1 00:00:11,043 --> 00:00:14,209 (bright music) 2 00:00:25,793 --> 00:00:27,626 (muttering) - And a little more of this. 3 00:00:27,626 --> 00:00:31,168 And less of that. And this piece makes no sense. 4 00:00:31,168 --> 00:00:33,793 Unless it's upside down! 5 00:00:33,793 --> 00:00:35,959 Now we're cooking. 6 00:00:35,959 --> 00:00:37,626 (laughing) 7 00:00:41,876 --> 00:00:43,293 - Hmm. 8 00:00:46,959 --> 00:00:48,876 - Good question, Kenneth. 9 00:00:48,876 --> 00:00:51,209 Hey, Zipp, do you know what Izzy's doing up there? 10 00:00:51,209 --> 00:00:53,084 (Zipp): Not. A. Clue. 11 00:00:55,001 --> 00:00:57,501 Hitch, uh, what's your dragon doing? 12 00:00:57,501 --> 00:00:59,543 - This is going to be the best birthday present 13 00:00:59,543 --> 00:01:01,459 for a friend I've ever made because I finally have a friend 14 00:01:01,459 --> 00:01:02,543 and it's her birthday! 15 00:01:04,876 --> 00:01:06,959 (Zipp): Huh? - Hi, Zipp! 16 00:01:06,959 --> 00:01:08,668 Woah! (gasps) 17 00:01:09,918 --> 00:01:12,001 (screaming) - No! 18 00:01:13,334 --> 00:01:14,626 - No! 19 00:01:16,168 --> 00:01:17,543 (both): Yes! 20 00:01:17,543 --> 00:01:20,126 (sighs) (Zipp): More glowing Cutie Marks. 21 00:01:20,126 --> 00:01:22,876 And random Earth Pony plant magic. 22 00:01:22,876 --> 00:01:25,418 Also somepony's going to have to clean this up. 23 00:01:27,418 --> 00:01:30,084 ♪ Hey you've gotta let it glow ♪ 24 00:01:30,084 --> 00:01:33,001 ♪ You've gotta let it shine ♪ 25 00:01:33,418 --> 00:01:36,168 ♪ Oh let's make our mark together ♪ 26 00:01:36,168 --> 00:01:38,501 ♪ Just riding on forever ♪ 27 00:01:38,501 --> 00:01:41,834 ♪ Just keeps on getting better better better ♪ 28 00:01:43,001 --> 00:01:44,209 ♪ Hey ♪ 29 00:01:44,209 --> 00:01:46,376 ♪ Everypony everywhere ♪ 30 00:01:46,376 --> 00:01:48,334 ♪ You can feel it in the air ♪ 31 00:01:48,334 --> 00:01:52,168 ♪ Find your spark and just glow and shine ♪ 32 00:01:52,168 --> 00:01:54,293 ♪ Make a mark that you can share ♪ 33 00:01:54,293 --> 00:01:56,209 ♪ Hoofed at heart you know we care ♪ 34 00:01:56,209 --> 00:01:57,793 ♪ Oh ponies come on ♪ 35 00:01:57,793 --> 00:02:01,709 ♪ Let's all unite ♪♪ 36 00:02:05,876 --> 00:02:07,751 (sighs) - Don't worry, Izzy. 37 00:02:07,751 --> 00:02:09,834 You're safe now. - I know. 38 00:02:09,834 --> 00:02:12,251 I was just screaming "No" 39 00:02:12,251 --> 00:02:14,418 because I lost my crafting glasses. 40 00:02:15,334 --> 00:02:17,543 Double yes! 41 00:02:17,543 --> 00:02:19,709 - I wish I could figure out earth pony magic. 42 00:02:19,709 --> 00:02:22,209 I don't like how crazy it is. 43 00:02:23,001 --> 00:02:25,001 (sighs) (Izzy): But not triple "yes". 44 00:02:25,001 --> 00:02:27,709 I didn't get to finish my amazing birthday tower 45 00:02:27,709 --> 00:02:29,834 of friendship for Sunny! 46 00:02:34,501 --> 00:02:37,209 Accidentally awesome! 47 00:02:37,209 --> 00:02:38,501 It's perfect! 48 00:02:38,501 --> 00:02:39,543 (gasps) 49 00:02:39,543 --> 00:02:41,834 - Did anypony hear that? 50 00:02:41,834 --> 00:02:44,293 It shook the whole Crystal Brighthouse! 51 00:02:44,293 --> 00:02:46,918 - Happy birthday, friend! 52 00:02:46,918 --> 00:02:49,751 And happy first-time-saying- happy- birthday-friend to me! 53 00:02:49,751 --> 00:02:51,584 I made you a present! 54 00:02:52,168 --> 00:02:54,876 - Aww, Izzy! 55 00:02:56,418 --> 00:03:00,043 This is the most amazing birthday present ever! 56 00:03:00,043 --> 00:03:01,751 I need to show it off! 57 00:03:01,751 --> 00:03:03,709 Wanna go to the Mare-Time Bay Craft Fair? 58 00:03:03,709 --> 00:03:05,793 - With my friend on her birthday?! 59 00:03:05,793 --> 00:03:08,209 Of course I want to go to that! 60 00:03:11,543 --> 00:03:13,293 - Alright, you two have fun. 61 00:03:13,293 --> 00:03:16,001 Sparky and I will clean up all this. 62 00:03:18,543 --> 00:03:20,501 (giggling) 63 00:03:20,501 --> 00:03:23,168 - One case solved: Hitch is going to clean all this up. 64 00:03:23,168 --> 00:03:24,959 - Zipp will help too, right Zipp? 65 00:03:24,959 --> 00:03:28,168 - Okay, fine. 66 00:03:28,168 --> 00:03:31,376 Reminder to Zipp: Leave and then take notes. 67 00:03:34,043 --> 00:03:38,793 -Thank you again, Izzy. I love this custom mane-cessory so much. 68 00:03:38,793 --> 00:03:41,168 - And I didn't even know that's what it was. 69 00:03:41,168 --> 00:03:43,334 How awesome is that? 70 00:03:43,334 --> 00:03:46,209 - Better than awesome. It's Izzy-tastic! 71 00:03:46,209 --> 00:03:48,126 (laughing) 72 00:03:53,668 --> 00:03:57,084 - It's true. Magic has returned to Equestria like you said. 73 00:03:57,084 --> 00:04:01,251 - Excellent. Then we shall proceed with our plan. 74 00:04:06,126 --> 00:04:09,918 (exclaiming) 75 00:04:11,751 --> 00:04:13,209 - Howdy, Sunny! 76 00:04:13,209 --> 00:04:16,293 Got your smoothie parts ya ordered. 77 00:04:16,293 --> 00:04:18,793 - Oh great! Uh, just drop them in the bin. 78 00:04:18,793 --> 00:04:20,293 (thudding) 79 00:04:20,293 --> 00:04:24,751 Earth Pony Magic just keeps getting… bigger! 80 00:04:25,668 --> 00:04:29,418 - Wow, look at that! Oh and that! 81 00:04:29,418 --> 00:04:32,001 Oh! Pipp! - Izzy! 82 00:04:32,001 --> 00:04:36,209 - You knew about the craft fair, too?! - It's the only place to be! 83 00:04:36,209 --> 00:04:38,918 That's what I've been saying on my socials. 84 00:04:38,918 --> 00:04:42,001 That's right, everypony! The Mare-Time Bay Mane Street craft fair 85 00:04:42,001 --> 00:04:46,043 is the only place to be for the hottest craftables, wearables and snackables! 86 00:04:46,043 --> 00:04:47,251 Tell them, Izzy! 87 00:04:47,251 --> 00:04:50,543 - Couldn't say it better myself, 'cause I don't remember what you said! 88 00:04:50,543 --> 00:04:52,334 - And post! 89 00:04:52,334 --> 00:04:55,293 So, are you here to shop, or browse, or-- 90 00:04:55,293 --> 00:04:58,251 (dramatic gasp) Oh, my hoofness! 91 00:04:58,251 --> 00:05:00,834 What is Sunny wearing? 92 00:05:00,834 --> 00:05:03,043 - The birthday present I made her! 93 00:05:03,043 --> 00:05:07,084 It was a bracelet, but she put it in her mane. So it's that now. 94 00:05:07,084 --> 00:05:09,459 (singing): It's everything! 95 00:05:09,459 --> 00:05:13,918 I'm calling it: this mane-cessory is the trend of the day. 96 00:05:13,918 --> 00:05:17,751 Come down to the craft-fair and get one for yourself, Pippsqueaks! 97 00:05:17,751 --> 00:05:20,001 (giggling) 98 00:05:20,001 --> 00:05:22,418 Look at all of these likes, Izzy! 99 00:05:22,418 --> 00:05:24,459 And look at that. 100 00:05:26,418 --> 00:05:28,709 (nervous chuckle, gulps) 101 00:05:30,709 --> 00:05:35,084 - So you know how my hooves glowed when the ground moved and then I heroically saved Izzy? 102 00:05:35,084 --> 00:05:37,959 - Heroically. - Good. That's how I remember it too. 103 00:05:37,959 --> 00:05:42,126 You think that all this Earth Pony magic stuff is safe, right? 104 00:05:42,126 --> 00:05:45,959 - Of course! You Earth Ponies can grow plants with your hooves! 105 00:05:45,959 --> 00:05:47,626 How could that be bad? 106 00:05:47,626 --> 00:05:50,334 But I'm still investigating what else our powers can do… 107 00:05:51,918 --> 00:05:55,168 (muttering) 108 00:05:55,168 --> 00:05:59,793 I do know one thing's for sure: whenever anypony's "sparkle" really starts to shine, 109 00:05:59,793 --> 00:06:01,626 their Cutie Mark glows! 110 00:06:02,168 --> 00:06:04,376 - But why? - Still a mystery. 111 00:06:04,376 --> 00:06:06,501 But I can't wait to figure it out. 112 00:06:06,501 --> 00:06:09,793 - Can you figure out why everything we just put away isn't put away? 113 00:06:12,626 --> 00:06:14,918 (cheerful gibberish) 114 00:06:16,626 --> 00:06:20,543 (gasps) Sparky Sparkeroni! That's not helping. 115 00:06:20,543 --> 00:06:22,501 - Sparky… Sparkeroni? 116 00:06:22,501 --> 00:06:25,168 - Yep. Named him myself. Good, huh? 117 00:06:25,168 --> 00:06:26,918 (whimpering) 118 00:06:26,918 --> 00:06:28,501 (crying) 119 00:06:29,001 --> 00:06:31,126 This baby dragon needs a nap! 120 00:06:31,126 --> 00:06:34,293 You wanna keep putting this stuff away while I tuck him in? Thanks. 121 00:06:36,001 --> 00:06:38,376 (snoring) 122 00:06:39,043 --> 00:06:43,418 - Ugh. Another mystery to solve: How do I always end up cleaning up? 123 00:06:46,251 --> 00:06:47,834 - Here you go. 124 00:06:48,501 --> 00:06:51,126 (slurps) - Your smoothies are the best! 125 00:06:51,126 --> 00:06:53,001 What's your secret? 126 00:06:53,001 --> 00:06:56,668 - Well, first I take a really big strawberry and then-- 127 00:06:56,668 --> 00:06:59,001 - Psst. Sunny! - Whoa! 128 00:06:59,001 --> 00:07:02,834 Izzy! Why are you hiding? - Shh! 129 00:07:02,834 --> 00:07:06,084 Pipp told everypony how great the gift I made for you is 130 00:07:06,084 --> 00:07:09,668 and now everypony wants one! - Isn't that a good thing? 131 00:07:09,668 --> 00:07:12,084 - No! I made that one for you. 132 00:07:12,084 --> 00:07:14,626 It was lightning in a glue bottle! 133 00:07:14,626 --> 00:07:16,334 What if I can't make another one? 134 00:07:16,334 --> 00:07:21,626 - Aw, you don't have to be afraid to share your special talents with everypony! 135 00:07:21,626 --> 00:07:23,043 - Right? 136 00:07:23,043 --> 00:07:27,126 We Pegasi always say let your creativity fly! 137 00:07:27,126 --> 00:07:28,793 (giggling) Come on, I'll show you. 138 00:07:28,793 --> 00:07:29,793 (Izzy): Woah! 139 00:07:33,043 --> 00:07:35,793 (intriguing music) 140 00:07:36,209 --> 00:07:37,543 - Hmm? 141 00:07:37,543 --> 00:07:39,876 - Oh you're over thinking it, Iz. 142 00:07:39,876 --> 00:07:44,126 You don't have to make anything new, you just make the same thing, but better! 143 00:07:44,126 --> 00:07:48,126 - Like… I just have to copy myself? 144 00:07:48,126 --> 00:07:51,043 - Yeah, but add a twist! That's what I do with my songs. 145 00:07:51,043 --> 00:07:52,876 Like this one! 146 00:07:53,376 --> 00:07:55,251 (pop music) 147 00:07:55,251 --> 00:07:59,084 ♪ First thing's first you gotta look for the spark ♪ 148 00:07:59,084 --> 00:08:02,334 ♪ That bit of magic way deep down in your heart ♪ 149 00:08:02,334 --> 00:08:03,584 ♪ Hey ♪ 150 00:08:03,584 --> 00:08:07,251 ♪ You gotta follow your beat ♪ 151 00:08:07,251 --> 00:08:10,834 ♪ And then soon you will see ♪ 152 00:08:10,834 --> 00:08:14,876 ♪ You won't have that far to go Until your song starts to grow ♪ 153 00:08:14,876 --> 00:08:17,126 ♪ All you need is your beat! ♪ 154 00:08:18,293 --> 00:08:22,126 ♪ All you need is your groove ♪ 155 00:08:22,126 --> 00:08:25,209 ♪ To get them stompin their hooves ♪ 156 00:08:25,209 --> 00:08:27,918 ♪ And then the next thing you'll know ♪ 157 00:08:27,918 --> 00:08:29,626 ♪ Imagination will flow ♪ 158 00:08:29,626 --> 00:08:33,584 ♪ All you need is your beat! All you need is your beat! ♪ 159 00:08:33,584 --> 00:08:37,001 ♪ All you need is your beat! Ba-Da-da Ba-Da-Da ♪♪ 160 00:08:37,001 --> 00:08:38,543 (applause) 161 00:08:38,543 --> 00:08:40,209 (panting) - So? What do you think? 162 00:08:40,209 --> 00:08:41,584 Do you like the song? 163 00:08:41,584 --> 00:08:45,959 - Pssh! Are you kidding?! It's exactly like the last one, but better! 164 00:08:45,959 --> 00:08:49,168 - Yeah. What can I say? I know my brand. 165 00:08:49,168 --> 00:08:51,209 - And now I know what I have to do. 166 00:08:51,209 --> 00:08:55,251 But I'm gonna need to go to the Crystal Brighthouse for supplies! 167 00:08:55,251 --> 00:08:58,584 - Oh! I'll go too. I need to write a new hit. 168 00:09:02,126 --> 00:09:04,626 (Izzy): Need this. Oh, gotta have this. 169 00:09:04,626 --> 00:09:07,084 And this is extra-necessary! 170 00:09:07,918 --> 00:09:10,834 - I literally just finished putting all of that in there. 171 00:09:10,834 --> 00:09:13,126 - Has anypony seen my crafting glasses?! 172 00:09:13,126 --> 00:09:14,834 (gasps) Never mind! Got 'em! 173 00:09:14,834 --> 00:09:17,001 Time to get to work. 174 00:09:17,001 --> 00:09:19,751 Okay, okay, okay, okay. 175 00:09:19,751 --> 00:09:24,418 Now it's time to make something that's better than another thing. 176 00:09:24,418 --> 00:09:26,834 Hmm… 177 00:09:26,834 --> 00:09:29,084 (singing) - No. No. 178 00:09:29,084 --> 00:09:31,668 (singing) 179 00:09:31,668 --> 00:09:33,959 That is not it. Ugh! 180 00:09:33,959 --> 00:09:36,376 (phone chimes) Oh, oh, a message! 181 00:09:36,376 --> 00:09:38,418 I guess I can take a teensy break. 182 00:09:38,418 --> 00:09:40,168 "When's your next new hit drop?" 183 00:09:40,168 --> 00:09:45,168 Oh! I'll respond to that later. What I need now is a snack! 184 00:09:45,168 --> 00:09:47,834 Then, make the new hit, then respond. 185 00:09:48,459 --> 00:09:51,376 (Izzy): Ugh. No, that's not it. 186 00:09:52,501 --> 00:09:54,043 - What's up, Izzy? - Oof! 187 00:09:54,043 --> 00:09:55,918 I can't decide what to make! 188 00:09:55,918 --> 00:09:59,543 - Ah. I know what's wrong. You have creative block. 189 00:09:59,543 --> 00:10:02,001 (gasp) - Is it permanent? 190 00:10:02,001 --> 00:10:04,418 - Well, lucky for you, I have the solution! 191 00:10:04,418 --> 00:10:06,918 You just need to listen to your fans and do what they want. 192 00:10:06,918 --> 00:10:09,376 - Okay, that's, that's brilliant! 193 00:10:09,376 --> 00:10:12,584 Did you come up with that when you had creative block? 194 00:10:12,584 --> 00:10:14,876 - Me? I've never had creative block. 195 00:10:14,876 --> 00:10:18,501 - Well if you ever do, then you should listen to yourself, 196 00:10:18,501 --> 00:10:22,251 because that totally helped. Now I just have to figure out how to bring all these supplies 197 00:10:22,251 --> 00:10:26,626 to the Craft Fair so I can find my inspiration from pony fans. 198 00:10:26,626 --> 00:10:30,876 Because these… did… they didn't work. 199 00:10:30,876 --> 00:10:32,168 Don't know why. 200 00:10:33,918 --> 00:10:36,376 - Okay, what do I do? 201 00:10:36,376 --> 00:10:39,709 I'm so good at solving other ponies' problems, but not my own. 202 00:10:39,709 --> 00:10:41,251 I should just listen to… 203 00:10:41,251 --> 00:10:43,876 (gasp) Myself! That's it! 204 00:10:43,876 --> 00:10:47,876 I gotta go to the place that makes my heart sing to find my sound! 205 00:10:48,584 --> 00:10:51,043 (singing) 206 00:10:56,376 --> 00:10:59,376 (singing off-key) 207 00:10:59,376 --> 00:11:02,834 -That was almost it? 208 00:11:02,834 --> 00:11:06,543 - You're sweet. But that was so not it. 209 00:11:06,543 --> 00:11:09,251 - But you'll get there! 210 00:11:09,918 --> 00:11:11,709 - Wait, wait! 211 00:11:11,709 --> 00:11:14,626 What was that great advice Izzy gave me that I gave her? 212 00:11:14,626 --> 00:11:19,001 Oh yeah! Listen to what the fans want! 213 00:11:19,001 --> 00:11:20,584 (phone chimes) - Oh! Make a new hit! 214 00:11:20,584 --> 00:11:23,209 - Like the old ones! - But different and better! 215 00:11:24,168 --> 00:11:25,959 - That didn't help. 216 00:11:25,959 --> 00:11:29,251 At least Izzy is having better luck. 217 00:11:29,876 --> 00:11:31,793 (bright music) 218 00:11:31,793 --> 00:11:34,209 - And ta-dah! 219 00:11:35,501 --> 00:11:39,543 - Eh. This isn't the special thing you made before. 220 00:11:39,543 --> 00:11:40,876 I'm gonna pass. 221 00:11:40,876 --> 00:11:43,501 - Okay. Thanks for being honest! 222 00:11:43,501 --> 00:11:44,584 (sighs) 223 00:11:44,584 --> 00:11:47,043 I am just not feeling it. 224 00:11:47,834 --> 00:11:49,918 No. But it's not about me. 225 00:11:49,918 --> 00:11:52,334 Gotta make stuff to please everypony else! 226 00:11:53,251 --> 00:11:56,959 (Sunny): Here's your berry cantaloupe, a tootie fruity and a jicama-pear-shake. 227 00:11:56,959 --> 00:11:58,501 Do you like your smoothies? 228 00:11:58,501 --> 00:12:01,376 - Big flavors! - Yummy fruit! 229 00:12:01,376 --> 00:12:04,251 - Delicious! - Tastes like magic! 230 00:12:05,876 --> 00:12:07,709 - Uh… Be right back! 231 00:12:08,876 --> 00:12:10,543 (clattering) 232 00:12:10,543 --> 00:12:12,376 - Uh, do I look desperate?! 233 00:12:13,626 --> 00:12:16,293 - A little! - Good, because I am super desperate! 234 00:12:16,293 --> 00:12:20,543 And I have no idea what I'm doing! I mean, even my piles aren't towers anymore! 235 00:12:20,543 --> 00:12:23,334 Doesn't that say it all? - Don't you see? 236 00:12:23,334 --> 00:12:25,876 Nopony does it like Izzy does it! 237 00:12:25,876 --> 00:12:27,418 - Making mess of things? 238 00:12:27,418 --> 00:12:28,793 - No! 239 00:12:28,793 --> 00:12:33,751 I mean that you can dream up such unique creations because of who you are. 240 00:12:34,168 --> 00:12:36,918 Dig deep and just… go back to your roots! 241 00:12:36,918 --> 00:12:38,501 (gasps) 242 00:12:38,501 --> 00:12:40,209 - Sweet sauce horseshoe toss! 243 00:12:40,626 --> 00:12:44,168 Are you saying what I think you are saying? 244 00:12:44,168 --> 00:12:47,376 - I… yes. Yes, I am! 245 00:12:47,376 --> 00:12:50,876 (chuckles) - Thanks, Sunny. You're the best. 246 00:12:50,876 --> 00:12:53,668 Also: Happy birthday, friend! 247 00:12:53,668 --> 00:12:56,501 Oh, that is so fun to say. 248 00:12:56,501 --> 00:13:00,084 (soft music) 249 00:13:00,084 --> 00:13:02,501 (indistinct chatter) 250 00:13:09,584 --> 00:13:11,459 (intriguing music) 251 00:13:15,418 --> 00:13:17,459 - The Pipp Squeaks are waiting! 252 00:13:17,459 --> 00:13:20,043 - But we can't rush her process! 253 00:13:20,043 --> 00:13:23,918 - Ooh, how about a power ballad?! No, that'll never work! 254 00:13:25,126 --> 00:13:27,084 Oh no, oh no! 255 00:13:27,501 --> 00:13:30,334 (panting) I'm finally out of hits! 256 00:13:32,584 --> 00:13:35,334 - So nice of you to come home, Misty. 257 00:13:35,334 --> 00:13:38,918 You've been gone so long I thought you got lost… 258 00:13:38,918 --> 00:13:41,876 like the time I rescued you as a filly! 259 00:13:41,876 --> 00:13:46,251 So kind of me to do that. 260 00:13:46,251 --> 00:13:48,001 Well, what have you found? 261 00:13:48,001 --> 00:13:54,376 - Uh, uh I think… the stronger magic has something to do with the Cutie Marks, Opaline! 262 00:13:54,376 --> 00:13:56,918 - Don't "think", you sound foolish! 263 00:13:57,543 --> 00:14:02,126 - Maybe… if I had one I could figure it out and-- 264 00:14:02,126 --> 00:14:06,876 - Enough! How could the magic have anything to do with Cutie Marks? 265 00:14:06,876 --> 00:14:08,834 - They glow when it happens! 266 00:14:08,834 --> 00:14:11,501 And the Earth ponies, they can control the plants! 267 00:14:11,501 --> 00:14:12,959 - Hmm. 268 00:14:12,959 --> 00:14:16,293 New magic? Well then… 269 00:14:16,293 --> 00:14:19,043 Even more reason to begin the plan. 270 00:14:19,043 --> 00:14:21,126 And when we're done… 271 00:14:21,126 --> 00:14:24,043 You'll get your Cutie Mark. 272 00:14:24,043 --> 00:14:28,959 And I'll be even more powerful than I was before! 273 00:14:28,959 --> 00:14:31,793 (evil laughter) 274 00:14:34,918 --> 00:14:36,751 - Mystic Melon, from me to you! 275 00:14:39,418 --> 00:14:43,584 Aw, Pipp must have left me a surprise birthday gift! 276 00:14:46,668 --> 00:14:49,001 Hey, Zipp! What's that? 277 00:14:49,001 --> 00:14:50,584 - Izzy left a note: 278 00:14:50,584 --> 00:14:56,209 "B.R.B" Uhh…"F.B.B.B." What do you think that means? 279 00:14:56,209 --> 00:15:02,168 - I have no idea, but I hope it's "Izzy code" for being inspired again. 280 00:15:02,876 --> 00:15:04,626 - Sunny was right! 281 00:15:04,626 --> 00:15:09,043 All I need to do to find my creativity again is go back to my roots. 282 00:15:09,043 --> 00:15:10,626 Tree roots! 283 00:15:10,626 --> 00:15:13,251 To Bridlewood! 284 00:15:13,251 --> 00:15:14,709 This is great! Yeah. 285 00:15:14,709 --> 00:15:17,251 Nothing like a Creative Walk to cure Creative Block! 286 00:15:17,251 --> 00:15:18,293 (chuckling) 287 00:15:18,293 --> 00:15:21,251 Fresh air! Fluffy clouds! 288 00:15:21,251 --> 00:15:23,251 Birds… 289 00:15:23,251 --> 00:15:27,584 (gasps) Birds! Bird hats! Hats for birds? 290 00:15:27,584 --> 00:15:29,376 (chirping) 291 00:15:29,376 --> 00:15:31,709 Yeah, you're right. That is not it. 292 00:15:31,709 --> 00:15:32,918 (gasps) 293 00:15:32,918 --> 00:15:33,959 (thud) 294 00:15:34,418 --> 00:15:37,001 Oh no, another creative roadblock! 295 00:15:38,084 --> 00:15:39,584 Whoa! 296 00:15:40,126 --> 00:15:42,459 I mean, I mean, oh yes! 297 00:15:43,543 --> 00:15:46,126 An actual roadblock! 298 00:15:46,126 --> 00:15:48,584 I can work with that! 299 00:15:49,626 --> 00:15:52,251 (grunting) 300 00:15:55,084 --> 00:15:58,043 - You really didn't have to help me clean up Izzy's stuff. 301 00:15:58,043 --> 00:16:01,751 - Oh I didn't mind, I got to spend time with you! 302 00:16:03,084 --> 00:16:06,459 (giggling, chirping) 303 00:16:06,459 --> 00:16:09,876 - Where is Izzy? She really should be the one to pick up her stuff. 304 00:16:09,876 --> 00:16:12,376 - Dunno. She left a note. 305 00:16:12,376 --> 00:16:15,418 - "B.R.B.F.B.B.B."? 306 00:16:15,418 --> 00:16:16,918 What? 307 00:16:16,918 --> 00:16:19,626 - Sometimes Izzy's a total mystery. 308 00:16:19,626 --> 00:16:22,376 Note to self: Learn to speak Izzy code. 309 00:16:22,376 --> 00:16:24,459 (laughing) 310 00:16:29,001 --> 00:16:31,043 - Woo-hoo! 311 00:16:31,043 --> 00:16:33,043 (crying) 312 00:16:33,043 --> 00:16:35,834 - I know, Sparky. You love Izzy, too! 313 00:16:35,834 --> 00:16:38,751 - Maybe we should check on her to see if she needs any help? 314 00:16:38,751 --> 00:16:41,501 - I'm on it! Deputies, keep an eye out for Izzy! 315 00:16:44,209 --> 00:16:47,709 Uh… maybe you stay here and be our eyes on the ground, Curtle. 316 00:16:47,709 --> 00:16:50,126 - You named him "Curtle Turtle"? 317 00:16:50,126 --> 00:16:52,793 - "Curtle" yes. But Turtle is his family name. 318 00:16:52,793 --> 00:16:56,251 - Uh-huh. New mystery: Why did that actually make sense to me? 319 00:16:56,251 --> 00:16:58,043 (door opens) - I feel terrible! 320 00:16:58,043 --> 00:17:00,168 I gave bad advice to Izzy! 321 00:17:00,168 --> 00:17:02,376 - You were only trying to help a friend. 322 00:17:02,376 --> 00:17:04,251 I'm sure she will come back soon. 323 00:17:04,251 --> 00:17:08,459 - Oh no! She's not here? She's probably avoiding me… 324 00:17:08,459 --> 00:17:11,084 (door opens) (Izzy): So it turns out bird hats are not a thing, 325 00:17:11,084 --> 00:17:13,543 but guess what I made! 326 00:17:13,543 --> 00:17:14,876 (all): Izzy! 327 00:17:14,876 --> 00:17:18,418 (chuckling) (Izzy): No, I didn't make Izzy, sillies! 328 00:17:18,418 --> 00:17:20,251 I am Izzy. 329 00:17:20,251 --> 00:17:21,626 - Where have you been? 330 00:17:21,626 --> 00:17:23,251 - Didn't you read my note? 331 00:17:23,251 --> 00:17:27,918 (gasps) - "B.R.B.F.B.B.B."?! 332 00:17:27,918 --> 00:17:30,751 - "Be right back from Bridlewood, Best Buddies!" 333 00:17:30,751 --> 00:17:33,709 (all): Ooh… 334 00:17:33,709 --> 00:17:36,126 - Yeah, I was never gonna crack that one. 335 00:17:36,126 --> 00:17:40,084 - I realized I had to be more creative about being creative! 336 00:17:40,084 --> 00:17:42,043 And I needed more supplies. 337 00:17:42,043 --> 00:17:45,376 - So it wasn't something I said? - It was everything you said. 338 00:17:45,376 --> 00:17:48,626 - You two taught me that in order to feel all sparkly and creative, 339 00:17:48,626 --> 00:17:50,251 I just need to be Izzy! 340 00:17:50,251 --> 00:17:51,376 (together): We did? 341 00:17:51,376 --> 00:17:56,376 - And you two made me realize that I had outgrown that little closet. 342 00:17:56,376 --> 00:17:58,376 - We didn't mean to say you weren't welcome, Izzy. 343 00:17:58,376 --> 00:18:00,251 - We just didn't like all your junk everywhere! 344 00:18:00,251 --> 00:18:01,626 Oof! Sorry. 345 00:18:01,626 --> 00:18:03,459 - You ponies were right. 346 00:18:03,459 --> 00:18:06,501 My style was cramped, and so it cramped yours too. 347 00:18:06,501 --> 00:18:11,501 Sometimes a pony needs open spaces for maximum craftability! 348 00:18:11,501 --> 00:18:12,751 Look! 349 00:18:14,293 --> 00:18:15,918 Presenting… 350 00:18:17,293 --> 00:18:19,793 Izzy Does It, does it, does it! 351 00:18:22,876 --> 00:18:25,168 - I love it! 352 00:18:25,168 --> 00:18:27,543 Ah! It's perfection, like wow! 353 00:18:27,543 --> 00:18:29,168 (giggling) Wait, what is it? 354 00:18:29,584 --> 00:18:31,918 - My Unicycling cart! (honking) 355 00:18:31,918 --> 00:18:33,959 My trailer of treasures! 356 00:18:33,959 --> 00:18:35,918 My wagon of whimsy! 357 00:18:35,918 --> 00:18:38,209 My-- - Carriage of creativity? 358 00:18:38,209 --> 00:18:41,043 - Boom! Zing! You got it! 359 00:18:41,043 --> 00:18:42,834 (laughing) 360 00:18:43,251 --> 00:18:44,459 - Ooh. 361 00:18:44,459 --> 00:18:45,918 What's this? 362 00:18:47,043 --> 00:18:48,626 - My Crafty-Sash! 363 00:18:48,626 --> 00:18:49,543 - Ooh! 364 00:18:49,543 --> 00:18:51,084 - Glasses? Check! 365 00:18:51,084 --> 00:18:52,668 Tape? Check. 366 00:18:52,668 --> 00:18:54,793 Glitter? Whoo! 367 00:18:54,793 --> 00:18:56,001 A-check. 368 00:18:56,001 --> 00:18:58,418 And a lot of other things I need on the go. 369 00:18:58,418 --> 00:19:00,209 Or even on the stay. 370 00:19:03,876 --> 00:19:07,459 - So cool! I need to post about this. 371 00:19:07,459 --> 00:19:10,501 (gasp) - Pipp! You just inspired me. 372 00:19:11,126 --> 00:19:12,751 - You inspired her to steal?! 373 00:19:12,751 --> 00:19:14,668 (Izzy): I'm just borrowing! 374 00:19:14,668 --> 00:19:18,668 - That's okay, then. - Yeah it is. Everything's okay. 375 00:19:18,668 --> 00:19:22,209 And Pipp, I almost forgot. Thank you for the mirror! 376 00:19:22,209 --> 00:19:24,459 I love the Alicorn design. 377 00:19:24,459 --> 00:19:27,209 - Mirror? - The one you left at my cart this morning! 378 00:19:27,209 --> 00:19:31,709 (awkward chuckle) - Oh, oh right! That one! Yeah! 379 00:19:31,709 --> 00:19:34,168 Yeah, yeah. Uh Happy Birthday, Sunny. 380 00:19:34,168 --> 00:19:38,709 - Note to self: Pipp forgot something she bought? Suspicious. 381 00:19:38,709 --> 00:19:42,293 - Well, try it out, Sunny! - Looks great! 382 00:19:42,293 --> 00:19:44,834 (laughing) 383 00:19:45,543 --> 00:19:50,501 - So these are the weak little ponies that brought back magic? 384 00:19:50,501 --> 00:19:52,584 - Almost like anypony could do it. 385 00:19:52,584 --> 00:19:55,834 - Sure. If they have a Cutie Mark. 386 00:19:57,918 --> 00:20:02,043 What?! No! Why did it stop?! 387 00:20:02,793 --> 00:20:07,251 - They went inside. Maybe the Crystal Brighthouse won't let us watch? 388 00:20:07,251 --> 00:20:10,168 - Did you just make that up? - I was just guessing… 389 00:20:10,168 --> 00:20:13,959 - Well stop, because you don't know what you're talking about! 390 00:20:14,376 --> 00:20:17,793 They must have put a cloaking enchantment on the Brighthouse… 391 00:20:17,793 --> 00:20:20,501 - Like the one that used to be around Equestria? 392 00:20:20,501 --> 00:20:25,043 - If it won't let me see the inside from here… 393 00:20:25,043 --> 00:20:27,459 then one of my allies must find a way in. 394 00:20:28,501 --> 00:20:31,043 - Me? - Don't be presumptuous, Misty. 395 00:20:31,043 --> 00:20:32,584 It's unbecoming. 396 00:20:35,543 --> 00:20:38,876 (squeals) - This has been the best birthday in moons. 397 00:20:38,876 --> 00:20:40,709 Thanks, everypony. 398 00:20:40,709 --> 00:20:44,834 And I'm so happy Izzy's back and inspired again! 399 00:20:44,834 --> 00:20:46,293 - So am I! 400 00:20:46,293 --> 00:20:49,293 (dramatic sigh) But there's still one problem… 401 00:20:49,293 --> 00:20:53,043 - What's that? - I haven't figured out my new hit song. 402 00:20:53,043 --> 00:20:54,209 It just hasn't clicked. 403 00:20:54,209 --> 00:20:56,084 (Izzy): Pipp! 404 00:20:57,293 --> 00:20:59,709 Try this out. - Huh? 405 00:21:01,709 --> 00:21:05,376 (pop song) Izzy-- it's my old song, but it's… 406 00:21:05,376 --> 00:21:07,709 - Oh yeah! - Unicycled? 407 00:21:07,709 --> 00:21:09,959 Um, genius! 408 00:21:09,959 --> 00:21:11,334 - Sing it, Pipp! 409 00:21:11,918 --> 00:21:14,376 ♪ Glowing hooves of the Earth ♪ 410 00:21:14,376 --> 00:21:16,293 ♪ Ponies ♪ 411 00:21:16,293 --> 00:21:20,334 ♪ Unicorn lights beneath the trees ♪ 412 00:21:20,334 --> 00:21:23,584 ♪ We're not just one ♪ - ♪ Not one not one ♪ 413 00:21:23,584 --> 00:21:27,543 ♪ It's you and me ♪ - ♪ It's you and me ♪ 414 00:21:27,543 --> 00:21:31,959 ♪ Ponies livin' large in unity-ty-ty-ty ♪ 415 00:21:33,043 --> 00:21:36,084 ♪ All you need is your beat! ♪♪ 416 00:21:36,084 --> 00:21:38,501 (upbeat music)