1 00:00:01,084 --> 00:00:02,878 Greetings and saaaaluuutations-- 2 00:00:02,878 --> 00:00:04,338 Not today, Jacob. 3 00:00:04,338 --> 00:00:05,839 This morning is already on my last nerve. 4 00:00:05,839 --> 00:00:07,758 I tried to take a picture of this woman's crooked lace front, 5 00:00:07,758 --> 00:00:09,426 dropped my phone, cracked it. 6 00:00:09,426 --> 00:00:11,386 I asked her to pay for it, she said she gonna call the cops. 7 00:00:11,386 --> 00:00:13,222 I am one minor inconvenience 8 00:00:13,222 --> 00:00:14,640 from putting this whole day in rice. 9 00:00:14,640 --> 00:00:16,808 Oh, been there. Sort of. 10 00:00:16,808 --> 00:00:19,144 Well, let me improve your day with a tasty offering. 11 00:00:19,144 --> 00:00:20,479 I made carrot cookies. 12 00:00:20,479 --> 00:00:22,731 You mean carrot cake? As if. 13 00:00:22,731 --> 00:00:25,192 Carrot cookies-- made with carrots and carrot juice. 14 00:00:26,485 --> 00:00:28,070 Mnh, no, just looking at them 15 00:00:28,070 --> 00:00:29,112 almost put me over the top. 16 00:00:29,112 --> 00:00:30,781 Janine? Can I tempt you? Yeah. 17 00:00:30,781 --> 00:00:32,532 They're made with salvaged oat pulp. 18 00:00:32,532 --> 00:00:34,117 Those look alive. 19 00:00:34,117 --> 00:00:35,619 Well, yeah. That's the probiotics. 20 00:00:35,619 --> 00:00:36,828 Uh, you know what? 21 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:38,622 I probably shouldn't on an empty stomach, so... 22 00:00:38,622 --> 00:00:40,999 [ Fire alarm wailing ] 23 00:00:40,999 --> 00:00:42,292 I didn't know we were having a fire drill today. 24 00:00:42,292 --> 00:00:43,377 Was it on the schedule? 25 00:00:43,377 --> 00:00:45,379 I have it memorized, and no. Oh. 26 00:00:45,379 --> 00:00:48,590 Single-file line, most flammable kids first, 27 00:00:48,590 --> 00:00:50,425 and remember-- no running! 28 00:00:50,425 --> 00:00:51,593 Everybody out! 29 00:00:51,593 --> 00:00:52,928 This is a real fire in the teachers' lounge! 30 00:00:52,928 --> 00:00:55,222 This is a real fire! This is not a drill! Hootie-hoo! 31 00:00:55,222 --> 00:00:56,932 Wait, Ava, where are you going?! I'm protecting my peace. 32 00:00:56,932 --> 00:00:59,142 The firefighters are almost here. Y'all got it! 33 00:00:59,142 --> 00:01:01,061 Janine: Okay, real fire. Um, okay, um... 34 00:01:01,061 --> 00:01:03,105 A-Alright, two, three, four, five. You guys up. Turn that way. 35 00:01:03,105 --> 00:01:04,481 [ Siren wailing in distance ] 36 00:01:04,481 --> 00:01:06,024 Alright, y'all, come out safely. Alright, guys. 37 00:01:06,024 --> 00:01:07,442 Right there. Get the door. 38 00:01:07,442 --> 00:01:09,903 Do not go into the street. Go, go, go, go. Go. 39 00:01:09,903 --> 00:01:11,238 She's not coming back, is she? 40 00:01:11,238 --> 00:01:12,781 No. Alright, guys. Okay. 41 00:01:12,781 --> 00:01:14,950 [ Maker's "Hold'em" playing ] 42 00:01:14,950 --> 00:01:23,125 ♪ 43 00:01:26,253 --> 00:01:28,171 Jacob, you know I love you, I do. 44 00:01:28,171 --> 00:01:29,298 But did your cookies do this? 45 00:01:29,298 --> 00:01:31,258 No, these are no-bakes. 46 00:01:31,258 --> 00:01:33,552 It's better for the environment and your gut. 47 00:01:33,552 --> 00:01:35,512 What is wrong with you? Ugh. Oh, disgusting. 48 00:01:35,512 --> 00:01:37,639 Okay, I can tell you, I didn't do this. 49 00:01:37,639 --> 00:01:39,600 Because as someone who wanted to be a firefighter, 50 00:01:39,600 --> 00:01:40,851 I hate fires. 51 00:01:40,851 --> 00:01:41,893 They sicken me. 52 00:01:41,893 --> 00:01:43,228 I want to fight them. 53 00:01:43,228 --> 00:01:45,272 Smoke and fire-- the devil's fresh air. 54 00:01:45,272 --> 00:01:47,190 It was probably shoddy wiring. 55 00:01:47,190 --> 00:01:48,442 Yeah. Good morning, everyone. 56 00:01:48,442 --> 00:01:49,985 I'm Captain Robinson. 57 00:01:49,985 --> 00:01:51,778 No relation to Smokey, so save your jokes. 58 00:01:51,778 --> 00:01:52,779 I've heard them all. 59 00:01:52,779 --> 00:01:54,114 Hm. 60 00:01:54,114 --> 00:01:55,073 I'd like to speak to your principal. 61 00:01:55,073 --> 00:01:56,575 [ Cellphone chimes ] 62 00:01:56,575 --> 00:01:58,076 Oh, well, that's-- that's great 63 00:01:58,076 --> 00:01:59,703 because, actually, she just posted a video. 64 00:01:59,703 --> 00:02:01,747 She's probably on her way back to Abbott. 65 00:02:01,747 --> 00:02:03,248 All my preppers know what time it is. 66 00:02:03,248 --> 00:02:04,666 Let's get into this. 67 00:02:04,666 --> 00:02:06,752 "What's In My Go Bag: Fire Safety Edition." 68 00:02:06,752 --> 00:02:08,837 First up-- matches. 69 00:02:08,837 --> 00:02:11,548 'Cause one thing about me, I'mma fight fire with fire. 70 00:02:11,548 --> 00:02:13,634 Alright. Our principal is otherwise engaged. 71 00:02:13,634 --> 00:02:14,635 But I'm happy to fill in for her. 72 00:02:14,635 --> 00:02:15,761 How can I help you? 73 00:02:15,761 --> 00:02:17,387 I took a series of catastrophe modules 74 00:02:17,387 --> 00:02:19,348 in my principal training. 75 00:02:19,348 --> 00:02:21,516 I'm also prepared for tidal waves, Facebook crashing-- 76 00:02:21,516 --> 00:02:23,935 that's for the older teachers-- and a lice outbreak... 77 00:02:23,935 --> 00:02:25,646 for the white teachers. 78 00:02:25,646 --> 00:02:27,939 Looks like the fire was started by a candle 79 00:02:27,939 --> 00:02:29,441 and this nearby shawl. 80 00:02:29,441 --> 00:02:31,193 Classic case of flame meets fabric. 81 00:02:31,193 --> 00:02:33,570 Wait, but that's Barbara's shawl 82 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:35,572 and Barbara's candle. 83 00:02:35,572 --> 00:02:37,407 Oh, my God, someone's trying to use 84 00:02:37,407 --> 00:02:39,117 cashmere and Jesus to blackmail Barbara. 85 00:02:39,117 --> 00:02:41,370 You mean "frame". Semantics. 86 00:02:41,370 --> 00:02:43,538 I did step out earlier to take a phone call. 87 00:02:43,538 --> 00:02:46,166 And maybe a gust from the vent 88 00:02:46,166 --> 00:02:48,877 just blew my shawl over the candle. 89 00:02:48,877 --> 00:02:51,338 I take full responsibility. 90 00:02:51,338 --> 00:02:52,881 Well, let's hope it doesn't happen again. 91 00:02:52,881 --> 00:02:54,174 Luckily, no one was hurt. 92 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:55,509 But we're still gonna have to go 93 00:02:55,509 --> 00:02:57,719 through the standard post-fire protocols. 94 00:02:57,719 --> 00:02:59,554 Of course, I'm happy to sidebar. 95 00:02:59,554 --> 00:03:01,139 Melissa: I still can't believe 96 00:03:01,139 --> 00:03:04,101 they brought a tractor drawn aerial. 97 00:03:04,101 --> 00:03:06,019 Yeah, that's-- that's one big daddy. 98 00:03:07,521 --> 00:03:09,731 Barbara: I am sorry for the inconvenience. 99 00:03:09,731 --> 00:03:11,608 But if there's any way that I can help, 100 00:03:11,608 --> 00:03:13,860 please let me know. 101 00:03:13,860 --> 00:03:16,738 I lost three precious diamonds in the fire. And a Ferrari. 102 00:03:16,738 --> 00:03:18,156 Not sure if the time is right, 103 00:03:18,156 --> 00:03:19,491 but I think we should talk insurance. 104 00:03:22,536 --> 00:03:25,580 We all behaved as kings and queens. 105 00:03:25,580 --> 00:03:28,625 I took my line-leader duties very seriously. Cool, cool. 106 00:03:28,625 --> 00:03:29,751 Okay, now, everyone, drop your bags. 107 00:03:29,751 --> 00:03:31,336 Zip those coats back up. 108 00:03:31,336 --> 00:03:32,754 We're going on an impromptu excursion. 109 00:03:32,754 --> 00:03:34,131 What's an excursion? 110 00:03:34,131 --> 00:03:35,382 That's where youse all work those 111 00:03:35,382 --> 00:03:36,925 cute little puppy dog eyes 112 00:03:36,925 --> 00:03:39,302 to get the firefighters to let us play on the truck. 113 00:03:39,302 --> 00:03:41,346 Students: Cool! Come on! 114 00:03:43,432 --> 00:03:45,684 The fire department sent a TDA. 115 00:03:45,684 --> 00:03:48,770 That's industry speak for "tractor drawn aerial." 116 00:03:48,770 --> 00:03:50,814 And for me, that's top of the line. 117 00:03:50,814 --> 00:03:52,649 That's the one my uncle used to drive. 118 00:03:52,649 --> 00:03:56,403 The Schemmentis have a rich history in firefighting... 119 00:03:56,403 --> 00:03:57,487 also fighting fighting. 120 00:03:58,363 --> 00:03:59,948 Wow. 121 00:03:59,948 --> 00:04:06,163 Would you look at this big... hunk... of...metal. 122 00:04:06,163 --> 00:04:07,956 See, this is why I love fire trucks. 123 00:04:07,956 --> 00:04:10,792 I get older-- they stay the same. 124 00:04:10,792 --> 00:04:12,627 Nothing beats fire engine red. 125 00:04:12,627 --> 00:04:14,171 Come on in, guys. Hi. 126 00:04:14,171 --> 00:04:15,505 Excuse me. Yes. 127 00:04:15,505 --> 00:04:17,674 I'm Janet Elton, trauma counselor sent by the district. 128 00:04:17,674 --> 00:04:20,135 I'm looking for acting-principal Gregory Eddie. 129 00:04:20,135 --> 00:04:21,052 Oh. Interim principal. 130 00:04:21,052 --> 00:04:22,137 Unofficially, but effectively. 131 00:04:22,137 --> 00:04:23,889 Thank you for coming. 132 00:04:23,889 --> 00:04:25,807 Wow, you called the district 133 00:04:25,807 --> 00:04:27,559 and they actually sent someone right away? 134 00:04:27,559 --> 00:04:29,186 Well, people really respect my leadershi-- 135 00:04:29,186 --> 00:04:30,812 I was on my way when you called. 136 00:04:30,812 --> 00:04:32,230 Where can I set up? 137 00:04:32,230 --> 00:04:33,940 I need to work my way top to bottom 138 00:04:33,940 --> 00:04:36,318 and visit all classrooms ahead of the fire safety meeting. 139 00:04:36,318 --> 00:04:38,570 Oh, lucky. [ Chuckles ] 140 00:04:38,570 --> 00:04:40,363 Ask the third graders if they miss me. 141 00:04:40,363 --> 00:04:41,406 [ Chuckles ] 142 00:04:41,406 --> 00:04:42,324 Right this way. 143 00:04:44,534 --> 00:04:46,453 I'm Miss Teagues. 144 00:04:46,453 --> 00:04:48,538 It's normal to be shaken up. 145 00:04:48,538 --> 00:04:49,998 I'll be here for the rest of the day 146 00:04:49,998 --> 00:04:52,334 should any of you want to talk about today's events. 147 00:04:52,334 --> 00:04:54,544 That's teachers and students alike. 148 00:04:54,544 --> 00:04:57,130 Mm. My metaphorical door is open. 149 00:04:57,130 --> 00:04:59,633 Thank you, Miss Janet. [ Chuckles ] 150 00:04:59,633 --> 00:05:01,968 As I always say, "When in doubt, talk it out." 151 00:05:01,968 --> 00:05:04,137 Right, guys? 152 00:05:04,137 --> 00:05:05,972 Can I offer you a carrot cookie 153 00:05:05,972 --> 00:05:08,058 for your Abbott journey? 154 00:05:08,058 --> 00:05:09,434 It's late morning, and the container 155 00:05:09,434 --> 00:05:10,977 is still completely full. 156 00:05:10,977 --> 00:05:12,020 I'll pass. 157 00:05:13,939 --> 00:05:15,273 I will keep a close eye on them, 158 00:05:15,273 --> 00:05:17,400 and if any of the students express any concern, 159 00:05:17,400 --> 00:05:19,277 I will be sure to let you know. 160 00:05:19,277 --> 00:05:22,197 And how are you holding up, Mrs. Howard? 161 00:05:22,197 --> 00:05:23,698 Me? [ Chuckles ] 162 00:05:23,698 --> 00:05:25,659 Oh, I'm just fine. 163 00:05:25,659 --> 00:05:28,036 I lit a candle, then I received a phone call, 164 00:05:28,036 --> 00:05:30,997 and because I am a courteous person, I answered it. 165 00:05:30,997 --> 00:05:32,624 And-- 166 00:05:32,624 --> 00:05:34,751 You know, this is just much ado about nothing. 167 00:05:34,751 --> 00:05:35,794 I'm fine. 168 00:05:39,047 --> 00:05:40,465 Are you writing I'm fine? 169 00:05:40,465 --> 00:05:42,008 I'm just taking some notes. 170 00:05:42,008 --> 00:05:44,427 Well, that's a lot of writing for "I'm fine." 171 00:05:44,427 --> 00:05:47,264 Um, "She's fine"-- it's just two words, 172 00:05:47,264 --> 00:05:49,349 and one of them is a contraction. 173 00:05:49,349 --> 00:05:51,768 You know, when those vents get going, 174 00:05:51,768 --> 00:05:53,687 it is like a hurricane. 175 00:05:53,687 --> 00:05:55,230 So if there is anyone to blame, 176 00:05:55,230 --> 00:05:56,857 it would be the wind. 177 00:05:56,857 --> 00:05:58,316 Okay, I'll be going-- 178 00:05:58,316 --> 00:06:00,652 And I just want you to have the specifics. 179 00:06:00,652 --> 00:06:03,488 Because I know that you are on a fact-finding mission. 180 00:06:03,488 --> 00:06:06,199 I'm just a counselor, not an investigator. 181 00:06:06,199 --> 00:06:09,369 Yes, but it seems like you are an investigator of feelings. 182 00:06:09,369 --> 00:06:13,248 And I want you to know that I am feeling just fine. 183 00:06:13,248 --> 00:06:14,207 Facts. 184 00:06:18,128 --> 00:06:20,839 I mean, honestly, lately I've been having some issues with my sister. 185 00:06:20,839 --> 00:06:22,757 We argue about my mom sometimes. 186 00:06:22,757 --> 00:06:23,967 She lives in Denver. 187 00:06:23,967 --> 00:06:25,760 Not my mom, my sister. 188 00:06:25,760 --> 00:06:28,513 Um, so anyway, I've been seeing this guy Maurice a little bit-- 189 00:06:28,513 --> 00:06:31,349 No, I meant, how are you doing in relation to the fire? 190 00:06:31,349 --> 00:06:32,684 Right, I was getting to that. 191 00:06:32,684 --> 00:06:35,061 So we went to this restaurant, and guess what breaks out. 192 00:06:35,061 --> 00:06:37,272 A fire? A mariachi band. 193 00:06:37,272 --> 00:06:39,524 [ Chuckles ] And I said I wanted to leave. 194 00:06:39,524 --> 00:06:40,901 So I made him think that I don't like mariachi. 195 00:06:40,901 --> 00:06:42,193 But the thing is, I do. 196 00:06:42,193 --> 00:06:42,986 It was just a small restaurant, 197 00:06:42,986 --> 00:06:44,321 and it was really loud. 198 00:06:44,321 --> 00:06:45,697 Accident schmaccident. 199 00:06:45,697 --> 00:06:47,282 I smell arson. 200 00:06:47,282 --> 00:06:50,076 Ask any of my exes. It's always arson. 201 00:06:50,076 --> 00:06:51,411 I blame "Waiting to Exhale." 202 00:06:53,455 --> 00:06:55,040 Which one of you kids want to honk the horn? 203 00:06:55,040 --> 00:06:57,167 Oh, c'mon, they've heard horns before. 204 00:06:57,167 --> 00:06:58,877 This city runs on road rage. 205 00:06:58,877 --> 00:07:00,754 I want to show them the Jaws of Life. 206 00:07:00,754 --> 00:07:02,589 Okay, look, kids. 207 00:07:02,589 --> 00:07:06,092 This is what you use if you want to destroy a car-- 208 00:07:06,092 --> 00:07:08,178 if you want to get someone out of a car. 209 00:07:08,178 --> 00:07:10,347 It's cold. Can we go inside? 210 00:07:10,347 --> 00:07:12,140 Yeah, but the truck only fits seven at a time. 211 00:07:12,140 --> 00:07:13,475 So who's got first? 212 00:07:13,475 --> 00:07:16,353 Man, I just wanted to honk the horn. 213 00:07:16,353 --> 00:07:19,356 [ Horn honks ] 214 00:07:19,356 --> 00:07:21,316 The pyramid and the cone can be tricky, 215 00:07:21,316 --> 00:07:22,567 so make sure you pay attention. [ Knock on door ] 216 00:07:22,567 --> 00:07:24,736 Keep working on those shapes, kids. 217 00:07:24,736 --> 00:07:27,113 Mr. Eddie needs to have a conversation. 218 00:07:27,113 --> 00:07:28,198 Please hold. 219 00:07:35,622 --> 00:07:37,374 Interim Principal Gregory Eddie at your service. 220 00:07:37,374 --> 00:07:39,000 We'll dig into that later. 221 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:40,126 First, an update. 222 00:07:40,126 --> 00:07:42,087 No concerns on the students thus far. 223 00:07:42,087 --> 00:07:44,255 And all the staff has passed my standard inspection. 224 00:07:44,255 --> 00:07:46,675 I've longed for protocol. This is the best day of my life. 225 00:07:46,675 --> 00:07:48,593 Except for one person who isn't handling it well... 226 00:07:48,593 --> 00:07:50,178 at all. 227 00:07:50,178 --> 00:07:51,638 Oh, well, look, that's just how Janine is. 228 00:07:51,638 --> 00:07:52,972 I'm not talking about Janine. 229 00:07:52,972 --> 00:07:54,891 Jacob? That one lunch lady? 230 00:07:54,891 --> 00:07:56,142 Her name is Shanae. That don't sound right. 231 00:07:56,142 --> 00:07:57,268 It's not her. 232 00:07:57,268 --> 00:07:58,937 Well, who could it be? Mr. Johnson? 233 00:07:58,937 --> 00:08:01,272 That is the single most well-adjusted man I have ever met. 234 00:08:01,272 --> 00:08:03,858 I'm talking about Barbara Howard. 235 00:08:03,858 --> 00:08:05,151 Are you sure you don't mean Janine? 236 00:08:05,151 --> 00:08:07,445 I'm sure. 237 00:08:07,445 --> 00:08:08,697 Listen, I've been with people in the aftermath 238 00:08:08,697 --> 00:08:10,240 of some tough situations-- 239 00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:11,783 heart attacks, flooding, 240 00:08:11,783 --> 00:08:13,660 wig falling off at an assembly. 241 00:08:13,660 --> 00:08:15,995 Nothing shakes people up more than a fire. 242 00:08:15,995 --> 00:08:17,789 There's usually something under the surface. 243 00:08:18,873 --> 00:08:20,458 I feel like you're reading her wrong. 244 00:08:20,458 --> 00:08:22,127 Barbara is the most together 245 00:08:22,127 --> 00:08:23,795 and collected person at this school. 246 00:08:23,795 --> 00:08:24,796 She's made mistakes, but she moved on-- 247 00:08:24,796 --> 00:08:27,465 Oh! Miss Janet. 248 00:08:27,465 --> 00:08:29,467 There you are. 249 00:08:29,467 --> 00:08:32,637 I just wanted to reiterate that I am fine. 250 00:08:32,637 --> 00:08:33,680 Is that all? 251 00:08:33,680 --> 00:08:35,765 Also, I wanted to add that I never 252 00:08:35,765 --> 00:08:38,226 listen to Chaka Khan's "Through the Fire" 253 00:08:38,226 --> 00:08:40,270 when it comes up on my Pandora. 254 00:08:40,270 --> 00:08:42,647 "I'm Every Woman," not a pyromaniac. 255 00:08:44,315 --> 00:08:45,525 No one was thinking that, Barbara. 256 00:08:45,525 --> 00:08:46,985 I know, but I just wanted to make sure 257 00:08:46,985 --> 00:08:48,111 that it was on the record. 258 00:08:48,111 --> 00:08:49,738 You know, in that little... 259 00:08:49,738 --> 00:08:51,656 fact-finding notebook of hers. 260 00:08:51,656 --> 00:08:52,615 Facts. 261 00:08:55,535 --> 00:08:56,828 It's worrisome. 262 00:08:56,828 --> 00:08:58,705 But I still think you should take a look at Janine. 263 00:09:04,085 --> 00:09:05,336 Is everything okay, Barbara? 264 00:09:05,336 --> 00:09:07,797 Didn't I make that perfectly clear earlier? 265 00:09:11,426 --> 00:09:13,053 Well, I just wanted you to know 266 00:09:13,053 --> 00:09:14,262 that if you feel any which way, 267 00:09:14,262 --> 00:09:16,056 you can come to me, as a friend, 268 00:09:16,056 --> 00:09:18,933 or, if you prefer it to be more formal, 269 00:09:18,933 --> 00:09:20,268 as your interim principal. 270 00:09:20,268 --> 00:09:22,645 You are not a principal, Gregory. 271 00:09:22,645 --> 00:09:24,606 You are but a child. 272 00:09:24,606 --> 00:09:26,399 I'm just making sure that you're good. 273 00:09:26,399 --> 00:09:28,318 I'm as good as it gets. 274 00:09:28,318 --> 00:09:30,236 Perfect, even. 275 00:09:30,236 --> 00:09:32,238 I'm also just making my rounds to remind all staff 276 00:09:32,238 --> 00:09:33,990 about the fire safety meeting at lunch. 277 00:09:33,990 --> 00:09:35,533 Thank you, but no thank you. 278 00:09:35,533 --> 00:09:37,619 It's mandatory. 279 00:09:37,619 --> 00:09:41,581 Gregory, I am spiritually tenured. 280 00:09:41,581 --> 00:09:45,418 Mandates are nothing more than fervent suggestions. 281 00:09:45,418 --> 00:09:47,504 Ava would let me skip this. 282 00:09:47,504 --> 00:09:50,340 Respectfully and thankfully, I'm not Ava. 283 00:09:52,717 --> 00:09:54,302 And don't you think if anyone should attend 284 00:09:54,302 --> 00:09:57,013 the fire safety meeting, it should be you? 285 00:09:57,013 --> 00:09:58,014 Considering... 286 00:09:58,014 --> 00:10:01,142 Look, it's no big deal. 287 00:10:01,142 --> 00:10:05,772 My shawl caught fire on a stained-glass Jesus candle. 288 00:10:05,772 --> 00:10:07,273 Nobody got hurt. 289 00:10:07,273 --> 00:10:10,693 So why don't we all just put this ordeal behind us 290 00:10:10,693 --> 00:10:12,612 and move forward? 291 00:10:12,612 --> 00:10:14,114 I agree. Oh! 292 00:10:14,114 --> 00:10:15,907 Let's move forward. Forward. 293 00:10:15,907 --> 00:10:17,075 After the meeting. 294 00:10:18,743 --> 00:10:20,036 Which is mandatory. 295 00:10:20,995 --> 00:10:22,580 I miss Ava. 296 00:10:24,582 --> 00:10:25,834 [ Radio chatter ] 297 00:10:25,834 --> 00:10:28,920 [ Students groaning ] 298 00:10:28,920 --> 00:10:32,215 Are you all bored or just kind of quietly reflecting? 299 00:10:32,215 --> 00:10:35,760 Holy smokes, this must be the 15-pound turbo flathead. 300 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:37,512 2018 model, too. 301 00:10:37,512 --> 00:10:39,806 They got too flashy after the 2019s. 302 00:10:39,806 --> 00:10:41,474 Don't touch my axe. 303 00:10:41,474 --> 00:10:44,394 Melissa, I think your kids are a little, like, disengaged. 304 00:10:44,394 --> 00:10:46,271 Nah! I haven't even introduced them 305 00:10:46,271 --> 00:10:47,730 to the wonderful world of the tiller yet. 306 00:10:47,730 --> 00:10:51,651 [ Gasps ] I bet this baby's got some baller wheel markers. 307 00:10:51,651 --> 00:10:53,236 [ Chuckles ] 308 00:10:53,236 --> 00:10:55,822 Wow, she, uh-- she seems really into fire trucks. 309 00:10:55,822 --> 00:10:58,449 Yeah, we call them Truckies. Mm. 310 00:10:58,449 --> 00:11:00,243 Just once I'd like a woman to like me for me, 311 00:11:00,243 --> 00:11:02,162 not the truck, you know? 312 00:11:04,205 --> 00:11:06,624 Yeah, I mean, not super relatable, 313 00:11:06,624 --> 00:11:08,793 but empathizing nonetheless. Mm. 314 00:11:08,793 --> 00:11:11,004 Hey, thank you for everything that you do. 315 00:11:11,004 --> 00:11:12,589 As a fellow employee of the city 316 00:11:12,589 --> 00:11:15,550 and aspiring humble hero... 317 00:11:15,550 --> 00:11:16,467 I see you. 318 00:11:18,219 --> 00:11:19,846 Any chance you could see to getting your co-worker 319 00:11:19,846 --> 00:11:20,638 away from our truck? 320 00:11:22,849 --> 00:11:26,102 [ Indistinct conversations ] 321 00:11:26,102 --> 00:11:28,771 Hey, um... I'm worried about Barbara. 322 00:11:28,771 --> 00:11:29,898 Oh, no, why? What's wrong? 323 00:11:29,898 --> 00:11:31,024 What happened? Where is she? 324 00:11:31,024 --> 00:11:32,483 She says she's fine. Okay. 325 00:11:32,483 --> 00:11:34,319 But the counselor seems to think 326 00:11:34,319 --> 00:11:36,237 that she's not processing what happened earlier. 327 00:11:36,237 --> 00:11:38,114 And that there may be something else going on. 328 00:11:38,114 --> 00:11:40,241 Well, that counselor doesn't know what she's talking about. 329 00:11:40,241 --> 00:11:42,994 She said she thought that I might benefit from therapy. 330 00:11:42,994 --> 00:11:45,747 [ Laughs ] 331 00:11:45,747 --> 00:11:47,749 Right. But she may be onto something with Barbara. 332 00:11:47,749 --> 00:11:49,042 So let's keep an eye out. 333 00:11:49,042 --> 00:11:51,044 Okay, but, you know, Barbara's solid as a rock. 334 00:11:51,044 --> 00:11:52,462 She's my rock. 335 00:11:52,462 --> 00:11:53,713 And, you know, if she says she's fine, 336 00:11:53,713 --> 00:11:56,299 then she's fine. Okay. 337 00:11:56,299 --> 00:11:57,634 Captain Robinson: Alright, folks. Let's get serious. 338 00:11:57,634 --> 00:11:59,427 [ Click ] 339 00:11:59,427 --> 00:12:01,763 ♪ Think safe, be safe, all throughout the day ♪ 340 00:12:01,763 --> 00:12:05,433 Doesn't even make sense. Why would a fire own sunglasses? 341 00:12:05,433 --> 00:12:07,101 [ Click ] Can anyone tell me 342 00:12:07,101 --> 00:12:09,187 the three leading causes of fires in schools? 343 00:12:09,187 --> 00:12:11,898 The CIA. No. 344 00:12:11,898 --> 00:12:13,024 Too close to the truth, huh? 345 00:12:14,859 --> 00:12:18,196 Cooking, intentional action, and heating. 346 00:12:18,196 --> 00:12:19,739 Let's save the questions for the end, please. 347 00:12:19,739 --> 00:12:21,241 Less of a question, more of a comment. 348 00:12:21,241 --> 00:12:23,576 I could run this meeting in my sleep. 349 00:12:23,576 --> 00:12:25,662 Well, that won't be necessary, but thanks for the offer. 350 00:12:25,662 --> 00:12:27,205 Let's move into fire prevention. 351 00:12:27,205 --> 00:12:30,291 Typical firefighter machismo, silencing women. 352 00:12:30,291 --> 00:12:31,709 There's a woman right there. 353 00:12:31,709 --> 00:12:32,877 Yeah, well, that's new. 354 00:12:32,877 --> 00:12:34,837 Back in the day, female firefighter 355 00:12:34,837 --> 00:12:37,257 was just the punch line of the dirtiest joke you ever heard. 356 00:12:37,257 --> 00:12:38,633 Trust me. 357 00:12:38,633 --> 00:12:40,093 They crushed my dreams with that 358 00:12:40,093 --> 00:12:42,387 "Girls can't be firefighters" crap. 359 00:12:42,387 --> 00:12:44,055 Jacob: Yeah, I think that's generational. 360 00:12:44,055 --> 00:12:46,641 You can't spell firefighter without "her." 361 00:12:48,017 --> 00:12:50,895 I mean, you gotta take the "G" and the "T" out, but... 362 00:12:53,314 --> 00:12:56,359 Now, today's blaze was the result of heating. 363 00:12:56,359 --> 00:12:58,695 A candle was the heat source. 364 00:12:58,695 --> 00:13:02,323 And the fuel was a haphazardly placed shawl. 365 00:13:02,323 --> 00:13:04,450 Which could hap-happen to anyone. 366 00:13:04,450 --> 00:13:05,952 It was simply an accident. 367 00:13:05,952 --> 00:13:07,078 Right, and that's not an indictment 368 00:13:07,078 --> 00:13:08,454 on the owner of said candle 369 00:13:08,454 --> 00:13:09,706 or the owner of said shawl. Mm-hmm. 370 00:13:09,706 --> 00:13:11,040 I mean, and it definitely doesn't mean 371 00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:12,709 that they're getting older and growing forgetful, 372 00:13:12,709 --> 00:13:14,127 if that's how they feel. Gregory. 373 00:13:14,127 --> 00:13:15,128 What the hell?! Janine: What? 374 00:13:15,128 --> 00:13:16,546 But if they did feel that way, 375 00:13:16,546 --> 00:13:17,714 they can just talk to somebody. 376 00:13:17,714 --> 00:13:19,716 But if they don't, that-- Gregory, stop. 377 00:13:19,716 --> 00:13:22,552 Look, I think what Gregory means to say is that, 378 00:13:22,552 --> 00:13:24,262 you know, fires can start in all kinds of ways. 379 00:13:24,262 --> 00:13:26,014 Right. Right? Yes. 380 00:13:26,014 --> 00:13:27,265 Actually, firefighters wind up 381 00:13:27,265 --> 00:13:28,975 starting a lot of fires themselves. 382 00:13:28,975 --> 00:13:30,476 Uh, but you know that already. Excuse me? 383 00:13:30,476 --> 00:13:31,644 You know, one of the most famous fires 384 00:13:31,644 --> 00:13:33,021 was actually started by a cow. 385 00:13:33,021 --> 00:13:34,856 But I don't see them asking a cow 386 00:13:34,856 --> 00:13:36,065 to join a fire safety meeting. 387 00:13:36,065 --> 00:13:37,734 [ Laughter ] Right, Barb? 388 00:13:37,734 --> 00:13:39,027 I would like to see that, though. [ Chuckles ] 389 00:13:39,027 --> 00:13:41,279 "Mooooo-ve! There's fire!" 390 00:13:41,279 --> 00:13:43,156 Alright, folks, this meeting was actually 391 00:13:43,156 --> 00:13:44,907 not meant to be so interactive, okay? [ Click ] 392 00:13:44,907 --> 00:13:47,744 Bottom line-- no more open flames in school. 393 00:13:47,744 --> 00:13:50,371 Intentional or not, they start fires. 394 00:13:50,371 --> 00:13:52,290 Especially when used carelessly. 395 00:13:52,290 --> 00:13:55,835 Excuse me, but what exactly do you mean by open flame? 396 00:13:55,835 --> 00:13:58,046 I mean, surely candles are still okay. 397 00:13:58,046 --> 00:13:59,839 A candle's an open flame, so, no, they're not. 398 00:13:59,839 --> 00:14:01,799 Well, that's ridiculous. 399 00:14:01,799 --> 00:14:03,760 I've been lighting candles here for 20 years 400 00:14:03,760 --> 00:14:05,720 without a single problem. 401 00:14:05,720 --> 00:14:07,930 Until today. And there won't be another. 402 00:14:07,930 --> 00:14:09,682 Exactly, there won't be another one 403 00:14:09,682 --> 00:14:12,143 because there will be no more candles on this property. 404 00:14:12,143 --> 00:14:13,561 Does that apply to birthday candles? 405 00:14:13,561 --> 00:14:16,314 Well, that is unfair. This school is full of hazards. 406 00:14:16,314 --> 00:14:17,565 And birthdays. 407 00:14:17,565 --> 00:14:19,859 You have no idea the nonsense 408 00:14:19,859 --> 00:14:22,570 that teachers get away with here repeatedly. 409 00:14:22,570 --> 00:14:26,741 But the one time I light a candle for peace of mind, 410 00:14:26,741 --> 00:14:29,160 without ever having a prior problem, 411 00:14:29,160 --> 00:14:31,329 you want to take it away from me. 412 00:14:31,329 --> 00:14:36,667 Well, that is unfair and ridiculous! 413 00:14:36,667 --> 00:14:38,669 [ Door opens ] Good job, Little Fires Everywhere. 414 00:14:38,669 --> 00:14:40,588 You really helped calm things down. [ Door slams ] 415 00:14:40,588 --> 00:14:41,714 [ Door opens ] 416 00:14:41,714 --> 00:14:42,924 Did you see that? 417 00:14:42,924 --> 00:14:44,884 Yes. Yeah, we're right here. 418 00:14:48,930 --> 00:14:51,516 [ Sighs ] 419 00:14:51,516 --> 00:14:53,309 Hey, Barb. 420 00:14:53,309 --> 00:14:54,769 Hey, don't worry about that meeting. 421 00:14:54,769 --> 00:14:56,562 That was a farce. 422 00:14:56,562 --> 00:14:58,981 Hey, want something to cheer you up? 423 00:14:58,981 --> 00:15:01,400 Take a look at these pictures of me with the fire truck, huh? 424 00:15:01,400 --> 00:15:03,402 Hard to be mad when I look that good. 425 00:15:03,402 --> 00:15:05,613 Your hair matches the truck. Marvelous. 426 00:15:07,782 --> 00:15:09,867 You wanna talk about it? 427 00:15:09,867 --> 00:15:11,577 I'm fine. 428 00:15:11,577 --> 00:15:12,745 Okay. 429 00:15:15,289 --> 00:15:16,707 Been dealing with Gerald's health. 430 00:15:16,707 --> 00:15:18,209 Barb... 431 00:15:18,209 --> 00:15:20,211 We had a prostate situation. 432 00:15:20,211 --> 00:15:21,295 Oh, no. 433 00:15:21,295 --> 00:15:22,672 Oh, my gosh. Is he okay? 434 00:15:22,672 --> 00:15:25,007 Yeah, doctor called this morning 435 00:15:25,007 --> 00:15:26,801 said he is in the clear. 436 00:15:26,801 --> 00:15:28,261 Oh, thank God. 437 00:15:28,261 --> 00:15:31,180 But those PSA numbers came back high. 438 00:15:31,180 --> 00:15:32,473 And, y-you know, the past few days 439 00:15:32,473 --> 00:15:35,434 just waiting to find out the results, 440 00:15:35,434 --> 00:15:36,978 it's been stressful. 441 00:15:36,978 --> 00:15:38,646 Of course. I'm so sorry. 442 00:15:38,646 --> 00:15:40,314 I'm sorry I didn't know. 443 00:15:40,314 --> 00:15:44,110 Well, all I could do was light my candle and pray. 444 00:15:44,110 --> 00:15:45,736 Mm. What was I gonna do? 445 00:15:45,736 --> 00:15:47,196 Sit around and worry about it all day? 446 00:15:47,196 --> 00:15:48,739 That never does any good. 447 00:15:48,739 --> 00:15:49,991 Right? That's life. 448 00:15:49,991 --> 00:15:51,409 Just always something coming at you. 449 00:15:51,409 --> 00:15:52,994 You just gotta keep on truckin'. 450 00:15:52,994 --> 00:15:54,453 Keep truckin'. 451 00:15:54,453 --> 00:15:56,330 I mean, if we were to blab 452 00:15:56,330 --> 00:15:58,457 every time life got hard, 453 00:15:58,457 --> 00:15:59,584 we would be... 454 00:15:59,584 --> 00:16:01,752 Janine. 455 00:16:01,752 --> 00:16:04,213 [ Both chuckle ] 456 00:16:04,213 --> 00:16:05,381 Oh, I'm glad he's okay, honey. 457 00:16:05,381 --> 00:16:07,133 Yeah. Okay. 458 00:16:07,133 --> 00:16:09,802 Well, I better get back to those firefighters. 459 00:16:09,802 --> 00:16:11,888 I gotta help them find their keys. 460 00:16:16,017 --> 00:16:18,019 Ma'am, we really need to get going. 461 00:16:18,019 --> 00:16:19,478 There has to be a fire somewhere. 462 00:16:23,024 --> 00:16:24,984 Hey, man. [ Chuckles ] 463 00:16:24,984 --> 00:16:27,195 I was just playing a little pick-up solo Ultimate. 464 00:16:27,195 --> 00:16:28,738 Ultimate Frisbee. 465 00:16:28,738 --> 00:16:30,656 Solo play helps you burn the most calories. 466 00:16:30,656 --> 00:16:32,325 It's niche. 467 00:16:32,325 --> 00:16:34,410 Anyways, I got my commemorative Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! 468 00:16:34,410 --> 00:16:36,204 frisbee stuck up on that ledge over there. 469 00:16:36,204 --> 00:16:38,915 Why don't you just use these... cookies? 470 00:16:38,915 --> 00:16:40,124 They look hefty. Get the frisbee down. 471 00:16:40,124 --> 00:16:41,751 Uh, no. Um, no! 472 00:16:41,751 --> 00:16:42,668 Oh, no, please! Please! 473 00:16:42,668 --> 00:16:44,629 It's a 57-step recipe. 474 00:16:44,629 --> 00:16:46,547 You know, I actually wasn't even gonna ask the squad 475 00:16:46,547 --> 00:16:47,798 to help get it down. 476 00:16:47,798 --> 00:16:48,925 I had another idea. 477 00:16:50,176 --> 00:16:51,886 Are you familiar with the Schemmentis 478 00:16:51,886 --> 00:16:53,095 of Southern Philadelphia? 479 00:16:55,223 --> 00:16:58,267 Hey, B-to-the-A-to-the-R- to-the B... 480 00:16:58,267 --> 00:16:59,518 to-the-A-to-the-R- to-the A. 481 00:16:59,518 --> 00:17:01,896 Hey, how you doing? Just coming to check on you. 482 00:17:01,896 --> 00:17:03,272 Holding space for you 483 00:17:03,272 --> 00:17:05,775 in case you wanted to, you know, talk. 484 00:17:05,775 --> 00:17:07,360 There's no need to worry. 485 00:17:07,360 --> 00:17:10,655 I will not be lighting my candle anymore 486 00:17:10,655 --> 00:17:12,615 per the orders of the district 487 00:17:12,615 --> 00:17:14,450 and the interim principal. 488 00:17:14,450 --> 00:17:16,577 Oh, would we say that I ordered? 489 00:17:16,577 --> 00:17:17,787 That sounds strong. 490 00:17:17,787 --> 00:17:19,121 Well, either way, 491 00:17:19,121 --> 00:17:21,666 I will not be lighting my candle anymore. 492 00:17:21,666 --> 00:17:23,417 And that's life, right? 493 00:17:23,417 --> 00:17:24,502 Right. 494 00:17:28,047 --> 00:17:31,008 [ School bell rings ] 495 00:17:31,008 --> 00:17:34,470 Mrs. Howard, is the fire done? 496 00:17:34,470 --> 00:17:38,683 Oh, sweetheart, the fire is all done. 497 00:17:38,683 --> 00:17:41,352 Would you like to talk about it with Miss Janet, 498 00:17:41,352 --> 00:17:43,563 the nice lady from earlier? 499 00:17:43,563 --> 00:17:45,022 It's okay. 500 00:17:45,022 --> 00:17:47,400 You know it's okay to feel scared. 501 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:49,402 You don't have to pretend that you're not. 502 00:17:49,402 --> 00:17:51,779 Pretending can make it harder. 503 00:17:53,531 --> 00:17:57,827 You know, sometimes Mrs. Howard gets scared... 504 00:17:59,245 --> 00:18:00,871 ...and upset, too. 505 00:18:04,667 --> 00:18:06,210 And that's okay. 506 00:18:06,210 --> 00:18:08,045 Okay? 507 00:18:13,426 --> 00:18:14,635 Frisbee secured! 508 00:18:14,635 --> 00:18:17,096 Whoo-hoo! Yeah! 509 00:18:17,096 --> 00:18:19,890 Ooh, should she really be up there in heels? 510 00:18:19,890 --> 00:18:21,350 She's wearing a helmet. 511 00:18:21,350 --> 00:18:22,977 Hey, why don't you try playing a sport 512 00:18:22,977 --> 00:18:25,688 that actually involves balls... like downhill skiing. 513 00:18:25,688 --> 00:18:27,732 [ Radio chatter ] 514 00:18:30,568 --> 00:18:32,194 [ Sighs ] 515 00:18:32,194 --> 00:18:33,696 Thanks for letting me do that. 516 00:18:33,696 --> 00:18:35,823 That felt even better than I could've imagined. 517 00:18:35,823 --> 00:18:37,241 Don't mention it. 518 00:18:37,241 --> 00:18:38,701 You should've told me that you're a Schemmenti! 519 00:18:38,701 --> 00:18:39,994 Yeah. Your uncle was a legend. 520 00:18:39,994 --> 00:18:41,704 He put out the Hawthorne fire in '95. 521 00:18:41,704 --> 00:18:43,122 Mm-hmm. 522 00:18:43,122 --> 00:18:45,082 Never did find out who started that. 523 00:18:45,082 --> 00:18:47,251 It was started by my other uncle. 524 00:18:47,251 --> 00:18:49,086 And I'm not snitching. He's proud of it. 525 00:18:50,963 --> 00:18:53,174 I get it. It was just an accident. 526 00:18:53,174 --> 00:18:55,843 And you are Mary J. Blige levels of "Just Fine." 527 00:18:55,843 --> 00:18:58,262 Actually, I want to thank you for coming today, 528 00:18:58,262 --> 00:19:01,724 because I have been dealing with some things at home 529 00:19:01,724 --> 00:19:05,686 and the fire was a direct result of that stress. 530 00:19:05,686 --> 00:19:07,647 Almost to the letter. 531 00:19:10,066 --> 00:19:11,776 Thank you for sharing, Mrs. Howard. 532 00:19:11,776 --> 00:19:14,236 You know, if you want, 533 00:19:14,236 --> 00:19:16,030 I can write you a day off. 534 00:19:16,030 --> 00:19:17,615 A day off? 535 00:19:17,615 --> 00:19:19,241 For what? 536 00:19:19,241 --> 00:19:21,369 A day off because you might need it... 537 00:19:21,369 --> 00:19:22,578 or just want it. 538 00:19:22,578 --> 00:19:24,955 I have only ever taken a day off 539 00:19:24,955 --> 00:19:28,626 because I was sick or a vacation. 540 00:19:28,626 --> 00:19:31,379 Once to get my hair done. It was an emergency. 541 00:19:31,379 --> 00:19:34,423 Kirk Franklin was in town with The Family. 542 00:19:34,423 --> 00:19:35,675 [ Chuckles ] 543 00:19:35,675 --> 00:19:38,386 But I've never taken a day off for no reason. 544 00:19:38,386 --> 00:19:40,346 Feels like there is a reason. 545 00:19:40,346 --> 00:19:42,556 It's actually called a mental health day. 546 00:19:42,556 --> 00:19:45,101 But if I said that, she wouldn't take it. 547 00:19:45,101 --> 00:19:47,061 I know her type. 548 00:19:47,061 --> 00:19:49,939 Seems like your principal leaves whenever she wants. 549 00:19:51,524 --> 00:19:53,109 Well... 550 00:19:53,109 --> 00:19:55,820 Here is a work-excusal form. 551 00:19:55,820 --> 00:19:57,196 Don't you need to put my name on it? 552 00:19:57,196 --> 00:19:57,988 Oh, it's on there. 553 00:19:59,740 --> 00:20:01,117 Had a feeling. 554 00:20:02,952 --> 00:20:05,538 Now, I know you said you were fine, but... 555 00:20:05,538 --> 00:20:08,833 ♪ You are my sunshine, my only sun-- ♪ 556 00:20:08,833 --> 00:20:09,750 ♪ You're not Barbara ♪ 557 00:20:11,043 --> 00:20:12,461 Barb took the day off. 558 00:20:12,461 --> 00:20:14,630 What? Uh, is she okay? 559 00:20:14,630 --> 00:20:17,133 I mean, is everything alright? Is she mad at me? 560 00:20:17,133 --> 00:20:18,175 Just because you got a round face 561 00:20:18,175 --> 00:20:19,510 like the Teletubbies sun baby 562 00:20:19,510 --> 00:20:21,053 doesn't mean that the world revolves around you. 563 00:20:22,221 --> 00:20:23,222 Where's Barbara? 564 00:20:23,222 --> 00:20:24,807 Take that blazer off. 565 00:20:24,807 --> 00:20:26,183 You think you the principal or something? 566 00:20:26,183 --> 00:20:27,601 The hell happening 'round here? 567 00:20:27,601 --> 00:20:29,687 Hey, Ava, what did Barbara say? 568 00:20:29,687 --> 00:20:31,188 She said she needed some time to herself. 569 00:20:31,188 --> 00:20:32,690 I tried to send her to that spa 570 00:20:32,690 --> 00:20:34,400 I was at yesterday-- they offer referral cash-- 571 00:20:34,400 --> 00:20:36,527 but she said she wanted to "spend time with her husband." 572 00:20:36,527 --> 00:20:37,695 Good for her, though. 573 00:20:37,695 --> 00:20:40,156 Wow, never thought I'd see the day. 574 00:20:41,407 --> 00:20:43,743 Wait a minute. You were at a spa? 575 00:20:43,743 --> 00:20:44,493 [ Sighs ] 576 00:20:46,746 --> 00:20:49,165 Good night. 577 00:20:49,165 --> 00:20:50,750 Still with the cookies? 578 00:20:50,750 --> 00:20:52,710 Come on, it's been days. 579 00:20:52,710 --> 00:20:54,211 They're probably even worse than before. 580 00:20:54,211 --> 00:20:55,963 Actually, they age like fine wine 581 00:20:55,963 --> 00:20:58,215 due to a key ingredient-- grape-seed oil. 582 00:20:58,215 --> 00:20:59,800 Yeah, that's not how that works. 583 00:20:59,800 --> 00:21:01,635 Oh, I think I understand fermentation. 584 00:21:01,635 --> 00:21:02,928 You know, they're putting these new things 585 00:21:02,928 --> 00:21:04,138 in cookies these days. 586 00:21:04,138 --> 00:21:05,681 It's called chocolate chips. 587 00:21:05,681 --> 00:21:07,308 Hardy har. See you tomorrow. 588 00:21:07,308 --> 00:21:08,434 [ Chuckles ] 589 00:21:18,819 --> 00:21:20,863 Son of a Bocelli, they're delicious. 590 00:21:22,323 --> 00:21:23,407 Wipe the tape. 591 00:21:25,785 --> 00:21:28,496 - Captions by VITAC--