1 00:00:19,353 --> 00:00:20,395 And? 2 00:00:21,480 --> 00:00:23,023 What if it's not what you want? 3 00:00:25,150 --> 00:00:26,235 I want what you want. 4 00:00:28,195 --> 00:00:29,488 Ezra... 5 00:00:29,488 --> 00:00:33,367 So, is she or isn't she? 6 00:00:36,662 --> 00:00:37,663 Guess. 7 00:00:40,165 --> 00:00:41,166 Just tell me. 8 00:00:44,753 --> 00:00:47,464 - Guess. - Please. 9 00:00:54,596 --> 00:00:55,722 Really? 10 00:00:58,559 --> 00:00:59,476 Great. 11 00:00:59,977 --> 00:01:01,603 - Great? - Yeah. 12 00:01:01,603 --> 00:01:02,729 Yeah? 13 00:01:03,981 --> 00:01:05,232 Yes. 14 00:01:08,735 --> 00:01:09,903 We're having-- 15 00:01:10,821 --> 00:01:12,531 - We're having a baby. - That's great. 16 00:01:14,908 --> 00:01:15,909 Play again. 17 00:01:21,331 --> 00:01:22,332 And? 18 00:01:23,125 --> 00:01:24,960 What if it's not what you want? 19 00:01:26,795 --> 00:01:28,046 I want what you want. 20 00:01:29,006 --> 00:01:30,174 Ezra... 21 00:01:30,174 --> 00:01:34,178 So, is she or isn't she? 22 00:01:36,972 --> 00:01:37,973 Guess. 23 00:01:40,475 --> 00:01:41,476 Just tell me. 24 00:01:43,020 --> 00:01:44,605 Guess. 25 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:06,126 Close memory asset: Lola. 26 00:02:08,878 --> 00:02:10,088 Raise bed. 27 00:02:46,291 --> 00:02:47,292 Hello, David. 28 00:03:40,804 --> 00:03:45,392 The fierce and formidable mama jaguar hunts for her cub, Joey. 29 00:03:46,685 --> 00:03:49,980 But this time, she underestimates her prey. 30 00:03:55,652 --> 00:03:57,112 Daddy. 31 00:04:00,449 --> 00:04:03,577 Mom said that jaguars will come back in my lifetime. 32 00:04:05,746 --> 00:04:07,122 They're working on it. 33 00:04:07,122 --> 00:04:08,665 Did you ever meet one before? 34 00:04:08,665 --> 00:04:10,709 Jaguar? No. 35 00:04:12,503 --> 00:04:13,837 But I met a whale once. 36 00:04:15,005 --> 00:04:16,298 The last whale. 37 00:04:16,298 --> 00:04:18,509 You never told me that story. 38 00:04:21,637 --> 00:04:22,763 Maybe another time. 39 00:04:23,388 --> 00:04:25,891 Please, please, please? Tell me about the whale. 40 00:04:30,020 --> 00:04:31,104 Tell me! 41 00:04:31,104 --> 00:04:34,608 Okay. Time for bed. Next visit, you can hear the whale story. Okay? 42 00:04:35,734 --> 00:04:36,860 Promise? 43 00:04:39,613 --> 00:04:40,739 Promise. 44 00:04:41,782 --> 00:04:43,325 All right. Go to sleep. 45 00:04:51,083 --> 00:04:52,167 Good night. 46 00:05:01,844 --> 00:05:03,929 She's really opening up to me now. 47 00:05:05,180 --> 00:05:06,181 That's great. 48 00:05:08,642 --> 00:05:10,018 Same time next week? 49 00:05:10,602 --> 00:05:11,603 Sure. 50 00:05:13,730 --> 00:05:16,817 Actually, no. There's a parent-teacher conference. 51 00:05:17,526 --> 00:05:19,903 - Do your services include that? - They do. 52 00:05:19,903 --> 00:05:22,906 Schools like to be acquainted with the full support system, 53 00:05:24,241 --> 00:05:25,576 even the hired stand-ins. 54 00:05:26,827 --> 00:05:28,912 I'm happy to make myself available. 55 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:33,250 You okay? 56 00:05:33,250 --> 00:05:35,085 Did I do something wrong? 57 00:05:35,752 --> 00:05:36,879 The pinky swear. 58 00:05:37,588 --> 00:05:39,006 It caught me off guard. 59 00:05:39,840 --> 00:05:43,468 - How did you know to do that? - Let me explain. 60 00:05:45,512 --> 00:05:46,513 May I? 61 00:05:49,141 --> 00:05:50,142 Yeah. 62 00:05:52,436 --> 00:05:55,689 When you chose me, I was given access to a library 63 00:05:55,689 --> 00:05:58,859 of your memory assets, and that helped me prepare for the role. 64 00:06:00,611 --> 00:06:03,280 So, here's the David listing. 65 00:06:03,280 --> 00:06:05,407 They scraped these off social media and other apps. 66 00:06:05,407 --> 00:06:07,784 - You still don't believe me? - It's not for me. 67 00:06:07,784 --> 00:06:10,579 This is for her. She may want to see this one day. 68 00:06:10,579 --> 00:06:12,581 - Come on. - I love you. I love you. 69 00:06:13,624 --> 00:06:14,750 Promise? 70 00:06:17,377 --> 00:06:18,378 Come on. 71 00:06:18,378 --> 00:06:20,839 Harlyn, are you watching? 72 00:06:22,174 --> 00:06:24,009 I promise, all right? 73 00:06:25,636 --> 00:06:28,680 You hear that, girlie? I love your mother. 74 00:06:28,680 --> 00:06:32,601 My interactions with you have a big impact on how Harlyn sees me. 75 00:06:32,601 --> 00:06:36,855 A continuation of the old dynamics, that's what they teach us. 76 00:06:36,855 --> 00:06:39,149 Maybe I don't want to return to old dynamics. 77 00:06:40,234 --> 00:06:43,570 I want you to be a father to Harlyn, not a replica of someone else. 78 00:06:44,655 --> 00:06:48,742 Okay. That explains why you didn't want me to use his accent. 79 00:06:50,536 --> 00:06:53,664 Usually my clients want to replace someone they lost. 80 00:06:54,289 --> 00:06:58,126 The resemblance is to help suspend disbelief, fill a void. 81 00:06:59,628 --> 00:07:00,796 I'll keep it in mind. 82 00:07:06,301 --> 00:07:08,303 - Yeah, all right. - See you soon. 83 00:07:13,559 --> 00:07:15,352 New notification. 84 00:07:22,943 --> 00:07:24,653 Ezra. This is Janice, 85 00:07:24,653 --> 00:07:27,531 - your Cache Cloud representative. - I know who you are, Janice. 86 00:07:27,531 --> 00:07:32,077 Due to the rise in global temperatures, your monthly fee will be increasing. 87 00:07:32,077 --> 00:07:35,789 To accept the increase, you need not take any action at all. 88 00:07:35,789 --> 00:07:39,001 - To make an appointment, simply request-- - Appointment. 89 00:07:39,877 --> 00:07:41,795 Reminder: Change eye color. 90 00:07:54,183 --> 00:07:56,727 {\an8}- Name and account number, please? - Ezra Haddad. 91 00:07:56,727 --> 00:07:58,812 {\an8}There you are. How can I help you? 92 00:07:58,812 --> 00:08:01,648 {\an8}I don't understand. This is the third increase this year. 93 00:08:01,648 --> 00:08:05,194 Cache Cloud server farms automatically adjust to global temperatures, 94 00:08:05,194 --> 00:08:09,239 and that protects the blockchain, which, more importantly, protects you. 95 00:08:09,239 --> 00:08:12,451 Right, but the blockchain sucks up all sorts of energy. 96 00:08:12,451 --> 00:08:16,663 Exactly. So when the temperatures rise, so do the prices. 97 00:08:16,663 --> 00:08:19,458 Need to keep those storage farms cool. 98 00:08:19,458 --> 00:08:22,002 Really a shame everyone let it get this far. 99 00:08:22,002 --> 00:08:25,547 And the geoengineering debacle a few years back only made things worse, 100 00:08:25,547 --> 00:08:26,757 if you ask me. 101 00:08:26,757 --> 00:08:31,011 {\an8}But Mind's Eye has become our most popular offering. 102 00:08:31,011 --> 00:08:34,515 {\an8}It's the only way to truly be present in your own memories. 103 00:08:34,515 --> 00:08:37,768 Our proprietary tech stimulates the parietal lobe 104 00:08:37,768 --> 00:08:40,979 - with noninvasive electromag-- - I know how it works, Janice. 105 00:08:40,979 --> 00:08:46,318 Did you know that most of our clients see their storage plans as investments? 106 00:08:46,318 --> 00:08:52,032 {\an8}Stashing away parts of themselves until their entire consciousness can be uploaded 107 00:08:52,032 --> 00:08:54,117 {\an8}and brought back when this mess is all sorted. 108 00:08:54,117 --> 00:08:58,580 {\an8}Look, I need Mind's Eye now, not a hundred years from now. 109 00:08:58,580 --> 00:09:02,209 {\an8}If I don't have the visual stimuli, I'd lose the entire memory. 110 00:09:02,209 --> 00:09:05,337 Oh, yes. Summer heart. 111 00:09:06,213 --> 00:09:09,132 I have a cousin with the same condition. Poor thing. 112 00:09:09,132 --> 00:09:11,635 She started having life gaps by the time she was 16. 113 00:09:11,635 --> 00:09:13,846 - That's what I'm trying to avoid. - Of course. 114 00:09:16,723 --> 00:09:20,352 I see you've never missed a daily memory sync. That's excellent. 115 00:09:20,352 --> 00:09:23,105 And that's why you're getting the Cache Cloud summer heart discount, 116 00:09:23,105 --> 00:09:26,233 an almost 10% reduction. 117 00:09:27,276 --> 00:09:30,988 But you're raising prices by 15%, so... 118 00:09:30,988 --> 00:09:32,906 If you can't afford the rate increase, 119 00:09:32,906 --> 00:09:34,908 you'll need to change your storage plan. 120 00:09:34,908 --> 00:09:37,828 Otherwise, you will need to let some things go. 121 00:09:37,828 --> 00:09:41,331 Yeah? What? What do I lose? 122 00:09:41,331 --> 00:09:44,293 We'll work our way through your least-visited assets. 123 00:09:44,293 --> 00:09:47,004 Don't worry. You won't even notice they're gone. 124 00:09:47,671 --> 00:09:49,464 That's the beauty of forgetting. 125 00:09:53,677 --> 00:09:55,012 It's up to you. 126 00:09:58,515 --> 00:10:01,518 Delete. Delete. 127 00:10:08,901 --> 00:10:11,069 Del-- No, preserve. 128 00:10:13,071 --> 00:10:14,823 Never mind. Delete. 129 00:10:17,367 --> 00:10:18,410 Delete. 130 00:10:20,078 --> 00:10:21,288 Preserve. 131 00:10:22,080 --> 00:10:23,123 Delete. 132 00:10:24,333 --> 00:10:25,876 Delete. Preserve. 133 00:10:25,876 --> 00:10:28,837 Do you have someone in your life who struggles with heat rage? 134 00:10:28,837 --> 00:10:33,050 Do rising temperatures cause you and your loved ones fear and anxiety? 135 00:10:33,550 --> 00:10:35,844 Last year alone, over 10,000 people 136 00:10:35,844 --> 00:10:39,431 in London were victims of violence caused by heat rage. 137 00:10:39,431 --> 00:10:42,434 But there is a solution. CRISPR. 138 00:10:42,935 --> 00:10:46,355 Ezra, stop at a Geno CRISPR Clinic for more information. 139 00:10:46,355 --> 00:10:48,565 Help your special someone keep their cool. 140 00:10:58,617 --> 00:11:01,620 Yo. Yo, yo, yo. 2753. 141 00:11:03,330 --> 00:11:07,084 Whoever programmed those delivery drones, fucking idiots. 142 00:11:07,918 --> 00:11:09,169 Yeah, it's a late one for you. 143 00:11:09,169 --> 00:11:11,380 I had to extend my appointment slot. 144 00:11:12,297 --> 00:11:13,549 Cache keeps upping my premium. 145 00:11:14,132 --> 00:11:16,176 Hey, I've got a guy who's 146 00:11:16,176 --> 00:11:19,346 just set up a farmer service in Norilsk, Siberia. 147 00:11:19,346 --> 00:11:22,266 He-- It's off the grid. He runs his own network. 148 00:11:22,266 --> 00:11:24,226 It's way cheaper than your Dosh Cloud. 149 00:11:24,226 --> 00:11:25,519 Way cheaper. 150 00:11:26,311 --> 00:11:27,938 I don't want to take any chances. 151 00:11:27,938 --> 00:11:32,067 All I'm going to say is, Mother Nature is the great equalizer. 152 00:11:32,067 --> 00:11:33,569 Mother Nature. 153 00:11:40,951 --> 00:11:43,328 - Welcome home, Ezra. - Thanks. 154 00:11:44,204 --> 00:11:45,414 How was my day? 155 00:11:46,248 --> 00:11:47,291 Great. 156 00:11:47,833 --> 00:11:49,084 Appreciate your asking. 157 00:11:50,294 --> 00:11:51,587 How was yours? 158 00:11:53,338 --> 00:11:54,715 Wardrobe, David. 159 00:11:56,425 --> 00:11:59,178 Launch Pack. Review schedule for tomorrow. 160 00:12:00,429 --> 00:12:04,516 Your first appointment is with client Derek at 1100 hours. 161 00:12:05,100 --> 00:12:07,978 You will be required to have blue eyes and speak French. 162 00:12:08,562 --> 00:12:11,315 - Derek has sent you a package containing-- - Got it. 163 00:12:11,315 --> 00:12:14,443 Your second appointment is with client Dariya. 164 00:12:14,443 --> 00:12:18,071 - You will be required-- - Her son. I know. 165 00:12:18,071 --> 00:12:22,034 You will be required to wear a kufi, a scar, glasses, 166 00:12:22,034 --> 00:12:23,285 and speak Arabic. 167 00:12:25,037 --> 00:12:27,372 No additional appointments for tomorrow. 168 00:12:28,040 --> 00:12:29,333 Lower bed. 169 00:12:37,007 --> 00:12:38,467 Time slips away from us 170 00:12:38,467 --> 00:12:40,886 but leaves its imprint behind. 171 00:12:43,597 --> 00:12:44,848 Launch Cache. 172 00:12:49,019 --> 00:12:50,646 Initiate memory sync. 173 00:12:51,897 --> 00:12:55,359 Make yourself comfortable. Take a deep breath. 174 00:12:55,359 --> 00:12:58,695 As you exhale, gently close your eyes. 175 00:12:58,695 --> 00:13:03,242 Recall your day from the moment you woke up until now. 176 00:13:05,202 --> 00:13:07,287 Memory assets synced. 177 00:13:08,455 --> 00:13:09,665 Open Lola. 178 00:13:10,415 --> 00:13:11,458 Lifeline. 179 00:13:12,042 --> 00:13:16,171 However, CO2 levels increased at the fastest rate... 180 00:13:25,514 --> 00:13:26,932 Your lifeline... 181 00:13:26,932 --> 00:13:29,560 - What? - This break. 182 00:13:31,061 --> 00:13:34,189 It means you will face a momentous change. 183 00:13:35,691 --> 00:13:37,234 Play again. 184 00:13:37,234 --> 00:13:38,569 Continuous. 185 00:13:38,569 --> 00:13:39,945 Your lifeline... 186 00:13:40,445 --> 00:13:42,948 - What? - This break... 187 00:14:00,299 --> 00:14:04,511 Time slips away from us, but leaves its imprint behind. 188 00:14:10,142 --> 00:14:11,435 Champagne, please. 189 00:14:13,687 --> 00:14:15,063 You like it? 190 00:14:15,063 --> 00:14:17,149 As much as I did the first time you gave it to me. 191 00:14:17,149 --> 00:14:20,360 I thought I lost it in the Rotterdam evacuation... 192 00:14:22,863 --> 00:14:23,697 So... 193 00:14:24,489 --> 00:14:25,741 Tell me, how was your trip? 194 00:14:26,200 --> 00:14:27,701 I don't know what to say-- 195 00:14:27,701 --> 00:14:29,453 25 years ago, we thought crypto 196 00:14:29,453 --> 00:14:30,913 was going to be our salvation; 197 00:14:30,913 --> 00:14:33,165 now it is killing us with the carbon footprint. 198 00:14:37,836 --> 00:14:39,630 - Good afternoon. - Hello. 199 00:14:42,466 --> 00:14:44,551 Is there anyone special? 200 00:14:44,551 --> 00:14:46,428 There is, isn't there? 201 00:14:48,514 --> 00:14:49,556 It's early days still... 202 00:14:49,932 --> 00:14:53,185 You like her. More than you think. 203 00:14:54,144 --> 00:14:55,771 I can tell. 204 00:14:56,855 --> 00:15:00,025 She wants to make your qatayef recipe for Ramadan. 205 00:15:00,025 --> 00:15:01,652 I told her how we used to. 206 00:15:01,652 --> 00:15:03,153 You remember-- 207 00:15:03,153 --> 00:15:04,404 Of course, I do. 208 00:15:04,404 --> 00:15:07,115 I used to take another helping when you weren't looking 209 00:15:07,115 --> 00:15:08,700 and hide and eat it. 210 00:15:09,034 --> 00:15:10,577 You should have this-- 211 00:15:10,577 --> 00:15:12,704 No. I can't-- 212 00:15:12,704 --> 00:15:14,957 Don't wait too long. 213 00:15:14,957 --> 00:15:18,627 You never know what could happen in this world... 214 00:15:19,878 --> 00:15:22,548 Do you think you could bring her next time? 215 00:15:22,548 --> 00:15:24,800 I'd love to meet her. 216 00:15:26,093 --> 00:15:27,845 God... 217 00:15:27,845 --> 00:15:30,514 I love the smell of the flowers... 218 00:15:30,973 --> 00:15:32,307 What are they? 219 00:15:33,475 --> 00:15:34,768 Lavender. 220 00:15:36,103 --> 00:15:37,271 Right? 221 00:15:41,650 --> 00:15:42,943 Lavender. 222 00:15:48,073 --> 00:15:50,075 I love the smell of lavender. 223 00:15:53,579 --> 00:15:57,124 You should go outside today. It's safe. 224 00:15:58,959 --> 00:16:00,294 I wanna be here. 225 00:16:00,878 --> 00:16:03,255 You're afraid you're gonna miss something? 226 00:16:04,965 --> 00:16:06,884 I'm gonna miss everything. 227 00:16:21,440 --> 00:16:23,358 I love the smell of lavender. 228 00:16:34,328 --> 00:16:36,830 Launch Cache. Open Lola. 229 00:16:38,040 --> 00:16:39,875 I love the smell of lavender. 230 00:16:41,627 --> 00:16:45,255 You should go outside today. It's safe. 231 00:16:45,756 --> 00:16:46,965 I wanna be here. 232 00:16:49,009 --> 00:16:51,094 You're afraid you're gonna miss something? 233 00:16:53,305 --> 00:16:54,723 I'm gonna miss everything. 234 00:16:55,849 --> 00:16:59,520 It happened twice this week. I could see it in my mind, and then... 235 00:17:00,938 --> 00:17:01,855 it was gone. 236 00:17:02,606 --> 00:17:04,733 I had to use Cache Cloud to bring it back. 237 00:17:05,442 --> 00:17:07,486 This is your most recent scan. 238 00:17:07,486 --> 00:17:11,531 A healthy human brain contains over 86 billion active neurons. 239 00:17:12,074 --> 00:17:15,702 What we're seeing here is evidence the dendrite structures are breaking down. 240 00:17:15,702 --> 00:17:21,290 An 11% decline of active synapses, signifying death of neurons. 241 00:17:22,084 --> 00:17:25,712 Ezra, your brain has been stressed by a lifetime of summer heart. 242 00:17:26,213 --> 00:17:29,675 Due to the historical reduction of blood flow to your brain, 243 00:17:30,175 --> 00:17:34,179 the damage to vessels, the ongoing inflammation, 244 00:17:34,680 --> 00:17:37,099 vascular dementia was inevitable. 245 00:17:37,099 --> 00:17:39,977 Our bodies weren't built for these temperatures. 246 00:17:39,977 --> 00:17:42,020 We keep developing new technologies 247 00:17:42,020 --> 00:17:44,565 to try and address everything but the root problem, 248 00:17:44,565 --> 00:17:47,401 and all the while, the temperatures keep going up. 249 00:17:47,401 --> 00:17:50,279 All right, so how do we stop it? 250 00:17:50,279 --> 00:17:53,991 Sadly, this is the beginning of the accelerated cognitive decline 251 00:17:53,991 --> 00:17:55,367 we've been preparing for. 252 00:17:55,367 --> 00:17:58,579 There's no way to reverse the loss of brain cells. 253 00:17:58,579 --> 00:18:00,539 But I thought Mind's Eye could fix it. 254 00:18:01,039 --> 00:18:05,294 Yes. The visual and auditory stimuli from Mind's Eye is the best way 255 00:18:05,294 --> 00:18:07,796 to slow down onset of the dementia. 256 00:18:08,505 --> 00:18:11,091 By revisiting memories in their purest form, 257 00:18:11,091 --> 00:18:13,594 it tricks the brain into thinking that they're new again. 258 00:18:14,219 --> 00:18:15,637 But that won't stop the decay. 259 00:18:15,637 --> 00:18:17,472 There's nothing else we can do? 260 00:18:17,472 --> 00:18:20,475 Some of my patients experiment with surrogates. 261 00:18:20,475 --> 00:18:23,145 Others have been trying nostalgia-based therapy. 262 00:18:23,145 --> 00:18:24,229 What's that? 263 00:18:24,229 --> 00:18:26,899 The way it works, you create a verbal placeholder 264 00:18:26,899 --> 00:18:30,569 based on four sensory signifiers of a cornerstone memory. 265 00:18:30,569 --> 00:18:32,905 Four words, like a mantra. 266 00:18:32,905 --> 00:18:35,115 The words, not visuals? 267 00:18:35,115 --> 00:18:38,327 The theory is that this practice will strengthen neural pathways 268 00:18:38,327 --> 00:18:40,162 through repetition of the words. 269 00:18:40,704 --> 00:18:42,164 That's really gonna work? 270 00:18:43,624 --> 00:18:45,667 By mumbling words to myself? 271 00:18:46,293 --> 00:18:49,087 Like I said, just a theory. 272 00:18:53,217 --> 00:18:54,468 Thank you, Doctor. 273 00:18:56,428 --> 00:18:58,680 Well, this is where we were at six months ago. 274 00:18:58,680 --> 00:19:04,019 The placement of the family indicated that Harlyn was feeling insecure. 275 00:19:04,937 --> 00:19:07,689 The dark clouds suggested her anxiety. 276 00:19:08,357 --> 00:19:12,653 And now, well, clearly things have changed. 277 00:19:12,653 --> 00:19:15,781 There's an increased security with the family unit. 278 00:19:15,781 --> 00:19:19,409 We see it in the blue clouds and now the sun being out. 279 00:19:23,580 --> 00:19:25,374 I know this is just a job for you, 280 00:19:25,374 --> 00:19:29,628 but I just wanted to say thank you. 281 00:19:29,628 --> 00:19:33,757 I'm glad it's been worthwhile. She really is amazing. 282 00:19:37,302 --> 00:19:38,720 We'll see you next week? 283 00:19:48,480 --> 00:19:51,525 Natasha, you still have about an hour. 284 00:19:51,525 --> 00:19:55,028 I mean, you don't have to use it, but it's yours if you want. 285 00:19:57,739 --> 00:19:58,824 Wanna get a drink? 286 00:20:05,497 --> 00:20:07,457 A lot of people now, they just-- 287 00:20:07,457 --> 00:20:11,420 The idea of even having children in this world is too much for them, 288 00:20:11,420 --> 00:20:13,505 so it feels lucky to have you. 289 00:20:13,505 --> 00:20:14,840 Thanks. 290 00:20:15,924 --> 00:20:18,635 I just didn't think I'd be doing it alone. 291 00:20:20,971 --> 00:20:22,598 I guess I'm not. 292 00:20:25,601 --> 00:20:26,685 Sorry. 293 00:20:27,394 --> 00:20:30,439 I need to remember, I didn't hire you for me. 294 00:20:32,608 --> 00:20:33,817 Thank you. 295 00:20:34,943 --> 00:20:36,195 Are there other Davids? 296 00:20:39,031 --> 00:20:40,073 Occasionally. 297 00:20:41,033 --> 00:20:43,202 I mean, it's not like you offer the sensory experience. 298 00:20:43,202 --> 00:20:45,787 - No, I don't. - Don't wanna get your hands dirty? 299 00:20:48,624 --> 00:20:50,167 That's just a boundary I set. 300 00:20:51,460 --> 00:20:56,048 I don't only use details of him, I put some of myself into the role too. 301 00:20:57,758 --> 00:21:00,719 I'm aware I'm being serviced. I'm not delusional. 302 00:21:02,638 --> 00:21:07,184 Sometimes, I do miss the discovery of another person. 303 00:21:08,852 --> 00:21:10,145 An authentic connection. 304 00:21:13,065 --> 00:21:16,944 But that's so rare... it's not worth... 305 00:21:18,946 --> 00:21:21,031 Maybe transactional is the best we can hope for. 306 00:21:24,660 --> 00:21:28,247 You know, it's terrible, but sometimes I wish he was dead, 307 00:21:28,247 --> 00:21:29,706 instead of just gone. 308 00:21:29,706 --> 00:21:31,250 He's alive? 309 00:21:31,250 --> 00:21:32,543 Maybe. 310 00:21:33,126 --> 00:21:34,127 I wouldn't know. 311 00:21:38,382 --> 00:21:41,218 He was on a work trip in the States. 312 00:21:41,218 --> 00:21:42,761 Oregon. 313 00:21:43,554 --> 00:21:46,807 He called and told me he wasn't coming home. 314 00:21:48,475 --> 00:21:51,854 He'd met someone at a Heal the Land colony, 315 00:21:51,854 --> 00:21:54,106 something like that. 316 00:21:56,066 --> 00:21:58,110 He became someone else. 317 00:22:04,157 --> 00:22:05,409 I'm sorry, Nat... 318 00:22:07,661 --> 00:22:09,872 that I haven't been there for the two of you. 319 00:22:12,165 --> 00:22:14,168 I don't know what I was thinking. 320 00:22:16,128 --> 00:22:17,462 I was scared... 321 00:22:20,340 --> 00:22:21,800 scared of the world. 322 00:22:25,929 --> 00:22:26,972 I'm sorry. 323 00:22:32,102 --> 00:22:33,478 You're good. 324 00:22:35,147 --> 00:22:36,356 You're very good. 325 00:22:37,566 --> 00:22:39,234 You're a better David than David, 326 00:22:39,985 --> 00:22:41,236 whoever you are. 327 00:22:46,700 --> 00:22:47,826 Time's up. 328 00:22:52,247 --> 00:22:55,792 Reminder: Change eye color before next appointment. 329 00:22:58,921 --> 00:23:01,381 Your next appointment is with client Dariya. 330 00:23:01,882 --> 00:23:05,802 You will be required to wear a kufi, glasses, a scar and speak Arabic. 331 00:23:05,802 --> 00:23:07,012 Okay, glasses. 332 00:23:08,722 --> 00:23:09,765 Glasses. 333 00:23:10,641 --> 00:23:12,684 Oh, shit! 334 00:23:26,949 --> 00:23:28,700 Hi, can I help you? 335 00:23:29,368 --> 00:23:30,536 Yes. 336 00:23:31,119 --> 00:23:33,247 Where is my mother, Dariya Sulaiman? 337 00:23:36,583 --> 00:23:38,377 I'm so sorry. 338 00:23:43,549 --> 00:23:45,217 Why didn't anyone contact me? 339 00:23:45,217 --> 00:23:48,262 I apologize if there's been some kind of mistake. 340 00:23:48,262 --> 00:23:50,514 There was no next of kin listed on her file. 341 00:23:51,765 --> 00:23:52,850 Who exactly are you? 342 00:23:58,772 --> 00:24:00,524 It's my mistake. 343 00:24:12,369 --> 00:24:16,123 Heal the land. Heal the land. 344 00:24:16,623 --> 00:24:20,252 Heal the land. Heal the land. 345 00:24:21,003 --> 00:24:22,462 Heal the land. 346 00:24:41,231 --> 00:24:44,067 - Delivery sent. - Launch Cache. 347 00:24:49,531 --> 00:24:51,742 Initiate memory sync. 348 00:24:52,242 --> 00:24:53,452 Mr. Haddad, 349 00:24:53,452 --> 00:24:58,457 {\an8}I regret to inform you that you have exceeded your storage plan by 4.08%. 350 00:24:58,457 --> 00:25:00,459 If you want to keep using our services, 351 00:25:00,459 --> 00:25:04,796 you must upgrade your Mind's Eye Cache Cloud storage plan now. 352 00:25:04,796 --> 00:25:06,924 - I can't fucking upgrade. - For your convenience, 353 00:25:06,924 --> 00:25:10,302 these are your least accessed memory assets. 354 00:25:12,346 --> 00:25:13,430 Please advise. 355 00:25:14,640 --> 00:25:15,849 Will you be deleting? 356 00:25:15,849 --> 00:25:17,017 Uh-uh. No. 357 00:25:18,101 --> 00:25:20,646 No, I'm not deleting my life. 358 00:25:30,614 --> 00:25:34,493 So, is she or isn't she? 359 00:25:36,119 --> 00:25:37,663 Guess. 360 00:25:47,589 --> 00:25:48,799 Call Doctor Zollner. 361 00:25:50,592 --> 00:25:52,553 Doctor Zollner is not available. 362 00:25:52,553 --> 00:25:55,597 - If this is an emergency, please contact-- - Disconnect. 363 00:25:57,307 --> 00:25:59,560 Okay, okay. 364 00:26:00,602 --> 00:26:01,687 Four words. 365 00:26:05,357 --> 00:26:06,567 Brown eyes, 366 00:26:07,651 --> 00:26:09,069 guess, 367 00:26:09,820 --> 00:26:10,946 lavender, 368 00:26:12,072 --> 00:26:13,198 Lola. 369 00:26:18,078 --> 00:26:22,666 Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola. 370 00:26:23,917 --> 00:26:33,218 Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola. 371 00:26:34,052 --> 00:26:39,266 Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola. 372 00:26:40,142 --> 00:26:42,853 Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola. 373 00:26:42,853 --> 00:26:44,479 Brown eyes-- 374 00:26:45,147 --> 00:26:46,940 - Brown eyes, guess, lavender... - Lavender. 375 00:26:46,940 --> 00:26:48,942 Brown eyes, guess, lavender... 376 00:26:50,944 --> 00:26:54,406 Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola. 377 00:26:54,406 --> 00:26:58,702 Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola. 378 00:27:00,245 --> 00:27:02,539 Brown eyes, guess-- 379 00:27:03,332 --> 00:27:06,543 Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola... 380 00:27:06,543 --> 00:27:08,337 I miss you. 381 00:27:13,217 --> 00:27:14,426 Open Pack. 382 00:27:23,519 --> 00:27:24,645 Ezra? 383 00:27:26,230 --> 00:27:27,356 There you are. 384 00:27:32,194 --> 00:27:35,489 I understand from your Pack profile that this is your first time. 385 00:27:36,156 --> 00:27:38,575 Is there anything you'd like to discuss before we begin? 386 00:27:41,787 --> 00:27:43,038 I have summer heart. 387 00:27:43,038 --> 00:27:44,373 I'm sorry. 388 00:27:44,373 --> 00:27:46,708 Well, they cured it, but my brain-- 389 00:27:48,043 --> 00:27:49,294 I'm losing my memories. 390 00:27:50,546 --> 00:27:51,755 I bet I can help. 391 00:27:52,673 --> 00:27:54,341 I get very high ratings. 392 00:27:54,341 --> 00:27:55,551 I'm sure. 393 00:27:57,094 --> 00:27:58,720 Usually, I'm in your shoes. 394 00:28:00,472 --> 00:28:01,974 Actually, I'm part of the Pack. 395 00:28:05,686 --> 00:28:09,898 Well, you didn't have a lot of assets, but I liked what I saw. 396 00:28:11,108 --> 00:28:12,693 And I've worked with less. 397 00:28:22,744 --> 00:28:23,829 Your lifeline... 398 00:28:28,625 --> 00:28:29,793 What? 399 00:28:29,793 --> 00:28:31,253 This break. 400 00:28:32,171 --> 00:28:35,090 It means you will face a momentous change. 401 00:29:08,874 --> 00:29:09,875 What? 402 00:29:10,834 --> 00:29:13,295 Sorry, it's just... your tattoo. 403 00:29:14,546 --> 00:29:15,881 She didn't have one. 404 00:29:17,716 --> 00:29:21,720 I couldn't tell from the assets. Don't worry about it. 405 00:29:23,013 --> 00:29:24,806 I don't think this is gonna work. 406 00:29:25,432 --> 00:29:29,144 Did you have a happy birthday, Ezra? 407 00:29:35,025 --> 00:29:37,945 Did you have a happy birthday, Ezra? 408 00:29:41,949 --> 00:29:44,284 - It's not over yet. - It's not over yet. 409 00:29:45,869 --> 00:29:50,958 It's not over yet. 410 00:29:50,958 --> 00:29:55,254 It's not over yet. It's not over yet. 411 00:29:56,213 --> 00:29:57,381 It's not over. 412 00:30:11,520 --> 00:30:13,564 You can call me Lola if you want. 413 00:30:23,615 --> 00:30:24,950 - What? - I'm sorry. 414 00:30:24,950 --> 00:30:26,034 Ezra, what? 415 00:30:30,998 --> 00:30:32,708 I just-- I mean, you're not her. 416 00:30:32,708 --> 00:30:36,128 It's-- It's not gonna work. It's-- It's not the same. 417 00:30:36,128 --> 00:30:38,755 It's-- It's not real. 418 00:30:39,673 --> 00:30:43,552 Hey, hey, let's talk about this. 419 00:30:44,595 --> 00:30:45,888 I can adjust. 420 00:30:52,728 --> 00:30:54,188 Stop it. Sorry, I'm just-- 421 00:30:57,566 --> 00:30:58,942 Just go, please. 422 00:31:06,450 --> 00:31:08,493 Sorry, you'll still have to pay. 423 00:31:10,495 --> 00:31:12,831 3,000 units. 424 00:31:25,135 --> 00:31:26,303 Open Cache. 425 00:31:29,056 --> 00:31:30,057 Lola. 426 00:31:30,057 --> 00:31:32,726 Your account remains over capacity. 427 00:31:32,726 --> 00:31:37,272 All assets, contacts, correspondence and device data will remain frozen-- 428 00:31:37,272 --> 00:31:41,068 Fuck off, Janice. Listen, just fuck off! 429 00:31:41,068 --> 00:31:44,780 Would you like to delete these memory assets? 430 00:31:46,782 --> 00:31:47,783 Delete. 431 00:31:50,160 --> 00:31:53,288 You are now 1.47% over capacity. 432 00:31:59,294 --> 00:32:00,295 Delete. 433 00:32:01,797 --> 00:32:03,507 Delete all assets 434 00:32:03,507 --> 00:32:05,843 except for those with key word "Lola." 435 00:32:05,843 --> 00:32:09,137 {\an8}Congratulations. Your account is now in good standing. 436 00:32:09,137 --> 00:32:12,808 Thank you for entrusting your memories to Cache Cloud, Mr. Haddad. 437 00:32:19,064 --> 00:32:20,524 Play on continuous. 438 00:32:21,567 --> 00:32:23,944 - Your lifeline... - What? 439 00:32:23,944 --> 00:32:25,028 This break... 440 00:32:28,198 --> 00:32:30,534 - Mind the gap. - Due to flooding 441 00:32:30,534 --> 00:32:32,369 on the Bakerloo and Central lines, 442 00:32:32,369 --> 00:32:35,664 the following stations are currently closed... 443 00:32:37,875 --> 00:32:38,917 Launch Pack. 444 00:32:39,418 --> 00:32:41,295 Open Natasha memory assets. 445 00:32:41,879 --> 00:32:44,089 - Not detected. - What-- 446 00:32:47,176 --> 00:32:49,469 Open Natasha assets. 447 00:32:49,469 --> 00:32:50,888 Not detected. 448 00:32:50,888 --> 00:32:53,182 Next stop: Charing Cross Road. 449 00:32:53,182 --> 00:32:54,933 It's not going to work, I'm afraid. 450 00:32:55,517 --> 00:32:56,768 What? 451 00:32:56,768 --> 00:32:58,270 Everything's gone. 452 00:32:58,270 --> 00:32:59,771 What are you talking about? 453 00:32:59,771 --> 00:33:01,815 Earthquake crashed all the servers. 454 00:33:01,815 --> 00:33:03,775 What-- An earthquake, you said? 455 00:33:03,775 --> 00:33:07,738 Sea level change, more water, more weight on the tectonic plates. 456 00:33:07,738 --> 00:33:11,325 They said it was coming. Tsunami in Nova Scotia. 457 00:33:11,325 --> 00:33:13,660 People use blockchain. Blockchain uses power. 458 00:33:14,203 --> 00:33:18,707 Power makes the sea level rise which, in turn, wipes blockchain clean. 459 00:33:22,169 --> 00:33:25,881 The Internet is back up. But the Cloud, it's all blown away. 460 00:33:26,381 --> 00:33:28,509 A good day to start your entire life over. 461 00:33:30,636 --> 00:33:32,846 Launch Cache. Open Lola. 462 00:33:33,430 --> 00:33:36,350 We regret to inform you that your memory assets 463 00:33:36,350 --> 00:33:38,185 are not accessible at this time... 464 00:33:38,185 --> 00:33:40,479 - No, no, no. - ...due to power outages. 465 00:33:40,479 --> 00:33:44,399 Please make an appointment at your local Cache Cloud for assistance. 466 00:33:49,279 --> 00:33:51,073 Charing Cross Road. 467 00:33:53,408 --> 00:33:55,327 No one is telling us anything. 468 00:33:58,580 --> 00:33:59,831 It's insane. 469 00:34:11,552 --> 00:34:13,262 - Hey! - Excuse me. 470 00:34:13,262 --> 00:34:14,763 Hey! 471 00:34:14,763 --> 00:34:16,598 I wanna know where my memory assets are. 472 00:34:16,598 --> 00:34:19,601 You may recall the force majeure clause in your contract. 473 00:34:19,601 --> 00:34:22,896 As you can imagine, a natural disaster qualifies 474 00:34:22,896 --> 00:34:25,274 as an extraordinary occurrence beyond our control. 475 00:34:25,274 --> 00:34:27,818 Fucking dendrites are going dark every day. 476 00:34:27,818 --> 00:34:29,277 I need Mind's Eye. 477 00:34:29,277 --> 00:34:32,114 Everyone here has lost something. 478 00:34:32,114 --> 00:34:34,908 Their money, their medical histories, their job records. Okay? 479 00:34:34,908 --> 00:34:38,203 We're doing what we can, but your data could be anywhere by now. 480 00:34:48,797 --> 00:34:50,047 I need to talk to him. 481 00:34:50,047 --> 00:34:54,219 Yo, 2753. Come on-- Come on in, man. 482 00:34:54,219 --> 00:34:55,929 Misty, let him in. Come on. 483 00:34:55,929 --> 00:34:57,139 I need your help. 484 00:34:58,390 --> 00:35:00,434 They're gone. Everything's gone. 485 00:35:00,434 --> 00:35:02,978 I warned you. Mother Nature's mad at her children. 486 00:35:02,978 --> 00:35:06,607 Malware taking down firewalls faster than Cache can put them back up. 487 00:35:06,607 --> 00:35:09,610 I'm hearing, like, one in four accounts being snatched up. 488 00:35:09,610 --> 00:35:13,363 My account, my memories. You gotta help me. 489 00:35:13,363 --> 00:35:16,658 - I don't have to do anything, actually. - Help me. 490 00:35:16,658 --> 00:35:17,910 Help me. 491 00:35:18,493 --> 00:35:19,745 I have summer heart. 492 00:35:20,662 --> 00:35:22,706 Cognitive decline has already started. 493 00:35:22,706 --> 00:35:25,292 Summer heart. Beat, beat, beat. 494 00:35:25,292 --> 00:35:28,003 Well, then you're gonna lose all your memories anyway. 495 00:35:28,003 --> 00:35:31,340 CO2 level's a great big eraser for the old cortex container, innit? 496 00:35:31,340 --> 00:35:34,760 That shit's up to about 560 parts per million now, innit? 497 00:35:35,677 --> 00:35:37,554 Live in the present, mate. 498 00:35:38,096 --> 00:35:40,182 It's my girl, okay? 499 00:35:40,849 --> 00:35:43,310 She's gone, and this is all I have of her. 500 00:35:43,310 --> 00:35:45,229 Fuck. 501 00:35:45,938 --> 00:35:48,357 You know, I would love to forget the last girl that I had. 502 00:35:48,357 --> 00:35:49,441 Forget-- 503 00:35:50,025 --> 00:35:53,529 Please! I know you can find them. 504 00:35:59,034 --> 00:36:00,619 I know you can find them. 505 00:36:04,831 --> 00:36:09,169 You willing to throw some units at it? 'Cause that shit ain't cheap. 506 00:36:11,839 --> 00:36:14,216 - Well. - How much? 507 00:36:14,925 --> 00:36:16,718 20,000 units. 508 00:36:16,718 --> 00:36:18,136 I don't have it. 509 00:36:18,762 --> 00:36:21,473 Well, I hear there's great money to be made in Pack, 510 00:36:21,473 --> 00:36:22,975 especially for a pretty boy like you. 511 00:36:22,975 --> 00:36:25,644 - So pretty. - I don't do that kind of work. 512 00:36:25,644 --> 00:36:27,938 Well, maybe it's time you gave it a whirl, huh? 513 00:36:27,938 --> 00:36:29,022 Whirl. 514 00:36:31,191 --> 00:36:32,484 I'll pay you half tomorrow. 515 00:36:37,322 --> 00:36:40,117 What sort of movies of you and old what's-her-name do you have 516 00:36:40,117 --> 00:36:42,703 in that broken brain box of yours? 517 00:36:43,620 --> 00:36:46,874 10,000 tomorrow. I promise. 518 00:36:48,292 --> 00:36:51,920 It's a promise from a boy with summer heart. 519 00:36:52,754 --> 00:36:55,215 What if you do forget? 520 00:36:56,675 --> 00:36:57,843 Look at him run away. 521 00:36:57,843 --> 00:37:00,304 - Welcome home, Ezra. - Fucking memory. 522 00:37:00,804 --> 00:37:03,807 Launch Pack, all screens. Open assignments. 523 00:37:03,807 --> 00:37:05,100 All categories. 524 00:37:06,226 --> 00:37:07,936 Clear blackout dates. 525 00:37:07,936 --> 00:37:11,940 Update available services to include confessions, summons, 526 00:37:11,940 --> 00:37:15,527 terminations, falsifications, and-- 527 00:37:17,112 --> 00:37:20,157 - and sensory experiences. - In providing these services, 528 00:37:20,157 --> 00:37:23,160 you understand that you're undergoing these assignments at your own risk. 529 00:37:23,160 --> 00:37:24,953 Pack is not accountable 530 00:37:24,953 --> 00:37:27,289 for any physical or mental harm endured by yourself-- 531 00:37:27,289 --> 00:37:29,750 - Agreed. - By verifying this agreement, 532 00:37:29,750 --> 00:37:31,835 the Pack worker agrees to waive any and all-- 533 00:37:31,835 --> 00:37:35,339 Agreed. Review open assignments. 534 00:37:35,339 --> 00:37:39,092 I need a groom for my-- our wedding next month. 535 00:37:39,092 --> 00:37:41,011 Not soon enough. Reject. 536 00:37:41,011 --> 00:37:44,014 I want to do drugs with someone. Meth, Special K, drift. 537 00:37:44,014 --> 00:37:46,183 Escape this fucking world before the climate gets any worse. 538 00:37:46,183 --> 00:37:47,392 Next. 539 00:37:47,392 --> 00:37:49,561 I'm looking for someone to do a confession. 540 00:37:49,561 --> 00:37:52,814 I've been having an affair, and my husband demands to meet my lover. 541 00:37:52,814 --> 00:37:56,401 He's being relentless. I'm offering 2,000 units. 542 00:37:57,778 --> 00:38:00,239 Rager advisory for this role. 543 00:38:00,739 --> 00:38:01,782 Christ. 544 00:38:05,994 --> 00:38:06,870 Reject. 545 00:38:08,247 --> 00:38:10,541 James Waxler Properties, LLC 546 00:38:10,541 --> 00:38:13,001 needs an eviction conducted as soon as possible. 547 00:38:13,001 --> 00:38:14,294 Accept. 548 00:38:19,216 --> 00:38:20,217 Accept. 549 00:38:23,136 --> 00:38:26,682 This is our home. It has been for seven years... 550 00:38:26,682 --> 00:38:28,058 Where will we go? 551 00:38:28,725 --> 00:38:30,143 I know this is distressing-- 552 00:38:31,103 --> 00:38:34,857 They're going to sell, aren't they? 553 00:38:34,857 --> 00:38:37,317 I wouldn't know anything about that. 554 00:38:38,026 --> 00:38:41,822 What I do know is your lease is expired. 555 00:38:41,822 --> 00:38:43,490 You have ten days to evacuate the premises. 556 00:38:47,995 --> 00:38:51,123 I've been naughty, and I need a sensory experience-- 557 00:38:51,123 --> 00:38:52,624 Reject. 558 00:38:52,624 --> 00:38:54,877 I still need help, okay? I really do. 559 00:38:54,877 --> 00:38:59,673 I'm now offering 3,000 units. It's a delicate situation. Urgent. 560 00:38:59,673 --> 00:39:01,758 Rager advisory for this role. 561 00:39:01,758 --> 00:39:03,051 Reject. 562 00:39:03,051 --> 00:39:04,803 In order to comply 563 00:39:04,803 --> 00:39:06,305 with the ethical standards and practices, 564 00:39:06,305 --> 00:39:09,099 we need a termination representative. 500 units. 565 00:39:09,099 --> 00:39:10,517 ...warned countless times 566 00:39:10,517 --> 00:39:13,270 that if you didn't get your performance up-- 567 00:39:13,270 --> 00:39:14,438 Please... 568 00:39:16,773 --> 00:39:18,233 my partner... 569 00:39:19,109 --> 00:39:21,653 she has lung disease. 570 00:39:21,653 --> 00:39:25,908 She can't go outside on most days. 571 00:39:27,826 --> 00:39:29,745 I need this job. 572 00:39:30,537 --> 00:39:33,874 We're switching to full automation next quarter. 573 00:39:34,833 --> 00:39:37,961 Your position no longer exists. 574 00:39:42,508 --> 00:39:45,677 Security will take you out of the building. 575 00:39:46,428 --> 00:39:47,346 Thank you. 576 00:39:48,972 --> 00:39:53,477 Who are you that you come here and do this-- 577 00:39:53,852 --> 00:39:55,562 Destroy our lives? 578 00:39:57,481 --> 00:39:58,982 Call X. 579 00:39:58,982 --> 00:40:03,862 Hey, it's 2753. I'm close. I'm very close. 580 00:40:03,862 --> 00:40:06,073 I have one more gig, then I'll have it for you. 581 00:40:06,073 --> 00:40:08,367 Please let me know when you find my memories. 582 00:40:10,953 --> 00:40:12,412 There you are. 583 00:40:14,790 --> 00:40:16,083 I'm sorry, I'm late. 584 00:40:16,083 --> 00:40:17,751 Doesn't your watch work? 585 00:40:19,294 --> 00:40:20,128 Fuck. 586 00:40:23,382 --> 00:40:24,800 I'm sorry, I'm all out of sorts-- 587 00:40:24,800 --> 00:40:26,176 You should leave. 588 00:40:27,427 --> 00:40:28,554 Don't let this ruin our night. 589 00:40:28,554 --> 00:40:30,722 Two years, gone just like that. 590 00:40:31,598 --> 00:40:34,768 In the real world, outside of Pack, I'm dealing 591 00:40:34,768 --> 00:40:36,895 with a very difficult situation. 592 00:40:37,604 --> 00:40:39,857 I need four thousand units. 593 00:40:39,857 --> 00:40:41,441 Excuse me? Help you? Help you? 594 00:40:41,441 --> 00:40:43,151 Fuck you. 595 00:40:44,736 --> 00:40:46,280 I am not paying for any of this! 596 00:40:48,115 --> 00:40:50,993 Heat wave in effect. Please use precaution. 597 00:40:50,993 --> 00:40:52,619 Limit time outdoors. 598 00:40:52,619 --> 00:40:54,746 Avoid strenuous physical activity. 599 00:40:54,746 --> 00:40:57,499 If you witness any suspicious rager behavior, 600 00:40:57,499 --> 00:40:59,585 notify authorities immediately. 601 00:41:00,294 --> 00:41:02,171 Review crypto account balance. 602 00:41:03,005 --> 00:41:06,383 6,353 units. 603 00:41:15,267 --> 00:41:18,520 Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola. 604 00:41:19,813 --> 00:41:29,406 Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola. 605 00:41:30,032 --> 00:41:33,285 Incoming Pack assignment from Natasha Alper. 606 00:41:33,285 --> 00:41:34,620 Open. 607 00:41:34,620 --> 00:41:36,288 Hey. I saw you were available, 608 00:41:36,288 --> 00:41:38,040 so I thought it might be a nice surprise 609 00:41:38,040 --> 00:41:41,585 to come home to you cooking dinner. I gave you access to the apartment. 610 00:41:41,585 --> 00:41:42,669 Accept. 611 00:41:55,974 --> 00:42:00,687 My teacher says it's going to be too hot to go outside for the next week. 612 00:42:00,687 --> 00:42:03,941 Then we just need to come up with fun things to do inside. 613 00:42:03,941 --> 00:42:06,485 You could tell me a story. 614 00:42:07,236 --> 00:42:10,113 Okay. What kind of story do you wanna hear? 615 00:42:12,324 --> 00:42:15,494 Sorry I'm late. The tube was flooded again. 616 00:42:17,120 --> 00:42:18,914 I had to walk from the office. 617 00:42:19,623 --> 00:42:21,083 Hello. 618 00:42:22,543 --> 00:42:25,003 This looks great! Thanks for cooking, love. 619 00:42:25,671 --> 00:42:27,589 Daddy's telling me a story. 620 00:42:27,589 --> 00:42:29,216 Oh, yeah? What story is that? 621 00:42:29,216 --> 00:42:31,176 The one about the last whale. 622 00:42:31,176 --> 00:42:33,512 - I wanna hear that one too. - Right. 623 00:42:34,721 --> 00:42:35,848 The last whale. 624 00:42:38,058 --> 00:42:39,810 I think I was about your age. 625 00:42:40,811 --> 00:42:41,979 It was very hot. 626 00:42:43,981 --> 00:42:47,693 There were warnings. 627 00:42:53,365 --> 00:42:54,783 I was... 628 00:42:56,660 --> 00:42:58,745 - Wanna see, Ezra? - Come on. 629 00:42:58,745 --> 00:43:02,249 - I was-- I was on a boat. - Where? 630 00:43:05,711 --> 00:43:06,962 Where? 631 00:43:09,715 --> 00:43:11,341 I don't remember. 632 00:43:15,095 --> 00:43:17,389 There was a fisherman and... 633 00:43:18,390 --> 00:43:20,475 - Come on. - ...and a woman. 634 00:43:24,521 --> 00:43:26,899 We were in the water. 635 00:43:29,109 --> 00:43:30,777 Who was the woman? 636 00:43:46,710 --> 00:43:49,922 I'm sorry. I can't remember. 637 00:43:49,922 --> 00:43:52,716 Girlie, we can finish this story another time, okay? 638 00:43:53,383 --> 00:43:55,469 Can you give me and Daddy a moment alone? 639 00:43:55,469 --> 00:43:56,970 Is something wrong? 640 00:43:56,970 --> 00:44:00,390 No. No. I'm fine. 641 00:44:00,891 --> 00:44:02,893 Come on. Let's get ready for bed, huh? 642 00:44:02,893 --> 00:44:04,311 - Good night, Daddy. - Okay. 643 00:44:04,311 --> 00:44:06,021 Good night, my love. 644 00:44:16,615 --> 00:44:19,660 That story. Was that from your real life? 645 00:44:20,577 --> 00:44:23,580 Must be. That's why I'm forgetting it. 646 00:44:25,332 --> 00:44:30,295 I can still remember new things, but the past... 647 00:44:32,005 --> 00:44:33,423 You were a boy. 648 00:44:35,050 --> 00:44:36,802 You said there was a woman with you. 649 00:44:38,011 --> 00:44:39,596 Your mother, maybe? 650 00:44:44,852 --> 00:44:46,228 Maybe. 651 00:44:48,438 --> 00:44:50,065 And there was a whale. 652 00:44:50,065 --> 00:44:52,192 Yes, you were telling us about the last whale. 653 00:44:52,192 --> 00:44:55,195 The woman, I knew her. 654 00:44:59,449 --> 00:45:00,993 I deleted her. 655 00:45:03,120 --> 00:45:04,663 I deleted everything. 656 00:45:05,831 --> 00:45:07,374 Everything but Lola. 657 00:45:08,625 --> 00:45:09,668 Lola? 658 00:45:11,253 --> 00:45:12,421 Is that-- 659 00:45:12,421 --> 00:45:14,715 It's happening faster than I thought. 660 00:45:17,009 --> 00:45:18,510 When did she... 661 00:45:21,013 --> 00:45:22,347 What can you remember? 662 00:45:24,141 --> 00:45:25,851 It's been three years. 663 00:45:28,103 --> 00:45:29,646 She had summer heart. 664 00:45:30,981 --> 00:45:32,149 So do I. 665 00:45:33,567 --> 00:45:35,110 I'm so sorry. 666 00:45:35,110 --> 00:45:37,571 They developed an experimental treatment. 667 00:45:39,615 --> 00:45:41,200 It worked on me... 668 00:45:44,453 --> 00:45:45,787 but not... 669 00:45:48,957 --> 00:45:50,918 And it wasn't just her heart. 670 00:45:52,920 --> 00:45:54,338 She was pregnant. 671 00:45:58,217 --> 00:46:02,095 I lost them both. And now I'm losing her again. 672 00:46:03,305 --> 00:46:04,765 I'm sorry. 673 00:46:06,850 --> 00:46:08,477 I'm so sorry. 674 00:46:32,501 --> 00:46:34,044 Your lifeline... 675 00:46:36,630 --> 00:46:38,340 You have more than one. 676 00:46:43,262 --> 00:46:44,638 What does that mean? 677 00:48:18,857 --> 00:48:22,486 2753. Good news. 678 00:48:22,486 --> 00:48:24,696 I found your memory assets, yeah. 679 00:48:24,696 --> 00:48:27,282 It was a little bit harder than I thought. 680 00:48:27,282 --> 00:48:31,161 I mean, they wound up in a troll farm in low earth orbit, 681 00:48:31,161 --> 00:48:35,165 so I'm gonna need 30,000, right. Half today. 682 00:48:48,512 --> 00:48:49,513 Open Pack. 683 00:48:51,807 --> 00:48:54,059 Edit invoice for Natasha Alper. 684 00:48:57,437 --> 00:48:58,939 Add additional service. 685 00:49:01,149 --> 00:49:02,484 Sensory experience. 686 00:49:03,402 --> 00:49:06,530 Please confirm addition of sensory experience. 687 00:49:10,742 --> 00:49:12,119 Please confirm. 688 00:49:12,119 --> 00:49:13,328 Confirm. 689 00:49:18,041 --> 00:49:19,626 Review open assignments. 690 00:49:19,626 --> 00:49:21,628 Retrieving open assignments. 691 00:49:21,628 --> 00:49:25,215 Looking for someone to conduct an apology to a major client. 692 00:49:25,215 --> 00:49:27,551 We need a good show here. Lots of groveling. 693 00:49:27,551 --> 00:49:29,636 The works. 600 units. 694 00:49:30,387 --> 00:49:33,098 Only assignments above 3,000 units. 695 00:49:35,184 --> 00:49:36,393 Immediate hires. 696 00:49:37,269 --> 00:49:38,854 One open assignment found. 697 00:49:39,396 --> 00:49:40,731 Rager advisory. 698 00:49:40,731 --> 00:49:43,442 {\an8}I'm now offering 5,000 units. That's as high as I can go. 699 00:49:43,442 --> 00:49:47,362 Please, I am desperate here. My husband is out of control. 700 00:49:47,362 --> 00:49:48,614 Accept. 701 00:49:53,452 --> 00:49:58,248 The heat, it affects his temper. He won't do the CRISPR solve. 702 00:49:58,248 --> 00:50:01,627 He doesn't care much for science. Are you listening? 703 00:50:02,794 --> 00:50:05,547 Yes, yes. I'm aware your husband is a rager. 704 00:50:05,547 --> 00:50:07,508 It's wet bulb 34 out there. 705 00:50:07,508 --> 00:50:09,927 I assure you, we're trained for these scenarios. 706 00:50:09,927 --> 00:50:12,221 The last time it got this hot, he went to the pub and got-- 707 00:50:12,221 --> 00:50:15,349 - How long have we been together? - About a year, that he knows of. 708 00:50:15,349 --> 00:50:18,769 We met in Maida Vale through my sister, but please don't mention her. 709 00:50:18,769 --> 00:50:20,145 Have I been here before? 710 00:50:20,145 --> 00:50:24,066 A few times when he was away, but he doesn't need to know that. 711 00:50:24,066 --> 00:50:26,068 - I love him. I love him! I do! - Is that him? 712 00:50:26,068 --> 00:50:29,196 - You don't need to-- - Is this the fucking guy? 713 00:50:30,697 --> 00:50:34,159 - It's done. It's done. - She loves you. 714 00:50:34,159 --> 00:50:35,285 I love you. 715 00:50:35,285 --> 00:50:38,205 It's over between us. 716 00:50:38,205 --> 00:50:40,415 That's what I've said. I wanna be with you. 717 00:50:40,999 --> 00:50:42,167 I'll never be the man you are. 718 00:50:42,167 --> 00:50:45,587 I mean, you-- you can provide for her in ways I never-- 719 00:50:46,839 --> 00:50:49,675 Brown eyes, guess, lavender. 720 00:50:52,052 --> 00:50:55,514 - Lola. Brown eyes, guess, lavender... - New notification from Pack. 721 00:50:55,514 --> 00:50:58,016 Contract terminated: Natasha Alper. 722 00:50:58,016 --> 00:51:01,019 Shit. Call Natasha Alper. 723 00:51:01,019 --> 00:51:04,565 Natasha Alper unavailable. Would you like to leave a message? 724 00:51:06,233 --> 00:51:07,985 - Daddy! - Natasha, I need to-- 725 00:51:07,985 --> 00:51:09,820 Harlyn, go to your room. 726 00:51:09,820 --> 00:51:11,238 What happened to Daddy? 727 00:51:11,238 --> 00:51:12,698 Go to your room. Shut the door. 728 00:51:19,246 --> 00:51:20,747 - Get out. - Wait-- 729 00:51:20,747 --> 00:51:24,334 Leave now. I don't want you in our lives anymore. 730 00:51:24,334 --> 00:51:26,253 - We'll find someone else. - I can explain. 731 00:51:26,253 --> 00:51:28,463 I thought you didn't offer the sensory experience. 732 00:51:28,463 --> 00:51:31,800 - I understand why you'd be upset. - Do you? 733 00:51:31,800 --> 00:51:34,052 Well, since you're new to it, you should know, 734 00:51:34,052 --> 00:51:36,972 if you're gonna charge me for sex, you should at least fuck me like he would. 735 00:51:38,307 --> 00:51:41,018 But last night, that wasn't David. We both know that. 736 00:51:41,518 --> 00:51:42,686 I'm sorry. 737 00:51:43,687 --> 00:51:44,688 I really am. 738 00:51:47,441 --> 00:51:51,904 But I had to. I didn't have a choice. I needed the money. 739 00:51:51,904 --> 00:51:54,156 - What? - It's Lola. 740 00:51:54,948 --> 00:51:57,826 - I can't lose her. - My God, look at yourself! 741 00:51:58,410 --> 00:52:00,329 You're trying so hard to hold on to the past, 742 00:52:00,329 --> 00:52:03,040 - you don't even exist in the present! - What about you? 743 00:52:05,375 --> 00:52:08,754 You hired me to play a man that you wish existed. 744 00:52:09,546 --> 00:52:12,090 The David that didn't abandon you and your daughter. 745 00:52:12,090 --> 00:52:13,550 Fuck you. 746 00:52:14,551 --> 00:52:16,762 At least I'm not just pretending to be someone's partner, 747 00:52:16,762 --> 00:52:20,807 - pretending to be a parent. - Because all I can do is pretend! 748 00:52:23,352 --> 00:52:25,812 They fixed my heart, fine. 749 00:52:26,647 --> 00:52:29,858 But my brain, my fucking brain-- 750 00:52:31,151 --> 00:52:34,321 I'm lost somewhere inside it. 751 00:52:39,743 --> 00:52:41,078 I'm lost. 752 00:52:47,835 --> 00:52:52,297 Brown eyes, guess, lavender... 753 00:52:52,297 --> 00:52:53,799 You have to let it go. 754 00:52:55,551 --> 00:52:56,927 Let her go. 755 00:52:58,720 --> 00:52:59,805 I can't. 756 00:53:01,974 --> 00:53:03,600 I was happy then. 757 00:53:05,143 --> 00:53:06,687 That I remember. 758 00:53:07,896 --> 00:53:09,314 Being happy. 759 00:53:09,898 --> 00:53:11,692 And what about now? 760 00:53:12,609 --> 00:53:13,694 Are you happy now? 761 00:53:15,237 --> 00:53:16,780 She's gone... 762 00:53:18,282 --> 00:53:19,908 and she's not coming back. 763 00:53:21,034 --> 00:53:22,369 I know-- 764 00:53:23,453 --> 00:53:25,122 I know how that feels. 765 00:53:29,293 --> 00:53:32,087 But you're-- you're still here. 766 00:53:37,176 --> 00:53:40,137 My daughter thinks you're her father... 767 00:53:44,099 --> 00:53:45,601 and I don't even know your name. 768 00:53:48,187 --> 00:53:49,688 I don't even know your name. 769 00:54:09,374 --> 00:54:10,542 Ezra. 770 00:54:12,002 --> 00:54:13,545 My name is Ezra. 771 00:54:17,508 --> 00:54:18,592 And who is he? 772 00:54:24,389 --> 00:54:26,183 I guess you really are forgetting shit. 773 00:54:26,183 --> 00:54:28,060 Don't you remember we've got a deal? 774 00:54:30,062 --> 00:54:32,356 Do you remember who punched you in the face? 775 00:54:33,815 --> 00:54:37,027 That was some pretty touching stuff I found of her, yeah. 776 00:54:37,027 --> 00:54:38,529 May have even used a couple of clips 777 00:54:38,529 --> 00:54:41,198 to make my day go a bit fast, if you get my meaning. 778 00:54:41,698 --> 00:54:44,243 Whatever happened to the baby? Hey? 779 00:54:44,243 --> 00:54:47,037 Was it a boy or a girl, hey? Are you a daddy? 780 00:54:47,871 --> 00:54:50,749 Well, it should be no problem finding a buyer for all of that. 781 00:54:51,250 --> 00:54:53,877 Look, you better pay me, or I am selling that shit, 782 00:54:53,877 --> 00:54:57,714 and everyone will see her arse on a billboard in Piccadilly Circus. 783 00:54:58,340 --> 00:54:59,883 What was her name, big man? 784 00:54:59,883 --> 00:55:01,134 You remember? 785 00:55:01,885 --> 00:55:02,970 Lola! 786 00:55:14,106 --> 00:55:17,401 We've had to say goodbye again and again. 787 00:55:18,902 --> 00:55:21,071 Now it's time to say hello. 788 00:55:22,906 --> 00:55:26,660 Reintroducing one of the most majestic creatures of our world, 789 00:55:27,369 --> 00:55:29,454 the great humpback whale. 790 00:55:30,956 --> 00:55:35,669 Coming soon to the London Menagerie2100 beta zoo. 791 00:55:35,669 --> 00:55:39,548 Ezra, Ezra! Is this like the whale you saw? 792 00:55:39,548 --> 00:55:40,924 I never saw a whale. 793 00:55:40,924 --> 00:55:43,177 But you said you saw the last one. 794 00:55:43,677 --> 00:55:44,720 Did I? 795 00:55:45,429 --> 00:55:46,430 Hey. 796 00:55:46,430 --> 00:55:49,349 Our world comes with so much uncertainty. 797 00:55:49,349 --> 00:55:50,434 How was your day? 798 00:55:50,434 --> 00:55:52,436 You know, better now. 799 00:55:53,353 --> 00:55:55,063 - Should we go eat? - Yeah. 800 00:55:55,063 --> 00:55:58,233 Come on. What do you and Joey the dragon want to eat? 801 00:55:59,443 --> 00:56:01,278 - She's pretty. - Guess. 802 00:56:02,404 --> 00:56:03,906 Yeah, she is. 803 00:56:03,906 --> 00:56:06,867 Exowomb technology provides a pure fetal environment, 804 00:56:06,867 --> 00:56:09,036 eliminating the risk of climate-stressed pregnancies... 805 00:56:09,036 --> 00:56:10,120 Ezra? 806 00:56:10,120 --> 00:56:13,665 ...and premature births, protecting both mother and baby. 807 00:56:14,166 --> 00:56:16,168 Your family deserves the best beginning. 808 00:56:16,168 --> 00:56:17,252 Ezra, are you okay? 809 00:56:17,961 --> 00:56:19,254 Exowomb. 810 00:56:19,838 --> 00:56:22,466 - Start planning your future today. 811 00:56:23,467 --> 00:56:25,385 - Yeah. - Where'd you go? 812 00:56:26,053 --> 00:56:28,889 Nowhere. I'm right here.