1 00:00:19,396 --> 00:00:22,190 Space Captain Koo, warning! 2 00:00:22,190 --> 00:00:24,317 The meteors are getting closer. 3 00:00:25,735 --> 00:00:27,904 Turbo speed blasters! 4 00:00:27,904 --> 00:00:31,408 They will not hit the FlameFlash. We are the fastest. 5 00:00:35,328 --> 00:00:39,583 - Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! - Whoa! Wow! 6 00:00:42,752 --> 00:00:43,753 Checking. 7 00:00:44,546 --> 00:00:45,589 We escaped. 8 00:00:47,716 --> 00:00:51,845 Let's go, Comet Karl. The galaxy is waiting. 9 00:00:51,845 --> 00:00:53,263 We must see it all. 10 00:00:53,263 --> 00:00:55,348 Aye, aye, Captain Koo. 11 00:00:55,348 --> 00:00:57,726 Say the line. 12 00:00:58,727 --> 00:01:00,979 No star is too far. 13 00:01:00,979 --> 00:01:05,400 All of space will be found by brave Space Captain Koo. 14 00:01:07,485 --> 00:01:10,030 Look, Captain! A brand-new planet. 15 00:01:10,030 --> 00:01:12,282 I'll take us in for a landing. 16 00:01:16,161 --> 00:01:17,412 We're landed now. 17 00:01:18,580 --> 00:01:20,373 Comet Karl, come on. 18 00:01:20,373 --> 00:01:23,793 We must explore this planet for nice aliens. 19 00:01:41,269 --> 00:01:43,146 All clear, Captain. 20 00:01:43,146 --> 00:01:45,732 Let's check for friendly aliens over here. 21 00:01:54,783 --> 00:01:56,952 Did you find aliens? 22 00:01:56,952 --> 00:01:58,036 Hi, Karl. 23 00:01:58,536 --> 00:02:00,455 - Hey, Karl. - Hi, Heather. 24 00:02:00,455 --> 00:02:01,539 Hi, Nolan. 25 00:02:03,959 --> 00:02:07,295 Wait, are you the friendly aliens we're looking for? 26 00:02:15,387 --> 00:02:17,472 Wow, is that your rocket ship? 27 00:02:17,472 --> 00:02:19,849 Yeah, we're exploring the galaxy. 28 00:02:20,517 --> 00:02:24,938 We have a rocket ship, space gear, and even a captain. 29 00:02:24,938 --> 00:02:27,023 I know. You can join our crew, 30 00:02:27,023 --> 00:02:29,526 and we can all explore the galaxy together. 31 00:02:29,526 --> 00:02:33,238 Permission for friendly aliens to come aboard, Captain Koo. 32 00:02:35,657 --> 00:02:38,326 Koo, say your Captain Koo line. 33 00:02:47,419 --> 00:02:50,547 Captain Koo? Where are you going? 34 00:02:56,803 --> 00:02:58,805 Why did your friend run away? 35 00:02:58,805 --> 00:03:02,350 I don't know. We were having so much fun playing. 36 00:03:02,350 --> 00:03:04,436 Maybe she's afraid of aliens? 37 00:03:04,436 --> 00:03:06,897 Do you think we should go find her? 38 00:03:06,897 --> 00:03:08,732 Let's make sure Koo is okay. 39 00:03:10,984 --> 00:03:12,319 Captain Koo? 40 00:03:12,986 --> 00:03:15,989 Are you looking for more friendly aliens over here? 41 00:03:36,509 --> 00:03:37,886 Hi, Stillwater. 42 00:03:41,264 --> 00:03:42,807 Have you seen Koo? 43 00:03:47,562 --> 00:03:48,688 Hello, Karl. 44 00:03:49,356 --> 00:03:53,235 I believe she's around here somewhere. 45 00:03:53,235 --> 00:03:56,112 I noticed you brought out your rocket ship. 46 00:03:56,696 --> 00:03:59,115 Have you been exploring the galaxy? 47 00:03:59,115 --> 00:04:02,827 Yeah, me and Koo blasted away from a meteor shower, 48 00:04:02,827 --> 00:04:06,206 then landed on a planet and found friendly aliens. 49 00:04:06,206 --> 00:04:08,500 But they were actually Heather and Nolan. 50 00:04:08,500 --> 00:04:11,127 And I asked Koo to say her Captain Koo line for them, 51 00:04:11,127 --> 00:04:13,088 but she ran away. 52 00:04:13,880 --> 00:04:15,674 Ah, I see. 53 00:04:16,173 --> 00:04:18,593 Maybe she doesn't wanna play anymore. 54 00:04:19,094 --> 00:04:21,721 I think you'll have to ask Koo about that. 55 00:04:22,514 --> 00:04:26,685 But, in the meantime, I would love to meet your friends. 56 00:04:27,185 --> 00:04:30,522 Would you be so kind as to introduce us? 57 00:04:31,398 --> 00:04:32,732 Oh, yeah! 58 00:04:32,732 --> 00:04:37,153 Stillwater, these are my friends from school, Heather and Nolan. 59 00:04:37,946 --> 00:04:38,947 Hello, Heather. 60 00:04:39,656 --> 00:04:40,657 Hello, Nolan. 61 00:04:41,157 --> 00:04:42,867 Welcome to my garden. 62 00:04:43,910 --> 00:04:46,788 Would you all like to join me until Koo returns? 63 00:04:46,788 --> 00:04:48,832 What were you doing, Stillwater? 64 00:04:48,832 --> 00:04:51,751 I was listening to the sound of the wind. 65 00:04:52,586 --> 00:04:54,880 Would you like to listen with me? 66 00:04:54,880 --> 00:04:56,464 How do you do that? 67 00:04:57,549 --> 00:04:59,885 I like to close my eyes, 68 00:05:01,011 --> 00:05:02,304 take a deep breath, 69 00:05:03,638 --> 00:05:07,350 and sit quietly while the wind blows by. 70 00:05:19,321 --> 00:05:20,989 Koo, there you are. 71 00:05:20,989 --> 00:05:23,325 Were you exploring over here? 72 00:05:34,920 --> 00:05:36,338 I see. 73 00:05:36,338 --> 00:05:40,634 Karl, perhaps you can introduce Koo to your friends 74 00:05:40,634 --> 00:05:43,220 the same way you introduced them to me. 75 00:05:43,845 --> 00:05:47,849 Everyone usually feels more at ease once they have been acquainted. 76 00:05:49,309 --> 00:05:51,228 I forgot. 77 00:05:52,020 --> 00:05:54,105 Koo, this is Heather and Nolan. 78 00:05:54,105 --> 00:05:57,776 Heather has a pet lizard named Clyde, and Nolan likes trucks. 79 00:06:04,157 --> 00:06:06,159 Hi, Koo. It's nice to meet you. 80 00:06:09,287 --> 00:06:13,541 I'm wondering, would all of you like to hear a story? 81 00:06:14,084 --> 00:06:15,585 I'd like to hear one. 82 00:06:15,585 --> 00:06:16,670 Me too. 83 00:06:26,346 --> 00:06:31,142 Pratima and Kiran were two sisters who loved to dance. 84 00:06:31,893 --> 00:06:35,272 Every night, they put on their favorite record 85 00:06:35,272 --> 00:06:38,483 and danced for a cheering audience. 86 00:06:50,287 --> 00:06:52,205 Pratima and Kiran! 87 00:06:53,331 --> 00:06:57,711 Both sisters loved to imagine that they were on a stage 88 00:06:57,711 --> 00:06:59,880 in front of a cheering crowd. 89 00:06:59,880 --> 00:07:05,343 For Kiran, the applause of her family was everything she needed. 90 00:07:05,343 --> 00:07:08,847 But Pratima had a different idea 91 00:07:08,847 --> 00:07:12,809 and decided to set up a surprise for her sister. 92 00:07:17,230 --> 00:07:20,734 Kiran, hurry! Put on your best sari, and let's go! 93 00:07:20,734 --> 00:07:22,360 Go? Go where? 94 00:07:22,360 --> 00:07:26,948 You'll see! It's a wonderful surprise. I know you're going to love it. 95 00:07:29,659 --> 00:07:33,997 Pratima's surprise was to take her sister to the theater, 96 00:07:33,997 --> 00:07:37,959 but not in the way she would have expected. 97 00:07:42,172 --> 00:07:43,632 The theater stage? 98 00:07:44,132 --> 00:07:47,010 But shouldn't we take our seats in the audience? 99 00:07:47,010 --> 00:07:48,220 Not today, Kiran. 100 00:07:48,970 --> 00:07:49,971 Get ready! 101 00:07:51,723 --> 00:07:54,893 Since the sisters had often talked about dancing 102 00:07:54,893 --> 00:07:56,603 in front of a big audience, 103 00:07:57,187 --> 00:08:02,275 Pratima was excited to surprise Kiran with exactly that. 104 00:08:02,984 --> 00:08:05,612 And Kiran was certainly surprised. 105 00:08:06,404 --> 00:08:11,576 But instead of dancing along, Kiran felt overwhelmed. 106 00:08:11,576 --> 00:08:15,580 That's having lots of feelings at once. I remember. 107 00:08:15,580 --> 00:08:17,374 You're right, Karl. 108 00:08:17,374 --> 00:08:22,045 So, Kiran did the only thing she could think of to do at that moment. 109 00:08:23,004 --> 00:08:25,257 She ran far away. 110 00:08:32,472 --> 00:08:33,932 What's wrong, Kiran? 111 00:08:34,975 --> 00:08:37,394 We've always dreamed of performing onstage, 112 00:08:37,394 --> 00:08:40,063 so I thought you'd love this surprise. 113 00:08:40,981 --> 00:08:42,566 I was surprised. 114 00:08:42,566 --> 00:08:45,819 And I do want to perform on a stage one day, 115 00:08:46,611 --> 00:08:48,530 but someday, 116 00:08:49,114 --> 00:08:50,365 when I'm ready. 117 00:08:50,365 --> 00:08:52,867 And today, I wasn't ready. 118 00:08:54,369 --> 00:08:57,455 I'm sorry I pushed you onstage before you felt ready. 119 00:09:00,250 --> 00:09:02,252 I think I know how to make it up to you. 120 00:09:02,252 --> 00:09:06,715 That evening, the sisters did perform their dance. 121 00:09:06,715 --> 00:09:11,720 But this time, it was once again just for their family. 122 00:09:11,720 --> 00:09:15,515 And it was their best performance yet. 123 00:09:23,273 --> 00:09:24,858 That was a good story. 124 00:09:24,858 --> 00:09:27,360 I'm so glad you liked it, Nolan. 125 00:09:27,360 --> 00:09:30,405 Did the sisters ever perform on a real stage again? 126 00:09:32,449 --> 00:09:33,700 What do you think, Heather? 127 00:09:34,701 --> 00:09:35,952 I think they did. 128 00:09:36,494 --> 00:09:39,331 But this time, they probably talked about it first, 129 00:09:39,331 --> 00:09:41,541 so there wouldn't be any surprises. 130 00:09:44,044 --> 00:09:47,631 Koo, when I asked you to say your Captain Koo line, 131 00:09:47,631 --> 00:09:50,258 did I make you feel like Kiran did 132 00:09:50,258 --> 00:09:53,887 when she wasn't ready to be in front of all those people? 133 00:09:53,887 --> 00:09:55,305 I had fun with you, 134 00:09:56,014 --> 00:10:00,810 but new friends made my tummy feel mixed and jumbled. 135 00:10:01,811 --> 00:10:03,980 I felt like that at the rocket ship. 136 00:10:03,980 --> 00:10:08,151 I wanted to play with Karl and Koo, but I'd never met Koo before, 137 00:10:08,151 --> 00:10:10,111 so I didn't know what to do. 138 00:10:10,111 --> 00:10:14,824 I'm sorry. I was so excited for us all to explore space together. 139 00:10:15,492 --> 00:10:17,160 Do not worry, Karl. 140 00:10:17,160 --> 00:10:21,039 We're all introduced now. And I like your friends. 141 00:10:21,623 --> 00:10:24,167 Did you really escape a meteor shower? 142 00:10:24,167 --> 00:10:30,048 They came after us, but Comet Karl hit the speed, and we got away. 143 00:10:30,048 --> 00:10:31,591 - Whoa. - Wow. 144 00:10:32,968 --> 00:10:34,761 No star is too far. 145 00:10:34,761 --> 00:10:38,723 All of space will be found by Captain Koo's brave crew. 146 00:10:50,277 --> 00:10:53,655 A shooting star's headed right for us. Hang on! 147 00:10:55,991 --> 00:11:01,079 Whoa! Wow! 148 00:11:03,373 --> 00:11:05,959 Whoa! Wow! 149 00:11:08,086 --> 00:11:11,590 We made it, Captain. But the ship broke! I need to fix it. 150 00:11:11,590 --> 00:11:14,759 We can orbit that moon, Captain. We'll be safe there. 151 00:11:14,759 --> 00:11:17,012 Fly there, Comet Karl. 152 00:11:17,012 --> 00:11:19,723 Heather can fix up the ship, and we will help her. 153 00:11:19,723 --> 00:11:21,683 Aye, aye, Captain Koo! 154 00:11:26,021 --> 00:11:27,022 We're there. 155 00:11:28,189 --> 00:11:30,191 Crew of the FlameFlash, 156 00:11:30,191 --> 00:11:33,778 we must go out into space and be very brave. 157 00:11:39,826 --> 00:11:41,703 Whoa. 158 00:11:41,703 --> 00:11:44,456 - Whoa. Whoa. - Whoa. Wow. 159 00:11:44,456 --> 00:11:46,249 It's so floaty out here. 160 00:11:46,249 --> 00:11:47,709 - Look at the stars. - Whoa! 161 00:11:47,709 --> 00:11:49,169 - Look at me go! - Wow! 162 00:11:49,169 --> 00:11:51,755 - Whoa! Whoa! - Whoo-hoo! 163 00:12:09,189 --> 00:12:12,192 Nice. One point for hitting the box. 164 00:12:12,192 --> 00:12:13,693 Did you see that, Tommy? 165 00:12:16,780 --> 00:12:19,824 Huh? Sure. 166 00:12:20,492 --> 00:12:21,534 Nice toss, Addy. 167 00:12:23,203 --> 00:12:24,579 Now watch this. 168 00:12:27,499 --> 00:12:28,500 Yes! 169 00:12:28,500 --> 00:12:31,753 Wow, a two-pointer! You know what that means. 170 00:12:32,337 --> 00:12:35,423 Two-point dance! Two points for Maya. 171 00:12:35,423 --> 00:12:38,927 Oh, yeah. Two points for Maya. Whoo! Whoo! 172 00:12:40,470 --> 00:12:42,597 Okay, defending champion. Your turn. 173 00:12:44,432 --> 00:12:47,060 Let's see you earn your own two-point dance. 174 00:12:56,528 --> 00:12:57,946 What was that? 175 00:12:58,488 --> 00:12:59,698 I don't know. 176 00:12:59,698 --> 00:13:03,410 He's usually amazing at this game. Maybe it just slipped? 177 00:13:06,997 --> 00:13:09,082 Here, take a do-over, Tommy. 178 00:13:18,300 --> 00:13:22,429 Sorry, no dance for you, Tommy. Maybe next time. 179 00:13:22,429 --> 00:13:24,264 Your turn again, Addy. 180 00:13:28,226 --> 00:13:29,185 Yes! 181 00:13:29,185 --> 00:13:32,355 Two points for Addy. Oh, yeah. 182 00:13:32,355 --> 00:13:34,649 Two points for Addy. Whoo! Whoo! 183 00:13:34,649 --> 00:13:38,278 Stop! Who cares about this dumb game anyway? 184 00:13:38,278 --> 00:13:39,613 Just play without me. 185 00:13:41,406 --> 00:13:44,534 Whoa. What's up with Tommy today? 186 00:13:44,534 --> 00:13:47,621 No idea. He never gets mad like that. 187 00:13:48,580 --> 00:13:50,415 Oh, well. My turn. 188 00:13:54,211 --> 00:13:55,712 I don't get it. 189 00:13:55,712 --> 00:13:58,465 We were just joking around like we always do. 190 00:13:58,465 --> 00:14:01,885 I mean, if Tommy didn't wanna play, that's fine. 191 00:14:01,885 --> 00:14:04,346 But he didn't have to be so rude about it. 192 00:14:04,346 --> 00:14:06,973 He was acting kind of strange. 193 00:14:06,973 --> 00:14:10,977 I mean, he wasn't even watching when we made those great shots. 194 00:14:10,977 --> 00:14:12,854 Panda passing! 195 00:14:12,854 --> 00:14:13,939 Whoa! 196 00:14:18,485 --> 00:14:19,986 I'm so sorry, Stillwater. 197 00:14:19,986 --> 00:14:22,280 I didn't hear you. Are you okay? 198 00:14:24,074 --> 00:14:27,244 Ah. Perfectly fine, Addy. 199 00:14:29,079 --> 00:14:30,080 Hello, Maya. 200 00:14:34,834 --> 00:14:39,881 It seems like your bodies are here, but your heads are somewhere else. 201 00:14:39,881 --> 00:14:41,716 Is there something on your minds? 202 00:14:41,716 --> 00:14:44,761 Something really weird happened this morning, Stillwater. 203 00:14:44,761 --> 00:14:46,763 And we can't stop thinking about it. 204 00:14:47,973 --> 00:14:51,434 Tommy loves disc golf. And he's really good at it. 205 00:14:51,434 --> 00:14:54,854 But today, he called it a dumb game and just left. 206 00:14:54,854 --> 00:14:57,482 That does seem a bit odd. 207 00:14:57,482 --> 00:14:59,818 Why don't we have a cup of tea 208 00:14:59,818 --> 00:15:02,737 and think about what could have made him do that? 209 00:15:07,617 --> 00:15:11,454 You say that you think Tommy acted differently today. 210 00:15:12,247 --> 00:15:13,707 What else did you notice? 211 00:15:13,707 --> 00:15:16,501 Well, he seemed kind of quiet. 212 00:15:17,085 --> 00:15:20,005 Most of the time, he's loud and lots of fun. 213 00:15:21,047 --> 00:15:24,551 And he wasn't really paying attention to the game. Or to us. 214 00:15:25,468 --> 00:15:29,931 I've never seen him be rude. But he sure was today. 215 00:15:31,725 --> 00:15:36,897 You know, there are times people have things going on in their life 216 00:15:36,897 --> 00:15:38,648 that we know nothing about. 217 00:15:39,733 --> 00:15:42,027 That can make it difficult to understand 218 00:15:42,027 --> 00:15:45,071 why they might act in a way we're not used to. 219 00:15:45,655 --> 00:15:47,741 What do you do when that happens? 220 00:15:47,741 --> 00:15:50,619 That is a good question, Maya. 221 00:15:51,494 --> 00:15:55,040 I have a story that may help us to answer it. 222 00:15:58,710 --> 00:16:02,547 Once, there was a teacher who loved teaching 223 00:16:02,547 --> 00:16:06,218 and looked forward to the start of each day. 224 00:16:07,052 --> 00:16:12,724 But, from time to time, her enthusiastic students 225 00:16:12,724 --> 00:16:14,809 were too much for her to handle. 226 00:16:17,437 --> 00:16:19,397 Students, please! 227 00:16:22,067 --> 00:16:26,446 Now, take your seats and begin with silent reading. 228 00:16:26,988 --> 00:16:29,366 Emphasis on silent. 229 00:16:31,868 --> 00:16:33,745 She sure is grumpy today. 230 00:16:34,371 --> 00:16:36,748 Yeah, I like her better when she's nice. 231 00:16:37,958 --> 00:16:40,126 That day, after school, 232 00:16:40,126 --> 00:16:43,255 those same two students were walking through town 233 00:16:43,255 --> 00:16:45,966 and were surprised to see their teacher. 234 00:16:48,260 --> 00:16:52,264 That would be a surprise, to see your teacher out in the real world. 235 00:16:53,265 --> 00:16:54,808 It's Mrs. O'Brien! 236 00:16:55,392 --> 00:16:56,851 What is she doing here? 237 00:16:56,851 --> 00:16:59,437 The students had never thought about 238 00:16:59,437 --> 00:17:01,898 what their teacher did outside of the classroom. 239 00:17:01,898 --> 00:17:06,777 If she sees us, she's gonna yell at us just like she did in class today. 240 00:17:07,445 --> 00:17:08,780 As she drew closer, 241 00:17:08,780 --> 00:17:14,119 the students began to hear something, and it sounded familiar. 242 00:17:16,496 --> 00:17:19,207 Whoa! Look at all those babies. 243 00:17:22,752 --> 00:17:26,256 They sound the way we do before school starts. 244 00:17:26,256 --> 00:17:29,968 Yeah, no wonder she's a little grumpy sometimes. 245 00:17:30,677 --> 00:17:32,512 What did the students do, Stillwater? 246 00:17:32,512 --> 00:17:35,599 I hope they started being nicer to their teacher. 247 00:17:35,599 --> 00:17:38,268 Well, the next morning, 248 00:17:38,268 --> 00:17:40,896 the students were gathered in the classroom, 249 00:17:41,563 --> 00:17:46,067 laughing and talking as usual. But this morning... 250 00:17:46,067 --> 00:17:47,152 Students! 251 00:17:50,280 --> 00:17:51,406 Well. 252 00:17:57,829 --> 00:17:59,289 Thank you. 253 00:17:59,289 --> 00:18:01,833 This simple act of kindness 254 00:18:01,833 --> 00:18:06,421 turned her tired frown into a grateful smile. 255 00:18:08,840 --> 00:18:12,010 Once the students found out that their teacher worked hard at school 256 00:18:12,010 --> 00:18:13,220 and at home, 257 00:18:13,220 --> 00:18:17,349 it was a lot easier for them to understand why she was grumpy sometimes. 258 00:18:17,349 --> 00:18:21,728 And once they knew, it wasn't hard to help her feel better. 259 00:18:22,771 --> 00:18:26,358 Maybe we should try to find out why Tommy was acting different today. 260 00:18:26,358 --> 00:18:28,485 We could always just ask him. 261 00:18:28,485 --> 00:18:31,696 That would be better than hiding behind a tree. 262 00:18:42,207 --> 00:18:43,208 Hey, Tommy. 263 00:18:44,876 --> 00:18:45,877 Hey. 264 00:18:47,170 --> 00:18:48,964 Sorry about the disc golf thing. 265 00:18:49,881 --> 00:18:52,259 I just didn't feel like playing today. 266 00:18:52,259 --> 00:18:55,095 It's okay. I'm sorry for teasing you. 267 00:18:56,179 --> 00:18:57,764 Are you okay, Tommy? 268 00:18:59,891 --> 00:19:03,853 Not really. My grandma died yesterday. 269 00:19:08,024 --> 00:19:09,693 She's been sick for a while. 270 00:19:11,528 --> 00:19:13,697 I'm really gonna miss her. 271 00:19:20,954 --> 00:19:21,955 I'm sorry. 272 00:19:27,794 --> 00:19:29,045 I like those flowers. 273 00:19:30,088 --> 00:19:32,591 My mom told me they're called dandelions. 274 00:19:32,591 --> 00:19:34,009 My grandma liked them too. 275 00:19:35,010 --> 00:19:38,555 I know they're just weeds, but I used to pick them for her, 276 00:19:38,555 --> 00:19:42,183 and she always said they were prettier than a bunch of roses. 277 00:19:42,183 --> 00:19:46,521 And when they turned into puff balls, we would blow on them and make wishes. 278 00:19:51,234 --> 00:19:53,236 I wish she was still here. 279 00:19:56,740 --> 00:20:01,244 I should go help my mom now. We're having people over tomorrow. 280 00:20:03,538 --> 00:20:04,831 Thanks for coming by. 281 00:20:09,711 --> 00:20:12,672 That explains why Tommy was acting so strange today. 282 00:20:12,672 --> 00:20:15,759 He's really sad, and that makes me sad too. 283 00:20:21,056 --> 00:20:22,515 I didn't know what to say. 284 00:20:23,600 --> 00:20:27,103 I was afraid I'd say the wrong thing and make him feel even worse. 285 00:20:27,103 --> 00:20:29,940 Me too, but I'm really glad we came. 286 00:20:30,440 --> 00:20:31,816 Yeah. 287 00:20:31,816 --> 00:20:35,153 I just wish there was something else we could do, you know? 288 00:20:35,153 --> 00:20:37,197 To show him we're there for him. 289 00:20:38,198 --> 00:20:39,199 I have an idea. 290 00:20:45,288 --> 00:20:48,875 So, these were his grandmother's favorite flowers, you say? 291 00:20:48,875 --> 00:20:53,171 Yeah, Tommy said she loved them even more than a bunch of roses. 292 00:20:54,256 --> 00:20:56,591 Do you think they'll help, Stillwater? 293 00:20:56,591 --> 00:20:59,010 Addy and I aren't sure what we should do. 294 00:20:59,010 --> 00:21:01,972 I believe you should do just what you're doing. 295 00:21:02,806 --> 00:21:07,269 Every small gesture of kindness helps to ease the hurt. 296 00:21:07,852 --> 00:21:12,148 And maybe you can invite him to play disc golf again tomorrow. 297 00:21:12,148 --> 00:21:18,321 Really? Wouldn't he want to, I don't know, be with his family? 298 00:21:18,947 --> 00:21:25,245 Perhaps, but a little bit of normal might also be nice during hard times. 299 00:21:25,870 --> 00:21:29,666 Try inviting him to do the things you always do together. 300 00:21:30,417 --> 00:21:31,418 We can do that. 301 00:21:44,681 --> 00:21:45,849 Hi, Tommy. 302 00:21:45,849 --> 00:21:48,977 We thought you might like these flowers for today. 303 00:21:48,977 --> 00:21:51,688 They're dandelions, your grandma's favorite. 304 00:21:55,817 --> 00:21:57,736 Whoa. Thank you. 305 00:21:58,528 --> 00:21:59,696 You're welcome. 306 00:22:00,906 --> 00:22:03,241 How are you feeling today, Tommy? 307 00:22:03,241 --> 00:22:06,453 A little better. Everyone has been so nice. 308 00:22:06,995 --> 00:22:11,249 People have been dropping in all morning, telling me stories about my grandma. 309 00:22:11,917 --> 00:22:14,753 There's so much about her that I never knew. 310 00:22:14,753 --> 00:22:18,673 Like, she was the first woman in our family to go to college. 311 00:22:18,673 --> 00:22:21,593 It's nice that you could find out about some of those things 312 00:22:21,593 --> 00:22:23,136 from other people who loved her. 313 00:22:23,136 --> 00:22:25,096 Yeah, it is nice. 314 00:22:25,805 --> 00:22:29,559 And thank you for remembering my grandma's favorite flowers. 315 00:22:29,559 --> 00:22:34,564 So, Tommy, whenever you're ready to play some disc golf, let us know. 316 00:22:35,148 --> 00:22:38,526 Thanks. Maybe tomorrow? 317 00:22:38,526 --> 00:22:41,196 Great. If you feel like it. 318 00:22:41,947 --> 00:22:44,658 And if you don't feel like it, that's okay too. 319 00:22:45,283 --> 00:22:46,368 I think I will. 320 00:22:46,910 --> 00:22:50,580 It'll be good to think about something else for a while. 321 00:22:50,580 --> 00:22:54,167 I better go back inside and see if my mom needs anything. 322 00:22:55,794 --> 00:22:56,795 See you tomorrow! 323 00:22:59,297 --> 00:23:01,841 I'm glad you thought of getting the flowers. 324 00:23:01,841 --> 00:23:03,385 He really liked them. 325 00:23:03,385 --> 00:23:06,763 And just a warning, I'm bringing my A-game. 326 00:23:06,763 --> 00:23:11,309 So, be ready for a lot of two-point dances from me tomorrow. 327 00:23:13,061 --> 00:23:14,854 We'll be ready. 328 00:23:16,481 --> 00:23:19,067 Two points for Tommy. Oh, yeah. 329 00:23:19,067 --> 00:23:21,611 Two points for Tommy. Whoo! Whoo! 330 00:23:28,159 --> 00:23:31,705 With our spirits We were floating through the trees 331 00:23:32,789 --> 00:23:36,918 Like creatures, we were soaring high Blowing off some steam 332 00:23:36,918 --> 00:23:40,463 Or a mountain and its effervescent green 333 00:23:40,463 --> 00:23:46,386 A never-ending dream 334 00:23:46,386 --> 00:23:48,680 I found a little bit of honey 335 00:23:49,431 --> 00:23:51,933 And now I'm a little sweeter inside 336 00:23:55,020 --> 00:23:58,106 It's just a little bit funny 337 00:23:58,106 --> 00:24:00,734 But now I have the world on my side