1 00:00:02,919 --> 00:00:06,840 Doctor Stephen Strange, a neurosurgeon, 2 00:00:07,257 --> 00:00:10,677 who, after a terrible accident, lost the use of his hands. 3 00:00:12,220 --> 00:00:14,389 You might even say, his hands betrayed him. 4 00:00:14,806 --> 00:00:17,267 And I can relate. If you catch my drift. 5 00:00:18,727 --> 00:00:22,313 Anyway, this Strange guy couldn't cut it in the operating room anymore, 6 00:00:23,064 --> 00:00:24,149 so what did he do? 7 00:00:24,607 --> 00:00:27,527 Run home and cry to mama? No-siree-bob. 8 00:00:27,610 --> 00:00:32,240 He picked himself up and trained to be some kind of fancy-pants wizard, 9 00:00:32,657 --> 00:00:35,785 complete with a kooky cape, and a groovy goatee. 10 00:00:37,120 --> 00:00:41,041 And yet, they still call him a doctor. Know why? 11 00:00:41,124 --> 00:00:44,627 Because now, he's a doctor of kicking butt and taking names. 12 00:00:47,088 --> 00:00:50,467 Strange has mopped the floor with cosmic conquerors, mad Titans, 13 00:00:50,759 --> 00:00:52,802 and guys with really bad complexions. 14 00:00:53,511 --> 00:00:56,014 But enough with the CliffsNotes recap already. 15 00:00:56,097 --> 00:00:59,267 These days, Strange is up to his medallion-wearing neck 16 00:00:59,350 --> 00:01:01,227 in psychedelic scary sauce, 17 00:01:01,770 --> 00:01:03,438 and that is what we're here to talk about. 18 00:01:03,521 --> 00:01:05,732 I'm Bruce Campbell, and I'll be your host 19 00:01:05,815 --> 00:01:09,110 as we journey beyond the confines of our own humdrum reality, 20 00:01:09,444 --> 00:01:13,156 and see what's really cookin' in the Multiverse of Madness. 21 00:01:22,999 --> 00:01:24,959 KEVIN FEIGE: After we finished the Infinity Saga, 22 00:01:25,043 --> 00:01:28,505 {\an8}we were looking at how to evolve post Endgame 23 00:01:28,838 --> 00:01:30,423 and into phase four. 24 00:01:30,965 --> 00:01:33,718 We wanted to explore entirely new characters 25 00:01:33,802 --> 00:01:36,596 and entirely new sides of the Marvel comics. 26 00:01:37,806 --> 00:01:41,351 One of the things we're exploring in phase four is the Multiverse. 27 00:01:41,893 --> 00:01:46,731 And in the Multiverse, we get to see different realities and different outcomes 28 00:01:46,815 --> 00:01:50,777 of characters that we all know and love in an infinite number of ways. 29 00:01:51,486 --> 00:01:54,447 Some of them are tragic, some of them are horrific, 30 00:01:54,906 --> 00:01:56,783 all of them are unexpected. 31 00:01:57,158 --> 00:02:01,621 And that was always where we were headed with this sequel to Doctor Strange, 32 00:02:01,704 --> 00:02:04,874 knowing that we wanted to explore the mind-bending, 33 00:02:04,958 --> 00:02:07,001 frightening side of the Multiverse. 34 00:02:08,002 --> 00:02:11,589 And this could only have been done under the direction of Sam Raimi. 35 00:02:12,590 --> 00:02:16,010 RAIMI: I got a call from my agent saying that Kevin Feige and the Marvel team 36 00:02:16,094 --> 00:02:19,305 were looking for a new director for the new Doctor Strange movie. 37 00:02:19,389 --> 00:02:21,057 I was a big fan of the first one. 38 00:02:21,141 --> 00:02:24,394 {\an8}I thought that the director, Scott Derrickson, did a great job 39 00:02:24,477 --> 00:02:27,188 and Benedict Cumberbatch delivered an incredible performance. 40 00:02:27,480 --> 00:02:31,609 So when that offer came and I thought, "Okay, it's been a long time since I had 41 00:02:31,693 --> 00:02:33,903 "made a superhero movie, I wonder if I can still do it?" 42 00:02:33,987 --> 00:02:36,447 And that alone was reason enough. 43 00:02:36,614 --> 00:02:39,993 RICHIE PALMER: Sam Raimi is one of the godfathers of the MCU, 44 00:02:40,076 --> 00:02:42,537 {\an8}if you think about it, with the Spider-Man trilogy. 45 00:02:42,620 --> 00:02:44,664 To get to work with Sam is a dream come true, 46 00:02:44,747 --> 00:02:47,709 not just for me, but for most of the people on this set. 47 00:02:47,792 --> 00:02:50,712 That guy's movies are part of the reason I became a writer, 48 00:02:50,795 --> 00:02:54,591 so, to have Sam Raimi come in a room and sit across from you and be like, 49 00:02:54,674 --> 00:02:56,050 "All right, kid, what's the movie?" 50 00:02:56,134 --> 00:02:59,596 Man, it's really a case of meet your heroes. 51 00:02:59,762 --> 00:03:03,057 So, I was a very junior part of the creative team 52 00:03:03,141 --> 00:03:07,520 on his original Spider-Man films, and now working so closely with him, 53 00:03:07,604 --> 00:03:09,147 who would have guessed, certainly not me, 54 00:03:09,230 --> 00:03:11,816 that nearly 20 years later, Sam Raimi would be working 55 00:03:11,900 --> 00:03:13,193 on a Doctor Strange movie for us. 56 00:03:14,611 --> 00:03:19,449 We are in the Sanctum Sanctorum, Doctor Strange's home, 57 00:03:19,532 --> 00:03:24,120 his weird, haunted house that he lives in, and today's day one. 58 00:03:24,787 --> 00:03:27,165 RAIMI: I think it was always in Marvel's mind 59 00:03:27,248 --> 00:03:30,501 that this film would really open the door wide to the Multiverse. 60 00:03:31,836 --> 00:03:35,215 {\an8}The scale is epic. It's almost unfathomable. 61 00:03:35,673 --> 00:03:37,050 FEIGE: That's part of the madness. 62 00:03:37,133 --> 00:03:40,595 Madness of handling this many characters and this many storylines. 63 00:03:44,766 --> 00:03:47,352 CAMPBELL: So, this Multiverse that everybody and their uncle 64 00:03:47,435 --> 00:03:48,895 keeps yackin' about, 65 00:03:48,978 --> 00:03:50,563 what is it anyway? 66 00:03:50,647 --> 00:03:53,858 Well, I looked up Multiverse in the dictionary. 67 00:03:53,942 --> 00:03:57,028 Yes, I cracked open an actual book, and this is what it said. 68 00:03:57,987 --> 00:04:01,282 "An infinite realm of being or potential being 69 00:04:01,783 --> 00:04:05,787 "of which the universe is regarded as a part or instance." 70 00:04:06,037 --> 00:04:09,749 (LAUGHS) I don't know what any of that means, but I'll wager, 71 00:04:09,832 --> 00:04:12,335 it has something to do with endless possibilities. 72 00:04:13,086 --> 00:04:15,004 So, if you're aiming to tell a story 73 00:04:15,088 --> 00:04:17,924 set in a world where literally anything goes, 74 00:04:18,633 --> 00:04:21,511 how do you even begin to begin? 75 00:04:22,887 --> 00:04:28,977 Yes, it's a maddening job, that can make you go insane 76 00:04:29,060 --> 00:04:32,105 trying to figure all the stuff out, but it's a lot of fun. 77 00:04:32,522 --> 00:04:36,109 RAIMI: Telling the story of the Multiverse was such a gigantic endeavor. 78 00:04:36,192 --> 00:04:38,945 To not only paint an accurate picture of our universe, 79 00:04:39,028 --> 00:04:41,990 but of another, and another, and another. 80 00:04:43,074 --> 00:04:46,744 It took teams of really great artists and Michael Waldron's great script, 81 00:04:46,828 --> 00:04:48,246 which I just thought was brilliant. 82 00:04:49,539 --> 00:04:53,001 WALDRON: It was February 2020, 83 00:04:53,584 --> 00:04:56,504 and Kevin Feige called me 84 00:04:56,587 --> 00:04:58,172 and said "We'll go in a different direction 85 00:04:58,256 --> 00:05:00,717 "on Doctor Strange Two, 86 00:05:00,800 --> 00:05:04,262 "and we want you to come over and write it." 87 00:05:04,345 --> 00:05:06,973 There were already sets being built and everything 88 00:05:07,056 --> 00:05:09,309 so we really had to hit the ground running. 89 00:05:09,392 --> 00:05:13,354 But I think I had, like, three weeks to try and write that first draft, 90 00:05:13,813 --> 00:05:19,652 and that last week is when the NBA shut down, COVID hit, 91 00:05:19,736 --> 00:05:21,112 and the world stopped spinning. 92 00:05:21,195 --> 00:05:25,533 And so, it was an interesting month, to say the least. 93 00:05:26,117 --> 00:05:32,248 The silver lining was production pushed from May of 2020 to November of 2020, 94 00:05:32,332 --> 00:05:33,875 so it allowed us the time. 95 00:05:33,958 --> 00:05:36,669 We said, "All right, let's blow this thing up entirely, 96 00:05:36,753 --> 00:05:38,421 "let's start from scratch." 97 00:05:38,504 --> 00:05:40,506 And that's exactly what we did. 98 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:44,302 And we threw that draft of mine out entirely 99 00:05:44,385 --> 00:05:48,556 and said, "If we were in on day one of this movie with Sam Raimi, 100 00:05:48,639 --> 00:05:50,350 "what is the movie we would make?" 101 00:05:50,433 --> 00:05:54,020 And we came up with something better and much more exciting. 102 00:05:54,729 --> 00:05:58,900 DOUG LEFLER: Michael did a Herculean job with this project, in my humble opinion. 103 00:05:58,983 --> 00:06:02,362 He had all the history of Marvel that he had to work into this. 104 00:06:02,445 --> 00:06:03,446 Ready. 105 00:06:03,529 --> 00:06:08,409 How he managed to balance all of that, I think, was extraordinary. 106 00:06:08,826 --> 00:06:10,078 RAIMI: And, action! 107 00:06:15,500 --> 00:06:17,335 Nailed that, that was sharp. 108 00:06:18,920 --> 00:06:22,048 WALDRON: What's interesting in a story about the Multiverse 109 00:06:22,131 --> 00:06:26,010 is exploring the other ways that things could have played out. 110 00:06:26,094 --> 00:06:29,263 It's especially interesting with a character that we saw at one point 111 00:06:29,347 --> 00:06:31,808 sit with his head going in a million different directions, 112 00:06:32,350 --> 00:06:36,312 watching 14 million different outcomes in his particular universe. 113 00:06:37,355 --> 00:06:39,649 Getting to work on a Doctor Strange sequel is really exciting 114 00:06:39,732 --> 00:06:42,902 because the first movie really blew open the doors of the MCU 115 00:06:42,985 --> 00:06:46,697 in ways that we couldn't even imagine, because you can't tell the same stories 116 00:06:46,781 --> 00:06:48,866 with Captain America that you could with Doctor Strange. 117 00:06:49,659 --> 00:06:53,955 RAIMI: Marvel comic books have always been excellent at painting complex characters. 118 00:06:54,455 --> 00:06:57,458 It's how in the '60s and '70s they blew DC out of the water. 119 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:00,962 They're able to build upon these relationships with great depth, 120 00:07:01,254 --> 00:07:03,297 and we're able to build upon them movie after movie. 121 00:07:03,798 --> 00:07:07,468 He's been through a lot, he's lost the use of his hands, 122 00:07:07,552 --> 00:07:12,348 become a sorcerer, assumed this mantle as master of the New York Sanctum, 123 00:07:12,682 --> 00:07:15,101 fought in a war against Thanos, 124 00:07:15,184 --> 00:07:18,896 gave up the Time Stone in this incredible gambit 125 00:07:18,980 --> 00:07:21,941 that resulted in saving the universe, 126 00:07:22,650 --> 00:07:26,279 and he's kind of been dropped back into normal life. 127 00:07:27,947 --> 00:07:32,034 RAIMI: The first film did a great job of describing the journey of Doctor Strange. 128 00:07:33,369 --> 00:07:37,331 This film, it's about what he's become, the price he's had to pay 129 00:07:37,415 --> 00:07:40,585 to become this great sorcerer and savior of the universe. 130 00:07:41,252 --> 00:07:44,881 {\an8}I felt, I guess as much as the audience and the fans did, that, you know, 131 00:07:44,964 --> 00:07:48,259 this extraordinary character seemed to be sort of 132 00:07:48,676 --> 00:07:52,180 all-powerful and perfect, I wanted to know what it was about him, 133 00:07:52,263 --> 00:07:54,390 how he'd got there as much as anything else. 134 00:07:55,057 --> 00:07:57,894 I wondered what it was costing him or what it would cost him 135 00:07:57,977 --> 00:08:02,982 to continue developing in that way, accruing power and ability. 136 00:08:03,524 --> 00:08:05,234 Really, the film's an examination of that, 137 00:08:05,318 --> 00:08:09,989 how far as a maverick and an outsider, and a chancer, and an ego 138 00:08:10,364 --> 00:08:14,160 can he go before stuff really becomes undone? 139 00:08:14,869 --> 00:08:17,914 It's always great in these solo flights, to kind of shake the snow globe up 140 00:08:17,997 --> 00:08:19,790 and disturb the character 141 00:08:20,583 --> 00:08:23,544 and throw stuff at him that really makes him question his purpose 142 00:08:23,628 --> 00:08:26,589 and who he is and how to best be. 143 00:08:26,797 --> 00:08:29,258 I never stopped caring about us. 144 00:08:29,342 --> 00:08:31,052 But I had to make sacrifices. 145 00:08:31,928 --> 00:08:33,012 I'm sorry. 146 00:08:33,638 --> 00:08:36,265 It's quite an emotional place that he's in at the beginning. 147 00:08:37,099 --> 00:08:40,186 Then he's sort of slungshot into this adventure. 148 00:08:41,938 --> 00:08:43,314 WALDRON: We're in New York City. 149 00:08:43,397 --> 00:08:48,736 A giant monstrous octopus has attacked New York, it's bad news. 150 00:08:48,819 --> 00:08:51,948 RAIMI: Three, two, one, action. 151 00:08:54,492 --> 00:08:58,287 This is where Doctor Strange meets America Chavez. 152 00:08:58,579 --> 00:08:59,789 Look out! 153 00:09:04,043 --> 00:09:05,795 Do I know you? 154 00:09:06,879 --> 00:09:10,508 WALDRON: Through this adventure, he forms the unlikely partnership 155 00:09:10,591 --> 00:09:12,343 with the young America Chavez, 156 00:09:12,426 --> 00:09:16,097 the last person you'd expect Doctor Strange to work with. 157 00:09:16,180 --> 00:09:19,976 America Chavez has been on a list for a long time of characters 158 00:09:20,059 --> 00:09:22,186 that we wanted to bring into the MCU. 159 00:09:22,270 --> 00:09:26,649 America Chavez was created in 2011, so she is a relatively new character. 160 00:09:27,358 --> 00:09:28,943 Casting America Chavez was great, 161 00:09:29,026 --> 00:09:31,153 it was such a highlight of this experience, 162 00:09:31,237 --> 00:09:33,114 we did such a wide search. 163 00:09:33,197 --> 00:09:35,658 We found Xochitl Gomez and thought unanimously 164 00:09:35,741 --> 00:09:37,660 she was the best person for this role. 165 00:09:37,743 --> 00:09:41,163 {\an8}I did my first audition in March, 2020, 166 00:09:41,247 --> 00:09:42,790 and I didn't hear anything for six months. 167 00:09:42,873 --> 00:09:45,209 And then I got a call to do a screen test in London. 168 00:09:45,293 --> 00:09:49,005 That's when I got told what character it was for and I was like, "Oh, my gosh." 169 00:09:49,797 --> 00:09:51,716 GRAHAM CHURCHYARD: We started with the comics, 170 00:09:51,799 --> 00:09:54,260 the denim jackets in many of the comics, 171 00:09:54,343 --> 00:09:57,888 and I designed these combat jackets which had red, white, and blue, 172 00:09:57,972 --> 00:10:01,350 like, stars and stripes flag that was all kind of blended together 173 00:10:01,434 --> 00:10:03,894 {\an8}in this camouflage, so it was a camouflage jacket. 174 00:10:03,978 --> 00:10:07,356 America dresses a lot like I do. I do wear black ripped jeans 175 00:10:07,440 --> 00:10:11,652 and a T-shirt and a nice jacket over it, and a pony, I wear that all the time. 176 00:10:11,736 --> 00:10:16,449 And so, when I first went in, I was just amazed with all these jackets. 177 00:10:16,532 --> 00:10:17,867 There's so much detail. 178 00:10:17,950 --> 00:10:20,328 I don't think you'll ever see it, but there's a bunch of poetry 179 00:10:20,411 --> 00:10:24,373 and just the way the star is designed on the back of the jacket. 180 00:10:24,457 --> 00:10:29,253 I had, like, 100 other versions of Mexican sort of folkloric art 181 00:10:29,337 --> 00:10:32,923 and Day of the Dead references that could be part of the kind of emblem 182 00:10:33,007 --> 00:10:34,342 on the back of the jacket. 183 00:10:34,425 --> 00:10:36,636 But I'm really happy that we went with the star. 184 00:10:36,719 --> 00:10:38,679 In the street scenes that we've shot with her running, 185 00:10:38,763 --> 00:10:40,848 you see this white star going down the street, 186 00:10:40,931 --> 00:10:43,476 and it's a really good focus point. 187 00:10:44,810 --> 00:10:46,771 It was fantastic working with Xochitl. 188 00:10:46,854 --> 00:10:51,400 I think she's probably gotta be one of the youngest actors in the MCU 189 00:10:51,484 --> 00:10:56,614 {\an8}and it can be quite scary, you know. I mean, it was scary for me to enter into, 190 00:10:56,697 --> 00:11:00,076 and then someone so young with so much on her shoulders. 191 00:11:09,460 --> 00:11:13,798 It's a huge responsibility to originate a character, a superhero. 192 00:11:13,881 --> 00:11:17,885 It's crazy, it's really like, "Oh, my goodness." 193 00:11:18,511 --> 00:11:21,806 It's good to kind of lift off the pressure with that. 194 00:11:22,181 --> 00:11:27,436 We always have a bit of music on set, and she's big into, what is it, TikTok? 195 00:11:28,020 --> 00:11:31,774 She tried to teach me some moves, but I think I pulled a muscle. 196 00:11:34,151 --> 00:11:35,152 (LAUGHS) 197 00:11:36,112 --> 00:11:39,490 Benedict Wong, I mean, he is amazing. 198 00:11:39,573 --> 00:11:42,910 He carries this mega-huge, like, boom speaker 199 00:11:42,993 --> 00:11:45,830 and he just carries it around and just, like, bumps up and down. 200 00:11:45,913 --> 00:11:48,666 He's like a walking rave party, it's amazing. 201 00:11:48,749 --> 00:11:53,379 He's got some snazzy moves, but I think my moves are a bit snazzier. 202 00:11:53,462 --> 00:11:54,463 He's catching on. 203 00:11:56,132 --> 00:12:01,178 America Chavez, it was such a pleasure for me to get to work on this character. 204 00:12:01,262 --> 00:12:04,390 She's just a badass. It's something that we've established is that 205 00:12:05,141 --> 00:12:10,229 it's impossible, near impossible to travel from one universe to another. 206 00:12:10,479 --> 00:12:15,192 In Loki, you can kind of hop from one timeline branch to another, 207 00:12:15,276 --> 00:12:18,279 but you've gotta be anchored to some original timeline. 208 00:12:18,612 --> 00:12:21,741 What America can do is, she can jump 209 00:12:22,199 --> 00:12:26,704 from one universe to another one. She can literally do the impossible. 210 00:12:26,787 --> 00:12:32,835 She doesn't know how to control her power, but every time she's triggered by fear, 211 00:12:32,918 --> 00:12:34,962 a portal opens into another universe. 212 00:12:35,546 --> 00:12:37,173 LEFLER: Working with America Chavez, 213 00:12:37,256 --> 00:12:39,925 we had many different introductions to her as a character, 214 00:12:40,009 --> 00:12:46,182 but I think I storyboarded all of them so I got to work with her character a lot. 215 00:12:46,724 --> 00:12:50,227 What was so fascinating about America Chavez to me 216 00:12:50,311 --> 00:12:56,025 was just her sense of loneliness that she didn't have a family, 217 00:12:56,650 --> 00:13:01,030 she didn't have friends, she didn't even have a reality. 218 00:13:02,156 --> 00:13:04,408 So, she finds herself bouncing between worlds, 219 00:13:04,867 --> 00:13:09,914 really being lost amongst the Multiverse, and learning how to survive herself 220 00:13:09,997 --> 00:13:12,082 until an entity starts hunting her. 221 00:13:12,875 --> 00:13:16,337 And that's when Doctor Strange and Wong realize the stakes of this movie. 222 00:13:16,712 --> 00:13:22,551 It's an incredible power but represents a grave danger for the world of the MCU. 223 00:13:22,635 --> 00:13:25,596 DOCTOR STRANGE: The power is dangerous enough in the hands of a kid... 224 00:13:25,679 --> 00:13:27,598 imagine if a real threat acquired it? 225 00:13:30,309 --> 00:13:31,393 RAIMI: Ready, 226 00:13:31,811 --> 00:13:33,437 and action. 227 00:13:33,938 --> 00:13:36,607 ELIZABETH OLSEN: When we were about to go back to finishing WandaVision, 228 00:13:36,690 --> 00:13:40,027 {\an8}I was pitched the actual story of Doctor Strange, 229 00:13:40,110 --> 00:13:43,781 and I was shocked. 230 00:13:43,948 --> 00:13:48,577 No one told me that their plan for me was to be the villain. (LAUGHS) 231 00:13:49,745 --> 00:13:53,082 We knew that we wanted Wanda to be in it. 232 00:13:53,207 --> 00:13:57,920 I think, originally, there's a version where Wanda was maybe gonna turn bad 233 00:13:58,003 --> 00:13:59,088 at the end. 234 00:13:59,171 --> 00:14:01,423 That was a big change that I made 235 00:14:01,507 --> 00:14:05,803 and I had a strong perspective on making her a villain from the get-go. 236 00:14:05,886 --> 00:14:09,139 It was always like, "Well, that'll happen in an Avengers movie or something." 237 00:14:09,557 --> 00:14:11,058 My perspective was, 238 00:14:11,141 --> 00:14:15,688 "Why are we letting some other movie get the best villain ever?" 239 00:14:17,314 --> 00:14:20,276 It was an exciting opportunity because it's really fun 240 00:14:20,359 --> 00:14:23,904 playing people with moral ambiguity. 241 00:14:23,988 --> 00:14:25,197 WANDA: Her sacrifice... 242 00:14:26,198 --> 00:14:27,449 would be for the greater good. 243 00:14:27,533 --> 00:14:32,538 OLSEN: She is one of the most powerful beings that's ever existed. 244 00:14:32,621 --> 00:14:34,874 I was meant to rule everything. 245 00:14:34,957 --> 00:14:39,920 Why does that mean that she now has to settle for just being good, 246 00:14:40,004 --> 00:14:43,424 when all she wants is something that seems so simple and small 247 00:14:43,507 --> 00:14:44,717 which is to be with her kids? 248 00:14:46,302 --> 00:14:48,679 We've seen the tragedy of her life. 249 00:14:48,762 --> 00:14:54,935 She killed Vision, only to have Thanos rewind those events with the Time Stone, 250 00:14:55,019 --> 00:14:59,398 the Time Stone he got from Doctor Strange, so that Wanda's sacrifice was for nothing. 251 00:14:59,481 --> 00:15:02,568 She's given up a lot and from her perspective, 252 00:15:02,651 --> 00:15:05,696 all she wants is one life, she wants America Chavez, 253 00:15:05,779 --> 00:15:10,200 she wants to take her power, which, yes, will kill America, 254 00:15:10,284 --> 00:15:12,912 but to Wanda, she's earned that sacrifice. 255 00:15:15,080 --> 00:15:18,918 Alex Byrne's costume in Ultron was Wanda's first outing. 256 00:15:19,001 --> 00:15:21,587 So, she started out in store-bought street clothes 257 00:15:21,670 --> 00:15:24,048 with the torn jeans, with the cropped jacket. 258 00:15:24,131 --> 00:15:26,050 And then, by the time she gets to Infinity War, 259 00:15:26,133 --> 00:15:30,220 she's wearing that red body coat, so leaning more towards the comics. 260 00:15:30,512 --> 00:15:34,516 The whole WandaVision look, when she transforms into Scarlet Witch, 261 00:15:34,600 --> 00:15:37,978 she's been, for some time, in possession of the Darkhold. 262 00:15:38,062 --> 00:15:43,067 And such a powerful tome can have a sort of devastating effect on a person, 263 00:15:43,150 --> 00:15:47,029 if they try and use its powers, so it has its downside. 264 00:15:47,112 --> 00:15:52,117 You get this sort of Multiversal mold and contamination growing over your body, 265 00:15:52,201 --> 00:15:56,288 your costume, as you're overtaken by the sort of evil powers within it. 266 00:15:56,372 --> 00:15:59,667 I wanted, if this evil kind of thing was growing over your body... 267 00:15:59,750 --> 00:16:03,003 Her shoulders were covered, and the armor is now... 268 00:16:03,087 --> 00:16:08,133 The detail on the corset, on the bodice, is now really kind of deteriorated, 269 00:16:08,217 --> 00:16:10,427 and the skirt is really fluid now. 270 00:16:10,511 --> 00:16:13,597 The crown too has a... It's like it was a sort of jewel, 271 00:16:13,681 --> 00:16:17,977 but now, it's sort of pitted and has patina and devastation to it as well, 272 00:16:18,060 --> 00:16:20,938 so it's a lot more eroded and worn than in WandaVision. 273 00:16:21,021 --> 00:16:22,898 And so, those were the changes I made 274 00:16:22,982 --> 00:16:27,152 because it fitted within the idea that something had happened to her 275 00:16:27,236 --> 00:16:31,365 in possession of the Darkhold that created this sort of distortion 276 00:16:31,448 --> 00:16:33,867 and deterioration of her costume. 277 00:16:33,951 --> 00:16:36,495 WANDA: Every night, the same dream. 278 00:16:37,579 --> 00:16:39,748 And every morning... 279 00:16:41,375 --> 00:16:44,128 the same nightmare. 280 00:16:44,503 --> 00:16:48,382 We really wanted to have the audience identify with the villain of the piece, 281 00:16:48,465 --> 00:16:52,177 really understand her, not make them a brouhahaha villain, 282 00:16:52,261 --> 00:16:56,098 but somebody who you really loved and could relate to. 283 00:16:56,181 --> 00:16:58,142 WANDA: You break the rules and become a hero. 284 00:16:58,767 --> 00:17:00,519 I do it, and I become the enemy. 285 00:17:01,854 --> 00:17:03,105 That doesn't seem fair. 286 00:17:03,188 --> 00:17:05,566 RAIMI: That was so beautiful. Cut, that was great. 287 00:17:06,775 --> 00:17:09,236 That was a constant thing for Sam Raimi and I. 288 00:17:09,319 --> 00:17:12,781 I've had so much fun playing off of his ideas, 289 00:17:12,865 --> 00:17:17,786 and I think he and I really relish in this character 290 00:17:18,120 --> 00:17:21,790 and we've been enjoying how delicious it is 291 00:17:21,874 --> 00:17:24,543 to justify some of the things she does in the movie. 292 00:17:38,474 --> 00:17:40,976 RACHEL MCADAMS: That's just one of the things Marvel does so well 293 00:17:41,060 --> 00:17:42,436 and better than anyone, 294 00:17:42,519 --> 00:17:44,938 is that their villains, you know, you find yourself 295 00:17:45,022 --> 00:17:48,692 {\an8}siding with them at times, you're like, "Wait, I feel bad for you," 296 00:17:48,776 --> 00:17:52,654 or, "Well, they have a really good point, you know, Thanos has a... 297 00:17:52,738 --> 00:17:53,989 "He has a really good point." 298 00:17:54,073 --> 00:17:58,285 So I feel like they've built that with Wanda so well, 299 00:17:58,368 --> 00:18:01,872 where you just feel for her and her struggle. 300 00:18:02,831 --> 00:18:06,627 It's just a very filled-out character that, I think, makes you feel 301 00:18:06,710 --> 00:18:09,755 a lot of complicated things. Those are always the best villains. 302 00:18:11,715 --> 00:18:14,176 RAIMI: She's a villain because she believes 303 00:18:14,259 --> 00:18:15,260 the end justifies the means. 304 00:18:15,344 --> 00:18:18,097 She'll simply do anything to be with the ones she loves. 305 00:18:18,180 --> 00:18:21,058 She just loved too much, was her problem. 306 00:18:21,391 --> 00:18:24,061 But once you start taking the bad path in life, 307 00:18:24,144 --> 00:18:26,855 you make one bad choice and another, it seems like, 308 00:18:26,939 --> 00:18:28,190 sometimes, there's no way back. 309 00:18:31,360 --> 00:18:34,321 -That's great, I think we got it. -OLSEN: Okay, good. 310 00:18:34,404 --> 00:18:35,447 MAN: So, cut. 311 00:18:35,531 --> 00:18:39,493 WALDRON: Doctor Strange and Wong bring America to Kamar-Taj for safekeeping. 312 00:18:39,576 --> 00:18:42,162 The person you went to ask for help, is the person that's trying to kill me? 313 00:18:42,246 --> 00:18:43,247 Yeah. 314 00:18:43,330 --> 00:18:45,332 It doesn't quite work out how they hoped it would. 315 00:18:45,415 --> 00:18:48,585 And arm the students. Kamar-Taj must now become a fortress. 316 00:19:01,765 --> 00:19:02,850 ALL: No! No! 317 00:19:04,310 --> 00:19:05,310 ALL: No! 318 00:19:15,612 --> 00:19:19,199 You have no idea just how reasonable I have been. 319 00:19:19,283 --> 00:19:21,160 Kamar-Taj stands against you. 320 00:19:21,368 --> 00:19:23,036 -(GRUNTS) -Defensive positions! 321 00:19:23,287 --> 00:19:25,080 {\an8}We have a particularly big sequence 322 00:19:25,164 --> 00:19:27,833 where Wanda, she's coming to attack Kamar-Taj. 323 00:19:27,916 --> 00:19:28,917 (GRUNTS) 324 00:19:30,377 --> 00:19:33,589 {\an8}The Kamar-Taj battle, in terms of shot count, it's huge. 325 00:19:33,672 --> 00:19:35,757 That scene was shot on three different stages. 326 00:19:35,841 --> 00:19:38,051 We're here on the Sirius stage, as I understand it, 327 00:19:38,135 --> 00:19:40,345 they lift these stages up for big concerts. 328 00:19:40,429 --> 00:19:42,723 So, we lifted the stage up, it's quite a massive stage, 329 00:19:42,806 --> 00:19:44,975 but not big enough for our Kamar-Taj. 330 00:19:47,144 --> 00:19:50,772 {\an8}Even though we only have one rooftop, it has to play as three different rooftops 331 00:19:50,856 --> 00:19:53,483 {\an8}on Kamar-Taj that are all oriented differently. 332 00:19:53,567 --> 00:19:56,445 And so, one of the tricks is not only figuring out, on any given day, 333 00:19:56,528 --> 00:19:59,031 who's supposed to be on that rooftop and how it's dressed 334 00:19:59,114 --> 00:20:02,284 and what sort of damage is there, but also where the lighting comes from. 335 00:20:02,367 --> 00:20:04,995 Wanda is flying around so she starts off on the approach 336 00:20:05,078 --> 00:20:08,707 and there's a little bit of a stand-off. After that, Wanda starts doing attacks 337 00:20:08,790 --> 00:20:11,585 and she starts to fly all the way around looking for weak points 338 00:20:11,668 --> 00:20:14,004 inside this collective force field. 339 00:20:14,087 --> 00:20:17,174 We call this the strafing run, it's kinda like what you'd picture 340 00:20:17,257 --> 00:20:19,801 {\an8}if you were in a jet fighter that's coming around banking 341 00:20:19,885 --> 00:20:23,305 and just boom, boom, boom. Stuff flying and in your face. 342 00:20:27,267 --> 00:20:29,853 TUCKER: Charlie did all of the design for Kamar-Taj. 343 00:20:29,937 --> 00:20:33,565 That 3D model was then handed off to proof the previz company 344 00:20:33,649 --> 00:20:35,734 that prevized the Kamar Taj sequence. 345 00:20:35,817 --> 00:20:38,862 Then, to help us visualize that, that previz model gets put into 346 00:20:38,946 --> 00:20:42,991 an iPad and that allows us to sort of temporarily position ourselves on set. 347 00:20:43,075 --> 00:20:45,160 LEWIS: I've seen it in the past five years develop 348 00:20:45,244 --> 00:20:49,331 from this big virtual camera, whole crew, whole expensive setup that takes days 349 00:20:49,414 --> 00:20:51,124 {\an8}and weeks to do, whereas now it's on an iPad 350 00:20:51,208 --> 00:20:52,793 and it's in your back pocket, essentially. 351 00:20:52,876 --> 00:20:55,337 Any characters or props, we can bring in with animation 352 00:20:55,420 --> 00:20:58,298 and virtually see where it is so it's a great tool on set 353 00:20:58,382 --> 00:21:01,426 when we need to look up and see a monster or an explosion. 354 00:21:01,510 --> 00:21:04,429 One of the other things we have to really plan for is, is special effects. 355 00:21:04,513 --> 00:21:06,556 A lot of planning going into, from the previz, 356 00:21:06,640 --> 00:21:10,394 where certain explosions will happen inside the floors of Kamar-Taj. 357 00:21:10,477 --> 00:21:12,562 MAN: Three, two, one, action! 358 00:21:13,897 --> 00:21:17,901 So, we're setting up 25 different explosions, some fireballs, 359 00:21:17,985 --> 00:21:21,321 some ground hits, where the ground is erupting, total mayhem. 360 00:21:24,908 --> 00:21:27,995 This particular sequence was a great collaboration 361 00:21:28,078 --> 00:21:30,914 between special effects, stunts, camera crews. 362 00:21:30,998 --> 00:21:34,668 The whole second unit has worked miraculously to all mesh together 363 00:21:34,751 --> 00:21:36,586 and create a wonderful little sequence. 364 00:21:36,670 --> 00:21:40,090 {\an8}I think that was our biggest action sequence of the film. 365 00:21:41,174 --> 00:21:43,969 There were some shots that were extremely choreographed, 366 00:21:44,052 --> 00:21:47,264 I mean, we had camera winches, and we had R ratchets 367 00:21:47,347 --> 00:21:48,640 that blow people back. 368 00:21:48,724 --> 00:21:52,477 We did somewhere between 40 and 50 different ratchets. 369 00:21:52,561 --> 00:21:54,563 Those are the explosions when cannons blow up, 370 00:21:54,646 --> 00:21:57,024 we ratcheted six people back there, when she lands, 371 00:21:57,107 --> 00:22:00,319 that had six or seven people on it, but it was a lot of fun to develop. 372 00:22:00,402 --> 00:22:03,822 We actually, kind of, started the idea by putting one of our stunt guys 373 00:22:03,905 --> 00:22:07,492 in the winch holding a DSLR camera. And then we did all the action, 374 00:22:07,576 --> 00:22:09,786 kind of buzzed him through as if he were the camera. 375 00:22:09,870 --> 00:22:13,707 That's sort of our poor man's version of the motion-based winch camera. 376 00:22:14,249 --> 00:22:17,210 JEFF: So, we've got a camera on a wire, a 3D winch system 377 00:22:17,294 --> 00:22:19,546 that basically is the Scarlet Witch's point of view 378 00:22:19,629 --> 00:22:21,631 and it comes around behind the building. 379 00:22:21,715 --> 00:22:24,301 You see the first explosion go up right in front of it. 380 00:22:24,384 --> 00:22:27,721 It comes through it, it comes around and it just sees all of this, 381 00:22:27,804 --> 00:22:31,725 chasing it all and then we got four more cameras in various positions to catch 382 00:22:31,808 --> 00:22:35,979 Rintrah's run, catch the bell falling, catch individual people flying 383 00:22:36,063 --> 00:22:37,981 and hitting the ground and coming right at ya. 384 00:22:38,065 --> 00:22:39,608 CORBOULD: The explosions, we really wanted 385 00:22:39,691 --> 00:22:41,651 to get the stunt people right on top of them. 386 00:22:41,735 --> 00:22:45,155 Rather than use traditional black powder, we've gone for a high pressure nitrogen 387 00:22:45,238 --> 00:22:48,033 which is really, really safe, you can almost stand right next to it, 388 00:22:48,116 --> 00:22:49,326 but gives a wonderful effect. 389 00:22:49,409 --> 00:22:50,577 MAN: Action! 390 00:22:52,913 --> 00:22:55,040 SAVANI: So we've just done the first explosion 391 00:22:55,123 --> 00:22:56,833 and I'm the first one that sort of goes up 392 00:22:56,917 --> 00:22:59,086 into the air. Obviously, it's a bit nerve-wracking 393 00:22:59,169 --> 00:23:00,796 {\an8}'cause you don't know exactly what'll happen. 394 00:23:00,879 --> 00:23:03,799 We've rehearsed a lot of it before but with the SFX and stuff, 395 00:23:03,882 --> 00:23:06,051 it's the first time, with full costume, it's the first time. 396 00:23:06,134 --> 00:23:09,388 JEFF: I think everyone was a bit surprised how big it was on the day, 397 00:23:09,471 --> 00:23:13,100 which kinda helps their acting 'cause it turns from acting to, like, 398 00:23:13,183 --> 00:23:14,559 "This is really happening." 399 00:23:14,643 --> 00:23:19,022 We actually had a little too much dust so you lost 'em and you couldn't see 'em, 400 00:23:19,106 --> 00:23:22,484 but it looked really cool in that dust so we're gonna lower the dust a little bit 401 00:23:22,567 --> 00:23:24,319 and hopefully we'll see a bit more of that. 402 00:23:24,403 --> 00:23:26,405 I saw some of the playback. Really pleased with it. 403 00:23:26,488 --> 00:23:29,866 So, yeah, we just take our time, don't rush and pick every camera position 404 00:23:29,950 --> 00:23:32,786 to get the most out of what all the stunt players are doing 405 00:23:32,869 --> 00:23:35,163 and the special effects explosions are doing. 406 00:23:35,705 --> 00:23:38,583 CORBOULD: We've been testing this for probably four months now, 407 00:23:38,667 --> 00:23:41,211 to reach this point. But it's great when it all comes together. 408 00:23:41,294 --> 00:23:43,422 Unfortunately, it's all over in about 20 seconds, 409 00:23:43,505 --> 00:23:45,465 but it'll be great on the screen. 410 00:23:50,178 --> 00:23:53,390 That sequence was what every stunt coordinator looks forward to, 411 00:23:53,473 --> 00:23:56,017 to be honest with you. You get to hire a lot of stunt performers 412 00:23:56,101 --> 00:23:58,395 that are really talented and you get to show off their talents 413 00:23:58,478 --> 00:24:00,105 and you get to blow stuff up. 414 00:24:01,273 --> 00:24:03,817 This is an extremely wire-intense film. 415 00:24:03,900 --> 00:24:07,446 So, we've got two separate rigging teams that are working on different sequences, 416 00:24:07,529 --> 00:24:11,450 pretty much full-time. I've been a part of five other Marvel films before this 417 00:24:11,533 --> 00:24:13,952 and this is the most wire-intensive one I've been a part of. 418 00:24:14,035 --> 00:24:17,038 MAN: Three, two, one, action! 419 00:24:17,122 --> 00:24:22,210 COUNTS: The audience and the actors and the studio really like to see the actors 420 00:24:22,294 --> 00:24:24,963 doing their own stunts, so, we facilitate that. 421 00:24:25,046 --> 00:24:28,508 We had Strange fly in, around this corner, starting at about 30 feet 422 00:24:28,592 --> 00:24:32,345 and he probably flew about 80 feet down around the street and we land him 423 00:24:32,429 --> 00:24:34,055 in the middle of the street and then action. 424 00:24:34,139 --> 00:24:36,892 The whole point was to show him, a really small figure, 425 00:24:36,975 --> 00:24:40,937 and to land right in front of camera, a foot-and-a-half away from it, on a cue. 426 00:24:41,021 --> 00:24:43,273 So, they're computerized and they're all rehearsed 427 00:24:43,356 --> 00:24:44,441 and that allows us 428 00:24:44,524 --> 00:24:47,861 to get selfish and use Benedict's face as much as we can. 429 00:24:47,944 --> 00:24:49,154 MAN: And rolling! 430 00:24:54,576 --> 00:24:58,330 So, I just got off the wires and I'm not gonna lie, they're really scary. 431 00:24:58,413 --> 00:25:00,707 COUNTS: Xochitl's been great. She's got a great work ethic. 432 00:25:00,790 --> 00:25:04,085 She really wants to rehearse and do lots of her own stunts. 433 00:25:04,169 --> 00:25:07,797 Unfortunately, she is a minor. So, we can only allow her to go so far. 434 00:25:07,881 --> 00:25:09,466 I think she's had a blast on this. 435 00:25:09,549 --> 00:25:11,718 We've actually had her in the winches and stuff like that. 436 00:25:11,801 --> 00:25:13,929 We've moved her around, we've dropped her on things. 437 00:25:14,012 --> 00:25:16,515 I don't know how to describe it. It's like, the second you go down, 438 00:25:16,598 --> 00:25:19,893 it's like every gut feeling just disappears and it's like, 439 00:25:19,976 --> 00:25:21,019 "Where'd everything go?" 440 00:25:21,102 --> 00:25:22,187 MAN: Go! 441 00:25:23,230 --> 00:25:25,607 It's been a lot of fun. And I've got two daughters at home, 442 00:25:25,690 --> 00:25:28,485 they're not quite as old as she is, but it is a lot of fun 443 00:25:28,568 --> 00:25:30,529 to sit and watch someone who's in their mid-teens 444 00:25:30,612 --> 00:25:33,615 develop a character and get to be a part of the Marvel universe 445 00:25:33,698 --> 00:25:34,783 at such a young age. 446 00:25:37,619 --> 00:25:40,539 OLSEN: For some reason, I'm okay being in a harness. 447 00:25:40,622 --> 00:25:42,207 It's fine to fly around 448 00:25:42,290 --> 00:25:45,669 and be in it for a certain period of time and I really do enjoy it a lot 449 00:25:45,752 --> 00:25:49,923 and with these things called tuning forks. So, I'm not just being held up on wires, 450 00:25:50,006 --> 00:25:53,760 but I actually have a harness on with a big piece of metal that hugs my waist. 451 00:25:53,843 --> 00:25:55,554 I have found that to be really helpful 452 00:25:55,637 --> 00:25:58,056 because you have more control over your body 453 00:25:58,139 --> 00:26:02,227 and so we've done a variation of these tuning forks and wire work. 454 00:26:02,477 --> 00:26:04,437 COUNTS: The great thing about Lizzie is that 455 00:26:04,521 --> 00:26:06,106 she's played this character for a while. 456 00:26:06,189 --> 00:26:07,399 MAN: Action! 457 00:26:08,024 --> 00:26:10,402 COUNTS: She really knows the character inside and out. 458 00:26:12,404 --> 00:26:13,446 Scarlet Witch is supposedly 459 00:26:13,530 --> 00:26:15,907 one of the most powerful Marvel characters out there. 460 00:26:15,991 --> 00:26:19,077 The difference is, she uses her magic. So, when we do these fights, 461 00:26:19,160 --> 00:26:22,455 you'll notice that she very rarely gets touched or touches anybody else. 462 00:26:22,539 --> 00:26:24,749 Everything is done with magic, so, it is a fight, 463 00:26:24,833 --> 00:26:27,335 but we don't actually physically hit her with stuff. 464 00:26:28,169 --> 00:26:31,089 YANG: This is the first time I'm working with the Wanda character. 465 00:26:40,140 --> 00:26:42,976 COUNTS: She's done an amazing job with helping us build the action. 466 00:26:43,059 --> 00:26:45,520 So, it'll kinda culminate in this Illuminati fight 467 00:26:45,604 --> 00:26:46,813 you'll see with the superheroes. 468 00:26:46,896 --> 00:26:48,481 RAIMI: Cut! MAN: Yeah, can we cut? 469 00:26:48,565 --> 00:26:51,484 RAIMI: That was good. I think we got the master we need. 470 00:26:54,195 --> 00:26:55,572 Secret societies. 471 00:26:56,656 --> 00:26:57,991 Don't think they're real? 472 00:26:58,575 --> 00:26:59,743 Well, think again, pal. 473 00:27:00,368 --> 00:27:03,288 Ever heard of the Freemasons, or the Knights Templar? 474 00:27:03,747 --> 00:27:05,582 How about the Ten Rings, or HYDRA? 475 00:27:05,999 --> 00:27:09,127 Maybe those last two things aren't real, but I know you've heard of 'em, 476 00:27:09,210 --> 00:27:11,296 'cause you're wearing Captain America underpants. 477 00:27:12,005 --> 00:27:14,132 The point is, I'm willing to roll with the idea 478 00:27:14,215 --> 00:27:17,218 of some clandestine organization running the whole show 479 00:27:17,302 --> 00:27:19,471 from behind the proverbial curtain. 480 00:27:19,554 --> 00:27:24,100 Just don't tell me that those folks are ridin' around in yellow hoverchairs 481 00:27:24,184 --> 00:27:29,064 and throwing Vibranium frisbees painted like Union Jacks. (LAUGHS) 482 00:27:29,147 --> 00:27:30,482 Don't tell me that. 483 00:27:40,742 --> 00:27:43,912 The Illuminati's been a group we've wanted to introduce in our movies for years. 484 00:27:44,537 --> 00:27:45,580 BARON: Stephen Strange, 485 00:27:46,456 --> 00:27:48,708 you are now called before the Illuminati. 486 00:27:49,250 --> 00:27:50,293 The Illumi-what-y? 487 00:27:51,252 --> 00:27:54,798 Doctor Strange and America Chavez find themself in another version 488 00:27:54,881 --> 00:27:57,133 of our reality where there is an Illuminati. 489 00:27:57,217 --> 00:27:59,803 PALMER: They're a secret organization that works off-the-grid. 490 00:27:59,886 --> 00:28:02,514 They do the things that the other groups like the Avengers 491 00:28:02,597 --> 00:28:03,890 wouldn't be too happy about. 492 00:28:03,973 --> 00:28:06,726 Your alternate self created the Illuminati 493 00:28:06,810 --> 00:28:09,104 to make difficult decisions that no one else could. 494 00:28:09,187 --> 00:28:12,315 PALMER: To do it in an alternate universe in the Multiverse, 495 00:28:12,399 --> 00:28:13,692 was a really exciting thing 496 00:28:13,775 --> 00:28:17,904 because we get to meet a version of this group in this other universe, 497 00:28:18,029 --> 00:28:22,075 and then we still might get to see an Illuminati of our main MCU one day, 498 00:28:22,158 --> 00:28:23,410 which is also very exciting. 499 00:28:23,493 --> 00:28:26,246 Yeah, that's definitely a case of me just not knowing 500 00:28:26,329 --> 00:28:28,415 what to do with the script and thinking... 501 00:28:28,498 --> 00:28:29,582 Crap. 502 00:28:29,666 --> 00:28:32,585 "We're in the second act. Something's gotta happen. 503 00:28:32,669 --> 00:28:34,295 "What should it be?" 504 00:28:34,379 --> 00:28:37,882 It comes at a point where it's like, "We're a little past halfway. 505 00:28:37,966 --> 00:28:41,386 "Let's break the movie and do something really nuts." 506 00:28:42,887 --> 00:28:44,848 RAIMI: When Marvel first wrote about the Illuminati, 507 00:28:44,931 --> 00:28:46,307 they had their characters. 508 00:28:46,391 --> 00:28:47,559 Doctor Doom was among them, 509 00:28:47,642 --> 00:28:49,644 Doctor Strange, plenty of different characters. 510 00:28:49,728 --> 00:28:51,438 But we had to make a selection. 511 00:28:51,521 --> 00:28:54,649 WALDRON: Who's the most exciting cast of characters? 512 00:28:54,733 --> 00:28:56,985 Do we just pick who we want from the comics? 513 00:28:57,068 --> 00:28:58,903 Obviously, there's different rights' issues, 514 00:28:58,987 --> 00:29:00,572 folks showin' up in other movies. 515 00:29:00,655 --> 00:29:03,825 RAIMI: So, we did take into account what the fans wanted to see. 516 00:29:03,908 --> 00:29:07,328 We wanted the fans to go, "Oh, how cool!" I mean, that really was our goal. 517 00:29:07,412 --> 00:29:09,122 We wanted to give the fans what they wanted. 518 00:29:09,205 --> 00:29:11,124 Just not exactly what they expected. 519 00:29:11,207 --> 00:29:14,335 The Illuminati you meet in this movie is made up of Mordo... 520 00:29:14,419 --> 00:29:18,256 It is very much a different character, but with the same, or a similar essence. 521 00:29:18,673 --> 00:29:20,008 I'm sorry, Stephen. 522 00:29:20,467 --> 00:29:22,343 EJIOFOR: From the beginning of the first film, 523 00:29:22,427 --> 00:29:23,928 this was what the build was. 524 00:29:24,012 --> 00:29:26,890 Strange and Mordo are, at some point, really gonna get into it. 525 00:29:26,973 --> 00:29:29,726 The bill comes due. 526 00:29:30,518 --> 00:29:31,519 Always. 527 00:29:31,603 --> 00:29:34,898 EJIOFOR: Mordo is somebody who took Strange under his wing. 528 00:29:34,981 --> 00:29:37,692 And somehow, part of that is also echoed in the fight, 529 00:29:37,776 --> 00:29:39,444 even though it's in a different universe. 530 00:29:39,527 --> 00:29:42,280 It's still the teacher and student dynamic. 531 00:29:42,614 --> 00:29:45,074 They're not able to use their magic. 532 00:29:45,158 --> 00:29:48,077 So, now we're seeing the Mordo-Strange fight, 533 00:29:48,161 --> 00:29:49,954 but as a street brawl. 534 00:29:50,038 --> 00:29:53,291 It's a great way of expressing character through physicality. 535 00:29:53,374 --> 00:29:56,920 So, I'm always keen to do it, as much as I can, to do it myself. 536 00:29:57,003 --> 00:30:00,381 And that is also fun, you know? I mean, lest we forget. 537 00:30:00,465 --> 00:30:02,008 It's also enjoyable to do. 538 00:30:04,219 --> 00:30:05,970 WALDRON: Alternate Peggy Carter... 539 00:30:06,054 --> 00:30:07,096 Captain Carter. 540 00:30:07,180 --> 00:30:09,182 ...that got the serum, that's awesome. 541 00:30:09,265 --> 00:30:12,519 Hayley Atwell is obviously somebody that the fans love. 542 00:30:12,602 --> 00:30:15,188 Great. I loved every bit of that. Badass. 543 00:30:15,438 --> 00:30:17,315 That's what the kids want to see. Cut. 544 00:30:17,398 --> 00:30:20,318 As I understand it, the whole thing came out of the What If...? animation. 545 00:30:20,401 --> 00:30:23,279 So, she became the super-soldier. 546 00:30:23,571 --> 00:30:27,492 We took references, so First Avenger and then Ultron, 547 00:30:27,575 --> 00:30:29,077 along with Ryan's illustration, 548 00:30:29,160 --> 00:30:32,247 which captures the What if...? vintage feel. 549 00:30:32,330 --> 00:30:36,584 And we've used the same fabric as we used on the Age of Ultron 550 00:30:36,668 --> 00:30:40,630 Captain America costume. So, it's not like a skin-fitting suit. 551 00:30:40,713 --> 00:30:44,509 It's very much like Captain America, a combat suit. 552 00:30:44,592 --> 00:30:46,803 Hayley's really happy with the whole structure 553 00:30:46,886 --> 00:30:48,471 and fit and silhouette of it. 554 00:30:48,555 --> 00:30:51,975 We kept Peggy in the Captain America sense-of-fighting-style. 555 00:30:52,058 --> 00:30:53,393 (GRUNTING) 556 00:30:54,269 --> 00:30:57,230 That was a fun sequence to do because we got to use the shield 557 00:30:57,313 --> 00:30:59,691 and it is a little more practical hand-to-hand fighting. 558 00:31:01,943 --> 00:31:02,944 Haven't you had enough? 559 00:31:03,027 --> 00:31:04,153 (SPITS) 560 00:31:04,237 --> 00:31:05,572 Oh, I could do this all day. 561 00:31:05,655 --> 00:31:07,907 Captain Marvel. Defender of the cosmos. 562 00:31:07,991 --> 00:31:12,120 Maria Rambeau, who really stole the show in Captain Marvel... 563 00:31:12,203 --> 00:31:13,496 Call me "young lady" again, 564 00:31:13,580 --> 00:31:15,790 I'm gonna put my foot in a place it's not supposed to be. 565 00:31:15,874 --> 00:31:19,460 WALDRON: To see her put on the suit and kick ass is so cool. 566 00:31:19,544 --> 00:31:21,546 Get the hell out of my universe! 567 00:31:21,629 --> 00:31:24,215 WALDRON: And Lashana brings so much to that character. 568 00:31:24,299 --> 00:31:28,511 CHURCHYARD: Maria Rambeau switching into the Carol Danvers costume, 569 00:31:28,595 --> 00:31:29,888 it's black and silver. 570 00:31:29,971 --> 00:31:34,309 It holds onto all the same design elements of Brie Larson's costume. 571 00:31:34,392 --> 00:31:37,270 But we've transposed it into metallic-silver, 572 00:31:37,353 --> 00:31:40,773 kind of gun-metal color and black. It looks really amazing. 573 00:31:41,357 --> 00:31:43,860 That was great. That's awesome. 574 00:31:44,569 --> 00:31:46,070 WALDRON: And then the big surprise... 575 00:31:46,154 --> 00:31:49,532 BARON: Our final member, Professor Charles Xavier. 576 00:31:50,408 --> 00:31:54,454 It was just an honor for me to get to sit and type dialogue for him 577 00:31:54,537 --> 00:31:57,290 and to introduce him into the world of the MCU. 578 00:31:58,291 --> 00:32:01,169 Everybody making comic-book movies owes him a great debt. 579 00:32:02,962 --> 00:32:04,589 Movin' on, beautifully done. 580 00:32:04,839 --> 00:32:07,258 Thank you, Sir Patrick, for that great concentration. 581 00:32:07,967 --> 00:32:09,052 OCHS: On this film, 582 00:32:09,135 --> 00:32:12,263 I think our biggest challenge was working in a global pandemic. 583 00:32:13,848 --> 00:32:16,100 Really, it's a scheduling issue. 584 00:32:16,267 --> 00:32:18,102 For instance, Wanda's orchard... 585 00:32:18,186 --> 00:32:20,271 RAIMI: Here we go. Roll camera. 586 00:32:20,355 --> 00:32:24,025 It was a really important scene for Sam from the very beginning. 587 00:32:24,525 --> 00:32:27,487 He wanted her to be in this beautiful apple orchard 588 00:32:27,570 --> 00:32:30,114 and we were gonna shoot the movie pre-COVID. 589 00:32:30,198 --> 00:32:31,491 It was gonna work out perfect 590 00:32:31,574 --> 00:32:33,576 because we were gonna be here for the apple blossoms. 591 00:32:33,660 --> 00:32:35,244 Then our schedule shifted. 592 00:32:35,328 --> 00:32:39,123 And because there's been a cold spell in England, the blossoms haven't come yet. 593 00:32:39,207 --> 00:32:40,375 We were like, "What do we do? 594 00:32:40,458 --> 00:32:44,295 "Do we film them on a green screen? Do we do an entirely CG orchard later? 595 00:32:44,379 --> 00:32:47,757 "Or do we go out to the orchard and do we put CG blossoms on it?" 596 00:32:47,840 --> 00:32:51,594 Charlie Wood, our production designer sent an army of people out there 597 00:32:51,678 --> 00:32:57,308 and tied little wire blossoms onto about six trees and then 598 00:32:57,392 --> 00:33:00,645 they added another so many thousand pounds and then they got eight trees 599 00:33:00,728 --> 00:33:05,191 and then ten trees and we went out there and they've shot this beautiful scene now 600 00:33:05,274 --> 00:33:10,863 and no visual effects and you can't tell that these are fabricated blossoms 601 00:33:10,947 --> 00:33:13,658 that have been tied on to these trees by hand. 602 00:33:14,909 --> 00:33:17,704 Sometimes, people may get the impression that these films are 603 00:33:17,787 --> 00:33:19,455 {\an8}almost entirely virtual, they're not. 604 00:33:19,956 --> 00:33:24,002 We have hundreds of people working on these sets and it takes us 605 00:33:24,085 --> 00:33:25,086 many, many months to build them. 606 00:33:25,169 --> 00:33:26,879 There's nothing better than the real thing 607 00:33:26,963 --> 00:33:29,799 for an actor to be able to understand the environment they're in, 608 00:33:29,882 --> 00:33:32,468 for a director to be able to direct a scene and to understand 609 00:33:32,552 --> 00:33:34,846 where everything is, and how it is. 610 00:33:35,263 --> 00:33:38,683 That's incredibly important as it is for the camera man. 611 00:33:38,766 --> 00:33:40,184 Am I going on action? 612 00:33:40,268 --> 00:33:41,894 WOOD: We try and build as much as we can, 613 00:33:42,311 --> 00:33:46,357 to a point at where it becomes impractical or impossible. 614 00:33:46,441 --> 00:33:49,736 So, if we're building this temple in Kathmandu, 615 00:33:49,819 --> 00:33:52,697 we physically built all the interiors they're walking around, 616 00:33:52,780 --> 00:33:56,993 whether it's corridors, or the interiors of these temple rooms. 617 00:33:57,076 --> 00:34:00,955 We would build those in their entirety, 360 degrees. 618 00:34:04,000 --> 00:34:09,881 You know the set where I am in the bio lab and Doctor Strange and America 619 00:34:09,964 --> 00:34:12,967 are in these glass boxes, and they're trapped in there. 620 00:34:13,051 --> 00:34:14,761 And we couldn't even hear each other. 621 00:34:14,844 --> 00:34:19,599 So, they gave me this weird earpiece because I'm in this glass box. 622 00:34:20,224 --> 00:34:22,852 Here. And I can't hear anything at all. 623 00:34:22,935 --> 00:34:25,229 The sets are so elaborate and built out. 624 00:34:25,313 --> 00:34:28,483 Charlie's vision is to create these wonderful sets, 625 00:34:28,566 --> 00:34:30,860 which have got incredible detail in them. 626 00:34:30,943 --> 00:34:34,614 WOOD: We've got this great team of plasterers and painters 627 00:34:34,697 --> 00:34:38,159 and mold-building and there's all sorts of things we can do. 628 00:34:38,242 --> 00:34:40,661 GIBBS: You've got these stone structures, you've got bronzes, 629 00:34:40,745 --> 00:34:44,540 you've got incredible carved timber. So you go from the Kamar-Taj, 630 00:34:44,624 --> 00:34:48,669 which is Nepalese and then you've got the Sinister Sanctum, 631 00:34:48,753 --> 00:34:50,588 it's this stunning mansion on Bleecker Street. 632 00:34:50,671 --> 00:34:51,756 Then when we get to Wundagore, 633 00:34:51,839 --> 00:34:56,010 you've got an incredible stone temple that's been produced. 634 00:34:56,094 --> 00:34:57,887 This isn't a tomb. 635 00:34:57,970 --> 00:34:59,514 It's a throne. 636 00:34:59,597 --> 00:35:02,850 It was a tremendous challenge. It took teams of really great artists. 637 00:35:02,934 --> 00:35:06,104 That was a really exciting challenge to take on. 638 00:35:06,604 --> 00:35:09,982 Can I and these teams of artists make the audience believe 639 00:35:10,066 --> 00:35:13,194 that they're taking a journey through multiple universes? 640 00:35:14,487 --> 00:35:18,616 Right now, we're in New York City, but we're not actually in New York. 641 00:35:18,699 --> 00:35:24,080 We're at Longcross Studios in England in the UK and Marvel actually built this. 642 00:35:24,205 --> 00:35:27,125 The streets of New York, I mean, look at how amazing it is. 643 00:35:27,208 --> 00:35:29,752 Everything lights up, everything actually works. 644 00:35:29,836 --> 00:35:32,004 It was originally gonna be shot in Cleveland. 645 00:35:32,088 --> 00:35:36,551 Cleveland has stood in for New York for the Avengers movies once before. 646 00:35:36,634 --> 00:35:38,427 And we were all set to go there. 647 00:35:38,511 --> 00:35:41,472 PALMER: And then, of course, due to the COVID pandemic, 648 00:35:41,556 --> 00:35:45,268 travelling to Cleveland seemed like something we weren't gonna be able to do. 649 00:35:45,351 --> 00:35:49,689 Our executive producer, Jamie Christopher, who is a genius in movie-making 650 00:35:49,772 --> 00:35:53,192 and has been around for decades in this business said, 651 00:35:53,276 --> 00:35:57,655 "I think we need a New York backlot set." And I think, at first, people were like, 652 00:35:57,738 --> 00:36:00,575 "I don't know, Jamie." He said, "Guys, just let me prove it to you." 653 00:36:00,658 --> 00:36:03,244 And sure enough, we have a whole small section 654 00:36:03,327 --> 00:36:06,122 that passes for Greenwich Village, it passes for Midtown. 655 00:36:06,205 --> 00:36:09,417 And we got about four blocks of New York streets 656 00:36:09,500 --> 00:36:13,588 with all the set dressing, you know, a lot of it brought from New York. 657 00:36:13,671 --> 00:36:16,799 A car is gonna flip over and I have to try and not react to it. 658 00:36:18,801 --> 00:36:21,804 Kinda nervous. If I do end up reacting, they might have to redo the whole thing. 659 00:36:21,888 --> 00:36:22,972 (SHUDDERS) 660 00:36:28,186 --> 00:36:29,228 RAIMI: And cut! 661 00:36:29,312 --> 00:36:32,106 And I did it. I'm proud of myself. Pat on the back. 662 00:36:32,190 --> 00:36:36,986 A lot of the set has been built to be ratcheted backwards, pushed over, 663 00:36:37,069 --> 00:36:40,948 hydraulically dropped, we got big debris drops coming into the street. 664 00:36:41,032 --> 00:36:44,285 Anything that can be practical, Sam wants practical. 665 00:36:44,368 --> 00:36:47,496 Sam's got Chris Corbould on speed dial, our special effects supervisor. 666 00:36:47,580 --> 00:36:49,165 He can call him in every day. He's saying, 667 00:36:49,248 --> 00:36:51,542 "Chris, can we do this for real? Can we do this for real?" 668 00:36:51,626 --> 00:36:53,461 And, you know, we usually can. 669 00:36:53,544 --> 00:36:57,089 GOMEZ: There was this one specific thing we did in the New York streets. 670 00:36:57,173 --> 00:37:01,135 I'm running and they had all these special effects. 671 00:37:01,219 --> 00:37:04,013 Like, lights were going off, a tree was falling, 672 00:37:04,096 --> 00:37:07,308 cars were crashing into each other, a fire hydrant goes off, 673 00:37:07,391 --> 00:37:09,685 a building completely collapses behind me. 674 00:37:09,769 --> 00:37:13,314 There's more than probably 30-40 different gags in there, 675 00:37:13,397 --> 00:37:17,193 all with a different mechanical mechanism. It's a great moment. 676 00:37:17,276 --> 00:37:19,278 This is probably one of the larger sets. 677 00:37:20,738 --> 00:37:22,448 Probably the largest set on the movie. 678 00:37:22,740 --> 00:37:25,409 And it's probably one of the largest sets I've ever built, I'd say. 679 00:37:25,493 --> 00:37:27,745 But all of these images on the wall shows you 680 00:37:28,246 --> 00:37:30,081 what, in fact, we ended up building. 681 00:37:30,164 --> 00:37:33,542 I saw it when it was just wood and now I'm seeing it all done 682 00:37:33,626 --> 00:37:36,462 and I'm like, "Oh, my gosh." The detail they have put in. 683 00:37:36,545 --> 00:37:38,381 Looks exactly like New York. 684 00:37:38,464 --> 00:37:41,592 It makes you hungry. Because all these restaurants look pretty awesome. 685 00:37:41,676 --> 00:37:44,804 PALMER: It's a testament to Charlie Wood's production design team 686 00:37:44,887 --> 00:37:48,224 and to our executive producer, Jamie Christopher, who came up 687 00:37:48,307 --> 00:37:50,977 with the crazy idea to go build it. It's amazing. 688 00:37:51,060 --> 00:37:53,187 Not only does it pass for New York in our universe, 689 00:37:53,271 --> 00:37:55,523 it passes for New York in multiple universes. 690 00:37:56,190 --> 00:37:58,901 WOOD: This set serves three purposes. 691 00:37:59,443 --> 00:38:02,113 Because we have three different realities in the film. 692 00:38:02,196 --> 00:38:04,865 Sam, you know, I remember being in a meeting with him one day 693 00:38:04,949 --> 00:38:07,702 and he was like, "Gosh, how are we gonna sell to everyone 694 00:38:07,785 --> 00:38:11,205 "that this is the exact same place they were in that universe before?" 695 00:38:11,289 --> 00:38:14,083 And he had an idea of, every scene where they land in New York, 696 00:38:14,166 --> 00:38:17,503 they kind of land in the same alley. So, it was very important for him, 697 00:38:17,586 --> 00:38:20,047 for all of the storyboard artists, and all the previz artists, 698 00:38:20,131 --> 00:38:24,218 across all of the scenes, to really make this exit from the alley 699 00:38:24,302 --> 00:38:29,223 and this turn down the avenue recognizable every time you came to that universe. 700 00:38:29,307 --> 00:38:33,602 The different dimensions are on the same street where originally one was a normal, 701 00:38:33,686 --> 00:38:37,732 busy New York street. The second one was snowbound. 702 00:38:37,815 --> 00:38:42,153 So, it was totally snowed up with weird cars floating in the air 703 00:38:42,236 --> 00:38:44,989 which we hung up on cranes and were rotating. 704 00:38:45,364 --> 00:38:49,035 So, you've got this weird, surreal, deserted New York. 705 00:38:49,493 --> 00:38:51,829 Because we're chopping and changing as we shoot 706 00:38:51,912 --> 00:38:53,873 between these three different periods, 707 00:38:53,956 --> 00:38:56,917 we wouldn't have time to physically change the street. 708 00:38:57,001 --> 00:39:00,129 And one of the easiest ways of doing it is with snow. 709 00:39:00,629 --> 00:39:04,175 Because this is something we can literally do in a day and it's effective, yeah? 710 00:39:04,258 --> 00:39:07,928 And this wanted to be a much more abstract, haunting place. 711 00:39:08,512 --> 00:39:11,932 A look like this is the right way to go, I think. 712 00:39:12,016 --> 00:39:13,434 I mean, it's rather Dickensian. 713 00:39:13,517 --> 00:39:16,729 Eventually they get to the end and the snow turns into black sand 714 00:39:16,812 --> 00:39:20,691 with a wave, from an Atlantic wave coming across the road. 715 00:39:23,444 --> 00:39:27,031 WOOD: With Sanctum Sanctorum. I think we rebuilt the foyer for... 716 00:39:27,114 --> 00:39:28,616 I know I've built it three times. 717 00:39:28,699 --> 00:39:32,036 And I think it's been built by a couple of other films a couple of times. 718 00:39:32,495 --> 00:39:34,163 I think that's number four or number five. 719 00:39:34,246 --> 00:39:37,833 We changed it a bit in this reiteration. We always do. 720 00:39:37,917 --> 00:39:40,628 And then we had to come up with another room, a big room, 721 00:39:40,711 --> 00:39:44,090 based on a kind of Victorian salon with a glass roof 722 00:39:44,173 --> 00:39:47,009 that has become one of the main spaces in the house. 723 00:39:48,969 --> 00:39:52,723 We ended up recreating again the foyer, which is the entrance hall 724 00:39:52,807 --> 00:39:54,475 that leads into the house. 725 00:39:54,892 --> 00:39:58,270 With the Sinister Sanctum, Charlie wanted to do something completely different. 726 00:39:58,354 --> 00:40:02,525 So, he wanted to make it bigger, more unusual, more "out-there." 727 00:40:02,608 --> 00:40:06,612 So, as you open the front door, you come into this black beach. 728 00:40:06,695 --> 00:40:10,741 Architecturally, it could be elongated, it could be expanded, it could be open. 729 00:40:10,825 --> 00:40:12,159 You could be open to the elements. 730 00:40:12,243 --> 00:40:15,538 WOOD: So, it's really kind of our most abstract world. 731 00:40:15,621 --> 00:40:18,290 We tried very hard to make each experience, 732 00:40:18,374 --> 00:40:20,584 each place you go something different. 733 00:40:21,877 --> 00:40:23,921 By the time we'd got to Mount Wundagore, 734 00:40:24,004 --> 00:40:28,134 we felt that this world should be much more primeval than anything else 735 00:40:28,217 --> 00:40:29,260 we were doing on the film. 736 00:40:29,343 --> 00:40:32,304 In the comics, Mount Wundagore is a castle-like structure 737 00:40:32,388 --> 00:40:34,932 in this snowy mountain range 738 00:40:35,015 --> 00:40:37,184 and we looked at a lot of stuff from Petra. 739 00:40:37,268 --> 00:40:41,105 We'd wanted to come up with something which was carved from the mountain. 740 00:40:41,188 --> 00:40:44,400 We ended up finding this beautiful mountain range in the Dolomites, in Italy. 741 00:40:44,483 --> 00:40:47,153 So that was our setting. Then we had this big conversation 742 00:40:47,236 --> 00:40:49,447 with the studio about how it should be adorned, 743 00:40:49,530 --> 00:40:53,868 and all of the inscriptions and all of this language we see in the Darkhold. 744 00:40:53,951 --> 00:40:58,080 So, that was all built into the design of the walls of this temple. 745 00:40:58,164 --> 00:41:01,292 To me, the sets are one of the most magical things that you get to see 746 00:41:01,375 --> 00:41:05,129 on these films, because it's so world-building. 747 00:41:05,212 --> 00:41:09,216 Mount Wundagore, I just thought they did such a beautiful job. 748 00:41:09,300 --> 00:41:15,181 I'm having them ship it overseas, so that I can have it in my backyard. 749 00:41:16,223 --> 00:41:19,602 Another area where we're really referencing the comics on this movie 750 00:41:19,685 --> 00:41:20,728 is for the spells. 751 00:41:21,187 --> 00:41:24,148 So, there's all of these spells that Doctor Strange has 752 00:41:24,231 --> 00:41:27,026 and we need to come up with new spells that haven't been seen somewhere else. 753 00:41:27,109 --> 00:41:29,153 Keeping it fresh is really important. 754 00:41:30,654 --> 00:41:32,656 The characters to be in the situation that they're in 755 00:41:32,740 --> 00:41:36,202 and have a spell from the Marvel history books. 756 00:41:39,497 --> 00:41:41,499 I'm mostly doing the spell 757 00:41:41,582 --> 00:41:45,211 {\an8}and hand gesture movements for Doctor Strange, Wong. 758 00:41:45,294 --> 00:41:47,630 I've also worked on Infinity War, Endgame. 759 00:41:47,713 --> 00:41:50,424 They saw the work that I did on a previous commercial. 760 00:41:50,508 --> 00:41:52,843 I was doing tutting, which is a very niche dance style 761 00:41:52,927 --> 00:41:55,095 that uses shapes with hands and arms. 762 00:41:55,471 --> 00:41:57,431 They were like, "Well, what could we do with that?" 763 00:41:57,515 --> 00:42:00,226 So, in one of these moves, he is ripping open a bus, 764 00:42:00,309 --> 00:42:03,270 kind of like dissecting it, and anytime something involves 765 00:42:03,354 --> 00:42:07,358 levitation or a movement of matter, this is involved. 766 00:42:07,441 --> 00:42:09,652 So, if you see, like, he's flying, right? 767 00:42:09,735 --> 00:42:11,862 If he's flying with his cloak, he's also using these. 768 00:42:11,946 --> 00:42:14,698 But that's him, he's the matter. So, in this, the bus is the matter 769 00:42:14,782 --> 00:42:18,035 and he's connecting to it. And then he's just splitting it. 770 00:42:18,118 --> 00:42:20,371 In my head, as soon as he's dissected this thing, 771 00:42:20,454 --> 00:42:22,873 his energy is already connected to each and every piece. 772 00:42:22,957 --> 00:42:27,127 So, you'll see, like, he chops one of the legs off 'cause he's dissected it 773 00:42:27,211 --> 00:42:29,880 and he's still connected to it. You can just pick one out and chop it. 774 00:42:29,964 --> 00:42:32,550 He doesn't have to do another spell. He's already connected to it. 775 00:42:35,678 --> 00:42:36,720 (GROANS) 776 00:42:39,098 --> 00:42:40,182 (GRUNTS) 777 00:42:40,891 --> 00:42:42,893 (SCREAMS) 778 00:42:46,146 --> 00:42:48,482 OCHS: That shot had a pretty amazing history. 779 00:42:49,191 --> 00:42:51,485 We started with many, many ideas. 780 00:42:51,569 --> 00:42:54,780 Probably 30 ideas of different environments that could be 781 00:42:54,863 --> 00:42:57,992 something that you've never seen before. Just this ride through the universes. 782 00:42:58,284 --> 00:43:01,120 {\an8}Our visual effects supervisor, Janek Sirrs. 783 00:43:01,203 --> 00:43:03,581 I mean, he was kind of really the mastermind behind that shot 784 00:43:03,664 --> 00:43:05,374 and a lot of the shots in our movie. 785 00:43:05,457 --> 00:43:07,418 He really came up with the worlds that we wanted to explore 786 00:43:07,501 --> 00:43:09,587 so there was a lot of talk about which world do we wanna do. 787 00:43:09,670 --> 00:43:11,380 Well, here's some cool ideas. Here's an all-bone world 788 00:43:11,463 --> 00:43:15,009 and here's a world that's futuristic. Here's a world where everybody's paint. 789 00:43:15,092 --> 00:43:19,138 OCHS: And I think we ended up with about 15 universes that are in there now. 790 00:43:19,221 --> 00:43:22,725 Lots of little Easter eggs in there. I think the whole thing was challenging 791 00:43:22,808 --> 00:43:25,436 because there's so many elements that go from shot-to-shot 792 00:43:25,519 --> 00:43:29,815 and you couldn't really work it as a punch-in. It had to be one long shot. 793 00:43:30,941 --> 00:43:34,153 MURAWSKI: And then the next part of that was creating the soundtrack for it. 794 00:43:34,236 --> 00:43:37,489 And our sound designer, Jussi Tegelman, really spent a lot of work. 795 00:43:37,573 --> 00:43:40,409 Because, you know, every one should have a different soundscape. 796 00:43:40,492 --> 00:43:42,536 Every one should feel like a different universe. 797 00:43:43,537 --> 00:43:46,749 In the Multiverse, there are alternate versions 798 00:43:46,832 --> 00:43:48,417 of everyone and everything. 799 00:43:48,500 --> 00:43:49,543 So, it gives the characters 800 00:43:49,627 --> 00:43:51,795 the dramatic opportunity to meet themselves. 801 00:43:51,920 --> 00:43:53,797 I'm just one of us. 802 00:43:53,881 --> 00:43:56,258 PALMER: Out of the infinite Doctor Stranges in the Multiverse, 803 00:43:56,342 --> 00:43:59,303 we do get to meet a few in this movie. We've given them different nicknames. 804 00:43:59,386 --> 00:44:00,721 One is Defender Strange. 805 00:44:00,804 --> 00:44:03,265 The first Strange that we meet, Defender Strange, 806 00:44:03,349 --> 00:44:05,476 we wanted him to be a little bit of a swashbuckler. 807 00:44:05,559 --> 00:44:07,102 Little bit of an adventurer. 808 00:44:08,937 --> 00:44:14,943 Lot of the fabrics in the costume are like vintage fabrics from regions of Pakistan. 809 00:44:15,027 --> 00:44:17,196 I think he was a little more of a fun-loving, 810 00:44:17,279 --> 00:44:20,366 Patrick Swayze in Point Break kind of Strange. 811 00:44:20,783 --> 00:44:22,993 Somewhere out there I had a ponytail. 812 00:44:23,911 --> 00:44:28,707 WALDRON: You've got then the Strange in the universe with the Illuminati. 813 00:44:28,791 --> 00:44:32,836 He was Sorcerer Supreme in this universe. Which was probably even less fun. 814 00:44:32,920 --> 00:44:37,257 The look goes back to earlier comic versions 815 00:44:37,341 --> 00:44:39,176 where Strange had a blue cloak. 816 00:44:39,259 --> 00:44:42,429 We're doing the biggest collar ever seen so far. 817 00:44:42,513 --> 00:44:46,642 WALDRON: He was a little more emotionally buttoned-up, maladjusted. 818 00:44:46,725 --> 00:44:49,937 Probably spent more time negging Christine. 819 00:44:50,020 --> 00:44:52,648 I guess it worked because she didn't get married in that universe. 820 00:44:53,315 --> 00:44:55,275 And then you have Sinister Strange. 821 00:44:55,359 --> 00:44:57,569 -Are you happy, Stephen? -What? 822 00:44:57,653 --> 00:45:01,323 CHURCHYARD: So, it is essentially the same costume that he wore in Endgame, 823 00:45:01,407 --> 00:45:05,994 and so, we've repurposed the disciple costume and aged it down much more, 824 00:45:06,078 --> 00:45:08,956 and created a texture treatment to it. 825 00:45:09,039 --> 00:45:11,125 WALDRON: With Benedict, because he is Doctor Strange, 826 00:45:11,208 --> 00:45:14,002 it's been such a collaboration from start to finish. 827 00:45:14,086 --> 00:45:16,672 I just really wanted to push on the darker edge 828 00:45:16,755 --> 00:45:19,299 of what was a potential face-off in this film. 829 00:45:19,383 --> 00:45:23,095 The gist was more thrilling, was more sinister, more adventurous. 830 00:45:23,178 --> 00:45:27,057 The artwork that was already in place, very early on for this, is amazing. 831 00:45:27,141 --> 00:45:29,768 This picture of the Sanctum kind of bleeding off into infinity. 832 00:45:29,852 --> 00:45:30,978 It's really good fun. 833 00:45:33,647 --> 00:45:35,149 RAIMI: And then we have Dead Strange. 834 00:45:35,399 --> 00:45:37,901 Our Strange was trapped in an alternate universe. 835 00:45:38,235 --> 00:45:40,988 And he had to get back to our universe to help save America. 836 00:45:41,071 --> 00:45:44,199 But he couldn't get there, except by Dreamwalking. 837 00:45:44,283 --> 00:45:46,994 This ugly spell where you can take your spirit 838 00:45:47,077 --> 00:45:48,412 and send it across the universe 839 00:45:48,495 --> 00:45:50,831 and inhabit your alt self in that universe. 840 00:45:52,207 --> 00:45:56,795 Unfortunately, the only version of himself in that reality he needs to get to 841 00:45:56,879 --> 00:45:58,464 is a corpse, 842 00:45:58,547 --> 00:46:04,219 which does lead to very Evil Dead-ish, very Sam Raimi hero, Dead Strange. 843 00:46:04,303 --> 00:46:08,098 When we pitched Dead Strange to Kevin, we made sure that we partnered it 844 00:46:08,182 --> 00:46:09,892 with an even stupider pitch. 845 00:46:09,975 --> 00:46:12,144 What if there was a blob version of Strange? 846 00:46:12,227 --> 00:46:15,647 Because we knew that that's how we're gonna get a Zombie Strange. 847 00:46:15,731 --> 00:46:19,109 It was a little bit of a learning curve. How do you pilot a dead body? 848 00:46:19,193 --> 00:46:25,073 I wanted that character to have conflict. What problems could a Zombie Strange have? 849 00:46:25,365 --> 00:46:29,578 Well, in my mind, he was doing something that was against the laws of the universe. 850 00:46:29,661 --> 00:46:32,790 That there could be demons that would try and stop him. 851 00:46:32,873 --> 00:46:35,584 But he is Doctor Strange. He's Master of the Mystic Arts. 852 00:46:35,667 --> 00:46:39,671 Nobody, certainly not a bunch of sprits or demons, can stop him. 853 00:46:39,755 --> 00:46:43,091 So, he takes these spirits and demons and weaves them together 854 00:46:43,175 --> 00:46:47,721 into a Cloak of Souls that he uses to propel him forward into his battle. 855 00:46:47,805 --> 00:46:49,223 Now, he is their master. 856 00:46:55,145 --> 00:46:57,940 An evil book, full of evil magic. 857 00:46:58,690 --> 00:47:02,611 A vintage Oldsmobile that couldn't possibly pass a smog test. 858 00:47:02,694 --> 00:47:05,697 A handsome dark-haired devil with a chin that could kill. 859 00:47:05,781 --> 00:47:07,699 If all of this sounds very familiar, 860 00:47:07,783 --> 00:47:10,661 then I'd say you have extremely good taste in movies. 861 00:47:11,161 --> 00:47:14,665 But listen, my friend Sam Raimi was dropping so-called Easter eggs 862 00:47:14,748 --> 00:47:18,043 into his films when cellphones were the size of house cats, 863 00:47:18,418 --> 00:47:22,339 and Sam has carried on that tradition with his latest cinematic opus. 864 00:47:22,673 --> 00:47:25,509 So, keep your peepers properly peeled during the movie, 865 00:47:25,592 --> 00:47:26,760 and you're bound to come across 866 00:47:26,844 --> 00:47:29,721 what we in the biz like to call Raimi-isms. 867 00:47:31,390 --> 00:47:35,227 You know, I think the genius of Sam is he's able to balance all those genres. 868 00:47:35,519 --> 00:47:38,355 This time, it's gonna take more than killing me to kill me. 869 00:47:39,189 --> 00:47:41,316 MURAWSKI: And for years, it was a huge problem with the studios. 870 00:47:41,400 --> 00:47:42,734 They said, "You have to pick a lane." 871 00:47:42,818 --> 00:47:44,987 And they didn't understand Sam's genre-bending 872 00:47:45,070 --> 00:47:47,531 and they didn't understand the tone shifts and everything else. 873 00:47:47,614 --> 00:47:50,117 And that's something I really give Marvel credit for, you know. 874 00:47:50,200 --> 00:47:52,744 They got behind it. Played more to Sam's strengths. 875 00:47:52,828 --> 00:47:56,331 So, over the course of the shooting, they kept adding more horror elements. 876 00:47:56,540 --> 00:48:00,752 When Kevin Feige announced that he wanted to bring a little bit of a horror element 877 00:48:00,836 --> 00:48:03,046 to Doctor Strange, that was interesting to me. 878 00:48:03,130 --> 00:48:04,381 I love to dabble in horror. 879 00:48:04,464 --> 00:48:08,010 {\an8}It's always been a fun aspect of movie-making for me. 880 00:48:08,093 --> 00:48:11,638 {\an8}I saw Evil Dead 1 when it came out. I just thought the movie was incredible. 881 00:48:11,930 --> 00:48:15,309 And Sam always has a lot of cool motifs that he puts in his movies time and again. 882 00:48:15,642 --> 00:48:17,603 I mean, you can trace all these things back. 883 00:48:20,314 --> 00:48:23,108 Sam used a lot of the same people from Evil Dead 1. 884 00:48:23,191 --> 00:48:26,612 I'm Bruce Campbell and I'm playing the role of the pizza guy. 885 00:48:26,695 --> 00:48:28,030 (EXCLAIMS ANGRILY) 886 00:48:28,113 --> 00:48:30,574 I'm glad that's over. (GROANS) 887 00:48:30,657 --> 00:48:34,244 You know, we spoke with the head of Marvel and threatened him 888 00:48:34,328 --> 00:48:39,082 and said that he couldn't do any Marvel without me, especially if Sam's directing. 889 00:48:39,166 --> 00:48:41,209 MURAWSKI: It's good to see those guys work together. 890 00:48:41,293 --> 00:48:43,754 They have the kind of shorthand that only comes from 891 00:48:43,837 --> 00:48:45,672 working together since you're ten years old. 892 00:48:45,756 --> 00:48:48,634 CAMPBELL: It's important for the editors to always have stuff to cut out. 893 00:48:49,134 --> 00:48:51,553 That's what I'm providing. Especially Academy Award... 894 00:48:51,637 --> 00:48:53,096 -Yes, it is. -Yeah. See? 895 00:48:53,180 --> 00:48:57,684 Especially Academy Award winning editors. They love to play cutty-cut-cut. 896 00:48:57,768 --> 00:49:01,480 "Oh, look at me cut, look at me cut." Yeah, see, he's already doing it. 897 00:49:01,563 --> 00:49:03,023 -I'm already cut. -Trying to keep 'em honest. 898 00:49:03,106 --> 00:49:05,567 He was on the cutting room floor but we ended up 899 00:49:05,651 --> 00:49:06,944 putting him back in at the last minute. 900 00:49:07,027 --> 00:49:08,070 CAMPBELL: Thanks for nothin'. 901 00:49:08,946 --> 00:49:10,113 Unbelievable. 902 00:49:10,197 --> 00:49:12,240 MURAWSKI: Bruce was almost like a prop for Sam. 903 00:49:12,324 --> 00:49:13,951 He could tell Bruce to do anything. 904 00:49:14,034 --> 00:49:16,995 "Bruce, throw yourself on the ground. Hit yourself over the head with a pan." 905 00:49:17,079 --> 00:49:18,997 Yeah, I gotta go beat myself up some more. 906 00:49:19,081 --> 00:49:20,082 (GRUNTS) 907 00:49:20,165 --> 00:49:21,166 Yeah, cheers. 908 00:49:21,416 --> 00:49:24,586 And then, I think, once Sam started to work with, like, professional actors, 909 00:49:24,670 --> 00:49:26,171 they weren't so malleable. 910 00:49:26,505 --> 00:49:29,216 When I heard Sam was directing this movie, I said, 911 00:49:29,299 --> 00:49:33,011 "You know, Sam, you realize that you're working with an actual actor? 912 00:49:33,095 --> 00:49:35,055 "You might actually have to kinda get ready? 913 00:49:36,181 --> 00:49:39,559 "He's not just gonna make silly faces for you, like I did for years. 914 00:49:40,102 --> 00:49:44,690 "He might ask questions about motivation, so you better step up your game. 915 00:49:44,773 --> 00:49:47,359 "I saw Sherlock Holmes. That boy can act." 916 00:49:47,442 --> 00:49:49,569 (GRUNTS) 917 00:49:53,240 --> 00:49:56,201 If he looks at me, I always never make eye contact. 918 00:49:56,451 --> 00:49:58,704 I always pretend like I'm looking at my script. 919 00:49:59,204 --> 00:50:00,330 I know all the tricks. 920 00:50:00,414 --> 00:50:04,793 "Can I get you anything, Mr. Cumberbatch?" And if he screws up a line, I own it. 921 00:50:05,627 --> 00:50:07,254 "Benedict, that was me. 922 00:50:07,337 --> 00:50:09,715 "That was my mistake. Sorry." 923 00:50:09,798 --> 00:50:11,133 I got this all figured out. 924 00:50:11,800 --> 00:50:15,012 MURAWSKI: Of all the directors I've worked with, Sam is one of the best 925 00:50:15,095 --> 00:50:16,138 working with the actors. 926 00:50:16,221 --> 00:50:17,723 He understands the power of a good shot. 927 00:50:18,015 --> 00:50:20,475 And the choreography between the camera and the actor. 928 00:50:20,559 --> 00:50:25,647 {\an8}He just has a really good sense and his eye on every single detail of the film. 929 00:50:25,731 --> 00:50:29,317 For me, the fun has been just how he moves the camera. 930 00:50:29,401 --> 00:50:31,945 Stuff that's really inventive and really fun. 931 00:50:33,196 --> 00:50:36,074 MURAWSKI: Sam always has a lot of cool mirror gags in his movies, 932 00:50:36,158 --> 00:50:37,159 from Evil Dead 1. 933 00:50:37,617 --> 00:50:40,203 The whole scene where the Scarlet Witch is caught in the mirror trap 934 00:50:40,287 --> 00:50:44,291 and she was using the puddles, and the gong as a mirror to get out of. 935 00:50:46,084 --> 00:50:48,086 The mirror thing is something he's always been interested in, 936 00:50:48,170 --> 00:50:51,381 and the duality of the characters. Of course, the Delta 88. 937 00:50:51,840 --> 00:50:53,842 WOOD: We got Sam Raimi's car, yeah? The Delta 88. 938 00:50:54,176 --> 00:50:55,719 Sam's fans are gonna love this bit. 939 00:50:55,802 --> 00:50:57,971 The Delta 88 is the ultimate Easter egg. 940 00:50:58,055 --> 00:51:01,516 When I was a film student, we'd always love to see the Delta 88 941 00:51:01,600 --> 00:51:03,060 in the Sam Raimi movies. 942 00:51:03,310 --> 00:51:05,520 In Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, 943 00:51:05,604 --> 00:51:08,648 I remember walking into the stage one day and going, "There's the car!" 944 00:51:08,732 --> 00:51:10,859 Yeah, the '73 Delta 88. 945 00:51:10,942 --> 00:51:15,280 It's been in every one of Sam's movies, including his western. 946 00:51:15,363 --> 00:51:19,201 Yeah, he had the body taken off and put a wagon over the chassis 947 00:51:19,284 --> 00:51:21,953 so he could say (IMITATING RAIMI) "It's been in all my movies." 948 00:51:22,037 --> 00:51:26,333 WOOD: We actually got a bloody great big crane and puppeteered it down the street 949 00:51:26,416 --> 00:51:28,043 in this kind of snowstorm. 950 00:51:28,126 --> 00:51:30,045 And you get to see a few versions of the car. 951 00:51:33,006 --> 00:51:35,342 I've done everything I can to destroy that car, 952 00:51:35,425 --> 00:51:38,011 because I don't appreciate Sam's infatuation with it. 953 00:51:38,095 --> 00:51:40,555 He won't really let me near it 'cause he knows 954 00:51:40,639 --> 00:51:42,516 I will silently slit the seats. 955 00:51:42,599 --> 00:51:45,268 And one day, he might just wake up and it's gone. 956 00:51:45,352 --> 00:51:46,478 (LAUGHS) 957 00:51:46,561 --> 00:51:50,941 The amazing thing is, it's not even a fake version of the car. That's the car. 958 00:51:51,024 --> 00:51:53,652 It was actually the car that we drove in high school. 959 00:51:53,735 --> 00:51:57,072 And I know when you open the door and the key is in it, it goes... 960 00:51:57,280 --> 00:51:59,699 (MAKES WHINY NOISE) 961 00:51:59,783 --> 00:52:02,327 But I have to say, I hate it, but I love it. 962 00:52:02,828 --> 00:52:04,412 When I sit back in that car, 963 00:52:04,496 --> 00:52:07,082 you really do, honestly, not even exaggerating, 964 00:52:07,165 --> 00:52:11,253 you get a flood of memories that come back from that piece of crap. 965 00:52:11,795 --> 00:52:15,090 It's always fun to work with Sam. He's really funny and entertaining 966 00:52:15,382 --> 00:52:18,677 and he's very serious about things, but at the same time, 967 00:52:18,760 --> 00:52:20,428 -doesn't take things seriously. -(LAUGHS) 968 00:52:20,512 --> 00:52:22,597 That is fine. Let us go. Let's go, you animals. 969 00:52:22,681 --> 00:52:26,685 I think one of the things that's most fun for me about watching one of Sam's films 970 00:52:26,768 --> 00:52:31,606 and working on Sam's films is just the joy that he has in the process, 971 00:52:32,315 --> 00:52:33,775 in the art form. 972 00:52:34,151 --> 00:52:38,697 I don't know anybody that quite loves cinema the way that Sam does. 973 00:52:38,780 --> 00:52:40,824 Can I have even more of, "It feels good to be back." 974 00:52:40,907 --> 00:52:42,200 -Okay. -"This is who I am." 975 00:52:42,284 --> 00:52:43,493 -Okay. -You ready? 976 00:52:43,577 --> 00:52:45,120 WALDRON: I've learned so much from him. 977 00:52:45,203 --> 00:52:49,332 Just the way he conducts the orchestra of the movie, 978 00:52:49,416 --> 00:52:52,794 working with me on script pages, directing the cameras, 979 00:52:52,878 --> 00:52:55,463 swinging across a set, you know, working with the actors. 980 00:52:55,547 --> 00:52:59,384 I love that elegance. That was beautiful. Perfectly timed with the move too. 981 00:52:59,467 --> 00:53:00,510 That's great, man. 982 00:53:00,594 --> 00:53:02,679 I want you to play this more vulnerable than I've ever seen. 983 00:53:02,762 --> 00:53:04,890 I love all that emotion. Give me a double. 984 00:53:04,973 --> 00:53:06,725 All right, let's take it back to one. 985 00:53:06,808 --> 00:53:09,394 WALDRON: Every day, when we're starting in on a new scene, 986 00:53:09,477 --> 00:53:11,021 it's like, let's look at this 987 00:53:11,104 --> 00:53:13,523 as if this is the most important scene in the movie. 988 00:53:13,607 --> 00:53:16,985 NOLAN: He is just so aware of every aspect of filmmaking. 989 00:53:17,068 --> 00:53:21,114 I think a few weeks ago, Bob Murawski, the other editor who's been with Sam 990 00:53:21,198 --> 00:53:26,328 for 25-30 years said something like, "If Sam sat in every single chair, 991 00:53:26,411 --> 00:53:28,413 "he would be able to pick it up and do it right away," 992 00:53:28,496 --> 00:53:31,625 'cause he's just so aware of what every person on a film is doing. 993 00:53:31,708 --> 00:53:34,794 Sam has fostered such a collaborative environment, 994 00:53:34,878 --> 00:53:38,006 Sam really wanted to make sure that we had the best ideas on the table. 995 00:53:40,050 --> 00:53:41,927 -RAIMI: I think it's gonna work. -I think so. 996 00:53:42,010 --> 00:53:43,720 Yeah, I can't ask for better. 997 00:53:45,222 --> 00:53:48,475 Guys, thank you very much. This was a great place to live and work. 998 00:53:48,558 --> 00:53:50,894 You guys were wonderful. 999 00:53:51,728 --> 00:53:53,146 So, so professional. 1000 00:53:53,563 --> 00:53:57,192 I really appreciate that, and I've learned a lot from so many of you, 1001 00:53:57,275 --> 00:53:59,861 made some good friends, and the movie will be a lot of fun 1002 00:53:59,945 --> 00:54:03,281 thanks to all your hard work, and inventiveness, and craftsmanship. 1003 00:54:03,365 --> 00:54:04,950 Thank you very much. I salute all of you. 1004 00:54:05,033 --> 00:54:06,034 MAN: Thank you. 1005 00:54:06,117 --> 00:54:07,661 (ALL APPLAUDING) 1006 00:54:08,995 --> 00:54:11,456 MCADAMS: It's a real honor to be in the family. 1007 00:54:11,539 --> 00:54:14,084 So many talented people all working together 1008 00:54:14,167 --> 00:54:17,087 to take people on this incredible journey. 1009 00:54:17,170 --> 00:54:20,006 It does feel like one of the biggest things Marvel's ever done. 1010 00:54:20,382 --> 00:54:26,137 It's pretty unfathomably exciting to be the test pilot for all things Multiversal. 1011 00:54:26,513 --> 00:54:30,267 We've got this amazing canvas of imagination to sort of bounce off ideas 1012 00:54:30,350 --> 00:54:33,645 of what the human condition is and what the challenges that we all face are 1013 00:54:33,728 --> 00:54:37,023 and what the best version of ourselves could possibly be. 1014 00:54:37,524 --> 00:54:42,529 Protecting America Chavez becomes not just about protecting his universe 1015 00:54:42,612 --> 00:54:44,197 but protecting his friend. 1016 00:54:44,489 --> 00:54:50,245 He's capable of emotional growth in a way he was never able to demonstrate before. 1017 00:54:52,122 --> 00:54:54,207 CUMBERBATCH: What he comes to realize in that relationship 1018 00:54:54,291 --> 00:54:55,750 is he has to empower her, 1019 00:54:55,834 --> 00:54:58,962 he has to give up control himself. It's not about him. 1020 00:54:59,045 --> 00:55:01,131 It's actually about somebody else. 1021 00:55:01,214 --> 00:55:05,302 Of course, being an egotistical hero, he's scrambling around in every universe 1022 00:55:05,385 --> 00:55:08,430 for the answer for the weapon, for the surgeon's knife 1023 00:55:08,513 --> 00:55:11,349 in order to save the day and not realizing all the time 1024 00:55:11,433 --> 00:55:13,143 that the weapon is right in front of him. 1025 00:55:13,226 --> 00:55:15,937 It's someone who needs love, trust and encouragement. 1026 00:55:17,063 --> 00:55:21,484 I think the lesson for Strange is really how to be the best version of yourself, 1027 00:55:22,152 --> 00:55:25,363 and it's not necessarily about self-perfection. 1028 00:55:25,447 --> 00:55:27,574 It can be about helping someone else 1029 00:55:27,657 --> 00:55:30,368 rather than thinking that you can do it all yourself. 1030 00:55:30,994 --> 00:55:33,413 A real hero has to believe in others. 1031 00:55:33,913 --> 00:55:35,123 This is the only way. 1032 00:55:36,499 --> 00:55:41,254 RAIMI: He allows himself to believe in America Chavez and she saves the day. 1033 00:55:41,338 --> 00:55:42,464 (GRUNTS) 1034 00:55:43,757 --> 00:55:46,718 And that's the beauty of these comic books, these heroes, 1035 00:55:46,801 --> 00:55:50,555 is that they show us the people that we can be, what we're capable of. 1036 00:55:53,892 --> 00:55:57,812 Wanda doesn't actually do the work that maybe someone like Strange 1037 00:55:57,896 --> 00:56:01,691 is gonna eventually have to do, which is, take a look at our surroundings 1038 00:56:01,775 --> 00:56:04,861 and how we treat one another and find something that is in front of us 1039 00:56:04,944 --> 00:56:08,865 as opposed to what we are leaping different universes for. 1040 00:56:09,741 --> 00:56:13,703 Where does it leave the MCU? We've blown the lid on the Multiverse now. 1041 00:56:14,120 --> 00:56:17,123 PALMER: The Multiverse is going to be so big in the future of the MCU, 1042 00:56:17,207 --> 00:56:19,542 primarily because of the events of this movie. 1043 00:56:19,626 --> 00:56:20,960 After Infinity War and Endgame, 1044 00:56:21,044 --> 00:56:24,005 Doctor Strange was poised to be the chief protector of the MCU, 1045 00:56:24,089 --> 00:56:25,131 but now, in this movie, 1046 00:56:25,215 --> 00:56:28,385 we see Doctor Strange become not just the protector of the MCU, 1047 00:56:28,468 --> 00:56:31,763 but the protector of the Multiverse within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 1048 00:56:32,555 --> 00:56:36,643 What's compelling about where he's left is that third eye opens, 1049 00:56:37,143 --> 00:56:40,438 and now there's this evil awakened within him. 1050 00:56:40,730 --> 00:56:42,357 I think it begs the question, 1051 00:56:42,607 --> 00:56:48,947 is what makes Doctor Strange happy? Could it possibly be not being a hero? 1052 00:56:50,490 --> 00:56:54,786 Marvel is always about finding the humanity within the icon, right? 1053 00:56:54,869 --> 00:56:58,123 Finding the flaws beneath the cape or the mask or the armor, 1054 00:56:58,206 --> 00:57:00,917 and learning about who the human is inside it. 1055 00:57:02,919 --> 00:57:04,587 PALMER: Based on this ending, 1056 00:57:05,046 --> 00:57:06,840 who knows where that could take us? 1057 00:57:06,923 --> 00:57:09,467 Into the Dark Dimension and beyond, I don't know. 1058 00:57:11,344 --> 00:57:14,931 RAIMI: We're trying to give the audience a mind-expanding experience, 1059 00:57:15,014 --> 00:57:19,144 something that makes them talk about the nature of reality in a fun way 1060 00:57:19,227 --> 00:57:23,356 and ask questions like great comic books or science fiction can do. 1061 00:57:28,361 --> 00:57:30,613 I don't know about you, but being here today, 1062 00:57:30,697 --> 00:57:32,574 I had an epiphany of sorts. 1063 00:57:32,866 --> 00:57:36,244 I realized that making a film is not unlike conjuring another facet 1064 00:57:36,327 --> 00:57:37,579 of the Multiverse. 1065 00:57:37,662 --> 00:57:40,915 It's about creating an alternate reality from the ground up, 1066 00:57:40,999 --> 00:57:43,835 where time and space can bend any which way 1067 00:57:43,918 --> 00:57:47,589 according to the whims of those pulling the strings behind the scenes. 1068 00:57:48,339 --> 00:57:52,469 I know that might sound a little lofty, but well, I'm a lofty kinda guy. 1069 00:57:52,844 --> 00:57:57,724 This is Bruce Campbell saying farewell, until we meet again in the next dimension.