1 00:00:03,041 --> 00:00:05,416 FURY: This is the promise. 2 00:00:05,500 --> 00:00:08,583 While you work to keep my home safe, 3 00:00:09,250 --> 00:00:13,333 Carol Danvers and I will find you a new one. 4 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:18,958 You're tellin' me there's a million Skrulls walking amongst us right now? 5 00:00:20,625 --> 00:00:25,125 PAMELA: We need a single commander whose war power is total and unchecked. 6 00:00:25,208 --> 00:00:29,375 Therefore, I nominate Gravik to the post of Skrull General. 7 00:00:30,916 --> 00:00:33,416 PRISCILLA: Would you have loved me if I'd never changed? 8 00:00:34,291 --> 00:00:36,250 If I'd been my true self? 9 00:00:37,166 --> 00:00:38,166 (FURY SIGHS) 10 00:00:38,750 --> 00:00:43,000 You had another chance to kill Fury today, and you didn't take it. 11 00:00:45,000 --> 00:00:47,291 FURY: What DNA did Gravik steal? 12 00:00:47,375 --> 00:00:48,583 G'IAH: Only a few samples. 13 00:00:49,250 --> 00:00:52,708 But he took those because he couldn't find what he was looking for. 14 00:00:52,791 --> 00:00:53,958 What was he looking for? 15 00:00:54,041 --> 00:00:55,875 Something he called "the Harvest." 16 00:00:55,958 --> 00:00:57,250 I got a deal for you. 17 00:00:57,333 --> 00:01:00,291 Bring it to me in person, I'll call the whole thing off. 18 00:01:00,375 --> 00:01:02,041 And bring some iodide pills. 19 00:01:02,125 --> 00:01:04,541 The reactor room can be a touch aggressive. 20 00:01:21,083 --> 00:01:23,083 (CELL PHONE RINGING) 21 00:01:29,708 --> 00:01:32,208 This is the first time you called this number in years. 22 00:01:32,291 --> 00:01:34,958 I have dialed this number a million times. 23 00:01:35,666 --> 00:01:38,583 This is just the first time I pressed send. 24 00:01:38,666 --> 00:01:41,500 (CHUCKLES) Oh. Well, that's cold consolation. 25 00:01:43,500 --> 00:01:45,458 You sound far away. Are you? 26 00:01:46,333 --> 00:01:50,750 Far enough to where it makes sense to keep going the way I'm going. 27 00:01:52,625 --> 00:01:54,500 Know if you'll be coming back? 28 00:01:56,208 --> 00:01:57,583 (SIGHS) 29 00:01:57,666 --> 00:02:00,500 Um, I'll, uh... I'll let you go now. 30 00:02:00,583 --> 00:02:03,041 You don't have to, if you don't want to, darling. 31 00:02:07,666 --> 00:02:08,791 Take care of yourself. 32 00:02:34,166 --> 00:02:35,246 (GUARDS YELLING IN RUSSIAN) 33 00:02:56,541 --> 00:02:57,958 (GUNSHOTS) 34 00:05:18,291 --> 00:05:20,208 RHODEY: Mr. President, we need to stay focused 35 00:05:20,291 --> 00:05:23,333 on honing your response to the attack on your motorcade. 36 00:05:23,416 --> 00:05:25,500 FEMALE ADMIRAL: Respectfully, we still need time 37 00:05:25,583 --> 00:05:28,291 to confirm that this was in fact an official Russian act. 38 00:05:28,375 --> 00:05:31,708 President Vladimov has strenuously denied responsibility. 39 00:05:31,791 --> 00:05:33,111 Oh, he's "strenuously denied it." 40 00:05:33,166 --> 00:05:34,958 Then I guess we're all right then. 41 00:05:35,041 --> 00:05:37,208 President Vladimov is a bald-faced liar 42 00:05:37,291 --> 00:05:39,916 and I've got 30 dead Russians on a motorway to prove it. 43 00:05:40,000 --> 00:05:43,041 We cannot rule out the possibility of a false flag attack. 44 00:05:43,125 --> 00:05:46,250 Did you take a stupid pill with your breakfast this morning, Admiral? 45 00:05:46,333 --> 00:05:49,875 What happened on that motorway was an all-out assault on our republic, 46 00:05:49,958 --> 00:05:52,000 orchestrated by the Skrulls and the Russians 47 00:05:52,083 --> 00:05:53,833 who are giving them safe haven. 48 00:05:53,916 --> 00:05:56,875 Our commander-in-chief is still nursing internal injuries 49 00:05:56,958 --> 00:05:58,458 from an assassination attempt 50 00:05:58,541 --> 00:06:00,958 that he barely survived by the skin of his teeth. 51 00:06:01,041 --> 00:06:02,833 So, unless you have some actual evidence 52 00:06:02,916 --> 00:06:05,875 to back up this ridiculous false flag proposition, 53 00:06:05,958 --> 00:06:09,583 I suggest you move on to doing what it is you were summoned here to do, 54 00:06:09,666 --> 00:06:11,958 which is present the President of the United States 55 00:06:12,041 --> 00:06:15,625 with his options for a military response to Russia. 56 00:06:15,708 --> 00:06:16,708 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 57 00:06:21,458 --> 00:06:22,666 (WHISPERS INDISTINCTLY) 58 00:06:23,291 --> 00:06:24,583 Put it on the monitor. 59 00:06:27,208 --> 00:06:29,166 What are we looking at here, Colonel Rhodes? 60 00:06:29,250 --> 00:06:31,250 Real time satellite imagery, sir, 61 00:06:31,333 --> 00:06:36,833 this is the Russian tanks taking positions on the Finland and Ukrainian borders. 62 00:06:36,916 --> 00:06:38,375 Now, sir, if I may, 63 00:06:38,458 --> 00:06:39,833 I've taken the liberty 64 00:06:39,916 --> 00:06:42,958 to prepare a rough copy of your remarks to the nation. 65 00:06:43,541 --> 00:06:45,541 The American people need to hear from you, sir. 66 00:06:46,458 --> 00:06:47,791 They need your leadership. 67 00:06:47,875 --> 00:06:50,541 They need to understand who's responsible for this. 68 00:06:50,625 --> 00:06:52,833 And it's the Russians, 100%. 69 00:06:54,083 --> 00:06:55,750 There's your proof right there. 70 00:06:56,708 --> 00:06:58,208 Make the call, Mr. President. 71 00:07:13,041 --> 00:07:14,375 (COUGHING) 72 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:33,333 - (CONTINUES COUGHING) - (DEVICE CRACKLES) 73 00:07:57,750 --> 00:07:59,291 (CONTINUES COUGHING) 74 00:08:09,750 --> 00:08:11,458 (CELL PHONE RINGING) 75 00:08:14,166 --> 00:08:15,166 Hello? 76 00:08:15,250 --> 00:08:17,833 - SONYA: You have to get him out of there. - Who? 77 00:08:17,916 --> 00:08:19,666 The President, you bloody idiot. 78 00:08:19,750 --> 00:08:21,416 Fury's headed straight for you. 79 00:08:23,000 --> 00:08:27,125 Fury? Why are we concerned about Fury? We got enough security for him. 80 00:08:27,208 --> 00:08:29,708 For what? Target practice? Fury's lost it. 81 00:08:29,791 --> 00:08:32,041 He wants Ritson stopped before the bomb is launched. 82 00:08:32,125 --> 00:08:33,791 Move the President now. 83 00:08:40,666 --> 00:08:42,708 (FURY COUGHING) 84 00:08:55,583 --> 00:08:58,166 (CONTINUES COUGHING) 85 00:09:04,958 --> 00:09:06,083 Where is everybody? 86 00:09:06,666 --> 00:09:07,833 Locked away. 87 00:09:08,958 --> 00:09:10,875 Looks like it's just you and me, Fury. 88 00:09:11,458 --> 00:09:13,458 (COUGHING) 89 00:09:19,125 --> 00:09:21,875 All out of pills? That's a shame, ain't it? 90 00:09:21,958 --> 00:09:25,208 No more protection for you. How about a drink instead? 91 00:09:27,125 --> 00:09:28,416 Yeah, I wouldn't say no. 92 00:09:29,500 --> 00:09:30,500 Here. 93 00:09:33,166 --> 00:09:34,250 There you go. 94 00:09:35,750 --> 00:09:38,250 To the last stand of the great Nick Fury. 95 00:09:39,500 --> 00:09:40,500 Rhodey, what are you... 96 00:09:40,583 --> 00:09:42,541 We're taking you to safety, Mr. President. 97 00:09:42,625 --> 00:09:44,833 Hey. We're moving the President upstairs. 98 00:09:44,916 --> 00:09:46,541 - What about the others? - Clear! 99 00:09:46,625 --> 00:09:48,225 - Tell'em to start hunting. - Copy that. 100 00:09:49,875 --> 00:09:51,750 Sweep every floor. Lock down the elevators. 101 00:09:51,833 --> 00:09:53,333 National security threat. 102 00:09:54,541 --> 00:09:56,375 (SILENCED GUNSHOTS) 103 00:10:00,916 --> 00:10:03,583 Bet you never would've thought your last 20 minutes on Earth 104 00:10:03,666 --> 00:10:06,250 would be spent down here, having a drink with me. 105 00:10:06,333 --> 00:10:08,625 - You see these tremors? - (BREATHING HEAVILY) 106 00:10:08,708 --> 00:10:10,833 They're natural at this level of exposure. 107 00:10:11,625 --> 00:10:13,500 It's once the shaking gets above the elbow, 108 00:10:13,583 --> 00:10:16,208 close to the heart, that's when you need to be concerned. 109 00:10:16,291 --> 00:10:17,291 I look concerned? 110 00:10:17,375 --> 00:10:20,750 Of course without the pills, the symptoms are gonna accelerate. 111 00:10:20,833 --> 00:10:25,708 Fury, tell me you got a backup plan. Your little Avengers on standby? 112 00:10:25,791 --> 00:10:28,208 What about that invisible cloak and shield? 113 00:10:28,791 --> 00:10:35,708 (COUGHS) You're too busy playing dress-up, using my skin like a costume. 114 00:10:35,791 --> 00:10:38,291 A costume, Fury? Do you not recognize this skin? 115 00:10:39,750 --> 00:10:41,666 Huh? This face. 116 00:10:43,291 --> 00:10:45,041 This was the first human I killed. 117 00:10:46,333 --> 00:10:47,833 And you know why I killed him? 118 00:10:47,916 --> 00:10:50,041 I killed him because you told me to. 119 00:10:51,375 --> 00:10:52,416 Oh, wow. 120 00:10:53,291 --> 00:10:54,541 You don't even remember. 121 00:10:55,666 --> 00:10:57,541 The first mission you sent me on. 122 00:10:58,583 --> 00:11:00,416 You know, I was young. I tried my best. 123 00:11:00,500 --> 00:11:03,375 I wanted to give everything to impress my hero. 124 00:11:04,250 --> 00:11:06,375 You know, the one who promised us a home. 125 00:11:07,375 --> 00:11:08,708 But this man... 126 00:11:09,833 --> 00:11:15,750 This man, Fury, he had a wife. And he had children. 127 00:11:15,833 --> 00:11:18,500 Yeah, all right, maybe he was a bit misguided. 128 00:11:18,583 --> 00:11:21,250 But I killed him because of you. 129 00:11:22,583 --> 00:11:25,000 I killed him and I killed so many more. 130 00:11:25,083 --> 00:11:28,916 And everyone I killed took a little piece out of my heart. 131 00:11:29,000 --> 00:11:31,125 - Well, you're not the only one. - No. 132 00:11:31,208 --> 00:11:34,875 But I am the only one brave enough to admit it. 133 00:11:36,083 --> 00:11:38,000 Talos was weak. 134 00:11:38,416 --> 00:11:43,500 And we wandered in the shadows for 30 years because he was weak. 135 00:11:43,583 --> 00:11:47,291 He turned a war people into a band of beggars and what, 136 00:11:47,375 --> 00:11:49,416 I'm supposed to emulate that? 137 00:11:50,041 --> 00:11:53,333 I'm supposed to be like Talos and put my trust in you? 138 00:11:53,416 --> 00:11:54,916 You pimped us, Fury. 139 00:11:55,000 --> 00:11:56,583 You put us out to work for you 140 00:11:56,666 --> 00:11:58,833 and when you were done with us, you threw us away. 141 00:11:58,916 --> 00:12:02,375 So, first, I'm gonna kill you. 142 00:12:02,458 --> 00:12:06,250 And then I'm gonna take a flamethrower to humanity. 143 00:12:06,333 --> 00:12:09,583 And just so I am absolutely clear about this, Fury... 144 00:12:09,666 --> 00:12:12,291 You look at me. Look at me. 145 00:12:12,375 --> 00:12:13,875 You did this. 146 00:12:13,958 --> 00:12:16,125 All the bombs and the blackouts 147 00:12:16,208 --> 00:12:18,541 and the massacres and the wildfires 148 00:12:18,625 --> 00:12:23,583 and the imminent removal of humans from their habitat, that is all you! 149 00:12:24,458 --> 00:12:28,583 The species you spent your entire adult life defending, 150 00:12:28,666 --> 00:12:29,833 they were condemned to die 151 00:12:29,916 --> 00:12:32,583 the day I realized you weren't a man of your word. 152 00:12:33,875 --> 00:12:38,958 You know, Fury, you really should've kept your promise. 153 00:12:39,041 --> 00:12:40,958 You're... You're right. 154 00:12:43,166 --> 00:12:45,291 You're right, I failed you. 155 00:12:46,125 --> 00:12:47,125 I failed you. 156 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:51,208 I knew within a few years of searching 157 00:12:51,291 --> 00:12:54,208 that there was no other planet out there for you. 158 00:12:55,833 --> 00:12:59,166 I knew the only way for me to keep my end of the bargain 159 00:12:59,250 --> 00:13:00,875 was to build you a home here. 160 00:13:02,333 --> 00:13:03,500 Why didn't you do it? 161 00:13:04,625 --> 00:13:10,916 Because it's easier to save the lives of eight billion people 162 00:13:12,250 --> 00:13:15,541 than it is to change their hearts and minds. 163 00:13:17,333 --> 00:13:19,000 Even for Nick Fury? 164 00:13:19,083 --> 00:13:21,958 Even for Nick Fury. 165 00:13:28,333 --> 00:13:29,750 And then The Blip came. 166 00:13:32,500 --> 00:13:33,500 You know, 167 00:13:35,041 --> 00:13:40,291 the last thing I felt before I flaked off? 168 00:13:41,166 --> 00:13:42,166 What's that? 169 00:13:43,083 --> 00:13:44,125 Relief. 170 00:13:46,583 --> 00:13:49,833 Relief that I didn't have to fight anymore. 171 00:13:51,916 --> 00:13:53,875 That I finally had a way out. 172 00:13:56,375 --> 00:13:58,041 - But you're right... - Clear the floor. 173 00:13:58,125 --> 00:13:59,625 - Move! Move! - Clear the floor. 174 00:13:59,708 --> 00:14:00,833 Agent, your weapon. 175 00:14:00,916 --> 00:14:02,333 FURY: I wasn't brave. 176 00:14:03,250 --> 00:14:05,375 Agent Cannon, floor three, status? 177 00:14:06,125 --> 00:14:07,458 Agent Cannon? 178 00:14:07,541 --> 00:14:10,250 FURY: Do you know why I came back to Earth? 179 00:14:12,375 --> 00:14:13,375 You. 180 00:14:14,166 --> 00:14:16,666 You were the youngest Skrull on my team. 181 00:14:18,375 --> 00:14:20,666 I felt responsible for you. 182 00:14:20,750 --> 00:14:23,791 Agent Johns, floor two, code four. 183 00:14:23,875 --> 00:14:27,708 FURY: I should have taught you that you never give up the fight. 184 00:14:27,791 --> 00:14:29,166 Move. 185 00:14:29,250 --> 00:14:31,000 Because I failed you, 186 00:14:31,083 --> 00:14:33,875 and failed your people, 187 00:14:33,958 --> 00:14:39,791 I've decided to give you what you want. 188 00:14:41,166 --> 00:14:42,625 Is that what I think it is? 189 00:14:43,416 --> 00:14:45,916 Carol Danvers' DNA. 190 00:14:47,166 --> 00:14:51,875 Along with the Avengers', that you and your team collected. 191 00:14:54,750 --> 00:14:56,166 The Harvest. 192 00:14:57,416 --> 00:15:00,541 In exchange for what? 193 00:15:00,625 --> 00:15:03,250 That you take it, take your powers, 194 00:15:03,333 --> 00:15:07,166 go to some other planet, wipe out some other species, 195 00:15:07,250 --> 00:15:08,416 I don't give a damn. 196 00:15:08,500 --> 00:15:13,625 Just leave Earth the hell alone. And leave it now. 197 00:15:15,875 --> 00:15:18,666 Call off the strike and save your people. 198 00:15:19,541 --> 00:15:20,541 GRAVIK: Oh... 199 00:15:21,083 --> 00:15:22,500 Oh, Fury. 200 00:15:25,708 --> 00:15:28,500 I think the radiation is eating your brains, mate. 201 00:15:30,625 --> 00:15:31,875 (COUGHS) 202 00:15:44,916 --> 00:15:46,916 (COUGHING) 203 00:16:03,750 --> 00:16:05,333 - Watch that door. - AGENT: Yes, sir. 204 00:16:06,833 --> 00:16:09,250 I need a gun. Give me your gun, God damn it. 205 00:16:34,375 --> 00:16:35,791 (COUGHING) 206 00:16:53,166 --> 00:16:54,291 It's pure. 207 00:16:55,958 --> 00:16:58,750 - (WHEEZING) - You really wanna die. 208 00:17:03,208 --> 00:17:04,750 Okay, we can move him in here. 209 00:17:07,708 --> 00:17:10,791 No checking behind the doors? You really are a Skrull. 210 00:17:11,458 --> 00:17:13,375 Whatever it is you think you're doing, but... 211 00:17:13,458 --> 00:17:16,125 No buts. Just yours back into the hallway. Go on. 212 00:17:21,458 --> 00:17:25,125 (COUGHING, WHEEZING) 213 00:17:29,750 --> 00:17:33,791 (GRAVIK AND FURY GROANING) 214 00:17:38,833 --> 00:17:39,875 What the hell? 215 00:17:42,833 --> 00:17:45,291 (GROANING CONTINUES) 216 00:17:52,041 --> 00:17:54,375 (GROANS, COUGHS) 217 00:17:58,125 --> 00:17:59,125 (GASPS) 218 00:18:03,083 --> 00:18:04,416 (GRUNTING) 219 00:18:18,833 --> 00:18:19,833 (GROANS) 220 00:18:25,041 --> 00:18:27,041 (GROANING) 221 00:18:29,708 --> 00:18:30,708 You. 222 00:18:35,916 --> 00:18:38,000 - (SILENCED GUNSHOTS) - (BODY THUDS) 223 00:18:43,250 --> 00:18:45,458 You might wanna aim that gun to your left, sir. 224 00:18:45,541 --> 00:18:47,458 Shoot him right now, Mr. President. 225 00:18:47,541 --> 00:18:51,041 I'm not here to hurt you, sir. But he is. 226 00:18:51,125 --> 00:18:52,291 Rhodey? 227 00:18:53,958 --> 00:18:57,625 You killed my mother. My father. 228 00:18:57,708 --> 00:18:59,833 (GRAVIK GRUNTS) 229 00:19:03,333 --> 00:19:06,541 You're flailing. You're weak. 230 00:19:12,125 --> 00:19:13,583 (STRAINING) 231 00:19:29,791 --> 00:19:30,791 (GRUNTS) 232 00:19:37,208 --> 00:19:38,208 (GRUNTS) 233 00:19:38,833 --> 00:19:40,666 FURY: He is a Skrull. 234 00:19:41,458 --> 00:19:43,041 And if you don't call off the strike, 235 00:19:43,125 --> 00:19:45,291 you're going to kill the man he's replicating 236 00:19:45,375 --> 00:19:47,791 along with some of the world's greatest minds. 237 00:19:48,458 --> 00:19:50,666 Wait. What? 238 00:19:50,750 --> 00:19:54,208 Skrull rebels have kidnapped dozens of world officials. 239 00:19:55,041 --> 00:19:57,166 Along with Colonel Rhodes. 240 00:19:57,833 --> 00:20:00,416 He and other world officials 241 00:20:00,500 --> 00:20:04,000 are being kept in pods beneath the Skrull compound. 242 00:20:04,083 --> 00:20:06,833 You nuke that, you nuke them. 243 00:20:07,958 --> 00:20:09,416 Please tell me this isn't true. 244 00:20:09,500 --> 00:20:12,500 Are you listening to this insanity? Of course it isn't true. 245 00:20:12,916 --> 00:20:14,916 (BOTH GRUNTING) 246 00:20:25,875 --> 00:20:26,875 (GROANS) 247 00:20:28,875 --> 00:20:30,291 Mr. President, listen. 248 00:20:30,375 --> 00:20:34,333 Just stay the course, all right? And all our enemies will be gone. 249 00:20:34,416 --> 00:20:35,458 (HESITATES) Yeah. 250 00:20:47,291 --> 00:20:48,811 RHODEY: Mr. President, listen to me... 251 00:20:48,875 --> 00:20:51,583 Sir, you're looking at your enemy. 252 00:20:51,666 --> 00:20:56,416 You wait another minute, he and the rebel Skrulls will win. 253 00:20:58,458 --> 00:21:00,458 (GROANS) 254 00:21:07,833 --> 00:21:08,833 (BOTH GRUNTING) 255 00:21:21,125 --> 00:21:22,416 (CHOKING) 256 00:21:24,500 --> 00:21:26,041 (GRAVIK GRUNTING) 257 00:21:31,416 --> 00:21:32,791 G'IAH: Sleep. 258 00:21:42,125 --> 00:21:44,625 For Christ's sake, Ritson, what have you got to lose? 259 00:21:44,708 --> 00:21:47,791 FURY: She's right. Just delay the strike. 260 00:21:47,875 --> 00:21:52,250 If I'm wrong, you can send me to prison and flatten Russia. 261 00:21:55,041 --> 00:21:56,250 (G'IAH GRUNTS) 262 00:21:59,541 --> 00:22:00,541 (GRUNTS) 263 00:22:03,833 --> 00:22:04,833 (GRAVIK GRUNTS) 264 00:22:21,375 --> 00:22:23,625 You're just like your father. 265 00:22:24,291 --> 00:22:26,333 - Just like them. - (G'IAH GRUNTS) 266 00:22:28,625 --> 00:22:30,208 (GROANS) 267 00:22:56,208 --> 00:22:58,208 (PANTING) Jesus, somebody give me the phone. 268 00:23:40,083 --> 00:23:41,416 (PANTING) 269 00:23:45,875 --> 00:23:47,125 Colonel Rhodes? 270 00:23:50,166 --> 00:23:51,625 How long have you been in here? 271 00:23:53,208 --> 00:23:55,500 Whoa! Colonel Rhodes, I've got you. 272 00:23:58,791 --> 00:24:01,583 You've been held hostage for a long time. 273 00:24:01,958 --> 00:24:02,958 (GROANS) 274 00:24:32,875 --> 00:24:34,708 RITSON: We all witnessed the terror attack 275 00:24:34,791 --> 00:24:38,250 that was carried out on my motorcade earlier this week in England. 276 00:24:38,333 --> 00:24:40,125 The terrorists responsible 277 00:24:40,208 --> 00:24:44,000 were a shape-shifting alien-born species known as Skrulls. 278 00:24:44,625 --> 00:24:46,958 That is why tonight I'm presenting to Congress, 279 00:24:47,041 --> 00:24:48,708 for immediate emergency authorization, 280 00:24:48,791 --> 00:24:52,833 a bill that designates all off-world born species enemy combatants. 281 00:24:53,500 --> 00:24:57,125 We know who you are. We know how to find you. 282 00:24:58,250 --> 00:25:00,416 And we will kill every last one of you. 283 00:25:14,166 --> 00:25:16,041 Love what you've done with the place. 284 00:25:20,416 --> 00:25:21,458 I'm sorry. 285 00:25:22,000 --> 00:25:23,000 For what? 286 00:25:24,250 --> 00:25:25,333 Not being here. 287 00:25:25,916 --> 00:25:28,083 (SCOFFS) I can take care of myself. 288 00:25:28,166 --> 00:25:31,375 I know that. But you shouldn't have to. 289 00:25:31,958 --> 00:25:33,000 (SCOFFS) 290 00:25:33,416 --> 00:25:36,333 I... I know who I am when you're not here. 291 00:25:37,458 --> 00:25:39,291 It's when you come back 292 00:25:40,541 --> 00:25:41,833 that I start to wonder... 293 00:25:43,625 --> 00:25:45,416 Did you fall in love with me? 294 00:25:46,958 --> 00:25:48,750 Or the face that puts you at ease? 295 00:25:50,666 --> 00:25:54,791 I love you, Priscilla. 296 00:25:56,041 --> 00:25:59,875 I'm here to ask you for one last chance. 297 00:26:01,500 --> 00:26:02,541 I'm leaving tonight. 298 00:26:04,541 --> 00:26:06,208 Then I guess this is goodbye. 299 00:26:11,791 --> 00:26:16,708 If you can find a way to forgive me, you know where to find me. 300 00:26:40,458 --> 00:26:41,583 We meet at last. 301 00:26:44,625 --> 00:26:47,083 Unless you have an army crammed in the back of that car, 302 00:26:47,166 --> 00:26:48,767 I advise you to go back the way you came. 303 00:26:48,791 --> 00:26:50,500 Oh, I haven't come for fight, G'iah. 304 00:26:51,458 --> 00:26:54,416 With your special abilities, it would be a lopsided affair. 305 00:26:55,333 --> 00:26:56,333 Who are you? 306 00:26:56,416 --> 00:26:59,291 A friend of a friend. Your people need a leader. 307 00:27:00,375 --> 00:27:04,000 You'll need resources to fight this war that Ritson has launched on your people 308 00:27:04,083 --> 00:27:05,250 and I can get them to you. 309 00:27:05,333 --> 00:27:08,125 And let me guess, you're doing this out of the kindness of your heart? 310 00:27:08,208 --> 00:27:09,916 (CHUCKLES) Oh, God, no, don't be silly. 311 00:27:10,000 --> 00:27:13,833 My father entered into a deal like that. It didn't end so well. 312 00:27:13,916 --> 00:27:17,000 Yes, let's be sure not to repeat the mistakes of Talos and Fury 313 00:27:17,083 --> 00:27:18,916 and leave love and friendship out of this. 314 00:27:19,000 --> 00:27:21,916 I will use you and you will use me 315 00:27:22,000 --> 00:27:25,250 and together we'll make this planet safe for both our people. 316 00:27:49,583 --> 00:27:50,750 (PHONE RINGING) 317 00:27:53,333 --> 00:27:55,541 I was relieved that we made it out alive. 318 00:27:55,625 --> 00:27:56,916 FURY: I was relieved, too. 319 00:27:57,000 --> 00:27:59,833 Until I watched that hateful-ass speech you made. 320 00:28:01,458 --> 00:28:05,166 Putting things back together was never gonna be easy. 321 00:28:05,250 --> 00:28:06,583 AGENT: What the hell is all this? 322 00:28:07,958 --> 00:28:10,708 This is how the enemy got so good. 323 00:28:14,375 --> 00:28:18,041 FURY: You took a bad situation and made it worse. 324 00:28:18,125 --> 00:28:21,041 That's real one-term-President stuff. 325 00:28:22,333 --> 00:28:24,375 But we have to act now. 326 00:28:25,833 --> 00:28:27,458 Before the hit squads you inspired 327 00:28:27,541 --> 00:28:30,583 kill off the Skrulls who still wanna help us. 328 00:28:32,791 --> 00:28:34,083 - (PEOPLE SCREAMING) - (GUNSHOTS) 329 00:28:34,166 --> 00:28:38,000 FURY: Now you've got dumbass vigilantes killing innocent humans, too. 330 00:28:40,875 --> 00:28:42,916 When they're not getting killed themselves. 331 00:28:48,166 --> 00:28:49,625 Call off your war. 332 00:28:49,708 --> 00:28:53,000 RITSON: Give me a break. There's only one way this ends. 333 00:28:53,083 --> 00:28:55,000 The old Nick Fury would have known that. 334 00:28:55,083 --> 00:28:59,750 And if you truly care about the Skrulls, get'em off my planet. 335 00:29:30,625 --> 00:29:32,375 (SIGHS) Hold a minute. 336 00:30:00,125 --> 00:30:04,541 Sounds like peace, doesn't it? 337 00:30:04,625 --> 00:30:07,041 Yeah. That's all I want. 338 00:30:09,500 --> 00:30:11,875 - Priscilla... - Varra. 339 00:30:12,833 --> 00:30:17,000 Now that humans know we're among them, I'd like to use my birth name. 340 00:30:18,000 --> 00:30:22,208 Well, Varra. Good news from S.A.B.E.R. 341 00:30:22,291 --> 00:30:26,416 The Kree said they are open to peace talks with the Skrulls. 342 00:30:27,666 --> 00:30:28,875 The Kree make peace. 343 00:30:30,125 --> 00:30:32,791 Reminds me of that old joke. 344 00:30:32,875 --> 00:30:34,833 What do Skrulls call good luck? 345 00:30:36,083 --> 00:30:37,083 Bad luck. 346 00:30:37,166 --> 00:30:39,500 - Stop it. It's a good thing. - (CHUCKLES) 347 00:30:41,083 --> 00:30:43,083 - I need your help. - My help? 348 00:30:43,166 --> 00:30:45,958 Yeah, with this, you know, this peace summit. 349 00:30:47,625 --> 00:30:51,291 You're the best diplomat the Skrulls have ever had. 350 00:30:52,625 --> 00:30:54,375 I'm no good with people. You are. 351 00:30:54,458 --> 00:30:57,416 - You've got your own way. - Yeah, well, I'm sick of it. 352 00:30:58,166 --> 00:30:59,583 And we're better together. 353 00:31:00,916 --> 00:31:02,291 Well, at least, I am. 354 00:31:05,583 --> 00:31:08,208 Please, come with me. 355 00:31:16,583 --> 00:31:18,083 VARRA: I'll help you get started. 356 00:31:19,166 --> 00:31:20,791 But then I've gotta get back. 357 00:31:20,875 --> 00:31:23,500 All my work is here, darling. 358 00:31:23,583 --> 00:31:25,750 And it's never been more important. 359 00:31:39,500 --> 00:31:41,291 I just wanted to tell you that... 360 00:31:42,708 --> 00:31:43,833 That I love you. 361 00:31:45,166 --> 00:31:46,958 As I am. 362 00:31:53,208 --> 00:31:56,041 Only as you are.