1 00:00:07,083 --> 00:00:10,000 [shamisen music playing] 2 00:00:17,166 --> 00:00:18,500 [shamisen music stops] 3 00:00:19,708 --> 00:00:21,875 [hyoshigi sticks playing] 4 00:00:33,458 --> 00:00:37,416 No one man can defeat an army, 5 00:00:38,125 --> 00:00:40,875 but one creature can. 6 00:00:41,958 --> 00:00:44,333 How does such a creature come to be? 7 00:00:44,416 --> 00:00:46,625 [shamisen playing] 8 00:00:46,708 --> 00:00:51,791 Long before our great shogun ordained the sun to rise… 9 00:00:52,333 --> 00:00:54,000 [thunder rumbling] 10 00:00:54,083 --> 00:00:56,750 … there lived a ronin. 11 00:01:04,291 --> 00:01:08,000 Seared into his soul was the day his lord… 12 00:01:09,125 --> 00:01:12,625 - [audience gasps] - … Was assassinated by a rival clan 13 00:01:13,541 --> 00:01:16,583 whose crest was the phoenix. 14 00:01:17,375 --> 00:01:19,250 [phoenix cawing] 15 00:01:22,333 --> 00:01:24,375 [phoenix cawing] 16 00:01:25,666 --> 00:01:26,666 On that day, 17 00:01:27,500 --> 00:01:30,833 he felt something rise within him. 18 00:01:30,916 --> 00:01:34,375 - [hyoshigi sticks playing] - A storm in his soul. 19 00:01:38,125 --> 00:01:40,833 [tense music playing] 20 00:01:44,708 --> 00:01:47,666 [stick playing intensifies] 21 00:01:57,250 --> 00:01:59,541 Kill everyone, then burn it down. 22 00:02:04,125 --> 00:02:09,500 [narrator] A hate that radiated from deep in his heart 23 00:02:11,125 --> 00:02:13,250 to the tip of his sword. 24 00:02:13,333 --> 00:02:15,250 [sword chiming] 25 00:02:21,666 --> 00:02:24,333 [sword slicing] 26 00:02:31,166 --> 00:02:32,208 [sword slicing] 27 00:02:37,666 --> 00:02:38,666 [Ringo] Master. 28 00:02:38,750 --> 00:02:40,375 Get everyone to the cellar. 29 00:02:40,458 --> 00:02:43,500 You have murdered us all. 30 00:02:44,500 --> 00:02:46,541 Ringo, stand guard over them. 31 00:02:46,625 --> 00:02:48,208 I don't have a weapon. 32 00:02:49,875 --> 00:02:51,500 [Mizu] Start with a kitchen knife. 33 00:02:54,416 --> 00:02:56,416 - [tense music playing] - [door banging] 34 00:03:02,791 --> 00:03:04,625 Come on! This way, this way. 35 00:03:05,458 --> 00:03:07,583 [door banging continues] 36 00:03:21,250 --> 00:03:23,708 [narrator] The ronin returned home to his village… 37 00:03:27,333 --> 00:03:30,875 where his parents implored him to begin a new life. 38 00:03:32,958 --> 00:03:35,666 But hate is like a typhoon. 39 00:03:42,958 --> 00:03:45,125 It begins as a breeze at sea… 40 00:03:45,875 --> 00:03:47,833 [tense music intensifies] 41 00:03:54,875 --> 00:03:56,833 [tense music stops] 42 00:04:00,375 --> 00:04:01,375 [Mizu] Mama. 43 00:04:03,875 --> 00:04:05,875 No one can find us. 44 00:04:07,416 --> 00:04:09,833 [narrator] … that is swallowed by darkness. 45 00:04:09,916 --> 00:04:12,166 Bad men are looking for you, Mizu. 46 00:04:12,250 --> 00:04:13,333 For a girl. 47 00:04:13,416 --> 00:04:17,541 You must be a boy, always a boy. 48 00:04:17,625 --> 00:04:20,166 [narrator] Then deepens. Energizes. 49 00:04:28,833 --> 00:04:31,875 I'll avenge us, Mama. I swear it. 50 00:04:32,583 --> 00:04:35,416 [narrator] And grows ever stronger. 51 00:04:36,708 --> 00:04:39,625 Swirling and raging 52 00:04:39,708 --> 00:04:43,250 until it is ready to strike! 53 00:04:43,333 --> 00:04:44,708 [thunder rumbling] 54 00:04:45,875 --> 00:04:47,666 The ronin set on his quest, 55 00:04:47,750 --> 00:04:50,875 vowing to cleanse the Earth of all who wore the phoenix crest 56 00:04:50,958 --> 00:04:52,458 or shared their blood. 57 00:04:52,541 --> 00:04:54,041 [sword chiming] 58 00:04:54,125 --> 00:04:56,291 [tense music playing] 59 00:04:56,375 --> 00:04:57,916 But he would soon learn 60 00:04:58,000 --> 00:05:01,541 the demon's path is paved with sharp stone. 61 00:05:05,666 --> 00:05:07,666 [door banging] 62 00:05:28,041 --> 00:05:29,458 [sword clashing] 63 00:05:34,958 --> 00:05:37,041 - [sword clashing] - [grunting] 64 00:05:38,333 --> 00:05:40,041 [whimpering] 65 00:05:42,375 --> 00:05:44,208 Do you have a death wish? 66 00:05:51,875 --> 00:05:53,875 Now they have to get through both of us. 67 00:05:55,083 --> 00:05:57,583 You're the bravest princess I've ever met. 68 00:05:57,666 --> 00:05:59,000 I'm not brave. 69 00:05:59,708 --> 00:06:01,875 I've been a captive my whole life. 70 00:06:01,958 --> 00:06:04,291 If I die today, I die free. 71 00:06:05,625 --> 00:06:07,625 [suspenseful music playing] 72 00:06:19,583 --> 00:06:22,875 - [swords slicing] - [loud thuds] 73 00:06:30,291 --> 00:06:32,916 - [groans] - [grunts, moans] 74 00:06:33,625 --> 00:06:36,875 - [grunts] - [screams] 75 00:06:39,083 --> 00:06:41,000 - [birds chirping] - [water dripping] 76 00:06:44,125 --> 00:06:45,125 [Mizu] Excuse me. 77 00:06:46,625 --> 00:06:49,166 I'm told opium from the West is sold here. 78 00:06:49,250 --> 00:06:52,000 I want to find the white men who supply it. 79 00:06:53,375 --> 00:06:56,250 I seek no trouble, only information. 80 00:06:56,750 --> 00:06:57,750 [man scoffs] 81 00:06:59,333 --> 00:07:01,166 - [grunting] - [sword chiming] 82 00:07:02,875 --> 00:07:05,041 It looks like you do want trouble. 83 00:07:07,875 --> 00:07:10,625 No, I only want to ask… [groans] 84 00:07:13,291 --> 00:07:16,125 - [choking] - [man] You half-breed piece of shit. 85 00:07:16,625 --> 00:07:18,791 - [knife stabbing] - [groaning] 86 00:07:20,625 --> 00:07:24,666 [moaning, panting] 87 00:07:27,416 --> 00:07:29,291 [men grunting] 88 00:07:31,708 --> 00:07:35,125 - [grunts] - [blades clashing] 89 00:07:38,666 --> 00:07:39,791 [panting] 90 00:07:39,875 --> 00:07:43,916 [narrator] The ronin's soul grew weary and his body ill. 91 00:07:45,583 --> 00:07:47,333 [men grunting] 92 00:07:49,041 --> 00:07:50,916 [groans] 93 00:07:51,000 --> 00:07:52,958 [moaning] 94 00:07:53,041 --> 00:07:54,416 He did not fear death, 95 00:07:55,458 --> 00:07:58,875 only that he might die before fulfilling his vow. 96 00:08:00,458 --> 00:08:02,166 [Mizu moaning] Help me. 97 00:08:02,875 --> 00:08:05,500 Please. I need a doctor. 98 00:08:06,833 --> 00:08:07,666 [sighs] 99 00:08:07,750 --> 00:08:10,041 [narrator] All seemed hopeless 100 00:08:10,750 --> 00:08:11,583 until… 101 00:08:11,666 --> 00:08:13,666 [birds chirping] 102 00:08:19,291 --> 00:08:23,000 … the ronin saw a vision as if sent from the gods. 103 00:08:23,708 --> 00:08:27,208 [dreamy music playing] 104 00:08:41,208 --> 00:08:42,625 [Mizu groans] 105 00:08:42,708 --> 00:08:43,708 Help me. 106 00:08:44,458 --> 00:08:45,625 [groans] 107 00:08:46,208 --> 00:08:47,708 Mister, come with me. 108 00:08:47,791 --> 00:08:49,958 - [panting] - [women gasping] 109 00:08:53,208 --> 00:08:54,916 [panting] 110 00:08:57,583 --> 00:09:00,500 A few coins, and I'll show you heaven. 111 00:09:01,166 --> 00:09:02,625 Can you help me? 112 00:09:04,375 --> 00:09:05,375 [sighs] 113 00:09:10,833 --> 00:09:14,416 Mama, you… you're alive. 114 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:16,000 Mizu. 115 00:09:26,625 --> 00:09:30,208 The beautiful woman took the ronin home with her. 116 00:09:31,375 --> 00:09:34,416 And for the first time in many moons, 117 00:09:35,250 --> 00:09:37,916 the ronin rested. 118 00:09:38,833 --> 00:09:40,833 [Mama humming] 119 00:09:48,208 --> 00:09:50,458 Mama, you're alive. 120 00:09:50,958 --> 00:09:52,250 [moans] How? 121 00:09:57,666 --> 00:09:59,875 Medicine for my headaches. 122 00:10:05,916 --> 00:10:07,000 Oh. 123 00:10:09,208 --> 00:10:11,708 Eat up, then I have to go back to work. 124 00:10:14,375 --> 00:10:17,500 [moaning] 125 00:10:17,583 --> 00:10:21,916 You must never do that again. I earned money, more than enough. 126 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:25,916 Ah. How honorable you grew up to be. 127 00:10:28,875 --> 00:10:30,791 [Mizu groaning] 128 00:10:30,875 --> 00:10:34,041 I knew it'd be hard on you, thinking me dead, 129 00:10:34,125 --> 00:10:35,958 but I knew it was for the best. 130 00:10:37,250 --> 00:10:39,833 Being on your own, you could be like water. 131 00:10:40,791 --> 00:10:42,333 Impossible to catch. 132 00:10:43,750 --> 00:10:46,166 Now the gods have brought you back to me. 133 00:10:46,250 --> 00:10:48,833 [shamisen, hyoshigi sticks playing] 134 00:10:48,916 --> 00:10:51,000 [narrator] The ronin regained his strength, 135 00:10:51,083 --> 00:10:53,916 ready to return to his journey of hate. 136 00:10:55,416 --> 00:10:57,500 The woman beseeched him to stay. 137 00:11:01,416 --> 00:11:05,333 The ronin told her of his vow, a vow he could not break. 138 00:11:06,250 --> 00:11:11,375 Desperate, the woman recalled something taught to her long ago. 139 00:11:14,208 --> 00:11:17,666 [shamisen music playing] 140 00:11:23,375 --> 00:11:26,125 [shamisen music continues] 141 00:11:43,750 --> 00:11:44,750 [door opens] 142 00:11:45,375 --> 00:11:46,458 The money is gone. 143 00:11:47,083 --> 00:11:50,375 Don't worry about money. Don't worry about anything. 144 00:11:50,458 --> 00:11:52,916 I have the answer to all our prayers. 145 00:11:53,500 --> 00:11:55,791 I found you a husband. 146 00:11:55,875 --> 00:11:57,708 [shamisen music continues] 147 00:12:06,666 --> 00:12:09,333 He's an outcast, so your looks are no matter. 148 00:12:09,416 --> 00:12:13,250 He's getting old and needs a strong woman to help him with chores. 149 00:12:13,833 --> 00:12:16,541 Out of the question. I made my vow. 150 00:12:17,125 --> 00:12:19,833 What woman doesn't want a man to take care of her? 151 00:12:20,416 --> 00:12:21,666 Of her mother? 152 00:12:22,291 --> 00:12:25,708 The men who hunted you as a child think you died in that fire. 153 00:12:25,791 --> 00:12:30,166 If anyone found out you were alive, they could turn you in for a great bounty. 154 00:12:30,791 --> 00:12:33,333 Let them. I am nobody's wife. 155 00:12:34,458 --> 00:12:36,458 [dramatic music playing] 156 00:12:52,416 --> 00:12:53,625 I'm off to work now. 157 00:12:54,541 --> 00:12:55,625 We need the money. 158 00:12:58,833 --> 00:13:01,083 You see, I'd do anything for you. 159 00:13:01,166 --> 00:13:03,000 [door opens, closes] 160 00:13:04,666 --> 00:13:07,500 [shamisen music playing] 161 00:13:21,083 --> 00:13:23,083 [Mama] You're going to love the mountains! 162 00:13:23,166 --> 00:13:25,125 No other soul will ever see you. 163 00:13:25,625 --> 00:13:27,291 You'll have to work, of course. 164 00:13:27,375 --> 00:13:30,083 Cooking, cleaning, helping out with the horses. 165 00:13:30,166 --> 00:13:33,875 Change your clothes. He raises horses for the lord. 166 00:13:33,958 --> 00:13:38,000 Mikio was a great samurai until he transgressed. 167 00:13:39,208 --> 00:13:40,208 Transgressed? 168 00:13:40,291 --> 00:13:43,958 Oh, lords execute their men if they tie a belt wrong. 169 00:13:44,500 --> 00:13:46,750 The point is, you're both outcasts. 170 00:13:46,833 --> 00:13:50,708 He has money and is in no position to complain about your face. 171 00:13:50,791 --> 00:13:52,291 [gasps] Makeup. 172 00:13:54,250 --> 00:13:56,250 [dramatic music playing] 173 00:14:15,333 --> 00:14:19,083 [horse neighing, galloping] 174 00:14:30,666 --> 00:14:32,666 [horse neighing] 175 00:14:34,708 --> 00:14:35,791 [Mikio] Hmm. 176 00:14:36,833 --> 00:14:39,333 You're not as hideous as I expected. 177 00:14:40,291 --> 00:14:42,333 You're much older than I expected. 178 00:14:43,708 --> 00:14:46,250 [grunts] Might as well get this over with. 179 00:14:47,041 --> 00:14:48,833 [shamisen music playing] 180 00:14:49,708 --> 00:14:53,791 [narrator] His loyalty was no longer to his slain lord nor to revenge… 181 00:14:54,291 --> 00:14:55,583 [bell chiming] 182 00:14:57,000 --> 00:14:59,875 … but… to his bride. 183 00:15:00,875 --> 00:15:02,333 [shamisen playing] 184 00:15:09,208 --> 00:15:11,583 [clears throat] Okay, back to work. 185 00:15:15,250 --> 00:15:16,333 [door closes] 186 00:15:17,041 --> 00:15:19,000 Let's get you ready for tonight. 187 00:15:22,958 --> 00:15:25,083 [groaning] 188 00:15:26,625 --> 00:15:28,625 [footsteps approaching] 189 00:15:30,583 --> 00:15:33,083 [women gasping] 190 00:15:34,541 --> 00:15:36,875 Mizu can't possibly hold them all off. 191 00:15:36,958 --> 00:15:38,958 [tense music playing] 192 00:15:48,833 --> 00:15:50,625 [groaning] 193 00:15:50,708 --> 00:15:52,250 [thud] 194 00:15:55,625 --> 00:15:58,250 [tense music continues] 195 00:16:01,583 --> 00:16:05,791 [gasping, panting] 196 00:16:09,875 --> 00:16:10,875 [Mizu exhales] 197 00:16:16,625 --> 00:16:18,625 [footsteps approaching] 198 00:16:21,250 --> 00:16:23,250 [tense music playing] 199 00:16:28,541 --> 00:16:30,541 [footsteps approaching] 200 00:16:34,833 --> 00:16:35,916 I'm not a brute. 201 00:16:36,958 --> 00:16:40,041 [dramatic music playing] 202 00:16:48,458 --> 00:16:50,791 - [door banging] - [gasps] 203 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:59,458 [man 1 laughs] What do we have here? 204 00:16:59,541 --> 00:17:02,250 They cornered the samurai upstairs. 205 00:17:02,750 --> 00:17:05,166 Let's steal a little fun for us. 206 00:17:05,250 --> 00:17:07,625 - [grunts, groans] - [man 1 laughs] 207 00:17:08,958 --> 00:17:10,125 [fearful breaths] 208 00:17:13,083 --> 00:17:14,833 - [grunts loudly] - [groans] 209 00:17:19,333 --> 00:17:20,833 - [grunts, groans] - [gasps] 210 00:17:24,625 --> 00:17:25,875 [panting] 211 00:17:27,333 --> 00:17:29,375 You little son of a bitch! 212 00:17:32,583 --> 00:17:35,916 [groaning] 213 00:17:39,791 --> 00:17:41,416 Stay here. Keep watch. 214 00:17:53,000 --> 00:17:56,125 [footsteps approaching] 215 00:17:57,833 --> 00:18:00,416 [panting] 216 00:18:03,875 --> 00:18:06,291 [groaning] 217 00:18:07,833 --> 00:18:08,833 [sighs] 218 00:18:09,875 --> 00:18:11,875 [Mizu panting] 219 00:18:15,250 --> 00:18:16,416 [door opens] 220 00:18:21,125 --> 00:18:24,875 - [sword stabbing, slicing] - [men grunting] 221 00:18:26,833 --> 00:18:28,833 [Mizu panting] 222 00:18:32,750 --> 00:18:35,791 [panting, groaning] 223 00:18:35,875 --> 00:18:38,666 [Mizu screams, chokes] 224 00:18:39,625 --> 00:18:40,625 [man grunts] 225 00:18:41,375 --> 00:18:43,375 [Mizu choking] 226 00:18:46,958 --> 00:18:50,958 [horse neighing] 227 00:18:51,041 --> 00:18:52,750 - Whoa. - [horse neighing] 228 00:18:52,833 --> 00:18:55,333 - Easy. Easy. - [horse grunting] 229 00:18:55,416 --> 00:18:57,166 That's okay. That's okay. 230 00:18:57,250 --> 00:18:58,916 [horse grunting, snorting] 231 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:00,000 You can trust me. 232 00:19:00,083 --> 00:19:02,833 [horse neighing] 233 00:19:02,916 --> 00:19:04,750 [horse snorting] 234 00:19:04,833 --> 00:19:05,833 [Mikio] Shh. 235 00:19:06,291 --> 00:19:08,125 - [crashing noise] - [horse neighing] 236 00:19:11,458 --> 00:19:13,000 Stay away from the horses! 237 00:19:14,333 --> 00:19:15,916 [horse neighing] 238 00:19:29,958 --> 00:19:31,375 [upbeat music playing] 239 00:19:45,791 --> 00:19:46,833 [Mikio] Hmm. 240 00:19:49,833 --> 00:19:51,000 [slurps, grunts] 241 00:19:51,083 --> 00:19:53,125 [coughing] 242 00:19:54,333 --> 00:19:55,833 [Mikio clears throat] 243 00:19:57,041 --> 00:19:58,333 Well, back to work. 244 00:20:00,083 --> 00:20:02,375 [Mikio coughing] 245 00:20:02,458 --> 00:20:03,500 [door closes] 246 00:20:06,500 --> 00:20:09,791 [horse neighing] 247 00:20:11,208 --> 00:20:12,208 [Mizu grunts] 248 00:20:20,791 --> 00:20:21,791 [Mizu sighs] 249 00:20:27,541 --> 00:20:28,541 Who is this one? 250 00:20:30,250 --> 00:20:32,041 - Name's Kai. - [Kai snorts] 251 00:20:32,125 --> 00:20:34,333 Beautiful, but a beast. 252 00:20:34,416 --> 00:20:37,291 - [Kai neighing] - Been trying to break her for months. 253 00:20:37,375 --> 00:20:38,750 - [Kai grunts] - [Mikio] Hmm. 254 00:20:38,833 --> 00:20:40,250 [Kai snorts] 255 00:20:40,333 --> 00:20:42,125 This is what Kai thinks of me. 256 00:20:43,166 --> 00:20:44,375 [chuckles] 257 00:20:44,458 --> 00:20:48,791 Ever since I was banished by my lord, I've held onto this… fantasy 258 00:20:48,875 --> 00:20:52,708 that if I bring him the perfect creature, he will welcome me back. 259 00:20:53,458 --> 00:20:54,958 Hmm. It's silly. 260 00:20:55,041 --> 00:20:57,375 [Kai neighing] 261 00:20:58,833 --> 00:20:59,833 Yes, it is. 262 00:21:01,583 --> 00:21:03,583 - [Kai neighing] - [chuckles] 263 00:21:09,416 --> 00:21:10,416 [Mikio] Hmm. 264 00:21:14,916 --> 00:21:16,916 [coughing] 265 00:21:17,750 --> 00:21:19,625 [laughs] 266 00:21:21,166 --> 00:21:23,541 [both laughing] 267 00:21:25,916 --> 00:21:27,125 [Mama laughs nervously] 268 00:21:29,708 --> 00:21:31,041 [Kai neighing] 269 00:21:37,333 --> 00:21:38,750 [Kai neighing] 270 00:21:39,833 --> 00:21:40,916 Can I feed Kai? 271 00:21:43,291 --> 00:21:47,291 - [Kai neighing] - [Mikio grunting] 272 00:21:51,416 --> 00:21:54,833 [Kai neighing] 273 00:22:01,916 --> 00:22:02,916 [Kai nickers] 274 00:22:05,416 --> 00:22:06,875 [chuckles] 275 00:22:06,958 --> 00:22:08,500 [Mizu] Oh. [chuckles] 276 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:13,000 Can you ride? 277 00:22:15,583 --> 00:22:17,958 [choking] 278 00:22:18,041 --> 00:22:19,500 [grunting] 279 00:22:19,583 --> 00:22:21,083 [Mizu groans] 280 00:22:21,166 --> 00:22:23,416 - [Mizu choking] - [man grunts] 281 00:22:24,291 --> 00:22:25,291 [knife stabbing] 282 00:22:27,333 --> 00:22:28,333 [groans] 283 00:22:29,750 --> 00:22:31,750 [whispers] Wake up! Wake up! 284 00:22:31,833 --> 00:22:33,833 Come on! Come on! 285 00:22:34,708 --> 00:22:36,208 [groaning] 286 00:22:36,291 --> 00:22:38,333 Go… fast. 287 00:22:38,416 --> 00:22:40,125 [hoofbeats approaching] 288 00:22:40,208 --> 00:22:43,458 Too fast! You're going too fast! 289 00:22:43,541 --> 00:22:44,791 [Mizu laughing] 290 00:22:46,166 --> 00:22:47,166 [chuckles] 291 00:22:48,750 --> 00:22:50,291 [horse neighing] 292 00:22:54,833 --> 00:22:56,833 [upbeat music playing] 293 00:23:08,000 --> 00:23:09,416 I'll get you a ripe one. 294 00:23:13,958 --> 00:23:15,166 [Mizu chuckles] 295 00:23:15,250 --> 00:23:16,375 Impressive. 296 00:23:17,666 --> 00:23:18,666 [Mikio] You try. 297 00:23:21,916 --> 00:23:24,625 Come on, I'll show you. Hold your hand back. 298 00:23:25,875 --> 00:23:27,875 Aim for that one right there. 299 00:23:34,916 --> 00:23:36,333 Not bad for a first try. 300 00:23:38,333 --> 00:23:40,041 [shamisen playing] 301 00:23:45,166 --> 00:23:47,833 As time passed… 302 00:23:48,458 --> 00:23:51,541 the ronin and the bride enjoyed their simple life. 303 00:23:51,625 --> 00:23:54,250 The demon's path seemed like a distant dream. 304 00:23:55,666 --> 00:23:59,375 Though sometimes, if he stopped to listen, 305 00:24:00,000 --> 00:24:02,708 the ronin could still hear it 306 00:24:02,791 --> 00:24:05,708 calling his… name. 307 00:24:05,791 --> 00:24:08,083 - [tense music playing] - [birds cawing] 308 00:24:19,916 --> 00:24:22,708 Mama, are you sure you can go into town like that? 309 00:24:22,791 --> 00:24:25,125 Once I get my medicine, I'll be fine. 310 00:24:32,958 --> 00:24:34,333 [coins clinking] 311 00:24:34,416 --> 00:24:37,166 Get some dried mackerel. Mizu likes it. 312 00:24:38,208 --> 00:24:40,666 There isn't enough for my medicine. 313 00:24:40,750 --> 00:24:43,500 We think you should try going without. 314 00:24:46,208 --> 00:24:47,791 [upbeat music playing] 315 00:24:47,875 --> 00:24:48,875 [horse neighing] 316 00:25:05,375 --> 00:25:06,375 [Mikio blows] 317 00:25:09,708 --> 00:25:11,708 [upbeat music intensifies] 318 00:25:18,583 --> 00:25:20,375 - [Mikio grunts] - [Mizu laughs] 319 00:25:23,416 --> 00:25:24,666 [laughs] 320 00:25:36,666 --> 00:25:38,708 [Kai neighing] 321 00:25:39,791 --> 00:25:43,500 [Kai neighing, snorting] 322 00:25:51,833 --> 00:25:52,833 [Kai galloping] 323 00:25:57,583 --> 00:25:58,583 [Kai neighing] 324 00:26:00,208 --> 00:26:01,208 Slow down! 325 00:26:01,833 --> 00:26:02,833 Keep up! 326 00:26:12,291 --> 00:26:15,208 The lord is going to be so pleased with this team. 327 00:26:17,416 --> 00:26:19,833 With Kai, your wish may come true. 328 00:26:20,875 --> 00:26:22,625 Kai is too good for any lord. 329 00:26:23,208 --> 00:26:25,791 Kai is… yours. 330 00:26:32,583 --> 00:26:34,583 [romantic music playing] 331 00:26:45,666 --> 00:26:46,666 [Mizu moans] 332 00:26:49,541 --> 00:26:53,250 [Mizu moaning] 333 00:26:54,250 --> 00:26:58,125 [Akemi whispers] Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! 334 00:26:58,208 --> 00:26:59,208 Come on! 335 00:27:00,500 --> 00:27:04,291 - [tense music playing] - [footsteps approaching] 336 00:27:04,375 --> 00:27:06,500 [man chuckling] 337 00:27:08,500 --> 00:27:10,000 [romantic music playing] 338 00:27:10,083 --> 00:27:11,166 [Mizu sighs] 339 00:27:18,416 --> 00:27:19,416 [man chuckles] 340 00:27:25,458 --> 00:27:28,166 - [Mizu moaning] - [Mikio grunting] 341 00:27:29,291 --> 00:27:30,291 [Mizu moans] 342 00:27:32,041 --> 00:27:34,625 [Mizu moaning] 343 00:27:34,708 --> 00:27:36,708 [both moaning] 344 00:27:39,416 --> 00:27:40,250 [screams] 345 00:27:40,333 --> 00:27:41,333 [gasps] 346 00:27:42,833 --> 00:27:44,000 [fearful breaths] 347 00:27:44,583 --> 00:27:45,583 [man chuckles] 348 00:27:46,208 --> 00:27:47,208 [gasps] 349 00:27:49,000 --> 00:27:50,000 [sword slicing] 350 00:27:52,541 --> 00:27:53,916 [pants, gasps] 351 00:27:54,000 --> 00:27:55,125 [sword slicing] 352 00:27:56,500 --> 00:27:58,500 [tense music playing] 353 00:28:00,875 --> 00:28:03,250 [phoenix vocalizing] 354 00:28:04,333 --> 00:28:06,500 [Akemi yelping] 355 00:28:12,625 --> 00:28:16,041 Akemi, when I strike, run to the others. 356 00:28:16,125 --> 00:28:17,208 Strike who? 357 00:28:19,833 --> 00:28:21,708 - [wall crashes] - [Akemi yelps] 358 00:28:25,041 --> 00:28:27,041 - [sword chiming] - [door opens] 359 00:28:27,125 --> 00:28:29,000 [tense music intensifies] 360 00:28:54,916 --> 00:28:56,458 - [groans] - [sword crashes] 361 00:28:56,541 --> 00:28:57,708 [man gasps] 362 00:28:58,291 --> 00:29:00,166 [groaning] 363 00:29:00,708 --> 00:29:02,583 - [screams, groans] - [men groaning] 364 00:29:02,666 --> 00:29:04,708 [grunting] 365 00:29:06,625 --> 00:29:07,750 [blades scratching] 366 00:29:15,500 --> 00:29:17,083 - [men grunting] - [Mizu grunts] 367 00:29:18,541 --> 00:29:19,583 [groans] 368 00:29:19,666 --> 00:29:21,000 - [Mizu groans] - [men groaning] 369 00:29:21,083 --> 00:29:23,125 - [tense music stops] - [birds chirping] 370 00:29:23,208 --> 00:29:25,208 You wanted to be a man? 371 00:29:25,291 --> 00:29:26,833 I had to live as one. 372 00:29:27,333 --> 00:29:29,916 All so the men who were after you couldn't find you? 373 00:29:30,416 --> 00:29:32,375 And so I could have my revenge 374 00:29:33,041 --> 00:29:35,375 against the man who made me this way. 375 00:29:36,041 --> 00:29:37,041 A monster. 376 00:29:41,958 --> 00:29:43,458 I want to see all of you, 377 00:29:43,958 --> 00:29:46,458 not who your mother wants you to pretend to be. 378 00:29:47,083 --> 00:29:49,625 [chuckles] All I did was train with a sword. 379 00:29:50,958 --> 00:29:51,958 Show me. 380 00:29:56,000 --> 00:29:58,041 - I've never faced a naginata. - [horse snorts] 381 00:29:58,125 --> 00:29:59,416 A bit old-fashioned, 382 00:29:59,500 --> 00:30:01,875 but no better weapon when outnumbered in battle. 383 00:30:02,416 --> 00:30:04,750 Don't worry, we can start slow. 384 00:30:10,916 --> 00:30:11,916 Ready? 385 00:30:13,458 --> 00:30:14,833 Don't hold back. 386 00:30:14,916 --> 00:30:15,958 [chuckles] 387 00:30:17,625 --> 00:30:19,750 - [swords clinking] - [upbeat music playing] 388 00:30:19,833 --> 00:30:23,000 [Mizu panting, grunting] 389 00:30:24,083 --> 00:30:26,833 [pants, chuckles] 390 00:30:26,916 --> 00:30:28,125 Not bad. 391 00:30:28,208 --> 00:30:29,208 [chuckles] 392 00:30:36,875 --> 00:30:37,875 Unsheathe it. 393 00:30:38,750 --> 00:30:39,958 Show me your blade. 394 00:30:40,958 --> 00:30:42,458 I don't want to hurt you. 395 00:30:42,541 --> 00:30:44,500 [chuckles, grunts] 396 00:30:45,500 --> 00:30:48,000 [sword chiming] 397 00:30:54,625 --> 00:30:55,833 [chuckles] 398 00:30:57,083 --> 00:30:58,083 [Mikio gasps] 399 00:31:01,250 --> 00:31:02,291 Oh. 400 00:31:02,375 --> 00:31:04,208 Okay, that's enough. 401 00:31:04,291 --> 00:31:07,625 Did you also lose your backbone when you lost your title? 402 00:31:11,250 --> 00:31:12,166 [grunts] 403 00:31:12,250 --> 00:31:14,500 - [sword chiming] - [both grunting] 404 00:31:16,875 --> 00:31:18,875 [Mikio grunting] 405 00:31:19,708 --> 00:31:21,875 - [sword chime echoes] - [Mikio grunts] 406 00:31:24,375 --> 00:31:25,875 [tense music playing] 407 00:31:28,833 --> 00:31:31,541 - [Mizu pants, grunts] - [Mikio grunting] 408 00:31:32,250 --> 00:31:34,208 [both grunting] 409 00:31:37,958 --> 00:31:40,041 - [grunts] - [Mizu panting] 410 00:31:41,916 --> 00:31:44,291 - [Mizu exhales] - [panting] 411 00:31:50,291 --> 00:31:51,291 [Mikio grunts] 412 00:31:53,708 --> 00:31:55,583 [grunting, panting] 413 00:31:56,625 --> 00:31:58,375 You are a monster. 414 00:32:03,000 --> 00:32:05,708 [hyoshigi sticks playing] 415 00:32:05,791 --> 00:32:09,125 [shamisen playing] 416 00:32:09,208 --> 00:32:12,291 [narrator] After what seemed an eternity of sunshine, 417 00:32:12,375 --> 00:32:16,458 one day, the sky darkened. 418 00:32:17,208 --> 00:32:20,541 The rain washed away the dye on her kimono, 419 00:32:21,791 --> 00:32:27,000 revealing the phoenix crest of her former clan. 420 00:32:27,666 --> 00:32:30,166 The ronin now realized 421 00:32:30,250 --> 00:32:33,500 the bride shared the blood of his sworn enemy. 422 00:32:33,583 --> 00:32:35,541 [phoenix cawing] 423 00:32:36,625 --> 00:32:40,708 The bride exclaimed she had run away from her father's evil clan. 424 00:32:40,791 --> 00:32:44,083 She swore her loyalty was to the ronin alone. 425 00:32:45,291 --> 00:32:47,916 But for the first time in years… 426 00:32:50,791 --> 00:32:56,958 the ronin felt the storm rage inside him. 427 00:32:57,041 --> 00:33:00,750 [tense music intensifies, stops] 428 00:33:03,125 --> 00:33:05,041 [exhales] 429 00:33:07,291 --> 00:33:08,291 [Mama exhales] 430 00:33:08,333 --> 00:33:11,708 He left early to take the horses to the lord. 431 00:33:12,375 --> 00:33:13,666 All of the horses. 432 00:33:14,208 --> 00:33:15,291 Yours too. 433 00:33:16,750 --> 00:33:19,000 I made you tea of gold leaves, 434 00:33:19,750 --> 00:33:21,500 and you spat in it. 435 00:33:22,208 --> 00:33:24,208 [exhales] 436 00:33:24,958 --> 00:33:26,666 [melancholic music playing] 437 00:33:27,375 --> 00:33:30,375 [narrator] Hoping to soften her husband's heart… 438 00:33:31,208 --> 00:33:35,958 [shamisen playing] 439 00:33:37,041 --> 00:33:40,416 … the bride danced. 440 00:33:41,375 --> 00:33:45,375 [shamisen, hyoshigi sticks playing] 441 00:33:47,208 --> 00:33:49,708 - [men grunting] - [Mizu grunting] 442 00:33:51,666 --> 00:33:55,958 [shamisen playing] 443 00:34:06,541 --> 00:34:07,541 [Mizu grunting] 444 00:34:14,083 --> 00:34:16,083 [tense music playing] 445 00:34:19,875 --> 00:34:21,750 [thunder rumbling] 446 00:34:22,625 --> 00:34:24,625 [breathes deeply] 447 00:34:25,708 --> 00:34:27,458 [hoofbeats approaching] 448 00:34:27,541 --> 00:34:28,541 [gasps] 449 00:34:33,583 --> 00:34:34,791 [tense music intensifies] 450 00:34:43,625 --> 00:34:45,250 - [sword slices] - [audience gasps] 451 00:34:46,875 --> 00:34:48,000 [sword slices] 452 00:34:52,833 --> 00:34:56,416 - [shamisen playing] - [phoenix cawing] 453 00:35:01,625 --> 00:35:04,875 [Mizu grunting] 454 00:35:06,750 --> 00:35:07,750 [man grunts] 455 00:35:09,083 --> 00:35:10,458 [horse neighing] 456 00:35:14,250 --> 00:35:16,208 [tense music playing] 457 00:35:24,208 --> 00:35:25,750 Those eyes. That's her. 458 00:35:26,291 --> 00:35:28,500 [Mizu] Which white devil do you work for? 459 00:35:29,041 --> 00:35:31,916 [man] The only white devil I see is you. 460 00:35:32,708 --> 00:35:34,083 Let's kill her quick. 461 00:35:34,166 --> 00:35:37,125 Who told you I was here? Was it her? 462 00:35:37,666 --> 00:35:39,791 The bounty is a sum few could resist. 463 00:35:41,333 --> 00:35:43,375 - [horse neighing] - [gasps] 464 00:35:45,916 --> 00:35:46,916 Mikio. 465 00:35:48,083 --> 00:35:49,708 [romantic music playing] 466 00:35:55,833 --> 00:35:58,541 - Hyah. - [horse neighing] 467 00:36:03,541 --> 00:36:05,541 [sad music playing] 468 00:36:09,625 --> 00:36:11,833 [narrator] And so the bride met her death, 469 00:36:12,750 --> 00:36:14,833 but she did not meet her end. 470 00:36:15,458 --> 00:36:20,333 Within her lifeless body roiled a tempest of hate, 471 00:36:20,416 --> 00:36:25,166 betrayal, injustice, possessing her soul, 472 00:36:25,250 --> 00:36:28,416 transforming her into a nightmare, 473 00:36:28,916 --> 00:36:31,208 into an onryō! 474 00:36:35,416 --> 00:36:36,583 [Mizu grunts] 475 00:36:37,916 --> 00:36:39,083 [sword chiming] 476 00:36:44,958 --> 00:36:46,541 [thunder rumbling] 477 00:36:47,583 --> 00:36:50,083 - [man grunting] - [Mizu grunting] 478 00:36:50,875 --> 00:36:53,333 - [tense music playing] - [Mizu grunts] 479 00:36:54,000 --> 00:36:56,333 [Mizu grunting] 480 00:37:06,166 --> 00:37:07,333 [man groans] 481 00:37:08,666 --> 00:37:09,666 [man groans] 482 00:37:10,083 --> 00:37:12,000 [metal clanking] 483 00:37:12,083 --> 00:37:14,500 [Mizu grunting] 484 00:37:14,583 --> 00:37:15,666 [man groans] 485 00:37:15,750 --> 00:37:17,416 [metal clanking] 486 00:37:24,375 --> 00:37:25,958 [Mizu grunting] 487 00:37:26,041 --> 00:37:27,250 [panting] 488 00:37:29,625 --> 00:37:32,333 - [Mizu grunting] - [men groaning] 489 00:37:34,875 --> 00:37:38,833 - [Mizu grunting] - [men groaning] 490 00:37:39,625 --> 00:37:41,458 [men groaning] 491 00:37:45,458 --> 00:37:46,500 [groaning] 492 00:37:47,583 --> 00:37:49,958 - [Mizu grunting] - [men groaning] 493 00:37:54,208 --> 00:37:55,833 [man groaning] 494 00:37:59,541 --> 00:38:00,666 [Mizu grunting] 495 00:38:06,791 --> 00:38:08,875 [Mizu grunting] 496 00:38:08,958 --> 00:38:09,958 [groans] 497 00:38:12,166 --> 00:38:14,458 [tense music intensifies] 498 00:38:17,875 --> 00:38:18,875 [grunts] 499 00:38:24,458 --> 00:38:26,458 [thunder rumbling] 500 00:38:27,250 --> 00:38:29,791 [fire crackling] 501 00:38:42,625 --> 00:38:44,333 [whimpering] 502 00:38:48,000 --> 00:38:49,041 [grunts] 503 00:38:49,666 --> 00:38:51,333 [gasps] No, no, no, no! 504 00:38:51,833 --> 00:38:55,583 [gasps, groans] 505 00:38:57,125 --> 00:38:58,125 [Boss Hamata groans] 506 00:39:00,833 --> 00:39:02,625 [panting] 507 00:39:03,416 --> 00:39:04,625 [Mizu] For Kinuyo. 508 00:39:05,583 --> 00:39:06,666 [groans] 509 00:39:07,875 --> 00:39:10,875 You are more man than any come through my door. 510 00:39:24,416 --> 00:39:26,041 [Boss Hamata] Oh no! No! 511 00:39:26,625 --> 00:39:30,166 - [women grunting] - [Boss Hamata groaning] 512 00:39:31,166 --> 00:39:33,791 [panting] 513 00:39:34,958 --> 00:39:37,083 - [footsteps approaching] - [Mizu grunts] 514 00:39:38,208 --> 00:39:39,208 I came to help. 515 00:39:41,333 --> 00:39:44,708 I was a coward before, but I came back. Forgive me. 516 00:39:45,208 --> 00:39:46,833 You did this. 517 00:39:47,750 --> 00:39:48,791 I would never. 518 00:39:49,458 --> 00:39:50,458 It was her! 519 00:39:51,583 --> 00:39:53,375 I saw you smoking opium again. 520 00:39:53,458 --> 00:39:55,708 How did you buy it? You turned her in. 521 00:39:55,791 --> 00:39:57,458 - Admit it! - [Mama] Mizu, I didn't! 522 00:39:57,541 --> 00:40:00,000 I sold myself back on the bridge! 523 00:40:00,083 --> 00:40:01,791 I needed my medicine. 524 00:40:02,500 --> 00:40:05,583 He must have turned you in to win back his title. 525 00:40:06,458 --> 00:40:09,625 I am your mother. Your mother. 526 00:40:09,708 --> 00:40:10,541 Mizu. 527 00:40:10,625 --> 00:40:13,000 [Mama] He stood by to watch them kill you! 528 00:40:13,083 --> 00:40:14,833 He's dishonorable! 529 00:40:14,916 --> 00:40:15,750 Weak! 530 00:40:15,833 --> 00:40:17,833 Shut your mouth, you lying whore. 531 00:40:17,916 --> 00:40:19,333 [groans] 532 00:40:19,416 --> 00:40:22,125 - [Mikio grunts] - [groans] He's hurting me! 533 00:40:22,208 --> 00:40:23,958 - [Mikio grunts] - [groaning] Mizu! Mizu! 534 00:40:24,583 --> 00:40:26,041 [Mikio] Stop it. [grunts] 535 00:40:27,208 --> 00:40:30,416 - [Mama panting] - [Mikio grunting] 536 00:40:35,291 --> 00:40:37,291 [somber music playing] 537 00:40:38,250 --> 00:40:40,250 - [Mikio grunting] - [Mama screaming] 538 00:40:43,916 --> 00:40:47,666 [Mikio] Mizu. I love you, Mizu. Mizu. 539 00:40:47,750 --> 00:40:48,750 [Mikio grunts] 540 00:40:50,916 --> 00:40:53,416 [somber music continues] 541 00:40:57,000 --> 00:40:58,541 [Ringo] Master! Master! 542 00:40:59,125 --> 00:41:02,125 You beat them. All of them. An entire army. 543 00:41:02,208 --> 00:41:06,500 Akemi and I helped. She killed two men. I killed one. 544 00:41:07,083 --> 00:41:09,333 Something came over me from inside. 545 00:41:10,208 --> 00:41:12,208 It felt… dark. 546 00:41:14,125 --> 00:41:17,666 You want to be like me? Don't hide from the dark. 547 00:41:18,375 --> 00:41:20,375 [horse neighing] 548 00:41:21,000 --> 00:41:22,291 More of Hamata's men? 549 00:41:30,083 --> 00:41:33,208 [guard 1] That's her, Princess Akemi. We found her. 550 00:41:34,166 --> 00:41:36,333 [guard 2] By order of Lord Daichi Tokunobu, 551 00:41:36,833 --> 00:41:38,833 his daughter must return with us. 552 00:41:41,041 --> 00:41:42,208 [both grunting] 553 00:41:43,416 --> 00:41:45,000 I'm not going anywhere. 554 00:41:45,916 --> 00:41:46,958 Right, Mizu? 555 00:41:47,041 --> 00:41:48,625 Do we have a problem here? 556 00:41:50,458 --> 00:41:51,458 Get him. 557 00:41:55,166 --> 00:41:56,166 Take her. [sighs] 558 00:41:57,583 --> 00:42:02,250 [grunting] Get off of me! Mizu! Get off of me! 559 00:42:02,333 --> 00:42:05,375 - [horse neighing] - [screaming] Let me go! Let me go! 560 00:42:05,458 --> 00:42:07,291 Mizu! 561 00:42:08,291 --> 00:42:10,208 Mizu! 562 00:42:11,583 --> 00:42:13,916 Master? You just stood there. 563 00:42:14,708 --> 00:42:15,916 She's better off. 564 00:42:18,375 --> 00:42:20,375 [somber music playing] 565 00:42:21,750 --> 00:42:25,916 You are no samurai. A samurai is honorable. 566 00:42:26,541 --> 00:42:28,375 I never said I was a samurai. 567 00:42:28,458 --> 00:42:31,166 You did. I am on the path of revenge. 568 00:42:31,250 --> 00:42:35,375 There's no place on it for love or friendship or weakness. 569 00:42:37,333 --> 00:42:38,958 Now, I have a man to kill. 570 00:42:41,000 --> 00:42:42,041 [bell jingling] 571 00:42:53,541 --> 00:42:56,166 [narrator] How did this terrible creature come to be? 572 00:42:56,666 --> 00:42:58,583 Hate alone was not enough. 573 00:42:59,375 --> 00:43:01,208 It took one more ingredient. 574 00:43:01,958 --> 00:43:05,500 Love… poisoned by betrayal, 575 00:43:07,041 --> 00:43:11,000 to bring so much bloodshed and woe 576 00:43:12,000 --> 00:43:15,250 to create the onryō. 577 00:43:15,333 --> 00:43:17,333 [thunder rumbling] 578 00:43:19,250 --> 00:43:20,291 [shamisen playing] 579 00:43:22,625 --> 00:43:25,083 [audience applauding] 580 00:43:28,333 --> 00:43:30,208 Our humble thanks 581 00:43:30,750 --> 00:43:34,041 to our most benevolent shogun. 582 00:43:37,333 --> 00:43:39,125 A terrifying tale. 583 00:43:40,375 --> 00:43:43,541 We promised you the finest entertainment here in Edo, 584 00:43:44,041 --> 00:43:45,291 did we not, Akemi? 585 00:43:47,583 --> 00:43:48,583 Yes, my lord. 586 00:43:51,125 --> 00:43:52,916 Only one thing was inaccurate. 587 00:43:53,666 --> 00:43:55,833 Huh. Was it now? 588 00:43:56,875 --> 00:43:58,041 Indeed. 589 00:43:58,125 --> 00:44:01,083 You see, I met an onryō once. 590 00:44:01,791 --> 00:44:02,791 A real one. 591 00:44:03,833 --> 00:44:05,541 But it was incapable of love. 592 00:44:06,125 --> 00:44:08,416 I searched its eyes for a sign of love 593 00:44:08,958 --> 00:44:10,750 or mercy or good. 594 00:44:12,583 --> 00:44:14,333 [whispers] There was only darkness. 595 00:44:16,625 --> 00:44:17,625 [hyoshigi sticks play] 596 00:44:18,625 --> 00:44:20,625 [tense music playing] 597 00:45:00,750 --> 00:45:02,583 [tense music ends]