1 00:00:05,090 --> 00:00:09,594 [Harriet] I couldn't believe the words that just came out of my mom's mouth. 2 00:00:09,594 --> 00:00:12,430 You, Miss Golly, are fired. 3 00:00:13,098 --> 00:00:16,643 [Harriet] I wanted to scream, "It's not Ole Golly's fault," 4 00:00:16,643 --> 00:00:19,521 but the words got all stuck in my throat. 5 00:00:20,105 --> 00:00:23,024 Mrs. Welsch, I hope you know me well enough to realize 6 00:00:23,024 --> 00:00:25,318 that as long as Harriet is in my care, 7 00:00:25,318 --> 00:00:29,364 I would not let harm befall a single hair on her head. 8 00:00:29,364 --> 00:00:32,284 Harriet, uh, let's get you up to bed. 9 00:00:38,540 --> 00:00:41,501 Dad, it's not Ole Golly's fault. It was mine. 10 00:00:41,501 --> 00:00:44,254 I made her stay out late. I'm sorry. 11 00:00:44,254 --> 00:00:47,883 [sobs] I need her. We need her. 12 00:00:49,175 --> 00:00:51,845 Harriet, let your mother and I handle this. 13 00:00:56,641 --> 00:01:01,605 [Harriet] It's a good thing my dad forgot his daughter was a world-class spy. 14 00:01:01,605 --> 00:01:05,817 Eight, nine, ten. And we're clear. 15 00:01:09,029 --> 00:01:11,823 [Harriet] I could tell my parents weren't angry anymore. 16 00:01:11,823 --> 00:01:14,618 Did that mean they were going to un-fire Ole Golly? 17 00:01:15,785 --> 00:01:19,372 Mrs. Welsch, Mr. Welsch, there's something I need to say. 18 00:01:19,998 --> 00:01:20,999 Us too. 19 00:01:21,583 --> 00:01:24,169 When we came home and Harriet was gone, 20 00:01:24,169 --> 00:01:25,712 we got really scared. 21 00:01:26,379 --> 00:01:29,925 We panicked, and we may have overreacted a little. 22 00:01:32,010 --> 00:01:34,471 You're part of our family, Miss Golly. 23 00:01:34,471 --> 00:01:37,182 We'd like you to stay with us for as long as you want. 24 00:01:37,182 --> 00:01:38,558 Yes! 25 00:01:38,558 --> 00:01:40,227 I appreciate that, 26 00:01:40,227 --> 00:01:43,230 and I know I will always feel like a part of this family. 27 00:01:43,230 --> 00:01:46,483 But... [inhales deeply] ...Mr. Waldenstein-- 28 00:01:46,483 --> 00:01:50,612 George... [chuckles] ...asked me to marry him tonight. 29 00:01:50,612 --> 00:01:52,322 And she accepted. 30 00:01:52,322 --> 00:01:54,282 Way to go, Ole Golly. 31 00:01:54,282 --> 00:01:56,826 I know this is going to come as a shock, 32 00:01:56,826 --> 00:02:00,747 but we've decided to move to Montreal to start our new life. 33 00:02:00,747 --> 00:02:02,332 What? 34 00:02:03,041 --> 00:02:04,292 Next week. 35 00:02:04,292 --> 00:02:07,671 No. Oh, no. 36 00:02:08,671 --> 00:02:11,341 {\an8}♪ I just wanna be You just wanna be ♪ 37 00:02:11,341 --> 00:02:13,134 ♪ We just wanna be ♪ 38 00:02:14,219 --> 00:02:16,680 ♪ I am gonna be who I wanna be ♪ 39 00:02:16,680 --> 00:02:18,348 ♪ My autonomy ♪ 40 00:02:18,848 --> 00:02:21,768 ♪ No, I won't cut my hair ♪ 41 00:02:21,768 --> 00:02:24,229 ♪ And I'll wear whatever ♪ 42 00:02:24,229 --> 00:02:30,360 ♪ I like it when I get to be myself ♪ 43 00:02:30,360 --> 00:02:32,988 ♪ I don't wanna be You don't wanna be ♪ 44 00:02:32,988 --> 00:02:35,949 ♪ We don't wanna be told what to do ♪ 45 00:02:40,870 --> 00:02:43,582 We are obviously so happy for you both, 46 00:02:43,582 --> 00:02:46,543 but why do you have to move to get married? 47 00:02:46,543 --> 00:02:47,627 If you stay in New York, 48 00:02:47,627 --> 00:02:49,838 you could still be Harriet's nanny during the day. 49 00:02:49,838 --> 00:02:52,090 We'll do anything to keep you here. 50 00:02:52,090 --> 00:02:55,760 Oh, that's very kind, both of you. 51 00:02:55,760 --> 00:02:58,013 But we've made up our minds. 52 00:02:58,013 --> 00:03:02,100 I've thought about it, and Harriet's matured a lot this year. 53 00:03:02,100 --> 00:03:04,728 I think the time has come. 54 00:03:04,728 --> 00:03:05,812 No! 55 00:03:08,398 --> 00:03:09,649 It hasn't. 56 00:03:13,320 --> 00:03:14,321 [groans] 57 00:03:15,113 --> 00:03:18,575 [Harriet] I suddenly understood why ostriches stuck their heads in the sand. 58 00:03:19,242 --> 00:03:21,870 "The time has come." 59 00:03:22,913 --> 00:03:24,998 Had the time come? 60 00:03:29,085 --> 00:03:32,631 I definitely looked more mature if you ignore the scary hair. 61 00:03:33,924 --> 00:03:34,925 But was I? 62 00:03:35,550 --> 00:03:39,221 Things I did this year: Mature versus not mature. 63 00:03:39,221 --> 00:03:42,390 Taught Ole Golly to ride a bike. Very mature. 64 00:03:42,390 --> 00:03:47,145 Refused to try a new kind of sandwich despite intense pressure from Mom. 65 00:03:47,145 --> 00:03:50,232 Mature. That just means I have more refined taste. 66 00:03:50,232 --> 00:03:52,567 Threw a hissy fit in dance class. 67 00:03:52,567 --> 00:03:56,529 Very mature. I hissied in the name of freedom. 68 00:03:56,529 --> 00:03:59,658 My brain told me I was ready to be on my own, 69 00:03:59,658 --> 00:04:01,701 but my heart had other ideas. 70 00:04:02,327 --> 00:04:05,789 Ole Golly said, "The time has come." 71 00:04:05,789 --> 00:04:08,541 Why did those words sound so familiar? 72 00:04:11,670 --> 00:04:14,214 [Ole Golly] And now, for your favorite poem, 73 00:04:14,214 --> 00:04:15,966 from Alice in Wonderland. 74 00:04:18,843 --> 00:04:21,846 "The time has come, the Walrus said, 75 00:04:21,846 --> 00:04:23,932 To talk of many things..." 76 00:04:23,932 --> 00:04:26,351 "Of shoes and ships and sealing wax..." 77 00:04:26,351 --> 00:04:27,811 "Of cabbages..." 78 00:04:27,811 --> 00:04:29,354 "And kings." [chuckles] 79 00:04:29,354 --> 00:04:30,730 [chuckles] 80 00:04:33,400 --> 00:04:35,735 [Harriet] That was our poem. 81 00:04:37,612 --> 00:04:40,282 It's always been a part of who we are as friends. 82 00:04:40,282 --> 00:04:41,658 [sniffs] 83 00:04:45,579 --> 00:04:47,789 "The time has come." 84 00:04:50,041 --> 00:04:53,545 Even if it had, what would I do without Ole Golly? 85 00:05:05,932 --> 00:05:07,601 [bell tolls] 86 00:05:11,187 --> 00:05:14,149 [Cheshire Cat] The time has come. The time has come. 87 00:05:15,901 --> 00:05:18,653 The time has come. The time has come. 88 00:05:19,154 --> 00:05:20,488 The time has come. 89 00:05:20,488 --> 00:05:21,948 Ole Golly? 90 00:05:24,367 --> 00:05:25,869 Ole Golly! 91 00:05:28,121 --> 00:05:29,915 Wait! [groans, grunts] 92 00:05:32,083 --> 00:05:35,462 - [Ole Golly] To move to Montreal... - [Mr. Waldenstein chuckles] 93 00:05:35,462 --> 00:05:36,546 ...next week. 94 00:05:36,546 --> 00:05:38,715 [Cheshire Cat] The time has come. The time has come. 95 00:05:38,715 --> 00:05:40,592 - [strains, screams] - The time has come. 96 00:05:42,886 --> 00:05:46,431 [screams, pants] What a nightmare. 97 00:05:46,973 --> 00:05:49,768 [Harriet] I was glad Ole Golly wasn't leaving for a week. 98 00:05:49,768 --> 00:05:52,270 I needed time to process all this. 99 00:05:54,439 --> 00:05:55,565 Good morning, Harriet. 100 00:05:55,565 --> 00:05:56,816 I'm glad you're up. 101 00:05:56,816 --> 00:05:59,527 I just got some upsetting news from Ole Golly. 102 00:05:59,527 --> 00:06:01,112 She has to leave tonight. 103 00:06:01,112 --> 00:06:02,405 What? 104 00:06:02,405 --> 00:06:03,657 [Harriet] On second thought, 105 00:06:03,657 --> 00:06:09,246 I didn't need time to process this. The time had definitely not come. 106 00:06:09,746 --> 00:06:13,083 [sighs] I'm sorry, Harriet. 107 00:06:13,083 --> 00:06:14,709 They were hoping to leave next week, 108 00:06:14,709 --> 00:06:17,754 but Mr. Waldenstein just found out he got the job he wanted. 109 00:06:18,255 --> 00:06:20,298 They want him to start the day after tomorrow. 110 00:06:20,840 --> 00:06:22,133 I know. 111 00:06:22,133 --> 00:06:23,760 We feel the same way. 112 00:06:24,261 --> 00:06:25,637 I'll tell you what, after school, 113 00:06:25,637 --> 00:06:28,848 you and Miss Golly can do whatever you want. No homework. 114 00:06:28,848 --> 00:06:30,141 Love you. 115 00:06:34,229 --> 00:06:37,607 [screams, pants] No! 116 00:06:38,149 --> 00:06:42,571 I'm a spy, and a good spy never quits. 117 00:06:57,419 --> 00:07:00,505 [Harriet] I loved that perfume bottle. 118 00:07:01,339 --> 00:07:03,008 I always made it a character 119 00:07:03,008 --> 00:07:06,177 in a make-believe game Ole Golly taught me called "Town." 120 00:07:08,221 --> 00:07:12,642 Ever since I was five, Ole Golly and I played Town every Monday. 121 00:07:12,642 --> 00:07:15,061 It's a game where you make up stories, 122 00:07:15,061 --> 00:07:18,565 using objects to play different characters. 123 00:07:18,565 --> 00:07:22,152 Let's pretend this story is about Alice. 124 00:07:22,152 --> 00:07:24,863 This is Wonderland. 125 00:07:24,863 --> 00:07:26,865 Who would the perfume bottle be? 126 00:07:27,616 --> 00:07:32,454 Hmm. The perfume bottle is... a perfume bottle? 127 00:07:33,163 --> 00:07:35,540 Use your imagination, Harriet. 128 00:07:40,378 --> 00:07:43,506 Hello there, Harriet. I'm Perfume Alice. 129 00:07:43,506 --> 00:07:46,301 Oh, it's so lovely to meet you. 130 00:07:46,301 --> 00:07:49,221 It's Alice. Perfume Alice. 131 00:07:50,555 --> 00:07:53,808 [Harriet] The perfume bottle went on to play a ton of different parts, 132 00:07:53,808 --> 00:07:56,478 in a ton of different imaginary worlds. 133 00:07:56,478 --> 00:07:58,480 From Queen Elizabeth 134 00:07:58,480 --> 00:08:01,900 to an opera singer who had a bunch of birds living in her mouth, 135 00:08:02,567 --> 00:08:03,985 to one of those same birds... 136 00:08:03,985 --> 00:08:06,905 who went on to become the first woman president. 137 00:08:06,905 --> 00:08:09,407 - Thank you, America. [squawks] - [people cheering] 138 00:08:09,407 --> 00:08:11,826 [Harriet] Ole Golly always told me... 139 00:08:11,826 --> 00:08:16,206 The best writers can make a story out of anything. 140 00:08:16,206 --> 00:08:20,794 [Harriet] That's when I realized what I needed to do to make Ole Golly stay. 141 00:08:21,461 --> 00:08:23,672 - [door opens] - Hey, Ole Golly. 142 00:08:23,672 --> 00:08:25,048 Harriet, there you are. 143 00:08:25,048 --> 00:08:27,092 I was worried you'd overslept. 144 00:08:27,634 --> 00:08:29,844 Oh, not me. [scoffs] 145 00:08:30,470 --> 00:08:31,721 So... [chuckles] 146 00:08:31,721 --> 00:08:35,642 ...Mr. Waldenstein asked you to marry him while we were at the movies, huh? 147 00:08:35,642 --> 00:08:37,476 Yes. [chuckles] He did. 148 00:08:37,476 --> 00:08:40,522 But he didn't get down on one knee and all that jazz, did he? 149 00:08:40,522 --> 00:08:43,900 Well, what do you think? You know I hate cheap theatrics. 150 00:08:43,900 --> 00:08:48,113 No engagement ring? Huh. Sorry, no dice. Too bad. Oh, well. 151 00:08:48,113 --> 00:08:50,824 Guess it's back to normal. I'll help you unpack. 152 00:08:51,324 --> 00:08:52,534 Oh, Harriet. 153 00:08:52,534 --> 00:08:53,994 I'm sorry. 154 00:08:53,994 --> 00:08:59,165 This is all happening so fast, for me too. [sighs] 155 00:08:59,791 --> 00:09:02,043 In the words of William James, 156 00:09:02,043 --> 00:09:05,881 "To change one's life: One, start immediately. 157 00:09:05,881 --> 00:09:08,592 Two, do it flamboyantly. 158 00:09:08,592 --> 00:09:11,970 Three, no exceptions." 159 00:09:11,970 --> 00:09:15,891 [Harriet] I wanted to argue, but I really liked the word "flamboyant." 160 00:09:16,474 --> 00:09:18,977 We still have today. 161 00:09:18,977 --> 00:09:23,273 And today, every second I'm not packing and you're not at school, 162 00:09:23,273 --> 00:09:25,233 I'm all yours. 163 00:09:25,233 --> 00:09:26,651 We can do anything. 164 00:09:26,651 --> 00:09:29,779 Anything. Hmm. 165 00:09:31,948 --> 00:09:35,660 How about a game of Town? 166 00:09:35,660 --> 00:09:38,872 It is Monday after all, and we've never missed our weekly game. 167 00:09:39,497 --> 00:09:42,125 Well, that sounds good. You start. 168 00:09:42,125 --> 00:09:43,460 [Harriet] Okay, Harriet. 169 00:09:43,460 --> 00:09:46,463 Time to tell a story like you've never told it before. 170 00:09:47,130 --> 00:09:49,507 "Hello, I'm Ole Golly. 171 00:09:49,507 --> 00:09:52,469 Time to clomp, clomp, clomp to Montreal." 172 00:09:52,469 --> 00:09:53,762 Montreal. 173 00:09:53,762 --> 00:09:56,306 "Mon-tray-al." 174 00:09:56,806 --> 00:09:58,725 I hope you're ready, Ole Golly, 175 00:09:58,725 --> 00:10:01,603 because the time has come. 176 00:10:02,312 --> 00:10:06,691 Hi, I'm Cheshire Clog Golly, here in "Mon-tray-al." 177 00:10:08,026 --> 00:10:10,820 Bonjour, Cheshire Clog Golly. 178 00:10:11,446 --> 00:10:14,491 ♪ Tweedledum and Tweedledee Agreed to be the king ♪ 179 00:10:14,491 --> 00:10:17,911 ♪ For Tweedledum said Tweedledee Had developed static cling ♪ 180 00:10:19,746 --> 00:10:21,164 There you are. 181 00:10:22,207 --> 00:10:26,628 My darling Shoe Golly. Would you do me the honor of-- 182 00:10:27,629 --> 00:10:30,549 Eh, no need for cheap theatrics. 183 00:10:30,549 --> 00:10:35,095 Here is a strong handshake for ma chérie. 184 00:10:35,595 --> 00:10:36,596 Ha ha. 185 00:10:36,596 --> 00:10:39,975 That's right. You don't even speak French. 186 00:10:39,975 --> 00:10:41,351 I'll learn. 187 00:10:42,018 --> 00:10:45,063 Well, it's gonna be hard 'cause... 188 00:10:45,647 --> 00:10:47,607 We do not sell the books in English. 189 00:10:47,607 --> 00:10:52,571 That means no Willa Cather or James Joyce, 190 00:10:52,571 --> 00:10:54,406 or Lewis Carroll. 191 00:10:54,406 --> 00:10:56,700 No! Why? 192 00:10:57,284 --> 00:10:59,703 They have an English section in every bookstore. 193 00:10:59,703 --> 00:11:03,164 Canada's official languages are French and English. 194 00:11:03,665 --> 00:11:05,500 [Harriet] Dang, strike two. 195 00:11:06,084 --> 00:11:08,920 Now, I taught you Town to help you tell stories. 196 00:11:08,920 --> 00:11:11,506 This feels like propaganda, Harriet. 197 00:11:11,506 --> 00:11:13,884 I'm gonna say I know what "propa-what-a" means 198 00:11:13,884 --> 00:11:16,094 and say it's definitely not that. 199 00:11:16,094 --> 00:11:20,223 It's a story where I reveal to you what they do in Montreal for fun. 200 00:11:22,100 --> 00:11:24,477 [laughs] 201 00:11:24,477 --> 00:11:27,898 Baguette fight! 202 00:11:27,898 --> 00:11:29,399 Hey! Hey! Look out! 203 00:11:29,399 --> 00:11:30,901 [laughs] I'm gonna get ya! 204 00:11:30,901 --> 00:11:34,487 What are you doing? Baguettes are for eating. 205 00:11:35,780 --> 00:11:37,157 This is what we do here. 206 00:11:37,157 --> 00:11:40,577 We hit each other with the baguettes. [laughs] 207 00:11:43,079 --> 00:11:47,709 How I wish I lived in New York City where my beloved Harriet M. Welsch, 208 00:11:47,709 --> 00:11:51,796 who secretly shares my middle name, lives happily ever after with me. 209 00:11:51,796 --> 00:11:52,923 [yowls] 210 00:11:58,011 --> 00:11:59,971 Oh, no! The Jabberwocky. 211 00:12:02,599 --> 00:12:03,600 [cackles] 212 00:12:03,600 --> 00:12:04,726 Oh, no! 213 00:12:05,227 --> 00:12:09,981 Ew! Why did I leave Harriet? Why? 214 00:12:09,981 --> 00:12:11,316 [Perfume Alice] Ole Golly! 215 00:12:11,316 --> 00:12:15,695 I heard your cry. I'm here to save you. Huh? 216 00:12:17,030 --> 00:12:18,365 Hey. 217 00:12:18,365 --> 00:12:20,951 I let you play five minutes extra, Harriet. 218 00:12:20,951 --> 00:12:22,577 You have to go to school now. 219 00:12:23,245 --> 00:12:26,539 Ole Golly, did you even listen to the story I was telling? 220 00:12:26,539 --> 00:12:29,292 Oh, I did. Thrilling, truly. 221 00:12:29,292 --> 00:12:32,003 Definitely not trying to convince me to stay. 222 00:12:32,003 --> 00:12:33,463 This isn't funny. 223 00:12:33,964 --> 00:12:37,425 I-- I know. I know it's not, I just-- [sighs] 224 00:12:37,425 --> 00:12:39,594 Harriet, it's time for school. 225 00:12:40,303 --> 00:12:42,847 Time, time, time. Time for school. 226 00:12:42,847 --> 00:12:45,058 Time for Montreal. Time to grow up. 227 00:12:45,058 --> 00:12:48,103 Maybe it's time for you to stop bossing me around! 228 00:12:49,854 --> 00:12:51,940 Your tomato sandwich is on the counter, 229 00:12:51,940 --> 00:12:55,360 and I'll be right here when you get home. 230 00:12:55,986 --> 00:13:00,907 You expect me to believe that? You're gonna be miserable without me. 231 00:13:00,907 --> 00:13:03,660 [Harriet] I started the day feeling like nothing could stop me. 232 00:13:03,660 --> 00:13:04,744 [sighs] 233 00:13:04,744 --> 00:13:07,205 The truth is, I was so angry, 234 00:13:07,205 --> 00:13:09,874 that the people who were really going to be miserable... 235 00:13:09,874 --> 00:13:11,418 [shouts] 236 00:13:11,418 --> 00:13:14,296 - ...were the kids in gym class. - Aw. 237 00:13:14,296 --> 00:13:16,298 That's it, Pinky. You're out! 238 00:13:17,632 --> 00:13:21,469 She is really mad. Did you ask her what's wrong? 239 00:13:21,469 --> 00:13:22,721 No, thank you. 240 00:13:22,721 --> 00:13:26,600 Just gonna let her work it out on her own. And besides, she's on a roll. 241 00:13:26,600 --> 00:13:28,143 Who's next? 242 00:13:30,812 --> 00:13:32,397 [Harriet] Take two parts anger, 243 00:13:32,397 --> 00:13:35,108 three parts hurt and four parts frustration, 244 00:13:35,108 --> 00:13:38,361 and see who becomes an unstoppable tetherball champion. 245 00:13:39,279 --> 00:13:40,280 [sighs] 246 00:13:46,161 --> 00:13:47,162 Rats. 247 00:13:50,957 --> 00:13:51,958 [shrieks] 248 00:13:52,792 --> 00:13:54,794 [groans] I'm not even playing. 249 00:13:54,794 --> 00:13:58,506 I just left my retainer over here. See? 250 00:13:58,506 --> 00:13:59,841 [all retch] 251 00:13:59,841 --> 00:14:03,678 Sorry. Some of us weren't born with perfect teeth. 252 00:14:05,055 --> 00:14:06,681 - Ew. - [laughs] 253 00:14:06,681 --> 00:14:08,850 [Harriet] There's a lot to be said for playing with anger, 254 00:14:09,434 --> 00:14:12,145 - especially when it comes to... - My turn. 255 00:14:19,527 --> 00:14:20,528 Your serve. 256 00:14:29,329 --> 00:14:31,081 [grunts, shouts] 257 00:14:34,584 --> 00:14:35,669 [grunts] 258 00:14:39,673 --> 00:14:42,759 [Harriet] For the first time in my 11 years on Earth, 259 00:14:43,343 --> 00:14:45,554 I'd beaten Marion Hawthorne. 260 00:14:47,055 --> 00:14:48,098 [children cheering] 261 00:14:48,098 --> 00:14:49,683 Did she just... 262 00:14:49,683 --> 00:14:51,476 [Carrie] Yeah, you did it! 263 00:14:51,476 --> 00:14:52,561 Good job, Welsch. 264 00:14:52,561 --> 00:14:55,480 I'm impressed, eh, to be honest, a little terrified. 265 00:14:56,314 --> 00:14:58,984 I can't believe I'm saying this, but... [chuckles] 266 00:14:58,984 --> 00:15:00,694 ...good game, Harriet. 267 00:15:01,278 --> 00:15:02,320 Hmph. 268 00:15:02,320 --> 00:15:05,574 Harriet M. Welsch, no one likes a sore winner. 269 00:15:05,574 --> 00:15:07,951 Act your age and shake your opponent's hand. 270 00:15:09,536 --> 00:15:14,249 [Ole Golly] The time has come. Harriet's matured a lot this year. 271 00:15:15,792 --> 00:15:17,460 [Harriet] As the words echoed in my head, 272 00:15:18,628 --> 00:15:22,299 I suddenly realized I'd been going about this all wrong. 273 00:15:24,259 --> 00:15:27,637 I knew exactly what to do to make Ole Golly stay, 274 00:15:27,637 --> 00:15:30,765 and it didn't involve acting my age. 275 00:15:35,061 --> 00:15:36,062 [door closes] 276 00:15:41,192 --> 00:15:44,946 Hello, Harriet. How was your day at school? 277 00:15:48,408 --> 00:15:49,534 Are you okay? 278 00:15:50,577 --> 00:15:51,786 Do you wanna talk? 279 00:15:56,082 --> 00:15:57,083 Nope. 280 00:15:57,584 --> 00:15:59,461 Do you at least want a tissue? 281 00:15:59,461 --> 00:16:02,505 - Did you pack the perfume bottle? - I did. 282 00:16:02,505 --> 00:16:05,800 Can I play with it? Please, please, please, please with a cherry on top? 283 00:16:07,302 --> 00:16:08,303 [groans] 284 00:16:09,304 --> 00:16:11,806 [Harriet] Sure, Ole Golly was only unpacking one thing, 285 00:16:11,806 --> 00:16:13,975 but I saw it as a pretty good start. 286 00:16:18,521 --> 00:16:20,523 - Harriet, I-- - Can't talk. Playing Town. 287 00:16:22,943 --> 00:16:24,861 Hey, everyone. 288 00:16:27,364 --> 00:16:29,199 [all] Hey! 289 00:16:29,199 --> 00:16:30,909 Hear ye. Hear ye. 290 00:16:30,909 --> 00:16:33,620 One and all, ye residents of Wonderland. 291 00:16:33,620 --> 00:16:35,997 Now that I no longer have a nanny, 292 00:16:35,997 --> 00:16:41,753 I hereby declare that we never, ever, ever, ever shall grow up. 293 00:16:41,753 --> 00:16:44,005 [all cheer] 294 00:16:44,005 --> 00:16:47,634 And since I never have to grow up or learn anything ever again, 295 00:16:47,634 --> 00:16:50,428 I don't want to be Perfume Alice anymore. 296 00:16:54,349 --> 00:16:58,979 From this moment forward, I am the evil Perfume Red Queen. 297 00:16:58,979 --> 00:17:02,440 [all] Ooh. Aah. 298 00:17:02,440 --> 00:17:06,277 And what I decree is, off with their heads! 299 00:17:06,277 --> 00:17:08,530 [all chanting] Off with her head! Off with her head! 300 00:17:08,530 --> 00:17:09,738 Off with their heads. 301 00:17:09,738 --> 00:17:11,408 - Off with their heads. - Harriet. 302 00:17:11,408 --> 00:17:13,743 - Off with their heads. - This immature game you're playing 303 00:17:13,743 --> 00:17:15,120 isn't going to work. 304 00:17:15,120 --> 00:17:17,247 I'm sorry, Ole Golly. 305 00:17:17,247 --> 00:17:19,708 I only talk to people in Town. 306 00:17:20,750 --> 00:17:22,419 Off with their heads! Off with their heads! 307 00:17:22,419 --> 00:17:24,170 Off with their heads! 308 00:17:24,670 --> 00:17:28,091 [chanting] Off with her head! Off with her head! Off with her head! 309 00:17:28,091 --> 00:17:29,968 [Ole Golly] Excuse me, my liege. 310 00:17:29,968 --> 00:17:33,346 Were you not once a girl named Perfume Alice? 311 00:17:33,346 --> 00:17:34,431 Once. 312 00:17:34,431 --> 00:17:37,767 Then I decided that growing up stinks, 313 00:17:37,767 --> 00:17:42,689 'cause people you love move to Montreal and leave you forever. 314 00:17:42,689 --> 00:17:45,233 [chanting] Off with her head! Off with her head! 315 00:17:45,233 --> 00:17:51,156 Now, announce where you're from and how you're also mad and wild like us. 316 00:17:51,740 --> 00:17:53,158 Or else... 317 00:17:55,035 --> 00:17:56,411 [all chanting] Off with your head! 318 00:17:56,411 --> 00:18:00,332 Off with her head! Off with her head! Off with her head! 319 00:18:03,710 --> 00:18:04,711 Off with her head! 320 00:18:04,711 --> 00:18:08,048 [Ole Golly] "The Walrus and the Carpenter Walked a mile or so"-- 321 00:18:08,048 --> 00:18:10,050 [stammers] What are you doing, you knave? 322 00:18:10,050 --> 00:18:11,635 Reciting a poem. 323 00:18:11,635 --> 00:18:14,679 A poem I once taught to a girl named Harriet. 324 00:18:14,679 --> 00:18:16,223 Harrumph. 325 00:18:17,098 --> 00:18:18,099 [Ole Golly] Let me start over. 326 00:18:18,099 --> 00:18:22,646 "The Walrus and the Carpenter Walked a mile or so..." 327 00:18:23,355 --> 00:18:27,317 "And then rested on a rock Conveniently low..." 328 00:18:27,859 --> 00:18:31,238 "And all the other Oysters stood And waited in a row." 329 00:18:31,238 --> 00:18:33,573 "The time has come, the Walrus said"-- 330 00:18:33,573 --> 00:18:37,577 No! I know what you're trying to do, Ole Golly, and it won't work. 331 00:18:38,078 --> 00:18:43,083 Harriet, this time, the time really has come. 332 00:18:43,083 --> 00:18:44,417 [humming] 333 00:18:44,417 --> 00:18:46,419 [Mr. Welsch] Miss Golly, your cab's here. 334 00:18:46,419 --> 00:18:49,297 [sighs] Harriet, please. 335 00:18:49,297 --> 00:18:52,008 I don't want us to say goodbye this way. 336 00:18:54,719 --> 00:18:56,846 You can keep the perfume bottle. 337 00:19:08,650 --> 00:19:10,277 Oh, teatime. 338 00:19:10,277 --> 00:19:12,445 Let's have tea, everyone. 339 00:19:13,029 --> 00:19:15,115 Ooh, is Ole Golly coming back? 340 00:19:15,615 --> 00:19:17,492 No, she's not. 341 00:19:17,492 --> 00:19:22,414 [both gasp] You mean to tell me we didn't say goodbye? 342 00:19:23,206 --> 00:19:27,252 As your queen, I assure you it is not a big deal. 343 00:19:29,212 --> 00:19:31,172 [chuckles] It clearly is though. 344 00:19:31,923 --> 00:19:34,217 Look what it's doing to your imagination. 345 00:19:37,804 --> 00:19:40,265 [all] Whoa. 346 00:19:40,265 --> 00:19:43,602 [Cheshire Cat] The time has come. The time has come. 347 00:19:45,437 --> 00:19:47,272 No! 348 00:19:47,272 --> 00:19:49,900 [gasps] What have I done? 349 00:19:50,692 --> 00:19:51,860 Come on, Ole Golly. 350 00:19:51,860 --> 00:19:53,778 I know you didn't leave. 351 00:19:53,778 --> 00:19:55,447 - [horn honks] - [panting] 352 00:19:55,447 --> 00:19:57,032 [tires squealing] 353 00:20:00,785 --> 00:20:04,748 [Harriet] Ole Golly was my best friend, my guru, my confidant. 354 00:20:04,748 --> 00:20:08,043 She made me a better writer, a spy and human being. 355 00:20:08,043 --> 00:20:10,837 And I just let her leave without saying... 356 00:20:11,796 --> 00:20:15,675 [Ole Golly] "The time has come, the Walrus said..." 357 00:20:16,426 --> 00:20:18,011 "To talk of many things..." 358 00:20:18,011 --> 00:20:21,932 "Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax..." 359 00:20:21,932 --> 00:20:25,977 "Of cabbages and kings. And why the sea is boiling hot..." 360 00:20:26,728 --> 00:20:28,563 "And whether pigs have wings." 361 00:20:30,357 --> 00:20:33,485 Ole Golly, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. 362 00:20:33,985 --> 00:20:36,905 Oh. Shh, don't be sorry. 363 00:20:36,905 --> 00:20:39,574 [sighs] Goodbyes are hard. 364 00:20:39,574 --> 00:20:43,536 Each one is completely different, so they're never easy. 365 00:20:44,037 --> 00:20:46,122 I'm never gonna be the same without you. 366 00:20:46,122 --> 00:20:49,751 I'll never play Town without you, ever, ever, ever again. 367 00:20:50,418 --> 00:20:52,295 Oh, but you must. 368 00:20:52,295 --> 00:20:53,672 Don't you see, Harriet? 369 00:20:53,672 --> 00:20:56,716 That's why I taught you Town in the first place. 370 00:20:56,716 --> 00:20:58,176 To play without you? 371 00:20:58,677 --> 00:21:00,804 Harriet M. Welsch, 372 00:21:00,804 --> 00:21:05,183 you have the most incredible imagination of anyone I've ever met. 373 00:21:05,183 --> 00:21:09,104 I taught you Town so you could picture your stories even better. 374 00:21:09,604 --> 00:21:13,275 But now you have to be braver than playing Town, 375 00:21:13,275 --> 00:21:14,943 or even writing in your notebook. 376 00:21:15,652 --> 00:21:21,700 It's time for you to start writing full, real stories the whole world can read. 377 00:21:21,700 --> 00:21:23,076 [Harriet] The whole world? 378 00:21:25,787 --> 00:21:28,957 Well, I certainly intend on having a popular bookstore, 379 00:21:28,957 --> 00:21:30,750 so if your first novel is in it, 380 00:21:30,750 --> 00:21:33,420 it certainly will be read by the whole world. 381 00:21:34,170 --> 00:21:35,171 But I'm not ready. 382 00:21:35,171 --> 00:21:37,799 You said a great writer has to know everything. 383 00:21:37,799 --> 00:21:42,929 Well then, start as a good writer with what you know now. 384 00:21:42,929 --> 00:21:46,182 If you work hard, eventually you'll become great. 385 00:21:46,182 --> 00:21:48,226 I was a total disaster at riding a bike, 386 00:21:48,226 --> 00:21:50,896 until I could do it without your help, huh? Remember? 387 00:21:50,896 --> 00:21:52,188 [both chuckle] 388 00:21:56,318 --> 00:21:58,445 I paid him to circle the block. 389 00:21:59,487 --> 00:22:01,823 I still have your clog. [laughs] 390 00:22:03,992 --> 00:22:04,993 [sighs] 391 00:22:07,203 --> 00:22:09,205 Goodbye, Harriet M. Welsch. 392 00:22:09,205 --> 00:22:12,000 The "M." will always stand for Myrtle. 393 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:14,461 Harriet Myrtle Welsch. 394 00:22:29,226 --> 00:22:31,686 [Harriet] I didn't know where to go or what to do, 395 00:22:31,686 --> 00:22:34,773 so I just sat on my stoop as day turned to night. 396 00:22:38,652 --> 00:22:39,653 [door opens] 397 00:22:47,285 --> 00:22:49,704 [Harriet] I have a splinter feeling in my stomach. 398 00:22:49,704 --> 00:22:54,584 I don't know if it's good or bad, it's just a new feeling all on its own. 399 00:22:57,045 --> 00:22:58,630 And that is fine by me. 400 00:22:59,214 --> 00:23:02,884 Because new feelings are just another thing to write about. 401 00:23:06,263 --> 00:23:08,682 ♪ I just wanna be You just wanna be ♪ 402 00:23:08,682 --> 00:23:10,433 ♪ We just wanna be ♪ 403 00:23:11,560 --> 00:23:14,104 ♪ I don't wanna be You don't wanna be ♪ 404 00:23:14,104 --> 00:23:19,693 ♪ We don't wanna be told what to do ♪ 405 00:23:21,861 --> 00:23:27,534 ♪ And I try my best to do good In the neighborhood ♪ 406 00:23:27,534 --> 00:23:30,078 ♪ I smile real nice ♪ 407 00:23:30,078 --> 00:23:33,373 ♪ And I strive to tell the truth ♪ 408 00:23:33,373 --> 00:23:35,959 ♪ I just wanna be You just wanna be ♪ 409 00:23:35,959 --> 00:23:37,878 ♪ We just wanna be ♪ 410 00:23:38,753 --> 00:23:41,506 ♪ I don't wanna be You don't wanna be ♪ 411 00:23:41,506 --> 00:23:44,342 ♪ We don't wanna be told what to do ♪ 412 00:23:44,342 --> 00:23:46,928 ♪ I am gonna be who I wanna be ♪ 413 00:23:46,928 --> 00:23:48,930 ♪ My autonomy ♪ 414 00:23:49,639 --> 00:23:52,434 ♪ I just wanna be You just wanna be ♪ 415 00:23:52,434 --> 00:23:54,436 ♪ We just wanna be ♪ 416 00:23:54,436 --> 00:23:57,272 ♪ No, I won't cut my hair ♪ 417 00:23:57,272 --> 00:23:59,941 ♪ And I'll wear whatever ♪ 418 00:23:59,941 --> 00:24:05,614 ♪ I like it when I get to be myself ♪ 419 00:24:05,614 --> 00:24:08,533 ♪ I don't wanna be You don't wanna be ♪ 420 00:24:08,533 --> 00:24:13,413 ♪ We don't wanna be told what to do ♪