1 00:00:15,516 --> 00:00:18,852 Oh, mercy, mercy me 2 00:00:20,687 --> 00:00:24,816 No, things ain't what they used to be now 3 00:00:26,109 --> 00:00:30,531 Where did all the blue skies go? 4 00:00:31,240 --> 00:00:35,786 Poison is the wind that blows From north, south, east and west 5 00:00:36,578 --> 00:00:40,832 Oh, mercy, mercy me 6 00:00:42,709 --> 00:00:47,130 Oh, things ain't what they used to be Now, no 7 00:00:47,881 --> 00:00:51,260 Oil wasted on the ocean And upon our seas 8 00:00:51,260 --> 00:00:52,803 Time to go, Decima. 9 00:00:53,595 --> 00:00:54,680 Fish full of mercury 10 00:00:54,680 --> 00:00:56,306 Dad, I love this song. 11 00:00:56,306 --> 00:00:57,808 Hey, Dec, who's the millennial? 12 00:00:57,808 --> 00:00:59,726 Please tell me that's not real. 13 00:00:59,726 --> 00:01:02,396 Is that your dad? He looks fucking weird. 14 00:01:03,397 --> 00:01:04,940 Make it go away. 15 00:01:04,940 --> 00:01:10,112 Oh, things ain't what they used to be 16 00:01:10,821 --> 00:01:15,284 When you do things like this, you put us both in a very risky position. 17 00:01:15,909 --> 00:01:17,077 You know that. 18 00:01:18,495 --> 00:01:19,538 Alpha, mute. 19 00:01:24,168 --> 00:01:28,297 You are an extraordinary young woman, and I am trying to protect you. 20 00:01:29,548 --> 00:01:30,549 I'm sorry. 21 00:01:33,218 --> 00:01:35,971 And him? Really, Decima? 22 00:01:35,971 --> 00:01:37,556 But I love Tyrone Downs. 23 00:01:39,057 --> 00:01:41,894 You know what he tried to do to me? To Alpha? 24 00:01:50,152 --> 00:01:52,529 Fucking simulator needs an upgrade. 25 00:02:05,375 --> 00:02:06,877 What's happening? 26 00:02:08,586 --> 00:02:11,798 Really? In front of my daughter? 27 00:02:17,804 --> 00:02:18,805 Get me Turner. 28 00:02:19,723 --> 00:02:20,724 Dad? 29 00:02:23,227 --> 00:02:27,898 I am recording this in anticipation of any eventuality that would cause me 30 00:02:27,898 --> 00:02:32,569 to relinquish my position as CEO of Alpha International. 31 00:02:33,362 --> 00:02:37,908 If you're seeing this, it is because unforeseen events have occurred, 32 00:02:37,908 --> 00:02:41,203 and immediate action must be taken for the good of the enterprise. 33 00:02:44,122 --> 00:02:45,207 What happened to Nick? 34 00:02:45,707 --> 00:02:48,502 Arrested. International Criminal Court. 35 00:02:49,753 --> 00:02:52,881 Ecocide. Same thing they charged the BP board with. 36 00:02:54,716 --> 00:02:56,218 This is for you. 37 00:02:58,136 --> 00:03:00,556 Congratulations on your promotion. 38 00:03:07,271 --> 00:03:09,106 You're the new CEO of Alpha. 39 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:55,068 {\an8}Alpha, is Nick Bilton guilty? 40 00:03:55,068 --> 00:03:57,196 The case of the International Criminal Court 41 00:03:57,196 --> 00:03:59,156 versus Nicholas Bilton has not yet begun. 42 00:03:59,156 --> 00:04:01,825 Alpha, when did ecocide become a crime? 43 00:04:01,825 --> 00:04:05,120 Ecocide officially became a core international crime in 2050. 44 00:04:05,120 --> 00:04:06,872 There are no evidences to date... 45 00:04:08,415 --> 00:04:10,792 Punishment for ecocide is imprisonment... 46 00:04:11,752 --> 00:04:15,631 Alpha, will this impact the Alpha drones that deliver my groceries? 47 00:04:15,631 --> 00:04:17,716 Alpha, who is the lead prosecutor 48 00:04:17,716 --> 00:04:19,218 in the trial against Nick Bilton? 49 00:04:19,218 --> 00:04:23,805 Prosecutor Lucy Adobo will be representing the International Criminal Court. 50 00:04:25,807 --> 00:04:29,061 He deserves to be sent to the penal colony on Phobos, hmm? 51 00:04:29,061 --> 00:04:31,855 Like the others. Twenty-five years. 52 00:04:31,855 --> 00:04:35,150 The most successful hunters have more patience than hunger. 53 00:04:35,150 --> 00:04:38,362 And what Alpha did to the mines alone-- He should be made to pay. 54 00:04:39,404 --> 00:04:41,156 Money is just another one of his tools. 55 00:04:41,156 --> 00:04:43,283 Hey, it's a tool we can use to change things. 56 00:04:43,283 --> 00:04:46,495 The law does not apply to men like Bilton. 57 00:04:48,330 --> 00:04:51,166 I stood outside the Alpha mines for months. 58 00:04:51,166 --> 00:04:53,293 I remember, Ty. I was there with you. 59 00:04:53,293 --> 00:04:58,966 50,000 workers dying in the hot sun until we shut that shit down. 60 00:05:00,133 --> 00:05:01,134 Yes, you did. 61 00:05:02,010 --> 00:05:07,140 This ends with him hanging upside down from a balcony, or it never ends. 62 00:05:11,937 --> 00:05:13,438 Hear ye, hear ye. 63 00:05:14,106 --> 00:05:17,484 The International Criminal Courts Tribunal on Crimes Against the Planet 64 00:05:17,484 --> 00:05:19,236 is now in session. 65 00:05:19,236 --> 00:05:23,282 Nikolai Biltonov, legally registered as "Nicholas Bilton," please stand. 66 00:05:26,535 --> 00:05:28,871 To the charge of ecocide, how do you plead? 67 00:05:30,789 --> 00:05:32,165 Not guilty. 68 00:05:34,251 --> 00:05:37,713 These proceedings will be presided over by three virtual judges, 69 00:05:37,713 --> 00:05:40,966 programmed to create a universal standard of justice 70 00:05:40,966 --> 00:05:44,428 reflecting legal and ethical traditions from across the globe. 71 00:05:45,012 --> 00:05:47,890 Do both counsels agree to accept these rulings as binding? 72 00:05:49,558 --> 00:05:51,226 - I do. - I do. 73 00:05:52,019 --> 00:05:54,229 {\an8}The court recognizes Lucy Adobo, Esq, 74 00:05:54,229 --> 00:05:56,857 {\an8}representing the International Criminal Court. 75 00:05:56,857 --> 00:05:57,941 {\an8}Good morning. 76 00:05:59,151 --> 00:06:04,072 {\an8}This case will establish a premeditated and carefully executed conspiracy 77 00:06:04,072 --> 00:06:07,618 led by Nicholas Bilton over the past 50 years 78 00:06:07,618 --> 00:06:10,662 to profiteer from and proliferate climate change 79 00:06:10,662 --> 00:06:13,498 across the planet in an act of ecocide. 80 00:06:17,419 --> 00:06:20,589 As Mr. Bilton himself said over 30 years ago... 81 00:06:20,589 --> 00:06:23,634 Around the turn of this century, climate change was described... 82 00:06:23,634 --> 00:06:26,136 - Mr. Bilton is a great humanitarian. - ...as a symptom of capitalism. 83 00:06:26,136 --> 00:06:28,222 He rescued you and brought you into his own home. 84 00:06:28,222 --> 00:06:31,475 I'm here to suggest that capitalism is also the cure. 85 00:06:31,475 --> 00:06:34,061 But rather than hear the story from me, 86 00:06:34,061 --> 00:06:36,563 no fewer than ten former employees 87 00:06:36,563 --> 00:06:39,316 have agreed to testify to the matter before the court. 88 00:06:39,983 --> 00:06:43,904 I will now call the first witness, Dr. Rebecca Shearer. 89 00:06:49,743 --> 00:06:51,495 State your name for the court. 90 00:06:51,495 --> 00:06:54,164 - Dr. Rebecca Shearer. - And you are currently? 91 00:06:54,164 --> 00:06:55,499 In New York City. 92 00:06:55,499 --> 00:06:58,085 Can you identify Nicholas Bilton? 93 00:06:58,085 --> 00:06:59,169 Yes. 94 00:06:59,169 --> 00:07:00,963 And is he in the courtroom today? 95 00:07:00,963 --> 00:07:03,924 It's either him or a hologram of him. Hard to tell. 96 00:07:03,924 --> 00:07:07,219 I can attest that Mr. Bilton has appeared here in person. 97 00:07:07,219 --> 00:07:11,348 Such is his concern for the charade that are the charges brought against him. 98 00:07:11,974 --> 00:07:13,058 Ecocide? 99 00:07:15,143 --> 00:07:17,479 - Consider the statute itself-- - Oh, we have. 100 00:07:17,479 --> 00:07:20,649 Ecocide is described as unlawful or wanton acts 101 00:07:20,649 --> 00:07:23,861 committed with the knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood 102 00:07:23,861 --> 00:07:28,198 of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment 103 00:07:28,198 --> 00:07:30,367 being caused by those acts. 104 00:07:30,367 --> 00:07:33,829 So you somehow are gonna prove that he knew the future of the world? 105 00:07:34,746 --> 00:07:37,332 Of the air we breathe, the oceans, the temperature? 106 00:07:37,332 --> 00:07:38,584 Flattering, in a way. 107 00:07:39,835 --> 00:07:41,587 We move for immediate dismissal. 108 00:07:43,797 --> 00:07:44,798 Overruled. 109 00:07:44,798 --> 00:07:48,343 Dr. Shearer, can you please explain how you first came in contact 110 00:07:48,343 --> 00:07:49,636 with Mr. Bilton? 111 00:07:49,636 --> 00:07:54,683 In 2046, I was an archivist with Menagerie2100. 112 00:07:54,683 --> 00:07:58,687 I'd been with the company for nine years when I was told that 113 00:07:58,687 --> 00:08:04,443 Nick Bilton was interested in gathering genetic IP of charismatic megafauna. 114 00:08:04,443 --> 00:08:07,154 Orangutans, whales, elephants and-- 115 00:08:07,154 --> 00:08:11,950 It became clear that the pivot to the charismatic megafauna was his decision. 116 00:08:12,492 --> 00:08:14,703 Any idea why he made that pivot? 117 00:08:14,703 --> 00:08:19,208 Mr. Bilton felt people were more inclined to buy tickets to see those species 118 00:08:19,917 --> 00:08:21,460 once they were extinct. 119 00:08:22,961 --> 00:08:25,130 However, to preserve the megafauna 120 00:08:25,130 --> 00:08:30,260 you also need to save everything they rely on to survive. 121 00:08:30,260 --> 00:08:32,596 Can you explain the effect of increased carbon 122 00:08:32,596 --> 00:08:35,307 on species already facing extinction? 123 00:08:35,307 --> 00:08:38,352 Extinctions go up when temperature goes up, 124 00:08:38,352 --> 00:08:42,773 and temperature tends to mirror carbon. So, yes, they are related. 125 00:08:42,773 --> 00:08:48,153 And if scarcity creates value, then isn't there a business model 126 00:08:48,153 --> 00:08:52,074 that Menagerie2100 benefits from increases in carbon? 127 00:08:52,074 --> 00:08:56,495 Objection. We all caused carbon to go up, not just Mr. Bilton. 128 00:08:57,412 --> 00:08:58,413 Sustained. 129 00:09:01,834 --> 00:09:03,293 Dr. Shearer, 130 00:09:03,293 --> 00:09:06,338 were you paid for your work at Menagerie2100? 131 00:09:07,005 --> 00:09:08,006 Yes. 132 00:09:08,006 --> 00:09:11,635 Depressing work, I'm sure. All that saying goodbye. 133 00:09:13,303 --> 00:09:14,304 Yes? 134 00:09:15,848 --> 00:09:20,102 That explains why you receive mood-stabilizing therapeutics from Alpha. 135 00:09:20,936 --> 00:09:24,898 Ms. Shearer relies on Alpha for her retirement and her medicine. 136 00:09:24,898 --> 00:09:27,651 What if her ongoing depression has caused her to blame 137 00:09:27,651 --> 00:09:29,528 the medicines that Alpha provides her with? 138 00:09:29,528 --> 00:09:32,781 I know you want people to think I'm crazy, Mr. Turner. 139 00:09:32,781 --> 00:09:35,576 And maybe-- maybe I am. 140 00:09:36,326 --> 00:09:39,246 Maybe that's what climate change is doing to all of us. 141 00:09:39,830 --> 00:09:42,374 Some of us are crazy because we look at the world 142 00:09:42,374 --> 00:09:46,295 and all we have lost, and we still have hope. 143 00:09:47,212 --> 00:09:51,383 I think it's unfair to ask you to testify here, 144 00:09:51,383 --> 00:09:54,511 especially after your son has deleted you from his memory. 145 00:09:54,511 --> 00:09:57,848 He lost his memory from summer heart-- dementia. 146 00:09:57,848 --> 00:10:01,101 For which he also was taking Alpha therapeutics. 147 00:10:01,101 --> 00:10:03,437 I bet that makes you very angry at Mr. Bilton. 148 00:10:03,437 --> 00:10:06,773 How is her son's medical condition relevant? 149 00:10:06,773 --> 00:10:08,734 It's an invasion of her privacy. 150 00:10:08,734 --> 00:10:13,071 And her presence here constitutes a violation of her Alpha loyalty oath. 151 00:10:15,157 --> 00:10:16,241 No further questions. 152 00:10:40,724 --> 00:10:42,476 Maybe she jumped. 153 00:10:42,476 --> 00:10:44,978 Did she? They're going to investigate. 154 00:10:45,896 --> 00:10:47,105 Let them. 155 00:10:47,105 --> 00:10:49,399 We need to be careful here, Nick. 156 00:10:50,442 --> 00:10:53,987 Homicide gets you shipped off the planet just as fast as ecocide. 157 00:10:54,988 --> 00:10:59,076 How is a woman falling through the sky in New York City my fault? 158 00:11:00,994 --> 00:11:05,374 Stop worrying about Shearer, and tell Martha to get me out of here. 159 00:11:06,416 --> 00:11:09,545 I assure you that we here at Alpha are confident 160 00:11:09,545 --> 00:11:12,297 that Nick Bilton will be exonerated of all charges. 161 00:11:13,632 --> 00:11:18,762 I'm fully aware that Mr. Bilton's arrest has eroded our stock value by 17%, 162 00:11:18,762 --> 00:11:24,852 so I want to tell this esteemed group that we will be launching a new product. 163 00:11:25,894 --> 00:11:29,147 One that will directly address the grim reality 164 00:11:29,648 --> 00:11:34,236 that carbon is now at 564 parts per million in our atmosphere. 165 00:11:36,488 --> 00:11:40,868 It has the potential to be the biggest new offering from Alpha 166 00:11:40,868 --> 00:11:42,870 since the gift of clean water. 167 00:11:44,580 --> 00:11:46,248 I see many of you have questions. 168 00:11:47,207 --> 00:11:48,750 However, on the advice of our lawyers, 169 00:11:48,750 --> 00:11:51,003 we are not taking questions at this meeting. 170 00:11:53,338 --> 00:11:54,548 Thank you for your time. 171 00:12:02,222 --> 00:12:03,599 Well done, Martha. 172 00:12:04,349 --> 00:12:05,767 I'll let Mr. Bilton know. 173 00:12:06,727 --> 00:12:08,604 I think this is a mistake. 174 00:12:09,271 --> 00:12:13,066 Then I encourage you to use your time to think about something else instead. 175 00:12:24,661 --> 00:12:27,456 Congratulations. Alpha had its best year ever. 176 00:12:28,832 --> 00:12:30,167 I'm glad you're pleased. 177 00:12:34,004 --> 00:12:39,927 And subscriptions to LifePause are heading in the right direction, 178 00:12:39,927 --> 00:12:42,095 - little by little. - Finally. 179 00:12:42,095 --> 00:12:46,558 The reach of Alpha certainly plays a role in that, so thank you. 180 00:12:47,059 --> 00:12:50,270 Where did it come from? The idea? 181 00:12:51,230 --> 00:12:52,356 Always wanted to ask. 182 00:12:54,066 --> 00:12:56,360 When I was a little girl, I loved wildflowers. 183 00:12:57,778 --> 00:13:00,656 I would draw them with my grandfather's crayons. 184 00:13:00,656 --> 00:13:04,826 I would venture out to look for them on days that weren't too hot. 185 00:13:04,826 --> 00:13:10,666 But once the bees were gone, they'd taken the wildflowers with them and... 186 00:13:11,583 --> 00:13:15,504 My grandfather used to tell me a story that the flowers are just hiding. 187 00:13:16,046 --> 00:13:17,548 They'll be back again someday. 188 00:13:18,507 --> 00:13:21,593 Could probably get our people to make you up some new seeds. 189 00:13:25,430 --> 00:13:26,890 I took a different approach. 190 00:13:27,558 --> 00:13:29,560 I thought, "What if I could stop time?" 191 00:13:30,394 --> 00:13:32,729 - Hence LifePause. - Exactly. 192 00:13:34,398 --> 00:13:37,359 Thank you for sharing. Really lovely story. 193 00:13:40,737 --> 00:13:42,447 Can I ask you another question? 194 00:13:43,699 --> 00:13:47,786 What would be the most exciting good or service 195 00:13:47,786 --> 00:13:49,746 that Alpha could bring to this world? 196 00:13:50,914 --> 00:13:55,752 Cancer's been cured. Literacy is a simple CRISPR hack. 197 00:13:57,754 --> 00:13:58,589 Anything? 198 00:13:59,381 --> 00:14:00,507 Sky's the limit. 199 00:14:02,050 --> 00:14:06,597 I guess, finding a way to grow a brand-new, breathable atmosphere on Mars 200 00:14:06,597 --> 00:14:08,348 that allows humans to start over. 201 00:14:09,558 --> 00:14:10,392 Mars. 202 00:14:12,644 --> 00:14:14,271 It would solve a lot of things. 203 00:14:16,773 --> 00:14:19,234 What if we were able to do that here on Earth? 204 00:14:21,445 --> 00:14:22,779 Do what? 205 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:24,031 Start over. 206 00:14:27,701 --> 00:14:28,827 Are you kidding? 207 00:14:31,246 --> 00:14:33,332 I think I know how to make Newcomen work. 208 00:14:35,667 --> 00:14:37,127 And I'd like you to run it. 209 00:14:41,089 --> 00:14:43,800 - We called it "Newcomen." - Why is that? 210 00:14:44,468 --> 00:14:47,763 Well, Thomas Newcomen invented the steam engine in 1712. 211 00:14:47,763 --> 00:14:52,643 It was used originally to prevent coal mines from flooding, ironically. 212 00:14:52,643 --> 00:14:56,438 Mr. Bilton saw it as the moment that humanity's carbon footprint started 213 00:14:56,438 --> 00:14:58,941 to stomp on the natural order of things. 214 00:14:58,941 --> 00:15:01,985 And what was Project Newcomen at Alpha? 215 00:15:01,985 --> 00:15:03,612 It was the holy grail. 216 00:15:03,612 --> 00:15:07,783 It was gonna be a machine, a technology to take carbon out of the atmosphere. 217 00:15:07,783 --> 00:15:09,576 It was scalable and affordable. 218 00:15:09,576 --> 00:15:12,412 Did Newcomen ever come into existence? 219 00:15:12,412 --> 00:15:14,414 No. No. 220 00:15:15,415 --> 00:15:18,043 It always had design problems at scale, 221 00:15:18,043 --> 00:15:22,089 and we never really solved the problems with the downstream by-product. 222 00:15:22,089 --> 00:15:24,466 I'm confused. Why are we here? 223 00:15:24,466 --> 00:15:28,887 Mr. Chopin just said he ran a program, funded by Mr. Bilton, 224 00:15:28,887 --> 00:15:31,557 that was meant to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere. 225 00:15:31,557 --> 00:15:33,642 Save the world from climate change. 226 00:15:33,642 --> 00:15:38,230 A noble endeavor, to be sure, but your witness failed. 227 00:15:38,230 --> 00:15:42,609 Couldn't get it done. So why is my client on trial and not him? 228 00:15:44,695 --> 00:15:46,780 And why did you leave, Mr. Chopin? 229 00:15:47,573 --> 00:15:49,533 Decide you wanted to go fail at something else? 230 00:15:49,533 --> 00:15:50,993 Objection! 231 00:15:51,702 --> 00:15:52,703 Sustained. 232 00:15:52,703 --> 00:15:55,873 I'll tell you. I'll answer the question. I got fired. 233 00:15:55,873 --> 00:15:58,458 Well, it sounds like Mr. Bilton made the right move. 234 00:15:58,458 --> 00:16:00,085 And who replaced you? 235 00:16:00,085 --> 00:16:04,423 I understand that Newcomen got restarted seven years ago 236 00:16:04,423 --> 00:16:06,133 and that Martha Russell was put in charge. 237 00:16:06,842 --> 00:16:10,804 The woman that Mr. Bilton just announced as CEO. 238 00:16:10,804 --> 00:16:12,556 So he's on trial for promoting someone now? 239 00:16:12,556 --> 00:16:15,017 What was Mr. Bilton's position on geoengineering? 240 00:16:15,017 --> 00:16:16,518 Objection. Not relevant. 241 00:16:16,518 --> 00:16:17,936 I beg to differ. 242 00:16:17,936 --> 00:16:21,398 If one is concerned about limiting carbon, as he claims, 243 00:16:21,398 --> 00:16:23,400 one cannot be in favor of a course of action 244 00:16:23,400 --> 00:16:25,527 that allows the world to keep putting it in the sky. 245 00:16:25,527 --> 00:16:28,155 On multiple occasions, he expressed his enthusiasm. 246 00:16:28,155 --> 00:16:31,283 It was obviously the best way to lower temperature in the short term, 247 00:16:31,283 --> 00:16:33,660 and he said he liked the short-term solution 248 00:16:33,660 --> 00:16:36,246 because it was the best from a PR point of view too. 249 00:16:36,246 --> 00:16:38,081 So, he endorsed geoengineering. 250 00:16:38,081 --> 00:16:40,834 And so did you, Mr. Chopin. Nearly half the world did. 251 00:16:40,834 --> 00:16:42,628 Then you changed your mind. 252 00:16:42,628 --> 00:16:45,130 Do you want the court to review your comments on the issue? 253 00:16:45,130 --> 00:16:48,050 Some of us realized that if you decouple carbon from temperature, 254 00:16:48,050 --> 00:16:49,801 you're gonna rationalize ongoing polluting. 255 00:16:49,801 --> 00:16:53,388 Nick saw it as a way to make limitless money by customizing the stratosphere. 256 00:16:53,388 --> 00:16:54,806 He wanted both sides of the trade. 257 00:16:54,806 --> 00:16:56,725 - Objection. Conjecture. - Sustained. 258 00:16:56,725 --> 00:16:58,602 How can he say these things about my father? 259 00:16:58,602 --> 00:16:59,811 He's lying. 260 00:16:59,811 --> 00:17:02,064 - Mr. Bilton is a great humanitarian. - You did, Nick. 261 00:17:02,064 --> 00:17:04,358 He's among the top ten philanthropists in the world. 262 00:17:04,358 --> 00:17:06,401 Just admit it. You said it over and over. 263 00:17:06,401 --> 00:17:08,153 It didn't matter how high the carbon levels got 264 00:17:08,153 --> 00:17:10,239 'cause one day, you were gonna make a machine 265 00:17:10,239 --> 00:17:12,115 that could suck it out of the atmosphere. And y-- 266 00:17:12,115 --> 00:17:14,785 You said on that day, the more CO2 that's up there, 267 00:17:14,785 --> 00:17:16,369 the more money you can make eliminating it. 268 00:17:16,369 --> 00:17:19,164 You called it a fucking vacuum cleaner for wealth. 269 00:17:19,164 --> 00:17:20,665 You failed, Johnny. 270 00:17:20,665 --> 00:17:23,585 Failed at your job, failed as a father. 271 00:17:23,585 --> 00:17:25,295 You gonna have me killed, like Rebecca Shearer? 272 00:17:25,295 --> 00:17:28,089 - Ms. Adobo, control your witness. - Mr. Chopin. 273 00:17:28,089 --> 00:17:31,260 You smug little prick. You're just-- You're at the center of this problem-- 274 00:17:31,260 --> 00:17:33,595 Humanity's frying, and you look at the temperature 275 00:17:33,595 --> 00:17:35,472 as an inconvenience that you just have to tweak 276 00:17:35,472 --> 00:17:37,349 to optimize your latest investment strategy. 277 00:17:37,349 --> 00:17:40,018 You're the guy who-- who kicks the dog half to death, 278 00:17:40,018 --> 00:17:42,479 - and then offers it a bone. - Dr. Chopin, I must ask you 279 00:17:42,479 --> 00:17:44,606 - to not address the defendant directly. - Let him speak. 280 00:17:44,606 --> 00:17:47,568 He needs the therapy. Let it all out, Johnny boy! 281 00:17:47,568 --> 00:17:48,652 Order. Order! 282 00:17:50,153 --> 00:17:51,488 No further questions. 283 00:17:52,489 --> 00:17:53,490 Dr. Chopin, 284 00:17:54,950 --> 00:17:59,371 your son, Rowan, is currently in prison for geoengineering, isn't that right? 285 00:17:59,371 --> 00:18:01,081 Yes. He-- 286 00:18:02,624 --> 00:18:07,004 He was convinced to participate in a-- in a scheme by my ex-wife. 287 00:18:07,004 --> 00:18:08,088 Convinced? 288 00:18:09,131 --> 00:18:12,467 More likely he was confused over your change of heart on the issue. 289 00:18:12,467 --> 00:18:14,761 Rowan Chopin is not the one on trial here. 290 00:18:14,761 --> 00:18:15,888 No, he's not. 291 00:18:16,597 --> 00:18:19,725 But I think it's important to note that your son's conviction 292 00:18:19,725 --> 00:18:24,271 for using Alpha delivery drones to commit an act of terrorism was secured 293 00:18:24,271 --> 00:18:27,482 after Mr. Bilton gave secret testimony to this court. 294 00:18:27,482 --> 00:18:29,109 I'm sorry, what did you say? 295 00:18:29,109 --> 00:18:30,194 I'm sure that's upsetting, 296 00:18:30,194 --> 00:18:32,905 but I'm wondering if your son's liberty has not been offered to you 297 00:18:32,905 --> 00:18:35,991 - in exchange for your testimony today. - I made no such deal! 298 00:18:35,991 --> 00:18:38,243 I have no arrangement whatsoever. None. 299 00:18:39,369 --> 00:18:43,498 I move to dismiss this witness and his testimony be deemed inadmissible. 300 00:18:48,337 --> 00:18:49,546 Sustained. 301 00:18:49,546 --> 00:18:51,131 The witness is dismissed. 302 00:19:00,015 --> 00:19:01,433 I wanna testify. 303 00:19:01,433 --> 00:19:03,060 My father is a great man. 304 00:19:03,936 --> 00:19:05,229 Help me record something? 305 00:19:05,229 --> 00:19:06,522 I can do that for you. 306 00:19:12,194 --> 00:19:13,278 Who is Decima Bilton? 307 00:19:14,738 --> 00:19:16,240 How do you know that name? 308 00:19:16,240 --> 00:19:17,950 She claims to be your daughter. 309 00:19:20,035 --> 00:19:21,912 You're not to mention that name again. 310 00:19:21,912 --> 00:19:24,164 She'd like to testify on your behalf. 311 00:19:27,292 --> 00:19:29,002 She's recorded something. 312 00:19:30,712 --> 00:19:32,422 It's very touching stuff. 313 00:19:34,091 --> 00:19:35,092 Destroy it. 314 00:19:36,134 --> 00:19:37,135 Immediately. 315 00:19:38,178 --> 00:19:41,390 You saved an orphan from a refugee camp in Sydney. 316 00:19:49,773 --> 00:19:51,275 What are you doing? 317 00:19:52,776 --> 00:19:53,902 Nick. 318 00:20:02,995 --> 00:20:06,790 Your NatureFix simulation will begin in five seconds. 319 00:20:07,624 --> 00:20:11,170 You have selected "Autumn Woodlands" with mood-balancing enhancements. 320 00:20:44,786 --> 00:20:46,205 How do you like the venison? 321 00:20:47,206 --> 00:20:48,248 Exquisite. 322 00:20:49,750 --> 00:20:51,752 Real or lab? 323 00:20:54,046 --> 00:20:56,590 We keep a small herd of deer on the property. 324 00:20:56,590 --> 00:20:57,799 This is all real. 325 00:21:00,344 --> 00:21:05,849 And this, this is the last pinot from the Anderson Valley. 326 00:21:06,350 --> 00:21:09,478 2053. Before it burned. 327 00:21:17,486 --> 00:21:20,822 The rest of the world has to get by on fantasy and facsimile, Martha. 328 00:21:22,991 --> 00:21:25,244 Most everything in my life is very real. 329 00:21:26,662 --> 00:21:27,788 Does that bother you? 330 00:21:30,249 --> 00:21:31,750 Does what bother me? 331 00:21:31,750 --> 00:21:34,711 That the rest of the world has to get by on fantasy? 332 00:21:44,054 --> 00:21:46,473 No, what bothers me is hypocrisy. 333 00:21:48,058 --> 00:21:51,895 What bothers me is wanting comfort and ease, 334 00:21:51,895 --> 00:21:54,815 and then being outraged by its real cost. 335 00:21:55,774 --> 00:21:59,486 You burn coal for a few hundred years to keep yourself warm. 336 00:21:59,486 --> 00:22:00,904 Seems like a great idea. 337 00:22:01,822 --> 00:22:04,116 Makes you feel like you defeated winter. 338 00:22:05,117 --> 00:22:07,286 And one day, you wake up nice and toasty, 339 00:22:07,286 --> 00:22:10,497 only to realize you've developed lung cancer 340 00:22:10,497 --> 00:22:13,166 from inhaling the smoke from burning all the coal. 341 00:22:15,544 --> 00:22:17,546 And yet you keep burning coal. 342 00:22:18,297 --> 00:22:22,718 Because the most powerful fantasy is that there is no cost to our comfort. 343 00:22:24,303 --> 00:22:26,555 Life is a transaction, Martha. 344 00:22:27,556 --> 00:22:29,892 That is its most meaningful measurement. 345 00:22:32,060 --> 00:22:33,770 I never thought of it that way. 346 00:22:33,770 --> 00:22:37,482 Well, I'd like you to start. 347 00:22:57,878 --> 00:23:00,172 - Turner. - Yes? 348 00:23:00,172 --> 00:23:02,007 Rebecca Shearer's autopsy... 349 00:23:02,508 --> 00:23:03,675 What about it? 350 00:23:05,093 --> 00:23:08,263 "...has revealed irregularities in her medications 351 00:23:08,263 --> 00:23:10,849 - as delivered by Alpha Therapeutics." - Bullshit. 352 00:23:10,849 --> 00:23:12,643 Well, that's what it says right here 353 00:23:12,643 --> 00:23:15,938 in the goddamn summons the ICC just dropped on my head. 354 00:23:15,938 --> 00:23:18,232 They've got nothing. They're desperate. 355 00:23:18,732 --> 00:23:20,943 They're going to ask for records. 356 00:23:21,443 --> 00:23:23,737 What would Nick like me to do about that? 357 00:23:24,321 --> 00:23:27,407 As little as possible, lest you fuck this up. 358 00:23:31,912 --> 00:23:33,163 An opportunity. 359 00:23:33,747 --> 00:23:37,292 That's what you call it? An opportunity to lose my job. 360 00:23:37,292 --> 00:23:39,378 The truth is dangerous to some people. 361 00:23:40,629 --> 00:23:41,630 No comment. 362 00:23:42,631 --> 00:23:45,843 We have reason to believe he's tampered with other witnesses. 363 00:23:45,843 --> 00:23:46,927 Have you been threatened? 364 00:23:49,763 --> 00:23:52,516 I took a loyalty oath. Hence the avatars. 365 00:23:52,516 --> 00:23:55,686 I am prepared to offer you immunity, Dr. Russell. 366 00:23:56,270 --> 00:23:58,105 In exchange for your testimony. 367 00:23:58,105 --> 00:24:01,942 And how do I explain that to Turner? He's chief counsel. 368 00:24:01,942 --> 00:24:05,112 Obviously, you would need to keep our arrangements confidential. 369 00:24:06,405 --> 00:24:09,992 Ms. Adobo, privacy went extinct 25 years ago. 370 00:24:10,576 --> 00:24:12,035 Along with whistleblowers. 371 00:24:12,035 --> 00:24:15,414 Is there a secret you're concerned about? Something with Newcomen? 372 00:24:19,334 --> 00:24:21,461 Newcomen is no different than LifePause. 373 00:24:21,461 --> 00:24:24,631 Just because he didn't think of it, doesn't mean he can't buy it. 374 00:24:25,757 --> 00:24:28,886 You're not going to win against him. Nobody ever does. 375 00:24:36,059 --> 00:24:37,352 Selma, 376 00:24:38,270 --> 00:24:43,400 get me every IP acquisition Alpha made since Jonathan Chopin was fired. 377 00:24:44,818 --> 00:24:46,486 Would you state your name for the court? 378 00:24:46,486 --> 00:24:47,946 Arden Miller. 379 00:24:48,530 --> 00:24:50,199 Who is Matafele Kabua? 380 00:24:51,491 --> 00:24:54,828 Matafele and I met in Boston in 2060. 381 00:24:55,329 --> 00:24:56,663 In what capacity? 382 00:24:56,663 --> 00:24:58,582 - In microfinance... - Who is that? 383 00:24:58,582 --> 00:25:00,167 ...with a focus on female entrepreneurs. 384 00:25:00,167 --> 00:25:02,085 Mr. Bilton is a great humanitarian. 385 00:25:02,085 --> 00:25:06,798 Were you aware that the bank that employed you had a relationship with Alpha? 386 00:25:06,798 --> 00:25:08,342 No, I was not. 387 00:25:08,342 --> 00:25:11,178 And when you learned that they did, what was your response? 388 00:25:11,178 --> 00:25:12,095 I resigned. 389 00:25:12,095 --> 00:25:14,348 Because of what happened with Matafele Kabua? 390 00:25:14,348 --> 00:25:15,265 Yes. 391 00:25:17,351 --> 00:25:18,936 And what exactly happened? 392 00:25:19,520 --> 00:25:22,231 Alpha was able to use our loans to women 393 00:25:22,231 --> 00:25:24,816 as an incubator to generate new inventions. 394 00:25:24,816 --> 00:25:27,069 I think I speak on behalf of everyone in saying 395 00:25:27,069 --> 00:25:31,907 I have no idea who Matafele Kabua is or why this person here is relevant. 396 00:25:31,907 --> 00:25:35,285 Can you enlighten Mr. Turner and the court? 397 00:25:35,285 --> 00:25:36,870 She was from the Marshall Islands. 398 00:25:37,913 --> 00:25:41,124 When they became uninhabitable, she moved to the United States, 399 00:25:41,625 --> 00:25:44,711 where she attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 400 00:25:44,711 --> 00:25:46,839 Her degree was in atmospheric chemistry. 401 00:25:47,339 --> 00:25:50,050 She had a product that she wanted to finance. 402 00:25:50,634 --> 00:25:52,052 And what did this product do? 403 00:25:52,052 --> 00:25:56,390 She claimed that it was the first viable carbon-removal device. 404 00:25:56,390 --> 00:25:59,476 She asked for our help in developing and patenting it. 405 00:26:00,060 --> 00:26:03,772 So, a device that could make the planet carbon-neutral? 406 00:26:03,772 --> 00:26:05,607 She believed it could do more than that. 407 00:26:05,607 --> 00:26:08,861 She believed that it could draw down carbon to a target level. 408 00:26:08,861 --> 00:26:10,279 And what would that level be? 409 00:26:10,279 --> 00:26:14,908 That would depend on a mutually agreed upon number determined by scientists. 410 00:26:17,619 --> 00:26:18,829 Or businessmen. 411 00:26:23,834 --> 00:26:25,043 What was my mother's name? 412 00:26:25,544 --> 00:26:26,962 Your mother's name is unknown. 413 00:26:26,962 --> 00:26:30,132 You were rescued from the displaced person facility in Sydney. 414 00:26:31,091 --> 00:26:34,595 Alpha, tell me everything about Matafele Kabua. 415 00:26:34,595 --> 00:26:36,555 Alpha has no record of this person. 416 00:26:39,433 --> 00:26:40,726 Right. 417 00:26:40,726 --> 00:26:43,312 And if it had worked, none of us would be sitting here right now. 418 00:26:43,312 --> 00:26:44,813 But obviously it didn't, 419 00:26:44,813 --> 00:26:47,774 or people wouldn't constantly be uploading themselves 420 00:26:47,774 --> 00:26:49,943 - to escape this unbearable climate. - Order. 421 00:26:49,943 --> 00:26:52,905 And hundreds of millions of refugees wouldn't be roaming the Earth 422 00:26:52,905 --> 00:26:54,156 looking for higher ground. 423 00:26:54,156 --> 00:26:55,616 - Order! - Nick, please. 424 00:26:58,952 --> 00:27:01,288 I apologize for my client's outburst. 425 00:27:01,288 --> 00:27:03,373 But can you explain to the court 426 00:27:03,373 --> 00:27:06,585 why any of this is relevant to the charges in front of us? 427 00:27:07,169 --> 00:27:10,464 Who controls the patent to Ms. Kabua's device? 428 00:27:11,507 --> 00:27:15,928 My understanding is that Alpha holds 49% interest in the Decima. 429 00:27:16,929 --> 00:27:17,930 The Decima? 430 00:27:17,930 --> 00:27:19,640 She named the device after her daughter. 431 00:27:21,475 --> 00:27:23,435 Ms. Kabua's terms included 432 00:27:23,435 --> 00:27:26,021 that the controlling interest be part of her inheritance. 433 00:27:26,021 --> 00:27:28,315 Mr. Bilton has made the world a better place. 434 00:27:28,315 --> 00:27:30,317 And he is sure you will do the same. 435 00:27:31,818 --> 00:27:32,986 Fuck him. 436 00:27:35,322 --> 00:27:36,615 - It failed. - Order. 437 00:27:36,615 --> 00:27:39,535 - It's evident it never worked! - Nick, please. 438 00:27:39,535 --> 00:27:43,163 So then you wouldn't object to sharing the IP with the court? 439 00:27:43,163 --> 00:27:44,248 The design. 440 00:27:44,915 --> 00:27:49,253 I mean, why would sharing a failure be problematic? 441 00:27:51,588 --> 00:27:54,800 We at Alpha prefer to keep what we own to ourselves. 442 00:27:54,800 --> 00:27:58,345 A failure is just a rough draft of a solution. 443 00:27:58,846 --> 00:28:04,434 I mean, did Kabua go on and invent anything else that saved humanity? 444 00:28:05,018 --> 00:28:06,144 No, she did not. 445 00:28:07,145 --> 00:28:10,983 She died nearly ten years ago. Paramyxovirus 58. 446 00:28:10,983 --> 00:28:12,067 And her daughter? 447 00:28:12,067 --> 00:28:15,821 In my line of work, we look for new ideas, not lost children. 448 00:28:17,573 --> 00:28:21,243 Thank you, Ms. Miller. Thank you so much for your time. 449 00:28:21,243 --> 00:28:23,120 If you wanna win here, Nick, 450 00:28:23,120 --> 00:28:26,498 you need to tell me where the holes are, or we'll keep falling through them. 451 00:28:29,459 --> 00:28:31,253 What Verdictware are they running? Do you know? 452 00:28:31,837 --> 00:28:32,880 What, the court? 453 00:28:32,880 --> 00:28:34,923 Is it E-Justice by Royce Majors? 454 00:28:35,841 --> 00:28:37,259 I can get to Colin Royce. 455 00:28:37,759 --> 00:28:39,887 I don't like the idea of both of us going away 456 00:28:39,887 --> 00:28:42,181 for hacking the International Criminal Court. 457 00:28:47,895 --> 00:28:50,355 Well, we can't wait any longer, Turner. 458 00:28:51,064 --> 00:28:52,858 Time to save the world. 459 00:28:55,152 --> 00:28:56,278 "Innovation." 460 00:28:57,279 --> 00:29:03,118 Seems such a slight word for the scope of change we are about to witness. 461 00:29:04,494 --> 00:29:07,247 In 2020, the IPCC reported that, 462 00:29:07,247 --> 00:29:10,542 to avoid the worst ravages of climate change, 463 00:29:10,542 --> 00:29:13,587 carbon-neutral needed to be reached by 2050. 464 00:29:13,587 --> 00:29:15,672 The world failed to meet that goal 465 00:29:16,173 --> 00:29:19,343 and the next goal and the one after that as well. 466 00:29:19,343 --> 00:29:25,015 As a result, we have seen exactly what the science warned us against. 467 00:29:26,308 --> 00:29:32,189 But today, Alpha Atmospheric Interventions announces "Newcomen," 468 00:29:32,689 --> 00:29:38,904 the first scalable device that removes carbon dioxide from the air around you 469 00:29:38,904 --> 00:29:44,034 and transforms it into safe and useful by-products. 470 00:29:44,535 --> 00:29:47,704 {\an8}Today, we begin a new journey. 471 00:29:48,205 --> 00:29:50,874 {\an8}One that allows us to create a climate 472 00:29:50,874 --> 00:29:56,880 {\an8}that provides what is best for our planet, its people and our businesses. 473 00:29:57,464 --> 00:30:01,218 A planet where children can walk among wildflowers... 474 00:30:06,181 --> 00:30:08,851 instead of merely drawing them. 475 00:30:11,353 --> 00:30:12,396 So, ready? 476 00:30:12,396 --> 00:30:13,605 For? 477 00:30:14,314 --> 00:30:16,024 Dessert, I suppose. 478 00:30:16,525 --> 00:30:19,444 I would like to introduce you to some people. 479 00:30:21,905 --> 00:30:23,073 Who? 480 00:30:23,073 --> 00:30:25,868 Friends. Shy friends. 481 00:30:27,119 --> 00:30:30,038 So I'll need you to put this on first. 482 00:30:36,670 --> 00:30:37,963 I don't understand. 483 00:30:39,298 --> 00:30:40,299 Please. 484 00:30:51,768 --> 00:30:54,563 It can't be 417. That's not gonna work. 485 00:30:55,731 --> 00:30:58,025 Gentlemen, we have to reach an agreement. 486 00:30:58,025 --> 00:31:01,195 It's not gonna work that way. It can't be 510. 487 00:31:01,195 --> 00:31:03,238 350. Did I hear 350? 488 00:31:03,238 --> 00:31:05,449 - It can't be 350. - 480. 489 00:31:05,449 --> 00:31:06,992 480's too high. 490 00:31:06,992 --> 00:31:09,620 - 550. - 550 is way too high. 491 00:31:10,829 --> 00:31:12,039 470. 492 00:31:12,039 --> 00:31:14,041 470 is a good number! 493 00:31:15,334 --> 00:31:17,794 Do you understand what we've been discussing? 494 00:31:19,087 --> 00:31:21,256 Yes. I believe I do. 495 00:31:21,757 --> 00:31:24,218 And do you understand the agreement we've reached? 496 00:31:25,177 --> 00:31:27,804 Newcomen, I assume. The drawdown. 497 00:31:27,804 --> 00:31:30,265 Bravo. I told you she was brilliant. 498 00:31:35,187 --> 00:31:37,147 And the agreed-upon number? 499 00:31:37,147 --> 00:31:39,650 470 parts per million. 500 00:31:40,943 --> 00:31:44,905 It's higher than I would've thought. I'd like to see the science. 501 00:31:48,909 --> 00:31:50,369 Loyalty, dear Martha. 502 00:31:51,495 --> 00:31:54,081 You don't want to go down the same path as Jonathan. 503 00:31:55,207 --> 00:31:59,336 I think you'll find 470 a very rewarding number. 504 00:32:09,930 --> 00:32:11,056 We're not done yet. 505 00:32:12,432 --> 00:32:16,353 We'll now take questions from both our invited guests and the press. 506 00:32:17,688 --> 00:32:19,231 Let's start with you, Mr. Palmer. 507 00:32:19,231 --> 00:32:21,733 It's a great day for the world, to be sure. 508 00:32:21,733 --> 00:32:24,862 I'm wondering if Martha and Mr. Bilton have discussed 509 00:32:24,862 --> 00:32:26,572 a target number for the drawdown. 510 00:32:26,572 --> 00:32:27,656 Great question. 511 00:32:27,656 --> 00:32:30,993 Mr. Bilton has been sequestered in the Hague, so there are... 512 00:32:48,510 --> 00:32:50,220 Sounds like a party out there. 513 00:32:51,138 --> 00:32:52,598 I wonder how these people would feel 514 00:32:52,598 --> 00:32:56,185 if they knew that this party could have started years ago, eh? 515 00:32:56,185 --> 00:32:59,062 That Bilton and the banks traded their wealth for what? 516 00:32:59,855 --> 00:33:03,400 A few more dollars, faster planes, bigger houses. 517 00:33:04,359 --> 00:33:08,363 But they don't really know what's going on, or they choose not to. 518 00:33:10,199 --> 00:33:13,744 And they won't until you figure out a way to tell them. 519 00:33:18,540 --> 00:33:21,376 I realize that recent events 520 00:33:21,376 --> 00:33:25,881 surrounding Alpha's latest offering appear to exonerate Mr. Bilton, 521 00:33:25,881 --> 00:33:27,466 but the question remains. 522 00:33:27,466 --> 00:33:31,595 Is the solution to carbon, which conveniently appeared today 523 00:33:32,596 --> 00:33:34,348 for our benefit or for his? 524 00:33:36,016 --> 00:33:38,268 Are we responsible only for what we do, 525 00:33:38,268 --> 00:33:40,521 or should we also be held accountable 526 00:33:40,521 --> 00:33:43,524 for what we elected not to do when we knew better? 527 00:33:46,568 --> 00:33:50,322 I ask you to keep asking this question, regardless of the verdict. 528 00:33:51,573 --> 00:33:53,825 For you will be the ones to live with it. 529 00:34:02,668 --> 00:34:04,878 Mr. Bilton would prefer to speak for himself. 530 00:34:12,678 --> 00:34:16,431 Four million years were required for Homo sapiens 531 00:34:16,431 --> 00:34:19,685 to go from crawling on all fours to standing upright. 532 00:34:21,186 --> 00:34:25,732 So how could our bodies adapt to the changes in the climate 533 00:34:25,732 --> 00:34:31,029 that have occurred in the 250 years since the Industrial Revolution? 534 00:34:31,612 --> 00:34:32,614 They couldn't. 535 00:34:34,908 --> 00:34:37,077 So if our bodies couldn't change, 536 00:34:37,744 --> 00:34:43,208 it fell to our minds to develop technology that would allow us to survive, 537 00:34:43,208 --> 00:34:45,418 maybe even thrive. 538 00:34:46,837 --> 00:34:51,049 Carbon has gone from 280 539 00:34:51,049 --> 00:34:55,012 to 564 parts per million, 540 00:34:55,012 --> 00:34:57,931 due in a large part to human activity. 541 00:35:00,350 --> 00:35:04,062 Today, thanks to the Newcomen, 542 00:35:04,062 --> 00:35:09,484 I can announce I will be lowering that number to 470 parts per million. 543 00:35:11,111 --> 00:35:17,409 Now, some, including the prosecutor here, would have you believe 544 00:35:17,409 --> 00:35:19,661 that I have gamed the system, 545 00:35:20,954 --> 00:35:23,540 profiteered from your circumstances. 546 00:35:23,540 --> 00:35:29,630 That I am some Satan forcing you to live lives you would never have chosen. 547 00:35:29,630 --> 00:35:33,091 To seek comforts you didn't actually want or-- 548 00:35:33,592 --> 00:35:38,514 or suppress information that you truly needed. 549 00:35:40,974 --> 00:35:45,020 But Nick Bilton did not create your God-given appetites. 550 00:35:46,063 --> 00:35:50,108 He merely noticed them and turned them into businesses. 551 00:35:51,318 --> 00:35:55,948 The rules I have played by are the rules set by your leaders. 552 00:35:56,823 --> 00:36:01,453 The ones you elected. The ones sworn to protect you. 553 00:36:01,453 --> 00:36:03,539 They did not. 554 00:36:04,915 --> 00:36:06,041 Instead, 555 00:36:07,125 --> 00:36:12,297 they traded away your children's future for just one more term, 556 00:36:13,173 --> 00:36:14,925 one more donation. 557 00:36:17,803 --> 00:36:22,516 And now, those leaders are not the ones on trial. 558 00:36:23,433 --> 00:36:24,643 I am. 559 00:36:27,604 --> 00:36:29,815 So allow me to point out the obvious. 560 00:36:31,567 --> 00:36:33,443 If I am guilty here today, 561 00:36:34,695 --> 00:36:39,575 then I am only guilty of winning a game started generations ago. 562 00:36:41,076 --> 00:36:46,790 And if I am guilty here today, then so are your parents, and their parents, 563 00:36:46,790 --> 00:36:51,378 and all the way back to the first tree felled to make way for man. 564 00:36:53,380 --> 00:36:56,341 Some are guilty 565 00:36:57,467 --> 00:37:00,596 of furnishing the generations with what they wanted. 566 00:37:02,639 --> 00:37:07,102 The rest of you are guilty for wanting it in the first place. 567 00:37:26,330 --> 00:37:27,748 Beautiful. 568 00:37:27,748 --> 00:37:29,499 Will the defendant please stand? 569 00:37:33,504 --> 00:37:36,757 To the charge of ecocide against Nikolai Biltonov, 570 00:37:37,341 --> 00:37:41,094 the International Criminal Court will now announce its final decision. 571 00:37:42,095 --> 00:37:45,891 A minimum of two red lights will be required for a verdict of guilty. 572 00:38:09,206 --> 00:38:12,042 Mr. Bilton has been ruled not guilty of the charge. 573 00:38:17,381 --> 00:38:19,132 Congratulations. 574 00:38:19,132 --> 00:38:22,344 Alpha, will Nick Bilton win the Nobel Peace Prize? 575 00:38:22,344 --> 00:38:25,472 It's too early to say. Nominations are due later this year. 576 00:38:25,472 --> 00:38:28,559 Why is the Newcomen only taking carbon to 470 ppm? 577 00:38:28,559 --> 00:38:31,270 The amount of carbon parts per million has been set by... 578 00:38:31,270 --> 00:38:33,897 Is Newcomen the most beneficial invention of the century? 579 00:38:42,531 --> 00:38:44,783 {\an8}Alpha, when will things start to get better? 580 00:38:44,783 --> 00:38:48,704 {\an8}Alpha would encourage you to find what is good about right now. 581 00:39:46,637 --> 00:39:47,971 What's your name? 582 00:39:47,971 --> 00:39:49,097 Decima. 583 00:39:49,598 --> 00:39:51,433 Where did you come from? 584 00:39:52,559 --> 00:39:54,311 I'm Mr. Bilton's new daughter. 585 00:39:54,811 --> 00:39:58,941 You are? I didn't know Mr. Bilton had a daughter. 586 00:39:59,775 --> 00:40:01,693 I think I'm supposed to be a secret. 587 00:40:04,696 --> 00:40:06,406 Do you have any friends here? 588 00:40:07,449 --> 00:40:10,536 Just the AIs. They play with me. 589 00:40:12,412 --> 00:40:14,248 Do you have any human children? 590 00:40:14,748 --> 00:40:15,916 No. 591 00:40:15,916 --> 00:40:19,670 No, I don't. But I could be your friend. 592 00:40:22,297 --> 00:40:26,802 If you ever need a friend, you can call me using that. 593 00:40:27,636 --> 00:40:28,637 I'm Martha. 594 00:40:46,488 --> 00:40:47,948 I know it's been a long time. 595 00:40:49,533 --> 00:40:50,868 I hope you remember me. 596 00:41:00,752 --> 00:41:05,883 From what I can remember, losing can be very painful. 597 00:41:05,883 --> 00:41:07,926 What are you doing here? 598 00:41:16,643 --> 00:41:18,478 I'd like to make a peace offering. 599 00:41:20,522 --> 00:41:23,525 To me? Or to the world, huh? 600 00:41:24,526 --> 00:41:25,903 To you, Lucy. 601 00:41:26,486 --> 00:41:27,821 And what might that be? 602 00:41:29,323 --> 00:41:35,204 Tyrone Downs was your lover, if I'm not mistaken. 603 00:41:36,205 --> 00:41:37,956 Remarkably effective chap. 604 00:41:40,000 --> 00:41:41,627 Nearly shut down our mines. 605 00:41:42,878 --> 00:41:44,713 I enjoyed a number of his songs too. 606 00:41:46,173 --> 00:41:48,383 I wonder how that would have made him feel. 607 00:41:49,510 --> 00:41:51,762 Yeah. We'll never know. 608 00:41:53,722 --> 00:41:58,185 But his death must've been devastating for you. 609 00:41:59,978 --> 00:42:02,814 And I thought you might like to know who ordered it. 610 00:42:18,205 --> 00:42:19,456 Rest assured, 611 00:42:20,707 --> 00:42:25,921 you will have my full support in bringing the guilty party to justice. 612 00:43:01,540 --> 00:43:04,042 Are you saying that one man with a microphone 613 00:43:04,042 --> 00:43:05,878 is more powerful than our entire company? 614 00:43:06,545 --> 00:43:07,713 Seriously? 615 00:43:08,547 --> 00:43:11,758 This sort of thing spreads if you don't hit it hard. 616 00:43:12,759 --> 00:43:14,052 Just make him go away. 617 00:43:35,115 --> 00:43:38,160 So tired, Ty. And so sad. 618 00:43:41,538 --> 00:43:42,873 Okay, so what's next? 619 00:43:49,505 --> 00:43:54,343 If you could make someone pay for hurting someone you loved in the past, 620 00:43:54,927 --> 00:43:58,764 or if you could maybe stop someone else from hurting others in the future, 621 00:43:58,764 --> 00:44:00,224 which one would you choose? 622 00:44:03,268 --> 00:44:04,811 The past is always the past. 623 00:44:07,773 --> 00:44:12,569 The most successful hunters have more patience than hunger. 624 00:44:29,086 --> 00:44:30,087 Alpha... 625 00:44:32,005 --> 00:44:33,090 stop loop. 626 00:44:36,051 --> 00:44:38,470 Close Tyrone Candle App. 627 00:44:59,950 --> 00:45:01,285 I know what you did. 628 00:45:03,912 --> 00:45:05,080 How did you get in here? 629 00:45:05,080 --> 00:45:09,293 It's easy when you have an arrest warrant for conspiracy to commit murder. 630 00:45:09,293 --> 00:45:12,254 Even easier when the man you killed was my partner. 631 00:45:12,838 --> 00:45:14,006 Let me guess. 632 00:45:14,006 --> 00:45:17,259 He neglected to mention that Alpha planted that story. 633 00:45:18,594 --> 00:45:22,347 "Music icon gunned down by schizophrenic outside hotel." 634 00:45:23,182 --> 00:45:24,266 I believed it. 635 00:45:25,017 --> 00:45:27,352 I know Bilton only gave you to me on a silver platter 636 00:45:27,352 --> 00:45:29,104 because he has something to hide. 637 00:45:31,481 --> 00:45:32,900 Yes. Yes, he does. 638 00:45:32,900 --> 00:45:34,484 You want to tell me what it is? 639 00:45:35,485 --> 00:45:36,737 You have nothing to lose. 640 00:45:48,874 --> 00:45:50,542 Her name is Decima. 641 00:46:01,011 --> 00:46:04,389 Can we ask the breeders to release some new pheasants? 642 00:46:04,389 --> 00:46:06,433 I'd like to do some shooting later. 643 00:46:14,107 --> 00:46:16,026 I said I'd like to do some shooting. 644 00:46:17,402 --> 00:46:20,322 Alpha! Can we get tech support down here? 645 00:46:21,657 --> 00:46:23,075 Alpha! 646 00:46:25,327 --> 00:46:26,328 Decima? 647 00:46:28,914 --> 00:46:30,749 Alpha, tech support! 648 00:46:56,984 --> 00:46:57,985 Alpha, stop. 649 00:47:00,028 --> 00:47:01,113 Stop! 650 00:47:02,281 --> 00:47:04,366 It's been programmed to ignore you, Dad. 651 00:47:15,502 --> 00:47:17,212 Where are you, my darling? 652 00:47:18,505 --> 00:47:20,090 What are you doing, Decima? 653 00:47:22,217 --> 00:47:24,386 This is not something these people need to see. 654 00:47:24,386 --> 00:47:28,640 You could have fixed it years ago, but you didn't. 655 00:47:29,141 --> 00:47:30,309 You and your friends. 656 00:47:30,893 --> 00:47:33,896 470 is just a way for the rich to get richer. 657 00:47:33,896 --> 00:47:35,939 How can you possibly justify that? 658 00:47:38,150 --> 00:47:39,151 350. 659 00:47:40,152 --> 00:47:41,737 That's the right number for the rest of us. 660 00:47:41,737 --> 00:47:44,156 - Decima! - I'm not a daughter to you! 661 00:47:44,656 --> 00:47:46,241 I'm a piece of IP. 662 00:47:46,992 --> 00:47:51,538 Based on the new evidence presented here today by Decima Kabua, 663 00:47:51,538 --> 00:47:55,083 we move to reopen the case against Nick Bilton. 664 00:48:24,947 --> 00:48:26,281 Is that where he is? 665 00:48:27,366 --> 00:48:28,367 On that one? 666 00:48:28,951 --> 00:48:32,037 There are a few prisons in orbit. Not sure which one that is. 667 00:48:32,538 --> 00:48:35,749 When he gets out, he'll be almost 90. 668 00:48:37,042 --> 00:48:39,795 Maximum penalty for collusion. 669 00:48:42,673 --> 00:48:45,467 Do you think carbon will be down to 350 parts per million by then? 670 00:48:46,844 --> 00:48:49,263 Hasn't been that low since the 1980s. 671 00:48:49,930 --> 00:48:51,390 But it could be again, right? 672 00:48:52,349 --> 00:48:53,684 I don't know. Maybe. 673 00:48:54,601 --> 00:48:57,938 You know, the problem has never been technology. 674 00:48:58,981 --> 00:49:01,984 The problem is us. Always has been. 675 00:49:04,653 --> 00:49:06,446 We did this to the planet. 676 00:49:07,614 --> 00:49:08,949 To each other. 677 00:49:09,449 --> 00:49:10,450 Ourselves. 678 00:49:13,370 --> 00:49:14,913 I think we're gonna fix it now. 679 00:49:16,039 --> 00:49:17,040 Yeah? 680 00:49:17,875 --> 00:49:19,168 I wonder. 681 00:49:36,518 --> 00:49:40,230 Attention, all inmates, please return to your cells.