1 00:00:37,706 --> 00:00:38,707 Come in. 2 00:00:40,584 --> 00:00:43,587 Hi, Stillwater. I brought the sesame seeds you asked for. 3 00:00:43,587 --> 00:00:45,755 Hello, Addy. Thank you. 4 00:00:45,755 --> 00:00:49,426 This is the ingredient I was missing for my onigiri. 5 00:00:49,426 --> 00:00:52,762 - Onigiri? - A delicious snack made out of rice. 6 00:00:53,430 --> 00:00:56,808 The sesame seeds will be the finishing touch. 7 00:00:57,851 --> 00:00:59,603 I see you have your backpack. 8 00:00:59,603 --> 00:01:02,731 I'm on my way to a book club meeting at the park. 9 00:01:02,731 --> 00:01:04,690 My friends and I are each bringing a book. 10 00:01:04,690 --> 00:01:05,817 We'll pick one to read, 11 00:01:05,817 --> 00:01:08,570 then at our next meeting, we'll talk about what we liked. 12 00:01:08,570 --> 00:01:10,697 And which book will you be sharing? 13 00:01:12,157 --> 00:01:15,577 Moonrise Dragons. I've always wanted to read it. 14 00:01:15,577 --> 00:01:17,913 We'll also have tea and little snacks, 15 00:01:17,913 --> 00:01:20,874 and say things like "lovely" and "delightful". 16 00:01:20,874 --> 00:01:22,792 It's going to be very grown-up. 17 00:01:24,127 --> 00:01:26,796 I look forward to hearing all about it. 18 00:01:30,383 --> 00:01:35,180 Hi, Addy. I mean, it's lovely to see you, Addy. 19 00:01:35,180 --> 00:01:37,515 Sorry I'm late. I made cookies. 20 00:01:38,058 --> 00:01:39,851 - Wow. - Nice. 21 00:01:39,851 --> 00:01:42,812 We're so pleased you could join us. 22 00:01:43,480 --> 00:01:45,565 I'm delighted to be here, Darrell. 23 00:01:45,565 --> 00:01:47,484 Would you care for some tea? 24 00:01:48,360 --> 00:01:53,073 Yes, please, Lucas. That sounds very... delightful. 25 00:02:02,040 --> 00:02:03,541 Shall we begin the meeting? 26 00:02:03,541 --> 00:02:04,668 We shall. 27 00:02:04,668 --> 00:02:06,711 Maya, would you like to go first? 28 00:02:08,045 --> 00:02:10,882 This book is called Pride and Prejudice. 29 00:02:11,383 --> 00:02:16,012 I've never read it, but my mom says it's a book everyone should read, 30 00:02:16,012 --> 00:02:17,889 because it's very important. 31 00:02:17,889 --> 00:02:19,558 Pride and Prejudice. 32 00:02:20,058 --> 00:02:22,852 It certainly sounds important. What is it about? 33 00:02:22,852 --> 00:02:25,272 "Set in Regency England, 34 00:02:25,272 --> 00:02:31,570 this classic novel is full of wit, banter, betrayal, and of course, true love." 35 00:02:32,904 --> 00:02:36,783 Classic means important, right? 36 00:02:37,993 --> 00:02:39,744 Very important. 37 00:02:39,744 --> 00:02:42,205 Asha, why don't you go next? 38 00:02:44,416 --> 00:02:46,751 My older sister suggested this one. 39 00:02:46,751 --> 00:02:50,380 It's called The Big Book of Geology Essentials. 40 00:02:50,380 --> 00:02:53,049 It's about rocks and other geology things. 41 00:02:54,593 --> 00:02:56,428 Educational. 42 00:02:56,428 --> 00:03:00,432 Wow. I didn't expect such grown-up books. 43 00:03:02,267 --> 00:03:07,355 I brought a biography of Chinese emperors. 44 00:03:08,607 --> 00:03:11,109 - What's a biography? - Beats me. 45 00:03:11,109 --> 00:03:12,903 It was the biggest book on the shelf, 46 00:03:12,903 --> 00:03:15,405 so I thought it'd be good for our book club. 47 00:03:19,242 --> 00:03:23,204 My dad always quotes Shakespeare, so I brought all of his plays. 48 00:03:23,788 --> 00:03:27,292 Looks like we have a lot of good options for our book club. 49 00:03:28,043 --> 00:03:30,170 Addy, what did you bring? 50 00:03:32,297 --> 00:03:35,383 Is that Moonrise Dragons? Is that your book club pick? 51 00:03:35,926 --> 00:03:39,387 What? That's my little brother's. I grabbed it by mistake. 52 00:03:39,387 --> 00:03:42,265 I meant to bring a really important book too. 53 00:03:43,350 --> 00:03:44,351 Oh, well. 54 00:03:44,351 --> 00:03:46,102 That's okay. 55 00:03:47,604 --> 00:03:50,732 So... which book should we read? 56 00:03:50,732 --> 00:03:53,944 What about Maya's? That sounded most like a story. 57 00:03:54,444 --> 00:03:57,656 Yeah, that sounds good. 58 00:03:57,656 --> 00:04:00,033 - Sure. - Okay. 59 00:04:01,159 --> 00:04:05,372 Great. So, we'll all read Pride and Prejudice as our first book. 60 00:04:05,372 --> 00:04:08,291 A toast to a successful book club meeting. 61 00:04:09,042 --> 00:04:10,502 Cheers. 62 00:04:18,718 --> 00:04:21,971 Welcome back, Addy. How was your book club meeting? 63 00:04:22,806 --> 00:04:23,807 Fine. 64 00:04:24,516 --> 00:04:27,352 Okay, not fine. It was awful. 65 00:04:27,352 --> 00:04:29,813 I was so excited to share Moonrise Dragons, 66 00:04:29,813 --> 00:04:33,024 but then everyone else's books sounded really grown-up. 67 00:04:34,609 --> 00:04:38,863 I'm sorry your book club meeting didn't turn out how you'd hoped. 68 00:04:39,364 --> 00:04:40,782 That's okay. 69 00:04:41,408 --> 00:04:44,744 You still have a lot of rice. Would you like any help with your onigiri? 70 00:04:45,495 --> 00:04:49,124 I would love to have help. Thank you, Addy. 71 00:04:49,124 --> 00:04:51,001 I'll just wash my hands first. 72 00:04:53,503 --> 00:04:58,049 Have I ever told you the story of the fiddler's lament? 73 00:04:58,049 --> 00:05:01,052 I don't think so. What's that mean? 74 00:05:02,470 --> 00:05:05,682 I think you'll understand once you hear it. 75 00:05:08,852 --> 00:05:12,731 Seamus was an extremely talented fiddle player, 76 00:05:12,731 --> 00:05:18,194 and the music he loved most were the lively folk songs of his village. 77 00:05:20,488 --> 00:05:23,658 I've heard that kind of music. It's fun to dance to, right? 78 00:05:23,658 --> 00:05:26,494 Couldn't have described it better myself. 79 00:05:37,047 --> 00:05:38,215 One day, 80 00:05:38,215 --> 00:05:44,596 a famous conductor who was traveling through the area heard Seamus's music. 81 00:05:50,560 --> 00:05:53,104 I've never heard such wondrous sound. 82 00:05:53,772 --> 00:05:57,317 Sir, you must have studied with the finest musicians. 83 00:05:57,317 --> 00:06:00,737 Would you do me the honor of joining my orchestra? 84 00:06:00,737 --> 00:06:05,242 It would be a fine way to showcase your marvelous talent to the world. 85 00:06:05,992 --> 00:06:08,495 Seamus loved performing, 86 00:06:08,495 --> 00:06:12,249 so he agreed to give the conductor's orchestra a try. 87 00:06:16,503 --> 00:06:21,216 The classical music the orchestra played was very different. 88 00:06:23,134 --> 00:06:26,471 Seamus was used to playing from his heart. 89 00:06:26,471 --> 00:06:33,353 But now he had long pages of sheet music with lots and lots of notes. 90 00:07:04,384 --> 00:07:07,095 After several successful performances, 91 00:07:07,095 --> 00:07:10,849 Seamus had become a welcomed addition to the orchestra. 92 00:07:15,478 --> 00:07:20,609 But he still longed to play the folk music of his village. 93 00:07:44,299 --> 00:07:48,553 Seamus realized that while this wonderful orchestra 94 00:07:48,553 --> 00:07:51,431 was full of talented musicians, 95 00:07:51,431 --> 00:07:54,893 it wasn't the music that he wanted to play. 96 00:07:56,478 --> 00:08:00,982 Seamus went back home and kept playing for his friends. 97 00:08:01,566 --> 00:08:08,198 He chose to be himself by returning to the music that made his heart sing. 98 00:08:11,785 --> 00:08:13,912 Everyone bringing such big books to the park 99 00:08:13,912 --> 00:08:16,915 feels a lot like Seamus trying to play classical music. 100 00:08:16,915 --> 00:08:19,751 That's an interesting observation, Addy. 101 00:08:19,751 --> 00:08:23,171 My friends and I wanted to have a book club to feel more grown-up. 102 00:08:23,171 --> 00:08:26,967 So, it makes sense that everyone brought really grown-up books. 103 00:08:26,967 --> 00:08:31,721 But thinking back, no one brought a book because they actually wanted to read it. 104 00:08:31,721 --> 00:08:32,806 Except me. 105 00:08:33,597 --> 00:08:38,395 Right now, Moonrise Dragons is the book that excites you. 106 00:08:38,395 --> 00:08:41,731 In a few years, it might be something else. 107 00:08:42,274 --> 00:08:45,402 Pride and Prejudice is an excellent book. 108 00:08:45,402 --> 00:08:47,821 Or The Big Book of Geology Essentials. 109 00:08:48,613 --> 00:08:50,615 Karl would definitely like that one. 110 00:08:52,033 --> 00:08:55,579 Will that mean I won't be excited about Moonrise Dragons anymore? 111 00:08:56,871 --> 00:09:00,584 Did you know that onigiri, like we're making today, 112 00:09:00,584 --> 00:09:03,253 were my favorite snack as a cub? 113 00:09:03,253 --> 00:09:07,549 I used to love when they would be shaped into smiley faces. 114 00:09:09,759 --> 00:09:12,012 Even though I'm grown up now, 115 00:09:12,012 --> 00:09:16,892 I still love to make onigiri into fun shapes. 116 00:09:16,892 --> 00:09:20,395 Even if they don't look particularly grown-up. 117 00:09:21,104 --> 00:09:25,358 We should always do what makes our hearts sing, 118 00:09:25,358 --> 00:09:29,571 be it music, books or onigiri. 119 00:09:31,072 --> 00:09:33,533 These are for Mrs. Wilson. 120 00:09:33,533 --> 00:09:36,703 Would you like to come with me to deliver them? 121 00:09:42,208 --> 00:09:43,335 Hi, Mrs. Wilson. 122 00:09:44,252 --> 00:09:46,463 Hello, you two. 123 00:09:47,547 --> 00:09:49,966 The bubbles make your porch look magical. 124 00:09:49,966 --> 00:09:52,177 Nothing wrong with a little magic. 125 00:09:52,177 --> 00:09:56,890 I used to blow bubbles as a little girl. They still make me happy. 126 00:09:57,432 --> 00:09:59,809 You mean they make your heart sing? 127 00:10:01,269 --> 00:10:04,064 Why, yes, I suppose they do. 128 00:10:09,819 --> 00:10:11,238 Maya, wait up! 129 00:10:14,074 --> 00:10:17,118 Do you think we can get the book club back together for a few minutes? 130 00:10:17,118 --> 00:10:19,454 I'm having second thoughts about the book we picked. 131 00:10:19,454 --> 00:10:23,166 Really? I mean, I know I'm the one who brought Pride and Prejudice, 132 00:10:23,166 --> 00:10:26,086 but I'm having second thoughts too. 133 00:10:26,086 --> 00:10:28,463 I bet the others feel the same way. 134 00:10:28,463 --> 00:10:30,840 Let's call another book club meeting. 135 00:10:33,552 --> 00:10:35,303 I need to tell you all something. 136 00:10:35,303 --> 00:10:38,515 I did bring Moonrise Dragons to our book club earlier. 137 00:10:38,515 --> 00:10:41,643 I knew it. But why did you say you didn't? 138 00:10:41,643 --> 00:10:43,770 You all had such big books. 139 00:10:43,770 --> 00:10:46,648 I was worried you wouldn't think it was grown-up enough. 140 00:10:46,648 --> 00:10:50,110 So, I made up a story about it being my little brother's. 141 00:10:50,110 --> 00:10:53,363 But now, I want to do what makes my heart sing. 142 00:10:53,363 --> 00:10:56,283 So, my book club pick is Moonrise Dragons. 143 00:10:56,908 --> 00:11:00,370 - I am so glad! - I'd way rather read a dragon book. 144 00:11:00,370 --> 00:11:03,415 I didn't really want to read Pride and Prejudice either. 145 00:11:05,584 --> 00:11:08,712 So, do we all wanna read Moonrise Dragons? 146 00:11:08,712 --> 00:11:10,338 - Yeah. - Well... 147 00:11:10,338 --> 00:11:14,134 - What do you want to read, Darrell? - I'm sure Moonrise Dragons is great, 148 00:11:14,134 --> 00:11:17,387 but I have this mystery book I've been wanting to read. 149 00:11:17,387 --> 00:11:20,974 And I already read Moonrise Dragons and loved it. 150 00:11:20,974 --> 00:11:22,851 But I want to read something new. 151 00:11:22,851 --> 00:11:26,187 I think we should each read whatever makes our heart sing. 152 00:11:26,187 --> 00:11:29,232 Asha and Lucas, since you wanna read Moonrise Dragons, 153 00:11:29,232 --> 00:11:30,984 why don't we read it together? 154 00:11:30,984 --> 00:11:33,153 Darrell and Maya can read books they want. 155 00:11:33,153 --> 00:11:36,197 That's a great idea. And at our next meeting, 156 00:11:36,197 --> 00:11:38,783 we can each share our books and talk about what we liked. 157 00:11:38,783 --> 00:11:40,285 - I love that! - Yeah. 158 00:11:40,285 --> 00:11:43,914 Since we're all here, what should we do for the rest of this meeting? 159 00:11:43,914 --> 00:11:48,126 I still think we should have some snacks. How about some onigiri? 160 00:11:48,126 --> 00:11:50,045 - Thanks, Stillwater. - Yeah. 161 00:11:50,045 --> 00:11:52,130 - Thanks, Stillwater. - Thanks, Stillwater. 162 00:11:52,130 --> 00:11:53,215 Wow! 163 00:11:55,383 --> 00:11:57,052 These are great. 164 00:11:57,052 --> 00:12:01,097 But next time, can we have lemonade with our onigiri? 165 00:12:01,097 --> 00:12:03,892 Lemonade would really make my heart sing. 166 00:12:22,869 --> 00:12:24,829 There's our friend, the seagull. 167 00:12:27,916 --> 00:12:30,460 See you at the beach, Mr. Seagull! 168 00:12:30,460 --> 00:12:34,548 Did you know this beach is sometimes called "Shipwreck Beach?" 169 00:12:36,550 --> 00:12:37,842 No. 170 00:12:37,842 --> 00:12:39,761 Did a ship crash there? 171 00:12:39,761 --> 00:12:45,100 Yep. But it wasn't just any ship. It was a pirate ship. 172 00:12:46,226 --> 00:12:49,396 You mean a pirate ship crashed on this beach? 173 00:12:49,396 --> 00:12:51,064 That's how the story goes. 174 00:12:51,731 --> 00:12:56,653 A pirate story. I can say, "Arr!" like pirates. 175 00:12:56,653 --> 00:12:58,321 Can you tell us more? 176 00:12:58,321 --> 00:13:00,907 These pirates sailed the seven seas, 177 00:13:00,907 --> 00:13:03,660 collecting treasure from all over the world. 178 00:13:03,660 --> 00:13:09,541 To keep it safe, they put it into a giant chest and buried it on this very beach. 179 00:13:10,959 --> 00:13:15,046 They vowed to return for the treasure, but they never did. 180 00:13:15,046 --> 00:13:17,757 Really? What happened to it? 181 00:13:17,757 --> 00:13:20,886 I guess it's still buried somewhere out there in the sand. 182 00:13:22,846 --> 00:13:24,389 I'll find it. 183 00:13:24,389 --> 00:13:27,726 Want to be treasure finders together, Koo? 184 00:13:27,726 --> 00:13:32,647 That sounds so fun, Karl. We will dig like the pirates. 185 00:13:32,647 --> 00:13:34,900 Shiver me timbers! 186 00:13:46,161 --> 00:13:48,163 Come on. I'll help you find a dig site. 187 00:13:50,040 --> 00:13:53,877 Would you like to join me for a dip in the ocean, Addy? 188 00:13:53,877 --> 00:13:55,545 I'd love to, Stillwater. 189 00:14:01,718 --> 00:14:03,094 Find anything yet? 190 00:14:03,678 --> 00:14:05,931 Nope. But we made a funny sand monster. 191 00:14:08,099 --> 00:14:09,726 Hey. What's that? 192 00:14:09,726 --> 00:14:10,810 Where? 193 00:14:13,396 --> 00:14:15,482 Look, I found some gold! 194 00:14:18,526 --> 00:14:20,195 It's just sea glass. 195 00:14:25,408 --> 00:14:27,035 Look what Karl found. 196 00:14:27,035 --> 00:14:31,248 It's such a pretty yellow. And it feels so smooth. 197 00:14:31,248 --> 00:14:35,252 That's really cool, Koo. It's super rare to find yellow sea glass. 198 00:14:35,252 --> 00:14:38,547 Yeah, but I already have a bunch of sea glass. 199 00:14:38,547 --> 00:14:40,840 I want to find pirate treasure. 200 00:14:44,219 --> 00:14:46,304 Hello, treasure finders. 201 00:14:46,304 --> 00:14:47,931 How is the hunt going? 202 00:14:48,431 --> 00:14:51,768 Not good. All we found is sea glass. 203 00:14:51,768 --> 00:14:54,396 Maybe the pirates buried the treasure under driftwood. 204 00:14:54,396 --> 00:14:58,400 - Want to go check over there? - Oh, okay. 205 00:15:05,907 --> 00:15:08,827 Check it out. It looks like they need a haircut. 206 00:15:11,079 --> 00:15:14,791 Look at this one. I can see the beach through it. 207 00:15:16,334 --> 00:15:18,378 And there is Uncle. 208 00:15:19,212 --> 00:15:22,883 Look at the seagull. He landed on Uncle's head. 209 00:15:22,883 --> 00:15:24,843 Come and see this, Karl. 210 00:15:26,219 --> 00:15:29,431 That's funny, but I have to keep looking for treasure. 211 00:15:30,849 --> 00:15:35,061 If I were a pirate, where would I bury my treasure? 212 00:15:35,729 --> 00:15:39,816 I think I'd hide it someplace where I'd know to look. 213 00:15:42,444 --> 00:15:44,404 Perhaps the sand dunes. 214 00:15:44,404 --> 00:15:45,989 Great idea, Koo. 215 00:15:54,956 --> 00:15:57,584 Look! The grass is missing here. 216 00:15:58,585 --> 00:16:01,546 That must be where the pirates buried the treasure. 217 00:16:06,426 --> 00:16:09,095 It's here. I know it is! 218 00:16:09,095 --> 00:16:12,390 It's just a little deeper. It's-- 219 00:16:15,393 --> 00:16:16,895 Shells? 220 00:16:21,483 --> 00:16:26,404 Wow, Karl. Look at them. They're like little ice-cream cones. 221 00:16:26,404 --> 00:16:28,240 Where did they come from? 222 00:16:28,240 --> 00:16:31,034 These are sea snail shells, Koo. 223 00:16:31,034 --> 00:16:35,705 Some sea snails lived as far back as dinosaur times, 224 00:16:35,705 --> 00:16:38,917 so these may even be fossils. 225 00:16:39,709 --> 00:16:41,336 Would you like to see, Karl? 226 00:16:42,379 --> 00:16:43,547 No, thanks. 227 00:16:44,130 --> 00:16:46,341 Is something wrong, Karl? 228 00:16:46,341 --> 00:16:49,678 I thought we were having fun, looking for treasure. 229 00:16:49,678 --> 00:16:51,930 Not anymore. 230 00:17:02,566 --> 00:17:05,235 Michael, do you remember anything else from the story 231 00:17:05,235 --> 00:17:07,320 about the pirates' hidden treasure? 232 00:17:07,987 --> 00:17:11,449 You're still looking? It's just a legend, Karl. 233 00:17:12,074 --> 00:17:14,202 A legend? What's that? 234 00:17:14,202 --> 00:17:18,039 It's a story from a long time ago that we don't know if it's real. 235 00:17:19,541 --> 00:17:24,588 So, does that mean we aren't going to find any treasure? 236 00:17:26,631 --> 00:17:28,466 Probably not. 237 00:17:28,466 --> 00:17:31,511 But sometimes it's fun to pretend. 238 00:17:31,511 --> 00:17:35,140 I don't want to pretend! I want real treasure! 239 00:17:35,140 --> 00:17:37,225 And this is no fun at all! 240 00:17:38,351 --> 00:17:41,980 I'm sorry, Karl. I didn't know you're taking it so seriously. 241 00:17:41,980 --> 00:17:44,566 Why don't we take a break and do something else? 242 00:17:44,566 --> 00:17:46,902 I don't wanna do anything else! 243 00:17:49,738 --> 00:17:51,698 I just wanna go home. 244 00:17:56,036 --> 00:17:59,164 I see you've put aside your shovel, Karl. 245 00:17:59,164 --> 00:18:03,543 Michael and Addy said the treasure probably isn't real. 246 00:18:03,543 --> 00:18:06,963 So now I'm just waiting till it's time to go. 247 00:18:08,882 --> 00:18:14,221 I'm sorry to hear that. I know how excited you were to find the treasure. 248 00:18:14,221 --> 00:18:19,100 Perhaps you'd like to hear about someone who felt just like you 249 00:18:19,100 --> 00:18:25,023 when he was on an amazing adventure looking for a new planet. 250 00:18:25,982 --> 00:18:30,904 A new planet? Like the kind in outer space? 251 00:18:30,904 --> 00:18:33,615 Will you tell me the story? 252 00:18:33,615 --> 00:18:35,408 I'd be delighted to. 253 00:18:36,409 --> 00:18:40,413 There once were two space explorers on a mission. 254 00:18:41,331 --> 00:18:44,459 They were looking for a golden planet 255 00:18:44,459 --> 00:18:49,756 that some astronomers believed they had spotted in the night sky. 256 00:18:50,382 --> 00:18:54,511 These space explorers were very brave. 257 00:18:54,511 --> 00:19:00,892 They were venturing into a part of space nobody had ever traveled to before. 258 00:19:00,892 --> 00:19:05,647 I can't wait to be the first outer space explorers to land on the golden planet. 259 00:19:07,440 --> 00:19:10,694 Look at that, Cosmo Kane. A new planet. 260 00:19:11,194 --> 00:19:13,989 It looks like a lava planet. 261 00:19:13,989 --> 00:19:16,616 Hey, I have a lava rock. 262 00:19:16,616 --> 00:19:22,581 Yes, you do, Karl. But Cosmo Kane was not so interested. 263 00:19:22,581 --> 00:19:25,959 That's nice, but I wanna keep looking for the golden planet. 264 00:19:27,961 --> 00:19:30,505 Just a few moments later... 265 00:19:31,882 --> 00:19:33,425 Cosmo Kane, come look! 266 00:19:33,425 --> 00:19:37,262 - We're approaching another new planet. - Is it the golden planet? 267 00:19:37,262 --> 00:19:39,890 I think it is a crystal planet. 268 00:19:39,890 --> 00:19:43,643 I would love to see a planet made of crystal. 269 00:19:43,643 --> 00:19:45,478 How it would sparkle. 270 00:19:45,478 --> 00:19:47,731 So would I, Koo. 271 00:19:47,731 --> 00:19:51,318 But Cosmo Kane's mind was elsewhere. 272 00:19:52,110 --> 00:19:54,112 I hope we find the golden planet soon. 273 00:19:55,947 --> 00:19:59,242 Come quick, Cosmo Kora! There's something in the distance. 274 00:19:59,242 --> 00:20:01,077 I don't believe it. 275 00:20:01,077 --> 00:20:03,914 It's a planet made of marshmallow! 276 00:20:03,914 --> 00:20:06,124 A marshmallow planet? 277 00:20:09,252 --> 00:20:13,506 I don't care if it's a marshmallow planet. I wanna find the golden planet. 278 00:20:14,549 --> 00:20:16,384 All right, Cosmo Kane. 279 00:20:16,384 --> 00:20:18,094 I will go explore it alone. 280 00:20:22,474 --> 00:20:24,434 Until, at last... 281 00:20:24,434 --> 00:20:27,938 Cosmo Kane, we are halfway through our fuel supply. 282 00:20:27,938 --> 00:20:29,648 We must return home. 283 00:20:29,648 --> 00:20:32,317 Maybe the astronomers made a mistake. 284 00:20:32,317 --> 00:20:35,153 Maybe there is no golden planet. 285 00:20:35,153 --> 00:20:36,988 Maybe we'll never find it. 286 00:20:36,988 --> 00:20:39,366 But look at everything we did find. 287 00:20:39,366 --> 00:20:43,620 We discovered three new planets nobody has ever seen before. 288 00:20:47,415 --> 00:20:51,169 When the explorers returned to their space station, 289 00:20:51,169 --> 00:20:54,005 the astronomers gathered to meet them. 290 00:20:57,717 --> 00:21:01,930 Welcome back, Cosmos. Did you complete your mission? 291 00:21:02,931 --> 00:21:05,559 Well, we didn't find the golden planet. 292 00:21:05,559 --> 00:21:07,852 But we found something else. 293 00:21:07,852 --> 00:21:10,564 A lot of something elses. 294 00:21:10,564 --> 00:21:13,984 This rock is from a lava planet we discovered. 295 00:21:15,944 --> 00:21:20,532 And this stone is from a planet made entirely of crystals. 296 00:21:20,532 --> 00:21:22,617 Incredible. 297 00:21:22,617 --> 00:21:26,121 - And the marshmallow planet. - How unusual. 298 00:21:26,121 --> 00:21:28,290 Magnificent specimens. 299 00:21:28,290 --> 00:21:32,586 Cosmo Kane realized something important. 300 00:21:32,586 --> 00:21:38,717 Sometimes, the greatest treasure you find isn't the one you seek, 301 00:21:38,717 --> 00:21:42,554 but the ones you discover along the way. 302 00:21:48,393 --> 00:21:52,814 All these things are kind of like the planets the space explorers found. 303 00:21:53,648 --> 00:21:56,401 Maybe me and Koo did find the treasure. 304 00:21:56,401 --> 00:21:58,695 Lots of different kinds of treasure. 305 00:21:59,446 --> 00:22:03,241 You certainly made some exciting discoveries today. 306 00:22:03,241 --> 00:22:09,039 Can we tell you about everything we found? Like the space explorers did? 307 00:22:09,915 --> 00:22:13,043 I think that's a wonderful idea. 308 00:22:13,043 --> 00:22:14,961 - Me too. - Let's hear it. 309 00:22:17,088 --> 00:22:21,468 Here's some yellow sea glass. It's one of the rarest kinds. 310 00:22:21,468 --> 00:22:23,178 Like you told us, Michael. 311 00:22:23,178 --> 00:22:26,723 And remember when Koo saw the seagull through this driftwood, Addy? 312 00:22:26,723 --> 00:22:29,017 It was sitting on Stillwater's head. 313 00:22:31,102 --> 00:22:33,104 Want to show them the shells, Koo? 314 00:22:35,607 --> 00:22:40,111 These come from sea snails. We found them in the sand dunes. 315 00:22:40,111 --> 00:22:42,113 So many spirals. 316 00:22:42,989 --> 00:22:45,617 Wow. You two had a really fun day. 317 00:22:47,244 --> 00:22:51,039 Yeah, we had a lot of adventures finding all this stuff. 318 00:22:51,039 --> 00:22:54,834 And you know what else? I think you were right. 319 00:22:54,834 --> 00:22:59,297 It does make it fun to think there might be treasure buried on Shipwreck Beach. 320 00:23:03,677 --> 00:23:06,721 Maybe someday I'll find where the pirates hid it. 321 00:23:06,721 --> 00:23:09,724 But right now, I'm happy with these treasures. 322 00:23:26,866 --> 00:23:30,412 With our spirits We were floating through the trees 323 00:23:31,496 --> 00:23:35,625 Like creatures, we were soaring high Blowing off some steam 324 00:23:35,625 --> 00:23:39,170 Or a mountain And its effervescent green 325 00:23:39,170 --> 00:23:45,093 A never-ending dream 326 00:23:45,093 --> 00:23:47,387 I found a little bit of honey 327 00:23:48,138 --> 00:23:50,640 And now I'm a little sweeter inside 328 00:23:53,727 --> 00:23:56,813 It's just a little bit funny 329 00:23:56,813 --> 00:23:59,441 But now I have the world on my side