1 00:00:10,677 --> 00:00:12,012             [Susan] Mom?             2 00:00:13,179 --> 00:00:14,514                 Mom?                 3 00:00:15,390 --> 00:00:17,726              -Mom! Mom!                        -[Betty grunting]          4 00:00:18,685 --> 00:00:20,311             Are you okay?            5 00:00:21,688 --> 00:00:23,648         [Betty grunts softly]        6 00:00:24,357 --> 00:00:25,734            What happened?            7 00:00:28,194 --> 00:00:31,239           I don't know. I--          8 00:00:32,365 --> 00:00:34,701       Oh, I-I must have fallen.      9 00:00:35,076 --> 00:00:36,703                [sighs]               10 00:00:38,246 --> 00:00:42,042           Oh. I didn't know                    you were coming.           11 00:00:45,211 --> 00:00:47,380        [moans] Are you hungry?       12 00:00:48,214 --> 00:00:49,674     Shall I make you a sandwich?     13 00:00:50,091 --> 00:00:52,427          [breathes shakily]          14 00:00:52,719 --> 00:00:53,803              No, I, um--             15 00:00:55,055 --> 00:00:56,639     I'm gonna turn the shower on,                 and I can--             16 00:00:57,223 --> 00:00:58,600     I can make us both something.    17 00:01:02,270 --> 00:01:04,439           [breathes deeply]          18 00:01:16,284 --> 00:01:17,786                [moans]               19 00:01:37,097 --> 00:01:38,598            [moans softly]            20 00:01:40,809 --> 00:01:41,810                [sighs]               21 00:01:42,227 --> 00:01:44,395           [shower running]           22 00:02:19,639 --> 00:02:21,641           Thank you, honey.          23 00:02:25,854 --> 00:02:28,189             I guess soup                   is about all I can handle      24 00:02:28,690 --> 00:02:30,233    at the moment with this tooth.    25 00:02:31,151 --> 00:02:34,320         I called the dentist             and made you an appointment.     26 00:02:36,364 --> 00:02:37,115             How are you?             27 00:02:37,699 --> 00:02:40,702             Are you happy                   in your new apartment?        28 00:02:44,330 --> 00:02:46,499    Mom, how-- how did this happen?  29 00:02:48,334 --> 00:02:50,170                  I--                 30 00:02:51,337 --> 00:02:52,839             I suppose I--            31 00:02:53,506 --> 00:02:57,093           I forgot to turn                   the bedroom lights on        32 00:02:57,677 --> 00:03:00,346               and must                    have tripped on something.      33 00:03:02,807 --> 00:03:04,350          You don't remember?         34 00:03:06,352 --> 00:03:07,645                 Mmm.                 35 00:03:10,648 --> 00:03:13,860      I did go to a little party                   next door.              36 00:03:14,819 --> 00:03:18,823    The, uh, Firestones are lovely.  37 00:03:19,407 --> 00:03:23,578             They are from                  the tire company family.       38 00:03:24,370 --> 00:03:26,581          They served this...         39 00:03:27,540 --> 00:03:30,210           planter's punch.           40 00:03:33,254 --> 00:03:35,381          It was very sweet.          41 00:03:43,556 --> 00:03:45,433        When's Dad coming back?       42 00:03:47,435 --> 00:03:48,853             I don't know.            43 00:03:49,896 --> 00:03:51,522             Maybe today.             44 00:03:55,276 --> 00:03:56,527               I forget.              45 00:03:59,948 --> 00:04:01,241                Mm-hmm.               46 00:04:10,416 --> 00:04:11,918           -Good night, sir.                         -Jimmy.               47 00:04:13,253 --> 00:04:14,629                Susan.                48 00:04:15,713 --> 00:04:17,257       What are you doing here?       49 00:04:18,591 --> 00:04:20,677      Dad, Mom's not doing well.      50 00:04:21,761 --> 00:04:23,179            Yeah, you said                   she had a little fall.        51 00:04:23,638 --> 00:04:25,139         No. We need to talk.         52 00:04:25,807 --> 00:04:28,309    It was not just a little fall.               She was drunk.            53 00:04:28,935 --> 00:04:31,271    She went to a party next door,               she came home,            54 00:04:31,771 --> 00:04:32,981    and she fell flat on her face.    55 00:04:33,439 --> 00:04:34,440          Well, she's small.          56 00:04:35,275 --> 00:04:37,151           Alcohol sometimes                  catches up with her.         57 00:04:37,735 --> 00:04:38,987    [whispering] No, that's not it.  58 00:04:39,612 --> 00:04:41,030        [normal] She's drinking                   all the time.            59 00:04:41,614 --> 00:04:44,075         She has a makeup case                   full of pills.            60 00:04:44,659 --> 00:04:45,994          Susan, none of this                  would be happening          61 00:04:46,661 --> 00:04:47,954             if she didn't                 have that shoulder injury.      62 00:04:48,454 --> 00:04:49,580      Dad, that's not the issue.      63 00:04:49,956 --> 00:04:52,417        Oh, honey. Yes, it is.        64 00:04:52,625 --> 00:04:54,585                [sighs]               65 00:04:55,420 --> 00:04:56,963          [breathes shakily]          66 00:05:01,634 --> 00:05:03,845        This land is your land         67 00:05:06,347 --> 00:05:09,309         This land is my land          68 00:05:11,853 --> 00:05:14,689            From California            69 00:05:15,523 --> 00:05:19,861        To the New York island         70 00:05:20,862 --> 00:05:24,699        From the redwood forest        71 00:05:26,868 --> 00:05:30,330       To the Gulf Stream waters       72 00:05:30,872 --> 00:05:32,123              I tell you               73 00:05:32,540 --> 00:05:34,417               This land               74 00:05:35,001 --> 00:05:37,045        Was made for you and me        75 00:05:38,963 --> 00:05:40,506                 Yeah                  76 00:05:45,678 --> 00:05:49,140       One bright sunny morning        77 00:05:49,724 --> 00:05:54,145      In the shadow of a steeple       78 00:05:54,687 --> 00:05:59,025      Down by the welfare office       79 00:05:59,525 --> 00:06:03,363            I saw my people            80 00:06:03,905 --> 00:06:05,990            I was wondering            81 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:09,035             If this land              82 00:06:09,577 --> 00:06:14,707        Was made for you and me        83 00:06:16,709 --> 00:06:18,920          suspenseful music         84 00:06:36,729 --> 00:06:38,940            somber music            85 00:06:52,787 --> 00:06:55,998             [chattering]             86 00:06:56,457 --> 00:06:58,251        Anna. What's happened?        87 00:06:58,876 --> 00:07:00,253             The Japanese                   have bombed Pearl Harbor.      88 00:07:00,753 --> 00:07:03,923        Oh, good God. How bad?        89 00:07:04,132 --> 00:07:05,174               Very bad.              90 00:07:05,800 --> 00:07:07,260        [Franklin] You are free                to move. Godspeed.          91 00:07:07,802 --> 00:07:10,763      [sighs] Thank God. Eleanor.     92 00:07:11,639 --> 00:07:13,808      Gentlemen, if I could have         the room for a moment, please?    93 00:07:14,058 --> 00:07:14,892              Thank you.              94 00:07:15,435 --> 00:07:16,436         Churchill is waiting                    for your call.            95 00:07:17,103 --> 00:07:19,647         [Franklin] Of course,               I'll call him shortly.        96 00:07:20,815 --> 00:07:21,691      Also, I want hourly reports     97 00:07:22,483 --> 00:07:24,485       updating me on the status               of the casualties.          98 00:07:24,986 --> 00:07:26,320      When you make the address,      99 00:07:26,821 --> 00:07:28,114     you'll want to say something     100 00:07:28,656 --> 00:07:30,616          that shows strength                   and reassurance.           101 00:07:31,492 --> 00:07:34,370        Remind the people that           you're here for them, Franklin.  102 00:07:34,954 --> 00:07:36,497            I was thinking                     it might be better          103 00:07:36,998 --> 00:07:38,916    if you made the first address.    104 00:07:39,959 --> 00:07:43,296             But Franklin,                   you're their president.       105 00:07:44,172 --> 00:07:46,007         And you are the heart                of my administration.        106 00:07:46,507 --> 00:07:47,550           -But, Franklin--                         -Eleanor,              107 00:07:48,509 --> 00:07:50,052      the American people believe         that they know you personally    108 00:07:50,678 --> 00:07:53,222            because of your              daily broadcasts, your columns.  109 00:07:53,806 --> 00:07:54,515      [Eleanor] That's a column,                    Franklin.              110 00:07:55,141 --> 00:07:57,143     What could be more reassuring                 than that?              111 00:07:57,602 --> 00:07:58,811                [sighs]               112 00:07:59,979 --> 00:08:02,190          [Franklin] Eleanor,               I need your help. Please.      113 00:08:07,028 --> 00:08:10,948           We're on the air                    in three, two, one.         114 00:08:11,699 --> 00:08:13,993            "Good evening,                   ladies and gentlemen."        115 00:08:14,327 --> 00:08:15,203            [clears throat]           116 00:08:15,703 --> 00:08:17,497     "I am speaking to you tonight    117 00:08:18,122 --> 00:08:22,084       at a very serious moment                  in our history.           118 00:08:23,002 --> 00:08:27,131      There are so many questions           and so much uncertainty.       119 00:08:28,049 --> 00:08:31,219        Let me offer the things               that I know are true.        120 00:08:32,011 --> 00:08:33,513       The cabinet is convening       121 00:08:34,347 --> 00:08:37,600      and the leaders in Congress        are meeting with the president.  122 00:08:38,643 --> 00:08:42,230         The State Department              and Army and Navy officials     123 00:08:42,855 --> 00:08:45,608     have been with the president                all afternoon.            124 00:08:46,234 --> 00:08:48,778           By tomorrow morning,                the members of Congress       125 00:08:49,654 --> 00:08:53,282         will have a full report               and be ready for action.      126 00:08:53,741 --> 00:08:54,909             In the meantime,          127 00:08:55,243 --> 00:08:56,410            we, the people,           128 00:08:56,911 --> 00:08:59,956  are already prepared for action.  129 00:09:00,248 --> 00:09:01,457             For months now,           130 00:09:02,250 --> 00:09:05,253       the knowledge that something           of this kind might happen      131 00:09:05,753 --> 00:09:08,506  has been hanging over our heads.  132 00:09:09,006 --> 00:09:10,174           That is all over now        133 00:09:10,758 --> 00:09:13,427               and there is                      no more uncertainty.        134 00:09:14,011 --> 00:09:15,721      We know what we have to face,    135 00:09:16,556 --> 00:09:20,059              and we know                 that we are ready to face it.    136 00:09:20,726 --> 00:09:21,602         I should like to say         137 00:09:22,228 --> 00:09:25,565       just a word to the women              in the country tonight.       138 00:09:26,190 --> 00:09:28,734          I have a boy at sea                    on a destroyer.           139 00:09:29,694 --> 00:09:33,739        For all I know, he may be             on his way to the Pacific.     140 00:09:34,907 --> 00:09:38,578          Two of my children are        in coast cities on the Pacific.    141 00:09:39,287 --> 00:09:43,583  Many of you all over the country         have boys in the services      142 00:09:44,250 --> 00:09:48,296       who will now be called upon                to go into action.         143 00:09:48,796 --> 00:09:50,715      You cannot escape anxiety.      144 00:09:51,591 --> 00:09:55,011      You cannot escape a clutch             of fear at your heart.        145 00:09:55,469 --> 00:09:57,555               And yet,                     I hope that the certainty      146 00:09:58,097 --> 00:09:59,640        of what we have to meet       147 00:10:00,266 --> 00:10:03,894             will make you                   rise above these fears.       148 00:10:04,937 --> 00:10:07,440             We must go about                     our daily business         149 00:10:07,982 --> 00:10:09,650        more determined than ever      150 00:10:10,318 --> 00:10:13,738        to do the ordinary things                 as well as we can.         151 00:10:14,447 --> 00:10:16,282       And whatever is asked of us,    152 00:10:16,782 --> 00:10:19,577    I'm sure we can accomplish it.    153 00:10:20,161 --> 00:10:23,581            We are the free                 and unconquerable people       154 00:10:24,165 --> 00:10:28,002         of the United States                     of America."             155 00:10:30,838 --> 00:10:32,632              Yeah. Yeah.             156 00:10:34,800 --> 00:10:36,260                 Yeah.                157 00:10:39,972 --> 00:10:42,183           sweeping music           158 00:11:04,872 --> 00:11:07,917     ["The White Cliffs Of Dover"                   playing]               159 00:11:08,876 --> 00:11:13,923      There'll be bluebirds over       160 00:11:14,882 --> 00:11:19,136       The white cliffs of Dover       161 00:11:19,720 --> 00:11:21,681               Tomorrow                162 00:11:22,181 --> 00:11:27,103         Just you wait and see         163 00:11:28,187 --> 00:11:33,025               There'll be                      Love and laughter            164 00:11:33,693 --> 00:11:37,238         And peace ever after          165 00:11:38,030 --> 00:11:39,782               Tomorrow                166 00:11:40,324 --> 00:11:45,371        When the world is free         167 00:11:48,040 --> 00:11:48,916              [adviser 1]                  Shall we reconvene at 0700?     168 00:11:49,750 --> 00:11:51,252         -[adviser 2] Agreed.                -[Franklin] Well, well.       169 00:11:51,877 --> 00:11:54,380              If it isn't                England's favorite First Lady.    170 00:11:54,880 --> 00:11:56,632      Well, I did my level best.      171 00:11:57,216 --> 00:11:58,801    And I am ever grateful for it.    172 00:11:59,385 --> 00:12:02,138            Your level best                    is rather peerless.         173 00:12:02,430 --> 00:12:04,223           Show me, please?           174 00:12:04,724 --> 00:12:06,016         [Franklin] Of course.        175 00:12:09,270 --> 00:12:10,938               [grunts]               176 00:12:13,357 --> 00:12:17,403     James and his Second Raiders                   are here.              177 00:12:18,779 --> 00:12:21,073     Safe. Still on Makin Island.     178 00:12:22,116 --> 00:12:25,661     And way over here in Algeria                  is Elliot,              179 00:12:26,203 --> 00:12:27,496    leading the Third Recon group.    180 00:12:28,080 --> 00:12:30,750         As of two hours ago,                     he was safe.             181 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:32,585       Franklin Jr.'s destroyer       182 00:12:33,252 --> 00:12:36,881      managed to navigate around             a torpedo at 1800 hours       183 00:12:37,757 --> 00:12:41,510         all the way up here,            just off the coast of Iceland.    184 00:12:41,969 --> 00:12:43,429          But he too is safe.         185 00:12:45,765 --> 00:12:47,433        And then John is here.        186 00:12:48,809 --> 00:12:50,811      Now a lieutenant commander                  in the navy.             187 00:12:51,479 --> 00:12:53,814              He is safe.                  They are all safe, Eleanor.     188 00:12:54,315 --> 00:12:58,402  Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.  189 00:12:59,487 --> 00:13:02,406        It's so hard to be away             from this map, Franklin.       190 00:13:02,948 --> 00:13:04,450          I can only imagine.         191 00:13:05,785 --> 00:13:07,495      Come join me on the couch.      192 00:13:21,175 --> 00:13:23,135          [grunts] Thank you.         193 00:13:25,846 --> 00:13:27,014            -[grunts] Damn!                         -[grunts]              194 00:13:27,807 --> 00:13:29,767            I am so sorry.                 Please, let me help you up.     195 00:13:30,476 --> 00:13:34,146          I'm sorry. I-- Oh.             I'm more tired than I thought.    196 00:13:34,355 --> 00:13:35,481                [sighs]               197 00:13:35,856 --> 00:13:37,358              [chuckles]              198 00:13:37,858 --> 00:13:39,193      [Franklin chuckles softly]      199 00:13:40,653 --> 00:13:41,779              [chuckles]              200 00:13:42,279 --> 00:13:44,031          [Eleanor chuckles]          201 00:13:45,199 --> 00:13:48,369       When this thing is over,               whenever that may be,        202 00:13:49,203 --> 00:13:51,288    God willing sooner than later,    203 00:13:52,206 --> 00:13:54,500          we need to go back                     to Campobello.            204 00:13:54,875 --> 00:13:56,377           Just the family.           205 00:13:57,670 --> 00:13:59,463          All of us together.         206 00:14:00,506 --> 00:14:02,007        Sort of like a vacation                     of sorts.              207 00:14:02,842 --> 00:14:04,510                 -Oh.                     -Even if only for a few days.    208 00:14:05,135 --> 00:14:08,514              A vacation,                   I... can't even imagine.       209 00:14:08,889 --> 00:14:10,516              [chuckles]              210 00:14:18,232 --> 00:14:20,526        Here we are, you know,        211 00:14:22,027 --> 00:14:24,154        after all these years.        212 00:14:24,363 --> 00:14:25,531                 Yes.                 213 00:14:28,242 --> 00:14:30,077       You know, earlier today,               I was thinking about         214 00:14:30,911 --> 00:14:33,747         what a difficult time                Mother had given you.        215 00:14:34,248 --> 00:14:36,542             -No, she did?                         -[laughing]             216 00:14:37,001 --> 00:14:39,044             [both laugh]             217 00:14:39,920 --> 00:14:42,256     I wish she could see you now.    218 00:14:43,549 --> 00:14:46,802     Single-handedly representing         our nation across the globe.     219 00:14:47,386 --> 00:14:50,598    Oh, she'd just say, "Step back    220 00:14:51,223 --> 00:14:52,975     -and let your husband shine."                 -[chuckles]             221 00:14:53,601 --> 00:14:56,812             "Stop drawing                 all the attention, Eleanor.     222 00:14:57,271 --> 00:14:58,731          Be a proper wife."          223 00:14:59,106 --> 00:14:59,982               "Proper."              224 00:15:00,900 --> 00:15:05,613         Proper is not a word             I would use to describe you.     225 00:15:08,574 --> 00:15:10,409           Singular, maybe.           226 00:15:12,077 --> 00:15:15,331        Formidable. Relentless.       227 00:15:15,581 --> 00:15:17,207            [both chuckle]            228 00:15:20,085 --> 00:15:21,587            Irreplaceable.            229 00:15:29,595 --> 00:15:31,138                 Mmm.                 230 00:15:36,393 --> 00:15:40,105          Your mother did do                one thing for me which...      231 00:15:41,440 --> 00:15:44,443      I will always be grateful.      232 00:15:44,610 --> 00:15:45,653                 What?                233 00:15:46,487 --> 00:15:49,448    She insisted we stay together.    234 00:15:50,115 --> 00:15:51,492            [Franklin] Hmm.           235 00:15:55,287 --> 00:15:56,664           [chuckles softly]          236 00:15:58,332 --> 00:16:00,501          A team to the end.          237 00:16:01,126 --> 00:16:02,628                 Yes.                 238 00:16:06,966 --> 00:16:08,592             I missed you.            239 00:16:14,974 --> 00:16:16,433              [knocking]              240 00:16:16,642 --> 00:16:18,310               Come in.               241 00:16:22,189 --> 00:16:23,732  Mr. President. Madam First Lady.  242 00:16:24,358 --> 00:16:27,194    -Sir, they're waiting for you.                 -Thank you.             243 00:16:30,823 --> 00:16:32,992           [Eleanor groans]           244 00:16:34,994 --> 00:16:36,453           [Franklin grunts]          245 00:16:41,333 --> 00:16:42,710              Thank you.              246 00:16:48,173 --> 00:16:49,550        [laughter, chattering]        247 00:16:50,175 --> 00:16:51,844         CNN said that Hillary                has an 11-point lead.        248 00:16:52,511 --> 00:16:54,221            Well, you can't                    trust polls, honey.         249 00:16:54,513 --> 00:16:55,180            [phone chimes]            250 00:16:56,015 --> 00:16:56,890      Hey, I can see that phone,                  put it away.             251 00:16:57,474 --> 00:16:59,768        -Yeah. It's all right.                        -Mom?                252 00:17:00,352 --> 00:17:01,437    Oh. I'm gonna miss these views.  253 00:17:02,021 --> 00:17:03,856               -[laughs]                    -Mm-hmm. The hour cometh.      254 00:17:04,398 --> 00:17:05,566                 -Yes.                      -Thought you'd be happy?       255 00:17:06,025 --> 00:17:06,775             I am. [sighs]            256 00:17:07,359 --> 00:17:10,070       I just want this election                   to be over.             257 00:17:10,571 --> 00:17:11,780      Mom, why are you stressing?     258 00:17:12,406 --> 00:17:13,615          We're about to have              our first woman president.      259 00:17:14,199 --> 00:17:14,992                 -Mmm.                      -That could've been you.       260 00:17:15,701 --> 00:17:17,661       -No, no, no, no, no, no.            -[laughing] It could have.      261 00:17:18,370 --> 00:17:22,166         No. I'm still worried           if Hillary will get the votes.    262 00:17:22,750 --> 00:17:24,001        -[Marian] She's ahead.                   -[phone chimes]           263 00:17:24,585 --> 00:17:27,421                -Yeah.                     -[Malia] Mmm. I don't know.     264 00:17:27,713 --> 00:17:28,922              Hey. Phone.             265 00:17:29,548 --> 00:17:30,841      Yeah, but Trump can't win.              That would be crazy.         266 00:17:31,550 --> 00:17:34,178          No, we passed crazy            when he got the GOP nomination.  267 00:17:35,095 --> 00:17:37,222       Yeah. Well, you know, uh,           Hillary wants Mom to speak,     268 00:17:38,098 --> 00:17:40,017       but Valerie's saying that         they're having some difficulty    269 00:17:40,601 --> 00:17:41,769            getting through                     to the East Wing.          270 00:17:42,269 --> 00:17:42,895     Hillary doesn't need my help.    271 00:17:43,729 --> 00:17:45,105             She could be                   the secret weapon, right?      272 00:17:45,731 --> 00:17:48,609  -Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama.               -[laughter]             273 00:17:49,234 --> 00:17:51,570    [Barack] I can see that phone.                Put it away.             274 00:17:51,779 --> 00:17:53,113              [laughter]              275 00:17:53,906 --> 00:17:56,033    You just said you were worried          she wouldn't get elected.      276 00:17:56,533 --> 00:17:57,910            -[Sasha] Yeah.                           -Okay.                277 00:17:58,535 --> 00:18:00,704            -[phone chimes]                    -Hey, Malia, phone.         278 00:18:01,246 --> 00:18:02,748        Seriously, put it away.       279 00:18:03,457 --> 00:18:05,709      [Donald Trump]   I gotta use             some Tic Tacs just in case     280 00:18:06,251 --> 00:18:07,086          -I start kissing her.                       -What?                281 00:18:07,711 --> 00:18:08,837                 -Mom.                      -I'm automatically attracted    282 00:18:09,546 --> 00:18:10,464              to beautiful--                  I just start kissing them.     283 00:18:11,423 --> 00:18:13,342           It's like a magnet.              Just kiss. I don't even wait.    284 00:18:14,301 --> 00:18:16,303  And when you're a star, they let   you do it. You can do anything.    285 00:18:17,262 --> 00:18:19,223  -[Billy Bush]   Whatever you want.     -[Trump]   Grab 'em by the pussy.  286 00:18:20,099 --> 00:18:23,519          This is everywhere.          No one's gonna vote for him now.  287 00:18:23,769 --> 00:18:25,354            [phone chimes]            288 00:18:26,105 --> 00:18:26,814           Hello, how are you?         289 00:18:27,481 --> 00:18:29,066    "It's just locker room banter.                 Boy talk."              290 00:18:29,775 --> 00:18:32,361    Ugh, he made it all about Bill            and his sordid past.         291 00:18:33,237 --> 00:18:36,156       Okay. Well. Bottom line,              he's still in the race,       292 00:18:36,657 --> 00:18:38,075    and not to mention her baggage.  293 00:18:38,951 --> 00:18:41,203  I mean, they just-- People don't     like her. They don't trust her.  294 00:18:41,787 --> 00:18:43,705              Yeah. Well,                     our news and airwaves        295 00:18:44,289 --> 00:18:45,249    had the word "pussy" on repeat.  296 00:18:45,791 --> 00:18:47,084          We need to take him                    the fuck down.            297 00:18:47,668 --> 00:18:48,919                 -Yes.                 -[Tina] But Hillary can't do it.  298 00:18:49,628 --> 00:18:52,381    If she goes after him too hard,              she's shrill.            299 00:18:53,173 --> 00:18:56,176  She's a bitch. She's unfeminine.            She's unbecoming.          300 00:18:56,760 --> 00:18:57,886    [Mel] I know. And that is why--  301 00:18:58,512 --> 00:18:59,972       and I know you have your               issues with Hillary--        302 00:19:00,597 --> 00:19:01,390            but that is why                 they keep asking for you       303 00:19:02,307 --> 00:19:04,101         to go on the campaign               trail and support her.        304 00:19:04,601 --> 00:19:05,853          And make a speech.          305 00:19:26,665 --> 00:19:27,666            You all right?            306 00:19:28,542 --> 00:19:31,503         They want me to show                    up for Hillary.           307 00:19:33,797 --> 00:19:36,133               -Mm-hmm.                  -We're not invited to the table  308 00:19:36,717 --> 00:19:39,261        until there's a crisis                  with white women.          309 00:19:39,845 --> 00:19:42,139    And then we're in it together.    310 00:19:43,390 --> 00:19:46,768     But when we ask their support            in anything we need,         311 00:19:47,352 --> 00:19:49,521     we get, "It's a Black issue."    312 00:19:50,397 --> 00:19:52,399            I'm not wrong.            313 00:19:53,192 --> 00:19:54,318             If he wins...            314 00:19:54,902 --> 00:19:56,278            it seems to me                   it's gonna be a problem       315 00:19:56,862 --> 00:19:59,364    for more than just white women.  316 00:20:02,034 --> 00:20:04,203           sweeping music           317 00:20:33,607 --> 00:20:35,776           [doorbell rings]           318 00:20:41,531 --> 00:20:42,908           [Susan] Come in.           319 00:20:44,243 --> 00:20:45,786          Uh-huh. Mrs. Ford.          320 00:20:46,245 --> 00:20:47,371            Dr. Cruse. Oh.            321 00:20:47,955 --> 00:20:50,624             -How are you?                   -What a nice surprise.        322 00:20:51,458 --> 00:20:52,084          Is this your wife?          323 00:20:52,584 --> 00:20:54,544             -[laughs] No.                          -Oh. No.               324 00:20:54,920 --> 00:20:55,921         No. My name is Jenny.        325 00:20:56,546 --> 00:20:57,923      It's very nice to meet you,                  Mrs. Ford.              326 00:20:58,548 --> 00:21:01,927       Nice to meet you, Jenny.                   Please, sit.             327 00:21:02,302 --> 00:21:03,178              Thank you.              328 00:21:04,263 --> 00:21:05,973  [Betty] May I get you something?              Some coffee?             329 00:21:06,473 --> 00:21:08,433             -Oh. No. No.                        -No. I'm good.            330 00:21:09,268 --> 00:21:10,978    Are you doing house calls now?                  [laughs]               331 00:21:11,478 --> 00:21:13,105               -[laughs]                        -[Susan] No, Mom,          332 00:21:13,605 --> 00:21:14,481       I-I actually called him.       333 00:21:15,274 --> 00:21:18,026            Because besides                   his primary practice,        334 00:21:18,568 --> 00:21:20,946     uh, he also knows a lot about    335 00:21:21,446 --> 00:21:23,532        um, something that I--        336 00:21:24,408 --> 00:21:26,952       that I-I wanted his help               to talk to you about.        337 00:21:27,327 --> 00:21:28,203            [softly] Okay.            338 00:21:28,829 --> 00:21:30,831              [Dr. Cruse]                Um, your daughter is concerned    339 00:21:31,415 --> 00:21:33,041      about the amount of alcohol     340 00:21:33,667 --> 00:21:37,004          and pain medication               you're taking, Mrs. Ford.      341 00:21:46,680 --> 00:21:48,890  I've just been worried about you              for so long.             342 00:21:49,474 --> 00:21:51,893             And you drag                     my gynecologist here         343 00:21:52,352 --> 00:21:55,022        to talk to me about...        344 00:21:56,315 --> 00:21:57,399        some harebrained theory                     you have.              345 00:21:58,358 --> 00:22:02,487    It's not a harebrained theory.       I didn't know what else to do.    346 00:22:03,447 --> 00:22:05,657      [Dr. Cruse] I was more than           happy to come, Mrs. Ford.      347 00:22:06,616 --> 00:22:10,245     And Jenny here has experience          with meetings like this.       348 00:22:11,330 --> 00:22:13,749            She can answer                 any question that you have.     349 00:22:14,791 --> 00:22:16,460       Who do you think you are,                   young lady?             350 00:22:17,336 --> 00:22:20,881         We understand this is            very difficult for everyone.     351 00:22:22,549 --> 00:22:23,425      Susan, maybe you can start      352 00:22:24,343 --> 00:22:27,721        by telling your mother              how you've been feeling.       353 00:22:28,555 --> 00:22:30,223          [breathes shakily]          354 00:22:31,391 --> 00:22:36,688    Uh... Well, I-I'm-- I'm afraid          that you're going to die.      355 00:22:39,524 --> 00:22:41,068          [breathes shakily]          356 00:22:41,860 --> 00:22:43,070     That's how I feel. [sniffles]    357 00:22:43,570 --> 00:22:45,364    We're all going to die, Susan.    358 00:22:46,865 --> 00:22:48,700        We're all going to die.       359 00:22:52,037 --> 00:22:53,997           I think you both                     should leave now.          360 00:22:54,498 --> 00:22:55,082                -Bruce?                           -Mrs. Ford--             361 00:22:55,582 --> 00:22:57,042             -Mom, please.                           -Bruce?               362 00:22:57,542 --> 00:22:58,960      [clears throat] Mrs. Ford.      363 00:22:59,836 --> 00:23:00,921                -Ma'am?                     -Could you please escort       364 00:23:01,546 --> 00:23:03,256      -Dr. Cruse and his helper--               -No, that's okay.          365 00:23:03,882 --> 00:23:05,342    -That's okay. We'll-- We'll go.                  -Mom.                366 00:23:06,009 --> 00:23:08,637       [exhales sharply] Susan,           I want you out too. Get out!     367 00:23:08,929 --> 00:23:11,181                 -Mom.                              -Get out!              368 00:23:11,556 --> 00:23:13,767               [crying]               369 00:23:17,896 --> 00:23:19,981          -[continues crying]                  -[door bangs shut]          370 00:23:20,565 --> 00:23:23,735    [breathing shakily, sniffling]    371 00:23:28,573 --> 00:23:30,117        [Gerald] Betty? Betty?        372 00:23:30,742 --> 00:23:32,452     [Betty] You-- You could've--                  [sniffling]             373 00:23:33,078 --> 00:23:34,955        You could've warned me                that my only daughter        374 00:23:35,455 --> 00:23:36,248      was trying to put me away.      375 00:23:36,873 --> 00:23:38,333         But no, you took off                  to the golf course          376 00:23:38,792 --> 00:23:40,335          like you always do.         377 00:23:40,794 --> 00:23:41,586        I'm going to New York.        378 00:23:42,421 --> 00:23:45,465              I am tired                 of people plotting against me.    379 00:23:46,049 --> 00:23:47,384      I want a divorce. I'm done.     380 00:23:47,801 --> 00:23:50,971       I-- I have stuck by you.       381 00:23:51,596 --> 00:23:53,306        I have done everything                I was supposed to do!        382 00:23:53,932 --> 00:23:56,351                -Betty.                  -What do I have to show for it?  383 00:23:57,102 --> 00:23:59,896      An ungrateful daughter and         a husband who won't protect me!  384 00:24:00,439 --> 00:24:02,441          [breathing shakily]         385 00:24:03,984 --> 00:24:04,943                Betty.                386 00:24:05,652 --> 00:24:07,988      Get away from me. Get away.     387 00:24:08,447 --> 00:24:09,698            Don't touch me.           388 00:24:10,615 --> 00:24:13,743    Don't touch me. Don't touch me!  389 00:24:43,690 --> 00:24:45,150                 Shh.                 390 00:24:55,327 --> 00:24:57,204          [thunder rumbling]          391 00:25:01,208 --> 00:25:02,876                [sighs]               392 00:25:04,127 --> 00:25:05,212                 Hey.                 393 00:25:05,837 --> 00:25:08,215            Hey. [sniffles]           394 00:25:10,675 --> 00:25:11,843            She's sleeping.           395 00:25:12,844 --> 00:25:14,346            You were right.                  It was a terrible idea.       396 00:25:14,888 --> 00:25:16,723        [softly] No, it wasn't.       397 00:25:18,683 --> 00:25:20,685           She's very sick.           398 00:25:21,686 --> 00:25:22,479        I just couldn't see it.       399 00:25:23,813 --> 00:25:26,816        You've been telling me           this whole time, and I just...    400 00:25:30,987 --> 00:25:32,864    [cries] I don't wanna lose her.  401 00:25:39,871 --> 00:25:42,541     [sniffles] I just don't know                  what to do.             402 00:25:58,848 --> 00:26:01,059             [chattering]             403 00:26:06,731 --> 00:26:07,607               -Esther?                               -Yes.                404 00:26:08,191 --> 00:26:10,193      Remember how Admiral Halsey     405 00:26:10,777 --> 00:26:12,487         was dead set against                    Mrs. R's visit?           406 00:26:13,196 --> 00:26:16,491        "Can't waste resources            on welcoming some do-gooder."    407 00:26:16,908 --> 00:26:19,119          [people chuckling]          408 00:26:19,786 --> 00:26:20,620                [sighs]               409 00:26:21,246 --> 00:26:23,582         Listen to this quote                  he gave yesterday.          410 00:26:24,624 --> 00:26:25,500            [clears throat]           411 00:26:26,126 --> 00:26:29,713    "Here is what Eleanor Roosevelt            did in 12 hours.           412 00:26:30,297 --> 00:26:33,550             She inspected                     two navy hospitals,         413 00:26:34,134 --> 00:26:36,845              took a boat                   to an officer's rest home      414 00:26:37,220 --> 00:26:38,138         and had lunch there.         415 00:26:38,763 --> 00:26:42,934      She returned and inspected                an army hospital.          416 00:26:45,604 --> 00:26:49,691        She reviewed the Second            Marine Raider Battalion"--      417 00:26:50,609 --> 00:26:52,360             What is that?             Wait, I'm sorry. Doesn't matter.  418 00:26:53,069 --> 00:26:55,155      Um... "She made a speech at                a service club,           419 00:26:55,780 --> 00:26:58,575         attended a reception                and was guest of honor        420 00:26:59,159 --> 00:27:01,453           at a dinner party                given by General Harmon."      421 00:27:01,995 --> 00:27:03,496          I am exhausted just                     reading this.            422 00:27:03,913 --> 00:27:05,415              [laughter]              423 00:27:05,915 --> 00:27:06,666         Oh, my favorite part.        424 00:27:07,250 --> 00:27:10,086            Um, "I marveled                     at her hardihood,          425 00:27:10,629 --> 00:27:11,755       both physical and mental.      426 00:27:12,339 --> 00:27:14,924          But I marveled most                 at their expressions         427 00:27:15,300 --> 00:27:16,593       as she leaned over them.       428 00:27:17,177 --> 00:27:19,554             It is a sight                    I will never forget."        429 00:27:20,013 --> 00:27:22,849              -[applause]                             -Oh!                 430 00:27:23,642 --> 00:27:27,520     Ah! A powerful man admitting                 he was wrong?            431 00:27:28,104 --> 00:27:28,980              -[laughter]                        -Another first.           432 00:27:29,856 --> 00:27:31,983         For someone with such            a reputation for aggression,     433 00:27:32,859 --> 00:27:35,487       I have to say I found him           to be quite the gentleman.      434 00:27:35,987 --> 00:27:36,696         And more importantly,        435 00:27:37,364 --> 00:27:40,700             how he cares                  for those men in his charge     436 00:27:41,201 --> 00:27:42,535      is really quite something.      437 00:27:43,161 --> 00:27:46,331              Now, Tommy,                  could you do me a favor...      438 00:27:47,374 --> 00:27:50,418         and find the address              for this soldier's parents?     439 00:27:51,044 --> 00:27:53,380     I think I've missed a letter               or a number out.           440 00:27:53,963 --> 00:27:55,382          -[Tommy] Of course.                      -Thank you.             441 00:28:05,392 --> 00:28:07,268    [Tommy] With all the traveling           you're doing these days       442 00:28:07,852 --> 00:28:08,645    we ought to rent out your room.  443 00:28:09,229 --> 00:28:12,065         And give the proceeds                  to the Red Cross.          444 00:28:12,315 --> 00:28:12,857              [laughter]              445 00:28:13,692 --> 00:28:15,235         I'm sure Steve Early                   would love that.           446 00:28:15,735 --> 00:28:17,904  [chattering, laughter continues]  447 00:28:26,037 --> 00:28:28,206            somber music            448 00:28:47,892 --> 00:28:49,352                [sighs]               449 00:29:49,954 --> 00:29:51,790                [sighs]               450 00:30:08,848 --> 00:30:10,350                [sighs]               451 00:30:21,986 --> 00:30:24,823          [breathes shakily]          452 00:30:29,369 --> 00:30:30,495                 Hick.                453 00:30:34,290 --> 00:30:36,209         When did you get in?         454 00:30:37,544 --> 00:30:39,045               Oh, um...              455 00:30:40,547 --> 00:30:42,549       I got in late last night.         I-I didn't want to wake you up.  456 00:30:43,049 --> 00:30:44,509     You'd already gone to sleep.     457 00:30:45,051 --> 00:30:46,594                 Good.                     Come join me for breakfast.     458 00:30:47,053 --> 00:30:48,346           No, I have to go.          459 00:30:50,056 --> 00:30:54,143  Wh-- Go? You only just got here.  460 00:30:54,352 --> 00:30:55,103               Go where?              461 00:30:55,895 --> 00:30:59,190         Oh, I've got a-a room              at the Mayflower, and I--      462 00:31:00,358 --> 00:31:03,069     I have so much work to do and     you don't need any distractions.  463 00:31:03,862 --> 00:31:05,822            Don't be silly,                  you're no distraction.        464 00:31:06,364 --> 00:31:08,366        Come. Come sit with me.       465 00:31:09,033 --> 00:31:10,368             I have to go.            466 00:31:11,870 --> 00:31:13,329             I have to go.            467 00:31:14,080 --> 00:31:15,540              What is it?             468 00:31:17,375 --> 00:31:20,211  I didn't get in late last night.             I got in at...            469 00:31:21,588 --> 00:31:24,465              [sniffles]                   I got in at noon yesterday      470 00:31:25,008 --> 00:31:26,551    and I came to find you, and...    471 00:31:29,178 --> 00:31:32,557        and I did... find you.        472 00:31:35,268 --> 00:31:37,186           And then I just--              I watched you. I watched you.    473 00:31:37,562 --> 00:31:39,022        I watched you working.        474 00:31:39,606 --> 00:31:40,982          Working away with--                    with everyone,            475 00:31:41,900 --> 00:31:44,527      with Tommy and with Esther               and with everyone.          476 00:31:45,111 --> 00:31:45,904               Taking in                     the next great triumph,       477 00:31:46,529 --> 00:31:47,697       and then on to the next,                and on to the next,         478 00:31:48,281 --> 00:31:50,283          and on to the next.                   And you looked...          479 00:31:52,243 --> 00:31:53,620            You looked so--           480 00:31:54,120 --> 00:31:57,874      so alive and so beautiful,      481 00:31:58,416 --> 00:32:00,460      and determined, and just...     482 00:32:02,921 --> 00:32:04,464            so much happier                    than I've seen you          483 00:32:04,964 --> 00:32:06,591     for such a long time with me.    484 00:32:07,133 --> 00:32:10,762    Oh. And you belong right there,  485 00:32:11,387 --> 00:32:12,597          right in the middle                     of all of us.            486 00:32:13,264 --> 00:32:14,223           [crying] I don't                 want it to be all of us.       487 00:32:15,141 --> 00:32:18,603      I always just want-- I just          wanted to be the two of us.     488 00:32:20,647 --> 00:32:21,981          And you know that.                     You know that.            489 00:32:22,482 --> 00:32:26,152     Please, Hick, don't be petty.    490 00:32:27,236 --> 00:32:31,032    It's not the time to be petty.            It's a serious time.         491 00:32:31,658 --> 00:32:36,245     Yes, it's not the time for--              for those dreams...         492 00:32:37,413 --> 00:32:40,667        [sighs] ...that we had               for our life together.        493 00:32:41,125 --> 00:32:42,627           They were just--           494 00:32:44,671 --> 00:32:46,089         They were just that,               in the end, weren't they?      495 00:32:47,006 --> 00:32:52,178        They were just dreams.            They were childish... dreams.    496 00:32:53,805 --> 00:32:55,181             [softly] Yes.            497 00:32:56,975 --> 00:32:58,393             [crying] Ugh.                 It would be so much better      498 00:32:58,977 --> 00:33:02,355           if I didn't love                    you quite so much.          499 00:33:05,024 --> 00:33:09,362      [crying] You... you belong                 to the country.           500 00:33:12,198 --> 00:33:13,658            You always did.           501 00:33:17,161 --> 00:33:18,663              [sniffles]              502 00:33:20,540 --> 00:33:22,667          [breathes shakily]          503 00:33:25,712 --> 00:33:27,463             [door opens]             504 00:33:29,173 --> 00:33:30,508             [door closes]            505 00:33:38,224 --> 00:33:40,393             [chattering]             506 00:33:41,644 --> 00:33:43,938            Hillary Clinton              is a New World Order criminal.    507 00:33:44,564 --> 00:33:47,108      Hillary Clinton is going to           sell our fucking country       508 00:33:47,734 --> 00:33:50,069        to the Saudi Arabians,                you fricking idiots!         509 00:33:50,737 --> 00:33:52,697              [chanting]                 ...pussy came to shut it down!    510 00:33:53,239 --> 00:33:54,741            If Trump thinks                    he runs this town,          511 00:33:55,241 --> 00:33:56,409      pussy came to shut it down!     512 00:33:56,868 --> 00:33:59,078    Hillary Clinton supports rape!    513 00:33:59,579 --> 00:34:00,913     [chanting] This pussy votes!     514 00:34:01,748 --> 00:34:04,042    Hillary Clinton's husband will        grope you in the White House.    515 00:34:04,667 --> 00:34:06,544          After your speech,                  we fly straight out.         516 00:34:06,878 --> 00:34:07,795           Now, if you want,          517 00:34:08,421 --> 00:34:09,839           I can speak with                Secretary Clinton's people,     518 00:34:10,423 --> 00:34:11,758         see if I can get you                  a few minutes to--          519 00:34:12,383 --> 00:34:14,844        No. We didn't fly here                   for small talk.           520 00:34:15,219 --> 00:34:16,554                Got it.               521 00:34:17,722 --> 00:34:19,849          -Madam First Lady.                   -Secretary Clinton.         522 00:34:20,433 --> 00:34:22,060           Thank you so much                     for being here.           523 00:34:22,685 --> 00:34:24,103              -Thank you.                -I'm sorry we're running late.    524 00:34:24,729 --> 00:34:26,022       I hope I have the chance                 to see you later.          525 00:34:26,731 --> 00:34:28,232      [presenter]   Please welcome                 Secretary Clinton          526 00:34:29,067 --> 00:34:30,068            to the great state                    of New Hampshire.          527 00:34:30,735 --> 00:34:33,237          All of us are honored                    to welcome you.           528 00:34:34,072 --> 00:34:35,239              [announcer]                      Ladies and gentleman,        529 00:34:36,115 --> 00:34:38,701         the next Madam President       of the United States of America.  530 00:34:39,243 --> 00:34:40,745        Stay behind the podium.       531 00:34:41,287 --> 00:34:42,080        Do we have an ETA-- Oh.       532 00:34:42,705 --> 00:34:44,957          -Madam First Lady.                   -Secretary Clinton.         533 00:34:45,458 --> 00:34:46,709     Thank you so much for coming.    534 00:34:47,126 --> 00:34:48,169              -Of course.                             -Yes.                535 00:34:49,087 --> 00:34:50,213       Secretary Clinton, sorry,            but the press is waiting.      536 00:34:50,797 --> 00:34:52,048        Could we have a moment                   alone, please?            537 00:34:52,548 --> 00:34:53,966                -Sure.                           -Just a moment.           538 00:34:54,592 --> 00:34:56,177      I will have your candidate                back in no time.           539 00:34:56,761 --> 00:34:58,471                -Sure.                       -Please, just a moment.       540 00:34:58,721 --> 00:35:00,473              Of course.              541 00:35:03,309 --> 00:35:04,811              Thank you.              542 00:35:06,646 --> 00:35:08,481                [sighs]               543 00:35:13,236 --> 00:35:15,113               -[sighs]                              -So...                544 00:35:16,405 --> 00:35:18,324              -That tape.                      -That fucking tape.         545 00:35:19,158 --> 00:35:21,119            I can't even--                  You'd think his own words      546 00:35:21,661 --> 00:35:23,663     would be enough to damn him.     547 00:35:27,792 --> 00:35:29,335               Help me.               548 00:35:30,753 --> 00:35:32,630                Please.               549 00:35:34,799 --> 00:35:39,137                I know                     we both love this country,      550 00:35:40,179 --> 00:35:41,889         and we'll do anything                  to stop that man           551 00:35:42,473 --> 00:35:44,142             from trashing                   your husband's legacy.        552 00:35:44,767 --> 00:35:46,602           You were happy to                  trash Barack in 2008.        553 00:35:47,145 --> 00:35:48,271         That was a campaign.         554 00:35:49,147 --> 00:35:51,983       "He's not a Muslim as far             as I know," end quote.        555 00:35:52,525 --> 00:35:55,069               I regret                    a lot of the things I said.     556 00:35:55,528 --> 00:35:57,029       And now you need my help.      557 00:35:57,655 --> 00:36:00,116       The country, our country,                needs your help.           558 00:36:00,700 --> 00:36:02,994          Michelle, we're all                   on the same side.          559 00:36:03,494 --> 00:36:04,954      We're all on the same side,     560 00:36:05,538 --> 00:36:08,541      but we're not always equal,                    are we?               561 00:36:11,711 --> 00:36:14,213       We have a long way to go.               I don't deny that.          562 00:36:14,714 --> 00:36:18,843      No. We have a common enemy.     563 00:36:20,511 --> 00:36:22,180     If I go at him, call him out     564 00:36:22,847 --> 00:36:25,766      for the dishonest predator            that he is, I lose votes.      565 00:36:26,225 --> 00:36:27,727             I lose women.            566 00:36:28,811 --> 00:36:30,938              I know that                    privileged white women        567 00:36:31,522 --> 00:36:32,940     have dominated the discourse.    568 00:36:33,524 --> 00:36:35,026  I hear where you're coming from.  569 00:36:35,735 --> 00:36:39,530       And when I am president,        I will not forget this exchange.  570 00:36:40,406 --> 00:36:43,868       I will be a president for          all Americans, for all women.    571 00:36:44,493 --> 00:36:46,704              But first,                    we have to take him down.      572 00:36:48,206 --> 00:36:50,374          I have wanted this                  all of my adult life.        573 00:36:51,209 --> 00:36:53,753                No one                     is better prepared than me.     574 00:36:54,545 --> 00:36:55,504            I can do this.            575 00:36:56,380 --> 00:36:59,884       And I know for damn sure        I will do a better job than him.  576 00:37:10,603 --> 00:37:13,439        Let's go take him down.       577 00:37:14,941 --> 00:37:16,901                [sighs]               578 00:37:24,867 --> 00:37:26,410              Thank you.              579 00:37:28,287 --> 00:37:29,163              Thank you.              580 00:37:29,622 --> 00:37:31,624                -Yeah.                               -Okay.                581 00:37:37,797 --> 00:37:42,176    ["Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm   Yours" playing through speakers]  582 00:37:42,635 --> 00:37:46,597         [cheering, applause]         583 00:37:49,642 --> 00:37:51,936        My goodness. [chuckles]       584 00:37:54,605 --> 00:37:57,108             My goodness,                    you guys are fired up!        585 00:37:57,483 --> 00:38:00,278              [cheering]              586 00:38:00,778 --> 00:38:02,071      I am so thrilled to be here     587 00:38:02,655 --> 00:38:04,657            with you all today                    in New Hampshire.          588 00:38:04,907 --> 00:38:06,784              [cheering]              589 00:38:06,951 --> 00:38:08,744                   Yes.                590 00:38:10,454 --> 00:38:12,373    I'm gonna get a little serious,  591 00:38:12,915 --> 00:38:15,209  because I think we can all agree  592 00:38:15,793 --> 00:38:18,045    that this has been a rough week  593 00:38:18,587 --> 00:38:20,798     in an already rough election.    594 00:38:21,299 --> 00:38:23,050        [murmurs of agreement]        595 00:38:23,634 --> 00:38:26,595               Here I am                    out on the campaign trail      596 00:38:27,471 --> 00:38:31,142         in an election where          we had consistently been hearing  597 00:38:31,767 --> 00:38:34,895       hurtful, hateful language                  about women.             598 00:38:36,022 --> 00:38:40,901        Language that has been             painful for so many of us.      599 00:38:41,694 --> 00:38:44,989              The fact is                    that in this election,        600 00:38:45,656 --> 00:38:48,993        we have a candidate for          president of the United States    601 00:38:49,618 --> 00:38:54,081         who, over the course                    of his lifetime           602 00:38:54,874 --> 00:38:57,168  and the course of this campaign,  603 00:38:57,877 --> 00:39:01,088      has said things about women             that are so shocking,        604 00:39:01,964 --> 00:39:06,844    so demeaning that I simply will     not repeat anything here today.  605 00:39:07,053 --> 00:39:08,137              [cheering]              606 00:39:08,721 --> 00:39:12,350            And last week,                    we saw this candidate        607 00:39:13,017 --> 00:39:16,395        actually bragging about            sexually assaulting women.      608 00:39:17,021 --> 00:39:19,023             This wasn't just                    locker-room banter.         609 00:39:19,523 --> 00:39:20,900          -Excellent. Great.                         -Okay.                610 00:39:21,859 --> 00:39:25,029      This was a powerful individual  611 00:39:25,529 --> 00:39:27,490      speaking freely and openly      612 00:39:28,074 --> 00:39:30,368       about sexually predatory                     behavior.              613 00:39:30,993 --> 00:39:34,038           No woman deserves                 to be treated this way.       614 00:39:34,413 --> 00:39:37,333              [cheering]              615 00:39:37,833 --> 00:39:39,627        We need to get to work.       616 00:39:40,544 --> 00:39:43,172        Because remember this,              when they go low we go--       617 00:39:43,714 --> 00:39:47,718            -[crowd] High!                      -Yes, we do! Yes!          618 00:40:00,606 --> 00:40:03,025          -[Clara chuckling]                         -Clara!               619 00:40:03,526 --> 00:40:06,779          [Clara] Mrs. Ford.          620 00:40:08,447 --> 00:40:11,117        Mrs. Ford. [chuckling]        621 00:40:12,076 --> 00:40:15,079           What's all this?               Is this an April Fools' joke?    622 00:40:15,579 --> 00:40:17,081       Did you know about this?       623 00:40:17,623 --> 00:40:20,000      I didn't expect to see you,                   and to--               624 00:40:20,584 --> 00:40:22,628           -Betty, sit down.                       -I'm early.             625 00:40:23,629 --> 00:40:24,922            Sit down, boys.           626 00:40:25,464 --> 00:40:26,924                Susan.                627 00:40:32,054 --> 00:40:33,764     Mother, everyone flew in, uh,    628 00:40:34,640 --> 00:40:39,437      because we felt it was time           we all talk, as a family.      629 00:40:41,605 --> 00:40:42,815             Who are you?             630 00:40:43,607 --> 00:40:45,067          I'm Dr. Joe Pursch.         631 00:40:45,609 --> 00:40:49,196     Doctor? What kind of doctor?     632 00:40:49,655 --> 00:40:50,990         I am a psychiatrist.         633 00:40:51,282 --> 00:40:53,576              Oh. Great.              634 00:40:54,827 --> 00:40:57,204  Your family has some things they      would like to share with you,    635 00:40:57,997 --> 00:41:00,666  and some of these things will be     very difficult for you to hear,  636 00:41:01,584 --> 00:41:05,671        but this is all because        they care about you very deeply.  637 00:41:06,589 --> 00:41:08,132      Who would like to go first?     638 00:41:12,178 --> 00:41:16,098        Mrs. Ford, I love you.              And Susan loves you too.       639 00:41:17,516 --> 00:41:20,978     And you deserve the very best              out of this life.          640 00:41:21,812 --> 00:41:22,771       The children are scared,       641 00:41:23,647 --> 00:41:26,400       but they got some things           they need to share with you.     642 00:41:27,109 --> 00:41:30,070          It's gonna be hard,                but you need to listen.       643 00:41:31,155 --> 00:41:33,657         Come on now, Michael.              Say what's on your mind.       644 00:41:34,492 --> 00:41:36,994              Lord knows                   you can do that just fine.      645 00:41:39,205 --> 00:41:40,998            [Michael] Um...           646 00:41:42,208 --> 00:41:45,836    Gayle and I are thinking about             starting a family.          647 00:41:46,837 --> 00:41:48,839       [breathes shakily] But...      648 00:41:49,715 --> 00:41:52,092       given how much you drink,      649 00:41:52,635 --> 00:41:55,971    and the pills that you take...    650 00:41:57,223 --> 00:41:59,892          we don't even know              if we would feel comfortable     651 00:42:00,351 --> 00:42:01,810     bringing those children here.    652 00:42:02,019 --> 00:42:04,021               [crying]               653 00:42:08,067 --> 00:42:10,152    Well, that's quite a statement.  654 00:42:11,070 --> 00:42:13,697        I've been scared of you                since I was a kid.          655 00:42:15,199 --> 00:42:16,492             I never knew                  what mood you would be in.      656 00:42:17,201 --> 00:42:21,205       The pills were one thing,          they made you kind of sleepy.    657 00:42:22,581 --> 00:42:24,124     But then you'd have a drink,     658 00:42:25,084 --> 00:42:28,045            and it was like               this poison came out of you.     659 00:42:29,838 --> 00:42:31,882     You were always so mad at me.    660 00:42:32,758 --> 00:42:35,553       [Betty] What in the hell            are you boys talking about?     661 00:42:37,680 --> 00:42:41,267           Those pills were               prescribed to me by doctors.     662 00:42:43,060 --> 00:42:45,229       [Steven] In high school,        I was cooking a lot of our meals  663 00:42:45,896 --> 00:42:47,398       because you'd tell Clara                 you would do it,           664 00:42:47,940 --> 00:42:50,150          but you were always                  so out of it, Mom.          665 00:42:50,901 --> 00:42:52,778          And you never ate,                    so why should we?          666 00:42:53,612 --> 00:42:56,240     You'd just zone out to the TV               like a zombie.            667 00:42:57,741 --> 00:42:59,368             [Dr. Pursch]                     Uh, Mr. President...         668 00:43:00,619 --> 00:43:03,872       do you have something you         would like to say to your wife?  669 00:43:04,248 --> 00:43:07,126       I just-- I can't stop...       670 00:43:09,295 --> 00:43:11,255    thinking about how many drinks               I made for you            671 00:43:11,755 --> 00:43:13,048        over the years, Betty.        672 00:43:14,258 --> 00:43:16,844            About the time             I told the White House physician  673 00:43:17,219 --> 00:43:18,804          to prescribe you...         674 00:43:21,098 --> 00:43:23,392         whatever you needed,                  no questions asked.         675 00:43:24,310 --> 00:43:25,811          About how I haven't                   been here for you          676 00:43:26,645 --> 00:43:29,273     during the biggest transition                of our lives.            677 00:43:31,609 --> 00:43:32,985          I just couldn't...          678 00:43:34,612 --> 00:43:38,824           bear to watch you               destroy yourself like this.     679 00:43:41,619 --> 00:43:44,622           I can't help feel               that it's my fault. [cries]     680 00:43:49,668 --> 00:43:51,170                Well...               681 00:43:55,674 --> 00:43:58,344        You've all made very...       682 00:44:01,680 --> 00:44:03,265               strong...              683 00:44:06,310 --> 00:44:07,853              statements.             684 00:44:10,147 --> 00:44:12,858            You've given me                   a lot to think about.        685 00:44:15,194 --> 00:44:17,321    [breathes shakily] I've always            admired you so much--        686 00:44:17,946 --> 00:44:18,989    You don't have to say anything,                 Susan.                687 00:44:19,865 --> 00:44:24,244        I think you said enough          the first time you tried this.    688 00:44:25,204 --> 00:44:27,665           I always thought               I was one of the lucky ones.     689 00:44:29,875 --> 00:44:34,880       I got to have a cool mom              who could be my friend.       690 00:44:36,715 --> 00:44:41,345     [crying] I love you more than         anything in the world, Mom.     691 00:44:44,973 --> 00:44:48,894       I wanted to be a dancer,           so I could be just like you.     692 00:44:52,314 --> 00:44:53,607              -[sniffles]                      -That day you said          693 00:44:54,191 --> 00:44:56,276          that the two of us                    were going away,           694 00:44:56,735 --> 00:44:57,486          just the two of us.         695 00:44:58,070 --> 00:45:01,949           I wanted so badly                  for that to be true.         696 00:45:02,908 --> 00:45:06,245           But the truth is                   that you were drunk.         697 00:45:07,246 --> 00:45:11,083     The truth is that you didn't          know what you were saying.      698 00:45:12,376 --> 00:45:14,586      And ever since that day...                   [sniffles]              699 00:45:15,212 --> 00:45:18,882            ...a part of me                 has been scared for you.       700 00:45:20,926 --> 00:45:23,095             We all have.             701 00:45:26,557 --> 00:45:28,267              [sniffles]              702 00:45:30,894 --> 00:45:32,438            [sighs] Well...           703 00:45:35,065 --> 00:45:37,901    I assume you didn't all just...  704 00:45:39,278 --> 00:45:42,114      come here to humiliate me?      705 00:45:48,203 --> 00:45:50,164    What is it you'd like me to do?  706 00:45:51,415 --> 00:45:54,626      Your family wants you to go          to a rehabilitation center      707 00:45:55,127 --> 00:45:56,503    for drug and alcohol addiction.  708 00:45:56,962 --> 00:45:58,422          I am not-- [scoffs]         709 00:45:59,381 --> 00:46:01,216         I am the First Lady.                I am not a drug addict,       710 00:46:01,800 --> 00:46:05,095        and I am certainly not                    an alcoholic.            711 00:46:07,431 --> 00:46:11,477        Yes, I take pills, but            as I've said a million times,    712 00:46:11,977 --> 00:46:12,978    a doctor prescribed them to me.  713 00:46:13,896 --> 00:46:17,357    Do you think a doctor is going         to help me get off of them?     714 00:46:17,816 --> 00:46:19,985          [continues crying]          715 00:46:24,323 --> 00:46:25,991                [sighs]               716 00:46:36,126 --> 00:46:37,795       What would I have to do?       717 00:46:57,648 --> 00:46:58,732         [reporter] Mrs. Ford?        718 00:46:59,274 --> 00:47:00,567  Can you tell us why you're here?  719 00:47:01,193 --> 00:47:02,820         -How are you feeling?              -How long will you stay?       720 00:47:03,320 --> 00:47:05,197      How are you feeling, Betty?     721 00:47:09,660 --> 00:47:13,372    Mrs. Ford. So glad you're here.  722 00:47:16,959 --> 00:47:19,753       Betty, here's some soaps          and creams from the White House  723 00:47:20,212 --> 00:47:22,047           you love so much.          724 00:47:23,549 --> 00:47:25,217             I'll be fine.            725 00:47:34,184 --> 00:47:36,144           And here we are.           726 00:47:41,149 --> 00:47:42,943     Um, is there a private room,                   perhaps?               727 00:47:43,569 --> 00:47:45,404         Uh, we've found that                the patients do better        728 00:47:45,988 --> 00:47:46,697     in a shared room experience.     729 00:47:47,322 --> 00:47:49,741       I would very much prefer                 to be on my own.           730 00:47:51,076 --> 00:47:54,329      I'm sure you can understand         someone in my position is...     731 00:47:54,913 --> 00:47:58,208                used to                    a certain level of privacy.     732 00:48:00,210 --> 00:48:01,670           Yes, as you wish.          733 00:48:02,588 --> 00:48:04,506          I'll get the ladies               to pack their belongings       734 00:48:05,090 --> 00:48:06,717             and find them                    other accommodations.        735 00:48:07,259 --> 00:48:09,595       I'll get them reassigned                 as soon as I can.          736 00:48:12,556 --> 00:48:15,100        No, don't do anything.                     It's fine.              737 00:48:16,560 --> 00:48:17,895              Very well.              738 00:48:28,113 --> 00:48:30,282            pensive music           739 00:48:45,631 --> 00:48:47,925             [chattering]             740 00:48:50,302 --> 00:48:51,595          They don't tell you                   rehab's gonna be           741 00:48:52,137 --> 00:48:54,306       you and a bunch of dicks.                   [chuckles]              742 00:48:55,307 --> 00:48:56,642          -You must be Betty?                       -Mm-hmm.               743 00:48:57,142 --> 00:48:59,102     Meri Bell. Dr. Pursch thought    744 00:48:59,937 --> 00:49:01,563              I might be                     a good sponsor for you.       745 00:49:01,939 --> 00:49:02,981               Sponsor?               746 00:49:03,482 --> 00:49:04,566    Someone who's been through it.    747 00:49:05,150 --> 00:49:06,818          Uh, I'm moving into                    your room too.            748 00:49:07,319 --> 00:49:08,362     I already have two roommates.    749 00:49:08,946 --> 00:49:10,989        Now you'll have three.                     [chuckles]              750 00:49:11,615 --> 00:49:14,534           Well, come on in.             It's not as scary as it looks.    751 00:49:14,993 --> 00:49:16,453          I'll sit with you.          752 00:49:17,996 --> 00:49:19,873             -Hey, y'all.                  -[person in therapy] Hello.     753 00:49:20,415 --> 00:49:22,542     We got a newcomer joining us.    754 00:49:23,085 --> 00:49:24,503  Go ahead and introduce yourself.  755 00:49:25,462 --> 00:49:29,341            I'm pretty sure                they already know who I am.     756 00:49:29,591 --> 00:49:30,384              [chuckles]              757 00:49:30,968 --> 00:49:34,179             Say "hello,"                     and your first name.         758 00:49:37,307 --> 00:49:40,310           I'm Betty. Hello.          759 00:49:40,978 --> 00:49:42,479           [all] Hi, Betty.           760 00:49:48,485 --> 00:49:50,237      [newscaster]   We are back on      this decision night in America.    761 00:49:51,196 --> 00:49:53,240  It is eight o'clock in the East.       One of the biggest moments...    762 00:49:54,157 --> 00:49:57,619        She's got Delaware, DC,             New Jersey, Rhode Island,      763 00:49:58,120 --> 00:49:58,996        Illinois, Connecticut.        764 00:49:59,538 --> 00:50:00,831      She's about to make history     765 00:50:01,540 --> 00:50:03,583         and her book's called              Living History.   That's cool.    766 00:50:04,209 --> 00:50:06,461           [sighs] Dad, what              time do you think we'll know?    767 00:50:06,837 --> 00:50:08,380       It's still early, honey.       768 00:50:09,381 --> 00:50:11,550    [crowd on television cheering]    769 00:50:13,510 --> 00:50:15,220           [sirens wailing]           770 00:50:16,179 --> 00:50:18,765     [newscaster]   Donald Trump is      the apparent winner in Florida.    771 00:50:19,391 --> 00:50:20,767  Donald Trump the apparent winner                in Florida.             772 00:50:21,476 --> 00:50:23,186       It's a state that he called                   a must win,             773 00:50:24,062 --> 00:50:27,190       and he appears to be winning             at 29 electoral votes.       774 00:50:28,150 --> 00:50:30,068      We're gonna peek in right now               at the celebration         775 00:50:30,736 --> 00:50:33,113             that is growing                  at the Trump headquarters      776 00:50:34,031 --> 00:50:37,534        as supporters there sense              this may be their night,      777 00:50:38,035 --> 00:50:39,828         uh, in the race to 270.       778 00:50:40,746 --> 00:50:42,789    All these people voted for him.          What does this mean?         779 00:50:43,415 --> 00:50:44,416            [newscaster 2]             ...miss the gender element here.  780 00:50:45,333 --> 00:50:47,044          It's the first female              presidential candidate on...    781 00:50:47,669 --> 00:50:49,254             They're gonna                     repeal health care.         782 00:50:50,088 --> 00:50:52,132           You have white males                 coming out in droves,        783 00:50:53,050 --> 00:50:54,426               and that's--             It seems, when this history book  784 00:50:55,343 --> 00:50:57,137           is written on this,              that that's gonna be a factor    785 00:50:57,721 --> 00:50:58,764       that really, really matters.    786 00:50:59,431 --> 00:51:00,807          And then you have also                    a lot of women           787 00:51:01,391 --> 00:51:02,434      who didn't support her either.  788 00:51:02,893 --> 00:51:04,519       I remember sitting down, um,    789 00:51:05,062 --> 00:51:06,021            at   The Today Show          790 00:51:06,730 --> 00:51:08,231        early summer, late spring               with Andrea Mitchell,        791 00:51:09,066 --> 00:51:10,067            talking about how                      young women had           792 00:51:10,734 --> 00:51:12,986         absolutely no attraction                 to her candidacy.          793 00:51:13,445 --> 00:51:14,362           Felt absolutely no--        794 00:51:15,238 --> 00:51:16,823         They were not compelled              in any way, shape or form      795 00:51:17,532 --> 00:51:18,825              to assist her                   in breaking this barrier.      796 00:51:19,451 --> 00:51:22,621      [playing "Killing Me Softly                With His Song"]           797 00:51:44,101 --> 00:51:45,977        What I don't get is why            folks who got here after us     798 00:51:46,561 --> 00:51:48,480     are getting seen before him.     799 00:51:49,147 --> 00:51:50,607     It depends on your insurance.    800 00:51:52,317 --> 00:51:53,985       It's all right, sweetie.                    I can wait.             801 00:51:54,653 --> 00:51:58,573          [breathing heavily]             Come sit next to your daddy.     802 00:52:02,119 --> 00:52:04,871    [Trump]   You elect me along with   the Republican House and Senate,  803 00:52:05,580 --> 00:52:07,707  we will also immediately repeal                  and replace             804 00:52:08,333 --> 00:52:10,961  the disaster known as Obamacare.               It's abysmal.            805 00:52:11,336 --> 00:52:13,505           [crowd cheering]           806 00:52:21,304 --> 00:52:23,014   [newscaster]   Can't underestimate        the importance of this fall.    807 00:52:23,682 --> 00:52:24,891             This projection                by the Associated Press here.    808 00:52:25,517 --> 00:52:27,060           Calling Pennsylvania                   for Donald Trump.          809 00:52:27,519 --> 00:52:28,311          Twenty electoral votes       810 00:52:29,146 --> 00:52:30,313             now moving into                    Donald Trump's column.       811 00:52:31,273 --> 00:52:32,983        Steve Yaccino of Bloomberg          Politics, give us the latest.    812 00:52:33,483 --> 00:52:34,401       [Yaccino]   Megan said it,       813 00:52:35,318 --> 00:52:36,278       there's just no path forward              for Hillary Clinton.        814 00:52:37,195 --> 00:52:39,114        That's 20 electoral votes                 from Pennsylvania.         815 00:52:39,823 --> 00:52:43,160          It gets Trump to 264.                He's six away from 270.       816 00:52:43,869 --> 00:52:46,580        That's all he would need.            And he's still got Arizona.     817 00:52:46,872 --> 00:52:48,832           [sirens wailing]           818 00:53:06,474 --> 00:53:09,895            -They call it?                           -Yeah.                819 00:53:10,562 --> 00:53:11,938          ["Killing Me Softly                With His Song" playing]       820 00:53:12,564 --> 00:53:14,149            Strumming my pain                    With his fingers            821 00:53:14,733 --> 00:53:18,528             Singing my life                      With his words             822 00:53:19,321 --> 00:53:22,032            Killing me softly                     With his song              823 00:53:22,699 --> 00:53:26,286            Killing me softly                     With his song              824 00:53:27,204 --> 00:54:17,128          Telling my whole life                   With his words