1 00:00:05,590 --> 00:00:07,008 [Harriet] Ole Golly always says that 2 00:00:07,008 --> 00:00:10,804 a real writer knows that everyone has a story to tell. 3 00:00:11,388 --> 00:00:13,056 Where is that dumb thing? 4 00:00:13,765 --> 00:00:17,310 Based on what I've discovered on my spy route, I would agree. 5 00:00:17,310 --> 00:00:19,437 Everyone does have a story to tell. 6 00:00:20,522 --> 00:00:22,857 Everyone but the Robinsons. 7 00:00:22,857 --> 00:00:27,529 Two people who are so boring, they make belly button lint seem exciting. 8 00:00:27,529 --> 00:00:30,323 What did you buy today, Mrs. Robinson? 9 00:00:30,323 --> 00:00:32,576 A feather duster, Mr. Robinson. 10 00:00:33,493 --> 00:00:34,703 For dusting? 11 00:00:34,703 --> 00:00:37,956 Why, yes. For dusting, Mr. Robinson. 12 00:00:38,790 --> 00:00:40,875 [Harriet] Like watching paint dry. 13 00:00:41,585 --> 00:00:43,420 I knew that I'd eventually figure out 14 00:00:43,420 --> 00:00:46,673 that they were Russian spies or aliens from Mars. 15 00:00:47,299 --> 00:00:50,468 Then I ran out of "eventuallys." 16 00:00:52,554 --> 00:00:54,389 They're moving? 17 00:00:56,808 --> 00:00:59,686 If the Robinsons left before I dug up their story, 18 00:00:59,686 --> 00:01:02,355 how could I call myself a real writer? 19 00:01:02,355 --> 00:01:05,358 [mom] Harriet, hurry. We're going to be late for the party. 20 00:01:05,942 --> 00:01:10,155 [Harriet] Were the Robinsons just using their boringness as a fiendish disguise? 21 00:01:10,155 --> 00:01:12,490 I had one chance to figure it out. 22 00:01:13,199 --> 00:01:16,328 I'd need a fiendish disguise of my own. 23 00:01:16,912 --> 00:01:17,913 Gotcha. 24 00:01:18,914 --> 00:01:21,583 {\an8}♪ I just wanna be You just wanna be ♪ 25 00:01:21,583 --> 00:01:23,335 ♪ We just wanna be ♪ 26 00:01:24,461 --> 00:01:26,922 ♪ I am gonna be who I wanna be ♪ 27 00:01:26,922 --> 00:01:28,590 ♪ My autonomy ♪ 28 00:01:29,090 --> 00:01:32,010 ♪ No, I won't cut my hair ♪ 29 00:01:32,010 --> 00:01:34,471 ♪ And I'll wear whatever ♪ 30 00:01:34,471 --> 00:01:40,602 ♪ I like it when I get to be myself ♪ 31 00:01:40,602 --> 00:01:43,230 ♪ I don't wanna be You don't wanna be ♪ 32 00:01:43,230 --> 00:01:47,275 {\an8}♪ We don't wanna be told what to do ♪ 33 00:01:52,530 --> 00:01:54,074 If it isn't the Welsches. 34 00:01:54,074 --> 00:01:55,158 Come in. 35 00:01:56,993 --> 00:01:58,245 Harriet? 36 00:01:58,828 --> 00:02:00,247 In a dress? 37 00:02:00,247 --> 00:02:02,582 Will wonders never cease? 38 00:02:02,582 --> 00:02:05,335 [Harriet] Normally I'd never be caught dead in this outfit. 39 00:02:05,335 --> 00:02:07,379 But people are more likely to spill their guts 40 00:02:07,379 --> 00:02:10,298 if they think you're a goody-good and not a nosy spy. 41 00:02:10,298 --> 00:02:11,967 Uh, Pinky, take the Welsches' coats, 42 00:02:11,967 --> 00:02:14,052 and then you can take Harriet to the kids' party. 43 00:02:14,052 --> 00:02:15,136 Have fun, you two. 44 00:02:15,136 --> 00:02:18,098 [Harriet] No. The dreaded kids' party. 45 00:02:18,098 --> 00:02:22,185 [sighs] It's a classic grown-up move that spells doom for spying. 46 00:02:22,936 --> 00:02:26,147 Now that you're here, the party can really start. 47 00:02:26,731 --> 00:02:30,610 [Harriet] I had made a list of possible secret identities for the Robinsons. 48 00:02:30,610 --> 00:02:32,404 International art thieves. 49 00:02:33,989 --> 00:02:34,948 Time travelers. 50 00:02:36,533 --> 00:02:37,576 Pod people? 51 00:02:40,120 --> 00:02:44,040 Whatever their story was, I only had about two hours to figure it out. 52 00:02:44,624 --> 00:02:47,544 Are the, uh, Robinsons here yet? 53 00:02:47,544 --> 00:02:49,754 Yep. I had to carry their coats. 54 00:02:50,338 --> 00:02:52,299 [Harriet] Mrs. Whitehead invited them every year. 55 00:02:52,299 --> 00:02:54,134 I think she felt sorry for them. 56 00:02:54,134 --> 00:02:57,888 I've been waiting to show you something. It's really neato-mosquitoes. 57 00:02:57,888 --> 00:02:59,598 "Neato-mosquitoes"? 58 00:02:59,598 --> 00:03:01,641 Yeah, neato-mosquitoes. 59 00:03:01,641 --> 00:03:03,059 Sure, why not? 60 00:03:03,560 --> 00:03:05,020 [Harriet] Step one in my mission: 61 00:03:05,020 --> 00:03:08,940 Escape Pinky Whitehead by using the oldest trick in the party book. 62 00:03:09,900 --> 00:03:11,359 Pinky, where's the bathroom? 63 00:03:11,359 --> 00:03:14,905 Oh, just down the hall and to the left. I'll wait here for you. 64 00:03:18,074 --> 00:03:19,075 [sniffs] 65 00:03:21,328 --> 00:03:25,749 [guest 1 laughing] And she stepped on balls. 66 00:03:25,749 --> 00:03:28,293 - [guests chattering] - Can you believe it? 67 00:03:30,128 --> 00:03:32,005 Oh, well, you know I would never... 68 00:03:33,423 --> 00:03:34,966 [chattering, laughing continues] 69 00:03:34,966 --> 00:03:39,262 [Harriet] Being a kid at an adult party is ideal for spying. 70 00:03:39,262 --> 00:03:43,725 Adults will reveal all kinds of things thinking kids can't hear. 71 00:03:43,725 --> 00:03:45,101 [guest 2] Did you hear about Mortimer? 72 00:03:45,101 --> 00:03:48,188 Twenty years his wife thought he had a full head of hair. 73 00:03:48,188 --> 00:03:51,858 One swoop and a bird plucked that toupee right off his bald head. [laughs] 74 00:03:51,858 --> 00:03:56,071 [Harriet] Are birds attracted to fake hair or all hair? 75 00:03:56,071 --> 00:03:59,366 Either way, wear more hats outside. 76 00:04:00,033 --> 00:04:03,495 Seeing so many species of grown-ups in their natural habitat 77 00:04:03,495 --> 00:04:06,248 was kind of like watching a nature documentary. 78 00:04:07,332 --> 00:04:12,963 If we're very, very quiet, we may get a glimpse of the rare horn-rimmed windbag. 79 00:04:12,963 --> 00:04:15,507 Buy stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks! 80 00:04:15,507 --> 00:04:18,425 [Harriet] To your left, you'll see a Mr. Withers. 81 00:04:18,425 --> 00:04:22,597 A shy creature who only recently learned how to leave its nest. 82 00:04:22,597 --> 00:04:27,269 Look to your right and you'll see a cunning Mrs. Plumber cornering her prey. 83 00:04:27,269 --> 00:04:31,940 Say, have you ever thought of putting your dog in little dungarees? 84 00:04:32,440 --> 00:04:34,067 They're all the rage. 85 00:04:34,067 --> 00:04:36,111 [Harriet] Relying on its keen instincts, 86 00:04:36,111 --> 00:04:39,948 the rare bow-headed fancy lady makes her escape. 87 00:04:39,948 --> 00:04:41,741 Can I put you down for a "maybe"? 88 00:04:42,325 --> 00:04:44,160 [Harriet] But where were the Robinsons? 89 00:04:45,245 --> 00:04:48,331 I know they were lurking around this party jungle somewhere. 90 00:04:49,583 --> 00:04:52,544 Don't worry, Carol. People love your tuna casserole. 91 00:04:52,544 --> 00:04:54,838 Well, I mean, it's not a competition. 92 00:04:54,838 --> 00:04:57,757 [Harriet] For years my mom and Mrs. Whitehead have been at war 93 00:04:57,757 --> 00:05:01,177 over who is the casserole queen of the Upper East Side. 94 00:05:02,345 --> 00:05:05,557 Keep your eye out for Seymour "it's a gas" Gasco. 95 00:05:05,557 --> 00:05:08,810 [groans] The comedian? Isn't he going to be on your variety show? 96 00:05:08,810 --> 00:05:11,313 Yes, if he ever signs his contract. 97 00:05:11,313 --> 00:05:13,523 I figure a little food, a little schmooze, 98 00:05:13,523 --> 00:05:16,526 and I'll get his little signature on the dotted line. 99 00:05:17,819 --> 00:05:20,447 [gasps] Looks delicious. 100 00:05:20,989 --> 00:05:27,120 I'll just put this right here, next to my turkey cassoulet. 101 00:05:27,120 --> 00:05:32,709 It's so nice to have one of each, gourmet and family style. 102 00:05:34,711 --> 00:05:38,465 Who's going to eat my casserole when they can have her cassoulet? 103 00:05:40,800 --> 00:05:44,262 I'm a director, so why don't I direct people to your casserole? 104 00:05:44,262 --> 00:05:46,723 Lights, camera, action, dear. 105 00:05:48,308 --> 00:05:51,102 Okay, Gasco. Where are you? 106 00:05:53,772 --> 00:05:56,399 Okay, Robinsons. Where are you? 107 00:05:59,402 --> 00:06:02,781 Mrs. Robinson, we are at a party. 108 00:06:03,740 --> 00:06:07,327 We certainly are, Mr. Robinson. A party. 109 00:06:08,703 --> 00:06:11,122 [guests chattering] 110 00:06:11,122 --> 00:06:14,334 [guest 3] Hello. It's great to see you. 111 00:06:25,554 --> 00:06:28,265 Would you like to play charades with us? 112 00:06:29,224 --> 00:06:31,351 Sorry, bud. Maybe later. 113 00:06:33,353 --> 00:06:36,481 [Harriet] In adult speak, "maybe later" means never. 114 00:06:37,315 --> 00:06:40,110 Some party. Where's the music? 115 00:06:40,110 --> 00:06:42,904 You crank it up, I'll start the conga line. 116 00:06:45,574 --> 00:06:47,409 [Harriet] Where did they go? 117 00:06:50,203 --> 00:06:52,497 - Ooh. - [exclaims] Watch where you're going, kid. 118 00:06:53,623 --> 00:06:55,250 I'm ever so sorry. 119 00:06:57,502 --> 00:06:59,462 Uh, do you like my new dress? 120 00:07:01,047 --> 00:07:02,757 It's adorable. 121 00:07:02,757 --> 00:07:05,343 [chuckles] Thank you ever so much. 122 00:07:05,343 --> 00:07:09,222 I hate to bother you, but have you seen Mr. and Mrs. Robinson? 123 00:07:10,098 --> 00:07:13,518 I'm sorry, sweetie. But if I do, I'll let you know. 124 00:07:13,518 --> 00:07:15,437 You're ever so nice. 125 00:07:20,483 --> 00:07:22,986 [grunts] Oh, pardon me. 126 00:07:22,986 --> 00:07:24,821 My Robinsons' secret identity list. 127 00:07:26,573 --> 00:07:27,782 [Pinky] There you are. 128 00:07:28,366 --> 00:07:32,203 Did you get lost getting to the bathroom? Happens to me all the time. 129 00:07:35,540 --> 00:07:36,541 Whoa! 130 00:07:38,084 --> 00:07:39,544 [laughs, chatters] 131 00:07:39,544 --> 00:07:41,129 [laughing] 132 00:07:43,590 --> 00:07:45,759 [chattering continues] 133 00:07:48,511 --> 00:07:49,512 [sniffs] 134 00:07:51,890 --> 00:07:52,891 [dog whines] 135 00:07:52,891 --> 00:07:54,100 [pants] 136 00:07:59,522 --> 00:08:02,859 - [yipping] - Truman, no! Not the food table. 137 00:08:04,361 --> 00:08:06,154 Oh. Come back! 138 00:08:07,447 --> 00:08:10,659 Oh, Truman. You are in for trouble now. 139 00:08:21,336 --> 00:08:23,046 [Harriet] This wasn't good. 140 00:08:23,046 --> 00:08:27,050 If Mr. Robinson found my secret list, he'd know it was mine 141 00:08:27,050 --> 00:08:31,054 because my notepaper said, "From the desk of Harriet M. Welsch." 142 00:08:31,805 --> 00:08:33,181 [Mrs. Whitehead] There you are. 143 00:08:33,181 --> 00:08:35,600 Why would you want to spend time with the boring adults 144 00:08:35,600 --> 00:08:39,020 when you could be having fun, fun, fun at the children's party? 145 00:08:41,690 --> 00:08:44,651 [Harriet] If you've ever been stuck in the kid room, 146 00:08:44,651 --> 00:08:46,444 then you know it's a wasteland... 147 00:08:48,405 --> 00:08:51,866 where the big kids have been stripped of all their powers... 148 00:08:51,866 --> 00:08:55,662 [sighs] Do you think my TV misses me? 149 00:08:56,246 --> 00:09:00,208 ...and the real rulers of this strange and savage world are the little kids. 150 00:09:00,208 --> 00:09:01,960 [cackling, babbling] 151 00:09:01,960 --> 00:09:05,714 It's like pip-squeak feeding frenzy. [groans] 152 00:09:09,885 --> 00:09:11,052 [wails] 153 00:09:11,052 --> 00:09:12,888 [child] Gimme, gimme, gimme. 154 00:09:16,892 --> 00:09:19,644 [children chattering, crying] 155 00:09:20,395 --> 00:09:22,480 Fruity punch? Oops! 156 00:09:23,064 --> 00:09:24,107 I got it. 157 00:09:25,525 --> 00:09:28,194 [groans] I need to get out of here. 158 00:09:29,112 --> 00:09:31,323 Hi, Harriet. I really like your dress. 159 00:09:31,907 --> 00:09:33,700 That makes one of us. 160 00:09:35,994 --> 00:09:37,871 [radio screeches] 161 00:09:37,871 --> 00:09:40,123 How's it going on the ham radio? 162 00:09:40,123 --> 00:09:43,293 No contact yet with extraterrestrials, 163 00:09:43,293 --> 00:09:48,882 but I did learn the Turkish word for "hello." It's merhaba. 164 00:09:48,882 --> 00:09:50,884 Okay. 165 00:09:50,884 --> 00:09:52,385 I gotta go, Pinky. 166 00:09:52,385 --> 00:09:54,638 Don't you wanna try out my ham radio? 167 00:09:54,638 --> 00:09:57,015 I built it myself from a kit. 168 00:09:59,226 --> 00:10:00,310 Uh, maybe later. 169 00:10:00,936 --> 00:10:02,729 Come on, give it a try. 170 00:10:02,729 --> 00:10:06,608 Since you and I are always on the same wavelength. [chuckles] 171 00:10:06,608 --> 00:10:10,695 [Harriet] Just for the record, Pinky and I have never been on the same wavelength. 172 00:10:10,695 --> 00:10:14,491 He's a nice guy and all, but we have nothing in common. 173 00:10:17,285 --> 00:10:18,370 Jonathan, no. 174 00:10:24,042 --> 00:10:26,127 Any stray voltage could short out the ham. 175 00:10:27,212 --> 00:10:30,715 [Harriet] While Pinky was distracted, it was time to make my escape. 176 00:10:30,715 --> 00:10:32,717 [growls, yipping] 177 00:10:52,237 --> 00:10:54,030 [trolley rattling] 178 00:11:10,547 --> 00:11:11,548 [groans] 179 00:11:11,548 --> 00:11:13,717 Oops! I got it. 180 00:11:13,717 --> 00:11:15,760 [children chattering, laughing] 181 00:11:18,263 --> 00:11:22,517 If you ask me, I think this casserole is singing your tuna. 182 00:11:22,517 --> 00:11:25,103 - [yipping] - Oh, bad Truman. 183 00:11:25,103 --> 00:11:26,730 - [panting] - I'm a vegetarian. 184 00:11:27,480 --> 00:11:31,234 Well, if it isn't Seymour "it's a gas" Gasco. 185 00:11:31,234 --> 00:11:32,652 Glad you could make it. 186 00:11:33,153 --> 00:11:35,947 Seymour, can you, you know. 187 00:11:36,948 --> 00:11:39,534 It's a gas! 188 00:11:40,619 --> 00:11:42,037 [laughs] 189 00:11:43,079 --> 00:11:44,247 Seymour? 190 00:11:44,247 --> 00:11:45,916 Welschy! How ya doing, honey? 191 00:11:45,916 --> 00:11:49,878 I heard you might be coming. That's why I brought your contract. 192 00:11:49,878 --> 00:11:54,049 Just need your John Hancock and we'll be all set for the show. 193 00:11:54,049 --> 00:11:56,259 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the phone. In good time, Welschy. 194 00:11:56,259 --> 00:11:59,179 Say, which one of these is turkey and which one is tuna? 195 00:11:59,179 --> 00:12:01,306 - That's the turkey. - [mom clears throat] 196 00:12:03,975 --> 00:12:08,271 Oh! Di-- Did I say that's turkey? [chuckles] I meant that one's turkey. 197 00:12:11,107 --> 00:12:13,235 Ooh, close call. I'm allergic to tuna. 198 00:12:13,235 --> 00:12:15,737 One bite and my stomach goes to the not-so-happy place, 199 00:12:15,737 --> 00:12:17,197 if you know what I mean. 200 00:12:18,073 --> 00:12:19,616 I think I do. 201 00:12:20,116 --> 00:12:23,828 Hey, Bobby B. Old so-and-so. How's it shaking? 202 00:12:24,663 --> 00:12:27,916 Mmm. Now this is a gas! 203 00:12:32,504 --> 00:12:36,925 It's just a prototype, but so far, I can control the lights... 204 00:12:38,885 --> 00:12:40,679 - and the radio. - ["It's My Party" playing] 205 00:12:43,223 --> 00:12:46,768 ♪ Conga, conga, conga Conga, conga, conga ♪ 206 00:12:46,768 --> 00:12:48,895 Janet, I don't wanna conga. 207 00:12:50,021 --> 00:12:51,273 Or maybe I do. 208 00:12:51,273 --> 00:12:54,901 Pinky, do any of these knobs make the hi-fi in the living room louder? 209 00:12:54,901 --> 00:12:58,196 Yep. [chuckles] But you gotta be careful because it gets-- 210 00:12:59,447 --> 00:13:00,657 [volume increases] 211 00:13:00,657 --> 00:13:02,075 Loud! 212 00:13:02,951 --> 00:13:04,744 - Huh? - [guests cheering] 213 00:13:04,744 --> 00:13:06,329 [guest 4] Yeah! 214 00:13:08,415 --> 00:13:10,208 Conga line! 215 00:13:11,042 --> 00:13:13,378 [guests cheering] 216 00:13:13,378 --> 00:13:16,256 ♪ Conga, conga, conga Conga, conga, conga ♪ 217 00:13:16,923 --> 00:13:19,050 Hey, kids. Who wants to conga? 218 00:13:19,968 --> 00:13:22,137 - [music continues] - [children clamoring] 219 00:13:22,846 --> 00:13:24,556 No, children! Stay in your room! 220 00:13:25,557 --> 00:13:27,767 Come on and grab some casserole. 221 00:13:27,767 --> 00:13:31,187 It's a once-in-a-lifetime "oppor-tuna-ty." 222 00:13:31,187 --> 00:13:34,024 ♪ Conga, conga, conga Conga, conga, conga ♪ 223 00:13:34,024 --> 00:13:35,108 Stop! 224 00:13:35,609 --> 00:13:39,237 ♪ Conga, conga, conga Conga, conga, conga ♪ 225 00:13:40,488 --> 00:13:43,199 I'll be right back. I gotta talk to Seymour. 226 00:13:45,452 --> 00:13:47,203 Hey, Seymour. 227 00:13:47,203 --> 00:13:50,624 So, what's it gonna take for me to get you to sign that contract? 228 00:13:50,624 --> 00:13:52,292 I'm gonna tell you what, Welschy. 229 00:13:52,292 --> 00:13:54,711 You get your wife to make me a casserole someday 230 00:13:54,711 --> 00:13:56,630 and I'll sign it right now. 231 00:13:56,630 --> 00:13:57,714 [dad] Deal. 232 00:13:59,716 --> 00:14:04,095 Did I hear someone complimenting my tuna casserole? [chuckles] 233 00:14:04,095 --> 00:14:05,263 Tuna? 234 00:14:06,514 --> 00:14:08,099 New conga line! 235 00:14:10,018 --> 00:14:11,770 ♪ Conga, conga, conga Conga, conga, conga ♪ 236 00:14:11,770 --> 00:14:13,730 This is a grown-up party! 237 00:14:14,314 --> 00:14:16,149 - [electricity crackles] - Ow! 238 00:14:18,818 --> 00:14:20,570 [music continues] 239 00:14:22,447 --> 00:14:27,160 [Robinsons] ♪ Conga, conga, conga Da, da, da, da, da, da ♪ 240 00:14:27,160 --> 00:14:31,081 ♪ Da, da, da, da, da, da Da, da, da, da, da, da ♪ 241 00:14:31,081 --> 00:14:33,291 Let's conga! 242 00:14:34,459 --> 00:14:35,460 Pinky! 243 00:14:35,460 --> 00:14:39,047 This conga dance is overheating me, Mrs. Robinson. 244 00:14:39,548 --> 00:14:40,882 Can I take your coat? 245 00:14:41,675 --> 00:14:42,717 [Mr. Robinson] Thank you. 246 00:14:44,928 --> 00:14:46,555 Let me help you with that, Pinky. 247 00:14:49,266 --> 00:14:50,517 Yeah! 248 00:14:51,685 --> 00:14:55,647 ♪ Conga, conga, conga Conga, conga, conga ♪ 249 00:14:58,149 --> 00:15:00,110 [music ends] 250 00:15:00,610 --> 00:15:03,071 Harriet, there's a coatroom code. 251 00:15:03,071 --> 00:15:06,616 You can't just start digging into other people's pockets. 252 00:15:06,616 --> 00:15:08,159 This is an emergency. 253 00:15:08,660 --> 00:15:09,953 [gasps] Voilà. 254 00:15:09,953 --> 00:15:12,789 [Mr. Robinson] Is that the coatroom, Mrs. Robinson? 255 00:15:12,789 --> 00:15:14,916 [Mrs. Robinson] It is, Mr. Robinson. 256 00:15:15,709 --> 00:15:18,253 [Harriet] Why don't dresses have pockets? 257 00:15:18,253 --> 00:15:20,922 Can someone please explain that to me? 258 00:15:21,715 --> 00:15:24,384 Is that my coat, Mrs. Robinson? 259 00:15:24,384 --> 00:15:27,137 [Mrs. Robinson] It is your coat, Mr. Robinson. 260 00:15:30,891 --> 00:15:33,560 I think we should leave now, Mrs. Robinson. 261 00:15:33,560 --> 00:15:35,770 I agree, Mr. Robinson. 262 00:15:36,688 --> 00:15:39,900 What? How in the world could you ever think about leaving 263 00:15:39,900 --> 00:15:43,236 without playing charades with me and my partner? 264 00:15:47,824 --> 00:15:49,075 Finally. 265 00:15:49,576 --> 00:15:52,913 [Harriet] I had come to the party to find the Robinsons' real story. 266 00:15:52,913 --> 00:15:58,376 If that meant playing charades, well, a good spy never gives up. 267 00:16:02,797 --> 00:16:04,341 Could you give us a moment? 268 00:16:04,341 --> 00:16:06,468 Pinky, would you join me back, uh... 269 00:16:12,891 --> 00:16:14,226 So, what's our mission? 270 00:16:14,226 --> 00:16:17,229 Have you ever noticed how boring the Robinsons are? 271 00:16:17,229 --> 00:16:19,564 Like human elevator music. [chuckles] 272 00:16:19,564 --> 00:16:21,733 Huh. That's what I always say. 273 00:16:21,733 --> 00:16:25,278 Of course you do. Same wavelength. 274 00:16:25,862 --> 00:16:31,159 Right. Well, I-I think it's just a cover story to hide their secret identities. 275 00:16:31,743 --> 00:16:34,871 - Check these out. - Hmm. "Pod people"? 276 00:16:34,871 --> 00:16:39,501 You know, when normal humans are replaced by alien replicas grown in giant pods. 277 00:16:40,252 --> 00:16:41,753 [Pinky] Pod people. 278 00:16:41,753 --> 00:16:43,463 - [Harriet] Pinky, get down. - [Pinky grunts] 279 00:16:43,463 --> 00:16:44,714 I've got a plan. 280 00:16:44,714 --> 00:16:48,760 We're going to give these words to the Robinsons for them to act out in charades. 281 00:16:48,760 --> 00:16:52,722 The minute we see them twitch or flinch or act like plants... 282 00:16:52,722 --> 00:16:55,058 We'll know what their story is. 283 00:16:55,058 --> 00:16:57,435 [Mr. Robinson] Are you two ready back there? 284 00:16:57,435 --> 00:16:58,562 [both] Ready. 285 00:16:59,563 --> 00:17:00,981 [Mrs. Robinson] Here are your words. 286 00:17:00,981 --> 00:17:05,526 [Harriet] And we've got your words right here. You go first. 287 00:17:09,281 --> 00:17:10,364 Two words. 288 00:17:10,907 --> 00:17:12,449 First word. 289 00:17:13,785 --> 00:17:18,039 Whisper. Gossip. Oh, secret. 290 00:17:18,872 --> 00:17:20,208 [Mrs. Robinson] Two words. 291 00:17:21,418 --> 00:17:23,128 Secret agent. 292 00:17:23,128 --> 00:17:24,880 Well done, Mrs. Robinson. 293 00:17:26,214 --> 00:17:27,966 See anything weird? 294 00:17:27,966 --> 00:17:29,175 Negatory. 295 00:17:34,347 --> 00:17:35,640 An elephant. 296 00:17:40,103 --> 00:17:41,187 Pod people. 297 00:17:45,775 --> 00:17:48,403 The lone-- The Lone Ranger! 298 00:17:48,403 --> 00:17:49,613 Great guess. 299 00:17:49,613 --> 00:17:51,281 Great clues. 300 00:17:58,496 --> 00:17:59,998 International. 301 00:17:59,998 --> 00:18:01,082 Art. 302 00:18:01,082 --> 00:18:02,167 Robbers? 303 00:18:02,667 --> 00:18:06,004 Thieves! International art thieves. 304 00:18:06,004 --> 00:18:09,216 [Harriet] It was weird to see the Robinsons suddenly being fun. 305 00:18:09,799 --> 00:18:14,429 It was like charades unblocked a big, boring boulder that was holding them back. 306 00:18:15,347 --> 00:18:16,806 [whispers] See anything? 307 00:18:16,806 --> 00:18:18,850 [whispers] Just wait. They'll break. 308 00:18:26,024 --> 00:18:28,777 [sighs] The things you do for love. 309 00:18:38,036 --> 00:18:39,829 You see what I'm seeing? 310 00:18:42,249 --> 00:18:44,709 [Mrs. Robinson] One word, two syllables. 311 00:18:46,628 --> 00:18:48,755 Try hard, Mr. Robinson. 312 00:18:48,755 --> 00:18:53,385 If we get this one, we will be the champions of the universe. 313 00:18:54,052 --> 00:18:55,136 Universe? 314 00:18:56,596 --> 00:19:02,394 This one is very, um, tricky, Mrs. Robinson. 315 00:19:05,230 --> 00:19:06,481 [whispers] Which word is it? 316 00:19:06,481 --> 00:19:07,774 [whispers] I don't know. 317 00:19:10,110 --> 00:19:13,029 Only one way to find out. 318 00:19:13,530 --> 00:19:15,198 [laughing, chattering] 319 00:19:16,032 --> 00:19:17,367 [Truman sniffs] 320 00:19:17,951 --> 00:19:19,703 [Mrs. Plumber] They're opening a new wing? 321 00:19:20,704 --> 00:19:21,913 [squeaks, pants] 322 00:19:21,913 --> 00:19:23,164 [yipping] 323 00:19:23,164 --> 00:19:25,750 No, Truman! No human food. 324 00:19:26,543 --> 00:19:27,544 [guests yelping] 325 00:19:27,544 --> 00:19:29,129 - Watch out! Oh! - Oh! 326 00:19:29,880 --> 00:19:31,089 [yipping continues] 327 00:19:35,260 --> 00:19:36,636 The answer! 328 00:19:40,265 --> 00:19:42,017 [distorted yipping] 329 00:19:46,021 --> 00:19:47,230 [dad] The casserole! 330 00:19:47,230 --> 00:19:49,065 [Mrs. Plumber gasps] Truman! 331 00:19:56,781 --> 00:19:58,867 [yips, panting] 332 00:19:59,451 --> 00:20:01,119 Bad Truman. Bad. 333 00:20:01,620 --> 00:20:04,247 Guess who won the casserole contest? 334 00:20:04,247 --> 00:20:06,833 Oh, it's not really a contest. 335 00:20:09,419 --> 00:20:11,338 Take that, Peggy Whitehead. 336 00:20:22,265 --> 00:20:24,059 Okay, it is a contest. 337 00:20:24,059 --> 00:20:27,562 And don't you worry, hon. There's more at home for you to enjoy. 338 00:20:27,562 --> 00:20:28,730 More? 339 00:20:29,272 --> 00:20:31,775 I'm sorry, Mrs. Robinson. 340 00:20:31,775 --> 00:20:34,945 Looks like you children are the big winners tonight. 341 00:20:34,945 --> 00:20:36,947 The best team won. 342 00:20:36,947 --> 00:20:40,492 You two have very good chemistry together. 343 00:20:40,492 --> 00:20:42,327 Great chemistry. 344 00:20:42,327 --> 00:20:44,913 Ah, what can we say. Same... 345 00:20:44,913 --> 00:20:46,748 Wavelength. 346 00:20:47,249 --> 00:20:49,125 Thank you for the game. 347 00:20:49,125 --> 00:20:50,502 Before we met you two, 348 00:20:50,502 --> 00:20:53,547 we thought everyone here was a little, you know... 349 00:20:54,130 --> 00:20:55,131 Boring. 350 00:20:56,925 --> 00:20:58,843 Time to go, Mrs. Robinson. 351 00:20:58,843 --> 00:21:01,638 We've got a long trip ahead of us tomorrow. 352 00:21:01,638 --> 00:21:03,181 Uh, where are you going? 353 00:21:03,181 --> 00:21:05,433 Back where we came from. 354 00:21:05,433 --> 00:21:08,895 Way, way out there in the middle of nowhere. 355 00:21:10,105 --> 00:21:11,648 Sounds far away. 356 00:21:11,648 --> 00:21:15,402 [chuckles] It's practically light-years from here. 357 00:21:16,945 --> 00:21:19,573 Well, it was nice meeting you. 358 00:21:19,573 --> 00:21:21,616 Same here. Have a safe trip. 359 00:21:22,158 --> 00:21:24,578 See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya. 360 00:21:25,537 --> 00:21:26,997 Why wouldn't you want to be us? 361 00:21:26,997 --> 00:21:29,082 [stammers] It's just a funny thing people say. 362 00:21:29,082 --> 00:21:30,917 Plus, it rhymes. 363 00:21:30,917 --> 00:21:34,713 - Yeah, like neato-mosquitoes. - [both chuckle] 364 00:21:38,425 --> 00:21:40,510 So, what do you wanna do now? 365 00:21:40,510 --> 00:21:44,389 Why don't you show me that super-duper ham radio you built? 366 00:21:44,389 --> 00:21:47,309 Nah. I've got a better idea. 367 00:21:49,644 --> 00:21:51,271 - [grunts] Whoa! - Whoo-hoo! 368 00:21:51,271 --> 00:21:52,981 - [laughing] - Harriet! [laughing] 369 00:21:54,190 --> 00:21:57,694 [Harriet] So maybe I didn't figure out the Robinsons' secret story. 370 00:21:57,694 --> 00:21:59,946 But that doesn't mean I was a bad writer. 371 00:21:59,946 --> 00:22:04,075 After all, I found a story I liked even better. 372 00:22:04,075 --> 00:22:07,078 The story of me getting to know Pinky. 373 00:22:07,078 --> 00:22:09,247 And we were only on chapter one. 374 00:22:09,247 --> 00:22:11,207 Who knew where it would all end up? 375 00:22:11,207 --> 00:22:13,501 What's your favorite smell? 376 00:22:13,501 --> 00:22:16,004 The sidewalk after it rains. 377 00:22:16,004 --> 00:22:17,088 Me too. 378 00:22:19,007 --> 00:22:21,134 [both laughing] 379 00:22:26,598 --> 00:22:27,599 [whirring stops] 380 00:22:29,517 --> 00:22:31,061 [chuckles] 381 00:22:31,853 --> 00:22:34,731 Wait till next year, Carol Welsch. 382 00:22:35,273 --> 00:22:37,484 [whirring resumes] 383 00:22:37,484 --> 00:22:38,693 [whirring stops] 384 00:22:42,030 --> 00:22:43,073 "Martians"? 385 00:22:43,573 --> 00:22:44,908 Huh. 386 00:22:51,790 --> 00:22:54,459 ♪ I just wanna be You just wanna be ♪ 387 00:22:54,459 --> 00:22:56,211 ♪ We just wanna be ♪ 388 00:22:57,337 --> 00:22:59,881 ♪ I don't wanna be You don't wanna be ♪ 389 00:22:59,881 --> 00:23:05,470 ♪ We don't wanna be told what to do ♪ 390 00:23:07,639 --> 00:23:13,311 ♪ And I try my best to do good In the neighborhood ♪ 391 00:23:13,311 --> 00:23:15,855 ♪ I smile real nice ♪ 392 00:23:15,855 --> 00:23:19,150 ♪ And I strive to tell the truth ♪ 393 00:23:19,150 --> 00:23:21,736 ♪ I just wanna be You just wanna be ♪ 394 00:23:21,736 --> 00:23:23,655 ♪ We just wanna be ♪ 395 00:23:24,531 --> 00:23:27,284 ♪ I don't wanna be You don't wanna be ♪ 396 00:23:27,284 --> 00:23:30,120 ♪ We don't wanna be told what to do ♪ 397 00:23:30,120 --> 00:23:32,706 ♪ I am gonna be who I wanna be ♪ 398 00:23:32,706 --> 00:23:34,708 ♪ My autonomy ♪ 399 00:23:35,417 --> 00:23:38,211 ♪ I just wanna be You just wanna be ♪ 400 00:23:38,211 --> 00:23:40,213 ♪ We just wanna be ♪ 401 00:23:40,213 --> 00:23:43,049 ♪ No, I won't cut my hair ♪ 402 00:23:43,049 --> 00:23:45,719 ♪ And I'll wear whatever ♪ 403 00:23:45,719 --> 00:23:51,391 ♪ I like it when I get to be myself ♪ 404 00:23:51,391 --> 00:23:54,311 ♪ I don't wanna be You don't wanna be ♪ 405 00:23:54,311 --> 00:23:59,107 ♪ We don't wanna be told what to do ♪