1 00:00:05,043 --> 00:00:06,562 Previously on Velma... 2 00:00:07,123 --> 00:00:08,363 What I did was wrong. 3 00:00:08,363 --> 00:00:10,242 I'm just so desperate to stop my hallucinations. 4 00:00:10,242 --> 00:00:12,402 Then you leave me no choice but to help you cure them. 5 00:00:12,402 --> 00:00:16,163 And you should hope I still wanna jump your bones once you're damage free. 6 00:00:16,643 --> 00:00:20,602 So, someone is now killing men associated with Dr. Perdue's journals 7 00:00:20,602 --> 00:00:21,963 and removing their dongs. 8 00:00:22,882 --> 00:00:24,523 Have you heard of manifesting? 9 00:00:24,523 --> 00:00:27,762 As tolerant as I've become, I still find that stuff a little silly. 10 00:00:28,242 --> 00:00:29,402 Vincent? 11 00:00:33,323 --> 00:00:35,122 - Oh, God! - Velma! 12 00:00:37,842 --> 00:00:41,003 There are many things I feel strongly about. Our planet. 13 00:00:41,003 --> 00:00:42,683 No more fracking for oil. 14 00:00:42,683 --> 00:00:45,043 Or saying fracking as a double entendre! 15 00:00:45,722 --> 00:00:47,603 Adult women who wear pigtails. 16 00:00:48,162 --> 00:00:49,603 You're too fracking old! 17 00:00:50,522 --> 00:00:52,323 But my whole life, 18 00:00:52,323 --> 00:00:56,482 nothing has made me angrier than rich people. 19 00:00:56,842 --> 00:01:00,243 Because they have money, they think they can get away with anything. 20 00:01:00,243 --> 00:01:03,482 Museums should be named after robber barons, not murderers. 21 00:01:03,482 --> 00:01:04,683 Change this name! 22 00:01:04,683 --> 00:01:06,603 Because, annoyingly, they can. 23 00:01:07,562 --> 00:01:10,323 So, there is no amount of money that would make me okay 24 00:01:10,323 --> 00:01:12,723 with William Jones dating my mom. 25 00:01:13,163 --> 00:01:15,683 Well, then, how about I date your mom and open bar? 26 00:01:15,683 --> 00:01:16,842 No way. 27 00:01:16,842 --> 00:01:20,163 Unlike a recorded message from any failed '90s celeb, I can't be bought. 28 00:01:20,163 --> 00:01:22,122 What? No one ever says no to me. 29 00:01:22,122 --> 00:01:24,202 Velma, you left your inhaler in my van. 30 00:01:24,202 --> 00:01:26,603 Oh, God! Dad! No! 31 00:01:26,603 --> 00:01:28,723 I mean, yes. I can't say no to you 32 00:01:28,723 --> 00:01:30,603 'cause of your money, but I'm still upset! 33 00:01:36,323 --> 00:01:39,443 Now, I'm sure you're both wondering how William and I became lovers. 34 00:01:39,443 --> 00:01:43,122 It began with an interview for my memoir, and we just connected. 35 00:01:43,122 --> 00:01:45,922 We connected so hard, I hurt my back. 36 00:01:47,282 --> 00:01:50,282 But the point is Diya's the one person I found 37 00:01:50,282 --> 00:01:52,762 who I can talk to honestly about Victoria. 38 00:01:52,762 --> 00:01:54,922 You can talk honestly to me about Mom. 39 00:01:54,922 --> 00:01:57,642 Just don't criticize her, because I will lash out. 40 00:01:57,642 --> 00:02:00,642 Okay. You had your fun. Now, let's never mention it again, 41 00:02:00,642 --> 00:02:02,642 unless a baby with a bowtie and a monocle 42 00:02:02,642 --> 00:02:04,122 pops out in nine months. Good? 43 00:02:04,122 --> 00:02:08,522 No, Velma. We like each other. But you fear not. 44 00:02:08,522 --> 00:02:11,522 I promise to win you over with a fun weekend at the Jones estate. 45 00:02:11,522 --> 00:02:13,563 The only thing more impressive than the house 46 00:02:13,563 --> 00:02:16,202 is the number of people who died building it. 47 00:02:16,202 --> 00:02:18,802 Fat chance. The only way I'm ever going back to your house 48 00:02:18,802 --> 00:02:20,802 is with a mob of revolting peasants. 49 00:02:20,802 --> 00:02:22,802 Plus, the science fair's Monday and you promised 50 00:02:22,802 --> 00:02:24,522 to help me with my project this weekend. 51 00:02:24,522 --> 00:02:27,403 Science fair? That's Mardi Gras for smart kids. 52 00:02:27,403 --> 00:02:29,123 And you're the baby in the king cake. 53 00:02:29,123 --> 00:02:31,082 How is this the first I'm hearing of it, Velma? 54 00:02:31,082 --> 00:02:34,003 Because as rich people say when they're asked to pay taxes, 55 00:02:34,003 --> 00:02:35,163 "I ain't doing it." 56 00:02:35,163 --> 00:02:36,922 And Frederick, I promised to help 57 00:02:36,922 --> 00:02:40,403 if you stopped claiming your mother was possessed by an evil ghost. 58 00:02:42,962 --> 00:02:45,603 I guess I should hire someone to go talk to him. 59 00:02:45,603 --> 00:02:48,642 Good idea. I need to have a little chat with Velma, as well. 60 00:02:48,642 --> 00:02:51,283 About what? How much my therapy is gonna set you back? 61 00:02:55,283 --> 00:02:57,522 Run the diagnostic, Lola. I'm hallucinating. 62 00:02:58,603 --> 00:02:59,723 Got it. 63 00:03:00,762 --> 00:03:02,283 My grandma's research worked. 64 00:03:02,283 --> 00:03:05,202 You can see exactly where the hallucination happened in my noodle. 65 00:03:05,202 --> 00:03:07,642 Hey, I can use that word, not you. 66 00:03:07,642 --> 00:03:08,883 Sorry. I just got excited. 67 00:03:08,883 --> 00:03:11,723 With this data, I might be able to neutralize my hallucinations. 68 00:03:11,723 --> 00:03:15,323 And we'd totally win the science fair. Which is great, 69 00:03:15,323 --> 00:03:18,163 'cause volleyball is sure not getting me into college anymore. 70 00:03:18,522 --> 00:03:22,242 Norville, I told you. You don't need all science to stop your hallucinations. 71 00:03:22,242 --> 00:03:25,563 Just trust that the marijuana I'm giving you will cure them. 72 00:03:25,563 --> 00:03:28,043 It has zero side effects. 73 00:03:28,043 --> 00:03:29,362 Now, why am I in here again? 74 00:03:29,362 --> 00:03:32,443 I assume you want to test my pee to ensure the weed's working. 75 00:03:33,922 --> 00:03:36,603 Positive! We'll test again at the science fair on Monday, 76 00:03:36,603 --> 00:03:41,082 so just keep smoking. Zero side... effects. 77 00:03:42,443 --> 00:03:45,843 Wait. Norville "I hate drugs" Rogers has been getting high? 78 00:03:45,843 --> 00:03:47,922 Without me? WTF? 79 00:03:47,922 --> 00:03:50,962 What? No, I've just always done what my dad says. 80 00:03:50,962 --> 00:03:53,123 So, it's easier to buy dirty pee from a friend 81 00:03:53,123 --> 00:03:54,922 and pass his test, than have a big fight. 82 00:03:54,922 --> 00:03:57,082 Which reminds me, that was my last cup. 83 00:03:57,482 --> 00:03:58,962 Evelyn, I need a re-up. 84 00:03:59,443 --> 00:04:01,762 What? You're on trial for a hit and run in Miami? 85 00:04:01,762 --> 00:04:04,482 But I can't wait two weeks. My dad is testing me on Monday. 86 00:04:06,163 --> 00:04:08,642 Velma, the deal is you can only solve mysteries 87 00:04:08,642 --> 00:04:11,603 if you maintain your grades and extracurriculars. 88 00:04:11,603 --> 00:04:14,522 No, Mom. The deal is you don't date wealthy slimeballs 89 00:04:14,522 --> 00:04:16,242 whose ex-wives kidnapped you. 90 00:04:16,242 --> 00:04:19,122 - We never made that deal. - We shouldn't have to. 91 00:04:19,122 --> 00:04:21,362 You know I hate the rich. I'd be a Communist, 92 00:04:21,362 --> 00:04:24,283 if I didn't want to kill my lazy teammates on every group project. 93 00:04:24,283 --> 00:04:26,963 Fine. Then let me propose a deal we can both agree on. 94 00:04:26,963 --> 00:04:29,682 If you win the science fair, I'll stop seeing William. 95 00:04:29,682 --> 00:04:31,442 The science fair is a waste of time. 96 00:04:31,442 --> 00:04:33,322 I'm trying to find another serial killer, 97 00:04:33,322 --> 00:04:35,322 not a more efficient way to process ammonia 98 00:04:35,322 --> 00:04:37,523 and increase global crop yield. Wait. 99 00:04:37,523 --> 00:04:39,682 You love science, you genius. 100 00:04:40,083 --> 00:04:43,083 And it's something to fall back on, if mystery solving doesn't work out. 101 00:04:43,083 --> 00:04:45,603 Fine. If I win the science fair, you dump William 102 00:04:45,603 --> 00:04:47,723 and promise no more dating rich guys. 103 00:04:47,723 --> 00:04:49,882 Unless the actor, Steven Yeun, is rich. 104 00:04:51,763 --> 00:04:53,922 Have you ever needed to push up your glasses, 105 00:04:53,922 --> 00:04:55,562 scratch your nose or swat a fly, 106 00:04:55,562 --> 00:04:57,643 but you're in the middle of a complex chemistry experiment? 107 00:04:57,643 --> 00:05:01,242 Well, the future is now. Handso, push up glasses. 108 00:05:01,242 --> 00:05:02,562 Damn it! 109 00:05:02,562 --> 00:05:04,802 Now how am I gonna win the science fair? 110 00:05:04,802 --> 00:05:07,723 How about, "Can curly fries be made straight again?" 111 00:05:07,723 --> 00:05:10,002 I know it's not your intent, but that sounds homophobic. 112 00:05:10,002 --> 00:05:12,802 Maybe I can help. A lot of cool inventions come from moms 113 00:05:12,802 --> 00:05:14,442 who see a need for something. 114 00:05:14,442 --> 00:05:17,802 Like, you know, those social media videos of dogs who talk with buttons? 115 00:05:17,802 --> 00:05:20,763 I only follow Gloria Steinem and Noam Chomsky. 116 00:05:20,763 --> 00:05:22,362 So, yes, it's all they post. 117 00:05:22,362 --> 00:05:25,203 Well, Gigi's mom, Susan, invented one for babies 118 00:05:25,203 --> 00:05:27,403 called a Baby Babble Box. 119 00:05:27,403 --> 00:05:29,322 Nap. Hungry. 120 00:05:29,322 --> 00:05:31,882 Election. Stolen. Witch hunt. 121 00:05:31,882 --> 00:05:33,963 She's a genius. 122 00:05:33,963 --> 00:05:36,163 See, my dad's already dating a nightmare. 123 00:05:36,163 --> 00:05:38,362 If I don't make a prizewinning project by tomorrow, 124 00:05:38,362 --> 00:05:40,442 I'm gonna end up with someone even worse in my life. 125 00:05:40,442 --> 00:05:42,643 You're welcome to join the project I'm doing with Amber. 126 00:05:42,643 --> 00:05:44,763 Amber? What does Amber know about science? 127 00:05:44,763 --> 00:05:46,802 They think bird flu was caused by an eclipse. 128 00:05:46,802 --> 00:05:49,723 I know, but my moms are making us be partners. 129 00:05:49,723 --> 00:05:51,643 They want us to use our science project 130 00:05:51,643 --> 00:05:53,922 to help solve the Mr. S and Cogburn cases. 131 00:05:53,922 --> 00:05:55,723 Oh, my God, yes! I am so in. 132 00:05:55,723 --> 00:05:57,763 By manifesting some clues, 133 00:05:57,763 --> 00:06:01,002 the way we manifested our Creaky Friday win. 134 00:06:01,002 --> 00:06:03,043 Our project is manifesting. 135 00:06:04,442 --> 00:06:05,682 While that sounds great, 136 00:06:05,682 --> 00:06:09,002 I don't know if manifesting is science-y enough to win. 137 00:06:09,002 --> 00:06:10,203 That's where you're wrong. 138 00:06:10,203 --> 00:06:12,922 Since Mr. S died, there's a new science fair judge 139 00:06:12,922 --> 00:06:14,283 who's way less science-y. 140 00:06:14,283 --> 00:06:15,403 Wait, who? 141 00:06:16,403 --> 00:06:18,203 Norville. How could you not tell me 142 00:06:18,203 --> 00:06:20,403 {\an8}your dad is judging the science fair? 143 00:06:21,002 --> 00:06:23,802 Oh, right. That's what I wanted to tell you earlier. 144 00:06:23,802 --> 00:06:25,802 I'm even getting paid. Which is good, 145 00:06:25,802 --> 00:06:27,723 because the pot I've been buying you is not cheap. 146 00:06:27,723 --> 00:06:30,362 Wait, Dad, you're judging the science fair for money? 147 00:06:30,362 --> 00:06:31,523 Are we okay? 148 00:06:31,523 --> 00:06:33,283 You're not borrowing money from the Mafia again, are you? 149 00:06:33,283 --> 00:06:35,603 Norville, the only thing you need to worry about 150 00:06:35,603 --> 00:06:37,442 is curing your hallucinations with pot 151 00:06:37,442 --> 00:06:39,322 the way your loving father tells you to. 152 00:06:39,322 --> 00:06:40,882 The sooner the better. 153 00:06:43,122 --> 00:06:45,083 With your dad as the judge, you're sure to win. 154 00:06:45,083 --> 00:06:47,403 Well, normally, yes. But if I can't find some dirty pee, 155 00:06:47,403 --> 00:06:49,523 he'll know I'm defying him and freak out. 156 00:06:49,523 --> 00:06:51,083 I once got detention for telling him 157 00:06:51,083 --> 00:06:53,242 B.F. Skinner wasn't my favorite psychologist. 158 00:06:53,242 --> 00:06:55,603 Damn. But wait. Not to sound like an East German swim coach, 159 00:06:55,603 --> 00:06:58,242 but if I get you some pee to pass his drug test, 160 00:06:58,242 --> 00:06:59,562 you're guaranteed to win, right? 161 00:06:59,562 --> 00:07:00,843 I mean, without a doubt. 162 00:07:00,843 --> 00:07:02,882 But are you seriously gonna get high for me? 163 00:07:02,882 --> 00:07:05,922 Every year you complain that 4/20 distracts from Jessica Lange's birthday. 164 00:07:05,922 --> 00:07:07,523 I can't. The one time I got high, 165 00:07:07,523 --> 00:07:09,523 I was convinced a dog was talking to me. 166 00:07:09,523 --> 00:07:12,242 But if I figure it out, can I join your science fair project? 167 00:07:12,242 --> 00:07:16,083 Does a multipolar neuron have two or more dendrites? 168 00:07:16,083 --> 00:07:17,482 You bet your ass it does. 169 00:07:19,362 --> 00:07:20,802 Oh. God! Handso! No! 170 00:07:21,843 --> 00:07:24,322 I don't have time to spend the weekend at your boyfriend's. 171 00:07:24,322 --> 00:07:27,603 I need to figure out how to win the science fair. 172 00:07:27,603 --> 00:07:29,723 Driver, take me to the nearest music festival. 173 00:07:29,723 --> 00:07:31,802 Wait, these waters are free, right? 174 00:07:31,802 --> 00:07:33,763 Yes, and we're not going to a music festival. 175 00:07:33,763 --> 00:07:36,043 But I knew you'd get excited about science again. 176 00:07:36,043 --> 00:07:37,523 Soon you'll be like... 177 00:07:38,603 --> 00:07:40,283 I can't think of a famous woman scientist. 178 00:07:40,283 --> 00:07:42,203 And now I'm just picturing Einstein with boobs. 179 00:07:42,203 --> 00:07:44,682 But I still expect you to try and enjoy this weekend. 180 00:07:44,682 --> 00:07:46,843 Enjoy a rich man using his wealth 181 00:07:46,843 --> 00:07:49,283 to distract us from the atrocities of his family? 182 00:07:49,283 --> 00:07:52,882 Pass me that caviar. It'll just go to waste otherwise. 183 00:07:53,482 --> 00:07:56,442 Guys, getting pierced was such a good science fair idea. 184 00:07:56,442 --> 00:07:58,322 Was such a good science fair idea. 185 00:08:02,322 --> 00:08:05,603 Look where we are. It's Daphne's new friend's store. 186 00:08:05,603 --> 00:08:07,002 They must have put a spell on us. 187 00:08:07,442 --> 00:08:08,562 What new friend? 188 00:08:08,562 --> 00:08:11,242 Who do I know that can balance popularity and a job? 189 00:08:11,882 --> 00:08:14,203 - Daphne! - Hey, Amber. 190 00:08:14,203 --> 00:08:15,643 This is your mom's place? 191 00:08:16,203 --> 00:08:18,283 I knew you two were opening an occult bookstore, 192 00:08:18,283 --> 00:08:20,043 but this is nuttier than cheap trail mix. 193 00:08:20,043 --> 00:08:22,963 Nutty? Wicca is just like any other religion, 194 00:08:22,963 --> 00:08:26,002 except less hating gays and more nude frolicking in the moonlight. 195 00:08:26,002 --> 00:08:30,203 We only frolic nude in the sunlight. This is weird. Come on, Daph. 196 00:08:36,082 --> 00:08:38,682 You know what? I'll catch up with you girls later. 197 00:08:38,682 --> 00:08:41,243 We have to work on our totally normal science fair project. 198 00:08:41,243 --> 00:08:43,602 Amber! Daphne, come quick! The frogs are spawning! 199 00:08:43,602 --> 00:08:46,202 Manifest abundance before the crone flies. 200 00:08:52,283 --> 00:08:54,283 Velma! Welcome. 201 00:08:54,283 --> 00:08:57,962 I took the liberty of having the staff prepare pink lemonade. 202 00:08:57,962 --> 00:09:00,283 Seriously? Pink lemonade is my favorite. 203 00:09:00,283 --> 00:09:02,682 And it costs 13 cents more than regular lemonade. 204 00:09:02,682 --> 00:09:05,682 But just FYI, I still think all rich people are evil. 205 00:09:05,682 --> 00:09:08,243 Which is why I've taken a note from the numerous musicals 206 00:09:08,243 --> 00:09:11,243 depicting a plucky but downwardly mobile young woman 207 00:09:11,243 --> 00:09:13,163 visiting a rich man's home, 208 00:09:13,163 --> 00:09:16,363 and had the staff prepare a musical number to make you feel welcome. 209 00:09:16,763 --> 00:09:20,763 You are poor So you will like this 210 00:09:20,763 --> 00:09:24,763 Some joy in your Grubby little life, Miss 211 00:09:24,763 --> 00:09:29,763 Let us treat you Like a prince... Princess 212 00:09:29,763 --> 00:09:31,442 What the hell is going on? 213 00:09:31,442 --> 00:09:34,363 It's like a big type of Act Two musical number. 214 00:09:35,163 --> 00:09:37,922 You can lead A life of leisure 215 00:09:37,922 --> 00:09:40,883 Wash in a bath Of ancient treasure! 216 00:09:40,883 --> 00:09:43,722 Here's a robot That thinks you're clever 217 00:09:43,722 --> 00:09:46,483 Not interested. What? No. Never. 218 00:09:46,483 --> 00:09:48,082 Your own Swedish masseuse 219 00:09:48,082 --> 00:09:49,643 Tell that Swede to go vamoose. 220 00:09:49,643 --> 00:09:50,922 Hate walking? 221 00:09:50,922 --> 00:09:52,922 Take your railway 222 00:09:52,922 --> 00:09:55,363 But what would the 99% say? 223 00:09:57,802 --> 00:10:00,682 Would a breakfast buffet Be so awful? 224 00:10:01,163 --> 00:10:03,243 Even Karl Marx couldn't resist a waffle. 225 00:10:04,123 --> 00:10:08,643 Don't listen to them. Father's a traitor, and this is a house of lies. 226 00:10:09,442 --> 00:10:12,082 Mother just died Have you no remorse? 227 00:10:12,082 --> 00:10:15,163 Son, I can't copulate With a corpse! 228 00:10:15,163 --> 00:10:17,643 And now you're trying To buy Velma's love! 229 00:10:17,643 --> 00:10:21,082 Fred's right! But how much money are we speaking of? 230 00:10:21,082 --> 00:10:24,163 Shall we take this All away, then, Velma? 231 00:10:24,163 --> 00:10:27,003 And pray college tuitions Don't overwhelm ya? 232 00:10:27,003 --> 00:10:29,322 You're poor! 233 00:10:29,322 --> 00:10:30,442 Who am I kidding? 234 00:10:31,003 --> 00:10:37,763 I am poor and I love this! 235 00:10:41,403 --> 00:10:42,763 Take me to that money bath. 236 00:10:47,922 --> 00:10:49,523 Fred, can I come in? 237 00:10:49,523 --> 00:10:51,523 It's just me, your dad's new girlfriend. 238 00:10:51,523 --> 00:10:52,802 Nothing weird. 239 00:10:52,802 --> 00:10:55,643 I know. And I'm not mad about you dating my dad. 240 00:10:55,643 --> 00:10:57,403 Monogamy is for the middle class. 241 00:10:57,403 --> 00:10:59,442 I'm mad because my father's punishing me 242 00:10:59,442 --> 00:11:01,043 for thinking my mom's innocent. 243 00:11:01,043 --> 00:11:03,483 Well, sometimes parents have to be tough on kids 244 00:11:03,483 --> 00:11:04,842 because they care about them 245 00:11:04,842 --> 00:11:07,442 and don't want to be embarrassed publicly by their dumb choices. 246 00:11:07,442 --> 00:11:08,682 You wanna hear about caring? 247 00:11:08,682 --> 00:11:11,123 Every year Mother helped me with my science fair project. 248 00:11:11,123 --> 00:11:13,363 She loved hiring the scientists to do all the work 249 00:11:13,363 --> 00:11:16,202 and then stiffing them if I didn't win. 250 00:11:16,202 --> 00:11:17,922 I miss her so much. 251 00:11:17,922 --> 00:11:20,802 Fred, I'm sorry, but as a way to get to know each other, 252 00:11:20,802 --> 00:11:22,722 maybe I could help you with your project. 253 00:11:22,722 --> 00:11:24,763 And what do I have to do in return? 254 00:11:24,763 --> 00:11:27,043 Teach you how to fit into polite society? 255 00:11:27,043 --> 00:11:30,202 - Nothing. Just pick a project. - Actually... 256 00:11:30,202 --> 00:11:31,883 Mother never even let me do that. 257 00:11:31,883 --> 00:11:33,802 And I have always wondered where toast comes from. 258 00:11:33,802 --> 00:11:36,763 My hypothesis is the kitchen. 259 00:11:36,763 --> 00:11:38,483 Well, that sounds like a good start. 260 00:11:48,003 --> 00:11:49,043 Lola! I did it! 261 00:11:49,043 --> 00:11:52,403 You figured out the right amount of Chinese food for two people? 262 00:11:52,403 --> 00:11:54,962 No. The scientific community has given up on that. 263 00:11:54,962 --> 00:11:57,322 I calculated exactly how much electricity I need 264 00:11:57,322 --> 00:11:59,363 to shock the neurons, causing my hallucinations. 265 00:11:59,363 --> 00:12:01,643 If it works, my dad will assume it was the pot 266 00:12:01,643 --> 00:12:03,123 and I won't have to pass any more drug tests. 267 00:12:03,123 --> 00:12:06,322 Okay, but to be safe, before shocking your brain, 268 00:12:06,322 --> 00:12:08,163 maybe try it on something else first. 269 00:12:08,163 --> 00:12:11,403 I'm confident in my equations. But hey, if you insist. 270 00:12:20,202 --> 00:12:22,722 Velma, if we want to win, I'm gonna need that tainted pee. 271 00:12:22,722 --> 00:12:25,722 I'm on it, because even though I've come to appreciate vast wealth 272 00:12:25,722 --> 00:12:27,842 and no longer wanna break up my mom and William, 273 00:12:27,842 --> 00:12:29,602 I'm still a good and honorable person. 274 00:12:30,442 --> 00:12:32,802 Eat this and then pee in a cup for me. Pull. 275 00:13:13,483 --> 00:13:14,842 Where's Velma? 276 00:13:14,842 --> 00:13:17,682 - Norville? Test time. - One second. 277 00:13:18,403 --> 00:13:19,682 My dad is going to test me. 278 00:13:19,682 --> 00:13:21,442 If Velma doesn't show up with the dirty pee, 279 00:13:21,442 --> 00:13:23,163 I'll just have to try the shock treatment. 280 00:13:23,163 --> 00:13:25,403 At least the last potato almost didn't explode. 281 00:13:25,403 --> 00:13:29,123 Norville, you can't risk it. Just smoke weed already. 282 00:13:29,123 --> 00:13:31,682 TBH, this jar is half bong water. 283 00:13:31,682 --> 00:13:34,243 - Hey, Norville. - Velma, my number one buddy. 284 00:13:34,243 --> 00:13:35,722 And by number one, I mean urine. 285 00:13:35,722 --> 00:13:38,962 Velma's here. Yes, I refer to myself in the third person now. 286 00:13:38,962 --> 00:13:41,082 So, do you have the pee or not? 287 00:13:41,082 --> 00:13:42,442 Yes! I'm saved. 288 00:13:42,442 --> 00:13:47,363 Why does this have a price tag? And why is it $9.99? 289 00:13:47,363 --> 00:13:49,123 Wait. This is too funny. 290 00:13:49,123 --> 00:13:51,322 You know what this is? This is a juice shot, 291 00:13:51,322 --> 00:13:53,243 my fabulous wellness doctor has put me on. 292 00:13:53,243 --> 00:13:56,483 Okay, but where's the dirty pee? Papa needs that liquid gold. 293 00:13:56,483 --> 00:13:58,722 Sorry. One of the cleaning people must have thrown it out. 294 00:13:58,722 --> 00:14:01,483 But don't worry. It's okay if you fail the test and we lose. 295 00:14:01,483 --> 00:14:02,922 I want my mom to date William. 296 00:14:02,922 --> 00:14:05,243 It's not okay! My dad will freak out! 297 00:14:05,243 --> 00:14:08,043 And I didn't plan on having our inevitable "I'm not you, Dad" fight, 298 00:14:08,043 --> 00:14:09,842 until I got my Carl Jung poster back from the framers. 299 00:14:09,842 --> 00:14:11,202 Norville, listen to Velma. 300 00:14:11,202 --> 00:14:13,922 As someone who now lives a life of zero consequences, 301 00:14:13,922 --> 00:14:17,442 believe me when I say this, too much stress is terrible for your skin. 302 00:14:17,442 --> 00:14:19,243 But still, I'll make this right. 303 00:14:20,003 --> 00:14:21,163 What? 304 00:14:25,883 --> 00:14:27,842 And so, in conclusion, while we can now 305 00:14:27,842 --> 00:14:30,082 say with confidence where toast comes from... 306 00:14:31,322 --> 00:14:33,883 ...where it came from before the advent of the toaster, 307 00:14:33,883 --> 00:14:36,643 remains one of science's greatest mysteries. 308 00:14:36,643 --> 00:14:37,763 Great job, Fred. 309 00:14:37,763 --> 00:14:40,243 You even managed to say "focaccia" inoffensively. 310 00:14:43,043 --> 00:14:46,602 Wait, why do I feel all warm and safe? 311 00:14:46,602 --> 00:14:48,562 Because that's what hugs feel like? 312 00:14:48,562 --> 00:14:51,643 No! Mother said hugs drained children of their resilience. 313 00:14:51,643 --> 00:14:54,602 That's why she selflessly refused to ever give me one. 314 00:14:54,602 --> 00:14:57,722 Okay. Well, since you're so good at science now, 315 00:14:57,722 --> 00:15:00,163 do you wanna test out that hypothesis? 316 00:15:00,163 --> 00:15:03,483 I guess. I mean, I'm always happy to prove Mother right. 317 00:15:05,322 --> 00:15:07,962 Little Freddie feel cozy. 318 00:15:08,643 --> 00:15:11,363 No! These feelings are wrong. Stop! 319 00:15:11,363 --> 00:15:13,283 - Fred, I'm sorry. - I hate this. 320 00:15:13,283 --> 00:15:15,842 - Stop hugging me! - I'm trying. 321 00:15:17,442 --> 00:15:20,562 - You need to come to the science fair. - I'm here. Have a surprise for Velma. 322 00:15:22,962 --> 00:15:26,722 Our science fair project was testing the power of positive reinforcement. 323 00:15:26,722 --> 00:15:28,363 So we spoke different words to rats 324 00:15:28,363 --> 00:15:30,163 and then measured their maize feed. 325 00:15:30,163 --> 00:15:33,123 The rat called Smart did way better than the one called Sexy. 326 00:15:33,123 --> 00:15:36,003 But the best was mine. Hot Bitch. 327 00:15:36,003 --> 00:15:37,643 Oh, wonderful! 328 00:15:37,643 --> 00:15:41,523 Okay, so what's this project, you Hot Bitches? 329 00:15:42,442 --> 00:15:44,403 It's about focusing on what you want. 330 00:15:44,403 --> 00:15:47,283 Like my moms need clues in their Mr. S 331 00:15:47,283 --> 00:15:49,043 and Sheriff Cogburn murder investigation. 332 00:15:49,043 --> 00:15:53,123 We wrote, "Find the killer" on a piece of paper, sealed it in this envelope 333 00:15:53,123 --> 00:15:55,962 and spent 10 minutes each day visualizing his discovery. 334 00:15:57,243 --> 00:16:00,562 That is the dumbest project here, and I just ate Fred's project. 335 00:16:02,363 --> 00:16:04,962 I'm so sorry your moms made you work with Amber. 336 00:16:04,962 --> 00:16:07,602 Wait. They made you work with me? 337 00:16:07,602 --> 00:16:09,283 The crows in my dream were right. 338 00:16:09,283 --> 00:16:11,082 I knew better than to doubt them. 339 00:16:11,082 --> 00:16:14,123 No, Olive's wrong. I wanted to work with you, 340 00:16:14,123 --> 00:16:16,842 but I was too embarrassed to admit it to my friends, 341 00:16:16,842 --> 00:16:19,442 which is crazy, because you're so interesting, 342 00:16:19,442 --> 00:16:21,082 and I think our project's amazing. 343 00:16:22,003 --> 00:16:24,243 I agree. Every day I envision 344 00:16:24,243 --> 00:16:27,442 I'm such a perfect father that Norville will never feel the need 345 00:16:27,442 --> 00:16:29,363 to think for himself and push me away. 346 00:16:29,363 --> 00:16:32,842 Mr. Rogers! Come quick. Norville cured his hallucinations. 347 00:16:32,842 --> 00:16:35,043 As Daddy knew he would. 348 00:16:35,043 --> 00:16:38,163 See? That's the area that caused the hallucinations. 349 00:16:38,163 --> 00:16:41,243 It used to be all lit up, and now there's nothing. 350 00:16:41,562 --> 00:16:45,602 Norville, you did it. See? The pot worked. 351 00:16:45,602 --> 00:16:46,722 I'm so happy. 352 00:16:46,722 --> 00:16:49,403 There's literally nothing I wouldn't do for you right now. 353 00:16:49,403 --> 00:16:51,442 I'd love to win the science fair. 354 00:16:52,123 --> 00:16:54,082 Okay, so about that... 355 00:16:58,483 --> 00:17:00,363 Don't wanna invest in that. 356 00:17:00,363 --> 00:17:02,802 Maybe. Oh, hello! 357 00:17:02,802 --> 00:17:06,602 Hello, science fair participants. So many amazing projects. 358 00:17:06,602 --> 00:17:09,362 Almost all of them went right over my head. 359 00:17:09,362 --> 00:17:13,802 Regardless, the winner of this year's blue ribbon is Velma Dinkley. 360 00:17:13,802 --> 00:17:16,523 - What? - What? How? 361 00:17:16,523 --> 00:17:20,082 I didn't enter. Though rich me does still feel pretty deserving of it. 362 00:17:20,082 --> 00:17:23,322 Velma, in conjunction with her partner, Neil deGrasse Tyson 363 00:17:23,322 --> 00:17:27,043 {\an8}and with generous funding from the Fred D. Jones Foundation, 364 00:17:27,043 --> 00:17:31,523 proved aliens are more likely to exist than to not exist. 365 00:17:33,043 --> 00:17:36,122 - Burn the rich! - You're welcome, Velma. 366 00:17:36,122 --> 00:17:38,642 What? You bought the science fair for me? 367 00:17:38,642 --> 00:17:41,402 But I didn't want to win. And now everyone hates me. 368 00:17:41,402 --> 00:17:44,642 Velma, being hated is a huge part of being rich. 369 00:17:44,642 --> 00:17:47,243 It's right up there with calling waiters "garcon" 370 00:17:47,243 --> 00:17:49,723 and hiring lookalikes to confuse crowds. 371 00:17:50,443 --> 00:17:52,402 Remember, you get paid by the bruise. 372 00:17:52,402 --> 00:17:54,283 There they are. Get 'em! 373 00:17:54,683 --> 00:17:55,802 Well, I'm not rich. 374 00:17:55,802 --> 00:17:58,082 So, if people are gonna hate me, I wanna earn it. 375 00:17:58,082 --> 00:18:00,122 Like Scrooge or a bad boy of tennis. 376 00:18:00,122 --> 00:18:01,283 I get that. 377 00:18:01,283 --> 00:18:04,963 It's just such a shame you'll never get rich solving mysteries. 378 00:18:04,963 --> 00:18:07,283 Yeah, but only because my mom will probably force me 379 00:18:07,283 --> 00:18:10,082 to do something boring with my life, like cure heart disease. 380 00:18:10,082 --> 00:18:15,003 Actually, Velma, if solving mysteries is what you wanna do, then go all in. 381 00:18:15,003 --> 00:18:17,483 Parents don't always know what's best for their kids, right, William? 382 00:18:17,483 --> 00:18:20,683 Speak for yourself. I handled Fred perfectly. 383 00:18:20,683 --> 00:18:22,402 Why, this is the first weekend in ages 384 00:18:22,402 --> 00:18:25,043 I haven't heard any nonsense about ghosts or Victoria. 385 00:18:26,043 --> 00:18:27,043 What? 386 00:18:27,043 --> 00:18:29,763 This means so much to me, and my partner, 387 00:18:29,763 --> 00:18:31,683 Vermoose Drunkie. 388 00:18:32,122 --> 00:18:33,523 Everyone! I understand you're upset. 389 00:18:33,523 --> 00:18:36,842 But I will not accept this as I did not work on this project. 390 00:18:36,842 --> 00:18:39,402 Worse, I bailed on the team I was supposed to work with 391 00:18:39,402 --> 00:18:42,723 because I didn't know money would make me forget about my friends. 392 00:18:42,723 --> 00:18:45,122 Even though I was warned by, like, every movie. 393 00:18:45,122 --> 00:18:47,723 Regardless, the blue ribbon should go to Norville. 394 00:18:47,723 --> 00:18:49,723 His project is obviously the best. 395 00:18:49,723 --> 00:18:52,283 Thank you, Velma, but I don't deserve it, either. 396 00:18:52,283 --> 00:18:55,203 I just copied work my grandmother did in the '70s. 397 00:18:56,162 --> 00:18:58,203 The only project here that looks like it didn't have 398 00:18:58,203 --> 00:19:00,723 an adult actually doing all the work is Fred's toast thing. 399 00:19:00,723 --> 00:19:03,283 - Give the award to him. - Seriously? 400 00:19:03,283 --> 00:19:04,483 I said, get off me! 401 00:19:06,203 --> 00:19:08,683 Thank you, Norville. It says a lot when you get more support 402 00:19:08,683 --> 00:19:10,842 from the grandson of the woman who ruined your life 403 00:19:10,842 --> 00:19:12,003 than your own father. 404 00:19:12,003 --> 00:19:15,763 Hey, we don't have enough context to fully understand that. 405 00:19:15,763 --> 00:19:18,243 It's okay, because I do. 406 00:19:19,043 --> 00:19:20,162 Fred, look, 407 00:19:20,162 --> 00:19:23,923 I'm sorry I refused to work on your science fair project with you. 408 00:19:23,923 --> 00:19:27,602 I thought you needed a reality check. But maybe what you really need 409 00:19:27,602 --> 00:19:29,162 is a father who's willing to listen, 410 00:19:29,162 --> 00:19:32,043 even if what you're saying is batshit crazy. 411 00:19:32,043 --> 00:19:35,842 Really? That was mostly the nicest thing you've ever said to me. 412 00:19:35,842 --> 00:19:41,043 Yes. Would you like to use our upper limbs to briefly cling together? 413 00:19:41,043 --> 00:19:44,683 I suppose just this one time. 414 00:19:51,923 --> 00:19:53,723 Hey, Hot Bitch is missing! 415 00:19:53,723 --> 00:19:57,162 You freaks better not have taken her for some messed up potion. 416 00:19:57,162 --> 00:19:58,802 I was gonna feed her to my snake. 417 00:19:58,802 --> 00:20:01,283 Call them a freak again, and I'll feed you to my fist. 418 00:20:01,283 --> 00:20:03,882 Daphne. Don't let them get under your skin. 419 00:20:03,882 --> 00:20:06,882 Most people dislike magic. That's why all magicians are virgins. 420 00:20:06,882 --> 00:20:11,683 I know. It's just I wanted us to find a clue and prove manifesting works. 421 00:20:11,683 --> 00:20:13,963 Maybe even win Gigi and Olive over. 422 00:20:13,963 --> 00:20:17,003 But it did work. Look what else was in the envelope. 423 00:20:21,082 --> 00:20:23,362 It works on people, too? 424 00:20:23,362 --> 00:20:26,203 'Cause I'm real tired of acting nice to make people like me. 425 00:20:26,203 --> 00:20:28,362 Okay. Well, in that case, 426 00:20:28,362 --> 00:20:30,842 would you like to learn some real witchcraft? 427 00:20:32,402 --> 00:20:35,362 Norville, is Daphne reading a spell book with interest? 428 00:20:35,362 --> 00:20:37,082 And be warned, your answer will dictate 429 00:20:37,082 --> 00:20:38,842 how hard I squeeze your arm in frustration. 430 00:20:38,842 --> 00:20:42,683 Hard to say, as I 100% don't give a shit. 431 00:20:42,683 --> 00:20:45,483 Norville. How did you get these journals? 432 00:20:45,483 --> 00:20:46,882 How do you think? 433 00:20:46,882 --> 00:20:49,723 I dressed up as a ghost and stole them from the police station. 434 00:20:50,283 --> 00:20:51,443 - What? - Yeah. 435 00:20:51,443 --> 00:20:53,602 Sometimes I do bad things that you don't know about. 436 00:20:53,602 --> 00:20:57,602 For instance, I bought tainted pee to pass your stupid drug tests. 437 00:20:57,602 --> 00:21:00,723 Oh, no! In neutralizing his hallucinations, 438 00:21:00,723 --> 00:21:03,203 Norville accidentally removed all his empathy. 439 00:21:03,203 --> 00:21:05,562 He's now functioning with zero compassion. 440 00:21:05,562 --> 00:21:07,923 This is why you listen to me. Science has side effects. 441 00:21:07,923 --> 00:21:10,842 Pot has none. Now look me in my painfully dry, 442 00:21:10,842 --> 00:21:12,562 bloodshot eyes and apologize. 443 00:21:12,562 --> 00:21:14,523 No, because I think for myself now. 444 00:21:14,523 --> 00:21:17,322 And I think smoking weed makes you a loser. 445 00:21:18,402 --> 00:21:21,802 That's just the science talking. Take it back. 446 00:21:21,802 --> 00:21:23,203 Or what, loser? 447 00:21:24,683 --> 00:21:26,523 Or you'll get detention. 448 00:21:28,723 --> 00:21:32,882 And you can all join him for saying "ooh" to my son. 449 00:21:32,882 --> 00:21:34,562 Saturday, 7:00 AM sharp. 450 00:21:35,602 --> 00:21:37,162 Welcome to hell! 451 00:21:37,602 --> 00:21:39,802 Wait. What were we just talking about?