1 00:00:29,375 --> 00:00:31,708 I must have fallen asleep. 2 00:00:33,208 --> 00:00:35,708 Looking for Darwin 3 00:01:17,750 --> 00:01:18,750 Miss? 4 00:01:26,791 --> 00:01:28,000 It's nothing. 5 00:01:30,500 --> 00:01:31,708 Let's go. 6 00:01:51,708 --> 00:01:53,250 Good morning, Nishino-san. 7 00:01:53,250 --> 00:01:54,625 Good morning to you, too! 8 00:01:54,875 --> 00:01:56,833 Good morning, Senpai! 9 00:01:56,833 --> 00:01:58,458 Thank you, good morning. 10 00:02:05,291 --> 00:02:08,041 There was a boy that I despised. 11 00:02:10,083 --> 00:02:11,541 Good morning, Kageno-kun. 12 00:02:11,791 --> 00:02:13,416 His grades were just below average. 13 00:02:13,541 --> 00:02:15,125 Athletically, he was just below average. 14 00:02:15,125 --> 00:02:17,250 His looks were exceedingly ordinary. 15 00:02:17,250 --> 00:02:18,458 Good morning, 16 00:02:18,458 --> 00:02:19,666 Nishimura-san. 17 00:02:24,958 --> 00:02:26,791 Excuse me, Kageno-kun. 18 00:02:26,791 --> 00:02:28,666 What is it, Nishimura-san? 19 00:02:28,666 --> 00:02:30,041 My name... 20 00:02:30,041 --> 00:02:31,875 It isn't Nishimura. 21 00:02:33,708 --> 00:02:34,708 What? 22 00:02:38,166 --> 00:02:41,916 #1: The Hated Classmate 23 00:02:38,916 --> 00:02:40,125 My name.... 24 00:02:40,125 --> 00:02:41,916 It isn't Nishimura. 25 00:02:42,541 --> 00:02:43,541 What? 26 00:02:44,083 --> 00:02:45,958 It's not Nishimura. 27 00:02:46,541 --> 00:02:48,333 Oh, I got it wrong? 28 00:02:48,500 --> 00:02:50,333 Yes, my name is- 29 00:02:50,333 --> 00:02:52,333 Oh, hold on, I remember now. 30 00:02:53,291 --> 00:02:56,166 You were technically a named NPC, weren't you? 31 00:02:56,500 --> 00:02:58,166 "Named" what? 32 00:02:58,166 --> 00:02:59,708 Sorry, talking to myself. 33 00:03:00,458 --> 00:03:04,375 I'm pretty good at remembering the names 34 00:03:00,459 --> 00:03:04,375 of all the important characters. 35 00:03:04,375 --> 00:03:06,125 But I haven't been getting enough sleep. 36 00:03:06,666 --> 00:03:08,375 So I guess I got careless. 37 00:03:09,291 --> 00:03:10,916 A careless mistake, I see. 38 00:03:10,916 --> 00:03:13,875 You have been in my class, 39 00:03:10,917 --> 00:03:13,875 sitting right next to me for three months. 40 00:03:13,875 --> 00:03:15,208 Three months! 41 00:03:15,625 --> 00:03:18,708 That's okay, everybody makes mistakes. 42 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:20,458 Yeah, sorry... 43 00:03:20,916 --> 00:03:22,125 Nishitani-san. 44 00:03:22,125 --> 00:03:23,833 I ain't Nishitani, jerk! 45 00:03:24,166 --> 00:03:25,375 It's Nishino. 46 00:03:25,875 --> 00:03:28,000 I'm Akane Nishino. 47 00:03:34,416 --> 00:03:36,291 Oh, well, see you later, Nishimura-san. 48 00:03:36,291 --> 00:03:38,791 It's Nishino! 49 00:03:36,292 --> 00:03:38,791 You went backwards! 50 00:03:43,500 --> 00:03:47,666 His most unforgivable crime was not 51 00:03:43,501 --> 00:03:47,666 his failure to get my name right. 52 00:03:48,166 --> 00:03:50,541 He never looked at me. 53 00:03:51,250 --> 00:03:55,083 He turned his eyes in my direction, 54 00:03:51,251 --> 00:03:55,083 but they were always distant, 55 00:03:55,083 --> 00:03:57,250 like he was looking at some different, far-off place. 56 00:03:57,791 --> 00:04:01,250 When I realized that about him, 57 00:03:57,792 --> 00:04:01,250 my hatred was complete. 58 00:04:01,416 --> 00:04:04,541 Akane! You're playing the lead in the 59 00:04:01,417 --> 00:04:04,541 upcoming Monday-night drama, right? 60 00:04:04,541 --> 00:04:05,833 That's so cool! 61 00:04:05,833 --> 00:04:07,250 How many shows have you done now? 62 00:04:07,250 --> 00:04:09,416 You're even busier than you were last year! 63 00:04:09,416 --> 00:04:12,833 Please! I'm so nervous about it, I could die! 64 00:04:12,833 --> 00:04:14,208 I'm definitely gonna watch! 65 00:04:15,625 --> 00:04:19,041 I had done everything in my power to 66 00:04:15,626 --> 00:04:19,041 avoid associating with Kageno-kun. 67 00:04:19,625 --> 00:04:22,166 If I could have had my way, 68 00:04:19,626 --> 00:04:22,166 I would have ignored him entirely. 69 00:04:22,333 --> 00:04:25,083 But there were reasons that I wanted to 70 00:04:22,334 --> 00:04:25,083 avoid making a big deal of it. 71 00:04:26,000 --> 00:04:29,791 20,553... 20,554... 20 thousand- 72 00:04:41,125 --> 00:04:42,916 When I was in middle school, 73 00:04:42,916 --> 00:04:46,541 I had to take a break from show business 74 00:04:42,917 --> 00:04:46,541 because of a scandal. 75 00:04:46,666 --> 00:04:47,708 Stalker Scare 76 00:04:50,208 --> 00:04:51,958 Ever since the incident... 77 00:04:52,416 --> 00:04:55,708 I've been hiding behind a mask. 78 00:04:56,500 --> 00:04:57,541 Nuclear... 79 00:04:57,541 --> 00:04:59,250 The limits of living things... 80 00:05:04,833 --> 00:05:07,125 More power... 81 00:05:09,083 --> 00:05:12,250 Will anyone volunteer to tally up 82 00:05:09,084 --> 00:05:12,250 the school festival survey answers? 83 00:05:12,250 --> 00:05:14,333 Oh, Sensei, I can- 84 00:05:14,333 --> 00:05:17,208 Oh, but Nishino-san, 85 00:05:14,334 --> 00:05:17,208 you have makeup lessons right now. 86 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:22,416 Because you've been so busy lately. 87 00:05:22,416 --> 00:05:24,958 This is what makes you so darn lovable, Akane. 88 00:05:24,958 --> 00:05:26,916 Come on, don't laugh so much. 89 00:05:26,916 --> 00:05:28,500 Then, um, you, sitting next to her. 90 00:05:28,500 --> 00:05:29,875 If you would? 91 00:05:29,875 --> 00:05:30,875 Yes, ma'am. 92 00:05:31,750 --> 00:05:33,458 Okay, time for club! 93 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:35,625 Wanna stop by Mitsugoshi on the way home? 94 00:05:36,125 --> 00:05:40,375 I play the teacher's pet so the teachers will like me. 95 00:05:40,625 --> 00:05:43,833 I play the popular girl so the students will like me. 96 00:05:44,416 --> 00:05:47,541 I've been very careful to make sure no one hates me. 97 00:05:48,708 --> 00:05:51,625 That's how I've lived my life up to this point. 98 00:06:38,083 --> 00:06:41,000 The Young Miss 99 00:06:59,500 --> 00:07:00,708 He's not answering. 100 00:07:17,791 --> 00:07:20,791 I haven't walked home since the incident. 101 00:07:40,791 --> 00:07:42,833 Akane Nishino, I presume? 102 00:07:45,041 --> 00:07:46,458 Why?! How?! 103 00:07:47,250 --> 00:07:48,458 Not again! 104 00:07:54,250 --> 00:07:55,250 No! 105 00:07:59,166 --> 00:08:00,708 Come on, stop struggling. 106 00:08:14,625 --> 00:08:16,333 It finally kicked in. 107 00:08:16,333 --> 00:08:18,000 All right, get her in the car. 108 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:20,708 Huh? Don't order me around, outsider. 109 00:08:47,083 --> 00:08:48,708 You know you shouldn't do that: 110 00:08:48,708 --> 00:08:53,666 The daughter of the head of the Nishino Zaibatsu, 111 00:08:48,709 --> 00:08:53,666 wandering the streets alone at night. 112 00:08:53,666 --> 00:08:56,291 You might get caught by some unsavory characters. 113 00:08:56,541 --> 00:08:59,000 Just stay there and don't try anything. 114 00:08:56,542 --> 00:08:59,000 We sent the ransom note. 115 00:08:59,000 --> 00:09:00,750 As soon as we get the money, you're free to go. 116 00:09:00,750 --> 00:09:03,041 Or that's the cover story, anyway. 117 00:09:03,041 --> 00:09:06,375 Seems like your old man's made a lot of enemies. 118 00:09:06,375 --> 00:09:07,625 Hey, shut it. 119 00:09:07,625 --> 00:09:08,833 Huh? 120 00:09:09,000 --> 00:09:10,333 You shut it, outsider. 121 00:09:10,333 --> 00:09:12,041 You think you can talk down to me? 122 00:09:12,041 --> 00:09:15,500 I said stop talking, you outdated gangster cliché. 123 00:09:34,458 --> 00:09:36,625 This is so annoying. 124 00:09:37,833 --> 00:09:41,041 I finally caught my lucky break, and now it's all ruined. 125 00:09:42,208 --> 00:09:44,208 Why don't you help me feel better? 126 00:09:44,208 --> 00:09:46,000 Gimme a little fan service. 127 00:09:46,000 --> 00:09:48,291 I'll start with that pretty little mouth of yours. 128 00:09:50,250 --> 00:09:52,750 Don't you dare fight me! 129 00:09:56,791 --> 00:09:58,416 This should be old hat for you. 130 00:09:58,416 --> 00:10:01,416 It's your second time being kidnapped, after all. 131 00:10:02,625 --> 00:10:05,750 And the last guy was a stalker? Right? 132 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:09,083 I'll give you much better memories than that other guy. 133 00:10:10,791 --> 00:10:12,208 Stop struggling! 134 00:10:12,208 --> 00:10:13,833 You know no one's coming. 135 00:10:22,208 --> 00:10:23,208 What? 136 00:10:23,208 --> 00:10:24,583 I mean, who's there?! 137 00:10:41,583 --> 00:10:43,625 Who the hell do you think you are?! 138 00:10:43,625 --> 00:10:44,833 Me? 139 00:10:44,833 --> 00:10:48,958 I'm just a Stylish Ruffian Slayer. 140 00:10:49,916 --> 00:10:51,416 Stylish... 141 00:10:51,416 --> 00:10:53,333 ...Ruffian Slayer? 142 00:10:54,416 --> 00:10:57,000 Don't get cute with us, dammit! 143 00:10:58,750 --> 00:11:01,250 Too much pointless movement. 144 00:10:58,751 --> 00:11:01,250 Your guard is way down. 145 00:11:08,041 --> 00:11:09,041 I see... 146 00:11:09,500 --> 00:11:11,541 It looks like you have some idea what you're doing, 147 00:11:11,541 --> 00:11:14,458 Stylish Ruffian Slayer. 148 00:11:17,208 --> 00:11:21,166 You know, I've been awfully bored 149 00:11:17,209 --> 00:11:21,166 since I was booted from the army. 150 00:11:21,333 --> 00:11:25,833 Doing these little kiddy abductions, 151 00:11:21,334 --> 00:11:25,833 partnering with a lowlife amateur... 152 00:11:26,791 --> 00:11:28,791 This country is too damn peaceful. 153 00:11:29,166 --> 00:11:30,791 I see, this is perfect. 154 00:11:30,791 --> 00:11:33,375 I've always wanted to fight a military man. 155 00:11:34,458 --> 00:11:38,500 I welcome the challenge, Stylish Ruffian Slayer! 156 00:11:38,875 --> 00:11:42,166 Welcome to my crazy, messed up world! 157 00:11:47,500 --> 00:11:50,125 I can't go back now that I know... 158 00:11:52,041 --> 00:11:54,500 how good this feels! 159 00:12:02,250 --> 00:12:04,416 Crowbars are great, Mr. Ex-Military. 160 00:12:04,666 --> 00:12:06,125 They're sturdy and don't break. 161 00:12:06,125 --> 00:12:07,625 They're easy to carry around. 162 00:12:07,625 --> 00:12:10,500 If you end up in police questioning, 163 00:12:07,626 --> 00:12:10,500 you might be able to make excuses. 164 00:12:11,791 --> 00:12:13,083 And best of all... 165 00:12:13,666 --> 00:12:15,875 you can use them like tonfa batons. 166 00:12:16,125 --> 00:12:17,333 Dammit! 167 00:12:17,333 --> 00:12:19,125 You're definitely a good fighter. 168 00:12:19,125 --> 00:12:20,833 But you have a major weakness. 169 00:12:21,250 --> 00:12:24,375 And it's the fact that I'm big enough to crush you! 170 00:12:28,958 --> 00:12:31,458 I just have to protect my head and I'm fine, 171 00:12:31,458 --> 00:12:34,041 but if you take one hit from me, you're done. 172 00:12:34,625 --> 00:12:35,875 You make a good point. 173 00:12:36,791 --> 00:12:40,083 At my current level, an ex-military guy 174 00:12:36,792 --> 00:12:40,083 is still a bit of a challenge. 175 00:12:40,458 --> 00:12:41,916 That's the reality. 176 00:12:43,458 --> 00:12:45,333 So I should get a little more serious about this. 177 00:12:50,333 --> 00:12:51,541 What?! 178 00:12:52,625 --> 00:12:55,250 I discovered the real potential of crowbars. 179 00:12:55,250 --> 00:12:57,291 They're shaped very much like tonfa. 180 00:12:57,291 --> 00:13:00,208 They're heavy, sturdy, and portable. 181 00:13:00,208 --> 00:13:02,833 Everything about them has immense potential. 182 00:13:03,125 --> 00:13:06,333 Then I made it a regular practice to 183 00:13:03,126 --> 00:13:06,333 beat up the motorcycle gangs 184 00:13:06,333 --> 00:13:07,791 that disturbed the peace night after night. 185 00:13:11,458 --> 00:13:12,458 You... 186 00:13:12,958 --> 00:13:16,083 You beat up bikers with a crowbar? 187 00:13:16,916 --> 00:13:19,500 You're the Balaclava Berserker?! 188 00:13:21,708 --> 00:13:24,583 They recently started wearing helmets, 189 00:13:24,916 --> 00:13:27,541 so it wouldn't kill them if I hit them in the head. 190 00:13:28,625 --> 00:13:29,625 And... 191 00:13:29,916 --> 00:13:32,208 the solution I found to that problem... 192 00:13:34,958 --> 00:13:37,583 was to stop using the crowbars like tonfa. 193 00:13:41,333 --> 00:13:43,583 Because using it like a regular club... 194 00:13:45,041 --> 00:13:46,291 ...is more effective! 195 00:13:48,875 --> 00:13:51,000 That is the potential of a crowbar. 196 00:13:51,583 --> 00:13:53,750 The trick is to hit with the heel of the "L..." 197 00:13:56,041 --> 00:13:58,166 ...because it magnifies the shock. 198 00:14:02,375 --> 00:14:03,958 N-no, don't! 199 00:14:09,666 --> 00:14:10,875 Stop... 200 00:14:55,833 --> 00:14:58,000 Next time, be more careful walking home. 201 00:15:14,625 --> 00:15:15,833 What? 202 00:15:22,208 --> 00:15:23,416 It's no good. 203 00:15:23,750 --> 00:15:27,541 If that's how I do against an ex-soldier, 204 00:15:23,751 --> 00:15:27,541 I'll never make it. 205 00:15:29,375 --> 00:15:31,083 I'll never be the Eminence in Shadow. 206 00:15:34,708 --> 00:15:38,708 After that, I called the police, 207 00:15:34,709 --> 00:15:38,708 and things got pretty hectic. 208 00:15:39,291 --> 00:15:40,958 But Daddy pulled some strings, 209 00:15:40,958 --> 00:15:43,458 and the public never found out about what happened. 210 00:15:44,208 --> 00:15:49,833 In the end, I never did discover the true identity 211 00:15:44,209 --> 00:15:49,833 of the Stylish Ruffian Slayer. 212 00:15:54,958 --> 00:15:56,250 Good morning, Nishino-san! 213 00:15:56,250 --> 00:15:58,041 Good morning to you, too! 214 00:15:58,041 --> 00:15:59,916 Good morning, Senpai! 215 00:15:59,916 --> 00:16:01,625 Thank you, good morning. 216 00:16:09,333 --> 00:16:10,791 Good morning, Kageno-kun. 217 00:16:12,916 --> 00:16:14,125 Good morning, 218 00:16:14,208 --> 00:16:15,000 Nishino-san. 219 00:16:16,250 --> 00:16:18,708 Okay, okay, my name isn't Nishino- 220 00:16:20,708 --> 00:16:23,125 He didn't get my name wrong. 221 00:16:23,666 --> 00:16:27,458 And I got the feeling his eyes 222 00:16:23,667 --> 00:16:27,458 were looking directly at me. 223 00:16:28,250 --> 00:16:33,208 "Kageno-kun is like me. 224 00:16:28,251 --> 00:16:33,208 He lives his life hiding behind a mask." 225 00:16:33,708 --> 00:16:35,708 That's the thought that crossed my mind. 226 00:16:36,458 --> 00:16:39,333 But now there's no way to ever know for sure. 227 00:16:41,500 --> 00:16:42,750 On to our next story. 228 00:16:43,166 --> 00:16:46,333 Just before dawn this morning, on a city road in Sakurazaka, 229 00:16:46,333 --> 00:16:51,000 local high school student Minoru Kageno-san was hit by a truck. 230 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:52,250 He did not survive. 231 00:16:52,666 --> 00:16:56,791 The police have determined that the driver 232 00:16:52,667 --> 00:16:56,791 was not watching the road, 233 00:16:56,791 --> 00:16:58,541 and have begun to investigate- 234 00:18:02,041 --> 00:18:04,375 I don't remember how it started. 235 00:18:05,208 --> 00:18:08,666 As far back as I can remember, 236 00:18:05,209 --> 00:18:08,666 it's what I always wanted to be. 237 00:18:09,375 --> 00:18:12,708 Like how everybody dreams of being a hero 238 00:18:09,376 --> 00:18:12,708 when they're a kid. 239 00:18:13,166 --> 00:18:15,166 That's what I wanted to be. 240 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:19,958 But what made me different from other kids, 241 00:18:19,958 --> 00:18:23,458 is that my passion was far from a temporary phase. 242 00:18:23,750 --> 00:18:26,333 It kept burning, deep, deep inside my heart. 243 00:18:26,333 --> 00:18:30,208 The flame never went out. 244 00:18:26,334 --> 00:18:30,208 It kept driving me forward. 245 00:18:31,166 --> 00:18:35,333 I did everything I could to master 246 00:18:31,167 --> 00:18:35,333 every skill I needed to be stronger. 247 00:18:36,333 --> 00:18:38,750 At school, I was the stubbornly ordinary, 248 00:18:38,750 --> 00:18:41,916 never conspicuous, utterly harmless, 249 00:18:38,751 --> 00:18:41,916 Background Character A. 250 00:18:42,333 --> 00:18:45,625 But behind the mask, I gave everything to my training. 251 00:18:46,041 --> 00:18:51,250 As everyone around me grew up and 252 00:18:46,042 --> 00:18:51,250 forgot about the heroes they dreamed of becoming, 253 00:18:51,250 --> 00:18:56,083 I started to feel a little - just a very little - sentimental. 254 00:18:56,416 --> 00:18:58,291 But I kept going, I kept working, 255 00:18:59,333 --> 00:19:01,916 for the day I knew would come. 256 00:19:03,208 --> 00:19:06,458 But the time has come for me to face reality. 257 00:19:07,166 --> 00:19:09,333 None of this is going to mean anything. 258 00:19:09,750 --> 00:19:12,875 The world is overflowing with martial arts, 259 00:19:09,751 --> 00:19:12,875 and I can learn all of them, 260 00:19:12,875 --> 00:19:16,083 but I'll never get the kind of overwhelming power 261 00:19:12,876 --> 00:19:16,083 you hear about in all the stories. 262 00:19:16,458 --> 00:19:19,833 The best I can do is bust a few delinquent heads. 263 00:19:22,625 --> 00:19:25,625 If, for example, I was surrounded 264 00:19:22,626 --> 00:19:25,625 by fully armed soldiers, 265 00:19:25,625 --> 00:19:26,833 that would be it for me. 266 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:32,458 Well, if I became the 267 00:19:29,001 --> 00:19:32,458 strongest martial artist in the world, 268 00:19:32,458 --> 00:19:35,125 there's a chance I'd be able to rough 'em up some. 269 00:19:37,833 --> 00:19:39,666 But then what? 270 00:19:42,000 --> 00:19:44,625 What if a nuclear missile fell from the sky? 271 00:19:45,416 --> 00:19:49,833 I can tone my muscles, I can hone my mind, 272 00:19:45,417 --> 00:19:49,833 I can polish my skills all I want. 273 00:19:50,500 --> 00:19:53,666 But if a nuclear bomb hits, all I can do is evaporate. 274 00:19:54,416 --> 00:19:55,958 That's what it is to be human. 275 00:20:02,083 --> 00:20:04,208 I have to overcome those limits. 276 00:20:05,208 --> 00:20:07,250 The being that I want to be 277 00:20:07,250 --> 00:20:09,125 would not evaporate in a nuclear explosion. 278 00:20:11,375 --> 00:20:13,166 Compromise is not an option. 279 00:20:29,291 --> 00:20:30,583 Don't worry. 280 00:20:33,791 --> 00:20:36,083 We have them completely surrounded. 281 00:20:36,583 --> 00:20:38,416 They have nowhere to run. 282 00:20:39,125 --> 00:20:41,583 It's exactly as you predicted, My Lord. 283 00:20:42,291 --> 00:20:46,291 I have only words of admiration for 284 00:20:42,292 --> 00:20:46,291 your foresight and meticulous planning. 285 00:20:46,541 --> 00:20:49,500 We haven't had a big hunt in ages. 286 00:20:46,542 --> 00:20:49,500 I can't wait! 287 00:20:49,500 --> 00:20:51,166 I'll show no mercy. 288 00:20:54,625 --> 00:20:57,458 We're all waiting for your orders, My Lord. 289 00:21:03,125 --> 00:21:04,125 Excellent. 290 00:21:04,125 --> 00:21:07,291 I'm not sure exactly what's excellent, 291 00:21:04,126 --> 00:21:07,291 but I'm sure that it is. 292 00:21:08,041 --> 00:21:11,208 I was blessed with a new life, 293 00:21:08,042 --> 00:21:11,208 and in a new world, no less. 294 00:21:11,625 --> 00:21:13,083 And I was given... 295 00:21:13,916 --> 00:21:18,041 I need more power. 296 00:21:21,666 --> 00:21:22,875 ...magic. 297 00:21:23,250 --> 00:21:25,625 With this new power at my disposal... 298 00:21:27,041 --> 00:21:29,250 There is but one summit we aim to reach. 299 00:21:30,625 --> 00:21:31,833 Let's go. 300 00:21:43,875 --> 00:21:46,291 This time, I'm going to make it. 301 00:21:46,666 --> 00:21:48,958 I would give up everything to get there. 302 00:21:49,708 --> 00:21:51,833 No, I will give up everything! 303 00:21:52,083 --> 00:21:55,541 If that's what it takes to get there, 304 00:21:52,084 --> 00:21:55,541 that's how badly I want it. 305 00:21:56,208 --> 00:21:57,916 I don't want to be the hero. 306 00:21:58,833 --> 00:22:00,250 I don't want to be the last boss. 307 00:22:01,916 --> 00:22:04,208 I want to be the one in the story who 308 00:22:01,917 --> 00:22:04,208 operates from the shadows, 309 00:22:04,208 --> 00:22:06,375 showing everyone their greatness: 310 00:22:14,041 --> 00:22:15,625 The Eminence in Shadow!