Why does everyone keep asking me 375 00:14:12,023 --> 00:14:14,103 that? 376 00:14:14,103 --> 00:14:15,253 I love the blazer. 377 00:14:15,253 --> 00:14:19,233 Coral, or is it more tangerine? 378 00:14:19,233 --> 00:14:21,113 It's definitely tangerine. 379 00:14:21,113 --> 00:14:23,123 I wish I could wear something so 380 00:14:21,113 --> 00:14:23,123 bold. 381 00:14:23,123 --> 00:14:27,023 My boss doesn't like me in 382 00:14:23,123 --> 00:14:27,023 anything but muted tones. 383 00:14:27,023 --> 00:14:28,133 And always a turtleneck. 384 00:14:28,133 --> 00:14:31,072 Mm, boss sounds like 385 00:14:28,133 --> 00:14:31,072 a controlling asshole. 386 00:14:31,072 --> 00:14:32,182 It's cousin Danica. 387 00:14:32,182 --> 00:14:33,093 Oh. 388 00:14:33,093 --> 00:14:34,042 Oh, Joy's the Mayor's assistant. 389 00:14:34,042 --> 00:14:37,172 And, I'm working for your aunt 390 00:14:34,042 --> 00:14:37,172 now. 391 00:14:37,172 --> 00:14:39,133 Aunt Becky's still alive? 392 00:14:39,133 --> 00:14:40,123 After years of consuming 393 00:14:40,123 --> 00:14:43,213 all that butter and 394 00:14:40,123 --> 00:14:43,213 sugar by the truckload. 395 00:14:43,213 --> 00:14:45,182 Holly was always such a kidder. 396 00:14:45,182 --> 00:14:48,032 My funny, fabulous bestie. 397 00:14:48,032 --> 00:14:50,093 And then she dumped me 398 00:14:48,032 --> 00:14:50,093 and my brother Chris 399 00:14:50,093 --> 00:14:54,143 and all of Ornaments for 400 00:14:50,093 --> 00:14:54,143 bigger and brighter things. 401 00:14:54,143 --> 00:14:56,182 Not that I'm still 402 00:14:54,143 --> 00:14:56,182 totally devastated by it. 403 00:14:56,182 --> 00:14:57,273 Well, I mean, what? 404 00:15:00,062 --> 00:15:02,302 (romantic music) 405 00:15:06,292 --> 00:15:08,152 Chad, 406 00:15:08,152 --> 00:15:09,123 and Holly. 407 00:15:12,172 --> 00:15:13,192 Chris. 408 00:15:14,182 --> 00:15:15,302 Sup. 409 00:15:15,302 --> 00:15:19,082 Wow, Christmas came early. 410 00:15:19,082 --> 00:15:19,282 Yeah. 411 00:15:21,103 --> 00:15:23,282 Uh, we'll see you both later? 412 00:15:23,282 --> 00:15:26,133 At the bakery, for letters to 413 00:15:23,282 --> 00:15:26,133 Santa? 414 00:15:26,133 --> 00:15:27,123 Yeah. 415 00:15:27,123 --> 00:15:32,093 Um, uh, maybe um, after 416 00:15:27,123 --> 00:15:32,093 my gig we could uh, 417 00:15:32,093 --> 00:15:34,133 uh, catch up, you know. 418 00:15:34,133 --> 00:15:36,103 Grab dinner or something. 419 00:15:36,103 --> 00:15:38,093 Yeah Hol, I'd really love that. 420 00:15:38,093 --> 00:15:39,052 Cool. 421 00:15:40,052 --> 00:15:42,103 (girl gasps) 422 00:15:42,103 --> 00:15:44,062 Who's the pretty lady, daddy? 423 00:15:44,062 --> 00:15:45,103 Oh Faith, I'd like you 424 00:15:44,062 --> 00:15:45,103 to meet my old friend. 425 00:15:45,103 --> 00:15:46,253 This is Holly. 426 00:15:46,253 --> 00:15:48,103 You have a kid? 427 00:15:48,103 --> 00:15:50,143 He does indeed, hi. 428 00:15:50,143 --> 00:15:51,263 What are you asking Santa for 429 00:15:50,143 --> 00:15:51,263 this year? 430 00:15:51,263 --> 00:15:53,152 Excuse me? 431 00:15:53,152 --> 00:15:54,052 Santa. 432 00:15:55,192 --> 00:15:57,243 What do you want for Christmas? 433 00:15:57,243 --> 00:15:59,133 I don't see a ring on that 434 00:15:57,243 --> 00:15:59,133 finger, 435 00:15:59,133 --> 00:16:01,263 so perhaps to land a husband. 436 00:16:01,263 --> 00:16:02,172 (Holly laughs cynically) 437 00:16:02,172 --> 00:16:04,253 Maybe you should ask your daddy 438 00:16:04,253 --> 00:16:07,032 for a reality check on both this 439 00:16:04,253 --> 00:16:07,032 year. 440 00:16:07,032 --> 00:16:08,133 What? 441 00:16:08,133 --> 00:16:10,292 You don't believe in love or 442 00:16:08,133 --> 00:16:10,292 Santa? 443 00:16:12,312 --> 00:16:15,143 I mean what is the point of 444 00:16:12,312 --> 00:16:15,143 living? 445 00:16:15,143 --> 00:16:17,103 It's almost six, Holly. 446 00:16:17,103 --> 00:16:18,143 We gotta start setting up. 447 00:16:18,143 --> 00:16:19,093 Oh, thank Christ. 448 00:16:21,023 --> 00:16:23,172 Um, well we'll make a plan later 449 00:16:21,023 --> 00:16:23,172 then? 450 00:16:23,172 --> 00:16:25,113 Yeah, I uh, 451 00:16:25,113 --> 00:16:28,032 I don't really think I'm 452 00:16:25,113 --> 00:16:28,032 gonna be hungry, but thanks. 453 00:16:30,192 --> 00:16:31,282 Santa is real, sweetie. 454 00:16:33,263 --> 00:16:37,052 (sleigh bells ringing) 455 00:16:38,292 --> 00:16:42,213 I spy my big city successful 456 00:16:38,292 --> 00:16:42,213 niece! 457 00:16:43,253 --> 00:16:45,123 Aunt Becky? 458 00:16:45,123 --> 00:16:46,263 Is Rudolph's nose red? 459 00:16:46,263 --> 00:16:48,282 (Aunt Becky laughs) 460 00:16:48,282 --> 00:16:49,192 Oh, hello. 461 00:16:51,072 --> 00:16:53,253 You must be Holly's main 462 00:16:51,072 --> 00:16:53,253 squeeze. 463 00:16:53,253 --> 00:16:54,202 Uh. 464 00:16:54,202 --> 00:16:56,213 Call me Aunt Becky, everyone 465 00:16:54,202 --> 00:16:56,213 does. 466 00:16:56,213 --> 00:16:58,312 Are you sure that you're my Aunt 467 00:16:56,213 --> 00:16:58,312 Becky? 468 00:16:58,312 --> 00:17:00,023 I mean the last time I saw her 469 00:16:58,312 --> 00:17:00,023 she was-- 470 00:17:00,023 --> 00:17:00,273 Round? 471 00:17:00,273 --> 00:17:01,273 Big, plump. 472 00:17:01,273 --> 00:17:02,223 (Aunt Becky laughs) 473 00:17:02,223 --> 00:17:03,172 Yeah. 474 00:17:03,172 --> 00:17:06,052 I lost 162 pounds this past 475 00:17:03,172 --> 00:17:06,052 winter. 476 00:17:06,052 --> 00:17:07,032 Jesus. 477 00:17:07,032 --> 00:17:08,213 Well I definitely prayed to him 478 00:17:07,032 --> 00:17:08,213 about it. 479 00:17:08,213 --> 00:17:09,213 But what really melted 480 00:17:09,213 --> 00:17:12,273 that stubborn fat away 481 00:17:09,213 --> 00:17:12,273 was a change in diet. 482 00:17:12,273 --> 00:17:16,082 I used to constantly 483 00:17:12,273 --> 00:17:16,082 taste test my cookies. 484 00:17:16,082 --> 00:17:18,223 But then I started to 485 00:17:16,082 --> 00:17:18,223 play a game with myself. 486 00:17:18,223 --> 00:17:21,223 I would give them all names. 487 00:17:21,223 --> 00:17:23,213 Like my little cookie children. 488 00:17:23,213 --> 00:17:25,263 I wouldn't eat my children. 489 00:17:26,223 --> 00:17:29,072 Okay, so what about the 490 00:17:26,223 --> 00:17:29,072 people who do eat them? 491 00:17:30,282 --> 00:17:31,233 Don't mind if I do. 492 00:17:31,233 --> 00:17:33,223 Hey, get your. 493 00:17:33,223 --> 00:17:35,062 So why are you dressed like 494 00:17:33,223 --> 00:17:35,062 you're 495 00:17:35,062 --> 00:17:36,312 about to service a fruitcake? 496 00:17:36,312 --> 00:17:39,193 Well this is my caroling 497 00:17:36,312 --> 00:17:39,193 costume, thank you for asking. 498 00:17:39,193 --> 00:17:42,062 I'm on my way to rehearsal right 499 00:17:39,193 --> 00:17:42,062 now. 500 00:17:42,062 --> 00:17:43,082 Oh sweetie, you should come. 501 00:17:43,082 --> 00:17:45,112 You've always had the most 502 00:17:43,082 --> 00:17:45,112 beautiful singing voice. 503 00:17:45,112 --> 00:17:46,273 Yeah, it was kind of millennial. 504 00:17:46,273 --> 00:17:48,102 Debbie! 505 00:17:48,102 --> 00:17:49,062 Oh, here, can you hold this. 506 00:17:49,062 --> 00:17:50,153 Debbie. 507 00:17:49,062 --> 00:17:50,153 I don't wanna. 508 00:17:50,153 --> 00:17:53,173 Alcohol, where is the alcohol. 509 00:17:53,173 --> 00:17:55,122 (tray slamming) 510 00:17:55,122 --> 00:17:57,273 So uh, where's Chris? 511 00:17:57,273 --> 00:18:00,142 Chris is with my brother, 512 00:17:57,273 --> 00:18:00,142 the sheriff, 513 00:18:00,142 --> 00:18:01,233 over on Quinton Avenue. 514 00:18:02,223 --> 00:18:04,193 Chris spotted some vaping teens 515 00:18:04,193 --> 00:18:07,092 trespassing on Goldman's 516 00:18:04,193 --> 00:18:07,092 property 517 00:18:07,092 --> 00:18:08,092 hooking up Christmas lights. 518 00:18:08,092 --> 00:18:11,052 Personally I think they 519 00:18:08,092 --> 00:18:11,052 were doing them a favor. 520 00:18:11,052 --> 00:18:12,243 They are the only house on the 521 00:18:11,052 --> 00:18:12,243 street 522 00:18:12,243 --> 00:18:14,092 without any Christmas lights. 523 00:18:14,092 --> 00:18:17,032 People are allowed to be 524 00:18:14,092 --> 00:18:17,032 Jewish in Ornaments, Danica. 525 00:18:18,273 --> 00:18:19,282 I never said that. 526 00:18:22,042 --> 00:18:23,282 See y'all on TV. 527 00:18:23,282 --> 00:18:25,052 Let's do this. 528 00:18:25,052 --> 00:18:25,312 All right. 529 00:18:25,312 --> 00:18:27,052 Okay, here we go. 530 00:18:28,153 --> 00:18:30,142 Smile, smile, smile. 531 00:18:30,142 --> 00:18:34,102 CAMERA MAN: Live in three, two, 532 00:18:30,142 --> 00:18:34,102 one. 533 00:18:34,102 --> 00:18:36,233 It is such a joy to watch these 534 00:18:34,102 --> 00:18:36,233 faces 535 00:18:36,233 --> 00:18:39,302 jot down what they might like 536 00:18:36,233 --> 00:18:39,302 from Santa. 537 00:18:39,302 --> 00:18:44,062 I'll be back here tomorrow 538 00:18:39,302 --> 00:18:44,062 night for the hot cocoa ho-down. 539 00:18:44,062 --> 00:18:45,032 Yeehaw! 540 00:18:46,023 --> 00:18:50,183 I'm Holly Frost, Channel 541 00:18:46,023 --> 00:18:50,183 6 News, Christie, Dean. 542 00:18:51,153 --> 00:18:52,102 CAMERA MAN: And we're out. 543 00:18:52,102 --> 00:18:54,032 Drink, please. 544 00:18:52,102 --> 00:18:54,032 CAMERA MAN: Awesome. 545 00:18:54,312 --> 00:18:56,292 Here, let me get you a glass. 546 00:18:56,292 --> 00:18:58,023 Don't worry about it. 547 00:18:58,023 --> 00:19:01,112 I'm just gonna drink from 548 00:18:58,023 --> 00:19:01,112 the bottle, but thanks. 549 00:19:06,163 --> 00:19:07,132 I'll, 550 00:19:08,213 --> 00:19:09,213 I'll be right back. 551 00:19:11,142 --> 00:19:12,102 Greetings. 552 00:19:17,233 --> 00:19:21,042 Dear Satan, 553 00:19:21,042 --> 00:19:25,072 it's been 21, scratch that. 554 00:19:25,072 --> 00:19:28,092 22 years. 555 00:19:28,092 --> 00:19:32,112 Thanks for ruining Christmas, 556 00:19:28,092 --> 00:19:32,112 dick. 557 00:19:32,112 --> 00:19:35,312 You can keep it. 558 00:19:37,023 --> 00:19:40,032 Screw you. 559 00:19:43,292 --> 00:19:48,302 Sincerely, not yours. 560 00:19:48,302 --> 00:19:51,203 Holly Frost. 561 00:19:56,173 --> 00:19:59,092 (magical music) 562 00:20:13,292 --> 00:20:14,263 Hey uh, 563 00:20:16,062 --> 00:20:20,112 do you wanna show me the back of 564 00:20:16,062 --> 00:20:20,112 your van? 565 00:20:20,112 --> 00:20:21,132 Uh. 566 00:20:20,112 --> 00:20:21,132 Come on. 567 00:20:23,223 --> 00:20:26,213 (mysterious music) 568 00:20:30,312 --> 00:20:32,082 Business. 569 00:20:34,233 --> 00:20:35,203 Casual. 570 00:20:36,183 --> 00:20:38,173 Take off your pants. 571 00:20:38,173 --> 00:20:41,023 I have to take off the shoes 572 00:20:38,173 --> 00:20:41,023 first. 573 00:20:41,023 --> 00:20:42,203 But shouldn't we like just start 574 00:20:41,023 --> 00:20:42,203 kissing? 575 00:20:42,203 --> 00:20:44,173 Oh, there's gonna be absolutely 576 00:20:46,183 --> 00:20:47,142 no kissing. 577 00:20:49,243 --> 00:20:50,142 Okay. 578 00:20:50,142 --> 00:20:52,122 Let me help you with those. 579 00:20:52,122 --> 00:20:53,082 Really? 580 00:20:59,032 --> 00:21:00,072 What's wrong? 581 00:21:00,312 --> 00:21:02,292 It's not you. 582 00:21:02,292 --> 00:21:03,233 It's that. 583 00:21:03,233 --> 00:21:04,302 (ominous music) 584 00:21:04,302 --> 00:21:05,292 It's my wife. 585 00:21:06,263 --> 00:21:09,052 I'm not sure I'm ready to do 586 00:21:06,263 --> 00:21:09,052 this to her. 587 00:21:10,052 --> 00:21:10,263 Okay. 588 00:21:10,263 --> 00:21:11,253 To be honest, we should just. 589 00:21:11,253 --> 00:21:13,122 I mean, try to keep 590 00:21:11,253 --> 00:21:13,122 this thing professional. 591 00:21:13,122 --> 00:21:14,122 Professional. 592 00:21:14,122 --> 00:21:17,062 That's how I ended up 593 00:21:14,122 --> 00:21:17,062 in the back of your van. 594 00:21:17,062 --> 00:21:18,082 With my top off. 595 00:21:18,082 --> 00:21:22,132 By both of us keeping 596 00:21:18,082 --> 00:21:22,132 things super professional. 597 00:21:22,132 --> 00:21:23,082 We've got. 598 00:21:23,082 --> 00:21:25,233 Oh, and by the way, 599 00:21:25,233 --> 00:21:29,062 your earring is super lame. 600 00:21:29,062 --> 00:21:30,183 Where did you get it? 601 00:21:30,183 --> 00:21:31,302 Hot Topic? 602 00:21:32,253 --> 00:21:33,302 My daughter. 603 00:21:33,302 --> 00:21:36,052 My daughter got me this. 604 00:21:36,052 --> 00:21:39,042 (melancholy music) 605 00:21:41,112 --> 00:21:42,233 And I'm drunk. 606 00:21:44,193 --> 00:21:48,122 ♪ Four golden rings ♪ 607 00:21:48,122 --> 00:21:50,062 ♪ Three ♪ 608 00:21:50,062 --> 00:21:52,282 (slowing music) 609 00:21:54,203 --> 00:21:56,273 Darby's Dream Wagon. 610 00:21:56,273 --> 00:21:58,112 (tires screeching) 611 00:21:58,112 --> 00:21:59,153 Woo! 612 00:21:59,153 --> 00:22:00,312 Party rocking. 613 00:22:00,312 --> 00:22:03,263 Coming in and I'm a-- 614 00:22:03,263 --> 00:22:04,253 Ah, bummer! 615 00:22:06,092 --> 00:22:09,082 (melancholy music) 616 00:22:16,253 --> 00:22:17,253 (loud banging on van) 617 00:22:17,253 --> 00:22:19,132 Whoa! 618 00:22:19,132 --> 00:22:20,122 What the hell? 619 00:22:20,122 --> 00:22:23,213 (loud slamming on van) 620 00:22:25,153 --> 00:22:26,102 Okay. 621 00:22:27,263 --> 00:22:29,153 Uh, all right. 622 00:22:29,153 --> 00:22:32,112 (Holly screaming) 623 00:22:33,282 --> 00:22:35,132 (sirens blaring) 624 00:22:35,132 --> 00:22:36,153 Pull over, ma'am. 625 00:22:36,153 --> 00:22:37,282 Pull over. 626 00:22:37,282 --> 00:22:40,042 Great, the pigs here to ruin the 627 00:22:37,282 --> 00:22:40,042 fun. 628 00:22:40,042 --> 00:22:41,062 Ma'am, put your hands up. 629 00:22:41,062 --> 00:22:42,263 Don't flipping ma'am me. 630 00:22:42,263 --> 00:22:46,062 I am only 27 years old. 631 00:22:46,062 --> 00:22:47,223 Turn around, ma'am. 632 00:22:47,223 --> 00:22:49,032 Quit calling me-- 633 00:22:49,032 --> 00:22:51,292 (romantic music) 634 00:22:51,292 --> 00:22:54,042 Hello, sailor. 635 00:22:54,042 --> 00:22:56,062 (slamming on van) 636 00:22:56,062 --> 00:22:58,213 Hi, hi, uh yeah there's 637 00:22:56,062 --> 00:22:58,213 something on the roof of my van 638 00:22:58,213 --> 00:23:00,243 and it seems pretty angry and 639 00:22:58,213 --> 00:23:00,243 uh. 640 00:23:00,243 --> 00:23:02,122 I, I don't know what it is. 641 00:23:02,122 --> 00:23:04,112 It could be a large person or a 642 00:23:02,122 --> 00:23:04,112 moose. 643 00:23:05,072 --> 00:23:06,082 No this isn't a joke. 644 00:23:06,082 --> 00:23:07,142 Hello? 645 00:23:07,142 --> 00:23:08,102 Hello? 646 00:23:08,102 --> 00:23:09,312 Ma'am, have you been drinking, 647 00:23:08,102 --> 00:23:09,312 ma'am? 648 00:23:09,312 --> 00:23:10,263 What are you gonna do? 649 00:23:10,263 --> 00:23:13,032 Breatheralyze me for ridin' 650 00:23:10,263 --> 00:23:13,032 around 651 00:23:13,032 --> 00:23:15,042 in a little bitty kids toy? 652 00:23:15,042 --> 00:23:16,193 Technically, you were driving. 653 00:23:16,193 --> 00:23:17,263 So we're gonna need to see some 654 00:23:16,193 --> 00:23:17,263 ID. 655 00:23:17,263 --> 00:23:19,183 Hm, okay. 656 00:23:19,183 --> 00:23:22,183 Well how bout I see your ID's, 657 00:23:19,183 --> 00:23:22,183 huh? 658 00:23:23,193 --> 00:23:24,292 I'm Sheriff Wreath. 659 00:23:24,292 --> 00:23:25,273 Hm. 660 00:23:25,273 --> 00:23:26,292 This is Deputy Wreath. 661 00:23:26,292 --> 00:23:30,023 You guys don't happen to 662 00:23:26,292 --> 00:23:30,023 be related to Joy, do you? 663 00:23:30,023 --> 00:23:32,082 Why, 'cause we're the 664 00:23:30,023 --> 00:23:32,082 only black people in town? 665 00:23:32,082 --> 00:23:35,032 Because your last name's are 666 00:23:32,082 --> 00:23:35,032 both Wreath. 667 00:23:36,023 --> 00:23:37,092 We're brothers. 668 00:23:37,092 --> 00:23:38,193 Joy's our sister. 669 00:23:38,193 --> 00:23:40,142 Sexy siblings. 670 00:23:42,023 --> 00:23:44,082 Bet your parents are pretty hot, 671 00:23:42,023 --> 00:23:44,082 too. 672 00:23:45,302 --> 00:23:46,273 They're dead. 673 00:23:48,042 --> 00:23:49,122 Samezies. 674 00:23:49,122 --> 00:23:50,082 Hello? 675 00:23:51,032 --> 00:23:53,243 (ominous music) 676 00:24:03,163 --> 00:24:06,112 (engine choking) 677 00:24:06,112 --> 00:24:08,032 (tense music) 678 00:24:08,032 --> 00:24:09,253 So is Aunt Becky your real aunt? 679 00:24:09,253 --> 00:24:10,233 Mm-hm. 680 00:24:10,233 --> 00:24:12,312 'Cause her angel cookies are the 681 00:24:10,233 --> 00:24:12,312 bomb.com. 682 00:24:12,312 --> 00:24:15,102 Nerd alert. 683 00:24:15,102 --> 00:24:16,183 Pretty hot nerd, though. 684 00:24:18,062 --> 00:24:19,042 Deputy. 685 00:24:19,042 --> 00:24:20,233 Sorry, um. 686 00:24:20,233 --> 00:24:23,032 Look, we're gonna let you 687 00:24:20,233 --> 00:24:23,032 off with just a warning. 688 00:24:23,032 --> 00:24:23,273 (Holly gasps) 689 00:24:23,273 --> 00:24:25,052 But that's only 'cause of Aunt 690 00:24:23,273 --> 00:24:25,052 B. 691 00:24:25,052 --> 00:24:28,253 She's been real supportive of 692 00:24:25,052 --> 00:24:28,253 us, less experienced singers. 693 00:24:28,253 --> 00:24:30,213 Oh God, you're a caroler? 694 00:24:30,213 --> 00:24:32,042 When in Ornaments, right? 695 00:24:32,042 --> 00:24:36,052 Well, gentlemen, it is getting 696 00:24:32,042 --> 00:24:36,052 late 697 00:24:36,052 --> 00:24:37,253 and it has been a pleasure. 698 00:24:39,112 --> 00:24:42,223 But I will see you later. 699 00:24:42,223 --> 00:24:43,292 Have a lovely evening. 700 00:24:45,052 --> 00:24:45,302 (engine choking) 701 00:24:45,302 --> 00:24:46,263 Come on! 702 00:24:49,302 --> 00:24:52,213 (ominous music) 703 00:24:54,193 --> 00:24:55,153 No. 704 00:24:57,042 --> 00:24:58,203 No no no no no no. 705 00:24:58,203 --> 00:24:59,292 No no no no no! 706 00:25:02,193 --> 00:25:03,223 (glass shattering) 707 00:25:02,193 --> 00:25:03,223 Whoa! 708 00:25:03,223 --> 00:25:04,253 (camera man screaming) 709 00:25:04,253 --> 00:25:06,102 Help me, please, no! 710 00:25:06,102 --> 00:25:08,263 (Satan Claus growling) 711 00:25:08,263 --> 00:25:10,112 SATAN CLAUS: Hot Topic. 712 00:25:10,112 --> 00:25:12,312 (intense music) 713 00:25:21,183 --> 00:25:22,153 God. 714 00:25:25,082 --> 00:25:26,042 Yes. 715 00:25:29,042 --> 00:25:30,292 Sam, come on, we gotta go. 716 00:25:30,292 --> 00:25:34,173 I need some caffeine before 717 00:25:30,292 --> 00:25:34,173 this sad hot cocoa ho-down. 718 00:25:35,263 --> 00:25:37,173 Come on Sam, giddy-up, let's go. 719 00:25:37,173 --> 00:25:40,153 Don't care if you're 720 00:25:37,173 --> 00:25:40,153 naked, I am coming in. 721 00:25:40,153 --> 00:25:41,112 Woo! 722 00:25:43,173 --> 00:25:45,092 Yeah I've called Sam like 100 723 00:25:43,173 --> 00:25:45,092 times 724 00:25:45,092 --> 00:25:46,112 and the news van is gone. 725 00:25:46,112 --> 00:25:48,032 I need you to send me 726 00:25:46,112 --> 00:25:48,032 another camera man, ASAP. 727 00:25:48,032 --> 00:25:50,243 Preferably one without a dead 728 00:25:48,032 --> 00:25:50,243 wife. 729 00:25:50,243 --> 00:25:51,153 No, there's no time, Holly. 730 00:25:51,153 --> 00:25:52,142 If Sam doesn't resurface soon, 731 00:25:52,142 --> 00:25:54,193 just find a townie with camera 732 00:25:52,142 --> 00:25:54,193 experience. 733 00:25:54,193 --> 00:25:55,263 Oh, by the way, 734 00:25:55,263 --> 00:25:58,142 the audience seemed to buy what 735 00:25:55,263 --> 00:25:58,142 you were selling last night. 736 00:25:58,142 --> 00:25:59,302 So keep it up. 737 00:25:59,302 --> 00:26:01,132 (Holly sighs) 738 00:26:01,132 --> 00:26:03,112 Want to knit a Christmas sweater 739 00:26:01,132 --> 00:26:03,112 with me? 740 00:26:05,092 --> 00:26:09,173 I'm thinking maybe a cat riding 741 00:26:05,092 --> 00:26:09,173 a dog who's on a reindeer. 742 00:26:10,153 --> 00:26:13,082 And, they're all in Santa hats. 743 00:26:14,253 --> 00:26:16,263 As super fun and creative as 744 00:26:14,253 --> 00:26:16,263 that sounds, 745 00:26:16,263 --> 00:26:18,312 I need to find somebody who 746 00:26:16,263 --> 00:26:18,312 knows how to work a camera 747 00:26:18,312 --> 00:26:21,092 for tonight's segment 748 00:26:18,312 --> 00:26:21,092 because that sexy loser 749 00:26:21,092 --> 00:26:23,163 with the stupid sexy earring is 750 00:26:21,092 --> 00:26:23,163 MIA. 751 00:26:23,163 --> 00:26:24,243 Oh well what about Chris 752 00:26:23,163 --> 00:26:24,243 Pringle? 753 00:26:24,243 --> 00:26:26,132 When he's not selling Christmas 754 00:26:24,243 --> 00:26:26,132 trees, 755 00:26:26,132 --> 00:26:28,263 he's teaching videography 756 00:26:26,132 --> 00:26:28,263 at Ornaments High. 757 00:26:28,263 --> 00:26:30,092 And he's also single. 758 00:26:32,042 --> 00:26:35,042 My, my ex with the 759 00:26:32,042 --> 00:26:35,042 bizarro teen child, right. 760 00:26:36,032 --> 00:26:39,233 But I mean, what choice do 761 00:26:36,032 --> 00:26:39,233 I have? 762 00:26:39,233 --> 00:26:40,292 Oh, choose love. 763 00:26:42,042 --> 00:26:44,072 Ah, this is kinda like when 764 00:26:42,042 --> 00:26:44,072 we were back in high school. 765 00:26:44,072 --> 00:26:47,173 You doing the video morning 766 00:26:44,072 --> 00:26:47,173 announcements while I filmed it. 767 00:26:47,173 --> 00:26:49,153 Except, no braces for this guy. 768 00:26:50,243 --> 00:26:52,263 Carol's Electronics should 769 00:26:50,243 --> 00:26:52,263 have everything we need. 770 00:26:54,142 --> 00:26:56,273 There may be no need for 771 00:26:54,142 --> 00:26:56,273 Carol's. 772 00:26:56,273 --> 00:26:58,193 Hey, Kevins, we found the van, 773 00:26:58,193 --> 00:27:01,072 but there is obviously no sign 774 00:26:58,193 --> 00:27:01,072 of Sam. 775 00:27:01,072 --> 00:27:02,263 Holly, come here! 776 00:27:04,072 --> 00:27:05,142 Six, six, six. 777 00:27:07,142 --> 00:27:08,253 The number of the beast? 778 00:27:09,193 --> 00:27:11,042 I'll test the red stuff for you 779 00:27:09,193 --> 00:27:11,042 guys 780 00:27:11,042 --> 00:27:12,102 but I'm telling you, this is 781 00:27:11,042 --> 00:27:12,102 probably just 782 00:27:12,102 --> 00:27:15,193 a couple of teenage vaping 783 00:27:12,102 --> 00:27:15,193 hooligans 784 00:27:15,193 --> 00:27:16,243 out trying to have a good time. 785 00:27:16,243 --> 00:27:19,132 Okay, well my camera man is 786 00:27:16,243 --> 00:27:19,132 not at Ornaments Hospital, 787 00:27:19,132 --> 00:27:22,163 so theorize that one for me, 788 00:27:19,132 --> 00:27:22,163 Sheriff. 789 00:27:22,163 --> 00:27:24,112 Telling me how to do my job? 790 00:27:24,112 --> 00:27:25,153 Chris, I'll meet you back here 791 00:27:24,112 --> 00:27:25,153 in five. 792 00:27:25,153 --> 00:27:28,042 I'm gonna go smash a Texas 793 00:27:25,153 --> 00:27:28,042 Mickey of creme de cacao. 794 00:27:28,312 --> 00:27:29,302 Hm, okay. 795 00:27:31,213 --> 00:27:33,122 Thanks, Candace. 796 00:27:33,122 --> 00:27:35,302 Hey, are you two coming 797 00:27:33,122 --> 00:27:35,302 to the hot cocoa ho-down? 798 00:27:35,302 --> 00:27:37,173 I'll be filming for a 799 00:27:35,302 --> 00:27:37,173 big city news station. 800 00:27:37,173 --> 00:27:39,253 Gosh, that sounds just swell. 801 00:27:39,253 --> 00:27:41,062 We'll be there as soon as we 802 00:27:39,253 --> 00:27:41,062 close up. 803 00:27:41,062 --> 00:27:43,052 Au revoir. 804 00:27:41,062 --> 00:27:43,052 Merry Christmas. 805 00:27:43,052 --> 00:27:44,112 Merry Christmas. 806 00:27:43,052 --> 00:27:44,112 Yeah. 807 00:27:45,302 --> 00:27:47,213 All right, everybody. 808 00:27:47,213 --> 00:27:51,233 We are closed, so if 809 00:27:47,213 --> 00:27:51,233 you could go ho ho home. 810 00:27:51,233 --> 00:27:52,153 Merry Christmas! 811 00:27:52,153 --> 00:27:53,233 Merry Christmas. 812 00:27:52,153 --> 00:27:53,233 Merry Christmas. 813 00:27:53,233 --> 00:27:55,023 Merry Christmas. 814 00:27:53,233 --> 00:27:55,023 Merry Christmas. 815 00:27:55,023 --> 00:27:55,273 Happy holidays. 816 00:27:55,273 --> 00:27:59,112 Jingle all the way! 817 00:27:55,273 --> 00:27:59,112 Merry Christmas! 818 00:28:00,173 --> 00:28:03,173 Do you really want to go to that 819 00:28:00,173 --> 00:28:03,173 ho-down? 820 00:28:03,173 --> 00:28:05,062 Of course, it's a classic. 821 00:28:05,062 --> 00:28:07,122 It's my favorite event 822 00:28:05,062 --> 00:28:07,122 of the whole season. 823 00:28:07,122 --> 00:28:08,082 And you heard Mr Pringle, 824 00:28:08,082 --> 00:28:09,282 they're gonna broadcast it on 825 00:28:08,082 --> 00:28:09,282 live TV. 826 00:28:09,282 --> 00:28:11,223 We can wave at our mom's. 827 00:28:11,223 --> 00:28:13,243 But Mayor Danica won the 828 00:28:11,223 --> 00:28:13,243 song contest this year, 829 00:28:13,243 --> 00:28:16,082 which means she'll be singing 830 00:28:13,243 --> 00:28:16,082 "Saucy Santa" there tonight. 831 00:28:16,082 --> 00:28:18,233 That song makes my ears bleed, 832 00:28:16,082 --> 00:28:18,233 Cameron. 833 00:28:18,233 --> 00:28:21,203 (Candace humming) 834 00:28:24,243 --> 00:28:26,102 Really, I, 835 00:28:26,102 --> 00:28:27,273 I think it's super catchy. 836 00:28:27,273 --> 00:28:29,273 Well let's just stay here. 837 00:28:29,273 --> 00:28:32,273 Or, do you wanna graduate 838 00:28:29,273 --> 00:28:32,273 high school still 839 00:28:32,273 --> 00:28:33,282 holding your V card? 840 00:28:35,153 --> 00:28:36,282 I thought I did. 841 00:28:36,282 --> 00:28:37,193 Think about it. 842 00:28:37,193 --> 00:28:39,142 Everyone will be at town hall, 843 00:28:39,142 --> 00:28:43,273 which means that we can scream, 844 00:28:39,142 --> 00:28:43,273 moan as loud as we want. 845 00:28:43,273 --> 00:28:45,122 Now do you? 846 00:28:45,122 --> 00:28:46,243 I don't know, Candace. 847 00:28:46,243 --> 00:28:48,052 Aunt Becky's got surveillance 848 00:28:48,052 --> 00:28:50,042 in case those vaping 849 00:28:48,052 --> 00:28:50,042 teens get the munchies. 850 00:28:50,042 --> 00:28:52,122 We never know when she 851 00:28:50,042 --> 00:28:52,122 might be watching us. 852 00:28:53,312 --> 00:28:54,292 Not today. 853 00:28:56,282 --> 00:28:57,253 Now. 854 00:29:03,092 --> 00:29:07,142 Now, take off that damn 855 00:29:03,092 --> 00:29:07,142 apron you sexy elf. 856 00:29:07,142 --> 00:29:10,052 (Cameron gasps) 857 00:29:12,193 --> 00:29:13,302 When did you start swearing? 858 00:29:13,302 --> 00:29:15,312 That big city TV lady inspired 859 00:29:13,302 --> 00:29:15,312 me. 860 00:29:19,302 --> 00:29:22,092 (cheerful music) 861 00:29:22,092 --> 00:29:24,062 Do you hear that? 862 00:29:24,062 --> 00:29:26,052 My heart beating like 863 00:29:24,062 --> 00:29:26,052 a little drummer boy? 864 00:29:26,052 --> 00:29:26,312 No. 865 00:29:28,092 --> 00:29:29,062 Danica bells. 866 00:29:29,062 --> 00:29:30,122 Who cares? 867 00:29:31,062 --> 00:29:33,153 ♪ Light the candle and come to 868 00:29:31,062 --> 00:29:33,153 me ♪ 869 00:29:33,153 --> 00:29:34,142 Oh no, you can go. 870 00:29:34,142 --> 00:29:35,243 I'll go this, yeah. 871 00:29:37,142 --> 00:29:38,153 ♪ And we'll see ♪ 872 00:29:38,153 --> 00:29:42,112 ♪ I trim the tree so you 873 00:29:38,153 --> 00:29:42,112 find the missing till ♪ 874 00:29:42,112 --> 00:29:43,052 ♪ Tuck the ribbon ♪ 875 00:29:43,052 --> 00:29:44,273 Okay, it is, it is a pinch 876 00:29:43,052 --> 00:29:44,273 grating. 877 00:29:44,273 --> 00:29:46,032 Pinch? 878 00:29:46,032 --> 00:29:48,122 ♪ This Christmas tree ♪ 879 00:29:46,032 --> 00:29:48,122 - Where's it coming from? 880 00:29:48,122 --> 00:29:50,052 - I don't know. 881 00:29:48,122 --> 00:29:50,052 ♪ Would you like to see ♪ 882 00:29:50,052 --> 00:29:52,122 ♪ Something new, put that hat on 883 00:29:50,052 --> 00:29:52,122 me ♪ 884 00:29:52,122 --> 00:29:54,273 (speaker ringing loudly) 885 00:29:54,273 --> 00:29:56,203 The speakers aren't even 886 00:29:54,273 --> 00:29:56,203 connected. 887 00:29:56,203 --> 00:30:01,292 We're going to die 888 00:29:56,203 --> 00:30:01,292 listening to this stupid song! 889 00:30:01,292 --> 00:30:03,032 - What? 890 00:30:01,292 --> 00:30:03,032 - Look! 891 00:30:05,032 --> 00:30:10,052 (teens whimpering) 892 00:30:05,032 --> 00:30:10,052 (music blasting) 893 00:30:11,263 --> 00:30:14,223 (teens screaming) 894 00:30:39,193 --> 00:30:40,092 ♪ Christmas Eve ♪ 895 00:30:40,092 --> 00:30:42,042 ♪ Would you like to see ♪ 896 00:30:42,042 --> 00:30:45,282 ♪ Something new, put that hat on 897 00:30:42,042 --> 00:30:45,282 me ♪ 898 00:30:45,282 --> 00:30:48,282 ♪ Put it on me ♪ 899 00:30:48,282 --> 00:30:51,112 ♪ Baby take my hand ♪ 900 00:30:51,112 --> 00:30:53,062 ♪ Have a Christmas dance ♪ 901 00:30:53,062 --> 00:30:56,273 ♪ This is what you 902 00:30:53,062 --> 00:30:56,273 pictured all year long ♪ 903 00:30:56,273 --> 00:30:58,213 ♪ Put your gingerbread man ♪ 904 00:30:58,213 --> 00:31:00,203 ♪ In my oven and stay ♪ 905 00:31:00,203 --> 00:31:04,112 ♪ Nice and toasty for you ♪ 906 00:31:04,112 --> 00:31:05,253 ♪ I'll be your ♪ 907 00:31:06,223 --> 00:31:08,163 ♪ I'll be your ♪ 908 00:31:08,163 --> 00:31:10,193 Well, howdy partners. 909 00:31:10,193 --> 00:31:12,072 Oh God no, please no. 910 00:31:12,072 --> 00:31:14,122 What, I'm just getting into 911 00:31:12,072 --> 00:31:14,122 character. 912 00:31:14,122 --> 00:31:16,132 Okay, well horses don't talk. 913 00:31:16,132 --> 00:31:18,052 I had the best idea, daddy. 914 00:31:18,052 --> 00:31:19,142 We should go on a double date. 915 00:31:19,142 --> 00:31:21,173 You and Holly, and me and 916 00:31:19,142 --> 00:31:21,173 Jeremy. 917 00:31:21,173 --> 00:31:24,082 A double date with a couple 918 00:31:21,173 --> 00:31:24,082 of cosplaying underage nerds. 919 00:31:24,082 --> 00:31:25,253 That's gonna be a hard pass. 920 00:31:25,253 --> 00:31:27,023 Trot off, Hope. 921 00:31:27,292 --> 00:31:28,263 It's Faith. 922 00:31:31,282 --> 00:31:33,203 Well maybe we can go out. 923 00:31:33,203 --> 00:31:35,052 Just the two of us. 924 00:31:35,052 --> 00:31:36,122 Chris, look I, 925 00:31:37,183 --> 00:31:42,023 I'm only in town for 72 hours 926 00:31:37,183 --> 00:31:42,023 and you're too good for me. 927 00:31:42,023 --> 00:31:42,292 What, who says? 928 00:31:42,292 --> 00:31:43,253 Says me. 929 00:31:43,253 --> 00:31:46,153 You're so sweet and I, 930 00:31:46,153 --> 00:31:48,263 oh God, I am so sour. 931 00:31:48,263 --> 00:31:50,132 That's my favorite kind of 932 00:31:48,263 --> 00:31:50,132 Chinese food. 933 00:31:50,132 --> 00:31:51,092 Ha ha ha. 934 00:31:52,292 --> 00:31:53,253 Alcohol? 935 00:31:54,203 --> 00:31:55,282 Aren't you on the clock? 936 00:31:55,282 --> 00:31:57,112 I didn't realize you were also a 937 00:31:55,282 --> 00:31:57,112 judge. 938 00:31:57,112 --> 00:31:59,092 Look, vodka is the only thing 939 00:31:59,092 --> 00:32:01,282 that is getting me through this 940 00:31:59,092 --> 00:32:01,282 week. 941 00:32:02,243 --> 00:32:04,183 Look, I'm worried about you. 942 00:32:04,183 --> 00:32:06,102 Well don't be. 943 00:32:06,102 --> 00:32:08,032 I'm gonna be Connie Chung soon 944 00:32:06,102 --> 00:32:08,032 enough. 945 00:32:08,032 --> 00:32:09,112 WOMAN: Come on, let's dance! 946 00:32:09,112 --> 00:32:10,112 (Holly coughs) 947 00:32:10,112 --> 00:32:12,072 (ominous music) 948 00:32:12,072 --> 00:32:13,302 Ha ha, Holly. 949 00:32:13,302 --> 00:32:15,203 Very funny. 950 00:32:15,203 --> 00:32:19,042 (Holly coughing) 951 00:32:19,042 --> 00:32:21,042 Holly! 952 00:32:21,042 --> 00:32:23,153 What's going on? 953 00:32:23,153 --> 00:32:25,072 (Holly coughs) 954 00:32:25,072 --> 00:32:26,253 (bell dinging) 955 00:32:26,253 --> 00:32:29,193 (romantic music) 956 00:32:29,193 --> 00:32:30,153 Whoa, are you okay? 957 00:32:30,153 --> 00:32:32,213 Yeah, I just, um. 958 00:32:32,213 --> 00:32:33,183 I'm fine. 959 00:32:35,302 --> 00:32:37,153 Are you okay? 960 00:32:37,153 --> 00:32:38,173 Uh, yeah. 961 00:32:38,173 --> 00:32:39,163 I'm, I'm fine. 962 00:32:39,163 --> 00:32:41,102 Did you eat one of those 963 00:32:39,163 --> 00:32:41,102 Christmas ham balls? 964 00:32:41,102 --> 00:32:42,243 They are delicious but deadly. 965 00:32:42,243 --> 00:32:45,052 No, just a sip of spiked cocoa, 966 00:32:45,052 --> 00:32:47,292 but something got lodged in my 967 00:32:45,052 --> 00:32:47,292 throat. 968 00:32:47,292 --> 00:32:49,243 Oh, weird. 969 00:32:49,243 --> 00:32:50,302 It was this. 970 00:32:50,302 --> 00:32:51,292 (ominous music) 971 00:32:51,292 --> 00:32:54,173 Holly, isn't that camera man 972 00:32:51,292 --> 00:32:54,173 Sam's? 973 00:32:54,173 --> 00:32:55,142 Um, 974 00:32:57,233 --> 00:32:58,203 I need a minute. 975 00:33:03,203 --> 00:33:06,142 (Holly vomiting) 976 00:33:07,273 --> 00:33:11,122 (toilet flushing) 977 00:33:11,122 --> 00:33:13,263 (dark music) 978 00:33:22,302 --> 00:33:24,173 Well happy freakin' holidays. 979 00:33:33,112 --> 00:33:35,052 was in the hot cocoa dispenser? 980 00:33:35,282 --> 00:33:36,233 Yeah. 981 00:33:36,233 --> 00:33:37,273 That's very bizarre. 982 00:33:38,263 --> 00:33:41,052 But, at least my handsome, 983 00:33:38,263 --> 00:33:41,052 charming, 984 00:33:41,052 --> 00:33:43,203 single brother was there to 985 00:33:41,052 --> 00:33:43,203 rescue you. 986 00:33:43,203 --> 00:33:46,062 Chad, I do not have time for 987 00:33:43,203 --> 00:33:46,062 a romance chat right now. 988 00:33:46,062 --> 00:33:47,302 I'm trying to tell you 989 00:33:46,062 --> 00:33:47,302 something important. 990 00:33:47,302 --> 00:33:49,282 Right, sorry, go ahead. 991 00:33:49,282 --> 00:33:52,112 Ever since I came back 992 00:33:49,282 --> 00:33:52,112 to Ornaments, weird shit. 993 00:33:52,112 --> 00:33:53,062 Stuff. 994 00:33:53,062 --> 00:33:53,253 - Shit. 995 00:33:53,062 --> 00:33:53,253 - Okay. 996 00:33:53,253 --> 00:33:54,312 Has been happening to me. 997 00:33:54,312 --> 00:33:58,032 First, my camera man disappears. 998 00:33:58,032 --> 00:34:00,173 Then I find his van 999 00:33:58,032 --> 00:34:00,173 with bloody sixes on it, 1000 00:34:00,173 --> 00:34:03,072 and last night I end up choking 1001 00:34:00,173 --> 00:34:03,072 on this? 1002 00:34:03,072 --> 00:34:05,032 I'm not sure what you're getting 1003 00:34:03,072 --> 00:34:05,032 at. 1004 00:34:06,042 --> 00:34:07,023 (ominous music) 1005 00:34:07,023 --> 00:34:10,053 I wrote Satan by mistake when I 1006 00:34:07,023 --> 00:34:10,053 was seven. 1007 00:34:10,053 --> 00:34:12,122 Wait, isn't that how old 1008 00:34:10,053 --> 00:34:12,122 you were when your parents? 1009 00:34:12,122 --> 00:34:13,193 Were hacked to death? 1010 00:34:13,193 --> 00:34:14,312 Oh yeah. 1011 00:34:14,312 --> 00:34:17,242 Apparently I asked 1012 00:34:14,312 --> 00:34:17,242 Satan to get rid of them 1013 00:34:17,242 --> 00:34:19,233 and then they wind up being 1014 00:34:17,242 --> 00:34:19,233 murdered. 1015 00:34:20,283 --> 00:34:23,122 And last night at the 1016 00:34:20,283 --> 00:34:23,122 letters to Santa event, 1017 00:34:23,122 --> 00:34:24,213 I wrote to him again. 1018 00:34:24,213 --> 00:34:25,162 Why? 1019 00:34:25,162 --> 00:34:26,142 What did you write? 1020 00:34:26,142 --> 00:34:28,292 I called old heavy hooves a 1021 00:34:26,142 --> 00:34:28,292 giant dick. 1022 00:34:28,292 --> 00:34:29,202 Oh, Holly. 1023 00:34:29,202 --> 00:34:31,283 And then, they got back to me 1024 00:34:31,283 --> 00:34:35,023 via the Whit and Wagner 1025 00:34:31,283 --> 00:34:35,023 Wine Bar ladies room. 1026 00:34:36,242 --> 00:34:37,262 Uh, okay Hol, 1027 00:34:38,222 --> 00:34:40,182 the person who hurt your 1028 00:34:38,222 --> 00:34:40,182 parents. 1029 00:34:40,182 --> 00:34:41,222 That was some nutty nut job 1030 00:34:41,222 --> 00:34:45,033 dressed up as Santa the police 1031 00:34:41,222 --> 00:34:45,033 could never find, right? 1032 00:34:45,033 --> 00:34:47,053 The whole devil thing, 1033 00:34:47,053 --> 00:34:49,033 you're not even religious. 1034 00:34:49,033 --> 00:34:51,182 You don't believe in Satan, 1035 00:34:49,033 --> 00:34:51,182 right? 1036 00:34:51,182 --> 00:34:52,142 Right. 1037 00:34:52,142 --> 00:34:53,093 You don't even believe in 1038 00:34:52,142 --> 00:34:53,093 Christmas. 1039 00:34:53,093 --> 00:34:54,162 Right, but. 1040 00:34:54,162 --> 00:34:57,073 So this is some vaping teens 1041 00:34:54,162 --> 00:34:57,073 playing an April Fools prank. 1042 00:34:57,073 --> 00:34:58,253 It's December. 1043 00:34:58,253 --> 00:35:00,222 But they're vapists. 1044 00:35:00,222 --> 00:35:01,303 They don't know that. 1045 00:35:01,303 --> 00:35:04,253 (romantic music) 1046 00:35:06,233 --> 00:35:08,253 Oh, jingle my bells. 1047 00:35:08,253 --> 00:35:09,253 What? 1048 00:35:09,253 --> 00:35:12,102 Holly, this, this is John Smith. 1049 00:35:12,102 --> 00:35:13,053 He's uh. 1050 00:35:12,102 --> 00:35:13,053 Hey. 1051 00:35:13,053 --> 00:35:14,153 An amazing farmer. 1052 00:35:14,153 --> 00:35:15,162 Wow, that's hard. 1053 00:35:15,162 --> 00:35:18,113 He's got the best, produce 1054 00:35:15,162 --> 00:35:18,113 in all of Ornaments. 1055 00:35:18,113 --> 00:35:20,093 Oh, you're too kind, Chady. 1056 00:35:21,062 --> 00:35:22,102 Chady? 1057 00:35:22,102 --> 00:35:24,093 Do people call you Chady? 1058 00:35:24,093 --> 00:35:25,042 No. 1059 00:35:25,042 --> 00:35:26,053 Oh, um sorry. 1060 00:35:26,053 --> 00:35:27,053 No, you can call me that. 1061 00:35:27,053 --> 00:35:28,162 I mean if you'd prefer 1062 00:35:27,053 --> 00:35:28,162 Chad, I can you Chad. 1063 00:35:28,162 --> 00:35:30,033 No, I don't prefer anything. 1064 00:35:31,062 --> 00:35:32,222 That, that came out wrong. 1065 00:35:32,222 --> 00:35:34,213 Um, well I better get going. 1066 00:35:34,213 --> 00:35:35,193 I've got to iron out my suit 1067 00:35:35,193 --> 00:35:38,162 before the gingerbread gala 1068 00:35:35,193 --> 00:35:38,162 tonight, so. 1069 00:35:38,162 --> 00:35:41,053 Nice to meet you and, 1070 00:35:38,162 --> 00:35:41,053 see you later. 1071 00:35:41,053 --> 00:35:42,153 Yeah, okay. 1072 00:35:42,153 --> 00:35:43,042 Oh, yeah, no. 1073 00:35:43,042 --> 00:35:44,053 You got it? 1074 00:35:43,042 --> 00:35:44,053 I got it. 1075 00:35:44,053 --> 00:35:45,073 Okay. 1076 00:35:44,053 --> 00:35:45,073 Bye. 1077 00:35:45,073 --> 00:35:46,042 Bye. 1078 00:35:47,262 --> 00:35:50,303 (Holly laughs mockingly) 1079 00:35:50,303 --> 00:35:52,202 Well, it is pretty clear 1080 00:35:52,202 --> 00:35:56,053 that he wants to take a nice 1081 00:35:52,202 --> 00:35:56,053 juicy bite outta your apple. 1082 00:35:56,053 --> 00:35:57,312 Why don't you flirt back? 1083 00:35:57,312 --> 00:35:58,312 I tried. 1084 00:35:58,312 --> 00:36:01,053 But, look at me. 1085 00:36:01,053 --> 00:36:02,292 I'm probably not the guy's type. 1086 00:36:02,292 --> 00:36:04,262 I gotta go fill a bunch of pie 1087 00:36:02,292 --> 00:36:04,262 orders. 1088 00:36:05,273 --> 00:36:07,073 And then the pies themselves. 1089 00:36:07,073 --> 00:36:08,073 I'll probably eat one too. 1090 00:36:08,073 --> 00:36:09,193 I'm so fat and alone. 1091 00:36:09,193 --> 00:36:10,173 It is really good. 1092 00:36:10,173 --> 00:36:11,133 CHAD: I know, right? 1093 00:36:11,133 --> 00:36:12,102 Hey, Holly. 1094 00:36:13,053 --> 00:36:14,253 What, did you go on a shopping 1095 00:36:13,053 --> 00:36:14,253 spree? 1096 00:36:14,253 --> 00:36:15,253 They're for Danica. 1097 00:36:15,253 --> 00:36:16,242 We still haven't found just 1098 00:36:16,242 --> 00:36:18,202 the right dress for 1099 00:36:16,242 --> 00:36:18,202 the gingerbread gala. 1100 00:36:18,202 --> 00:36:19,153 Mm. 1101 00:36:19,153 --> 00:36:20,253 I heard you met my brother, 1102 00:36:19,153 --> 00:36:20,253 Cole. 1103 00:36:20,253 --> 00:36:22,053 The singing Sheriff. 1104 00:36:22,053 --> 00:36:24,023 He thought you were pretty cute. 1105 00:36:24,023 --> 00:36:28,073 I mean, for an adult woman 1106 00:36:24,023 --> 00:36:28,073 who steals Darby Dream Wagons. 1107 00:36:28,073 --> 00:36:29,202 I'd be happy to set you two up 1108 00:36:28,073 --> 00:36:29,202 on a date. 1109 00:36:29,202 --> 00:36:31,173 I'm not interested in 1110 00:36:29,202 --> 00:36:31,173 getting to know Cole, 1111 00:36:31,173 --> 00:36:35,312 or any other band better in 1112 00:36:31,173 --> 00:36:35,312 this creepy ass Christmas town. 1113 00:36:35,312 --> 00:36:39,023 Second my gig ends, I am 1114 00:36:35,312 --> 00:36:39,023 peacing out, never to return. 1115 00:36:39,023 --> 00:36:40,102 I don't believe you, Holly 1116 00:36:39,023 --> 00:36:40,102 Winters. 1117 00:36:40,102 --> 00:36:41,113 That's not my name anymore. 1118 00:36:41,113 --> 00:36:42,312 I see it, deep down. 1119 00:36:42,312 --> 00:36:44,042 What are you talking about? 1120 00:36:44,042 --> 00:36:45,162 The Christmas candle. 1121 00:36:45,162 --> 00:36:46,233 Inside your heart. 1122 00:36:47,222 --> 00:36:48,222 It's still lit. 1123 00:36:49,253 --> 00:36:53,042 Okay, that makes like zero sense 1124 00:36:53,042 --> 00:36:55,273 and you don't even know me, Joy. 1125 00:36:57,292 --> 00:37:00,173 ♪ Joy to the world ♪ 1126 00:37:00,173 --> 00:37:03,142 ♪ The Lord is come ♪ 1127 00:37:03,142 --> 00:37:05,033 ♪ Let Earth ♪ 1128 00:37:05,033 --> 00:37:06,182 ♪ Receive ♪ 1129 00:37:06,182 --> 00:37:09,133 ♪ Her king ♪ 1130 00:37:09,133 --> 00:37:12,122 ♪ Let every heart ♪ 1131 00:37:12,122 --> 00:37:15,082 ♪ Prepare him room ♪ 1132 00:37:15,082 --> 00:37:18,042 ♪ And heaven and nature sing ♪ 1133 00:37:18,042 --> 00:37:20,283 ♪ And heaven and nature sing ♪ 1134 00:37:20,283 --> 00:37:25,142 ♪ And he-eaven heaven and nature 1135 00:37:20,283 --> 00:37:25,142 sing ♪ 1136 00:37:30,242 --> 00:37:31,222 That was great. 1137 00:37:32,162 --> 00:37:34,122 I didn't realize you were a 1138 00:37:32,162 --> 00:37:34,122 tenor. 1139 00:37:34,122 --> 00:37:36,122 Yeah, most people don't 1140 00:37:34,122 --> 00:37:36,122 expect that from me. 1141 00:37:36,122 --> 00:37:37,093 I bet they don't. 1142 00:37:37,093 --> 00:37:38,193 Unfortunately, 1143 00:37:39,233 --> 00:37:42,053 we already have someone in 1144 00:37:39,233 --> 00:37:42,053 your vocal range right now. 1145 00:37:42,053 --> 00:37:44,262 So I don't think it's gonna 1146 00:37:42,053 --> 00:37:44,262 be a really good fit for us. 1147 00:37:44,262 --> 00:37:45,222 Oh. 1148 00:37:46,193 --> 00:37:47,142 That, that's too bad. 1149 00:37:47,142 --> 00:37:49,122 It really is. 1150 00:37:49,122 --> 00:37:51,213 Yeah, it really, really is. 1151 00:37:53,193 --> 00:37:55,142 Oh, but would you like to take 1152 00:37:55,142 --> 00:37:57,202 one of my heavenly cookies over 1153 00:37:55,142 --> 00:37:57,202 there? 1154 00:37:57,202 --> 00:37:58,182 My little angels. 1155 00:37:58,182 --> 00:37:59,162 Hi guys! 1156 00:37:59,162 --> 00:38:00,292 For the road? 1157 00:38:00,292 --> 00:38:02,113 Uh, I'm good. 1158 00:38:02,113 --> 00:38:03,062 Are you sure? 1159 00:38:03,062 --> 00:38:03,312 They're delish. 1160 00:38:03,312 --> 00:38:05,253 Maybe uh, save it for the poor 1161 00:38:03,312 --> 00:38:05,253 kids 1162 00:38:05,253 --> 00:38:07,193 at the toy drive tomorrow night. 1163 00:38:08,242 --> 00:38:10,312 Well now that is a 1164 00:38:08,242 --> 00:38:10,312 thoughtful though, Cole. 1165 00:38:10,312 --> 00:38:12,292 Yes, and um, okay. 1166 00:38:12,292 --> 00:38:13,193 Well, you know what? 1167 00:38:13,193 --> 00:38:15,113 Better try next year, right? 1168 00:38:15,113 --> 00:38:17,153 Good try today. 1169 00:38:17,153 --> 00:38:18,153 ♪ Aah ♪ 1170 00:38:18,153 --> 00:38:20,193 All right, we'll see you 1171 00:38:18,153 --> 00:38:20,193 a bit later then, Cole. 1172 00:38:20,193 --> 00:38:21,202 Bye bye. 1173 00:38:24,233 --> 00:38:26,153 (ominous music) 1174 00:38:26,153 --> 00:38:27,283 Oh angel Jennifer, I shan't. 1175 00:38:30,062 --> 00:38:32,242 Well what's, one little bite of 1176 00:38:30,062 --> 00:38:32,242 your, 1177 00:38:32,242 --> 00:38:34,122 your wing gonna do, right? 1178 00:38:35,102 --> 00:38:36,182 Oh, I mean. 1179 00:38:37,153 --> 00:38:40,292 How many calories can that be? 1180 00:38:43,093 --> 00:38:46,133 (Aunt Becky moaning) 1181 00:38:53,062 --> 00:38:56,073 (ominous music) 1182 00:38:56,073 --> 00:38:58,023 I missed you so much. 1183 00:39:00,053 --> 00:39:03,082 Mommy, why did you hurt me? 1184 00:39:03,082 --> 00:39:06,062 (Aunt Becky screams) 1185 00:39:06,062 --> 00:39:07,222 What, what what? 1186 00:39:08,202 --> 00:39:09,262 Oh my gosh. 1187 00:39:09,262 --> 00:39:10,242 My angels, 1188 00:39:10,242 --> 00:39:12,222 I didn't realize you guys were 1189 00:39:10,242 --> 00:39:12,222 all alive. 1190 00:39:12,222 --> 00:39:14,162 You killed Jennifer! 1191 00:39:14,162 --> 00:39:15,113 Bad mommy! 1192 00:39:15,113 --> 00:39:17,133 I, I didn't know what I was 1193 00:39:15,113 --> 00:39:17,133 doing. 1194 00:39:17,133 --> 00:39:18,273 I can make you a new friend. 1195 00:39:18,273 --> 00:39:20,133 (cookies crying) 1196 00:39:20,133 --> 00:39:21,082 Please don't cry. 1197 00:39:21,082 --> 00:39:22,062 (ominous music) 1198 00:39:22,062 --> 00:39:23,153 Jingle bells! 1199 00:39:24,273 --> 00:39:25,173 No. 1200 00:39:25,173 --> 00:39:26,303 Do you know what time it is? 1201 00:39:26,303 --> 00:39:28,153 (Aunt Becky screaming) 1202 00:39:28,153 --> 00:39:29,303 Cookie time! 1203 00:39:29,303 --> 00:39:32,242 (Satan Claus laughs evilly) 1204 00:39:32,242 --> 00:39:33,193 (Aunt Becky screaming) 1205 00:39:33,193 --> 00:39:36,162 Burn bright, my little star 1206 00:39:33,193 --> 00:39:36,162 baker. 1207 00:39:36,162 --> 00:39:39,202 (Satan Claus laughs) 1208 00:39:48,193 --> 00:39:52,133 that there's literally no waywh 1209 00:39:52,133 --> 00:39:55,062 to get a coffee in a 1210 00:39:52,133 --> 00:39:55,062 coffee shop this morning. 1211 00:39:55,062 --> 00:39:56,193 Yes. 1212 00:39:56,193 --> 00:39:57,142 Great, fantastic. 1213 00:39:57,142 --> 00:39:59,113 Well, I hope you have a great 1214 00:39:57,142 --> 00:39:59,113 day 1215 00:39:59,113 --> 00:40:02,193 because you're making me have 1216 00:39:59,113 --> 00:40:02,193 vodka for breakfast, again. 1217 00:40:04,042 --> 00:40:04,303 Watch it. 1218 00:40:07,242 --> 00:40:09,262 Don't help us or anything. 1219 00:40:09,262 --> 00:40:11,202 Oh I uh, I wasn't going to. 1220 00:40:12,292 --> 00:40:14,253 Um, give us a second, Joy. 1221 00:40:14,253 --> 00:40:15,253 Of course. 1222 00:40:15,253 --> 00:40:17,073 You know what, Holly? 1223 00:40:17,073 --> 00:40:18,292 With Chris Pringle you are 1224 00:40:17,073 --> 00:40:18,292 barking up 1225 00:40:18,292 --> 00:40:19,312 the wrong Christmas tree. 1226 00:40:19,312 --> 00:40:23,253 Oh my God, I am not 1227 00:40:19,312 --> 00:40:23,253 interested in Chris Pringle. 1228 00:40:23,253 --> 00:40:26,213 Okay, like maybe to like 1229 00:40:23,253 --> 00:40:26,213 bang once before I bounce. 1230 00:40:27,173 --> 00:40:30,213 Why is everybody so obsessed 1231 00:40:27,173 --> 00:40:30,213 with love in this town? 1232 00:40:30,213 --> 00:40:34,122 Well at least we can love 1233 00:40:30,213 --> 00:40:34,122 something other than the bottle. 1234 00:40:34,122 --> 00:40:37,262 Go back to the big city 1235 00:40:34,122 --> 00:40:37,262 and drink your life away. 1236 00:40:37,262 --> 00:40:42,142 Okay, and why don't you go 1237 00:40:37,262 --> 00:40:42,142 straight to hell, Mayor. 1238 00:40:44,303 --> 00:40:45,253 Ugh! 1239 00:40:46,202 --> 00:40:48,023 The nerve. 1240 00:40:48,023 --> 00:40:50,053 Uh, the gala committee needs you 1241 00:40:50,053 --> 00:40:51,273 to approve tonight's gala 1242 00:40:50,053 --> 00:40:51,273 decorations. 1243 00:40:51,273 --> 00:40:54,042 They also have some 1244 00:40:51,273 --> 00:40:54,042 questions about the auction. 1245 00:40:54,042 --> 00:40:55,073 Why do I have to do everything? 1246 00:40:55,073 --> 00:40:57,093 Because you're the mayor. 1247 00:40:58,283 --> 00:41:01,033 I guess I'll have to try on 1248 00:40:58,283 --> 00:41:01,033 my dresses at the hall, then. 1249 00:41:01,033 --> 00:41:02,093 You're gonna look great in 1250 00:41:01,033 --> 00:41:02,093 everything. 1251 00:41:02,093 --> 00:41:05,122 Oh, thank you I, I mean I've 1252 00:41:02,093 --> 00:41:05,122 been working out a lot, so. 1253 00:41:05,122 --> 00:41:06,182 It shows. 1254 00:41:06,182 --> 00:41:09,153 (whimsical music) 1255 00:41:15,173 --> 00:41:16,202 How's it going in there? 1256 00:41:18,113 --> 00:41:23,113 Joy, do you call this polyester 1257 00:41:18,113 --> 00:41:23,113 candy cane mess, classy? 1258 00:41:23,113 --> 00:41:25,242 'Cause if I wear it tonight, 1259 00:41:23,113 --> 00:41:25,242 kids will lick me to death. 1260 00:41:25,242 --> 00:41:28,262 Uh, well, there are still 1261 00:41:28,262 --> 00:41:31,233 a few more options that you 1262 00:41:28,262 --> 00:41:31,233 haven't tried. 1263 00:41:31,233 --> 00:41:34,033 This one's custom. 1264 00:41:34,033 --> 00:41:35,182 It's from Paris. 1265 00:41:35,182 --> 00:41:37,292 Oh, now we're talking. 1266 00:41:37,292 --> 00:41:41,033 Oh, but it's a size zero, so. 1267 00:41:41,033 --> 00:41:41,303 Trust me. 1268 00:41:42,262 --> 00:41:44,033 I'm a size zero, Joy. 1269 00:41:45,133 --> 00:41:46,182 Of course you are. 1270 00:41:47,253 --> 00:41:49,113 Double zero even. 1271 00:41:59,242 --> 00:42:03,082 (light mysterious music) 1272 00:42:05,273 --> 00:42:07,233 Joy, you weren't kidding. 1273 00:42:07,233 --> 00:42:09,122 I think we have a winner. 1274 00:42:11,042 --> 00:42:12,153 (ominous music) 1275 00:42:12,153 --> 00:42:13,182 Do you need a hand? 1276 00:42:16,093 --> 00:42:17,122 Oh thank you, Joy. 1277 00:42:17,122 --> 00:42:20,042 It must have been a man 1278 00:42:17,122 --> 00:42:20,042 that invented side zippers. 1279 00:42:20,042 --> 00:42:22,133 See, I told you I was a size 1280 00:42:20,042 --> 00:42:22,133 zero. 1281 00:42:22,133 --> 00:42:25,033 Your bow looks a little limp, 1282 00:42:22,133 --> 00:42:25,033 Mayor. 1283 00:42:25,033 --> 00:42:28,082 Perhaps I could assist you with 1284 00:42:25,033 --> 00:42:28,082 it, hm? 1285 00:42:28,082 --> 00:42:31,193 (Danica whimpering) 1286 00:42:31,193 --> 00:42:33,133 Are you okay? 1287 00:42:33,133 --> 00:42:34,262 Mayor? 1288 00:42:34,262 --> 00:42:36,253 (Danica choking) 1289 00:42:36,253 --> 00:42:38,082 Danica? 1290 00:42:38,082 --> 00:42:39,042 Mayor? 1291 00:42:40,093 --> 00:42:43,102 (Danica choking) 1292 00:42:43,102 --> 00:42:44,312 Do you need me to come in there? 1293 00:42:44,312 --> 00:42:47,292 SATAN CLAUS: Oh that 1294 00:42:44,312 --> 00:42:47,292 dress is just to die for. 1295 00:42:47,292 --> 00:42:50,062 (Satan Claus laughing evilly) 1296 00:42:50,062 --> 00:42:53,122 (Danica choking) 1297 00:42:53,122 --> 00:42:55,292 I have this trick with 1298 00:42:53,122 --> 00:42:55,292 butter and a coat hanger. 1299 00:42:55,292 --> 00:42:57,142 I can get you right in there. 1300 00:42:58,162 --> 00:43:00,193 SATAN CLAUS: Isn't that 1301 00:42:58,162 --> 00:43:00,193 line a little tight? 1302 00:43:00,193 --> 00:43:03,142 (Satan Claus laughing) 1303 00:43:03,142 --> 00:43:04,202 I'm coming in there. 1304 00:43:05,173 --> 00:43:08,042 (tense music) 1305 00:43:13,033 --> 00:43:16,133 (Satan Claus laughing) 1306 00:43:18,023 --> 00:43:19,303 Is there any way to just like 1307 00:43:19,303 --> 00:43:22,222 get a normal coffee around here? 1308 00:43:22,222 --> 00:43:26,033 But you're so ho ho, hot, 1309 00:43:22,222 --> 00:43:26,033 chocolate. 1310 00:43:26,033 --> 00:43:28,202 Chad, that's not even 1311 00:43:26,033 --> 00:43:28,202 a real play on words. 1312 00:43:28,202 --> 00:43:31,162 Not everything said here has to 1313 00:43:28,202 --> 00:43:31,162 be like, 1314 00:43:31,162 --> 00:43:34,162 Christmas explosion. 1315 00:43:34,162 --> 00:43:35,283 Nah, I disatree. 1316 00:43:35,283 --> 00:43:37,033 Chad. 1317 00:43:37,033 --> 00:43:38,033 I'll murder you in your sleep. 1318 00:43:38,033 --> 00:43:38,312 That one needs work. 1319 00:43:38,312 --> 00:43:39,262 Chad! 1320 00:43:39,262 --> 00:43:40,153 What's going on? 1321 00:43:40,153 --> 00:43:41,213 A monster took the Mayor! 1322 00:43:41,213 --> 00:43:42,162 What? 1323 00:43:42,162 --> 00:43:43,122 Let's go. 1324 00:43:45,233 --> 00:43:47,253 She went through there. 1325 00:43:47,253 --> 00:43:50,233 With him, the monster man. 1326 00:43:50,233 --> 00:43:53,213 I didn't see him but he had 1327 00:43:50,233 --> 00:43:53,213 this horrible chuckle like, 1328 00:43:54,182 --> 00:43:56,312 nails on a chalkboard 1329 00:43:54,182 --> 00:43:56,312 mixed with a lion's roar. 1330 00:43:58,062 --> 00:43:59,122 Shit. 1331 00:43:59,122 --> 00:44:00,292 We'll get one of your brother's 1332 00:43:59,122 --> 00:44:00,292 down here to investigate. 1333 00:44:00,292 --> 00:44:02,162 Maybe Cole. 1334 00:44:02,162 --> 00:44:05,023 Yes, definitely, definitely 1335 00:44:02,162 --> 00:44:05,023 Cole. 1336 00:44:05,023 --> 00:44:07,122 Maybe he can see where the 1337 00:44:05,023 --> 00:44:07,122 air vent goes, you know? 1338 00:44:07,122 --> 00:44:10,222 Meanwhile just, try to relax, 1339 00:44:07,122 --> 00:44:10,222 okay? 1340 00:44:10,222 --> 00:44:12,283 How the frankincense am I 1341 00:44:10,222 --> 00:44:12,283 supposed to relax right now? 1342 00:44:12,283 --> 00:44:15,213 Well, you used to be a 1343 00:44:12,283 --> 00:44:15,213 competitive snowman builder, 1344 00:44:15,213 --> 00:44:16,193 right? 1345 00:44:16,193 --> 00:44:18,173 Okay yeah, that's not a thing. 1346 00:44:18,173 --> 00:44:20,153 Tell that to my coach. 1347 00:44:20,153 --> 00:44:24,033 I medaled at the world snowman 1348 00:44:20,153 --> 00:44:24,033 championship in Finland. 1349 00:44:24,033 --> 00:44:25,073 Twice. 1350 00:44:25,073 --> 00:44:26,193 Twice. 1351 00:44:26,193 --> 00:44:31,233 Okay then go and build a 1352 00:44:26,193 --> 00:44:31,233 freaking snowman. 1353 00:44:31,233 --> 00:44:33,133 You know, frozen. 1354 00:44:35,133 --> 00:44:36,082 You see, Chad. 1355 00:44:36,082 --> 00:44:38,033 I am not crazy. 1356 00:44:38,033 --> 00:44:39,042 I know you're not. 1357 00:44:39,292 --> 00:44:42,262 This is not normal for 1358 00:44:39,292 --> 00:44:42,262 Ornaments. 1359 00:44:45,082 --> 00:44:46,122 For anywhere. 1360 00:44:58,233 --> 00:45:00,073 Now for the eyes. 1361 00:45:01,173 --> 00:45:03,182 I wonder what I can use. 1362 00:45:06,303 --> 00:45:08,303 SATAN CLAUS: I can help you with 1363 00:45:06,303 --> 00:45:08,303 those. 1364 00:45:10,133 --> 00:45:13,142 I spy some pretty little eyes. 1365 00:45:14,312 --> 00:45:15,283 Hello? 1366 00:45:18,082 --> 00:45:19,193 Noel? 1367 00:45:19,193 --> 00:45:20,102 Cole? 1368 00:45:20,102 --> 00:45:22,182 SATAN CLAUS: No no, over here. 1369 00:45:22,182 --> 00:45:23,142 That's right. 1370 00:45:24,082 --> 00:45:27,082 Why don't you come a little 1371 00:45:24,082 --> 00:45:27,082 closer. 1372 00:45:28,312 --> 00:45:31,242 Would you like to be 1373 00:45:28,312 --> 00:45:31,242 friends with a snowman, Joy? 1374 00:45:32,292 --> 00:45:36,053 Would you like to go 1375 00:45:32,292 --> 00:45:36,053 on a magical adventure 1376 00:45:36,053 --> 00:45:37,292 just like you've always dreamed 1377 00:45:36,053 --> 00:45:37,292 of? 1378 00:45:39,173 --> 00:45:40,122 (Satan Claus laughing) 1379 00:45:40,122 --> 00:45:42,213 (Joy grunting) 1380 00:45:42,213 --> 00:45:45,053 (dark music) 1381 00:45:55,023 --> 00:45:57,042 (flesh ripping) 1382 00:46:11,023 --> 00:46:11,283 Hello? 1383 00:46:12,262 --> 00:46:15,262 (melancholy music) 1384 00:46:20,142 --> 00:46:25,162 Shit. 1385 00:46:26,033 --> 00:46:27,023 (horrific music) 1386 00:46:27,023 --> 00:46:28,082 Oh Jesus! 1387 00:46:28,082 --> 00:46:30,053 God, you scared the crap out of 1388 00:46:28,082 --> 00:46:30,053 me. 1389 00:46:30,053 --> 00:46:31,122 Where's Aunt Becky? 1390 00:46:31,122 --> 00:46:32,273 Oh I, I don't know. 1391 00:46:32,273 --> 00:46:34,283 I was downtown working 1392 00:46:32,273 --> 00:46:34,283 on my nativity scene. 1393 00:46:34,283 --> 00:46:37,082 It's gonna rock everyone's 1394 00:46:34,283 --> 00:46:37,082 Christmas socks off. 1395 00:46:37,082 --> 00:46:38,222 Aunt Becky said that she 1396 00:46:37,082 --> 00:46:38,222 had choir practice here 1397 00:46:38,222 --> 00:46:40,233 and then she was gonna 1398 00:46:38,222 --> 00:46:40,233 carpool with us to the gala. 1399 00:46:40,233 --> 00:46:42,253 Maybe she changed her mind. 1400 00:46:42,253 --> 00:46:43,213 Now you go get ready. 1401 00:46:43,213 --> 00:46:45,273 You have a gingerbread gala to 1402 00:46:43,213 --> 00:46:45,273 cover. 1403 00:46:45,273 --> 00:46:47,042 Right, yeah. 1404 00:46:47,303 --> 00:46:51,273 Does it, kinda like, smell funny 1405 00:46:47,303 --> 00:46:51,273 to you? 1406 00:46:52,202 --> 00:46:53,242 Cookies. 1407 00:46:53,242 --> 00:46:56,193 And let's drop by my nativity 1408 00:46:53,242 --> 00:46:56,193 scene on the way there. 1409 00:46:59,242 --> 00:47:01,142 This is it. 1410 00:47:04,283 --> 00:47:05,292 Hey! 1411 00:47:05,292 --> 00:47:08,253 Losers, my sister here, 1412 00:47:08,253 --> 00:47:11,062 look she spent a lot of 1413 00:47:08,253 --> 00:47:11,062 time on this nativity scene, 1414 00:47:11,062 --> 00:47:13,233 so why don't you and your little 1415 00:47:11,062 --> 00:47:13,233 friend 1416 00:47:13,233 --> 00:47:14,222 go and fill your lungs 1417 00:47:14,222 --> 00:47:18,062 with electronic teen 1418 00:47:14,222 --> 00:47:18,062 cancer somewhere else? 1419 00:47:18,062 --> 00:47:19,082 Get out of here. 1420 00:47:20,023 --> 00:47:21,082 Scram. 1421 00:47:22,213 --> 00:47:24,023 Thank you, Hol. 1422 00:47:24,023 --> 00:47:28,262 Hey, I think your nativity 1423 00:47:24,023 --> 00:47:28,262 scene looks... 1424 00:47:31,242 --> 00:47:32,253 sweet. 1425 00:47:32,253 --> 00:47:33,262 Oh! 1426 00:47:35,102 --> 00:47:36,053 Thank you. 1427 00:47:36,053 --> 00:47:37,133 Come on, let's go. 1428 00:47:38,242 --> 00:47:40,253 See that little camel? 1429 00:47:41,213 --> 00:47:44,133 (ominous music) 1430 00:47:48,242 --> 00:47:51,053 The silent auction for 1431 00:47:48,242 --> 00:47:51,053 the gingerbread houses 1432 00:47:51,053 --> 00:47:52,273 is already underway. 1433 00:47:52,273 --> 00:47:55,303 But these are not your typical 1434 00:47:52,273 --> 00:47:55,303 structures. 1435 00:47:55,303 --> 00:48:00,253 There are skyscrapers, theme 1436 00:47:55,303 --> 00:48:00,253 parks, even a Mall of America. 1437 00:48:00,253 --> 00:48:04,082 All made out of molasses and 1438 00:48:00,253 --> 00:48:04,082 dough. 1439 00:48:04,082 --> 00:48:08,102 Holly, do I spy a gingerbread 1440 00:48:04,082 --> 00:48:08,102 Statue of Liberty? 1441 00:48:08,102 --> 00:48:10,023 You sure do, Christie. 1442 00:48:10,023 --> 00:48:13,082 Oh, America's never looked so 1443 00:48:10,023 --> 00:48:13,082 delicious. 1444 00:48:13,082 --> 00:48:15,213 (Holly laughs) 1445 00:48:15,213 --> 00:48:17,283 Well, I'll be back here tomorrow 1446 00:48:15,213 --> 00:48:17,283 night 1447 00:48:17,283 --> 00:48:21,033 for the very white elephant gift 1448 00:48:17,283 --> 00:48:21,033 exchange. 1449 00:48:21,033 --> 00:48:22,262 Christie, Dean. 1450 00:48:22,262 --> 00:48:23,222 Thanks Holly. 1451 00:48:24,292 --> 00:48:26,222 Up next, Autumn. 1452 00:48:26,222 --> 00:48:29,042 The very incredible baby hippo 1453 00:48:29,042 --> 00:48:32,213 who can paint with her webbed 1454 00:48:29,042 --> 00:48:32,213 feet. 1455 00:48:32,213 --> 00:48:33,193 Adorable. 1456 00:48:33,193 --> 00:48:35,093 Oh man. 1457 00:48:35,093 --> 00:48:37,033 These cheapy candy cane heels. 1458 00:48:37,033 --> 00:48:38,312 They're just, they're killing 1459 00:48:37,033 --> 00:48:38,312 me. 1460 00:48:38,312 --> 00:48:40,073 (rhythmic drumming) 1461 00:48:40,073 --> 00:48:43,182 Oh great, the dancing portion 1462 00:48:40,073 --> 00:48:43,182 of the evening has begun. 1463 00:48:43,182 --> 00:48:45,122 Time to get the fudge home. 1464 00:48:45,122 --> 00:48:47,073 Fudge, sounds like Ornaments' 1465 00:48:47,073 --> 00:48:48,213 maybe rubbing off on you after 1466 00:48:47,073 --> 00:48:48,213 all. 1467 00:48:48,213 --> 00:48:50,062 Ha ha, it's not. 1468 00:48:50,062 --> 00:48:51,023 I meant to say. 1469 00:48:51,023 --> 00:48:52,122 Frost. 1470 00:48:52,122 --> 00:48:53,142 Miss Frost. 1471 00:48:53,142 --> 00:48:54,093 Oh, no thanks. 1472 00:48:54,093 --> 00:48:56,082 Those ham balls taste like rat 1473 00:48:54,093 --> 00:48:56,082 meat 1474 00:48:56,082 --> 00:48:58,053 stuffed into dirty baby socks. 1475 00:48:58,053 --> 00:49:00,233 Actually, I was wondering 1476 00:48:58,053 --> 00:49:00,233 if you'd like to dance. 1477 00:49:01,182 --> 00:49:02,142 Holly hates dancing. 1478 00:49:02,142 --> 00:49:04,042 Prom night, senior year. 1479 00:49:04,042 --> 00:49:06,033 She had us teepee the 1480 00:49:04,042 --> 00:49:06,033 principal's house instead. 1481 00:49:06,033 --> 00:49:09,173 Well, maybe I could um, make an 1482 00:49:06,033 --> 00:49:09,173 exception. 1483 00:49:09,173 --> 00:49:10,253 Jack Goldman. 1484 00:49:10,253 --> 00:49:11,273 Goldman. 1485 00:49:11,273 --> 00:49:13,242 You're the one who's house 1486 00:49:11,273 --> 00:49:13,242 got Christmas lighted. 1487 00:49:13,242 --> 00:49:15,273 By some vaping teen skamps. 1488 00:49:15,273 --> 00:49:17,142 Why, is me being Jewish a 1489 00:49:15,273 --> 00:49:17,142 problem? 1490 00:49:17,142 --> 00:49:18,153 Not at all. 1491 00:49:18,153 --> 00:49:19,182 I find it quite exotic. 1492 00:49:19,182 --> 00:49:20,242 I mean, for this town. 1493 00:49:22,093 --> 00:49:24,142 Are you good to pack up on your 1494 00:49:22,093 --> 00:49:24,142 own? 1495 00:49:24,142 --> 00:49:25,093 Sure. 1496 00:49:25,093 --> 00:49:26,062 Great. 1497 00:49:30,053 --> 00:49:31,222 Ooh. 1498 00:49:31,222 --> 00:49:36,053 Deputy Wreath, you clean up 1499 00:49:31,222 --> 00:49:36,053 like a maid at a frat house. 1500 00:49:36,053 --> 00:49:38,182 I was wondering if I 1501 00:49:36,053 --> 00:49:38,182 could have this dance. 1502 00:49:38,182 --> 00:49:40,153 I I I was just gonna ask the 1503 00:49:38,182 --> 00:49:40,153 same thing. 1504 00:49:40,153 --> 00:49:41,102 Chris. 1505 00:49:41,102 --> 00:49:42,233 Boys, she's taken. 1506 00:49:42,233 --> 00:49:44,053 Well, I'm not taken. 1507 00:49:44,053 --> 00:49:44,253 It's just supposed to be like a 1508 00:49:44,053 --> 00:49:44,253 dance. 1509 00:49:44,253 --> 00:49:47,042 Aren't you working, Goldman? 1510 00:49:47,042 --> 00:49:48,162 Holly, one song, just you and 1511 00:49:47,042 --> 00:49:48,162 me. 1512 00:49:48,162 --> 00:49:49,292 Okay, boys, boys boys boys. 1513 00:49:49,292 --> 00:49:51,213 There's no need to fight. 1514 00:49:51,213 --> 00:49:54,292 Why don't we head back 1515 00:49:51,213 --> 00:49:54,292 to my sister's place 1516 00:49:54,292 --> 00:49:57,283 and have a little four person 1517 00:49:54,292 --> 00:49:57,283 dance party 1518 00:49:57,283 --> 00:49:59,122 in my childhood bedroom? 1519 00:50:00,262 --> 00:50:02,233 Wait, I don't remember 1520 00:50:00,262 --> 00:50:02,233 the floor in your room 1521 00:50:02,233 --> 00:50:04,162 being that big, Hol. 1522 00:50:04,162 --> 00:50:07,142 (Faith screaming) 1523 00:50:09,122 --> 00:50:11,093 Honey what's, what's wrong? 1524 00:50:11,093 --> 00:50:14,053 Danica, she, she's dead. 1525 00:50:14,053 --> 00:50:15,102 Hey, Danica's just late to the 1526 00:50:14,053 --> 00:50:15,102 gala. 1527 00:50:15,102 --> 00:50:18,093 No, I saw her outside in a 1528 00:50:15,102 --> 00:50:18,093 manger, 1529 00:50:18,093 --> 00:50:20,142 dressed like a wise man. 1530 00:50:20,142 --> 00:50:22,253 (Faith crying) 1531 00:50:22,253 --> 00:50:23,283 Oh my gosh! 1532 00:50:23,283 --> 00:50:26,102 Chad, grab my camera, press 1533 00:50:23,283 --> 00:50:26,102 the damn record button. 1534 00:50:26,102 --> 00:50:28,093 Kevins, get me back on, 1535 00:50:26,102 --> 00:50:28,093 I've got breaking news. 1536 00:50:28,093 --> 00:50:30,292 Move people, out of the way! 1537 00:50:30,292 --> 00:50:34,023 Now the quality of ivory in a 1538 00:50:30,292 --> 00:50:34,023 hippos tusk 1539 00:50:34,023 --> 00:50:37,033 is not as good as an elephant's 1540 00:50:34,023 --> 00:50:37,033 tusk. 1541 00:50:37,033 --> 00:50:37,242 It's not good. 1542 00:50:37,242 --> 00:50:39,023 But it does not hold them back 1543 00:50:39,023 --> 00:50:41,253 from being exceptional artists. 1544 00:50:41,253 --> 00:50:44,023 I mean, Jackson Pollock at this 1545 00:50:41,253 --> 00:50:44,023 age. 1546 00:50:44,023 --> 00:50:44,273 Now, can you see me? 1547 00:50:44,273 --> 00:50:45,162 Hear me? 1548 00:50:44,273 --> 00:50:45,162 Yes, Holly? 1549 00:50:45,162 --> 00:50:47,053 Okay, we're almost there. 1550 00:50:47,053 --> 00:50:48,193 Excuse me. 1551 00:50:49,253 --> 00:50:52,262 A young girl has just found 1552 00:50:49,253 --> 00:50:52,262 Mayor Danica Bells dead outside, 1553 00:50:52,262 --> 00:50:55,062 posed in a gruesome nativity 1554 00:50:52,262 --> 00:50:55,062 scene. 1555 00:50:55,062 --> 00:50:56,122 I think I have a guess 1556 00:50:56,122 --> 00:50:58,122 as to what may have killed Mayor 1557 00:50:56,122 --> 00:50:58,122 Bells. 1558 00:51:04,233 --> 00:51:06,102 False alarm, um. 1559 00:51:07,213 --> 00:51:09,253 - Back to you. 1560 00:51:07,213 --> 00:51:09,253 - Yes. 1561 00:51:09,253 --> 00:51:12,073 What's with the interrupting, 1562 00:51:09,253 --> 00:51:12,073 about the death stuff again? 1563 00:51:12,073 --> 00:51:14,193 - It's always about murders. 1564 00:51:12,073 --> 00:51:14,193 - 'Cause now my heart rate 1565 00:51:14,193 --> 00:51:16,173 is certainly up. 1566 00:51:16,173 --> 00:51:17,173 You know what? 1567 00:51:17,173 --> 00:51:19,182 This is why we love to 1568 00:51:17,173 --> 00:51:19,182 share human interests 1569 00:51:19,182 --> 00:51:21,253 and also hippo interest stories. 1570 00:51:22,213 --> 00:51:24,093 Huh, no no no. 1571 00:51:24,093 --> 00:51:24,303 Oh no. 1572 00:51:24,303 --> 00:51:26,062 Daddy, daddy, I swear I saw her. 1573 00:51:26,062 --> 00:51:27,182 You have to believe me. 1574 00:51:27,182 --> 00:51:28,142 I think you've just had 1575 00:51:28,142 --> 00:51:29,312 a little too much sugar tonight, 1576 00:51:28,142 --> 00:51:29,312 honey. 1577 00:51:29,312 --> 00:51:31,062 I believe you, Faith. 1578 00:51:32,093 --> 00:51:33,113 You do? 1579 00:51:34,073 --> 00:51:35,273 Holly thinks that all the blood 1580 00:51:35,273 --> 00:51:38,153 and missing people could be the 1581 00:51:35,273 --> 00:51:38,153 work of, 1582 00:51:39,273 --> 00:51:40,222 Satan. 1583 00:51:40,222 --> 00:51:41,242 It's true. 1584 00:51:41,242 --> 00:51:42,193 Do you have any proof? 1585 00:51:42,193 --> 00:51:43,193 Yeah, I have proof. 1586 00:51:43,193 --> 00:51:45,153 I have a picture of a 1587 00:51:43,193 --> 00:51:45,153 note written in blood, 1588 00:51:45,153 --> 00:51:47,142 and you saw the vent, plus 1589 00:51:45,153 --> 00:51:47,142 the van the other night. 1590 00:51:47,142 --> 00:51:49,023 No, those are the same vaping 1591 00:51:47,142 --> 00:51:49,023 teens 1592 00:51:49,023 --> 00:51:50,173 who vandalized Goldman's place. 1593 00:51:50,173 --> 00:51:52,122 They probably used cranberry 1594 00:51:50,173 --> 00:51:52,122 sauce or something. 1595 00:51:52,122 --> 00:51:54,023 It's not cranberry sauce. 1596 00:51:54,023 --> 00:51:55,182 If you would test it you would 1597 00:51:54,023 --> 00:51:55,182 see that. 1598 00:51:55,182 --> 00:51:58,102 Okay, I'm gonna find Danica 1599 00:51:55,182 --> 00:51:58,102 and put this all to bed. 1600 00:52:00,073 --> 00:52:01,283 Faith, why don't you go lend a 1601 00:52:00,073 --> 00:52:01,283 hand. 1602 00:52:01,283 --> 00:52:02,222 Yeah, okay. 1603 00:52:05,253 --> 00:52:08,053 Holly, you're freaking everyone 1604 00:52:05,253 --> 00:52:08,053 out. 1605 00:52:08,053 --> 00:52:10,233 Yeah, well we should 1606 00:52:08,053 --> 00:52:10,233 be freaked out, Chris. 1607 00:52:10,233 --> 00:52:12,023 Look, over the past few days, 1608 00:52:12,023 --> 00:52:14,202 your Mayor cousin, 1609 00:52:12,023 --> 00:52:14,202 snowman building Joy, 1610 00:52:14,202 --> 00:52:18,233 those two nerdy baristas, and 1611 00:52:14,202 --> 00:52:18,233 Aunt Becky have all vanished. 1612 00:52:18,233 --> 00:52:19,202 It's Satan. 1613 00:52:20,182 --> 00:52:22,242 Holly, I care about you. 1614 00:52:23,283 --> 00:52:26,153 But the devil doesn't make 1615 00:52:23,283 --> 00:52:26,153 baristas disappear for sport. 1616 00:52:26,153 --> 00:52:31,073 And throwing around the S 1617 00:52:26,153 --> 00:52:31,073 word, isn't good for Faith. 1618 00:52:32,042 --> 00:52:33,023 She's sensitive. 1619 00:52:34,073 --> 00:52:36,273 Because of her mother and 1620 00:52:34,073 --> 00:52:36,273 the hot air balloon accident, 1621 00:52:36,273 --> 00:52:38,312 I can't have anything happen to 1622 00:52:36,273 --> 00:52:38,312 her. 1623 00:52:38,312 --> 00:52:42,033 Especially something so, 1624 00:52:38,312 --> 00:52:42,033 darn silly. 1625 00:52:42,033 --> 00:52:43,233 No, Chris, I'm telling you. 1626 00:52:43,233 --> 00:52:46,122 Look, I think it's best 1627 00:52:43,233 --> 00:52:46,122 you find a new camera man. 1628 00:52:47,102 --> 00:52:48,133 And a new man friend. 1629 00:52:50,033 --> 00:52:50,283 Uh. 1630 00:52:50,283 --> 00:52:51,242 I gotta go. 1631 00:52:56,053 --> 00:52:57,042 We're not dating. 1632 00:52:58,162 --> 00:52:59,253 Satan. 1633 00:52:59,253 --> 00:53:00,273 I warned you, Holly. 1634 00:53:00,273 --> 00:53:02,093 No depressing stuff. 1635 00:53:02,093 --> 00:53:05,153 And, you cut off our painting 1636 00:53:02,093 --> 00:53:05,153 hippo story. 1637 00:53:05,153 --> 00:53:07,023 If you want that anchor cheese, 1638 00:53:07,023 --> 00:53:10,023 you stick to the script and 1639 00:53:07,023 --> 00:53:10,023 look relatable while doing it. 1640 00:53:10,023 --> 00:53:12,102 So smile like crazy when 1641 00:53:10,023 --> 00:53:12,102 you're with the kiddos tonight. 1642 00:53:12,102 --> 00:53:13,153 Something is not right here 1643 00:53:13,153 --> 00:53:14,273 and I want to solve why. 1644 00:53:14,273 --> 00:53:17,113 Yeah, no solving, just smiling. 1645 00:53:21,242 --> 00:53:22,202 Who was that? 1646 00:53:22,202 --> 00:53:24,162 Just my bitch boss. 1647 00:53:25,122 --> 00:53:26,312 He, like the rest of Ornaments, 1648 00:53:26,312 --> 00:53:28,153 doesn't give a flying fudge 1649 00:53:28,153 --> 00:53:30,253 that freaky stuff is 1650 00:53:28,153 --> 00:53:30,253 happening in this world. 1651 00:53:31,262 --> 00:53:32,303 I don't know. 1652 00:53:32,303 --> 00:53:34,073 Maybe he's right, maybe, 1653 00:53:34,312 --> 00:53:36,273 maybe I shouldn't either. 1654 00:53:36,273 --> 00:53:39,173 Do you ever wear your hair down? 1655 00:53:39,173 --> 00:53:40,303 I overheard your call. 1656 00:53:40,303 --> 00:53:41,262 Oh no. 1657 00:53:42,233 --> 00:53:46,093 If you want to be more 1658 00:53:42,233 --> 00:53:46,093 relatable, may I? 1659 00:53:47,033 --> 00:53:48,182 (sleigh bells ringing) 1660 00:53:48,182 --> 00:53:49,182 Sure. 1661 00:53:49,182 --> 00:53:50,082 Okay. 1662 00:53:50,082 --> 00:53:52,102 (cheerful music) 1663 00:54:04,073 --> 00:54:05,283 (Cookie laughs) 1664 00:54:05,283 --> 00:54:07,182 And now for the grand finale. 1665 00:54:10,262 --> 00:54:11,173 Um. 1666 00:54:11,173 --> 00:54:13,073 Have a holly jolly Christmas. 1667 00:54:13,073 --> 00:54:14,173 You get it? 1668 00:54:14,173 --> 00:54:15,253 Um, not a clue. 1669 00:54:17,033 --> 00:54:17,283 Because your name is Holly. 1670 00:54:17,283 --> 00:54:19,162 I'm kidding, Cook. 1671 00:54:19,162 --> 00:54:21,262 It's amazing. 1672 00:54:21,262 --> 00:54:24,073 Now get outta here so I can 1673 00:54:21,262 --> 00:54:24,073 change into this masterpiece. 1674 00:54:24,073 --> 00:54:25,082 Oh, hold on. 1675 00:54:27,292 --> 00:54:29,242 Okay, it's not very Christmassy. 1676 00:54:29,242 --> 00:54:31,053 No, it's for when you put on the 1677 00:54:29,242 --> 00:54:31,053 sweater 1678 00:54:31,053 --> 00:54:33,122 to protect your makeup and your 1679 00:54:31,053 --> 00:54:33,122 curls. 1680 00:54:33,122 --> 00:54:35,073 That's very weird. 1681 00:54:35,073 --> 00:54:36,042 Okay. 1682 00:54:36,042 --> 00:54:37,142 Hey, hey hey hey. 1683 00:54:38,253 --> 00:54:40,153 Thank you. 1684 00:54:40,153 --> 00:54:42,073 What's family for? 1685 00:54:43,093 --> 00:54:44,142 Yay! 1686 00:54:44,142 --> 00:54:45,162 Yay, yay, yay. 1687 00:54:48,142 --> 00:54:49,162 Okay. 1688 00:54:55,283 --> 00:54:56,242 (mysterious music) 1689 00:54:56,242 --> 00:54:58,102 Perfectly relatable. 1690 00:54:58,102 --> 00:55:01,023 (ominous music) 1691 00:55:05,082 --> 00:55:06,162 Okay, ready people. 1692 00:55:06,162 --> 00:55:08,233 Three, two, show time. 1693 00:55:10,102 --> 00:55:13,262 Everybody ready for some 1694 00:55:10,102 --> 00:55:13,262 holiday cheer and magic? 1695 00:55:13,262 --> 00:55:15,273 Okay Faith, open up your 1696 00:55:13,262 --> 00:55:15,273 present. 1697 00:55:18,262 --> 00:55:21,303 And, what did you get, little 1698 00:55:18,262 --> 00:55:21,303 girl? 1699 00:55:21,303 --> 00:55:26,033 Ooh, I think it might be 1700 00:55:21,303 --> 00:55:26,033 raspberry jelly. 1701 00:55:26,033 --> 00:55:27,082 Ooh. 1702 00:55:27,082 --> 00:55:28,162 I think it leaked through. 1703 00:55:28,162 --> 00:55:29,162 Wow. 1704 00:55:29,162 --> 00:55:32,023 Okay, you can open up 1705 00:55:29,162 --> 00:55:32,023 your presents now, too. 1706 00:55:33,102 --> 00:55:34,053 Ah! 1707 00:55:34,053 --> 00:55:35,033 Oh wait, it's uh. 1708 00:55:35,033 --> 00:55:36,202 (ominous music) 1709 00:55:36,202 --> 00:55:37,222 It's a foot. 1710 00:55:39,213 --> 00:55:40,292 From a person. 1711 00:55:40,292 --> 00:55:42,122 (people gasping) 1712 00:55:42,122 --> 00:55:44,262 MAN: Is that, is that real? 1713 00:55:44,262 --> 00:55:47,182 (ominous music) 1714 00:56:11,292 --> 00:56:13,053 Holly. 1715 00:56:13,053 --> 00:56:14,122 Are you having a stroke? 1716 00:56:14,122 --> 00:56:16,073 Uh, yeah um. 1717 00:56:16,073 --> 00:56:20,283 I think that maybe we 1718 00:56:16,073 --> 00:56:20,283 should, uh, wrap this up. 1719 00:56:20,283 --> 00:56:23,133 I'm uh. 1720 00:56:20,283 --> 00:56:23,133 Thank you. 1721 00:56:23,133 --> 00:56:24,082 I think, I mean. 1722 00:56:24,082 --> 00:56:26,033 Put the fudging camera down, 1723 00:56:24,082 --> 00:56:26,033 Chad! 1724 00:56:26,033 --> 00:56:27,222 Oh my God, Cookie! 1725 00:56:27,222 --> 00:56:29,153 (people gasping) 1726 00:56:29,153 --> 00:56:30,133 She's not breathing! 1727 00:56:30,133 --> 00:56:31,133 Someone call an ambulance! 1728 00:56:31,133 --> 00:56:33,113 I can do CPR while we wait. 1729 00:56:33,113 --> 00:56:35,133 Can I get the parents 1730 00:56:33,113 --> 00:56:35,133 to grab their children 1731 00:56:35,133 --> 00:56:37,113 and take them home immediately. 1732 00:56:37,113 --> 00:56:38,312 That's an order. 1733 00:56:38,312 --> 00:56:40,073 All of this it, 1734 00:56:40,073 --> 00:56:43,122 it must have triggered her 1735 00:56:40,073 --> 00:56:43,122 back to that Christmas morning. 1736 00:56:43,122 --> 00:56:44,262 She's gonna be okay, right? 1737 00:56:46,133 --> 00:56:47,213 She has to be okay. 1738 00:56:49,222 --> 00:56:54,222 (sirens blaring) 1739 00:56:49,222 --> 00:56:54,222 (dramatic music) 1740 00:57:03,062 --> 00:57:06,122 This is the same thing happened 1741 00:57:03,062 --> 00:57:06,122 to your parents, isn't it? 1742 00:57:06,122 --> 00:57:07,142 Yeah, Aunt Becky said they were 1743 00:57:06,122 --> 00:57:07,142 found 1744 00:57:07,142 --> 00:57:09,283 wrapped up like gifts 1745 00:57:07,142 --> 00:57:09,283 under the Christmas tree. 1746 00:57:11,093 --> 00:57:13,122 If the killer really is back, 1747 00:57:13,122 --> 00:57:15,182 that means he went dormant for 1748 00:57:13,122 --> 00:57:15,182 decades 1749 00:57:15,182 --> 00:57:17,193 and came back right when you 1750 00:57:15,182 --> 00:57:17,193 did. 1751 00:57:17,193 --> 00:57:19,023 What are you saying, Noel? 1752 00:57:19,303 --> 00:57:22,122 I'm saying it's a hell of a 1753 00:57:19,303 --> 00:57:22,122 coincidence. 1754 00:57:22,122 --> 00:57:23,023 I don't have time for this right 1755 00:57:22,122 --> 00:57:23,023 now. 1756 00:57:23,023 --> 00:57:24,033 I need to be with my sister. 1757 00:57:24,033 --> 00:57:25,113 Chad, Chris, wait up. 1758 00:57:38,082 --> 00:57:39,093 Hey. 1759 00:57:41,202 --> 00:57:42,202 It's warm. 1760 00:57:42,202 --> 00:57:43,222 Thank you. 1761 00:57:45,173 --> 00:57:46,182 How you feeling? 1762 00:57:48,142 --> 00:57:53,133 My brain's just trying to 1763 00:57:48,142 --> 00:57:53,133 make sense of all this. 1764 00:57:53,133 --> 00:57:56,033 You know I, I knew there 1765 00:57:53,133 --> 00:57:56,033 was evil in the world, 1766 00:57:56,033 --> 00:57:58,082 just not here in Ornaments. 1767 00:57:58,082 --> 00:58:00,312 I mean not for a long time, 1768 00:57:58,082 --> 00:58:00,312 at least. 1769 00:58:00,312 --> 00:58:02,233 Now it's back and it's all my 1770 00:58:00,312 --> 00:58:02,233 fault. 1771 00:58:02,233 --> 00:58:04,242 No, you can't blame yourself, 1772 00:58:02,233 --> 00:58:04,242 Holly. 1773 00:58:04,242 --> 00:58:06,133 Maybe not for the letter that 1774 00:58:04,242 --> 00:58:06,133 I wrote when we were kids, 1775 00:58:06,133 --> 00:58:08,082 but the one the other night, 1776 00:58:06,133 --> 00:58:08,082 I mean. 1777 00:58:09,113 --> 00:58:10,182 I don't know. 1778 00:58:11,242 --> 00:58:14,213 I always thought that the devil 1779 00:58:11,242 --> 00:58:14,213 was just made up, you know? 1780 00:58:14,213 --> 00:58:18,253 Like a mascot for the bad 1781 00:58:14,213 --> 00:58:18,253 so that people wouldn't sin. 1782 00:58:18,253 --> 00:58:22,233 An evil spirit that was just 1783 00:58:18,253 --> 00:58:22,233 as fictitious as the one 1784 00:58:22,233 --> 00:58:25,062 with the white beard that 1785 00:58:22,233 --> 00:58:25,062 I thought I was writing to. 1786 00:58:25,062 --> 00:58:27,312 (phone ringing) 1787 00:58:27,312 --> 00:58:28,283 Oy. 1788 00:58:29,253 --> 00:58:30,153 It's my boss. 1789 00:58:32,053 --> 00:58:33,202 Probably calling to fire my ass. 1790 00:58:33,202 --> 00:58:35,023 Oh, you don't know that. 1791 00:58:35,023 --> 00:58:35,292 Hm. 1792 00:58:37,093 --> 00:58:38,122 I'll be fine. 1793 00:58:38,122 --> 00:58:40,242 Just, I'm glad you're here with 1794 00:58:38,122 --> 00:58:40,242 me. 1795 00:58:40,242 --> 00:58:42,093 Okay, I'll, I'll be quick. 1796 00:58:42,093 --> 00:58:43,053 Okay. 1797 00:58:46,102 --> 00:58:47,182 Pretty crazy night, huh? 1798 00:58:47,182 --> 00:58:49,162 KEVINS: More like crazy ratings. 1799 00:58:50,173 --> 00:58:51,082 What? 1800 00:58:51,082 --> 00:58:52,312 Your segment just went viral. 1801 00:58:52,312 --> 00:58:55,233 Over three million views 1802 00:58:52,312 --> 00:58:55,233 in just under an hour. 1803 00:58:55,233 --> 00:58:56,253 Guess I was wrong, eh? 1804 00:58:56,253 --> 00:58:59,233 People don't want feel 1805 00:58:56,253 --> 00:58:59,233 good, they want darkness, 1806 00:58:59,233 --> 00:59:02,283 blood and gore, so, come 1807 00:58:59,233 --> 00:59:02,283 on, let's give it to 'em. 1808 00:59:02,283 --> 00:59:04,062 That is disgusting. 1809 00:59:04,062 --> 00:59:05,023 You are talking about people 1810 00:59:05,023 --> 00:59:07,082 who lost their lives including 1811 00:59:05,023 --> 00:59:07,082 my aunt. 1812 00:59:07,082 --> 00:59:09,222 Listen, it's time to get 1813 00:59:07,082 --> 00:59:09,222 back to investigative, Holly. 1814 00:59:09,222 --> 00:59:11,283 Find out who's doing the kills. 1815 00:59:11,283 --> 00:59:15,222 Who knows, you may end up 1816 00:59:11,283 --> 00:59:15,222 getting poached by Fox News. 1817 00:59:18,253 --> 00:59:22,082 I hope scouring the B roll 1818 00:59:18,253 --> 00:59:22,082 will help us catch the killer. 1819 00:59:22,082 --> 00:59:24,062 What if she's right? 1820 00:59:24,062 --> 00:59:25,153 Holly, that it's um, 1821 00:59:28,113 --> 00:59:29,133 Satan. 1822 00:59:29,133 --> 00:59:31,253 I got a big fat bag of evidence. 1823 00:59:32,222 --> 00:59:34,073 Seems to be some kind of a 1824 00:59:32,222 --> 00:59:34,073 disguise. 1825 00:59:34,073 --> 00:59:35,233 They found it behind Aunt B's. 1826 00:59:36,222 --> 00:59:38,122 Got a brown wig. 1827 00:59:40,162 --> 00:59:41,312 Camera, glasses. 1828 00:59:43,033 --> 00:59:44,242 Bubble gum lip gloss. 1829 00:59:44,242 --> 00:59:47,122 Animal print scarf and finally 1830 00:59:44,242 --> 00:59:47,122 this, 1831 00:59:48,082 --> 00:59:49,193 coral blazer. 1832 00:59:49,193 --> 00:59:50,262 Well that's tangerine. 1833 00:59:53,093 --> 00:59:54,222 Oh, holy night. 1834 00:59:55,233 --> 00:59:57,033 It's definitely tangerine. 1835 00:59:57,283 --> 00:59:58,173 There something about these 1836 00:59:57,283 --> 00:59:58,173 items 1837 00:59:58,173 --> 00:59:59,303 that look familiar to you? 1838 01:00:02,113 --> 01:00:03,262 What are you keeping from me, 1839 01:00:02,113 --> 01:00:03,262 Pringle? 1840 01:00:04,292 --> 01:00:08,122 Those, those are Holly's things. 1841 01:00:08,122 --> 01:00:09,182 What? 1842 01:00:09,182 --> 01:00:12,122 Noel, there's no way Holly did 1843 01:00:09,182 --> 01:00:12,122 this. 1844 01:00:13,153 --> 01:00:14,122 Chris. 1845 01:00:15,213 --> 01:00:16,193 Where is she now? 1846 01:00:17,222 --> 01:00:20,133 (ominous music) 1847 01:00:21,202 --> 01:00:23,033 DEPUTY WREATH: Hands up! 1848 01:00:23,033 --> 01:00:24,292 Oh oh oh! 1849 01:00:24,292 --> 01:00:25,253 Deputy. 1850 01:00:25,253 --> 01:00:28,122 Worst stripper gram ever. 1851 01:00:28,122 --> 01:00:30,042 This isn't a joke. 1852 01:00:30,042 --> 01:00:31,292 Noel told me what you did to 1853 01:00:30,042 --> 01:00:31,292 those people. 1854 01:00:31,292 --> 01:00:33,193 To our sweet little sister. 1855 01:00:33,193 --> 01:00:34,093 What? 1856 01:00:34,093 --> 01:00:34,303 Chad, what is going on here? 1857 01:00:34,303 --> 01:00:37,023 Hands behind your back, Frost. 1858 01:00:37,023 --> 01:00:39,142 Okay, okay, geez. 1859 01:00:40,253 --> 01:00:41,283 You're under arrest 1860 01:00:43,033 --> 01:00:44,292 for six homicides in Ornaments. 1861 01:00:44,292 --> 01:00:46,182 What are you talking about? 1862 01:00:46,182 --> 01:00:47,262 The bodies that were found 1863 01:00:46,182 --> 01:00:47,262 tonight, 1864 01:00:47,262 --> 01:00:50,283 all of your sister's personal 1865 01:00:47,262 --> 01:00:50,283 belongings were there, Cookie. 1866 01:00:50,283 --> 01:00:52,142 Covered in victim's blood. 1867 01:00:52,142 --> 01:00:53,193 Oh, okay. 1868 01:00:53,193 --> 01:00:54,193 Look, I'm obviously being 1869 01:00:53,193 --> 01:00:54,193 framed. 1870 01:00:54,193 --> 01:00:55,182 Cookie. 1871 01:00:55,182 --> 01:00:56,303 No it was you, wasn't it? 1872 01:00:57,303 --> 01:00:58,292 What? 1873 01:00:58,292 --> 01:01:00,153 You killed mom and dad 1874 01:00:58,292 --> 01:01:00,153 when we were little. 1875 01:01:00,153 --> 01:01:01,202 What? 1876 01:01:01,202 --> 01:01:03,153 All because they wouldn't 1877 01:01:01,202 --> 01:01:03,153 buy you a Darby Dream Wagon. 1878 01:01:03,153 --> 01:01:05,292 And then, and then you came back 1879 01:01:05,292 --> 01:01:08,213 to do a news story so that 1880 01:01:05,292 --> 01:01:08,213 you would be promoted. 1881 01:01:08,213 --> 01:01:09,182 No! 1882 01:01:09,182 --> 01:01:10,303 You're a psychopath! 1883 01:01:10,303 --> 01:01:11,303 I would never do something like 1884 01:01:10,303 --> 01:01:11,303 that. 1885 01:01:11,303 --> 01:01:14,303 I love our parents, Aunt 1886 01:01:11,303 --> 01:01:14,303 Becky, look, I love you. 1887 01:01:14,303 --> 01:01:16,062 Yeah, yeah, and that's why you 1888 01:01:14,303 --> 01:01:16,062 never, 1889 01:01:16,062 --> 01:01:20,262 you know, came back to visit 1890 01:01:16,062 --> 01:01:20,262 or send me a birthday card. 1891 01:01:20,262 --> 01:01:21,153 (Cookie crying) 1892 01:01:21,153 --> 01:01:23,062 Just hear her out, Cookie. 1893 01:01:23,062 --> 01:01:24,033 No! 1894 01:01:25,193 --> 01:01:30,173 The only person that 1895 01:01:25,193 --> 01:01:30,173 you love is your drunk, 1896 01:01:30,173 --> 01:01:34,283 demented, depraved big city 1897 01:01:30,173 --> 01:01:34,283 self! 1898 01:01:35,273 --> 01:01:38,023 Just take her away, Deputy. 1899 01:01:38,023 --> 01:01:39,292 No, this, this is bullshit. 1900 01:01:39,292 --> 01:01:41,113 Cole, I want a lawyer. 1901 01:01:41,113 --> 01:01:42,062 You've got one. 1902 01:01:42,062 --> 01:01:44,283 (hopeful music) 1903 01:01:45,303 --> 01:01:47,253 Passed the bar last fall. 1904 01:01:47,253 --> 01:01:50,193 Cole, the courthouse doesn't 1905 01:01:47,253 --> 01:01:50,193 reopen until after Christmas. 1906 01:01:50,193 --> 01:01:52,062 She can stay with me in the 1907 01:01:50,193 --> 01:01:52,062 meantime. 1908 01:01:52,062 --> 01:01:54,162 She's a maniac, Pringle. 1909 01:01:54,162 --> 01:01:56,122 She's crazy, she killed Joy. 1910 01:01:58,023 --> 01:01:58,292 Uncuff her. 1911 01:01:59,233 --> 01:02:00,202 Now. 1912 01:02:03,253 --> 01:02:06,162 (Cookie crying) 1913 01:02:11,202 --> 01:02:15,102 I hear we're having a slumber 1914 01:02:11,202 --> 01:02:15,102 party? 1915 01:02:15,102 --> 01:02:16,062 Yeah. 1916 01:02:17,262 --> 01:02:19,273 Um, hey Chris. 1917 01:02:21,133 --> 01:02:25,222 Thank you, thank you both, 1918 01:02:21,133 --> 01:02:25,222 for coming to save me. 1919 01:02:26,193 --> 01:02:29,093 We believe you, about Satan. 1920 01:02:29,093 --> 01:02:32,062 Like you believed I wasn't 1921 01:02:29,093 --> 01:02:32,062 seeing things in the manger. 1922 01:02:33,033 --> 01:02:33,283 Yeah. 1923 01:02:33,283 --> 01:02:37,082 Just, I wish my sister believed 1924 01:02:33,283 --> 01:02:37,082 me. 1925 01:02:38,233 --> 01:02:40,053 Hey, you can sleep on the couch, 1926 01:02:40,053 --> 01:02:42,233 or in the master while I'm on 1927 01:02:40,053 --> 01:02:42,233 the couch. 1928 01:02:42,233 --> 01:02:43,242 (distant growling) 1929 01:02:43,242 --> 01:02:44,142 Um guys, 1930 01:02:44,142 --> 01:02:46,222 um that's not Santa, is it? 1931 01:02:46,222 --> 01:02:49,073 (ominous music) 1932 01:02:49,073 --> 01:02:50,133 Oh shit. 1933 01:02:50,133 --> 01:02:51,122 Happy holidays. 1934 01:02:52,233 --> 01:02:55,053 (Satan Claus laughs) 1935 01:02:55,053 --> 01:02:56,023 Chris! 1936 01:02:57,042 --> 01:02:58,153 (Faith screams) 1937 01:02:58,153 --> 01:03:01,042 Oh, is there anything better at 1938 01:02:58,153 --> 01:03:01,042 Christmas 1939 01:03:01,042 --> 01:03:03,122 than a fallen angel. 1940 01:03:03,122 --> 01:03:04,082 (Satan Claus laughs) 1941 01:03:04,082 --> 01:03:05,033 Dad! 1942 01:03:05,033 --> 01:03:05,283 Help! 1943 01:03:05,033 --> 01:03:05,283 Daddy, 1944 01:03:05,283 --> 01:03:07,082 I can't feel my fingers! 1945 01:03:07,082 --> 01:03:08,102 Don't like snow angels! 1946 01:03:08,102 --> 01:03:09,242 Holly, save us! 1947 01:03:10,283 --> 01:03:12,042 Let them go. 1948 01:03:12,042 --> 01:03:15,122 You have done enough damage 1949 01:03:12,042 --> 01:03:15,122 to this town and to my life! 1950 01:03:15,122 --> 01:03:17,202 Oh, did I? 1951 01:03:17,202 --> 01:03:19,133 Oh that's so sad. 1952 01:03:19,133 --> 01:03:22,102 (Faith crying) 1953 01:03:22,102 --> 01:03:23,142 Screw this. 1954 01:03:24,303 --> 01:03:26,253 You have a sweet tooth, honey? 1955 01:03:26,253 --> 01:03:29,162 Be careful, you might get a 1956 01:03:26,253 --> 01:03:29,162 little hippy. 1957 01:03:29,162 --> 01:03:30,312 It's over, asshole. 1958 01:03:31,283 --> 01:03:34,042 (Holly yells) 1959 01:03:34,042 --> 01:03:34,292 (candycanes stabbing flesh) 1960 01:03:34,292 --> 01:03:35,253 Oh, come on! 1961 01:03:36,182 --> 01:03:38,082 You, you just blinded me. 1962 01:03:39,093 --> 01:03:40,053 Oh, ow! 1963 01:03:42,292 --> 01:03:44,253 Oh no, look at that, I'm totally 1964 01:03:42,292 --> 01:03:44,253 fine. 1965 01:03:44,253 --> 01:03:47,042 (Satan Claus laughs) 1966 01:03:47,042 --> 01:03:48,162 What do you want? 1967 01:03:48,162 --> 01:03:50,142 What do I want? 1968 01:03:50,142 --> 01:03:53,142 You wrote me, remember? 1969 01:03:53,142 --> 01:03:56,182 You gave me Christmas. 1970 01:03:57,153 --> 01:04:01,173 Which by the way, is a 1971 01:03:57,153 --> 01:04:01,173 fabulous gift, sweetheart. 1972 01:04:01,173 --> 01:04:02,262 I am having a ball. 1973 01:04:04,113 --> 01:04:05,113 (Chris screams) 1974 01:04:05,113 --> 01:04:06,303 CHRIS: Get out of here, Holly! 1975 01:04:06,303 --> 01:04:09,162 (tense music) 1976 01:04:10,292 --> 01:04:12,242 (intense music) 1977 01:04:12,242 --> 01:04:14,122 (Holly grunts) 1978 01:04:14,122 --> 01:04:15,173 Run Holly! 1979 01:04:15,173 --> 01:04:17,053 To my place! 1980 01:04:17,053 --> 01:04:18,162 We'll be fine, just go quick. 1981 01:04:18,162 --> 01:04:21,303 It is the most wonderful time of 1982 01:04:18,162 --> 01:04:21,303 the year. 1983 01:04:21,303 --> 01:04:23,253 (Satan Claus laughs) 1984 01:04:23,253 --> 01:04:26,093 (dark music) 1985 01:04:30,173 --> 01:04:33,102 (Holly panting) 1986 01:04:35,053 --> 01:04:37,242 (Holly crying) 1987 01:04:43,062 --> 01:04:44,113 (intense music) 1988 01:04:43,062 --> 01:04:44,113 (Holly gasps) 1989 01:04:44,113 --> 01:04:46,153 CHRIS: Holly, it's us. 1990 01:04:47,162 --> 01:04:49,062 Come in, come in. 1991 01:04:49,062 --> 01:04:49,312 Oh my God, are you all right? 1992 01:04:49,312 --> 01:04:51,122 I was so scared. 1993 01:04:53,153 --> 01:04:54,173 Is that fiend gone? 1994 01:04:54,173 --> 01:04:55,142 For now. 1995 01:04:56,102 --> 01:04:57,202 Exactly. 1996 01:04:57,202 --> 01:04:58,233 For now. 1997 01:04:58,233 --> 01:05:01,173 We can't defeat Satan 1998 01:04:58,233 --> 01:05:01,173 physically. 1999 01:05:01,173 --> 01:05:04,053 Question is, is how? 2000 01:05:04,053 --> 01:05:06,283 Let's just get you patched up 2001 01:05:04,053 --> 01:05:06,283 first, okay? 2002 01:05:06,283 --> 01:05:07,253 Okay. 2003 01:05:12,042 --> 01:05:13,283 - Hey. 2004 01:05:12,042 --> 01:05:13,283 - Hey. 2005 01:05:13,283 --> 01:05:15,213 Are you sure you don't 2006 01:05:13,283 --> 01:05:15,213 mind taking the couch? 2007 01:05:15,213 --> 01:05:17,253 Oh, yeah yeah, no no, it's no 2008 01:05:15,213 --> 01:05:17,253 problem. 2009 01:05:18,213 --> 01:05:20,262 Thanks for everything this week, 2010 01:05:18,213 --> 01:05:20,262 Chris. 2011 01:05:20,262 --> 01:05:23,182 You've been, you've been so 2012 01:05:20,262 --> 01:05:23,182 great. 2013 01:05:23,182 --> 01:05:25,033 Especially considering all that 2014 01:05:23,182 --> 01:05:25,033 crap 2015 01:05:25,033 --> 01:05:27,283 that I put you through 2016 01:05:25,033 --> 01:05:27,283 when we were younger. 2017 01:05:27,283 --> 01:05:30,093 Holly, we're dealing with a 2018 01:05:27,283 --> 01:05:30,093 holiday devil. 2019 01:05:30,093 --> 01:05:32,273 Surviving together is 2020 01:05:30,093 --> 01:05:32,273 all that matters now. 2021 01:05:32,273 --> 01:05:36,213 So, why don't you dream of 2022 01:05:32,273 --> 01:05:36,213 sugarplum fairies for me, okay? 2023 01:05:38,082 --> 01:05:39,062 Okay. 2024 01:05:41,153 --> 01:05:43,033 Oh um, um. 2025 01:05:43,033 --> 01:05:45,162 No kissing, at least not this 2026 01:05:43,033 --> 01:05:45,162 early on. 2027 01:05:47,153 --> 01:05:49,073 Yeah, okay, cool. 2028 01:05:49,073 --> 01:05:52,213 You know what, I, actually I get 2029 01:05:49,073 --> 01:05:52,213 it. 2030 01:05:53,222 --> 01:05:55,033 Um. 2031 01:05:55,033 --> 01:05:56,073 (Holly laughs) 2032 01:05:56,073 --> 01:05:58,273 How bout we high five instead? 2033 01:05:58,273 --> 01:06:00,253 Uh, sure. 2034 01:06:00,253 --> 01:06:01,202 Yeah? 2035 01:06:01,202 --> 01:06:02,283 Sure. 2036 01:06:01,202 --> 01:06:02,283 Okay. 2037 01:06:02,283 --> 01:06:03,233 All right. 2038 01:06:03,233 --> 01:06:04,193 High five. 2039 01:06:06,082 --> 01:06:08,162 Um, goodnight Chris Pringle. 2040 01:06:10,222 --> 01:06:12,023 Night Holly Frost. 2041 01:06:15,142 --> 01:06:16,102 Hm. 2042 01:06:28,193 --> 01:06:31,303 (notifications dinging) 2043 01:06:52,273 --> 01:06:53,292 Let me guess. 2044 01:06:56,193 --> 01:06:57,173 Santa's reindeer? 2045 01:07:01,093 --> 01:07:03,153 I know it probably seems silly 2046 01:07:01,093 --> 01:07:03,153 but, 2047 01:07:04,303 --> 01:07:08,162 when I lost my mom to the hot 2048 01:07:04,303 --> 01:07:08,162 air balloon, 2049 01:07:10,053 --> 01:07:11,162 I became depressed. 2050 01:07:12,122 --> 01:07:15,292 I needed to find faith to 2051 01:07:12,122 --> 01:07:15,292 continue on. 2052 01:07:15,292 --> 01:07:19,093 I mean, living in Ornaments, 2053 01:07:15,292 --> 01:07:19,093 Santa seemed like a good start. 2054 01:07:21,233 --> 01:07:25,133 I put these out every year 2055 01:07:21,233 --> 01:07:25,133 and someone eats them. 2056 01:07:25,133 --> 01:07:27,142 Sure, maybe it's my dad but, 2057 01:07:28,122 --> 01:07:30,053 I like to think it's the 2058 01:07:28,122 --> 01:07:30,053 reindeer. 2059 01:07:33,222 --> 01:07:36,062 O-M-Gingerbread. 2060 01:07:36,062 --> 01:07:37,202 What is it? 2061 01:07:37,202 --> 01:07:41,312 If Satan is real, then who's 2062 01:07:37,202 --> 01:07:41,312 to say that Santa isn't? 2063 01:07:41,312 --> 01:07:43,113 I can't believe my lips 2064 01:07:41,312 --> 01:07:43,113 are about to say this, 2065 01:07:43,113 --> 01:07:46,153 but what if I wrote to 2066 01:07:43,113 --> 01:07:46,153 Santa to ask his advice 2067 01:07:46,153 --> 01:07:49,073 on how to get this horny 2068 01:07:46,153 --> 01:07:49,073 hell raiser out of Ornaments? 2069 01:07:49,073 --> 01:07:50,133 A, a letter to Santa! 2070 01:07:50,133 --> 01:07:51,082 Yes! 2071 01:07:51,082 --> 01:07:52,023 I'll get a pen. 2072 01:07:52,023 --> 01:07:54,062 And I will get some liquid 2073 01:07:52,023 --> 01:07:54,062 courage. 2074 01:07:54,062 --> 01:07:55,292 (both squealing) 2075 01:07:55,292 --> 01:07:58,042 Dear Santa. 2076 01:07:59,122 --> 01:08:04,142 Hey, it's been 20, 2077 01:07:59,122 --> 01:08:04,142 oh scratch that. 2078 01:08:04,142 --> 01:08:09,162 21 years since we last spoke. 2079 01:08:10,113 --> 01:08:15,122 I need to bring back joy to 2080 01:08:10,113 --> 01:08:15,122 Ornaments and take down Satan. 2081 01:08:18,222 --> 01:08:23,233 How the, fudge, do I do that? 2082 01:08:25,293 --> 01:08:29,283 Love, Holly Frost. 2083 01:08:34,073 --> 01:08:35,113 Something's not right. 2084 01:08:38,203 --> 01:08:39,273 Winters. 2085 01:08:43,023 --> 01:08:44,092 It says Santa, right? 2086 01:08:48,052 --> 01:08:49,073 Here goes nothin'. 2087 01:08:54,092 --> 01:08:56,083 Now we just have to get it to 2088 01:08:54,092 --> 01:08:56,083 Santa. 2089 01:08:56,083 --> 01:08:57,233 Oh, but the bakery's closed 2090 01:08:56,083 --> 01:08:57,233 tonight. 2091 01:09:00,193 --> 01:09:02,233 I know what that look means. 2092 01:09:03,243 --> 01:09:06,262 I have a plan, Miss Winters. 2093 01:09:08,033 --> 01:09:10,243 (hopeful music) 2094 01:09:24,203 --> 01:09:27,123 (magical music) 2095 01:09:38,092 --> 01:09:39,212 Oh my God, Faith, is everything 2096 01:09:38,092 --> 01:09:39,212 okay? 2097 01:09:39,212 --> 01:09:40,312 Better than okay. 2098 01:09:40,312 --> 01:09:41,273 What? 2099 01:09:41,273 --> 01:09:43,212 I found this by my half eaten 2100 01:09:41,273 --> 01:09:43,212 carrots. 2101 01:09:43,212 --> 01:09:44,273 He wrote back. 2102 01:09:44,273 --> 01:09:45,222 What? 2103 01:09:44,273 --> 01:09:45,222 Santa's real. 2104 01:09:45,222 --> 01:09:46,203 Open it, open it. 2105 01:09:46,203 --> 01:09:49,113 (Holly squeals) 2106 01:09:51,163 --> 01:09:53,273 Dear Holly, it's nice to hear 2107 01:09:51,163 --> 01:09:53,273 from you. 2108 01:09:53,273 --> 01:09:57,273 If you help a friend in need 2109 01:09:53,273 --> 01:09:57,273 and find a song in your soul, 2110 01:09:57,273 --> 01:09:59,142 you can light up the world. 2111 01:09:59,142 --> 01:10:02,052 Ho ho ho, Santa. 2112 01:10:04,123 --> 01:10:06,123 This is straight up gibberish. 2113 01:10:06,123 --> 01:10:07,283 No. 2114 01:10:07,283 --> 01:10:09,132 No, I think it's a riddle. 2115 01:10:09,132 --> 01:10:11,033 I love riddles. 2116 01:10:11,033 --> 01:10:14,113 Oh God, Santa wrote me a 2117 01:10:11,033 --> 01:10:14,113 fudging riddle to abolish Satan? 2118 01:10:14,113 --> 01:10:15,102 Okay, it looks like it's written 2119 01:10:15,102 --> 01:10:16,062 in three different sections. 2120 01:10:16,062 --> 01:10:17,283 So we should start at the 2121 01:10:16,062 --> 01:10:17,283 beginning. 2122 01:10:17,283 --> 01:10:19,083 If you help a friend in need. 2123 01:10:19,083 --> 01:10:20,222 Do you have a friend in need? 2124 01:10:21,182 --> 01:10:22,302 I don't have any friends. 2125 01:10:23,233 --> 01:10:24,212 (Holly gasps) 2126 01:10:24,212 --> 01:10:27,113 Except for Chad. 2127 01:10:27,113 --> 01:10:29,302 (Chad sighing) 2128 01:10:32,283 --> 01:10:34,102 Oh, hey. 2129 01:10:34,102 --> 01:10:36,243 I'm glad you're not in the 2130 01:10:34,102 --> 01:10:36,243 slammer. 2131 01:10:36,243 --> 01:10:37,273 Hey, what's going on Uncle Chad? 2132 01:10:37,273 --> 01:10:40,212 Why are you tossing out 2133 01:10:37,273 --> 01:10:40,212 all those pretty pies. 2134 01:10:40,212 --> 01:10:43,222 Well, everyone's afraid 2135 01:10:40,212 --> 01:10:43,222 to leave their homes. 2136 01:10:43,222 --> 01:10:45,083 They think Holly's a mass 2137 01:10:43,222 --> 01:10:45,083 murderess, 2138 01:10:45,083 --> 01:10:49,092 so Sheriff Noel canceled the 2139 01:10:45,083 --> 01:10:49,092 rest of Christmas Wonder. 2140 01:10:49,092 --> 01:10:51,273 Including tonight's caroling 2141 01:10:49,092 --> 01:10:51,273 concert at the bakery. 2142 01:10:53,212 --> 01:10:57,262 Holly, Santa said to find 2143 01:10:53,212 --> 01:10:57,262 a song within your soul. 2144 01:10:58,283 --> 01:11:01,293 Maybe Santa wants the concert to 2145 01:10:58,283 --> 01:11:01,293 go on. 2146 01:11:01,293 --> 01:11:04,182 I think that you're right. 2147 01:11:04,182 --> 01:11:06,062 Ah, shit, he's early. 2148 01:11:06,062 --> 01:11:07,073 Who? 2149 01:11:07,073 --> 01:11:08,023 Who's early? 2150 01:11:08,023 --> 01:11:10,142 Faith, makeover. 2151 01:11:10,142 --> 01:11:13,083 (cheerful music) 2152 01:11:16,102 --> 01:11:19,073 (romantic music) 2153 01:11:19,073 --> 01:11:20,023 Wow. 2154 01:11:20,023 --> 01:11:20,283 Chad. 2155 01:11:21,222 --> 01:11:22,212 You look different. 2156 01:11:23,203 --> 01:11:24,312 I do? 2157 01:11:24,312 --> 01:11:26,193 Uh, what are you doing here? 2158 01:11:26,193 --> 01:11:29,273 Uh, your niece called, said 2159 01:11:26,193 --> 01:11:29,273 there was an emergency. 2160 01:11:29,273 --> 01:11:31,052 Faithy, what? 2161 01:11:31,052 --> 01:11:32,243 Uh, John. 2162 01:11:32,243 --> 01:11:37,262 Chad had something that 2163 01:11:32,243 --> 01:11:37,262 he would like to ask you. 2164 01:11:39,092 --> 01:11:40,043 I do? 2165 01:11:40,043 --> 01:11:41,083 Mm-hm. 2166 01:11:41,083 --> 01:11:46,092 Uh, maybe, would you like 2167 01:11:41,083 --> 01:11:46,092 to go for a bite sometime? 2168 01:11:49,102 --> 01:11:51,043 What took you so long, Chady? 2169 01:11:52,142 --> 01:11:54,043 I thought you weren't 2170 01:11:52,142 --> 01:11:54,043 interested. 2171 01:11:54,043 --> 01:11:56,182 I thought you weren't 2172 01:11:54,043 --> 01:11:56,182 interested. 2173 01:11:56,182 --> 01:11:57,132 Aw. 2174 01:11:57,132 --> 01:11:58,033 Okay, great. 2175 01:11:58,033 --> 01:11:59,023 So you both like each other. 2176 01:11:59,023 --> 01:12:00,062 Now we have to get back 2177 01:11:59,023 --> 01:12:00,062 to saving Christmas. 2178 01:12:00,062 --> 01:12:02,212 Chad, send an email blast 2179 01:12:00,062 --> 01:12:02,212 to all of your customers. 2180 01:12:02,212 --> 01:12:05,083 Tell them that the event 2181 01:12:02,212 --> 01:12:05,083 her tonight is uncancelled. 2182 01:12:05,083 --> 01:12:10,092 And, ah, everybody who 2183 01:12:05,083 --> 01:12:10,092 attends gets free pie. 2184 01:12:10,293 --> 01:12:12,193 I don't know if I have enough 2185 01:12:10,293 --> 01:12:12,193 filling. 2186 01:12:12,193 --> 01:12:14,193 Oh darling, I know a hot farmer 2187 01:12:14,193 --> 01:12:17,132 who might have a few 2188 01:12:14,193 --> 01:12:17,132 extra apples lying around. 2189 01:12:17,132 --> 01:12:18,212 Hm, I'm on it. 2190 01:12:18,212 --> 01:12:20,052 Wanna give me a hand, Chady? 2191 01:12:20,052 --> 01:12:20,312 Sure. 2192 01:12:22,233 --> 01:12:23,203 Okay. 2193 01:12:28,043 --> 01:12:30,283 (both squealing) 2194 01:12:31,252 --> 01:12:33,212 Okay Faith, now it's time 2195 01:12:31,252 --> 01:12:33,212 to find Sheriff Noel. 2196 01:12:33,212 --> 01:12:35,073 Tell him that he and the other 2197 01:12:33,212 --> 01:12:35,073 carolers 2198 01:12:35,073 --> 01:12:37,243 need to be ready to rock at 2199 01:12:35,073 --> 01:12:37,243 seven o'clock. 2200 01:12:38,262 --> 01:12:41,222 But, Sheriff Noel thinks 2201 01:12:38,262 --> 01:12:41,222 you chopped up his sister. 2202 01:12:41,222 --> 01:12:43,102 Right, okay, um. 2203 01:12:43,102 --> 01:12:47,252 Tell him that if this doesn't 2204 01:12:43,102 --> 01:12:47,252 work, he can arrest me. 2205 01:12:47,252 --> 01:12:49,193 Now go, go, go go go. 2206 01:12:49,193 --> 01:12:50,172 Go go go go go! 2207 01:12:50,172 --> 01:12:51,102 Okay. 2208 01:12:55,083 --> 01:12:57,163 Help a friend in need. 2209 01:12:59,102 --> 01:13:00,062 Nailed it. 2210 01:13:01,023 --> 01:13:03,073 FAITH: The free pie is here, 2211 01:13:01,023 --> 01:13:03,073 everyone. 2212 01:13:06,073 --> 01:13:07,203 Hey, Sheriff. 2213 01:13:07,203 --> 01:13:08,172 You ready to belt? 2214 01:13:11,273 --> 01:13:13,033 Oh what is this, like Christmas 2215 01:13:11,273 --> 01:13:13,033 charades? 2216 01:13:13,033 --> 01:13:16,182 Look, I'm sorry, we do not 2217 01:13:13,033 --> 01:13:16,182 have time for that right now. 2218 01:13:16,182 --> 01:13:19,102 Sorry, do you think that 2219 01:13:16,182 --> 01:13:19,102 I'm the Christmas killer? 2220 01:13:20,312 --> 01:13:22,073 Hello? 2221 01:13:22,073 --> 01:13:25,273 Uh, Noel and the other carolers 2222 01:13:22,073 --> 01:13:25,273 came down with laryngitis? 2223 01:13:27,033 --> 01:13:29,073 In the last two minutes? 2224 01:13:29,073 --> 01:13:30,293 What are the odds, right? 2225 01:13:30,293 --> 01:13:32,113 Ugh! 2226 01:13:32,113 --> 01:13:33,283 Satan's the odds. 2227 01:13:35,033 --> 01:13:39,273 I'd do it Holly, but I have 2228 01:13:35,033 --> 01:13:39,273 a terrible singing voice. 2229 01:13:39,273 --> 01:13:42,043 The concert's canceled, again. 2230 01:13:42,043 --> 01:13:43,102 No, no no no no. 2231 01:13:43,102 --> 01:13:46,283 Look, somebody has to, you 2232 01:13:43,102 --> 01:13:46,283 know, like sing from the soul. 2233 01:13:48,233 --> 01:13:51,052 And I think I know who 2234 01:13:48,233 --> 01:13:51,052 that someone has to be. 2235 01:13:53,142 --> 01:13:54,163 Hey everybody. 2236 01:13:54,163 --> 01:13:55,222 Hi, hello. 2237 01:13:55,222 --> 01:13:57,222 Can everybody hear me okay? 2238 01:13:57,222 --> 01:14:00,193 We don't want to see or 2239 01:13:57,222 --> 01:14:00,193 hear you, Christmas killer. 2240 01:14:00,193 --> 01:14:02,113 Oh, okay, wow. 2241 01:14:04,123 --> 01:14:08,033 Look, I'm here tonight 2242 01:14:04,123 --> 01:14:08,033 desperate to bring back 2243 01:14:08,033 --> 01:14:13,043 Ornaments' wonderful spirit, 2244 01:14:08,033 --> 01:14:13,043 which Satan has stolen. 2245 01:14:13,302 --> 01:14:15,163 The woman speaks the truth! 2246 01:14:16,312 --> 01:14:19,203 Cookie, I've done a lot of 2247 01:14:16,312 --> 01:14:19,203 thinking 2248 01:14:19,203 --> 01:14:22,172 about how important family is. 2249 01:14:22,172 --> 01:14:25,083 I mean, it's what Christmas 2250 01:14:22,172 --> 01:14:25,083 time is all about. 2251 01:14:26,123 --> 01:14:28,043 I've been a terrible little 2252 01:14:26,123 --> 01:14:28,043 sister to you 2253 01:14:28,043 --> 01:14:32,142 and I really hope that 2254 01:14:28,043 --> 01:14:32,142 it's not too late for us. 2255 01:14:34,062 --> 01:14:35,092 I need you to see. 2256 01:14:37,052 --> 01:14:41,033 I need you all to see 2257 01:14:37,052 --> 01:14:41,033 that people can change. 2258 01:14:42,033 --> 01:14:43,062 Hit it, Faith. 2259 01:14:47,262 --> 01:14:52,283 ♪ What child is this who lay to 2260 01:14:47,262 --> 01:14:52,283 rest ♪ 2261 01:14:54,113 --> 01:14:59,132 ♪ On Mary's lap was sleeping ♪ 2262 01:15:01,052 --> 01:15:06,052 ♪ Whom angels greet with ransom 2263 01:15:01,052 --> 01:15:06,052 sweet ♪ 2264 01:15:08,073 --> 01:15:12,142 ♪ While shepherds watch a 2265 01:15:08,073 --> 01:15:12,142 keeping ♪ 2266 01:15:29,083 --> 01:15:34,102 ♪ This, this is Christ the 2267 01:15:29,083 --> 01:15:34,102 King ♪ 2268 01:15:35,203 --> 01:15:40,222 ♪ Whom shepherds guard and 2269 01:15:35,203 --> 01:15:40,222 angels sing ♪ 2270 01:15:42,312 --> 01:15:48,023 ♪ Haste, haste to bring him 2271 01:15:42,312 --> 01:15:48,023 laud ♪ 2272 01:15:50,043 --> 01:15:53,262 ♪ The son, the babe of Mary ♪ 2273 01:15:56,222 --> 01:15:59,283 (audience applauding) 2274 01:16:07,312 --> 01:16:09,262 Mom and dad would have been so 2275 01:16:07,312 --> 01:16:09,262 proud. 2276 01:16:09,262 --> 01:16:10,312 Thank you, Cookie. 2277 01:16:11,293 --> 01:16:12,262 I love you. 2278 01:16:13,312 --> 01:16:15,222 Say you'll come home. 2279 01:16:15,222 --> 01:16:17,043 Stay for Christmas. 2280 01:16:17,043 --> 01:16:19,153 I would like that, very much. 2281 01:16:20,102 --> 01:16:22,252 But, I think that I'm, 2282 01:16:22,252 --> 01:16:25,062 I'm gonna have to ask my cute 2283 01:16:22,252 --> 01:16:25,062 lawyer. 2284 01:16:26,123 --> 01:16:27,172 (people screaming) 2285 01:16:27,172 --> 01:16:28,123 Oh my God! 2286 01:16:28,123 --> 01:16:31,062 (people gasping) 2287 01:16:31,283 --> 01:16:33,123 Oh no. 2288 01:16:33,123 --> 01:16:37,132 It's Carol, from Carol's 2289 01:16:33,123 --> 01:16:37,132 electronics. 2290 01:16:37,132 --> 01:16:39,293 For real? 2291 01:16:37,132 --> 01:16:39,293 It's Carol? 2292 01:16:39,293 --> 01:16:42,052 I just saw her this week. 2293 01:16:39,293 --> 01:16:42,052 It's like a new nightmare. 2294 01:16:42,052 --> 01:16:44,172 Satan is toying with us. 2295 01:16:44,172 --> 01:16:46,182 We have to keep the Christmas 2296 01:16:44,172 --> 01:16:46,182 spirit 2297 01:16:46,182 --> 01:16:48,193 in order to defeat that devil. 2298 01:16:51,102 --> 01:16:52,073 I have a plan. 2299 01:16:53,273 --> 01:16:56,273 (determined music) 2300 01:17:02,302 --> 01:17:04,182 It's on, bitch. 2301 01:17:10,203 --> 01:17:13,123 (ominous music) 2302 01:17:22,073 --> 01:17:24,142 Light up the world. 2303 01:17:24,142 --> 01:17:27,092 Of course, daddy's tree lighting 2304 01:17:24,142 --> 01:17:27,092 ceremony. 2305 01:17:27,092 --> 01:17:29,023 You're a genius, Holly. 2306 01:17:29,023 --> 01:17:30,142 There she is. 2307 01:17:30,142 --> 01:17:32,132 Kevins, what are you doing here? 2308 01:17:32,132 --> 01:17:34,023 Your friend Chad posted that 2309 01:17:32,132 --> 01:17:34,023 video 2310 01:17:34,023 --> 01:17:35,252 of your speech and song last 2311 01:17:34,023 --> 01:17:35,252 night. 2312 01:17:35,252 --> 01:17:37,043 Sorry I ever doubted you. 2313 01:17:37,043 --> 01:17:38,302 That anchor job is your. 2314 01:17:38,302 --> 01:17:41,142 Christie's already cleared 2315 01:17:38,302 --> 01:17:41,142 out her dressing room. 2316 01:17:41,142 --> 01:17:44,172 She cried, it was uh, pregnancy 2317 01:17:41,142 --> 01:17:44,172 hormones. 2318 01:17:44,172 --> 01:17:46,102 That's very kind of you, but, 2319 01:17:46,102 --> 01:17:48,102 I mean not the Christie 2320 01:17:46,102 --> 01:17:48,102 part, that's horrible, 2321 01:17:48,102 --> 01:17:50,203 but I'm not interested. 2322 01:17:50,203 --> 01:17:52,123 Look, there are more 2323 01:17:50,203 --> 01:17:52,123 important things in the world 2324 01:17:52,123 --> 01:17:54,302 than being Connie Chung. 2325 01:17:54,302 --> 01:17:58,233 Oh, and Kevins, you're 2326 01:17:54,302 --> 01:17:58,233 gonna want to film this. 2327 01:17:58,233 --> 01:18:00,092 Okay. 2328 01:18:00,092 --> 01:18:02,123 Chris, hey, Chris. 2329 01:18:03,203 --> 01:18:04,212 Where's the rest of the town? 2330 01:18:04,212 --> 01:18:06,203 Satan's gonna be here soon. 2331 01:18:06,203 --> 01:18:07,222 Maybe they're just late. 2332 01:18:09,062 --> 01:18:11,172 Or maybe I was just less 2333 01:18:09,062 --> 01:18:11,172 convincing than we thought. 2334 01:18:12,182 --> 01:18:13,233 We should get started. 2335 01:18:13,233 --> 01:18:14,222 Yeah, okay. 2336 01:18:15,193 --> 01:18:17,203 Evening, Ornaments. 2337 01:18:17,203 --> 01:18:20,302 May be small, but we are mighty. 2338 01:18:20,302 --> 01:18:23,142 Right? 2339 01:18:20,302 --> 01:18:23,142 (crowd cheering) 2340 01:18:23,142 --> 01:18:26,073 Okay, here goes nothing. 2341 01:18:27,193 --> 01:18:28,302 We're ready for you, Satan! 2342 01:18:30,182 --> 01:18:32,052 Yeah. 2343 01:18:32,052 --> 01:18:34,212 (tense music) 2344 01:18:37,113 --> 01:18:38,233 Show yourself! 2345 01:18:40,212 --> 01:18:41,163 (intense music) 2346 01:18:41,163 --> 01:18:42,302 Happy holidays! 2347 01:18:44,293 --> 01:18:45,243 (Satan Claus laughs) 2348 01:18:45,243 --> 01:18:46,273 We can't let that demon ruin our 2349 01:18:45,243 --> 01:18:46,273 joy, 2350 01:18:46,273 --> 01:18:48,102 so let's light up this tree! 2351 01:18:49,262 --> 01:18:51,073 One, two, three! 2352 01:18:54,243 --> 01:18:57,092 (ominous music) 2353 01:18:57,092 --> 01:18:58,293 (crowd screaming) 2354 01:18:58,293 --> 01:19:01,233 It's beginning to look 2355 01:18:58,293 --> 01:19:01,233 a lot like Christmas. 2356 01:19:01,233 --> 01:19:04,233 Every one in the town is up 2357 01:19:01,233 --> 01:19:04,233 there. 2358 01:19:04,233 --> 01:19:07,222 That's why people didn't 2359 01:19:04,233 --> 01:19:07,222 come to the ceremony. 2360 01:19:07,222 --> 01:19:08,233 Alive. 2361 01:19:08,233 --> 01:19:10,092 Santa's fix didn't work. 2362 01:19:11,293 --> 01:19:12,262 Satan won. 2363 01:19:13,212 --> 01:19:14,172 Woo! 2364 01:19:16,102 --> 01:19:19,172 All because I couldn't 2365 01:19:16,102 --> 01:19:19,172 fudging spell at seven? 2366 01:19:22,273 --> 01:19:23,312 That's what he meant. 2367 01:19:24,283 --> 01:19:26,262 The last part of Santa's riddle. 2368 01:19:29,052 --> 01:19:31,233 You can stop this whole 2369 01:19:29,052 --> 01:19:31,233 charade right now, Satan. 2370 01:19:31,233 --> 01:19:34,182 Because we are not afraid of 2371 01:19:31,233 --> 01:19:34,182 you. 2372 01:19:34,182 --> 01:19:37,123 Are you sure, Frost? 2373 01:19:37,123 --> 01:19:39,062 It's Winters again, dick. 2374 01:19:39,062 --> 01:19:40,212 No one cares. 2375 01:19:40,212 --> 01:19:42,212 I never meant to write 2376 01:19:40,212 --> 01:19:42,212 you all those years ago. 2377 01:19:42,212 --> 01:19:46,222 And we are taking back 2378 01:19:42,212 --> 01:19:46,222 Christmas because it's ours. 2379 01:19:46,222 --> 01:19:47,203 Yeah! 2380 01:19:46,222 --> 01:19:47,203 Woo! 2381 01:19:47,203 --> 01:19:51,163 It's rude to take back a gift, 2382 01:19:47,203 --> 01:19:51,163 sugarplum. 2383 01:19:51,163 --> 01:19:53,212 You were raised better than 2384 01:19:51,163 --> 01:19:53,212 that. 2385 01:19:53,212 --> 01:19:56,243 Oh no, wait a second, I 2386 01:19:53,212 --> 01:19:56,243 totally killed your parents. 2387 01:19:56,243 --> 01:19:59,033 (Satan Claus laughs) 2388 01:19:59,033 --> 01:19:59,312 Over the past few days, 2389 01:19:59,312 --> 01:20:02,233 I have rediscovered the 2390 01:19:59,312 --> 01:20:02,233 Christmas spirit. 2391 01:20:02,233 --> 01:20:07,092 I believe in hot cocoa, 2392 01:20:02,233 --> 01:20:07,092 candy canes, caroling, 2393 01:20:07,092 --> 01:20:08,182 Christmas presents, ginger bread 2394 01:20:07,092 --> 01:20:08,182 houses. 2395 01:20:08,182 --> 01:20:10,033 (Satan Claus gagging) 2396 01:20:10,033 --> 01:20:15,062 I believe in snow men, 2397 01:20:10,033 --> 01:20:15,062 snow women, snow theys. 2398 01:20:15,062 --> 01:20:17,023 I believe in the goodness of 2399 01:20:15,062 --> 01:20:17,023 people. 2400 01:20:18,132 --> 01:20:19,182 I believe in love. 2401 01:20:20,193 --> 01:20:25,172 But there is one thing 2402 01:20:20,193 --> 01:20:25,172 that I do not believe in. 2403 01:20:25,172 --> 01:20:27,273 And that's you. 2404 01:20:27,273 --> 01:20:29,153 What? 2405 01:20:29,153 --> 01:20:30,172 Time to light this mother up. 2406 01:20:30,172 --> 01:20:31,132 No! 2407 01:20:33,182 --> 01:20:34,142 No, no. 2408 01:20:35,132 --> 01:20:36,302 No no no no! 2409 01:20:36,302 --> 01:20:38,132 No! 2410 01:20:38,132 --> 01:20:40,252 Think of Christmas wonder! 2411 01:20:42,043 --> 01:20:43,043 Go, link arms! 2412 01:20:43,043 --> 01:20:46,182 (Satan Claus screaming) 2413 01:21:08,193 --> 01:21:11,132 (peaceful music) 2414 01:21:17,193 --> 01:21:19,092 FAITH: It's snowing in here! 2415 01:21:24,193 --> 01:21:25,153 Oh my. 2416 01:21:28,262 --> 01:21:31,113 Everyone's alive again. 2417 01:21:31,113 --> 01:21:34,043 It's a Christmas miracle. 2418 01:21:34,043 --> 01:21:37,102 (Faith giggling) 2419 01:21:37,102 --> 01:21:38,123 You did it, Holly. 2420 01:21:38,123 --> 01:21:39,193 We did it! 2421 01:21:42,043 --> 01:21:43,203 I have something to confess. 2422 01:21:44,163 --> 01:21:45,262 Oh, the leather's too much. 2423 01:21:45,262 --> 01:21:47,033 You're dumping me. 2424 01:21:47,033 --> 01:21:47,252 No, no. 2425 01:21:47,252 --> 01:21:49,233 My real name is Johannes 2426 01:21:47,252 --> 01:21:49,233 Strudel, 2427 01:21:49,233 --> 01:21:51,092 and I'm the Prince of Mocano. 2428 01:21:52,113 --> 01:21:53,172 You mean Monaco? 2429 01:21:53,172 --> 01:21:54,163 No, Mocano. 2430 01:21:54,163 --> 01:21:57,033 It's a small country 2431 01:21:54,163 --> 01:21:57,033 in West Eastern Europe. 2432 01:21:57,033 --> 01:21:59,132 I came to Ornaments to be 2433 01:21:57,033 --> 01:21:59,132 ordinary. 2434 01:21:59,132 --> 01:22:00,293 To plant apple trees. 2435 01:22:01,233 --> 01:22:04,203 But, I have found my prince. 2436 01:22:04,203 --> 01:22:05,312 I'm ready to go home. 2437 01:22:08,083 --> 01:22:10,073 (Chad gasps) 2438 01:22:10,073 --> 01:22:12,172 Will you marry me, Chady? 2439 01:22:12,172 --> 01:22:13,163 Me? 2440 01:22:13,163 --> 01:22:15,023 A prince's prince? 2441 01:22:15,023 --> 01:22:16,212 Yeah. 2442 01:22:16,212 --> 01:22:19,273 But, we've only been dating like 2443 01:22:16,212 --> 01:22:19,273 one day. 2444 01:22:19,273 --> 01:22:20,293 Yeah. 2445 01:22:20,293 --> 01:22:22,083 What am I saying, I do. 2446 01:22:23,023 --> 01:22:25,233 (hopeful music) 2447 01:22:33,163 --> 01:22:34,312 Every- I'm engaged! 2448 01:22:34,312 --> 01:22:36,092 (women cheering) 2449 01:22:36,092 --> 01:22:39,033 (cheerful music) 2450 01:22:47,262 --> 01:22:48,273 Kevins. 2451 01:22:50,023 --> 01:22:51,033 Sam. 2452 01:22:54,153 --> 01:22:57,243 All it took was having a 2453 01:22:54,153 --> 01:22:57,243 little faith in Christmas. 2454 01:23:00,193 --> 01:23:02,193 Hi. 2455 01:23:02,193 --> 01:23:06,052 So, I'm like, I'm really 2456 01:23:02,193 --> 01:23:06,052 sorry for getting you killed 2457 01:23:06,052 --> 01:23:08,283 by the angel of darkness and 2458 01:23:06,052 --> 01:23:08,283 for like being such an asshole. 2459 01:23:08,283 --> 01:23:10,193 It's no sweat. 2460 01:23:10,193 --> 01:23:14,043 Maybe we can try that van thing 2461 01:23:10,193 --> 01:23:14,043 again. 2462 01:23:15,283 --> 01:23:19,243 I'll take down my wife's 2463 01:23:15,283 --> 01:23:19,243 posters and kittens. 2464 01:23:21,043 --> 01:23:23,293 Yeah, um, I kind of. 2465 01:23:23,293 --> 01:23:24,262 Holly? 2466 01:23:26,132 --> 01:23:27,182 Chris, what? 2467 01:23:27,182 --> 01:23:28,182 What is this? 2468 01:23:28,182 --> 01:23:30,132 Hopefully it's not a hand. 2469 01:23:30,132 --> 01:23:31,113 (Holly giggles) 2470 01:23:31,113 --> 01:23:33,102 Something you deserved a long 2471 01:23:31,113 --> 01:23:33,102 time ago. 2472 01:23:34,052 --> 01:23:35,102 (Holly gasps) 2473 01:23:35,102 --> 01:23:36,132 Oh my God. 2474 01:23:39,153 --> 01:23:41,182 A Darby Dream Wagon? 2475 01:23:42,182 --> 01:23:43,212 How did you know? 2476 01:23:43,212 --> 01:23:45,172 A little Christmas birdie told 2477 01:23:43,212 --> 01:23:45,172 me. 2478 01:23:46,182 --> 01:23:48,102 (women laughing) 2479 01:23:48,102 --> 01:23:50,033 Chris, it's perfect. 2480 01:23:51,302 --> 01:23:53,043 Thank you. 2481 01:23:53,043 --> 01:23:55,052 Whoa whoa, uh. 2482 01:23:55,052 --> 01:23:56,262 We're still not gonna? 2483 01:23:56,262 --> 01:23:58,142 I just, 2484 01:23:58,142 --> 01:23:59,163 I thought, 2485 01:23:59,163 --> 01:24:02,062 I thought maybe we were 2486 01:23:59,163 --> 01:24:02,062 like in the final act, so. 2487 01:24:03,312 --> 01:24:05,243 Uh. 2488 01:24:05,243 --> 01:24:08,023 It's just, the next woman I do 2489 01:24:05,243 --> 01:24:08,023 that with, 2490 01:24:08,023 --> 01:24:10,182 I want to be the woman I marry. 2491 01:24:10,182 --> 01:24:13,062 Are you ready to come home, 2492 01:24:10,182 --> 01:24:13,062 be with me? 2493 01:24:13,062 --> 01:24:14,283 Be a mother to Faith? 2494 01:24:16,073 --> 01:24:17,062 Chris, I. 2495 01:24:18,262 --> 01:24:20,073 I am ready to love. 2496 01:24:21,163 --> 01:24:25,033 But, you're so not the one. 2497 01:24:25,273 --> 01:24:28,092 I, I may have rediscovered 2498 01:24:25,273 --> 01:24:28,092 the holiday spirit 2499 01:24:28,092 --> 01:24:31,273 and the Christmas candle 2500 01:24:28,092 --> 01:24:31,273 inside my heart but, 2501 01:24:31,273 --> 01:24:35,233 that doesn't mean I want to 2502 01:24:31,273 --> 01:24:35,233 be with somebody so, bland. 2503 01:24:35,233 --> 01:24:39,033 Hot, like so, you're so hot. 2504 01:24:39,033 --> 01:24:41,312 But I mean, bland. 2505 01:24:42,273 --> 01:24:44,052 And I don't want to be anyone's 2506 01:24:42,273 --> 01:24:44,052 mom. 2507 01:24:44,052 --> 01:24:46,182 Like, ever, so. 2508 01:24:46,182 --> 01:24:48,062 Yeah. 2509 01:24:48,062 --> 01:24:48,312 Excuse me. 2510 01:24:48,312 --> 01:24:50,262 Uh, Cookie, can you? 2511 01:24:50,262 --> 01:24:51,212 Sure. 2512 01:24:50,262 --> 01:24:51,212 Thanks. 2513 01:24:51,212 --> 01:24:52,233 Thank you. 2514 01:24:52,233 --> 01:24:54,102 Uh, where is that? 2515 01:24:55,163 --> 01:24:58,102 Ah, not today. 2516 01:24:58,102 --> 01:24:59,212 Ah, Goldman. 2517 01:24:59,212 --> 01:25:02,243 Hey, I'm uh, ready for that 2518 01:24:59,212 --> 01:25:02,243 dance now. 2519 01:25:04,033 --> 01:25:05,172 And this. 2520 01:25:05,172 --> 01:25:08,023 (upbeat music) 2521 01:25:08,023 --> 01:25:09,123 Woo, 2522 01:25:09,123 --> 01:25:10,083 wow. 2523 01:25:11,113 --> 01:25:15,233 Um, Danica, do you swing? 2524 01:25:15,233 --> 01:25:16,283 Funny you should ask. 2525 01:25:18,083 --> 01:25:19,052 We do. 2526 01:25:20,193 --> 01:25:22,052 What do you say? 2527 01:25:25,182 --> 01:25:28,113 God bless us, everyone! 2528 01:25:28,113 --> 01:25:29,222 Except Satan. 2529 01:25:29,222 --> 01:25:32,132 (Faith giggles) 2530 01:25:35,312 --> 01:25:38,273 (whimsical music) 2531 01:25:56,033 --> 01:25:56,283 (intense music) 2532 01:25:56,283 --> 01:25:57,233 ♪ You take my hand ♪ 2533 01:25:57,233 --> 01:26:00,073 ♪ Let's have a Christmas dance ♪ 2534 01:26:00,073 --> 01:26:01,252 ♪ Is this what you ♪ 2535 01:26:01,252 --> 01:26:04,123 ♪ Picture all year long ♪ 2536 01:26:04,123 --> 01:26:05,302 ♪ Us making gingerbread men ♪ 2537 01:26:05,302 --> 01:26:08,193 ♪ Nestling up in bed ♪ 2538 01:26:08,193 --> 01:26:09,172 ♪ Nice and toasted ♪ 2539 01:26:09,172 --> 01:26:13,073 ♪ For you baby ♪ 2540 01:26:13,073 --> 01:26:15,262 ♪ Oh please ♪ 2541 01:26:15,262 --> 01:26:17,182 ♪ A sassy Santa ♪ 2542 01:26:17,182 --> 01:26:21,203 ♪ A sassy Santa please ♪ 2543 01:26:21,203 --> 01:26:23,132 ♪ A sassy Santa ♪ 2544 01:26:23,132 --> 01:26:25,033 ♪ A sassy Santa Claus ♪