1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:09,125 [MUSIC] 2 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 3 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 4 00:02:46,458 --> 00:02:55,583 You know what that is sure I do those  are mine. That's a felony no even worse   5 00:02:56,208 --> 00:03:01,791 it's high treason to own those books, those  books include the worst forms conspiracies   6 00:03:02,833 --> 00:03:06,625 they're like a plague and virus  to take over the body reading it   7 00:03:08,291 --> 00:03:13,583 where are these books from? Wouldn't the  better question be when are those books   8 00:03:13,583 --> 00:03:21,583 from? That doesn't matter to me. I think it does  they are from a time when life was different 9 00:03:24,041 --> 00:03:27,791 From a time when we could meet  our friends go to restaurants   10 00:03:28,541 --> 00:03:31,958 celebrate whatever and whenever we wanted to. 11 00:03:56,291 --> 00:04:03,958 The time when life was worth living a world full of peace love and ice cream do you remember the best   12 00:04:03,958 --> 00:04:12,125 ice cream in the World. We had hope and we had  freedom a place we could proudly call our home   13 00:04:13,791 --> 00:04:20,208 and those two books secured what  we wanted to live a combination of   14 00:04:20,750 --> 00:04:27,958 through state and believe regulated  self-regulation and freedom. Life is different now   15 00:04:29,083 --> 00:04:32,916 we can't change that I might  as well just adapt to it   16 00:04:34,458 --> 00:04:39,625 I don't want to live a life like that where  I can't do the most important thing of my life   17 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:49,500 to believe. I want to fight I don't just  want to give up I want to make a difference   18 00:04:49,500 --> 00:04:54,750 and if everyone would start thinking like  that we could really achieve something big   19 00:04:55,708 --> 00:05:02,541 we can shift something around. This  book was the legal code of germany   20 00:05:02,541 --> 00:05:06,125 before the global state developed  an english got our world language   21 00:05:07,333 --> 00:05:14,541 I received this book at university during my  time in 2020 the year when everything broke apart   22 00:05:15,166 --> 00:05:20,833 the state leaders came up with new regulations  to repress the people and secure their power   23 00:05:22,833 --> 00:05:26,833 the excuse was virus something they sold us   24 00:05:26,833 --> 00:05:34,208 as a super deadly killer virus, the state leaders  started to take away our rights and our freedom 25 00:05:36,625 --> 00:05:47,250 for the sake of the good the good for everyone. You  know every time they took a ride from us and gave   26 00:05:47,250 --> 00:05:56,458 us a law I crossed out the law in our legale Code of Germany see and I wrote the date next to it   27 00:05:57,166 --> 00:06:02,375 for example they deleted the right on the 25th of  october 21. 28 00:06:12,375 --> 00:06:13,750 Or another one down here 29 00:06:22,833 --> 00:06:25,791 Do you see, how many they took from us? 30 00:06:28,250 --> 00:06:29,625 Our this one 31 00:06:38,750 --> 00:06:43,416 they took that right 32 00:07:04,750 --> 00:07:06,541 Guys, guys it's Jack 33 00:07:08,666 --> 00:07:19,166 This can't be true, arrested tortured and  killed, guys he was a friend our brother 34 00:07:23,416 --> 00:07:29,958 Friends hey I think we have to stop this  this is taking way too many casualties   35 00:07:30,666 --> 00:07:38,208 No we were hiding for the  last five years we just met 36 00:07:40,833 --> 00:07:48,541 I think instead of hiding we should do something  to end all that. I don't want to start something   37 00:07:48,541 --> 00:07:54,458 that can lead us to more death, you know i'm  not I would much rather hide I want to live   38 00:07:54,458 --> 00:08:00,125 I don't want to give up my life I don't  want to lose it. What kind of life is that   39 00:08:01,083 --> 00:08:06,625 I agree with Roy we have to do something  we cannot hide it here forever because we   40 00:08:06,625 --> 00:08:13,500 know the truth. Guys don't we all believe in a  loving and protective God who has a plan for us   41 00:08:14,916 --> 00:08:17,583 I don't know what to believe in anymore what 42 00:08:20,833 --> 00:08:26,458 Yeah what does that mean, I mean what  what's your point what's your plan? 43 00:08:27,416 --> 00:08:33,791 I don't know. See I when I sleep I can't sleep  anymore, I got these anxiety attacks when I walk   44 00:08:33,791 --> 00:08:39,958 on the street it feels like somebody's watching me  the whole time it's killing me it tears me apart   45 00:08:41,000 --> 00:08:48,625 I thought maybe, like I want this to end you know  guys I want I want this to end I love you guys   46 00:08:48,625 --> 00:08:55,583 you're my family. Yeah we are I mean. And I cannot  see another family member die, I wanted to stop 47 00:08:57,708 --> 00:09:02,833 Guys I'm sorry but I'm out I gotta quit. No  but, we're all in the same situation I mean 48 00:09:03,625 --> 00:09:19,416 stop. So what now. I won't give up the fight,  neither will I. I want to make a difference   49 00:09:20,208 --> 00:09:25,791 I want to change the world we're living in  and I want to make jesus be glorified again 50 00:09:28,375 --> 00:09:36,541 how can we achieve that, I don't know I kept  thinking about I mean the things that luke said   51 00:09:36,541 --> 00:09:43,416 are true and I see police officers I always like  get almost paranoid that they could catch me or   52 00:09:44,291 --> 00:09:53,583 yeah chase me if they find out who we are. You know  five years ago we watched those films about the   53 00:09:53,583 --> 00:10:01,333 countries in the middle east where christianity  was illegal those movies seemed so far away   54 00:10:02,208 --> 00:10:09,625 true and and now five years later we are exactly  in the same situation. Have you expected that 55 00:10:13,958 --> 00:10:25,333 Roy, I feel like we're the only christians left  in the world but I mean this can't be true right?   56 00:10:26,375 --> 00:10:32,833 No we had thousands maybe hundred  thousands of pastors, church leaders 57 00:10:35,000 --> 00:10:43,000 I don't know where they are, we had  so many. It's like they remain silent   58 00:10:44,750 --> 00:10:48,375 I like, like they have have nothing to say anymore 59 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:53,250 it would be so important  for them to stand up for us   60 00:10:55,166 --> 00:11:02,458 you know what comes to my mind right now is  christianity when we got born 2 000 years ago   61 00:11:03,416 --> 00:11:09,000 christianity was illegal.  True, the story repeats itself 62 00:11:11,083 --> 00:11:16,208 It's ridiculous, you know those  christians they did not give up   63 00:11:17,416 --> 00:11:23,083 they somehow survived and it was  illegal and they met secretly   64 00:11:23,791 --> 00:11:29,708 and they did not give up and now we're  those thankful for, that they did not give up   65 00:11:31,708 --> 00:11:36,666 I'm pretty sure it was hard for them too.  Yeah and they used the fish symbol to find   66 00:11:36,666 --> 00:11:43,791 allies. T hat's right remember they they drew  that one line and then the other person   67 00:11:45,083 --> 00:11:50,625 yes and then you got the fish  yeah because we're just us two   68 00:11:52,625 --> 00:11:59,958 but if we find more christians and we will  find found a lot of underground churches   69 00:11:59,958 --> 00:12:07,000 I think we could really change something. We can't  use the internet you know they are watching it   70 00:12:07,000 --> 00:12:12,375 they're monitoring it all the time.  We need to find different ways 71 00:12:14,833 --> 00:12:21,000 You know what, maybe we just give it into god's  hands we go out, we maybe do those fish   72 00:12:22,208 --> 00:12:25,333 and maybe god will do something with it yeah   73 00:12:26,375 --> 00:12:32,458 let's try it I as I said, I won't give up this  fight and also this is not our fight god will   74 00:12:32,458 --> 00:12:37,791 fight for us and I'm sure that we find people who  will fight with us. God is in control and you know   75 00:12:37,791 --> 00:12:43,083 what I think I got some graffiti back there  maybe we can just spray fish and maybe find   76 00:12:43,083 --> 00:12:49,583 some more people and they think the same as we do.  Right let's do it, let's not wait let's just do it 77 00:12:54,916 --> 00:13:01,125 [MUSIC] 78 00:15:06,791 --> 00:15:10,541 Hey, what are you guys doing? 79 00:15:45,583 --> 00:15:52,041 It's gonna hurt okay? What's your name? Hannah 80 00:15:53,458 --> 00:15:59,916 Where were you born Hannah? Frankfurt 81 00:16:04,458 --> 00:16:10,666 This is gonna stop the blood flow okay, we  need to get you out of here you ready stand up 82 00:16:42,458 --> 00:16:45,583 Put her here You got the Chair 83 00:16:49,375 --> 00:16:50,541 all right let me see your wound 84 00:16:53,875 --> 00:16:56,458 The bleeding stop you have water 85 00:16:59,166 --> 00:17:07,625 How do you feel are you busy yeah a little bit.  So do you actually know why we drew those fish   86 00:17:09,333 --> 00:17:19,083 yeah it's like it's like the old christian symbol  back in the day isn't it. Yeah so are you   87 00:17:20,291 --> 00:17:26,541 Am I a christian yeah. Okay. I'm definitely uh  definitely displeased with the things going   88 00:17:26,541 --> 00:17:31,500 on in the world today. Yeah I agree. That's why we  did that because we're trying to find like-minded   89 00:17:31,500 --> 00:17:36,666 people and um we also want to encourage  christians other christians are still out there   90 00:17:36,666 --> 00:17:40,750 we don't know and um we want to encourage  them we really want to change something   91 00:17:41,333 --> 00:17:50,291 Yeah what what did you actually do before that? uh well I was a Marine for two years and then   92 00:17:50,833 --> 00:17:57,000 you know the virus and everything kicked  in and so it's pretty much yeah got out   93 00:17:58,041 --> 00:18:03,083 Well that's why you knew how to do that. Yeah yeah  of course that's something they teach us and in   94 00:18:03,083 --> 00:18:09,583 training it's like take care of wounds and stuff. Mm-hmm yeah I actually, I'm a nurse. Oh really? Yeah   95 00:18:09,583 --> 00:18:15,583 but I, yeah i had to quit my job and my brother  he almost got his master's degree in the economy   96 00:18:16,666 --> 00:18:23,791 yeah but you know how things happen. Yeah  now our plan is we just spray fish may find   97 00:18:23,791 --> 00:18:28,458 better plan but that's a plan for now, finding  like-minded people encouraging christians yeah   98 00:18:28,458 --> 00:18:32,125 of course um if they see the symbol of  christianity maybe they get encouraged   99 00:18:33,250 --> 00:18:38,916 yeah we're trying to change something. Yeah  well I'm in that sounds awesome let's go   100 00:18:38,916 --> 00:18:45,708 spread some more fish. That's amazing. Let's  do it. Thanks, I'm looking for some new sprays   101 00:18:45,708 --> 00:18:50,833 because I think we forgot them where we went  but I'm gonna take a look at that all right 102 00:18:50,833 --> 00:18:52,958 cool 103 00:20:24,541 --> 00:20:29,875 So why did you actually leave the marines?  Well a few a few reasons really uh   104 00:20:30,916 --> 00:20:38,125 The first one was that I had a girlfriend in  the army but, it got some points where she was   105 00:20:38,125 --> 00:20:43,333 like siding with the government really and these  new ideas that you know you and me both don't like   106 00:20:43,333 --> 00:20:50,666 and so I just really couldn't bear that anymore  really live with that. Oh oh i'm sorry, that must be   107 00:20:50,666 --> 00:20:57,333 hard. Yeah we were together like four years but  I mean, I'm pretty much over it i'm pretty much   108 00:20:57,333 --> 00:21:06,458 over it now yeah anyway like the second reason uh  which uh what is like super horrible my opinion is   109 00:21:06,458 --> 00:21:13,583 that my leadership actually came down and they're  going to make me make all of us actually recite   110 00:21:14,666 --> 00:21:19,416 like the new constitution and like say it  out loud and pretty much like swear into it   111 00:21:19,958 --> 00:21:26,375 which like I don't I swear it to nobody  other than God you know yeah so yeah that's 112 00:21:28,916 --> 00:21:35,000 Yeah I mean I also had to quit my job and  my brother and I live here from just   113 00:21:35,000 --> 00:21:39,958 what we saved but as you can imagine  it's not gonna last for a long time 114 00:21:42,750 --> 00:21:50,833 yeah and our parents they were christians as  well and we used to go to church every sunday   115 00:21:50,833 --> 00:21:58,291 we used to have worship times we used to pray. Back  in the good days. Yeah back in the good days    116 00:21:59,166 --> 00:22:03,416 yeah but they once this whole  situation got worse and worse 117 00:22:05,500 --> 00:22:13,250 they yeah they decided to end their lives  because they couldn't find the strength   118 00:22:13,250 --> 00:22:19,166 to work on you know. I'm so sorry to hear  that. Yeah I know I know exactly how it feels   119 00:22:20,375 --> 00:22:26,916 to lose parents because like my parents are  65 now but it's like although they're living   120 00:22:26,916 --> 00:22:31,625 like they're not actually living, they  you know they all I hear like every time I   121 00:22:32,291 --> 00:22:36,041 every time I call them and stuff they're  always talking about like the government   122 00:22:36,041 --> 00:22:40,125 the news and it's like how great is this and  it's just like I can't bear it like I try to   123 00:22:40,125 --> 00:22:45,708 open their eyes, I've tried to like you know  bring light to the situation but it's like   124 00:22:47,000 --> 00:22:51,333 the more and more they're listening like it  should it's just hopeless I don't think I can   125 00:22:51,333 --> 00:22:55,625 I don't think there's anything I can do  anymore you know. Yeah I'm sorry for that 126 00:22:58,291 --> 00:23:03,791 and um do you live around here or where  do you live. I live actually like 20   127 00:23:03,791 --> 00:23:07,958 minutes, I don't even know where this place is  I'd say about like 20 minutes away from here   128 00:23:09,500 --> 00:23:15,416 but yeah like to be honest, I don't even feel safe  with coming back like coming back at all because   129 00:23:15,958 --> 00:23:19,166 it seems like they're monitoring everything  and I'm pretty sure there's a good chance   130 00:23:19,166 --> 00:23:24,666 that they saw what just happened so yeah.  I know that was also thing that I was   131 00:23:24,666 --> 00:23:32,625 thinking about I mean you see cameras  everywhere and police officers and yeah the   132 00:23:32,625 --> 00:23:38,916 whole monitoring system they actually created over  the years and so I think they must see everything   133 00:23:38,916 --> 00:23:46,666 yeah, even our spraying and our gatherings  are walking arounds and sometimes I think   134 00:23:47,500 --> 00:23:55,083 why don't they do anything because sometimes they  yeah they just don't show up and is this because   135 00:23:56,666 --> 00:24:03,166 there are some co-workers or employees that are  actually on our side and try to protect us or is   136 00:24:03,166 --> 00:24:09,083 it just because they have a bad monitoring system  but I don't know. I don't know but I know what   137 00:24:09,083 --> 00:24:15,958 you mean though it seems like we're being watched  like all the time, yeah all the time, but so yeah   138 00:24:15,958 --> 00:24:22,541 do you think I could actually stay with you like here? Yeah sure I mean um Roy would be super happy   139 00:24:22,541 --> 00:24:28,125 and okay awesome! We love you being part of us  now. Yeah of course. Cool welcome, oh appreciate it 140 00:24:31,166 --> 00:24:37,791 Sorry I've been looking at this guitar for  forever, do you play? Actually sometimes I try to   141 00:24:39,791 --> 00:24:42,458 I'm not very good. It just takes practice really 142 00:24:45,500 --> 00:24:48,833 I used to play in the  band at my church actually   143 00:24:48,833 --> 00:24:52,458 Oh that's pretty cool, yeah that's  kind of like where I learned to play   144 00:24:58,458 --> 00:25:00,375 I miss those days. Yeah me too 145 00:25:04,833 --> 00:25:12,791 those are the latest cases. Okay I will  bring it to the master Sergeant. Okay cool 146 00:25:40,458 --> 00:25:48,291 Are those latest cases. Yes everything in there. Excellent I'll give them to sergeant lucinda   147 00:25:48,291 --> 00:25:51,666 my daughter, she'll take care of it 148 00:26:50,666 --> 00:26:56,916 You guys wanna hear a joke? Do you have a good  one? yeah I got one, all right what did Corona   149 00:26:57,875 --> 00:26:58,666 do to Jesus? 150 00:27:03,250 --> 00:27:13,791 Nothing! Okay all right I've been alone  for too long, okay anyway just keep going   151 00:27:14,833 --> 00:27:19,958 We should start spraying  there. Yeah okay let's do it 152 00:27:34,041 --> 00:27:41,458 Do you hava another Corona joke, or something? Please funny this time. I got you. 153 00:27:41,791 --> 00:27:47,958 What do you call a fish without an eye 154 00:27:48,708 --> 00:27:54,875 Fish without an eye? FSSHHHH 155 00:27:58,583 --> 00:28:01,083 Common Roy 156 00:28:01,083 --> 00:28:01,958 oh 157 00:28:16,625 --> 00:28:22,375 All right let's let's do the fish here. Okay.  Come on show me what you got me yes 158 00:28:27,333 --> 00:28:29,958 You should spray on the floor 159 00:28:47,250 --> 00:28:49,583 Now do the eye 160 00:29:08,291 --> 00:29:11,958 let's go 161 00:29:20,916 --> 00:29:23,166 oh 162 00:29:33,958 --> 00:29:39,958 Yeah even at christian movies in 2020 163 00:29:43,166 --> 00:29:46,916 here 164 00:29:59,583 --> 00:30:05,791 [Singing] 165 00:31:35,166 --> 00:31:39,875 Who's that? I don't know. Are you  a traitor? Did you sell us out?  166 00:31:39,875 --> 00:31:42,541 I didn't sell you out, what do you  mean I don't know who's at the door.   167 00:31:42,541 --> 00:31:47,708 Nobody knew that we were here. Well then  why don't we open the door? Open the door. 168 00:31:59,000 --> 00:32:06,375 Who are you? What do you want here? I am holly  and I want to help. How did you find us here?   169 00:32:06,375 --> 00:32:13,958 Nobody knows this place. That wasn't hard I am what  you might call a hacker. And what do you want here? 170 00:32:15,000 --> 00:32:19,791 So as I said, I want to help. And  why should we trust you maybe   171 00:32:19,791 --> 00:32:24,666 you're the sergeant's best friend. Yeah  are you wearing a mic? You mean Lucinda? 172 00:32:25,416 --> 00:32:32,458 She's an animal cracker, I know her files the  things she does, nobody wants to be her friend. 173 00:32:36,041 --> 00:32:41,958 I saw your signs, I researched and  you reminded me of how the world was   174 00:32:42,916 --> 00:32:50,625 the people could do whatever they wanted, I don't  know your Jesus but I believe in freedom of choice 175 00:32:53,958 --> 00:33:03,625 So what kind of stuff can you hack? More or less  everything. Even the police? Might take an hour or   176 00:33:03,625 --> 00:33:11,875 two but yes. Wow the police have everyone  on its radar. Yeah so how could that help?  177 00:33:15,875 --> 00:33:22,625 So I found you like that, I don't  know if we need that but I could   178 00:33:22,625 --> 00:33:28,833 find all the christians that are still  out there. Really as possible? Yes it is. 179 00:33:31,708 --> 00:33:37,791 Wow that's an amazing chance for us! Hannah  you remember when luke left our group we thought   180 00:33:37,791 --> 00:33:42,458 about bringing christians together so we can  build small churches and we spread those fish   181 00:33:43,000 --> 00:33:48,125 But no one really reached out to us, okay Hunter did, but like you know you got my point. 182 00:33:49,250 --> 00:33:55,875 So what you're telling me is you want to build  a bunch of small churches? Yeah exactly. Well   183 00:33:55,875 --> 00:34:03,708 then we gotta find these christians and and  build an underground army right? Absolutely. So   184 00:34:03,708 --> 00:34:11,000 I can do that, I can get all the phone numbers  of the christians if I hack the police   185 00:34:11,000 --> 00:34:19,958 Wow that's a game changer. That's great so we can  directly send invitations to the christians? Yes 186 00:34:22,916 --> 00:34:26,208 iI have an idea what if we  had a bunch of these events   187 00:34:26,916 --> 00:34:32,375 in different locations, different cities and  times that way we reach a lot of different   188 00:34:32,375 --> 00:34:37,000 people but also we're staying under the  radar with the police. I love that idea,   189 00:34:40,041 --> 00:34:45,000 but holly can the police find those  invitations that we understand   190 00:34:46,541 --> 00:34:49,583 so if I do it right they won't notice. 191 00:34:51,416 --> 00:34:58,625 Then we got a plan. Yeah we absolutely do, but  we have to plan so we need different locations   192 00:34:58,625 --> 00:35:02,208 different cities and material because as you  know, all the christians they don't have   193 00:35:02,208 --> 00:35:08,458 their bibles anymore and they're christian books  so we need all that stuff. I could plan the cities   194 00:35:09,708 --> 00:35:18,291 I can do the dvds with all the material on it so  they are offline and the government won't notice.   195 00:35:18,291 --> 00:35:24,541 That is a good point, well I can help you  finding new locations too yeah. That's   196 00:35:24,541 --> 00:35:30,125 good. Yeah so it's important that we gain trust  because I think at the first events they're not   197 00:35:30,125 --> 00:35:34,916 going to show up a lot of people but as we keep  on going they're going to show even more people   198 00:35:37,958 --> 00:35:42,625 Right let's kick that thing off. Let's do it! 199 00:36:32,458 --> 00:36:35,500 The new list should be IT in  about 30 minutes go check it out 200 00:36:36,208 --> 00:36:39,958 okay 201 00:36:54,500 --> 00:36:58,000 So, I'm so tired chief has been working all week   202 00:36:58,000 --> 00:37:04,333 I'm gonna go grab a snack. I know  it's very stressful right now 203 00:38:55,875 --> 00:39:03,708 What are you doing here? I, I just wanted to check  if the IT is done, don't we all want efficiency? 204 00:39:06,625 --> 00:39:11,958 of course 205 00:39:26,125 --> 00:39:33,708 The world has changed we live once more under a  dictatorship in communism, we did not learn from   206 00:39:33,708 --> 00:39:43,625 our past. We are ruled by fear, anxiety, pain and  rulers not worthy to rule. Our lives turned to just   207 00:39:43,625 --> 00:39:50,916 live without emotions, without happiness, without  sadness, without celebrations, without funerals. 208 00:39:51,583 --> 00:39:59,791 Our colors got dark, our whites became grey mixed  by the government. They decide when your children   209 00:39:59,791 --> 00:40:07,583 get born, what job you get and when you should die.  But the freedom that was taken from us and what do   210 00:40:07,583 --> 00:40:16,666 we do? We hide, we follow, we obey and even if that  means that our children are getting taken from us. 211 00:40:18,041 --> 00:40:25,250 We just say yes always, remember we used to fight  for other countries, we freed countries from   212 00:40:25,250 --> 00:40:32,750 dictators, gave the power back to the people. We  organized food and medication why did we do that? 213 00:40:33,791 --> 00:40:40,375 because the dignity of man is holy and nobody  has the right to take that right from us!   214 00:40:41,333 --> 00:40:47,625 We watched it for too long we were quiet for too  long and they enslaved us for too long! let's stand 215 00:40:47,625 --> 00:40:54,125 up, let's fight for our freedom for the children of  our children. They may take our lives but they will   216 00:40:54,125 --> 00:41:03,625 never take is our freedom. We are humans, created in  the image of God, freed by Jesus Christ and filled   217 00:41:03,625 --> 00:41:12,208 by the Holy Spirit. We don't need a fear anymore we  are children of the most high and we are created   218 00:41:12,208 --> 00:41:18,750 from the God that created heaven and earth. God  gave us community and from now on we're not   219 00:41:18,750 --> 00:41:26,375 gonna give that right away anymore. We're gonna  meet, we're gonna sing and guess what we're gonna   220 00:41:26,375 --> 00:41:33,958 get back our country we're gonna get back our  freedom and we're gonna get back our lives! 221 00:43:43,875 --> 00:43:46,750 Who's that? Actually i don't know 222 00:43:48,916 --> 00:43:59,416 So tell me Dylan why are you here? You know  last night yesterday night we were gathering my   223 00:43:59,416 --> 00:44:10,750 sister and my mom two, three others and like in  my basement and we were praying we're worshiping 224 00:44:13,333 --> 00:44:16,666 yeah and then we heard like knocking on the door 225 00:44:19,083 --> 00:44:26,750 they came in and arrested my sister  my mom, two of those three friends 226 00:44:29,000 --> 00:44:36,916 but I don't know why but they didn't arrest  me nor that other friend now they're   227 00:44:38,125 --> 00:44:41,625 at the police waiting for their  appointment at the court of justice 228 00:44:43,958 --> 00:44:45,000 because of high treason 229 00:44:47,583 --> 00:44:52,833 gonna be killed. I can't do anything  about it there's nothing I can do 230 00:44:55,625 --> 00:44:56,833 oh man I'm so sorry 231 00:44:59,250 --> 00:45:06,833 So first of all your mom and your sister and those  that got arrested they're gonna go to heaven and   232 00:45:06,833 --> 00:45:10,625 they're gonna reach their goal and they're gonna  have a way better life than we do here on earth   233 00:45:11,708 --> 00:45:16,750 but losing people have to wait till  you finally see them happen again   234 00:45:16,750 --> 00:45:21,333 that's a horrible feeling but they're  gonna they're gonna go to a better place 235 00:45:24,666 --> 00:45:27,708 but our wounds we have no hearts 236 00:45:29,791 --> 00:45:33,958 just it sounds simple but just Jesus can heal them 237 00:45:36,291 --> 00:45:42,125 and we have to forgive, we have to  learn to forgive and second 238 00:45:44,541 --> 00:45:52,458 you can't keep on doing what you did you have to  change because we don't know why the police let   239 00:45:52,458 --> 00:45:58,541 you alive and let you there but I'm pretty sure  they had a good reason for that and maybe they're   240 00:45:59,708 --> 00:46:05,875 they're monitoring they're spying I don't know  stuff like that and that's also the reason   241 00:46:05,875 --> 00:46:11,708 why you should be going out of here as fast as  possible because maybe they're watching you here   242 00:46:13,083 --> 00:46:19,875 but maybe you can mix some small groups  in munich and meet in different places 243 00:46:22,041 --> 00:46:27,958 I know god is going to protect us and he has  a perfect plan and we need to be wise as well   244 00:46:28,916 --> 00:46:33,500 and we need to fight on and we need to  actually be happy for the people that are now   245 00:46:33,500 --> 00:46:41,958 gonna go to heaven they made it they  reached a goal and we have to fight on here 246 00:46:44,833 --> 00:46:50,125 and you know um we actually  got some new stuff here   247 00:46:51,250 --> 00:46:57,708 I think you got the Bible DVDs and the Bible  study DVDs but we got some worship night DVDs   248 00:46:58,833 --> 00:47:04,125 with material actually from worship  nights back in the days and you got that 249 00:47:06,541 --> 00:47:11,791 and we got Bible verses encouraging Bible  verses and that's pretty new I think you   250 00:47:11,791 --> 00:47:17,000 will you're one of the first guys getting that  we got a Bible quiz because it's so important   251 00:47:17,625 --> 00:47:21,416 that we build relationships down  here on earth with our fellows and   252 00:47:23,000 --> 00:47:28,375 we need to have like those smiling moments  again although our friends are getting arrested   253 00:47:30,041 --> 00:47:33,250 and when you leave Hannah and I we're going to  pray for you and I think we're going to pray   254 00:47:33,250 --> 00:47:42,041 for all the christians we need that but he has  to go yeah no it's dangerous I bring you the 255 00:47:42,041 --> 00:47:43,541 door 256 00:48:24,666 --> 00:48:29,875 Can I get your attention please thank you the  reason why I talked to you is a fundamental   257 00:48:29,875 --> 00:48:35,875 importance after the virus first appeared  chaos was leasing our society our whole way   258 00:48:35,875 --> 00:48:42,458 of living and this almost destroyed our world.  To avoid that disaster from happening again   259 00:48:42,458 --> 00:48:48,541 our great leaders created a system of security  a system that if every individual obeyed   260 00:48:49,708 --> 00:48:55,791 would create wealth and prosperity for each  one, efficiency and above all a united nation.   261 00:48:56,625 --> 00:49:05,500 United thoughts, unite currency, language and values  so our job is to maintain this peace and security   262 00:49:06,208 --> 00:49:10,125 with all our strength of power  even in eliminating measures   263 00:49:12,125 --> 00:49:16,291 there is a new rebellion for me  christians from different cities   264 00:49:17,083 --> 00:49:23,875 that we thought were our control but are not.  These revolutionaries threaten our system   265 00:49:24,666 --> 00:49:31,583 what we fought so hard for they want to destroy  our system they want they want to bring back   266 00:49:31,583 --> 00:49:38,458 the deadly structures and the diseases of the  past they want to kill every human on earth   267 00:49:39,625 --> 00:49:45,875 so what I expect from you is a lay aside every  case and put all your efforts eliminating   268 00:49:47,166 --> 00:49:54,125 these riots. So that the values of  our system stand firm and moreover   269 00:49:54,125 --> 00:50:02,375 no more people join that constantly growing  group. Team, I need you to go let's get this work done   270 00:50:03,333 --> 00:50:11,958 since this is a real threat do not hold  back any methods to eliminate this problem 271 00:50:17,375 --> 00:50:23,583 [SINGING] 272 00:51:03,083 --> 00:51:11,791 There are some lights, what if that is the  police? And if it is the police we're not   273 00:51:11,791 --> 00:51:17,583 gonna stop singing because of the government. We're gonna trust god. But Roy   274 00:51:18,666 --> 00:51:25,166 if that is the police you need to leave  we need you here the christians need you!   275 00:51:27,000 --> 00:51:30,833 I will still trust our got first, okay i got another song   276 00:51:30,833 --> 00:51:35,958 it's called how great though art, it's  a really old song that is so powerful. 277 00:51:37,291 --> 00:51:43,500 [SINGING] 278 00:51:49,458 --> 00:51:55,666 [MUSIC] 279 00:52:14,416 --> 00:52:19,541 You need to leave! 280 00:52:20,541 --> 00:52:26,750 [MUSIC] 281 00:52:33,208 --> 00:52:38,875 Everybody get on your knees, right now What are you guys doing out here? 282 00:52:40,708 --> 00:52:42,500 Anyone? 283 00:52:44,791 --> 00:52:51,666 What are you doing? 284 00:53:06,625 --> 00:53:12,041 They are christians. You are under arrest, let's go, let's go 285 00:53:13,000 --> 00:53:16,500 You are under arrest for treason against the state 286 00:56:04,541 --> 00:56:12,666 Good job. Sir it's getting worse every day random  christians meeting at random times and at random   287 00:56:12,666 --> 00:56:19,583 places random? They have to have leaders. We  have no clue no indication whatsoever on who   288 00:56:19,583 --> 00:56:25,791 the heck would be. Tell me exactly how you came  about this data? So we have a system where we   289 00:56:25,791 --> 00:56:32,041 can track the phones of specific groups of people  including christians and what I've been noticing   290 00:56:32,041 --> 00:56:37,000 is in about 15 different cities christians  have been gathering in groups of about 10   291 00:56:37,000 --> 00:56:43,958 to 15 that i've seen here are the  cases that I have on them right now 292 00:56:48,666 --> 00:56:54,041 Give me 10 minutes I'm going to talk to some  friends, but tell me again how we don't have   293 00:56:54,041 --> 00:56:58,916 the head already? I'm I'm not sure it looks  like they kind of know what they're doing   294 00:57:00,125 --> 00:57:08,666 I'd guess they have like a specialist or something  like that. Let's do this. 295 00:57:12,041 --> 00:57:15,625 Lucinda come here 296 00:57:21,250 --> 00:57:27,625 Do you see these? Aren't they beautiful? Yes  they are but why was I supposed to come? 297 00:57:31,000 --> 00:57:34,291 Danger is often hidden in beauty   298 00:57:35,625 --> 00:57:48,666 And these are dangerous. I don't understand you see  these are antiques, these are the things that are   299 00:57:48,666 --> 00:57:54,916 made of history, these are what  holds people's dreams and these 300 00:57:57,500 --> 00:57:59,875 these represent the christians that I killed 301 00:58:04,458 --> 00:58:10,041 worst thing is that there's a sort of  spark starting in their heads if that   302 00:58:10,041 --> 00:58:15,958 spark gains attention then they're going  to realize the people are heavily oppressed   303 00:58:17,000 --> 00:58:23,500 and it's seriously for their good and health  but they will long for freedom and their rights   304 00:58:23,500 --> 00:58:30,041 we have to keep the people obedient I have an  idea the people have to swear every day unto   305 00:58:30,041 --> 00:58:35,958 the constitution so they have to say that there  is nothing better and glorious than our state 306 00:58:40,041 --> 00:58:40,625 that's good 307 00:58:43,416 --> 00:58:54,833 go talk to the minister of propaganda let's  work out a plan I think this will work. I will. 308 00:59:15,791 --> 00:59:22,000 [PHONE RINGS] 309 00:59:24,750 --> 00:59:31,958 Hey how are you? I'm good but I just heard  something that might be really interesting.   310 00:59:33,000 --> 00:59:40,458 Oh okay what's up? So they know that there  is a group they know there's your group.   311 00:59:42,041 --> 00:59:49,583 Do they know our names? I don't think so, but  they know that there is a group organizing   312 00:59:49,583 --> 00:59:57,500 and bringing people to god and they plan to do  something, they want a type of confession to swear   313 00:59:57,500 --> 01:00:08,125 onto the constitution that must be said every  morning. Really, that's crazy. It really is so better   314 01:00:08,125 --> 01:00:15,416 be not in public around these times. You're totally  right, we are never gonna say something like that. 315 01:00:19,791 --> 01:00:25,791 this is a great decision trust me it will  change your life radically this cannot 316 01:02:32,125 --> 01:02:38,041 That felt so good, like all the  pressure is gone. Yeah because it is   317 01:02:39,000 --> 01:02:47,958 let me give you my favorite Bible verse,  yes, it's in galatians chapter 2 verse 20.   318 01:02:49,166 --> 01:02:57,333 I have been crucified with christ it is no longer  I who live, but christ lives in me and the life I   319 01:02:57,333 --> 01:03:03,625 know live in the flesh I live by faith in the son  of God who loved me and gave himself up for me. 320 01:03:06,458 --> 01:03:15,958 Ah come here, welcome to the family. Oh thank you! 321 01:03:18,458 --> 01:03:20,833 Hey Hunter, can you come real quick?  All right one second hold on 322 01:03:25,500 --> 01:03:30,541 Hey what's up Hannah? We've reached  the 100 000 people goal in asia one   323 01:03:30,541 --> 01:03:34,541 hundred thousand people? Today yeah. Oh my  gosh, it's not yesterday we just started   324 01:03:35,250 --> 01:03:41,500 I know. That's insane but now we need to bring  all the DVDs to those people. Holly without you   325 01:03:41,500 --> 01:03:46,375 we would have never reached that. That's a lot  of people, oh yeah reminds me of uh we're running   326 01:03:46,375 --> 01:03:52,750 out of DVDs though, so we need new ones, those are  the ones that we should bring to asia so can you   327 01:03:52,750 --> 01:03:58,458 give those to Tim because he knows our contact  down in asia. Yeah i'll do that right now   328 01:03:58,458 --> 01:04:07,791 perfect thank you. I'll see you guys, try to not make  so much noise. Who are you? I'm Luc but who are you?  329 01:04:09,083 --> 01:04:14,291 Luc? Oh man come in, let him in. Roy,  wait you know. Yeah let's open the door   330 01:04:16,208 --> 01:04:23,250 Hey man good to see you. Good to see you too. Man how are you, I'm good Who is this, who's that? 331 01:04:23,250 --> 01:04:30,125 So this is Hunter and this is Holly they're really  good friends, so but man why are you here? I want to   332 01:04:30,125 --> 01:04:36,625 warn you guys, it's not about you personally I mean  you know I like you, um but the world has changed   333 01:04:36,625 --> 01:04:43,583 significantly and it will never be the same. But  we can fight back, we can win our nation back and   334 01:04:43,583 --> 01:04:49,083 our values and you know what we actually got a  really good chance, that's holly she's a hacker   335 01:04:49,083 --> 01:04:55,250 and she's really good and she's able to delete  every track so we really can't win our nation and   336 01:04:55,250 --> 01:05:00,833 our values back. You don't have values anymore! The leaders have created a beautiful system   337 01:05:00,833 --> 01:05:05,875 and they dictate the values now, we just have to  accept that. Even if we have to deny our faith 338 01:05:05,875 --> 01:05:12,208 for that is that really worth it? Sometimes we have  to do things, we're not technically proud of what   339 01:05:12,208 --> 01:05:19,416 we don't want to do but it is good for the sake  of peace stability and health. So so so what do you   340 01:05:19,416 --> 01:05:24,375 what do you want man like like what what what's  your purpose like what do you want from us? I want   341 01:05:24,375 --> 01:05:29,333 to warn you as I said and I want to highly  encourage you to stop what you're doing like   342 01:05:29,333 --> 01:05:33,791 right now immediately because, I think actually  because of you guys we now have to say the   343 01:05:33,791 --> 01:05:39,708 world's confession every morning and since I was  a part of your group not if not that long time ago   344 01:05:39,708 --> 01:05:44,208 it could be that they will think I'm still a part  of it you can backfire to me and I don't want that.   345 01:05:45,583 --> 01:05:51,416 Yeah do you think do you honestly think like this  like life is just worth living right now, like I   346 01:05:51,416 --> 01:05:56,666 I'm just asking a question because right now I  don't have any freedoms i have to ask permission   347 01:05:56,666 --> 01:06:01,791 we ought to ask permission to do anything  around here I, I lost my girlfriend, I lost   348 01:06:01,791 --> 01:06:08,125 my job with the marines, I can't do anything  anymore so. Yeah but you can't do what you   349 01:06:08,125 --> 01:06:13,583 used to do the old things are passed all this  is bad do. You're okay with that like like   350 01:06:13,583 --> 01:06:18,041 the future doesn't matter, like you're just gonna  just sit here and just take it that's literally   351 01:06:18,041 --> 01:06:24,125 what you're gonna do. So luc, you're still one  of our best friends but maybe you just leave.   352 01:06:25,250 --> 01:06:31,958 All right come on i'm going let's go see you  but i warned you don't say it anymore you guys   353 01:06:47,875 --> 01:06:52,041 And Leila could you maybe organize some  more DVDs and CDs, we actually ran out of   354 01:06:52,041 --> 01:07:03,333 them. Really? That's incredible but um I have to  talk with you about something. About what? You know   355 01:07:04,291 --> 01:07:09,708 I really didn't have a lot of friends  actually just my sister and Luc but left and   356 01:07:12,458 --> 01:07:18,541 I don't know how to interact with people like  doing speeches that's really my thing but   357 01:07:19,166 --> 01:07:22,041 like interacting with people  and especially with girls   358 01:07:22,625 --> 01:07:32,541 I know, I have my sister but you know girls  and especially with you. What's about me? So   359 01:07:34,125 --> 01:07:42,291 you know I don't know if that's the right time  to say but we're living in really strange times 360 01:07:45,000 --> 01:07:52,833 I have some feelings that I haven't felt for years  and they feel so fresh and new and encouraging and   361 01:07:53,625 --> 01:07:59,000 you know I actually think that 362 01:07:59,000 --> 01:08:05,375 I fell in love, with you 363 01:08:10,500 --> 01:08:20,541 I think, I feel the same 364 01:09:56,916 --> 01:10:04,625 I know it will be hard but it's Jesus in  the center of our relationship it can last.   365 01:10:04,625 --> 01:10:15,958 It will last if we put him first.   But I have to go, I have to go to work. 366 01:10:16,625 --> 01:10:22,833 All right take care and when you're back  I will have a little surprise for you. 367 01:10:48,833 --> 01:10:54,458 Can you come for a second I got something really  beautiful I think that would fit Holly perfectly 368 01:10:56,625 --> 01:10:57,958 Oh she will love that   369 01:11:04,041 --> 01:11:05,250 Holly could you come please? 370 01:11:10,458 --> 01:11:13,500 Hey look at this, we think you might like this.   371 01:11:14,125 --> 01:11:25,958 Wow that's beautiful! Right isn't it? Do  you want me to put it on for you? Oh yes 372 01:11:31,333 --> 01:11:39,958 uh 373 01:12:25,416 --> 01:12:29,416 What are you doing? Follow me come on! 374 01:12:35,583 --> 01:12:36,833 What did you do in there? 375 01:12:39,333 --> 01:12:46,541 I was, I was looking through, I was looking  through the papers, I was looking for, I mean   376 01:12:47,875 --> 01:12:54,666 I'm sorry. Did you want to destroy files? Are you a supporter of the Traitors?   377 01:12:55,416 --> 01:12:59,791 That is high treason, you know that you  can die for that and you will die for that. 378 01:13:02,750 --> 01:13:06,541 Yes I'm ready to die if necessary, 379 01:13:06,541 --> 01:13:12,833 because because I don't fight for my own sake  I'm fighting for something bigger than us 380 01:13:15,708 --> 01:13:19,583 You know what, I appreciate what you did. You do? 381 01:13:22,291 --> 01:13:25,875 You know when I was a kid my dad  tried to make a machine out of me   382 01:13:26,750 --> 01:13:32,375 he trained me to be brutal, fearless and  hateful and loyal towards his mindset and   383 01:13:32,375 --> 01:13:38,750 now also to the constitution the more effort he  put into it, the more I started to hate my life   384 01:13:38,750 --> 01:13:43,958 and the things he stands for. The problem  is his brutality, he often mentioned that   385 01:13:43,958 --> 01:13:49,000 he would execute everyone who's not loyal  to the constitution even me and my mom.   386 01:13:49,958 --> 01:13:57,416 I'm so sorry to hear that. It's okay I hate what  I do every time I walk into that building I try   387 01:13:57,416 --> 01:14:04,625 to put a poker face on. The more I gain my dad's  trust the more lives I could save. What do you mean? 388 01:14:05,875 --> 01:14:11,791 I'm a murderer but after time I was able  to secretly warn or make the targets escape.   389 01:14:12,666 --> 01:14:17,083 My father trusts me that's why it  became possible after much bloodshed.   390 01:14:18,125 --> 01:14:25,166 Do you want to change your life because we  have something big coming up. I think I can't   391 01:14:25,791 --> 01:14:33,458 when others are around, there's so much pressure  on me and then I'm just following my orders 392 01:15:15,875 --> 01:15:21,250 Okay Holly is everything set up do we have a safe  connection? Yes I created an online room for us   393 01:15:21,250 --> 01:15:27,333 all that is safe and I will constantly check  the connection. Guys i'm so excited that so many   394 01:15:27,333 --> 01:15:34,458 people are actually showing up and taking part  in our communion. This really reminds me of the   395 01:15:34,458 --> 01:15:39,250 good times right. Yeah, where we get you know  every week we have Bible studies hanging out   396 01:15:39,250 --> 01:15:47,500 with friends going to church, yeah absolutely.  All right let's start a stream three two one 397 01:15:50,291 --> 01:15:56,666 Okay, so first of all I want to thank you all so  much for joining this communion this shows how   398 01:15:56,666 --> 01:16:03,500 bold you are and that gives hope that we will  start a new time, a time of faith, love and joy   399 01:16:04,208 --> 01:16:10,458 and even if it will be hard for us in this  world but you know Jesus didn't say that   400 01:16:10,458 --> 01:16:17,166 following him will be easy, and let us  encourage each other that through him   401 01:16:17,791 --> 01:16:22,833 through Jesus we will get through this hard  time and then you know at the end we will   402 01:16:22,833 --> 01:16:29,000 be lifted up and will be given our reward for  what we've done here. So as soon as you're ready   403 01:16:29,000 --> 01:16:35,708 we're going to start the communion. You can  go to your Bibles on first corinthians 11.24 404 01:16:42,291 --> 01:16:50,208 On the night in which Jesus was betrayed he took  the bread when he had given thanks he broke it   405 01:16:50,208 --> 01:17:01,958 and said, take and eat this is my body which  is broken for you do this in remembrance of me 406 01:17:25,958 --> 01:17:29,958 He also took the cup after his supper.   407 01:17:31,708 --> 01:17:41,166 and he said, this cup is a new covenant in  my blood, do this as often as you drink it 408 01:17:43,583 --> 01:17:46,291 in remembrance of me let's drink 409 01:17:56,916 --> 01:17:58,291 Hunter would you maybe pray for us 410 01:18:02,916 --> 01:18:06,375 Dear heavenly father, lord thank you for  this day that you've given us to be able to   411 01:18:06,916 --> 01:18:12,833 broadcast your your love and and your word lord   412 01:18:14,375 --> 01:18:19,583 well it's not every day we have this chance to do  this to come together lord whether it be in person   413 01:18:19,583 --> 01:18:28,833 or online but lord we appreciate every time  we have together in fellowship and lord we want   414 01:18:28,833 --> 01:18:36,208 to expand your kingdom lord, so give us the tools  to do so lord our times are hard now harder than   415 01:18:36,208 --> 01:18:44,625 ever but there's no doubt that you're still by our  side, every day lord you're with us you guide us 416 01:18:46,833 --> 01:18:49,500 you're the light at our feet lord lent to our path   417 01:18:50,833 --> 01:18:53,958 thank you for everything you give us  every single day lord little or small   418 01:18:54,916 --> 01:18:58,458 or we may not know everything and you may  not show us everything but it's for a reason 419 01:19:01,166 --> 01:19:08,208 lord just protect us and let your will be  done lord on earth as it is in heaven amen   420 01:19:08,208 --> 01:19:15,875 amen. Thanks hunter, what encouraging words of  course. So I want to thank you all for taking   421 01:19:15,875 --> 01:19:22,208 part of this communion today it shows me that even  if the world is against us, our God is for us and   422 01:19:22,208 --> 01:19:29,625 if our god is for us, who can be against us. They  may take our house our job maybe even our lives   423 01:19:30,458 --> 01:19:37,625 but what they cannot take from us is a  joy and a love and a faith in God. Remember   424 01:19:37,625 --> 01:19:41,875 when the world is against us, God  has already overcome the world.  425 01:19:43,250 --> 01:19:53,625 Hope you all have a good evening, thanks for  joining! Bye. Oh man that was so great I enjoyed   426 01:19:53,625 --> 01:20:03,958 that so many people people right. That was so big!  Incredible the whole world was watching wow yes 427 01:20:23,791 --> 01:20:26,541 No sir we don't have anything, I have no evidence   428 01:20:28,208 --> 01:20:36,375 No, this group is tight they  have no weaknesses. I know 429 01:20:40,916 --> 01:20:41,916 look at that 430 01:20:44,125 --> 01:20:48,041 Sir please come, wait I'll call you right back 431 01:20:55,583 --> 01:20:56,458 Who do we have here 432 01:20:58,625 --> 01:21:03,250 So it's good to see you sir, my name is luc  and I got some interesting information for you. 433 01:21:04,125 --> 01:21:07,500 Go ahead let me hear it. So I  heard you're looking for the   434 01:21:07,500 --> 01:21:13,958 christian group, underground group, that is kind  of dancing on your noses. I was one of them but   435 01:21:15,416 --> 01:21:21,083 But if you give me something in reverse I got  some information for you. I'm listening. I want   436 01:21:21,083 --> 01:21:28,458 immunity. I can grant it. Nice, so here's the  cool thing they are like only three people   437 01:21:28,458 --> 01:21:34,916 and this whole thing is just growing out of itself.  It is weird but they got one hacker that is   438 01:21:35,583 --> 01:21:42,291 deleting all their tracks in your system so  they can coordinate everything over the phones   439 01:21:42,291 --> 01:21:46,750 but you cannot find it. I can show you where they  have their headquarters. It's an abandoned house   440 01:21:46,750 --> 01:21:55,958 nobody sees that there's anything. How far from  here? 25 kilometers. I can show you. Let's go 441 01:23:00,375 --> 01:23:03,000 clear 442 01:23:23,250 --> 01:23:26,291 They're running up there 443 01:25:15,791 --> 01:25:22,166 You see how many they took from  us, or this one 444 01:25:31,041 --> 01:25:33,208 They took that right 445 01:25:36,041 --> 01:25:40,875 Execute him, dispose him discreetly 446 01:25:42,541 --> 01:25:46,583 He's finished