1 00:00:01,267 --> 00:00:03,957 (MUSIC PLAYING) 2 00:00:04,880 --> 00:00:07,470 MICKEY: Three, two, one. 3 00:00:08,759 --> 00:00:11,299 -Another day completed. -(NOISEMAKER HONKS) 4 00:00:11,470 --> 00:00:13,140 Here comes tomorrow. 5 00:00:14,056 --> 00:00:15,516 Huh, 13? 6 00:00:15,766 --> 00:00:17,726 Now, why does that sound important? 7 00:00:17,893 --> 00:00:22,403 Thirteen, thirteen, thirteen, thirteen, thirteen, thirteen... 8 00:00:22,564 --> 00:00:24,274 -(CHOMPING) -Oh, what the... 9 00:00:25,400 --> 00:00:27,490 -(GNAWS, CACKLES) -MICKEY: Hmm? 10 00:00:28,153 --> 00:00:29,783 Whoa, a flea! 11 00:00:31,615 --> 00:00:35,075 Right. Today is the day Pluto needs to take his flea pill. 12 00:00:35,285 --> 00:00:38,205 With new and improved flavor. Pluto's gonna love these. 13 00:00:38,372 --> 00:00:39,832 Oh, Pluto! 14 00:00:40,165 --> 00:00:43,585 (PANTS, BARKS) 15 00:00:44,836 --> 00:00:45,836 Hiya, pal. 16 00:00:46,421 --> 00:00:47,421 -Okay. -(SLURPS) 17 00:00:47,589 --> 00:00:52,339 Okay. I'm happy to see you too, my wittle fuzzy-face. 18 00:00:52,719 --> 00:00:54,509 (SMOOCHES) 19 00:00:55,013 --> 00:00:57,473 (BARKS, SMOOCHES) 20 00:00:57,933 --> 00:00:59,563 (BOTH SMOOCH) 21 00:00:59,935 --> 00:01:01,805 Ready to take your flea pill? 22 00:01:01,979 --> 00:01:04,359 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (PANTS) 23 00:01:05,691 --> 00:01:06,691 (CRUNCHES) 24 00:01:07,109 --> 00:01:08,489 -(BUZZING) -(SPITS) 25 00:01:08,777 --> 00:01:09,777 (GROANS) 26 00:01:09,945 --> 00:01:13,025 Oh, I know it tastes bad, but you got to take it. 27 00:01:13,949 --> 00:01:16,699 Hey, come on, just take it. 28 00:01:17,119 --> 00:01:18,249 Take your pill. 29 00:01:21,415 --> 00:01:23,535 Come on now. Be a good boy. 30 00:01:23,709 --> 00:01:25,589 Pluto, Pluto. Don't you... 31 00:01:28,130 --> 00:01:32,430 Oh, he has to take his pill, those fleas are gonna eat him alive. 32 00:01:32,593 --> 00:01:35,143 Oh, what am I gonna do? 33 00:01:35,470 --> 00:01:36,850 (MUSIC PLAYING) 34 00:01:36,930 --> 00:01:38,850 Karaoke time. 35 00:01:39,224 --> 00:01:42,694 (SINGING) The Camptown Racers Sing this song, doodah, doodah 36 00:01:42,853 --> 00:01:45,863 -Now, you. -(BARKS RHYTHMICALLY) 37 00:01:48,525 --> 00:01:49,525 (GLASS SHATTERING) 38 00:01:50,611 --> 00:01:52,951 The old garage door opener. 39 00:01:56,325 --> 00:01:57,445 (TIRES SCREECHING) 40 00:01:59,244 --> 00:02:01,294 Pancake surprise. 41 00:02:04,333 --> 00:02:07,003 Pluto, breakfast. 42 00:02:08,962 --> 00:02:10,882 Hey, sorry about the pill thing, pal. 43 00:02:11,048 --> 00:02:15,388 I wanted to make it up to you, with this fabulous breakfast. 44 00:02:17,679 --> 00:02:18,679 (PANTS) 45 00:02:22,934 --> 00:02:24,024 (MUNCHES) 46 00:02:27,648 --> 00:02:28,688 (PANTS) 47 00:02:29,024 --> 00:02:30,034 Phew. 48 00:02:30,400 --> 00:02:31,610 Good dog, Pluto. 49 00:02:31,777 --> 00:02:35,197 -You really ate the whole thing. -(CHUCKLES) 50 00:02:38,909 --> 00:02:39,909 (GASPS) 51 00:02:40,410 --> 00:02:44,290 Egads! Now, how did that get in there? 52 00:02:44,456 --> 00:02:46,456 Those pancake people. 53 00:02:46,583 --> 00:02:47,543 (GROWLS) 54 00:02:48,043 --> 00:02:49,923 All right, all right, you got me. 55 00:02:50,087 --> 00:02:52,507 -But you gotta trust me, boy. -(BARKS) 56 00:02:52,714 --> 00:02:55,014 (GASPS) You don't trust me anymore? 57 00:02:55,342 --> 00:02:57,262 -Hmph. -But, Pluto. 58 00:02:58,095 --> 00:02:59,095 But wait. 59 00:02:59,930 --> 00:03:02,850 Doesn't he know it's for his own good, gosh. 60 00:03:03,058 --> 00:03:05,308 (CACKLES) 61 00:03:06,937 --> 00:03:08,307 (PHONE RINGING) 62 00:03:08,730 --> 00:03:10,980 -Hello? -(MUTTERS) 63 00:03:11,233 --> 00:03:12,443 It's for you. 64 00:03:12,776 --> 00:03:15,106 (MUTTERS, SLURPS) 65 00:03:15,320 --> 00:03:17,070 -(CACKLES) -(ALL CHEER) 66 00:03:17,406 --> 00:03:18,316 (SCREAMS) 67 00:03:18,740 --> 00:03:20,490 What am I gonna do? 68 00:03:21,243 --> 00:03:22,243 A-ha! 69 00:03:22,577 --> 00:03:24,117 (SOFT MUSIC PLAYING) 70 00:03:24,871 --> 00:03:26,871 (SLAMMING ON DOOR) 71 00:03:27,165 --> 00:03:29,575 (GIGGLES) That's Mickey's knock. 72 00:03:30,585 --> 00:03:31,625 (GROANS) 73 00:03:32,337 --> 00:03:33,207 Oh. 74 00:03:33,505 --> 00:03:34,875 Minnie, you got to help me. 75 00:03:35,048 --> 00:03:38,338 I can't get Pluto to take his... (WHISPERS) flea pill. 76 00:03:38,760 --> 00:03:39,760 Is that all? 77 00:03:39,928 --> 00:03:43,718 My Fifi never has trouble taking her... wink, treats. 78 00:03:43,932 --> 00:03:46,272 Maybe she can show Pluto it's okay. 79 00:03:46,685 --> 00:03:47,885 Great idea. 80 00:03:48,061 --> 00:03:50,441 Fifi, treat time. 81 00:03:50,605 --> 00:03:51,605 (BARKS) 82 00:03:55,736 --> 00:03:56,946 (TRIUMPHANT FANFARE) 83 00:03:58,238 --> 00:04:00,778 -(CLAPS) -See Pluto? 84 00:04:01,575 --> 00:04:04,655 (MUTTERS) ...flea pill... 85 00:04:05,537 --> 00:04:07,157 -(GROWLS) -(GIGGLES) 86 00:04:07,330 --> 00:04:10,080 Oh, my, uh, how did that get in there? 87 00:04:11,251 --> 00:04:13,301 (GROWLS) 88 00:04:13,754 --> 00:04:16,424 MINNIE: Uh, Fifi, I... Oh! (YELPS) 89 00:04:17,048 --> 00:04:18,798 -Hmph. -Aw. 90 00:04:20,761 --> 00:04:23,351 Oh, please, Pluto. 91 00:04:25,640 --> 00:04:27,560 (CACKLES) 92 00:04:28,643 --> 00:04:30,353 (BUGLES) 93 00:04:40,238 --> 00:04:42,528 (MARCHING FOOTSTEPS) 94 00:04:43,867 --> 00:04:45,577 Pluto! The fleas are coming! 95 00:04:45,952 --> 00:04:46,912 Time's up, boy. 96 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:48,660 You gotta take your pill! 97 00:04:49,080 --> 00:04:50,000 (GROWLS) 98 00:04:52,334 --> 00:04:53,344 (SCREECHING) 99 00:04:53,502 --> 00:04:55,592 -MICKEY: Here comes the airplane. -(HOWLS) 100 00:05:01,051 --> 00:05:02,051 MICKEY: Ha-ha! 101 00:05:03,220 --> 00:05:05,850 Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! 102 00:05:08,016 --> 00:05:09,806 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) 103 00:05:10,894 --> 00:05:14,024 Here, see for yourself, fleas. 104 00:05:14,189 --> 00:05:16,859 And they're coming for you. 105 00:05:17,067 --> 00:05:18,527 (BLOWS RASPBERRY) 106 00:05:18,777 --> 00:05:21,567 -Pluto, I'm not trying to trick you. -(GRUNTS) 107 00:05:21,988 --> 00:05:23,778 -Pluto, get away from the door. -(GROWLS) 108 00:05:24,366 --> 00:05:27,446 No! Don't go outside! 109 00:05:32,624 --> 00:05:33,714 (HOWLS) 110 00:05:35,794 --> 00:05:37,174 (HOWLS) 111 00:05:37,671 --> 00:05:39,171 See? Don't worry, boy! 112 00:05:39,339 --> 00:05:40,969 I got the solution right here. 113 00:05:41,132 --> 00:05:42,132 (GASPS) 114 00:05:45,262 --> 00:05:46,932 (PANTS) 115 00:05:48,598 --> 00:05:50,638 Ooh! Ah! Ooh! Ah! Ooh! 116 00:05:55,397 --> 00:05:57,267 (SPITS, WHIMPERS) 117 00:06:04,447 --> 00:06:06,117 -En garde, bloodsuckers. -(SWORDS CLANGING) 118 00:06:06,324 --> 00:06:07,334 (GRUNTS) 119 00:06:09,035 --> 00:06:10,655 -(GRUNTS) -(SWORDS CLANGING) 120 00:06:14,249 --> 00:06:15,379 (GRUNTS) 121 00:06:20,130 --> 00:06:21,460 (GASPS) 122 00:06:22,048 --> 00:06:24,298 -(ALL GASP) -(GULPS) 123 00:06:25,969 --> 00:06:28,429 (EXPLOSION) 124 00:06:30,348 --> 00:06:32,808 Pluto? Oh, buddy, you're safe now. 125 00:06:33,143 --> 00:06:35,353 I'm so glad you finally trusted me. 126 00:06:35,604 --> 00:06:37,444 (CHUCKLES) 127 00:06:38,023 --> 00:06:40,113 Now, how about some pancakes? 128 00:06:40,358 --> 00:06:41,898 -(GROWLS) -Huh? 129 00:06:42,152 --> 00:06:44,282 (PANTS, CHOMPS) 130 00:06:44,613 --> 00:06:45,613 (GULPS) 131 00:06:45,864 --> 00:06:46,914 (BOTH SMOOCH) 132 00:06:49,034 --> 00:06:50,294 -(LAUGHS) -(PHONE RINGING) 133 00:06:50,452 --> 00:06:51,452 Hello? 134 00:06:51,703 --> 00:06:53,043 -(GROWLS) -Mickey, help! 135 00:06:53,204 --> 00:06:55,124 Oh, take it! Take it! Take it! 136 00:06:55,290 --> 00:06:56,830 Take it, take it, take it, take it! 137 00:06:57,000 --> 00:06:58,130 -(MINNIE SCREAMS) -(FLEAS ROAR) 138 00:06:58,293 --> 00:06:59,963 MINNIE: Take it, take it, take it! 139 00:07:00,462 --> 00:07:02,052 (MUSIC PLAYING)