1 00:00:05,882 --> 00:00:09,970 On my list of the top 100 worst things that could happen to me, 2 00:00:09,970 --> 00:00:13,098 at number one, just ahead of having a house fall on me 3 00:00:13,098 --> 00:00:16,142 like the Wicked Witch of the West, was this. 4 00:00:16,726 --> 00:00:19,145 And here's something else about me. 5 00:00:19,145 --> 00:00:22,315 Give me back my notebook. 6 00:00:22,315 --> 00:00:24,693 Everything in there is private! 7 00:00:25,777 --> 00:00:27,362 Here we go. 8 00:00:27,362 --> 00:00:29,656 "For all the awards Marion has won, 9 00:00:29,656 --> 00:00:32,741 I'm surprised that she hasn't won a giant trophy 10 00:00:32,741 --> 00:00:36,454 for her achievements in the area of being a rotten person." 11 00:00:38,123 --> 00:00:41,751 Wow. And everyone thinks that I'm the queen of mean? 12 00:00:45,463 --> 00:00:47,674 Let's see. Here's a good one. 13 00:00:47,674 --> 00:00:50,760 "Instead of calling that terrifying creature who lives under your bed 14 00:00:50,760 --> 00:00:55,223 the bogeyman, they should just call it the Rachel Hennessy." 15 00:00:58,310 --> 00:00:59,895 Don't hurt me. 16 00:01:01,271 --> 00:01:05,025 Wow. There's something in here about everybody. 17 00:01:05,025 --> 00:01:07,569 Okay, Marion. You've had your fun. 18 00:01:08,153 --> 00:01:09,946 Now give Harriet back her notebook. 19 00:01:10,447 --> 00:01:12,282 Even Janie. 20 00:01:12,282 --> 00:01:13,491 What? 21 00:01:14,075 --> 00:01:16,620 Don't do it, Marion. Please. 22 00:01:16,620 --> 00:01:19,205 Okay, I won't read it. 23 00:01:19,205 --> 00:01:22,417 I'll let Janie decide what she wants to do. 24 00:01:23,043 --> 00:01:24,294 Your choice, Janie. 25 00:01:40,894 --> 00:01:43,563 {\an8}I just wanna be You just wanna be 26 00:01:43,563 --> 00:01:45,315 We just wanna be 27 00:01:46,483 --> 00:01:48,944 I am gonna be who I wanna be 28 00:01:48,944 --> 00:01:50,612 My autonomy 29 00:01:51,112 --> 00:01:54,032 No, I won't cut my hair 30 00:01:54,032 --> 00:01:56,493 And I'll wear whatever 31 00:01:56,493 --> 00:02:02,624 I like it when I get to be myself 32 00:02:02,624 --> 00:02:05,252 I don't wanna be You don't wanna be 33 00:02:05,252 --> 00:02:09,256 {\an8}We don't wanna be told what to do 34 00:02:16,930 --> 00:02:19,641 What's in there is for my eyes only. 35 00:02:34,239 --> 00:02:37,784 "Janie says she wants to be a major scientist like Madam Curie. 36 00:02:37,784 --> 00:02:42,414 But sometimes, I think she may be a mad scientist, a bad scientist, 37 00:02:42,414 --> 00:02:45,875 or possibly a mad, bad scientist." 38 00:02:46,960 --> 00:02:49,045 Uh, okay, I know that sounds horrible, 39 00:02:49,045 --> 00:02:51,381 but remember what happened with the tomato? 40 00:02:55,594 --> 00:03:00,599 Is it a fruit, a vegetable, or is it a super-duper ball? 41 00:03:12,694 --> 00:03:15,238 I think I liked it better when it was a vegetable. 42 00:03:15,238 --> 00:03:16,740 It's a fruit. 43 00:03:20,410 --> 00:03:23,413 I thought you two were best friends, Janie. 44 00:03:23,955 --> 00:03:25,290 I did too. 45 00:03:28,251 --> 00:03:30,253 Beth Ellen, just tell me when to stop. 46 00:03:31,004 --> 00:03:33,298 - Stop. - Okay. 47 00:03:33,298 --> 00:03:34,841 Who's next? 48 00:03:37,135 --> 00:03:38,136 Oh, boy. 49 00:03:38,136 --> 00:03:39,429 Who is it? Who is it? 50 00:03:40,096 --> 00:03:42,724 Purple Socks and you. 51 00:03:44,809 --> 00:03:49,439 "Sometimes, I think Pinky and Purple Socks should quit school 52 00:03:49,439 --> 00:03:51,524 and join the weirdo circus." 53 00:03:57,322 --> 00:04:00,867 We're sorry we're not as perfect as you, Harriet. 54 00:04:03,620 --> 00:04:04,871 Who's next? 55 00:04:04,871 --> 00:04:07,082 I don't have to take this anymore. 56 00:04:07,082 --> 00:04:09,918 Do your worst, Marion. Have a blast. 57 00:04:11,086 --> 00:04:12,796 Fine, go. 58 00:04:12,796 --> 00:04:14,714 You'll just never see this again. 59 00:04:14,714 --> 00:04:18,175 Save me! 60 00:04:21,805 --> 00:04:22,847 You win. 61 00:04:24,224 --> 00:04:28,061 "Sometimes I think that people only go to Carrie Andrews's house because"-- 62 00:04:32,357 --> 00:04:34,484 I didn't even get to the good part. 63 00:04:34,484 --> 00:04:35,986 Marion, cut it out. 64 00:04:35,986 --> 00:04:39,114 Just give Harriet her notebook. Who cares what she wrote? 65 00:04:39,114 --> 00:04:41,408 - You should. - No! 66 00:04:41,408 --> 00:04:44,578 Janie, would you like to read it to Sport? 67 00:04:47,038 --> 00:04:48,456 Janie, don't. 68 00:04:51,167 --> 00:04:53,253 "Sometimes, I can't stand Sport. 69 00:04:53,837 --> 00:04:57,924 With his worrying all the time and fussing over his father, 70 00:04:57,924 --> 00:05:01,386 sometimes he's like a little old lady." 71 00:05:02,679 --> 00:05:06,850 Sport, it-- it was just a little observation. 72 00:05:07,809 --> 00:05:10,854 A little observation based on this little moment. 73 00:05:10,854 --> 00:05:14,149 Sport, shake a leg. The movie starts in 15 minutes. 74 00:05:15,150 --> 00:05:17,027 Can't your dad do the dishes? 75 00:05:17,652 --> 00:05:20,071 No, that'll make his fingers all pruney. 76 00:05:20,071 --> 00:05:22,449 He won't be able to type on the typewriter. 77 00:05:22,449 --> 00:05:24,367 Well, can't you do 'em later? 78 00:05:24,367 --> 00:05:28,663 Janie, a dish left behind is a dish on the mind. 79 00:05:33,168 --> 00:05:34,920 That's really what you think, Harriet? 80 00:05:35,503 --> 00:05:39,132 I think a lot of things. It's hard to keep track sometimes. 81 00:05:39,132 --> 00:05:41,676 I thought you said you only write the truth. 82 00:05:41,676 --> 00:05:43,136 Unless you're lying? 83 00:05:43,887 --> 00:05:45,347 I don't lie. 84 00:05:47,057 --> 00:05:50,018 How did you even know about that? You weren't even there. 85 00:05:50,018 --> 00:05:52,145 Were you spying on us? 86 00:05:52,729 --> 00:05:55,607 Sometimes it's the only way to find the truth. 87 00:06:00,695 --> 00:06:03,531 Do you spy on all of us? 88 00:06:08,203 --> 00:06:11,414 Give me my notebook! 89 00:06:17,504 --> 00:06:19,506 You are never getting this notebook back, Harriet. 90 00:06:20,590 --> 00:06:23,218 Fine. Keep it. I'll just get another one! 91 00:06:33,687 --> 00:06:36,481 It was just my luck that all this stuff would go berserko 92 00:06:36,481 --> 00:06:39,609 right after Ole Golly went to Montreal. 93 00:06:39,609 --> 00:06:41,695 She'd know what to do. 94 00:06:44,614 --> 00:06:45,782 Ole Golly! 95 00:06:48,410 --> 00:06:50,453 Why does your hat have a flamingo on it? 96 00:06:50,453 --> 00:06:53,498 I don't know. This is your imagination, not mine. 97 00:06:53,498 --> 00:06:56,334 Besides, I'm not the one dressed as an onion. 98 00:06:59,588 --> 00:07:01,172 So, why am I here? 99 00:07:01,172 --> 00:07:05,760 The kids at school found my notebook and read everything I wrote about them. 100 00:07:06,261 --> 00:07:08,638 Do you remember what John Keats once said? 101 00:07:09,472 --> 00:07:11,975 "Beauty is truth, truth is beauty." 102 00:07:13,059 --> 00:07:15,103 That's all you need to know on Earth. 103 00:07:16,646 --> 00:07:17,689 Don't go. 104 00:07:19,900 --> 00:07:23,069 Thanks for the bike. Gotta go back to Montreal. 105 00:07:26,239 --> 00:07:30,452 And remember, a good spy never quits! 106 00:07:40,253 --> 00:07:42,047 You know what else a good spy does 107 00:07:42,047 --> 00:07:44,591 when Marion Hawthorne steals her notebook? 108 00:07:45,258 --> 00:07:47,427 She buys a new notebook. 109 00:07:54,559 --> 00:07:57,145 Ole Golly was right. I couldn't quit. 110 00:07:57,145 --> 00:08:01,358 My job was to tell the truth no matter what. Not apologize. 111 00:08:06,029 --> 00:08:08,657 I felt like my favorite writer, Jack London. 112 00:08:09,241 --> 00:08:11,743 I was a lone wolf out on the prowl. 113 00:08:28,802 --> 00:08:31,304 I didn't need the tugboat captain's approval. 114 00:08:33,765 --> 00:08:38,352 I had my notebook, and my pen, and my brain. 115 00:08:52,242 --> 00:08:53,368 Good morning, Sport. 116 00:08:53,368 --> 00:08:54,494 Janie. 117 00:08:54,494 --> 00:08:56,246 Do you hear something, Sport? 118 00:08:56,246 --> 00:08:57,831 No. Not a thing. 119 00:09:03,211 --> 00:09:04,421 New notebook. 120 00:09:05,839 --> 00:09:07,340 Okay, class. 121 00:09:07,340 --> 00:09:09,968 Let's start the day by reading a book of your choice. 122 00:09:09,968 --> 00:09:14,764 And by "book of your choice," I don't mean the book of baby names, Mr. Whitehead. 123 00:09:14,764 --> 00:09:19,728 I'm thinking of changing my name to Barnaby. 124 00:09:19,728 --> 00:09:21,062 Deal with it! 125 00:09:48,256 --> 00:09:50,508 Janie! Janie! 126 00:09:51,176 --> 00:09:55,013 I was going crazy. The sound of the note crumpling. 127 00:09:55,013 --> 00:09:59,643 It was like a voice saying, "We know something bad about you." 128 00:10:01,519 --> 00:10:02,562 Hey, Sport. 129 00:10:06,024 --> 00:10:07,108 Hey! 130 00:10:07,901 --> 00:10:13,031 "Have you ever noticed that Harriet M. Welsch smells?" 131 00:10:13,031 --> 00:10:17,118 Me? Smell? Did I smell? 132 00:10:27,671 --> 00:10:31,424 My ears were so hot, they felt like they were gonna melt off. 133 00:10:31,424 --> 00:10:34,052 It seemed like everyone was laughing at me. 134 00:10:34,052 --> 00:10:35,345 Bathroom pass, please. 135 00:10:54,614 --> 00:10:57,409 Why does Mr. Horatio always give us so much homework? 136 00:10:58,076 --> 00:10:59,578 I don't care about the homework. 137 00:10:59,578 --> 00:11:02,122 I just hate having sloppy joes for lunch. 138 00:11:02,122 --> 00:11:05,083 No matter what they do to me, I will always write the truth 139 00:11:05,083 --> 00:11:06,167 no matter what. 140 00:11:06,167 --> 00:11:09,671 And write famous books. And win a Pulitzer Prize. 141 00:11:09,671 --> 00:11:11,923 And my ex-friends will say... 142 00:11:11,923 --> 00:11:14,509 There is Harriet M. Welsch. 143 00:11:14,509 --> 00:11:16,678 How we misunderstood her. 144 00:11:16,678 --> 00:11:19,514 And PS, we never thought she stank. 145 00:11:21,516 --> 00:11:24,185 Did you hear Harriet Welsch smells? 146 00:11:30,650 --> 00:11:33,069 Right after school, I got back to work. 147 00:11:36,281 --> 00:11:38,158 So what if my foot smelled a little? 148 00:11:38,158 --> 00:11:41,703 I bet Willa Cather had an occasional stinky foot too. 149 00:11:43,079 --> 00:11:48,710 Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb 150 00:11:49,711 --> 00:11:51,713 Did the Garcias have to come to America 151 00:11:51,713 --> 00:11:54,758 because they kicked Clarita out of Cuba for her singing? 152 00:11:54,758 --> 00:11:56,843 Could be important. Look into it. 153 00:12:00,889 --> 00:12:03,934 We are the Spy Catchers' Club, 154 00:12:03,934 --> 00:12:07,562 and we're here to rid this city of spies! 155 00:12:08,063 --> 00:12:10,148 Spies? What are you talking about? 156 00:12:12,901 --> 00:12:13,902 Harriet? 157 00:12:13,902 --> 00:12:16,071 Harriet's a spy! 158 00:12:16,071 --> 00:12:18,365 She spies on all of us. 159 00:12:18,365 --> 00:12:20,408 And then writes mean things! 160 00:12:27,666 --> 00:12:29,000 Follow her! 161 00:12:52,148 --> 00:12:54,150 - Which way did she go? - Split up! 162 00:13:00,949 --> 00:13:05,704 This was my spy route, and I knew it better than anyone. 163 00:13:06,496 --> 00:13:08,540 I don't know how they found me at the Garcias', 164 00:13:08,540 --> 00:13:10,208 but at least I gave them the slip. 165 00:13:10,208 --> 00:13:12,544 I could get back to spying now. 166 00:13:12,544 --> 00:13:15,130 A-one, and a-two, and a-three, and a-- 167 00:13:18,842 --> 00:13:19,843 Hello? 168 00:13:27,601 --> 00:13:28,768 Of course. 169 00:13:28,768 --> 00:13:31,521 The spy catchers knew all the stops on my spy route 170 00:13:31,521 --> 00:13:33,773 because they had my old notebook. 171 00:13:35,317 --> 00:13:36,318 No. 172 00:13:37,152 --> 00:13:40,447 Janie and Marion? Together? 173 00:13:40,447 --> 00:13:42,741 My stomach dropped through the floor. 174 00:13:42,741 --> 00:13:45,994 Then the ground. Then the sewer. 175 00:13:46,703 --> 00:13:49,497 If Janie was working with the spy catchers, then... 176 00:13:50,206 --> 00:13:51,541 so was Sport. 177 00:13:56,254 --> 00:13:58,298 Better put that yo-yo away, sir. 178 00:13:58,965 --> 00:14:00,550 Harriet is out there somewhere. 179 00:14:00,550 --> 00:14:02,302 We have to be on high alert. 180 00:14:06,723 --> 00:14:10,060 Ole Golly said that great art requires great suffering. 181 00:14:10,060 --> 00:14:13,730 But I wish it came in spurts, not in one big gush. 182 00:14:17,150 --> 00:14:21,112 That night, I decided that not only did I not need friends, 183 00:14:21,112 --> 00:14:23,490 I didn't need my spy route either. 184 00:14:24,074 --> 00:14:25,784 They were all distractions anyway. 185 00:14:25,784 --> 00:14:28,328 I would just lock myself in my room forever 186 00:14:28,328 --> 00:14:32,499 and spend my life in splendid solitude just like Emily Dickinson. 187 00:14:33,416 --> 00:14:37,712 I, Emily Dickinson, must overcome adversity, loneliness, 188 00:14:37,712 --> 00:14:43,134 and extremely itchy, old-timey clothes, 189 00:14:43,134 --> 00:14:47,055 so that I may tell the truth to the masses and set them free. 190 00:14:56,606 --> 00:14:58,108 Harriet! 191 00:15:11,413 --> 00:15:12,414 Harriet. 192 00:15:13,248 --> 00:15:16,251 Harriet. Time for school. You slept through your alarm. 193 00:15:18,336 --> 00:15:20,130 I'm not going to school. 194 00:15:20,130 --> 00:15:22,090 Yes, you are. 195 00:15:22,090 --> 00:15:26,219 I can't. I'm spending my life in splendid solitude. 196 00:15:27,554 --> 00:15:29,764 - No, you're not. - I'll make you some pancakes. 197 00:15:30,557 --> 00:15:32,851 Mmm. Pancakes. 198 00:15:40,942 --> 00:15:44,112 I didn't need pancakes. I didn't need friends. 199 00:15:44,112 --> 00:15:47,824 I didn't need a spy route. I didn't even need to smell very good. 200 00:15:48,825 --> 00:15:52,579 All I needed was the tugboat captain to blow his horn. 201 00:15:52,579 --> 00:15:54,122 Just once, and I'd be okay. 202 00:15:59,920 --> 00:16:03,840 Come on. Blow your horn. Blow your horn! 203 00:16:03,840 --> 00:16:06,760 Blow your horn! Blow your horn! 204 00:16:06,760 --> 00:16:08,637 I give up. 205 00:16:26,905 --> 00:16:29,241 Come with me, class, on an adventure. 206 00:16:29,241 --> 00:16:33,662 Back, back, back, back, back, back, back through the mists of time 207 00:16:33,662 --> 00:16:35,997 to the ancient civilization of... 208 00:16:46,633 --> 00:16:47,801 Copycats. 209 00:16:49,261 --> 00:16:52,681 I know they were just giving me a taste of my own medicine, but... 210 00:16:54,140 --> 00:16:56,977 I still wondered what they were writing about me. 211 00:17:02,023 --> 00:17:03,608 Bathroom pass, please. 212 00:17:09,613 --> 00:17:12,700 What was I doing? They weren't gonna break me. 213 00:17:13,285 --> 00:17:14,785 They couldn't break me. 214 00:17:16,204 --> 00:17:18,290 I was Harriet M. We-- 215 00:17:19,291 --> 00:17:22,209 My sandwich. They didn't. 216 00:17:32,012 --> 00:17:35,140 Wish I were a bird. Birds know how to fly solo. 217 00:17:42,147 --> 00:17:45,775 Everyone hates me. And maybe they had a point. 218 00:17:45,775 --> 00:17:47,485 It was the truth. 219 00:17:47,485 --> 00:17:50,989 The new twist was, I started to hate myself too. 220 00:17:52,782 --> 00:17:58,371 The way I treated my best friends, I can be really snotty sometimes. 221 00:17:59,080 --> 00:18:01,666 I sometimes think I am better than other people. 222 00:18:02,334 --> 00:18:04,669 I am a selfish person. 223 00:18:04,669 --> 00:18:08,215 For example, I always take the last slice of pizza. 224 00:18:09,841 --> 00:18:13,803 I realized that if I was going to keep my vow to always tell the truth, 225 00:18:13,803 --> 00:18:16,765 it only seemed fair that I told the truth about myself. 226 00:18:27,984 --> 00:18:32,113 It wasn't an apology, but maybe it would help Janie and Sport forgive me. 227 00:18:41,289 --> 00:18:42,290 Oops. 228 00:18:45,293 --> 00:18:46,503 Hey! 229 00:18:46,503 --> 00:18:48,213 Oh, my gosh. I must've slipped. 230 00:18:48,838 --> 00:18:51,007 I'm so sorry, Harriet. 231 00:18:51,007 --> 00:18:52,092 No, you're not! 232 00:18:54,219 --> 00:18:58,139 - You did that on purpose, Rachel Hennessy. - What is going on here? 233 00:18:58,139 --> 00:19:02,352 I accidentally spilled paint on Harriet, and she thinks I did it on purpose. 234 00:19:02,352 --> 00:19:03,478 She did! 235 00:19:03,478 --> 00:19:06,606 Now, Harriet, if Rachel says it was an accident, it was an accident. 236 00:19:07,107 --> 00:19:08,483 I'll get some paper towels. 237 00:19:13,572 --> 00:19:15,073 It's not funny! 238 00:19:21,788 --> 00:19:23,873 Here, Harriet. Let me help-- 239 00:19:23,873 --> 00:19:28,003 Janie, have you forgotten Harriet saying that you are no Madam Curie? 240 00:19:31,548 --> 00:19:32,591 Try this. 241 00:19:34,217 --> 00:19:38,221 "Little-old-lady Sport." That's what she called you. 242 00:19:41,224 --> 00:19:43,560 Suddenly, something inside of me snapped. 243 00:19:43,560 --> 00:19:45,020 I had to get out of there. 244 00:19:47,564 --> 00:19:48,857 I'm so sorry. 245 00:19:50,233 --> 00:19:54,821 After I got sent home to clean up, I thought about what John Keats said. 246 00:19:54,821 --> 00:19:59,826 If truth was so beautiful, how did everything get so ugly? 247 00:19:59,826 --> 00:20:04,456 I knew Ole Golly was gone, but for the first time, it hit me. 248 00:20:04,956 --> 00:20:06,917 She was never coming back. 249 00:20:07,459 --> 00:20:11,588 I had no choice. I had to do this the Harriet way. 250 00:20:55,423 --> 00:20:56,633 It's a frog! 251 00:20:56,633 --> 00:20:58,093 Uh-oh. 252 00:20:58,093 --> 00:21:00,428 It touched my face! 253 00:21:00,428 --> 00:21:02,097 I'm gonna have warts! 254 00:21:02,097 --> 00:21:03,515 It's a frog! 255 00:21:03,515 --> 00:21:07,978 - It's a frog! - It's a frog! 256 00:21:13,858 --> 00:21:16,861 - Uh-oh. - What's going on here? 257 00:21:17,946 --> 00:21:19,072 It's a frog! 258 00:21:20,782 --> 00:21:24,703 They say revenge is sweet, but it's a little tangy too. 259 00:21:24,703 --> 00:21:27,706 And with just a hint of hot sauce. 260 00:21:31,585 --> 00:21:34,921 My plan was so perfect, I made sure to write it down 261 00:21:34,921 --> 00:21:38,008 to prove to future me that it all really happened. 262 00:21:40,218 --> 00:21:44,556 Harriet M. Welsch. The school just called. They're furious! 263 00:21:44,556 --> 00:21:48,101 They said you disrupted an entire class with a frog? 264 00:21:48,768 --> 00:21:53,565 I-I-I-I had to. Marion stole my private notebook 265 00:21:53,565 --> 00:21:56,067 and read it out loud to everybody. And-- 266 00:21:56,067 --> 00:22:00,155 The school said you wrote awful, awful things about your classmates. 267 00:22:00,155 --> 00:22:01,406 Is that true? 268 00:22:01,406 --> 00:22:04,034 All I did was tell the truth. 269 00:22:04,034 --> 00:22:06,077 The notebook, Harriet. Now. 270 00:22:06,077 --> 00:22:08,413 Marion won't give back my other notebook. 271 00:22:08,413 --> 00:22:11,499 I need this one. It needs me! 272 00:22:11,499 --> 00:22:14,044 Harriet, I'm giving you one last chance. 273 00:22:14,044 --> 00:22:16,463 Give me the notebook. 274 00:22:16,463 --> 00:22:18,715 O-O-Only if you promise not to read it. 275 00:22:18,715 --> 00:22:21,676 You're in no position to make any demands, Harriet. 276 00:22:21,676 --> 00:22:25,222 If you gave me an advance on my allowance, I could bribe you. 277 00:22:26,765 --> 00:22:28,934 You have five seconds. 278 00:22:29,517 --> 00:22:32,479 Stay back or Eddie will peck you. 279 00:22:32,479 --> 00:22:35,190 He'll do it. Don't think he won't. 280 00:22:36,942 --> 00:22:39,945 Peck! Peck! Double peck! 281 00:22:39,945 --> 00:22:42,364 The notebook, Harriet. Please. 282 00:22:42,364 --> 00:22:43,698 No! 283 00:22:45,617 --> 00:22:48,620 My first thought was that one day we'd all look back and laugh 284 00:22:48,620 --> 00:22:51,623 about the day they ducked to avoid a duck. 285 00:22:52,249 --> 00:22:56,711 My second thought was, "I am so doomed." 286 00:22:57,712 --> 00:23:00,298 I just wanna be You just wanna be 287 00:23:00,298 --> 00:23:02,050 We just wanna be 288 00:23:03,176 --> 00:23:05,720 I don't wanna be You don't wanna be 289 00:23:05,720 --> 00:23:11,309 We don't wanna be told what to do 290 00:23:13,478 --> 00:23:19,150 And I try my best to do good In the neighborhood 291 00:23:19,150 --> 00:23:21,695 I smile real nice 292 00:23:21,695 --> 00:23:24,990 And I strive to tell the truth 293 00:23:24,990 --> 00:23:27,576 I just wanna be You just wanna be 294 00:23:27,576 --> 00:23:29,494 We just wanna be 295 00:23:30,370 --> 00:23:33,123 I don't wanna be You don't wanna be 296 00:23:33,123 --> 00:23:35,959 We don't wanna be told what to do 297 00:23:35,959 --> 00:23:38,545 I am gonna be who I wanna be 298 00:23:38,545 --> 00:23:40,547 My autonomy 299 00:23:41,256 --> 00:23:43,884 I just wanna be You just wanna be 300 00:23:43,884 --> 00:23:46,052 We just wanna be 301 00:23:46,052 --> 00:23:48,889 No, I won't cut my hair 302 00:23:48,889 --> 00:23:51,558 And I'll wear whatever 303 00:23:51,558 --> 00:23:57,230 I like it when I get to be myself 304 00:23:57,230 --> 00:24:00,150 I don't wanna be You don't wanna be 305 00:24:00,150 --> 00:24:04,946 We don't wanna be told what to do