1 00:00:00,206 --> 00:00:03,706 (MUSIC PLAYING) 2 00:00:06,924 --> 00:00:09,014 (BIRDS CHIRPING) 3 00:00:09,843 --> 00:00:12,763 Well, Gubbles, are you ready for your first day of school? 4 00:00:13,055 --> 00:00:14,215 Yeah, uh-huh. 5 00:00:14,306 --> 00:00:18,226 You know, you could just stay home with your Mickey-Wickey Papa. 6 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:21,610 -Mm-mm. -(HORN BEEPING) 7 00:00:21,813 --> 00:00:23,943 (WATER GURGLES, SPLASHES) 8 00:00:24,149 --> 00:00:29,569 (GASPS) Oh, that's the bus. Okay, okay. I'll see you after school, buddy. 9 00:00:39,573 --> 00:00:42,633 Goodbye, Gubbles, Bye. I love you! 10 00:00:44,962 --> 00:00:48,762 -(WATER SPLASHES) -(DOOR HISSES) 11 00:00:48,882 --> 00:00:50,512 (ALL SCREAM) 12 00:00:52,763 --> 00:00:53,763 (GASPS) 13 00:00:56,690 --> 00:00:58,570 Goodbye, buddy. 14 00:00:59,476 --> 00:01:02,846 (SOBS) Oh. 15 00:01:05,649 --> 00:01:08,739 -(SCREECHING) -(WHEELS SQUEAKING) 16 00:01:08,902 --> 00:01:12,612 (KIDS LAUGHING, CHEERING) 17 00:01:13,073 --> 00:01:16,243 Aw, I wonder how he's doing on his first day. 18 00:01:16,805 --> 00:01:19,995 Oh, I remember mine like it was just yesterday. 19 00:01:23,375 --> 00:01:26,495 -(BARKING) -Hi, doggy! 20 00:01:30,299 --> 00:01:31,839 -Huh? -(GASPS) 21 00:01:31,926 --> 00:01:34,086 -(FAN WHIRS) -(GIGGLES) 22 00:01:36,763 --> 00:01:38,223 (MICKEY SCREAMING) 23 00:01:38,682 --> 00:01:42,692 -(CRASHING, CLATTERING) -(MICKEY SCREAMS) 24 00:01:44,521 --> 00:01:46,231 -(CRASHES) -(ALL LAUGHING) 25 00:01:47,983 --> 00:01:49,153 (MICKEY SCREAMS) 26 00:01:51,570 --> 00:01:53,780 (SCREAMS) 27 00:01:53,989 --> 00:01:57,619 School is terrifying. Gubbles is in trouble. 28 00:02:00,848 --> 00:02:01,868 (EAGLE SCREECHING) 29 00:02:03,498 --> 00:02:05,128 (WATER GURGLING) 30 00:02:07,336 --> 00:02:12,046 (BLABBERING) 31 00:02:12,424 --> 00:02:15,184 -(GUBBLES CHUCKLES) -(BANGING ON WINDOW) 32 00:02:15,427 --> 00:02:17,967 Hey, Gubbles, are you okay in there? 33 00:02:19,348 --> 00:02:22,138 (SOBBING) Gubbles, Gubbles! 34 00:02:22,351 --> 00:02:26,101 -Oh, there you are. -(CHUCKLES) 35 00:02:26,271 --> 00:02:28,531 (GLASS SQUEAKING) 36 00:02:28,650 --> 00:02:29,690 (SMOOCHES) 37 00:02:30,108 --> 00:02:32,898 -(ALL LAUGH) -(GUBBLES GROANS SOFTLY) 38 00:02:33,111 --> 00:02:35,071 -(SCHOOL BELL RINGING) -(DOOR OPENS) 39 00:02:35,238 --> 00:02:36,238 (ALL LAUGHING) 40 00:02:36,323 --> 00:02:37,633 -(SIGHS) -(SCREECHING) 41 00:02:37,700 --> 00:02:40,490 -Hi, Gubbles. -(BLABBERS ANGRILY) 42 00:02:40,702 --> 00:02:45,292 Oh, I know, but school can be a very scary place for a little guppy. 43 00:02:45,499 --> 00:02:47,329 -(BLABBERS ANGRILY) -Don't you worry. 44 00:02:47,417 --> 00:02:50,627 Your papa will be here all day to protect you. 45 00:02:50,754 --> 00:02:53,134 You won't even know I'm here! 46 00:02:53,716 --> 00:02:54,716 (GROANS) 47 00:02:55,842 --> 00:02:58,982 -GUBBLES: Huh? -(WHISTLES) 48 00:03:01,098 --> 00:03:02,768 (GUBBLES EXCLAIMS, GROANS) 49 00:03:03,016 --> 00:03:04,266 (WHIRRING) 50 00:03:04,393 --> 00:03:07,353 -(GIGGLES) -(SCREAMS) 51 00:03:07,671 --> 00:03:09,021 (SHARPENER WHIRS) 52 00:03:11,566 --> 00:03:13,066 (WALL BREAKS) 53 00:03:14,820 --> 00:03:18,660 -(SQUEAKS) -(ALL LAUGH) 54 00:03:18,865 --> 00:03:22,195 (KIDS CHEERING, LAUGHING) 55 00:03:28,709 --> 00:03:29,749 (SQUEAKS) 56 00:03:31,586 --> 00:03:32,746 Woo-hoo! 57 00:03:39,553 --> 00:03:40,643 (SCREECHING) 58 00:03:48,019 --> 00:03:49,479 (SCHOOL BELL RINGING) 59 00:03:53,900 --> 00:03:55,740 -Huh? (GASPS) -(HORROR MUSIC PLAYING) 60 00:03:58,613 --> 00:04:01,073 -(SIGHS IN RELIEF) -(FISH LAUGHING LIKE MICKEY) 61 00:04:01,742 --> 00:04:06,252 -(LAUGHS) -(GUBBLES SIGHS IN RELIEF, CHUCKLES) 62 00:04:16,339 --> 00:04:19,679 Is my little Gubby-Wubby ready for some fishy num-nums? 63 00:04:24,431 --> 00:04:25,771 (GROANS) 64 00:04:27,642 --> 00:04:29,642 Here comes the submarine. 65 00:04:30,395 --> 00:04:31,435 Mm-mm. 66 00:04:32,731 --> 00:04:34,691 (ALL LAUGHING) 67 00:04:35,680 --> 00:04:36,690 (SPITS) 68 00:04:38,195 --> 00:04:40,025 -(GUBBLES STRUGGLING) -(CLOTH RIPPING) 69 00:04:40,280 --> 00:04:43,290 (GASPS) Looks like somebody... 70 00:04:43,393 --> 00:04:45,373 needs a little nap. 71 00:04:45,744 --> 00:04:51,884 (ALL LAUGHING) 72 00:04:54,312 --> 00:04:55,312 (GASPS) 73 00:04:58,298 --> 00:05:00,718 (GROANS) 74 00:05:00,801 --> 00:05:02,051 (CRASHING) 75 00:05:03,470 --> 00:05:07,560 -(ALL LAUGHING) -Gubbles, wait! Come back. 76 00:05:09,893 --> 00:05:12,103 -(GROANS) -(CRASH) 77 00:05:12,270 --> 00:05:14,060 -(DOG BARKING) -(SCREAMS) 78 00:05:15,774 --> 00:05:19,824 -(BARKING) -(SCREAMS) I don't wanna play this game! 79 00:05:25,887 --> 00:05:26,907 (GASPS) 80 00:05:31,832 --> 00:05:36,252 -(MICKEY SCREAMING) -(BARKING) 81 00:05:37,379 --> 00:05:38,509 (GROANS) 82 00:05:38,755 --> 00:05:39,795 (GROWLS) 83 00:05:41,716 --> 00:05:43,126 -(TEETH CHATTERING) -(WHIMPERS) 84 00:05:43,552 --> 00:05:47,762 -(CLANGING) -(CIRCULAR SAW SOUND) 85 00:05:47,848 --> 00:05:49,218 (SCREAMS) 86 00:05:51,434 --> 00:05:55,984 No, Gubbles. This is big boy business. You're just a little guppy. 87 00:05:56,565 --> 00:05:59,275 -(GROWLS) -Say what! 88 00:05:59,651 --> 00:06:01,491 -(GROWLS) -(CLANGS) 89 00:06:02,779 --> 00:06:06,989 -(ROARS) -(DOG WHIMPERS) 90 00:06:08,201 --> 00:06:14,121 (ALL CHEER) 91 00:06:18,712 --> 00:06:21,592 Well, I guess I don't need to worry about you, after all. 92 00:06:21,715 --> 00:06:24,425 -You're not a little guppy anymore. -(GASPS) Aw. 93 00:06:26,136 --> 00:06:29,216 (GIGGLES) I think it's time for Mickey-Wickey Papa to... 94 00:06:30,265 --> 00:06:33,685 Huh, Micky Mouse to let his little Gubbles go. 95 00:06:34,019 --> 00:06:38,519 (ALL CHEER) 96 00:06:44,112 --> 00:06:47,282 Ah, just to clarify, I'll still pick you up after school, okay? 97 00:06:47,616 --> 00:06:49,236 -Yeah. -Okay, that's cool. 98 00:06:49,326 --> 00:06:51,156 Just making sure 'cause, you know, I wasn't sure if... 99 00:06:51,536 --> 00:06:53,836 Okay, well, see you later, Gubbles. See you. 100 00:06:53,994 --> 00:06:55,324 Gubbles, I'll see you later, pal. 101 00:06:56,353 --> 00:07:00,303 Gubbles, you out there? Gubbles? Gubbles? Gubbles! 102 00:07:01,178 --> 00:07:03,718 (MUSIC PLAYING)