1 00:00:05,967 --> 00:00:08,233 [dramatic music playing] 2 00:01:23,367 --> 00:01:25,867 [man] The thing inside of me is like.. 3 00:01:26,867 --> 00:01:28,934 the appetite, it's like a wolf that's... 4 00:01:30,700 --> 00:01:31,934 feeling... 5 00:01:32,567 --> 00:01:33,934 ...the hunger. 6 00:01:40,100 --> 00:01:41,700 [foreboding music playing] 7 00:01:46,000 --> 00:01:50,166 [TV reporter] Authorities say residents at this duplex on North 22nd Street 8 00:01:50,166 --> 00:01:53,000 contacted police after finding burned clothing, 9 00:01:53,000 --> 00:01:56,667 sneakers, and human remains inside a garbage can. 10 00:01:56,667 --> 00:01:59,867 The burnt material matches what John Swain had been wearing 11 00:01:59,867 --> 00:02:01,467 when he was last seen. 12 00:02:01,467 --> 00:02:03,967 Another resident returned home from vacation 13 00:02:04,033 --> 00:02:06,266 to find bloodstains on her rug. 14 00:02:17,467 --> 00:02:19,166 [suspenseful music playing] 15 00:03:05,867 --> 00:03:07,333 [mysterious music playing] 16 00:03:28,367 --> 00:03:32,066 [Alexander] Crowe communicates a great deal by his body language. 17 00:03:32,066 --> 00:03:34,266 We have an individual being interrogated 18 00:03:34,333 --> 00:03:37,567 by two detectives who's cool as a cucumber. 19 00:03:37,567 --> 00:03:40,567 So that gives us a good window in terms of just 20 00:03:40,634 --> 00:03:46,767 how devoid of emotion he is and how unworried he is. 21 00:04:28,066 --> 00:04:31,100 [Dr. Bryanna] It seems clear that Dawnie is not only afraid of him, 22 00:04:31,100 --> 00:04:34,667 but she doesn't trust him with his daughter, and he's hit her sister. 23 00:04:34,734 --> 00:04:39,100 This is a very aggressive, violent, versatile criminal 24 00:04:39,100 --> 00:04:40,967 who's just doesn't obey the law 25 00:04:40,967 --> 00:04:42,467 and doesn't think the rules apply to him. 26 00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:47,834 [suspenseful music playing] 27 00:05:11,667 --> 00:05:13,467 [eerie music playing] 28 00:07:10,667 --> 00:07:14,266 They seemingly go out and meet this young boy, 29 00:07:14,333 --> 00:07:15,867 18-year-old John Swain. 30 00:07:15,867 --> 00:07:19,567 They lure him back to their house, bashing his head in 31 00:07:19,567 --> 00:07:22,166 and Clark doesn't sound scared or upset. 32 00:07:22,233 --> 00:07:25,367 He tells it like he's explaining how he went to the grocery store, 33 00:07:25,367 --> 00:07:27,567 which is not what a normal person would do. 34 00:07:34,166 --> 00:07:38,367 On paper, Clark looks a lot cleaner, right? 35 00:07:38,367 --> 00:07:44,066 He's very careful in presenting himself as the unwitting witness 36 00:07:44,066 --> 00:07:47,066 to Crowe's demonic plan. 37 00:07:47,133 --> 00:07:52,166 Maybe Clark is just a little bit better at hiding and dissimulating 38 00:07:52,233 --> 00:07:55,066 his real intentions and his real acts than Crowe is. 39 00:09:00,567 --> 00:09:03,367 [Alexander] You might not remember what you had for breakfast, right? 40 00:09:03,367 --> 00:09:06,567 But you're gonna remember cutting up a body. 41 00:09:06,634 --> 00:09:09,066 And the fact that he refers to this 42 00:09:09,867 --> 00:09:13,467 human being, recently deceased, as 'It' 43 00:09:13,533 --> 00:09:17,367 is further proof of the objectification of the victim. 44 00:09:17,367 --> 00:09:21,433 And that's very consistent with the way a psychopath thinks. 45 00:09:27,900 --> 00:09:31,667 [news reporter] A new development in the case of 18-year-old John Swain. 46 00:09:31,734 --> 00:09:35,767 Bismarck police say they got a tip that Swain was buried in the backyard 47 00:09:35,767 --> 00:09:40,166 of this Montana home where Theo Crowe lives with his mother. 48 00:10:19,066 --> 00:10:22,567 Clark tells us, "I'm going to fully cooperate." 49 00:10:22,567 --> 00:10:25,367 Crowe says, "I'm here to give a confession." 50 00:10:25,433 --> 00:10:29,066 Both are vying for control of the interaction with the detectives. 51 00:10:29,133 --> 00:10:30,166 [Alexander] They want to get ahead. 52 00:10:30,166 --> 00:10:32,166 They want to push their narrative. 53 00:10:32,166 --> 00:10:34,133 So that they can control the outcome. 54 00:10:34,667 --> 00:10:36,166 And that's very psychopathic. 55 00:11:35,600 --> 00:11:39,767 I think that the way they went about selecting their victim 56 00:11:39,834 --> 00:11:44,767 is illustrative of some pretty significant 57 00:11:44,767 --> 00:11:48,367 psychopathic or antisocial tendencies. 58 00:11:48,367 --> 00:11:54,467 They identify a younger individual of smaller stature. 59 00:11:54,467 --> 00:11:58,867 Purposefully choosing somebody who's isolated. 60 00:11:58,867 --> 00:12:02,667 It really feels like they view John 61 00:12:02,667 --> 00:12:07,867 as almost a pawn in a game that they're playing. 62 00:12:51,700 --> 00:12:53,133 [mysterious music playing] 63 00:13:13,567 --> 00:13:15,233 [thudding] 64 00:13:40,767 --> 00:13:45,333 There's not a whole lot of research about whether psychopaths 65 00:13:45,400 --> 00:13:49,166 essentially draw each other, but it makes sense. 66 00:13:50,467 --> 00:13:53,567 Imagine if you can find somebody who's like you, 67 00:13:53,634 --> 00:13:56,667 who wants to go and do these horrible things 68 00:13:56,667 --> 00:13:58,867 and doesn't really feel bad about it. 69 00:13:58,934 --> 00:14:01,567 If anything, egging each other on and showing each other. 70 00:14:01,567 --> 00:14:03,533 This is totally okay to be this way. 71 00:14:38,867 --> 00:14:41,667 [Alexander] He catches himself in the end again, 72 00:14:41,734 --> 00:14:45,166 he feels compelled to say that it was hard emotionally. 73 00:14:45,233 --> 00:14:48,166 I think he had to add that just because 74 00:14:48,233 --> 00:14:51,166 he heard himself speak, and it sounded horrible. 75 00:15:25,967 --> 00:15:28,367 At the end of the day, even when psychopaths 76 00:15:28,367 --> 00:15:30,266 may not know what they are, 77 00:15:30,266 --> 00:15:33,867 or they may not recognize it entirely in another person. 78 00:15:33,867 --> 00:15:35,867 They still know not to trust each other 79 00:15:35,867 --> 00:15:37,567 because this guy will do the exact same thing to me 80 00:15:37,567 --> 00:15:39,333 that I'd be thinking about doing to him. 81 00:16:05,066 --> 00:16:06,967 When people think of psychopaths, 82 00:16:06,967 --> 00:16:10,867 they think they have absolutely no emotion, and that's actually not true. 83 00:16:10,867 --> 00:16:14,266 Here we see Crowe all of a sudden feeling upset 84 00:16:14,333 --> 00:16:17,066 because he feels very bad for himself. 85 00:16:17,066 --> 00:16:20,667 [Dr. Bryanna] He feels not at all bad for what they did to John Swaine. 86 00:16:27,200 --> 00:16:29,367 [man behind camera] 15:59 hours. 87 00:16:29,367 --> 00:16:31,967 Removing the tarp and bagging it up. 88 00:18:36,567 --> 00:18:43,467 I think both Crowe and Clark had violent and homicidal fantasies 89 00:18:43,467 --> 00:18:48,767 that they brought out in each other and that that partnership 90 00:18:48,767 --> 00:18:52,867 allowed them to express desires 91 00:18:52,934 --> 00:18:56,233 that they had not had the outlet for in the past. 92 00:19:13,200 --> 00:19:16,867 The debate is constantly, which is the worst psychopath. 93 00:19:16,867 --> 00:19:20,867 The factor 2 type psychopath, which is more antisocial. 94 00:19:20,867 --> 00:19:23,367 They're typically are violent and aggressive. 95 00:19:23,367 --> 00:19:25,367 Or the factor 1 psychopath 96 00:19:25,367 --> 00:19:29,367 who tends to maybe blend in more with society, 97 00:19:29,433 --> 00:19:32,467 tends to be more manipulative, charming, cunning. 98 00:19:32,467 --> 00:19:35,567 Which causes more damage? Which is worse? 99 00:19:35,634 --> 00:19:37,266 I would say the factor 1, 100 00:19:37,266 --> 00:19:39,667 the type that is more akin to Clark. 101 00:19:39,667 --> 00:19:42,834 So I always find the chameleon to be a little more dangerous. 102 00:19:52,367 --> 00:19:53,867 [reporter] Clark is sentenced to life in prison 103 00:19:53,867 --> 00:19:56,567 for his role in the murder of a South Dakota teenager. 104 00:19:56,567 --> 00:19:59,066 20-year-old Joshua Clark was convicted in July 105 00:19:59,133 --> 00:20:02,266 for his role in the killing of 18-year-old John Swain. 106 00:20:02,266 --> 00:20:06,967 His co-conspirator, 26-year-old Theo Crowe also received life. 107 00:20:07,033 --> 00:20:10,066 Though justice was served, Swain's parents, Pat and David, 108 00:20:10,066 --> 00:20:12,867 say the brutality of the crime still haunts them. 109 00:20:13,467 --> 00:20:15,066 Because it was senseless. 110 00:20:15,667 --> 00:20:17,367 [Pat] It was so horrible. 111 00:20:17,367 --> 00:20:20,266 It was just a total disregard of human life 112 00:20:20,333 --> 00:20:22,734 because there was no reason, none at all. 113 00:20:40,166 --> 00:20:45,166 ♪ 114 00:20:50,100 --> 00:20:52,367 ♪ 115 00:20:57,000 --> 00:20:59,066 ♪ 116 00:21:04,066 --> 00:21:06,433 ♪ 117 00:21:13,166 --> 00:21:15,634 ♪ 118 00:21:29,000 --> 00:21:30,166 ♪