1 00:00:31,533 --> 00:00:32,784 No. 2 00:00:34,369 --> 00:00:36,079 Nope. 3 00:00:37,247 --> 00:00:38,623 Dinosaurs? 4 00:00:40,083 --> 00:00:41,167 Maybe. 5 00:00:57,392 --> 00:00:59,978 I wish they were real dinosaurs. 6 00:01:19,956 --> 00:01:21,833 Maybe I need a snack. 7 00:01:23,877 --> 00:01:25,962 Or maybe I need Addy. 8 00:01:28,673 --> 00:01:30,175 What you doin', Addy? 9 00:01:31,509 --> 00:01:33,470 Wanna do something with me? 10 00:01:33,470 --> 00:01:36,097 I just started reading this great book about a boy 11 00:01:36,097 --> 00:01:38,975 who finds a mysterious portal in his basement. 12 00:01:38,975 --> 00:01:40,810 I could read it out loud with you. 13 00:01:40,810 --> 00:01:43,230 Cool. What's a portal? 14 00:01:43,230 --> 00:01:44,439 It's like a magic door. 15 00:01:44,439 --> 00:01:47,651 Yes! I love magic doors. 16 00:01:47,651 --> 00:01:50,237 "Jason stepped through the mysterious portal 17 00:01:50,237 --> 00:01:53,281 and found himself in a deep, dark forest. 18 00:01:53,782 --> 00:01:55,450 It was eerily silent, 19 00:01:55,450 --> 00:01:58,828 except for the sounds of leaves crackling under his feet. 20 00:01:58,828 --> 00:02:01,915 Then suddenly, he heard a sound like a owl hooting. 21 00:02:02,499 --> 00:02:04,876 What was this mysterious place, Jason wondered. 22 00:02:04,876 --> 00:02:07,295 And why had he only discovered it today?" 23 00:02:08,254 --> 00:02:09,756 Are you listening, Karl? 24 00:02:13,927 --> 00:02:16,930 Maybe you're just not in the mood for this kind of story today. 25 00:02:16,930 --> 00:02:18,390 I guess not. 26 00:02:18,390 --> 00:02:21,268 Why don't you go kick the ball around with Michael? 27 00:02:21,268 --> 00:02:22,936 Great idea, Addy! 28 00:02:25,480 --> 00:02:28,233 Hey, Michael. Can I play? 29 00:02:28,233 --> 00:02:31,027 Well, I'm not really playing. I'm practicing. 30 00:02:31,528 --> 00:02:33,613 But you can practice with me if you want to. 31 00:02:33,613 --> 00:02:35,740 Yes! Kick it to me. 32 00:02:51,798 --> 00:02:53,550 Is this all we do? 33 00:02:53,550 --> 00:02:55,176 This is how you practice. 34 00:02:55,176 --> 00:02:56,970 Practice isn't fun. 35 00:02:56,970 --> 00:02:58,221 It is for me. 36 00:02:58,221 --> 00:03:00,891 But if you don't wanna do it, why don't you go swing instead? 37 00:03:00,891 --> 00:03:02,642 I don't wanna swing. 38 00:03:03,727 --> 00:03:07,188 - You could play with your maze game. - I did that yesterday. 39 00:03:07,188 --> 00:03:09,399 How about we ask Addy to play tag with us? 40 00:03:09,399 --> 00:03:12,277 We've done that about a million times. 41 00:03:12,903 --> 00:03:15,447 Maybe Stillwater has some ideas you'd like. 42 00:03:16,072 --> 00:03:21,286 Yeah. Stillwater is always doing something fun! Thanks, Michael. 43 00:03:36,968 --> 00:03:40,263 Hi, Stillwater. Are you doing something fun today? 44 00:03:40,263 --> 00:03:45,936 Hello, Karl. As a matter of fact, I am doing something fun today. 45 00:03:46,686 --> 00:03:48,688 Cool. When? 46 00:03:48,688 --> 00:03:51,650 Right now. Would you like to join me? 47 00:03:51,650 --> 00:03:52,859 Yes! 48 00:03:57,197 --> 00:04:01,034 So, when are we going to start doing the fun stuff, Stillwater? 49 00:04:01,034 --> 00:04:02,827 I'm already doing it. 50 00:04:03,870 --> 00:04:06,331 But you're just sitting there. 51 00:04:09,084 --> 00:04:12,128 Karl, what do you think would be fun to do? 52 00:04:13,129 --> 00:04:14,589 I don't know. 53 00:04:14,589 --> 00:04:19,678 I tried dinosaurs, and robot cranes, and reading books, and soccer practice. 54 00:04:19,678 --> 00:04:22,430 But nothing sounds like fun today. 55 00:04:22,430 --> 00:04:25,433 Well, then, let's do nothing. 56 00:04:25,433 --> 00:04:27,310 That's not what I mean. 57 00:04:27,310 --> 00:04:32,607 I mean, I keep trying to do stuff, but everything is not fun. 58 00:04:33,817 --> 00:04:34,818 I see. 59 00:04:35,318 --> 00:04:41,074 But, you know, sometimes doing nothing can be just what we need. 60 00:04:41,992 --> 00:04:43,785 Would you like to try it with me? 61 00:04:43,785 --> 00:04:46,621 Well, okay. 62 00:04:50,166 --> 00:04:52,836 How long do we do nothing for? 63 00:04:52,836 --> 00:04:54,671 As long as we need to. 64 00:05:01,845 --> 00:05:04,431 I'm so bored! 65 00:05:06,683 --> 00:05:09,060 I wonder if a story might help. 66 00:05:09,060 --> 00:05:11,479 I always like your stories. 67 00:05:11,479 --> 00:05:12,772 Okay, then. 68 00:05:18,486 --> 00:05:21,698 Once there was a spirited young manatee 69 00:05:21,698 --> 00:05:24,618 who lived in a crystal clear spring. 70 00:05:27,704 --> 00:05:31,333 This energetic manatee was always on the move, 71 00:05:31,333 --> 00:05:34,294 looking for new adventures and things 72 00:05:34,294 --> 00:05:37,505 to discover in her underwater world. 73 00:05:37,505 --> 00:05:40,967 There was no slowing down for her. 74 00:05:57,525 --> 00:05:59,986 Mama, over here! Come and look. 75 00:05:59,986 --> 00:06:04,407 I found a shiny pebble right in the middle of some seagrass. Come and look. 76 00:06:04,407 --> 00:06:06,034 I'm coming, baby. 77 00:06:06,618 --> 00:06:09,537 It's so pretty, Mama. And it's right over here. 78 00:06:09,537 --> 00:06:10,997 No, wait. 79 00:06:14,084 --> 00:06:15,627 I think it's over here. 80 00:06:16,378 --> 00:06:18,463 No. Over here. 81 00:06:22,634 --> 00:06:26,721 In her excitement, the young manatee stirred up the mud 82 00:06:26,721 --> 00:06:28,807 at the bottom of the spring, 83 00:06:28,807 --> 00:06:32,227 causing the water to become darker and darker. 84 00:06:34,229 --> 00:06:36,940 I know it's here somewhere, Mama. I know it is. 85 00:06:37,566 --> 00:06:40,777 But the water is so muddy now, I can't see it. 86 00:06:40,777 --> 00:06:43,572 Soon, the water was so murky 87 00:06:43,572 --> 00:06:48,076 the young manatee could barely even see her mother. 88 00:06:48,076 --> 00:06:51,705 Mama? Mama? Where are you? 89 00:06:54,040 --> 00:06:55,750 I'm here, Daughter. 90 00:06:55,750 --> 00:06:58,461 The shiny thing, Mama. I can't find it. 91 00:06:58,962 --> 00:07:01,214 I-- I can't find anything. 92 00:07:02,007 --> 00:07:04,217 Just stop for a moment, my sweet. 93 00:07:06,803 --> 00:07:12,559 Be quiet and still. If you quiet your mind and body and do nothing, 94 00:07:13,226 --> 00:07:15,437 I think you'll find what you're looking for. 95 00:07:15,437 --> 00:07:19,149 The young manatee did as her mother asked, 96 00:07:20,066 --> 00:07:23,278 and the muddy water slowly settled 97 00:07:23,278 --> 00:07:26,364 until it was crystal clear again. 98 00:07:30,285 --> 00:07:34,289 Mama, it worked. The more I did nothing, the more I could see. 99 00:07:37,083 --> 00:07:40,670 And now I see what I was looking for. It's right in front of us. 100 00:07:40,670 --> 00:07:46,593 You see, Daughter, the more we allow ourselves to do nothing, 101 00:07:47,135 --> 00:07:50,513 the more we can see the world around us 102 00:07:50,513 --> 00:07:53,975 and all its possibilities. 103 00:08:11,952 --> 00:08:17,332 Do you think if I sit still and do nothing it will help me find something fun to do? 104 00:08:17,332 --> 00:08:20,126 Would you like to see what happens if we try? 105 00:08:20,126 --> 00:08:21,211 Okay. 106 00:08:40,145 --> 00:08:42,816 How does nothing feel to you, Karl? 107 00:08:43,316 --> 00:08:49,239 It feels quiet and still. I can't see anything 'cause my eyes are closed. 108 00:08:49,239 --> 00:08:51,908 But I can hear all kinds of things. 109 00:08:52,701 --> 00:08:58,248 Isn't it interesting how even in nothing there can be something? 110 00:09:02,085 --> 00:09:04,546 I hear a bird. It sounds happy. 111 00:09:07,841 --> 00:09:12,012 And some squirrels. It sounds like they're mad at each other. 112 00:09:18,768 --> 00:09:20,770 I can even hear the trees. 113 00:09:23,189 --> 00:09:26,234 And I hear something moving behind us. 114 00:09:27,402 --> 00:09:29,321 I wonder what that could be. 115 00:09:29,321 --> 00:09:34,576 It could be Jasper. Or maybe it's a dog, or a zebra. 116 00:09:36,703 --> 00:09:40,248 Or maybe it's a garden gnome sneaking through the grass. 117 00:09:40,248 --> 00:09:44,252 I think that's what it is, Stillwater! A garden gnome! 118 00:09:45,128 --> 00:09:46,963 Anything is possible. 119 00:09:46,963 --> 00:09:51,343 Maybe if I try doing nothing again, I'll find out where it is. 120 00:09:55,305 --> 00:09:58,475 I could also build a garden gnome finder to help me find it. 121 00:09:59,142 --> 00:10:01,853 That doesn't sound boring at all. 122 00:10:02,437 --> 00:10:04,481 Will you show it to me when you've finished? 123 00:10:04,981 --> 00:10:05,982 I will! 124 00:10:07,651 --> 00:10:08,985 Thanks, Stillwater! 125 00:10:34,761 --> 00:10:35,762 What are you doing, Karl? 126 00:10:35,762 --> 00:10:38,932 I'm collecting stuff to build a garden gnome finder. 127 00:10:38,932 --> 00:10:40,058 Garden gnome? 128 00:10:40,058 --> 00:10:43,019 Yeah, I heard one in Stillwater's backyard, 129 00:10:43,019 --> 00:10:44,604 and now I wanna see it! 130 00:10:44,604 --> 00:10:46,731 That sounds awesome. Can I help? 131 00:10:46,731 --> 00:10:51,319 Sure. We can use this box in the garden gnome finder. 132 00:10:51,319 --> 00:10:53,488 You're making a garden gnome finder, Karl? 133 00:10:53,488 --> 00:10:55,907 Uh-huh. Michael's helping. 134 00:10:55,907 --> 00:10:58,076 That's great. Need more help? 135 00:10:58,076 --> 00:10:59,160 Okay. 136 00:11:11,506 --> 00:11:16,887 So this is what a garden gnome finder looks like. How does it work? 137 00:11:16,887 --> 00:11:20,932 Gnomes are very curious. This candy will get its attention. 138 00:11:20,932 --> 00:11:22,809 Very clever, Karl. 139 00:11:23,935 --> 00:11:27,188 Then we can spy on it through our secret hideout box. 140 00:11:29,566 --> 00:11:34,112 And I'm not bored at all now. Thanks for helping me with that, Stillwater. 141 00:11:34,112 --> 00:11:35,363 You're welcome. 142 00:11:35,864 --> 00:11:40,368 So, what exactly did you and Stillwater do to make you not be bored anymore? 143 00:11:40,368 --> 00:11:42,996 We did nothing. 144 00:11:44,456 --> 00:11:45,874 - Nothing? - Nothing? 145 00:11:45,874 --> 00:11:49,127 That's right. We did nothing. 146 00:11:49,127 --> 00:11:52,422 Oh. Well, I guess nothing worked. 147 00:11:52,422 --> 00:11:54,090 Yep, it did. 148 00:11:56,801 --> 00:12:01,097 And now we need to find that gnome. Everybody, be quiet. 149 00:12:04,100 --> 00:12:05,143 Is that it? 150 00:12:07,437 --> 00:12:09,064 No, just Jasper. 151 00:12:23,745 --> 00:12:27,707 That was a great field trip today. I love going to art museums. 152 00:12:27,707 --> 00:12:31,628 Me too. And now I'm even more excited about the art fair at school. 153 00:12:33,255 --> 00:12:35,257 I wish you hadn't reminded me of that. 154 00:12:35,257 --> 00:12:37,968 - Why? - I don't have a piece of art yet. 155 00:12:37,968 --> 00:12:40,262 But, Michael, the art fair is tomorrow. 156 00:12:41,179 --> 00:12:42,472 I know, Molly. 157 00:12:43,098 --> 00:12:46,768 Ms. Welsh said the artwork we make should say something about who we are, 158 00:12:47,310 --> 00:12:48,895 but I have no idea what to do. 159 00:12:49,396 --> 00:12:50,564 What did you two make? 160 00:12:50,564 --> 00:12:52,566 You know how I like taking pictures? 161 00:12:52,566 --> 00:12:55,068 Well, I have a thing that goes on my camera 162 00:12:55,068 --> 00:12:57,445 which lets me get up super close 163 00:12:57,445 --> 00:13:01,866 so I can see stuff like a housefly's face or a drop of water on a leaf. 164 00:13:01,866 --> 00:13:05,495 That's what my project's about. Seeing things in a different way. 165 00:13:05,495 --> 00:13:09,624 I made a globe of the earth out of trash and a chart showing how to recycle things. 166 00:13:09,624 --> 00:13:11,918 Protecting the environment's real important to me. 167 00:13:13,044 --> 00:13:14,629 They both sound great. 168 00:13:17,048 --> 00:13:19,551 Don't worry, Michael. You'll figure it out. 169 00:13:20,427 --> 00:13:23,930 Well, I'm gonna try at least. See you tomorrow. 170 00:13:34,065 --> 00:13:35,400 Huh. 171 00:13:51,625 --> 00:13:54,502 Okay, Michael. Why do you keep sighing? 172 00:13:54,502 --> 00:13:58,590 My art fair project. It has to say something about me. 173 00:13:59,132 --> 00:14:03,345 What does that even mean? I'm just not very creative. 174 00:14:03,887 --> 00:14:05,639 What? Yes, you are. 175 00:14:05,639 --> 00:14:07,557 Well, I don't feel like it. 176 00:14:08,099 --> 00:14:09,684 I wish somebody would tell me, 177 00:14:09,684 --> 00:14:12,687 "Do it this way." Like all my other assignments. 178 00:14:13,688 --> 00:14:15,023 You need some inspiration? 179 00:14:16,858 --> 00:14:20,237 There's a shelf full of art books. Maybe one of them will give you an idea. 180 00:14:21,696 --> 00:14:23,990 Oh, yeah. Thanks, Addy. 181 00:14:36,545 --> 00:14:37,629 This should do it. 182 00:14:57,691 --> 00:14:58,984 How's it going? 183 00:15:00,944 --> 00:15:04,114 Awful. It doesn't look anything like what's in the book. 184 00:15:04,990 --> 00:15:07,367 I said use it for inspiration. 185 00:15:07,367 --> 00:15:10,620 You're trying to copy a famous painting by a famous artist. 186 00:15:11,329 --> 00:15:16,751 I told you. I'm not an artist. It's hard for me to come up with artistic ideas. 187 00:15:16,751 --> 00:15:19,296 What about all those maps and diagrams you make? 188 00:15:19,296 --> 00:15:21,965 That's like science, not art. 189 00:15:21,965 --> 00:15:24,718 Your teacher said make something about you. 190 00:15:24,718 --> 00:15:27,220 So, what are you feeling right now? 191 00:15:27,220 --> 00:15:28,430 Frustration. 192 00:15:36,146 --> 00:15:37,689 Then draw what that looks like. 193 00:15:49,743 --> 00:15:50,827 How did it turn out? 194 00:15:52,412 --> 00:15:56,207 I don't like it. The nose is crooked. The ears are funny. 195 00:15:56,207 --> 00:15:58,043 It doesn't look anything like me. 196 00:15:58,043 --> 00:16:02,547 It doesn't have to. Like Stillwater says, "You have to go with the flow." 197 00:16:03,548 --> 00:16:06,676 That's just it. My flow won't go. 198 00:16:07,427 --> 00:16:10,472 Okay. You like building stuff, don't you? 199 00:16:10,472 --> 00:16:13,600 So instead of making a drawing, do that. 200 00:16:16,561 --> 00:16:17,646 I can try. 201 00:16:18,939 --> 00:16:19,940 That's the spirit. 202 00:16:27,530 --> 00:16:28,531 Michael? 203 00:16:29,241 --> 00:16:30,242 What happened? 204 00:16:30,909 --> 00:16:33,411 I was putting together a marble roller coaster. 205 00:16:33,411 --> 00:16:36,748 Isn't the point of the project to create something personal? 206 00:16:37,290 --> 00:16:39,167 You don't even like roller coasters. 207 00:16:39,167 --> 00:16:43,338 I know. But I had an old playset, so I thought, 208 00:16:43,338 --> 00:16:46,174 "Make that. Turn it in, and be done." 209 00:16:46,758 --> 00:16:51,179 But it was just as bad as my drawings. Now, what do I do? 210 00:16:51,179 --> 00:16:55,892 Sorry, Michael. I'm out of ideas. You should go talk to Stillwater. 211 00:17:11,741 --> 00:17:15,661 Hello, Michael. I didn't see you. How are you today? 212 00:17:16,746 --> 00:17:17,747 Not so great. 213 00:17:19,916 --> 00:17:21,626 I'm sorry to hear that. 214 00:17:22,669 --> 00:17:25,505 I have to do a project for the school art fair. 215 00:17:25,505 --> 00:17:27,090 It has to be about me, 216 00:17:27,632 --> 00:17:31,219 but everything I tried turned out really bad. 217 00:17:31,219 --> 00:17:33,889 And who told you they were bad? 218 00:17:34,389 --> 00:17:37,392 No one. Well, me. 219 00:17:39,102 --> 00:17:40,103 Interesting. 220 00:17:46,318 --> 00:17:47,736 Would you care to try? 221 00:17:57,162 --> 00:17:59,289 See? I ruined it. 222 00:18:00,290 --> 00:18:06,546 Michael, are you familiar with the meaning of a positive and negative mindset? 223 00:18:07,756 --> 00:18:10,217 Positive is good, and negative is bad? 224 00:18:10,842 --> 00:18:15,222 Well, in a way. When we approach any task, 225 00:18:15,222 --> 00:18:19,059 the way we think about it, negative or positive, 226 00:18:19,559 --> 00:18:22,479 can often impact the results. 227 00:18:22,979 --> 00:18:25,607 Well, I'm positive I'm bad at art. 228 00:18:27,359 --> 00:18:30,737 And what does that tell you about your mindset? 229 00:18:31,321 --> 00:18:33,740 Guess I'm thinking pretty negatively. 230 00:18:35,242 --> 00:18:39,079 I have a story that speaks to this. Would you like to hear it? 231 00:18:39,871 --> 00:18:41,539 Yeah. I'd like that a lot. 232 00:18:44,042 --> 00:18:49,506 There once was a family of seagulls who lived in a nest near the ocean. 233 00:18:51,174 --> 00:18:55,679 The mother had raised her brood with love but she knew 234 00:18:55,679 --> 00:18:59,099 they would soon have to spread their wings. 235 00:18:59,099 --> 00:19:03,103 All right, my dears. It's time for you to fly. 236 00:19:03,103 --> 00:19:06,648 And with that, they took their first flight. 237 00:19:09,359 --> 00:19:10,443 Yay! 238 00:19:11,027 --> 00:19:13,989 All except the smallest brother. 239 00:19:20,203 --> 00:19:22,414 We did it. Come on. 240 00:19:26,001 --> 00:19:27,043 I can't do it. 241 00:19:27,544 --> 00:19:31,464 Of course you can, sweetheart. Be patient with yourself. 242 00:19:33,633 --> 00:19:39,097 Every time his brother and sister flew, the little gull tried. 243 00:19:41,641 --> 00:19:42,767 I can't. 244 00:19:42,767 --> 00:19:44,728 Almost. Keep going. 245 00:19:46,855 --> 00:19:48,148 And tried. 246 00:19:49,357 --> 00:19:50,400 I can't. 247 00:19:50,984 --> 00:19:53,528 Yeah, come on! You can do it! 248 00:19:54,821 --> 00:19:56,531 And tried. 249 00:19:59,701 --> 00:20:00,702 I give up. 250 00:20:01,786 --> 00:20:03,079 Before long, 251 00:20:03,079 --> 00:20:07,584 he convinced himself that he would never learn to fly. 252 00:20:12,047 --> 00:20:13,798 Then one day, 253 00:20:13,798 --> 00:20:18,511 the little bird discovered that he had a big problem. 254 00:20:19,262 --> 00:20:21,014 A storm was coming. 255 00:20:22,849 --> 00:20:28,355 And with it, a great wind that shook the nest on the cliff where it sat. 256 00:20:29,522 --> 00:20:32,317 Come on, dear. Time to fly. 257 00:20:32,901 --> 00:20:34,486 But I can't do it. 258 00:20:40,200 --> 00:20:44,913 But as he fell, the gull chick's instincts took over. 259 00:20:45,455 --> 00:20:48,959 He opened his wings and found himself... 260 00:20:50,669 --> 00:20:51,711 Flying. 261 00:20:53,630 --> 00:20:54,631 I'm really flying. 262 00:20:55,799 --> 00:20:57,050 I did it, Mama! 263 00:20:57,634 --> 00:21:01,513 I knew you would. You just had to trust what comes naturally. 264 00:21:03,014 --> 00:21:04,099 Yeah! 265 00:21:05,642 --> 00:21:06,851 Yeah! 266 00:21:11,398 --> 00:21:14,234 Then the family rode the winds together. 267 00:21:19,823 --> 00:21:22,826 So, the seagull had to stop worrying 268 00:21:22,826 --> 00:21:25,203 and being so negative about if he could fly, 269 00:21:25,745 --> 00:21:27,080 and just let it happen. 270 00:21:27,664 --> 00:21:28,748 Exactly. 271 00:21:29,374 --> 00:21:32,878 Whenever I begin to have doubts about myself, 272 00:21:32,878 --> 00:21:36,423 there are three questions I always ask. 273 00:21:37,007 --> 00:21:41,720 What am I feeling? Is that helpful? Is it true? 274 00:21:42,304 --> 00:21:44,347 I am having a lot of doubts lately. 275 00:21:45,473 --> 00:21:48,226 Then let me ask you those questions. 276 00:21:48,894 --> 00:21:53,356 When you say you are a bad artist, how does that make you feel? 277 00:21:54,482 --> 00:21:56,359 It makes me feel frustrated. 278 00:21:57,277 --> 00:21:58,570 Is that helpful? 279 00:21:59,154 --> 00:22:02,365 Definitely no. It makes me not want to make art. 280 00:22:02,365 --> 00:22:04,659 And do you think it's true? 281 00:22:05,285 --> 00:22:06,661 Not really. 282 00:22:07,579 --> 00:22:12,667 There's a creative and expressive person inside all of us. 283 00:22:13,293 --> 00:22:18,590 Though sometimes, it might take a little push to do what comes naturally. 284 00:22:19,424 --> 00:22:22,969 Like that bird on the cliff. I just need to spread my wings. 285 00:22:22,969 --> 00:22:26,306 And let the winds take you where they may. 286 00:22:28,516 --> 00:22:31,770 I think I might need a little push too. Like the bird. 287 00:22:33,772 --> 00:22:37,943 The art fair project is supposed to tell us about you. 288 00:22:38,735 --> 00:22:40,946 What are the things you like most? 289 00:22:41,738 --> 00:22:44,407 I like baseball, and making paper airplanes, 290 00:22:44,407 --> 00:22:48,161 and building stuff, and stargazing and my family. 291 00:22:48,954 --> 00:22:53,708 I still wish art came with a set of instructions or a blueprint. 292 00:22:54,918 --> 00:22:57,796 That's it, Stillwater. Now I know what to do. 293 00:22:59,631 --> 00:23:01,341 Happy flying. 294 00:23:11,893 --> 00:23:12,978 A pizza? 295 00:23:17,357 --> 00:23:21,027 You know I like to make plans and maps. So here's what I came up with. 296 00:23:21,027 --> 00:23:22,612 A Michael blueprint. 297 00:23:22,612 --> 00:23:23,738 Wow! 298 00:23:24,406 --> 00:23:27,951 I love it. It's sort of like all the ingredients for you. 299 00:23:27,951 --> 00:23:29,327 I knew you'd figure it out. 300 00:23:29,327 --> 00:23:30,745 Yeah. Me too. 301 00:23:31,329 --> 00:23:36,835 Nicely done, Michael. Are you feeling better about your artwork now? 302 00:23:36,835 --> 00:23:40,505 Positively. I just had to do what came naturally. 303 00:23:40,505 --> 00:23:44,217 Well, I'm glad you did. 304 00:23:56,938 --> 00:24:00,275 With our spirits We were floating through the trees 305 00:24:01,568 --> 00:24:05,614 Like creatures, we were soaring high Blowing off some steam 306 00:24:05,614 --> 00:24:09,367 Or a mountain And its effervescent green 307 00:24:09,367 --> 00:24:14,998 A never-ending dream 308 00:24:14,998 --> 00:24:17,667 I found a little bit of honey 309 00:24:18,168 --> 00:24:20,503 And now I'm a little sweeter inside 310 00:24:23,840 --> 00:24:26,760 It's just a little bit funny 311 00:24:26,760 --> 00:24:29,012 But now I have the world on my side