1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 3 00:02:37,741 --> 00:02:41,536 -上帝啊 怎么还不停止?-等一下 好吗? -God, why won't it stop? -Just give it a second, will you? 4 00:02:42,663 --> 00:02:44,915 你去哪了?你该在六点之前回家的 Where were you? You should have been home by six. 5 00:02:44,956 --> 00:02:46,958 我告诉过你们我今晚要和艾米做作业 I told you guys I was doing homework with Amy tonight. 6 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:49,461 那是怎么了?你伤到自己了吗? What happened there? Did you hurt yourself? 7 00:02:49,503 --> 00:02:51,672 艾米的 呃 猫抓伤了我 没关系 Amy's, uh, cat scratched me. It's fine. 8 00:02:51,713 --> 00:02:53,799 -没什么大不了的 -你为什么不接我电话? -It's no big deal. -Why weren't you answering my calls? 9 00:02:53,840 --> 00:02:57,552 -噢 我很抱歉 我只是... -Look I'm sorry, I just... 10 00:03:04,101 --> 00:03:05,143 我觉得它是EF5 I think it's an EF5. 11 00:03:06,812 --> 00:03:08,730 这不是一场龙卷风 宝贝 It's not a tornado, baby. 12 00:03:08,772 --> 00:03:10,899 -可能是EF5 -EF5到底是什么? -It might be an EF5. -What the hell is an EF5? 13 00:03:10,941 --> 00:03:13,443 这就像两个龙卷风在一起 It's like when two tornadoes come together, 14 00:03:13,485 --> 00:03:15,320 合成了一个巨大的龙卷风 and they form one giant tornado. 15 00:03:15,362 --> 00:03:18,323 -它会撕裂它所经过的一切 -天啊 那是真的吗? -It rips everything in its path. -God, is that true? 16 00:03:18,365 --> 00:03:21,618 不 这只是一场雷雨一切都会好起来的 No, it's just a thunderstorm. Everything's gonna be okay. 17 00:03:24,246 --> 00:03:26,915 天哪 这太吵了 Jesus, that was loud. 18 00:03:26,957 --> 00:03:28,458 这声音有点大 It was a little loud. 19 00:03:29,835 --> 00:03:31,128 听起来像枪响 Sounded like a gunshot. 20 00:03:32,129 --> 00:03:34,923 也许它是EF6 等等 Maybe it's an EF6. Wait. 21 00:03:34,965 --> 00:03:36,550 有EF6这种东西吗? Is there even such a thing as EF6? 22 00:03:36,591 --> 00:03:38,844 宝贝 不会有龙卷风的 Baby, there's not gonna be a tornado. 23 00:03:38,885 --> 00:03:41,304 这只是一场雷雨 它会过去的 It's just a thunderstorm, and it's going to pass. 24 00:03:42,556 --> 00:03:44,558 大多数事情都会有结束的 不是吗? Most things come to an end, don't they? 25 00:04:00,365 --> 00:04:04,911 妈妈 我觉得可能出了问题 Mom, I think something might be wrong. 26 00:04:06,079 --> 00:04:09,249 就像风暴一样 可能会有不好的事情发生 Like with the storm, something bad might be happening. 27 00:04:09,291 --> 00:04:11,001 不 它会过去的 No, it'll pass. 28 00:04:18,759 --> 00:04:21,470 谁想玩 酒店大逃亡? Who wants to play The Great Hotel Escape? 29 00:04:21,511 --> 00:04:23,805 -我们玩这个的时候 你还看不懂牌呢 -我看得懂! -You can never read the cards when we play that. -I can read! 30 00:04:23,847 --> 00:04:25,891 -伙计们... -妈妈 告诉她我能看懂 -Guys-- -Mom, tell her I can read. 31 00:04:25,932 --> 00:04:27,225 梅尔 你弟弟能看懂 Mel, your brother can read. 32 00:04:27,267 --> 00:04:29,519 看吧 我告诉过你 See! I told you. 33 00:04:29,561 --> 00:04:31,271 -妈妈 你看梅尔她... -够了! -Mom, did you see what Mel--! -Enough! 34 00:05:06,681 --> 00:05:08,433 -那是谁?-没谁 -Who's that? -Nobody. 35 00:05:09,476 --> 00:05:10,435 对 Right. 36 00:05:11,895 --> 00:05:15,440 谁想玩 哥特人和汪达尔人? Who wants to play Goths and Vandals? 37 00:05:15,482 --> 00:05:18,360 -不玩 酒店大逃亡?-现在不 宝贝 -Not The Great Hotel Escape? -Not right now, baby. 38 00:05:18,401 --> 00:05:21,988 看 我们拿出了哥特人和汪达尔人的游戏 Look we just pull out the Goths and Vandals game. 39 00:05:22,030 --> 00:05:24,991 我敢说 我们玩完第一轮 I bet you by the time we get through the first round, 40 00:05:25,033 --> 00:05:27,077 暴风雨就过去了 the storm will've passed. 41 00:05:27,118 --> 00:05:29,037 除非龙卷风卷走了我们的房子 Unless the tornado picks up our house 42 00:05:29,079 --> 00:05:31,164 -并把它带走或什么的 -闭嘴! -and carries it away or something. -Shut up! 43 00:05:31,206 --> 00:05:33,333 这又不是绿野仙踪 That only happened in The Wizard of Oz. 44 00:05:33,375 --> 00:05:35,252 这也可能发生在这里 It could happen here too. 45 00:05:35,293 --> 00:05:36,503 天啊 你真够笨的 God, you're so dumb. 46 00:05:38,380 --> 00:05:40,924 我跟你说什么来着 怎么跟你弟弟那样说话? What did I tell you about talking to your brother like that? 47 00:05:42,133 --> 00:05:43,301 对不起 Sorry. 48 00:05:44,970 --> 00:05:45,929 你是吗? Are you? 49 00:06:05,282 --> 00:06:07,450 -谁?-没谁 -Who's calling? -It's just nobody. 50 00:06:07,492 --> 00:06:09,452 -是啊 谁在打电话?-没谁! -Yeah, who's calling? -Nobody! 51 00:06:10,120 --> 00:06:11,079 哼 Huh! 52 00:06:13,081 --> 00:06:15,959 你真的认为这个浴室能 You really think this bathroom is gonna protect us 53 00:06:16,001 --> 00:06:18,837 在这场大龙卷风中保护我们吗 from a big, old tornado that swoops in and... 54 00:06:20,088 --> 00:06:22,090 你真的认为这有什么区别吗? You really think it's gonna make any difference at all? 55 00:06:22,132 --> 00:06:23,800 好吧 如果你不想和我们一起在这里 Well if you don't wanna be in here with us, 56 00:06:23,842 --> 00:06:26,303 -你知道门在哪 -哦!现在我有选择了呢 -you know where the door is. -Oh! Now I have a choice. 57 00:06:29,014 --> 00:06:30,390 发生了什么事? What is going on? 58 00:06:45,614 --> 00:06:47,699 嘘 没事的 没事的 Shh. It's okay. It's okay. 59 00:06:47,741 --> 00:06:48,950 为什么灯会熄灭? Why did the lights go out? 60 00:06:48,992 --> 00:06:51,912 嘿 这是一场雷雨啊 You guys, it's a thunderstorm, 61 00:06:51,953 --> 00:06:54,873 闪电可能击中了变压器或其他东西 Lightning probably hit a transformer or something. 62 00:06:54,915 --> 00:06:56,708 不要再一惊一乍的了 Stop freaking out for no reason. 63 00:06:56,750 --> 00:06:58,919 这是一场龙卷风 龙卷风 龙卷风 It's a tornado! It's a tornado! It's a tornado! 64 00:06:58,960 --> 00:07:02,297 鲍比? Bobby? 65 00:07:10,639 --> 00:07:12,641 闪电打中房子了吗 Did lightning hit the house?! 66 00:07:12,682 --> 00:07:15,769 -那是什么鬼东西?哦 上帝 那是什么? -上帝啊 -What the hell was that? Oh, God, what was that? -Jesus Christ. 67 00:07:15,810 --> 00:07:18,688 我不知道 我不知道 I don't know. I don't know. 68 00:07:23,401 --> 00:07:24,945 爸爸不要!不要去 Dad no! Don't go. 69 00:07:24,986 --> 00:07:26,613 开个灯就可以了 好吗? Just get the light, okay? 70 00:07:31,201 --> 00:07:32,661 这他妈的是什么? What the fuck? 71 00:07:34,621 --> 00:07:37,540 -怎么了? -打不开 -What's wrong? -It won't open. 72 00:07:38,041 --> 00:07:40,001 你说打不开是什么意思? What do you mean it won't open? 73 00:07:40,043 --> 00:07:42,504 我的意思是它他妈的打不开! I mean it won't fucking open! 74 00:07:44,673 --> 00:07:46,758 梅尔丽莎 把你手机给我 Melissa, give me your phone. 75 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:49,594 -不 什么?为什么? -把手机他妈的给我 -No. What? Why? -Just give me the goddamn phone. 76 00:07:54,891 --> 00:07:57,811 哦 这他妈的是什么? Oh, what the fuck? 77 00:07:59,270 --> 00:08:00,438 该死的! God damn it! 78 00:08:01,272 --> 00:08:03,566 -什么? -一棵树 -What is it? -A tree. 79 00:08:04,025 --> 00:08:07,195 -一什么? -我想是一棵该死的树 -A what? -I think a fucking tree 80 00:08:07,237 --> 00:08:09,322 -正挡在门外 -哦 上帝啊 -is blocking the door. -Oh, God. 81 00:08:09,364 --> 00:08:11,992 什么树 你不能移走它吗? What tree? You can't move it? 82 00:08:12,033 --> 00:08:15,328 看起来像我可以移走它吗?妈的! Does it look like I can move it? Fuck! 83 00:08:16,287 --> 00:08:18,331 也许是后院的一棵树 Maybe it's a tree from the backyard. 84 00:08:19,165 --> 00:08:21,418 -什么? -我们埋斑点的那地方 -What? -Where we buried Spot. 85 00:08:21,459 --> 00:08:23,211 -什么?-唉! -What?! -Ugh! 86 00:08:23,253 --> 00:08:24,462 该死的 梅尔 God damn it, Mel. 87 00:08:26,923 --> 00:08:29,634 -斑点死了吗? -我们过会儿再谈这个 好吗? -Is Spot dead? -Let's talk about this in a minute, okay? 88 00:08:29,676 --> 00:08:32,762 但是斑点跑了 斑点跑了! But Spot ran away! Spot ran away! 89 00:08:32,804 --> 00:08:34,305 该死的 God damn it. 90 00:08:41,896 --> 00:08:45,233 -上帝 -我的手机呢? -Jesus Christ. -Where's my phone? 91 00:08:45,275 --> 00:08:46,901 -冷静点 -爸爸 我的手机呢? -Calm down. -Dad, where's my phone? 92 00:08:46,943 --> 00:08:48,653 -我把它丢了 -哦! -I dropped it. -Ugh! 93 00:08:48,695 --> 00:08:51,781 你能不能别再歇斯底里了? 这是一场风暴 Would you stop being hysterical? It's a storm. 94 00:08:51,823 --> 00:08:54,159 艾米很好 上帝啊 Amy is fine. Jesus Christ. 95 00:08:54,200 --> 00:08:56,202 这又他妈的不是世界末日 It's not the end of the goddamn world. 96 00:09:02,208 --> 00:09:04,669 梅尔!把门关上! Mel! Shut the door! 97 00:09:06,046 --> 00:09:07,464 把门关上! Close the door! 98 00:09:17,140 --> 00:09:20,727 -我们被困住了吗? -我不知道 屋顶没了 -Are we stuck? -I don't know. The roof is gone. 99 00:09:24,022 --> 00:09:26,024 哦 我的上帝 到这里来 Oh, my God. Come here. 100 00:09:31,988 --> 00:09:33,615 我们该怎么做? What are we gonna do? 101 00:09:50,965 --> 00:09:53,426 我们必须做些什么 不是吗? We have to do something, don't we? 102 00:09:56,763 --> 00:09:57,722 不是吗? Don't we? 103 00:10:01,309 --> 00:10:02,268 伙计们! Guys! 104 00:10:12,403 --> 00:10:13,863 我想我得等 I guess we wait. 105 00:10:18,701 --> 00:10:19,661 艾米... Amy... 106 00:11:18,803 --> 00:11:22,724 嘿 我正等着你停下来 Hey, I was waiting for you to stop, 107 00:11:24,184 --> 00:11:25,935 在看台的后面? back by the bleachers? 108 00:11:25,977 --> 00:11:28,521 哦 对不起 我没有看到你 Oh, sorry, I didn't see you. 109 00:11:30,231 --> 00:11:32,150 但你看到了别的东西 不是吗? But you saw something else, didn't you? 110 00:11:35,153 --> 00:11:39,073 -我很抱歉 我不是有意要... -不是有意要什么? -I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-- -Didn't mean to what? 111 00:11:41,159 --> 00:11:42,118 盯着? Stare? 112 00:11:43,703 --> 00:11:44,871 也许我想让你这样做 Maybe I wanted you to. 113 00:11:50,960 --> 00:11:51,920 发生了什么事? What happened? 114 00:11:53,880 --> 00:11:55,048 我曾经是一名切割师 I used to be a cutter. 115 00:12:01,888 --> 00:12:04,682 -为什么? -Why? 116 00:12:04,724 --> 00:12:06,100 因为我曾经是死人 Because I used to be dead. 117 00:12:37,799 --> 00:12:40,802 有多糟?那棵树? How bad is it? The tree? 118 00:12:56,943 --> 00:12:59,153 你觉得保险会赔吗? You think the insurance will cover it? 119 00:13:03,616 --> 00:13:04,826 我不知道 I don't know. 120 00:13:08,913 --> 00:13:10,623 你要再试试你的手机吗? You gonna try your phone again? 121 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:16,546 等等 爸爸 我可以用你的电话吗?给艾米打电话 Wait, Dad, can I use your phone? To call Amy. 122 00:13:18,756 --> 00:13:21,134 它出了问题 试试你的 Something's wrong with it. Try yours. 123 00:13:21,175 --> 00:13:22,135 哦 我不能 Oh, I can't. 124 00:13:23,469 --> 00:13:26,097 -你不能?-是的 我不能 它死机了 -You can't? -Yeah, I can't. It's dead. 125 00:13:27,056 --> 00:13:28,349 哦 该死 Oh, God damn it. 126 00:13:32,270 --> 00:13:34,063 他妈的 一坨屎 Fucking piece of shit. 127 00:13:35,273 --> 00:13:37,191 -呃...... -什么? -Uh... -What? 128 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:39,569 好吧 我正在看新闻 Well, I'm trying to check the news, 129 00:13:39,610 --> 00:13:43,448 但这该死的东西不工作 but this fucking thing isn't working. 130 00:13:43,489 --> 00:13:45,575 好吧 那么 你想让我看看吗? Okay, well-- Do you want me to have a look at it? 131 00:13:45,616 --> 00:13:47,910 不 我不想让你看哪怕一眼 No, I don't want you to have a look at it. 132 00:13:48,578 --> 00:13:50,288 好吧 我只是问问 Okay. I was just asking. 133 00:13:50,330 --> 00:13:52,040 爸爸 我可以试试你的电话吗? Dad, can I please try your phone? 134 00:13:53,416 --> 00:13:54,792 我要尿尿 I have to pee. 135 00:14:16,647 --> 00:14:18,316 你们都在这我尿不出来 I can't go with you guys here. 136 00:14:22,820 --> 00:14:25,114 我不知道该说什么 梅尔 I don't know what to tell you, Mel. 137 00:14:30,078 --> 00:14:31,746 我还能听到你撒尿的声音 姐姐 I can still hear you pee, sis. 138 00:14:31,788 --> 00:14:34,957 哦 我的上帝 鲍比 上帝啊! Oh, my God, Bobby, Jesus! 139 00:14:43,257 --> 00:14:46,094 哇 这真的是EF5 Wow, it was really an EF5. 140 00:14:47,011 --> 00:14:48,513 是的 可能是这样 Yeah. It might have been. 141 00:14:48,554 --> 00:14:51,057 你说现在结束了吗? You guys think it's over now? 142 00:14:51,099 --> 00:14:53,017 你说有人死了吗? Do you think people died? 143 00:14:53,059 --> 00:14:54,352 不 宝贝 没有人死 No, baby, nobody died. 144 00:14:54,394 --> 00:14:55,436 这是很有可能的 It's very possible. 145 00:14:56,646 --> 00:14:57,605 真的吗? Seriously? 146 00:15:01,943 --> 00:15:03,611 嘿 你们这些家伙!我看到一条蛇! Hey, you guys! I see a snake! 147 00:15:03,653 --> 00:15:08,199 -什么?鲍比 离开那里 -哪里? -What?! Bobby get away from there. -Where? 148 00:15:08,241 --> 00:15:10,743 在那里 梳妆台都砸了 Over there, where the dressers all smashed. 149 00:15:12,954 --> 00:15:14,080 我没看见任何东西 I don't see anything. 150 00:15:15,123 --> 00:15:16,624 我想这是一条响尾蛇 I think it's a rattlesnake. 151 00:15:17,500 --> 00:15:20,253 你对响尾蛇了解多少? What do you know about rattlesnakes? 152 00:15:20,294 --> 00:15:21,838 它就在那 It's right there. 153 00:15:23,631 --> 00:15:25,758 鲍比 没有蛇 Bobby, there's no snake. 154 00:15:30,471 --> 00:15:33,099 鲍比 进来 把门关上 Bobby, get inside and shut the door. 155 00:15:34,308 --> 00:15:36,352 -谢谢你 -Thank you. 156 00:15:45,111 --> 00:15:47,155 我曾经在YouTube上看到一条响尾蛇 I saw a rattlesnake on YouTube once. 157 00:15:47,196 --> 00:15:48,698 它正在吃一条鳄鱼 It was eating an alligator. 158 00:15:48,739 --> 00:15:50,241 什么? What? 159 00:15:50,283 --> 00:15:53,161 没有响尾蛇会吃鳄鱼 No rattlesnake's ever eaten an alligator. 160 00:15:53,202 --> 00:15:55,872 那是一只小鳄鱼 It was a baby alligator. 161 00:15:55,913 --> 00:15:58,332 哦 那是一只小鳄鱼 当然 Oh, well it was a baby alligator, sure. 162 00:15:58,374 --> 00:16:00,001 当然 这很有意义 Of course, that makes perfect sense. 163 00:16:00,042 --> 00:16:01,752 你之前就应该提到这一点 You should have mentioned that before. 164 00:16:01,794 --> 00:16:04,464 我一生中遇到的蛇都吃老鼠 The only snakes that I ever met in my life eat mice 165 00:16:04,505 --> 00:16:05,715 和其他玩意 and other shit. 166 00:16:49,425 --> 00:16:52,220 -别这样看着我 -真不敢相信你丢了它 -Don't look at me like that. -Can't believe you dropped it. 167 00:16:52,261 --> 00:16:53,888 那是个意外 It was an accident. 168 00:16:53,930 --> 00:16:56,057 那么 我们现在怎么离开这里呢? Well, how are we supposed to get out of here now? 169 00:16:57,475 --> 00:16:59,519 我不知道 I don't know. 170 00:16:59,560 --> 00:17:04,315 我们就不能把门砸了吗?墙呢? Can't we just break the door down? What about the wall? 171 00:17:05,233 --> 00:17:08,277 -墙? -墙或门或任何东西 -The wall? -The wall or the door or whatever. 172 00:17:08,319 --> 00:17:11,322 你就不能在上面打一个洞然后爬出去吗? Can't you just bust a hole through it and crawl out? 173 00:17:12,740 --> 00:17:13,699 我们能不能... Can we just... 174 00:17:14,659 --> 00:17:17,620 -我不... 怎么做?用什么? -我不知道 -I don't-- how? With what? -I don't know. 175 00:17:17,662 --> 00:17:18,996 你就不能打穿它或其他什么吗? Can't you just punch through it or something? 176 00:17:19,038 --> 00:17:20,498 不 我打不穿它 No, I can't just punch through it. 177 00:17:20,540 --> 00:17:22,416 那东西是实心橡木的 That thing is made of solid oak. 178 00:17:23,334 --> 00:17:27,547 那是钢化玻璃砖 那是岩石墙 That is tempered glass blocks. That is a rock wall. 179 00:17:27,588 --> 00:17:32,176 这是瓦片 这些墙有六英尺厚 This is tile. These walls are six feet thick. 180 00:17:32,218 --> 00:17:34,887 我们他妈的怎么打穿? How the fuck are we supposed to do that? 181 00:17:34,929 --> 00:17:36,264 你想弄断你的手吗? You wanna break your hand? 182 00:17:36,305 --> 00:17:38,015 -听着 大伙儿... -请便 -Look, everyone-- -Be my guest. 183 00:17:38,057 --> 00:17:41,060 一切都会好起来的 还没有那么久 Everything's going to be fine. It hasn't been that long. 184 00:17:41,102 --> 00:17:42,937 会有人来的 Someone will come. 185 00:17:42,979 --> 00:17:45,398 上帝啊 真是乐观呢 Jesus Christ, Pollyanna. 186 00:17:51,320 --> 00:17:54,532 如果这不仅仅是一场风暴呢 妈妈? What if it wasn't just a storm, Mom? 187 00:18:26,564 --> 00:18:28,316 有没有人在外边? Is there anybody out there? 188 00:18:54,925 --> 00:18:56,969 -我们需要那个 -需要什么? -We need that. -Need what? 189 00:18:58,929 --> 00:19:00,389 我们需要它来保持水分 We need it to stay hydrated. 190 00:19:04,435 --> 00:19:06,145 但我还没喝完呢 But I'm not finished with it yet. 191 00:19:08,230 --> 00:19:09,357 那么 你能做到吗? Well, can you be? 192 00:19:48,646 --> 00:19:50,231 来 宝贝 Here, baby. 193 00:19:50,272 --> 00:19:52,358 -我洗过了 别担心 -但是妈妈... -I washed it out, don't worry. -But Mom-- 194 00:19:52,400 --> 00:19:56,237 只管喝水 鲍比!快喝吧! Just drink the water, Bobby! Just drink it! 195 00:20:19,468 --> 00:20:21,679 什么 没我的了? What, I don't get any now? 196 00:20:25,307 --> 00:20:27,226 放松点 我只是在胡闹 Relax, I'm just fucking around. 197 00:20:27,268 --> 00:20:29,562 怎么了?你什么玩笑也开不起了吗? What's the matter? You can't take a joke any more? 198 00:20:34,275 --> 00:20:36,569 -嘿 你为什么不冷静下来? -Hey, why don't you just chill out? 199 00:20:37,987 --> 00:20:40,364 嘿 我只是在闹着玩 Hey, I'm just messing around. 200 00:20:40,406 --> 00:20:42,074 不要每次我说什么的时候都反应过度 Don't overreact every time I say-- 201 00:20:42,116 --> 00:20:43,951 听着 该死的 Listen, God damn it. 202 00:20:43,993 --> 00:20:46,036 我们现在够麻烦的了 We have enough shit piling up here 203 00:20:46,078 --> 00:20:48,581 -你别再添乱了 -你在说什么呢? -without your weight added to it. -What are you talking about? 204 00:20:48,622 --> 00:20:50,249 你完全知道我在说什么 You know exactly what I'm talking about. 205 00:20:50,291 --> 00:20:52,418 所以别突然表现得很无辜 So don't try acting innocently all of a sudden. 206 00:20:53,794 --> 00:20:57,423 -迪... -听着 你想打架?好啊 -Dee-- -Look, you wanna fight? Fine. 207 00:20:57,465 --> 00:20:59,884 留到这一切都结束再说 因为现在 Save it for when this is all over because right now, 208 00:20:59,925 --> 00:21:01,177 没有人想听 nobody wants to hear it. 209 00:21:16,192 --> 00:21:17,151 哇哦 Whoa. 210 00:21:20,404 --> 00:21:24,074 不 你有6吗? No. You have a six? 211 00:21:24,658 --> 00:21:26,327 是的 在这 Yeah. Here. 212 00:21:32,124 --> 00:21:34,585 妈妈 我很饿 Mom, I'm hungry. 213 00:21:34,627 --> 00:21:35,711 是的 我也是 Yeah, me too. 214 00:21:36,962 --> 00:21:38,088 我很抱歉 I'm so sorry. 215 00:21:39,840 --> 00:21:42,593 我希望我们带了一些金鱼饼干之类的东西 I wish we'd brought some goldfish crackers with us or something. 216 00:21:42,635 --> 00:21:44,887 呕!金鱼饼干太恶心了 Ugh! Goldfish crackers are disgusting. 217 00:21:44,929 --> 00:21:46,430 嗯 那就都给我 Hmm. More for me then. 218 00:21:48,557 --> 00:21:52,728 我想要一些鸡蛋 我想要一千个鸡蛋 加奶酪的 I want some eggs. I want a thousand eggs. With cheese. 219 00:21:52,770 --> 00:21:56,273 -恶心 只有老人喜欢鸡蛋 鲍比 -不 -Gross, only old people like eggs, Bobby. -No, they don't. 220 00:21:56,315 --> 00:21:58,734 妈妈 告诉姐姐所有人都喜欢鸡蛋 Mom, tell sis all types of people like eggs. 221 00:21:58,776 --> 00:22:01,821 梅尔丽莎 所有人都喜欢鸡蛋 Melissa, all types of people like eggs. 222 00:22:01,862 --> 00:22:04,240 不 只有老人 Nuh-uh. Only old people. 223 00:22:04,281 --> 00:22:06,242 你知道这让你变成什么了吗 鲍比? And you know what that makes you, Bobby? 224 00:22:07,284 --> 00:22:10,746 -不要说了......-你知道这让你变成什么了? -Don't say it... -You know what that makes you? 225 00:22:10,788 --> 00:22:14,416 妈妈 告诉姐姐不要说了 Mom, tell sis not to say it. 226 00:22:14,458 --> 00:22:16,752 -梅尔丽莎 不要说了 -好吧 好吧 -Melissa, don't say it. -Okay, okay. 227 00:22:20,881 --> 00:22:23,300 这让你变成一个小老头了 It makes you a tiny, old man. 228 00:22:23,342 --> 00:22:27,721 -妈妈! -Mom! 229 00:22:27,763 --> 00:22:30,182 安静 没事的 Calm down. It's okay. 230 00:22:32,017 --> 00:22:36,605 -小老头 -愚蠢的混蛋 -A tiny, old man. -Stupid asshole. 231 00:22:37,398 --> 00:22:42,236 -操!操! -Fuck! Fuck! 232 00:22:42,278 --> 00:22:45,906 他妈的一坨屎! Fucking piece of shit! 233 00:22:45,948 --> 00:22:48,325 愚蠢的该死的电池! Stupid fucking battery! 234 00:22:48,367 --> 00:22:51,662 你这该死的没用的混蛋技术! You fucking useless asshole technology! 235 00:22:51,704 --> 00:22:54,957 你这个该死的婊子!去你妈的! You fucking cunt! Fuck you! 236 00:22:55,541 --> 00:22:59,420 你这个狗娘养的!去死吧 你这个该死的婊子! You motherfucker! Die, you fucking bitch! 237 00:22:59,461 --> 00:23:02,965 你这个傻逼!去你妈的! You stupid cunt! Fuck you! 238 00:23:03,632 --> 00:23:07,678 干你的! Fuck you in your ass! 239 00:23:27,489 --> 00:23:29,575 为什么还没有人过来? Why hasn't anybody come yet? 240 00:23:35,205 --> 00:23:36,415 我不知道 I don't know. 241 00:23:42,922 --> 00:23:44,214 不是龙卷风 Not a tornado. 242 00:23:48,761 --> 00:23:49,720 别的东西 Something else. 243 00:23:52,181 --> 00:23:53,182 你是说......? You mean...? 244 00:23:56,810 --> 00:23:57,770 我想... I think... 245 00:24:03,525 --> 00:24:05,235 我想... I think... 246 00:24:10,699 --> 00:24:12,826 这没有任何意义 It doesn't make any sense. 247 00:24:16,497 --> 00:24:18,290 什么没有任何意义? What doesn't make any sense? 248 00:24:19,166 --> 00:24:24,463 我们有邻居 会有人来的 We have neighbors. Someone would've come. 249 00:24:27,508 --> 00:24:28,467 会看到这棵树 Seen the tree. 250 00:24:30,761 --> 00:24:32,429 为什么他们没有 爸爸? Why haven't they, Daddy? 251 00:24:34,890 --> 00:24:35,849 他们都死了 They're all dead. 252 00:24:37,393 --> 00:24:38,602 为什么你会这么说? Why would you say that? 253 00:24:40,020 --> 00:24:45,776 或者他们已经被疏散了 Or they've already been evacuated. 254 00:24:47,277 --> 00:24:52,741 不管怎么说 这对我们任何人来说都不是一个好兆头 Either way, it doesn't bode too well for any of us. 255 00:25:40,289 --> 00:25:41,915 我曾经是死人 I used to be dead. 256 00:25:43,500 --> 00:25:48,672 大多数人都是如此 他们只是没有意识到这一点 Most people are. They just don't realize it. 257 00:25:50,758 --> 00:25:51,717 你是什么意思? What do you mean? 258 00:25:54,136 --> 00:25:59,099 他们说我是疯子 说我这样做是为了引起注意 They said I was crazy. That I did it for attention. 259 00:26:02,561 --> 00:26:04,480 你听说过科塔德综合症吗? You ever heard of Cotard delusion? 260 00:26:07,232 --> 00:26:09,151 不 没有 No, I don't think so. 261 00:26:09,193 --> 00:26:10,444 行尸综合症 Walking corpse syndrome. 262 00:26:13,238 --> 00:26:14,990 这就像一种精神疾病 我想 It's like a mental illness, I guess. 263 00:26:16,784 --> 00:26:19,369 人会相信他们实际上真的已经死了 People become convinced that they're actually really dead. 264 00:26:32,341 --> 00:26:35,260 这就是你以前割伤自己的原因吗? Is that why you used to cut yourself? 265 00:26:35,302 --> 00:26:40,516 如果我还能流血 那么也许我可以提醒自己 这不是真的 If I could still bleed, then maybe I could remind myself that it wasn't real, 266 00:26:42,142 --> 00:26:43,435 我还活着 that I was still alive. 267 00:26:49,108 --> 00:26:50,275 你想活着吗? Did you want to be? 268 00:26:52,319 --> 00:26:57,032 你切伤自己 希望看到什么? When you would cut yourself, what were you hoping to see? 269 00:27:47,624 --> 00:27:50,919 梅尔 看起来已经开始感染了 Mel, that's starting to look infected. 270 00:27:50,961 --> 00:27:52,379 还好 It's fine. 271 00:27:52,421 --> 00:27:55,257 我处理一下 好吗? I'm gonna put something on it, okay? 272 00:27:55,299 --> 00:27:58,260 妈妈 爸爸 我饿 Mom, Dad, I'm hungry. 273 00:27:58,302 --> 00:28:00,470 好吧 我不知道该说什么 Okay, I don't know what to say about that. 274 00:28:02,931 --> 00:28:05,809 我想吃火腿和奶酪煎蛋卷 I want an omelet with ham and cheese. 275 00:28:05,851 --> 00:28:08,770 但姐姐不要奶酪 你听到了吗 姐姐? But Sissy doesn't get any cheese, you hear that, sis? 276 00:28:10,189 --> 00:28:12,232 哦 我天 哦 我天 什么 什么 什么 什么? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What, what, what, what? 277 00:28:12,274 --> 00:28:13,817 哦 我天 哦 我天 哦 我天 哦 我天 哦 我天! Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God! 278 00:28:13,859 --> 00:28:15,569 -鲍比 你留在那里 -Bobby, you stay there. 279 00:28:15,611 --> 00:28:17,237 -这是什... -哦 上帝 什么? -What the f-- -Oh, Jesus. What? 280 00:28:19,198 --> 00:28:22,075 -鲍比 到浴缸里去!-哦 我的上帝! -Bobby, get in the tub! -Oh, my God! 281 00:28:22,117 --> 00:28:25,412 -好的 好的 待在那里 待在那里 -哦 我的上帝 -Okay, okay. Stay there. Stay there. -Oh, my God. 282 00:28:25,996 --> 00:28:27,331 -妈的! -Shit! 283 00:28:27,998 --> 00:28:30,542 哦 我天 哦 我天 哦 我天 哦 我天! Oh, my God. Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God! 284 00:28:30,584 --> 00:28:32,044 好的 好的 我去找你 等一下 Okay. Okay, I'm coming to you. Hold on. 285 00:28:32,085 --> 00:28:34,129 -哦 我的上帝 -罗伯特... -Oh, my God. -Robert... 286 00:28:34,171 --> 00:28:36,340 糟了 糟了 糟了 糟了 糟了 糟了 糟了 Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. 287 00:28:36,381 --> 00:28:39,927 -哦 我的上帝 这他妈的是什么? -我该做什么?我做什么? -Oh, my God. What the fuck? -What do I do? What do I do? 288 00:28:39,968 --> 00:28:41,511 别动 Just don't move. 289 00:28:41,553 --> 00:28:43,138 -上帝啊! -Jesus! 290 00:28:44,640 --> 00:28:46,600 -哦 我天!-上帝啊! -Oh, my God! -Christ! 291 00:28:46,642 --> 00:28:49,102 -它咬你了吗?-没有 我想没有 -Did it bite you? -No, I don't think so. 292 00:28:49,144 --> 00:28:50,103 好的 Okay. 293 00:28:51,021 --> 00:28:52,564 -爸爸 小心 -Dad be careful. 294 00:28:52,606 --> 00:28:55,400 哦 该死 罗伯特 你还好吗? Oh, shit. Robert, are you okay? 295 00:28:58,028 --> 00:28:59,780 梅尔 把那个马桶搋子扔给我 Mel, throw me that plunger. 296 00:29:00,781 --> 00:29:02,074 梅尔 小心 Mel, careful. 297 00:29:02,115 --> 00:29:04,284 该死的 我很抱歉 妈的 Shit, I'm sorry. Fuck. 298 00:29:04,326 --> 00:29:07,621 -上帝 上帝 -该死 该死 该死 -Jesus, Jesus. -Shit, shit, shit. 299 00:29:07,663 --> 00:29:09,289 好的 好的 Okay. Okay. 300 00:29:10,540 --> 00:29:12,292 -它要咬你! -It's gonna bite you! 301 00:29:13,961 --> 00:29:15,629 -爸爸 它要咬你了 -你在做什么? -Dad, it's gonna bite you. -What are you doing? 302 00:29:15,671 --> 00:29:18,966 -哦 我天!-哦 我天!哦 我天! -Oh, my God! -Oh, my God! oh, my God! 303 00:29:19,007 --> 00:29:21,426 小心 停下 那会更激怒它的 Be careful. Stop, it's gonna aggravate it. 304 00:29:21,468 --> 00:29:23,178 哦 我的天呐! Oh, my God! 305 00:29:23,220 --> 00:29:25,222 -罗伯特! -爸爸 停下! -Robert! -Dad, stop! 306 00:29:25,264 --> 00:29:27,349 -走开! -罗伯特! -Go away! -Robert! 307 00:29:27,391 --> 00:29:30,060 操... Fuck... 308 00:29:34,523 --> 00:29:36,441 去你妈的臭蛇! Fuck you, snake! 309 00:29:37,567 --> 00:29:40,737 -它走了吗? -我他妈的会吃了你整个家族 -Is it gone? -I'LL fucking eat your whole fucking family. 310 00:30:10,434 --> 00:30:11,393 哦! Yeah! 311 00:30:20,861 --> 00:30:22,154 等一下... Wait a minute... 312 00:30:31,955 --> 00:30:33,373 我们是不是应该吃了它? Should we have eaten it? 313 00:30:35,334 --> 00:30:40,714 -总的来说 不 -蛇配上额外的奶酪!奶酪配上额外的蛇! -Gross. No. -Snakes with extra cheese! Cheese with extra snakes! 314 00:30:40,756 --> 00:30:42,799 我不知道怎么吃蛇 你知道吗? I don't know how to eat a snake, do you? 315 00:30:43,884 --> 00:30:46,928 是的 你只需要把它拿起来 Yeah, you just pick it up 316 00:30:46,970 --> 00:30:48,972 然后把头咬下来 像巫师一样 and bite the head off, like Ozzy. 317 00:30:50,223 --> 00:30:51,266 那不是一只蝙蝠吗? Wasn't that a bat? 318 00:30:53,685 --> 00:30:56,521 蛇只是不会飞的蝙蝠 Snakes are just bats that can't fly. 319 00:30:57,814 --> 00:30:59,483 这他妈的是什么? What the fuck? 320 00:31:19,169 --> 00:31:20,420 再告诉我一次 Tell me again. 321 00:31:23,423 --> 00:31:25,550 告诉你什么 宝贝? Tell you what, baby? 322 00:31:25,592 --> 00:31:28,553 你知道的 求你了? You know what. Please? 323 00:31:30,806 --> 00:31:34,601 好 你想让我从哪里开始? Okay. Where do you want me to start? 324 00:31:36,603 --> 00:31:39,439 告诉我你以前有多大 多胖 妈妈 Tell me about how big and fat you were, Mom. 325 00:31:39,481 --> 00:31:42,567 -嘿 -Hey. 326 00:31:44,027 --> 00:31:47,364 我看起来像是在走私 It looked like I was smuggling 327 00:31:47,406 --> 00:31:53,245 我的衬衫下面有一个巨大的西瓜 a big, gigantic watermelon underneath my shirt, 328 00:31:53,286 --> 00:31:58,041 但那是你 but all that was under there was you. 329 00:31:58,083 --> 00:32:03,380 我在说 耐心点 宝贝 你要耐心 I was saying, "Patience, baby. I need you to have patience." 330 00:32:04,423 --> 00:32:07,175 因为你当时还没到医院 Because you weren't at the hospital yet. 331 00:32:07,217 --> 00:32:08,552 你在沃尔玛 You were at a Walmart. 332 00:32:10,262 --> 00:32:11,221 对 That's right. 333 00:32:12,889 --> 00:32:16,560 你和姐姐 但姐姐那时候和我一样大 You and Sissy. But Sissy was my age. 334 00:32:16,601 --> 00:32:19,354 不 姐姐更年轻一点 但是的 No, Sissy was a little bit younger, but yes, 335 00:32:19,396 --> 00:32:23,024 姐姐是... 是和我们在一起的 Sissy was... was there with us. 336 00:32:24,776 --> 00:32:26,278 你在买什么? What were you buying? 337 00:32:27,279 --> 00:32:30,782 一个比萨 因为? A pizza, because? 338 00:32:30,824 --> 00:32:32,951 你厌倦了一直做饭 You were tired of cooking all the time. 339 00:32:32,993 --> 00:32:35,203 哦 是的 对了 Oh. Yes, that's right. 340 00:32:35,245 --> 00:32:38,790 我当时已经怀孕九个月了 我很疲惫 I was nine months pregnant, and I was exhausted. 341 00:32:44,754 --> 00:32:45,714 爸爸在哪里? Where was Dad? 342 00:32:49,634 --> 00:32:51,178 我不记得了 I don't remember. 343 00:32:52,053 --> 00:32:54,556 爸爸 我出生时你在哪里? Dad, where were you when I was born? 344 00:32:57,267 --> 00:32:58,977 他在保龄球馆里喝醉了 He was drunk at a bowling alley. 345 00:32:59,019 --> 00:33:00,645 不 不要 No, don't. 346 00:33:11,531 --> 00:33:13,950 妈妈 我很累 Mommy, I'm tired. 347 00:33:13,992 --> 00:33:17,329 闭上眼睛吧 宝贝 Just close your eyes baby. 348 00:33:18,246 --> 00:33:20,957 我很累 妈妈 我很累 I'm tired, Mommy, I'm tired. 349 00:33:33,386 --> 00:33:38,099 是的......我也很累 Yeah... I'm tired too. 350 00:34:04,292 --> 00:34:06,753 -那是什么?-嘘... -What is it? -Shh... 351 00:34:28,233 --> 00:34:30,860 -我想是一条狗 -狗? -I think it's a dog. -A dog? 352 00:34:30,902 --> 00:34:32,112 -等等 -哦 我的上帝 -Wait. -Oh, my God. 353 00:34:32,153 --> 00:34:33,238 -鲍比!-鲍比!该死的! -Bobby! -Bobby! God damn it! 354 00:34:33,280 --> 00:34:34,239 不 不要! No, don't! 355 00:34:37,784 --> 00:34:39,411 他在舔我的手 你们看 He's licking my hand, you guys. 356 00:34:40,662 --> 00:34:42,914 谁是好孩子?谁是好孩子? Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? 357 00:34:42,956 --> 00:34:44,958 你是 你是 You are, you are. 358 00:34:45,000 --> 00:34:47,794 等等 那真是条狗吗? Wait, is that actually a dog? 359 00:34:47,836 --> 00:34:48,837 是的 你看 Yeah, check. 360 00:34:53,633 --> 00:34:57,220 哦 我的上帝 那是...那是一条狗 Oh, my God. It's-- it's actually a dog. 361 00:34:57,262 --> 00:34:58,888 -是吗? -好的 好的 要小心 -Is it? -All right, well, be careful. 362 00:34:58,930 --> 00:35:01,516 你不知道那家伙有什么鬼东西 You don't know what kind of shit that thing has. 363 00:35:01,558 --> 00:35:04,644 你认为那是斑点吗? 我想是斑点 Do you think it's Spot? I think it's Spot. 364 00:35:04,686 --> 00:35:07,772 斑点 是你吗孩子?是它 不是吗? Spot, is that you boy? It is, isn't it? 365 00:35:07,814 --> 00:35:11,484 大家都说你被埋在后院了但那不是真的 对吗? Everybody said you're buried in the backyard. But that isn't true, right? 366 00:35:11,526 --> 00:35:14,154 你刚才跑了 现在你来救我们了 You just ran away and now you've come to save us. 367 00:35:14,195 --> 00:35:16,740 谁是好孩子?谁是好孩子? Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? 368 00:35:17,782 --> 00:35:19,284 我是个好孩子! I'm a good boy! 369 00:35:22,829 --> 00:35:25,206 -哦 我的上帝!救命啊!救命啊! -Oh, my God! Help! Help! 370 00:35:25,248 --> 00:35:28,710 哦 我的上帝!救命啊!哦 我的上帝!救命啊! Oh, my God! Help! Oh, my God! Help! 371 00:35:29,210 --> 00:35:32,672 救命啊! 哦 我的上帝! Help! Oh, my God! 372 00:35:32,714 --> 00:35:34,424 它为什么会说话?它为什么会说话? Why did it talk? Why did it talk? 373 00:35:34,466 --> 00:35:36,801 放了我女儿 我他妈的会杀了你! Let my daughter go, I'll fucking kill you! 374 00:35:36,843 --> 00:35:41,139 哦 我的上帝 帮帮我吧 Oh, my God, help me! 375 00:35:41,181 --> 00:35:44,225 -我要杀了你! -I'll kill you! 376 00:35:44,267 --> 00:35:47,520 -我! -Me! 377 00:35:47,562 --> 00:35:52,567 我很抱歉 我很抱歉 I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. 378 00:36:04,996 --> 00:36:06,665 这他妈的是什么? What the fuck? 379 00:36:35,026 --> 00:36:35,985 真他妈的 Holy shit. 380 00:37:13,064 --> 00:37:15,650 他要是回来 我他妈的把他脑壳都敲碎 He comes back, I'll break his goddamn skull. 381 00:37:18,403 --> 00:37:21,072 大多数东西扯掉舌头都会死吧? Don't most things die with their tongues ripped out? 382 00:37:23,074 --> 00:37:25,326 我看起来像什么?像他妈的医生吗? What do I look like? Some kind of fucking doctor? 383 00:37:27,996 --> 00:37:29,873 那么 我们至少需要尝试 对吗? Well, we at least need to try, right? 384 00:37:30,832 --> 00:37:31,791 试试什么? Try what? 385 00:37:32,542 --> 00:37:33,501 我们还没吃东西 We haven't eaten. 386 00:37:38,548 --> 00:37:40,133 梅尔 你是个变态的混蛋 Mel, you're one sick fuck. 387 00:37:43,928 --> 00:37:45,388 在这里 Here. 388 00:37:45,430 --> 00:37:47,849 妈妈 我也要吃舌头吗? Mom, do I have to eat the tongue, too? 389 00:37:50,018 --> 00:37:52,228 是的 宝贝 Yes, baby. 390 00:37:53,313 --> 00:37:56,357 好吧 我们必须小口小口地吃这个 Okay, we have to eat this in tiny bites 391 00:37:56,399 --> 00:38:00,570 嚼起来会很难 但咽下去就容易多了 because it'll be tough to chew but easy to choke on, 392 00:38:00,612 --> 00:38:01,821 所以我们必须要小心 so we have to be careful. 393 00:38:02,739 --> 00:38:04,783 在这再多呆一天 我可能就 One more day in here I'd probably take a chomp 394 00:38:04,824 --> 00:38:06,910 开始吃那玩意的鸡鸡了 out of that creep's dick. 395 00:38:06,951 --> 00:38:08,411 真恶心 That's disgusting. 396 00:38:08,453 --> 00:38:11,206 是的 鸡鸡是用来撒尿的 不是用来吃的 爸爸 Yeah, dicks are for peeing, not eating, Dad. 397 00:38:20,131 --> 00:38:21,424 好吧 我先试试 Well, I'll try it first. 398 00:38:21,466 --> 00:38:23,468 是我抓的 对吗? I'm the one who caught it, right? 399 00:38:34,312 --> 00:38:36,940 -啊! -Ah! 400 00:38:37,941 --> 00:38:39,651 -哦 你还好吗? -Oh, are you okay? 401 00:38:46,533 --> 00:38:48,827 -再给我一个 -你确定? -Give me another. -You sure? 402 00:38:48,868 --> 00:38:51,204 是的 你们都是 我们得吃东西 Yeah, all of you. We need to eat. 403 00:40:01,649 --> 00:40:04,611 一切是怎么变成这德行的? How did everything get so fucked up? 404 00:40:08,364 --> 00:40:11,200 你知道发生了什么 You know what happened. 405 00:40:11,242 --> 00:40:13,703 你完全知道发生了什么 You know exactly what happened. 406 00:40:17,040 --> 00:40:17,999 确实如此 True. 407 00:40:20,919 --> 00:40:21,878 乔 Joe. 408 00:40:34,515 --> 00:40:35,516 你在做什么? What are you doing? 409 00:40:37,018 --> 00:40:39,896 我的天啊 快他妈的离开这里! My God, get the fuck out of here! 410 00:40:40,897 --> 00:40:42,148 走吧 你这该死的东西 Go, you fucking creep. 411 00:40:48,029 --> 00:40:49,989 -我很抱歉 -没关系的 -I'm so sorry. -It's fine. 412 00:40:50,031 --> 00:40:51,282 他到处都跟着我 He follows me everywhere. 413 00:40:51,324 --> 00:40:52,867 是啊 真是个该死的傻瓜 Yeah, what a fucking dunce. 414 00:41:03,336 --> 00:41:05,880 为什么他就不能他妈的领会呢? Why couldn't he just take a fucking hint? 415 00:41:09,717 --> 00:41:12,261 回头想想 我们不该对他干的事感到惊讶 In retrospect, we shouldn't be surprised at what he did. 416 00:41:14,555 --> 00:41:15,515 不 No. 417 00:41:26,859 --> 00:41:28,695 你不需要说什么 You don't have to say anything. 418 00:41:31,489 --> 00:41:33,783 你想什么 我就想什么 Anything you think, I think. 419 00:41:36,661 --> 00:41:37,620 如何? HOW? 420 00:41:42,125 --> 00:41:46,045 我不明白发生了什么 I don't understand what's happening. 421 00:41:46,087 --> 00:41:47,880 没有人要求你这样做 No one's asking you to. 422 00:41:52,635 --> 00:41:57,724 我们必须做些什么来阻止说废话 对吗? We had to do something to stop from talking shit, right? 423 00:41:58,141 --> 00:41:59,100 我们不得不这样做 We had to. 424 00:42:24,542 --> 00:42:25,501 帮我一把? Give me a hand? 425 00:42:31,215 --> 00:42:32,675 对不起 斑点 Sorry, Spot. 426 00:42:39,724 --> 00:42:40,683 呃 Ugh. 427 00:42:53,404 --> 00:42:54,989 这个咒语应该很简单 The spell should be pretty simple. 428 00:42:55,031 --> 00:42:56,616 暴徒们一直在这样做 The mob does it all the time. 429 00:42:56,657 --> 00:42:57,617 暴徒? The mob? 430 00:42:58,409 --> 00:43:00,203 它能说服人们不再谈论你的屁话 It convinces people to stop talking shit about you. 431 00:43:00,244 --> 00:43:01,954 给他们一个严厉的警告 你不是 Gives them a stern warning that you aren't someone 432 00:43:01,996 --> 00:43:03,081 好惹的 to be fucked with. 433 00:43:04,082 --> 00:43:07,710 所以 让我们给这个混蛋一个警告 好吗? So, let's give this motherfucker a warning, shall we? 434 00:43:21,724 --> 00:43:23,935 一会儿再来找你 Back to you in a second. 435 00:43:35,613 --> 00:43:37,740 我想他的全名是约瑟夫 I think his full name is Joseph. 436 00:43:38,783 --> 00:43:40,493 我不确定这有多大关系 I'm not sure it matters that much. 437 00:44:01,013 --> 00:44:02,974 对不起 是我妈 Sorry, it's just my mom. 438 00:44:37,550 --> 00:44:40,970 这样一来 他想说的任何关于我的话都会被用来对付他 This way, anything he tries to say about me will be turned against him. 439 00:45:05,620 --> 00:45:07,413 -我爱你... -嘘 -I love you-- -Shh. 440 00:45:14,045 --> 00:45:15,004 我也爱你 I love you too. 441 00:45:20,259 --> 00:45:22,136 这就是我们真正让他痛苦的方法 This is how we really make him suffer. 442 00:46:21,904 --> 00:46:22,863 起来吧 Get up. 443 00:46:29,704 --> 00:46:32,790 什么?爸爸? What? Dad? 444 00:46:32,832 --> 00:46:35,543 -起来吧 -为什么? -Get up. -Why? 445 00:46:40,339 --> 00:46:42,425 -爸爸 为什么? -当我告诉你要做什么的时候 -Dad, why? -When I tell you to do something, 446 00:46:42,466 --> 00:46:44,093 你是照做还是质疑我? do you you do it or you question me? 447 00:46:45,594 --> 00:46:47,680 我照做 I do it. 448 00:46:47,722 --> 00:46:48,764 那就去做吧 Then do it. 449 00:46:53,644 --> 00:46:55,771 你盯着她干什么?我才是和你说话的人 What are you looking at her for? I'm the one talking to you. 450 00:46:55,813 --> 00:46:56,981 发生了什么事? What's going on? 451 00:46:57,898 --> 00:46:59,734 鲍比和我要去试一些东西 Bobby and I are gonna try something. 452 00:47:03,571 --> 00:47:04,613 试什么? Try what? 453 00:47:06,866 --> 00:47:08,784 -你看到了吗? -看到什么? -You see that? -See what? 454 00:47:10,995 --> 00:47:13,414 这该死的门缝 你看到了吗? The goddamn opening. Do you see it? 455 00:47:13,456 --> 00:47:14,790 是的 Yes. 456 00:47:14,832 --> 00:47:17,626 很好 我需要你过去 Good. I need you to go through it. 457 00:47:18,669 --> 00:47:19,628 什么? What? 458 00:47:21,213 --> 00:47:22,298 我 我不能 I, I can't. 459 00:47:24,467 --> 00:47:25,843 你甚至不打算试试? You're not even gonna try? 460 00:47:28,262 --> 00:47:30,139 你甚至没有试试 You didn't even try. 461 00:47:30,181 --> 00:47:32,016 如果你只是试试 会有什么损失? What is it gonna hurt if you just try? 462 00:47:33,184 --> 00:47:34,685 你为什么一直看着她? Why do you keep looking at her? 463 00:47:34,727 --> 00:47:36,479 我不知道! I don't know! 464 00:47:36,520 --> 00:47:37,938 我是你的爸爸 对吗? I'm your daddy, right? 465 00:47:39,065 --> 00:47:40,024 是的 Yes. 466 00:47:41,984 --> 00:47:44,945 而且你想让你的妈妈和爸爸高兴 对吗? And you want to make your mommy and daddy happy, right? 467 00:47:44,987 --> 00:47:46,197 是的 Yes. 468 00:47:48,115 --> 00:47:50,242 那么你需要帮助我们离开这里 Then you need to help us get out of here. 469 00:47:51,577 --> 00:47:57,124 你需要从那里爬过去 挤过去 请 You need to climb through there, squeeze through, please. 470 00:47:58,793 --> 00:48:01,212 -不要... -闭嘴! -Do not do-- -Shut up! 471 00:48:05,132 --> 00:48:07,718 来吧 鲍比 你可以做到的 我相信你 去吧 Come on, Bobby. You can do it. I believe in you. Do it. 472 00:48:24,485 --> 00:48:26,278 你甚至没有试一试! You're not even trying! 473 00:48:28,656 --> 00:48:31,075 -但是... -来吧 你他妈的可以做到的 -But-- -Come on, you can fucking do it. 474 00:48:31,117 --> 00:48:32,618 不要再像个婴儿一样了 Stop being a fucking baby about it, 475 00:48:32,660 --> 00:48:34,370 就从那里挤过去 just squeeze through there. 476 00:48:38,332 --> 00:48:40,084 来吧 该死的 挤一挤! Come on, God damn it. Squeeze! 477 00:48:43,921 --> 00:48:44,880 来吧 Come on. 478 00:48:45,673 --> 00:48:47,550 -该死的 -爸爸! -God damn it. -Dad! 479 00:48:47,591 --> 00:48:50,678 快好了 就这样 You're almost there. Just do it. 480 00:48:50,719 --> 00:48:52,054 过去 Go through. 481 00:48:55,558 --> 00:48:57,643 该死的 从那里挤过去! God damn it, squeeze through there! 482 00:48:58,894 --> 00:49:01,439 -爸爸!住手! -该死! -Dad! Stop! -God damn it! 483 00:49:01,480 --> 00:49:03,149 这他妈的是什么?他过不去! What the fuck? He's not gonna fit! 484 00:49:03,190 --> 00:49:05,151 -挤过去! -Squeeze through! 485 00:49:05,860 --> 00:49:08,404 他妈的放开他!你是谁? Get the fuck off of him! Who are you?! 486 00:49:08,446 --> 00:49:11,115 -你他妈的在做什么? -你他妈的在做什么? -What the fuck are you doing? -What the fuck are you doing? 487 00:49:11,157 --> 00:49:13,617 -那是我们的儿子 -我有个计划 我想让我们离开这里! -That's our son. -I have a plan. I'm trying to get us out of here! 488 00:49:13,659 --> 00:49:18,289 -你把我们的儿子... -我们怎么会死在这里! -You're putting our son in the-- -What are we gonna die out here! 489 00:49:18,330 --> 00:49:21,333 现在他又他妈的躺在地上了 过来! Now he's on the fucking ground. Come over here! 490 00:49:21,375 --> 00:49:23,711 -鲍比?哦 我的上帝 -Bobby? Oh, my God. 491 00:49:23,752 --> 00:49:26,964 -鲍比?鲍比!鲍比 没事的! -Bobby? Bobby! Bobby, it's okay! 492 00:49:27,006 --> 00:49:28,883 来吧 来吧 我们到浴缸里去 Come on, come on. Let's get in the tub. 493 00:49:28,924 --> 00:49:30,843 -我们到浴缸里去 没事的 -Let's get in the tub. It's okay. 494 00:49:30,885 --> 00:49:32,636 没关系 来吧 我们到浴缸里去 伙计们!伙计们! It's okay, come on. Let's get in the tub. Guys! Guys! 495 00:49:32,678 --> 00:49:34,555 -浴缸 浴缸!到浴缸里去 -In the tub, in the tub! Get in the tub. 496 00:49:34,597 --> 00:49:36,390 -伙计们!操!-...什么都没做! -Guys! Fuck! -...ain't doing nothing! 497 00:49:36,432 --> 00:49:38,601 伙计们 你们他妈的能不能停下来?鲍比出事了 Guys, will you fucking stop? Something happened to Bobby. 498 00:49:38,642 --> 00:49:41,812 -我想... 哦 我的上帝 我想是那条蛇 -I think-- oh, my God, I think it was the snake. 499 00:49:47,776 --> 00:49:49,445 上帝啊 Jesus Christ. 500 00:50:07,129 --> 00:50:09,632 -拿马桶盖过来 -什么? -Get the toilet lid. -What? 501 00:50:09,673 --> 00:50:11,300 他妈的马桶顶部 拿过来! The top of the fucking toilet, get it! 502 00:50:16,555 --> 00:50:17,848 好了 准备好了吗? Okay, ready? 503 00:50:21,977 --> 00:50:23,312 哦 上帝 它伤到你了? Oh, God, did it get you? 504 00:50:24,063 --> 00:50:26,106 -唔 哦 我的天啊 -Uh-huh. Oh, my gosh. 505 00:50:26,148 --> 00:50:29,944 来 让我看看 鲍比 让我看看 Here, let me see. Bobby. Let me see. 506 00:50:29,985 --> 00:50:32,488 -停下 哦 天哪 -Stop it. Oh, gosh. 507 00:50:32,530 --> 00:50:35,741 -好的 你能把你的领带给我吗? -什么 为什么? -Okay. Can you get me your tie? -What, why? 508 00:50:35,783 --> 00:50:39,578 -止血 -不 我们需要把毒液吸出来 -For a tourniquet. -No, we need to suck the venom out of him. 509 00:50:39,620 --> 00:50:42,456 不 我觉得先确保毒液不会进入他的心脏 No, I think we need to make sure the venom doesn't go to his heart. 510 00:50:42,498 --> 00:50:43,749 把你那该死的领带给我 Give me your goddamn tie. 511 00:50:45,042 --> 00:50:48,837 -没事 没事 等一下 等一下 -Okay, okay, one second, one second. 512 00:50:48,879 --> 00:50:51,090 好的 等等 Okay. Wait. 513 00:50:51,882 --> 00:50:53,384 -不 不 -鲍比! -No. No. -Bobby! 514 00:50:53,425 --> 00:50:54,593 -哦 我的天啊 你能抱住他吗? -Oh, my gosh. Can you hold him? 515 00:50:54,635 --> 00:50:57,221 -我不能这样做 -I can't do this. 516 00:51:03,435 --> 00:51:04,395 好的 All right. 517 00:51:10,401 --> 00:51:12,695 -吸出来了吗? -Did you get it? 518 00:51:12,736 --> 00:51:14,154 -吸出来了吗?吸出来了吗? -Did you get it? Did you get it? 519 00:51:14,196 --> 00:51:16,073 -吸出来了吗? -Did you get it? 520 00:51:16,115 --> 00:51:17,783 -我... 我不知道 也许吧 -I... I don't know, maybe. 521 00:51:21,745 --> 00:51:24,206 你会没事的 宝贝?宝贝 听我说 You're safe in here. Baby? Baby, listen to me. 522 00:51:25,165 --> 00:51:28,627 -得要水 -好的 我马上就给你拿水 坚持住 -We need water. -Okay, I'll get you water in a minute. Just hold on. 523 00:51:28,669 --> 00:51:30,045 狗娘养的 Motherfucker. 524 00:51:30,963 --> 00:51:34,174 -我知道 放松 尽量放松 -妈的 -I know, just relax, try to relax. -Motherfucker. 525 00:51:34,967 --> 00:51:39,388 操你妈的 混蛋 狗娘养的 Motherfucker. Fucker. Motherfucker. 526 00:51:39,430 --> 00:51:41,348 该死的混蛋 You fucking motherfucker. 527 00:51:42,349 --> 00:51:45,936 鲍比会没事吗?妈妈 鲍比会好起来吗? Is Bobby gonna be okay? Mom, is Bobby gonna be okay? 528 00:51:45,978 --> 00:51:48,897 是的 他会好起来的!对吧 鲍比? Yes, he's gonna be fine! Right, Bobby? 529 00:51:50,107 --> 00:51:54,987 -会好起来的 -狗娘养的 该死的混蛋! -Gonna be fine. -Motherfucker. You fucking motherfucker! 530 00:51:55,529 --> 00:52:00,242 -你这个狗娘养的 你这该死的狗娘养的! -You motherfucker. You motherfucking motherfucker! 531 00:52:01,535 --> 00:52:05,080 你这个混蛋!你这个狗娘养的! You fucker! You motherfucking motherfucker! 532 00:52:06,040 --> 00:52:10,919 你们这些混蛋! You fuckers! 533 00:52:11,837 --> 00:52:13,839 -你们这些狗娘养的! -You motherfuckers! 534 00:52:13,881 --> 00:52:17,426 你们这群混蛋!让我他妈的离开这里! You motherfuckers! Let me the fuck out of here! 535 00:52:17,468 --> 00:52:19,261 我他妈的要杀了你们! I'll fucking kill you! 536 00:52:19,303 --> 00:52:24,224 把他妈的门打开!该死的! Open the fucking door! God damn it! 537 00:52:25,559 --> 00:52:30,981 哦 天哪 哦 天哪! Oh, God, oh, God! 538 00:52:54,505 --> 00:52:57,216 鲍比?鲍比 我很抱歉 Bobby? Bobby, I'm so sorry. 539 00:52:57,257 --> 00:52:58,217 鲍比 我... Bobby, I... 540 00:52:59,385 --> 00:53:01,845 我很抱歉 这都是我的错 I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. 541 00:53:01,887 --> 00:53:03,889 什么?你在说什么呢?这不是你的错 What? What are you talking about? This is not your fault. 542 00:53:03,931 --> 00:53:07,393 -这都是我的错 我很抱歉 -不 不 不 不 不 嘘 -This is all my fault. I'm so sorry. -No, no, no, no, no. Shh. 543 00:53:07,434 --> 00:53:11,689 -会好起来的 好吗?你会好起来的 -It's gonna be okay. Okay? You're gonna be okay. 544 00:53:11,730 --> 00:53:16,026 亲爱的 这不是谁的错 这不是任何人的错 Honey. It's nobody's fault. It's nobody's fault. 545 00:53:16,068 --> 00:53:17,027 好吗? Okay? 546 00:53:19,154 --> 00:53:22,116 喂?喂? Hello? Hello? 547 00:53:24,368 --> 00:53:28,163 -发生了什么事?还好吗? -What's going on? Are you okay? 548 00:53:29,456 --> 00:53:34,253 嘿 谁在那里? Hey, who's there? 549 00:53:37,005 --> 00:53:38,173 我们在这里 We're over here. 550 00:53:41,176 --> 00:53:42,136 我们需要帮助 We need help. 551 00:53:43,554 --> 00:53:44,805 我的儿子被咬了 My son was bit. 552 00:53:47,683 --> 00:53:50,018 我的儿子被咬了 救命! My son was bit. Help! 553 00:53:50,060 --> 00:53:52,938 -你看到有人吗? -我什么都没看见 -Do you see someone? -I don't see shit. 554 00:53:52,980 --> 00:53:53,939 喂? Hello? 555 00:53:55,566 --> 00:54:00,362 拜托 我们他妈的需要一个医生 Please, we need a fucking doctor. 556 00:54:00,404 --> 00:54:02,239 好吧 跟着我的声音 All right, follow my voice. 557 00:54:02,281 --> 00:54:05,367 哦 上帝 Oh, Jesus Christ. 558 00:54:05,409 --> 00:54:07,035 我们出不去 We can't. 559 00:54:07,077 --> 00:54:10,914 我们被困住了 你跟着我的声音过来 We're stuck. You follow my voice. 560 00:54:13,834 --> 00:54:17,838 求你了 我们... 我的儿子需要救治 Please. We-- My son needs medical attention. 561 00:54:18,964 --> 00:54:20,716 好的 好的 等一下 Okay, okay, hold on. 562 00:54:22,342 --> 00:54:24,553 -我想我看到你了 等一下 -I think I see you. Hold on. 563 00:54:25,804 --> 00:54:28,098 等一下 我必须...不... Hold on, I have to... No... 564 00:54:28,140 --> 00:54:29,933 那是什么...什么? What's that... what? 565 00:54:29,975 --> 00:54:31,810 -哦 上帝... -Oh, God... 566 00:54:31,852 --> 00:54:34,188 -哦 上帝!不! -Oh, God! No! 567 00:55:12,893 --> 00:55:14,686 你看到什么了吗? Do you see anything? 568 00:55:20,984 --> 00:55:23,111 不 我什么也没看到 No, I don't see anything. 569 00:55:27,282 --> 00:55:31,453 但我认为我们应该把门关一会 But I think we should keep the door closed for a little while. 570 00:55:38,293 --> 00:55:40,420 那鲍比呢? But what about Bobby? 571 00:55:40,462 --> 00:55:43,549 -他妈的闭嘴! -Shut the fuck up! 572 00:55:50,514 --> 00:55:52,933 -我想我们应该... -他妈的闭嘴 都闭嘴! -I think we should ta-- -Shut the fuck up, all of you! 573 00:57:06,340 --> 00:57:10,260 好吧 我想我们可以说话了 Okay, I think we can talk again. 574 00:57:11,637 --> 00:57:14,556 但我们还得注意音量 以防万一 But we should still watch our volumes, just in case. 575 00:57:16,391 --> 00:57:17,351 万一什么? In case of what? 576 00:57:26,944 --> 00:57:28,362 你在外面看到了什么? What did you see out there? 577 00:57:35,243 --> 00:57:36,203 我不知道 I don't know. 578 00:57:40,332 --> 00:57:42,125 真的有人向那人开枪吗? Did someone really shoot that guy? 579 00:57:44,252 --> 00:57:46,171 也许是他在向别的什么开枪 Maybe he was shooting something. 580 00:57:50,759 --> 00:57:51,718 别的 什么? Something? 581 00:57:52,886 --> 00:57:54,096 我不知道 I don't know. 582 00:57:59,184 --> 00:58:00,477 鲍比需要帮助 Bobby needs help. 583 00:58:03,063 --> 00:58:04,064 我们都需要帮助 We all need help. 584 00:58:05,107 --> 00:58:07,234 他需要一个医生 罗伯特 He needs a doctor, Robert. 585 00:58:07,275 --> 00:58:08,777 你觉得我不知道吗? You think I don't know that? 586 00:58:13,365 --> 00:58:14,616 被咬的这一口会要了他的命吗? Can that bite kill him? 587 00:58:17,285 --> 00:58:21,498 我想我把所有的都吸出来了 我不...我不知道 I think I sucked everything out. I don't... I don't know. 588 00:58:25,627 --> 00:58:28,380 上帝 他妈的发生了什么? Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened? 589 00:58:33,093 --> 00:58:34,302 我很害怕 I'm scared. 590 00:58:37,848 --> 00:58:38,849 我也是 亲爱的 Me too, sweetheart. 591 00:58:46,273 --> 00:58:49,151 我们该怎么做? What should we do? 592 00:58:54,197 --> 00:58:58,326 伙计们 我们该怎么做? Guys, what should we do? 593 00:58:59,327 --> 00:59:02,539 梅尔 你他妈的为什么一直问我们该怎么做? Mel, why the fuck do you keep asking us what should we do?! 594 00:59:03,457 --> 00:59:05,500 我们知道 你也知道的 We know exactly what you know. 595 00:59:05,542 --> 00:59:09,379 那就是他妈的什么也不知道 行吗?行吗? Which is fucking nothing, okay? Okay? 596 00:59:09,421 --> 00:59:10,380 嗯 Yeah. 597 00:59:16,428 --> 00:59:17,929 好吧 我很抱歉 Okay, I'm sorry. 598 00:59:24,061 --> 00:59:25,645 我不知道我们要做什么 I don't know what we're gonna do. 599 00:59:27,147 --> 00:59:28,982 我不知道外面发生了什么 I don't know what happened out there. 600 00:59:29,024 --> 00:59:31,777 我不知道谁向谁开枪 我不知道他们为什么向他开枪 I don't know who shot who. I don't know why they shot him. 601 00:59:32,861 --> 00:59:36,490 我不知道我们是否能走出这间浴室 去寻找答案 I don't know if we're ever gonna get out of this bathroom to find out. 602 00:59:36,531 --> 00:59:38,366 我甚至不知道我是否想找到答案 I don't even know if I wanna find out. 603 00:59:41,286 --> 00:59:43,413 我不知道鲍比是不是会没事 I don't know if Bobby's gonna be okay. 604 00:59:46,917 --> 00:59:50,378 我现在什么都不知道 I don't know goddamn much about anything right now. 605 01:00:17,114 --> 01:00:18,615 我们杀了他 We killed him. 606 01:00:18,657 --> 01:00:20,534 我知道 我们搞砸了 I know. We fucked up. 607 01:00:20,575 --> 01:00:21,535 我们? We? 608 01:00:22,536 --> 01:00:26,748 我们在一起 不是吗? We're in this together, aren't we? 609 01:00:29,626 --> 01:00:31,128 是的 我们在一起 Yeah, we're in this together. 610 01:00:33,255 --> 01:00:34,714 谢谢你没有抛弃我 Thank you for not abandoning me. 611 01:00:34,756 --> 01:00:38,009 嘿 我永远不会的 好吗? Hey, I would never, okay? 612 01:00:43,306 --> 01:00:44,641 那是一个亡灵法术 It was a necromancy spell. 613 01:00:45,684 --> 01:00:50,814 -我们用在乔身上的? -不 梅尔丽 不是乔 是我 我把它用在自己身上 -That we used on Joe? -No, Melly, not Joe. Me, I used it on myself. 614 01:00:52,107 --> 01:00:55,819 我告诉你我已经死了 或者至少我认为我已经死了 I told you I was dead, or at least I thought I was dead. 615 01:00:57,404 --> 01:00:58,363 怎么? HOW? 616 01:00:59,739 --> 01:01:01,741 这很复杂 现在开始讨论细节了 It's complicated, and getting into the details now, 617 01:01:01,783 --> 01:01:03,410 这并不重要 对吗? it's not important. Right? 618 01:01:03,451 --> 01:01:04,995 关键是 那种特定的法术 The point is this, that specific kind of spell 619 01:01:05,036 --> 01:01:06,788 是为了让人起死回生 is supposed to bring back people from the dead. 620 01:01:06,830 --> 01:01:08,748 而我体内的某些东西已经死亡 And something inside of me was dead. 621 01:01:08,790 --> 01:01:10,333 所以它只是在理论上有意义 So it only makes sense theoretically 622 01:01:10,375 --> 01:01:13,295 这可能...会起作用 that it could-- would work. 623 01:01:13,336 --> 01:01:14,296 有吗? Did it? 624 01:01:15,547 --> 01:01:19,259 我 我以为我好了 我已经痊愈了 I, I thought I was better, that I was healed. 625 01:01:19,301 --> 01:01:20,927 那么 你是吗? Well, are you? 626 01:01:20,969 --> 01:01:23,889 在过去的几天里 我感觉不对 I haven't felt right in the past couple of days. 627 01:01:23,930 --> 01:01:26,683 我想也许是乔对我做的那些深情假意的黄段子吧 And I thought maybe it was all the deepfake porno bullshit Joe pulled on me. 628 01:01:26,725 --> 01:01:28,602 但现在我怀疑是别的原因 But now I suspect it's something else. 629 01:01:29,436 --> 01:01:31,021 更加邪恶的东西 Something a little more evil. 630 01:01:32,147 --> 01:01:33,773 艾米 你在说胡话 Amy, you're not making any sense. 631 01:01:33,815 --> 01:01:36,693 如果一直以来死去的不是我呢? What if it wasn't me who was dead all this time? 632 01:01:36,735 --> 01:01:39,946 如果有什么东西在我体内 而那就是死了的东西呢? What if something was inside me and that's what was dead? 633 01:01:39,988 --> 01:01:43,742 而当我施展咒语时 它就醒了? And when I performed the spell, it woke up? 634 01:01:43,783 --> 01:01:47,078 -艾米 我... -它只是在等待 -Amy, I-- -It's just been waiting for the perfect moment 635 01:01:47,120 --> 01:01:48,330 一个完美的时机 宣布它的到来 to announce its arrival. 636 01:01:52,375 --> 01:01:56,296 -我不觉得... -这一定就是为什么法术出错的原因 -I don't think-- -It has to be why the tongue spell went so wrong. 637 01:01:56,338 --> 01:01:58,465 我是说 我知道我们用狗的舌头代替了牛的 I mean, I know we substituted a dog's tongue for a cow's, 638 01:01:58,506 --> 01:02:01,718 但是 我的意思是 该死的 发生的事情不应该发生 but still, I mean, holy shit, what happened shouldn't have happened. 639 01:02:01,760 --> 01:02:06,097 除非主持仪式的人有什么东西藏在他们体内 Unless the person who conducted the ritual had something hiding inside of them. 640 01:02:06,139 --> 01:02:09,935 超越人类的东西 一些... Something beyond human. Something... 641 01:02:09,976 --> 01:02:11,102 一些什么? Something what? 642 01:02:13,438 --> 01:02:14,564 一些邪恶的东西 Something diabolical. 643 01:02:38,004 --> 01:02:39,714 他为什么还没有检查你呢? Why hasn't he checked on you yet? 644 01:02:52,644 --> 01:02:56,773 -为什么没有谁... -迪 别装聋作哑 -Why hasn't who-- -Dee. Don't play deaf. 645 01:02:56,815 --> 01:03:01,486 我知道你听到了 你不觉得他很担心吗? I know you hear me. Don't you think he's worried? 646 01:03:05,156 --> 01:03:07,909 我真的不认为现在是谈论这个问题的最佳时机 I really don't think now is the best time to talk about this. 647 01:03:11,538 --> 01:03:14,666 我不是想成为一个混蛋 该死的 I'm not trying to be an asshole, God damn it. 648 01:03:16,835 --> 01:03:21,256 我只是说我们需要离开这里 I'm just saying we need to get out of here 649 01:03:21,298 --> 01:03:23,174 否则我们就完蛋了 or we're fucked. 650 01:03:23,216 --> 01:03:24,384 特别是现在 Especially now. 651 01:03:25,593 --> 01:03:27,387 你们在说谁呢? Who are you guys talking about? 652 01:03:30,307 --> 01:03:32,475 没事的 宝贝 没事的 我知道 It's okay, baby. It's okay. I know. 653 01:03:33,727 --> 01:03:34,686 怎么样? Well? 654 01:03:39,858 --> 01:03:41,359 我告诉他 如果他不... I told him if he didn't... 655 01:03:43,194 --> 01:03:44,779 ...他在午夜前没有再听我说了 ...he didn't hear from me by midnight, 656 01:03:44,821 --> 01:03:48,033 那么可能会发生一些事情 then something might have happened. 657 01:03:53,413 --> 01:03:54,456 比如? Something like what? 658 01:04:01,671 --> 01:04:03,006 我们真的不应该涉足这个问题 We really shouldn't get into this. 659 01:04:03,048 --> 01:04:05,133 哦 我很抱歉 现在不是时候吗? Oh, I'm sorry, is this a bad time? 660 01:04:10,055 --> 01:04:13,475 我不知道你会有什么反应我很害怕 I didn't know how you'd react. I was scared. 661 01:04:14,976 --> 01:04:15,935 害怕什么? Scared of what? 662 01:04:19,898 --> 01:04:21,441 你 Of you. 663 01:04:21,483 --> 01:04:24,319 你认为我会怎么做?伤害你? What'd you think I'd do? Hurt you? 664 01:04:28,490 --> 01:04:32,619 -也许吧 -哦 他妈的 我伤害过你? -Maybe. -Oh, Jesus fucking Christ. Have I ever hurt you? 665 01:04:32,660 --> 01:04:34,079 不要再忽视我了 Stop ignoring me. 666 01:04:35,622 --> 01:04:38,166 你们他妈的在说什么? What the fuck are you guys talking about? 667 01:04:38,208 --> 01:04:41,669 我给了你机会 有很多机会 I gave you chances, plenty of chances. 668 01:04:41,711 --> 01:04:44,422 我给了你很多年的机会 I gave you years and years of chances. 669 01:04:44,464 --> 01:04:47,425 很多年?你说很多年吗? Years? You wanna talk about years? 670 01:04:47,467 --> 01:04:49,803 我跟你说说他妈的很多年 I'll talk to you about fucking years. 671 01:04:49,844 --> 01:04:52,013 整天都在谈论很多年 Talk about years all fucking day long. 672 01:04:52,055 --> 01:04:54,599 你认为你能离开这里吗? You think you're ever getting out of here? 673 01:04:54,641 --> 01:04:56,434 你认为我们中的任何一个人 You think any of us is ever gonna walk 674 01:04:56,476 --> 01:04:58,686 -还会再从这扇门出去吗? -够了! -out of this door again? -That's enough! 675 01:04:58,728 --> 01:04:59,687 你是最...! You're the most...! 676 01:05:01,147 --> 01:05:05,068 你是我这辈子见过的最有妄想症的婊子! You're the most delusional bitch I've ever met in my entire life! 677 01:05:05,110 --> 01:05:07,404 -妈妈... -别吵了 别吵了 -Mom... -Please stop fighting. Please stop fighting. 678 01:05:07,445 --> 01:05:09,656 你又在吓唬孩子了 迪恩 You're scaring the kids again, dean 679 01:05:12,158 --> 01:05:16,121 妈妈 Mommy. 680 01:05:16,162 --> 01:05:18,248 很痛 一切都在燃烧 It hurts, everything burns. 681 01:05:18,289 --> 01:05:19,916 一切都在燃烧 Everything burns. 682 01:05:23,086 --> 01:05:24,045 他的心跳... His heartbeat... 683 01:05:25,839 --> 01:05:27,590 鲍比 你得他妈的冷静下来 Bobby, you gotta calm the fuck down. 684 01:05:27,632 --> 01:05:30,135 你现在得他妈的冷静下来 You gotta calm the fuck down right now. 685 01:05:30,176 --> 01:05:32,554 -好吧 这没有帮助 -你他妈的想让我做什么? -Okay, that isn't helping. -What the fuck do you want me to do? 686 01:05:32,595 --> 01:05:34,180 我不知道 只是别那样 I don't know. Just not that. 687 01:05:39,519 --> 01:05:41,813 好了 宝贝 好了 宝贝 没事了 Okay, baby. Okay, baby, it's okay. 688 01:05:43,398 --> 01:05:47,819 我希望你能好好地深呼吸 好吗? I want you to take nice, deep breaths, okay? 689 01:05:47,861 --> 01:05:50,780 -好吧 和我一起做吧 -Okay, do it with me. 690 01:05:55,243 --> 01:05:58,329 -很好 很简单 不错 很容易 -Nice and easy. Nice and easy. 691 01:05:58,371 --> 01:06:01,207 -很好 很好 -That's good. That's good. 692 01:06:01,249 --> 01:06:04,002 -很好 很好 -That's good. That's good. 693 01:06:04,043 --> 01:06:07,922 -妈妈 再告诉我一次 -Mom, tell me again. 694 01:06:11,259 --> 01:06:13,094 告诉你吧 宝贝? Tell you what, baby? 695 01:06:14,053 --> 01:06:17,807 -你知道的 拜托 -You know, please. 696 01:06:19,017 --> 01:06:21,311 我们当时想买一个冷冻比萨 We were trying to buy a frozen pizza, 697 01:06:22,979 --> 01:06:26,191 而你觉得你在我的肚子里呆得够久了 and you decided you had been in my belly long enough. 698 01:06:27,609 --> 01:06:31,070 -你的大胖肚子 -Your big, fat belly. 699 01:06:31,112 --> 01:06:35,366 -就像一个西瓜 -Like a watermelon. 700 01:06:37,327 --> 01:06:38,369 而我... And I... 701 01:06:43,124 --> 01:06:45,668 我再也走不动了 我只是... I couldn't walk anymore and I was just... 702 01:06:50,215 --> 01:06:53,551 疼得很厉害 你踢我踢得很用力 It hurt so badly and you were kicking me so hard. 703 01:06:57,222 --> 01:07:01,559 他们叫了救护车吗? Did they call an ambulance? 704 01:07:02,435 --> 01:07:03,394 他们确实如此 They sure did. 705 01:07:05,855 --> 01:07:07,899 而当我们在等待救护车的时候 And while we were waiting for the ambulance, 706 01:07:09,651 --> 01:07:16,157 姐姐在我身边坐下来 握住我的手 Sissy sat down next to me and held my hand. 707 01:07:19,661 --> 01:07:22,080 她看着我 说 And she looked at me and she said, 708 01:07:22,121 --> 01:07:24,249 "一切都会好起来的 "Everything's gonna be okay. 709 01:07:27,126 --> 01:07:30,547 你只需要勇敢地再等一等 You just have to be brave and wait little bit longer. 710 01:07:33,174 --> 01:07:37,971 没有什么坏事会发生 一切都会好起来的" Nothing bad is gonna happen. And everything will work out." 711 01:07:40,974 --> 01:07:45,019 你知道吗 宝贝?她是对的 And you know what, baby? She was right. 712 01:07:47,647 --> 01:07:50,984 她帮助我变得勇敢和坚强 She helped me be brave and strong. 713 01:07:52,443 --> 01:07:55,071 而我们则等待着救护车的到来 And we waited for the ambulance to come. 714 01:07:55,113 --> 01:07:57,991 当他们来的时候 他们把你从我身体里拉出来 And when they came, they pulled you out of me. 715 01:07:58,032 --> 01:08:00,994 就在那里 在冷冻食品区的地板上 Right there, on the frozen food section floor. 716 01:08:04,998 --> 01:08:08,710 这就是为什么我知道你会好起来的原因 And that's why I know you're gonna be okay. 717 01:08:10,795 --> 01:08:12,797 姐姐会没事的 And Sissy's gonna be okay. 718 01:08:12,839 --> 01:08:17,051 一切都会好起来的 有人会来 And everything's gonna be okay and someone's gonna come. 719 01:08:17,093 --> 01:08:21,014 有人会来移动那棵树 打开那扇门 Someone's gonna come and move that tree and open that door. 720 01:08:21,055 --> 01:08:24,434 而大家都会在外面等着 And everyone will be waiting outside. 721 01:08:24,475 --> 01:08:25,810 而且生活会更好 And life will be better. 722 01:08:28,271 --> 01:08:29,897 而一切都会好起来的 And everything will be okay. 723 01:08:29,939 --> 01:08:32,609 你只要再坚持一下 好吗 宝贝? You just have to hold on a little bit longer, okay, baby? 724 01:08:32,650 --> 01:08:37,280 只要再坚持一下就可以了 好吗? Just have to hold on a little bit longer. Okay? 725 01:08:37,322 --> 01:08:38,698 只要相信... Just trust... 726 01:09:15,943 --> 01:09:17,528 我很抱歉 I'm so sorry. 727 01:09:23,159 --> 01:09:28,081 不 宝贝! No! Baby! 728 01:09:28,373 --> 01:09:30,625 我的宝贝儿子 不要! My baby boy, come on! 729 01:09:31,918 --> 01:09:35,880 不 我们只是要再等一下!求你了 No, we just have to wait a little longer! Please. 730 01:10:36,149 --> 01:10:37,525 你从哪弄到的这个? Where did you get this? 731 01:10:39,485 --> 01:10:41,612 有些秘密是不应该被揭露的 Some secrets aren't meant to be revealed. 732 01:11:04,093 --> 01:11:07,346 -现在是我 -Now me. 733 01:11:08,389 --> 01:11:09,348 让我流血 Make me bleed. 734 01:11:23,946 --> 01:11:25,740 你无法解决不可避免的问题 You can't fix the inevitable. 735 01:11:54,811 --> 01:11:55,895 操 Fuck. 736 01:12:29,053 --> 01:12:30,721 上帝啊 为什么它不会停止? God, why won't it stop? 737 01:12:34,141 --> 01:12:35,852 等等 鲍比在哪 在哪? Wait, where's, where's Bobby? 738 01:12:41,858 --> 01:12:43,067 他一直都在那里 宝贝 Where he's always been, baby. 739 01:12:52,451 --> 01:12:54,579 妈妈 我的胃很疼 Mom, my stomach hurts. 740 01:12:59,125 --> 01:13:00,918 你为什么不接我的电话? Why weren't you answering my calls? 741 01:13:03,129 --> 01:13:07,925 我...我感觉不舒服 我想...我觉得有东西在我体内 I... I don't feel good. I think... I think there's something inside me. 742 01:13:09,635 --> 01:13:11,012 我们都会因你而死 We're all gonna die because of you. 743 01:13:12,805 --> 01:13:16,434 -什么? -你不知道你自己的女儿是个女巫? -What? -You didn't know your own daughter was a witch? 744 01:13:16,475 --> 01:13:18,227 你是个该死的母亲 Some fucking mother you are. 745 01:13:19,812 --> 01:13:22,815 -那是真的吗 梅尔?-求你了 帮帮我 -Is that true, Mel? -Please, help me. 746 01:13:22,857 --> 01:13:24,817 不要 这是个陷阱 Don't. It's a trap. 747 01:13:25,902 --> 01:13:27,653 一个女巫的陷阱 One of her witch traps. 748 01:13:27,695 --> 01:13:30,698 你试图帮助她 她会诅咒你 You try to help her and she'll curse you. 749 01:13:30,740 --> 01:13:32,783 不 有什么搞错了 No, something is wrong. 750 01:13:38,873 --> 01:13:41,083 请给我一点时间 好吗? Just give me a second, will you? 751 01:14:01,228 --> 01:14:02,271 我在哪里? Where am I? 752 01:14:05,775 --> 01:14:06,943 你认为在哪里? Where do you think? 753 01:14:10,321 --> 01:14:11,447 哦 上帝 Oh, God. 754 01:14:20,748 --> 01:14:22,541 上帝啊 Jesus Christ. 755 01:14:22,583 --> 01:14:24,210 他妈的 我怎么了? Fuck, what's wrong with me? 756 01:14:27,755 --> 01:14:32,885 在发生了那些事之后 你...你喝了这些 所有的 After what happened, you... you drank this, all of it. 757 01:14:38,391 --> 01:14:41,268 而你甚至不能给我留下任何东西 是吗? And you couldn't even leave any for me, could you? 758 01:14:44,105 --> 01:14:45,898 在... 在发生了什么之后? After-- After what happened? 759 01:16:41,847 --> 01:16:43,224 这都是我的错 This is all my fault. 760 01:16:49,230 --> 01:16:50,314 什么? What? 761 01:16:50,356 --> 01:16:52,149 所有这些都是因为我 All of this is because of me. 762 01:16:53,484 --> 01:16:57,071 -不 这不是... -不 不 听着你没在听 -No, it's not-- -No, no, just listen. You're not listening. 763 01:17:00,241 --> 01:17:02,284 昨晚... 操 不是昨晚 Last night-- Fuck, not last night. 764 01:17:03,619 --> 01:17:05,079 这一切开始的那个晚上 The night all of this started, 765 01:17:07,498 --> 01:17:08,457 艾米和我... Amy and I... 766 01:17:10,960 --> 01:17:12,419 我们做了一些坏事 We did something bad. 767 01:17:15,005 --> 01:17:16,715 我不明白 I don't understand. 768 01:17:16,757 --> 01:17:20,636 艾米生病了 好吗?就像 真的 真的病了 我们... Amy was sick, okay? Like, really, truly sick. We... 769 01:17:21,637 --> 01:17:24,265 我们以为她体内有什么东西 We thought that there was something inside her. 770 01:17:24,306 --> 01:17:27,852 也许有什么... 不好的东西 比如... Maybe something... something bad, like a... 771 01:17:28,769 --> 01:17:31,522 就像一个恶魔或精怪 Like a demon or spirit. 772 01:17:31,564 --> 01:17:35,985 梅尔 你他妈的在胡言乱语什么? Mel, what the fuck are you babbling about? 773 01:17:36,026 --> 01:17:37,570 学校里的一个男孩死了 A boy at school died. 774 01:17:40,406 --> 01:17:41,699 这是因为我们 It was because of us. 775 01:17:43,951 --> 01:17:46,328 我们做了一个法术 We did a spell, 776 01:17:46,370 --> 01:17:49,123 可以让他停止散布谣言 something to just make him stop spreading rumors, 777 01:17:49,165 --> 01:17:50,374 编造谎言 making up lies. 778 01:17:52,751 --> 01:17:54,336 他本来不应该死 He was never supposed to die. 779 01:17:55,629 --> 01:17:58,465 但有些事情出了差错 But something went wrong. 780 01:17:58,507 --> 01:18:01,969 那天晚上 他在睡觉时被自己的舌头噎住了 That night, he choked on his tongue while he was sleeping. 781 01:18:02,011 --> 01:18:04,680 人不可能被自己的舌头噎住 It's impossible to choke on your own tongue. 782 01:18:04,722 --> 01:18:07,183 嗯 它发生了 Well, it happened. 783 01:18:09,101 --> 01:18:10,644 谁知道会继续发生什么 And who knows what would have kept happening 784 01:18:10,686 --> 01:18:12,146 如果我们不加以制止的话 if we hadn't put a stop to it. 785 01:18:16,525 --> 01:18:17,484 你是什么意思? What do you mean? 786 01:18:18,736 --> 01:18:21,989 -结束... -结束盘踞在艾米身上的东西 -Put an end to-- -An end to the thing possessing Amy. 787 01:18:24,700 --> 01:18:25,659 一个恶魔? A demon? 788 01:18:28,370 --> 01:18:30,206 嗯 我们 我们不知道那是什么 Well, we, we didn't know what it was. 789 01:18:30,247 --> 01:18:32,833 只是说它很糟糕 Just that it was bad. 790 01:18:34,501 --> 01:18:37,213 -你们做了什么? -我们试图杀死它 -What did you do? -We tried to kill it. 791 01:18:38,380 --> 01:18:41,800 我们做了一个咒语 是我们在网上找到的东西 We did a spell, something we found online. 792 01:18:44,345 --> 01:18:45,304 网上? Online? 793 01:18:49,183 --> 01:18:50,601 我认为... I think... 794 01:18:54,563 --> 01:18:57,358 我认为 所发生的一切 I think that everything that's been happening 795 01:18:58,567 --> 01:19:00,277 是由于我们做的一个咒语 is because of a spell we did. 796 01:19:01,528 --> 01:19:03,656 我认为我们搞砸了 真的很糟糕 I think we messed up really bad. 797 01:19:12,748 --> 01:19:16,502 如果那是真的 你刚才说的那些 If that's true, what you just said, 798 01:19:18,337 --> 01:19:20,047 你以前为什么不说呢? why didn't you say anything before? 799 01:19:22,174 --> 01:19:25,552 -我很害怕 -啊 勇敢的甚至能毁灭世界 -I was afraid. -Ah, brave enough to destroy the world 800 01:19:25,594 --> 01:19:28,055 但又不敢承认 是这样吗? but too chicken shit to own up to it, is that it? 801 01:19:28,097 --> 01:19:29,056 什么? What? 802 01:19:30,891 --> 01:19:32,268 我想让你看看那个浴缸 I want you to look in that tub. 803 01:19:34,270 --> 01:19:36,605 我想让你看看你死去的弟弟 I want you to look at your dead brother. 804 01:19:38,357 --> 01:19:39,942 你闻到了吗? Do you smell that? 805 01:19:39,984 --> 01:19:41,151 那是他的尸体 That's his corpse. 806 01:19:42,444 --> 01:19:44,947 分解 腐烂 Decomposing, rotting. 807 01:19:46,365 --> 01:19:51,036 而这一切都是因为你和你的巫术婊子女友! And all because of you and your voodoo bitch girlfriend! 808 01:19:51,829 --> 01:19:55,958 我希望你在网上那点快乐足够你谋杀你的家人 I hope your fun little time on the internet was worth murdering your family. 809 01:19:56,000 --> 01:19:59,753 我很抱歉 我很抱歉 我很抱歉 我很抱歉 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 810 01:19:59,795 --> 01:20:03,340 再对我女儿这么说话 我就他妈的割断你喉咙 Speak that way to my daughter again and I'll slit your fucking throat. 811 01:20:03,382 --> 01:20:05,592 我期待着这一天的到来 I look forward to the day. 812 01:20:12,224 --> 01:20:15,352 我很抱歉 我很抱歉 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 813 01:21:13,369 --> 01:21:15,079 我们需要吃掉他 We need to eat him. 814 01:21:22,127 --> 01:21:23,128 别碰他 Leave him alone. 815 01:21:25,172 --> 01:21:26,715 这是我们唯一的选择 It's our only choice. 816 01:21:28,592 --> 01:21:29,802 扯淡 Like hell it is. 817 01:21:30,886 --> 01:21:31,929 我们必须这样做 We have to. 818 01:22:05,087 --> 01:22:06,130 你在做什么? What are you doing? 819 01:22:07,506 --> 01:22:09,633 我他妈的什么都看不见了! I can't fucking see anything! 820 01:22:12,177 --> 01:22:14,763 我想我是瞎了 上帝啊 I think I'm blind. Jesus Christ. 821 01:22:14,805 --> 01:22:17,015 你一直在不停地吸食酒精湿巾 You have been sucking alcohol wipes non-stop. 822 01:22:17,057 --> 01:22:20,018 -难怪你他妈的瞎了 -我们需要找些东西来切肉 -No wonder you're fucking blind. -We need to find something to cut the flesh. 823 01:22:20,060 --> 01:22:21,937 你他妈的别碰他! Don't you fucking touch him! 824 01:22:21,979 --> 01:22:24,940 -别犯病了! -Stop acting hysterical! 825 01:22:54,511 --> 01:22:57,431 现在你们这些该死的女巫最好都不别拦我 Now none of you fucking witches better try and stop me. 826 01:23:00,184 --> 01:23:01,185 我们得吃饭 We gotta eat. 827 01:23:04,688 --> 01:23:06,773 天啊 那是什么鬼东西? Jesus Christ, what the fuck is that?! 828 01:23:10,736 --> 01:23:14,239 那是什么? 到底是什么? What is that? What in the hell is that? 829 01:23:14,281 --> 01:23:16,074 ♪ 当你不知道该去哪里的时候 ♪ ♪ When you don't know Where to go to ♪ 830 01:23:16,116 --> 01:23:19,870 ♪ 你为什么不去风尚所及之处 ♪ ♪ Why don't you go Where fashion sits ♪ 831 01:23:19,912 --> 01:23:22,873 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 832 01:23:22,915 --> 01:23:25,876 ♪ 不同的类型 谁穿了一件日服条纹长裤 ♪ ♪ Different types Who wear a day coat Pants with stripes ♪ 833 01:23:25,918 --> 01:23:29,296 ♪ 还有裁剪的外套非常合身 ♪ ♪ And cutaway coat Perfect fits ♪ 834 01:23:29,338 --> 01:23:32,341 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 835 01:23:32,382 --> 01:23:37,221 ♪ 打扮得像个百万富翁 ♪ ♪ Dressed up like A million-dollar trouper ♪ 836 01:23:37,262 --> 01:23:39,723 ♪ 努力看起来像加里-库珀 ♪ ♪ Tr yin' hard to look like Gary Cooper ♪ 837 01:23:39,765 --> 01:23:41,934 -哦 该死 -♪ 超级加倍 ♪ -Oh, shit. -♪ Super duper ♪ 838 01:23:41,975 --> 01:23:44,603 -我想我明白了 -I think I got it. 839 01:23:50,692 --> 01:23:51,652 是吗? Yes? 840 01:23:53,820 --> 01:23:54,780 当然了 Of course. 841 01:23:57,783 --> 01:23:59,368 是的 Yes. 842 01:24:00,744 --> 01:24:01,703 没有 No. 843 01:24:07,709 --> 01:24:12,714 -我明白 -I understand. 844 01:24:12,756 --> 01:24:13,715 是的 Yes. 845 01:24:20,764 --> 01:24:22,307 你他妈的在做什么? What the fuck are you doing? 846 01:24:22,349 --> 01:24:24,059 搞什么鬼 罗伯特? What the fuck, Robert? 847 01:24:28,605 --> 01:24:30,983 这很有意义 不是吗? It makes sense, doesn't it? 848 01:24:32,025 --> 01:24:34,403 她就是那个始作俑者 She's the one who started it. 849 01:24:35,487 --> 01:24:37,489 所以她是唯一能结束这一切的人 So she's the only one who can end it. 850 01:24:38,782 --> 01:24:41,910 什么?那是艾米吗? What? Was that Amy? 851 01:24:45,497 --> 01:24:46,999 结束这场恶梦吧 你这个女巫 End this nightmare, you witch. 852 01:24:47,040 --> 01:24:49,084 -女巫! -Witch! 853 01:24:49,126 --> 01:24:52,004 -女巫 女巫! -Witch, witch! 854 01:24:52,045 --> 01:24:55,257 杀死女巫 杀死女巫! Kill the witch, kill the witch! 855 01:24:55,299 --> 01:24:56,883 杀死女巫! Kill the witch! 856 01:24:56,925 --> 01:24:58,051 走开!离她远点! Get away! Leave her alone! 857 01:24:58,093 --> 01:25:01,138 杀死女巫 杀死女巫! Kill the witch. Kill the witch! 858 01:25:01,179 --> 01:25:04,808 -杀了这个女巫! -放过她吧! -Kill the witch! -Leave her alone! 859 01:26:09,998 --> 01:26:11,833 杀死女巫! Kill the witch! 860 01:26:11,875 --> 01:26:16,838 -杀了这个女巫! -Kill the witch! 861 01:26:18,590 --> 01:26:20,008 198898 198898 862 01:27:46,803 --> 01:27:49,014 我们一直在这里吗? Have we always been here? 863 01:27:53,351 --> 01:27:54,311 什么? What? 864 01:28:00,984 --> 01:28:05,947 门外什么都没有 There's nothing outside the door. 865 01:28:06,573 --> 01:28:09,493 没有什么... There's nothing... 866 01:28:12,329 --> 01:28:13,288 没有什么 Nothing. 867 01:28:16,541 --> 01:28:17,501 没有什么 Nothing. 868 01:30:00,228 --> 01:30:01,187 好吧... Okay... 869 01:30:04,190 --> 01:30:05,233 好吧 好吧... Okay, okay... 870 01:30:07,152 --> 01:30:10,488 我要出去看看 我只是要... I'm gonna go out and see, I'm just gonna... 871 01:30:10,530 --> 01:30:13,241 我只是要看看 我马上回来 I'm just gonna see. I'll be back. 872 01:31:22,352 --> 01:31:36,449 妈妈? Mom? 873 01:31:47,836 --> 01:31:49,421 艾米! Amy! 874 01:31:49,462 --> 01:31:51,339 我曾经割伤过自己 I used to cut myself. 875 01:32:14,487 --> 01:32:16,114 -梅尔丽莎! -妈妈? -Melissa! -Mom? 876 01:32:19,284 --> 01:32:22,579 妈妈... 我看到了艾米 Mom... I saw Amy. 877 01:32:22,620 --> 01:32:24,706 -我知道 我知道 -我看到了艾米 -I know. I know. -I saw Amy. 878 01:32:24,748 --> 01:32:26,166 我知道 我知道 I know. I know. 879 01:32:26,207 --> 01:32:27,751 我知道 I know. 880 01:32:27,792 --> 01:32:30,003 妈妈 外面有什么? Mom, what's outside? 881 01:32:30,587 --> 01:32:32,881 -妈妈 外面有什么? -Mom, what's outside? 882 01:32:34,758 --> 01:32:38,094 会好起来的 会好起来的 It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. 883 01:32:38,136 --> 01:32:39,596 会好起来的 It's gonna be okay. 884 01:32:39,637 --> 01:32:41,222 会好起来的 会好起来的 It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. 885 01:32:41,264 --> 01:32:42,891 会好起来的 会好起来的 It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. 886 01:32:42,932 --> 01:32:44,976 会好起来的 一切都会好起来的 It's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. 887 01:32:45,018 --> 01:32:46,895 一切都会好起来的 一切都会好起来的 Everything's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. 888 01:32:47,062 --> 01:32:48,938 一切都会好起来的 一切都会好起来的 Everything's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. 889 01:32:49,064 --> 01:32:50,899 一切都会好起来的 一切都会好起来的 Everything's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. 890 01:32:51,066 --> 01:32:53,151 一切都会好起来的 一切都会好起来的 Everything's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. 891 01:32:53,318 --> 01:32:55,570 一切都会好起来的 一切都会好起来的 Everything's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. 892 01:32:55,737 --> 01:32:58,156 一切都会好起来的 一切都会好起来的 Everything's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. 893 01:33:09,834 --> 01:33:12,796 ♪ 当你忧郁不知要去往何方 ♪ ♪ If you're blue And you don't know Where to go to ♪ 894 01:33:12,837 --> 01:33:16,591 ♪ 你为什么不去风尚所及之处 ♪ ♪ Why don't you go Where fashion sits ♪ 895 01:33:16,633 --> 01:33:19,594 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 896 01:33:19,636 --> 01:33:22,514 ♪ 不同的类型 谁穿了一件日服条纹长裤 ♪ ♪ Different types Who wear a day coat Pants with stripes ♪ 897 01:33:22,555 --> 01:33:26,226 ♪ 还有裁剪的外套非常合身 ♪ ♪ And cutaway coat Perfect fits ♪ 898 01:33:26,267 --> 01:33:29,395 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 899 01:33:29,437 --> 01:33:34,150 ♪ 打扮得像个百万富翁 ♪ ♪ Dressed up like A million-dollar trouper ♪ 900 01:33:34,192 --> 01:33:39,072 - ♪ 努力看起来像加里-库珀 ♪ - ♪ 超级加倍 ♪ -♪" Tr yin' hard to look like Gary Cooper ♪ -♪" Super duper ♪ 901 01:33:39,114 --> 01:33:41,991 ♪ 来吧 让我们把洛克菲勒家拿着棍子走路的地方混在一起 ♪ ♪ Come, let's mix Where Rockefellers walk With sticks ♪ 902 01:33:42,033 --> 01:33:48,790 ♪ 或者把雨伞放在手套里穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Or umbrellas in their mitts Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 903 01:33:48,832 --> 01:33:53,545 ♪ 你见过公园大道上下的富人吗 ♪ ♪ Have you seen the well-to-do Up and down Park Avenue ♪ 904 01:33:53,586 --> 01:33:56,005 ♪ 在那条著名的大道上 ♪ ♪ On that famous thoroughfare ♪ 905 01:33:56,047 --> 01:33:58,424 ♪ 用他们的鼻子在空气中嗅来嗅去 ♪ ♪ With their noses in the air ♪ 906 01:33:58,466 --> 01:34:00,718 ♪ 高帽和箭领 ♪ ♪ High hats and arrow collars ♪ 907 01:34:00,760 --> 01:34:03,429 ♪ 白色的大衣和大量的美元 ♪ ♪ White spats And lots of dollars ♪ 908 01:34:03,471 --> 01:34:08,184 ♪ 花费每一分钱来享受美好的时光 ♪ ♪ Spending every dime For a wonderful time ♪ 909 01:34:08,226 --> 01:34:10,770 ♪ 当你忧郁不知要去往何方 ♪ ♪ If you're blue And you don't know Where to go to ♪ 910 01:34:10,812 --> 01:34:14,732 ♪ 你为什么不去风尚所及之处 ♪ ♪ Why don't you go Where fashion sits? ♪ 911 01:34:14,774 --> 01:34:17,777 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 912 01:34:17,819 --> 01:34:20,822 ♪ 不同的类型 谁穿了一件日服条纹长裤 ♪ ♪ Different types Who wear a day coat Pants with stripes ♪ 913 01:34:20,864 --> 01:34:24,409 ♪ 还有裁剪的外套非常合身 ♪ ♪ And cutaway coat Perfect fits ♪ 914 01:34:24,450 --> 01:34:27,453 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 915 01:34:27,495 --> 01:34:32,375 ♪ 打扮得像个百万富翁 ♪ ♪ Dressed up like A million-dollar trouper ♪ 916 01:34:32,417 --> 01:34:37,297 - ♪ 努力看起来像加里-库珀 ♪ - ♪ 超级加倍 ♪ -♪" Tr yin' hard to look like Gary Cooper ♪ -♪" Super duper ♪ 917 01:34:37,338 --> 01:34:40,175 ♪ 来吧 让我们把洛克菲勒家拿着棍子走路的地方混在一起 ♪ ♪ Come, let's mix Where Rockefellers walk With sticks ♪ 918 01:34:40,216 --> 01:34:43,887 ♪ 或者把雨伞放在手套里穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Or umbrellas in their mitts ♪ 919 01:34:43,928 --> 01:34:45,930 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 920 01:35:08,953 --> 01:35:13,625 ♪ 打扮得像个百万富翁 ♪ ♪ Dressed up like A million-dollar trouper ♪ 921 01:35:13,666 --> 01:35:18,504 - ♪ 努力看起来像加里-库珀 ♪ - ♪ 超级加倍 ♪ -♪" Tr yin' hard to look like Gary Cooper ♪ -♪" Super duper ♪ 922 01:35:18,546 --> 01:35:21,633 ♪ 当你忧郁不知要去往何方 ♪ ♪ If you're blue And you don't know Where to go to ♪ 923 01:35:21,674 --> 01:35:25,178 ♪ 你为什么不去风尚所及之处 ♪ ♪ Why don't you go Where fashion sits ♪ 924 01:35:25,220 --> 01:35:27,555 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 925 01:35:27,805 --> 01:35:29,724 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 926 01:35:30,308 --> 01:35:32,185 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 927 01:35:32,769 --> 01:35:35,605 ♪ 穿上繁华 ♪ ♪ Puttin' on the Ritz ♪ 928 01:35:43,196 --> 01:35:45,323 ♪ 在市区 ♪ ♪ Downtown ♪ 929 01:35:45,365 --> 01:35:47,659 ♪ 在住宅区 ♪ ♪ Uptown ♪ 930 01:35:47,700 --> 01:35:49,827 ♪ 找到乐趣 ♪ ♪ Get your kicks ♪ 931 01:35:49,869 --> 01:35:51,621 ♪ 在繁华中 ♪ ♪ At the Ritz ♪ 932 01:36:02,632 --> 01:36:06,177 ♪ 起舞 ♪ ♪ Gotta dance ♪ 933 01:36:12,392 --> 01:36:16,020 ♪ 起舞 ♪ ♪ Gotta dance ♪