1 00:00:18,393 --> 00:00:19,728 [Tom Hiddleston] The night. 2 00:00:24,399 --> 00:00:30,364 A shadowy world that hides more than half the animals on our planet. 3 00:00:33,617 --> 00:00:38,747 Until now, cameras only offered a glimpse into their lives. 4 00:00:41,792 --> 00:00:44,878 But with next-generation technology, 5 00:00:44,962 --> 00:00:49,883 we can see the night as clear as day. 6 00:00:56,557 --> 00:01:00,811 With cameras a hundred times more sensitive than the human eye... 7 00:01:04,105 --> 00:01:06,942 we can now capture the beauty of night... 8 00:01:09,361 --> 00:01:10,487 in color. 9 00:01:15,325 --> 00:01:17,202 Alien landscapes. 10 00:01:20,247 --> 00:01:24,877 Strange creatures brought to life by the darkness. 11 00:01:27,713 --> 00:01:30,215 Unseen behaviors. 12 00:01:37,306 --> 00:01:40,767 Now we can follow the lives of animals 13 00:01:41,643 --> 00:01:44,104 in Earth's last true wilderness. 14 00:01:46,565 --> 00:01:47,566 The night. 15 00:02:02,206 --> 00:02:04,625 [wind whistling] 16 00:02:18,347 --> 00:02:21,183 The end of another long, hot day. 17 00:02:24,478 --> 00:02:29,233 And the sun begins to set on the mountains of Southeast Australia. 18 00:02:35,072 --> 00:02:38,283 There are more kangaroos here per square kilometer 19 00:02:39,493 --> 00:02:41,662 than anywhere else on Earth. 20 00:02:49,294 --> 00:02:52,381 The roos live in small family groups. 21 00:02:54,424 --> 00:02:56,969 This one has six females, 22 00:02:57,553 --> 00:03:01,390 who spend their time looking after their joeys. 23 00:03:04,977 --> 00:03:07,187 Lugging them about in pouches... 24 00:03:12,609 --> 00:03:14,027 putting up with their antics... 25 00:03:17,197 --> 00:03:19,283 and play-boxing... 26 00:03:24,913 --> 00:03:29,751 All under the watchful eye of one big male. 27 00:03:32,796 --> 00:03:36,967 Weighing in at over 85 kilos and packed with muscle. 28 00:03:38,510 --> 00:03:41,889 He'll do whatever it takes to defend the females 29 00:03:42,890 --> 00:03:46,518 so he can father the next generation of joeys. 30 00:03:51,690 --> 00:03:53,275 As the sun sets... 31 00:03:56,653 --> 00:03:58,488 he must be on guard. 32 00:04:03,410 --> 00:04:05,704 For once the heat of the day is over... 33 00:04:09,041 --> 00:04:13,504 Australia's top predators emerge from the shadows. 34 00:04:17,841 --> 00:04:18,966 Dingoes. 35 00:04:24,848 --> 00:04:28,810 As the temperature falls, they take to the valley. 36 00:04:30,395 --> 00:04:34,900 Here, nearly half their diet is kangaroo. 37 00:04:43,242 --> 00:04:44,993 Dingoes work as a pack... 38 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:50,832 hunting together to bring down the weakest members of the mob. 39 00:04:59,007 --> 00:05:00,884 But in the last of the daylight... 40 00:05:05,138 --> 00:05:07,140 the roos spot the attack. 41 00:05:14,565 --> 00:05:17,317 Mums and joeys scatter. 42 00:05:32,708 --> 00:05:37,337 But the big male stands his ground. 43 00:05:42,301 --> 00:05:45,804 A moment that lets the rest of the group escape... 44 00:05:48,140 --> 00:05:50,100 and breaks up the attack. 45 00:05:58,775 --> 00:05:59,776 Safe... 46 00:06:00,986 --> 00:06:01,987 for now. 47 00:06:11,121 --> 00:06:14,249 But dingoes and roos are more active 48 00:06:15,542 --> 00:06:17,294 once the sun has set. 49 00:06:29,932 --> 00:06:31,767 As darkness descends... 50 00:06:37,147 --> 00:06:39,650 the landscape transforms. 51 00:07:02,256 --> 00:07:04,466 Becoming the starlit backdrop 52 00:07:05,300 --> 00:07:10,055 to the secret lives kangaroos live in the cool of night. 53 00:07:19,189 --> 00:07:21,191 As the moon rises, 54 00:07:22,442 --> 00:07:25,904 the big male and his mob head to the valley floor... 55 00:07:29,533 --> 00:07:32,202 to graze on fresh shoots and leaves. 56 00:07:37,624 --> 00:07:41,420 But they won't have the rich pickings all to themselves. 57 00:07:42,254 --> 00:07:43,255 For... 58 00:07:45,174 --> 00:07:46,884 as if by magic... 59 00:07:48,510 --> 00:07:50,095 other roos appear... 60 00:07:53,682 --> 00:07:56,476 to feast under the stars... 61 00:07:59,980 --> 00:08:02,691 forming a mega mob. 62 00:08:06,862 --> 00:08:09,781 At night these eastern grays, 63 00:08:09,865 --> 00:08:12,951 the most social of all kangaroo species... 64 00:08:14,077 --> 00:08:17,039 assemble in their hundreds. 65 00:08:28,550 --> 00:08:30,802 With so many alert to threats, 66 00:08:32,346 --> 00:08:35,890 the gathering lets them dine in relative safety. 67 00:08:37,643 --> 00:08:39,645 [twigs snap] 68 00:08:43,899 --> 00:08:45,025 In the darkness... 69 00:08:45,108 --> 00:08:46,902 [chewing] 70 00:08:47,528 --> 00:08:50,364 ...they struggle to see danger approaching. 71 00:08:52,658 --> 00:08:54,826 But they can hear it. 72 00:09:01,291 --> 00:09:04,503 Kangaroo ears can rotate independently, 73 00:09:07,506 --> 00:09:10,843 giving them close to 360-degree hearing. 74 00:09:17,558 --> 00:09:19,601 Any unfamiliar sound... 75 00:09:19,685 --> 00:09:21,436 [sniffing] 76 00:09:22,813 --> 00:09:24,106 ...and they run for it. 77 00:09:31,780 --> 00:09:36,034 Scattering, they zigzag towards the safety of the trees... 78 00:09:42,499 --> 00:09:45,460 where the dingoes lose their advantage. 79 00:09:59,975 --> 00:10:05,480 More than 90% of Australia's mammals are nocturnal. 80 00:10:13,405 --> 00:10:18,160 A bizarre array of beasts found nowhere else on Earth. 81 00:10:22,831 --> 00:10:25,209 Most are foragers. 82 00:10:29,213 --> 00:10:31,465 But these eucalyptus woods are home 83 00:10:32,841 --> 00:10:36,428 to one ferocious nocturnal predator. 84 00:10:42,184 --> 00:10:44,645 Weighing in at less than a kilo... 85 00:10:46,730 --> 00:10:49,191 the tiny eastern quoll 86 00:10:49,983 --> 00:10:53,862 is equipped to take down insects, mammals 87 00:10:53,946 --> 00:10:57,032 and even the occasional snake. 88 00:11:04,748 --> 00:11:07,835 This female is a mother of five. 89 00:11:08,961 --> 00:11:11,046 And, having outgrown her pouch, 90 00:11:12,214 --> 00:11:16,301 they've been housed in the safety of her burrow. 91 00:11:21,932 --> 00:11:23,100 Until now. 92 00:11:26,728 --> 00:11:29,690 Tonight, her three-month-old pups 93 00:11:29,773 --> 00:11:33,193 are on their first foray into the forest... 94 00:11:37,865 --> 00:11:41,660 on a quest for grubs and insects. 95 00:12:01,096 --> 00:12:05,017 But the quolls aren't the only late-night diners out and about. 96 00:12:10,022 --> 00:12:11,398 A rustle in the bushes... 97 00:12:13,650 --> 00:12:15,402 sends panic through the pups. 98 00:12:18,280 --> 00:12:20,490 Luckily, Mum is close by. 99 00:12:21,658 --> 00:12:24,703 And they can piggyback their way to safety. 100 00:12:28,332 --> 00:12:31,710 But they needn't have worried. 101 00:12:33,337 --> 00:12:36,340 The intruder's just a friendly bettong. 102 00:12:39,760 --> 00:12:44,640 Yet one more of Australia's remarkable nocturnal creatures. 103 00:13:18,715 --> 00:13:20,384 A few nights later... 104 00:13:23,554 --> 00:13:24,930 the big male, 105 00:13:25,681 --> 00:13:28,725 his females and their joeys... 106 00:13:30,352 --> 00:13:32,938 are back in the mega mob. 107 00:13:37,276 --> 00:13:40,612 The little still stick close to their mums 108 00:13:45,200 --> 00:13:48,328 who will soon be ready to have more joeys. 109 00:13:54,459 --> 00:13:57,504 And that's a problem for the big male. 110 00:14:01,341 --> 00:14:05,804 Every bachelor nearby uses the cover of darkness... 111 00:14:08,390 --> 00:14:11,310 to make a move on his females. 112 00:14:21,528 --> 00:14:23,906 But he's not going to give up easily. 113 00:14:27,409 --> 00:14:31,663 Smaller rivals are quickly seen off. 114 00:14:35,292 --> 00:14:40,714 But full-grown males turn to macho rituals. 115 00:14:46,136 --> 00:14:47,137 The right to mate... 116 00:14:49,848 --> 00:14:52,267 goes to the most powerful roo. 117 00:14:55,437 --> 00:15:00,275 So challengers strut about, flexing their muscles. 118 00:15:01,151 --> 00:15:02,319 [grunting] 119 00:15:03,153 --> 00:15:06,448 Scratching shows off physique... 120 00:15:07,783 --> 00:15:11,787 and is best done with an air of arrogance. 121 00:15:16,416 --> 00:15:21,088 Chest rubbing lets rivals get a whiff of their masculine scent... 122 00:15:22,714 --> 00:15:29,221 while high standing literally says, "I'm bigger than you." 123 00:15:33,016 --> 00:15:37,437 Most of these roos don't dare stand up to the big male. 124 00:15:40,482 --> 00:15:43,026 But tonight, there is one here... 125 00:15:45,529 --> 00:15:47,781 who fancies his chances. 126 00:15:57,916 --> 00:16:01,628 He kicks off the confrontation with a scratch. 127 00:16:04,756 --> 00:16:08,635 The big male responds with his own show of strength. 128 00:16:16,810 --> 00:16:18,979 But when the posturing doesn't work, 129 00:16:20,272 --> 00:16:22,191 and the rival won't back down, 130 00:16:26,987 --> 00:16:28,488 he must fight. 131 00:16:37,456 --> 00:16:42,753 Only now can we see how dangerous these nocturnal battles can be. 132 00:16:46,340 --> 00:16:47,966 [kangaroo growls] 133 00:16:52,721 --> 00:16:54,014 [growls] 134 00:17:05,192 --> 00:17:09,613 Swinging their heads back to avoid getting their eyes scratched out. 135 00:17:16,578 --> 00:17:19,164 The big male drives the challenger back, 136 00:17:20,290 --> 00:17:21,415 forcing him to kick. 137 00:17:24,377 --> 00:17:31,009 It's a last resort for a roo that can sense he's losing. 138 00:17:40,561 --> 00:17:42,521 -Sure enough... -[kangaroo growls] 139 00:17:42,604 --> 00:17:46,400 ...the challenger admits defeat. 140 00:17:50,070 --> 00:17:52,114 The big male is victorious. 141 00:17:53,740 --> 00:17:57,244 And lives to fight another night. 142 00:18:07,212 --> 00:18:13,010 The Australian night sky has one of the most spectacular starscapes on Earth. 143 00:18:24,521 --> 00:18:28,775 But stars aren't the only light show in the mountains. 144 00:18:38,160 --> 00:18:40,621 Under rock shelves and ledges, 145 00:18:42,080 --> 00:18:47,044 the magic of bioluminescence casts a spell. 146 00:18:50,964 --> 00:18:52,466 A chemical reaction... 147 00:18:54,801 --> 00:18:56,345 in glowworms. 148 00:19:10,317 --> 00:19:14,446 A light in their tail creates a beacon in the darkness... 149 00:19:15,906 --> 00:19:20,577 whilst the glowworm produces elegant silken threads. 150 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:30,754 But there's a dark side to these ornate clusters. 151 00:19:34,758 --> 00:19:39,346 The threads are ribbons of sticky glue. 152 00:19:42,558 --> 00:19:45,394 Every light is a trap. 153 00:19:50,983 --> 00:19:54,778 Insects drawn to the lights 154 00:19:56,238 --> 00:19:59,908 are quickly entangled in the inescapable goo. 155 00:20:03,161 --> 00:20:04,413 And once trapped... 156 00:20:07,666 --> 00:20:11,670 the glowworm reels its victim in. 157 00:20:20,095 --> 00:20:21,889 Being eaten alive... 158 00:20:24,808 --> 00:20:27,019 has never looked so beautiful. 159 00:20:46,496 --> 00:20:50,792 Each night, the final hours of darkness 160 00:20:51,376 --> 00:20:54,421 can be the most dangerous for kangaroos. 161 00:20:55,214 --> 00:20:56,965 The mega mob has broken up, 162 00:20:57,508 --> 00:21:00,886 leaving roos spread across the valley floor. 163 00:21:03,096 --> 00:21:04,640 And they're not alone. 164 00:21:07,392 --> 00:21:09,228 The dingoes are back. 165 00:21:21,907 --> 00:21:26,995 The pack needs to get as close as they can before launching an attack. 166 00:21:34,044 --> 00:21:36,255 Sneaking into striking distance, 167 00:21:37,089 --> 00:21:39,049 they creep ever closer. 168 00:21:41,343 --> 00:21:42,970 But the moment they are detected... 169 00:21:43,053 --> 00:21:44,054 [bellows] 170 00:21:46,473 --> 00:21:48,767 ...the chase is on. 171 00:22:05,033 --> 00:22:09,913 The eastern gray is able to hit speeds of 60 kilometers an hour. 172 00:22:12,249 --> 00:22:13,876 But with incredible stamina... 173 00:22:14,459 --> 00:22:18,380 dingoes will pursue them for up to 5 kilometers. 174 00:22:21,842 --> 00:22:24,595 And in the cold light before dawn, 175 00:22:26,013 --> 00:22:29,725 they've singled out an unlucky youngster. 176 00:22:42,321 --> 00:22:49,203 Working as a pack, they drive it into the path of their most experienced hunter 177 00:23:09,223 --> 00:23:13,060 One young roo won't see another night. 178 00:23:19,233 --> 00:23:24,029 For now, the threat to the rest of the mob is over. 179 00:23:35,958 --> 00:23:39,503 As the warmth of the sun once again touches the valley... 180 00:23:44,591 --> 00:23:47,386 the roos begin to regroup. 181 00:23:59,523 --> 00:24:03,026 The heat of the day finally giving them respite. 182 00:24:05,112 --> 00:24:06,989 And a chance to recover. 183 00:24:13,453 --> 00:24:16,331 It was the mega mob's safety in numbers 184 00:24:17,457 --> 00:24:19,835 and the bravery of the big male 185 00:24:19,918 --> 00:24:22,588 that enabled them to survive the night. 186 00:24:39,646 --> 00:24:42,649 But with rivals lining up to challenge him, 187 00:24:43,525 --> 00:24:47,237 his reign will last for little more than a year. 188 00:24:49,198 --> 00:24:51,241 For now, he must rest up 189 00:24:51,325 --> 00:24:56,747 and make the most of his remaining time as the mob boss. 190 00:25:12,262 --> 00:25:16,058 For this episode, the greatest challenge the crew faced 191 00:25:16,141 --> 00:25:20,145 was filming the highly intelligent and elusive dingo. 192 00:25:20,687 --> 00:25:25,275 Dingoes at the best of times are really quite skittish animals, difficult to film. 193 00:25:25,359 --> 00:25:28,445 So it would be a first to film a dingo hunt at night. 194 00:25:29,613 --> 00:25:32,658 [Hiddleston] Dingoes are the kangaroos' main predator. 195 00:25:32,741 --> 00:25:35,661 And play a vital role keeping numbers in check. 196 00:25:36,411 --> 00:25:39,289 [man] Usually we can just look for all the mobs of roos. 197 00:25:39,373 --> 00:25:41,959 They can tell us whether or not there's a dingo around. 198 00:25:44,002 --> 00:25:46,672 [Hunter] We've just seen a kangaroo run out of frame. 199 00:25:46,755 --> 00:25:49,341 So we're just scanning around now to see why. 200 00:25:50,801 --> 00:25:51,885 Could be a dingo. 201 00:25:53,220 --> 00:25:54,471 [Saltau] There they are. 202 00:25:55,013 --> 00:25:58,809 [Hunter] We've got a white, black and a sandy dingo walking together. 203 00:26:01,353 --> 00:26:05,816 [Hiddleston] Having found the dingoes, the team faced an even bigger challenge: 204 00:26:07,526 --> 00:26:09,736 to follow them through the rugged landscape. 205 00:26:10,696 --> 00:26:12,030 [Hunter] There we go. 206 00:26:14,199 --> 00:26:19,162 [Hiddleston] To keep up with the pack, they used pioneering drone technology, 207 00:26:19,246 --> 00:26:21,748 equipped with cutting-edge night cameras. 208 00:26:24,585 --> 00:26:26,253 [Hiddleston] Liberated from the land, 209 00:26:26,962 --> 00:26:30,340 they were now able to follow the dingoes anywhere. 210 00:26:31,508 --> 00:26:33,719 [Saltau] Dingoes can move really far. They can move really quickly. 211 00:26:34,386 --> 00:26:37,806 [Hunter] They can travel up to a couple of kilometers in a matter of minutes. 212 00:26:38,974 --> 00:26:40,851 It's up. It's up. Yeah. 213 00:26:40,934 --> 00:26:43,604 [Hiddleston] Over the course of the next three weeks, 214 00:26:43,687 --> 00:26:47,232 the crew covered hundreds of kilometers by air 215 00:26:47,316 --> 00:26:50,986 to get an intimate look into the lives of this pack. 216 00:26:51,069 --> 00:26:55,032 It's just incredible, the images that we've gotten from it. 217 00:26:56,200 --> 00:26:58,952 [Hiddleston] From this new aerial perspective 218 00:26:59,411 --> 00:27:03,248 they were finally able to follow the pack night and day. 219 00:27:05,918 --> 00:27:10,339 [Hiddleston] Capturing rarely-seen footage of dingoes hunting as a pack. 220 00:27:11,381 --> 00:27:13,008 [Hunter] Yeah, this is incredible. 221 00:27:15,260 --> 00:27:19,097 [Hiddleston] With brand-new technology and weeks of persistence, 222 00:27:19,806 --> 00:27:22,434 the team revealed the nocturnal rivalry 223 00:27:22,518 --> 00:27:27,272 between two of Australia's most iconic animals.