1 00:00:22,875 --> 00:00:24,250 Yes? 2 00:00:25,333 --> 00:00:26,958 I'll be right there. Don't move. 3 00:00:42,875 --> 00:00:47,000 Imagine a world where information can't be trusted. 4 00:00:49,125 --> 00:00:50,833 Not very hard, is it? 5 00:00:52,458 --> 00:00:53,916 News service says one thing, 6 00:00:55,083 --> 00:00:56,375 website says another. 7 00:00:58,708 --> 00:01:01,166 Society starts to fray. 8 00:01:02,791 --> 00:01:05,916 All we can turn to are the people we care about. 9 00:01:07,333 --> 00:01:10,375 But what if those people weren't who we thought they were? 10 00:01:12,375 --> 00:01:15,375 What if the ones closest to us, 11 00:01:16,583 --> 00:01:18,541 the ones we've trusted our whole lives... 12 00:01:21,083 --> 00:01:22,541 ...were someone else entirely? 13 00:01:26,541 --> 00:01:28,875 What if they weren't even human? 14 00:01:35,625 --> 00:01:38,541 Agent Prescod, respectfully... 15 00:01:39,916 --> 00:01:42,166 uh, what exactly are you talking about? 16 00:01:42,875 --> 00:01:44,041 Chaos. 17 00:01:45,541 --> 00:01:47,041 And that's only the beginning. 18 00:01:47,583 --> 00:01:51,083 Five global terrorist strikes within the past year. 19 00:01:51,083 --> 00:01:53,416 Each one claimed by a different group. 20 00:01:53,416 --> 00:01:55,125 It's business as usual. 21 00:01:55,125 --> 00:01:58,208 That's precisely what they want you to think. 22 00:01:58,208 --> 00:02:03,166 Argentina attacks Colombia, Colombia attacks the Philippines. 23 00:02:03,166 --> 00:02:06,500 A violent chain reaction consuming the globe. 24 00:02:06,500 --> 00:02:08,666 Do you realize that the entire world is at war? 25 00:02:08,666 --> 00:02:11,166 Well, the atmosphere has been tense. 26 00:02:11,166 --> 00:02:14,166 There is an architect to that tension, Agent Ross. 27 00:02:14,166 --> 00:02:16,208 These attacks are escalating. 28 00:02:16,208 --> 00:02:19,083 If they hit the soil of the major power... Oh. 29 00:02:19,083 --> 00:02:22,916 So you... You think the same people are behind all of this? 30 00:02:23,708 --> 00:02:24,916 Not people... 31 00:02:27,208 --> 00:02:28,208 Skrulls. 32 00:02:30,916 --> 00:02:33,333 - Come on, Ross, you know the stories. 33 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:35,625 This didn't start yesterday. 34 00:02:35,625 --> 00:02:38,416 It started 30 years ago when the Skrulls found Earth. 35 00:02:39,208 --> 00:02:43,125 Carol Danvers and Nick Fury promised to find them a new planet. 36 00:02:43,125 --> 00:02:45,166 But now... 37 00:02:45,166 --> 00:02:49,041 now they don't want just any planet, they want ours. 38 00:02:50,041 --> 00:02:51,458 Look, can't you see it? 39 00:02:52,416 --> 00:02:55,291 All these groups, they're the same. 40 00:02:55,291 --> 00:02:58,416 Skrulls could be anybody, anywhere, at any time. 41 00:02:58,416 --> 00:03:01,875 And there is only a tiny handful known to live on Earth. 42 00:03:01,875 --> 00:03:04,708 - That's barely enough to... - To what? 43 00:03:04,708 --> 00:03:07,500 You have no goddamn idea what you're talking about, Ross! 44 00:03:08,583 --> 00:03:10,875 There could be thousands of them, tens of thousands! 45 00:03:10,875 --> 00:03:12,500 And you would never know. 46 00:03:15,041 --> 00:03:19,791 Okay, Prescod, let's play a little game of forest for the trees, shall we? 47 00:03:19,791 --> 00:03:24,291 Yes, Skrulls can shapeshift. Yes, they're looking for a new home. 48 00:03:24,875 --> 00:03:25,958 But, as you say, 49 00:03:26,750 --> 00:03:29,916 the only Skrull contact has been through Nick Fury. 50 00:03:29,916 --> 00:03:32,666 That means they're our allies. 51 00:03:32,666 --> 00:03:33,750 Then where is Fury? 52 00:03:33,750 --> 00:03:35,208 He's on S.A.B.E.R.! 53 00:03:35,208 --> 00:03:39,458 God... And if I'm gonna bring him down for whatever the hell this is, 54 00:03:39,458 --> 00:03:43,208 I need to give him something more than just theories, I need evidence. 55 00:03:54,375 --> 00:03:55,833 All these other attacks, 56 00:03:57,083 --> 00:04:00,416 they would be nothing compared to this. 57 00:04:01,833 --> 00:04:05,416 This is the one that sets the world on fire. 58 00:04:24,625 --> 00:04:28,416 I stopped filing reports at the office. Don't know who I can trust anymore. 59 00:04:28,416 --> 00:04:29,833 Other than you... 60 00:04:29,833 --> 00:04:33,208 Hey, Prescod, look, I'm here to help. Okay? 61 00:04:33,208 --> 00:04:38,666 So... So let me take this and I'll give the information to Fury. 62 00:04:38,666 --> 00:04:39,875 Okay? 63 00:04:39,875 --> 00:04:41,375 Yeah. 64 00:05:31,166 --> 00:05:32,833 I need an extract. Fast. 65 00:05:34,666 --> 00:05:35,833 I need an extract. 66 00:05:39,250 --> 00:05:41,833 Academica Metro Station, six blocks northeast. 67 00:07:09,375 --> 00:07:10,375 Ross. 68 00:07:12,875 --> 00:07:13,958 Show me your hands. 69 00:07:18,500 --> 00:07:20,583 - Talos. - It's me. 70 00:07:21,666 --> 00:07:23,250 What the hell are you doing here? 71 00:07:23,958 --> 00:07:25,416 I'm chasing him. 72 00:07:35,541 --> 00:07:36,875 He was one of you. 73 00:07:36,875 --> 00:07:38,333 No, he's... 74 00:07:39,500 --> 00:07:41,083 He... He's one of them. 75 00:11:16,666 --> 00:11:17,875 Welcome back to Earth. 76 00:11:30,708 --> 00:11:31,875 {\an8}He's upstairs. 77 00:11:45,458 --> 00:11:46,458 Is that from home? 78 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:49,291 Santo Millika. 79 00:11:49,291 --> 00:11:51,708 That's a Skrull sky plant. 80 00:11:52,375 --> 00:11:57,333 Soren. She brought the seed with her wherever she went. 81 00:11:57,333 --> 00:12:02,250 And it's changed since she planted it. It's adapted to the planet. 82 00:12:02,250 --> 00:12:06,041 Yeah, well, you always believed that was possible. 83 00:12:06,041 --> 00:12:08,166 I still do. 84 00:12:15,458 --> 00:12:17,166 I am so sorry. 85 00:12:18,750 --> 00:12:19,750 Me, too. 86 00:12:21,250 --> 00:12:22,666 Soren loved you. 87 00:12:24,500 --> 00:12:25,916 But she worried, mate, 88 00:12:25,916 --> 00:12:29,708 that it would take something like this to bring you back to Earth. 89 00:12:29,708 --> 00:12:31,250 And I guess she was right. 90 00:12:38,916 --> 00:12:40,291 Tell me about Gravik. 91 00:12:41,541 --> 00:12:44,041 Let's... Let's just talk about you first, yeah? 92 00:12:45,958 --> 00:12:51,833 We've been helping you for all these years to ensure that you kept your promise. 93 00:12:52,500 --> 00:12:57,000 But after The Blip, you were different. 94 00:12:58,708 --> 00:13:00,000 And then you disappeared. 95 00:13:02,041 --> 00:13:04,750 Carol Danvers disappeared. 96 00:13:04,750 --> 00:13:06,958 And so did G'iah. 97 00:13:06,958 --> 00:13:10,041 Hold it. Your daughter? Disappeared too... Where? 98 00:13:10,041 --> 00:13:11,250 She was young. 99 00:13:12,458 --> 00:13:14,750 Angry that our people still don't have a home. 100 00:13:15,416 --> 00:13:16,708 Many of them are upset. 101 00:13:17,500 --> 00:13:21,250 I got kicked off the Council, pushed into exile. 102 00:13:22,291 --> 00:13:23,375 But, Gravik... 103 00:13:23,916 --> 00:13:30,875 Gravik, mate, he took your abandonment that much harder. 104 00:13:32,375 --> 00:13:33,541 Come on. 105 00:13:34,458 --> 00:13:38,041 Gravik is now the newest member of the Skrull Council. 106 00:13:38,041 --> 00:13:41,958 He preys on the collective rage of young, displaced Skrulls. 107 00:13:41,958 --> 00:13:43,291 Where is his ass? 108 00:13:43,291 --> 00:13:44,958 He's here. He's in Russia. 109 00:13:44,958 --> 00:13:47,000 Skrulls are immune to radioactivity 110 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:49,916 and Russia has the most abandoned nuclear plants on Earth. 111 00:13:49,916 --> 00:13:54,291 But here's the thing. These plants, they're not on the books. 112 00:13:55,125 --> 00:13:56,875 And we don't know where he is. 113 00:13:56,875 --> 00:13:59,083 Well, what else do we know about his plans? 114 00:13:59,791 --> 00:14:01,375 Well, he's already made them. 115 00:14:02,166 --> 00:14:05,375 This is what Agent Ross's imposter was trying to cover up. 116 00:14:05,375 --> 00:14:08,583 Schematics for a dirty bomb intercepted by Prescod. 117 00:14:08,583 --> 00:14:12,208 Prescod had been monitoring a new radical group called the AAR, 118 00:14:12,208 --> 00:14:13,583 Americans Against Russia, 119 00:14:13,583 --> 00:14:17,333 which he believed to be the next Skrull front for a terrorist attack. 120 00:14:17,333 --> 00:14:20,875 Gravik's trying to start a war between Russia and the United States? 121 00:14:20,875 --> 00:14:22,125 That was Prescod's theory. 122 00:14:22,125 --> 00:14:24,125 And he's gonna use this bomb to do it? 123 00:14:24,875 --> 00:14:26,750 Does he have the materials for that? 124 00:14:26,750 --> 00:14:29,125 A weapons cache in Kazakhstan, 125 00:14:29,125 --> 00:14:31,625 raided the same day that Prescod was killed. 126 00:14:32,291 --> 00:14:34,291 We brought you here for a reason. 127 00:14:34,291 --> 00:14:36,291 If he succeeds, um, 128 00:14:37,125 --> 00:14:39,375 your species will cease to exist. 129 00:14:45,041 --> 00:14:46,083 Shit. 130 00:14:46,916 --> 00:14:48,291 I'm going for a walk. 131 00:14:48,916 --> 00:14:51,166 You're going for a walk in Moscow at night? 132 00:14:51,166 --> 00:14:53,791 Well, you're gonna stand out. 133 00:14:59,708 --> 00:15:01,500 We have a situation, Mr. President. 134 00:15:01,500 --> 00:15:03,416 Concerning? Agent Fury. 135 00:15:03,416 --> 00:15:05,416 We've just received word that he's left S.A.B.E.R. 136 00:15:05,416 --> 00:15:07,250 What do you mean, "He left S.A.B.E.R.?" 137 00:15:07,833 --> 00:15:11,208 Well, I can try to think of a different word. Abandoned, departed... 138 00:15:11,208 --> 00:15:14,500 Agent Fury is building up the most complex aerospace defense system 139 00:15:14,500 --> 00:15:16,208 in the history of mankind. 140 00:15:16,208 --> 00:15:18,250 - He can't just leave. - No, I agree, sir. 141 00:15:18,250 --> 00:15:19,458 And unfortunately, 142 00:15:19,458 --> 00:15:23,166 we also intercepted an encrypted message from Agent Hill to Agent Fury. 143 00:15:23,166 --> 00:15:27,041 We haven't been able to decode it yet, but we know they're old friends. 144 00:15:27,041 --> 00:15:31,041 Given the fact that I could reach neither Agent Hill nor Agent Fury, 145 00:15:32,416 --> 00:15:33,875 they're effectively AWOL. 146 00:15:34,666 --> 00:15:35,750 Deal with it. 147 00:15:35,750 --> 00:15:36,916 Yes, sir. 148 00:16:47,375 --> 00:16:49,000 This is so exciting. 149 00:16:49,000 --> 00:16:51,291 Let's see, large Black man, Moscow. 150 00:16:51,291 --> 00:16:55,583 Well, it could either be Nick Fury, or the ghost of Paul Robeson. 151 00:16:55,583 --> 00:16:57,375 Okay, go ahead, take the hood off. 152 00:16:58,041 --> 00:17:01,708 Oh! Damn, and I was hoping for a command performance of Ol' Man River. 153 00:17:01,708 --> 00:17:04,250 Good to see you too, Sonya. 154 00:17:04,250 --> 00:17:10,416 So, did you just have me extraordinarily renditioned by a group of your thugs? 155 00:17:10,416 --> 00:17:11,916 Were you lot extraordinary? 156 00:17:12,583 --> 00:17:13,583 Oh! 157 00:17:13,583 --> 00:17:16,166 You usually only scratch the surface of mediocrity. 158 00:17:16,166 --> 00:17:19,166 You must be finally putting it all together. Well done. 159 00:17:19,166 --> 00:17:21,208 Okay. You can go. That's... That'll do. 160 00:17:22,916 --> 00:17:25,291 "Extraordinary," well, that's wonderful. 161 00:17:27,416 --> 00:17:29,791 It is so good to see you. 162 00:17:31,625 --> 00:17:34,666 You look amazing. 163 00:17:34,666 --> 00:17:35,875 Thanks. 164 00:17:37,166 --> 00:17:39,291 - Drink? Love one. 165 00:17:40,250 --> 00:17:43,625 Do you have some sort of clock fetish that you've been 166 00:17:43,625 --> 00:17:46,166 - keeping from me all these years? 167 00:17:46,166 --> 00:17:49,416 It was an old English spymaster that started the tradition. 168 00:17:49,416 --> 00:17:52,208 A clock goes up when your time in circus is done. 169 00:17:53,041 --> 00:17:56,083 And I like to think I still have a few juggling acts left in me. 170 00:17:59,833 --> 00:18:01,958 Oh. Make yourself at home, Fury. 171 00:18:06,791 --> 00:18:10,666 I'm pretty sure you recollect my drink of choice as bourbon. 172 00:18:10,666 --> 00:18:12,291 I might have welcomed you home, 173 00:18:12,291 --> 00:18:15,166 but I still haven't forgiven you for destroying my expensive flat. 174 00:18:15,166 --> 00:18:16,375 You mean city. 175 00:18:16,375 --> 00:18:18,250 It's bottom shelf piss for you or nothing. 176 00:18:22,500 --> 00:18:24,375 So, what are you doing in Moscow? 177 00:18:25,000 --> 00:18:29,041 Same as you, trying to kill the Skrull rebellion in its crib. 178 00:18:29,041 --> 00:18:31,875 You know the rebel leader personally, don't you? 179 00:18:33,500 --> 00:18:34,958 I knew him. 180 00:18:34,958 --> 00:18:37,625 Is that why you came down from your space station? 181 00:18:38,208 --> 00:18:39,500 You feel responsible? 182 00:18:44,791 --> 00:18:47,708 What do you know about a heist 183 00:18:47,708 --> 00:18:51,416 at a black market storage facility in Kazakhstan? 184 00:18:51,416 --> 00:18:53,833 It happened couple days ago. 185 00:18:55,000 --> 00:18:56,166 Doesn't ring a bell. 186 00:18:58,750 --> 00:19:02,708 You know, I may not know when a Skrull is pretending to be a human, 187 00:19:03,291 --> 00:19:06,208 but I sure as hell know when a human is lying. 188 00:19:06,208 --> 00:19:09,041 You know damn well what was in that storage vault. 189 00:19:09,041 --> 00:19:10,916 The fact that you don't know 190 00:19:10,916 --> 00:19:14,208 tells me all I need to know about this new, rather old Nick Fury. 191 00:19:15,333 --> 00:19:17,625 I think that Thanos's snap changed you. 192 00:19:17,625 --> 00:19:20,458 Taught you that no matter how hard you fight for what's right, 193 00:19:20,458 --> 00:19:23,083 there's always someone stronger to undermine you. 194 00:19:24,250 --> 00:19:27,083 You seem to forget this "old Nick Fury" 195 00:19:27,083 --> 00:19:30,375 has 30 years of hands-on experience with the Skrulls. 196 00:19:31,375 --> 00:19:34,666 I know the nature of this threat way better than you ever will. 197 00:19:35,625 --> 00:19:38,958 Is that your idea of an offer of some sort of collaboration between us? 198 00:19:38,958 --> 00:19:41,500 We used to work pretty well together back in the day. 199 00:19:41,500 --> 00:19:44,208 Back then, you would've seen my rather mediocre bag men 200 00:19:44,208 --> 00:19:45,416 coming a mile away. 201 00:19:46,083 --> 00:19:47,458 The fact that you didn't see them 202 00:19:47,458 --> 00:19:51,000 means you haven't a hope in hell of seeing Gravik and his rebels coming. 203 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:53,666 Which makes you as a partner rather pointless. 204 00:19:53,666 --> 00:19:57,083 I let your men take me so I could get to you. 205 00:19:57,666 --> 00:20:01,333 I mean this as a friend, Fury, but go back to your space station. 206 00:20:02,000 --> 00:20:04,708 You're in no shape for this fight that lies before us. 207 00:20:05,750 --> 00:20:08,250 I'll have one of my thugs drop you back at the safe house. 208 00:20:08,250 --> 00:20:10,791 That's all right, I'll walk. 209 00:20:13,166 --> 00:20:17,875 If your memory jogs about that Kazakhstan thing, 210 00:20:18,958 --> 00:20:20,041 call a brother. 211 00:20:40,708 --> 00:20:41,791 What do you want? 212 00:20:43,291 --> 00:20:44,708 Home in my own skin. 213 00:21:09,958 --> 00:21:11,333 Take your natural form. 214 00:21:35,333 --> 00:21:36,833 Welcome to New Skrullos. 215 00:21:55,208 --> 00:21:56,208 What's your name? 216 00:21:58,958 --> 00:21:59,958 Beto. 217 00:22:01,250 --> 00:22:03,416 When's the last time you ate, Beto? 218 00:22:05,583 --> 00:22:06,833 I don't know. 219 00:22:15,375 --> 00:22:16,958 - This can't be. 220 00:22:18,750 --> 00:22:20,875 We grow only Skrull produce here. 221 00:22:21,958 --> 00:22:24,875 Drink Skrull wine, wear Skrull skins. 222 00:22:24,875 --> 00:22:29,375 Whatever dangers you risked getting here, know, they're worth it. 223 00:22:39,166 --> 00:22:40,333 Thank you. 224 00:22:41,333 --> 00:22:42,500 You're very welcome. 225 00:23:35,791 --> 00:23:37,458 We're over 500 strong now. 226 00:23:38,041 --> 00:23:39,916 So, is everyone a part of... 227 00:23:39,916 --> 00:23:42,708 The resistance? No. Gravik provides refuge. 228 00:23:43,291 --> 00:23:46,625 But if you do choose to be a warrior, there is one advantage. 229 00:23:46,625 --> 00:23:48,250 Oh, yeah? What's that? 230 00:23:48,250 --> 00:23:49,500 You get to leave. 231 00:23:50,125 --> 00:23:51,958 Everyone else stays in the compound. 232 00:23:52,875 --> 00:23:56,541 The warriors keep our human form, the longer we're attached to our shells, 233 00:23:56,541 --> 00:24:00,291 the less likely we can be identified by humans and Skrulls alike. 234 00:24:04,375 --> 00:24:07,000 Wait here and someone will get you a proper room. 235 00:24:07,000 --> 00:24:09,791 Prove your loyalty and Gravik will reward you. 236 00:24:11,583 --> 00:24:12,750 What's behind there? 237 00:24:14,625 --> 00:24:15,625 Victory. 238 00:24:42,666 --> 00:24:44,125 What is your name? 239 00:24:44,125 --> 00:24:45,500 Warrior. 240 00:24:45,500 --> 00:24:47,000 What is your fight? 241 00:24:47,000 --> 00:24:48,125 Skrullos. 242 00:24:48,125 --> 00:24:49,500 What is your dream? 243 00:24:49,500 --> 00:24:51,666 Home in my own skin. 244 00:24:54,916 --> 00:24:56,541 Bring him his shell. 245 00:24:56,541 --> 00:24:58,375 No. No! 246 00:25:05,875 --> 00:25:09,916 Americans Against Russia, your dreams are about to come true. 247 00:25:10,500 --> 00:25:11,708 Take his face. 248 00:25:19,750 --> 00:25:20,750 No! 249 00:25:29,666 --> 00:25:31,000 Now take his mind. 250 00:25:49,250 --> 00:25:52,291 Skrulls have infiltrated the ranks of major world powers. 251 00:25:52,291 --> 00:25:53,875 Where is the proof? 252 00:25:53,875 --> 00:25:55,875 How about the arrival of Agent Fury? 253 00:25:55,875 --> 00:25:59,291 For a man who sworn off Earth, he would not have returned without cause. 254 00:25:59,291 --> 00:26:00,666 You got that right. 255 00:26:00,666 --> 00:26:03,833 Gravik has something very big up his sleeve. 256 00:26:03,833 --> 00:26:06,541 But the immediate threat remains the bombs. 257 00:26:06,541 --> 00:26:10,250 Five specialists in Moscow are capable of building such an explosive. 258 00:26:10,250 --> 00:26:11,791 My money's on this one. 259 00:26:12,458 --> 00:26:14,916 Vasily Poprishchin. Former Chechnyan rebel, 260 00:26:14,916 --> 00:26:17,000 owns a high-end gallery in the city center, 261 00:26:17,000 --> 00:26:20,458 restores pigmented paintings and radioactivated bombs. 262 00:26:20,458 --> 00:26:22,250 Send in a raid now. 263 00:26:22,250 --> 00:26:23,625 If by "now" you mean, 264 00:26:23,625 --> 00:26:26,125 "Wait until a Skrull rebel picks up a device 265 00:26:26,125 --> 00:26:29,625 in order to follow them to their hideout," then, yes, I totally agree. 266 00:26:30,708 --> 00:26:31,833 She's cheeky. 267 00:26:31,833 --> 00:26:34,291 Yeah, 'till she sees an ugly-ass Skrull like you. 268 00:26:34,291 --> 00:26:35,875 Then she goes into hunting mode. 269 00:26:35,875 --> 00:26:38,750 I'm considered good-looking amongst my kind. 270 00:26:38,750 --> 00:26:41,500 I know a bunch of good-looking Skrull. And you ain't one of them. 271 00:26:41,500 --> 00:26:43,500 All right, guys, what is the play here? 272 00:26:43,500 --> 00:26:46,083 I say we visit this Rusky bomb builder. 273 00:26:46,083 --> 00:26:47,916 Sonya will already have agents there. 274 00:26:47,916 --> 00:26:49,708 Who we will incapacitate. 275 00:26:49,708 --> 00:26:50,916 Hold on, stop. 276 00:26:50,916 --> 00:26:55,250 You're talking about attacking MI6 operatives? 277 00:26:55,250 --> 00:26:57,291 Talos, let me explain something to you. 278 00:26:57,291 --> 00:27:00,000 We're no longer in "just a war" with Gravik. 279 00:27:00,000 --> 00:27:04,541 We are in a race with Sonya Falsworth, who celebrates a scorched-Earth policy, 280 00:27:04,541 --> 00:27:07,000 meaning, she will annihilate any and everyone 281 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:09,500 who's ever even heard the name "Gravik." 282 00:27:09,958 --> 00:27:12,666 You wanna save innocent Skrulls, you'll have to hurt some people. 283 00:27:12,666 --> 00:27:13,750 All right... 284 00:27:13,750 --> 00:27:15,541 Look, Gravik knows that... 285 00:27:16,375 --> 00:27:17,500 mercy's your weakness. 286 00:27:18,166 --> 00:27:19,791 Time for you to prove him wrong. 287 00:27:20,875 --> 00:27:21,875 Hmm? 288 00:27:22,791 --> 00:27:23,791 Yeah, okay. 289 00:27:45,958 --> 00:27:47,250 Fury's in town, G. 290 00:27:49,708 --> 00:27:50,750 Is he? 291 00:27:51,708 --> 00:27:53,916 Our man says it's nothing to worry about. 292 00:27:53,916 --> 00:27:57,375 He's washed up, walks with a limp, can barely see with the good eye. 293 00:27:58,250 --> 00:28:00,708 I see you've kept the circle tight on this one. 294 00:28:01,916 --> 00:28:03,958 We're the circle. No one else. 295 00:28:04,625 --> 00:28:06,375 Is that to protect me, or the cause? 296 00:28:12,041 --> 00:28:14,791 You are the cause. 297 00:28:14,791 --> 00:28:16,083 I'm not the cause. 298 00:28:17,583 --> 00:28:19,000 Cause is home. 299 00:28:19,666 --> 00:28:20,666 Yes, sir. 300 00:28:21,791 --> 00:28:25,416 We go tomorrow and we don't stop until Earth is ours. 301 00:28:30,041 --> 00:28:32,208 G'IAH: What about it? This place is massive. 302 00:28:32,208 --> 00:28:33,291 You. 303 00:28:33,958 --> 00:28:34,958 Come with me. 304 00:28:42,958 --> 00:28:44,166 Zirksu will drive you. 305 00:28:44,833 --> 00:28:46,666 You take the cash to this address. 306 00:28:46,666 --> 00:28:48,916 You deal with Poprishchin and no one else. 307 00:28:48,916 --> 00:28:50,333 He'll give you two bags. 308 00:28:50,333 --> 00:28:53,375 You get 'em to the Moscow safe house undisturbed and intact. 309 00:29:36,583 --> 00:29:37,958 Where's the bloody coffee? 310 00:29:43,583 --> 00:29:45,083 What's our MI6 status? 311 00:29:51,083 --> 00:29:52,083 All set. 312 00:30:05,916 --> 00:30:07,291 You Poprishchin? 313 00:30:14,166 --> 00:30:16,541 Oh, shit. I got it, mate. 314 00:30:20,083 --> 00:30:22,500 Not bad for a 136-year-old. 315 00:30:22,500 --> 00:30:26,041 Well, you know, I'm not even 40 in human years. 316 00:30:26,041 --> 00:30:29,333 I haven't even gone on my midlife crisis shopping spree yet. 317 00:30:30,083 --> 00:30:31,083 Hey. 318 00:30:31,791 --> 00:30:33,416 What'd you get for yours? 319 00:30:34,958 --> 00:30:35,958 The Avengers. 320 00:30:55,375 --> 00:30:58,458 No, mate, we don't want any of your shitty paintings. 321 00:30:59,208 --> 00:31:00,750 Then exactly what do you want? 322 00:31:01,750 --> 00:31:03,166 Some damn good answers. 323 00:31:15,250 --> 00:31:17,583 I've got eyes on a possible person of interest. 324 00:31:17,583 --> 00:31:19,625 Initiating foot pursuit. I'll keep you posted. 325 00:31:19,625 --> 00:31:21,000 Yeah, just keep me informed. 326 00:31:21,583 --> 00:31:24,625 I'm sorry, but you gentlemen will have to call at another time. 327 00:31:24,625 --> 00:31:27,416 - I'm late for an appointment. - Oh! Oh, who you meetin' with? 328 00:31:27,416 --> 00:31:29,041 My wife, Mister... 329 00:31:29,208 --> 00:31:30,208 Oh! 330 00:31:30,458 --> 00:31:32,125 Ooh! Damn, this is nice. 331 00:31:32,125 --> 00:31:35,166 That chair belonged to Louis XV. It's priceless. 332 00:31:35,166 --> 00:31:39,291 Everything is priceless till it gets blown to bits in a hail of bullets. 333 00:31:40,375 --> 00:31:44,416 Agent Keller, anything in our file about this one having a wife? 334 00:31:44,416 --> 00:31:46,333 Yeah, has an ex-wife, 335 00:31:46,333 --> 00:31:48,541 lives in Miami with a soccer player. 336 00:31:49,333 --> 00:31:53,458 Oh, so we gonna go ahead and call that a lie. 337 00:31:53,458 --> 00:31:55,375 Everybody gets one. 338 00:31:55,375 --> 00:31:57,666 Nobody gets two. 339 00:31:58,666 --> 00:32:01,083 So, last chance. 340 00:32:01,541 --> 00:32:03,625 Who are you going to meet? 341 00:32:05,375 --> 00:32:08,166 Perhaps we'd all be more comfortable in the gallery space 342 00:32:08,166 --> 00:32:09,791 where there is more natural light. 343 00:32:09,791 --> 00:32:13,250 You got any more of these comfortable-ass Louis XIV chairs in there? 344 00:32:13,250 --> 00:32:14,416 Mmm-mmm. 345 00:32:14,416 --> 00:32:15,791 How about a dirty bomb? 346 00:32:16,375 --> 00:32:18,958 Or you keep that in a crate in here somewhere? 347 00:32:19,666 --> 00:32:22,833 I'm sorry, I do not know this term. Dirty bomb? 348 00:32:22,833 --> 00:32:25,916 Boom, goes the dynamite! Lie number two. 349 00:32:26,375 --> 00:32:31,583 I just told you. Everybody gets one, nobody gets two. 350 00:32:32,416 --> 00:32:33,708 You going to shoot me? 351 00:32:33,708 --> 00:32:36,375 Maybe. Well, probably. 352 00:32:37,000 --> 00:32:38,666 - But not right now. 353 00:32:39,916 --> 00:32:41,125 Where are the bombs? 354 00:32:44,208 --> 00:32:45,666 Your name's not Keller. 355 00:32:50,833 --> 00:32:51,916 Skrull. 356 00:32:51,916 --> 00:32:53,250 Your name is Talos. 357 00:32:56,833 --> 00:32:58,041 Talos? 358 00:32:59,125 --> 00:33:00,208 I got this. 359 00:33:00,208 --> 00:33:01,375 You sure? 360 00:33:07,666 --> 00:33:09,041 This is my fight! 361 00:33:09,041 --> 00:33:10,791 I said no! 362 00:33:24,958 --> 00:33:26,875 Tell me where the bombs are! 363 00:33:26,875 --> 00:33:28,791 You betray your own people. 364 00:33:47,875 --> 00:33:48,875 Come on. 365 00:33:52,416 --> 00:33:53,666 I said no. 366 00:35:17,375 --> 00:35:18,416 Where'd he go? 367 00:35:18,416 --> 00:35:19,666 She. 368 00:35:21,291 --> 00:35:26,333 Stop! Stop! Stop! 369 00:35:28,083 --> 00:35:29,500 Last warning! 370 00:35:36,125 --> 00:35:38,458 It's what you always say but there's always another. 371 00:35:41,208 --> 00:35:42,333 G'iah. 372 00:35:49,083 --> 00:35:50,958 - Give me the bombs. - No. 373 00:35:52,000 --> 00:35:55,083 I know you're angry. This isn't you. 374 00:35:55,083 --> 00:35:57,625 This is not what your mother would've wanted. 375 00:35:57,625 --> 00:35:59,625 Mum doesn't know what she wants. 376 00:36:00,708 --> 00:36:04,375 Her last words, "Find G'iah." 377 00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:08,208 What? 378 00:36:10,791 --> 00:36:11,833 She's dead. 379 00:36:18,333 --> 00:36:19,416 How? 380 00:36:21,625 --> 00:36:25,375 Why don't you ask the people that you work for? 381 00:36:29,166 --> 00:36:32,208 Why don't you just give me the bomb, please? 382 00:36:34,083 --> 00:36:37,541 G'iah, give me the bomb. 383 00:36:39,541 --> 00:36:41,916 - I can't. - Just hand it over. 384 00:36:41,916 --> 00:36:43,125 And you'll walk away. 385 00:36:44,166 --> 00:36:47,250 'Cause you know that I'll protect you. 386 00:36:47,250 --> 00:36:50,916 - You can't protect anyone. - G'iah, I know... 387 00:38:35,291 --> 00:38:36,875 Making friends with the locals? 388 00:38:38,166 --> 00:38:44,208 How do you think we kept the Cold War from going hot? 389 00:38:45,583 --> 00:38:47,375 Spooks like me buying shots. 390 00:38:47,375 --> 00:38:48,833 You can't say that. 391 00:38:48,833 --> 00:38:51,083 No. You can't say that. 392 00:38:54,250 --> 00:38:55,250 Mmm! 393 00:38:58,625 --> 00:39:00,333 It's good to have you back, Fury. 394 00:39:00,791 --> 00:39:05,166 Is that sincere or you just covering your bases? 395 00:39:05,166 --> 00:39:06,958 You'll tell me why you abandoned Earth? 396 00:39:06,958 --> 00:39:09,375 Well, building out S.A.B.E.R. 397 00:39:09,375 --> 00:39:12,541 Traditionally, we tell the truth during our chess games. 398 00:39:12,541 --> 00:39:15,875 Maybe that has changed too, though, I don't know. 399 00:39:16,750 --> 00:39:21,208 Okay, let's just say I had a crisis of faith. 400 00:39:21,958 --> 00:39:23,625 So why'd you come back? 401 00:39:25,000 --> 00:39:26,333 It followed me up there, 402 00:39:27,333 --> 00:39:30,250 and I owe it to Talos. 403 00:39:30,250 --> 00:39:32,666 You sure you're not talking about someone else? 404 00:39:39,208 --> 00:39:40,208 You gonna move? 405 00:39:42,375 --> 00:39:43,458 I haven't decided. 406 00:39:45,000 --> 00:39:46,750 See, that's what I'm worried about. 407 00:39:47,500 --> 00:39:49,708 The Fury I knew was always three steps ahead. 408 00:39:51,833 --> 00:39:55,416 If I remember correctly, you called me. 409 00:39:55,916 --> 00:39:57,583 Upon Talos's request. 410 00:39:58,750 --> 00:40:02,375 Your lack of contact over the past few years sent a pretty clear message. 411 00:40:02,375 --> 00:40:03,708 Meaning? 412 00:40:10,416 --> 00:40:12,458 You're not ready for this, Fury. 413 00:40:14,000 --> 00:40:15,875 There's a very real threat out there. 414 00:40:15,875 --> 00:40:19,250 You were never the same after The Blip. 415 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:22,333 You always told me there is no shame 416 00:40:22,333 --> 00:40:25,625 in walking away when the steps are uncertain. 417 00:40:27,416 --> 00:40:28,625 So check your footing. 418 00:40:30,041 --> 00:40:31,666 Otherwise someone's gonna get hurt. 419 00:40:45,583 --> 00:40:46,750 Oh, no. 420 00:40:48,041 --> 00:40:49,166 Mother... 421 00:41:22,916 --> 00:41:23,916 Good work. 422 00:41:24,750 --> 00:41:27,041 I barely made it out. Someone was waiting for me. 423 00:41:29,833 --> 00:41:31,583 Someone you can identify? 424 00:41:31,583 --> 00:41:32,750 G'IAH: No. 425 00:41:34,541 --> 00:41:36,000 Maybe we postpone the strike. 426 00:41:37,583 --> 00:41:42,375 To the contrary. Thanks to you, we have the bait. 427 00:42:54,000 --> 00:42:55,250 Thanks for coming to see me. 428 00:42:55,250 --> 00:42:58,333 You don't see me because I'm not here. 429 00:42:59,083 --> 00:43:00,875 I understand. You're taking a risk. 430 00:43:01,250 --> 00:43:02,375 A risk? 431 00:43:03,041 --> 00:43:07,041 Is that what you explained to Mum, that following you could get her killed? 432 00:43:07,041 --> 00:43:12,375 Your mother died while you were working for her killer. 433 00:43:13,041 --> 00:43:16,208 So do not take me down that road, G'iah. 434 00:43:16,208 --> 00:43:19,583 You have one chance to save yourself. 435 00:43:19,583 --> 00:43:21,250 And I think you know that. 436 00:43:22,291 --> 00:43:24,000 I think that's why you're here. 437 00:43:32,375 --> 00:43:34,625 The attack is planned for tomorrow. 438 00:43:34,625 --> 00:43:35,833 Unity Day. 439 00:43:37,458 --> 00:43:40,958 There are three bombs. And Gravik knows you'll be there. 440 00:43:41,708 --> 00:43:43,500 - How? - I don't know. 441 00:43:44,125 --> 00:43:47,750 There are so many operatives in the field. A hundred, at least. 442 00:43:48,541 --> 00:43:49,666 Fracking pods? 443 00:43:50,083 --> 00:43:52,708 Most of their identities are kept secret, even from us. 444 00:43:58,000 --> 00:44:02,875 Your mum would be very proud of you, you know, for coming to see me. 445 00:44:09,333 --> 00:44:13,416 Tomorrow, there are three couriers, including me. 446 00:44:13,416 --> 00:44:16,083 All the points near Vossoyedineniye Square. 447 00:44:17,041 --> 00:44:19,166 I'll mark each bag with infrared spray. 448 00:44:28,583 --> 00:44:30,000 G'iah's come back. 449 00:44:55,333 --> 00:44:56,583 I got eyes on her. 450 00:44:57,791 --> 00:44:59,208 Two backpacks. 451 00:45:00,958 --> 00:45:02,000 I got her. 452 00:45:02,000 --> 00:45:04,458 Remember we're tracking the bags, not the people. 453 00:45:05,125 --> 00:45:07,500 Lot of backpacks in Central Moscow. 454 00:45:07,500 --> 00:45:10,750 G'iah's painted ours with infrared spray. 455 00:45:11,791 --> 00:45:13,083 Infrared. Got it. 456 00:45:26,083 --> 00:45:27,333 We missed the pass. 457 00:45:35,625 --> 00:45:37,500 Got one carrier going northeast. 458 00:45:40,125 --> 00:45:42,583 The other one south. Let's move. 459 00:45:47,708 --> 00:45:49,125 Excuse me. Excuse me! 460 00:48:02,958 --> 00:48:05,458 It's empty. They're decoys. 461 00:48:49,875 --> 00:48:50,916 Hill! 462 00:49:29,000 --> 00:49:31,833 - Maria! - It was you. 463 00:49:32,666 --> 00:49:33,666 Not me.