1 00:00:04,879 --> 00:00:06,756     Bearing gifts we travel afar     2 00:00:08,717 --> 00:00:10,677         [Donald] She's opened                her mouth even wider.        3 00:00:11,886 --> 00:00:14,514         She shouted it right                from the mountaintops,        4 00:00:14,556 --> 00:00:17,183      so that every conservative                   in America              5 00:00:17,225 --> 00:00:19,394      flocks to the Reagan camp.      6 00:00:24,399 --> 00:00:26,693          She starts up again                   about abortion...          7 00:00:27,736 --> 00:00:29,237       we're dead in the water.       8 00:00:29,279 --> 00:00:32,824        But... her poll numbers               are still very high.         9 00:00:33,783 --> 00:00:35,744     Higher than the president's.     10 00:00:37,078 --> 00:00:38,913       I fuckin' miss Pat Nixon.      11 00:00:38,955 --> 00:00:40,040                 Hmm.                 12 00:00:41,708 --> 00:00:43,543               [sighs]                13 00:00:43,585 --> 00:00:45,670            [phone ringing]           14 00:00:47,255 --> 00:00:48,840                 Don.                 15 00:00:48,882 --> 00:00:51,760       Mr. President, uh, we were             wondering if we could,       16 00:00:51,801 --> 00:00:54,345     uh, come by this evening and         go over some campaign matters    17 00:00:54,387 --> 00:00:56,139             with you and, uh,                      the First Lady?          18 00:00:56,181 --> 00:00:57,891        What, on Christmas Eve?       19 00:00:57,932 --> 00:01:01,394         Right. Uh, we promise             not to stay too long, sir.      20 00:01:01,436 --> 00:01:04,898          I just think that--          We need to go over how important  21 00:01:04,939 --> 00:01:07,025       the First Lady's role is            in this upcoming campaign.      22 00:01:07,067 --> 00:01:08,735            Maybe fine-tune                 her message a little bit.      23 00:01:08,777 --> 00:01:10,904           Uh, I don't know              if she'll appreciate that, Don.  24 00:01:10,945 --> 00:01:13,907            Well, you know,               Dick was suggesting that, uh,    25 00:01:13,948 --> 00:01:15,825        maybe we surprise her.        26 00:01:15,867 --> 00:01:17,911               -[scoffs]                 -How 'bout we see you at 8:00?    27 00:01:19,537 --> 00:01:21,247              All right.              28 00:01:21,289 --> 00:01:23,583         ["Tie A Yellow Ribbon         Round The Ole Oak Tree" playing]  29 00:01:23,625 --> 00:01:24,918                [sighs]               30 00:01:29,297 --> 00:01:31,257            I'm comin' home                    I've done my time...           31 00:01:31,299 --> 00:01:32,592        [chattering, laughing]        32 00:01:32,634 --> 00:01:34,469    Have I told you about the time    33 00:01:34,511 --> 00:01:36,930      I sat next to Tony Orlando?     34 00:01:36,971 --> 00:01:39,766      -[Susan] Oh, God. Ah, yeah.              -[Steven] Yes, Mom.         35 00:01:39,808 --> 00:01:40,892            [Gerald] Jack.            36 00:01:40,934 --> 00:01:42,644      [Betty] He smelled divine.      37 00:01:42,685 --> 00:01:46,106        Must have been whatever          he uses in that gorgeous hair.    38 00:01:46,147 --> 00:01:47,982       Well, good luck competing                 with that, Dad.           39 00:01:48,024 --> 00:01:50,777        Hey, I am not worried.              Have you seen this hair?       40 00:01:50,819 --> 00:01:53,238            No one competes                     with your father.          41 00:01:53,279 --> 00:01:54,489           [knocking]                 42 00:01:54,531 --> 00:01:56,407               [Wilson]                     I'm so sorry to disturb.       43 00:01:56,449 --> 00:01:58,118          Uh, Mr. President,          44 00:01:58,159 --> 00:02:00,411      Mr. Rumsfeld and Mr. Cheney             are here to see you.         45 00:02:00,453 --> 00:02:01,704              Thank you.              46 00:02:03,498 --> 00:02:06,876    Rummy, Dick... Merry Christmas.  47 00:02:06,918 --> 00:02:10,880    Merry Christmas, Mr. President,       Madam First Lady, everyone.     48 00:02:10,922 --> 00:02:12,715    My apologies for interrupting.    49 00:02:12,757 --> 00:02:15,718       Could we speak privately?                  Briefly.                 50 00:02:17,011 --> 00:02:19,097            [Gerald] Kids,                  give us the room, please.      51 00:02:19,139 --> 00:02:20,265        [Donald clears throat]        52 00:02:20,306 --> 00:02:21,474       [Susan] Merry Christmas.       53 00:02:21,516 --> 00:02:22,684              Thank you.              54 00:02:23,810 --> 00:02:25,061        [whispers] Two minutes.       55 00:02:26,688 --> 00:02:28,773      Ma'am, if you wouldn't mind                  joining us,             56 00:02:28,815 --> 00:02:30,817        this concerns you too.        57 00:02:30,859 --> 00:02:32,360         Oh, boy. Can't wait.         58 00:02:35,697 --> 00:02:38,116         [Donald] And there's                  something that, uh,         59 00:02:38,158 --> 00:02:39,576         we wanted you to see.        60 00:02:44,664 --> 00:02:46,791             [producer 1]                    Ten seconds, Mr. President.    61 00:02:47,709 --> 00:02:50,336          [audience laughing]         62 00:02:50,378 --> 00:02:52,005      [producer 1]   Five, four...      63 00:02:52,046 --> 00:02:53,882          -My fellow Americans,                   -...three, two...          64 00:02:53,923 --> 00:02:56,092      Merry Christmas to all of you,              and good evening.         65 00:02:56,134 --> 00:02:58,011          [announcer]   Ladies                and gentlemen, the President    66 00:02:58,052 --> 00:02:59,846          -of the United States.            -I invited you here tonight...  67 00:02:59,888 --> 00:03:02,348           -[both laughing]                -...for this Christmas Eve...    68 00:03:02,390 --> 00:03:04,684    Hey, Chevy Chase is playing me.  69 00:03:04,726 --> 00:03:06,978           -[Betty laughing]                 -[Gerald] I'll take it.       70 00:03:07,020 --> 00:03:09,147            This will indeed be                  a wonderful Christmas       71 00:03:09,189 --> 00:03:11,691      for the entire nation, I hope.  72 00:03:11,733 --> 00:03:14,027          [audience laughing]         73 00:03:14,068 --> 00:03:16,029            [both laughing]           74 00:03:17,405 --> 00:03:20,366     Oh, come on. You have to have         to admit it's pretty funny.     75 00:03:20,408 --> 00:03:22,368      We disagree, Mr. President.     76 00:03:22,410 --> 00:03:24,787        Oh, come on, Dick. It's          a comedy show. What's the harm?  77 00:03:24,829 --> 00:03:27,207             Well, thanks                     to that buffoon, sir,        78 00:03:27,248 --> 00:03:29,500    America now sees you as a joke.  79 00:03:29,542 --> 00:03:31,211        Geez, Rummy, you should                stop by more often          80 00:03:31,252 --> 00:03:33,379        -with your good cheer.            -[Donald] As bad as this is,     81 00:03:33,421 --> 00:03:36,633  it is the least of your problems   going into next year's election.  82 00:03:36,674 --> 00:03:39,427         Reagan will formally                 make his announcement        83 00:03:39,469 --> 00:03:41,346           in the new year.           84 00:03:41,387 --> 00:03:43,056         Jerry's an incumbent.             He's a leader of the party.     85 00:03:43,097 --> 00:03:44,390      [Donald] Unelected leader.      86 00:03:44,432 --> 00:03:46,392          And Reagan has been                   courting the more          87 00:03:46,434 --> 00:03:48,269       conservative evangelical               members of the party,        88 00:03:48,311 --> 00:03:50,355     and, uh, they have signed up.    89 00:03:50,396 --> 00:03:52,565      Since when have the church             folk been a big threat?       90 00:03:52,607 --> 00:03:55,026       Well, ever since the very          things that they believed in     91 00:03:55,068 --> 00:03:56,945       were threatened by the...      92 00:03:56,986 --> 00:03:59,280       less traditional members                   of the party.            93 00:03:59,322 --> 00:04:00,406                  Oh.                 94 00:04:02,158 --> 00:04:06,079       So this is why you wanted            me here... to place blame.     95 00:04:06,120 --> 00:04:09,290  Don't use Betty and her activism        as a political scapegoat.      96 00:04:09,332 --> 00:04:11,084       [Donald] Not at all, sir.      97 00:04:11,125 --> 00:04:13,253      Uh, I'm just trying to see             the situation as it is.       98 00:04:13,294 --> 00:04:15,546     -Uh, to properly strategize.                     -Hmm.                99 00:04:15,588 --> 00:04:16,756         [Dick] Bottom line...        100 00:04:17,715 --> 00:04:19,759        we need you, Mrs. Ford.       101 00:04:21,427 --> 00:04:24,055           [chuckling] What?          102 00:04:24,097 --> 00:04:25,515              I'm sorry?              103 00:04:25,556 --> 00:04:27,350       You're still very popular      104 00:04:27,392 --> 00:04:30,061         with the pro-choice,                 pro-ERA Republicans.         105 00:04:30,103 --> 00:04:31,604         And moderate women.          106 00:04:31,646 --> 00:04:33,189             We're trying                    to shore up the middle.       107 00:04:33,231 --> 00:04:34,774         And then, hopefully,                 gain some Democrats,         108 00:04:34,816 --> 00:04:36,192               and maybe                     even some Independents.       109 00:04:36,234 --> 00:04:37,610         I mean, heck, Betty,         110 00:04:37,652 --> 00:04:38,945           your poll numbers                 are almost double mine.       111 00:04:38,987 --> 00:04:40,571           Isn't that right?          112 00:04:40,613 --> 00:04:43,533      We need you to campaign...                  hard, ma'am.             113 00:04:43,574 --> 00:04:48,121      I know that you can do this         without alienating the Right,    114 00:04:48,162 --> 00:04:51,124    without mentioning pre-marital           sex, or marijuana, or--       115 00:04:51,165 --> 00:04:52,917       So what you're saying is,      116 00:04:52,959 --> 00:04:55,962              don't talk                    about the very things...       117 00:04:56,921 --> 00:04:58,298       that make me so popular.       118 00:04:59,257 --> 00:05:00,800      You can't do much for women     119 00:05:00,842 --> 00:05:02,302          if you're no longer                  in the White House.         120 00:05:05,179 --> 00:05:06,848              -[knocking]                         -[door opens]            121 00:05:06,889 --> 00:05:09,934              Excuse me.                     Sorry for interrupting.       122 00:05:09,976 --> 00:05:12,103      Mom, Nancy's on the phone.             She sounds very upset.        123 00:05:12,145 --> 00:05:13,313     Something about her husband.     124 00:05:14,105 --> 00:05:16,149         Excuse me, gentlemen.        125 00:05:16,190 --> 00:05:17,608        [Donald clears throat]        126 00:05:21,195 --> 00:05:23,239          This land is your land        127 00:05:25,867 --> 00:05:28,661           This land is my land         128 00:05:31,664 --> 00:05:34,167             From California            129 00:05:35,043 --> 00:05:39,255          To the New York island        130 00:05:40,506 --> 00:05:44,010         From the redwood forest        131 00:05:45,636 --> 00:05:49,766        To the Gulf Stream waters       132 00:05:50,641 --> 00:05:52,226                I tell you              133 00:05:52,268 --> 00:05:54,729                This land               134 00:05:54,771 --> 00:05:58,483         Was made for you and me        135 00:05:58,524 --> 00:05:59,692                   Yeah                 136 00:06:05,281 --> 00:06:09,327         One bright sunny morning       137 00:06:09,369 --> 00:06:14,248        In the shadow of a steeple     138 00:06:14,290 --> 00:06:19,087        Down by the welfare office     139 00:06:19,128 --> 00:06:23,633             I saw my people            140 00:06:23,674 --> 00:06:26,177             I was wondering            141 00:06:26,219 --> 00:06:29,138              If this land              142 00:06:29,180 --> 00:06:34,060         Was made for you and me        143 00:06:36,270 --> 00:06:38,022               [teacher]                  For your homework assignment,    144 00:06:38,064 --> 00:06:40,233       I would like for you all           to write about a federal law     145 00:06:40,274 --> 00:06:44,070    that affects the natural world,     that you believe isn't working.  146 00:06:44,112 --> 00:06:47,740    Integrating what you've learned     in civics, and here in science.  147 00:06:47,782 --> 00:06:50,076         You can present your              argument any way you want,      148 00:06:50,118 --> 00:06:53,579           written, orally,                 theatrically, visually--       149 00:06:53,621 --> 00:06:55,164             -[door opens]                 -[teacher] What's going on?     150 00:06:55,206 --> 00:06:57,166             We apologize                     for the interruption.        151 00:06:57,208 --> 00:06:58,793        [Malia] What happened?        152 00:06:58,835 --> 00:07:00,086        We need to get you back                to the White House.         153 00:07:00,128 --> 00:07:01,546           -Is my dad okay?                    -Your dad is fine.          154 00:07:01,587 --> 00:07:03,172       We're just picking up you                and your sister.           155 00:07:03,214 --> 00:07:04,632          -What about my mom?                 -She's fine as well.         156 00:07:04,674 --> 00:07:05,758            -Where's Sasha?                      -We're moving.            157 00:07:05,800 --> 00:07:06,551              -Go ahead.                           -Thank you.             158 00:07:06,592 --> 00:07:08,261             We apologize.            159 00:07:12,974 --> 00:07:14,392         Are my parents okay?         160 00:07:14,434 --> 00:07:15,935          Yes, they're fine.          161 00:07:23,901 --> 00:07:27,321        [newscaster]   Police say              Adam Lanza killed 26 people    162 00:07:27,363 --> 00:07:29,532  at Sandy Hook Elementary School,  163 00:07:29,574 --> 00:07:33,119            20 of them children                    as young as five.         164 00:07:33,161 --> 00:07:35,788        It is the second deadliest                  school shooting          165 00:07:35,830 --> 00:07:40,251            in American history         after Virginia Tech, and by far,  166 00:07:40,293 --> 00:07:42,587              the worst                       at an elementary school.       167 00:07:42,628 --> 00:07:44,630     We are awaiting a statement      168 00:07:44,672 --> 00:07:47,091            on the shooting                   from President Obama         169 00:07:47,133 --> 00:07:48,801          at the White House.         170 00:07:48,843 --> 00:07:50,970     -[sirens wailing in distance]           -[helicopter whirring]        171 00:07:51,012 --> 00:07:53,139            somber music            172 00:07:53,181 --> 00:07:54,640                [sighs]               173 00:08:18,080 --> 00:08:19,165             [door opens]             174 00:08:20,208 --> 00:08:22,001       [footsteps approaching]        175 00:08:35,598 --> 00:08:37,850        They were babies, Mich.       176 00:08:39,519 --> 00:08:41,187          Younger than Sasha.         177 00:08:48,903 --> 00:08:52,240          There are no words                of consolation for this.       178 00:08:53,407 --> 00:08:54,700           [mouthing words]           179 00:09:02,583 --> 00:09:03,960       [Sasha breathing shakily]      180 00:09:09,507 --> 00:09:11,509       somber music continues       181 00:09:12,677 --> 00:09:15,221         -[shutters clicking]                -[Barack clears throat]       182 00:09:16,639 --> 00:09:21,018    We've endured too many of these   tragedies in the past few years.  183 00:09:21,060 --> 00:09:26,065    And each time I learn the news,      I react not as a president,      184 00:09:26,107 --> 00:09:29,151        but as anybody else would.     185 00:09:29,193 --> 00:09:30,278               As a parent.            186 00:09:31,487 --> 00:09:33,614             And that was                    especially true today.        187 00:09:35,408 --> 00:09:37,910              I know there's                  not a parent in America...     188 00:09:39,370 --> 00:09:43,708         who doesn't feel the same           overwhelming grief that I do.  189 00:09:45,960 --> 00:09:49,714          The majority of those                    who died today            190 00:09:50,590 --> 00:09:51,757            were children.            191 00:09:53,134 --> 00:09:54,594           Uh, beautiful...           192 00:09:56,137 --> 00:10:00,099     little kids between the ages          of five and ten years old.      193 00:10:07,315 --> 00:10:09,108           [inhales deeply]           194 00:10:13,112 --> 00:10:15,531      They had their entire lives                ahead of them.            195 00:10:16,657 --> 00:10:21,621       Birthdays, graduations,                     weddings...             196 00:10:24,373 --> 00:10:25,791          kids of their own.          197 00:10:25,833 --> 00:10:28,294          [shutters clicking]         198 00:10:28,336 --> 00:10:31,922       somber music continues       199 00:10:52,777 --> 00:10:53,819           [Sasha sniffles]           200 00:11:16,550 --> 00:11:18,177            [bell tolling]            201 00:11:23,891 --> 00:11:25,351         [Susan] I'm so sorry.        202 00:11:30,731 --> 00:11:33,526           -[engine starts]                  -How is she holding up?       203 00:11:33,567 --> 00:11:35,820        Well, her husband just                   killed himself.           204 00:11:35,861 --> 00:11:37,571           She's devastated.          205 00:11:37,613 --> 00:11:39,073         Thank you for asking.        206 00:11:40,408 --> 00:11:43,244             He, uh, leave                     a note or anything?         207 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:45,746             Really, Dick?            208 00:11:45,788 --> 00:11:47,540    You must have heard the rumors    209 00:11:47,581 --> 00:11:50,084           about his corrupt                   business dealings?          210 00:11:50,126 --> 00:11:52,962           Yes. The rumors.           211 00:11:53,003 --> 00:11:57,049              Unless you,                perhaps, know more about this?    212 00:11:57,091 --> 00:12:00,553          Innocent men don't                  often commit suicide.        213 00:12:00,594 --> 00:12:02,138                Right.                214 00:12:02,179 --> 00:12:06,350           And innocent men               can sometimes be inconvenient    215 00:12:06,392 --> 00:12:09,729  when their wives know me. Right?  216 00:12:11,105 --> 00:12:12,857         I left a few résumés                    on your desk.             217 00:12:12,898 --> 00:12:14,567      You want me to replace her.     218 00:12:14,608 --> 00:12:17,653        Do you honestly think            that grieving woman over there    219 00:12:17,695 --> 00:12:19,321     can stay on top of your life     220 00:12:19,363 --> 00:12:20,823        while she's picking up               the pieces of her own?        221 00:12:26,245 --> 00:12:29,957             [chattering]             222 00:12:31,709 --> 00:12:33,377        -[Shirley] Understood.                       -Yeah.                223 00:12:33,419 --> 00:12:35,421           -[phones ringing]                          -Oh.                 224 00:12:41,302 --> 00:12:42,553             What's this?             225 00:12:43,846 --> 00:12:45,264               -Nancy--                            -I'm sorry.             226 00:12:46,307 --> 00:12:47,475        I don't have a choice.        227 00:12:47,516 --> 00:12:49,101             Yes, you do.             228 00:12:49,143 --> 00:12:50,144              Just...                 229 00:12:51,645 --> 00:12:54,315          take some time off.                You don't have to quit.       230 00:12:54,356 --> 00:12:55,483              I'm tired.              231 00:12:55,524 --> 00:12:57,318     I'll get Cheney to back off.     232 00:12:57,359 --> 00:12:59,111            [phone ringing]           233 00:12:59,153 --> 00:13:00,946             Please don't.            234 00:13:00,988 --> 00:13:03,783  Maybe if I would've left sooner,        Jim would still be alive.      235 00:13:04,658 --> 00:13:07,244           -[sniffling]                            -Oh, Nancy.             236 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:14,627                 Hmm.                 237 00:13:15,628 --> 00:13:18,130       [Nancy breathes shakily,                    sniffles]               238 00:13:19,924 --> 00:13:22,676         [door opens, closes]         239 00:13:30,309 --> 00:13:34,230            [phone ringing]           240 00:13:34,271 --> 00:13:37,817            somber music            241 00:13:46,909 --> 00:13:49,537               [sobbing]              242 00:13:52,957 --> 00:13:54,333          Mom, what's wrong?          243 00:13:57,211 --> 00:13:58,671       It's your father.              244 00:14:03,133 --> 00:14:06,679    [Young Betty breathing shakily]  245 00:14:08,389 --> 00:14:10,558          [glasses clinking]          246 00:14:10,599 --> 00:14:12,560             [chattering]             247 00:14:13,978 --> 00:14:15,729          [funeral attendee]                     Another toast             248 00:14:17,189 --> 00:14:20,860         to our dear departed              Billy Bloomer. Hear! Hear!      249 00:14:20,901 --> 00:14:22,570           [all] Hear! Hear!          250 00:14:37,918 --> 00:14:39,295     [Young Betty] At the funeral,    251 00:14:39,336 --> 00:14:40,796       is it true what they said                  about Daddy?             252 00:14:40,838 --> 00:14:42,923     They said he killed himself.     253 00:14:43,841 --> 00:14:46,051              [sniffling]             254 00:14:53,309 --> 00:14:54,393                 Yes.                 255 00:14:57,771 --> 00:14:59,648      He had his demons, and, uh,     256 00:14:59,690 --> 00:15:01,567     I didn't know how bad it was                    until--               257 00:15:05,988 --> 00:15:07,865     But he did the best he could.    258 00:15:07,907 --> 00:15:10,910           And I loved him,                and-- and that's what's true.  259 00:15:14,705 --> 00:15:16,707              [sniffles]              260 00:15:16,749 --> 00:15:19,919      But I promise you, there's          no burden we can't shoulder.     261 00:15:20,711 --> 00:15:22,713     We're Bloomers, and we go on.    262 00:15:23,631 --> 00:15:26,008           -Yes, Mother.                          -[sniffling]             263 00:15:30,721 --> 00:15:32,598     [interviewer 1]   The governor                  has come out as          264 00:15:32,640 --> 00:15:34,767             against the, uh,                   equal rights amendment.      265 00:15:34,808 --> 00:15:36,769          And I understand one of            the daughters in your family    266 00:15:36,810 --> 00:15:38,562             is for the equal                      rights amendment.         267 00:15:38,604 --> 00:15:40,606       Can you break the stalemate?    268 00:15:40,648 --> 00:15:42,733         [Nancy Reagan]   Well,                 I'd like to correct that      269 00:15:42,775 --> 00:15:44,109         a little bit if I could.      270 00:15:44,151 --> 00:15:45,778                  -Um...                      -[knocking, door opens]       271 00:15:45,819 --> 00:15:46,946         Mom, I'm heading out.        272 00:15:46,987 --> 00:15:49,365  Oh, please. What a load of crap.  273 00:15:49,406 --> 00:15:51,450          [Nancy]   He believes                  that the better way...       274 00:15:51,492 --> 00:15:52,743            Are you talking                    to the television?          275 00:15:52,785 --> 00:15:54,995     That hypocrite Nancy Reagan.     276 00:15:55,037 --> 00:15:58,666        She wants to send women             back to the Middle Ages.       277 00:16:00,167 --> 00:16:01,585            It's the middle                     of the afternoon.          278 00:16:01,627 --> 00:16:03,462    Don't you want to get dressed?    279 00:16:03,504 --> 00:16:05,965    I mean, what the hell happened         to her? She was an actress.     280 00:16:06,006 --> 00:16:07,424           Yeah. So was he.           281 00:16:07,466 --> 00:16:09,218        [whispers] Oh, my God.        282 00:16:09,259 --> 00:16:12,763     If they win... women will be            barefoot and pregnant         283 00:16:12,805 --> 00:16:14,181        with no rights at all.        284 00:16:14,223 --> 00:16:16,100       Well, you need to get up.      285 00:16:16,141 --> 00:16:17,643      Get dressed. Get out there.     286 00:16:17,685 --> 00:16:19,478        Help Daddy's campaign.                   He needs you.             287 00:16:19,520 --> 00:16:21,647           Rummy and Cheney                  already gave me a list        288 00:16:21,689 --> 00:16:26,360          of everything I can             and cannot say or talk about.    289 00:16:26,402 --> 00:16:29,488    It's just-- It's... pointless.    290 00:16:29,530 --> 00:16:32,658     Mom, you're way smarter than      them. You'll think of something.  291 00:16:32,700 --> 00:16:34,159             Go have fun.             292 00:16:35,160 --> 00:16:36,662                 Okay.                293 00:16:37,830 --> 00:16:39,248               Love you.              294 00:16:39,289 --> 00:16:41,834                 -Bye.                   -Take your coat. It might rain.  295 00:16:41,875 --> 00:16:43,043                 Okay.                296 00:16:44,211 --> 00:16:46,505           [Nancy]   No, um--                     Uh, schedule-wise,          297 00:16:46,547 --> 00:16:49,008          how can you get to, uh,                 to all the places?         298 00:16:49,049 --> 00:16:51,343  You know. Texas is a big place.    299 00:16:51,385 --> 00:16:54,096      [interviewer 2, indistinct]     300 00:16:57,641 --> 00:17:01,103  [political commentator]   One gets        the definite impression here    301 00:17:01,145 --> 00:17:04,023  that the wives of the candidates  302 00:17:04,064 --> 00:17:07,776  for the presidential nomination          are being moved like pawns.     303 00:17:07,818 --> 00:17:09,862           [cheering on TV]           304 00:17:25,753 --> 00:17:29,798         -You ready? Yep. Hey!                     -[laughing]             305 00:17:29,840 --> 00:17:32,051         ["Tie A Yellow Ribbon         Round The Ole Oak Tree" playing]  306 00:17:32,092 --> 00:17:34,219             Then you'll know                     just what to do             307 00:17:34,261 --> 00:17:36,847           If you still want me         308 00:17:36,889 --> 00:17:39,808           If you still want me         309 00:17:39,850 --> 00:17:42,019            -Are you ready?                        -Oh, yeah.              310 00:17:42,061 --> 00:17:47,024         Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon             'round the old oak tree        311 00:17:47,066 --> 00:17:49,985        It's been three long years     312 00:17:50,027 --> 00:17:53,322          Do you still want me?                     Still want me?             313 00:17:53,363 --> 00:17:58,118          If I don't see a ribbon              'round the old oak tree        314 00:17:58,160 --> 00:18:01,705           I'll stay on the bus                    forget about us            315 00:18:01,747 --> 00:18:04,333           Put the blame on me          316 00:18:04,374 --> 00:18:08,212              If I don't see                   a yellow ribbon 'round         317 00:18:08,253 --> 00:18:11,298            The old oak tree            318 00:18:15,135 --> 00:18:17,054      Never underestimate Betty.      319 00:18:18,680 --> 00:18:21,975     -As long as she doesn't talk.                -[chuckles]              320 00:18:22,017 --> 00:18:24,228      I don't think, uh, in, uh,      321 00:18:24,269 --> 00:18:25,979           the last quarter                 of a century have we seen      322 00:18:26,021 --> 00:18:30,359       a-a Republican convention              quite as spirited as,        323 00:18:30,400 --> 00:18:31,777           uh, the one here.          324 00:18:31,819 --> 00:18:34,238           Uh-- Good spirits                   for the most part,          325 00:18:34,279 --> 00:18:36,448          but, uh, underlying                an awful lot of tension       326 00:18:36,490 --> 00:18:39,576       between, uh, these Reagan              and Ford supporters.         327 00:18:39,618 --> 00:18:41,370               It's, uh,                   almost bound to be that way     328 00:18:41,411 --> 00:18:44,248         with a race as close             as this race has come to be.     329 00:18:44,289 --> 00:18:45,874              [announcer]                      The state of New York,       330 00:18:45,916 --> 00:18:47,960          the great Empire State,      331 00:18:48,001 --> 00:18:52,131              cast 20 votes                  for an outstanding American,    332 00:18:52,172 --> 00:18:53,298              Ronald Reagan.           333 00:18:53,340 --> 00:18:56,176           [cheering on TV]           334 00:18:56,218 --> 00:19:00,806            -And 133 votes...                      -[all] Yeah!             335 00:19:00,848 --> 00:19:02,516    [Gerald] Yeah! Yes, we did it!    336 00:19:02,558 --> 00:19:05,477  [announcer]   ...the United States                of America...           337 00:19:06,562 --> 00:19:08,689              [both] Mmm.             338 00:19:08,730 --> 00:19:10,649         I couldn't have done                   this without you.          339 00:19:10,691 --> 00:19:12,776              I mean it.                   I am so lucky to have you.      340 00:19:12,818 --> 00:19:14,236             Yes, you are.            341 00:19:14,278 --> 00:19:15,779              [both] Mmm.             342 00:19:22,870 --> 00:19:26,957        [blues rock playing]          343 00:20:05,078 --> 00:20:07,331         As many of you know,         344 00:20:07,372 --> 00:20:11,793  I recently attended a conference            on human welfare           345 00:20:11,835 --> 00:20:13,462        in Birmingham, Alabama.       346 00:20:13,503 --> 00:20:15,047          On the first day,           347 00:20:15,088 --> 00:20:17,716             I took a seat               next to civil rights activist,    348 00:20:17,758 --> 00:20:19,968         Mary McLeod Bethune.         349 00:20:21,220 --> 00:20:24,264         And before I was able               to say one word to her,       350 00:20:24,306 --> 00:20:27,726              I was told                   that I must sit elsewhere.      351 00:20:27,768 --> 00:20:31,063               That due                to the Alabama segregation laws,  352 00:20:31,104 --> 00:20:34,900       whites were not permitted             to sit next to Blacks.        353 00:20:34,942 --> 00:20:36,693           [crowd murmuring]          354 00:20:36,735 --> 00:20:39,029    I moved my chair to the aisle.    355 00:20:40,072 --> 00:20:42,074       Neither white nor Black.       356 00:20:43,492 --> 00:20:47,079  Now, this problem of segregation           and discrimination          357 00:20:47,120 --> 00:20:50,290            goes far beyond                 who may sit next to whom.      358 00:20:51,291 --> 00:20:53,752             It is present                  in our nation's military,      359 00:20:53,794 --> 00:20:57,089            in our schools,                   and in our factories.        360 00:20:57,130 --> 00:20:59,800     And it must not be tolerated.    361 00:21:01,260 --> 00:21:05,430         All of us, no matter              what race, color, or creed      362 00:21:05,472 --> 00:21:10,102             must wipe out                any feelings of superiority.     363 00:21:10,936 --> 00:21:14,106  Of belief that any one person      364 00:21:14,147 --> 00:21:16,441            must or should                    go ahead of another.         365 00:21:16,483 --> 00:21:18,443     As Abraham Lincoln once said,    366 00:21:19,653 --> 00:21:24,658           "A house divided               against itself cannot stand."    367 00:21:32,165 --> 00:21:35,210    Who would like to start today?                 Uh, Sarah.              368 00:21:36,545 --> 00:21:38,839           Madam First Lady,                    you are a member           369 00:21:38,880 --> 00:21:40,465           of the Daughters                of the American Revolution,     370 00:21:40,507 --> 00:21:41,591             are you not?             371 00:21:41,633 --> 00:21:43,343            Yes. Yes, I am.           372 00:21:43,385 --> 00:21:45,470    I, somehow, managed to sneak in  373 00:21:45,512 --> 00:21:48,598          even though I'm not            a descendant of the Mayflower.    374 00:21:48,640 --> 00:21:50,976          Are you aware that,                     this morning,            375 00:21:51,018 --> 00:21:54,688      the DAR denied lauded Negro          performer, Marian Anderson      376 00:21:54,730 --> 00:21:56,606             from singing                     at Constitution Hall?        377 00:21:57,899 --> 00:22:01,695          No. No, I was not.          378 00:22:01,737 --> 00:22:03,822         Can you explain to us                 how their action is         379 00:22:03,864 --> 00:22:07,034    any different from the example        in Birmingham you just gave?     380 00:22:09,453 --> 00:22:11,913          Well, it really is                  no different, is it?         381 00:22:13,373 --> 00:22:16,001       It's no different at all.      382 00:22:27,721 --> 00:22:30,182            [phone ringing]           383 00:22:36,563 --> 00:22:39,358            [sniffs, sighs]           384 00:22:39,399 --> 00:22:40,859               Eleanor.               385 00:22:40,901 --> 00:22:44,946              [chuckles]                   How did you know it was me?     386 00:22:46,031 --> 00:22:49,368    Who else calls me at 6:00 a.m.?  387 00:22:52,245 --> 00:22:55,499           So, what's doing                 in the nation's capital?       388 00:22:55,540 --> 00:22:57,125               Oh, you know.           389 00:22:57,167 --> 00:22:59,503       Discrimination, bigotry,       390 00:22:59,544 --> 00:23:03,340        and a general disregard                   for humanity.            391 00:23:04,132 --> 00:23:06,009               Geez louise.            392 00:23:06,051 --> 00:23:09,179      Pittsburgh's looking better                by the second.            393 00:23:09,221 --> 00:23:12,474         Yeah, I spent an hour            yesterday trying to convince     394 00:23:12,516 --> 00:23:15,519          the DAR board that                Marian Anderson should be      395 00:23:15,560 --> 00:23:17,562            allowed to play                   at Constitution Hall.        396 00:23:17,604 --> 00:23:19,898  What do they have against opera?  397 00:23:20,440 --> 00:23:21,441                 Mmm.                 398 00:23:22,692 --> 00:23:26,905          It's not the opera.              It's the color of her skin.     399 00:23:26,947 --> 00:23:30,242        Oh. [blows raspberry]          What a bunch of dusty old farts.  400 00:23:30,283 --> 00:23:31,326                Yes, and...            401 00:23:32,953 --> 00:23:35,914            I am a member.            402 00:23:35,956 --> 00:23:37,582                Mm-hmm.               403 00:23:39,459 --> 00:23:42,796           The Daughters of                 the American Revolution.       404 00:23:42,838 --> 00:23:44,464            Hmm? Honestly?            405 00:23:44,506 --> 00:23:48,051         They even have it written                into their bylaws.         406 00:23:48,093 --> 00:23:50,470         "White artists only."        407 00:23:51,680 --> 00:23:55,058         And Franklin refuses                   to get involved.           408 00:23:55,100 --> 00:23:58,311     Yeah. Well, maybe he's right.         I think this one can wait.      409 00:24:02,023 --> 00:24:03,567     Hick, have you been drinking?    410 00:24:03,608 --> 00:24:06,903            Oh. Do you know                  you always ask me that        411 00:24:06,945 --> 00:24:08,822              when I have                 a different opinion than you?    412 00:24:11,908 --> 00:24:12,951               That's not--            413 00:24:15,662 --> 00:24:20,584       Anyway, I-I should really             get back to my article.       414 00:24:21,501 --> 00:24:24,963     Oh, yes. The busy First Lady,    415 00:24:25,005 --> 00:24:27,299       no time for the mistress       416 00:24:27,340 --> 00:24:30,093     who could bring her political         ascent to a grinding halt.      417 00:24:30,135 --> 00:24:32,137         Oh, that's not fair.         418 00:24:33,263 --> 00:24:35,891     And you are not my mistress.     419 00:24:36,516 --> 00:24:37,893            What am I then?           420 00:24:37,934 --> 00:24:39,978            My favorite person.        421 00:24:40,020 --> 00:24:41,730               My confidant.           422 00:24:43,690 --> 00:24:45,358            My best friend.           423 00:24:46,109 --> 00:24:48,236        pensive music               424 00:24:57,704 --> 00:25:00,123          All right. So, uh--         425 00:25:03,585 --> 00:25:05,170                [sighs]               426 00:25:06,296 --> 00:25:09,049  What do you think about...                        Greece?               427 00:25:09,841 --> 00:25:10,926          What about Greece?          428 00:25:10,967 --> 00:25:13,303     Okay, fine. Italy? [sniffles]    429 00:25:13,345 --> 00:25:14,513                  Ah.                 430 00:25:16,806 --> 00:25:18,350            North or south?           431 00:25:20,227 --> 00:25:23,146          Uh... Venice. [sighs]       432 00:25:23,188 --> 00:25:25,148            Just you and me                  in one of those boats.        433 00:25:27,234 --> 00:25:28,527          You mean a gondola?         434 00:25:28,568 --> 00:25:30,570              Yes. Gondola.            435 00:25:31,404 --> 00:25:35,200          The sun is going down.       436 00:25:35,242 --> 00:25:38,495        And there are hundreds                of birds in the sky.         437 00:25:38,537 --> 00:25:39,871              A pink sky.             438 00:25:41,373 --> 00:25:44,334         Well, you've just had              a very beautiful dinner.       439 00:25:44,376 --> 00:25:48,713           And, uh, we have              a lovely little apartment with    440 00:25:48,755 --> 00:25:53,218           big windows that                 fling open out onto a...       441 00:25:54,886 --> 00:25:56,054                  piazza.              442 00:26:00,976 --> 00:26:02,060               Eleanor?               443 00:26:04,604 --> 00:26:06,439           How's the motel?           444 00:26:06,481 --> 00:26:08,608  W-- Wanna be in Pittsburgh or...  445 00:26:09,901 --> 00:26:10,944                Puglia?               446 00:26:12,404 --> 00:26:15,073     I should really get back. I--    447 00:26:15,115 --> 00:26:18,201  This article won't write itself.  448 00:26:19,786 --> 00:26:21,955         [sniffles] My advice,                  you quit the DAR.          449 00:26:21,997 --> 00:26:23,748     Write your column about that.    450 00:26:30,130 --> 00:26:32,424  Yes. I'll-I'll think about that.  451 00:26:37,053 --> 00:26:38,346            Italy was nice.           452 00:26:40,307 --> 00:26:41,433           Have a good day.           453 00:27:07,751 --> 00:27:10,378               "A group                     of tottering old ladies,       454 00:27:10,420 --> 00:27:12,005            who don't know                   the difference between        455 00:27:12,047 --> 00:27:14,966      patriotism and 'putridism,'     456 00:27:15,008 --> 00:27:18,928        compelled the gracious               First Lady to apologize       457 00:27:18,970 --> 00:27:23,516      for their national rudeness           and resign from the DAR."      458 00:27:23,558 --> 00:27:26,061          This is from the...         459 00:27:26,102 --> 00:27:27,854         -Philadelphia Tribune...                      -Hmm.                460 00:27:27,896 --> 00:27:29,773     ...and there are more like it            in every other paper         461 00:27:29,814 --> 00:27:31,608            in the country.           462 00:27:31,650 --> 00:27:35,570         Well, now that you're            a national hero... [chuckles]    463 00:27:35,612 --> 00:27:37,989       ...where is Ms. Anderson                 going to perform?          464 00:27:39,366 --> 00:27:42,577           Well, I'm afraid                that's not up to me, Sara.      465 00:27:42,619 --> 00:27:45,330       I have arranged a meeting                with her manager           466 00:27:45,372 --> 00:27:50,001    and with Mr. White of the NAACP     to see if we can find a venue.    467 00:27:50,043 --> 00:27:52,712                 Good.                    It's important that she sing.    468 00:27:53,755 --> 00:27:57,509       There has been no better                contralto on Earth.         469 00:27:58,635 --> 00:27:59,761               I agree.               470 00:27:59,803 --> 00:28:02,222               And, um,                     you did the right thing,       471 00:28:02,263 --> 00:28:04,182        resigning from the DAR.       472 00:28:11,064 --> 00:28:13,858         Did she just approve                  of something I did?         473 00:28:13,900 --> 00:28:15,360          Maybe she's unwell?         474 00:28:15,402 --> 00:28:16,653               [scoffs]               475 00:28:22,784 --> 00:28:25,620      Well, there's a first time                 for everything.           476 00:28:25,662 --> 00:28:27,163              [chuckles]              477 00:28:29,082 --> 00:28:31,042    [Charles] Sir, here she comes.    478 00:28:32,585 --> 00:28:34,587            I am so sorry.            479 00:28:35,672 --> 00:28:36,798              Mr. White.              480 00:28:36,840 --> 00:28:38,049           Madam First Lady.          481 00:28:39,259 --> 00:28:41,010              -Mr. Hurok.                      -Uh, good morning.          482 00:28:41,052 --> 00:28:43,513                -And...                   -This is A. Philip Randolph,     483 00:28:43,555 --> 00:28:44,889       head of the Brotherhood        484 00:28:44,931 --> 00:28:46,224      -of Sleeping Car Porters.                     -Oh, yes.              485 00:28:46,266 --> 00:28:47,642  Madam First Lady, it's an honor.  486 00:28:47,684 --> 00:28:49,185           I hope you don't                     mind me joining.           487 00:28:49,227 --> 00:28:51,020          No, of course not.          488 00:28:51,062 --> 00:28:53,064      And the honor is all mine.      489 00:28:53,106 --> 00:28:56,526        I am so impressed with           your union work, Mr. Randolph.    490 00:28:56,568 --> 00:28:57,861           Well, thank you.                     Thank you, ma'am.          491 00:28:57,902 --> 00:28:59,320          And this is Tommy,          492 00:28:59,362 --> 00:29:00,739           -my secretary...                          -Hello.               493 00:29:00,780 --> 00:29:02,240       ...who will be joining us                for this meeting.          494 00:29:02,282 --> 00:29:04,325               -Morning.                  -Charles, if you don't mind.     495 00:29:04,367 --> 00:29:06,703              Please sit.                Would you bring another chair?    496 00:29:06,745 --> 00:29:08,079              Thank you.              497 00:29:09,038 --> 00:29:11,708        And maybe another cup.        498 00:29:15,920 --> 00:29:19,424        We were all encouraged              by your "My Day" column.       499 00:29:19,466 --> 00:29:21,801     Your resignation sent a clear    500 00:29:21,843 --> 00:29:24,387          and urgent message                     to the public.            501 00:29:24,429 --> 00:29:26,389         Segregation must end.        502 00:29:26,431 --> 00:29:29,809  Yes, I'm afraid I was unaware of  503 00:29:29,851 --> 00:29:33,605            how entrenched                   the DAR were in their--       504 00:29:33,646 --> 00:29:34,731               Bigotry?               505 00:29:37,358 --> 00:29:40,236             Yes. Bigotry.            506 00:29:40,278 --> 00:29:43,114          It's disappointing.         507 00:29:43,156 --> 00:29:45,742       [scoffs] Mrs. Roosevelt.       508 00:29:45,784 --> 00:29:48,828        Opinions in the Capitol           disappoint on a daily basis.     509 00:29:50,747 --> 00:29:53,625    Your husband's administration--  510 00:29:53,666 --> 00:29:56,211     The New Deal itself has done         very little for the Negroes.     511 00:29:56,252 --> 00:29:57,712                 Yes.                 512 00:29:58,838 --> 00:30:00,465             That's true.             513 00:30:00,507 --> 00:30:01,883           U-Um, Mr. White.           514 00:30:01,925 --> 00:30:03,802           The First Lady is                     anxious to know           515 00:30:03,843 --> 00:30:06,805       if you found an alternate             venue for Ms. Anderson.       516 00:30:06,846 --> 00:30:09,599            [stammers]                       we did have one idea.         517 00:30:09,641 --> 00:30:12,393         Uh-- We are thinking                 of the National Mall.        518 00:30:12,435 --> 00:30:14,395            She could sing                  in front of Mr. Lincoln.       519 00:30:14,437 --> 00:30:17,982       Oh, what a splendid idea.      520 00:30:19,025 --> 00:30:22,737              Well, yes,                  that is something we can do.     521 00:30:22,779 --> 00:30:26,115     We think a public event like         this w-would bring attention     522 00:30:26,157 --> 00:30:28,159           to the excellence                   of Black Americans.         523 00:30:28,201 --> 00:30:30,995    I couldn't agree with you more,               Mr. White.              524 00:30:31,037 --> 00:30:32,872       [Philip] If the president            wants to have a memorial       525 00:30:32,914 --> 00:30:36,125      like Mr. Lincoln's one day,                   he's uh--              526 00:30:36,167 --> 00:30:38,670          he's going to have              to ban segregation entirely.     527 00:30:38,711 --> 00:30:42,507    Mr. Randolph, I can assure you    528 00:30:42,549 --> 00:30:45,343        that the president will              eventually come to see        529 00:30:45,385 --> 00:30:48,221     that racial justice and unity    530 00:30:48,263 --> 00:30:51,349        is the only way forward                   for America.             531 00:30:52,267 --> 00:30:53,977          We certainly hope so.       532 00:30:56,646 --> 00:30:58,481          Thank you, Charles.         533 00:30:58,523 --> 00:31:00,108            [Marian singing                "My Country, 'Tis of Thee"]     534 00:31:00,149 --> 00:31:01,234              Thank you.              535 00:31:03,361 --> 00:31:08,283       Land of the pilgrims' pride     536 00:31:09,242 --> 00:31:14,372         From ev'ry mountainside        537 00:31:15,331 --> 00:31:20,295             Let freedom ring           538 00:31:22,755 --> 00:31:24,507       Ooh, I have goose bumps.       539 00:31:24,549 --> 00:31:27,510       -Do you have goose bumps?          -I think I stopped breathing.    540 00:31:27,552 --> 00:31:31,598         I cannot believe that             that was just a rehearsal!      541 00:31:31,639 --> 00:31:34,559          Oh, Mrs. Roosevelt,             I should applaud you as well.    542 00:31:34,601 --> 00:31:36,561             What a stage.            543 00:31:36,603 --> 00:31:38,396               Thank you                     for making this happen.       544 00:31:38,438 --> 00:31:42,901     It was a group effort. I just     used my influence where I could.  545 00:31:42,942 --> 00:31:45,278    I really want to introduce you    546 00:31:45,320 --> 00:31:47,405         to Malvina Thompson,                     my secretary,            547 00:31:47,447 --> 00:31:49,032      -or Tommy, as we call her.                     -Hello.               548 00:31:49,073 --> 00:31:50,617           She is a very big                    admirer of yours.          549 00:31:50,658 --> 00:31:52,744            It's a pleasure                    to meet you, Tommy.         550 00:31:52,785 --> 00:31:55,163          And it is an honor               to meet you, Ms. Anderson.      551 00:31:55,204 --> 00:31:57,081           I have every one                    of your recordings.         552 00:31:58,082 --> 00:31:59,667         Uh, Madam First Lady.        553 00:31:59,709 --> 00:32:01,711     Uh, did Ms. Anderson tell you    554 00:32:01,753 --> 00:32:03,963           we are expecting                  70,000 people tomorrow?       555 00:32:04,005 --> 00:32:06,341               -70,000?                             -Oh, my!               556 00:32:06,382 --> 00:32:08,343            And we have you                  sitting right up front.       557 00:32:09,135 --> 00:32:11,262  Oh, well, that is very kind.       558 00:32:11,304 --> 00:32:13,431  But I'm going to be listening in  559 00:32:13,473 --> 00:32:15,558         from the White House                     on the radio,            560 00:32:15,600 --> 00:32:18,186        but I will be with you                     in spirit.              561 00:32:18,227 --> 00:32:19,771          You aren't coming?          562 00:32:19,812 --> 00:32:22,565         Tomorrow is your day,                    Ms. Anderson.            563 00:32:22,607 --> 00:32:25,485           My presence would                 only be a distraction.        564 00:32:26,903 --> 00:32:30,448         Distinguished guests,               ladies and gentlemen.         565 00:32:31,991 --> 00:32:35,328       In this great auditorium                  under the sky,            566 00:32:36,079 --> 00:32:37,830          all of us are free.         567 00:32:42,168 --> 00:32:44,253       [Marian Anderson singing                 "Gospel Train"]            568 00:32:46,214 --> 00:32:48,591       De Gospel train's a comin'       569 00:32:48,633 --> 00:32:50,677          I hear it just at hand        570 00:32:50,718 --> 00:32:52,637              I hear the car                      wheels rumblin'             571 00:32:52,679 --> 00:32:54,138        And rollin' thro' the land     572 00:32:54,180 --> 00:32:55,723             And get on board           573 00:32:55,765 --> 00:32:57,558              Little children                       get on board              574 00:32:57,600 --> 00:32:59,560              Little children                       get on board              575 00:32:59,602 --> 00:33:01,270             Little children            576 00:33:01,312 --> 00:33:05,608     There's room for many a more     577 00:33:05,650 --> 00:33:08,027            [over speaker]                   I hear the train a-comin'       578 00:33:08,069 --> 00:33:09,946     She's comin' round the curve     579 00:33:09,988 --> 00:33:11,114          She's loosened all...         580 00:33:11,155 --> 00:33:13,032               -[sighs]                        -That is beautiful.         581 00:33:14,117 --> 00:33:15,159         One of the greatest.         582 00:33:16,285 --> 00:33:18,997          She was barred from                 singing in DC venues         583 00:33:19,038 --> 00:33:21,290  because the city was segregated,  584 00:33:21,332 --> 00:33:25,169            but First Lady,                    Eleanor Roosevelt,          585 00:33:25,211 --> 00:33:27,839        lobbied for her to sing             at the Lincoln Memorial.       586 00:33:29,298 --> 00:33:30,591                 Wow.                 587 00:33:40,226 --> 00:33:42,020  Just before noon at the Capitol,  588 00:33:42,061 --> 00:33:43,980  Barack Obama will take the oath    589 00:33:44,022 --> 00:33:45,898            for his second term                      as president.           590 00:33:45,940 --> 00:33:47,984    [reporter]   That's right, Scott.  591 00:33:48,026 --> 00:33:50,528      He really has a very ambitious        agenda for his second term.     592 00:33:50,570 --> 00:33:52,071      We've heard him talk about it.  593 00:33:52,113 --> 00:33:55,366            Immigration reform                      and gun safety.          594 00:33:59,037 --> 00:34:01,664         [cheering, applause]         595 00:34:04,751 --> 00:34:07,211          We are now entering                    the Cross Hall.           596 00:34:07,253 --> 00:34:09,630         Ladies, as you know,            it's a huge, huge opportunity.    597 00:34:09,672 --> 00:34:11,591              I need you                  on your best behavior, right?    598 00:34:11,632 --> 00:34:12,842             -All righty.                          -Yes, sir.              599 00:34:12,884 --> 00:34:14,427              -[chuckles]                          -Yes, sir.              600 00:34:14,469 --> 00:34:15,762             [Mr. Ferrar]                We worked really hard for this.  601 00:34:15,803 --> 00:34:16,888            This is great.            602 00:34:19,182 --> 00:34:20,892               [gasping]              603 00:34:20,933 --> 00:34:22,226              [giggling]              604 00:34:22,268 --> 00:34:23,895          [gasps] Oh, my God!         605 00:34:25,897 --> 00:34:27,982              [giggling]              606 00:34:28,024 --> 00:34:29,150              South Side!             607 00:34:29,192 --> 00:34:31,569             -South Side!                         -South Side!             608 00:34:31,611 --> 00:34:33,404           [all] South Side!          609 00:34:33,446 --> 00:34:34,655              [laughing]              610 00:34:34,697 --> 00:34:35,907              Hi, y'all.              611 00:34:38,034 --> 00:34:39,911              Oh, my God.                   We love you. We love you.      612 00:34:39,952 --> 00:34:41,496             -I love you.                        -Love you too!            613 00:34:42,789 --> 00:34:44,082       She looked me in my face!      614 00:34:45,958 --> 00:34:47,668           -She waved at me!               -No, she was waving at me!      615 00:34:47,710 --> 00:34:49,212           -She waved at me!               -No, I saw her wave at me.      616 00:34:49,253 --> 00:34:50,338               [giggles]              617 00:34:50,379 --> 00:34:52,757     Bye-- Bye, Sasha! Bye, Malia!    618 00:34:59,388 --> 00:35:01,724    [Michelle] Our lunch program                 in the profile,           619 00:35:01,766 --> 00:35:02,809          you know I'm down.          620 00:35:02,850 --> 00:35:04,352          [Mel] Copy that.            621 00:35:04,393 --> 00:35:06,312        I will loop in Melanie                 about your outfit.          622 00:35:06,354 --> 00:35:08,106             Any requests?            623 00:35:08,147 --> 00:35:10,733       Outdoorsy but still fly.       624 00:35:11,734 --> 00:35:14,779              Still fly.              625 00:35:14,821 --> 00:35:16,155              [chuckles]              626 00:35:16,197 --> 00:35:17,782              -For real?                      -That's all in caps.         627 00:35:17,824 --> 00:35:18,866            That's my girl!           628 00:35:18,908 --> 00:35:20,159              [knocking]              629 00:35:20,201 --> 00:35:21,285               Come in!               630 00:35:23,037 --> 00:35:24,288         [Mel] Oh. Hi, Tina.          631 00:35:24,330 --> 00:35:25,373          What's wrong, Tina?         632 00:35:25,414 --> 00:35:26,958         Please don't tell me         633 00:35:26,999 --> 00:35:28,459              we ran out                 of your hazelnut creamer again.  634 00:35:28,501 --> 00:35:30,545            [both chuckle]            635 00:35:30,586 --> 00:35:32,255  Could you give us a few minutes?  636 00:35:32,296 --> 00:35:33,422               -I just--                        -[assistant] Sure.         637 00:35:33,464 --> 00:35:34,841                Thanks.               638 00:35:36,759 --> 00:35:37,802                Thanks.               639 00:35:42,932 --> 00:35:44,809          One of the Chicago                     high schoolers            640 00:35:44,851 --> 00:35:47,812         who performed at the            inauguration was killed today.    641 00:35:47,854 --> 00:35:49,605             -Jesus, Lord.                            -No.                 642 00:35:49,647 --> 00:35:51,232            A stray bullet.           643 00:35:51,274 --> 00:35:53,234         Please don't tell me               it was one of those kids       644 00:35:53,276 --> 00:35:54,277         from the South Side?         645 00:35:58,030 --> 00:35:59,073          What was her name?          646 00:35:59,115 --> 00:36:01,159           Hadiya Pendleton.          647 00:36:01,200 --> 00:36:05,329            She was 15, um,                     a drum majorette.          648 00:36:06,497 --> 00:36:08,040         They were just here.         649 00:36:09,417 --> 00:36:11,335     Right out there. We saw them.    650 00:36:12,712 --> 00:36:16,215      Yeah. So, we can reach out                 to the family,            651 00:36:16,257 --> 00:36:18,342     uh, say a few words publicly.    652 00:36:18,384 --> 00:36:20,636          We can tie it into                 the assault weapons ban       653 00:36:20,678 --> 00:36:23,639        that Senator Feinstein                just sponsored, um...        654 00:36:27,560 --> 00:36:32,106       I'd like to reach out to            Hadiya's family personally,     655 00:36:32,148 --> 00:36:35,693      but I don't want it to come          off as political, you know?     656 00:36:35,735 --> 00:36:38,362        [Tina] I get it. Okay.        657 00:36:38,404 --> 00:36:39,614              Um, yeah--              658 00:36:39,655 --> 00:36:41,449    I'll get you the contact info.    659 00:36:41,490 --> 00:36:42,825  [Mel] Um, I'll set something up.  660 00:36:42,867 --> 00:36:44,702         [Tina] Okay. Thanks.         661 00:36:48,748 --> 00:36:50,082             [door closes]            662 00:36:52,418 --> 00:36:53,461            [Marian sighs]            663 00:37:03,137 --> 00:37:04,764            Mrs. Robinson,                 you don't have to do that.      664 00:37:04,805 --> 00:37:08,059            Uh-- N-No. I--                    Let me do it, please.        665 00:37:09,060 --> 00:37:10,645         I was cleaning since         666 00:37:10,686 --> 00:37:12,730       before you were a twinkle              in your daddy's eye.         667 00:37:14,774 --> 00:37:16,234     I'm sorry, madam. She just--     668 00:37:16,275 --> 00:37:18,778           Rosemarie, just--                   just let her do it.         669 00:37:18,819 --> 00:37:21,239        -Go-- Go take a break.                 -Okay. Yes, ma'am.          670 00:37:22,281 --> 00:37:23,741               Mom? Mom.              671 00:37:23,783 --> 00:37:26,786        Mom. Mom, what's wrong?       672 00:37:26,827 --> 00:37:27,870               I'm fine.              673 00:37:27,912 --> 00:37:29,413            No, you're not.           674 00:37:31,290 --> 00:37:32,416                 Mama?                675 00:37:34,585 --> 00:37:35,628                 Mama?                676 00:37:36,921 --> 00:37:40,466        I heard about that girl              getting shot back home.       677 00:37:41,926 --> 00:37:43,177                Hadiya.               678 00:37:44,303 --> 00:37:46,430     It was just around the corner                from Euclid.             679 00:37:46,472 --> 00:37:47,974          That could've been                  one of your nephews.         680 00:37:49,392 --> 00:37:52,061                -Yeah.                    -Parents burying their kids,     681 00:37:52,103 --> 00:37:54,105    that's what used to keep me up             at night the most.          682 00:37:54,146 --> 00:37:55,147           You're right.              683 00:37:55,189 --> 00:37:56,232          Something like that         684 00:37:56,274 --> 00:37:57,608        happened to one of you!       685 00:37:58,526 --> 00:38:00,152                 Yeah.                686 00:38:00,194 --> 00:38:02,905        It-- It wasn't this bad                 back then, Mama.           687 00:38:02,947 --> 00:38:04,240           It could've been!          688 00:38:05,157 --> 00:38:06,242                 Okay.                689 00:38:07,702 --> 00:38:09,829                -Okay.                   -[reporter]   In Chicago today,     690 00:38:09,870 --> 00:38:12,290        First Lady Michelle Obama            joined hundreds of mourners     691 00:38:12,331 --> 00:38:15,626     at the funeral for a teenage            victim of gun violence.       692 00:38:15,668 --> 00:38:19,088    The death of 15-year-old Hadiya       Pendleton has shaken a city     693 00:38:19,130 --> 00:38:20,840         where gang shootings                  are all too common.         694 00:38:20,881 --> 00:38:23,092             [reporter 2]                   Hadiya was killed last month    695 00:38:23,134 --> 00:38:24,885                a mile from                    the Obama's Chicago home.     696 00:38:24,927 --> 00:38:26,679    [choir singing "Amazing Grace"]  697 00:38:26,721 --> 00:38:29,807  Eight days after performing at      inaugural events in Washington.    698 00:38:29,849 --> 00:38:34,312           That saved a wretch          699 00:38:34,353 --> 00:38:39,191                 Like me                700 00:38:39,233 --> 00:38:44,238             I once was lost            701 00:38:44,280 --> 00:38:48,951            But now, I'm found          702 00:38:48,993 --> 00:38:51,412                Was blind               703 00:38:51,454 --> 00:38:56,417              But now I see             704 00:38:56,459 --> 00:38:58,544            [crowd weeping]           705 00:38:58,586 --> 00:39:00,796                Praise God              706 00:39:00,838 --> 00:39:03,049                Praise God              707 00:39:03,090 --> 00:39:05,301                Praise God              708 00:39:05,343 --> 00:39:07,720                Praise God              709 00:39:07,762 --> 00:39:10,097                Praise God              710 00:39:10,139 --> 00:39:12,350                Praise God              711 00:39:12,391 --> 00:39:16,979                Praise God              712 00:39:17,021 --> 00:39:19,315                Praise God              713 00:39:19,357 --> 00:39:21,901                Praise God              714 00:39:21,942 --> 00:39:24,236                Praise God              715 00:39:24,278 --> 00:39:26,655                Praise God              716 00:39:26,697 --> 00:39:28,699                Praise God              717 00:39:28,741 --> 00:39:31,077                Praise God              718 00:39:31,118 --> 00:39:35,998                Praise God              719 00:39:36,040 --> 00:39:37,208            [singing ends]            720 00:39:37,249 --> 00:39:38,793           Thank you so much                    for what you do.           721 00:39:38,834 --> 00:39:40,461    It was a pleasure to meet you,              Madam First Lady.          722 00:39:40,503 --> 00:39:42,713              -Mr. Mayor.                      -Madam First Lady.          723 00:39:45,299 --> 00:39:49,220      Well, that was devastating.     724 00:39:49,261 --> 00:39:51,347      It's, uh, good to have you                back in Chicago.           725 00:39:51,389 --> 00:39:53,224         I'm sorry it's under                 these circumstances.         726 00:39:53,265 --> 00:39:56,894        Yeah. Not how I wanted                 to come back here.          727 00:39:56,936 --> 00:39:58,813          Fifteen years old.          728 00:40:00,189 --> 00:40:01,899         My kids are her age.         729 00:40:01,941 --> 00:40:02,983                 Yeah.                730 00:40:04,235 --> 00:40:06,070            Look, clearly,               we didn't always see eye to eye  731 00:40:06,112 --> 00:40:07,238         in the White House.          732 00:40:07,279 --> 00:40:08,823              It happens.             733 00:40:08,864 --> 00:40:11,534        But I want you to know              that I support you 100%,       734 00:40:11,575 --> 00:40:13,828  and your fight for gun control.    735 00:40:13,869 --> 00:40:15,830             As of today,              every single gun shop in Chicago  736 00:40:15,871 --> 00:40:17,540          has been shut down.         737 00:40:17,581 --> 00:40:21,335       Tragedies like these are          brutal and fucking ridiculous.    738 00:40:21,377 --> 00:40:26,132  And, um, I'm gonna do everything   in my power to put an end to it.  739 00:40:27,299 --> 00:40:29,510        Okay. Thank you, Rahm.        740 00:40:31,345 --> 00:40:32,430                 Yeah.                741 00:40:38,310 --> 00:40:40,229         Thank you for coming,                     Mrs. Obama.             742 00:40:40,271 --> 00:40:41,313           Yeah, of course.           743 00:40:44,108 --> 00:40:46,819       Oh. How can we thank you?      744 00:40:46,861 --> 00:40:50,448          Your daughter will                    not be forgotten.          745 00:40:50,489 --> 00:40:52,575        I'll make sure of that.       746 00:40:53,534 --> 00:40:54,577            I promise you.            747 00:40:54,618 --> 00:40:57,288     Thank you. Thank you so much.    748 00:41:00,624 --> 00:41:03,294      I love you, okay? Love you.     749 00:41:05,171 --> 00:41:06,213                 Okay.                750 00:41:06,255 --> 00:41:07,298                 Okay.                751 00:41:25,691 --> 00:41:27,776             [Dick Durbin]                    We have guns everywhere.      752 00:41:27,818 --> 00:41:31,989     And some believe the solution            to this is more guns.        753 00:41:32,031 --> 00:41:33,157              I disagree.             754 00:41:49,507 --> 00:41:50,925            [Barack sighs]            755 00:41:53,260 --> 00:41:54,512         How was the service?         756 00:41:56,931 --> 00:41:58,641             It was a lot.            757 00:41:59,600 --> 00:42:02,520        Oof. That poor family.        758 00:42:04,104 --> 00:42:06,565           I'm-- I'm really glad                that you went though.      759 00:42:08,192 --> 00:42:09,693                 Yeah.                760 00:42:09,735 --> 00:42:11,654           I just felt like                    sitting in the back         761 00:42:11,695 --> 00:42:13,322       and bawling my eyes out.       762 00:42:13,364 --> 00:42:17,368      Shit. I bawled my eyes out                 on national TV.           763 00:42:17,409 --> 00:42:19,703             Now I got one                  of my Secret Service guys      764 00:42:19,745 --> 00:42:21,497        looking at me sideways,                     you know?              765 00:42:21,539 --> 00:42:22,623              [chuckles]              766 00:42:26,544 --> 00:42:27,711           [Barack] Come on.          767 00:42:31,423 --> 00:42:33,259       Is it ever gonna change?       768 00:42:34,927 --> 00:42:36,220            [Barack sighs]            769 00:42:37,429 --> 00:42:38,472          I don't know, babe.         770 00:42:39,390 --> 00:42:41,725  We're trying with this new bill,  771 00:42:41,767 --> 00:42:42,851                but...                772 00:42:44,937 --> 00:42:46,438             I don't know.            773 00:42:50,234 --> 00:42:51,652          [chuckles] Come on.         774 00:42:52,778 --> 00:42:53,821            [Michelle] Mmm.           775 00:42:58,200 --> 00:42:59,785            [static on radio]         776 00:43:03,747 --> 00:43:06,083        "I like to remind women       777 00:43:06,125 --> 00:43:08,294       that one gains strength,       778 00:43:08,335 --> 00:43:10,921        courage and confidence        779 00:43:10,963 --> 00:43:15,050         by every experience                in which you really stop       780 00:43:15,092 --> 00:43:17,344       to look fear in the face.      781 00:43:18,429 --> 00:43:21,015  You are able to say to yourself,  782 00:43:21,056 --> 00:43:24,393     'I lived through this horror.    783 00:43:24,435 --> 00:43:28,105       I can take the next thing               that comes along.'          784 00:43:28,981 --> 00:43:31,692        You must do the thing         785 00:43:31,734 --> 00:43:34,028       you think you cannot do."      786 00:43:35,154 --> 00:43:36,864    [newscaster]   Five young Negroes  787 00:43:36,905 --> 00:43:40,284           made aviation history                 at Tuskegee, Alabama.       788 00:43:40,326 --> 00:43:42,953            These five men were                 the first of their race      789 00:43:42,995 --> 00:43:46,081        to graduate under the Army      Air Force's newly organized plan  790 00:43:46,123 --> 00:43:48,417        for training Negro pilots.     791 00:43:48,459 --> 00:43:52,796       They flew hard, studied hard,          and they made the grade.      792 00:43:52,838 --> 00:43:54,131       [reporter] Welcome back.       793 00:43:54,173 --> 00:43:56,383            Ooh. Thank you.           794 00:43:56,425 --> 00:43:58,427         -You're welcome. Yes.                 -Thank you so much.         795 00:43:58,469 --> 00:44:01,013    -[reporter 2] Over here, ma'am.       -[Eleanor] Thank you, sir.      796 00:44:01,055 --> 00:44:02,931             [clamoring]              797 00:44:02,973 --> 00:44:04,308                 Ooh.                 798 00:44:04,350 --> 00:44:05,893           Madam First Lady,                  how was your flight?         799 00:44:05,934 --> 00:44:09,396          Ooh, invigorating!                  And my hat stayed on.        800 00:44:09,438 --> 00:44:10,564              [all laugh]             801 00:44:10,606 --> 00:44:11,690      Were you frightened, ma'am?     802 00:44:11,732 --> 00:44:14,568     Ooh! I have never felt safer.    803 00:44:14,610 --> 00:44:18,614  Mr. Anderson, you fly all right.  804 00:44:18,656 --> 00:44:19,865           Thank you, ma'am.          805 00:44:20,532 --> 00:44:22,242              [clamoring]             806 00:44:22,284 --> 00:44:25,329             Black pilots                   in the American military       807 00:44:25,371 --> 00:44:28,499         are just as excellent                    as any other.            808 00:44:28,540 --> 00:44:32,670        And these patriotic men           should serve in active combat    809 00:44:32,711 --> 00:44:35,756        alongside our sailors,               soldiers and marines.         810 00:44:35,798 --> 00:44:37,174             [reporter 1]                     That's some bullshit.        811 00:44:37,216 --> 00:44:38,759             [reporter 2]                  Will the president mandate      812 00:44:38,801 --> 00:44:40,177    desegregation for the military?  813 00:44:40,219 --> 00:44:42,137              Ooh, well,                     I think that's my cue.        814 00:44:42,179 --> 00:44:44,682          Thank you so much.                    I appreciate it.           815 00:44:45,641 --> 00:44:47,309          I do appreciate it.         816 00:44:47,351 --> 00:44:49,353               You know,                    I have to say, young man,      817 00:44:49,395 --> 00:44:51,188       there were a few moments                     when I--               818 00:44:52,022 --> 00:44:54,483           [Franklin sighs]           819 00:44:54,525 --> 00:44:55,526              [knocking]              820 00:44:55,567 --> 00:44:56,735               Come in.               821 00:44:57,736 --> 00:44:58,862             Good morning.            822 00:44:58,904 --> 00:45:00,823     That is yet to be determined.    823 00:45:00,864 --> 00:45:04,118             Your mother,                    however well-intended,        824 00:45:04,159 --> 00:45:06,453      can't seem to stop herself              from shining a light         825 00:45:06,495 --> 00:45:08,414             on every ugly                   little nook and cranny        826 00:45:08,455 --> 00:45:09,998    of segregation in the country.    827 00:45:10,040 --> 00:45:11,166              Thank you.              828 00:45:11,208 --> 00:45:13,377  Well, there's no looking forward  829 00:45:13,419 --> 00:45:15,587            if we don't try               and change what's wrong now.     830 00:45:15,629 --> 00:45:18,006     Anna, you cannot force people                 to change.              831 00:45:18,048 --> 00:45:20,008         You need to make them               think it's their idea,        832 00:45:20,050 --> 00:45:21,093         and that takes time.         833 00:45:21,135 --> 00:45:22,177         But you do agree that        834 00:45:22,219 --> 00:45:23,929       segregation needs to end?      835 00:45:23,971 --> 00:45:25,514            Of course I do,              but it's not as simple as that.  836 00:45:25,556 --> 00:45:27,391           I can't just sign                   an executive order          837 00:45:27,433 --> 00:45:29,184              and bypass                     the individual states.        838 00:45:29,226 --> 00:45:31,395        I will lose the support             of the Southern Democrats      839 00:45:31,437 --> 00:45:33,397      and never be elected again.     840 00:45:33,439 --> 00:45:35,816    And everything that we've done         so far will be for naught.      841 00:45:35,858 --> 00:45:37,067                  So?                 842 00:45:37,943 --> 00:45:41,029     "So?" What do you mean, "so"?    843 00:45:41,071 --> 00:45:45,200      I am not prepared to throw       the baby out with the bathwater.  844 00:45:45,242 --> 00:45:48,746     It is done. Your mother must        be taken out at dawn and shot.    845 00:45:48,787 --> 00:45:50,247          [chuckles] Oh, God.         846 00:45:50,289 --> 00:45:51,749                 Mmm.                 847 00:45:51,790 --> 00:45:53,917                I think                  if you accomplish nothing else    848 00:45:53,959 --> 00:45:56,462        in your time in office              than ending segregation,       849 00:45:56,503 --> 00:45:58,005        you'll be remembered as       850 00:45:58,046 --> 00:46:00,174    one of the greatest presidents                of all time.             851 00:46:00,883 --> 00:46:01,967          Well, now you sound         852 00:46:02,009 --> 00:46:03,594       exactly like your mother.      853 00:46:04,928 --> 00:46:06,972              -Thank you.                             -Mmm.                854 00:46:07,014 --> 00:46:08,474         Get out of my office.        855 00:46:09,349 --> 00:46:11,226               Go, now.               856 00:46:11,268 --> 00:46:12,352            [Anna chuckles]           857 00:46:12,394 --> 00:46:14,605           -[Franklin] Anna.                          -Mmm?                858 00:46:14,646 --> 00:46:16,774         Thank you for my tea.        859 00:46:17,941 --> 00:46:19,610                 -Yes.                        -[Franklin chuckles]         860 00:46:47,471 --> 00:46:49,890       -Is this an initial or...            -Just initial everything.      861 00:46:49,932 --> 00:46:51,600           -Oh, great. Okay.                       -[knocking]             862 00:46:51,642 --> 00:46:54,937           Madam First Lady,                  do you have a moment?        863 00:46:54,978 --> 00:46:57,481       We've been reviewing some           presidential campaign data.     864 00:46:58,315 --> 00:46:59,608          Do I have a choice?         865 00:46:59,650 --> 00:47:00,818               [chuckles]             866 00:47:04,571 --> 00:47:07,366          Great job, so far,                 on the campaign trail.        867 00:47:07,407 --> 00:47:09,576               -Mm-hmm.                  -Yes, I'd say you're a natural.  868 00:47:09,618 --> 00:47:11,119       A long list of positives.      869 00:47:11,161 --> 00:47:12,621         Cleveland, Nashville,                 and Council Bluffs,         870 00:47:12,663 --> 00:47:14,122     all extremely well-received.     871 00:47:14,164 --> 00:47:16,708            Unfortunately,                 there is a longer list of,      872 00:47:16,750 --> 00:47:18,502          uh, not positives.          873 00:47:24,049 --> 00:47:26,510          Also, we understand             you recently applied for a--     874 00:47:26,552 --> 00:47:28,679          a CB radio license?         875 00:47:29,388 --> 00:47:30,931       Applied and received.          876 00:47:30,973 --> 00:47:34,434       Though, I still haven't              gotten my-- the-- the...       877 00:47:34,476 --> 00:47:36,770  -[Shirley] It's called a handle.        -Handle-- My handle yet.       878 00:47:36,812 --> 00:47:38,605          [Shirley] But we're               down to "Steady Betty"--       879 00:47:38,647 --> 00:47:39,690            "D.C. Dancer."            880 00:47:39,731 --> 00:47:41,108         Um, "Betty the Bump."        881 00:47:41,149 --> 00:47:42,526            [both chuckle]            882 00:47:42,568 --> 00:47:44,319  Um, I'm partial to "First Mama."  883 00:47:44,361 --> 00:47:46,697      I know you are, but I like            "D.C. Dancer." [chuckles]      884 00:47:46,738 --> 00:47:47,823             [all chuckle]            885 00:47:47,865 --> 00:47:49,533          W-What is the plan?         886 00:47:49,575 --> 00:47:51,869            Are you g-gonna                communicate with truckers?      887 00:47:52,870 --> 00:47:54,955        Truckers vote too, Don.       888 00:47:54,997 --> 00:47:56,331                  Ah.                 889 00:47:56,373 --> 00:47:57,666             And these are                    some updated general         890 00:47:57,708 --> 00:47:59,376     dos and don'ts for the road.     891 00:48:00,294 --> 00:48:01,545            Anything else?            892 00:48:03,046 --> 00:48:04,089           Thank you, ma'am.          893 00:48:04,131 --> 00:48:05,549       [Dick] Thank you, ma'am.       894 00:48:08,594 --> 00:48:10,804  Would you like a drink, Shirley?  895 00:48:10,846 --> 00:48:12,097       Oh, maybe just a tipple.       896 00:48:12,139 --> 00:48:13,849          [Betty] Are-- Okay.         897 00:48:13,891 --> 00:48:15,267           Pick your poison.          898 00:48:15,309 --> 00:48:16,810        Whatever you're having.       899 00:48:16,852 --> 00:48:18,020            [both chuckle]            900 00:48:22,816 --> 00:48:26,278     It is my pleasure to host all     of you at the Buffalo City Hall,  901 00:48:26,320 --> 00:48:30,032     where we have a long history        of welcoming Republican leaders  902 00:48:30,073 --> 00:48:31,742        on the campaign trail.        903 00:48:31,783 --> 00:48:36,038     Tonight, it is my great honor             to introduce to you         904 00:48:36,079 --> 00:48:38,540            the First Lady                    of the United States.        905 00:48:38,582 --> 00:48:42,044            Please join me                  in welcoming Betty Ford.       906 00:48:42,794 --> 00:48:44,880              [applause]              907 00:49:02,022 --> 00:49:07,027           I do not believe                   that being First Lady        908 00:49:07,069 --> 00:49:12,115        should prevent me from                expressing my ideal--        909 00:49:13,033 --> 00:49:14,284                ideas.                910 00:49:14,326 --> 00:49:16,578              [applause]              911 00:49:19,748 --> 00:49:22,334             [Susan sighs]            912 00:49:22,376 --> 00:49:24,586                Being un--             913 00:49:24,628 --> 00:49:26,463            Being ladylike            914 00:49:27,172 --> 00:49:31,134       does not require silence.      915 00:49:31,885 --> 00:49:33,637              [applause]              916 00:49:37,307 --> 00:49:38,767        She's not feeling well.       917 00:49:43,271 --> 00:49:46,274  Ever since I became president--    918 00:49:46,316 --> 00:49:47,442               I-- I mean--            919 00:49:47,484 --> 00:49:49,194              [laughter]              920 00:49:49,236 --> 00:49:50,445        [Betty]   Uh, pardon me.        921 00:49:50,487 --> 00:49:52,239                    Um,                922 00:49:52,280 --> 00:49:54,992           ever since my husband       923 00:49:56,284 --> 00:49:58,996          became president, he...      924 00:50:00,539 --> 00:50:03,625              really has done          925 00:50:03,667 --> 00:50:06,378               a great deal            926 00:50:07,629 --> 00:50:10,340          in the last two years.       927 00:50:12,718 --> 00:50:15,220         [cheering, applause]