1 00:00:19,521 --> 00:00:21,147 What do you guys wanna do today? 2 00:00:21,147 --> 00:00:22,816 We could make a backyard movie. 3 00:00:22,816 --> 00:00:24,150 What sort of movie, Leo? 4 00:00:24,734 --> 00:00:25,819 Hmm. 5 00:00:26,736 --> 00:00:27,946 A fantasy epic. 6 00:00:28,446 --> 00:00:30,615 Well, that might take longer than one afternoon. 7 00:00:30,615 --> 00:00:31,700 Any ideas, Molly? 8 00:00:32,324 --> 00:00:34,369 Hmm. We could make slime. 9 00:00:34,995 --> 00:00:37,330 Or glitter slime. Or foam slime. 10 00:00:37,330 --> 00:00:39,082 Something less slimy? 11 00:00:41,251 --> 00:00:42,586 [meows] 12 00:00:42,586 --> 00:00:44,588 - Oh. Hi, kitty. - That's Jasper. 13 00:00:45,297 --> 00:00:48,425 Hi, Jasper. You look like you're wearing a tuxedo. 14 00:00:50,260 --> 00:00:51,303 Is that your cat? 15 00:00:51,803 --> 00:00:56,349 Jasper is kind of the neighborhood cat. Everyone takes care of him. 16 00:00:56,349 --> 00:00:58,476 [purring] 17 00:00:58,476 --> 00:00:59,895 Where does he live? 18 00:00:59,895 --> 00:01:02,063 Everywhere, I guess. [gasps] 19 00:01:02,063 --> 00:01:03,940 Molly, you just gave me an idea. 20 00:01:03,940 --> 00:01:06,443 It's something I've been wanting to make for a while. 21 00:01:06,443 --> 00:01:09,529 A pizza? [sighs] I really like pizza. 22 00:01:10,155 --> 00:01:11,406 No. A catio. 23 00:01:11,907 --> 00:01:13,033 What's a catio? 24 00:01:13,033 --> 00:01:16,995 It's a patio for a cat. A catio. Jasper would love it. 25 00:01:18,288 --> 00:01:19,998 I've never seen a catio before. 26 00:01:19,998 --> 00:01:22,459 Yeah, how do you even make a catio? 27 00:01:22,459 --> 00:01:25,670 I've got some ideas, but we can figure it out as we go. 28 00:01:25,670 --> 00:01:26,755 Sounds fun. 29 00:01:27,380 --> 00:01:28,423 I'm in. 30 00:01:38,225 --> 00:01:39,226 [meows] 31 00:01:46,316 --> 00:01:51,112 [breathing deeply] 32 00:02:06,419 --> 00:02:08,712 [Stillwater] It looks like you have your hands full. 33 00:02:08,712 --> 00:02:11,132 Hi, Stillwater. Thanks for the supplies. 34 00:02:11,132 --> 00:02:14,302 Of course. What are you making today? 35 00:02:14,302 --> 00:02:17,514 A catio. It's a patio for a cat. 36 00:02:17,514 --> 00:02:22,352 My, that sounds interesting. I can't wait to see it. 37 00:02:28,608 --> 00:02:29,609 [chuckles] 38 00:02:32,904 --> 00:02:34,155 That should hold nicely. 39 00:02:34,155 --> 00:02:35,323 [Jasper meows] 40 00:02:36,199 --> 00:02:39,077 You won't even need that old box after we're done, Jasper. 41 00:02:39,077 --> 00:02:41,746 We made you something you're gonna like way better. 42 00:02:49,880 --> 00:02:51,923 - Come here. Come here. - Come on, Jasper. 43 00:02:51,923 --> 00:02:53,425 Come on. Come try it, Jasper. 44 00:02:54,676 --> 00:02:56,094 - Hmm. - He doesn't wanna come out. 45 00:02:56,094 --> 00:02:59,180 - [meows] - Jasper, your catio is ready. Come on. 46 00:03:02,976 --> 00:03:04,811 He just needs to know it's his catio. 47 00:03:09,357 --> 00:03:11,026 See? He's trying it. 48 00:03:12,485 --> 00:03:14,863 [Leo] I think he likes it. 49 00:03:21,036 --> 00:03:22,454 Maybe he doesn't like it. 50 00:03:22,454 --> 00:03:24,205 Why didn't he wanna stay in it? 51 00:03:27,500 --> 00:03:29,669 I think he needs a blanket to make it cozier. 52 00:03:30,754 --> 00:03:31,755 And a pillow. 53 00:03:32,797 --> 00:03:33,798 How's that? 54 00:03:34,466 --> 00:03:35,759 Yeah, it's good. 55 00:03:35,759 --> 00:03:39,262 But I think he would like it to look more like a real house, 56 00:03:39,262 --> 00:03:40,805 so he knows it's his home. 57 00:03:40,805 --> 00:03:42,557 Like, it could use a roof. 58 00:03:43,058 --> 00:03:44,142 And a door. 59 00:03:44,142 --> 00:03:45,977 And a doorbell. 60 00:03:45,977 --> 00:03:47,687 We're gonna need more supplies. 61 00:03:54,778 --> 00:03:58,657 Oh, still working on the catio, I see. 62 00:03:58,657 --> 00:04:00,700 Yeah. It needed some more stuff. 63 00:04:00,700 --> 00:04:02,244 And a doorbell. 64 00:04:02,244 --> 00:04:03,620 [chuckles] Interesting. 65 00:04:11,461 --> 00:04:14,673 Jasper, welcome to your new catio. 66 00:04:15,257 --> 00:04:18,468 See, Jasper? Now you have your own door to get into your catio. 67 00:04:19,302 --> 00:04:21,805 And if you get visitors, they can ring the bell. 68 00:04:21,805 --> 00:04:23,515 Jasper, don't you wanna go in? 69 00:04:31,731 --> 00:04:32,941 - Aw. - [sighs] 70 00:04:34,150 --> 00:04:36,695 Jasper's right. It's still not done. 71 00:04:37,654 --> 00:04:39,072 It needs a ramp. 72 00:04:40,156 --> 00:04:41,700 And decorations. 73 00:04:42,284 --> 00:04:43,451 And curtains. 74 00:04:52,210 --> 00:04:55,046 This is going to be the best catio ever. 75 00:05:00,427 --> 00:05:01,428 [Jasper meows] 76 00:05:06,725 --> 00:05:07,726 Here you go, Jasper. 77 00:05:09,060 --> 00:05:10,520 [meows] 78 00:05:10,520 --> 00:05:13,023 Come on, Jasper. Give it a chance. 79 00:05:13,023 --> 00:05:14,399 It's fun, see? 80 00:05:16,234 --> 00:05:18,028 - [Michael] Oh, Jasper! No, wait! - [howls] 81 00:05:18,028 --> 00:05:19,571 - Look out! - The decorations. 82 00:05:19,571 --> 00:05:20,488 [Jasper howling] 83 00:05:20,488 --> 00:05:23,283 - [Molly] No, Jasper, come back! - [Michael groans] 84 00:05:23,950 --> 00:05:26,494 - [Jasper grumbling] - Jasper? 85 00:05:30,040 --> 00:05:31,374 [Michael] Jasper! 86 00:05:31,374 --> 00:05:32,876 Jasper, come back! 87 00:05:33,460 --> 00:05:37,672 Hmm. Things aren't going as planned with the catio? 88 00:05:37,672 --> 00:05:41,468 We spent all that time trying to make it perfect for Jasper, 89 00:05:41,468 --> 00:05:42,928 and he didn't even like it. 90 00:05:43,428 --> 00:05:45,555 [sighs] He ran away. 91 00:05:45,555 --> 00:05:47,474 And he didn't even use the ramp. 92 00:05:47,474 --> 00:05:50,810 [sighs] That must have been frustrating. 93 00:05:52,437 --> 00:05:54,439 Come. Sit with me. 94 00:05:56,483 --> 00:06:01,571 [grunts] You have had a lot of ideas for the catio, haven't you? 95 00:06:01,571 --> 00:06:04,699 We tried to give Jasper everything he could ever want. 96 00:06:04,699 --> 00:06:06,409 It was totally styled out. 97 00:06:07,994 --> 00:06:09,496 I don't get it. 98 00:06:09,496 --> 00:06:12,540 If we were Jasper's size, we'd love it. 99 00:06:12,540 --> 00:06:14,960 Yeah, you're right. We gave him the best of the best. 100 00:06:14,960 --> 00:06:19,214 The best of the best. Hmm. 101 00:06:20,048 --> 00:06:23,385 I'm reminded of a very old story 102 00:06:23,385 --> 00:06:27,764 about an empress who wanted to give a magnificent bird 103 00:06:27,764 --> 00:06:30,183 the best of the best. 104 00:06:30,183 --> 00:06:32,644 You have a story for everything, Stillwater. 105 00:06:32,644 --> 00:06:36,189 [laughs] That may be true, Michael. 106 00:06:37,065 --> 00:06:38,483 Would you like to hear it? 107 00:06:38,984 --> 00:06:40,068 - Okay. - Sure. 108 00:06:40,068 --> 00:06:41,528 Yes, please. 109 00:06:41,528 --> 00:06:47,367 [Stillwater] The empress lived in a castle overlooking the mighty sea below. 110 00:06:54,708 --> 00:06:57,961 [Stillwater] One day, as she was standing on her balcony, 111 00:06:58,461 --> 00:07:01,548 she saw a wondrous sight. 112 00:07:02,090 --> 00:07:04,551 [bird cawing] 113 00:07:08,763 --> 00:07:10,015 [tweets] 114 00:07:12,475 --> 00:07:14,144 [gasps] Why, hello. 115 00:07:17,772 --> 00:07:19,024 Oh. 116 00:07:19,024 --> 00:07:21,735 Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? 117 00:07:22,485 --> 00:07:26,197 It is a very impressive eagle, Your Majesty. 118 00:07:27,073 --> 00:07:28,825 Prepare the royal aviary. 119 00:07:28,825 --> 00:07:33,830 Are you certain you wish to keep the bird here at the castle? 120 00:07:34,539 --> 00:07:37,167 A bird this incredible deserves to live in a palace, 121 00:07:37,167 --> 00:07:39,836 and it should have only the very best. 122 00:07:48,803 --> 00:07:52,015 [Stillwater] The empress placed the bird inside the cage 123 00:07:52,015 --> 00:07:54,684 with the finest perch built of gold, 124 00:07:55,310 --> 00:07:58,188 but the bird did not wish to sit. 125 00:07:58,188 --> 00:08:00,649 [cawing] 126 00:08:09,616 --> 00:08:13,453 [Stillwater] She gave the bird a goblet adorned with gems, 127 00:08:13,954 --> 00:08:17,249 but the bird did not wish to drink. 128 00:08:17,249 --> 00:08:18,333 [chirps] 129 00:08:22,671 --> 00:08:27,384 [Stillwater] She gave the bird all the finest delicacies in the land, 130 00:08:28,093 --> 00:08:31,388 but the bird did not wish to eat. 131 00:08:31,388 --> 00:08:32,597 [chirps] 132 00:08:34,808 --> 00:08:37,977 [sighs] I have given the bird all of the luxuries of the kingdom, 133 00:08:37,977 --> 00:08:39,563 but nothing pleases it. 134 00:08:39,563 --> 00:08:44,776 True. You have given the bird everything fit for an empress. 135 00:08:44,776 --> 00:08:46,194 Yes. 136 00:08:46,194 --> 00:08:50,073 - But is it fit for a bird? - What do you mean? 137 00:08:50,073 --> 00:08:53,952 What use does a bird have for a golden perch 138 00:08:53,952 --> 00:08:56,288 or a gem-studded goblet? 139 00:09:00,333 --> 00:09:02,794 You are meant to fly, aren't you? 140 00:09:06,256 --> 00:09:10,302 Then be free. And please visit anytime. 141 00:09:11,261 --> 00:09:14,097 [caws] 142 00:09:21,187 --> 00:09:26,151 [cawing] 143 00:09:36,369 --> 00:09:38,163 That was a good story, Stillwater. 144 00:09:38,163 --> 00:09:40,582 Can you imagine a perch made of gold? 145 00:09:40,582 --> 00:09:42,167 Or gems for a bird? 146 00:09:43,668 --> 00:09:45,253 Or a doorbell for a cat. 147 00:09:45,253 --> 00:09:48,757 Now that you mention it, that does seem kind of silly. 148 00:09:48,757 --> 00:09:52,135 Maybe we thought more about what we wanted for the catio 149 00:09:52,135 --> 00:09:53,970 than what Jasper needed. 150 00:09:53,970 --> 00:09:55,430 Let's go clean up. 151 00:09:55,430 --> 00:09:57,891 See you, Stillwater. Thanks for the story. 152 00:09:58,391 --> 00:10:01,269 My pleasure. [chuckles] 153 00:10:11,279 --> 00:10:13,198 [Jasper purring] 154 00:10:13,198 --> 00:10:15,742 [Molly] Looks like Jasper is happy with just a box. 155 00:10:15,742 --> 00:10:17,077 Aw. 156 00:10:23,166 --> 00:10:25,252 Let me get the sun out of your eyes. 157 00:10:25,252 --> 00:10:27,128 What are we going to do with the catio? 158 00:10:27,128 --> 00:10:28,213 [chipmunks chittering] 159 00:10:33,843 --> 00:10:37,806 Maybe Jasper doesn't like it, but I wonder if those chipmunks will. 160 00:10:49,818 --> 00:10:54,364 This should be a safe place for the chipmunks' winter home. 161 00:11:00,787 --> 00:11:01,997 What do we call it? 162 00:11:01,997 --> 00:11:04,624 - A "chipatio"? - A "munkatio"? 163 00:11:04,624 --> 00:11:06,960 - [in British accent] Chipmunkton Manor. - I like it. 164 00:11:06,960 --> 00:11:08,461 - Yeah. - [chipmunks chattering] 165 00:11:14,134 --> 00:11:17,554 [Molly] Actually, it looks like the chipmunks are calling it home. 166 00:11:44,581 --> 00:11:45,749 Ah. 167 00:11:45,749 --> 00:11:48,418 [Karl] Stillwater, guess what? 168 00:11:48,418 --> 00:11:50,837 Hello, Karl. Hello, Koo. 169 00:11:50,837 --> 00:11:53,173 Are you going to take a nap? 170 00:11:53,173 --> 00:11:54,591 [both laugh] 171 00:11:54,591 --> 00:11:57,719 Well, sort of. These are our supplies. 172 00:11:57,719 --> 00:11:59,054 Supplies? 173 00:11:59,054 --> 00:12:03,183 Yeah. My mom and dad said I could have a camp-out in the backyard. 174 00:12:03,183 --> 00:12:06,186 A camp-out? How exciting. 175 00:12:06,186 --> 00:12:10,565 It will be so fun, and you can camp out with us. 176 00:12:10,565 --> 00:12:12,651 Pretty, pretty please. 177 00:12:16,738 --> 00:12:22,452 Well, I don't see any rain clouds. I'd be delighted to join you. 178 00:12:23,119 --> 00:12:24,496 - Yes! - [laughs] 179 00:12:24,496 --> 00:12:27,249 We have a tent and sleeping bags, 180 00:12:27,249 --> 00:12:29,960 and everything we need to be brave campers. 181 00:12:29,960 --> 00:12:36,007 Well, I'm glad to be sleeping under the stars with two brave campers. 182 00:12:44,057 --> 00:12:47,102 How is your tent coming along, Karl and Koo? 183 00:12:50,522 --> 00:12:53,191 I've never built a tent before. 184 00:12:55,902 --> 00:12:57,028 Hello, Michael. 185 00:12:57,529 --> 00:13:00,448 Hi, Stillwater. It looks like you could use a hand, Karl. 186 00:13:01,241 --> 00:13:03,326 We can do it ourselves. 187 00:13:03,326 --> 00:13:06,746 I understand wanting to do it yourself. I was the same way. 188 00:13:07,330 --> 00:13:13,128 [grunting] Why won't these stick thingies go together? It's too hard! 189 00:13:14,588 --> 00:13:18,383 I remember setting up my first tent. It was so complicated. 190 00:13:18,383 --> 00:13:20,218 I had to ask my scout-leader for help. 191 00:13:20,886 --> 00:13:21,887 You did? 192 00:13:22,679 --> 00:13:25,765 I didn't know brave campers could ask for help. 193 00:13:25,765 --> 00:13:31,855 I think asking for help is a very brave thing to do, don't you, Michael? 194 00:13:33,899 --> 00:13:39,195 Well, we're brave. So will you help us, Michael? 195 00:13:39,195 --> 00:13:42,532 Sure. After you've done it the first time, it's easy. 196 00:13:42,532 --> 00:13:44,117 [both] Thank you. 197 00:13:44,117 --> 00:13:45,410 [chuckles] 198 00:13:46,036 --> 00:13:50,790 See? We push these stakes into the ground, so the tent will stay put. 199 00:13:51,374 --> 00:13:54,628 If you pull on the poles, they snap into place. Like this. 200 00:14:00,091 --> 00:14:02,052 Now we just clip the tent to the poles. 201 00:14:04,387 --> 00:14:07,557 There we go. It's easy once you know how to do it. 202 00:14:10,769 --> 00:14:11,811 It looks good. 203 00:14:11,811 --> 00:14:14,773 Not even Ginormous Robot can knock it over. 204 00:14:15,273 --> 00:14:17,234 We'll be very safe in here. 205 00:14:17,234 --> 00:14:19,444 [chuckles] Happy camping, Karl and Koo. 206 00:14:24,574 --> 00:14:29,287 I love hot cocoa. Marshmallows are a real treat. 207 00:14:29,287 --> 00:14:31,331 Camping is the best! 208 00:14:34,918 --> 00:14:37,921 Mmm, delicious. 209 00:14:37,921 --> 00:14:41,383 It makes me feel all warm inside. 210 00:14:44,970 --> 00:14:48,848 Look at all the stars. I see the whole universe. 211 00:14:48,848 --> 00:14:51,142 Karl, lie down and see. 212 00:14:53,728 --> 00:14:55,855 Wow, you're right. 213 00:15:01,736 --> 00:15:05,365 [gasps] Look, Stillwater, a spaceship. 214 00:15:06,283 --> 00:15:07,450 - [Koo] Whoa. - [Karl gasps] 215 00:15:07,450 --> 00:15:10,662 A spaceship would be fun to spot. 216 00:15:10,662 --> 00:15:14,499 But that, I believe, is a lightning bug. 217 00:15:17,085 --> 00:15:18,920 Wow. 218 00:15:18,920 --> 00:15:20,672 [both yawn] 219 00:15:22,048 --> 00:15:24,593 I think it's time for bed. 220 00:15:26,052 --> 00:15:30,473 [both chuckling] 221 00:15:30,473 --> 00:15:32,767 - [tent unzipping] - [Koo giggles] 222 00:15:32,767 --> 00:15:37,731 [both fake snoring] 223 00:15:41,151 --> 00:15:46,781 Thank you for this day, and may the sun greet you warmly tomorrow. 224 00:15:52,329 --> 00:15:54,915 [Karl, Koo chuckling] 225 00:15:54,915 --> 00:15:56,875 [laughs] 226 00:15:57,751 --> 00:15:59,794 [Karl, Koo chuckling] 227 00:15:59,794 --> 00:16:03,340 [sighs] Good night, brave campers. 228 00:16:05,425 --> 00:16:07,052 [Karl] Good night, Stillwater. 229 00:16:20,941 --> 00:16:23,193 Psst, I can't sleep. 230 00:16:23,985 --> 00:16:25,695 I can't sleep either. 231 00:16:26,196 --> 00:16:30,200 It is really dark in here. We need a night-light. 232 00:16:33,954 --> 00:16:35,163 [grass rustling] 233 00:16:36,998 --> 00:16:37,999 [both gasp] 234 00:16:37,999 --> 00:16:39,668 There's something outside. 235 00:16:39,668 --> 00:16:42,462 [growling] 236 00:16:43,255 --> 00:16:46,049 It could be a tiger. 237 00:16:46,049 --> 00:16:48,760 Or a big lion. 238 00:16:48,760 --> 00:16:51,054 Should we peek outside to see? 239 00:16:51,721 --> 00:16:53,390 That would show we're brave. 240 00:17:02,857 --> 00:17:04,484 - [Jasper howls] - [Karl, Koo yell] 241 00:17:05,860 --> 00:17:09,863 [chuckling] Oh, it's just Jasper. 242 00:17:09,863 --> 00:17:12,117 You scared us, silly Jasper. 243 00:17:12,784 --> 00:17:15,495 [wind blowing] 244 00:17:15,495 --> 00:17:18,290 - [groans] What's that noise? - [grunts] 245 00:17:23,628 --> 00:17:24,963 [both groaning] 246 00:17:27,090 --> 00:17:29,843 Uh-oh, it's a big monster! 247 00:17:30,802 --> 00:17:34,764 - Is everything all right? - There's a monster out there. 248 00:17:34,764 --> 00:17:38,268 [gasps] A monster? How interesting. 249 00:17:38,852 --> 00:17:44,316 When I look over, I see the moon casting a shadow from the tree. 250 00:17:45,358 --> 00:17:46,526 [both sigh] 251 00:17:47,277 --> 00:17:50,113 I'm right here if you need me. 252 00:17:57,579 --> 00:17:59,247 We can do this, Koo. 253 00:17:59,247 --> 00:18:04,169 Oh, we can do this. It is going to be fine. 254 00:18:04,169 --> 00:18:06,171 We are brave campers. 255 00:18:09,257 --> 00:18:11,259 [wind blowing] 256 00:18:14,304 --> 00:18:15,430 [owl hoots] 257 00:18:15,430 --> 00:18:20,894 [both gasp, yelling] 258 00:18:20,894 --> 00:18:22,729 [Koo panting] 259 00:18:34,199 --> 00:18:38,036 I see you've moved from your tent to under this table. 260 00:18:39,454 --> 00:18:40,914 We're hiding. 261 00:18:40,914 --> 00:18:42,457 Hiding? 262 00:18:42,457 --> 00:18:47,879 It's too dark and too noisy, and too scary. 263 00:18:48,380 --> 00:18:52,425 Mmm. I see how that might feel overwhelming. 264 00:18:53,009 --> 00:18:57,556 When I feel that way, I like to take a few deep breaths. 265 00:18:58,223 --> 00:19:00,308 Would you like to try that with me? 266 00:19:03,270 --> 00:19:04,521 Inhale. 267 00:19:04,521 --> 00:19:09,234 - One, two, three, four, five. - [Karl, Koo inhaling deeply] 268 00:19:09,734 --> 00:19:12,195 - [Stillwater] And exhale. - [Karl, Koo exhaling deeply] 269 00:19:12,195 --> 00:19:16,241 Two, three, four, five. 270 00:19:18,660 --> 00:19:23,206 I wanted to be a brave camper, but I guess I'm not. 271 00:19:23,748 --> 00:19:27,961 I'm not brave either. Camping was a bad idea. 272 00:19:28,461 --> 00:19:29,963 It should've been fun. 273 00:19:30,755 --> 00:19:35,969 I understand. Perhaps a story might help right now. 274 00:19:35,969 --> 00:19:40,849 Okay. Your stories do always make me feel better. 275 00:19:42,976 --> 00:19:47,230 A brand-new pool opened up in Dustville. 276 00:19:47,230 --> 00:19:49,190 [Stillwater] So, one day, 277 00:19:49,190 --> 00:19:53,278 Cal and his friends decided to go for a swim. 278 00:19:53,278 --> 00:19:56,281 We got the whole place to ourselves. 279 00:19:56,281 --> 00:19:58,033 [Lloyd] Whoa, yeah. 280 00:19:59,367 --> 00:20:04,873 [Stillwater] Normally shy, Cal was very eager to impress his friends 281 00:20:04,873 --> 00:20:07,876 by jumping off the high dive. 282 00:20:08,460 --> 00:20:09,794 Get ready. 283 00:20:09,794 --> 00:20:13,006 I'm gonna do a cannonball, a flying squirrel, 284 00:20:13,006 --> 00:20:16,009 and I'm gonna finish off with a triple flip. 285 00:20:16,009 --> 00:20:19,888 I didn't know you were a skilled diver. I can't wait to watch. 286 00:20:29,439 --> 00:20:31,942 I can do this. I can do this. 287 00:20:32,651 --> 00:20:35,362 [Stillwater] But with each rung of the ladder, 288 00:20:35,362 --> 00:20:39,366 Cal got more and more uncertain. 289 00:20:39,950 --> 00:20:42,035 By the time he made it to the top, 290 00:20:42,619 --> 00:20:46,498 he was sure he had made a mistake. 291 00:20:46,498 --> 00:20:49,000 [Karl] Was he too scared to jump? 292 00:20:49,000 --> 00:20:51,086 [Stillwater] It seemed that way. 293 00:20:51,586 --> 00:20:52,671 [stammering] 294 00:20:52,671 --> 00:20:55,799 Whoo! Maybe try the triple flip first. 295 00:20:55,799 --> 00:20:58,426 [stammers] Good idea, Telly. 296 00:20:58,426 --> 00:20:59,678 [chuckles, gulps] 297 00:21:12,482 --> 00:21:14,609 [Lloyd] Is everything okay, Cal? 298 00:21:16,403 --> 00:21:19,990 Oh... [chuckles, stammers] ...everything's fine. 299 00:21:20,865 --> 00:21:23,702 Fine? You don't look fine. 300 00:21:24,369 --> 00:21:29,040 [stammers] I'm-- I'm... scared. 301 00:21:29,040 --> 00:21:31,209 I don't think I can do it, Lloyd. 302 00:21:32,002 --> 00:21:36,339 Hey, you don't have to jump off the high dive if you're not ready. 303 00:21:36,965 --> 00:21:39,551 Oh. You're right. 304 00:21:39,551 --> 00:21:42,512 Maybe I'm not ready to do a triple flip. [chuckles] 305 00:21:42,512 --> 00:21:46,099 Well, this diving board will still be here when you are. 306 00:21:46,892 --> 00:21:51,646 Um... [stammers] ...maybe we can jump in together from the side? 307 00:21:55,233 --> 00:21:56,276 - Whoo-hoo! - [Cal grunts] 308 00:21:57,485 --> 00:22:00,322 [all laughing] 309 00:22:06,620 --> 00:22:09,789 Cal wanted to be brave, just like us. 310 00:22:09,789 --> 00:22:11,666 This is true. 311 00:22:11,666 --> 00:22:15,837 And Cal wasn't ready, just like us. 312 00:22:15,837 --> 00:22:18,173 It's okay to change your mind. 313 00:22:18,757 --> 00:22:23,220 Being able to acknowledge how you feel and adjusting to that, 314 00:22:23,220 --> 00:22:26,514 is a very brave thing to do. 315 00:22:28,892 --> 00:22:31,019 Can we sleep in here instead? 316 00:22:31,686 --> 00:22:34,898 What a wonderful idea, Karl. 317 00:22:34,898 --> 00:22:37,067 I love that idea. 318 00:22:37,651 --> 00:22:41,071 It's still camping, just inside. 319 00:22:41,071 --> 00:22:43,031 We can see the stars. 320 00:22:45,116 --> 00:22:46,701 [all sigh] 321 00:22:47,494 --> 00:22:49,663 Good night, brave campers. 322 00:22:50,622 --> 00:22:54,542 [Karl, Koo snoring] 323 00:22:55,210 --> 00:22:59,464 [laughs, sighs] 324 00:23:11,268 --> 00:23:14,980 ["Never Ending Dream" playing] 325 00:23:14,980 --> 00:23:18,400 [singer] ♪ With our spirits We were floating through the trees ♪ 326 00:23:19,609 --> 00:23:23,655 ♪ Like creatures, we were soaring high Blowing off some steam ♪ 327 00:23:23,655 --> 00:23:27,409 ♪ Or a mountain And its effervescent green ♪ 328 00:23:27,409 --> 00:23:33,039 ♪ A never-ending dream ♪ 329 00:23:33,039 --> 00:23:35,709 ♪ I found a little bit of honey ♪ 330 00:23:36,209 --> 00:23:38,545 ♪ And now I'm a little sweeter inside ♪ 331 00:23:39,588 --> 00:23:41,798 [singing in Japanese] 332 00:23:41,798 --> 00:23:44,801 ♪ It's just a little bit funny ♪ 333 00:23:44,801 --> 00:23:47,721 ♪ But now I have the world on my side ♪ 334 00:23:47,721 --> 00:23:49,806 [singing in Japanese]