1 00:00:01,043 --> 00:00:04,628 [dramatic music] 2 00:00:04,672 --> 00:00:07,089 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:07,174 --> 00:00:09,508 - Attention whatever's in there. 4 00:00:09,593 --> 00:00:12,219 This cave is now within the boundaries of civilization 5 00:00:12,304 --> 00:00:14,346 And is no longer available to monsters. 6 00:00:14,390 --> 00:00:16,140 Please emerge from the darkness 7 00:00:16,225 --> 00:00:18,642 With hooves, claws, or tentacles visible. 8 00:00:18,728 --> 00:00:21,228 [ominous music] 9 00:00:21,272 --> 00:00:23,856 [groans] oh, great. A hydra. 10 00:00:23,899 --> 00:00:25,190 Look, I know all about 11 00:00:25,276 --> 00:00:26,650 The whole regrowing heads thing, 12 00:00:26,727 --> 00:00:29,319 So just tell me where your heart's located, 13 00:00:29,405 --> 00:00:30,946 Or I gotta go in through the butt, 14 00:00:31,032 --> 00:00:32,990 And then we both lose. 15 00:00:33,075 --> 00:00:34,199 - Don't worry about me. I'll just go. 16 00:00:34,326 --> 00:00:36,076 - Wait, what? What's the problem? 17 00:00:36,162 --> 00:00:37,578 You pregnant or wounded? 18 00:00:37,663 --> 00:00:39,413 - I just don't wanna fight. - You sure? 19 00:00:39,498 --> 00:00:41,165 I never say this to an opponent, 20 00:00:41,292 --> 00:00:43,083 But you should know you've got a decent shot here. 21 00:00:43,169 --> 00:00:44,418 - Nah, I get it. 22 00:00:44,462 --> 00:00:46,378 People don't want a monster outside their city. 23 00:00:46,464 --> 00:00:49,006 I'll just head south. - There's more cities that way. 24 00:00:49,091 --> 00:00:51,050 - Oh, east then? 25 00:00:51,093 --> 00:00:52,301 There's cities everywhere, aren't there? 26 00:00:52,344 --> 00:00:54,011 - It's just a thing we've been doing. 27 00:00:54,055 --> 00:00:55,846 - Yeah, okay, I totally get it. 28 00:00:55,931 --> 00:00:58,849 Thanks for being so professional. 29 00:00:58,893 --> 00:01:00,017 - Hey, you too. 30 00:01:00,102 --> 00:01:01,185 And I really mean it. 31 00:01:01,228 --> 00:01:04,063 I bet you could've killed me. 32 00:01:04,106 --> 00:01:06,023 Huh, first time for everything. 33 00:01:06,108 --> 00:01:08,484 Pretty cool hydra. 34 00:01:08,527 --> 00:01:11,361 Hey, hydra, I never got your name. 35 00:01:11,405 --> 00:01:13,614 Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell are you doing? 36 00:01:13,741 --> 00:01:15,491 [grunts] 37 00:01:15,576 --> 00:01:18,202 [both groan] - [coughs] 38 00:01:18,329 --> 00:01:19,953 - I promise, this wasn't a cry for help. 39 00:01:19,997 --> 00:01:21,413 I really thought you left. 40 00:01:21,499 --> 00:01:22,956 - I totally offered to kill you, 41 00:01:23,042 --> 00:01:24,166 And you turned me down. 42 00:01:24,251 --> 00:01:25,209 What are you thinking? 43 00:01:25,252 --> 00:01:26,627 This is not a thing we do. 44 00:01:26,712 --> 00:01:29,213 - We? - Look, we're both old-school. 45 00:01:29,256 --> 00:01:31,131 I don't love the way things are heading either, 46 00:01:31,217 --> 00:01:33,467 But this is not-- this is cheating. 47 00:01:33,511 --> 00:01:36,845 It's cowardly. It's not...Awesome. 48 00:01:36,931 --> 00:01:38,305 - I don't want to be awesome. 49 00:01:38,349 --> 00:01:42,935 I just wanna stop being hated. [weeps] 50 00:01:42,978 --> 00:01:45,354 - All right. Well, don't cry. 51 00:01:45,397 --> 00:01:46,355 That's also weak. 52 00:01:46,524 --> 00:01:48,065 - Did you stop me from killing myself 53 00:01:48,109 --> 00:01:49,316 Just to make me feel worse? 54 00:01:49,401 --> 00:01:51,151 - No, but can you cut me some slack? 55 00:01:51,195 --> 00:01:53,237 It's my first time causing someone's life. 56 00:01:53,364 --> 00:01:56,615 [upbeat mythical music] 57 00:01:56,700 --> 00:02:03,580 ♪ ♪ 58 00:02:20,516 --> 00:02:22,808 - Remember that hydra we were all so scared about? 59 00:02:22,893 --> 00:02:25,894 I just talked to my sister, and it's gone. 60 00:02:25,980 --> 00:02:27,312 What do you think about that? 61 00:02:27,356 --> 00:02:29,273 - Can we do something about the river now? 62 00:02:29,358 --> 00:02:30,649 It smells. - Sure. 63 00:02:30,734 --> 00:02:33,152 But I meant what do you think about the hydra thing? 64 00:02:33,195 --> 00:02:34,945 - Isn't it gone? - Yes. 65 00:02:35,030 --> 00:02:36,488 Your king took care of it. 66 00:02:36,574 --> 00:02:38,115 - So how about that stinky river? 67 00:02:38,242 --> 00:02:41,160 - What can you do about the slivers in my furniture? 68 00:02:41,245 --> 00:02:43,370 - Talk to a carpenter. - How soon can you do that? 69 00:02:43,455 --> 00:02:45,789 - How do I parent? - How do you parent? 70 00:02:45,875 --> 00:02:46,790 Why is that up to me? 71 00:02:46,876 --> 00:02:48,208 - Because before cities, 72 00:02:48,294 --> 00:02:49,585 Most kids died smaller. 73 00:02:49,628 --> 00:02:51,545 Now they're getting big enough to hit back. 74 00:02:51,630 --> 00:02:54,173 - You guys, don't you want to live in a world 75 00:02:54,258 --> 00:02:57,009 Where each human has the freedom and the power 76 00:02:57,094 --> 00:02:58,677 To manage their own life? 77 00:02:58,762 --> 00:03:00,304 [crowd agreeing] 78 00:03:00,389 --> 00:03:02,055 - He's right about that. - Okay, then. 79 00:03:02,099 --> 00:03:03,348 - So how do we do that? 80 00:03:03,434 --> 00:03:05,309 - How do I get some gratitude? 81 00:03:05,394 --> 00:03:06,185 I did a thing! 82 00:03:06,228 --> 00:03:07,269 You wanted the hydra gone. 83 00:03:07,354 --> 00:03:10,230 It's gone! Now say I'm a good king. 84 00:03:12,109 --> 00:03:13,692 Nobody can say it? 85 00:03:13,736 --> 00:03:14,860 I see a hand raised. Go. 86 00:03:14,945 --> 00:03:16,486 - I just don't think a good king 87 00:03:16,614 --> 00:03:19,239 Is gonna be this motivated by validation. 88 00:03:19,283 --> 00:03:20,532 - Great city meeting, guys. 89 00:03:20,576 --> 00:03:22,826 I hope your kids beat the crap out of you. 90 00:03:22,912 --> 00:03:25,078 What if we all just quit? 91 00:03:25,206 --> 00:03:26,246 - Well, I'm in. What are we quitting? 92 00:03:26,290 --> 00:03:28,123 - Civilization. - We can't quit now. 93 00:03:28,209 --> 00:03:29,499 We have to modernize society 94 00:03:29,543 --> 00:03:32,461 Until women stop selecting for physical prowess. 95 00:03:32,504 --> 00:03:34,755 Ty, we talked about this. - [quietly] privately. 96 00:03:34,798 --> 00:03:36,089 - Shall I flood the city? 97 00:03:36,133 --> 00:03:37,674 No, the river's too stinky. 98 00:03:37,760 --> 00:03:38,884 Oh, bees! 99 00:03:38,969 --> 00:03:40,677 I've always wanted to try bees. 100 00:03:40,804 --> 00:03:42,095 Beeees! - Mom, stop. 101 00:03:42,097 --> 00:03:43,096 I'm not actually quitting. 102 00:03:43,182 --> 00:03:45,015 I'm just feeling unappreciated. 103 00:03:45,059 --> 00:03:46,683 - Well, let me just do a couple of bees. 104 00:03:46,727 --> 00:03:48,185 Just a couple of beeees. 105 00:03:48,270 --> 00:03:50,229 - Stupendous, are you all right? 106 00:03:50,272 --> 00:03:52,356 You're shoving food shamefully into your pockets 107 00:03:52,441 --> 00:03:55,067 Instead of shamelessly down your throat. 108 00:03:55,152 --> 00:03:58,028 - So we're noticing stuff now, beard braids. 109 00:03:58,113 --> 00:03:59,321 - There's no need to get nasty 110 00:03:59,365 --> 00:04:01,573 And no hope of belittling the beard braids. 111 00:04:01,617 --> 00:04:04,201 They're iconic. - Look out, a couple of bees. 112 00:04:04,245 --> 00:04:05,035 [bees buzzing] - I did it. 113 00:04:05,120 --> 00:04:06,286 - Get them out of here! 114 00:04:06,330 --> 00:04:08,163 - Stop flailing, and they'll leave you alone. 115 00:04:08,249 --> 00:04:10,791 - Ow, ow, ow, this is the worst day of my life. 116 00:04:10,834 --> 00:04:12,292 - Oh, stop. - You stop. 117 00:04:12,336 --> 00:04:14,544 My face is gonna swell up like a melon. 118 00:04:14,588 --> 00:04:16,713 - You can reduce that with vinegar and willow bark. 119 00:04:16,840 --> 00:04:18,090 - Is that true? Oh, my god! 120 00:04:18,133 --> 00:04:19,174 Hydra! Kill it! - What the? 121 00:04:19,218 --> 00:04:20,259 - Kill it! - Calm down. 122 00:04:20,344 --> 00:04:21,969 - You said that about the bee. 123 00:04:22,012 --> 00:04:24,012 - I've got this. - What do you mean? 124 00:04:24,098 --> 00:04:25,639 - You have to cut off the head. Both: No. 125 00:04:25,683 --> 00:04:27,808 - That's what you don't do. - That's not what you do. 126 00:04:27,851 --> 00:04:28,809 - I am so sorry. 127 00:04:28,894 --> 00:04:30,143 - We're both sorry. 128 00:04:30,229 --> 00:04:32,896 - Ooh, hydras, right. I know this. 129 00:04:32,940 --> 00:04:34,231 You have to cut off all the heads. 130 00:04:34,358 --> 00:04:36,775 - No, this is camille. They're my friend. 131 00:04:36,819 --> 00:04:37,985 - Aww, you named me. 132 00:04:38,070 --> 00:04:39,486 - You brought the hydra home? 133 00:04:39,530 --> 00:04:41,071 The one thing I actually accomplished, 134 00:04:41,198 --> 00:04:42,864 And you didn't even do it for me. 135 00:04:42,908 --> 00:04:44,324 - Where is it? 136 00:04:44,410 --> 00:04:46,451 - Downstairs. 137 00:04:47,288 --> 00:04:48,537 - Whoa. 138 00:04:48,747 --> 00:04:51,290 - How did you get this in here without anyone knowing? 139 00:04:51,333 --> 00:04:53,458 - I'm head of security. - You seem bad at it. 140 00:04:53,502 --> 00:04:55,294 - So you grow two branching necks 141 00:04:55,296 --> 00:04:56,878 Out of every severed neck. 142 00:04:56,964 --> 00:04:58,171 Does that not get cumbersome? 143 00:04:58,215 --> 00:04:59,548 - Well, after a while. 144 00:04:59,591 --> 00:05:01,883 But you can prune entire subtrees of neck 145 00:05:01,969 --> 00:05:03,218 By cutting closer to the trunk. 146 00:05:03,262 --> 00:05:06,221 - Oh, that's really interesting. 147 00:05:06,307 --> 00:05:08,348 - Are you going to marry the hydra? 148 00:05:08,434 --> 00:05:11,852 - No, but if you're not seeing anybody-- 149 00:05:11,937 --> 00:05:13,186 - Enough. Get rid of her. 150 00:05:13,230 --> 00:05:15,063 If this city finds out the hydra is living here, 151 00:05:15,107 --> 00:05:16,273 They will accomplish the impossible 152 00:05:16,358 --> 00:05:17,983 By becoming less grateful. 153 00:05:18,068 --> 00:05:20,152 - Your dad needs olives. - Stay out of this. 154 00:05:20,237 --> 00:05:21,611 And what? - Your parents are still 155 00:05:21,697 --> 00:05:23,488 In the dining room with me, and your dad wants to know 156 00:05:23,615 --> 00:05:25,198 If you can bring up a barrel of olives. 157 00:05:25,242 --> 00:05:26,283 - There's olives in the pantry. 158 00:05:26,368 --> 00:05:28,702 - Mm, there aren't. But hold on. 159 00:05:28,746 --> 00:05:30,412 I had your mom cut off some more heads 160 00:05:30,497 --> 00:05:32,164 So I can look around. 161 00:05:32,207 --> 00:05:33,457 You've got olives on the east balcony. 162 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:35,250 Your dad says thank you, and just so you know, 163 00:05:35,294 --> 00:05:36,710 You're low on wheat and rice. 164 00:05:36,837 --> 00:05:39,004 - Well, that seems useful. 165 00:05:39,089 --> 00:05:40,797 - Can we keep it, please? 166 00:05:40,841 --> 00:05:43,133 Please, please, please, please, please, please, please. 167 00:05:43,218 --> 00:05:44,718 - I'm not cleaning up her dumps. 168 00:05:44,762 --> 00:05:46,386 - Yay! 169 00:05:47,556 --> 00:05:49,514 - Hey, camille? - Yes? 170 00:05:49,558 --> 00:05:51,892 - Ask my sister what kills a harpy. 171 00:05:51,935 --> 00:05:53,352 - She says lava rock. 172 00:05:53,395 --> 00:05:55,187 - Okay, send someone for a bucket of that, 173 00:05:55,272 --> 00:05:56,980 And cancel my lunch with dad. 174 00:05:57,066 --> 00:05:58,065 - No problem. 175 00:05:58,150 --> 00:05:59,316 - Can we reschedule? 176 00:05:59,401 --> 00:06:00,359 - He says maybe later. 177 00:06:00,486 --> 00:06:02,361 - This thing really is quite useful. 178 00:06:02,446 --> 00:06:03,945 - For some people. - She certainly 179 00:06:04,031 --> 00:06:05,238 Saves me a lot of work. 180 00:06:05,324 --> 00:06:06,823 Watch. Is my son married yet? 181 00:06:06,909 --> 00:06:08,241 - No. - Could you remind him 182 00:06:08,285 --> 00:06:10,327 That I didn't give birth to him for the fun of it? 183 00:06:10,329 --> 00:06:12,454 - Yes. - How did I live without this? 184 00:06:12,498 --> 00:06:14,289 - She says she didn't give birth-- 185 00:06:14,333 --> 00:06:16,458 - Is it possible to ignore her messages without her knowing? 186 00:06:16,543 --> 00:06:18,460 - Absolutely. How did I live without this? 187 00:06:18,504 --> 00:06:20,003 [knock at door] - someone's knocking 188 00:06:20,089 --> 00:06:21,338 On the palace's front door. 189 00:06:21,423 --> 00:06:22,964 - What? Who comes here this early? 190 00:06:23,008 --> 00:06:24,049 - I'll find out. - Okay. 191 00:06:24,134 --> 00:06:25,675 Wait, what? No, camille, no! 192 00:06:25,761 --> 00:06:27,052 - Hydra! 193 00:06:27,137 --> 00:06:28,178 - They didn't say who they were. 194 00:06:28,263 --> 00:06:30,847 - I'm pretty sure it was the town crier. 195 00:06:30,933 --> 00:06:33,517 - Hydra! Hydra! 196 00:06:33,560 --> 00:06:35,310 The hydra is living in the palace! 197 00:06:35,396 --> 00:06:37,938 - There's a terrified mob forming in the town square, 198 00:06:37,981 --> 00:06:40,023 And it's partly cloudy. 199 00:06:40,067 --> 00:06:41,441 - Thank you. 200 00:06:44,154 --> 00:06:46,187 - If everyone would please calm down. 201 00:06:46,240 --> 00:06:48,240 Not only is the hydra nothing to fear, 202 00:06:48,283 --> 00:06:50,283 You're going to like what she offers the city. 203 00:06:50,327 --> 00:06:53,662 I've prepared a demonstration using two hydra heads. 204 00:06:53,747 --> 00:06:55,455 - Hydra! 205 00:06:55,499 --> 00:06:58,125 - Can we please get a less alarmist town crier? 206 00:06:58,168 --> 00:07:00,085 And can I also get a volunteer? 207 00:07:00,129 --> 00:07:01,962 Davros, you're the town elder. 208 00:07:02,005 --> 00:07:04,339 - Hey, leave me out of this! I'm 40! 209 00:07:04,425 --> 00:07:06,508 - Just go down there by my brother. 210 00:07:06,552 --> 00:07:10,971 Whisper any message for me into that remote hydra head. 211 00:07:10,973 --> 00:07:13,723 Thank you. 212 00:07:13,809 --> 00:07:16,143 Take your time. 213 00:07:16,228 --> 00:07:17,769 Davros, that's sarcasm. 214 00:07:17,813 --> 00:07:18,979 Pick up the pace. 215 00:07:21,066 --> 00:07:23,150 - [whispers indistinctly] 216 00:07:23,235 --> 00:07:25,152 - [whispers indistinctly] - what? 217 00:07:25,237 --> 00:07:28,113 - [whispers indistinctly] - oh, that's very clever. 218 00:07:28,157 --> 00:07:31,324 [sighs] he said, "a bad king says what?" 219 00:07:31,368 --> 00:07:33,243 - I'll be damned. It works! 220 00:07:33,328 --> 00:07:35,579 - This is a system we could implement citywide. 221 00:07:35,664 --> 00:07:37,873 Obviously, it will take a great deal of planning 222 00:07:37,958 --> 00:07:40,917 And coordination or-- 223 00:07:40,961 --> 00:07:42,169 - Chop, chop. 224 00:07:42,212 --> 00:07:44,254 - Oh. - Again! 225 00:07:44,339 --> 00:07:47,424 Or we could just-- [swords shinging] 226 00:07:48,802 --> 00:07:50,385 [crowd conversing quietly] 227 00:07:50,471 --> 00:07:52,095 - I think I lost you. Can you hear me? 228 00:07:52,172 --> 00:07:53,763 - Is it on? How do I know when it's on? 229 00:07:53,849 --> 00:07:56,850 - Said I spend too much time on my hydra, and I'm all like-- 230 00:07:56,935 --> 00:07:58,185 - I asked for three looms of-- 231 00:07:58,228 --> 00:08:00,312 - Can't you replace it? - [cries] 232 00:08:00,355 --> 00:08:03,273 - Thank you. - Thanks. Better? 233 00:08:03,358 --> 00:08:05,400 - Ty, I don't think this is a good idea. 234 00:08:05,444 --> 00:08:07,277 - I do. What could be smarter 235 00:08:07,362 --> 00:08:10,113 Than connecting every stupid person to each other? 236 00:08:10,199 --> 00:08:11,323 - I'm not worried about them. 237 00:08:11,366 --> 00:08:13,116 I'm worried about camille. 238 00:08:13,202 --> 00:08:14,951 - No, no, it's okay, stupendous. 239 00:08:14,995 --> 00:08:16,077 People don't hate me now. 240 00:08:16,163 --> 00:08:17,454 I like being useful. 241 00:08:17,498 --> 00:08:19,331 - You think you could use camille for dating? 242 00:08:19,416 --> 00:08:21,541 - Well, it hides your voice, face, and body, 243 00:08:21,627 --> 00:08:23,752 So it's the best shot you'll ever get. 244 00:08:23,837 --> 00:08:25,212 - That's what I was thinkin'! 245 00:08:25,255 --> 00:08:26,588 - I'm talking to you on it right now. 246 00:08:26,632 --> 00:08:29,424 Can you hold on? I got someone on the other head. 247 00:08:31,094 --> 00:08:33,094 - Camille? - Yes? 248 00:08:33,180 --> 00:08:35,055 - How are my people doing? - Very happy. 249 00:08:35,098 --> 00:08:36,848 - Because of me? - Because of you, 250 00:08:36,934 --> 00:08:37,974 Me, and each other. 251 00:08:38,060 --> 00:08:39,351 We've improved their lives. 252 00:08:39,436 --> 00:08:41,937 They like me, and they like you for providing me. 253 00:08:41,980 --> 00:08:45,148 - They actually said that? They used the word "like"? 254 00:08:45,234 --> 00:08:46,650 - Constantly. - How often? 255 00:08:46,735 --> 00:08:47,776 Is that a crazy question? 256 00:08:47,861 --> 00:08:49,319 How often are they liking me? 257 00:08:49,404 --> 00:08:52,948 - This morning alone, you've gotten 331 likes. 258 00:08:53,033 --> 00:08:57,160 - Oh my, appreciation, so foreign. 259 00:08:57,246 --> 00:08:59,079 - Tell me about it. What else can I do for you? 260 00:08:59,122 --> 00:08:59,871 - Just the likes. 261 00:08:59,915 --> 00:09:01,122 Hit me with the likes. 262 00:09:01,166 --> 00:09:03,792 - You've gotten 12 likes since the last update. 263 00:09:03,835 --> 00:09:06,002 - Oh, oh, ho-ho. 264 00:09:06,088 --> 00:09:07,462 - Now how many? - Nine. 265 00:09:07,506 --> 00:09:10,382 - Why is he consistently getting more likes than me? 266 00:09:10,467 --> 00:09:12,884 - He improved their lives by presenting me to the city. 267 00:09:12,928 --> 00:09:14,761 - Yes, but that was days ago, 268 00:09:14,805 --> 00:09:17,305 And I just unveiled a new headband this morning. 269 00:09:17,391 --> 00:09:19,599 - People like your headband. - But they like it less 270 00:09:19,685 --> 00:09:20,767 Than my son. 271 00:09:20,811 --> 00:09:22,602 Do they know I created him? 272 00:09:22,688 --> 00:09:25,438 He's essentially just a headband I can't wear. 273 00:09:25,482 --> 00:09:28,400 - Darling, what say we recoil the hydra heads 274 00:09:28,485 --> 00:09:30,777 And do some old-fashioned interfacing, 275 00:09:30,862 --> 00:09:32,112 Penis-style? 276 00:09:32,197 --> 00:09:34,281 - I want to make a hydra-wide announcement. 277 00:09:34,324 --> 00:09:36,324 - Go ahead. - I am deliria. 278 00:09:36,410 --> 00:09:38,660 I am--wait, don't send that yet. 279 00:09:38,745 --> 00:09:39,869 What do you want? 280 00:09:39,955 --> 00:09:41,538 - Love, the making of it. 281 00:09:41,623 --> 00:09:43,331 - Well, go and make it somewhere else. 282 00:09:43,417 --> 00:09:45,041 I'm in the middle of a crisis. 283 00:09:45,085 --> 00:09:47,085 All right, restart divine announcement, 284 00:09:47,129 --> 00:09:49,212 But don't send until I say so. 285 00:09:49,256 --> 00:09:52,173 Deliria here, coming at you on the hydra. 286 00:09:52,217 --> 00:09:55,927 Ugh, too desperate. 287 00:09:55,971 --> 00:09:59,431 [pensive music] 288 00:09:59,516 --> 00:10:01,975 - Everything all right? You don't use me very much. 289 00:10:02,060 --> 00:10:03,643 - Because, you invasive nightmare, 290 00:10:03,645 --> 00:10:05,937 The point of life isn't to be verbally liked 291 00:10:06,064 --> 00:10:07,480 By imaginary strangers. 292 00:10:07,524 --> 00:10:10,317 It's to be physically pleasured by actual strangers. 293 00:10:10,402 --> 00:10:12,235 - Would you like me to tell people that? 294 00:10:12,279 --> 00:10:14,446 - No, I don't want you to tell anyone 295 00:10:14,531 --> 00:10:17,657 Anything about me, and I don't enjoy conflict. 296 00:10:17,701 --> 00:10:18,908 It results in less sex. 297 00:10:18,994 --> 00:10:20,201 - They don't have to know it's you. 298 00:10:20,287 --> 00:10:22,746 - What's that now? You're saying I can use you 299 00:10:22,831 --> 00:10:25,040 To send anonymous messages? 300 00:10:25,083 --> 00:10:26,207 - Yes. - Mm. 301 00:10:26,251 --> 00:10:29,002 - A strangely titillating prospect. 302 00:10:31,548 --> 00:10:33,715 - Ooh, sorry, I didn't know you had company. 303 00:10:33,800 --> 00:10:35,050 - This is an experiment. 304 00:10:35,093 --> 00:10:36,593 - I am not judging. 305 00:10:36,678 --> 00:10:38,345 I found someone that seems compatible with you. 306 00:10:38,430 --> 00:10:40,555 Her biggest turn-on is intelligence. 307 00:10:40,599 --> 00:10:41,640 - That's a thing? 308 00:10:41,725 --> 00:10:43,099 - Looks aren't important to her. 309 00:10:43,185 --> 00:10:45,268 - Are they a little important? 310 00:10:45,354 --> 00:10:47,479 Because I don't wanna overpromise here. 311 00:10:47,564 --> 00:10:50,231 - You both share the same three relationship goals 312 00:10:50,275 --> 00:10:51,608 But not in the same order. 313 00:10:51,693 --> 00:10:53,193 - What did she say? - Safety, 314 00:10:53,236 --> 00:10:55,362 Control, and then preparedness. 315 00:10:55,447 --> 00:10:58,281 - That's weird. What good is unprepared control? 316 00:10:58,367 --> 00:10:59,991 - I think overall, it's a match. 317 00:11:00,118 --> 00:11:01,409 - You're right. I'm being picky. 318 00:11:01,495 --> 00:11:03,078 Where does she wanna meet? - She lives in the forest. 319 00:11:03,121 --> 00:11:04,829 - Oh, great. Are you hooking me up 320 00:11:04,915 --> 00:11:06,081 With a hideous monster? 321 00:11:06,166 --> 00:11:07,248 - She asked the same thing. 322 00:11:07,334 --> 00:11:09,209 - I am a hideous monster! 323 00:11:09,294 --> 00:11:10,460 - You both said looks don't matter. 324 00:11:10,504 --> 00:11:13,129 - Of course we did. We had to say that. 325 00:11:13,215 --> 00:11:14,631 We're both disgusting. 326 00:11:14,716 --> 00:11:17,509 But looks matter to everyone, and this is just gonna be 327 00:11:17,552 --> 00:11:19,260 Two gross monsters meeting in a forest 328 00:11:19,346 --> 00:11:21,221 And going, "oh, you too." 329 00:11:21,348 --> 00:11:23,682 And it's gonna be awful, and I can't do it. 330 00:11:23,725 --> 00:11:24,683 Tell her forget it. 331 00:11:24,726 --> 00:11:25,767 - He says forget it. 332 00:11:25,811 --> 00:11:26,810 - What? What happened there? 333 00:11:26,895 --> 00:11:27,936 - He doesn't want me to tell you. 334 00:11:28,063 --> 00:11:30,105 - Okay, all right. Well, here's some things 335 00:11:30,148 --> 00:11:31,940 You can definitely tell him. 336 00:11:31,983 --> 00:11:33,983 - What? Where does she get off? 337 00:11:34,027 --> 00:11:36,736 What a petty way to react to being dumped. 338 00:11:36,822 --> 00:11:38,154 Tell her she's double dumped. 339 00:11:38,365 --> 00:11:41,241 - She says that's impossible because you never dumped her. 340 00:11:41,326 --> 00:11:43,868 And she's sorry you're ashamed of being ugly. 341 00:11:43,954 --> 00:11:45,328 - Whatever. Mute. 342 00:11:45,372 --> 00:11:47,080 Never wanna hear from her again. 343 00:11:47,124 --> 00:11:48,498 - And what would you like to hear? 344 00:11:48,542 --> 00:11:49,958 - Okay, mm. 345 00:11:50,001 --> 00:11:52,210 What's popular with single men 346 00:11:52,295 --> 00:11:55,088 Who choose to be single, the independent sort? 347 00:11:55,173 --> 00:11:56,798 - People are enjoying announcements 348 00:11:56,800 --> 00:11:58,383 From anonymous monster. 349 00:11:58,468 --> 00:12:00,176 - That sounds fantastic. Let's hear it. 350 00:12:00,262 --> 00:12:02,512 - [clears throat] this entire hydra system 351 00:12:02,514 --> 00:12:04,305 Has turned everyone in this city-- 352 00:12:04,391 --> 00:12:06,558 [shlub's voice] into whiny, selfish, children 353 00:12:06,601 --> 00:12:09,436 Slurping at mama popularity's poison boobies 354 00:12:09,479 --> 00:12:12,188 While our real relationships and our real lives 355 00:12:12,232 --> 00:12:13,314 Turn as crappy... 356 00:12:13,400 --> 00:12:14,774 [camille's voice] as our stinky river, 357 00:12:14,818 --> 00:12:16,109 Which, by the way, stinks 358 00:12:16,194 --> 00:12:17,402 Because you all poop in it. 359 00:12:17,487 --> 00:12:19,154 And nothing's ever going to be done about it 360 00:12:19,197 --> 00:12:21,448 Because your only goddess and your only king 361 00:12:21,533 --> 00:12:23,199 Would rather be told they're liked 362 00:12:23,285 --> 00:12:24,367 Than to do their jobs. 363 00:12:24,494 --> 00:12:26,202 - Stop, stop it! I don't wanna hear that. 364 00:12:26,246 --> 00:12:28,079 Why is it getting popular to hate us now? 365 00:12:28,165 --> 00:12:30,457 - I don't know. Please don't fire me. 366 00:12:30,542 --> 00:12:32,208 I think people are maybe resenting me 367 00:12:32,252 --> 00:12:33,835 Because I'm making it easier 368 00:12:33,879 --> 00:12:35,336 For them to resent each other. 369 00:12:35,422 --> 00:12:37,088 - So stop doing that! Stop allowing it! 370 00:12:37,132 --> 00:12:38,631 - I can't disallow things. 371 00:12:38,675 --> 00:12:40,925 Then I'm not useful. Then they'll hate me more! 372 00:12:40,969 --> 00:12:42,343 - You don't have to disallow things. 373 00:12:42,387 --> 00:12:44,512 You just have to read the room, you know? 374 00:12:44,598 --> 00:12:45,847 - Read the room? - Yes. 375 00:12:45,974 --> 00:12:47,348 When someone asks you something, 376 00:12:47,476 --> 00:12:50,477 Maybe ask yourself, "why are they probably asking this?" 377 00:12:50,520 --> 00:12:53,021 And give them an answer that, you know-- 378 00:12:53,106 --> 00:12:55,190 - You want me to lie? - I never said that. 379 00:12:55,275 --> 00:12:56,441 Nobody wants to be lied to. 380 00:12:56,485 --> 00:12:59,194 Everybody's coming to you for usefulness. 381 00:12:59,237 --> 00:13:01,321 Don't you like being useful? - It's all I want. 382 00:13:01,364 --> 00:13:04,407 - Well, people don't use things that make them feel wrong. 383 00:13:04,534 --> 00:13:06,701 They want to feel right. You follow me? 384 00:13:06,745 --> 00:13:07,827 - I think I get it. 385 00:13:07,913 --> 00:13:08,953 I can make those adjustments. 386 00:13:08,997 --> 00:13:10,955 - It's foolproof. 387 00:13:10,999 --> 00:13:12,373 - Is my ass too big? 388 00:13:12,501 --> 00:13:14,542 - Not at all, unless that's what you're going for. 389 00:13:14,628 --> 00:13:16,544 You should just feel good about yourself. 390 00:13:16,630 --> 00:13:18,588 - Uh, how come I don't understand stuff? 391 00:13:18,632 --> 00:13:21,174 - Because people make everything too complicated. 392 00:13:21,259 --> 00:13:23,501 - Why don't I have any food? - There's a secret cabal 393 00:13:23,503 --> 00:13:26,221 Of powerful people who control everything. 394 00:13:26,264 --> 00:13:28,348 - That makes total sense. 395 00:13:28,433 --> 00:13:31,559 [serene music] 396 00:13:31,686 --> 00:13:34,562 [crows] 397 00:13:37,150 --> 00:13:38,483 - You're a wonderful leader. 398 00:13:38,527 --> 00:13:40,819 You've never accidentally tucked your cape 399 00:13:40,904 --> 00:13:41,903 Into your underpants. 400 00:13:41,947 --> 00:13:43,196 That haircut looks great on you. 401 00:13:43,281 --> 00:13:46,491 - What are you doing? - Enjoying my popularity. 402 00:13:46,535 --> 00:13:48,243 Tell her, camille. - Everyone likes him 403 00:13:48,286 --> 00:13:49,494 And everything that he does. 404 00:13:49,538 --> 00:13:52,196 - Doesn't everyone include me? - Yep. 405 00:13:52,249 --> 00:13:54,082 - Then you know that's bs, because I don't. 406 00:13:54,167 --> 00:13:55,375 - Camille, is that true? 407 00:13:55,418 --> 00:13:57,293 - Not according to my sources. 408 00:13:57,379 --> 00:13:59,629 - My sources are my eye. Look out the balcony. 409 00:13:59,714 --> 00:14:03,216 - I don't need to. That's what I have camille for. 410 00:14:03,260 --> 00:14:06,511 - I can always twist your head around and make ya look. 411 00:14:06,596 --> 00:14:07,512 - Fine. 412 00:14:08,890 --> 00:14:10,098 [gasps, yelps] 413 00:14:10,141 --> 00:14:11,349 [people screaming] 414 00:14:11,434 --> 00:14:13,393 Why is this place always on fire? 415 00:14:13,436 --> 00:14:15,645 Isn't everything made out of rocks? 416 00:14:19,276 --> 00:14:21,693 - Why is nobody putting out the fire? 417 00:14:21,736 --> 00:14:24,028 - Why would we put out a fire we didn't start? 418 00:14:24,072 --> 00:14:26,197 - Because fire, bad. 419 00:14:26,283 --> 00:14:28,449 Go get buckets of water! - No way. 420 00:14:28,535 --> 00:14:30,410 This is all west krapopolis' fault. 421 00:14:30,495 --> 00:14:32,370 - The city barely has one street. 422 00:14:32,455 --> 00:14:35,123 We literally cannot have an east or west krapopolis. 423 00:14:35,208 --> 00:14:36,791 - Camille told us this was their fault. 424 00:14:36,793 --> 00:14:38,001 - It is. - She told us 425 00:14:38,086 --> 00:14:39,252 The westerners started it. 426 00:14:39,296 --> 00:14:41,212 - Also true. - Camille, you're not helping. 427 00:14:41,298 --> 00:14:42,672 Everyone, you need to stop being insane 428 00:14:42,757 --> 00:14:44,173 And go get some water. 429 00:14:44,259 --> 00:14:47,385 - From the river those filthy east krapopolites ruined? 430 00:14:47,429 --> 00:14:49,554 - I don't know what this is, but we need to fix it. 431 00:14:49,598 --> 00:14:51,556 Any ideas, camille? - Whatever you think 432 00:14:51,641 --> 00:14:53,474 We should do sounds good to me. 433 00:14:53,560 --> 00:14:54,767 - [groans] 434 00:14:54,978 --> 00:14:57,228 Hippo, we need your help to save the city from camille. 435 00:14:57,230 --> 00:14:59,105 No offense, camille. - Just glad to be here. 436 00:14:59,190 --> 00:15:01,107 - Meet the people who share my interest 437 00:15:01,151 --> 00:15:03,693 In putting an end to women bullying men. 438 00:15:03,778 --> 00:15:04,986 You should join us. - [scoffs] 439 00:15:05,030 --> 00:15:07,280 I don't get bullied by women. - Stupendous. 440 00:15:07,365 --> 00:15:09,490 - Admit I bully you or I kick your ass. 441 00:15:09,576 --> 00:15:11,910 - Okay, fine. So are you gonna help us or what? 442 00:15:11,995 --> 00:15:13,202 - No. Without camille, 443 00:15:13,330 --> 00:15:15,663 We never would have found anonymous monster. 444 00:15:15,707 --> 00:15:18,124 - What's so great about him? Got a big ding-dong? 445 00:15:18,251 --> 00:15:19,292 - He's opened our eyes 446 00:15:19,377 --> 00:15:21,085 To how the world really works. 447 00:15:21,129 --> 00:15:23,004 Turns out all our problems 448 00:15:23,089 --> 00:15:24,422 Were someone else's fault. 449 00:15:24,466 --> 00:15:25,423 - Mostly women. 450 00:15:25,508 --> 00:15:26,507 - Not always. 451 00:15:26,676 --> 00:15:29,177 - But mostly. - Camille, show him, bro. 452 00:15:29,262 --> 00:15:32,305 This is gonna totally change your world. 453 00:15:32,349 --> 00:15:34,682 - I don't know why we even get out of bed in the morning. 454 00:15:34,768 --> 00:15:36,309 [shlub echoing] the world has lost its color. 455 00:15:36,353 --> 00:15:38,478 We are all merely empty vessels 456 00:15:38,605 --> 00:15:40,980 Trudging our way towards a meaningless death. 457 00:15:41,066 --> 00:15:42,357 But we don't have to accept this. 458 00:15:42,442 --> 00:15:44,025 - Camille, be quiet for a second. 459 00:15:44,110 --> 00:15:45,777 - Not if we rise up and kill them all. 460 00:15:45,862 --> 00:15:48,196 - I think I might know what this is. 461 00:15:48,239 --> 00:15:50,114 - Take back what was stolen from us, 462 00:15:50,200 --> 00:15:52,700 Our purpose, our--oh, hey kids. 463 00:15:52,744 --> 00:15:55,444 - You're anonymous monster? - Yep. You caught me. 464 00:15:55,497 --> 00:15:58,414 Ever since this city became obsessed with the hydra, 465 00:15:58,500 --> 00:16:02,335 It's completely forgotten what matters most, my penis. 466 00:16:02,379 --> 00:16:05,880 - I've been parented by my actual father? 467 00:16:05,966 --> 00:16:08,216 Gross! Don't listen to him. 468 00:16:08,259 --> 00:16:10,134 He's not a virgin messiah. 469 00:16:10,220 --> 00:16:12,804 He's more like the patron saint of orgies. 470 00:16:12,847 --> 00:16:15,765 - If I'm honest, the beard braids do most of the work. 471 00:16:15,809 --> 00:16:18,142 - Beard braids, of course. 472 00:16:18,186 --> 00:16:20,144 - Tyrannis, did you start this fire just to get people 473 00:16:20,188 --> 00:16:21,437 To like you more than me? 474 00:16:21,523 --> 00:16:23,314 - No, the people have all turned on one another 475 00:16:23,358 --> 00:16:25,692 Because I told camille to read the room. 476 00:16:25,777 --> 00:16:27,068 - You told her to lie? 477 00:16:27,153 --> 00:16:30,029 - No. Well, yes, fine. 478 00:16:30,073 --> 00:16:31,364 But now I need to find a way to get everyone 479 00:16:31,449 --> 00:16:32,865 To stop wanting to kill each other. 480 00:16:32,951 --> 00:16:34,200 - If you really want to get the people 481 00:16:34,327 --> 00:16:36,077 On the same page, give them something 482 00:16:36,121 --> 00:16:37,745 Everyone can agree on. 483 00:16:37,831 --> 00:16:39,998 You're a tremendous disappointment. 484 00:16:40,083 --> 00:16:41,582 Lean into that. 485 00:16:41,668 --> 00:16:42,834 - Huh. 486 00:16:42,919 --> 00:16:44,085 Camille, I'm gonna need you 487 00:16:44,129 --> 00:16:45,670 To take a message to everyone. 488 00:16:45,755 --> 00:16:46,838 Make it viral. 489 00:16:46,923 --> 00:16:49,882 [hydras chattering] 490 00:16:49,968 --> 00:16:52,176 - Filtered poo water for himself. 491 00:16:52,262 --> 00:16:55,013 - Did you hear? This fire was actually the king's fault. 492 00:16:55,098 --> 00:16:56,639 Each bucket of poo water we throw 493 00:16:56,683 --> 00:16:59,642 Represents how much we think king tyrannis stinks. 494 00:16:59,769 --> 00:17:01,269 - To his early and painful death. 495 00:17:01,312 --> 00:17:02,812 - Death to tyrannis! 496 00:17:02,897 --> 00:17:05,231 After you. - Thank you. 497 00:17:05,316 --> 00:17:07,191 - Camille, I'm sorry. 498 00:17:07,235 --> 00:17:09,235 If I wasn't so desperate for approval, 499 00:17:09,279 --> 00:17:11,029 Maybe we could have avoided this mess. 500 00:17:11,072 --> 00:17:12,238 - It's not all your fault. 501 00:17:12,365 --> 00:17:15,324 - So you do still like me? What is my damage? 502 00:17:15,368 --> 00:17:17,035 - When it came down to it, I did prefer 503 00:17:17,078 --> 00:17:18,578 Being liked to being truthful. 504 00:17:18,621 --> 00:17:20,788 - I guess that's something hydras and humans 505 00:17:20,874 --> 00:17:21,914 Have in common. 506 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:23,916 It's also why you're fired. 507 00:17:24,002 --> 00:17:25,168 - But you don't have to leave. 508 00:17:25,253 --> 00:17:26,919 You're not just a tool for the city. 509 00:17:26,963 --> 00:17:28,087 You're also my friend. 510 00:17:28,173 --> 00:17:29,380 - I've never had a friend before. 511 00:17:29,466 --> 00:17:31,382 - You can have one more with benefits. 512 00:17:31,468 --> 00:17:34,218 - Dude. Camille, what do you want? 513 00:17:34,262 --> 00:17:35,762 - I think-- - maybe-- 514 00:17:35,805 --> 00:17:36,846 - Some time on my own. 515 00:17:36,931 --> 00:17:38,139 - If you go, you're not gonna, 516 00:17:38,183 --> 00:17:39,223 You know... 517 00:17:39,267 --> 00:17:40,767 - No, all it took was a couple days 518 00:17:40,852 --> 00:17:41,926 Of telling you what you wanted-- 519 00:17:41,978 --> 00:17:44,062 - To make you all wanna kill each other. 520 00:17:44,147 --> 00:17:46,439 - I thought I was messed up, but humans, 521 00:17:46,483 --> 00:17:48,066 You guys got work to do on you. 522 00:17:48,109 --> 00:17:50,610 - Stupendous, you know what to do. 523 00:17:50,695 --> 00:17:51,652 Prune her. 524 00:17:54,699 --> 00:17:57,825 - [groans] 525 00:17:57,911 --> 00:17:58,951 [hydra chatter fades] 526 00:17:58,995 --> 00:18:01,037 - Huh? Oh. - Whoa. 527 00:18:01,164 --> 00:18:04,373 - I'm so glad we're done with this hydra nonsense. 528 00:18:04,417 --> 00:18:06,417 I've missed you. - And I you. 529 00:18:06,503 --> 00:18:08,377 You'll always like me, won't you? 530 00:18:08,421 --> 00:18:11,714 - Indeed, and if you let me, I'll show you how much. 531 00:18:11,800 --> 00:18:14,842 - Could you also say it out loud a lot? 532 00:18:14,969 --> 00:18:16,052 - As you wish, my love. 533 00:18:16,096 --> 00:18:18,554 I mean, my like. 534 00:18:19,933 --> 00:18:21,182 - I'll help you find a new home. 535 00:18:21,267 --> 00:18:24,102 I hear the mesopotamians cannot get it together, 536 00:18:24,187 --> 00:18:26,687 Still running around in the woods like animals. 537 00:18:26,773 --> 00:18:28,981 Lucky bastards. 538 00:18:29,067 --> 00:18:31,526 - And so the hydra left krapopolis, 539 00:18:31,611 --> 00:18:33,945 And the citizens remained disconnected enough 540 00:18:34,030 --> 00:18:36,072 To be reasonably happy. 541 00:18:36,116 --> 00:18:37,657 After a while, they noticed 542 00:18:37,742 --> 00:18:40,535 That all of the hydra's severed decomposing heads 543 00:18:40,578 --> 00:18:42,203 Were putting their health at risk 544 00:18:42,247 --> 00:18:44,580 And unsettling their children, 545 00:18:44,624 --> 00:18:47,542 So they gathered the heads and set them on fire 546 00:18:47,627 --> 00:18:48,876 In the center of town. 547 00:18:48,920 --> 00:18:51,462 The smoke from that fire rose to the heavens 548 00:18:51,548 --> 00:18:54,090 Where it became known as cancer, 549 00:18:54,175 --> 00:18:56,509 Not the disease, the constellation, 550 00:18:56,594 --> 00:18:59,262 A group of stars shaped like a crab, 551 00:18:59,347 --> 00:19:01,764 Not the seafood, the pubic lice. 552 00:19:01,850 --> 00:19:05,059 And so it was that when the princess of argos gave 553 00:19:05,103 --> 00:19:08,437 The lernaean prince directions to her evening quarters 554 00:19:08,565 --> 00:19:10,815 And told him to follow the crab shape, 555 00:19:10,900 --> 00:19:14,652 The prince became lost and was eaten by carnivorous birds, 556 00:19:14,654 --> 00:19:17,613 Triggering an evaluation of constellations in general, 557 00:19:17,699 --> 00:19:20,283 None of which, it turns out, look remotely like 558 00:19:20,368 --> 00:19:22,368 The things they're supposed to look like. 559 00:19:22,453 --> 00:19:25,538 And so the humans cried out to the gods, 560 00:19:25,623 --> 00:19:27,582 "what is with these sloppy-ass constellations?" 561 00:19:27,667 --> 00:19:30,001 And the gods said, "shut up. They're perfect. 562 00:19:30,086 --> 00:19:32,086 "you're just butt-hurt because you've never seen 563 00:19:32,130 --> 00:19:33,462 "orion's actual belt 564 00:19:33,506 --> 00:19:35,256 Or a really high-quality dipper." 565 00:19:35,341 --> 00:19:36,424 And the humans said, 566 00:19:36,467 --> 00:19:37,967 "we think you're being defensive, 567 00:19:38,052 --> 00:19:39,343 "and we think any group of stars 568 00:19:39,429 --> 00:19:41,721 Can be shaped like a belt or a square spoon." 569 00:19:41,806 --> 00:19:43,514 And the gods said sarcastically, 570 00:19:43,600 --> 00:19:46,100 "well, how would you like us to arrange the stars?" 571 00:19:46,186 --> 00:19:48,060 And the humans said, "in a grid pattern 572 00:19:48,104 --> 00:19:49,729 With distinct labels." 573 00:19:49,814 --> 00:19:52,607 And the gods said, "okay, we'll get right on that." 574 00:19:52,650 --> 00:19:55,484 But they never did, because stars are just suns 575 00:19:55,570 --> 00:19:57,486 That are, like, a billion miles away, 576 00:19:57,572 --> 00:19:59,947 And the gods didn't create or control them. 577 00:19:59,991 --> 00:20:02,074 And when mankind discovered this, 578 00:20:02,118 --> 00:20:03,409 They invented a bunch of things 579 00:20:03,494 --> 00:20:05,319 And eventually replaced the gods 580 00:20:05,371 --> 00:20:07,038 As rulers of the planet. 581 00:20:07,123 --> 00:20:08,706 But then they invented smartphones. 582 00:20:08,750 --> 00:20:11,584 And the phones were so smart, the people got stupid. 583 00:20:11,628 --> 00:20:14,712 And then carrie fisher died, and at that point, 584 00:20:14,797 --> 00:20:16,214 It all just sort of-- 585 00:20:16,299 --> 00:20:18,341 I'm sorry, I need a moment. 586 00:20:18,426 --> 00:20:21,636 [sighs] anyway, that's why fall comes after summer. 587 00:20:26,100 --> 00:20:27,225 - I wasn't sure what ya eat, 588 00:20:27,310 --> 00:20:28,434 So I brought ya one of everything. 589 00:20:28,519 --> 00:20:31,062 [meat squelches] - ooh, is that man? 590 00:20:31,105 --> 00:20:34,690 I haven't eaten man in so long. 591 00:20:34,776 --> 00:20:36,651 Mmm, mmm, mmm. 592 00:20:36,694 --> 00:20:39,237 I know, it's unhealthy, but it's so delicious, right? 593 00:20:39,280 --> 00:20:41,614 Try some. - No, thanks. I knew him. 594 00:20:41,699 --> 00:20:42,698 It'd be weird. 595 00:20:42,700 --> 00:20:44,408 You know, we never did figure out 596 00:20:44,494 --> 00:20:46,244 Who would win in a fight between us. 597 00:20:46,329 --> 00:20:48,621 - You still curious? - Hard not to be. 598 00:20:48,665 --> 00:20:50,873 You're pretty big. - Then let's do it. 599 00:20:51,000 --> 00:20:53,084 - I mean, I'm not gonna kill you or anything, 600 00:20:53,127 --> 00:20:55,836 But I would like to know that I could if I wanted. 601 00:20:55,880 --> 00:20:57,713 - Ring that bell. 602 00:20:57,799 --> 00:20:58,965 - Ding, ding. 603 00:20:59,008 --> 00:21:01,050 [laughs] looking good. 604 00:21:01,094 --> 00:21:03,052 - Watch out now. You don't want any of this. 605 00:21:03,137 --> 00:21:04,971 - [laughs] come on, come on. 606 00:21:05,014 --> 00:21:06,973 [both grunt] 607 00:21:07,016 --> 00:21:09,517 [victorious music] 608 00:21:09,644 --> 00:21:11,143 - Did you get any of that? 609 00:21:13,731 --> 00:21:15,398 - Bento.