1 00:00:26,486 --> 00:00:28,780 Michael, guess what? 2 00:00:28,780 --> 00:00:31,741 Somebody's moving into the house across the street. 3 00:00:32,324 --> 00:00:34,452 - Really? - [Addy] Yeah. Come see. 4 00:00:38,290 --> 00:00:39,791 There's the moving truck. 5 00:00:40,417 --> 00:00:43,295 Awesome. We're finally gonna have new neighbors. 6 00:00:43,295 --> 00:00:45,881 - Wanna go see if we can meet them? - Yeah! 7 00:00:45,881 --> 00:00:47,507 Wait, right now? 8 00:00:53,096 --> 00:00:55,307 But we have no idea what they'll be like. 9 00:00:56,808 --> 00:00:57,809 [groans] 10 00:00:58,602 --> 00:01:00,020 Come on, Michael! 11 00:01:01,229 --> 00:01:02,522 Okay, coming. 12 00:01:11,031 --> 00:01:12,157 [item rustles] 13 00:01:13,158 --> 00:01:14,826 I just talked to the movers. 14 00:01:14,826 --> 00:01:17,412 They said the family won't be here till tomorrow. 15 00:01:17,412 --> 00:01:18,788 Yeah. 16 00:01:18,788 --> 00:01:22,375 We have to wait a whole day to find out who they are. 17 00:01:22,375 --> 00:01:24,044 I wonder if they have any kids. 18 00:01:24,920 --> 00:01:26,755 I wonder if they have any pets. 19 00:01:26,755 --> 00:01:29,299 I wonder if they have a pet dinosaur. 20 00:01:29,883 --> 00:01:32,510 [chuckles] I'm not sure they'll have a pet dinosaur, 21 00:01:32,510 --> 00:01:36,223 but I know a way to find out if they have any kids we can be friends with. 22 00:01:36,223 --> 00:01:39,100 Really? How? 23 00:01:39,100 --> 00:01:42,896 We can figure out everything we need to know about the new neighbors 24 00:01:42,896 --> 00:01:45,690 just by being observant and looking for the right clues. 25 00:01:45,690 --> 00:01:49,069 Clues? Like detectives? 26 00:01:49,069 --> 00:01:53,281 Like detectives investigating if we're gonna have new friends moving in. 27 00:01:53,281 --> 00:01:55,742 You ready to crack this case, Detective Karl? 28 00:01:59,871 --> 00:02:00,872 [radio static] 29 00:02:00,872 --> 00:02:04,292 I see a box. It looks like toys. 30 00:02:04,292 --> 00:02:06,294 Toys? Gotta be a kid. 31 00:02:06,294 --> 00:02:07,754 Now I see a bike. 32 00:02:07,754 --> 00:02:10,173 - A big bike or a little bike? - [radio static] 33 00:02:10,173 --> 00:02:12,425 [Karl] Bigger. Like Michael size. 34 00:02:12,425 --> 00:02:14,344 It's a mountain bike. 35 00:02:14,344 --> 00:02:17,222 That must mean an older kid my age is moving in. 36 00:02:17,222 --> 00:02:18,765 How cool would that be? 37 00:02:18,765 --> 00:02:21,643 There's never been any kids my age on the street. 38 00:02:21,643 --> 00:02:25,355 I see another box with something round sticking out of it. 39 00:02:25,355 --> 00:02:28,650 It's a basketball! 40 00:02:28,650 --> 00:02:31,194 Awesome! The kid likes sports. 41 00:02:31,194 --> 00:02:33,655 This just keeps getting better and better. 42 00:02:33,655 --> 00:02:35,031 What did I tell you, Karl? 43 00:02:35,031 --> 00:02:37,742 We're gonna know everything about these new neighbors 44 00:02:37,742 --> 00:02:39,411 before we even meet them. 45 00:02:39,411 --> 00:02:41,705 [Karl] Whoa! I see a piano! 46 00:02:42,539 --> 00:02:43,957 And now I see-- 47 00:02:43,957 --> 00:02:47,252 Hello, Karl. You look like you're on an important mission. 48 00:02:49,045 --> 00:02:50,338 Stillwater! 49 00:02:51,172 --> 00:02:53,800 We're being detectives looking for clues. 50 00:02:53,800 --> 00:02:56,386 How exciting. [laughs] 51 00:02:56,386 --> 00:02:58,096 What kind of clues? 52 00:02:58,096 --> 00:03:00,765 Clues about the new neighbors moving in. 53 00:03:00,765 --> 00:03:03,393 Do you want to be detectives with us, Stillwater? 54 00:03:03,393 --> 00:03:06,187 Hmm. That sounds like fun, 55 00:03:06,187 --> 00:03:09,274 but I prefer to be surprised 56 00:03:09,274 --> 00:03:12,193 and I have some gardening to do. 57 00:03:12,193 --> 00:03:16,031 I'll look forward to hearing about your adventures later. 58 00:03:16,031 --> 00:03:18,241 Okay. Bye, Stillwater. 59 00:03:21,369 --> 00:03:24,080 - [microwave beeps] - [Michael] And remember the basketball? 60 00:03:24,080 --> 00:03:27,250 That must mean this kid is seriously into sports, right? 61 00:03:28,168 --> 00:03:31,046 Guess we'll find out tomorrow. Can you please pass me an apple? 62 00:03:31,046 --> 00:03:34,716 But we didn't see any baseball bats in the moving boxes. 63 00:03:36,676 --> 00:03:41,181 Uh-oh. What if this kid likes just basketball and not baseball? 64 00:03:41,890 --> 00:03:43,475 I'm not so good at basketball. 65 00:03:44,184 --> 00:03:47,354 And this kid has a mountain bike, but mine's a street bike. 66 00:03:47,354 --> 00:03:50,440 What if they want to go trail riding and I can't go with them? 67 00:03:51,274 --> 00:03:54,236 And that piano must mean they take piano lessons, 68 00:03:54,236 --> 00:03:55,820 but I don't play any instruments. 69 00:03:55,820 --> 00:03:57,530 I can't even read music. 70 00:03:58,281 --> 00:03:59,282 Oh, no. 71 00:03:59,282 --> 00:04:03,578 This is the only kid my age on the street, but what if they don't like me? 72 00:04:03,578 --> 00:04:05,372 What if I don't like them? 73 00:04:05,372 --> 00:04:08,208 [inhales deeply] What do you think, Addy? 74 00:04:09,584 --> 00:04:12,420 Why don't you go talk to Stillwater, Michael? 75 00:04:12,420 --> 00:04:13,463 Yeah. 76 00:04:15,298 --> 00:04:16,591 I probably should. 77 00:04:22,806 --> 00:04:27,185 Michael, you remember my compost pile, don't you? 78 00:04:27,185 --> 00:04:30,355 Sure. Where you put all your plant trimmings and kitchen scraps 79 00:04:30,355 --> 00:04:31,773 and they turn into new soil. 80 00:04:31,773 --> 00:04:33,692 Exactly. 81 00:04:33,692 --> 00:04:36,736 Come have a look at what I've discovered. 82 00:04:38,530 --> 00:04:39,698 Whoa! 83 00:04:39,698 --> 00:04:41,950 Little seedlings. 84 00:04:41,950 --> 00:04:44,035 Aren't they wonderful? 85 00:04:44,035 --> 00:04:47,622 Sometimes when composting old fruits and vegetables, 86 00:04:47,622 --> 00:04:52,669 the seeds inside the scraps will sprout to make new plants. 87 00:04:53,378 --> 00:04:55,547 What kinds of plants are they gonna be? 88 00:04:55,547 --> 00:04:59,092 That's the fun part. We have no idea. 89 00:04:59,092 --> 00:05:02,095 All we can do is wait and see. 90 00:05:03,263 --> 00:05:06,641 I-- I actually was hoping to talk to you about something. 91 00:05:07,267 --> 00:05:09,728 You can talk to me about anything, Michael. 92 00:05:09,728 --> 00:05:12,981 I'm just feeling really nervous about these new neighbors. 93 00:05:13,732 --> 00:05:14,941 [sighs] 94 00:05:15,567 --> 00:05:19,195 At first, I saw the bike and the basketball and the piano 95 00:05:19,195 --> 00:05:22,490 and was so excited a kid my age would be moving in. 96 00:05:22,490 --> 00:05:26,912 But then I started thinking, "What if we don't have anything in common? 97 00:05:26,912 --> 00:05:28,455 What if we can't be friends?" 98 00:05:28,455 --> 00:05:29,706 Hmm. 99 00:05:30,373 --> 00:05:35,587 It sounds like you're getting a lot of ideas from what you're observing 100 00:05:35,587 --> 00:05:38,465 when you haven't even met this new neighbor. 101 00:05:38,465 --> 00:05:42,344 That would be like deciding what kinds of seedlings these are 102 00:05:42,344 --> 00:05:45,180 before actually seeing the fruit. 103 00:05:46,306 --> 00:05:48,850 [sighs] I know, you're right. 104 00:05:48,850 --> 00:05:50,894 But it's hard not to wonder. 105 00:05:50,894 --> 00:05:55,357 I'd like to tell you a story about a time when assumptions were made 106 00:05:55,357 --> 00:05:58,318 based only on what people saw. 107 00:06:05,617 --> 00:06:08,495 [Stillwater] Ikkyu, a humble bookseller, 108 00:06:08,495 --> 00:06:12,082 once inherited a beautiful robe. 109 00:06:12,082 --> 00:06:17,254 It was made of finest silk and embroidered in gold thread. 110 00:06:17,254 --> 00:06:19,673 A dazzling sight to behold. 111 00:06:20,715 --> 00:06:24,678 The first time Ikkyu wore his robe out in the streets, 112 00:06:24,678 --> 00:06:26,930 many people noticed him. 113 00:06:26,930 --> 00:06:30,475 Even people who knew the prince. 114 00:06:30,475 --> 00:06:34,688 I do say, what a marvelous robe. 115 00:06:35,188 --> 00:06:38,024 You must come to the prince's party later tonight. 116 00:06:39,317 --> 00:06:43,321 [gasps] I'm sure I'll meet all kinds of interesting folks at a party like that. 117 00:06:43,321 --> 00:06:45,532 - I'll be there. - [person chuckles] Lovely. 118 00:06:48,493 --> 00:06:52,539 [Stillwater] Ikkyu arrived at the party wearing his robe 119 00:06:52,539 --> 00:06:54,833 and was instantly welcomed. 120 00:06:55,750 --> 00:06:58,128 [guests chattering] 121 00:07:00,130 --> 00:07:04,009 [Stillwater] Throughout the night Ikkyu tried to impress the guests 122 00:07:04,009 --> 00:07:06,386 - with his charm and wisdom... - [laughing, chuckling] 123 00:07:07,512 --> 00:07:11,099 ...but everyone seemed more interested in the robe. 124 00:07:12,434 --> 00:07:16,980 [sighs] You were right. Ikkyu's robe is truly magnificent. 125 00:07:16,980 --> 00:07:19,774 Such exquisite material. 126 00:07:19,774 --> 00:07:24,446 And we had so many interesting conversations with you, Ikkyu. 127 00:07:24,446 --> 00:07:26,448 I hope you will come again next week. 128 00:07:29,409 --> 00:07:33,038 Everyone was so nice to me. I cannot wait for the next party. 129 00:07:33,538 --> 00:07:36,625 [Stillwater] He went home feeling very special. 130 00:07:38,335 --> 00:07:41,630 The next week, Ikkyu did not put on his robe 131 00:07:41,630 --> 00:07:45,217 for fear of damaging it if he wore it too often. 132 00:07:46,885 --> 00:07:52,891 So, the next week he wore his simple everyday clothes instead. 133 00:07:53,516 --> 00:07:56,519 This time, when he arrived at the party... 134 00:08:01,191 --> 00:08:04,861 - But I have an invitation. - Surely not. 135 00:08:04,861 --> 00:08:06,821 You invited me yourself. 136 00:08:06,821 --> 00:08:08,740 I think I would have remembered that. 137 00:08:09,366 --> 00:08:10,367 [scoffs] 138 00:08:10,367 --> 00:08:11,701 [doors open] 139 00:08:15,163 --> 00:08:18,250 [Stillwater] Ikkyu looked down at his plain outfit 140 00:08:18,250 --> 00:08:20,627 and started to wonder. 141 00:08:22,546 --> 00:08:25,715 He then returned to the party wearing his robe 142 00:08:25,715 --> 00:08:29,511 and was immediately welcomed by the same guests 143 00:08:29,511 --> 00:08:31,846 who had just turned him away. 144 00:08:31,846 --> 00:08:35,058 Huzzah! Ikkyu's back. 145 00:08:39,563 --> 00:08:43,733 Oh, we have been waiting for you and your fabulous robe to get here all night. 146 00:08:43,733 --> 00:08:48,405 [Stillwater] In that moment, Ikkyu was struck by wisdom. 147 00:08:50,615 --> 00:08:52,200 - Ah. - [gasps] 148 00:08:52,200 --> 00:08:54,953 Ikkyu, why are you taking off your beautiful robe? 149 00:08:54,953 --> 00:08:58,999 So you may enjoy its company without me. 150 00:08:58,999 --> 00:09:01,334 I thought I was a welcome guest here, 151 00:09:01,334 --> 00:09:05,422 but now I know that all you invited was a robe. 152 00:09:05,422 --> 00:09:08,091 [guests gasping, murmuring] 153 00:09:08,091 --> 00:09:11,678 [Stillwater] With that, he left his robe on a chair 154 00:09:11,678 --> 00:09:14,139 and went home to his books, 155 00:09:14,139 --> 00:09:18,727 which for Ikkyu were much more welcomed company. 156 00:09:28,612 --> 00:09:30,864 Everyone at the party thought they knew Ikkyu 157 00:09:30,864 --> 00:09:34,284 just by the robe he was wearing instead of getting to know the real him. 158 00:09:35,160 --> 00:09:37,120 That's what I'm doing, aren't I? 159 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:40,290 Thinking I know the new neighbor just by looking at their stuff. 160 00:09:41,082 --> 00:09:43,960 There's a lot we can't tell from appearances. 161 00:09:43,960 --> 00:09:49,507 It's often more fun to be surprised and enter into any new introduction 162 00:09:49,507 --> 00:09:53,094 with an open mind and heart. 163 00:09:53,094 --> 00:09:56,389 Thanks, Stillwater. I'm beginning to think so too. 164 00:09:57,641 --> 00:09:59,851 I just have one more question. 165 00:09:59,851 --> 00:10:01,394 What's that, Michael? 166 00:10:01,394 --> 00:10:04,522 Will you go over with me tomorrow to meet the new neighbor kid? 167 00:10:04,522 --> 00:10:06,566 I'd be delighted to. 168 00:10:13,782 --> 00:10:14,908 Here goes. 169 00:10:15,575 --> 00:10:16,576 [sighs] 170 00:10:23,083 --> 00:10:25,293 - Hello. - Oh, hi. 171 00:10:25,293 --> 00:10:27,712 I'm Michael and I live across the street. 172 00:10:27,712 --> 00:10:29,506 Hi, Michael. I'm Molly. 173 00:10:29,506 --> 00:10:32,384 I was really hoping there would be kids our age living here. 174 00:10:33,468 --> 00:10:34,761 Do you like basketball? 175 00:10:35,595 --> 00:10:38,014 Maybe we can shoot around some time? 176 00:10:38,014 --> 00:10:39,933 Actually, that's my basketball. 177 00:10:39,933 --> 00:10:41,851 This is my twin brother, Leo. 178 00:10:41,851 --> 00:10:43,186 Hey, nice to meet you. 179 00:10:43,853 --> 00:10:45,355 Twins? Wow! 180 00:10:46,940 --> 00:10:50,277 I just went from no kids my age on the street to two. 181 00:10:50,277 --> 00:10:53,363 Oh! This is my friend Stillwater, who lives next door. 182 00:10:54,030 --> 00:10:55,824 Welcome, Molly and Leo. 183 00:10:55,824 --> 00:10:58,660 I look forward to getting to know you both. 184 00:11:00,912 --> 00:11:02,998 We're excited to get to know you too. 185 00:11:02,998 --> 00:11:06,918 There weren't any giant pandas living next door where we moved from. 186 00:11:06,918 --> 00:11:08,962 [laughing] 187 00:11:09,838 --> 00:11:12,841 I'm really glad you came over to introduce yourself, Michael. 188 00:11:12,841 --> 00:11:15,927 We were kind of nervous about what the kids around here would be like. 189 00:11:15,927 --> 00:11:17,387 I was nervous too. 190 00:11:17,387 --> 00:11:20,348 But now I can't wait to show you the neighborhood. 191 00:11:20,348 --> 00:11:21,933 Why not now? 192 00:11:21,933 --> 00:11:23,018 Sure! 193 00:11:28,148 --> 00:11:31,026 Ready. Launch! 194 00:11:31,026 --> 00:11:32,861 [Stillwater] There they go. 195 00:11:32,861 --> 00:11:34,237 [Addy] Whoo-hoo! Yeah! 196 00:11:34,237 --> 00:11:36,573 - [Molly] Whoa! Nice throw. - Oh, wow, look at yours, Karl. 197 00:11:36,573 --> 00:11:39,326 - You're the furthest. - [Karl] Wow! Look at them go! 198 00:11:39,326 --> 00:11:42,704 - [Addy laughs] - [children chattering] 199 00:12:05,644 --> 00:12:08,563 All finished, Uncle. My calligraphy is done. 200 00:12:08,563 --> 00:12:10,148 Thank you for your help. 201 00:12:11,524 --> 00:12:14,611 It is very fine brushwork, Koo. 202 00:12:14,611 --> 00:12:17,322 Whoa! Is that a picture? 203 00:12:17,322 --> 00:12:18,657 Chinese characters. 204 00:12:18,657 --> 00:12:22,202 This is my gift to Heather. They spell out her name. 205 00:12:22,202 --> 00:12:25,080 And now, it's time to wrap it. 206 00:12:30,293 --> 00:12:32,462 That's really pretty paper. 207 00:12:33,088 --> 00:12:37,801 In China, the way a gift is wrapped can have special meaning. 208 00:12:39,594 --> 00:12:43,014 Red paper for luck, and now for the gold ribbon. 209 00:12:43,014 --> 00:12:45,058 Gold means good fortune. 210 00:12:45,684 --> 00:12:49,646 And the pink and yellow bows represent happiness. 211 00:12:51,690 --> 00:12:56,570 Wow. All I did was buy her a toy, but I wrapped it myself. 212 00:12:56,570 --> 00:12:59,823 [laughs] That's quite an achievement, Karl. 213 00:12:59,823 --> 00:13:01,616 A toy from the store? 214 00:13:02,367 --> 00:13:05,495 Should I have done that also? Would that be better? 215 00:13:05,495 --> 00:13:08,373 No. Yours is way cooler. 216 00:13:08,373 --> 00:13:12,377 You made Heather's present all by yourself and wrapped it super pretty. 217 00:13:12,377 --> 00:13:15,630 And you'll be able to give it to her very soon. 218 00:13:17,841 --> 00:13:20,468 - [children cheering] - Yeah! Presents! 219 00:13:22,387 --> 00:13:26,057 Look at the balloons and all of the kids playing, 220 00:13:26,057 --> 00:13:27,559 and all of the food. 221 00:13:27,559 --> 00:13:32,272 [laughs] It appears everyone is having quite a good time. 222 00:13:32,272 --> 00:13:35,150 - [children laughing] - Yeah. Hey, Emma, wait up! 223 00:13:36,276 --> 00:13:38,069 Hi, Koo. Hi, Stillwater. 224 00:13:38,069 --> 00:13:39,863 I'm so glad you came. 225 00:13:39,863 --> 00:13:41,948 Happy birthday, Heather. 226 00:13:41,948 --> 00:13:43,533 Thanks, Stillwater. 227 00:13:44,117 --> 00:13:48,288 I'll be reading just over there if you need me, Koo. 228 00:13:48,288 --> 00:13:49,497 Have fun. 229 00:13:51,124 --> 00:13:54,502 Happy birthday, friend. Thank you for inviting me. 230 00:13:54,502 --> 00:13:56,087 I brought this for you. 231 00:13:56,087 --> 00:13:59,382 Aw, thanks. You can set it here with the other presents. 232 00:14:03,011 --> 00:14:05,472 Come on. We're gonna play games now. 233 00:14:07,891 --> 00:14:10,268 First, we'll play Simon Says. 234 00:14:10,268 --> 00:14:14,773 When Simon says to do something, you have to copy him and do it. 235 00:14:14,773 --> 00:14:18,860 If Simon doesn't say, but you still copy him, then you're out. 236 00:14:18,860 --> 00:14:20,904 Who is this Simon? 237 00:14:20,904 --> 00:14:22,697 Why must we do what he says? 238 00:14:22,697 --> 00:14:25,325 - [laughs] - Does he make the rules? 239 00:14:25,325 --> 00:14:27,869 Simon Says is just the name of the game. 240 00:14:28,703 --> 00:14:30,872 Simon says, "Touch your nose." 241 00:14:30,872 --> 00:14:32,415 Huh? 242 00:14:32,415 --> 00:14:35,168 Simon says, "Stand on one foot." 243 00:14:37,170 --> 00:14:38,547 Hop up and down. 244 00:14:38,547 --> 00:14:41,550 [laughing] 245 00:14:41,550 --> 00:14:42,676 [chuckles] 246 00:14:43,885 --> 00:14:46,680 Nice hopping, but Simon didn't say. 247 00:14:46,680 --> 00:14:47,973 You're both out. 248 00:14:47,973 --> 00:14:49,683 [chuckles] Come on, Koo. 249 00:14:49,683 --> 00:14:51,810 We can watch from here until the next game. 250 00:14:54,187 --> 00:14:57,691 Duck, duck, goose! 251 00:14:57,691 --> 00:14:59,276 [laughing] 252 00:14:59,276 --> 00:15:01,027 Go, Karl. Get him. 253 00:15:01,027 --> 00:15:02,320 [Karl groans] 254 00:15:03,321 --> 00:15:07,367 Duck, duck, duck... 255 00:15:08,368 --> 00:15:09,369 - [chuckles] - Goose! 256 00:15:09,369 --> 00:15:11,246 - Get him, Koo! - [child laughs] Yeah! 257 00:15:11,246 --> 00:15:13,582 - [child 2] Go, go, Koo! - [child 3] Get him, Koo! 258 00:15:13,582 --> 00:15:15,375 When you get tapped as the goose, 259 00:15:15,375 --> 00:15:17,460 it means you're supposed to get up and run. 260 00:15:18,378 --> 00:15:21,548 Oh, I can do that. I'm a very good runner. 261 00:15:21,548 --> 00:15:23,884 - I'll go extra fast. - Go, Koo! 262 00:15:23,884 --> 00:15:26,511 - [child 4] Yeah! Whoo-hoo! - [child 5] Get him, Koo! 263 00:15:26,511 --> 00:15:30,056 - Go get him! - No, the other way. [laughs] 264 00:15:36,563 --> 00:15:39,107 Okay, time for Freeze Dance. 265 00:15:39,107 --> 00:15:41,651 While the music plays, you dance. 266 00:15:41,651 --> 00:15:44,070 And when it stops, freeze! 267 00:15:44,696 --> 00:15:47,032 [music starts playing] 268 00:15:56,541 --> 00:15:58,543 - [music stops] - [laughing] 269 00:15:59,920 --> 00:16:03,089 Oops. [chuckles] We didn't freeze. 270 00:16:03,089 --> 00:16:05,967 We're out, but we can still dance over there 271 00:16:05,967 --> 00:16:07,302 even if we won't win. 272 00:16:07,302 --> 00:16:09,054 [music starts playing] 273 00:16:10,347 --> 00:16:15,101 [children clamoring, laughing] Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Yeah! Whoo-hoo! 274 00:16:17,312 --> 00:16:20,357 Now it's time for presents. 275 00:16:20,357 --> 00:16:23,902 - [children cheering] - Yeah! Yay, presents! 276 00:16:27,489 --> 00:16:29,699 [giggles] She's opening mine now. 277 00:16:30,909 --> 00:16:33,495 [gasps] She tore the paper. 278 00:16:33,495 --> 00:16:35,580 You wrapped it all by yourself. 279 00:16:36,331 --> 00:16:38,250 Are you okay, Karl? 280 00:16:38,250 --> 00:16:41,836 Huh? Yeah, it's just wrapping paper. 281 00:16:41,836 --> 00:16:43,755 The fun part's the present. 282 00:16:44,798 --> 00:16:47,300 Wow, a truck. Thanks, Karl. 283 00:16:48,218 --> 00:16:50,262 [child] Oh, Heather, open mine. 284 00:16:50,262 --> 00:16:52,055 - Whoo-hoo! [chuckles] - [child 2 chuckles] 285 00:16:52,055 --> 00:16:53,682 - [Heather] Wow. - Yeah! 286 00:17:01,189 --> 00:17:04,234 My present is next. It's my best calligraphy. 287 00:17:04,234 --> 00:17:05,944 I hope she likes it. 288 00:17:05,944 --> 00:17:08,487 Oh, this ribbon is my favorite color. 289 00:17:16,454 --> 00:17:17,789 Oh. Thanks, Koo. 290 00:17:19,082 --> 00:17:22,084 And now for the best part. Cake! 291 00:17:22,710 --> 00:17:25,296 - [child 2] Yay, cake! - [child 3] I love cake. 292 00:17:25,296 --> 00:17:28,132 [children cheering, laughing] 293 00:17:37,767 --> 00:17:40,145 [children chattering, laughing] 294 00:17:43,481 --> 00:17:45,025 Uncle Stillwater? 295 00:17:46,651 --> 00:17:49,738 I am ready to go home. Can we please leave now? 296 00:17:49,738 --> 00:17:52,532 [chattering, laughing] 297 00:17:53,116 --> 00:17:57,203 Of course we can, but wouldn't you like some cake first? 298 00:17:58,496 --> 00:18:00,040 [sniffles] No. 299 00:18:00,040 --> 00:18:04,711 I'll eat it wrong, just like I played the games wrong. 300 00:18:04,711 --> 00:18:07,005 I did not know them. 301 00:18:07,005 --> 00:18:10,091 My gift was not loved. [sniffles] 302 00:18:10,091 --> 00:18:12,802 It was not like the others. 303 00:18:12,802 --> 00:18:14,930 I should have bought toys. 304 00:18:16,598 --> 00:18:20,936 It sounds like the party has not turned out quite as you had hoped. 305 00:18:21,853 --> 00:18:25,982 Would you like to sit for a moment and hear a story before we go? 306 00:18:35,533 --> 00:18:39,537 [Stillwater] Mr. Mudskipper was used to life underwater, 307 00:18:39,537 --> 00:18:44,125 but he was a special fish who could also go on land. 308 00:18:44,793 --> 00:18:48,380 So, he was thrilled when he got an invitation 309 00:18:48,380 --> 00:18:52,008 to his first birthday party on the shore. 310 00:18:53,051 --> 00:18:56,930 At all of the underwater parties Mr. Mudskipper had been to, 311 00:18:56,930 --> 00:19:00,225 guests dressed in their fanciest clothes. 312 00:19:01,017 --> 00:19:05,230 But on the land, partygoers wore whatever they wanted. 313 00:19:06,606 --> 00:19:08,441 [party host] Mr. Mudskipper! 314 00:19:08,441 --> 00:19:11,403 Oh, I am just tickled pink you made it to my birthday party. 315 00:19:11,403 --> 00:19:13,238 It's gonna be a swell time. 316 00:19:13,238 --> 00:19:16,491 [Stillwater] Even though Mr. Mudskipper felt out of place, 317 00:19:16,491 --> 00:19:19,995 Ms. Salamander didn't seem bothered at all. 318 00:19:19,995 --> 00:19:23,456 So, Mr. Mudskipper began exploring the party. 319 00:19:24,916 --> 00:19:27,419 Oh, I bet they have tasty food on the land. 320 00:19:27,419 --> 00:19:30,547 [gasps] My, what colorful seaweed. 321 00:19:30,547 --> 00:19:32,549 - [slurps] - [Ms. Salamander giggles] 322 00:19:32,549 --> 00:19:35,468 Oh, Mr. Mudskipper, you are such a dear. 323 00:19:35,468 --> 00:19:40,056 Those aren't seaweed, darlin'. They're streamers, decorations. 324 00:19:43,393 --> 00:19:46,771 [spits] Oops. [stammers] I do beg your pardon. 325 00:19:46,771 --> 00:19:50,025 [Stillwater] He felt terrible about eating the decorations, 326 00:19:50,692 --> 00:19:55,655 but he decided to try and get to know the other party guests. 327 00:19:57,282 --> 00:20:01,494 And this is my first party on the land. Isn't it grand? 328 00:20:03,622 --> 00:20:07,250 Why, Mr. Mudskipper, you are truly something else. 329 00:20:07,250 --> 00:20:10,128 I bet Frog will be happy to twist you another one. 330 00:20:10,128 --> 00:20:12,088 [balloon squeaks] 331 00:20:14,591 --> 00:20:19,763 [Stillwater] Everyone was thrilled when Ms. Salamander started the dance music. 332 00:20:19,763 --> 00:20:21,681 [big band music playing] 333 00:20:23,016 --> 00:20:24,434 What's that dance? 334 00:20:24,935 --> 00:20:27,437 I call this the Mudskipper Hop. 335 00:20:27,437 --> 00:20:28,897 - Yep! Yep! Yep! - [guests laughing] 336 00:20:28,897 --> 00:20:30,649 Would you look at that. 337 00:20:32,108 --> 00:20:33,777 [laughter continues] 338 00:20:37,572 --> 00:20:39,950 No! That cake is on fire! 339 00:20:41,785 --> 00:20:43,119 [party guests gasp] 340 00:20:46,915 --> 00:20:51,127 Uh, Mr. Mudskipper, w-- It's just a land birthday tradition. 341 00:20:51,127 --> 00:20:54,297 We light a candle for each birthday we've celebrated. 342 00:20:55,215 --> 00:20:58,093 [Stillwater] Mr. Mudskipper felt awful 343 00:20:58,093 --> 00:21:01,513 about spoiling Ms. Salamander's birthday cake. 344 00:21:01,513 --> 00:21:05,684 I'm so sorry, everybody. I-- I'll go home now. 345 00:21:05,684 --> 00:21:09,062 That way, I-- Well, I won't ruin the party anymore. 346 00:21:10,063 --> 00:21:12,816 [Ms. Salamander] Whatever are you talking about, darlin'? 347 00:21:13,358 --> 00:21:15,110 I can't do anything right. 348 00:21:15,860 --> 00:21:19,739 - Don't you want me to leave? - [chuckles] Not at all. 349 00:21:19,739 --> 00:21:22,867 We love that you have different ways of looking at things. 350 00:21:22,867 --> 00:21:27,414 In fact, we can't wait for you to teach us that Mudskipper Hop you were doin'. 351 00:21:27,414 --> 00:21:29,374 - Yes. - It looks like fun. 352 00:21:29,374 --> 00:21:31,710 Golly, that's a relief! 353 00:21:31,710 --> 00:21:35,338 And it would be my pleasure. It starts with a hop to your left. 354 00:21:40,302 --> 00:21:42,596 [party guests cheering] 355 00:21:44,014 --> 00:21:46,433 [chuckles] What a fun party. 356 00:21:46,433 --> 00:21:50,896 All experienced new joys. They all learned from each other. 357 00:21:50,896 --> 00:21:53,273 I'm glad you enjoyed the story. 358 00:21:54,566 --> 00:21:57,193 There you are, Koo. I've been looking for you. 359 00:21:57,193 --> 00:21:59,571 Karl said you made this yourself. 360 00:22:00,864 --> 00:22:05,827 Chinese characters written in calligraphy. They spell out "Heather." 361 00:22:05,827 --> 00:22:07,746 That's so cool. 362 00:22:07,746 --> 00:22:11,791 The way you wrapped it was so pretty, I almost didn't want to open it. 363 00:22:11,791 --> 00:22:15,837 But look! I liked the ribbon so much, I put it in my hair. 364 00:22:15,837 --> 00:22:18,882 Maybe later, we can do a craft together with the red paper. 365 00:22:19,507 --> 00:22:21,426 I love to do crafts. 366 00:22:21,426 --> 00:22:24,971 I am pleased you like the gift and the wrapping too. 367 00:22:25,555 --> 00:22:26,973 I love it. 368 00:22:28,850 --> 00:22:30,477 Are you coming back to the party? 369 00:22:34,856 --> 00:22:36,691 Yes, I would like to. 370 00:22:36,691 --> 00:22:39,069 Your games were quite interesting. 371 00:22:39,861 --> 00:22:41,154 May I teach you one? 372 00:22:42,364 --> 00:22:43,657 A game from China. 373 00:22:43,657 --> 00:22:47,494 It's called Catch the Dragon's Tail and is very fun. 374 00:22:47,494 --> 00:22:49,329 I'm the dragon's head, 375 00:22:49,329 --> 00:22:51,998 so I need to try and catch the dragon's tail. 376 00:22:51,998 --> 00:22:53,959 That's you, Stillwater. 377 00:22:53,959 --> 00:22:55,669 And go! 378 00:22:55,669 --> 00:22:58,838 - [children clamoring] Whoa! Yeah! - Ooh! [laughing] 379 00:23:00,006 --> 00:23:02,592 [child] Go this way! Whoo-hoo! 380 00:23:02,592 --> 00:23:05,178 [Stillwater laughing] 381 00:23:07,764 --> 00:23:08,974 [Karl] Yeah! 382 00:23:14,813 --> 00:23:18,483 [singer] ♪ With our spirits We were floating through the trees ♪ 383 00:23:19,484 --> 00:23:23,488 ♪ Like creatures, we were soaring high Blowing off some steam ♪ 384 00:23:23,488 --> 00:23:27,200 ♪ Or a mountain And its effervescent green ♪ 385 00:23:27,200 --> 00:23:32,914 ♪ A never-ending dream ♪ 386 00:23:32,914 --> 00:23:35,417 ♪ I found a little bit of honey ♪ 387 00:23:36,084 --> 00:23:38,545 ♪ And now I'm a little sweeter inside ♪ 388 00:23:41,631 --> 00:23:44,759 ♪ It's just a little bit funny ♪ 389 00:23:44,759 --> 00:23:47,304 ♪ But now I have the world on my side ♪