1 00:00:12,767 --> 00:00:14,333 [intense music playing] 2 00:01:04,667 --> 00:01:05,634 [man 1 speaking] 3 00:01:06,000 --> 00:01:06,934 [man 2 speaking] 4 00:01:07,567 --> 00:01:09,367 [man 3 speaking] 5 00:01:09,367 --> 00:01:11,734 [man 4] The thing inside of me is like... 6 00:01:13,066 --> 00:01:14,734 the appetite, it's like a wolf that's... 7 00:01:16,800 --> 00:01:19,734 feeling... the hunger. 8 00:01:33,100 --> 00:01:34,900 [news reporter] Westminster police hoping you can help 9 00:01:34,900 --> 00:01:36,667 find this missing 19-year-old. 10 00:01:36,667 --> 00:01:38,100 She's Lea Chali Porter. 11 00:01:38,100 --> 00:01:41,166 She lives in Pueblo, but she was in Westminster last Thursday, 12 00:01:41,166 --> 00:01:42,700 when she went missing. 13 00:01:49,100 --> 00:01:53,000 Now, take a look. Porter's hair is dyed blond, but she has brown hair. 14 00:01:53,000 --> 00:01:54,767 She also has a tattoo on her wrist, 15 00:01:54,767 --> 00:01:56,900 and her lower lip is pierced. 16 00:01:56,900 --> 00:01:58,967 You can call Crime Stoppers or Westminster 17 00:01:58,967 --> 00:02:01,433 if you have any information to help find her. 18 00:02:02,367 --> 00:02:03,734 [eerie music playing] 19 00:03:07,700 --> 00:03:10,767 [Nameeta] Knowing that Christopher Waide had some very dark 20 00:03:10,767 --> 00:03:13,700 and particularly sadistic urges and fantasies 21 00:03:13,700 --> 00:03:16,767 as young as teenage life in high school, 22 00:03:16,767 --> 00:03:18,867 would be a reason for any parent to be concerned. 23 00:03:18,867 --> 00:03:21,967 And Max Porter, because he went to school with Waide, 24 00:03:21,967 --> 00:03:24,000 and was aware of these rumors, 25 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:26,734 he's understandably really worried about his sister. 26 00:04:28,800 --> 00:04:32,667 Waide presents here, as somebody who's really nervous. 27 00:04:32,667 --> 00:04:36,900 His answers almost seemed like they were written for him. 28 00:04:36,900 --> 00:04:40,166 Like, he's thought about what he was going to say, and he's going by his script. 29 00:04:40,166 --> 00:04:42,166 Very stilted, very uncomfortable. 30 00:04:42,166 --> 00:04:44,767 And he drops comments here and there. 31 00:04:44,767 --> 00:04:47,500 Almost comments, like, he thinks he should say. 32 00:04:47,500 --> 00:04:49,500 Like, he was concerned about her drug addiction. 33 00:04:49,500 --> 00:04:50,500 He found drugs. 34 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:52,100 She seemed depressed. 35 00:04:52,100 --> 00:04:55,467 But there's really not a lot of emotion behind what he's saying. 36 00:04:55,467 --> 00:04:58,166 It's almost, to me, like he's more concerned 37 00:04:58,166 --> 00:05:01,300 about saying the right thing during this interview, 38 00:05:01,300 --> 00:05:04,567 than he is about not knowing where his friend is. 39 00:05:26,266 --> 00:05:28,700 [Charles] First, you having already lost a friend. 40 00:05:28,700 --> 00:05:32,500 This has been also seen in other cases where people make us slip. 41 00:05:32,500 --> 00:05:34,900 It does raise their suspicions. 42 00:05:34,900 --> 00:05:37,000 Some people would say that's due to what we call 43 00:05:37,000 --> 00:05:39,166 the guilty knowledge in our head. 44 00:05:39,166 --> 00:05:42,567 And that influences the way we think and the way we speak. 45 00:05:42,567 --> 00:05:45,367 And he probably didn't intend to say it that way. 46 00:05:45,367 --> 00:05:48,367 But you can probably believe it's true. 47 00:05:48,367 --> 00:05:50,066 He's already lost that friend. 48 00:06:34,800 --> 00:06:36,166 He's expressing a concern 49 00:06:36,166 --> 00:06:38,066 that the reason he's cooperating with police 50 00:06:38,066 --> 00:06:40,100 is because they're telling him he's not a suspect 51 00:06:40,100 --> 00:06:43,667 and he wants to make sure he continues to control that narrative. 52 00:06:43,667 --> 00:06:45,867 And ensure that he stays off their radar. 53 00:06:45,867 --> 00:06:49,266 But what Waide's engaging in is constant impression management. 54 00:06:49,266 --> 00:06:51,767 The problem is, he doesn't think quickly on his feet. 55 00:06:51,767 --> 00:06:53,266 And when it's not rehearsed, 56 00:06:53,266 --> 00:06:55,800 you see these awkward behaviors and these cognitive leaks 57 00:06:55,800 --> 00:06:57,266 come out in the media interview. 58 00:06:59,767 --> 00:07:01,867 [ominous music playing] 59 00:08:12,900 --> 00:08:15,567 What we now understand about pornography addiction 60 00:08:15,567 --> 00:08:18,400 and the influence of pornography exposure 61 00:08:18,400 --> 00:08:21,066 on young children as their brains are developing 62 00:08:21,066 --> 00:08:23,367 and their sexual identity is developing, 63 00:08:23,367 --> 00:08:29,100 is that it sets up an expectation around sexuality, intimacy 64 00:08:29,100 --> 00:08:32,667 and interacting with sexual partners, that's highly unrealistic. 65 00:08:32,667 --> 00:08:35,700 And what also seems quite clear is that 66 00:08:35,700 --> 00:08:37,567 there were early warning signs 67 00:08:37,567 --> 00:08:41,533 and his the family chose to minimize the seriousness of those. 68 00:09:50,600 --> 00:09:53,166 [Chriscelyn] Here we have Waide's own mother 69 00:09:53,166 --> 00:09:56,266 confirming the rumors and the other perceptions 70 00:09:56,266 --> 00:09:58,166 that Lea's family has about him. 71 00:09:58,166 --> 00:10:01,367 When you think about these red flags, 72 00:10:01,367 --> 00:10:03,867 of not only express sexual fantasies, 73 00:10:03,867 --> 00:10:07,567 violent deviant fantasies, but also actual behavior, 74 00:10:07,567 --> 00:10:09,600 where he enacted some of those fantasies. 75 00:10:09,600 --> 00:10:12,967 When you take that with what we have in this current situation, 76 00:10:12,967 --> 00:10:16,467 where he's being investigated for a missing woman... 77 00:10:16,467 --> 00:10:18,667 It certainly is very concerning 78 00:10:18,667 --> 00:10:21,967 when you think about all the history that we have thus far. 79 00:10:45,767 --> 00:10:49,367 [Nameeta] The psychological evaluation from the United States Army 80 00:10:49,367 --> 00:10:53,867 that was done in preparation for Waide's discharge 81 00:10:53,867 --> 00:10:57,000 paints a very different picture than what his mother wants to believe, 82 00:10:57,000 --> 00:10:58,567 or what he maybe told her. 83 00:10:58,567 --> 00:11:01,367 Waide was quite forthcoming with the doctor 84 00:11:01,367 --> 00:11:06,367 that he has ongoing urges and fantasies of raping a specific classmate. 85 00:11:06,367 --> 00:11:09,066 And what the doctor ultimately says, which is both 86 00:11:09,600 --> 00:11:12,166 alarming and quite astute, 87 00:11:12,166 --> 00:11:15,166 is that while there's no evidence 88 00:11:15,166 --> 00:11:18,000 that Waide has harmed anybody, he's dangerous. 89 00:11:18,000 --> 00:11:20,066 He has the potential for dangerousness. 90 00:12:30,400 --> 00:12:33,367 This particular scene where he's being interviewed by the police, 91 00:12:33,367 --> 00:12:36,667 and he's going like, "Oh, I do, you know, criminal justice." 92 00:12:36,667 --> 00:12:40,000 It's a way of saying, "I'm kind of like you." 93 00:12:40,000 --> 00:12:42,166 Like, "We have something in common." 94 00:12:42,166 --> 00:12:45,800 It's his effort to control the image of him 95 00:12:45,800 --> 00:12:48,166 in the police's eyes, to make him look like 96 00:12:48,166 --> 00:12:50,266 he's cooperative, he's on board, 97 00:12:50,266 --> 00:12:51,266 he's a good person. 98 00:12:52,367 --> 00:12:55,233 It's part of his image of being the helpful friend. 99 00:15:07,266 --> 00:15:09,600 Here, Waide is almost presenting himself 100 00:15:09,600 --> 00:15:12,367 like he's an expert in behavioral analysis 101 00:15:12,367 --> 00:15:15,266 and almost teaching the investigators 102 00:15:15,266 --> 00:15:17,367 about what a real smile looks like 103 00:15:17,367 --> 00:15:19,600 and how he's able to discern 104 00:15:19,600 --> 00:15:21,767 when she's telling him the truth, or not. 105 00:15:21,767 --> 00:15:23,767 He wants them to believe 106 00:15:23,767 --> 00:15:25,667 that he knows more than he really does 107 00:15:25,667 --> 00:15:28,667 and that he's a different person than he really is. 108 00:15:28,667 --> 00:15:30,333 He's lying and manipulating. 109 00:17:03,300 --> 00:17:07,667 We see this parent, child judgmental quality 110 00:17:07,667 --> 00:17:10,634 in Waide's attitude, time and time again. 111 00:17:11,367 --> 00:17:14,000 What we also need to pay attention to 112 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:15,800 is that consistent with what we see 113 00:17:15,800 --> 00:17:17,800 with psychopathic offenders oftentimes, 114 00:17:17,800 --> 00:17:19,100 is this shallow affect. 115 00:17:19,100 --> 00:17:21,166 There's this shallowness to his emotions. 116 00:17:21,166 --> 00:17:22,600 They're superficial. 117 00:17:22,600 --> 00:17:24,700 He's using all these flowery words, 118 00:17:24,700 --> 00:17:29,767 as if he's re-reading a script that he's worked out in his head, 119 00:17:29,767 --> 00:17:34,500 that is gentle and soft and almost romantic in nature. 120 00:17:34,500 --> 00:17:37,467 And yet the words and content he's describing 121 00:17:37,467 --> 00:17:40,433 is an ugly confrontation about drug paraphernalia. 122 00:17:41,100 --> 00:17:42,667 And the two just don't add up. 123 00:19:58,166 --> 00:20:02,066 So, the part that makes no sense is, he's just said to the police, 124 00:20:02,066 --> 00:20:04,500 "Maybe she took the intent of my reading too far." 125 00:20:04,500 --> 00:20:06,000 But when he's explaining the reading, 126 00:20:06,000 --> 00:20:08,667 it's supposed to be a joyous, celebratory thing. 127 00:20:08,667 --> 00:20:10,767 There's nothing malevolent in the reading that says, 128 00:20:10,767 --> 00:20:13,367 like, die, hurt yourself, bad things coming up... 129 00:20:13,367 --> 00:20:17,800 She's off celebrating or she's in a... she's in a good space. 130 00:20:17,800 --> 00:20:19,700 Which is really incongruous. 131 00:20:19,700 --> 00:20:21,000 Why would you be worried? 132 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:23,533 So, the police have a right to be suspicious of it. 133 00:21:12,000 --> 00:21:13,700 We see Waide stumble here. 134 00:21:13,700 --> 00:21:17,066 He didn't expect law enforcement to kind of confront him 135 00:21:17,066 --> 00:21:18,900 about some of the blood evidence. 136 00:21:18,900 --> 00:21:23,000 To confront him and push him, and because he hadn't thought about that, 137 00:21:23,000 --> 00:21:24,467 he didn't have a rehearsed answer. 138 00:21:24,467 --> 00:21:26,400 He didn't have an explanation. 139 00:21:26,400 --> 00:21:31,367 But it is also important to note the ease with which he just makes something up. 140 00:21:31,367 --> 00:21:34,867 And that kind of pathological compulsive ability to lie 141 00:21:34,867 --> 00:21:36,567 and just fill in the blanks 142 00:21:36,567 --> 00:21:40,867 is something we consistently see time and time again in psychopathic offenders. 143 00:22:50,767 --> 00:22:52,400 [Waide sighs] 144 00:23:51,400 --> 00:23:54,467 [Charles] They're throwing out information that they don't yet really have. 145 00:23:54,467 --> 00:23:56,367 Like, her cell phone was found... 146 00:23:57,200 --> 00:23:58,767 Right? With her clothing. 147 00:23:58,767 --> 00:24:01,600 And you hear Waide sigh. 148 00:24:01,600 --> 00:24:03,166 He's got to come up with a new story. 149 00:24:03,166 --> 00:24:05,667 And he goes, "No, no, no. I saw her leave with her cell phone." 150 00:24:05,667 --> 00:24:07,266 But then you'd hear him sigh again. 151 00:24:07,266 --> 00:24:10,400 He's working really hard at trying to figure out. 152 00:24:10,400 --> 00:24:11,667 So, when he then finally says, 153 00:24:11,667 --> 00:24:13,567 "I'm searching for the right words", 154 00:24:13,567 --> 00:24:15,266 I believe him. 155 00:24:15,266 --> 00:24:16,900 He's trying to figure out, 156 00:24:16,900 --> 00:24:19,834 "What is the best way I can frame this." 157 00:26:18,266 --> 00:26:22,066 [Rene Jackson screaming, sobbing] 158 00:28:18,100 --> 00:28:20,700 [Charles] A great moment where you get a... 159 00:28:20,700 --> 00:28:23,567 you get a peek, sort of, into the thinking of a psychopath 160 00:28:23,567 --> 00:28:25,266 who is self-absorbed. 161 00:28:25,266 --> 00:28:27,767 And he keeps saying, "I know this is going to be hard for you to hear." 162 00:28:27,767 --> 00:28:29,367 It's not really empathetic. 163 00:28:29,367 --> 00:28:32,934 His expectation is that they should accept it on his terms. 164 00:28:35,166 --> 00:28:37,567 But that's the manifestation of control 165 00:28:37,567 --> 00:28:39,900 that you do see with psychopaths. 166 00:28:39,900 --> 00:28:41,467 They want to be in charge of the information, 167 00:28:41,467 --> 00:28:45,233 and in control of other people's feelings about it. 168 00:31:46,266 --> 00:31:48,467 He's now, tossed in the word, "rape." 169 00:31:48,467 --> 00:31:52,000 And he's now woven it into the story to make him the victim. 170 00:31:52,000 --> 00:31:57,734 That he was going to be accused of rape, and that he was defending himself. 171 00:31:59,000 --> 00:32:02,000 But he, in the story, is the victim. 172 00:32:02,000 --> 00:32:05,066 It's consistent with how he's tried to represent himself all the way along. 173 00:33:23,800 --> 00:33:25,967 Even at this point in the investigation, 174 00:33:25,967 --> 00:33:29,467 when he is clearly at the end of his rope, 175 00:33:29,467 --> 00:33:34,100 he's still not able to say, "I murdered her. I am responsible for her death." 176 00:33:34,100 --> 00:33:36,767 He just says I played a major role in it. 177 00:33:36,767 --> 00:33:39,967 And that lack of responsibility-taking 178 00:33:39,967 --> 00:33:44,300 is something that we see time and time again in psychopathic individuals. 179 00:33:44,300 --> 00:33:46,900 It's everybody else's fault but theirs. 180 00:33:46,900 --> 00:33:48,667 Or it's a misunderstanding. 181 00:34:37,700 --> 00:34:40,200 [Nameeta] What we know from the investigation is that, 182 00:34:40,200 --> 00:34:43,000 we have a person who engaged in quite a bit 183 00:34:43,000 --> 00:34:45,800 of deviant sexual fantasies, urges, 184 00:34:45,800 --> 00:34:47,433 and, to some degree, behaviors. 185 00:34:48,400 --> 00:34:51,600 No less than 21,000 images 186 00:34:51,600 --> 00:34:54,800 found on his computers and various hard drives 187 00:34:54,800 --> 00:34:58,300 that would be identified as possible child pornography. 188 00:34:58,300 --> 00:35:01,567 When you start to look at all these things that are found in Wade's history, 189 00:35:01,567 --> 00:35:03,567 we realize this is somebody who has 190 00:35:03,567 --> 00:35:07,000 escalating deviant urges that are sadistic in nature, 191 00:35:07,000 --> 00:35:09,667 and when you couple that with the impulse control issues, 192 00:35:09,667 --> 00:35:11,634 this is a very dangerous individual. 193 00:36:39,600 --> 00:36:41,667 [Chriscelyn] Again, we see the "I know better. 194 00:36:41,667 --> 00:36:45,700 Let me discuss the semantics of her death versus murder." 195 00:36:45,700 --> 00:36:50,000 There is such a heightened level of grandiosity that's on display here, 196 00:36:50,000 --> 00:36:53,300 and also a failure to accept responsibility. 197 00:36:53,300 --> 00:36:56,000 So, we know that individuals with psychopathy 198 00:36:56,000 --> 00:37:00,066 often will find other reasons to justify their behavior. 199 00:37:00,066 --> 00:37:01,266 So, maybe, in his mind, 200 00:37:01,266 --> 00:37:06,000 murder is just coldly killing someone without any provocation. 201 00:37:06,000 --> 00:37:08,667 And he's still somehow trying to hang on to this idea 202 00:37:08,667 --> 00:37:11,767 that he was just defending himself against her. 203 00:37:55,467 --> 00:37:58,667 It's interesting and really speaks to a lack of self-awareness 204 00:37:58,667 --> 00:38:00,767 that he talks about the thing he values most, 205 00:38:00,767 --> 00:38:04,200 and the emotion he values most is loyalty. 206 00:38:04,200 --> 00:38:07,166 He talks about "to friends", and we know from the investigation 207 00:38:07,166 --> 00:38:09,300 he really doesn't have any. 208 00:38:09,300 --> 00:38:13,667 So, what I think he's really talking about is loyalty to himself. 209 00:38:13,667 --> 00:38:17,300 He's betrayed himself. He's told on himself. 210 00:38:17,300 --> 00:38:20,667 He didn't handle this the way he thought he would, 211 00:38:20,667 --> 00:38:24,266 and any suggestions of regret really seem to be more 212 00:38:24,266 --> 00:38:27,400 about the fact that he's gotten caught. 213 00:38:27,400 --> 00:38:30,700 [reporter] Developing right now, the search tonight for the body of Lee Porter. 214 00:38:30,700 --> 00:38:34,200 Her high school friend is sitting behind bars, linked to her murder. 215 00:38:34,200 --> 00:38:38,066 Christopher Waide turned himself in to Westminster police last night. 216 00:38:38,066 --> 00:38:42,266 Now, the suspect is in jail on charges of sexual assault and murder. 217 00:38:42,266 --> 00:38:44,500 Police searched his apartment twice, 218 00:38:44,500 --> 00:38:48,734 and today, sectioned off part of a public landfill in connection with the case. 219 00:39:50,166 --> 00:39:54,066 So, in 2022, almost eight years, 220 00:39:54,066 --> 00:39:56,000 sort of after being in prison, 221 00:39:56,000 --> 00:40:00,000 Christopher Waide decides to write a letter describing the events 222 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:04,500 of what took place on that day when he killed Lea. 223 00:40:04,500 --> 00:40:09,200 And it's not sent to anyone in specific. It's just sent to the court. 224 00:40:09,200 --> 00:40:12,767 In the letter, he goes into quite a bit of detail 225 00:40:12,767 --> 00:40:14,767 about the events that occurred that day, 226 00:40:14,767 --> 00:40:18,367 um, that I think are in many ways 227 00:40:18,367 --> 00:40:21,867 illustrative of what goes on in the mind of a psychopath, 228 00:40:21,867 --> 00:40:24,233 in terms of the use of other people. 229 00:40:27,700 --> 00:40:32,000 What Waide writes in the letter is that, um, 230 00:40:32,000 --> 00:40:35,066 when Lea was there, she went into the bathroom. 231 00:40:35,066 --> 00:40:38,600 There was never any episode of doing a tarot reading for her. 232 00:40:38,600 --> 00:40:42,100 There was never an episode of her wanting drugs, 233 00:40:42,100 --> 00:40:44,667 and trying to hold him hostage with a knife. 234 00:40:44,667 --> 00:40:48,100 She went into the bathroom. And then, he describes this moment 235 00:40:48,100 --> 00:40:52,100 when she came out of the bathroom where something just snapped, 236 00:40:52,100 --> 00:40:56,166 and he was filled with aggression, rage, and sexual desire for her, 237 00:40:56,166 --> 00:40:58,467 and he immediately attacked her, 238 00:40:58,467 --> 00:41:01,233 restrained her and choked her. 239 00:41:03,767 --> 00:41:06,567 I think there's more truth in here about what he did to her, 240 00:41:06,567 --> 00:41:09,100 and the reason I believe that is it's more consistent 241 00:41:09,100 --> 00:41:12,166 with what we know about his fantasy life and what he was interested in. 242 00:41:12,166 --> 00:41:15,000 But I don't believe that he's told us the entire story.