1 00:00:00,667 --> 00:00:01,734 {\an8}She keyed your car? 2 00:00:02,867 --> 00:00:04,500 And she was threatening to beat me up. 3 00:00:04,500 --> 00:00:06,767 Her family came up there, and they all had guns. 4 00:00:06,767 --> 00:00:07,834 That's a lie. 5 00:00:07,834 --> 00:00:10,500 We've had a ongoing beef for years. 6 00:00:10,500 --> 00:00:14,233 And it's all over the prize. 7 00:00:14,700 --> 00:00:16,967 [Announcer] This is Judy Justice. 8 00:00:33,900 --> 00:00:37,467 {\an8}Keanna Hill is suing her former coworker, 9 00:00:37,467 --> 00:00:40,400 {\an8}Diamond Horton, for vandalizing her car 10 00:00:40,400 --> 00:00:42,533 and harassment while working together. 11 00:00:43,033 --> 00:00:45,033 [Kevin] Court come to order. All rise. 12 00:00:46,400 --> 00:00:47,667 [Judge Judy] Have a seat, please. 13 00:00:48,667 --> 00:00:50,900 {\an8}Case 2141, Hill versus Horton. 14 00:00:50,900 --> 00:00:52,233 {\an8}- Thank you. - You're welcome. 15 00:00:52,233 --> 00:00:54,133 - [Judge Judy] Ms. Hill? - Yes, ma'am. 16 00:00:54,133 --> 00:00:55,467 What's this man's name? 17 00:00:55,467 --> 00:00:56,867 [Hill] Clydus Brown. 18 00:00:56,867 --> 00:00:58,934 [Judge Judy] You have a child with him? 19 00:00:58,934 --> 00:01:01,066 {\an8}- Yes, ma'am. - Who's 10 years old? 20 00:01:01,066 --> 00:01:02,734 {\an8}- Yes. - Is that your only child? 21 00:01:02,734 --> 00:01:04,467 {\an8}- No, ma'am. - How many children do you have? 22 00:01:04,467 --> 00:01:06,834 {\an8}- I have four children. - Is he the oldest? 23 00:01:06,834 --> 00:01:09,166 - She is the oldest. - She. She's the oldest? 24 00:01:09,166 --> 00:01:11,033 - Yes. - Does she see her father? 25 00:01:11,033 --> 00:01:12,900 - No. - Hasn't seen him in how long? 26 00:01:12,900 --> 00:01:14,033 Months to a year. 27 00:01:14,033 --> 00:01:16,567 The defendant has two children with him? 28 00:01:16,567 --> 00:01:18,533 - Yes, ma'am. - How old are they? 29 00:01:18,533 --> 00:01:21,834 {\an8}Well, he'll be two on the ninth, and then I have a 10-month-old. 30 00:01:21,834 --> 00:01:24,400 {\an8}And then, according to what I've read here 31 00:01:24,400 --> 00:01:28,600 in either the complaint or the answer, he has at least one other child. 32 00:01:28,600 --> 00:01:30,567 - [Hill] Yes, ma'am. - Which is how old? 33 00:01:30,567 --> 00:01:32,300 - Probably about seven. - Seven. 34 00:01:32,300 --> 00:01:33,767 Does he see that child? 35 00:01:33,767 --> 00:01:35,867 Every blue moon when she brings him. 36 00:01:35,867 --> 00:01:37,700 - So once in a while? - Yeah. 37 00:01:37,700 --> 00:01:39,800 So he has four children altogether? 38 00:01:39,800 --> 00:01:41,934 - Yes, ma'am. - And you currently live with him? 39 00:01:41,934 --> 00:01:43,433 - Yes. - What does he do for a living? 40 00:01:43,433 --> 00:01:45,266 Well, he works at a warehouse. 41 00:01:45,266 --> 00:01:47,600 - And you? - Well, I'm a certified nurse assistant. 42 00:01:47,600 --> 00:01:50,834 - Who takes care of the kids? - Me and Clydus. 43 00:01:50,834 --> 00:01:52,100 You work different shifts? 44 00:01:52,100 --> 00:01:54,233 Yes, he works overnight, I work day shift. 45 00:01:54,233 --> 00:01:56,433 - So you're currently working? - Yes, ma'am. 46 00:01:56,433 --> 00:01:58,000 But there came a time... 47 00:01:58,000 --> 00:02:00,166 I'm just trying to figure out 48 00:02:00,166 --> 00:02:03,767 {\an8}why everybody's sort of mad and fighting over him. 49 00:02:03,767 --> 00:02:04,934 {\an8}I don't understand it. 50 00:02:04,934 --> 00:02:09,000 {\an8}It must be something that you ladies see that is hidden from me, 51 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:10,967 because it is your claim, Ms. Hill, 52 00:02:10,967 --> 00:02:14,066 that Ms. Horton not only vandalized your car, 53 00:02:14,066 --> 00:02:17,633 {\an8}but that she caused you to be fired from your job. 54 00:02:17,633 --> 00:02:21,533 {\an8}She says that you filed a false restraining order against her, 55 00:02:21,533 --> 00:02:24,400 and that actually you caused her to lose her job, 56 00:02:24,400 --> 00:02:28,100 and it's all over the prize... 57 00:02:30,133 --> 00:02:32,467 which I can never really understand. 58 00:02:32,467 --> 00:02:34,934 How long have you been working in your current job? 59 00:02:34,934 --> 00:02:36,133 About three months now. 60 00:02:36,133 --> 00:02:38,433 - So you got another job? - Yes, ma'am. 61 00:02:38,433 --> 00:02:40,000 - Do you like it? - Yes. 62 00:02:40,000 --> 00:02:41,900 Making about the same money or more? 63 00:02:41,900 --> 00:02:43,266 A little less. [chuckles] 64 00:02:43,266 --> 00:02:45,533 - And where are you working? - I'm a machine operator. 65 00:02:45,533 --> 00:02:47,500 - So you got another job? - Yes. 66 00:02:47,500 --> 00:02:49,767 Because all this started when all of a sudden 67 00:02:49,767 --> 00:02:51,934 you found yourselves working in the same place? 68 00:02:51,934 --> 00:02:53,400 - Yes. - And in what month was that? 69 00:02:53,400 --> 00:02:55,967 That was, um-- I started the job May 31st, 70 00:02:55,967 --> 00:02:59,133 but it spilled over into June, is when everything took place. 71 00:02:59,133 --> 00:03:02,367 And how long were you working at the same place? 72 00:03:02,367 --> 00:03:04,700 Three months. I started March 4th, 2022. 73 00:03:04,700 --> 00:03:07,133 Okay. So it was a short-term employment for both of you. 74 00:03:07,133 --> 00:03:09,467 - And you were there first? - Yes, ma'am. 75 00:03:09,467 --> 00:03:12,233 - And you came shortly thereafter? - Yes. 76 00:03:12,233 --> 00:03:15,200 Shortly after she started to work. Had you ever met each other? 77 00:03:15,200 --> 00:03:16,300 {\an8}No. 78 00:03:16,300 --> 00:03:18,867 {\an8}Well, explain to me what the problem was. 79 00:03:19,333 --> 00:03:24,967 So there's a history that started back in 2019 via text messages and Facebook, 80 00:03:24,967 --> 00:03:27,800 so we've had an ongoing beef for years. 81 00:03:27,800 --> 00:03:30,133 Who cares? Now you're gonna both get smarter. 82 00:03:30,133 --> 00:03:32,200 You're gonna come here today and you're gonna both get smarter. 83 00:03:32,200 --> 00:03:35,100 And if he has two children that he doesn't see, 84 00:03:35,100 --> 00:03:38,066 her daughter and your 7-year-old, 85 00:03:38,066 --> 00:03:41,066 according to what I hear, that you see once every blue moon, 86 00:03:41,066 --> 00:03:43,166 that's a basket that I wouldn't be in. 87 00:03:44,400 --> 00:03:48,467 So you have a history of bad texting back and forth and stuff. 88 00:03:48,467 --> 00:03:49,900 I don't care about that. 89 00:03:49,900 --> 00:03:55,834 Let's get to the two allegations of, one, that she vandalized your tires. 90 00:03:55,834 --> 00:03:59,133 When and what proof do you have that she vandalized your tires? 91 00:03:59,133 --> 00:04:02,867 This is after you both found yourself in the same working environment. 92 00:04:02,867 --> 00:04:05,500 {\an8}It wasn't my tires. She actually keyed my vehicle. 93 00:04:05,500 --> 00:04:06,567 {\an8}- [Judy] Keyed it? - Yes. 94 00:04:06,567 --> 00:04:07,633 {\an8}[Judy] On what date? 95 00:04:07,633 --> 00:04:11,967 On June 18th. I have my police report from this. 96 00:04:12,333 --> 00:04:15,934 Okay, I'll look at the police report. Did you see her key your car? 97 00:04:15,934 --> 00:04:18,934 I did not see her, but I requested video footage from the job, 98 00:04:18,934 --> 00:04:21,433 and they stated that they would give me the video footage. 99 00:04:21,433 --> 00:04:22,500 Do we have it? 100 00:04:22,500 --> 00:04:25,700 We don't have it, but the city attorney was unable to receive it as well. 101 00:04:25,700 --> 00:04:27,500 But I have a letter from the city attorney. 102 00:04:27,500 --> 00:04:30,934 You don't have it here for me, and you didn't see her key your car. 103 00:04:30,934 --> 00:04:32,767 - Yes. - What we're here for is a trial, 104 00:04:32,767 --> 00:04:36,200 so I need what proof you have that she keyed your car. 105 00:04:36,200 --> 00:04:37,700 I assume your car was at work. 106 00:04:37,700 --> 00:04:39,500 - Yes. - When it was keyed? Okay? 107 00:04:39,500 --> 00:04:42,834 And I'm assuming that you don't like each other. 108 00:04:42,834 --> 00:04:47,800 That things got nasty, heated on social media back and forth. 109 00:04:47,800 --> 00:04:49,367 I'm assuming all that is true. 110 00:04:49,367 --> 00:04:53,233 All I need for you to show me is proof that she keyed your car. 111 00:04:53,233 --> 00:04:58,600 Well, I have audio recording from HR where they're stating that everything 112 00:04:58,600 --> 00:05:00,500 was initiated by the defendant. 113 00:05:00,500 --> 00:05:03,967 And Arkansas's a one-party state, so I can play the audio for you. 114 00:05:04,467 --> 00:05:06,300 [Judy] Oh, was she on the audio? 115 00:05:06,300 --> 00:05:08,400 They're talking about the video 116 00:05:08,400 --> 00:05:11,600 in the recording and that they were supposed to give it to me. 117 00:05:11,600 --> 00:05:12,667 Can't help you. 118 00:05:13,200 --> 00:05:17,233 Okay, this the next part of your case is that you caused you to lose your job. 119 00:05:17,233 --> 00:05:19,066 - Yes. - Go. 120 00:05:19,066 --> 00:05:21,767 {\an8}So I have my termination letter stating that the defendant... 121 00:05:21,767 --> 00:05:23,667 {\an8}I'd like to see your termination letter. 122 00:05:26,100 --> 00:05:27,300 It's a joke. 123 00:05:34,100 --> 00:05:38,367 This is the description of the termination letter and description of the violation. 124 00:05:38,367 --> 00:05:41,900 "Keanna has been involved in altercations with another employee. 125 00:05:42,400 --> 00:05:45,800 While the other employee instigated the situations, 126 00:05:45,800 --> 00:05:49,934 it has gotten to a point where multiple other staff are now involved." 127 00:05:49,934 --> 00:05:51,166 I don't know what that means. 128 00:05:51,166 --> 00:05:53,433 "At this point it is affecting patient care 129 00:05:53,433 --> 00:05:55,633 and causing a hostile work environment. 130 00:05:55,633 --> 00:05:57,533 Termination effective immediately." 131 00:05:57,533 --> 00:06:01,567 I assume that you have a similar letter, 'cause you were terminated. 132 00:06:01,567 --> 00:06:03,233 - May I see it? - Yes. 133 00:06:08,533 --> 00:06:11,367 - I also have a final warning. - Just a, just a second. 134 00:06:14,500 --> 00:06:18,967 Okay. "On Wednesday, June 15th, 2022, Diamond..." 135 00:06:18,967 --> 00:06:20,367 - That's you? - Yes, ma'am. 136 00:06:20,367 --> 00:06:25,667 Was given a final written notice concerning harassment of other employees. 137 00:06:25,667 --> 00:06:29,467 It has since been reported that the harassment has continued. 138 00:06:29,934 --> 00:06:33,100 Also multiple other staff have been pulled into this situation 139 00:06:33,100 --> 00:06:35,266 to the point that it's affecting patient care, 140 00:06:35,266 --> 00:06:37,533 and it's a termination letter. 141 00:06:37,533 --> 00:06:42,834 Okay, so I'm assuming since you got this, you were notified previously 142 00:06:42,834 --> 00:06:45,533 about having any communication with each other. 143 00:06:45,533 --> 00:06:47,033 - [Diamond] No, ma'am. - You were not? 144 00:06:47,033 --> 00:06:51,033 {\an8}I was out for COVID. I had just got back to work June 15th, 2022, 145 00:06:51,033 --> 00:06:53,834 and I found out that Hill was working there. 146 00:06:53,834 --> 00:06:56,166 I never knew she was working there at all. 147 00:06:56,166 --> 00:06:58,600 - And so I got called to the office... - That's not true your honor. 148 00:07:00,700 --> 00:07:03,400 {\an8}What was the beef about? I don't understand. 149 00:07:03,400 --> 00:07:06,033 {\an8}The other baby mama. It's the reason why we're into it. 150 00:07:06,033 --> 00:07:08,200 {\an8}- The 7-year-old's mother? - Yes. 151 00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:10,033 {\an8}- The 7-year-old's mother? - Yes. 152 00:07:10,767 --> 00:07:11,767 {\an8}[Diamond] Yes. 153 00:07:11,767 --> 00:07:12,900 {\an8}[Announcer] And later today. 154 00:07:12,900 --> 00:07:16,700 How much money in total did you pay Ms. Goodwin 155 00:07:16,700 --> 00:07:19,033 {\an8}for her work in planning your wedding? 156 00:07:19,033 --> 00:07:20,967 {\an8}I paid her 50 bucks. 157 00:07:20,967 --> 00:07:23,233 {\an8}Well, don't you think that's ridiculous? 158 00:07:34,233 --> 00:07:38,433 {\an8}[Announcer] Keanna Hill claims her former coworker Diamond Horton 159 00:07:38,433 --> 00:07:41,834 {\an8}harassed her at work and caused her to be fired. 160 00:07:41,834 --> 00:07:45,900 Diamond is countersuing for filing a false restraining order. 161 00:07:45,900 --> 00:07:49,767 My question was a relatively simple one, because I'm gonna make this as simple 162 00:07:49,767 --> 00:07:52,633 as possible before I probably dismiss both of them. 163 00:07:52,633 --> 00:07:56,834 I would like to see after June 15th, 2022, 164 00:07:56,834 --> 00:08:02,233 up until the date of the termination, which is June 23rd, 2022, 165 00:08:02,233 --> 00:08:04,467 how the harassment continued. 166 00:08:04,467 --> 00:08:07,100 I would like you to show me from June 15th. 167 00:08:07,100 --> 00:08:08,767 The actual date was June 14th. 168 00:08:08,767 --> 00:08:10,367 Well, this says June 15th. 169 00:08:10,367 --> 00:08:12,900 - I wasn't working. - Ssh. 170 00:08:12,900 --> 00:08:13,967 This violation... 171 00:08:13,967 --> 00:08:16,433 She had complained to my friends as well. We have the date, time stamps. 172 00:08:16,433 --> 00:08:20,333 I just want you to show me after June 15th, 173 00:08:20,333 --> 00:08:23,734 between June 15th and June 23rd... 174 00:08:23,734 --> 00:08:24,800 [Hill] Yes, ma'am. 175 00:08:24,800 --> 00:08:29,367 ...what further acts that you allege are acts of harassment occurred? 176 00:08:29,367 --> 00:08:31,867 - I have the schedule showing the date... - Ssh. 177 00:08:40,500 --> 00:08:42,066 Well, I don't know what this is. 178 00:08:42,066 --> 00:08:44,100 A fake Facebook page that she made. 179 00:08:44,100 --> 00:08:47,367 How do you know this is a fake Facebook page that she made? 180 00:08:47,367 --> 00:08:50,433 That was a requested message that was sent to me after her and myself 181 00:08:50,433 --> 00:08:53,367 had a conversation, and she was threatening to beat me up. 182 00:08:54,266 --> 00:08:57,500 {\an8}And it says, "Since you didn't apologize, D is going to beat you up." 183 00:08:57,500 --> 00:08:59,934 {\an8}- Okay. - The D they're referring to is Diamond. 184 00:09:00,066 --> 00:09:02,066 {\an8}Oh my God! 185 00:09:02,066 --> 00:09:03,467 What is this? 186 00:09:03,467 --> 00:09:05,800 The 870 number is her calling my phone. 187 00:09:05,800 --> 00:09:08,066 Okay, and 870? 188 00:09:08,066 --> 00:09:10,567 - The missed calls. - This was on what date? 189 00:09:10,567 --> 00:09:12,000 That was on June 19th. 190 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:14,700 What were you calling her for at six o'clock in the evening? 191 00:09:14,700 --> 00:09:18,166 {\an8}Well, the day she accused me of vandalizing her car is, uh, 192 00:09:18,533 --> 00:09:21,166 {\an8}the day that we had worked together. 193 00:09:21,166 --> 00:09:24,433 She called the police, and her family came up there, and they all had guns. 194 00:09:24,433 --> 00:09:27,500 That's the reason she got terminated 'cause she brought a gun on the premises. 195 00:09:27,500 --> 00:09:29,800 - And they came up there to jump me. - That's a lie. 196 00:09:29,800 --> 00:09:32,533 - And when I went outside... - I just wanna ask you why you called her. 197 00:09:32,533 --> 00:09:35,667 I called her to ask her because June 16th is when I sat down, 198 00:09:35,667 --> 00:09:39,333 I had a conversation together to drop all beef, like no issue. 199 00:09:39,967 --> 00:09:43,166 I don't want you... You can't control yourself. 200 00:09:43,166 --> 00:09:45,400 Understand you're sending me a bad message 201 00:09:45,400 --> 00:09:50,133 if you can't control yourself here, which is a very controlled setting, 202 00:09:50,133 --> 00:09:51,600 I'm gonna say to myself, this is somebody 203 00:09:51,600 --> 00:09:54,300 who can't control themselves outside of the setting. 204 00:09:54,300 --> 00:09:56,200 - Do you understand? - Yes, ma'am. 205 00:09:56,200 --> 00:09:59,734 So I called her to ask her why did she feel like I vandalized her vehicle 206 00:09:59,734 --> 00:10:02,967 because before that we sat down and we had a conversation together 207 00:10:02,967 --> 00:10:04,500 at work saying it should be dead. 208 00:10:04,500 --> 00:10:08,734 Like, why we should not have any beef, any over him at all. 209 00:10:08,734 --> 00:10:12,633 And that the kids were involved. And so we agreed to let it go. 210 00:10:13,200 --> 00:10:15,700 So then she accused me of vandalizing her vehicle. 211 00:10:15,700 --> 00:10:18,734 What was the beef about? I don't understand. 212 00:10:18,734 --> 00:10:21,467 The other baby mama is the reason why we are into it. 213 00:10:21,467 --> 00:10:24,000 - The 7-year-old's mother? - Yes. 214 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:26,033 - The 7-year-old's mother? - Yes. 215 00:10:27,500 --> 00:10:29,767 Yes. Yes. 216 00:10:32,734 --> 00:10:35,900 So we have no proof of vandalizing and this is nonsense. 217 00:10:35,900 --> 00:10:39,533 You wanna tell me about the restraining order that you filed? 218 00:10:39,533 --> 00:10:43,700 {\an8}There was a order of protection placed after she was harassing me at work. 219 00:10:43,700 --> 00:10:44,900 {\an8}May I see it? 220 00:10:44,900 --> 00:10:47,700 {\an8}Yes. But it was also rescinded. 221 00:10:48,500 --> 00:10:51,667 By the way, does he pay child support for your daughter? 222 00:10:51,667 --> 00:10:53,333 - Yes, ma'am. - He does? How much? 223 00:10:53,834 --> 00:10:58,333 He pays probably about 239 every two weeks, 224 00:10:58,333 --> 00:10:59,900 - somewhere around there. - Does he pay it to you? 225 00:10:59,900 --> 00:11:02,300 Yes. Well, it's through child support. 226 00:11:02,300 --> 00:11:03,700 - But he pays it to you? - Yes. 227 00:11:03,700 --> 00:11:05,500 - And he's current? - Yes. 228 00:11:05,500 --> 00:11:08,667 Well, there's back pay but he's currently paying. 229 00:11:08,667 --> 00:11:11,934 Okay, so was there a hearing on this order of protection? 230 00:11:11,934 --> 00:11:14,000 - It was not. - No, ma'am, there was not a hearing. 231 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:16,000 Just a second, did you appear? 232 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:17,500 No, I rescinded. 233 00:11:17,500 --> 00:11:18,567 I understand that. 234 00:11:18,567 --> 00:11:22,300 I just wanna know, the court found that the petition was dismissed. 235 00:11:22,300 --> 00:11:23,700 It was a false accusation. 236 00:11:23,700 --> 00:11:24,900 Mm-hmm. 237 00:11:26,400 --> 00:11:31,467 Okay, so the reason that the order states it was dismissed is that the petitioner 238 00:11:31,467 --> 00:11:36,400 doesn't meet the definition of family or household member as defined 239 00:11:36,400 --> 00:11:40,834 in whatever statute is and therefore does not allege the existence 240 00:11:40,834 --> 00:11:42,400 of domestic abuse. 241 00:11:42,400 --> 00:11:46,100 {\an8}Doesn't address the gravamen of the petition. 242 00:11:46,100 --> 00:11:48,834 {\an8}It's a more procedural dismissal 243 00:11:48,834 --> 00:11:51,567 because she's not related to you in any way. 244 00:11:51,567 --> 00:11:54,834 I mean, having children with a person in common doesn't make you, 245 00:11:54,834 --> 00:11:57,600 at least in this jurisdiction, part of the household. 246 00:11:57,600 --> 00:11:59,934 Okay, you both look like nice ladies. 247 00:12:00,066 --> 00:12:04,100 You know he has kids with two other people. Not a great track record. 248 00:12:04,100 --> 00:12:06,734 Not that he don't see them because they don't let him. 249 00:12:06,734 --> 00:12:08,867 They don't want their kids around me. 250 00:12:08,867 --> 00:12:13,133 There's a reason, you know, maybe not a great track record. 251 00:12:13,533 --> 00:12:16,900 It's not good for your children. It's really not good for your children. 252 00:12:16,900 --> 00:12:21,033 I mean your children, believe it or not, your children are related to each other. 253 00:12:21,033 --> 00:12:23,633 I mean, you may not have any interest whatsoever, 254 00:12:23,633 --> 00:12:26,600 but when your children get older, they may have a curiosity 255 00:12:26,600 --> 00:12:29,567 about who their half-sibling is, what they look like. 256 00:12:29,567 --> 00:12:32,367 Are they alike? They may have interest. 257 00:12:32,834 --> 00:12:37,867 So I can suggest to you is, your children didn't ask to be born. 258 00:12:38,367 --> 00:12:41,934 The idea that you exert any energy whatsoever, 259 00:12:41,934 --> 00:12:45,367 negative energy with regard to each other is ridiculous. 260 00:12:45,934 --> 00:12:47,200 Really ridiculous. 261 00:12:47,200 --> 00:12:50,400 But for him, you wouldn't have any contact with each other. 262 00:12:50,400 --> 00:12:51,967 Am I, am I reading that right? 263 00:12:51,967 --> 00:12:53,033 - Yes. - Yes, ma'am. 264 00:12:53,033 --> 00:12:56,967 Yeah. Well, why? He hasn't been in your life in years. 265 00:12:57,367 --> 00:12:59,367 And I know that he shouldn't have been in your life, 266 00:12:59,367 --> 00:13:01,967 at least for the last seven years cause he's got a 7-year-old 267 00:13:01,967 --> 00:13:03,367 with somebody else, right? 268 00:13:03,367 --> 00:13:08,367 And you have a 10-year-old. Goodbye... except for your daughter. 269 00:13:10,066 --> 00:13:12,567 Can I state that the situation is not about him. 270 00:13:12,567 --> 00:13:15,233 It's about the harassment, the lost wages. 271 00:13:15,233 --> 00:13:18,433 That's more of my concern with her. It has nothing to do with him. 272 00:13:18,433 --> 00:13:22,100 I was working before you. I was working that job. You came to my job. 273 00:13:22,100 --> 00:13:24,967 Just a second. What I'm telling you is right now, 274 00:13:25,433 --> 00:13:26,767 I don't have to get into it any further. 275 00:13:26,767 --> 00:13:29,633 - Right now, she's got the guy. - I don't care. 276 00:13:29,633 --> 00:13:32,033 Just a second, though. Right now, she's got the guy. 277 00:13:32,033 --> 00:13:35,834 So that would perhaps give rise to some animus on your part 278 00:13:35,834 --> 00:13:37,800 with regard to her position. 279 00:13:37,800 --> 00:13:41,967 He's working and he's paying money to your child, 280 00:13:43,000 --> 00:13:47,133 which is in her mind taking money away from her two children 281 00:13:47,133 --> 00:13:49,700 that she has with him. Well, that's his responsibility. 282 00:13:49,700 --> 00:13:52,767 You knew about that child and you knew about the 7-year-old. 283 00:13:52,767 --> 00:13:53,834 [Hill] Mm-hmm . 284 00:13:53,834 --> 00:13:57,233 So what I'm telling you is there's a lot of negative energy going on. 285 00:13:57,233 --> 00:13:59,800 You both got jobs relatively soon after this. 286 00:13:59,800 --> 00:14:02,800 It was probably not a good idea for you to stay in the same place, 287 00:14:02,800 --> 00:14:07,600 and your employer was absolutely right and actually quite brave in today's times 288 00:14:07,600 --> 00:14:10,300 to say we're terminating both of you because your job 289 00:14:10,300 --> 00:14:11,700 is affecting patient care. 290 00:14:11,700 --> 00:14:15,500 'Cause it's not only the two of you, other employees have been drawn 291 00:14:15,500 --> 00:14:16,900 into this drama. 292 00:14:16,900 --> 00:14:18,333 That's cause she brought them in. 293 00:14:18,700 --> 00:14:20,166 I don't know whether she brought them in or not. 294 00:14:20,166 --> 00:14:22,500 And I don't care whether she brought them in. 295 00:14:22,900 --> 00:14:24,333 [Announcer] And later today. 296 00:14:24,333 --> 00:14:27,600 {\an8}She wasn't your best friend. She wasn't even a close friend. 297 00:14:27,600 --> 00:14:30,233 {\an8}You hadn't spoken to her in years. 298 00:14:30,233 --> 00:14:33,367 So clearly you called her to do a job for you 299 00:14:33,367 --> 00:14:36,000 {\an8}that was her profession. 300 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:39,367 {\an8}And in addition to doing that, she brought you your wedding dress. 301 00:14:51,200 --> 00:14:54,300 {\an8}[Announcer] Keanna Hill claims her former coworker, 302 00:14:54,300 --> 00:14:58,367 {\an8}Diamond Horton, harassed her at work and caused her to be fired. 303 00:14:58,900 --> 00:15:02,834 Diamond is countersuing for filing a false restraining order. 304 00:15:02,834 --> 00:15:05,266 Now of all the places that you have to work, 305 00:15:05,633 --> 00:15:07,233 you have to work in a place where she was working? 306 00:15:07,233 --> 00:15:10,066 - I didn't know she worked there. - She didn't know that you were there? 307 00:15:10,633 --> 00:15:13,767 She did on the first day that I started and she told everyone who I was, 308 00:15:13,767 --> 00:15:14,834 and what the situation... 309 00:15:14,834 --> 00:15:16,567 - I was out for COVID. - Okay, who cares? 310 00:15:16,567 --> 00:15:19,000 Anyway, cases are dismissed. Goodbye. Good luck. 311 00:15:19,000 --> 00:15:20,266 [Kevin] This court is adjourned. 312 00:15:24,133 --> 00:15:26,700 {\an8}I feel like the judge, she made the right decision. 313 00:15:26,700 --> 00:15:27,700 {\an8}She didn't listen. 314 00:15:27,700 --> 00:15:31,367 {\an8}Because I'm with her baby's father, which is now my baby's father. 315 00:15:31,367 --> 00:15:33,133 {\an8}He had nothing to do with this situation. 316 00:15:33,133 --> 00:15:34,867 {\an8}I just wanna be there for my kids. 317 00:15:36,100 --> 00:15:39,233 You know, to his credit, he's paying support. 318 00:15:39,233 --> 00:15:41,333 - Sure. Has a job. - He has a job. 319 00:15:41,333 --> 00:15:44,400 And I don't know why these two women feud, 320 00:15:45,233 --> 00:15:49,166 when according to plaintiff, she has no interest in him anymore. 321 00:15:49,166 --> 00:15:51,400 - And she's getting support. - She's getting support. 322 00:15:51,400 --> 00:15:54,633 Just don't understand, there are so many things 323 00:15:55,166 --> 00:15:57,467 that life has that present obstacles. 324 00:15:58,633 --> 00:16:01,133 Why fight over a guy? 325 00:16:01,133 --> 00:16:03,900 There's many good causes you could get behind you fight for. 326 00:16:03,900 --> 00:16:06,100 - Let's choose one of those. - Yeah, right. 327 00:16:06,100 --> 00:16:09,533 Case number 2149, Goodwin versus Philpot. 328 00:16:09,533 --> 00:16:11,233 All parties, please step forward. 329 00:16:11,233 --> 00:16:15,500 {\an8}[Announcer] Manuelita Goodwin is suing wedding planner Kayla Philpot 330 00:16:16,166 --> 00:16:19,100 {\an8}for repayment of items purchased for Kayla's wedding. 331 00:16:20,066 --> 00:16:22,133 Miss Philpot, how long have you known Ms. Goodwin? 332 00:16:22,133 --> 00:16:23,533 Um, since I was a child. 333 00:16:23,900 --> 00:16:25,867 I don't remember much of her when I was a child, 334 00:16:25,867 --> 00:16:28,633 but she remembers me as a baby. 335 00:16:28,633 --> 00:16:31,300 Well, I don't know what she remembers. You were getting married, when? 336 00:16:31,300 --> 00:16:33,934 - What was the date of the wedding? - May 6th, 2021. 337 00:16:33,934 --> 00:16:35,934 Where was the wedding supposed to be held? 338 00:16:35,934 --> 00:16:39,300 - It was gonna be held in Turlock. - Is that a wedding venue? 339 00:16:39,300 --> 00:16:40,900 - Yes. - How many people were coming? 340 00:16:40,900 --> 00:16:44,367 {\an8}Um, it ended up being around 25 people. 341 00:16:44,367 --> 00:16:46,433 {\an8}- It was kind of small. - How many people did you invite? 342 00:16:46,433 --> 00:16:48,433 - 60. - But 25 came? 343 00:16:48,433 --> 00:16:50,433 - Yeah. - It was during the height of COVID? 344 00:16:50,934 --> 00:16:53,500 Tell me, when you contacted Ms. Goodwin, 345 00:16:53,967 --> 00:16:58,667 you contacted her because you knew she was a wedding planner, right? 346 00:16:59,800 --> 00:17:01,633 - Yes. - And when did you contact her? 347 00:17:01,633 --> 00:17:04,600 I believe I contacted her in January. 348 00:17:04,600 --> 00:17:08,333 And at the time you contacted her, had you made any wedding plans at all? 349 00:17:08,333 --> 00:17:10,233 - Um, very little. - Okay. 350 00:17:10,233 --> 00:17:11,800 During the course of your wedding planning, 351 00:17:11,800 --> 00:17:13,367 she said she would help you? 352 00:17:13,367 --> 00:17:14,433 [Philpot] Yes. 353 00:17:14,433 --> 00:17:16,667 Prior to January 2021, 354 00:17:16,667 --> 00:17:20,633 when you contacted her, when was the last time you saw her? 355 00:17:20,633 --> 00:17:23,867 - [Philpot] I can't even remember. - Well, was it in 2020? 356 00:17:23,867 --> 00:17:25,600 - [Philpot] No. - 2019? 357 00:17:25,600 --> 00:17:26,667 No. 358 00:17:26,667 --> 00:17:28,800 So you hadn't seen her in at least two or three years? 359 00:17:28,800 --> 00:17:30,400 - Yes. - How many times in that two- 360 00:17:30,400 --> 00:17:34,834 or three-year period did you communicate with her by text or by phone? 361 00:17:34,834 --> 00:17:37,233 - Never. - So the reason that you called her 362 00:17:37,233 --> 00:17:40,533 in January of 2021 was to assist you with your wedding? 363 00:17:40,533 --> 00:17:41,600 - [Philpot] Yes. - And she did? 364 00:17:41,600 --> 00:17:43,834 - Yes. - That's why we're here? 365 00:17:43,834 --> 00:17:47,300 {\an8}She said she laid out a whole bunch of money for you in planning your wedding 366 00:17:47,300 --> 00:17:51,300 {\an8}and purchasing things for your wedding, and she wants to be reimbursed for that. 367 00:17:52,066 --> 00:17:54,567 So, when you called and asked her to help plan your wedding, 368 00:17:54,567 --> 00:17:56,166 what did you ask her to do for you? 369 00:17:56,166 --> 00:17:58,300 I asked her to help me cause I really didn't have 370 00:17:58,300 --> 00:18:01,100 a sense of, like, direction of what to do for a wedding. 371 00:18:01,100 --> 00:18:05,467 And I asked her if she would pay for a decoration, 372 00:18:05,467 --> 00:18:08,233 and then I told her that I was getting my tax return and that I would pay her 373 00:18:08,233 --> 00:18:10,967 for the decoration, and we started with that. 374 00:18:11,867 --> 00:18:13,133 - Started with that? - Mm-hmm. 375 00:18:13,133 --> 00:18:17,133 How much money in total did you pay Ms. Goodwin 376 00:18:17,133 --> 00:18:19,667 for her work in planning your wedding? 377 00:18:19,667 --> 00:18:21,300 {\an8}I paid her 50 bucks. 378 00:18:22,867 --> 00:18:26,333 Well, don't you think that's ridiculous? It is ridiculous, right? 379 00:18:26,767 --> 00:18:31,433 You called her and engaged her to be a wedding planner for your wedding. 380 00:18:31,433 --> 00:18:34,800 She wasn't your best friend, she wasn't even a close friend. 381 00:18:35,200 --> 00:18:38,000 You hadn't spoken to her or seen her in years. 382 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:42,033 So, clearly you called her to do a job for you 383 00:18:42,400 --> 00:18:45,934 that was her profession, her vocation. 384 00:18:45,934 --> 00:18:49,233 And in addition to doing that, she bought you your wedding dress? 385 00:18:49,233 --> 00:18:52,033 - Yes. - How much was your wedding dress. 386 00:18:52,033 --> 00:18:54,266 I ended up, oh well we got a few dresses. 387 00:18:54,266 --> 00:18:57,567 The first one didn't work out, and I believe that one was 200. 388 00:18:58,133 --> 00:18:59,900 - Who paid for that one? - She did. 389 00:18:59,900 --> 00:19:03,266 So the first one didn't work out. That was two hundred dollars. 390 00:19:03,266 --> 00:19:04,934 - Yes. - And it didn't work out why? 391 00:19:04,934 --> 00:19:06,934 - I didn't like the fit on it. - Didn't like it. Okay. 392 00:19:06,934 --> 00:19:09,333 - But you bought it? She bought it? - Yes. 393 00:19:09,333 --> 00:19:10,934 And where is that dress now? 394 00:19:10,934 --> 00:19:13,433 I gave it back, and we ended up returning it. 395 00:19:13,433 --> 00:19:15,266 - Okay, so you got your money back? - Yes. 396 00:19:15,266 --> 00:19:18,166 Oh great, strike that out. And what about the next dress? 397 00:19:18,166 --> 00:19:21,900 The next dress, it was from Amazon, and we didn't like the fit either, 398 00:19:21,900 --> 00:19:24,233 so we ended up returning that one. And that one was... 399 00:19:24,233 --> 00:19:26,867 Who ordered that dress? You or the plaintiff? 400 00:19:26,867 --> 00:19:29,433 I believe it was me. 401 00:19:29,900 --> 00:19:32,266 Okay. And what did you finally end up with? 402 00:19:32,266 --> 00:19:35,333 I ended up getting a dress from David's Bridal that I really liked. 403 00:19:35,333 --> 00:19:36,567 How much was that? 404 00:19:36,567 --> 00:19:37,767 I believe it was 500. 405 00:19:37,767 --> 00:19:39,700 - Who paid for that? - She did. 406 00:19:39,700 --> 00:19:44,166 So far you've paid $50 for her services, and so far, at least what I know, 407 00:19:44,633 --> 00:19:47,233 just for one, dress it was $500. 408 00:19:47,667 --> 00:19:50,567 Don't you think you owe her compensation for her work? 409 00:19:50,567 --> 00:19:54,433 {\an8}Well, she told me that, you know, she was really, really generous. 410 00:19:54,433 --> 00:19:59,867 {\an8}She was giving like a lot of stuff and I believe that I don't owe her 411 00:19:59,867 --> 00:20:02,100 because she offered to do... 412 00:20:04,200 --> 00:20:07,433 It sounds stupid to you? Okay, I know it sounds stupid to you. 413 00:20:07,433 --> 00:20:09,433 How much did you lay out for her wedding? 414 00:20:09,433 --> 00:20:11,300 In the receipts that you have for me, 415 00:20:11,300 --> 00:20:13,400 how much did you lay out for her, for her wedding? 416 00:20:13,400 --> 00:20:15,934 3287.95. 417 00:20:15,934 --> 00:20:20,066 And when you asked her to be reimbursed for that money, what did she tell you? 418 00:20:20,066 --> 00:20:24,533 That she was going to pay some of it when she received her tax returns. 419 00:20:24,533 --> 00:20:26,667 Actually her wife's tax returns. 420 00:20:26,667 --> 00:20:30,000 And also she was working overtime to pay me back. 421 00:20:30,400 --> 00:20:34,900 She also stated that she was going to be getting a judgment 422 00:20:34,900 --> 00:20:38,734 from a State Farm check, that she would be making payments, 423 00:20:38,734 --> 00:20:44,266 and she did pay the $50 after she made a payment arrangement with me 424 00:20:44,934 --> 00:20:47,066 to pay $200 a month back. 425 00:20:47,700 --> 00:20:49,967 And she did make the first payment of $50, 426 00:20:49,967 --> 00:20:52,967 and from that point she didn't make any additional payments. 427 00:20:52,967 --> 00:20:56,800 So we did work together, Your Honor, to try to sell the items 428 00:20:56,800 --> 00:20:59,367 that were at her sister's home. 429 00:20:59,367 --> 00:21:04,633 I requested both Kayla and her wife at the time to sell the items. 430 00:21:04,633 --> 00:21:08,567 They were sitting in her sister's garage in Stockton, where I do not live. 431 00:21:08,567 --> 00:21:11,767 I did come down for two weeks to try to help sell those items. 432 00:21:11,767 --> 00:21:14,433 - Were any of those items sold? - Yes, they were. 433 00:21:14,433 --> 00:21:16,166 - Did you get any money back? - I did. 434 00:21:16,166 --> 00:21:18,133 - How much? - $106. 435 00:21:18,133 --> 00:21:20,367 And then I had to pay for shipping for those items. 436 00:21:20,367 --> 00:21:21,667 How much did you pay for shipping? 437 00:21:21,667 --> 00:21:26,100 $75, and the rest of the items are still in her sister's possession. 438 00:21:26,100 --> 00:21:27,867 Okay, 3226. 439 00:21:27,867 --> 00:21:33,567 How much did you pay for your wedding other than the plaintiff's participation? 440 00:21:33,567 --> 00:21:35,867 - Um, 8,000. - Did you pay that? 441 00:21:35,867 --> 00:21:38,900 My mom paid for the venue, and then I paid for the other things. 442 00:21:38,900 --> 00:21:40,800 - How much was the venue? - 4,000. 443 00:21:40,800 --> 00:21:44,533 So you paid 4,000. You personally? And what about your wife? 444 00:21:44,533 --> 00:21:47,367 Well, we share an account, so goes from both of us. 445 00:21:47,767 --> 00:21:50,433 What about her $3,200? Just don't have it. 446 00:21:51,233 --> 00:21:53,934 Just didn't pay you? Okay, anything else Ms. Goodwin? 447 00:21:54,400 --> 00:21:57,600 - No. - 3226, judgment for the plaintiff? 448 00:21:57,600 --> 00:21:59,033 [Kevin] This court is adjourned. 449 00:22:01,600 --> 00:22:03,367 {\an8}She told me that a lot of the stuff was gifts. 450 00:22:03,367 --> 00:22:04,767 {\an8}I don't have any more wedding woes. 451 00:22:04,767 --> 00:22:06,100 {\an8}She did a great job with the wedding. 452 00:22:06,100 --> 00:22:07,300 {\an8}She thought it was a gift. 453 00:22:07,300 --> 00:22:08,700 {\an8}She's really, really gifted at that. 454 00:22:08,700 --> 00:22:10,633 {\an8}Never gonna loan money to her again. 455 00:22:12,033 --> 00:22:15,967 That was a relatively easy case. I think even the defendant acknowledged. 456 00:22:16,533 --> 00:22:19,367 Besides just relying on the goodwill of the plaintiff, 457 00:22:19,367 --> 00:22:23,333 she had no real excuse to not pay her back and... makes our job easy. 458 00:22:23,333 --> 00:22:25,066 - Some are easy, some are hard? - Yeah. 459 00:22:26,767 --> 00:22:30,266 [Announcer] Want justice? Go to JudyJustice.tv.