1 00:00:13,336 --> 00:00:15,240 What I want is something you have... 2 00:00:15,273 --> 00:00:17,813 Something that is mine, but which was given to you. 3 00:00:17,846 --> 00:00:19,248 (SCREAMING) 4 00:00:19,850 --> 00:00:22,321 Mr. Jaggers, may I welcome you to the world of marine commerce 5 00:00:22,354 --> 00:00:23,390 with open arms. 6 00:00:23,423 --> 00:00:24,827 We will ensure that only Drummle signs 7 00:00:24,860 --> 00:00:26,429 the insurance papers for the ship. 8 00:00:26,462 --> 00:00:27,732 He will be tried for complicity. 9 00:00:28,233 --> 00:00:31,774 We will turn your £5,000 into £50,000. 10 00:00:31,807 --> 00:00:33,110 We will use my money? 11 00:00:33,143 --> 00:00:35,046 We are not using your money. 12 00:00:35,615 --> 00:00:36,650 We are investing it. 13 00:00:36,684 --> 00:00:39,523 For surety, I will match it from my own pocket. 14 00:00:39,556 --> 00:00:41,259 PIP: I love you, Estella. 15 00:00:41,292 --> 00:00:43,631 ESTELLA: Miss Havisham has made it very clear 16 00:00:43,664 --> 00:00:46,537 if I refuse to marry him, she will disinherit me. 17 00:00:46,570 --> 00:00:48,373 You see, the thing is, Pip is in love with me. 18 00:00:48,406 --> 00:00:49,643 But he must stop. 19 00:00:49,676 --> 00:00:50,645 He must. 20 00:00:50,678 --> 00:00:53,150 If he comes back here, you should go to him. 21 00:00:53,183 --> 00:00:54,520 Why do you even care about him? 22 00:00:54,553 --> 00:00:55,554 Estella, no! 23 00:00:56,857 --> 00:00:57,825 Estella, no! 24 00:01:00,230 --> 00:01:01,432 I'm your father. 25 00:01:02,067 --> 00:01:04,272 When the sun comes up, you tell your mama, 26 00:01:04,305 --> 00:01:06,343 I come with news about the man who broke her heart. 27 00:01:06,376 --> 00:01:09,716 But I will only give it to her if she changes her clothes. 28 00:01:12,689 --> 00:01:14,158 JOE: I lit it for poor Pip. 29 00:01:14,191 --> 00:01:16,697 In my dreams, I see trouble for him all around. 30 00:01:17,165 --> 00:01:19,268 I don't want you in the Exchange Hall 31 00:01:19,301 --> 00:01:21,506 because I don't want any of my acquaintances to see. 32 00:01:22,408 --> 00:01:24,111 This is who I am now, Joe. 33 00:01:24,780 --> 00:01:25,949 Compeyson and Magwitch 34 00:01:25,982 --> 00:01:28,855 will still be fighting each other 1,000 years from now. 35 00:01:28,888 --> 00:01:30,190 Why? 36 00:01:30,223 --> 00:01:31,827 JAGGERS: Molly was Magwitch's wife. 37 00:01:31,860 --> 00:01:35,802 Molly was also the secret lover of the irresistible Compeyson. 38 00:01:35,835 --> 00:01:38,407 It was Molly who divided the two accomplices 39 00:01:38,440 --> 00:01:41,446 and condemned them to an eternal battle. 40 00:01:41,479 --> 00:01:42,516 I will give you this. 41 00:01:42,549 --> 00:01:43,383 First, you should explain 42 00:01:43,417 --> 00:01:44,887 who it might be I would be firing at. 43 00:01:44,920 --> 00:01:46,624 WEMMICK: I think you already know who. 44 00:01:46,657 --> 00:01:50,230 Usually, Mr. Jaggers is as reliable as my old cannon. 45 00:01:50,263 --> 00:01:51,634 Lately, since you arrived, 46 00:01:51,667 --> 00:01:53,704 sometimes Mr. Jaggers misfires. 47 00:01:54,940 --> 00:01:56,275 JAGGERS: Give me the gun. 48 00:01:56,910 --> 00:01:59,148 Leave the boy alone. 49 00:02:03,323 --> 00:02:05,360 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 50 00:02:17,952 --> 00:02:19,455 (KNOCKING AT DOOR) 51 00:02:20,357 --> 00:02:21,727 Mm. 52 00:02:21,760 --> 00:02:23,329 (KNOCKING AT DOOR) 53 00:02:24,933 --> 00:02:26,771 Joe. 54 00:02:26,804 --> 00:02:28,941 Who the hell is out on a night like this? 55 00:02:29,976 --> 00:02:32,715 (POUNDING ON DOOR) 56 00:02:37,659 --> 00:02:38,827 I was on the river. 57 00:02:39,361 --> 00:02:41,700 I was forced ashore by the storm. 58 00:02:45,340 --> 00:02:46,676 I need shelter. 59 00:02:49,916 --> 00:02:51,352 Come in. 60 00:03:03,811 --> 00:03:05,480 A shark got me. 61 00:03:07,619 --> 00:03:08,887 I was in Australia. 62 00:03:11,493 --> 00:03:12,962 Do you have a room for the night? 63 00:03:19,041 --> 00:03:21,714 There's only two bedrooms in this house. 64 00:03:21,747 --> 00:03:24,318 -Both occupied. -One occupied, one waiting. 65 00:03:25,287 --> 00:03:26,823 (CHUCKLES) 66 00:03:32,669 --> 00:03:34,238 Waiting for what? 67 00:03:35,440 --> 00:03:36,643 Our boy. 68 00:03:37,579 --> 00:03:39,749 -Our boy, Pip. -Pip. 69 00:03:41,352 --> 00:03:42,487 Curious name. 70 00:03:51,038 --> 00:03:52,876 Any day he might return. 71 00:03:52,909 --> 00:03:56,483 Pip... Why wouldn't your Pip want to return? 72 00:03:56,517 --> 00:03:59,288 Nice, out of the way place like this. 73 00:03:59,823 --> 00:04:01,760 SARA: There's a tavern. They have rooms. 74 00:04:01,793 --> 00:04:05,266 JOE: The Three Jolly Bargemen. It's just across the way. 75 00:04:09,910 --> 00:04:11,378 Then I will go there. 76 00:04:14,051 --> 00:04:16,055 And I will sincerely hope that your boy Pip 77 00:04:16,088 --> 00:04:18,025 returns home to you very soon. 78 00:04:21,533 --> 00:04:23,604 Good night to you, blacksmith. 79 00:04:23,637 --> 00:04:25,306 (TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 80 00:04:27,612 --> 00:04:28,915 (DOOR OPENS) 81 00:04:28,948 --> 00:04:30,951 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 82 00:04:31,720 --> 00:04:32,889 (DOOR CLOSES) 83 00:04:48,921 --> 00:04:50,457 (SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) 84 00:04:50,491 --> 00:04:51,560 RUNNER: Excuse me. 85 00:05:04,753 --> 00:05:06,089 Oh, do you not knock? 86 00:05:06,122 --> 00:05:08,594 -Do you not knock? -RUNNER: Pardon me, sir. 87 00:05:08,995 --> 00:05:10,732 I'll bring this from the Lloyd's coffee house post room. 88 00:05:10,765 --> 00:05:12,835 A message from Swanage Lighthouse. 89 00:05:13,537 --> 00:05:15,006 (CLEARS THROAT) 90 00:05:16,743 --> 00:05:18,079 (MUMBLES) 91 00:05:19,749 --> 00:05:20,985 Oh, fuck. 92 00:05:21,018 --> 00:05:22,989 -(FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) -(DOOR OPENS) 93 00:05:27,498 --> 00:05:28,967 (PANTING) 94 00:05:45,000 --> 00:05:47,137 So let me guess what the message says. 95 00:05:47,939 --> 00:05:50,511 Dorget's ship, which we indemnified 96 00:05:50,544 --> 00:05:54,553 to the sum of £10,000 97 00:05:54,586 --> 00:05:57,826 was sunk in last night's storm. 98 00:05:57,859 --> 00:06:00,531 Yes. Indeed, it was. 99 00:06:05,741 --> 00:06:06,743 Excellent. 100 00:06:11,118 --> 00:06:12,822 How is it excellent? 101 00:06:12,855 --> 00:06:16,597 It is excellent because somehow, Mr. Wemmick, 102 00:06:16,630 --> 00:06:19,836 I will turn this terrible eventuality 103 00:06:19,869 --> 00:06:22,709 to my personal advantage. 104 00:06:22,742 --> 00:06:24,880 Yes, Mr. Jaggers. 105 00:06:24,913 --> 00:06:28,452 You see, there is no such thing as misfortune. 106 00:06:29,087 --> 00:06:33,463 Only unfortunate fools who do not have the imagination to... 107 00:06:33,497 --> 00:06:34,700 (GLASS SHATTERS) 108 00:06:34,733 --> 00:06:35,734 Fuck! 109 00:06:40,210 --> 00:06:42,649 Unfortunate fools without the imagination 110 00:06:42,682 --> 00:06:45,153 to reconfigure the machinations of fate. 111 00:06:45,855 --> 00:06:46,856 Hmm. 112 00:06:50,765 --> 00:06:52,001 Get a new mirror. 113 00:06:52,034 --> 00:06:55,107 Send someone out for eels and sheep trotters. 114 00:06:55,140 --> 00:06:56,910 And give Pip the news. 115 00:06:58,614 --> 00:06:59,615 (SIGHS) 116 00:07:00,183 --> 00:07:01,519 He will be on the river. 117 00:07:02,622 --> 00:07:04,057 (TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 118 00:07:12,608 --> 00:07:13,610 WEMMICK: Pip! 119 00:07:14,813 --> 00:07:16,650 Pip Gargery! 120 00:07:17,084 --> 00:07:18,754 Come ashore! 121 00:07:18,787 --> 00:07:20,924 I need to speak to you! 122 00:08:00,203 --> 00:08:02,140 (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) 123 00:08:03,744 --> 00:08:06,816 -(DOOR OPENS) -What is it that is so urgent? 124 00:08:08,286 --> 00:08:09,655 Goodness. 125 00:08:12,027 --> 00:08:14,699 The world has invited itself inside. 126 00:08:16,235 --> 00:08:17,739 We will need to fetch someone. 127 00:08:17,772 --> 00:08:19,943 A man. God help us! 128 00:08:19,976 --> 00:08:21,980 A man with a saw. 129 00:08:22,013 --> 00:08:23,984 Mama, this is not what is so urgent. 130 00:08:25,754 --> 00:08:27,224 And there's a man already here. 131 00:08:27,257 --> 00:08:29,563 -Did you call someone? -No. 132 00:08:29,596 --> 00:08:31,733 Storm that blew the tree down blew him here. 133 00:08:32,969 --> 00:08:34,071 He's a man you know. 134 00:08:34,105 --> 00:08:37,111 The men I know do not cut timber and they're not here. 135 00:08:37,144 --> 00:08:38,847 Well, a man you know is here. 136 00:08:41,285 --> 00:08:42,855 A man named Magwitch. 137 00:08:46,295 --> 00:08:47,665 Magwitch. 138 00:08:50,203 --> 00:08:52,575 In the storm, he told me about myself, 139 00:08:53,877 --> 00:08:54,946 and a little about why I'm here. 140 00:08:54,979 --> 00:08:56,716 -Is he alone? -He is alone. 141 00:08:58,286 --> 00:09:00,123 But he says he has news about another. 142 00:09:01,927 --> 00:09:03,797 We should pick up the broken glass. 143 00:09:05,066 --> 00:09:07,036 News about a man named Compeyson. 144 00:09:09,074 --> 00:09:10,845 Between the storm ending and the sun rising, 145 00:09:10,878 --> 00:09:13,684 -I've decided many things... -We really should call someone 146 00:09:13,717 --> 00:09:15,655 to cut the tree and to pick up the broken glass. 147 00:09:15,688 --> 00:09:17,725 The world should not invite itself in. 148 00:09:17,758 --> 00:09:19,596 I've decided 149 00:09:19,629 --> 00:09:21,833 that I will not marry Herbert Pocket, 150 00:09:22,401 --> 00:09:24,705 and I will not marry Mr. Drummle. 151 00:09:25,674 --> 00:09:26,776 And you 152 00:09:28,412 --> 00:09:30,116 will not try to make me. 153 00:09:30,951 --> 00:09:32,020 (BLOWS) 154 00:09:33,256 --> 00:09:35,627 And we will not continue as we have always done. 155 00:09:37,698 --> 00:09:39,101 Magwitch, my father, 156 00:09:39,134 --> 00:09:41,639 says today is the day when everything changes. 157 00:09:44,846 --> 00:09:45,948 (GASPS) 158 00:09:48,152 --> 00:09:49,990 And you will change. 159 00:09:50,023 --> 00:09:52,662 He will not speak to a broken-hearted bride. 160 00:09:52,695 --> 00:09:54,866 (TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 161 00:10:24,565 --> 00:10:25,746 What’s so urgent Mr. Wemmick? 162 00:10:26,395 --> 00:10:27,798 (MUMBLES) 163 00:10:33,242 --> 00:10:37,885 Last night, the mighty storm blew us great misfortune, Pip. 164 00:10:39,822 --> 00:10:42,962 The ship we indemnified, it was lost. 165 00:10:43,898 --> 00:10:47,103 Captain Dorget's ship was blown onto the rocks at Swanage. 166 00:10:48,272 --> 00:10:50,978 All hands lost, all cargo lost. 167 00:10:56,890 --> 00:10:58,760 Then that is very sad for the crew. 168 00:10:59,294 --> 00:11:00,931 Very sad, yes. 169 00:11:01,533 --> 00:11:03,068 PIP: And for their loved ones. 170 00:11:05,774 --> 00:11:08,814 And very sad for Drummle and Co. 171 00:11:08,847 --> 00:11:09,816 No, not very sad. 172 00:11:09,849 --> 00:11:12,855 For, for Drummle and Co, it is only quite sad. 173 00:11:14,057 --> 00:11:16,796 For you and Mr. Jaggers, it is very sad. 174 00:11:22,307 --> 00:11:23,978 If you recall, as part of the plan 175 00:11:24,011 --> 00:11:25,413 to put yourself in the majority 176 00:11:25,446 --> 00:11:27,785 in the event of Drummle's arrest, 177 00:11:27,818 --> 00:11:29,388 80 % of the indemnity 178 00:11:29,421 --> 00:11:31,826 was offered by Mr. Jaggers and by yourself. 179 00:11:32,360 --> 00:11:34,999 But the ship went down without illegal cargo. 180 00:11:35,668 --> 00:11:37,871 So the insurance is valid, Pip. 181 00:11:41,078 --> 00:11:43,984 Mr. Wemmick, I have been rather vague for the last few weeks. 182 00:11:45,219 --> 00:11:46,288 Remind me. 183 00:11:47,958 --> 00:11:50,497 How much of my fortune did I invest in this enterprise? 184 00:12:01,519 --> 00:12:02,921 All of it, Pip. 185 00:12:03,857 --> 00:12:05,359 Eh... Every penny. 186 00:12:10,069 --> 00:12:11,171 Of course. 187 00:12:17,117 --> 00:12:18,921 Estella said it always ends the same way 188 00:12:18,954 --> 00:12:20,189 for gentlemen like myself. 189 00:12:22,227 --> 00:12:24,397 Hanging from one of the bridges of London, 190 00:12:25,066 --> 00:12:27,104 with stones in your pocket instead of coins. 191 00:12:27,137 --> 00:12:29,140 No, no, no. No. 192 00:12:30,410 --> 00:12:32,413 Do not let me hear you say such things. 193 00:12:34,017 --> 00:12:35,152 -(SCOFFS) -(MUMBLES) 194 00:12:35,921 --> 00:12:38,359 (STUTTERS) You came to London and you thought... 195 00:12:38,392 --> 00:12:40,498 You thought it was a tame dog 196 00:12:40,531 --> 00:12:42,300 but it's a... It's a fox. 197 00:12:42,333 --> 00:12:44,204 -London is a fox, you see. -Mr. Wemmick, 198 00:12:44,237 --> 00:12:47,010 do you think you could leave me alone for a little while? 199 00:12:55,894 --> 00:12:58,432 Down the river, not 40 miles east, 200 00:12:59,367 --> 00:13:00,470 there is a loving family 201 00:13:00,504 --> 00:13:02,508 with a perfectly respectable business. 202 00:13:04,044 --> 00:13:06,148 In the end, Pip, you would be happier at the forge 203 00:13:06,181 --> 00:13:07,618 than what you would be at the counting house. 204 00:13:07,651 --> 00:13:08,987 (SCOFFS) 205 00:13:34,471 --> 00:13:36,408 ESTELLA: Miss Havisham will be down momentarily. 206 00:13:37,545 --> 00:13:38,980 Do you call her Miss Havisham 207 00:13:39,615 --> 00:13:40,617 or Mama? 208 00:13:44,458 --> 00:13:46,228 You were born a workman, 209 00:13:47,030 --> 00:13:49,268 so you think physical work is what fathers do? 210 00:13:49,301 --> 00:13:50,537 I wish I was a workman. 211 00:13:51,940 --> 00:13:52,941 No. 212 00:13:55,279 --> 00:13:58,018 I wish it was anything other than who I was. 213 00:14:02,293 --> 00:14:03,630 Now I see her in your eyes. 214 00:14:04,431 --> 00:14:06,869 -You see who in my eyes? -(DOOR OPENS) 215 00:14:07,337 --> 00:14:10,176 (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) 216 00:14:20,096 --> 00:14:21,899 MISS HAVISHAM: I thought I would bring fuel. 217 00:14:28,980 --> 00:14:30,182 You are much changed. 218 00:14:31,619 --> 00:14:32,921 As are you. 219 00:14:38,533 --> 00:14:42,941 Estella tells me that 21 years, three months and four days 220 00:14:43,475 --> 00:14:46,214 after he failed to appear at the altar 221 00:14:48,085 --> 00:14:49,220 you have information 222 00:14:49,922 --> 00:14:52,326 about the devil portrayed in this picture. 223 00:14:54,532 --> 00:14:57,036 I haven't uttered his name in 21 years. 224 00:15:03,550 --> 00:15:04,952 Compeyson... 225 00:15:05,654 --> 00:15:06,923 There... 226 00:15:08,392 --> 00:15:10,931 What news do you have of this man, Mr. Magwitch? 227 00:15:13,770 --> 00:15:15,306 All those years ago, 228 00:15:17,010 --> 00:15:19,648 we were put aboard the same ship to Australia. 229 00:15:21,719 --> 00:15:23,121 He cheated me too. 230 00:15:25,026 --> 00:15:27,363 I pursued him across the entire cursed continent. 231 00:15:33,042 --> 00:15:34,679 I managed to do this much to him. 232 00:15:34,712 --> 00:15:36,115 MISS HAVISHAM: But he's alive. 233 00:15:36,148 --> 00:15:38,252 Yeah, he's alive and back in England. 234 00:15:39,555 --> 00:15:42,628 He is the other reason I came from Australia. 235 00:15:43,196 --> 00:15:44,498 I came for love of you 236 00:15:46,201 --> 00:15:47,403 and hatred of him. 237 00:15:56,188 --> 00:15:58,225 (FIRE CRACKLING) 238 00:16:04,471 --> 00:16:06,274 I came back to find him and kill him. 239 00:16:07,310 --> 00:16:08,546 But I will need your help. 240 00:16:12,755 --> 00:16:16,394 (TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 241 00:17:00,416 --> 00:17:02,486 (BREATH TREMBLING) 242 00:17:07,463 --> 00:17:08,600 (FOOTSTEPS SCAMPERING) 243 00:17:10,737 --> 00:17:12,206 WEMMICK: Pip. 244 00:17:12,875 --> 00:17:14,210 Pip! 245 00:17:31,512 --> 00:17:33,249 -(MAN 1 SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) -MAN 2: What the devil?!? 246 00:17:33,282 --> 00:17:34,886 (SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) 247 00:17:34,919 --> 00:17:36,121 MAN 3: Excuse me. 248 00:17:39,662 --> 00:17:42,300 (PANTING) 249 00:17:45,841 --> 00:17:48,713 -Is this you reporting for work? -(PANTS) 250 00:17:49,447 --> 00:17:50,583 I found Pip... 251 00:17:52,755 --> 00:17:54,390 And then I lost him. 252 00:17:55,660 --> 00:17:57,464 I looked along the banks all the way to Deptford. 253 00:17:57,498 --> 00:17:59,267 (STUTTERS) Uh, but there are only, uh, gulls, 254 00:17:59,300 --> 00:18:02,106 and, and children and oysters and... 255 00:18:05,647 --> 00:18:07,517 (INHALES) What I mean to say is... 256 00:18:09,822 --> 00:18:11,893 I'm afraid I'm almost certain that the news of Pip 257 00:18:11,926 --> 00:18:13,663 is anything but excellent. 258 00:18:15,366 --> 00:18:17,436 The Thames has claimed another life. 259 00:18:19,575 --> 00:18:21,445 Thank you, Wemmick. 260 00:18:21,478 --> 00:18:23,448 I will personally inform the family. 261 00:18:29,327 --> 00:18:30,462 MISS HAVISHAM: This could all have been his. 262 00:18:31,933 --> 00:18:34,237 Everything could have been his. 263 00:18:38,847 --> 00:18:40,918 Why did he not come to the altar? 264 00:18:40,951 --> 00:18:42,286 (SIGHS) 265 00:18:46,395 --> 00:18:48,398 It was for no reason involving you. 266 00:18:49,234 --> 00:18:51,506 -Why? -Because of his curly hair, 267 00:18:51,539 --> 00:18:54,812 his black clothes, his white pocket handkerchief. 268 00:18:55,246 --> 00:18:58,820 In short, Miss Havisham, because Compeyson was born a gentleman. 269 00:18:58,853 --> 00:19:00,724 And gentlemen do whatever suits them. 270 00:19:01,926 --> 00:19:04,464 They steal and lie and then brag 271 00:19:04,498 --> 00:19:06,201 and have statues built of themselves. 272 00:19:06,234 --> 00:19:07,671 They've built an empire on it. 273 00:19:10,443 --> 00:19:12,446 He didn't appear that day because... 274 00:19:14,017 --> 00:19:16,254 Because something more suitable came up. 275 00:19:18,993 --> 00:19:21,364 I know Compeyson as well as I know myself. 276 00:19:23,837 --> 00:19:25,573 So you know he will come for this? 277 00:19:26,174 --> 00:19:27,677 Oh, he will come for the gold. 278 00:19:29,748 --> 00:19:30,950 And he will come for you. 279 00:19:33,523 --> 00:19:34,658 How strong are you? 280 00:19:36,629 --> 00:19:37,964 MISS HAVISHAM: I am stronger than you. 281 00:19:38,499 --> 00:19:40,402 I'm stronger than this house. 282 00:19:40,871 --> 00:19:42,440 I am stronger than fire. 283 00:19:49,955 --> 00:19:51,291 (GRUNTING) 284 00:19:58,506 --> 00:20:00,275 (PANTING) 285 00:20:01,011 --> 00:20:02,346 Pip! 286 00:20:12,901 --> 00:20:15,640 CAPTAIN: Boy, wake up. 287 00:20:17,711 --> 00:20:18,713 Tea, 288 00:20:19,815 --> 00:20:20,850 and rum. 289 00:20:21,418 --> 00:20:23,355 Get the river out of your bones. 290 00:20:23,388 --> 00:20:24,759 (MAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) 291 00:20:24,792 --> 00:20:25,760 No. 292 00:20:26,629 --> 00:20:27,764 Tea then. 293 00:20:30,469 --> 00:20:33,475 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 294 00:20:35,847 --> 00:20:37,784 (PANTING) 295 00:20:40,389 --> 00:20:42,727 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 296 00:20:52,380 --> 00:20:53,516 Isle of Dogs. 297 00:20:57,925 --> 00:20:59,928 -You heading east? -Yes. 298 00:21:01,064 --> 00:21:03,001 To the convict dock at Gravesend. 299 00:21:06,909 --> 00:21:07,911 (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) 300 00:21:09,480 --> 00:21:11,384 Convict dock at Gravesend. 301 00:21:13,890 --> 00:21:14,892 Of course. 302 00:21:17,631 --> 00:21:18,833 It is kind of God 303 00:21:19,735 --> 00:21:23,408 to lay on a boat to take me to my inevitable destination. 304 00:21:54,939 --> 00:21:57,777 While I'm here, Miss Havisham wants to make use of me. 305 00:21:58,746 --> 00:22:00,415 Getting rid of everything old. 306 00:22:03,723 --> 00:22:05,058 You said you saw someone in my eyes. 307 00:22:17,684 --> 00:22:18,786 I saw your mother 308 00:22:19,755 --> 00:22:20,857 in your eyes. 309 00:22:22,794 --> 00:22:24,130 I don't need to lie about her. 310 00:22:26,535 --> 00:22:29,541 She's from Kentucky, America. 311 00:22:31,612 --> 00:22:33,481 She escaped from her chain. 312 00:22:37,490 --> 00:22:38,492 She's alive? 313 00:22:41,932 --> 00:22:43,168 When I was put on trial, 314 00:22:43,201 --> 00:22:45,138 she was taken into service by my lawyer, 315 00:22:46,041 --> 00:22:47,109 Mr. Jaggers. 316 00:22:50,784 --> 00:22:51,785 When I go to London, 317 00:22:53,121 --> 00:22:54,423 I'll see her. 318 00:22:56,796 --> 00:22:57,864 You'll see her too. 319 00:23:02,239 --> 00:23:03,709 That is to say... 320 00:23:05,179 --> 00:23:07,517 It's my wish, when my business here is done... 321 00:23:10,590 --> 00:23:13,630 I hope you might come with me to London. 322 00:23:13,663 --> 00:23:14,998 Like father and daughter? 323 00:23:17,904 --> 00:23:18,906 Yes. 324 00:23:19,875 --> 00:23:20,877 No. 325 00:23:23,750 --> 00:23:25,687 I'm afraid everything changed today. 326 00:23:26,622 --> 00:23:27,791 Except my heart. 327 00:23:31,966 --> 00:23:34,470 (FOOTSTEPS RECEDING) 328 00:24:54,063 --> 00:24:58,104 (CHILDREN CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) 329 00:25:06,187 --> 00:25:07,189 Joe? 330 00:25:08,058 --> 00:25:10,062 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 331 00:26:18,131 --> 00:26:20,168 (INHALES, EXHALES) 332 00:26:21,739 --> 00:26:23,876 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 333 00:26:25,980 --> 00:26:27,149 Mr. Jaggers. 334 00:26:35,065 --> 00:26:36,334 I was passing. 335 00:26:38,371 --> 00:26:40,041 I have business with Miss Havisham. 336 00:26:41,277 --> 00:26:42,279 Up town. 337 00:26:46,187 --> 00:26:47,857 Can I take a drink of beer? 338 00:26:49,293 --> 00:26:50,963 It was a difficult night. 339 00:26:52,099 --> 00:26:53,769 (MAN LAUGHING IN DISTANCE) 340 00:27:00,984 --> 00:27:02,220 I've never seen you drink beer. 341 00:27:02,253 --> 00:27:03,656 I never do. 342 00:27:06,027 --> 00:27:09,200 So, here you are. 343 00:27:11,037 --> 00:27:13,241 You've decided to carry on living. 344 00:27:19,453 --> 00:27:21,324 What makes you think I considered not living? 345 00:27:21,993 --> 00:27:23,829 It was Wemmick who cut the rope. 346 00:27:30,342 --> 00:27:32,179 (INHALES) Where will you live? 347 00:27:35,052 --> 00:27:36,053 Here. 348 00:27:36,989 --> 00:27:38,024 I will live here. 349 00:27:39,026 --> 00:27:41,130 Joe's knees are gone, so... 350 00:27:43,001 --> 00:27:44,336 I will become Joe. 351 00:27:54,457 --> 00:27:55,993 Are you all right, Mr. Jaggers? 352 00:27:57,096 --> 00:27:58,398 You don't seem to be yourself. 353 00:28:00,202 --> 00:28:01,370 I don't think I am. 354 00:28:03,976 --> 00:28:05,312 Not right now, anyway. 355 00:28:08,151 --> 00:28:11,090 I'm wondering which parts of me are still there from before 356 00:28:12,126 --> 00:28:13,361 and which are not. 357 00:28:18,806 --> 00:28:20,475 Beer, by the way, is utterly disgusting. 358 00:28:21,879 --> 00:28:23,148 That's more like it, Mr. Jaggers. 359 00:28:23,181 --> 00:28:24,183 Yes. 360 00:28:25,887 --> 00:28:26,888 But you... 361 00:28:35,405 --> 00:28:37,075 You should stay with beer. 362 00:28:41,284 --> 00:28:43,221 I resolved beer, not rum. 363 00:28:45,058 --> 00:28:46,796 And from pipes, only tobacco. 364 00:28:46,829 --> 00:28:48,766 Beer is a good thing morally. 365 00:28:49,334 --> 00:28:51,906 Personally I wouldn't wash my fucking feet in it. 366 00:28:51,939 --> 00:28:53,074 (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) 367 00:28:55,012 --> 00:28:57,850 But I hope you will never go to Limehouse ever again. 368 00:28:59,387 --> 00:29:00,422 Never. 369 00:29:00,455 --> 00:29:02,092 Well, you know where I am. 370 00:29:05,365 --> 00:29:06,802 Back in the Bailey 371 00:29:07,436 --> 00:29:09,373 and you're back at the bellows. 372 00:29:10,843 --> 00:29:12,279 As if it all never happened. 373 00:29:13,181 --> 00:29:14,517 Not quite. 374 00:29:25,272 --> 00:29:26,307 I now understand 375 00:29:26,341 --> 00:29:28,846 why the only people from London who ever come here 376 00:29:28,879 --> 00:29:30,115 are already dead. 377 00:29:36,962 --> 00:29:39,099 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) 378 00:29:41,972 --> 00:29:42,974 Give me rum 379 00:29:43,876 --> 00:29:44,978 and cloves. 380 00:29:47,316 --> 00:29:49,253 I need to wash away a foul taste. 381 00:29:57,035 --> 00:29:58,104 Give me the bottle. 382 00:30:03,549 --> 00:30:05,853 Last time you were here, you left with Pip Gargery. 383 00:30:07,557 --> 00:30:09,026 How is he? 384 00:30:09,059 --> 00:30:10,996 He has decided to return home. 385 00:30:13,468 --> 00:30:15,004 To this rat hole. 386 00:30:17,610 --> 00:30:19,246 Poor fucker. 387 00:30:26,562 --> 00:30:27,798 (SIGHS) 388 00:30:27,831 --> 00:30:30,035 MRS. GIBBONS: You still owe me four shillings for last night. 389 00:30:30,068 --> 00:30:31,872 COMPEYSON: Thank you for your hospitality. 390 00:30:33,542 --> 00:30:34,578 MRS. GIBBONS: If you're leaving for London, 391 00:30:34,611 --> 00:30:36,414 the storm's closed all the roads. 392 00:30:36,447 --> 00:30:37,517 COMPEYSON: I shall be paying for the pleasure 393 00:30:37,550 --> 00:30:39,320 of your company for one more night. 394 00:30:39,353 --> 00:30:42,259 -(TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) -(INDISTINCT CHATTER) 395 00:30:54,651 --> 00:30:55,653 But of course. 396 00:30:57,055 --> 00:30:58,559 Who else could you belong to? 397 00:30:59,494 --> 00:31:01,331 (HORSE WHINNIES) 398 00:31:01,364 --> 00:31:02,900 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 399 00:31:05,205 --> 00:31:06,307 Pip. 400 00:31:06,842 --> 00:31:10,014 (CHILDREN CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) 401 00:31:17,964 --> 00:31:19,701 I shod your horse, Biddy. 402 00:31:19,734 --> 00:31:20,936 You shod it? 403 00:31:25,145 --> 00:31:27,215 PIP: How did I get everything so completely wrong? 404 00:31:29,554 --> 00:31:31,223 I'm going to become who I was meant to be. 405 00:31:32,660 --> 00:31:34,329 Beers, not rum. 406 00:31:34,764 --> 00:31:36,569 Tobacco, not opium. 407 00:31:36,602 --> 00:31:38,271 Biddy, not Estella. 408 00:31:39,340 --> 00:31:41,377 The lesser of two options. 409 00:31:41,410 --> 00:31:43,481 (STUTTERS) No, I'm sorry, Biddy. 410 00:31:46,020 --> 00:31:47,222 That's not what I mean. 411 00:31:50,696 --> 00:31:52,500 I mean, I chose to come back. 412 00:31:54,771 --> 00:31:56,040 To see you. 413 00:32:02,720 --> 00:32:03,989 Sorry. 414 00:32:05,458 --> 00:32:07,597 I just, just came to return your horse. 415 00:32:11,705 --> 00:32:12,707 Have you changed, Pip? 416 00:32:14,443 --> 00:32:16,648 Or are you still the center of the universe? 417 00:32:22,727 --> 00:32:24,096 How could I not have changed? 418 00:32:24,731 --> 00:32:25,733 I've changed. 419 00:32:27,202 --> 00:32:29,140 I am a Chartist now, Pip. 420 00:32:29,173 --> 00:32:31,010 I've joined the Chartist movement. 421 00:32:31,812 --> 00:32:33,749 Women are very welcome. 422 00:32:36,053 --> 00:32:39,528 We're trying to change the world so I'd be a little busy 423 00:32:39,561 --> 00:32:42,399 to be put in your kitchen with your beer and your tobacco. 424 00:32:45,338 --> 00:32:47,008 I don't even have a kitchen. 425 00:32:47,710 --> 00:32:49,279 It's my sister's home. 426 00:32:51,551 --> 00:32:53,689 But you're very welcome in it, Biddy. 427 00:33:18,471 --> 00:33:19,439 Pip? 428 00:33:31,732 --> 00:33:32,733 Let me guess. 429 00:33:34,269 --> 00:33:35,506 You're running to the schoolhouse 430 00:33:35,539 --> 00:33:38,144 to tell Biddy's father his horse has been stolen from the shop. 431 00:33:39,814 --> 00:33:42,218 I was in church. Praying. 432 00:33:43,555 --> 00:33:45,291 I got back and the horse was gone. 433 00:33:49,801 --> 00:33:51,571 The horse hasn't been stolen. 434 00:33:54,410 --> 00:33:56,581 I nailed a full set of shoes on and delivered it. 435 00:34:04,430 --> 00:34:05,431 (EXHALES) 436 00:34:08,772 --> 00:34:12,513 Come. Sara will burst into flames. 437 00:34:14,149 --> 00:34:16,120 -Good flames or bad flames? -(CHUCKLES) 438 00:34:17,322 --> 00:34:18,526 Impossible to predict, Pip. 439 00:34:18,559 --> 00:34:19,761 (BOTH CHUCKLE) 440 00:34:23,167 --> 00:34:25,472 SARA: There will be regulations and divisions. 441 00:34:25,506 --> 00:34:27,811 You will start as a regular apprentice. 442 00:34:27,844 --> 00:34:30,482 It'll be one for you and four for Joe. 443 00:34:30,516 --> 00:34:31,618 Then, after a year, 444 00:34:32,286 --> 00:34:34,389 it'll be three for you and two for Joe. 445 00:34:34,924 --> 00:34:37,663 And after two years, three for you, three for Joe. 446 00:34:38,064 --> 00:34:39,501 That's six. 447 00:34:39,534 --> 00:34:41,805 Three and three is six. Yes, I know. 448 00:34:41,838 --> 00:34:42,940 PIP: No. 449 00:34:42,974 --> 00:34:45,546 I mean, you started off dividing five of whatever it is 450 00:34:45,579 --> 00:34:46,815 between Joe and I. 451 00:34:46,848 --> 00:34:49,219 And then you said we would each have three of whatever it is. 452 00:34:50,623 --> 00:34:52,158 That's six. 453 00:34:52,693 --> 00:34:54,564 JOE: Pip's first day, uh, 454 00:34:54,597 --> 00:34:56,133 why don't we stow talk of money 455 00:34:56,668 --> 00:34:57,870 and talk about something else, eh? 456 00:35:00,308 --> 00:35:01,544 Last night's storm, Pip, 457 00:35:02,345 --> 00:35:03,515 how was it in London? 458 00:35:04,718 --> 00:35:05,720 I don't care to talk about 459 00:35:05,753 --> 00:35:07,557 the consequences of the storm, Joe. 460 00:35:07,590 --> 00:35:09,928 Hmm. Brought new words. 461 00:35:09,961 --> 00:35:13,468 Well, the storm last night brought us a big fright. 462 00:35:13,502 --> 00:35:15,873 -Didn't it, Sara? -It did. 463 00:35:15,906 --> 00:35:18,612 A man standing there in that doorway 464 00:35:18,645 --> 00:35:20,883 in a big hat, running with water, 465 00:35:20,916 --> 00:35:23,455 and with a scar running all down his face 466 00:35:23,488 --> 00:35:25,592 and he comes in saying his boat had tipped up. 467 00:35:26,260 --> 00:35:28,733 -What did he want? -Lodging. (CHUCKLES) 468 00:35:28,766 --> 00:35:31,605 I told him, the only room we had was your room, 469 00:35:31,638 --> 00:35:35,479 and I said, I couldn't rent it because you might return home. 470 00:35:35,513 --> 00:35:37,717 He got quite interested when we said you might return. 471 00:35:38,218 --> 00:35:39,419 Kept using your name. 472 00:35:39,854 --> 00:35:41,591 Pip this, Pip that. 473 00:35:43,529 --> 00:35:45,232 And where did he go? 474 00:35:45,265 --> 00:35:47,302 JOE: I sent him to the The Jolly Bargemen. 475 00:35:47,335 --> 00:35:50,576 And with the road's closed, he will be there yet I imagine. 476 00:35:54,551 --> 00:35:56,420 -Pip, where are you going? -(DOOR OPENS) 477 00:35:56,955 --> 00:35:58,526 (DOOR CLOSES) 478 00:35:58,559 --> 00:36:00,596 (TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 479 00:36:21,705 --> 00:36:23,341 (DOORBELL RINGING) 480 00:36:23,374 --> 00:36:24,610 Mr. Jaggers? 481 00:36:26,581 --> 00:36:27,817 (DOORBELL RINGING) 482 00:36:27,850 --> 00:36:29,754 Mr. Jaggers, he's here. 483 00:36:29,787 --> 00:36:30,789 (DOORBELL RINGS) 484 00:36:32,527 --> 00:36:33,662 MAGWITCH: Who goes there? 485 00:36:34,463 --> 00:36:35,465 Pip. 486 00:36:35,900 --> 00:36:36,935 Pip Gargery. 487 00:36:40,475 --> 00:36:41,912 Pip Gargery. 488 00:36:41,945 --> 00:36:43,414 I know that voice. 489 00:36:51,598 --> 00:36:52,700 I thought you were dead. 490 00:36:54,069 --> 00:36:55,371 Not yet. 491 00:36:57,375 --> 00:36:58,377 Come. 492 00:36:59,146 --> 00:37:01,416 -We must get out of sight. -You've got a key? 493 00:37:02,520 --> 00:37:04,490 Many things have changed, Pip. 494 00:37:04,524 --> 00:37:05,659 Go. 495 00:37:07,763 --> 00:37:09,033 JAGGERS: We will find him in the village 496 00:37:09,066 --> 00:37:10,803 and send him to hell. 497 00:37:11,237 --> 00:37:12,873 We have resolved, Magwitch and I. 498 00:37:14,042 --> 00:37:16,681 We'll go to him before he gets the chance to come to us. 499 00:37:17,382 --> 00:37:18,919 Then I will finish him myself. 500 00:37:18,952 --> 00:37:20,990 MAGWITCH: I told you, Mr. Jaggers. 501 00:37:21,023 --> 00:37:23,495 It'll be I who does tonight's work. 502 00:37:23,862 --> 00:37:24,864 (HORSE WHINNIES) 503 00:37:26,868 --> 00:37:28,772 -Here. -Uh, Mr. Magwitch, 504 00:37:29,306 --> 00:37:30,710 the boy has turned his back 505 00:37:30,743 --> 00:37:32,479 on the sporting life of a gentleman, 506 00:37:33,081 --> 00:37:35,652 and settled at the station God meant for him. 507 00:37:39,494 --> 00:37:41,430 PIP: What he means, Mr. Magwitch, 508 00:37:43,735 --> 00:37:45,438 is that the fortune you left for me, 509 00:37:45,973 --> 00:37:47,275 I wasted. 510 00:37:48,779 --> 00:37:49,981 (HORSE WHINNIES) 511 00:37:52,352 --> 00:37:54,456 Mr. Jaggers has told me your story. 512 00:37:56,460 --> 00:37:58,732 He was very gentle with your reputation. 513 00:38:00,603 --> 00:38:02,940 You spent my fortune on a ticket 514 00:38:04,109 --> 00:38:06,313 for a grand journey 515 00:38:06,782 --> 00:38:08,885 which led back to the place from where you came. 516 00:38:10,088 --> 00:38:12,660 I've been on a similar journey, Pip. 517 00:38:13,161 --> 00:38:15,766 We're both back where we're destined to be. 518 00:38:19,908 --> 00:38:21,343 Mr. Magwitch, 519 00:38:22,847 --> 00:38:24,551 many nights at 4:00 a.m. I have rehearsed 520 00:38:24,584 --> 00:38:25,919 all of the questions I have for you. 521 00:38:26,387 --> 00:38:27,756 There's no time for answers, Pip. 522 00:38:30,529 --> 00:38:33,134 I once brought you bread and a metal file, 523 00:38:33,167 --> 00:38:34,704 and in return you changed my life. 524 00:38:36,675 --> 00:38:38,377 For better or worse? 525 00:38:41,016 --> 00:38:42,385 ESTELLA: Powder and shot... 526 00:38:44,456 --> 00:38:45,458 Um... 527 00:38:47,462 --> 00:38:50,067 Enough to ensure that justice is done. 528 00:38:51,003 --> 00:38:54,442 Mr. Jaggers, we must fly. 529 00:38:57,917 --> 00:39:00,589 I'll stay here at Satis and guard the ladies. 530 00:39:01,290 --> 00:39:03,461 It's the ladies who will guard you, Pip. 531 00:39:03,495 --> 00:39:04,531 (HORSE WHINNIES) 532 00:39:04,564 --> 00:39:05,832 (HORSE TROTS) 533 00:39:07,168 --> 00:39:08,872 Estella, when I came back here to the village, 534 00:39:08,905 --> 00:39:10,475 it was with the firm intention 535 00:39:10,509 --> 00:39:12,446 of never coming to your door ever again. 536 00:39:12,479 --> 00:39:14,049 And here I am on my first night. 537 00:39:14,082 --> 00:39:16,386 But it is not love that brings me. 538 00:39:28,845 --> 00:39:29,947 Do you feel love? 539 00:39:35,091 --> 00:39:36,093 Yes. 540 00:39:39,534 --> 00:39:40,669 Stubborn love... 541 00:39:43,207 --> 00:39:44,510 Like a mule. 542 00:39:45,011 --> 00:39:46,446 Because to be clear, 543 00:39:47,850 --> 00:39:49,654 I do not love you. 544 00:39:55,933 --> 00:39:57,570 Why are you telling me? 545 00:39:57,603 --> 00:40:01,110 Mama and I have discussed this matter like scientists. 546 00:40:01,143 --> 00:40:03,114 We agree that her life is proof 547 00:40:03,147 --> 00:40:04,917 that love is as poisonous as mercury. 548 00:40:06,721 --> 00:40:08,892 We've burnt so much of significance today. 549 00:40:09,627 --> 00:40:11,831 To burn a simple log is quite funny. 550 00:40:15,606 --> 00:40:17,810 I do love you, Estella. 551 00:40:18,912 --> 00:40:20,882 -Good. -How is it good? 552 00:40:22,085 --> 00:40:23,822 In a relationship, 553 00:40:23,855 --> 00:40:25,726 whoever loves the most, loses. 554 00:40:26,695 --> 00:40:28,097 Whoever loves least, wins. 555 00:40:31,771 --> 00:40:33,808 -Wins what? -In a marriage, 556 00:40:35,244 --> 00:40:37,482 to be the one who doesn't love at all 557 00:40:38,618 --> 00:40:40,589 is to be in the best possible position. 558 00:40:41,725 --> 00:40:44,664 If you are to be married, it is best to be indifferent. 559 00:40:47,135 --> 00:40:48,972 What marriage are you talking about? 560 00:40:51,778 --> 00:40:53,548 It's all been decided, Pip. 561 00:40:56,855 --> 00:40:58,257 Mama agrees 562 00:40:58,792 --> 00:41:01,229 I should marry someone who loves me, 563 00:41:02,031 --> 00:41:03,200 whom I do not love. 564 00:41:07,543 --> 00:41:09,780 (MEN LAUGHING) 565 00:41:14,791 --> 00:41:18,631 You get him to come outside, I'll blow him to hell. 566 00:41:20,101 --> 00:41:22,806 (TENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 567 00:41:24,944 --> 00:41:28,117 (MEN CONTINUE LAUGHING) 568 00:41:49,994 --> 00:41:51,030 Mount up! 569 00:41:51,063 --> 00:41:52,332 He's gone! 570 00:41:52,365 --> 00:41:54,169 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) 571 00:42:22,893 --> 00:42:23,928 Oh, God. 572 00:42:25,264 --> 00:42:26,634 What do you want? 573 00:42:27,335 --> 00:42:28,905 I came to say sorry. 574 00:42:32,212 --> 00:42:33,915 To say sorry to you in person. 575 00:42:35,084 --> 00:42:37,088 -I behaved appallingly. -"Sorry." 576 00:42:37,121 --> 00:42:38,658 I was a different man... 577 00:42:39,494 --> 00:42:41,631 -If I had my time again... -Time has gone. 578 00:42:41,664 --> 00:42:43,902 -I've been punished. -Not enough. 579 00:42:43,935 --> 00:42:45,138 Never a day has gone by... 580 00:42:45,171 --> 00:42:47,041 -You're ugly now. -I'm glad. 581 00:42:51,316 --> 00:42:52,586 This scar... 582 00:42:53,320 --> 00:42:55,291 (CHUCKLES) Keeps me out of trouble. 583 00:42:58,063 --> 00:43:00,000 I stay in my room and repent. 584 00:43:02,105 --> 00:43:06,781 Tonight I lay in my damp room and wondered... 585 00:43:09,185 --> 00:43:10,254 Wondered what? 586 00:43:10,889 --> 00:43:13,227 How you would be when you saw me again. 587 00:43:18,103 --> 00:43:19,205 What do you want? 588 00:43:20,074 --> 00:43:21,944 I am honest these days. 589 00:43:25,017 --> 00:43:26,286 I need money, Amelia. 590 00:43:28,023 --> 00:43:30,662 -No one calls me that. -Amelia. 591 00:43:31,965 --> 00:43:33,167 I need money. 592 00:43:35,338 --> 00:43:37,375 I wouldn't lie to you. I don't lie. 593 00:43:48,297 --> 00:43:49,399 I need gold. 594 00:43:50,869 --> 00:43:54,443 I recall, uh, you have gold from China here. 595 00:43:54,476 --> 00:43:57,983 Payment for opium from years ago. 596 00:44:00,121 --> 00:44:02,291 Gold doesn't age as we do. 597 00:44:04,462 --> 00:44:06,032 I wondered... 598 00:44:09,507 --> 00:44:12,880 Do I even need this pistol just to take a handful of coins 599 00:44:12,913 --> 00:44:15,284 just to get to London and set me up in lodgings? 600 00:44:20,361 --> 00:44:21,864 Where perhaps... 601 00:44:25,806 --> 00:44:27,709 ...you could come and visit me someday. 602 00:44:39,800 --> 00:44:41,202 I came at last, Amelia. 603 00:44:43,842 --> 00:44:46,179 This thing you always wanted has finally happened. 604 00:44:46,814 --> 00:44:47,816 Yes. 605 00:44:48,450 --> 00:44:50,154 Yes, you came just as I'd recovered. 606 00:44:50,187 --> 00:44:53,127 Yes. Yes. 607 00:44:53,160 --> 00:44:55,431 I haven't felt anything with my body since. 608 00:45:01,043 --> 00:45:02,411 My gun is loaded. 609 00:45:03,882 --> 00:45:05,184 But the question is, 610 00:45:06,988 --> 00:45:08,891 will I need it to make you help me? 611 00:45:11,063 --> 00:45:12,064 No. 612 00:45:14,537 --> 00:45:16,106 No, you will not need it. 613 00:45:29,466 --> 00:45:30,869 Miss Havisham's ring. 614 00:45:32,405 --> 00:45:33,473 It's mine now. 615 00:46:00,428 --> 00:46:01,530 (GUN COCKING) 616 00:46:02,499 --> 00:46:03,968 Oh, my dear. 617 00:46:05,404 --> 00:46:06,808 Isn't even loaded. 618 00:46:06,841 --> 00:46:07,976 (BREATH TREMBLING) 619 00:46:10,849 --> 00:46:11,984 (GUN COCKING) 620 00:46:13,253 --> 00:46:15,224 But I can assure you this one is. 621 00:46:17,896 --> 00:46:20,802 (INHALES) I had hoped I wouldn't need this. 622 00:46:22,071 --> 00:46:23,340 It seems that I do. 623 00:46:25,144 --> 00:46:26,312 Unlock the safe 624 00:46:27,415 --> 00:46:29,152 and give me what I came for. 625 00:46:33,160 --> 00:46:34,797 Give me the fucking key! 626 00:46:37,468 --> 00:46:39,339 Loaded gun or happiness? 627 00:46:40,942 --> 00:46:43,280 -Loaded gun, I think. -(GASPS) 628 00:46:48,591 --> 00:46:52,298 Locked in a box I spent year after year. 629 00:46:52,331 --> 00:46:53,868 It's against nature. 630 00:46:56,974 --> 00:46:59,479 Just as a woman rotting in a house untouched 631 00:46:59,513 --> 00:47:01,183 is worthless. 632 00:47:01,216 --> 00:47:03,220 It is against nature. 633 00:47:06,059 --> 00:47:07,461 (COINS JINGLING) 634 00:47:12,973 --> 00:47:14,209 MISS HAVISHAM: I burnt your portrait. 635 00:47:14,242 --> 00:47:15,512 Now I'm going to burn you. 636 00:47:17,181 --> 00:47:18,217 COMPEYSON: Now, look what madness 637 00:47:18,250 --> 00:47:20,154 I abandoned at the altar. 638 00:47:20,589 --> 00:47:21,590 MISS HAVISHAM: Which will win? 639 00:47:22,224 --> 00:47:24,228 Greed or self-preservation? 640 00:47:26,333 --> 00:47:28,104 (COINS JINGLING) 641 00:47:28,137 --> 00:47:29,606 (COUGHING) 642 00:47:35,084 --> 00:47:36,353 (GASPS) 643 00:47:36,386 --> 00:47:37,656 (COUGHING) 644 00:47:42,298 --> 00:47:44,202 He's here, not in the village. 645 00:47:45,237 --> 00:47:46,640 He has a gun. 646 00:47:47,341 --> 00:47:50,949 -He has just the one, yes? -Just one that's loaded. 647 00:47:50,982 --> 00:47:52,084 Stay here. 648 00:47:56,326 --> 00:47:57,896 (COMPEYSON COUGHING) 649 00:48:08,518 --> 00:48:10,087 (HORSE NEIGHING) 650 00:48:13,460 --> 00:48:14,429 (GUNSHOT) 651 00:48:16,032 --> 00:48:17,268 -(GUNSHOT) -(GROANING) 652 00:48:18,538 --> 00:48:20,975 -(GUNSHOT) -MAGWITCH: He's mine! 653 00:48:23,180 --> 00:48:24,483 (GRUNTING) 654 00:48:24,517 --> 00:48:25,518 Go! 655 00:48:26,621 --> 00:48:28,090 (GRUNTS) 656 00:48:28,123 --> 00:48:29,526 (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) 657 00:48:32,533 --> 00:48:34,402 (COUGHING) 658 00:48:35,037 --> 00:48:37,374 (PANTING) 659 00:48:45,291 --> 00:48:47,996 MAGWITCH: (SHUSHES) It's me, Magwitch. 660 00:48:49,299 --> 00:48:51,035 You should stay here. 661 00:49:03,528 --> 00:49:04,630 (GLASS BREAKING) 662 00:49:41,202 --> 00:49:42,539 (SCREAMING) 663 00:49:43,574 --> 00:49:44,743 (MAGWITCH GRUNTING) 664 00:49:45,344 --> 00:49:47,616 (MAGWITCH GROANS, GRUNTS) 665 00:49:49,753 --> 00:49:51,690 (BOTH GRUNTING) 666 00:49:53,494 --> 00:49:54,563 -(GUNSHOTS) -(GROANS) 667 00:49:54,930 --> 00:49:57,034 (SCREAMING) 668 00:50:00,107 --> 00:50:01,142 Magwitch? 669 00:50:02,613 --> 00:50:04,448 -(SCREAMING) -(PIP GRUNTING) 670 00:50:15,839 --> 00:50:17,274 (PANTS) 671 00:50:21,584 --> 00:50:22,819 You, boy. 672 00:50:25,124 --> 00:50:27,796 This, for me to pass. 673 00:50:29,733 --> 00:50:31,169 Go to hell! 674 00:50:33,775 --> 00:50:36,648 Very well, very well. 675 00:50:36,681 --> 00:50:39,118 (GRUNTING) 676 00:50:40,789 --> 00:50:42,491 (GRUNTING) 677 00:50:49,840 --> 00:50:51,142 (GUNSHOT) 678 00:50:52,244 --> 00:50:53,246 (THUD) 679 00:50:55,184 --> 00:50:56,854 (PANTING) 680 00:50:58,858 --> 00:51:01,129 I think your education is complete, Pip. 681 00:51:01,162 --> 00:51:02,732 (FIRE CRACKLING) 682 00:51:08,845 --> 00:51:10,581 (SOMBER MUSIC PLAYING) 683 00:51:28,785 --> 00:51:29,853 Satis. 684 00:51:31,189 --> 00:51:32,257 Enough. 685 00:51:39,540 --> 00:51:40,541 ESTELLA: Pip? 686 00:51:46,252 --> 00:51:47,321 You, uh... 687 00:51:48,056 --> 00:51:50,160 You didn't complete your proposal. 688 00:51:57,576 --> 00:51:59,378 You said you are immune to love. 689 00:52:04,355 --> 00:52:06,827 What you need is someone who is your equal. 690 00:52:09,833 --> 00:52:12,806 A fellow exile from the human race. 691 00:52:52,953 --> 00:52:55,357 (BELL TOLLING) 692 00:53:10,020 --> 00:53:13,794 (ALL CHEERING) 693 00:53:18,003 --> 00:53:21,309 (PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) 694 00:53:22,344 --> 00:53:24,348 (FOLK MUSIC PLAYING) 695 00:53:33,901 --> 00:53:34,903 (GIGGLES) 696 00:54:05,063 --> 00:54:07,669 Magis magisque satis est. 697 00:54:08,905 --> 00:54:10,608 And do you know what that means? 698 00:54:11,209 --> 00:54:13,914 -It means more than enough. -Hmm. 699 00:54:31,951 --> 00:54:34,488 (MUSIC FADES OUT) 700 00:54:36,560 --> 00:54:38,429 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)