1 00:00:34,409 --> 00:00:36,786  In all the decisions I have made             in my public life,         2 00:00:37,662 --> 00:00:40,498        I have always tried to do           what was best for the nation.    3 00:00:41,499 --> 00:00:45,045      In the past few days, however,        it has become evident to me     4 00:00:45,879 --> 00:00:48,798          that I no longer have             a strong enough political base  5 00:00:49,507 --> 00:00:53,803        in the Congress to justify             continuing that effort.       6 00:00:55,180 --> 00:00:58,433        Therefore, I shall resign                   the presidency           7 00:00:58,892 --> 00:01:00,393       effective at noon tomorrow.     8 00:01:01,728 --> 00:01:05,732           Vice President Ford              will be sworn in as president    9 00:01:06,232 --> 00:01:08,777       at that hour in this office.    10 00:01:10,236 --> 00:01:12,280               As I recall                    the high hopes for America     11 00:01:13,114 --> 00:01:15,241           with which we began                    this second term,          12 00:01:16,076 --> 00:01:17,327          I feel a great sadness       13 00:01:18,745 --> 00:01:21,456         that I will not be here             in this office working on...    14 00:01:21,748 --> 00:01:24,084             [voice fades]            15 00:01:26,795 --> 00:01:28,338    [commentator]   Mr. and Mrs. Ford           have joined the Nixons       16 00:01:29,255 --> 00:01:33,510      as they make the last walk out        to Army One, the helicopter.    17 00:01:33,802 --> 00:01:34,761           Congratulations.           18 00:01:35,470 --> 00:01:37,388  -Congratulations or condolences?           -[Richard chuckles]         19 00:01:38,306 --> 00:01:41,142      [Richard] She's all yours.                    Be safe.               20 00:01:43,603 --> 00:01:45,480      [commentator]   There is the             President waving goodbye.      21 00:01:45,939 --> 00:01:47,398        Can you hear the applause?     22 00:01:52,112 --> 00:01:54,531       President Nixon's helicopter            going over the fountains      23 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:56,157      of the White House south lawn.  24 00:01:56,950 --> 00:02:00,245      [Gerald]   I am acutely aware           that you have not elected me    25 00:02:00,829 --> 00:02:03,706           as your president                    by your ballots,           26 00:02:04,415 --> 00:02:09,170     so I ask you to confirm me as               your president            27 00:02:09,963 --> 00:02:11,214          with your prayers.          28 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:15,426     I have not campaigned either              for the presidency          29 00:02:15,802 --> 00:02:16,719        or the vice presidency.       30 00:02:17,345 --> 00:02:22,350        I am indebted to no man              and only to one woman,        31 00:02:23,184 --> 00:02:24,477            my dear wife...           32 00:02:25,311 --> 00:02:26,980      [camera shutters clicking]      33 00:02:27,647 --> 00:02:30,275             ...as I begin                  this very difficult job.       34 00:02:31,860 --> 00:02:36,197           I have not sought              this enormous responsibility,    35 00:02:37,657 --> 00:02:39,200       but I will not shirk it.       36 00:02:40,160 --> 00:02:42,453        This land is your land         37 00:02:44,873 --> 00:02:47,333         This land is my land          38 00:02:50,336 --> 00:02:53,173            From California            39 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:58,344      Well to the New York Island     40 00:02:59,345 --> 00:03:02,891        From the Redwood Forest        41 00:03:04,309 --> 00:03:08,396       To the Gulf Stream Waters       42 00:03:09,355 --> 00:03:13,234         I tell you this land          43 00:03:13,818 --> 00:03:17,488        Was made for you and me        44 00:03:17,697 --> 00:03:19,199                 Yeah                  45 00:03:19,866 --> 00:03:23,244                  Mmm                  46 00:03:24,037 --> 00:03:27,957       One bright sunny morning        47 00:03:28,583 --> 00:03:32,545           Well, in the shadow                     of a steeple              48 00:03:33,421 --> 00:03:37,842      Down by the welfare office       49 00:03:38,384 --> 00:03:42,305            I saw my people            50 00:03:43,264 --> 00:03:47,310     I was wondering if this land     51 00:03:47,894 --> 00:03:53,274        Was made for you and me        52 00:03:56,945 --> 00:03:58,947         -[trainer] Yes, push!                     -[grunting]             53 00:03:59,447 --> 00:04:01,241     One, two. One, two. One, two.    54 00:04:01,741 --> 00:04:03,618       Come on! One, two. Push!       55 00:04:04,244 --> 00:04:05,703              [grunting]              56 00:04:06,579 --> 00:04:08,998        Come on. Push through.                     Five more.              57 00:04:09,582 --> 00:04:10,583    Hard as you can. You got this.    58 00:04:10,959 --> 00:04:12,460         Don't stop. Come on.         59 00:04:12,752 --> 00:04:15,129           Come on. Come on.          60 00:04:15,588 --> 00:04:16,798              Four! Five!             61 00:04:17,257 --> 00:04:18,049            [both grunting]           62 00:04:18,758 --> 00:04:20,969        Senator Hillary Clinton             has opened up a huge lead      63 00:04:21,552 --> 00:04:22,345    over her democratic challengers  64 00:04:23,263 --> 00:04:24,597          according to a new               Washington Post ABC News   poll.  65 00:04:25,473 --> 00:04:27,308        Senator Hillary Clinton          is still the Democrat to beat.    66 00:04:28,268 --> 00:04:31,145  The poll shows support for both         Barack Obama and John Edwards    67 00:04:31,604 --> 00:04:32,647             is dropping off.          68 00:04:42,407 --> 00:04:45,159     [sighs] Can't say I've taken                  that route.             69 00:04:45,660 --> 00:04:47,537    [bodyguard] Safest way, ma'am.    70 00:04:47,829 --> 00:04:49,289           [Michelle] Great.          71 00:04:50,498 --> 00:04:52,333       [Barack] I know. Packed.       72 00:04:54,294 --> 00:04:56,337  Mmm. And you're finally on time.  73 00:04:56,963 --> 00:04:58,756            Well, you know,                  I didn't wanna miss out       74 00:04:59,340 --> 00:05:00,633        on some one-on-one time                     with you.              75 00:05:01,592 --> 00:05:04,053    [chuckles] Yeah, we can't miss          our date night tradition,      76 00:05:04,679 --> 00:05:06,806        even if we have to shut               the whole place down.        77 00:05:07,432 --> 00:05:08,599         -Oh, yeah. Thank you.                     -Thank you.             78 00:05:09,475 --> 00:05:10,893       You may not have to worry              about it much longer.        79 00:05:11,519 --> 00:05:14,981    I-- I'm still trailing Hillary              by double digits.          80 00:05:15,606 --> 00:05:19,360    Yeah, well, she seems to really                want it.               81 00:05:19,986 --> 00:05:24,324      Yeah, she's whopping my ass               in every debate.           82 00:05:24,782 --> 00:05:25,992                Sorry.                83 00:05:27,785 --> 00:05:31,998     You know, my-- my team thinks                 that I have             84 00:05:32,540 --> 00:05:34,292        -a relatability issue.                      -Mm-hmm.               85 00:05:35,001 --> 00:05:39,172       But they've got this idea           on how to ameliorate that.      86 00:05:39,839 --> 00:05:41,966           Is it to stop you                from casually using words      87 00:05:42,550 --> 00:05:44,844           like relatability                     and ameliorate?           88 00:05:46,512 --> 00:05:47,722          Actually, it's you.         89 00:05:48,181 --> 00:05:50,266               -[laughs]                        -All right. Look,          90 00:05:50,725 --> 00:05:51,934           you're stunning.           91 00:05:52,518 --> 00:05:53,936      -No, you are, and you're--                      -Ugh.                92 00:05:54,520 --> 00:05:57,273  You're brilliant and relatable--  93 00:05:57,899 --> 00:05:59,192             I don't know,                 it's the best word for it.      94 00:05:59,901 --> 00:06:02,904    You are relatable and certainly          more relatable than--        95 00:06:03,529 --> 00:06:05,073             I don't know,                  some half-Kenyan brother       96 00:06:05,573 --> 00:06:06,908    from fucking Hawaii, you know?    97 00:06:07,533 --> 00:06:10,536         Okay, then what does                  all of this entail?         98 00:06:11,913 --> 00:06:13,373                Well...               99 00:06:14,540 --> 00:06:15,875     -a few speaking engagements--                  -[groans]              100 00:06:16,501 --> 00:06:17,502     -No, no, listen. But we'll--                  -Barack...              101 00:06:18,544 --> 00:06:20,421    We'll work the schedule around     the kids. It'll be family first.  102 00:06:20,922 --> 00:06:22,215        I don't know, you know?       103 00:06:22,882 --> 00:06:24,384       And you know I don't love                public speaking.           104 00:06:25,009 --> 00:06:28,679               I get it,                 but you're an amazing speaker.    105 00:06:29,055 --> 00:06:31,557         And it'd be a chance         106 00:06:32,392 --> 00:06:34,852        for us to work together                    as a team.              107 00:06:36,437 --> 00:06:37,897            And I miss you.           108 00:06:39,107 --> 00:06:41,401             There you go                   with that sweet talking.       109 00:06:44,529 --> 00:06:46,406       So you'll think about it?      110 00:06:48,116 --> 00:06:49,617         I'll think about it.         111 00:06:50,743 --> 00:06:51,244              All right.              112 00:06:51,744 --> 00:06:52,620      ["Yes We Can Can" playing]      113 00:06:53,454 --> 00:06:54,205       -I'll take that as a win.                   -Thank you.             114 00:06:54,914 --> 00:06:57,250      After you give me dessert,              I'll think about it.         115 00:06:57,917 --> 00:07:00,711    -Oh, you're gonna get dessert.                   -Yeah.                116 00:07:01,587 --> 00:07:04,006        No one knows more about             the character, the heart       117 00:07:04,549 --> 00:07:06,092  or the intention of Barack Obama  118 00:07:06,801 --> 00:07:09,303       than the woman who agreed         to take this journey with him.    119 00:07:09,929 --> 00:07:12,223         She's gonna make some                 kind of tremendous          120 00:07:12,807 --> 00:07:15,101      -First Lady of this nation.                  -[cheering]             121 00:07:15,643 --> 00:07:17,311         Ladies and gentlemen,                   Michelle Obama!           122 00:07:18,104 --> 00:07:22,150      The next First Lady of the         United States, Michelle Obama.    123 00:07:22,775 --> 00:07:24,152        We got to make this land                  a better land              124 00:07:24,777 --> 00:07:26,487             Than the world                      in which we live            125 00:07:27,280 --> 00:07:29,323       And we got to help each man               Be a better man             126 00:07:29,949 --> 00:07:33,369            With the kindness                      that we give              127 00:07:34,078 --> 00:07:38,583    I feel privileged to be a part          of even witnessing this.       128 00:07:39,459 --> 00:07:40,918        Traveling around states       129 00:07:41,502 --> 00:07:43,546          and being reminded                    that there's more          130 00:07:44,130 --> 00:07:45,840    that unites us than divides us.  131 00:07:46,799 --> 00:07:49,302      -   I know we can make it                  -   I know we can             132 00:07:49,969 --> 00:07:51,596            I know darn well                 That we can work it out         133 00:07:52,638 --> 00:07:55,600      Yes we can, I know we can can   Yes we can can, why can't we?       134 00:07:56,184 --> 00:07:57,560      If you wanna yes we can can     135 00:07:58,144 --> 00:07:59,729      I know we can make it work       136 00:08:00,521 --> 00:08:03,816          I know we can make it                     if we try                137 00:08:04,859 --> 00:08:06,486              Thank you.              138 00:08:08,112 --> 00:08:09,071          Thank you so much.          139 00:08:09,614 --> 00:08:11,491       [supporter] We love you,                     Michelle!              140 00:08:11,949 --> 00:08:12,867              Thank you.              141 00:08:13,868 --> 00:08:16,370       I am honored and excited                    to be here.             142 00:08:16,996 --> 00:08:19,165     This has been an amazing year                   for us.               143 00:08:19,790 --> 00:08:22,210       Just think where we were                   one year ago.            144 00:08:23,002 --> 00:08:27,131     Barack was standing in front      of the State Capitol in Illinois  145 00:08:27,840 --> 00:08:30,551    to announce that he was running             for president.            146 00:08:34,847 --> 00:08:37,767         What we have learned                    over this year            147 00:08:38,684 --> 00:08:40,937             is that hope                     is making a comeback.        148 00:08:41,521 --> 00:08:42,355    And let me tell you something,    149 00:08:42,980 --> 00:08:46,943          for the first time                  in my adult lifetime,        150 00:08:47,527 --> 00:08:49,362  I am really proud of my country.  151 00:08:50,196 --> 00:08:52,532      -   I know we can make it                -   I know that we can          152 00:08:53,533 --> 00:08:56,869      I know darn well that we can         Work it out, work it out...       153 00:09:00,706 --> 00:09:02,750         Thank you! Thank you!        154 00:09:04,210 --> 00:09:07,463      I know darn well that we can           Work it out, work it out        155 00:09:07,922 --> 00:09:10,633          [phones vibrating]          156 00:09:12,093 --> 00:09:13,761      -   I know we can make it                -   I know that we can          157 00:09:14,720 --> 00:09:16,180      I know darn well that we can           Work it out, work it out        158 00:09:16,847 --> 00:09:18,558          There's so many needy                    So many poor              159 00:09:19,267 --> 00:09:22,603       But love and understanding             Is the key to the door         160 00:09:23,104 --> 00:09:25,898      [phones ringing, vibrating]     161 00:09:26,774 --> 00:09:27,733         We better get going.         162 00:09:27,942 --> 00:09:28,442              [song ends]             163 00:09:28,943 --> 00:09:31,654                 -Mel?                       -Fucking racist fucks.        164 00:09:32,238 --> 00:09:33,990           -What's going on?                         -Sorry.               165 00:09:34,865 --> 00:09:35,950    They-- They twisted your words.  166 00:09:36,909 --> 00:09:38,202        -[Michelle] What? What?          -[Mel] They twisted your words.  167 00:09:38,911 --> 00:09:42,290       "I'm proud of my country               for the first time."         168 00:09:43,791 --> 00:09:47,628                 Shit.                     "I never loved my country."     169 00:09:48,087 --> 00:09:49,213                Right.                170 00:09:49,797 --> 00:09:50,756                -Okay.                    -Come on. Let's keep moving.     171 00:09:51,591 --> 00:09:52,341             [commentator]                      Now that her husband        172 00:09:52,967 --> 00:09:54,176            is the Democrats'                    presumptive nominee,        173 00:09:54,802 --> 00:09:56,596        Michelle Obama is expected                  to come under            174 00:09:57,221 --> 00:09:58,764          ever greater scrutiny                    from the media.           175 00:09:59,640 --> 00:10:01,309     She's always angry every time           she gets on television.       176 00:10:02,101 --> 00:10:05,271      I think the American people        deserve a thorough examination    177 00:10:05,771 --> 00:10:06,397       of everything about her.       178 00:10:06,981 --> 00:10:08,983         The angry Black woman                     First Lady?             179 00:10:32,006 --> 00:10:32,715         [Young Malia] Ready?         180 00:10:33,341 --> 00:10:34,592      Ma'am, we believe it's best               you take the car.          181 00:10:35,176 --> 00:10:36,761         I wanna walk my girls                  to school today.           182 00:10:37,637 --> 00:10:39,388       It's a beautiful morning,            and we need the fresh air      183 00:10:40,014 --> 00:10:41,349     and a break from all of this.                Right, girls?            184 00:10:41,974 --> 00:10:43,476         -[Young Sasha] Yeah.                  -[Young Malia] Yes.         185 00:10:44,852 --> 00:10:45,811        -[reporter 1] Michelle!              -[reporter 2] Michelle!       186 00:10:46,771 --> 00:10:48,439     [reporter 1] Michelle, do you     have any terrorist affiliations?  187 00:10:48,981 --> 00:10:50,441          Do you hate America                     or Americans?            188 00:10:51,108 --> 00:10:53,152     [reporter 3] Why are you not           proud to be an American?       189 00:10:53,653 --> 00:10:54,654         [reporters clamoring]        190 00:10:55,321 --> 00:10:56,739     What do you think about your          father running for office?      191 00:10:57,657 --> 00:10:59,241          How is the campaign          impacting your children's lives?  192 00:10:59,867 --> 00:11:01,327      [reporter 4] Just one more               question. Did any--         193 00:11:01,702 --> 00:11:03,120              [clamoring]             194 00:11:03,704 --> 00:11:08,501          I will not respond                     to these lies,            195 00:11:09,877 --> 00:11:14,090       nor will I stand for you        bringing my girls into all this.  196 00:11:14,674 --> 00:11:16,133    That's what we're not gonna do.  197 00:11:16,676 --> 00:11:19,679         But I will say this.         198 00:11:20,304 --> 00:11:23,641         I am genuinely proud                 of all the excitement        199 00:11:24,225 --> 00:11:26,936            building around                    Barack's campaign.          200 00:11:27,353 --> 00:11:28,854         It makes me hopeful.         201 00:11:29,855 --> 00:11:34,318      People of all shades and--                    and ages               202 00:11:34,902 --> 00:11:39,407           and-- and creeds                   all working together.        203 00:11:40,700 --> 00:11:41,409        Now, if you don't mind,       204 00:11:42,034 --> 00:11:44,870      I'm gonna walk my daughters                  to school.              205 00:11:47,707 --> 00:11:49,041            Come on, girls.           206 00:11:56,757 --> 00:11:58,926         [no audible dialogue]        207 00:12:21,282 --> 00:12:21,991       [Eleanor] Why, thank you.      208 00:12:22,867 --> 00:12:24,076           -[doorman] Ma'am.                 -[Earl] Mrs. Roosevelt.       209 00:12:24,243 --> 00:12:25,286                 Earl!                210 00:12:25,911 --> 00:12:26,704         I'll be escorting you                 to the White House.         211 00:12:27,413 --> 00:12:31,751    Yes, I think I'm going to take                the long way.            212 00:12:32,543 --> 00:12:33,753          Clear the cobwebs.          213 00:12:34,253 --> 00:12:35,379         [Malvina] Don't ask.         214 00:12:36,088 --> 00:12:37,173        Mrs. Roosevelt, ma'am,        215 00:12:38,132 --> 00:12:39,800     I must insist you get in the        car. It's for your own safety.    216 00:12:40,468 --> 00:12:43,637       No one wants to hurt me.             I'm not important enough.      217 00:12:44,263 --> 00:12:45,347      [Malvina] Oh, I don't know,                    Mrs. R.               218 00:12:45,973 --> 00:12:48,809           I might hurt you               if you keep it up like this.     219 00:12:52,813 --> 00:12:56,817       Oh. Oh, that's wonderful.      220 00:12:59,320 --> 00:13:01,113       Hello. What's your name?       221 00:13:01,489 --> 00:13:03,115             -I'm Eleanor.                          -Oh, no.               222 00:13:03,324 --> 00:13:04,116             You're, uh--             223 00:13:04,617 --> 00:13:05,618      Eleanor. Eleanor Roosevelt.     224 00:13:06,243 --> 00:13:09,079         So nice to meet you.                   What's your name?          225 00:13:09,246 --> 00:13:10,039                 John.                226 00:13:10,831 --> 00:13:11,707             -Hello, John.                -Mrs. R., we should really--     227 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:15,211      [Eleanor] That is one hardy        handshake. What work do you do?  228 00:13:15,795 --> 00:13:18,964  I don't do any work. I'm busted.  229 00:13:19,173 --> 00:13:19,882              Of course.              230 00:13:20,508 --> 00:13:24,428          I'm-- I'm so sorry.                 What work did you do?        231 00:13:25,137 --> 00:13:27,515        [John] I forged steel.           Built skyscrapers in New York.    232 00:13:28,140 --> 00:13:31,227             [Eleanor] Oh,                   what a wonderful skill.       233 00:13:31,977 --> 00:13:33,354         You must be so proud.        234 00:13:34,355 --> 00:13:37,817    Well, you're a part of history,                  John.                235 00:13:38,359 --> 00:13:40,194     Such a pleasure to meet you.     236 00:13:41,278 --> 00:13:42,154         And you, all of you.         237 00:13:43,113 --> 00:13:44,615    -Thank you so much. Thank you.             -Thank you, ma'am.          238 00:13:45,199 --> 00:13:46,575               [Eleanor]                     Oh, I do like your hat.       239 00:13:47,201 --> 00:13:49,870        -Oh, that's very nice.              -[man] Thank you though!       240 00:13:51,497 --> 00:13:52,832              [chuckles]              241 00:13:59,463 --> 00:14:00,673         -[Lou] There you are.                -[Eleanor] So sorry.         242 00:14:01,215 --> 00:14:02,716     I feared you weren't coming.     243 00:14:04,009 --> 00:14:05,803         Well, it's a pleasure                to see you, Eleanor.         244 00:14:06,387 --> 00:14:08,722           And you too, Lou.                 Shall we make a start?        245 00:14:09,390 --> 00:14:11,225        I thought we'd have tea               and a light breakfast        246 00:14:11,684 --> 00:14:12,601      before I give you the tour.     247 00:14:13,185 --> 00:14:16,063  Of course. That would be lovely.  248 00:14:21,360 --> 00:14:24,989        I'm sure you're excited        to begin the decorating process.  249 00:14:25,906 --> 00:14:28,576               Oh, yes.                   Mrs. Roosevelt certainly is.     250 00:14:29,201 --> 00:14:31,912          You can't go wrong                 with an oriental silk.        251 00:14:32,413 --> 00:14:34,498    No, you most certainly cannot.    252 00:14:35,040 --> 00:14:35,583          [whispering] Sorry.         253 00:14:36,166 --> 00:14:39,086    And this is the master bedroom.  254 00:14:43,173 --> 00:14:45,885         That door over there                is your dressing room.        255 00:14:46,385 --> 00:14:47,261        I used it as my study,        256 00:14:48,220 --> 00:14:51,891       but they always called it          the dressing room regardless.    257 00:14:53,225 --> 00:14:56,061          The Wilsons used it               as a private dining room.      258 00:15:05,571 --> 00:15:07,281            What on Earth?            259 00:15:18,125 --> 00:15:21,170            Nine presidents                brought their slaves here.      260 00:15:21,629 --> 00:15:23,339            I never knew...           261 00:15:24,298 --> 00:15:27,343      It wasn't recorded how many         of them required their slaves    262 00:15:27,927 --> 00:15:30,596            to have access                     to their bedrooms.          263 00:15:40,272 --> 00:15:41,273     [Eleanor] Well, I hope you're               making me sound           264 00:15:41,774 --> 00:15:43,442     interesting and intelligent.     265 00:15:44,068 --> 00:15:47,321    -And possibly even fascinating.                  -Oh!                 266 00:15:48,113 --> 00:15:49,657          I'll do what I can.         267 00:15:52,743 --> 00:15:53,577        Can I ask you something       268 00:15:54,119 --> 00:15:56,455          -Of course. Always.                   -off the record?           269 00:15:57,581 --> 00:16:02,294        How do you really feel               about being First Lady?       270 00:16:03,587 --> 00:16:05,005                  Oh.                 271 00:16:06,632 --> 00:16:08,092                Well...               272 00:16:09,301 --> 00:16:11,720    I'm not thrilled about the fact  273 00:16:12,429 --> 00:16:17,226    that my title refers to my sex           rather than my skills.        274 00:16:17,518 --> 00:16:19,061                -Yeah.                                -Mmm.                275 00:16:19,979 --> 00:16:23,315     Does sound like a crude term      a man might use for his ex-wife.  276 00:16:24,191 --> 00:16:25,776              [chuckles]              277 00:16:27,027 --> 00:16:29,780      And it's recently been made               very clear to me           278 00:16:30,489 --> 00:16:34,743        that I'm to smile, nod,          and gaze adoringly at Franklin    279 00:16:35,452 --> 00:16:38,414      every time we happen to be           in the same room together.      280 00:16:38,539 --> 00:16:40,416                Mmm...                281 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:42,501    Well, what does that look like?  282 00:16:42,835 --> 00:16:45,462              Oh. Well...             283 00:16:46,797 --> 00:16:49,299        [laughs] That's awful.        284 00:16:54,346 --> 00:16:56,181     Oh, that's my daughter Anna.     285 00:16:57,016 --> 00:16:59,059        She's just gone through                    a divorce.              286 00:17:00,019 --> 00:17:01,478            Off the record.           287 00:17:02,354 --> 00:17:03,689     It was the right thing to do,    288 00:17:04,231 --> 00:17:07,693          but her grandmother                    is apoplectic.            289 00:17:08,235 --> 00:17:11,363        So, she's a Progressive                     like you?              290 00:17:11,739 --> 00:17:15,075        Yes, I suppose she is.        291 00:17:16,035 --> 00:17:18,037             Good for her.            292 00:17:19,538 --> 00:17:20,748        Well, thank you, Hick.        293 00:17:21,707 --> 00:17:25,335    [sighs] Always. Now get to it.    294 00:17:30,591 --> 00:17:31,592             [Anna] Hello!            295 00:17:32,217 --> 00:17:34,011     -Hello, darling. How are you?                 -I'm good.              296 00:17:34,553 --> 00:17:36,180         Sis, come say hello.         297 00:17:37,931 --> 00:17:38,891    Little Anna. [blows raspberry]    298 00:17:39,391 --> 00:17:40,642     Oh, Louis. [blows raspberry]     299 00:17:41,101 --> 00:17:42,269          Look who's growing.         300 00:17:43,103 --> 00:17:43,812    How is the speech coming along?  301 00:17:44,396 --> 00:17:45,439       The President would like                  your thoughts.            302 00:17:46,398 --> 00:17:48,317     Well, Sis and I are going to        grab sundaes at the restaurant.  303 00:17:49,234 --> 00:17:52,863    We were wondering if you could       come but seems like a busy one.  304 00:17:53,363 --> 00:17:54,281         Oh, it's a busy one.         305 00:17:55,115 --> 00:17:56,366  Well, you'll have to get a scoop                 on me.                306 00:17:57,242 --> 00:17:58,577        All right, more for us.               Let's go, chickadee.         307 00:17:59,078 --> 00:18:01,413              -Have fun.                           -Bye. Bye.              308 00:18:03,082 --> 00:18:05,125       He asked for me himself?       309 00:18:05,542 --> 00:18:06,752                Almost.               310 00:18:07,795 --> 00:18:09,588              All right.              311 00:18:23,435 --> 00:18:25,145             [door opens]             312 00:18:28,107 --> 00:18:29,566             [door closes]            313 00:18:30,818 --> 00:18:32,152            Hello, Missus.            314 00:18:36,406 --> 00:18:38,826        Have you been calling?               I was out for meetings.       315 00:18:39,326 --> 00:18:41,495     No, no. I've been wrapped up.    316 00:18:43,288 --> 00:18:45,165       What do you have so far?       317 00:18:47,501 --> 00:18:48,669           A slippery fish.           318 00:18:48,961 --> 00:18:51,255            Mm-mmm. May I?            319 00:18:51,964 --> 00:18:53,841        No, it's not ready yet.       320 00:18:56,343 --> 00:18:58,887  Is it true that I am not to have  321 00:18:59,471 --> 00:19:01,682             a proper job                    in your administration?       322 00:19:02,266 --> 00:19:03,600        Will you stop listening                     to Louis?              323 00:19:04,184 --> 00:19:06,270     Well, give me something else                   to hear.               324 00:19:06,520 --> 00:19:07,646                 Fine.                325 00:19:11,358 --> 00:19:13,318    I am not entirely comfortable.    326 00:19:14,153 --> 00:19:15,654        Nobody else is getting                  two appointments.          327 00:19:16,196 --> 00:19:18,866            I'm not asking                    for two appointments.        328 00:19:23,328 --> 00:19:23,912         I'll think about it.         329 00:19:24,496 --> 00:19:25,873     Don't push me off, Franklin.     330 00:19:26,540 --> 00:19:30,377            I am your wife,               not one of your girlfriends.     331 00:19:36,884 --> 00:19:37,926          And I need to work.         332 00:19:38,468 --> 00:19:39,386            -You know that.                       -[door opens]            333 00:19:40,179 --> 00:19:41,680        You have made yourself                  abundantly clear.          334 00:19:42,306 --> 00:19:45,184            -You will work.                   -[people chattering]         335 00:19:45,684 --> 00:19:46,560        [Franklin] What is it?        336 00:19:48,020 --> 00:19:50,898     Sir, if you're not busy, we'd       better get back to the speech.    337 00:19:51,690 --> 00:19:54,109        Not busy at all, boys.           Come on. Let's get back to it.    338 00:19:54,735 --> 00:19:57,738     Let's start with this wording                 right here.             339 00:19:58,405 --> 00:19:59,990             "Attempts by                  the previous administration     340 00:20:00,574 --> 00:20:02,826          were lost on tired                   and old tradition,          341 00:20:03,243 --> 00:20:04,036         leaving you fearful."        342 00:20:04,703 --> 00:20:06,205     Now, I like the idea of that,               the sentiment,            343 00:20:06,705 --> 00:20:08,081        but it's lacking punch.       344 00:20:08,582 --> 00:20:10,709    It-- It feels passive this way.  345 00:20:29,436 --> 00:20:33,607       [clicks tongue, exhales]                     Oh, yeah.              346 00:20:41,531 --> 00:20:43,909         Could someone please                come collect something        347 00:20:44,576 --> 00:20:46,954              and take it                    to the president-elect?       348 00:20:52,459 --> 00:20:55,754          "Nothing is so much                    to be feared...           349 00:20:57,256 --> 00:20:58,590               as fear".              350 00:21:03,303 --> 00:21:04,304           [crowd cheering]           351 00:21:05,264 --> 00:21:08,725        [Franklin] I am certain          that my fellow Americans expect  352 00:21:09,101 --> 00:21:10,018         that on my induction,        353 00:21:10,644 --> 00:21:13,021     this is preeminently the time             to speak the truth.         354 00:21:13,605 --> 00:21:16,817           The whole truth,                    frankly and boldly.         355 00:21:17,442 --> 00:21:18,402          Nor need we shrink          356 00:21:19,278 --> 00:21:23,240    from honestly facing conditions          in our country today.        357 00:21:23,949 --> 00:21:27,911     This great nation will endure             as it has endured.          358 00:21:28,787 --> 00:21:31,581    We'll revive and we'll prosper.  359 00:21:31,957 --> 00:21:34,293         [applause, cheering]         360 00:21:41,300 --> 00:21:43,010           So, first of all,          361 00:21:44,136 --> 00:21:46,138     let me assert my firm belief     362 00:21:46,847 --> 00:21:50,934      that the only thing we have            to fear is fear itself.       363 00:21:51,518 --> 00:21:54,813         -[applause, cheering]                      -Oh, yes.              364 00:21:58,817 --> 00:22:01,403         May God protect each                 and every one of you         365 00:22:01,945 --> 00:22:04,156  and guide me in the coming days.  366 00:22:04,531 --> 00:22:05,032              Thank you.              367 00:22:05,615 --> 00:22:07,784         -[applause, cheering]                       -Come.                368 00:22:10,329 --> 00:22:13,790          Oh, that was a very              powerful speech, wasn't it?     369 00:22:14,333 --> 00:22:15,208      Mmm, yes, it was brilliant.     370 00:22:16,001 --> 00:22:20,088      Yes, Franklin always knows          just the right thing to say.     371 00:22:20,672 --> 00:22:22,049      It's one of his many gifts.     372 00:22:22,674 --> 00:22:24,092      One of the great pleasures                   of marriage             373 00:22:24,718 --> 00:22:27,387      is savoring your husband's                 finest moments.           374 00:22:28,013 --> 00:22:30,098     Second only to savoring that                 of your sons.            375 00:22:30,557 --> 00:22:31,850         [Franklin] Thank you!        376 00:22:32,809 --> 00:22:34,061                 Yes.                 377 00:22:35,854 --> 00:22:38,899    [Eleanor] I don't believe I've                 ever smiled             378 00:22:39,399 --> 00:22:41,735      for so many hours in a row.     379 00:22:42,194 --> 00:22:43,653    [music plays on record player]    380 00:22:43,820 --> 00:22:44,571               [groans]               381 00:22:45,405 --> 00:22:48,950        I do think they should                   issue warnings.           382 00:22:49,576 --> 00:22:53,080       Inauguration festivities              may cause frozen face.        383 00:22:53,497 --> 00:22:54,956            [both chuckle]            384 00:22:55,665 --> 00:22:58,752       Is it stuck? Am I doomed              to be a grinning fool?        385 00:22:59,711 --> 00:23:03,423      You are the farthest thing         from a fool I have ever known.    386 00:23:05,759 --> 00:23:08,929     I think your speech went over            very well, Franklin.         387 00:23:09,554 --> 00:23:11,765            -Thanks to you.                   -Oh, don't be silly.         388 00:23:13,725 --> 00:23:18,397        You really are so good            at conveying hope, you know.     389 00:23:20,023 --> 00:23:22,234        You think you've always                  been that way?            390 00:23:23,068 --> 00:23:26,905    My mother says even as a child         I had a soothing presence.      391 00:23:27,406 --> 00:23:28,365      Oh, soothing is one thing.      392 00:23:29,241 --> 00:23:33,328     It's quite another to lead a      country out of its darkest hour.  393 00:23:34,204 --> 00:23:37,124      Well, you were instrumental        in helping crafting my message.  394 00:23:37,624 --> 00:23:39,751       So I'm grateful for you.       395 00:23:41,086 --> 00:23:42,921         We make a good team.         396 00:23:45,757 --> 00:23:46,925              Yes, we do.             397 00:23:50,137 --> 00:23:51,638         Should we go to bed?         398 00:23:52,973 --> 00:23:57,769    Oh, I cannot think of anything            I'd like to do more.         399 00:24:01,481 --> 00:24:04,568        -Good night, Franklin.                     -[chuckles]             400 00:24:05,485 --> 00:24:07,946       [chuckles] Sweet dreams.       401 00:24:09,156 --> 00:24:13,785        Congratulations! You so               deserve it. [giggles]        402 00:24:14,953 --> 00:24:15,912             Here we are!             403 00:24:16,288 --> 00:24:18,665       Yes. Here we are indeed.       404 00:24:19,499 --> 00:24:20,208         [Eleanor] Oh! Hello.                   What's your name?          405 00:24:20,792 --> 00:24:23,003               -Charles.                     -Charles, I'm Eleanor.        406 00:24:23,670 --> 00:24:25,881      I'll be seeing quite a lot                 of you I think.           407 00:24:26,465 --> 00:24:27,841    [music plays on record player]    408 00:24:30,093 --> 00:24:31,553    [Charles] More champagne, sir?    409 00:24:32,971 --> 00:24:35,724      I think we should move over          to the whiskey. Don't you?      410 00:24:36,016 --> 00:24:37,476            Very well, sir.           411 00:24:49,362 --> 00:24:51,531    [distant police siren blaring]    412 00:24:58,705 --> 00:25:00,874          [blaring continues]         413 00:25:11,843 --> 00:25:13,220       Bob, a lot has been written                  about the fact           414 00:25:13,845 --> 00:25:15,639        that president-elect Obama                    is looking             415 00:25:16,640 --> 00:25:21,061       into ways to reverse various         Bush administration policies.    416 00:25:21,728 --> 00:25:23,522             Is there danger                  in doing that too quickly?     417 00:25:24,147 --> 00:25:25,732           -They're asleep.                -[news reporters continue]      418 00:25:27,067 --> 00:25:30,153        Oh. I don't wanna keep                  missing bedtime.           419 00:25:30,862 --> 00:25:32,155    -   ...these are things the, uh,              -[Michelle] Mmm.           420 00:25:32,822 --> 00:25:35,200         president has, uh, done                 by executive order,         421 00:25:35,825 --> 00:25:37,077           and they can be, uh,                     easily undone.           422 00:25:37,744 --> 00:25:39,162           I think that's some                      of the first--           423 00:25:39,538 --> 00:25:40,705               [clicks]               424 00:25:42,541 --> 00:25:45,377      In four years, I don't want            to look back and think,       425 00:25:46,586 --> 00:25:49,839          "What did I become                 living in that house?"        426 00:25:51,758 --> 00:25:55,428            Well, you know,                 in-- in eight years, uh,       427 00:25:56,096 --> 00:26:00,016    I think you are still gonna be             that bougie lawyer          428 00:26:00,559 --> 00:26:02,185        with that Audi [laughs]       429 00:26:02,894 --> 00:26:05,897       and that fucking attitude            that I fell in love with.      430 00:26:06,565 --> 00:26:08,275            [both laughing]           431 00:26:09,067 --> 00:26:13,280    -South Side forever! [chuckles]         -That's right. Mm-hmm.        432 00:26:13,780 --> 00:26:17,742  Mmm. We need a road map, Barack.  433 00:26:18,577 --> 00:26:19,661       I will not miss the girls                   growing up.             434 00:26:20,287 --> 00:26:24,040         Mmm, no. Me neither.               We won't let that happen.      435 00:26:24,624 --> 00:26:26,710               -Mm-hmm.                    -All right? I promise you.      436 00:26:27,085 --> 00:26:28,044                 Mmm.                 437 00:26:28,628 --> 00:26:31,298           You are gonna be                    a dope First Lady.          438 00:26:31,881 --> 00:26:35,135      Michelle Obama née Robinson     439 00:26:35,719 --> 00:26:38,054       has never failed a test.                     [laughs]               440 00:26:38,638 --> 00:26:39,556            -You're right.                       -That's right.            441 00:26:40,223 --> 00:26:42,642          -I got this. [hums]             -Yeah, you do. Shake it girl!    442 00:26:43,602 --> 00:26:46,479     What I don't got is all those        clothes you got on the floor,    443 00:26:47,105 --> 00:26:49,983             Barack Obama,                President of the United Sta--    444 00:26:50,942 --> 00:26:52,944        -Pick up your clothes!           -I got it. I got it. I got you.  445 00:26:53,153 --> 00:26:54,195                Mm-hmm.               446 00:26:54,654 --> 00:26:55,572            [Michelle] Mmm.           447 00:26:56,114 --> 00:26:56,823         [Barack] I got this.         448 00:26:57,657 --> 00:26:59,159     -[Michelle] Clothes all over.              -[Barack laughs]           449 00:26:59,826 --> 00:27:00,535     I should really have somebody                 to help me              450 00:27:01,161 --> 00:27:02,537      -tidy this thing up, right?               -[Michelle] Mmm.           451 00:27:03,121 --> 00:27:05,206          I got nuclear codes                    to think about.           452 00:27:05,332 --> 00:27:06,833                 Mmm.                 453 00:27:14,924 --> 00:27:15,467               You okay?              454 00:27:16,134 --> 00:27:18,428      -How do we feel about Gwen?                   -[laughs]              455 00:27:18,970 --> 00:27:21,181          -Morning, Gwen. Hi.                      -Hi, Gwen.              456 00:27:21,806 --> 00:27:24,017         -[people chattering]                  -Madam First Lady.          457 00:27:24,267 --> 00:27:26,353              [applause]              458 00:27:28,313 --> 00:27:29,397    We're already behind schedule.    459 00:27:30,148 --> 00:27:32,400      I had to drop the girls off        for their first day at school.    460 00:27:32,984 --> 00:27:34,277              [Gwen] Oh!                     I thought Mrs. Robinson       461 00:27:34,861 --> 00:27:35,570          and Secret Service                   were handling that.         462 00:27:36,279 --> 00:27:38,156     My daughters are not a matter               to be handled.            463 00:27:38,782 --> 00:27:40,325            I had to ensure                   that they settled in.        464 00:27:40,700 --> 00:27:41,493              Of course.              465 00:27:42,118 --> 00:27:44,037          So, we want to hit                   the ground running.         466 00:27:44,496 --> 00:27:45,372       And with Rahm's approval,      467 00:27:46,122 --> 00:27:48,041      my team and I have come up           with several ideas for you.     468 00:27:48,375 --> 00:27:50,377         Rahm has approved...         469 00:27:51,211 --> 00:27:53,004        Okay. Let me hear 'em.        470 00:27:54,839 --> 00:27:59,219    He feels, and we all feel, that      a White House garden project     471 00:27:59,719 --> 00:28:00,845     could be a great opportunity     472 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:03,848     for people to see a new side                    of you.               473 00:28:05,725 --> 00:28:06,935        The First Lady tending                     the garden,             474 00:28:07,852 --> 00:28:10,397     growing fruits and vegetables              with local kids.           475 00:28:11,064 --> 00:28:12,607           Great photo ops.           476 00:28:13,024 --> 00:28:13,525           Good news, team.           477 00:28:14,150 --> 00:28:15,193       The men in the West Wing                   have given us            478 00:28:15,735 --> 00:28:17,237            the green light                  to plant some carrots.        479 00:28:17,696 --> 00:28:18,446            [all chuckling]           480 00:28:19,072 --> 00:28:20,365           Uh, that's not--                 that's not what I meant.       481 00:28:21,032 --> 00:28:23,201            Um, all right.                 This, uh, this is for you.      482 00:28:25,161 --> 00:28:26,663        Mrs. Ford won't be able            to attend the inauguration.     483 00:28:27,372 --> 00:28:30,208           She's almost 90,              but she wanted to write to you.  484 00:28:30,709 --> 00:28:32,919     Betty Ford wrote me a letter.    485 00:28:33,336 --> 00:28:34,212                 Wow.                 486 00:28:34,421 --> 00:28:35,547               [exhales]              487 00:28:36,214 --> 00:28:37,674       [Gwen] We have a fitting            for your inauguration gown.     488 00:28:38,383 --> 00:28:41,720          And this is great,                Vogue   has offered a feature     489 00:28:42,345 --> 00:28:44,389         with Annie Leibovitz                  to shoot the cover.         490 00:28:44,848 --> 00:28:45,682            Amazing, right?           491 00:28:46,391 --> 00:28:50,103      Sure. Excellent opportunity           to talk about rutabagas.       492 00:28:50,437 --> 00:28:51,980            [all chuckling]           493 00:28:52,731 --> 00:28:53,523          What's a rutabaga?          494 00:28:54,232 --> 00:28:56,234         -A turnip, I believe.             -[Michelle] Come on, Gwen.      495 00:28:56,776 --> 00:28:57,402    I spoke throughout the campaign  496 00:28:57,944 --> 00:28:58,903           about civic duty,                   unemployment and--          497 00:28:59,863 --> 00:29:02,574     And you were incredible. And         now we're in the White House.    498 00:29:03,199 --> 00:29:05,201             And the team                 in the West Wing wanna shape     499 00:29:05,785 --> 00:29:06,494           and help you grow                   into your new role.         500 00:29:07,203 --> 00:29:09,372             I'm a lawyer                 and an expert in health care.    501 00:29:10,081 --> 00:29:11,624          They wanna turn me              into a Black Martha Stewart?     502 00:29:12,292 --> 00:29:14,335        I meant no disrespect,                but Rahm feels that--        503 00:29:14,919 --> 00:29:16,546     You know, I'm looking forward    504 00:29:17,130 --> 00:29:18,506         to hearing all about                   Rahm's feelings,           505 00:29:19,090 --> 00:29:19,924     so why don't you let him know    506 00:29:20,759 --> 00:29:21,843      that I would like some time                   with him.              507 00:29:22,469 --> 00:29:26,473    -[Gwen chuckles] I'll do that.                -Okay. Okay.             508 00:29:28,391 --> 00:29:31,853  We have a very important meeting   coming up next Tuesday that is--  509 00:29:32,437 --> 00:29:33,480           [Betty narrates]                       Dear Mrs. Obama,          510 00:29:34,105 --> 00:29:37,484            you probably feel                   so overwhelmed today.        511 00:29:38,109 --> 00:29:41,279  You can't imagine how unprepared                  I felt.               512 00:29:41,780 --> 00:29:43,490        But the job will find you.     513 00:29:43,990 --> 00:29:45,617       It has a way of doing that.     514 00:29:46,284 --> 00:29:48,453          You are forever a part                    of history now           515 00:29:49,078 --> 00:29:51,581            but will always be                      one of a kind.           516 00:29:52,457 --> 00:29:54,709       Today, you'll probably feel      like you have nothing in common    517 00:29:55,502 --> 00:29:58,588        with all of the women who           were First Ladies before you.    518 00:29:59,255 --> 00:30:02,634           Trust me when I say                  we all felt that way.        519 00:30:03,176 --> 00:30:04,928    [Gerald] Gonna miss this place.  520 00:30:13,978 --> 00:30:15,230  We'll have fun in our new house.  521 00:30:15,438 --> 00:30:16,439                Mm-hmm.               522 00:30:17,023 --> 00:30:17,899            Sleeping in our                    separate bedrooms,          523 00:30:18,525 --> 00:30:21,861      like a proper presidential              husband and his wife.        524 00:30:22,445 --> 00:30:23,404    [Gerald] That's not happening.    525 00:30:23,863 --> 00:30:24,697            Better not be.            526 00:30:25,323 --> 00:30:27,408       Though, after this week,              I might change my mind.       527 00:30:27,826 --> 00:30:29,285            Don't you dare.           528 00:30:31,454 --> 00:30:34,123           You're gonna make                 a terrific First Lady.        529 00:30:35,375 --> 00:30:37,544            [phone ringing]           530 00:30:46,886 --> 00:30:48,680    Ford residence. This is Betty.    531 00:30:49,180 --> 00:30:50,139       [woman]   Madam First Lady?      532 00:30:51,057 --> 00:30:55,311     No, uh-- Y-Yes, yes. I mean,             that's me. [chuckles]        533 00:30:56,187 --> 00:30:57,730      My name is Debbie Winthrop.     534 00:30:58,356 --> 00:31:00,900          I was Mrs. Nixon's                    social secretary.          535 00:31:01,484 --> 00:31:03,695    Of course. Yes, I remember you.  536 00:31:04,237 --> 00:31:06,281           We were wondering                  what you wanted to do        537 00:31:06,739 --> 00:31:08,575    for the upcoming State Dinner.    538 00:31:09,158 --> 00:31:09,909               The what?              539 00:31:10,869 --> 00:31:14,998      Uh, King Hussein of Jordan         is coming in four days, ma'am.    540 00:31:17,375 --> 00:31:20,587             I see. I see.            541 00:31:21,212 --> 00:31:24,299      And the idea is he'll want                something to eat           542 00:31:24,757 --> 00:31:26,885  after that long trip. [chuckles]  543 00:31:27,719 --> 00:31:29,053         And the queen, ma'am.        544 00:31:30,555 --> 00:31:32,056              Of course.              545 00:31:33,892 --> 00:31:35,602              Uh, well...             546 00:31:37,061 --> 00:31:38,688    I wish someone would've told me               about this.             547 00:31:39,397 --> 00:31:43,610       We told Pat Nixon, ma'am.             The former First Lady.        548 00:31:44,110 --> 00:31:46,112     Yes, I know who Pat Nixon is.    549 00:31:46,529 --> 00:31:47,280              Of course.              550 00:31:47,739 --> 00:31:48,531     Let me give it some thought,     551 00:31:49,115 --> 00:31:52,160       and I'll get back to you                 as soon as I can.          552 00:31:53,202 --> 00:31:54,746                 Okay.                     Thank you very much, ma'am.     553 00:31:55,246 --> 00:31:57,790     Okay. Thank you for calling.     554 00:31:58,249 --> 00:31:59,292           [Debbie]   Goodbye.          555 00:32:02,295 --> 00:32:04,047                [sighs]               556 00:32:09,218 --> 00:32:10,970  I'll move into the White House.    557 00:32:11,471 --> 00:32:13,389         I'll do the best I can.       558 00:32:14,599 --> 00:32:18,519        And if they don't like it,            then they can kick me out,     559 00:32:19,145 --> 00:32:21,397  but they can't make me somebody                    I'm not.              560 00:32:21,773 --> 00:32:23,399          [applause from TV]          561 00:32:26,235 --> 00:32:27,737        She's totally unsuited                    for the role.            562 00:32:28,321 --> 00:32:30,615    Well, she seems very confident                   to me.                563 00:32:31,115 --> 00:32:32,283          That's the problem.         564 00:32:33,284 --> 00:32:34,243    I don't wanna get into details,                but, um,               565 00:32:35,119 --> 00:32:36,788       she's had her fair share              of personal struggles.        566 00:32:37,330 --> 00:32:38,414    We all know the lights in here,  567 00:32:39,332 --> 00:32:41,042    they tend to flush that sort of     thing right out into the open,    568 00:32:41,584 --> 00:32:42,669     so that's where you come in.     569 00:32:43,461 --> 00:32:47,298  We want you to stay on. Keep the       East Wing running smoothly.     570 00:32:47,757 --> 00:32:48,758       Of course. That's my job.      571 00:32:49,634 --> 00:32:51,386    [Donald] But we're counting on     you to guide the First Lady into  572 00:32:52,303 --> 00:32:55,807      taking a more reserved Pat-        Nixon-type approach to things.    573 00:32:56,349 --> 00:32:58,267    Oh, show her the art of facade.  574 00:32:58,643 --> 00:32:59,811         Encourage discretion.        575 00:33:01,020 --> 00:33:03,773     Have you met the First Lady?                  [chuckles]              576 00:33:04,482 --> 00:33:07,610      You can start by limiting,              preferably canceling,        577 00:33:08,194 --> 00:33:09,487          any upcoming events                    and gatherings,           578 00:33:10,029 --> 00:33:10,738    starting with the State Dinner.  579 00:33:11,364 --> 00:33:12,532       Well, I already told her                that was happening.         580 00:33:13,157 --> 00:33:14,534      We have a meeting about it,                 uh, shortly.             581 00:33:15,201 --> 00:33:17,662       I know you can steer her                towards canceling.          582 00:33:18,371 --> 00:33:19,163            And if I can't?           583 00:33:20,039 --> 00:33:23,209       We're confident. You can           convince her woman-to-woman.     584 00:33:25,211 --> 00:33:29,674         You know, Mrs. Ford's               good nature and candor        585 00:33:30,383 --> 00:33:32,719        might be just the thing        the White House needs right now.  586 00:33:33,302 --> 00:33:34,178    She really seems quite capable.  587 00:33:34,721 --> 00:33:36,055                Debbie.                    I know that you understand      588 00:33:36,639 --> 00:33:37,598      how vitally important it is     589 00:33:38,224 --> 00:33:39,892    that this party hold the reigns            of this country.           590 00:33:40,518 --> 00:33:41,477        In less than two years,                  the president's           591 00:33:42,061 --> 00:33:42,937           gonna have to run                     for his office.           592 00:33:43,563 --> 00:33:46,024          And so, the smaller               that Mrs. Ford's role is       593 00:33:46,733 --> 00:33:50,319       and the less that we hear         about her thoughts, opinions--    594 00:33:50,695 --> 00:33:53,364       The less noise she makes.      595 00:33:54,365 --> 00:33:55,408              Thank you.              596 00:33:58,536 --> 00:33:59,871      -[person] Madam First Lady.                -Good morning.            597 00:34:00,496 --> 00:34:01,581      Welcome to the White House,                    ma'am.                598 00:34:02,248 --> 00:34:03,166          -Madam First Lady.               -Welcome Madam First Lady.      599 00:34:04,083 --> 00:34:05,793     Good morning, Donald. I'm so,         so sorry I'm late, Debbie.      600 00:34:06,669 --> 00:34:08,880    -I tend to run a little behind.   -Let me show you to your office.  601 00:34:09,547 --> 00:34:12,675        Donald, so nice of you            to greet me on my first day.     602 00:34:13,259 --> 00:34:14,177       -[reporter 1] Betty Ford.                 -Good morning.            603 00:34:14,761 --> 00:34:15,762        You don't have to speak                    with them.              604 00:34:16,262 --> 00:34:16,929  What's your first day been like?  605 00:34:17,597 --> 00:34:19,057        Well, I don't know yet.                 I just got here.           606 00:34:19,682 --> 00:34:21,768      But it's all very exciting,                   isn't it?              607 00:34:22,268 --> 00:34:23,019       Just keep walking, ma'am.      608 00:34:23,728 --> 00:34:24,604    What's your opinion on whether                your husband             609 00:34:25,104 --> 00:34:25,813     will pardon President Nixon?     610 00:34:26,397 --> 00:34:27,565             "No comment."                    "No comment" is fine.        611 00:34:28,107 --> 00:34:30,860          I know my husband,                    or the president,          612 00:34:31,277 --> 00:34:32,904       is eager to move forward       613 00:34:33,404 --> 00:34:34,739     with his new administration,     614 00:34:35,573 --> 00:34:39,911    and which I'm sure will be very        different from the last.       615 00:34:40,411 --> 00:34:41,245        Right this way, ma'am.        616 00:34:41,788 --> 00:34:42,830        Your office is through                    these doors.             617 00:34:43,289 --> 00:34:43,831       [reporter 2] Mrs. Ford--       618 00:34:44,415 --> 00:34:45,166    [reporter 1] One last question.  619 00:34:45,792 --> 00:34:47,460            Do you'll know                 if he'll pardon or convict?     620 00:34:48,711 --> 00:34:53,091      I'm confident the president           will do the right thing.       621 00:34:53,591 --> 00:34:54,967       Now, if you'll excuse me.      622 00:34:55,802 --> 00:34:57,637    -Thanks, ladies and gentlemen.     -[reporter 3] One more question.  623 00:34:58,262 --> 00:35:00,139        [reporters] Thank you,              Mr. Rumsfeld. Thank you.       624 00:35:05,311 --> 00:35:07,313        -[Debbie] Here we are.                -[people chattering]         625 00:35:08,439 --> 00:35:10,399            I do apologize                 for the state of the room.      626 00:35:11,275 --> 00:35:14,278  Uh, we had to turn things around             rather quickly.           627 00:35:14,487 --> 00:35:15,571                 Yeah.                628 00:35:16,781 --> 00:35:19,325         I suppose I have some            decorating to do. [chuckles]     629 00:35:20,159 --> 00:35:22,870       Mm-hmm. Uh, this is your                 schedule, ma'am.           630 00:35:23,287 --> 00:35:23,871                  Oh.                 631 00:35:24,580 --> 00:35:26,499         I'll see you shortly                for the staff meeting.        632 00:35:26,791 --> 00:35:27,834              Oh, Debbie.             633 00:35:28,584 --> 00:35:29,961         Um, could you tell me            where my husband's office is?    634 00:35:30,628 --> 00:35:32,797          I'd love to stop in                    and say hello.            635 00:35:33,339 --> 00:35:34,632           The president has                 a full schedule today.        636 00:35:35,299 --> 00:35:37,844          -Oh, I see. Well--                -Is there anything else?       637 00:35:38,511 --> 00:35:40,346            No. Thank you.            638 00:35:46,811 --> 00:35:48,437                [sighs]               639 00:36:33,858 --> 00:36:35,693          [people chattering]         640 00:36:37,695 --> 00:36:39,530             [door knocks]            641 00:36:43,993 --> 00:36:46,078      [muffled voices chattering]     642 00:36:46,537 --> 00:36:47,663             [door knocks]            643 00:36:48,706 --> 00:36:51,959       [Betty] Oh! Oh, dear, I--                   [chuckles]              644 00:36:52,585 --> 00:36:56,964       Oh, I hope I didn't keep             you waiting too long. I--      645 00:36:57,590 --> 00:37:00,092    I'm still getting my bearing--              I'm so sorry. I--          646 00:37:00,718 --> 00:37:03,554        As I was telling Debbie                  earlier, I'm--            647 00:37:04,555 --> 00:37:06,933            -Anyway, hello.                      -[staff] Hello.           648 00:37:07,600 --> 00:37:09,936       Everyone, the First Lady               of the United States.        649 00:37:10,519 --> 00:37:12,438              -[applause]                       -[staff] Welcome.          650 00:37:13,564 --> 00:37:14,649     [staff member] So wonderful.     651 00:37:14,941 --> 00:37:16,275           [applause stops]           652 00:37:18,694 --> 00:37:21,155     [Debbie] I was just informing             the staff that, uh,         653 00:37:21,864 --> 00:37:25,284        because of the unusual               and last-minute nature        654 00:37:25,785 --> 00:37:26,619      of you becoming First Lady,     655 00:37:27,578 --> 00:37:29,789      we'd probably be canceling           the upcoming State Dinner.      656 00:37:30,456 --> 00:37:32,792                  Oh.                    I don't think that's necessary.  657 00:37:33,292 --> 00:37:34,210  Everyone completely understands.  658 00:37:35,086 --> 00:37:38,005     Well, on the contrary, I love       a good dinner party. [chuckles]  659 00:37:38,589 --> 00:37:40,758        The bigger the better.                     [chuckles]              660 00:37:41,926 --> 00:37:45,012        And if you'd like to do                 what you've done           661 00:37:45,888 --> 00:37:49,642    for the Nixon's State Dinners,         that would be fine with me.     662 00:37:50,101 --> 00:37:52,687       We don't really have time      663 00:37:53,271 --> 00:37:55,523     to do what we've always done.    664 00:37:55,898 --> 00:37:57,316         Not with three days.         665 00:37:57,900 --> 00:37:59,026                I see.                666 00:37:59,652 --> 00:38:00,903            [Debbie] Ma'am.           667 00:38:01,404 --> 00:38:03,197         If I may be so bold,         668 00:38:03,781 --> 00:38:06,117         surely the president,                  surely everyone,           669 00:38:06,659 --> 00:38:09,787           would understand                  if you had to postpone.       670 00:38:10,830 --> 00:38:13,040            Everyone knows                  how this whole situation       671 00:38:13,666 --> 00:38:16,544        has been sprung on you,                even King Hussein.          672 00:38:16,919 --> 00:38:18,004          Are you sure? It--          673 00:38:18,629 --> 00:38:21,382     It seems awfully last minute                  to cancel.              674 00:38:22,008 --> 00:38:25,303              Not at all.                It's completely understandable.  675 00:38:28,973 --> 00:38:34,520              Well then,                 I suppose that's what we'll do.  676 00:38:48,993 --> 00:38:51,370       [jazz playing on speaker]      677 00:38:58,544 --> 00:39:02,006               -[typing]                    -[typewriter bell dings]       678 00:39:08,804 --> 00:39:10,556               [groans]               679 00:39:11,557 --> 00:39:12,433             -Oh, my gosh!                            -Oh!                 680 00:39:13,059 --> 00:39:16,937           Betty? I'm sorry.              Excuse me, Madam First Lady.     681 00:39:17,063 --> 00:39:17,980                Nancy.                682 00:39:18,522 --> 00:39:20,066          -Yeah. Nancy Howe.                      -Nancy Howe!             683 00:39:20,858 --> 00:39:23,110      The last time I saw you was         at that dreadful PTA meeting.    684 00:39:23,694 --> 00:39:25,863            And that woman                     was talking about--         685 00:39:26,489 --> 00:39:27,365     -The history of education...                   -[sighs]               686 00:39:28,199 --> 00:39:30,493     -...in pre-colonial Virginia.       -I thought it would never end.    687 00:39:31,077 --> 00:39:33,913          Three hours seared                     into my brain.            688 00:39:34,372 --> 00:39:35,539              [chuckles]              689 00:39:39,585 --> 00:39:41,504         It's so nice to know                     you're here.             690 00:39:42,088 --> 00:39:45,800     An actual person that I know                   and like.              691 00:39:46,092 --> 00:39:47,176             [Nancy] Yeah.            692 00:39:47,593 --> 00:39:48,594                 Hmm?                 693 00:39:49,428 --> 00:39:51,514      Take it. It's on the house.     694 00:39:52,056 --> 00:39:53,099              Thank you.              695 00:39:53,933 --> 00:39:56,894     Hey, how's it going? Are the          aides overwhelming you yet?     696 00:39:58,771 --> 00:39:59,730               Not yet.               697 00:39:59,897 --> 00:40:01,107              [chuckles]              698 00:40:01,774 --> 00:40:02,650         And thanks for this.         699 00:40:03,067 --> 00:40:04,527          Don't tell anyone.          700 00:40:05,903 --> 00:40:06,737                  Oh.                 701 00:40:07,696 --> 00:40:11,867       Uh, do you by chance know          how I get back to my office?     702 00:40:12,868 --> 00:40:14,120                 I do.                703 00:40:14,912 --> 00:40:15,663         [Betty] Mm-hmm, yeah.        704 00:40:16,539 --> 00:40:21,043    It's hard to believe that just                  last week              705 00:40:21,544 --> 00:40:22,795        this was Pat's office,        706 00:40:23,129 --> 00:40:24,213           and now she's...           707 00:40:24,797 --> 00:40:27,133       Helping her husband pack                    for prison.             708 00:40:32,430 --> 00:40:33,389  It does seem likely, doesn't it?  709 00:40:34,098 --> 00:40:36,976      He said he wasn't a crook,            turns out he is a crook.       710 00:40:37,435 --> 00:40:38,811          Crooks go to jail.          711 00:40:41,439 --> 00:40:44,150    So what's the first First Lady         thing they have you doing?      712 00:40:44,942 --> 00:40:48,487    Well, there was a State Dinner,          but I'm canceling it.        713 00:40:49,280 --> 00:40:50,072         What? No, you're not.        714 00:40:50,656 --> 00:40:52,992  It was supposed to be three days                from now               715 00:40:53,617 --> 00:40:56,162    and, well, my secretary said it                was fine.              716 00:40:56,787 --> 00:41:00,291          No, no, no, no, no.               You can't do that, Betty.      717 00:41:00,958 --> 00:41:03,961          No, it was actually              my secretary's idea, so...      718 00:41:04,587 --> 00:41:05,671     Well, I don't care whose idea                   it was.               719 00:41:06,505 --> 00:41:08,299          This is your house.                  You get to decide.          720 00:41:08,924 --> 00:41:11,260           You really think                 one State Dinner matters?      721 00:41:11,969 --> 00:41:14,430     Let's see, did the Roosevelts               showing support           722 00:41:14,972 --> 00:41:17,057           for every exiled                    European government         723 00:41:17,683 --> 00:41:20,019       after the Nazis took over             their homeland matter?        724 00:41:20,644 --> 00:41:22,104       How about the Eisenhowers                 breaking bread            725 00:41:22,521 --> 00:41:23,481         with the Khrushchevs?        726 00:41:24,190 --> 00:41:27,234     The Nixons and the Brezhnevs        may be the only cordial moment    727 00:41:27,818 --> 00:41:29,278  of this whole Cold War we're in.  728 00:41:29,695 --> 00:41:32,364         And maybe I'm biased         729 00:41:32,990 --> 00:41:34,575          because I spout out                  White House trivia          730 00:41:35,159 --> 00:41:36,285    in that gift shop all day long,  731 00:41:36,994 --> 00:41:39,538        but it seems to me like               these are the moments        732 00:41:40,122 --> 00:41:41,916     that really, truly mattered.     733 00:41:42,875 --> 00:41:46,212      And they were State Dinners        that First Ladies made happen.    734 00:41:47,671 --> 00:41:50,716      You just-- You-- You can't         cancel your first State Dinner.  735 00:41:51,550 --> 00:41:54,720          This is your chance               to start making history.       736 00:41:58,349 --> 00:42:00,726     -You wanted to see me, ma'am?        -[Betty] Oh! Yes, thank you.     737 00:42:01,018 --> 00:42:02,228            Please come in.           738 00:42:07,733 --> 00:42:09,860            How do you like              what I've done with the place?    739 00:42:13,197 --> 00:42:14,031                  Um.                 740 00:42:14,573 --> 00:42:15,950         It's a joke, Debbie.         741 00:42:16,909 --> 00:42:17,952              -[chuckles]                   -About the State Dinner,       742 00:42:18,911 --> 00:42:21,872     you'll be happy to know that          I've decided not to cancel.     743 00:42:23,999 --> 00:42:26,043                -What?                      -I've come up with a plan      744 00:42:26,669 --> 00:42:29,088         I think you'll agree                    is very doable.           745 00:42:29,713 --> 00:42:31,340           Marrying some of                  Mrs. Nixon's traditions       746 00:42:32,049 --> 00:42:37,263         with my less formal,              but no less festive, ideas.     747 00:42:41,058 --> 00:42:44,061            Oh... barbecue.           748 00:42:44,603 --> 00:42:46,772              [chuckling]                    Doesn't that sound fun?       749 00:42:47,690 --> 00:42:49,733     Be sure to let everyone know     750 00:42:50,276 --> 00:42:52,236             the president                    is counting on this.         751 00:42:52,861 --> 00:42:55,281        He's even more excited                     than I am.              752 00:42:57,616 --> 00:42:58,951          Thank you, Debbie.          753 00:43:01,245 --> 00:43:02,788           Thank you, ma'am.          754 00:43:10,296 --> 00:43:12,131     [John Roberts]   Good morning.            Thanks for being with us.      755 00:43:12,631 --> 00:43:13,299       Monday, the 12th of January.    756 00:43:13,924 --> 00:43:14,800         Just eight days until                  the inauguration,          757 00:43:15,634 --> 00:43:16,302        the new administration,                  new president.            758 00:43:16,969 --> 00:43:17,803       Everybody's trying to get                 an angle here.            759 00:43:18,637 --> 00:43:20,598              Absolutely.                 A lot going on this morning.     760 00:43:24,602 --> 00:43:25,352     -Can I get you anything else?                    -No.                 761 00:43:25,936 --> 00:43:27,771        -We're fine, thank you.                      -Okay.                762 00:43:30,232 --> 00:43:31,400             -Too bridal?                             -No.                 763 00:43:32,276 --> 00:43:34,069     No. I see "hope" and "glory."    764 00:43:34,653 --> 00:43:35,696         -I see "elegance..."                      -[chuckles]             765 00:43:36,280 --> 00:43:37,364    ..."timeless" and "victorious."  766 00:43:37,948 --> 00:43:40,618              [chuckles]                     Oh, Jason is a genius,        767 00:43:41,160 --> 00:43:43,287        and you look exquisite.       768 00:43:43,829 --> 00:43:44,955           -I love you, Mel.                       -[knocking]             769 00:43:45,331 --> 00:43:47,666       I love you too. Come in.       770 00:43:49,168 --> 00:43:50,085              [both gasp]             771 00:43:50,669 --> 00:43:53,005        -Valerie, you're here.                     -[chuckles]             772 00:43:53,672 --> 00:43:54,340          Girl, that dress...         773 00:43:54,965 --> 00:43:56,300    -[stylist] Careful, Mrs. Obama.                 -Okay.                774 00:43:56,967 --> 00:43:59,303          -[Valerie chuckles]                   -[Michelle moans]          775 00:44:00,471 --> 00:44:02,973              -Hmm? Hmm?                              -Wow.                776 00:44:04,475 --> 00:44:05,476       Can we talk for a minute?      777 00:44:06,101 --> 00:44:07,227         Could you all give us                   a few minutes?            778 00:44:07,936 --> 00:44:10,147          -[Mel] Yeah, sure.               -I promise I'll be careful.     779 00:44:11,148 --> 00:44:13,692        Thanks, ladies. [sighs]       780 00:44:16,320 --> 00:44:19,990           [both chuckling]           781 00:44:20,866 --> 00:44:22,868            -So beautiful.                            -Oh.                 782 00:44:23,702 --> 00:44:25,496    But that's not why you're here.  783 00:44:25,996 --> 00:44:27,956     Rahm thought we should talk.     784 00:44:28,957 --> 00:44:31,168        Rahm wants. Rahm feels.                   Rahm thought.            785 00:44:31,669 --> 00:44:32,544       He just simply suggested       786 00:44:33,337 --> 00:44:35,714     that I be the liaison between         the East Wing and the West.     787 00:44:36,340 --> 00:44:38,550      Great. So how do I get Rahm                 to understand            788 00:44:39,176 --> 00:44:40,636           that I'm not here               to be a glorified hostess?      789 00:44:41,345 --> 00:44:45,182     Michelle, we want to ease you             into complex areas.         790 00:44:45,724 --> 00:44:47,101              Val? Hello?             791 00:44:47,518 --> 00:44:48,602                -Hello?                            -[chuckles]             792 00:44:49,186 --> 00:44:50,229       You sound just like them                    right now.              793 00:44:50,854 --> 00:44:52,439             -Michelle...                  -Fashion shoots? Gardening?     794 00:44:53,023 --> 00:44:54,274    You want me to be roasted alive  795 00:44:54,817 --> 00:44:57,152           as being elitist                     and out of touch?          796 00:44:58,696 --> 00:45:01,156      Valerie. You're my friend.      797 00:45:01,907 --> 00:45:03,117        You know what I can do.       798 00:45:03,575 --> 00:45:05,202      It's complicated right now.     799 00:45:06,370 --> 00:45:10,040          We, of all people,           we can't rock the boat too much.  800 00:45:12,042 --> 00:45:14,002             Yeah. I know.            801 00:45:17,881 --> 00:45:20,426       -[distant horns honking]             -[distant siren wailing]       802 00:45:22,761 --> 00:45:24,179        [footsteps approaching]       803 00:45:24,763 --> 00:45:26,181       -[Michelle] Morning, Mom.                    -Mm-hmm.               804 00:45:26,765 --> 00:45:28,684         I was talking garden                     all morning.             805 00:45:29,268 --> 00:45:32,855       Nothing like a curly kale                  master class.            806 00:45:33,063 --> 00:45:34,106                 Hmm.                 807 00:45:37,526 --> 00:45:39,069         I'm gonna need help.         808 00:45:40,279 --> 00:45:41,363          Can you stay here?          809 00:45:42,072 --> 00:45:45,200       The girls are gonna need          some stability and continuity.    810 00:45:45,784 --> 00:45:46,493  They're gonna need their grandma  811 00:45:47,077 --> 00:45:48,996          to keep their feet                     on the ground.            812 00:45:49,580 --> 00:45:51,039          The girls need me?          813 00:45:55,377 --> 00:45:58,464           You need me. Hmm.          814 00:46:02,926 --> 00:46:04,970            Then I am here.           815 00:46:11,769 --> 00:46:14,104          -[whimpers] Mommy.                      -[chuckling]             816 00:46:14,313 --> 00:46:16,482              Mom. Mama.              817 00:46:17,107 --> 00:46:18,984             [chattering]             818 00:46:20,068 --> 00:46:21,195                 Rahm?                819 00:46:21,570 --> 00:46:22,446           Madam First Lady.          820 00:46:22,946 --> 00:46:24,114          How's it all going?         821 00:46:25,282 --> 00:46:28,160     I have 87 pages to go through              in the next hour.          822 00:46:28,619 --> 00:46:29,536      Why are you sidelining me?      823 00:46:30,162 --> 00:46:31,747     [scoffs] Can you guys give us              a minute, please?          824 00:46:32,456 --> 00:46:34,416    -Give us a few minutes. Thanks.            -[Mel] Of course.          825 00:46:34,917 --> 00:46:36,502                -Ma'am.                           -First Lady.             826 00:46:38,420 --> 00:46:40,672         I'm trying to ensure                  that the East Wing          827 00:46:41,298 --> 00:46:42,508        compliments our agenda                  in the West Wing.          828 00:46:43,300 --> 00:46:45,803    So you turned me into a fluffy,        inconsequential hostess.       829 00:46:46,470 --> 00:46:48,347        -No one's gonna buy it.              -Well, that's the job.        830 00:46:48,847 --> 00:46:50,140        It doesn't have to be.        831 00:46:53,101 --> 00:46:55,687         Do you really think--            Be honest with me, all right?    832 00:46:56,480 --> 00:47:00,025    You really think working on the       board of a Chicago hospital     833 00:47:00,859 --> 00:47:02,194       has anything at all to do                  with creating            834 00:47:03,153 --> 00:47:05,989  a countrywide health care system      for 200 million-plus people?     835 00:47:06,824 --> 00:47:07,658              I'm saying                     that I can contribute.        836 00:47:08,283 --> 00:47:09,368            And I'm saying,                   with all due respect,        837 00:47:09,993 --> 00:47:10,702      -that you're not qualified.                  -Excuse me?             838 00:47:11,328 --> 00:47:12,454      I don't want you to become                   a liability             839 00:47:12,996 --> 00:47:13,705        to your husband is all.       840 00:47:14,331 --> 00:47:15,290     But you were more than happy                to pimp me out            841 00:47:15,666 --> 00:47:16,458         during the campaign.         842 00:47:17,042 --> 00:47:18,252         The campaign is over.                  This is politics           843 00:47:18,836 --> 00:47:19,461    and the business of government.  844 00:47:20,003 --> 00:47:20,879           -You're a real--                          -What?                845 00:47:21,672 --> 00:47:23,966     What am I "real"? An asshole?           A pit bull? A jerk-off?       846 00:47:24,550 --> 00:47:26,510           A condescending,                   patronizing monster?         847 00:47:27,052 --> 00:47:29,888     I was gonna say a "charmer."     848 00:47:33,183 --> 00:47:34,226            You know what?                  You wanna make an omelet,      849 00:47:34,685 --> 00:47:35,310      you gotta break some eggs.      850 00:47:35,894 --> 00:47:37,396           And I don't care                     about any of that          851 00:47:37,896 --> 00:47:38,981      other peripheral bullshit.      852 00:47:39,565 --> 00:47:40,691             -You should.                     -Caring isn't my job.        853 00:47:41,233 --> 00:47:42,359           Absolute loyalty                    to your husband is.         854 00:47:43,360 --> 00:47:45,654    Being the bad guy so he doesn't      have to be, that's my focus.     855 00:47:46,363 --> 00:47:47,698       I will body check anyone           who gets in the way of that.     856 00:47:48,323 --> 00:47:50,284               -Even me?                   -If you become an obstacle.     857 00:47:51,410 --> 00:47:53,287        -You're a smart woman.                -Oh, thank you, Rahm.        858 00:47:53,871 --> 00:47:55,247  So, I'm not gonna patronize you,  859 00:47:55,706 --> 00:47:56,540     but the fact that you're not     860 00:47:57,165 --> 00:48:00,294     a qualified career politician                 is a fact.              861 00:48:00,878 --> 00:48:01,712      It's not sexist or racist.      862 00:48:02,379 --> 00:48:03,338     So, please, I'm begging you,              don't turn me into          863 00:48:03,922 --> 00:48:04,798             some kind of                     cliché villain here.         864 00:48:05,507 --> 00:48:07,050        All right? We've known             each other a long time now.     865 00:48:07,593 --> 00:48:08,635          Amy and I have been                    to your house.            866 00:48:09,344 --> 00:48:11,096        So I'm pretty certain,               Michelle-- Mrs. Obama,        867 00:48:11,889 --> 00:48:13,765      that we can find a process                   that works.             868 00:48:14,558 --> 00:48:17,477      If I'm willing to roll over         and become a Stepford FLOTUS.    869 00:48:18,061 --> 00:48:19,605  Not happening. Also, Gwen's out.  870 00:48:20,230 --> 00:48:21,648              Oh, my God.                 We already went through this.    871 00:48:22,232 --> 00:48:23,275           Letting you foist                    a chief of staff           872 00:48:23,734 --> 00:48:24,610      on me was my first mistake.     873 00:48:25,235 --> 00:48:26,320        [sighs] You're opening                a can of worms here.         874 00:48:27,237 --> 00:48:30,365    No. I'm accepting your position         and stepping into mine.       875 00:48:30,741 --> 00:48:31,783        Gwen will be replaced.        876 00:48:32,576 --> 00:48:35,787     I'll pick my team, choose my          causes. You leave me alone.     877 00:48:36,246 --> 00:48:37,247              Understood?             878 00:48:42,461 --> 00:48:43,587           Madam First Lady.          879 00:48:44,463 --> 00:48:45,923                 Rahm.                880 00:48:47,090 --> 00:48:49,927         ["Tell Mama" playing]        881 00:48:58,226 --> 00:48:59,853      Honey, I'm home. [chuckles]     882 00:49:00,312 --> 00:49:02,105           A nutritious meal          883 00:49:02,940 --> 00:49:04,858            from the future                    White House garden.         884 00:49:05,484 --> 00:49:10,489    Prepared by the horticulturist                to the stars.            885 00:49:10,948 --> 00:49:12,783           Oh, boy. [grunts]          886 00:49:13,450 --> 00:49:16,870           You've been misused                    Talk to me...              887 00:49:17,329 --> 00:49:18,747           You seem nervous.          888 00:49:19,164 --> 00:49:20,874       Huh? Me? No. Not at all.       889 00:49:21,500 --> 00:49:23,085     I mean, y-you managed to make               romaine lettuce           890 00:49:23,669 --> 00:49:26,338           seem threatening,                    but... [chuckles]          891 00:49:27,130 --> 00:49:28,966           What you need...            892 00:49:29,466 --> 00:49:30,717              Look, uh...             893 00:49:31,176 --> 00:49:32,135           What you want...            894 00:49:32,678 --> 00:49:34,888             Rahm told me                    that you and he spoke.        895 00:49:35,472 --> 00:49:38,767                We did.                     It was real illuminating.      896 00:49:39,351 --> 00:49:42,104             Hmm. Mm-hmm.                    He said the same thing.       897 00:49:42,312 --> 00:49:42,771                Mm-hmm.               898 00:49:43,355 --> 00:49:45,148      All the time that you spent     899 00:49:46,316 --> 00:49:49,444            She had other men                   throw you outdoors           900 00:49:49,653 --> 00:49:50,612               Uh, look.              901 00:49:51,196 --> 00:49:54,116           -R-Rahm thinks--                    -Stop right there.          902 00:49:55,200 --> 00:49:58,704        You tell your work wife               that your actual wife        903 00:49:59,329 --> 00:50:02,541        said to stay out of our                 family business.           904 00:50:03,041 --> 00:50:04,835                Got it.                       Now I have two wives         905 00:50:05,502 --> 00:50:06,878    and neither of them are happy.                 [chuckles]              906 00:50:07,504 --> 00:50:10,382          I'll make everything                      all right                907 00:50:16,722 --> 00:50:18,348        You are my number one.        908 00:50:18,557 --> 00:50:19,349                Mm-hmm.               909 00:50:19,808 --> 00:50:20,600            -My main wife.                          -Mm-hmm.               910 00:50:21,143 --> 00:50:21,935      And he's a distant second.      911 00:50:22,644 --> 00:50:24,521      For a start, he can't kiss               as well as you can.         912 00:50:25,063 --> 00:50:26,064       He-- He's working on it.       913 00:50:26,565 --> 00:50:27,315       But he's, uh-- [chuckles]      914 00:50:28,233 --> 00:50:30,318           -[both chuckling]              -He hasn't got it quite yet.     915 00:50:32,029 --> 00:50:34,322            Can I eat now?            916 00:50:34,531 --> 00:50:35,490                Mm-hmm.               917 00:50:36,491 --> 00:50:38,076  Can I get a little meat in here,      or I haven't earned my meat--    918 00:50:38,702 --> 00:50:40,912            There's no meat                in the White House garden.      919 00:50:41,538 --> 00:50:43,165       -I'm going to try it out.                   -[chuckles]             920 00:50:44,166 --> 00:50:46,752    Oh, don't let them say I didn't     try it. All right. Here we go.    921 00:50:47,210 --> 00:50:48,795           [Michelle laughs]          922 00:50:49,546 --> 00:50:51,715         Mm-hmm! Mmm! Organic!        923 00:50:52,215 --> 00:50:53,550                 -Mmm.                             -I approve!             924 00:50:53,717 --> 00:50:54,843              [chuckles]              925 00:50:55,552 --> 00:50:57,471      This is-- This has got the         presidential seal of approval!    926 00:50:57,763 --> 00:51:00,348           [chuckles, sighs]          927 00:51:00,557 --> 00:51:01,475              [song ends]             928 00:51:01,767 --> 00:51:03,018           [liquid pouring]           929 00:51:03,685 --> 00:51:05,771         [Michelle] I let Rahm               pick my chief of staff.       930 00:51:06,229 --> 00:51:07,606         That was my mistake.         931 00:51:08,440 --> 00:51:11,526     That's why I asked you here.     932 00:51:14,404 --> 00:51:17,074           I want you to be                    my chief of staff.          933 00:51:20,786 --> 00:51:22,120         Gwen didn't work out.        934 00:51:22,621 --> 00:51:23,789     I need someone who knows me.     935 00:51:24,414 --> 00:51:26,416        Someone who understands                  my priorities.            936 00:51:27,375 --> 00:51:29,377      You've been in the trenches             with me. I trust you.        937 00:51:29,586 --> 00:51:31,129                [gasps]               938 00:51:31,922 --> 00:51:33,632       Michelle, I'm flattered.       939 00:51:35,217 --> 00:51:36,927     But I was only supposed to be        here for a few months to work    940 00:51:37,552 --> 00:51:38,845    -on the inauguration committee.                -I know.               941 00:51:39,554 --> 00:51:41,723           And Neil already                doesn't love me being away.     942 00:51:42,099 --> 00:51:43,141                I know.               943 00:51:43,642 --> 00:51:46,103      But husbands can relocate.      944 00:51:47,104 --> 00:51:47,813     And remember what you told me    945 00:51:48,438 --> 00:51:50,774         when Barack was still                  in the primaries?          946 00:51:53,110 --> 00:51:55,320    That you should start embracing                the fact               947 00:51:56,154 --> 00:51:59,324      that your life might change                in a huge way.            948 00:52:00,325 --> 00:52:02,452       And I remember what else                   you told me.             949 00:52:03,411 --> 00:52:07,290     About being open to exciting,          unexpected new horizons.       950 00:52:08,166 --> 00:52:10,293       I can be so inspirational           when I want to be, can't I?     951 00:52:11,128 --> 00:52:12,629                Susan,                     let's kick some fucking ass     952 00:52:13,171 --> 00:52:15,090    the way we did back in Chicago.  953 00:52:15,799 --> 00:52:19,427  You know what this means, right?           You to be my boss.          954 00:52:28,687 --> 00:52:32,607          I really hope Neil                  likes Washington DC.         955 00:52:34,484 --> 00:52:36,153               Yes, yes!              956 00:52:36,987 --> 00:52:38,071              -Yes, yes!                           -[whimpers]             957 00:52:38,530 --> 00:52:39,948                 -Aw!                              -[chuckles]             958 00:52:40,365 --> 00:52:41,324                  Oh!                 959 00:52:41,658 --> 00:52:42,868              Yeah. Okay.             960 00:52:43,451 --> 00:52:45,370                -Okay!                       -Mm-hmm. You promised.        961 00:52:46,371 --> 00:52:48,206                 -Hmm.                          -[whispers] Okay.          962 00:52:49,833 --> 00:52:51,334          Where do we start?          963 00:52:52,210 --> 00:52:53,461              [chuckles]              964 00:52:58,008 --> 00:53:00,302     [crowd chattering, laughing]     965 00:53:06,224 --> 00:53:07,934         That would be lovely.                 I would love that.          966 00:53:08,393 --> 00:53:09,519          It would be lovely.         967 00:53:09,895 --> 00:53:10,979      We have, uh, the Dead Sea,      968 00:53:11,646 --> 00:53:12,939    -and you don't sink, you float.               -Excuse me.             969 00:53:13,523 --> 00:53:15,317      -So, it is very beautiful.                    -[gasps]               970 00:53:16,193 --> 00:53:21,406         Ladies and gentlemen,           it has been our great pleasure    971 00:53:22,407 --> 00:53:23,825     spending a wonderful evening     972 00:53:24,492 --> 00:53:27,495         with our new friends,            King Hussein and Queen Alia,     973 00:53:28,413 --> 00:53:30,749        here at the White House            for our first State Dinner.     974 00:53:31,208 --> 00:53:32,709              [applause]              975 00:53:37,756 --> 00:53:39,799      And it is my great pleasure     976 00:53:40,926 --> 00:53:46,264    to ask the most beautiful woman             in the world...           977 00:53:48,225 --> 00:53:51,603    if she'll dance our first State          Dinner dance with me.        978 00:53:52,062 --> 00:53:53,772             -[guests] Oh.                         -[laughter]             979 00:53:54,231 --> 00:53:56,441            [jazz playing]            980 00:54:10,455 --> 00:54:11,748       I miss dancing with you.       981 00:54:12,749 --> 00:54:16,753     I'll dance with you anytime,                Mr. President.            982 00:54:17,921 --> 00:54:20,799      -I like the sound of that.             -Mmm. I'm sure you do.        983 00:54:21,091 --> 00:54:22,425            [both chuckle]            984 00:54:29,474 --> 00:54:31,518               [Gerald]                    I'm so impressed with you.      985 00:54:32,727 --> 00:54:35,438       Pulling this all together              on such short notice.        986 00:54:37,274 --> 00:54:38,858    I'm impressed with you, Jerry.    987 00:54:39,484 --> 00:54:42,570            You have a lot                on your shoulders right now.     988 00:54:45,490 --> 00:54:47,659        [jazz music continues]