1 00:00:12,168 --> 00:00:14,959 (mysterious music) 2 00:00:18,876 --> 00:00:20,001 - Huh? 3 00:00:20,126 --> 00:00:22,084 (snoring) 4 00:00:28,001 --> 00:00:28,918 Huh? 5 00:00:30,251 --> 00:00:32,876 Ugh, is somepony down there? 6 00:00:34,709 --> 00:00:36,376 I must be dreaming. 7 00:00:37,043 --> 00:00:38,793 (gentle music) 8 00:00:38,918 --> 00:00:41,251 (birds chirping) 9 00:00:41,376 --> 00:00:45,501 Morning, Investigation board. Morning, Rad-Visor. 10 00:00:45,626 --> 00:00:47,918 Morning-- Lantern?! 11 00:00:49,084 --> 00:00:52,543 It's… It-it's gone! 12 00:00:54,001 --> 00:00:56,709 ♪ Hey you've gotta let it glow ♪ 13 00:00:56,834 --> 00:00:59,751 ♪ You've gotta let it shine ♪ 14 00:01:00,834 --> 00:01:03,334 ♪ Oh let's make our mark together ♪ 15 00:01:03,459 --> 00:01:05,501 ♪ Just riding on forever ♪ 16 00:01:05,626 --> 00:01:08,959 ♪ Just keeps on getting better better better ♪ 17 00:01:10,126 --> 00:01:11,209 ♪ Hey ♪ 18 00:01:11,334 --> 00:01:13,376 ♪ Everypony everywhere ♪ 19 00:01:13,501 --> 00:01:15,334 ♪ You can feel it in the air ♪ 20 00:01:15,459 --> 00:01:18,793 ♪ Find your spark and just glow and shine ♪ 21 00:01:18,918 --> 00:01:20,959 ♪ Make a mark that you can share ♪ 22 00:01:21,084 --> 00:01:23,459 ♪ Hoofed at heart you know we care ♪ 23 00:01:23,584 --> 00:01:25,126 ♪ Oh ponies come on ♪ 24 00:01:25,251 --> 00:01:28,459 ♪ Let's all unite ♪♪ 25 00:01:33,793 --> 00:01:35,209 Hope is gone! 26 00:01:38,418 --> 00:01:41,001 - What?! - I mean the "Hope Lantern"! 27 00:01:41,126 --> 00:01:44,043 It's not in its case… And it's not here with you! 28 00:01:44,168 --> 00:01:47,668 Which means it's missing, which means I gotta find it! It could already be too late. 29 00:01:47,793 --> 00:01:50,626 Did you know that the first few hours after a crime are critical for clues? 30 00:01:50,751 --> 00:01:55,209 - Zipp, wait! I'm sure I just left the lantern somewhere in the Brighthouse. 31 00:01:55,334 --> 00:01:59,876 - Oh. Cool. Cool. Cool. But just to be sure… 32 00:02:00,709 --> 00:02:02,043 (gasps) 33 00:02:03,334 --> 00:02:04,793 Ugh! 34 00:02:06,834 --> 00:02:09,126 Argh! Uh? 35 00:02:09,959 --> 00:02:12,001 (laughing) 36 00:02:12,126 --> 00:02:13,834 Argh! 37 00:02:13,959 --> 00:02:17,251 - You were right. It's nowhere! Oh… 38 00:02:17,376 --> 00:02:21,793 How can my special lantern be nowhere? Oh, this is bad. This is really bad! 39 00:02:21,918 --> 00:02:26,501 Besides the Unity Crystals, that lantern is the most important thing in the Brighthouse! 40 00:02:26,626 --> 00:02:29,918 It contains magic Prisbeam power! What are we going to do? 41 00:02:30,043 --> 00:02:31,876 - Only one thing to do. 42 00:02:32,501 --> 00:02:35,459 (rhythmic music) 43 00:02:40,168 --> 00:02:42,293 Detective Zipp on the case! 44 00:02:44,959 --> 00:02:47,584 (mysterious music) 45 00:02:52,709 --> 00:02:54,043 (barking) 46 00:02:55,543 --> 00:02:56,751 (beeping) 47 00:02:58,459 --> 00:03:03,293 Oh yeah, there was definitely some kind of fiend in this house! I mean, who does this?! 48 00:03:04,626 --> 00:03:06,376 - Oh! The rest of my apple! 49 00:03:06,501 --> 00:03:07,668 (crunching) 50 00:03:07,793 --> 00:03:08,918 So good. 51 00:03:09,709 --> 00:03:10,543 - Ha! 52 00:03:11,959 --> 00:03:17,168 Just as I suspected, this outline is the exact diameter of the lantern's base! 53 00:03:17,293 --> 00:03:18,709 And what's this? 54 00:03:20,168 --> 00:03:22,418 Dirt! Hmm. 55 00:03:23,376 --> 00:03:28,126 The same kind of dirt that's used in the community garden. Interesting. 56 00:03:28,251 --> 00:03:29,418 Did I just taste dirt? 57 00:03:29,543 --> 00:03:30,959 (coughing) 58 00:03:31,084 --> 00:03:34,084 Ugh. Ah. Hmm… 59 00:03:36,376 --> 00:03:39,709 ♪ So put your hooves up high 'Cause we're feelin' alright ♪ 60 00:03:39,834 --> 00:03:41,459 ♪ Every day is awesome in the Mare-- ♪♪ 61 00:03:41,584 --> 00:03:44,001 - Wait! Don't take another step. 62 00:03:44,126 --> 00:03:46,918 - What are you doing? - This is an active crime scene! 63 00:03:47,043 --> 00:03:49,293 Can't have you contaminating the evidence. 64 00:03:49,418 --> 00:03:51,668 - A real-life mystery?! 65 00:03:51,793 --> 00:03:53,168 (gasps excitedly) What's the crime? 66 00:03:53,293 --> 00:03:55,168 - Sunny's lantern has gone missing. 67 00:03:55,293 --> 00:03:58,251 (gasps) - I am shook! How can I help? 68 00:03:58,376 --> 00:04:01,334 - No help needed! I've got this investigation under control. 69 00:04:01,459 --> 00:04:03,168 No sign of forced entry. 70 00:04:03,293 --> 00:04:05,251 Huh? Hmm. 71 00:04:05,376 --> 00:04:07,293 (gasps) (Pipp): Your Cutie Mark! 72 00:04:07,418 --> 00:04:11,126 Wow, I guess you really do have this under control! 73 00:04:12,251 --> 00:04:14,834 Well, I should just leave you to it then, Detective! 74 00:04:14,959 --> 00:04:17,626 ♪ Have fun ♪♪ 75 00:04:17,751 --> 00:04:20,334 (humming) 76 00:04:22,834 --> 00:04:25,084 Ah! What in the hay?! 77 00:04:25,209 --> 00:04:26,209 Hmm? 78 00:04:27,293 --> 00:04:29,209 (♪♪) 79 00:04:29,334 --> 00:04:32,626 Lantern! What are you doing out here?! 80 00:04:32,751 --> 00:04:37,293 Aw, yay. Zipp will be so excited you aren't missing after all! 81 00:04:40,209 --> 00:04:41,418 Aww… 82 00:04:42,334 --> 00:04:44,501 But she already looks so happy! 83 00:04:46,376 --> 00:04:49,376 If I give it to her, her fun will be over. 84 00:04:49,501 --> 00:04:54,209 I guess the lantern doesn't need to be found right now. 85 00:04:57,001 --> 00:05:01,626 And for a little extra mystery, some of my all-new "Pipp brand Wing Glitter"! 86 00:05:02,459 --> 00:05:07,876 There! The perfect clue to have Zipp on the lantern's trail to me in no time. So fun! 87 00:05:08,001 --> 00:05:11,709 I am really good at this! I should plan a mystery party! 88 00:05:13,584 --> 00:05:16,043 (mysterious music) 89 00:05:18,251 --> 00:05:19,168 - What?! 90 00:05:19,293 --> 00:05:22,251 It was right here! I buried it right here! 91 00:05:22,376 --> 00:05:25,251 Ugh! Somepony found it. 92 00:05:25,376 --> 00:05:26,751 (groans) 93 00:05:26,876 --> 00:05:29,751 Oh why did I think burying it was enough to keep it hidden? 94 00:05:29,876 --> 00:05:33,334 Oh, why do I always panic and do the wrong thing? 95 00:05:33,459 --> 00:05:34,834 Oh… 96 00:05:34,959 --> 00:05:38,501 Opaline's gonna be so angry when she founds out. 97 00:05:38,626 --> 00:05:42,418 But… not if I can find it again first! 98 00:05:45,543 --> 00:05:47,084 - Misty? (gasps) 99 00:05:47,209 --> 00:05:49,376 What are you doing here? 100 00:05:49,501 --> 00:05:52,043 - Me? Oh, I was… 101 00:05:52,168 --> 00:05:56,418 Uh… I was just filling in this hole, left by uh, gophers! 102 00:05:56,543 --> 00:05:59,584 Yep! Silly gophers, leaving holes everywhere! 103 00:05:59,709 --> 00:06:01,709 (giggles nervously) Wouldn't want somepony to trip. 104 00:06:03,251 --> 00:06:10,501 - Ah… This hole is too wide for a gopher, but it is just wide enough to hide a lantern! 105 00:06:12,001 --> 00:06:16,709 And I don't think any gopher would be leaving a hoofprint like that, do you? 106 00:06:16,834 --> 00:06:19,668 Glitter? Is it a magical remnant? 107 00:06:19,793 --> 00:06:24,209 Maybe this hoofprint belongs to an Earth Pony who was trying to grow something here, 108 00:06:24,334 --> 00:06:27,459 or maybe it belongs to… 109 00:06:27,584 --> 00:06:29,251 The lantern thief! (Misty gasps) 110 00:06:29,376 --> 00:06:33,376 - Lantern? What's that? I've never even seen one of those! Bye! 111 00:06:34,376 --> 00:06:37,834 - Well, she was acting totally weird. But that tracks. 112 00:06:37,959 --> 00:06:40,626 (recorder beeps) Update: No solid leads yet. 113 00:06:42,043 --> 00:06:46,043 But somepony out there in town must have some answers. 114 00:06:48,418 --> 00:06:51,376 - I know Zipp is on the case, oh… 115 00:06:51,501 --> 00:06:54,459 But it's agony just sitting around here doing nothing! 116 00:06:54,584 --> 00:06:58,709 There's gotta be something I can do without stepping on her investigation, right Cloudpuff? 117 00:07:00,543 --> 00:07:02,168 Ugh… 118 00:07:02,876 --> 00:07:04,084 Oh, that's it! 119 00:07:04,209 --> 00:07:06,001 (bright music) 120 00:07:06,126 --> 00:07:11,376 The crystals and the Prisbeam rely on the unity magic of ponykind to keep them powered! 121 00:07:11,501 --> 00:07:15,668 If the little bit of Prisbeam in my lantern is anything like this one, 122 00:07:15,793 --> 00:07:18,751 we could power up the lantern no matter where it's hidden! 123 00:07:18,876 --> 00:07:20,751 Like a beacon leading us straight to it. 124 00:07:20,876 --> 00:07:21,834 (barks) 125 00:07:21,959 --> 00:07:25,459 All I need is enough ponies gathered and united together! 126 00:07:26,418 --> 00:07:28,209 Thanks, Cloudpuff! 127 00:07:28,626 --> 00:07:30,418 (mysterious music) (Zipp): Hmm. 128 00:07:30,543 --> 00:07:32,584 Hmm. 129 00:07:32,709 --> 00:07:37,209 Hmm… So many potential witnesses, so little time. 130 00:07:37,334 --> 00:07:40,084 Where to start? Huh! 131 00:07:40,209 --> 00:07:43,334 Flowers from the garden? Gotcha! 132 00:07:43,459 --> 00:07:45,584 - Pipp's going to love our dance moves! 133 00:07:45,709 --> 00:07:48,584 (screaming) (Zipp): Seashell! Glory! Peach Fizz. 134 00:07:49,293 --> 00:07:53,751 Where were you at approximately 4:22 a.m. last night?! 135 00:07:53,876 --> 00:07:58,376 - What? 4:22? We were, uh… Definitely sleeping at home in our beds! 136 00:07:58,501 --> 00:08:02,584 - Yeah! We definitely weren't up watching YouHoof videos! 137 00:08:02,709 --> 00:08:08,584 - Hmm. That was very specific, too specific… And not very convincing! 138 00:08:09,751 --> 00:08:12,126 - Fine! I admit it, okay?! 139 00:08:12,251 --> 00:08:13,709 - We were up late… 140 00:08:13,834 --> 00:08:17,501 - Yes! - Watching Princess Pipp Glow-Up tutorials! 141 00:08:17,626 --> 00:08:22,376 She just released a new line of wing glitter! - Please don't tell on us! 142 00:08:23,334 --> 00:08:25,168 - Wing glitter, huh? 143 00:08:25,293 --> 00:08:28,251 No, a good detective doesn't just fly to conclusions! 144 00:08:28,376 --> 00:08:30,168 Gonna need to do a deeper dive. 145 00:08:30,293 --> 00:08:31,876 (gasps) 146 00:08:33,959 --> 00:08:36,043 Mayflower! What is that?! 147 00:08:36,168 --> 00:08:39,459 - It's an old lamp that I just had fixed at "Izzy Does It"! 148 00:08:39,584 --> 00:08:43,376 - Oh, um, of course it is. So sorry! 149 00:08:43,501 --> 00:08:45,668 Let me help you with that! - I'm good! 150 00:08:46,626 --> 00:08:47,834 (sighs) 151 00:08:47,959 --> 00:08:50,501 - Maybe I need to try a different strategy. 152 00:08:50,626 --> 00:08:52,251 (Izzy): Zipp! 153 00:08:52,376 --> 00:08:53,209 (honking) Zipp! Zipp! 154 00:08:53,334 --> 00:08:57,043 - Oh hey, Iz! How are the "Izzy Does It" unicycling house calls going? 155 00:08:57,168 --> 00:09:01,501 - Awesome! I can't even belizzle how much stuff ponies have 156 00:09:01,626 --> 00:09:05,084 just sitting around their houses begging to be beautified. 157 00:09:05,209 --> 00:09:09,834 Requesting to be repurposed! Clamoring for a crafting! 158 00:09:09,959 --> 00:09:12,501 I just fixed Mayflower's old lamp actually. 159 00:09:12,626 --> 00:09:14,084 - So I heard… 160 00:09:14,209 --> 00:09:16,209 - You seem a little… (groaning) 161 00:09:16,334 --> 00:09:18,668 What's up? - Sunny's lantern is missing, 162 00:09:18,793 --> 00:09:22,084 and I haven't been able to come up with a single real lead in the case. 163 00:09:22,209 --> 00:09:25,001 So far, it's just all dirt and glitter! 164 00:09:25,126 --> 00:09:28,876 (giggles) - Honestly, what isn't? 165 00:09:29,001 --> 00:09:30,709 - But nopony's seen anything! 166 00:09:30,834 --> 00:09:32,543 - Really? I saw the lantern last night. 167 00:09:32,668 --> 00:09:34,501 (gasps) - We need to talk! 168 00:09:34,626 --> 00:09:38,168 (Hitch): No, Sparky! Once again, my badge is not a toy! 169 00:09:38,918 --> 00:09:41,668 And stop putting random things in your mouth, okay? 170 00:09:41,793 --> 00:09:42,626 It's a choking hazard! 171 00:09:44,251 --> 00:09:45,876 (sighs) 172 00:09:46,001 --> 00:09:48,001 Here! Try this instead! 173 00:09:48,751 --> 00:09:50,959 Aw… 174 00:09:51,084 --> 00:09:53,001 And cute moment over. 175 00:09:53,126 --> 00:09:54,959 Let's give that another try, huh? 176 00:09:55,084 --> 00:09:56,293 (doorbell chimes) 177 00:09:56,418 --> 00:09:57,418 (Sparky giggles) 178 00:09:57,543 --> 00:10:00,959 - Hitch! My lantern is missing, but I think I have a way to track it down. 179 00:10:01,084 --> 00:10:04,251 - Ooh! Is it Detective Zipp? 'Cause she's great at solving mysteries. 180 00:10:04,376 --> 00:10:08,543 - She's on it! But I also need just a little, teeny, tiny bit of help 181 00:10:08,668 --> 00:10:10,959 from everypony's favorite town Sheriff! 182 00:10:11,084 --> 00:10:12,751 - What kind of help? - Oh, you know. 183 00:10:12,876 --> 00:10:16,334 Gather up every single pony we can find to amplify their Unity magic and blast it to the lantern. 184 00:10:16,459 --> 00:10:18,459 Call it a… town meeting! 185 00:10:18,584 --> 00:10:20,918 - Wait just a second. 186 00:10:21,043 --> 00:10:24,543 Do you really think it's a good idea letting everypony know the lantern is missing? 187 00:10:24,668 --> 00:10:27,418 - Remember what Twilight Sparkle warned us about? 188 00:10:27,543 --> 00:10:31,709 An evil pony who wanted to steal magic? What if that pony finds it? 189 00:10:31,834 --> 00:10:34,543 - Well, I hardly think that's going to happen. - It could! 190 00:10:34,668 --> 00:10:38,793 - Sunny, let's be rational here-- Oh! My puzzle! 191 00:10:39,376 --> 00:10:40,751 Sparky! 192 00:10:40,876 --> 00:10:42,834 (Sparky giggling) No more dragonfire! 193 00:10:43,376 --> 00:10:44,668 (straining) 194 00:10:44,793 --> 00:10:47,043 - That'll work. - That puzzle is a limited edition! 195 00:10:47,668 --> 00:10:49,209 (light buzzing) - Ah! 196 00:10:49,334 --> 00:10:51,126 Uh, where are we? 197 00:10:51,251 --> 00:10:52,334 - Not important! 198 00:10:53,876 --> 00:10:57,168 You said you saw it last night, but what exactly did you see? 199 00:10:57,293 --> 00:11:00,001 (giggling) - What do you mean what did I see? 200 00:11:00,126 --> 00:11:03,084 I saw the lantern! You're so silly! 201 00:11:03,209 --> 00:11:06,459 - 'Cause what I saw was somepony in the garden sneaking around with it. 202 00:11:06,584 --> 00:11:09,043 - Well, of course! That was me! 203 00:11:09,168 --> 00:11:11,459 - It was? - Yeah! I had insomnia last night, 204 00:11:11,584 --> 00:11:13,293 happens all the time really. 205 00:11:13,418 --> 00:11:18,459 So I thought I'd brew up some Unicorn Sleepy Time Oo-oo-long tea. 206 00:11:18,584 --> 00:11:23,543 It is sure to lull even the most wide-eyed pony to the gentlest shores of the snoozy ocean. 207 00:11:23,668 --> 00:11:25,793 - And that has to do with the lantern how, exactly? 208 00:11:25,918 --> 00:11:31,334 - Well, I had to go search the garden to look for the tea leaves, 'cause I just ran out. 209 00:11:31,459 --> 00:11:34,459 And what better to light the way than a bright lantern? 210 00:11:34,584 --> 00:11:37,751 - Your glowing horn? - Oh… 211 00:11:37,876 --> 00:11:39,834 Yeah, that would have worked, too. 212 00:11:39,959 --> 00:11:44,043 - Huh? But wait-- You were in bed at the time! I saw you! 213 00:11:44,168 --> 00:11:47,001 (Izzy): Oh, that? You must have seen Senor Butterscotch! 214 00:11:47,126 --> 00:11:50,751 I put him under the covers anytime I have to get out of bed in the middle of the night. 215 00:11:50,876 --> 00:11:53,293 It is Jinxie to leave without saving your spot, you know! 216 00:11:53,418 --> 00:11:55,793 - So if it was you who took the lantern out last night, 217 00:11:55,918 --> 00:11:58,251 why didn't you put it back where you found it? (Izzy): I did! 218 00:11:58,376 --> 00:12:00,001 Right back on Sunny's nightstand! 219 00:12:00,126 --> 00:12:03,251 She likes to sneak the lantern out of the case and sleep with it next to her 220 00:12:03,376 --> 00:12:05,959 because it reminds her of when she was a filly. 221 00:12:06,084 --> 00:12:09,084 Mmm… Don't you just love that? 222 00:12:09,209 --> 00:12:12,793 - If you took the lantern and returned it, then where the hay is it now?! 223 00:12:13,626 --> 00:12:14,501 (sighs) 224 00:12:16,626 --> 00:12:18,418 Izzy, you're free to go. 225 00:12:18,543 --> 00:12:21,168 - Oh! Okay! Da, da-doo, ba, ba… 226 00:12:22,209 --> 00:12:26,876 - Hmm, I feel like I'm getting closer. Like I'm on the edge of something… 227 00:12:27,001 --> 00:12:28,709 Ah! 228 00:12:28,834 --> 00:12:32,168 Ugh, I fell right into that one. 229 00:12:32,918 --> 00:12:34,459 (mysterious music) 230 00:12:34,584 --> 00:12:35,959 Well? Anything? 231 00:12:36,084 --> 00:12:37,376 (beeping) 232 00:12:37,501 --> 00:12:40,543 Then I guess you're the only solid clue I've got so far. 233 00:12:40,668 --> 00:12:41,668 Hmm. 234 00:12:42,543 --> 00:12:46,209 Hmm? That's… suspicious. 235 00:12:47,668 --> 00:12:49,168 (panting) Hey! 236 00:12:51,043 --> 00:12:53,084 (rhythmic music) 237 00:12:53,209 --> 00:12:54,834 (Misty pants) 238 00:12:55,918 --> 00:12:57,251 (beeping) 239 00:12:59,209 --> 00:13:00,501 (train bell dings) 240 00:13:04,209 --> 00:13:06,543 (brakes screeching) Sorry! 241 00:13:07,418 --> 00:13:08,584 Hmm… 242 00:13:08,709 --> 00:13:10,293 (panting) 243 00:13:19,293 --> 00:13:21,834 - Ugh! Where'd she go?! 244 00:13:23,626 --> 00:13:26,918 - Hi there! Were you looking to get styled today? 245 00:13:27,043 --> 00:13:30,709 - Yes! Of course! Tell me all about your signature manestyles. 246 00:13:30,834 --> 00:13:35,418 - Okay! So we can do every look from the traditional to the cutting edge! 247 00:13:35,543 --> 00:13:38,709 Bobs, layers, beach waves, braids. Just name it! 248 00:13:38,834 --> 00:13:40,251 So, what will it be? 249 00:13:40,376 --> 00:13:42,293 - Actually, I'll take a rain check! 250 00:13:42,418 --> 00:13:45,751 - We don't have those, uh… But we do sell gift cards. 251 00:13:45,876 --> 00:13:48,043 (door creaks) 252 00:13:49,209 --> 00:13:50,001 - Huh… 253 00:13:52,459 --> 00:13:54,459 I know everything, Misty! 254 00:13:54,584 --> 00:13:57,834 And I know that it was you who stole the lantern! 255 00:13:57,959 --> 00:14:02,334 Ever since the Unicorn sleepover, I had a weird feeling about you. 256 00:14:02,459 --> 00:14:06,543 Those probing questions about Sparky, not knowing anything about Bridlewood, 257 00:14:06,668 --> 00:14:10,251 and then finding you trying to activate the elevator up to the Crystal Room! 258 00:14:10,376 --> 00:14:15,043 But I ignored my instincts and gave you the benefit of the doubt, until now. 259 00:14:15,168 --> 00:14:18,084 All the galloping and shadiness today solidified it! 260 00:14:18,209 --> 00:14:21,168 Now, you better tell me where you've got Sunny's lantern hidden! 261 00:14:21,293 --> 00:14:22,376 - Stop! 262 00:14:23,126 --> 00:14:26,293 - Pipp! What are you doing?! I've got the lantern thief right here! 263 00:14:26,418 --> 00:14:29,668 - It's me! I'm the lantern thief! 264 00:14:29,793 --> 00:14:30,584 - What?! 265 00:14:30,709 --> 00:14:34,334 - Well, no, I mean, I'm not the lantern thief, but… 266 00:14:35,668 --> 00:14:36,876 I've had it all day. 267 00:14:37,001 --> 00:14:40,334 - Huh? No! But Misty is the lantern thief! 268 00:14:40,459 --> 00:14:41,376 - She's not! 269 00:14:41,501 --> 00:14:42,793 (sighs) The truth is… 270 00:14:42,918 --> 00:14:45,876 I found the lantern outside the Brighthouse this morning. 271 00:14:46,001 --> 00:14:49,751 And I was going to show you right away, but your Cutie Mark was glowing 272 00:14:49,876 --> 00:14:52,293 and you were having so much fun investigating and I-- 273 00:14:52,418 --> 00:14:56,168 - But the hoof print! - I put it there, to keep you going. 274 00:14:56,293 --> 00:15:00,543 And the wing glitter was a clue to lead you to me! 275 00:15:00,668 --> 00:15:04,334 I had no idea it'd send you on a trail after Misty. 276 00:15:04,459 --> 00:15:06,376 (nervous chuckle) 277 00:15:06,501 --> 00:15:09,126 - So my whole investigation was for nothing, then? 278 00:15:09,251 --> 00:15:15,334 Just me looking like a fool and accusing Misty of a bunch of terrible stuff she didn't do? 279 00:15:15,459 --> 00:15:19,293 - Yeah, that one is totally my bad and I definitely owe her a big apology, 280 00:15:19,418 --> 00:15:23,418 but I've never seen your Cutie Mark glow like that! 281 00:15:23,543 --> 00:15:28,209 You finally got to be a true detective! Ah! That's worth something, right? 282 00:15:28,334 --> 00:15:29,668 (Zipp sighs) 283 00:15:29,793 --> 00:15:33,709 - I guess you're right. I did have fun. So… 284 00:15:33,834 --> 00:15:39,334 I guess I can forgive you for sending me on that wild goose chase all day. 285 00:15:39,459 --> 00:15:42,209 Even if I did miss a few obvious clues. 286 00:15:42,334 --> 00:15:43,543 (laughing) 287 00:15:43,668 --> 00:15:46,001 How did I not connect the glitter thing?! 288 00:15:46,126 --> 00:15:47,876 It was aquamarine! 289 00:15:48,001 --> 00:15:52,918 - Like my sparkle! And I can't believe you thought it was Misty! 290 00:15:53,043 --> 00:15:55,751 She's so sweet. She could never! 291 00:15:55,876 --> 00:15:58,959 - Misty, I am so sorry. 292 00:15:59,084 --> 00:16:01,459 I never should have accused you of being a thief…. 293 00:16:01,584 --> 00:16:05,043 or chased you around town or cornered you in here. 294 00:16:05,626 --> 00:16:08,876 I guess I need some more practice with this whole detective thing, huh? 295 00:16:10,001 --> 00:16:14,543 - It's okay. I know how it is when you get really wrapped up in something! 296 00:16:14,668 --> 00:16:16,918 - I did just have one last question though. 297 00:16:17,043 --> 00:16:18,626 Why were you galloping away from me? 298 00:16:18,751 --> 00:16:21,293 - Oh, well, I, uh… 299 00:16:21,418 --> 00:16:26,918 I have this thing where I just can't get the words out when I'm nervous sometimes and I, um… 300 00:16:27,043 --> 00:16:30,293 Oh would you look at the time! I should really get going before my cake… 301 00:16:30,418 --> 00:16:32,834 goes… stale? Ah! 302 00:16:34,626 --> 00:16:36,001 - Wonder what all that was about? 303 00:16:36,126 --> 00:16:38,293 - I bet she's still just shy around us. 304 00:16:38,418 --> 00:16:39,626 Some ponies are, you know! 305 00:16:39,751 --> 00:16:42,459 - Yeah, we can't all be doing ClipTrot dances like you. 306 00:16:42,584 --> 00:16:43,876 (laughter) 307 00:16:44,001 --> 00:16:47,626 - Ooh! Speaking of, your little caper today fully inspired me to write this jam! 308 00:16:48,376 --> 00:16:51,251 ♪ Oh oh Where'd it go ♪ 309 00:16:51,376 --> 00:16:53,876 ♪ Oh oh Where'd it go ♪ 310 00:16:54,001 --> 00:16:56,293 ♪ Here we go Here we go ♪ 311 00:16:56,418 --> 00:16:59,793 ♪ We're not going to stop 'til we find what we're missing ♪ 312 00:16:59,918 --> 00:17:02,209 ♪ Where'd it go Where'd it go ♪ 313 00:17:02,334 --> 00:17:05,126 ♪ A perfect case for a private eye ♪ 314 00:17:05,251 --> 00:17:09,043 ♪ I'm searching for the light ♪ 315 00:17:09,168 --> 00:17:12,168 ♪ So, here we go Here we go ♪ 316 00:17:12,293 --> 00:17:15,209 ♪ We're not going to stop 'til we find what we're missing ♪ 317 00:17:15,334 --> 00:17:17,876 ♪ Oh oh Where'd it go ♪ 318 00:17:18,001 --> 00:17:21,293 ♪ Oh oh Where'd it go ♪♪ 319 00:17:21,418 --> 00:17:23,459 (Sunny): Ponies! Please! - Huh? 320 00:17:23,584 --> 00:17:27,501 - Come join us in the plaza for a very important cause! 321 00:17:27,626 --> 00:17:30,668 - Sunny, please stop! This is not the way to solve this. 322 00:17:32,959 --> 00:17:34,751 And you! Stop squirming! 323 00:17:34,876 --> 00:17:37,209 - What is going on?! - I don't know. 324 00:17:37,334 --> 00:17:41,334 But it seems like we're about to play a really complicated game of "tag"! 325 00:17:41,459 --> 00:17:45,418 - Everypony! We need your help to find my lantern! 326 00:17:46,834 --> 00:17:48,126 (Zipp): We found it, Sunny! 327 00:17:48,251 --> 00:17:49,376 (crashing) - You did? 328 00:17:49,501 --> 00:17:51,168 (feedback) 329 00:17:52,293 --> 00:17:53,793 You did? 330 00:17:53,918 --> 00:17:57,126 - Yeah, it was all just a case of a little innocent sister meddling. 331 00:17:57,251 --> 00:17:58,293 (nervous laughter) 332 00:17:58,418 --> 00:18:01,001 Probably should have let you in on my plan, sooner, Sunny! 333 00:18:01,126 --> 00:18:02,334 So sorry about that! 334 00:18:02,459 --> 00:18:04,293 - Ah! What a relief! 335 00:18:04,418 --> 00:18:06,001 Thank you for returning it. 336 00:18:06,126 --> 00:18:08,459 - Oh! What happened to the game of tag? 337 00:18:09,084 --> 00:18:13,709 - Yeah, it could have been a total disaster if the lantern had actually been taken 338 00:18:13,834 --> 00:18:15,293 by somepony dangerous… 339 00:18:15,418 --> 00:18:18,668 - Like the mysterious evil pony Twilight warned us about? 340 00:18:18,793 --> 00:18:21,459 Ooh, that should be your next mystery to uncover, Zipp! 341 00:18:21,584 --> 00:18:24,001 - Yeah, yeah, I'm working on it. 342 00:18:24,126 --> 00:18:25,709 (laughter) 343 00:18:25,834 --> 00:18:30,209 - As long as we stick together and tell each other about our plans, 344 00:18:30,334 --> 00:18:34,543 I know we'll be able to keep this lantern and pony magic safe. 345 00:18:34,668 --> 00:18:37,001 This thing is powerful. 346 00:18:37,126 --> 00:18:38,918 We have to be more careful with it. 347 00:18:39,043 --> 00:18:41,543 - No more midnight trots with it then, Izzy? 348 00:18:41,668 --> 00:18:46,168 - Psht! Why would I need a lantern? I've got a glowing horn! 349 00:18:46,293 --> 00:18:48,668 (laughter) 350 00:18:50,251 --> 00:18:53,084 (♪♪) 351 00:18:54,043 --> 00:18:56,209 (gasps) - I knew it! 352 00:18:56,334 --> 00:18:58,543 - So beautiful! 353 00:18:58,668 --> 00:19:00,626 - So rainbow-y! 354 00:19:00,751 --> 00:19:02,293 - Wow, Sunny! You were right! 355 00:19:02,418 --> 00:19:06,959 - Note: Lantern's energy linked to proximity to unity magic. 356 00:19:07,084 --> 00:19:09,293 Or is it a separate power? 357 00:19:09,418 --> 00:19:12,584 Hey Sunny, do you think I could keep my hooves on the lantern a little bit longer? 358 00:19:12,709 --> 00:19:15,084 I want to do some more scientific analysis on it. 359 00:19:15,209 --> 00:19:17,668 - As long as you don't let it out of your sight, Detective. 360 00:19:19,668 --> 00:19:21,709 - Don't worry. I won't! 361 00:19:24,709 --> 00:19:26,626 (menacing music) 362 00:19:28,293 --> 00:19:30,043 (Opaline): So you're finally back. 363 00:19:30,168 --> 00:19:32,168 And where is my powerful lantern? 364 00:19:32,293 --> 00:19:35,001 - Well, you see, I was on my way to get it, 365 00:19:35,126 --> 00:19:37,709 but then I got to thinking, maybe it's not as powerful as we-- 366 00:19:37,834 --> 00:19:39,834 - Another failure! 367 00:19:39,959 --> 00:19:42,543 There seems to be a pattern emerging. 368 00:19:42,668 --> 00:19:47,251 It makes me wonder if it truly was a mistake… 369 00:19:47,376 --> 00:19:50,543 Or if you're just going soft on those ponies! 370 00:19:50,668 --> 00:19:53,043 - No, Opaline! It was all a mistake! 371 00:19:53,168 --> 00:19:55,376 I want to do whatever I can to help your plans succeed! 372 00:19:55,501 --> 00:19:58,626 - Well, I hope you're telling the truth. 373 00:19:58,751 --> 00:20:03,084 It would be terrible for you to abandon your only friend. 374 00:20:03,209 --> 00:20:06,168 Without me, you'd have nothing. 375 00:20:06,293 --> 00:20:10,793 No family, no home, no Cutie Mark! 376 00:20:10,918 --> 00:20:14,918 You still want me to give you a Cutie Mark, don't you? 377 00:20:15,043 --> 00:20:19,209 - More than anything! I promise I won't let another mistake like this happen again. 378 00:20:19,334 --> 00:20:22,126 I'll get the lantern! Hoof to-- - No! 379 00:20:22,251 --> 00:20:25,834 We're wasting time with the pursuit of these silly enchanted relics! 380 00:20:25,959 --> 00:20:28,376 - B-b-but how else are we going to get the magic? 381 00:20:28,501 --> 00:20:34,084 - With something that will instantly restore my ultimate power. 382 00:20:34,209 --> 00:20:35,584 (dramatic music) 383 00:20:37,543 --> 00:20:39,376 Dragonfire! 384 00:20:42,459 --> 00:20:46,001 (Hitch): Of course! It's always the last piece that goes missing! 385 00:20:46,126 --> 00:20:49,126 Sparky… No. Put it down. 386 00:20:49,251 --> 00:20:50,459 (gibberish) 387 00:20:50,584 --> 00:20:52,501 (♪♪) 388 00:20:54,376 --> 00:20:57,334 (sighs) So much for mint condition. 389 00:20:57,459 --> 00:20:58,709 - Don't worry! 390 00:21:01,834 --> 00:21:03,793 (gibberish) 391 00:21:14,543 --> 00:21:17,168 - Nothing prepares you for the moments like these! 392 00:21:17,293 --> 00:21:18,793 (laughter) 393 00:21:19,418 --> 00:21:22,709 - Sparky's Dragonfire transformations are amazing! 394 00:21:22,834 --> 00:21:25,168 And he's just a baby! 395 00:21:25,293 --> 00:21:29,834 Seems like the sky's the limit for your powers. Right, little buddy? 396 00:21:29,959 --> 00:21:31,376 (burps) 397 00:21:31,501 --> 00:21:34,501 (laughter) 398 00:21:36,043 --> 00:21:37,376 (♪♪)