1 00:00:36,496 --> 00:00:40,792 Addy, Michael, when is Stillwater going to get home? 2 00:00:40,792 --> 00:00:44,588 He's coming home today, Karl, but it's still gonna be a while. 3 00:00:45,088 --> 00:00:47,549 Do you want to help us with the welcome-home decorations? 4 00:00:48,675 --> 00:00:50,635 I already finished my picture. 5 00:00:51,803 --> 00:00:54,222 I'm going to wait outside for Stillwater. 6 00:01:19,831 --> 00:01:21,458 How much longer? 7 00:01:21,458 --> 00:01:24,294 It's still going to be a while, Karl. 8 00:01:24,294 --> 00:01:25,837 How much is a while? 9 00:01:25,837 --> 00:01:27,964 Still a few more hours, okay? 10 00:01:28,840 --> 00:01:32,052 That's forever. I can't wait forever. 11 00:01:32,677 --> 00:01:36,514 Why don't you go feed Stillwater's koi fish? 12 00:01:36,514 --> 00:01:39,517 - That'll give you something to do. - I already did. 13 00:01:40,560 --> 00:01:42,103 Can I feed them again? 14 00:01:42,103 --> 00:01:44,773 Stillwater said only once a day. 15 00:01:44,773 --> 00:01:46,024 Okay. 16 00:01:54,908 --> 00:01:57,577 Why can't Stillwater be home right now? 17 00:01:59,037 --> 00:02:02,123 Because he's coming from a long way away, 18 00:02:02,123 --> 00:02:05,085 and that means an airplane and a train ride. 19 00:02:05,085 --> 00:02:08,129 Then he has to walk from the train station to home. 20 00:02:09,588 --> 00:02:12,801 Can we go to the train station and meet him there? 21 00:02:12,801 --> 00:02:16,221 You would still have to wait, only there instead of here. 22 00:02:16,221 --> 00:02:18,139 Please? 23 00:02:29,776 --> 00:02:31,736 How much longer now? 24 00:02:31,736 --> 00:02:36,324 Karl, I told you it was gonna be a while, and we'd have to wait here too. 25 00:02:36,324 --> 00:02:39,452 Are you hungry? Mom packed us sandwiches. 26 00:02:40,328 --> 00:02:41,663 No, thank you. 27 00:02:41,663 --> 00:02:45,083 My tummy is too... to eat. 28 00:02:45,584 --> 00:02:47,961 We're excited to see Stillwater too. 29 00:02:58,847 --> 00:03:01,725 The clock just moved. Is he coming now? 30 00:03:02,392 --> 00:03:04,269 No, Karl. Not yet. 31 00:03:58,073 --> 00:04:02,661 Your attention, please. Train 6565 has been delayed. 32 00:04:02,661 --> 00:04:05,413 Addy, what does that mean? 33 00:04:05,413 --> 00:04:07,582 It means we have to wait some more. 34 00:04:08,833 --> 00:04:11,127 No more waiting! 35 00:04:16,382 --> 00:04:18,343 Would you like to hear a story? 36 00:04:18,343 --> 00:04:22,514 I only want to hear a Stillwater story from Stillwater. 37 00:04:24,516 --> 00:04:28,812 Okay, I guess we can just keep waiting until he gets here. 38 00:04:33,775 --> 00:04:36,069 So, what kind of story? 39 00:04:37,612 --> 00:04:40,824 The kind that starts like this... 40 00:04:43,034 --> 00:04:46,496 There once was a family who was taking a very long trip 41 00:04:46,496 --> 00:04:47,747 in a covered wagon. 42 00:04:47,747 --> 00:04:50,667 I learned in school that on the Oregon Trail, 43 00:04:50,667 --> 00:04:52,752 it could take up to six months-- 44 00:04:52,752 --> 00:04:57,215 - Michael, stick to the story. - Right, sorry. 45 00:04:57,215 --> 00:05:01,261 There was a big brother, a big sister and a little brother. 46 00:05:01,261 --> 00:05:02,387 Like you, Karl. 47 00:05:02,387 --> 00:05:05,181 It was a long and bumpy journey. 48 00:05:05,181 --> 00:05:11,438 And they had to cross big, open fields, wide rivers and steep, rolling hills. 49 00:05:11,438 --> 00:05:13,106 Sounds like fun. 50 00:05:13,106 --> 00:05:15,817 It was for the big brother and big sister, 51 00:05:15,817 --> 00:05:20,614 but the little brother didn't think so. He said the same thing over and over. 52 00:05:23,283 --> 00:05:24,534 Are we there yet? 53 00:05:25,660 --> 00:05:28,288 - Are we there yet? - And he kept asking... 54 00:05:28,288 --> 00:05:32,626 - Are we there yet? - And asking... 55 00:05:32,626 --> 00:05:36,254 Are we there yet? 56 00:05:36,755 --> 00:05:39,591 How come you never ask if we're there yet? 57 00:05:39,591 --> 00:05:41,843 Because we know a secret. 58 00:05:41,843 --> 00:05:43,345 A secret? 59 00:05:43,970 --> 00:05:50,018 Yes. A secret that makes waiting feel... Well, less like waiting. 60 00:05:50,602 --> 00:05:52,520 Do you think he's ready? 61 00:05:52,520 --> 00:05:54,481 Maybe. 62 00:05:54,481 --> 00:05:58,151 I'm ready! I'm ready! Tell me the secret. Please? 63 00:05:58,985 --> 00:06:02,447 Okay. First, you have to close your eyes. 64 00:06:03,323 --> 00:06:08,245 Then you have to imagine. Where could we be right now? 65 00:06:09,037 --> 00:06:10,080 With the wagon bumping, 66 00:06:10,080 --> 00:06:15,460 it feels like we're on a pirate ship, sailing through the rocky seas. 67 00:06:16,294 --> 00:06:17,963 I can feel it too. 68 00:06:19,464 --> 00:06:22,801 It's more fun taking a trip on a bumpy pirate ship 69 00:06:22,801 --> 00:06:24,219 than this old wagon. 70 00:06:25,470 --> 00:06:28,932 Now open your eyes and look up. What do you see? 71 00:06:30,433 --> 00:06:31,685 Clouds? 72 00:06:32,269 --> 00:06:35,772 I see a giant steam engine. 73 00:06:36,356 --> 00:06:38,149 I see a windmill. 74 00:06:40,819 --> 00:06:42,529 I see a buffalo. 75 00:06:42,529 --> 00:06:44,239 Like in that song you sing. 76 00:06:44,823 --> 00:06:48,159 Can you teach me the song? The one about the buffalo. 77 00:06:48,994 --> 00:06:53,873 There once was a wandering buffalo 78 00:06:53,873 --> 00:06:59,921 Who walked all the way To where the green grass grows 79 00:06:59,921 --> 00:07:05,510 He tramped over hills And across the plains 80 00:07:05,510 --> 00:07:11,141 And to the rolling meadows With sweet falling rain 81 00:07:11,141 --> 00:07:16,479 Wander, wander buffalo 82 00:07:16,479 --> 00:07:22,193 Walk a thousand miles And always take it slow 83 00:07:22,193 --> 00:07:25,780 The younger brother realized that sometimes you have to wait, 84 00:07:25,780 --> 00:07:29,618 and sometimes you have to wait for a really long time. 85 00:07:30,327 --> 00:07:32,621 But even if you can't do anything about the waiting, 86 00:07:32,621 --> 00:07:34,372 with a little imagination, 87 00:07:34,372 --> 00:07:38,168 you can always make it feel less like waiting and more like fun. 88 00:07:38,835 --> 00:07:43,590 Wander, wander buffalo 89 00:07:44,507 --> 00:07:49,387 Walk a thousand miles And always take it slow 90 00:07:49,387 --> 00:07:50,889 Stillwater! 91 00:07:54,142 --> 00:07:57,729 Hello, my friends. I've missed you all. 92 00:07:58,813 --> 00:08:03,902 I missed you too. I've been waiting for a long time. 93 00:08:03,902 --> 00:08:05,737 We didn't even hear the train arrive. 94 00:08:05,737 --> 00:08:11,117 I could tell. That was a very nice story and song. 95 00:08:11,117 --> 00:08:13,203 And now I know the secret to waiting. 96 00:08:13,203 --> 00:08:18,458 You play games and look at clouds and sing songs and pretend-- 97 00:08:19,167 --> 00:08:21,503 - Did you bring us anything? - Karl! 98 00:08:23,171 --> 00:08:26,841 I do have some small gifts we can open at home. 99 00:08:26,841 --> 00:08:31,763 But there is one thing I brought with me I can share right away. 100 00:08:35,140 --> 00:08:36,142 Koo! 101 00:08:36,685 --> 00:08:40,981 I am filled with joy to be back here with my friends. 102 00:08:40,981 --> 00:08:43,191 Addy. Michael. Karl. 103 00:08:45,068 --> 00:08:48,822 Will we be going? I can't wait for Uncle's house. 104 00:08:49,489 --> 00:08:53,493 - And will it take long? - It's a long walk. 105 00:08:53,493 --> 00:08:55,328 It's not that far. 106 00:08:55,328 --> 00:08:59,583 Yes, it is. It's like a million, zillion miles away. 107 00:08:59,583 --> 00:09:03,628 But I know the secret to making things that take a long time fun, 108 00:09:03,628 --> 00:09:07,507 so you won't even notice the how-long-it-takes-to-get-there part. 109 00:09:07,507 --> 00:09:08,592 Follow me! 110 00:09:12,304 --> 00:09:14,014 Which way is it to home? 111 00:09:22,731 --> 00:09:25,984 I spy with my little eye... 112 00:09:26,610 --> 00:09:31,698 something that is waving and has a mustache. 113 00:09:34,784 --> 00:09:37,078 Now let's walk like robots. 114 00:09:43,168 --> 00:09:45,295 Now let's walk backwards. 115 00:09:47,047 --> 00:09:48,840 If we walk backwards, 116 00:09:48,840 --> 00:09:52,469 I think the rules should be that too backwards talk we. 117 00:09:53,470 --> 00:09:56,389 I get it. You're talking backwards. 118 00:10:00,644 --> 00:10:01,645 Listen. 119 00:10:12,822 --> 00:10:15,075 I believe we have arrived. 120 00:10:15,575 --> 00:10:19,412 A zillion miles home? It did not seem long at all. 121 00:10:19,412 --> 00:10:21,122 May we walk some more? 122 00:10:21,122 --> 00:10:24,167 We can walk some more this way. 123 00:10:36,555 --> 00:10:38,306 Welcome home, Stillwater. 124 00:10:38,306 --> 00:10:39,391 And Koo. 125 00:10:43,395 --> 00:10:44,437 Thank you, Addy. 126 00:10:44,938 --> 00:10:48,316 We have bamboo and carrots. 127 00:10:51,152 --> 00:10:52,612 My favorite. 128 00:10:53,822 --> 00:10:57,701 I can tell that you took good care of things while I was away. 129 00:11:01,121 --> 00:11:03,039 Thanks to all of you. 130 00:11:05,166 --> 00:11:08,628 You know, Karl, now that I'm home, 131 00:11:08,628 --> 00:11:13,675 I can finally do something I've been waiting for a long time to do. 132 00:11:14,259 --> 00:11:16,386 - Build a trampoline? - Pick apples? 133 00:11:16,386 --> 00:11:18,555 Play tickle-tag? 134 00:11:20,348 --> 00:11:22,183 All very good ideas, 135 00:11:23,018 --> 00:11:27,898 but what I would really like to do now is tell you a story. 136 00:11:27,898 --> 00:11:29,566 - Yes! - Please, Uncle. 137 00:11:29,566 --> 00:11:36,114 And this one is about all the fun things I'm looking forward to in the days ahead. 138 00:11:36,781 --> 00:11:42,037 I'm looking forward to baking and rocket ships 139 00:11:42,037 --> 00:11:44,122 and fun games in the park. 140 00:12:06,937 --> 00:12:09,147 Hey, Addy. Whatcha baking? 141 00:12:09,648 --> 00:12:12,192 I'm making two dozen lemon sprinkle cupcakes 142 00:12:12,192 --> 00:12:14,110 for the school's charity bake sale. 143 00:12:14,110 --> 00:12:17,030 And we're donating the money to kids who need school supplies. 144 00:12:18,448 --> 00:12:19,950 Can I help too? 145 00:12:19,950 --> 00:12:21,493 I'd love that, Karl. 146 00:12:21,493 --> 00:12:23,578 Yay. I'll pour the sprinkles. 147 00:12:26,122 --> 00:12:28,792 Addy. There's no more sprinkles. 148 00:12:30,377 --> 00:12:32,879 Maybe Maya will have some. I'll give her a call. 149 00:12:36,675 --> 00:12:39,261 - Hey, Maya. - Hey. I've got your sprinkles. 150 00:12:39,261 --> 00:12:42,639 Thanks. You're a lifesaver. You done with your cupcakes yet? 151 00:12:44,224 --> 00:12:48,687 No. I tried three batches already, and they either turned out too salty, 152 00:12:48,687 --> 00:12:51,022 too sweet or too burned. 153 00:12:51,940 --> 00:12:54,025 I don't know how you make it look so easy. 154 00:12:56,027 --> 00:12:59,447 I know. I can make extra cupcakes so you won't have to. 155 00:12:59,447 --> 00:13:01,491 Really? Are you sure? 156 00:13:02,075 --> 00:13:05,036 Yeah, I'll just double the batch, no big deal. 157 00:13:05,036 --> 00:13:07,664 That would be seriously amazing. 158 00:13:08,498 --> 00:13:11,293 Then I can have more time to decorate the table. 159 00:13:11,293 --> 00:13:13,670 - Thanks so much, Addy. - My pleasure. 160 00:13:13,670 --> 00:13:15,422 See you at the bake sale. 161 00:13:21,261 --> 00:13:23,346 Cupcake batch number two coming up. 162 00:13:25,307 --> 00:13:26,808 - Hey, Tommy. - Hey. 163 00:13:26,808 --> 00:13:29,603 I was on my way to the park to set up the table. 164 00:13:29,603 --> 00:13:31,146 How's the baking going? 165 00:13:31,146 --> 00:13:32,439 So far, so good. 166 00:13:32,439 --> 00:13:35,859 I've got one batch in the oven and one more on the way. 167 00:13:35,859 --> 00:13:40,572 Two batches? Sweet. Get it? 'Cause they're sweet. 168 00:13:43,700 --> 00:13:46,786 Anyways, are you going to make that banana bread you brought 169 00:13:46,786 --> 00:13:50,790 to Lexi's birthday party? My mom would totally buy some. 170 00:13:50,790 --> 00:13:53,877 It was so yummy and banana-y. 171 00:13:55,587 --> 00:13:57,464 Okay. I can do that. 172 00:13:58,673 --> 00:14:00,592 I'll have to start the recipe from scratch, 173 00:14:00,592 --> 00:14:05,096 and I'm not sure if there's enough room in the oven for another baking tray. 174 00:14:05,096 --> 00:14:08,099 But that's okay. I'll ask Stillwater if I can use his kitchen. 175 00:14:08,099 --> 00:14:10,852 Awesome. See you at the bake sale. 176 00:14:21,488 --> 00:14:22,489 Hi, Stillwater. 177 00:14:22,489 --> 00:14:25,825 - Why, hello, Addy. - Can I please use your oven? 178 00:14:25,825 --> 00:14:28,036 I need to make banana bread for the bake sale, 179 00:14:28,036 --> 00:14:30,288 but I ran out of space in our kitchen. 180 00:14:30,288 --> 00:14:33,416 How generous of you to contribute your talents 181 00:14:33,416 --> 00:14:35,460 to the school bake sale. 182 00:14:35,460 --> 00:14:39,923 I would be honored if you used my kitchen to make your banana bread. 183 00:14:39,923 --> 00:14:41,508 Thanks so much. 184 00:14:41,508 --> 00:14:44,928 I better start mixing the batter, or it won't be ready in time. 185 00:14:44,928 --> 00:14:47,222 Let me know if you would like any-- 186 00:14:49,599 --> 00:14:50,892 Help. 187 00:14:56,940 --> 00:14:58,358 Asha? 188 00:14:59,568 --> 00:15:00,694 Hey, Addy. 189 00:15:00,694 --> 00:15:02,946 I had an idea. Are you ready? 190 00:15:04,239 --> 00:15:07,325 It's a pi cake. Get it? 191 00:15:07,325 --> 00:15:10,787 And inside is 3.14 layers of chocolate deliciousness 192 00:15:11,371 --> 00:15:14,749 - with rainbow sprinkles on top. - That's pretty amazing, Asha. 193 00:15:14,749 --> 00:15:16,793 You think you can make it for the bake sale? 194 00:15:18,169 --> 00:15:19,880 You want me to make it? 195 00:15:19,880 --> 00:15:24,009 Well, I was kinda hoping you would, since this cake is so special 196 00:15:24,009 --> 00:15:26,803 that only a great baker like you could do it. 197 00:15:29,014 --> 00:15:31,224 And my mom won't let me use the oven. 198 00:15:33,143 --> 00:15:34,728 It would be such a hit. 199 00:15:36,313 --> 00:15:39,399 Sure, Asha. Let me see what I can do. 200 00:15:39,399 --> 00:15:42,903 You're the best, Addy. I better go help Tommy set up. 201 00:15:42,903 --> 00:15:44,863 And don't forget the sprinkles. 202 00:15:47,157 --> 00:15:50,160 Oh, gosh. I'm going to need some extra hands. 203 00:15:57,334 --> 00:15:58,335 Okay. 204 00:15:58,335 --> 00:16:01,296 Two times one and a half tablespoons equals... 205 00:16:01,296 --> 00:16:03,173 Lots of frosting. 206 00:16:09,137 --> 00:16:11,973 Hi, Stillwater. Bye. 207 00:16:16,937 --> 00:16:18,730 Time to take the cupcakes out. 208 00:16:20,273 --> 00:16:22,442 Time to put cake layer three in the oven. 209 00:16:24,236 --> 00:16:25,403 Which ding is that? 210 00:16:25,403 --> 00:16:28,698 - Cake layer one is ready in kitchen two. - On it. 211 00:16:35,830 --> 00:16:37,415 We could help Addy. 212 00:16:43,463 --> 00:16:44,798 I'll be back soon to frost it. 213 00:16:44,798 --> 00:16:46,841 Gotta check if the cupcakes have cooled off. 214 00:16:50,011 --> 00:16:52,847 Here you go, Addy. We frosted them for you. 215 00:16:53,598 --> 00:16:57,644 - You did? - Look. They got a little melty. 216 00:16:57,644 --> 00:16:58,853 Oh, no. 217 00:16:58,853 --> 00:17:03,275 Sorry. I was checking the timers, and they got into the cupcakes. 218 00:17:03,858 --> 00:17:04,985 You're welcome. 219 00:17:07,904 --> 00:17:10,574 Should we put these in the box for the bake sale? 220 00:17:11,241 --> 00:17:15,954 No. I think these should be for us. Why don't you take some to Stillwater? 221 00:17:16,621 --> 00:17:17,622 Okay. 222 00:17:19,165 --> 00:17:21,001 I'm really sorry, Addy. 223 00:17:21,001 --> 00:17:24,170 It's fine. I just need a break. 224 00:17:26,882 --> 00:17:29,467 Stillwater, we have a present for you. 225 00:17:29,467 --> 00:17:32,971 For me? How kind. 226 00:17:33,471 --> 00:17:35,765 And what a creative frosting style. 227 00:17:35,765 --> 00:17:37,976 We did the frosting. 228 00:17:37,976 --> 00:17:42,105 Addy was very surprised. Now she's on the porch. 229 00:17:54,743 --> 00:17:56,536 May I join you, Addy? 230 00:18:11,676 --> 00:18:14,179 This bake sale is not going the way I thought it would. 231 00:18:15,722 --> 00:18:17,599 Usually, I love baking. 232 00:18:17,599 --> 00:18:21,353 But right now, I'm just so worried about how much I have to do. 233 00:18:22,145 --> 00:18:26,066 I should've never promised to make so many things for my friends. 234 00:18:26,066 --> 00:18:31,780 I can see how hard you've been working. You've certainly taken on a big order. 235 00:18:33,281 --> 00:18:36,576 I can't let anyone down. They're all counting on me. 236 00:18:37,661 --> 00:18:41,206 But there's no way I'm gonna be able finish everything in time. 237 00:18:42,290 --> 00:18:43,541 You know, 238 00:18:43,541 --> 00:18:49,339 I once heard a story about someone with a very similar problem. 239 00:18:50,298 --> 00:18:52,551 Will you tell me about it, Stillwater? 240 00:18:54,719 --> 00:18:56,930 There was once a traveler going 241 00:18:56,930 --> 00:18:59,599 on a journey over a mountain. 242 00:19:01,351 --> 00:19:02,519 Good day. 243 00:19:02,519 --> 00:19:04,854 I see you're going over the mountain today. 244 00:19:04,854 --> 00:19:07,357 Would you mind taking this letter? 245 00:19:07,357 --> 00:19:12,195 Of course. I'm already going that way, and a letter hardly weighs a thing. 246 00:19:19,911 --> 00:19:21,288 Greetings, neighbor. 247 00:19:21,288 --> 00:19:24,874 Would you mind taking this package over the mountain? 248 00:19:24,874 --> 00:19:28,837 It's only a small package. I'd be happy to. 249 00:19:31,756 --> 00:19:35,343 It's a bit heavy, but could you take this over the mountain? 250 00:19:36,803 --> 00:19:39,347 - Of course. - This too, if you don't mind. 251 00:19:39,848 --> 00:19:42,350 Do be careful. It is rather fragile. 252 00:19:44,811 --> 00:19:49,733 Though each step grew harder, the traveler never said, "No." 253 00:19:59,034 --> 00:20:01,661 By the time he began to climb, 254 00:20:01,661 --> 00:20:06,875 the traveler was so weighted down with items he was carrying for others 255 00:20:06,875 --> 00:20:09,502 that it became too much. 256 00:20:14,382 --> 00:20:18,303 He was almost at the top of the mountain when... 257 00:20:19,971 --> 00:20:21,014 No. 258 00:20:28,730 --> 00:20:29,731 No. 259 00:20:34,110 --> 00:20:36,655 The traveler realized too late 260 00:20:36,655 --> 00:20:41,493 that he took on more than he could carry and should have spoken up 261 00:20:41,493 --> 00:20:43,495 when things got too heavy. 262 00:20:43,495 --> 00:20:48,708 Sometimes a heavy load can burden even the kindest gesture. 263 00:20:52,295 --> 00:20:54,881 I guess I'm kind of like the traveler. 264 00:20:55,715 --> 00:20:58,343 I didn't mind making cupcakes for Maya, 265 00:20:58,343 --> 00:21:02,013 but it was too much once I started to help everyone else. 266 00:21:02,013 --> 00:21:05,433 It's admirable to want to do things for others. 267 00:21:05,433 --> 00:21:08,353 And it's also important to know your limits 268 00:21:08,353 --> 00:21:10,647 and speak up about them, 269 00:21:10,647 --> 00:21:13,066 even if it might mean disappointing someone. 270 00:21:13,900 --> 00:21:15,860 I think I know what I'm going to do. 271 00:21:16,987 --> 00:21:18,572 Thank you, Stillwater. 272 00:21:20,699 --> 00:21:21,700 Hey, Addy. 273 00:21:24,035 --> 00:21:25,370 How is the cake going? 274 00:21:26,830 --> 00:21:30,208 Actually, I wanted to let you both know something. 275 00:21:30,208 --> 00:21:32,669 I can't do the banana bread or the pi cake. 276 00:21:32,669 --> 00:21:34,963 I'm already baking a double batch of cupcakes, 277 00:21:34,963 --> 00:21:37,382 and I've realized I don't have enough time. 278 00:21:42,929 --> 00:21:44,890 I'm so sorry, Addy. 279 00:21:44,890 --> 00:21:48,602 If I knew how much baking you had to do, I never would've asked. 280 00:21:48,602 --> 00:21:51,646 Me neither. Don't even worry about anything extra. 281 00:21:51,646 --> 00:21:54,357 Plenty of other people signed up to bake stuff. 282 00:21:55,233 --> 00:21:57,152 I'm so glad you understand. 283 00:21:57,152 --> 00:22:01,281 We just finished setting up. Is there anything we can do to help? 284 00:22:01,281 --> 00:22:04,117 Actually, there is. 285 00:22:17,964 --> 00:22:19,716 Check out our bake sale. 286 00:22:19,716 --> 00:22:22,093 Support kids who need school supplies. 287 00:22:23,011 --> 00:22:24,638 Hi, Stillwater. 288 00:22:24,638 --> 00:22:26,014 Hello, everyone. 289 00:22:26,014 --> 00:22:28,850 What a delicious bunch of treats you've made. 290 00:22:28,850 --> 00:22:30,560 Glad you could make it. 291 00:22:30,560 --> 00:22:33,230 How do you feel after all your baking, Addy? 292 00:22:33,230 --> 00:22:35,815 I'm really happy I spoke up for myself. 293 00:22:36,399 --> 00:22:39,694 It was so much fun baking cupcakes with all my friends. 294 00:22:40,820 --> 00:22:44,950 I'd better make my purchase before the line gets too long. 295 00:22:45,617 --> 00:22:48,954 How about a zucchini muffin? 296 00:22:48,954 --> 00:22:51,623 Great choice. Enjoy. 297 00:22:52,290 --> 00:22:53,750 Thank you, Addy. 298 00:22:53,750 --> 00:22:59,631 I'm happy to help such a worthy cause. And eat delicious muffins. 299 00:23:04,052 --> 00:23:05,470 Terrific! 300 00:23:05,470 --> 00:23:06,888 Addy! 301 00:23:15,272 --> 00:23:18,817 With our spirits We were floating through the trees 302 00:23:19,901 --> 00:23:24,030 Like creatures, we were soaring high Blowing off some steam 303 00:23:24,030 --> 00:23:27,576 Or a mountain and its effervescent green 304 00:23:27,576 --> 00:23:33,498 A never-ending dream 305 00:23:33,498 --> 00:23:35,792 I found a little bit of honey 306 00:23:36,543 --> 00:23:39,045 And now I'm a little sweeter inside 307 00:23:42,132 --> 00:23:45,218 It's just a little bit funny 308 00:23:45,218 --> 00:23:47,846 But now I have the world on my side