1 00:00:04,905 --> 00:00:07,305 -Alright. Let's do a little sound check.0 2 00:00:07,307 --> 00:00:10,142 Just can you tell us who you are 3 00:00:10,144 --> 00:00:14,479 And what your relation is to this particular story? 4 00:00:14,481 --> 00:00:17,832 -My name is eric aaron -- a-a-r-o-n -- bischoff. 5 00:00:17,893 --> 00:00:21,395 Date of birth, 5/27/1955. 6 00:00:21,513 --> 00:00:25,566 And I'm here to talk about the nwo because... 7 00:00:25,684 --> 00:00:27,842 [bleep] I created it. 8 00:00:27,903 --> 00:00:29,570 ♪♪ 9 00:00:29,688 --> 00:00:32,164 -You are the... 10 00:00:32,166 --> 00:00:35,817 -♪ driving in the fast lane ♪ 11 00:00:35,936 --> 00:00:39,646 -In many ways, the nwo was kind of a proof of concept 12 00:00:39,665 --> 00:00:43,658 For the entertainment business that you can put the villain, 13 00:00:43,777 --> 00:00:46,344 The bad guy, in the protagonist role. 14 00:00:46,346 --> 00:00:49,181 -You're never gonna see another bad guy like me, chico. 15 00:00:49,183 --> 00:00:53,351 -Starting in the '90s, it was a brand-new feeling 16 00:00:53,353 --> 00:00:58,390 Where the regular, boring, good-guy hero 17 00:00:58,509 --> 00:01:01,393 From the '80s was no longer compelling. 18 00:01:01,512 --> 00:01:03,520 -♪ it feels right ♪ 19 00:01:03,680 --> 00:01:05,939 -These guys are disgusting. 20 00:01:06,058 --> 00:01:09,868 Oh, no! Oh! 21 00:01:09,870 --> 00:01:13,705 -People like bad guys. 22 00:01:13,707 --> 00:01:15,890 -They are spray-painting him! 23 00:01:15,951 --> 00:01:17,259 ♪♪ 24 00:01:17,286 --> 00:01:20,971 -Here's the nwo! 25 00:01:20,998 --> 00:01:23,698 -Ready or not, here we come! 26 00:01:23,817 --> 00:01:25,550 -Shows like "sopranos", 27 00:01:25,552 --> 00:01:27,461 Shows like "breaking bad," shows like "the wire," 28 00:01:27,579 --> 00:01:31,681 Where the featured protagonists in these shows are bad people, 29 00:01:31,683 --> 00:01:33,458 And that's how the nwo was. 30 00:01:33,577 --> 00:01:37,187 But they were the ones being cheered. 31 00:01:37,189 --> 00:01:39,747 -All of a sudden, it was kind of liberating for the fans 32 00:01:39,767 --> 00:01:41,399 Who had been toeing the line 33 00:01:41,401 --> 00:01:44,402 To all of a sudden cheer for the bad guy. 34 00:01:44,404 --> 00:01:46,330 -Let's get right in. 35 00:01:46,490 --> 00:01:49,132 -Alright, we have seen the end of hulkamania. 36 00:01:49,193 --> 00:01:52,394 -One of the reasons that people... 37 00:01:52,512 --> 00:01:58,583 Find something interesting... Sometimes attractive... 38 00:01:58,585 --> 00:02:03,163 In a good villain is they see themselves. 39 00:02:03,282 --> 00:02:04,514 -I'm the man! 40 00:02:04,542 --> 00:02:07,793 I am god! 41 00:02:07,911 --> 00:02:11,813 -♪ driving in the fast lane ♪ 42 00:02:11,815 --> 00:02:16,668 ♪ foot down, accelerate ♪ 43 00:02:16,786 --> 00:02:20,864 ♪ it feels right ♪ 44 00:02:20,891 --> 00:02:24,184 [ birds chirping ] 45 00:02:29,808 --> 00:02:33,043 -I think professional wrestling, like anything else, 46 00:02:33,070 --> 00:02:35,212 You watch it, you enjoy it, 47 00:02:35,239 --> 00:02:37,772 Becomes a part of your regular viewing habits 48 00:02:37,891 --> 00:02:40,625 And maybe even a part of your life. 49 00:02:40,627 --> 00:02:43,128 Yes, it's physical. 50 00:02:43,130 --> 00:02:44,872 It's dynamic. 51 00:02:44,990 --> 00:02:46,540 It's risky. 52 00:02:46,658 --> 00:02:49,559 But more than all that, it's psychology. 53 00:02:49,587 --> 00:02:50,969 It's storytelling. 54 00:02:50,971 --> 00:02:52,562 It's like any other form of entertainment. 55 00:02:52,590 --> 00:02:54,398 When a story is really good, 56 00:02:54,425 --> 00:02:57,642 When the psychology behind a story is good... 57 00:02:57,644 --> 00:02:59,236 It seems like real life. 58 00:02:59,263 --> 00:03:02,739 ♪♪ 59 00:03:02,766 --> 00:03:05,884 It is funny, like any other form of storytelling, 60 00:03:06,002 --> 00:03:09,487 It really always comes down to a good guy and a bad guy. 61 00:03:09,489 --> 00:03:12,733 Historically, most people want to be the good guy. 62 00:03:12,851 --> 00:03:16,010 ♪♪ 63 00:03:16,071 --> 00:03:19,131 But that's not what the nwo was all about. 64 00:03:19,133 --> 00:03:23,577 The nwo turned that... Idea on its head. 65 00:03:23,695 --> 00:03:27,915 It was a turning point in a lot of ways. 66 00:03:28,033 --> 00:03:30,751 It became cool to be a bad guy. 67 00:03:30,869 --> 00:03:34,679 ♪♪ 68 00:03:34,681 --> 00:03:36,757 Welcome back to world championship wrestling. 69 00:03:36,875 --> 00:03:40,068 I'm eric bischoff, and this is the wcw magazine. 70 00:03:40,095 --> 00:03:43,705 I got hired in wcw as a backup announcer. 71 00:03:43,766 --> 00:03:45,540 [ cheers and applause ] 72 00:03:45,542 --> 00:03:47,083 Hello, everybody! 73 00:03:47,144 --> 00:03:50,362 And from the studios of world championship wrestling, 74 00:03:50,364 --> 00:03:51,696 This is... 75 00:03:51,698 --> 00:03:53,457 Wcw was in the tank. 76 00:03:53,484 --> 00:03:55,943 Wcw's ratings were dismal. 77 00:03:56,061 --> 00:03:59,854 It will be sting taking on the prisoner. 78 00:04:00,015 --> 00:04:02,040 The show looked horrible. 79 00:04:02,042 --> 00:04:04,376 They were giving tickets away. 80 00:04:04,378 --> 00:04:06,060 Obviously, we -- we have a -- 81 00:04:06,121 --> 00:04:08,138 We had a little bit of a technical difficulty here. 82 00:04:08,165 --> 00:04:12,867 Wcw couldn't draw flies if they rolled in cow manure. 83 00:04:12,986 --> 00:04:14,886 ♪♪ 84 00:04:14,888 --> 00:04:19,057 Even when you got somewhat of a crowd, 85 00:04:19,059 --> 00:04:20,709 They weren't really invested. 86 00:04:20,827 --> 00:04:22,302 They were taking the tickets because they were free, 87 00:04:22,421 --> 00:04:23,820 But most of them weren't 88 00:04:23,847 --> 00:04:26,080 Really into any of the stories or characters. 89 00:04:26,141 --> 00:04:30,360 So you can't possibly get a reaction that you can go, 90 00:04:30,362 --> 00:04:32,195 "oh, well, they really liked that, 91 00:04:32,197 --> 00:04:34,139 So maybe we should do more of that and less of this," 92 00:04:34,257 --> 00:04:36,166 Because you're dealing with an artificial crowd, 93 00:04:36,193 --> 00:04:39,127 For the most part. 94 00:04:39,129 --> 00:04:42,731 Ted turner, who, by the way, was the only fan of wcw 95 00:04:42,849 --> 00:04:44,582 In turner broadcasting, 96 00:04:44,584 --> 00:04:47,661 Came down to wcw and essentially said, 97 00:04:47,779 --> 00:04:49,496 "here's the deal. 98 00:04:49,614 --> 00:04:52,424 This is wcw's last shot." 99 00:04:52,426 --> 00:04:55,260 If this company can't turn itself around 100 00:04:55,262 --> 00:04:57,521 In a relatively short period of time, 101 00:04:57,548 --> 00:05:00,265 Ted is gonna pull the plug. 102 00:05:00,267 --> 00:05:04,769 It wasn't long after that that I was made a vice president. 103 00:05:04,771 --> 00:05:07,739 I began to have more influence over creative. 104 00:05:07,858 --> 00:05:09,315 As we go forward now, 105 00:05:09,434 --> 00:05:12,777 We needed somebody to attract national advertisers. 106 00:05:12,779 --> 00:05:14,179 We needed a bigger, 107 00:05:14,297 --> 00:05:19,376 Broader appeal of a star in our company. 108 00:05:19,403 --> 00:05:23,271 -♪ I am a real american ♪ 109 00:05:23,431 --> 00:05:25,715 ♪ fight for the rights of every man ♪ 110 00:05:25,743 --> 00:05:27,275 -[ chanting ] we want hulk! We want hulk! 111 00:05:27,394 --> 00:05:31,538 We want hulk! We want hulk! 112 00:05:31,656 --> 00:05:36,951 -Hogan! Hogan! Hogan! Hogan! Hogan! Hogan! Hogan! 113 00:05:37,070 --> 00:05:40,038 -Hulk hogan had left wwe. 114 00:05:40,156 --> 00:05:41,956 -This is the beginning 115 00:05:42,075 --> 00:05:44,976 Of a new era for world championship wrestling. 116 00:05:44,978 --> 00:05:49,056 Hulk hogan, five-time world wrestling federation champ, 117 00:05:49,174 --> 00:05:51,725 All of a sudden back in the professional ranks, 118 00:05:51,843 --> 00:05:54,486 But this time with wcw. 119 00:05:54,488 --> 00:05:58,898 -Hulk hogan transformed what professional wrestling was 120 00:05:59,017 --> 00:06:02,043 In the eyes of not only the public and the viewing audience, 121 00:06:02,071 --> 00:06:05,163 But advertisers and television executives, 122 00:06:05,165 --> 00:06:09,201 And that's what wcw needed in 1994. 123 00:06:09,319 --> 00:06:11,085 -Well, you know something, mean gene? 124 00:06:11,087 --> 00:06:15,240 I told ya hulkamania was gonna run wild in the wcw, brother. 125 00:06:15,358 --> 00:06:17,008 Look at all the hulkamaniacs. 126 00:06:17,010 --> 00:06:19,411 Can you hear them, mean gene? 127 00:06:19,529 --> 00:06:22,347 [ cheers and applause ] 128 00:06:22,349 --> 00:06:25,817 The reason I went to wcw is basically, 129 00:06:25,936 --> 00:06:29,003 Vince and I had a different opinion 130 00:06:29,122 --> 00:06:31,014 On where my career was at. 131 00:06:31,174 --> 00:06:34,518 [ waves crashing ] 132 00:06:37,439 --> 00:06:41,716 I felt that my run definitely wasn't over. 133 00:06:41,777 --> 00:06:43,217 It was like a fresh start. 134 00:06:43,278 --> 00:06:46,571 It had a little bit of a weird feel to it. 135 00:06:46,690 --> 00:06:49,299 I was so used to those big live crowds 136 00:06:49,326 --> 00:06:51,635 Every Monday and Thursday, you know, 137 00:06:51,662 --> 00:06:55,713 So it didn't take long, you know, to get in eric's ear 138 00:06:55,715 --> 00:06:59,476 And explain to him that we really need to be competitive. 139 00:06:59,503 --> 00:07:02,929 And anything less than that, and I'd have been gone. 140 00:07:02,931 --> 00:07:11,138 ♪♪ 141 00:07:11,256 --> 00:07:14,824 -Hello, everyone, and welcome to the japan supershow iii. 142 00:07:14,985 --> 00:07:16,393 I'm eric bischoff. 143 00:07:16,553 --> 00:07:21,055 67,000 people on hand here at the tokyo dome. 144 00:07:21,174 --> 00:07:22,666 Tremendous lineup. 145 00:07:22,826 --> 00:07:26,777 1993, '94, I started doing business 146 00:07:26,779 --> 00:07:28,989 With a company called new japan pro-wrestling. 147 00:07:29,107 --> 00:07:30,240 [ cheers and applause ] 148 00:07:30,400 --> 00:07:35,287 ♪♪ 149 00:07:35,405 --> 00:07:41,259 When I first went to japan, I saw such a contrast. 150 00:07:41,261 --> 00:07:45,430 Wwe's live-event business was in the tank. 151 00:07:45,432 --> 00:07:46,690 It was in the toilet. 152 00:07:46,717 --> 00:07:49,784 Wcw's couldn't even find the toilet, 153 00:07:49,845 --> 00:07:52,921 Whereas in japan, they were putting 154 00:07:53,039 --> 00:07:59,644 60,000 or 80,000 people in the tokyo dome. 155 00:07:59,763 --> 00:08:04,115 So I thought, "okay, how do I migrate some of the elements 156 00:08:04,117 --> 00:08:06,267 That I saw working in japan?" 157 00:08:06,386 --> 00:08:10,079 [ cheers and applause ] 158 00:08:10,081 --> 00:08:12,882 I think what the japanese did so much better 159 00:08:12,910 --> 00:08:15,476 Than anybody in the u.S. At that time 160 00:08:15,537 --> 00:08:18,980 Was suspending disbelief. 161 00:08:19,041 --> 00:08:22,467 If you can consistently do things 162 00:08:22,469 --> 00:08:25,653 That make the audience forget... 163 00:08:25,714 --> 00:08:29,049 That everything is scripted, that's the sweet spot. 164 00:08:29,167 --> 00:08:32,769 [ cheers and applause ] 165 00:08:32,771 --> 00:08:35,121 Something is going to happen 166 00:08:35,140 --> 00:08:37,741 That's gonna make the audience say to themselves, 167 00:08:37,768 --> 00:08:40,910 Either subconsciously or to someone watching with them... 168 00:08:40,938 --> 00:08:45,524 "hey, look, I know all that stuff's scripted, 169 00:08:45,642 --> 00:08:48,618 But that -- that wasn't supposed to happen." 170 00:08:48,620 --> 00:08:51,947 [ reel clicking ] 171 00:08:58,004 --> 00:09:02,690 [ cheers and applause in distance ] 172 00:09:02,751 --> 00:09:06,253 -You people... You know who I am. 173 00:09:06,371 --> 00:09:08,246 ♪♪ 174 00:09:08,364 --> 00:09:11,591 [ footsteps approach ] 175 00:09:13,019 --> 00:09:16,688 -You're never gonna see another bad guy like me, chico. 176 00:09:16,690 --> 00:09:21,393 Say hello to razor ramon. 177 00:09:21,511 --> 00:09:24,271 -He means business. 178 00:09:24,389 --> 00:09:26,698 -I'm gonna show you... 179 00:09:26,700 --> 00:09:32,737 Just how bad the bad guy can be. 180 00:09:35,993 --> 00:09:38,526 I remember going to events and asking them, 181 00:09:38,645 --> 00:09:40,970 "what can I do to improve my work?" 182 00:09:40,998 --> 00:09:44,124 I said, "is it my microphone skills that enhancement? 183 00:09:44,242 --> 00:09:45,717 Is it my ring work?" 184 00:09:45,719 --> 00:09:47,401 And he said, "absolutely not. 185 00:09:47,462 --> 00:09:50,555 I'm very pleased with your performance." 186 00:09:50,673 --> 00:09:53,725 I said, "well, I'm curious because... 187 00:09:53,727 --> 00:09:55,376 My pay has plateaued 188 00:09:55,495 --> 00:09:57,562 Compared to the guys who preceded me, 189 00:09:57,564 --> 00:10:00,565 And I'm wondering what I need to do to make that big money 190 00:10:00,567 --> 00:10:04,068 Like these guys who went before me." 191 00:10:04,070 --> 00:10:05,829 And he just kind of went, "hmm," 192 00:10:05,856 --> 00:10:08,832 And I was summoned to the office for meetings after that. 193 00:10:08,859 --> 00:10:11,985 And we couldn't really come to any kind of agreement, 194 00:10:12,103 --> 00:10:14,395 And I ended up getting my notice. 195 00:10:14,514 --> 00:10:17,231 Nobody cares where you come from, chico. 196 00:10:17,350 --> 00:10:20,084 They only care where you're going. 197 00:10:20,086 --> 00:10:23,179 And like about a week later, kevin nash gave his notice. 198 00:10:23,206 --> 00:10:27,700 -Two reasons -- more money and less dates. 199 00:10:27,819 --> 00:10:31,070 ♪♪ 200 00:10:31,189 --> 00:10:33,006 For three years, I had been there. 201 00:10:33,124 --> 00:10:35,391 We had a no-cannabis rule. 202 00:10:35,393 --> 00:10:37,177 ♪♪ 203 00:10:37,295 --> 00:10:39,763 Scott and I weren't gonna take a piss test 204 00:10:39,923 --> 00:10:41,848 If they were gonna administer one, 205 00:10:41,966 --> 00:10:44,743 So we smoked on the way to the garden. 206 00:10:44,861 --> 00:10:48,663 We had, like, an astro van, something horrible, 207 00:10:48,665 --> 00:10:51,298 And we drove into the city. 208 00:10:51,318 --> 00:10:55,027 And we knew going to turner 209 00:10:55,029 --> 00:10:57,197 That we would not be back in the garden. 210 00:10:57,315 --> 00:10:59,640 That was the significance of the garden. 211 00:10:59,701 --> 00:11:03,762 [ cheers and applause ] 212 00:11:03,764 --> 00:11:08,208 We just got lost in the emotion of it because it was over. 213 00:11:08,326 --> 00:11:11,469 [ cheers and applause ] 214 00:11:11,471 --> 00:11:14,381 -I felt like, "wow, chapter completed. 215 00:11:14,499 --> 00:11:16,249 This chapter is done. 216 00:11:16,367 --> 00:11:18,309 Now I gonna go to see wcw 217 00:11:18,311 --> 00:11:20,261 To see what's waiting for me there." 218 00:11:25,852 --> 00:11:27,202 -You are looking live as professional wrestling's 219 00:11:27,204 --> 00:11:30,112 Hottest television program has just gotten bigger. 220 00:11:30,114 --> 00:11:37,344 Welcome to wcw Monday nitro on tnt! 221 00:11:37,506 --> 00:11:38,721 -I arrive in macon, georgia. 222 00:11:38,782 --> 00:11:41,482 Eric bischoff picks me up at the airport. 223 00:11:41,601 --> 00:11:43,568 And, you know, I've never met eric and, you know, 224 00:11:43,686 --> 00:11:47,247 I'm handsomely paid by them and, you know, blah, blah, blah. 225 00:11:47,365 --> 00:11:49,340 Here we go, and I'm a little skeptical. 226 00:11:49,342 --> 00:11:51,968 I mean, I've just left the biggest show there is. 227 00:11:51,970 --> 00:11:54,771 I was just in madison square garden the night before, 228 00:11:54,798 --> 00:11:57,498 And now here we go to macon, georgia. 229 00:11:57,617 --> 00:12:00,276 All due respect to the residents of macon, 230 00:12:00,303 --> 00:12:02,186 But it ain't new york city. 231 00:12:02,188 --> 00:12:05,114 -The program you already love is now getting bigger. 232 00:12:05,142 --> 00:12:07,650 One of the things that I wanted to do 233 00:12:07,652 --> 00:12:12,455 To make our show different than the wwe show -- 234 00:12:12,482 --> 00:12:15,124 I wanted nitro to feel gritty. 235 00:12:15,152 --> 00:12:17,277 I wanted it to feel live. 236 00:12:17,395 --> 00:12:19,553 Welcome back live to the first hour 237 00:12:19,614 --> 00:12:22,523 Of this edition of wcw Monday nitro on tnt, 238 00:12:22,642 --> 00:12:24,525 Tony schiavone and larry zbyszko, 239 00:12:24,644 --> 00:12:28,805 And we are taking a look at the mauler completely maul 240 00:12:28,832 --> 00:12:30,231 His opponent, steve doll. 241 00:12:30,292 --> 00:12:31,699 -Well, you know, steve doll 242 00:12:31,859 --> 00:12:33,718 Is trying to get the offensive going, but -- 243 00:12:33,720 --> 00:12:36,479 -Wait a minute. What the hell is going on here? 244 00:12:36,506 --> 00:12:38,539 It's a lot easier sometimes. 245 00:12:38,658 --> 00:12:40,300 You get a lot more real reaction, 246 00:12:40,418 --> 00:12:43,394 Honest reaction, by surprising as many people 247 00:12:43,396 --> 00:12:45,321 As you can that are on camera, 248 00:12:45,348 --> 00:12:47,156 Which is why when I had scott hall 249 00:12:47,184 --> 00:12:50,251 Walk down through the crowd, nobody's seen that before. 250 00:12:50,312 --> 00:12:51,919 Interrupt the match in the middle of a match 251 00:12:51,980 --> 00:12:54,664 On live television, nobody's ever seen that before. 252 00:12:54,691 --> 00:12:57,450 I didn't even tell the two guys in the match. 253 00:12:57,568 --> 00:12:59,927 They had no idea what was going on. 254 00:12:59,929 --> 00:13:01,170 [ cheers and applause ] 255 00:13:01,198 --> 00:13:02,580 -What's with this? 256 00:13:02,698 --> 00:13:03,915 -And instead of hitting the ring 257 00:13:03,917 --> 00:13:05,300 And, like, beating these guys up, 258 00:13:05,327 --> 00:13:06,876 I just went right to the microphone, 259 00:13:06,878 --> 00:13:09,879 Right to the hard camera, and did my interview, 260 00:13:09,881 --> 00:13:11,547 And they stopped wrestling. 261 00:13:11,549 --> 00:13:13,574 And it was -- it became real, 262 00:13:13,693 --> 00:13:15,426 Like, "what are you doing, scott? 263 00:13:15,428 --> 00:13:17,186 What are you doing?" 264 00:13:17,214 --> 00:13:20,340 You people... You know who I am... 265 00:13:20,458 --> 00:13:22,600 [ cheers and applause ] 266 00:13:22,602 --> 00:13:27,338 ...But you don't know why I'm here. 267 00:13:27,456 --> 00:13:29,790 -All of that created that sense of believability 268 00:13:29,851 --> 00:13:34,037 And allowed for the suspension of disbelief 269 00:13:34,064 --> 00:13:36,706 That really launched the nwo. 270 00:13:36,733 --> 00:13:39,800 -You want to go to war? 271 00:13:39,861 --> 00:13:42,954 You want a war? 272 00:13:42,956 --> 00:13:45,122 You're gonna get one. 273 00:13:45,124 --> 00:13:46,440 ♪♪ 274 00:13:46,559 --> 00:13:49,385 -Watching scott hall come into the ring, 275 00:13:49,412 --> 00:13:51,721 You go, "holy crap. 276 00:13:51,748 --> 00:13:54,648 This is good stuff." 277 00:13:54,709 --> 00:13:57,969 You know, I caught myself, you know, watching it, like, 278 00:13:57,971 --> 00:14:00,471 "oh, my god," you know, "what's he doing here?" 279 00:14:00,473 --> 00:14:02,473 I went, "oh, my god. I knew he was coming, but I -- 280 00:14:02,475 --> 00:14:05,459 I got locked into the moment with him." 281 00:14:05,578 --> 00:14:10,815 -The only reason it worked was because I'm a wwe guy. 282 00:14:10,817 --> 00:14:12,300 I'm razor. I'm razor. 283 00:14:12,418 --> 00:14:16,245 I was just in madison square garden the night before. 284 00:14:16,273 --> 00:14:19,281 People thought vince sent me there. 285 00:14:19,283 --> 00:14:22,009 I knew then that it was working. 286 00:14:22,070 --> 00:14:23,311 Yo, ken doll... 287 00:14:23,429 --> 00:14:25,179 [ cheers and applause ] 288 00:14:25,240 --> 00:14:28,408 I had such a good time last week... 289 00:14:28,526 --> 00:14:30,835 That I came back for more. 290 00:14:30,837 --> 00:14:33,096 -It became clear to me 291 00:14:33,123 --> 00:14:38,935 That the more I could get the audience to ask questions... 292 00:14:38,962 --> 00:14:41,087 The more engaged they were. 293 00:14:41,205 --> 00:14:43,681 [ cheers and applause ] 294 00:14:43,683 --> 00:14:46,700 Wait a minute! Wait a minute! 295 00:14:46,761 --> 00:14:50,263 Wait a minute! Wait a minute! -Huh? Okay. 296 00:14:50,381 --> 00:14:52,189 Okay, tough guy. 297 00:14:52,191 --> 00:14:57,695 I got a little -- no, I got a big surprise for you... 298 00:14:57,697 --> 00:14:59,030 Next week. 299 00:14:59,032 --> 00:15:01,624 -That created questions. 300 00:15:01,651 --> 00:15:04,368 Who is it? Who could it possibly be? 301 00:15:04,370 --> 00:15:06,446 Scott hall was a surprise. It was a shock. 302 00:15:06,564 --> 00:15:08,114 The way he came down was a shock. 303 00:15:08,232 --> 00:15:12,693 Now we're teasing who his big buddy was going to be. 304 00:15:12,812 --> 00:15:16,139 That was designed intentionally to get the audience 305 00:15:16,166 --> 00:15:19,308 To start asking questions and debate amongst themselves. 306 00:15:19,336 --> 00:15:23,237 Where is it? The big surprise. 307 00:15:23,298 --> 00:15:27,050 I mean, I heard a lot of talk, but where's the walk? 308 00:15:27,210 --> 00:15:30,386 [ cheers and applause ] 309 00:15:33,232 --> 00:15:37,326 -Even though we were heelish, we were so much cooler 310 00:15:37,354 --> 00:15:41,330 Than... Everybody else on this show. 311 00:15:41,358 --> 00:15:44,408 The measuring stick just changed around here, buddy. 312 00:15:44,410 --> 00:15:45,759 You're looking at it. 313 00:15:45,820 --> 00:15:49,005 -There was also that sentiment in the '90s, 314 00:15:49,032 --> 00:15:52,483 Who wouldn't want to punch their boss in the face or, you know, 315 00:15:52,601 --> 00:15:55,161 Powerbomb their boss off of a stage onto a table, 316 00:15:55,279 --> 00:15:57,604 As kevin nash did to eric bischoff. 317 00:15:57,666 --> 00:15:59,307 They were involved in these segments 318 00:15:59,334 --> 00:16:02,093 Where they were jumping other wrestlers from behind. 319 00:16:02,211 --> 00:16:03,895 They were bullying the commentary team. 320 00:16:03,897 --> 00:16:06,097 They were doing all of these outside-the-ring things 321 00:16:06,099 --> 00:16:08,524 To get under wcw's skin. 322 00:16:08,551 --> 00:16:12,528 -Came to see the big boys! [ laughs ] 323 00:16:12,555 --> 00:16:15,932 -We tossed around some ideas, and I was thinking, like, 324 00:16:16,092 --> 00:16:19,626 "how about aluminum baseball bats?" 325 00:16:19,688 --> 00:16:22,113 Like, right before we went out, eric said, 326 00:16:22,115 --> 00:16:25,541 "do not bring the bats to the ring." 327 00:16:25,568 --> 00:16:28,211 And I went..."okay." 328 00:16:28,238 --> 00:16:31,698 Like, that means, "bring the bats to the ring." 329 00:16:31,816 --> 00:16:33,774 -They've got baseball bats in their hand! 330 00:16:33,893 --> 00:16:35,609 [ cheers and applause ] 331 00:16:35,728 --> 00:16:38,387 They've got baseball bats in their hand! 332 00:16:38,415 --> 00:16:40,556 -We went off the air with the charlotte cops 333 00:16:40,583 --> 00:16:45,469 Coming underneath the rope and unbuttoning their holsters 334 00:16:45,471 --> 00:16:48,655 And putting their hands on the firearms. 335 00:16:48,675 --> 00:16:51,992 And I don't think anybody had ever seen that 336 00:16:52,012 --> 00:16:53,811 In professional wrestling before. 337 00:16:53,813 --> 00:16:55,996 -Ladies and gentlemen, never before have we seen 338 00:16:56,016 --> 00:16:58,132 Or witnessed anything like this. 339 00:16:58,292 --> 00:17:02,887 The outsiders in the ring, and they are hammering away! 340 00:17:03,005 --> 00:17:05,806 -See ya, monty! Whoo! 341 00:17:05,925 --> 00:17:08,325 -The first thing the nwo did and the storyline did 342 00:17:08,327 --> 00:17:09,660 Was they kind of changed 343 00:17:09,662 --> 00:17:11,312 The rules of engagement of pro wrestling. 344 00:17:11,430 --> 00:17:14,590 The way that they drew up the storyline was to make it 345 00:17:14,617 --> 00:17:17,668 Blur the lines between what was real and what was not. 346 00:17:17,670 --> 00:17:21,130 -Well, many of you know that for the last several weeks, 347 00:17:21,132 --> 00:17:23,541 Since may 27th, as a matter of fact, 348 00:17:23,659 --> 00:17:25,859 We've had a number of... 349 00:17:25,920 --> 00:17:30,439 Let's just call them interruptions on nitro. 350 00:17:30,467 --> 00:17:33,000 -Hall and nash together, when they came to wcw, 351 00:17:33,119 --> 00:17:34,777 They were known as the outsiders. 352 00:17:34,804 --> 00:17:37,838 That was the first name that anyone gave them. 353 00:17:37,957 --> 00:17:39,782 Even before they were starting to call them 354 00:17:39,809 --> 00:17:41,859 By their real names, scott hall and kevin nash, 355 00:17:41,861 --> 00:17:44,178 They were referred to as the outsiders, 356 00:17:44,296 --> 00:17:47,190 But what they're asking for is a match. 357 00:17:47,350 --> 00:17:48,849 -You want a match. You want a war. 358 00:17:49,009 --> 00:17:51,018 You want it inside of the ring, you're gonna get it. 359 00:17:51,137 --> 00:17:53,129 -They want a match against wcw's top stars, 360 00:17:53,156 --> 00:17:54,463 And they say three. 361 00:17:54,491 --> 00:17:56,373 There's only two of them at that time. 362 00:17:56,375 --> 00:17:59,302 There's only hall and nash, so there was that implication 363 00:17:59,329 --> 00:18:02,196 That there's going to be a surprise third member. 364 00:18:02,314 --> 00:18:04,882 -You know, you tell billionaire ted 365 00:18:04,884 --> 00:18:08,644 To break out the money and get anybody you can 366 00:18:08,671 --> 00:18:11,446 Because the big man 367 00:18:11,508 --> 00:18:17,153 And the medium-sized man and our surprise buddy 368 00:18:17,180 --> 00:18:19,563 Are gonna carve them... 369 00:18:19,565 --> 00:18:22,007 -From that point forward, 370 00:18:22,126 --> 00:18:25,937 The evolution of that story was all about who's the third man? 371 00:18:26,055 --> 00:18:28,272 -I've got to know who that third man is. 372 00:18:28,391 --> 00:18:29,665 -Well -- -why can't we know it? 373 00:18:29,692 --> 00:18:30,908 -We've talked about that before. 374 00:18:30,910 --> 00:18:33,244 That was all intentional and by design. 375 00:18:33,246 --> 00:18:38,098 However, I had no idea that it was going to have... 376 00:18:38,159 --> 00:18:40,952 The impact it ultimately had had. 377 00:18:45,575 --> 00:18:47,591 [ birds chirping ] 378 00:18:47,593 --> 00:18:49,751 -Go get the rabbits. 379 00:18:49,753 --> 00:18:54,248 Early '96, hulk has been with us for a little over a year. 380 00:18:54,366 --> 00:18:57,768 Initially, there was all kinds of enthusiasm -- 381 00:18:57,770 --> 00:19:01,605 Ticker-tape parade at disney, a lot of media. 382 00:19:01,607 --> 00:19:04,367 Got a lot of coverage in the press, 383 00:19:04,394 --> 00:19:05,959 All very positive. 384 00:19:06,020 --> 00:19:09,613 Wrestling fans initially were really excited, 385 00:19:09,732 --> 00:19:15,135 But after about a year, kind of seemed like fans 386 00:19:15,196 --> 00:19:17,446 Were just -- I don't know. 387 00:19:17,607 --> 00:19:19,823 It was kind of like a "been there, done that," 388 00:19:19,825 --> 00:19:21,625 And it just got me thinking, you know, 389 00:19:21,627 --> 00:19:25,963 "I wonder -- I wonder if hulk would consider... 390 00:19:25,965 --> 00:19:28,374 Shifting gears and turning heel. 391 00:19:28,492 --> 00:19:31,468 ♪♪ 392 00:19:31,470 --> 00:19:36,465 -I felt a little bit of a lag, so I started disappearing, 393 00:19:36,626 --> 00:19:38,542 Doing movies and different stuff, 394 00:19:38,661 --> 00:19:42,046 Trying to give the fans a break from my stuff. 395 00:19:42,164 --> 00:19:46,650 When eric first came to me with this, I said no. 396 00:19:46,652 --> 00:19:48,969 -He looked at me and he said, "brother, 397 00:19:49,088 --> 00:19:52,748 Until you walk a mile in my red and yellow boots, 398 00:19:52,775 --> 00:19:55,443 You'll never really understand this character." 399 00:19:55,561 --> 00:19:57,328 -I've been training and saying my prayers 400 00:19:57,330 --> 00:19:59,922 And eating my vitamins, and everywhere I go, man, 401 00:19:59,949 --> 00:20:01,832 The people are training in the parking lots, 402 00:20:01,834 --> 00:20:03,058 Posing in the gyms. 403 00:20:03,119 --> 00:20:04,368 The women are getting better shape. 404 00:20:04,487 --> 00:20:05,686 -Hulk had two very young kids. 405 00:20:05,747 --> 00:20:07,263 I think they were still 406 00:20:07,290 --> 00:20:09,582 In grade school or junior high at the time, 407 00:20:09,700 --> 00:20:14,495 And their whole lives, daddy has been this red and yellow hero 408 00:20:14,613 --> 00:20:16,214 And this character that everybody loved. 409 00:20:16,332 --> 00:20:18,758 And hulk hogan the character was doing 410 00:20:18,876 --> 00:20:21,001 Make-a-wish appearances. 411 00:20:21,120 --> 00:20:24,496 It meant a lot to hulk. 412 00:20:24,615 --> 00:20:26,782 -I was concerned about a lot of the kids 413 00:20:26,809 --> 00:20:28,935 Because I had so many things 414 00:20:29,053 --> 00:20:31,771 Along those years being hulk hogan that, 415 00:20:31,889 --> 00:20:34,031 "oh, my gosh, I grew up without a father. 416 00:20:34,033 --> 00:20:35,699 If it wasn't for you, I would've never made it," 417 00:20:35,701 --> 00:20:37,701 Or, "I quit doing drugs because of you," 418 00:20:37,820 --> 00:20:41,705 Or, "my childhood was horrible, except I believed in you," 419 00:20:41,707 --> 00:20:45,618 And I was like, "oh, boy, this is gonna be tough." 420 00:20:45,736 --> 00:20:48,012 -It's not like he could go back and become 421 00:20:48,130 --> 00:20:50,631 That red and yellow character the very next week. 422 00:20:50,633 --> 00:20:53,025 Once you make this decision, once you pull the trigger 423 00:20:53,044 --> 00:20:54,627 And the bullet leaves the barrel, 424 00:20:54,745 --> 00:20:58,222 You're not putting it back in for a long, long time. 425 00:20:58,224 --> 00:21:00,949 -A former five-time world champion, 426 00:21:01,010 --> 00:21:03,060 The six-foot, seven-inch... 427 00:21:03,062 --> 00:21:06,655 As we go forward now into the bash at the beach, 428 00:21:06,683 --> 00:21:08,790 Which is going to be the big reveal 429 00:21:08,851 --> 00:21:12,085 Of who the third man was... 430 00:21:12,146 --> 00:21:13,813 ♪♪ 431 00:21:13,931 --> 00:21:15,422 Later on, ladies and gentlemen, 432 00:21:15,483 --> 00:21:18,334 We will have this big six-man main event. 433 00:21:18,361 --> 00:21:20,911 Who is the third man? We are still not sure. 434 00:21:20,913 --> 00:21:23,580 You will find out by calling your cable operator 435 00:21:23,582 --> 00:21:24,915 And saying you want... 436 00:21:24,917 --> 00:21:26,750 I had the story pretty much laid out 437 00:21:26,752 --> 00:21:31,071 Exactly the way it played out, but instead of hulk hogan, 438 00:21:31,190 --> 00:21:34,274 It was originally gonna be sting. 439 00:21:34,294 --> 00:21:39,388 At the time, sting was the biggest hero in wcw. 440 00:21:39,390 --> 00:21:41,223 I wanted sting to turn heel. 441 00:21:41,225 --> 00:21:45,769 -Ladies and gentlemen, the most popular wrestler of 1994 442 00:21:45,771 --> 00:21:49,606 As voted by you, the fans, this is sting! 443 00:21:49,608 --> 00:21:52,259 [ applause ] 444 00:21:52,378 --> 00:21:54,294 -I make speech! 445 00:21:54,355 --> 00:21:58,115 -Sting finally got comfortable with that. 446 00:21:58,117 --> 00:22:01,877 Then I get a phone call one day from hulk hogan. 447 00:22:01,904 --> 00:22:05,138 Hulk said, "so..." 448 00:22:05,199 --> 00:22:08,217 Always curls his lips up. 449 00:22:08,244 --> 00:22:11,462 "so...Who's the third man?" 450 00:22:11,464 --> 00:22:14,147 -Eric was thinking about putting sting in there. 451 00:22:14,208 --> 00:22:17,634 Once I saw, you know, scott show big kev 452 00:22:17,636 --> 00:22:21,397 Powerbomb eric off the stage, I went, "oh, boy. 453 00:22:21,424 --> 00:22:22,973 When I turn heel, 454 00:22:22,975 --> 00:22:26,810 This is gonna either destroy my career 455 00:22:26,812 --> 00:22:28,495 Or this is gonna be the greatest thing 456 00:22:28,556 --> 00:22:30,297 That ever happened in wrestling." 457 00:22:30,416 --> 00:22:32,983 -So much has been said, written, and talked about. 458 00:22:32,985 --> 00:22:34,643 So many unexpected occurrences 459 00:22:34,804 --> 00:22:36,704 Have happened over the past couple of weeks. 460 00:22:36,731 --> 00:22:38,213 -The day comes. 461 00:22:38,274 --> 00:22:41,292 Bash at the beach pay-per-view, July of '96. 462 00:22:41,294 --> 00:22:43,419 I was not 100% sure 463 00:22:43,446 --> 00:22:46,814 That hulk was gonna follow through. 464 00:22:46,932 --> 00:22:51,502 -At 5:30, we still don't know if he was in or out. 465 00:22:51,620 --> 00:22:53,579 -You know, we're doing this "who's the third man?" thing, 466 00:22:53,697 --> 00:22:55,431 This big angle at the bash at the beach. 467 00:22:55,458 --> 00:22:57,415 We're gonna launch the nwo. 468 00:22:57,535 --> 00:22:59,009 Now we go to the ring. 469 00:22:59,011 --> 00:23:00,677 Hulk is still not there, 470 00:23:00,679 --> 00:23:03,923 And we still don't know if hulk agrees or not, 471 00:23:04,041 --> 00:23:05,849 Because in his contract, 472 00:23:05,851 --> 00:23:08,402 He has approval over what his character does. 473 00:23:08,429 --> 00:23:13,432 And he's been a hero to millions his whole career. 474 00:23:13,551 --> 00:23:15,542 I remember looking at bischoff, going, "what's up?" 475 00:23:15,603 --> 00:23:18,862 And he goes, "well, listen, if it's not hulk, 476 00:23:18,864 --> 00:23:21,532 We're gonna send sting." 477 00:23:21,534 --> 00:23:26,112 All due respect to sting, it wouldn't have worked. 478 00:23:26,230 --> 00:23:29,890 -Wcw picks their top three, and it's lex luger, 479 00:23:29,951 --> 00:23:32,118 Sting, and the macho man. 480 00:23:32,236 --> 00:23:34,678 -Three against two, the way I like it. 481 00:23:34,680 --> 00:23:36,171 -I'll tell you what, 482 00:23:36,173 --> 00:23:38,882 I'm still seeing that bad intentions going on. 483 00:23:38,884 --> 00:23:41,334 This whole hand has not been dealt. 484 00:23:41,336 --> 00:23:43,370 The hand has not been dealt, brother. 485 00:23:43,530 --> 00:23:45,030 -It's just hall and nash. 486 00:23:45,049 --> 00:23:47,023 There's no third person. 487 00:23:47,025 --> 00:23:48,375 The commentary team is trying 488 00:23:48,494 --> 00:23:50,152 To sell this as, "what's going on? 489 00:23:50,179 --> 00:23:51,362 Where is this third person? 490 00:23:51,480 --> 00:23:52,762 Is a third person even in the match?" 491 00:23:52,764 --> 00:23:54,006 You know, "who is this third person?" 492 00:23:54,124 --> 00:23:55,649 -They have said the third man is here, 493 00:23:55,651 --> 00:23:56,967 But he is not in the ring. 494 00:23:57,085 --> 00:24:00,438 -As the wcw team starts to get the better 495 00:24:00,556 --> 00:24:02,906 A little bit of hall and nash... 496 00:24:02,908 --> 00:24:04,575 Hulk hogan comes out. 497 00:24:04,577 --> 00:24:06,152 [ cheers and applause ] 498 00:24:06,270 --> 00:24:09,246 -Hulk hogan is here! Hulk hogan's here! 499 00:24:09,248 --> 00:24:12,158 Hulk hogan is in the building! 500 00:24:12,276 --> 00:24:14,827 -You're damn right, he is! -Go get 'em, hulkster! 501 00:24:14,945 --> 00:24:17,413 -It was just crazy when I came out. 502 00:24:17,573 --> 00:24:20,941 I wanted that natural reaction from the fans. 503 00:24:20,960 --> 00:24:23,744 How could our hero stab us in the heart? 504 00:24:23,862 --> 00:24:26,321 [ cheers and applause ] 505 00:24:26,382 --> 00:24:29,833 -I could feel the audience. 506 00:24:29,835 --> 00:24:32,769 Here comes their hero. 507 00:24:32,771 --> 00:24:34,513 Everybody was certain 508 00:24:34,632 --> 00:24:38,442 He was there to defend the honor of wcw, 509 00:24:38,444 --> 00:24:41,294 And then the leg drop. 510 00:24:41,355 --> 00:24:44,698 [ cheers and applause ] 511 00:24:44,700 --> 00:24:48,201 ♪♪ 512 00:24:48,203 --> 00:24:50,029 -What is he doing?! -Oh, my god! 513 00:24:50,147 --> 00:24:51,697 Is he the third man?! 514 00:24:51,815 --> 00:24:55,642 -He's the third man! -What the hell is going on here? 515 00:24:55,661 --> 00:24:57,978 -He is the third man in this picture! 516 00:24:58,039 --> 00:24:59,613 -Look at this! Oh, my god! 517 00:24:59,731 --> 00:25:01,365 What the hell is going on?! 518 00:25:01,483 --> 00:25:04,651 Oh, my god. Are you kidding me?! 519 00:25:04,712 --> 00:25:07,988 [ cheers and applause ] 520 00:25:08,049 --> 00:25:14,528 ♪♪ 521 00:25:14,555 --> 00:25:16,188 -Unbelievable, brother. 522 00:25:16,190 --> 00:25:19,149 -I remember scott looking at him, going, 523 00:25:19,151 --> 00:25:20,817 "whatever you do, man, 524 00:25:20,819 --> 00:25:24,747 Make sure the referee counts three." 525 00:25:24,774 --> 00:25:26,657 And the first thing he does 526 00:25:26,659 --> 00:25:30,903 Is picks up the referee and throws him out of the ring. 527 00:25:31,021 --> 00:25:34,256 [ cheers and applause ] 528 00:25:34,283 --> 00:25:35,866 ♪♪ 529 00:25:35,985 --> 00:25:39,519 And scott has to do the count. 530 00:25:39,580 --> 00:25:40,929 If you look back at it, 531 00:25:40,957 --> 00:25:43,123 There's never a count at the match 532 00:25:43,242 --> 00:25:45,576 Of, like, us actually beating them, 533 00:25:45,694 --> 00:25:46,827 And that's -- I mean, 534 00:25:46,945 --> 00:25:49,605 Those little details are priceless. 535 00:25:49,632 --> 00:25:51,090 -See those little hulksters 536 00:25:51,208 --> 00:25:53,259 With the tears rolling down their face right now? 537 00:25:53,377 --> 00:25:57,396 -A career of a lifetime, right down the drain, kid. 538 00:25:57,398 --> 00:26:01,592 -It was such an abrupt change of energy. 539 00:26:01,710 --> 00:26:03,978 -Incredible. What a show. 540 00:26:04,096 --> 00:26:06,546 -Everyone is shocked, tony. 541 00:26:06,607 --> 00:26:09,382 Look at the ring. 542 00:26:09,402 --> 00:26:11,151 -The most incredible scene. 543 00:26:11,270 --> 00:26:14,871 Ladies -- we're -- I don't know where we're going. 544 00:26:14,873 --> 00:26:17,966 -He has -- he has slept with the devil. 545 00:26:17,994 --> 00:26:19,710 -I'm thinking, "oh, my gosh. 546 00:26:19,712 --> 00:26:22,137 I've just completely lost this audience. 547 00:26:22,164 --> 00:26:26,125 This is the worst idea in the history of ideas. 548 00:26:26,243 --> 00:26:28,201 I'm gonna burn in wrestling hell for this." 549 00:26:28,320 --> 00:26:29,461 -There you go. That's right. 550 00:26:29,580 --> 00:26:31,054 -I never thought I'd see people 551 00:26:31,056 --> 00:26:34,207 Throwing debris and hulk at hulk hogan. 552 00:26:34,326 --> 00:26:36,594 -This was not supposed to happen. 553 00:26:36,712 --> 00:26:38,137 [ chuckles ] 554 00:26:38,255 --> 00:26:41,348 Heard that before, right? Not supposed to happen. 555 00:26:41,467 --> 00:26:44,250 -Mean gene, the first thing you need to do 556 00:26:44,270 --> 00:26:46,470 Is to tell these people to shut up 557 00:26:46,588 --> 00:26:48,989 If you want to hear what I got to say. 558 00:26:48,991 --> 00:26:50,874 [ cheers and applause ] 559 00:26:50,876 --> 00:26:54,002 But when I was in the ring, they were cutting the promo 560 00:26:54,030 --> 00:26:56,171 With scott and kevin, me and gene, 561 00:26:56,198 --> 00:27:00,250 And they started throwing the stuff. 562 00:27:00,252 --> 00:27:01,918 I felt the building rumbling. 563 00:27:01,920 --> 00:27:04,821 I said, "oh, man, we might have a riot in here." 564 00:27:04,940 --> 00:27:07,774 -I don't want to downplay the fact that I'm really, 565 00:27:07,835 --> 00:27:13,021 Really, really relieved because I was not 100% sure 566 00:27:13,049 --> 00:27:15,599 That hulk was gonna follow through, 567 00:27:15,601 --> 00:27:17,934 But once he got to the building and we talked, 568 00:27:17,936 --> 00:27:19,619 I knew, "okay, it's on." 569 00:27:19,680 --> 00:27:22,439 I'm talking him through his interview one last time. 570 00:27:22,441 --> 00:27:24,858 I'm saying, "hulk, and when you're finally done 571 00:27:24,860 --> 00:27:26,668 And you said everything you're gonna say, 572 00:27:26,729 --> 00:27:28,387 You grab that microphone and you say, 573 00:27:28,505 --> 00:27:33,192 'and this is the new world order of professional wrestling.'" 574 00:27:33,310 --> 00:27:39,439 -You can call this the new world order of wrestling, brother. 575 00:27:39,558 --> 00:27:41,867 These two men right here... 576 00:27:41,985 --> 00:27:47,798 -As soon as I said it, I went, "wow. That's cool. 577 00:27:47,800 --> 00:27:49,966 Nwo, new world order." 578 00:27:49,968 --> 00:27:52,536 [ cheers and applause ] 579 00:27:52,654 --> 00:27:56,139 -I knew that if I turned into a bad guy 580 00:27:56,141 --> 00:27:58,867 And I said the training, the prayers and the vitamins 581 00:27:58,928 --> 00:28:01,111 And everything I did for all you kids 582 00:28:01,113 --> 00:28:04,223 And the make-a-wish kids, I did it for the money, 583 00:28:04,341 --> 00:28:07,467 You know, I knew it would light the people up so much, 584 00:28:07,586 --> 00:28:10,637 It would reignite their interest in their hulk hogan. 585 00:28:10,756 --> 00:28:13,657 I had no idea with scott and kevin 586 00:28:13,659 --> 00:28:16,159 As two big lead horses with me 587 00:28:16,161 --> 00:28:18,320 How the whole business would flip in an instant. 588 00:28:24,120 --> 00:28:25,093 -Jimmy hart -- jimmy hart threw something in the ring. 589 00:28:25,121 --> 00:28:27,796 Lex's got it. He took big bubba out. 590 00:28:27,798 --> 00:28:31,174 And now... -Oh! Here we go! 591 00:28:31,176 --> 00:28:35,679 -The outsiders in the ring, and they are hammering away! 592 00:28:35,681 --> 00:28:38,774 -This was a sneak attack. There's hogan! 593 00:28:38,801 --> 00:28:41,443 -There he is! -There's hulk hogan. 594 00:28:41,470 --> 00:28:44,012 There's no yellow. There's no red. 595 00:28:44,173 --> 00:28:46,114 He's wearing black. 596 00:28:46,142 --> 00:28:47,616 -Now, here we are. 597 00:28:47,643 --> 00:28:50,118 Hulk hogan has turned heel. 598 00:28:50,279 --> 00:28:52,788 We know who the third man is. 599 00:28:52,815 --> 00:28:58,961 We know they refer to themselves as the new world order... 600 00:28:58,988 --> 00:29:00,720 And it was a beautiful thing. 601 00:29:00,781 --> 00:29:05,041 It was spontaneous combustion of the best kind, right? 602 00:29:05,043 --> 00:29:06,969 Happened in the moment. 603 00:29:06,996 --> 00:29:09,379 Well, guess what didn't happen 604 00:29:09,381 --> 00:29:12,365 While all those great things were happening in the moment? 605 00:29:12,484 --> 00:29:15,644 We had no plan. 606 00:29:15,671 --> 00:29:19,131 We got to come up with a logo. 607 00:29:19,249 --> 00:29:22,985 We got to come up with merchandise. 608 00:29:23,012 --> 00:29:24,728 We've got to come up with a look 609 00:29:24,730 --> 00:29:27,731 And an identity for this new faction. 610 00:29:27,733 --> 00:29:30,158 So we're scrambling. 611 00:29:30,186 --> 00:29:33,495 We went to the disney mgm design team 612 00:29:33,522 --> 00:29:35,906 Because we were there on location, 613 00:29:35,908 --> 00:29:39,242 And they came to me with about 8 or 10 614 00:29:39,244 --> 00:29:42,004 Different ideas for logos and graphics 615 00:29:42,031 --> 00:29:44,656 And color combinations and things. 616 00:29:44,775 --> 00:29:50,078 And one of them was the nwo kind of graffiti logo, 617 00:29:50,080 --> 00:29:52,881 And I went, "that's the one." 618 00:29:52,883 --> 00:29:55,459 [ static ] 619 00:29:55,577 --> 00:29:56,985 -Alright. I'm good to go. 620 00:29:57,046 --> 00:29:59,095 -I don't mind sharing the wealth... 621 00:29:59,097 --> 00:30:00,355 Pillaging... 622 00:30:00,382 --> 00:30:02,174 Well, I think it did take a while 623 00:30:02,292 --> 00:30:04,893 For scott and kevin and I to click. 624 00:30:05,053 --> 00:30:08,697 When we first started out... None of us liked each other. 625 00:30:08,724 --> 00:30:11,441 Hulk hogan and the brotherhood, the outsiders. 626 00:30:11,443 --> 00:30:13,960 Scott and kevin had real me in. 627 00:30:14,021 --> 00:30:16,146 -I wanted to tell you -- I wanted to ask you something. 628 00:30:16,265 --> 00:30:17,739 -Okay, guys. 629 00:30:17,741 --> 00:30:18,932 -He was doing the, 630 00:30:19,050 --> 00:30:20,675 "brother, brother. Hey, brother." 631 00:30:20,736 --> 00:30:23,119 You know, "let me tell you something." 632 00:30:23,121 --> 00:30:24,546 He was still doing that. 633 00:30:24,573 --> 00:30:27,958 We're like, "no, man. We're not doing that." 634 00:30:27,960 --> 00:30:29,426 -Ready? Go. 635 00:30:29,428 --> 00:30:34,389 We don't care how you used to do it around here. 636 00:30:34,416 --> 00:30:37,617 We don't care what you think works 637 00:30:37,736 --> 00:30:40,637 Because, chico, look at your track record. 638 00:30:40,639 --> 00:30:42,965 It ain't been working. 639 00:30:43,125 --> 00:30:45,050 It's nwo. 640 00:30:45,168 --> 00:30:47,143 Learn to love it. 641 00:30:47,262 --> 00:30:48,570 -[ rapping ] ♪ yeah, I played the block ♪ 642 00:30:48,597 --> 00:30:50,146 ♪ like we played it loud ♪ 643 00:30:50,148 --> 00:30:53,116 ♪ go hard or go home, that's the model ♪ 644 00:30:53,118 --> 00:30:56,078 ♪ and if the cops follow, strap on my seatbelt ♪ 645 00:30:56,105 --> 00:30:59,439 ♪ open doors, get the message like an e-mail ♪ 646 00:30:59,558 --> 00:31:01,157 ♪ you want the details? ♪ 647 00:31:01,159 --> 00:31:03,085 ♪ I can't ♪ 648 00:31:03,112 --> 00:31:05,796 ♪ 'til these clowns match up like ♪ 649 00:31:05,798 --> 00:31:08,072 ♪ you ain't an og ♪ 650 00:31:08,074 --> 00:31:09,624 ♪ you don't know me ♪ 651 00:31:09,626 --> 00:31:12,736 ♪ yeah, you brought on like moby ♪ 652 00:31:12,854 --> 00:31:15,505 ♪ thinking you better, you give me his name ♪ 653 00:31:15,507 --> 00:31:18,650 ♪ you ain't got to be rihanna, baby, to feel the ring ♪ 654 00:31:18,669 --> 00:31:20,510 ♪ got some homies in the hood ♪ 655 00:31:20,512 --> 00:31:23,997 ♪ they'll switch it ♪ 656 00:31:24,115 --> 00:31:25,924 ♪ call me the antidote ♪ 657 00:31:26,043 --> 00:31:27,259 ♪ I ain't that dude, no ♪ 658 00:31:27,377 --> 00:31:29,185 ♪ I ain't that dude, no ♪ 659 00:31:29,187 --> 00:31:30,503 ♪ I ain't that dude, I ain't that dude ♪ 660 00:31:30,622 --> 00:31:32,038 ♪ I ain't that dude, no ♪ 661 00:31:32,099 --> 00:31:33,523 ♪ I ain't that dude, no ♪ 662 00:31:33,525 --> 00:31:35,008 ♪ I ain't that dude, no ♪ 663 00:31:35,126 --> 00:31:36,593 ♪ I ain't that dude, I ain't that dude ♪ 664 00:31:36,711 --> 00:31:39,162 ♪ I ain't that dude, no ♪ -it's only business. 665 00:31:39,164 --> 00:31:41,698 -Here's a guy that's a generation older 666 00:31:41,816 --> 00:31:43,792 Than these younger guys. 667 00:31:43,819 --> 00:31:46,219 I can feel the vibe, man. I can tell. 668 00:31:46,280 --> 00:31:49,297 It just took us a while to, "okay, everybody's cool." 669 00:31:49,325 --> 00:31:51,116 -He just basically sat down and goes, 670 00:31:51,234 --> 00:31:53,468 "where are you guys getting this from?" 671 00:31:53,495 --> 00:31:55,045 Like the whole, "for life." 672 00:31:55,047 --> 00:31:57,789 That was one of mack 10's songs during that time. 673 00:31:57,908 --> 00:32:00,775 They were robbing a burger place, 674 00:32:00,777 --> 00:32:02,177 And one dude says, 675 00:32:02,179 --> 00:32:06,314 "man, I've been wanting to do this for life." 676 00:32:06,342 --> 00:32:08,908 And we just -- nwo for life. 677 00:32:08,969 --> 00:32:12,395 Because it's nwo for life. 678 00:32:12,397 --> 00:32:14,189 [ laughter ] 679 00:32:14,191 --> 00:32:16,791 -Once they learned to trust me and figured out 680 00:32:16,852 --> 00:32:20,553 How to mold me to fit in, because those two guys did it, 681 00:32:20,672 --> 00:32:22,664 That that's where those promos came from. 682 00:32:22,691 --> 00:32:24,833 -The following announcement has been paid for 683 00:32:24,860 --> 00:32:26,076 By the new world order. 684 00:32:26,078 --> 00:32:27,836 -And there you see the outsiders are here. 685 00:32:27,863 --> 00:32:30,005 -They're in the control room now. 686 00:32:30,032 --> 00:32:33,842 -Hold on. What do we got here? -What does that do? Oh! 687 00:32:33,869 --> 00:32:35,251 Fade to black. 688 00:32:35,253 --> 00:32:37,496 Oh! Shouldn't have bought that cheap tv. 689 00:32:37,614 --> 00:32:39,255 [ both laugh ] 690 00:32:39,257 --> 00:32:42,575 -Wait, they are completely hijacking this program! 691 00:32:42,694 --> 00:32:43,961 We need to get security... 692 00:32:44,079 --> 00:32:48,340 -In storyline, the nwo's goal was to take over. 693 00:32:48,458 --> 00:32:53,095 It ended up really happening in practice... 694 00:32:53,255 --> 00:32:57,607 And what I mean by that is the nwo kind of took over 695 00:32:57,609 --> 00:33:01,979 Wcw shows in the sense that they were the featured acts. 696 00:33:02,097 --> 00:33:04,206 -I proudly present -- 697 00:33:04,233 --> 00:33:08,043 Yo, here's the nwo! 698 00:33:08,070 --> 00:33:11,287 -Ready or not, here we come! 699 00:33:11,289 --> 00:33:14,958 -One of the advantages that I saw in doing live television 700 00:33:14,960 --> 00:33:19,888 Is that you can take the viewer into the arena 701 00:33:19,915 --> 00:33:23,649 And reveal things that they'd never seen before. 702 00:33:23,711 --> 00:33:26,469 -These guys are disgusting. 703 00:33:26,471 --> 00:33:28,413 -And because they were seeing it for the first time, 704 00:33:28,531 --> 00:33:29,697 "well, this must be real, 705 00:33:29,758 --> 00:33:31,399 Because I've never seen this before." 706 00:33:31,401 --> 00:33:34,552 -Security trying to put a stop to this here. 707 00:33:34,554 --> 00:33:35,870 Go to the back! 708 00:33:35,931 --> 00:33:39,199 -One of those that stands out was at disney. 709 00:33:39,201 --> 00:33:40,733 It was in '96. 710 00:33:40,735 --> 00:33:43,319 We had this big scene at the end of the show 711 00:33:43,321 --> 00:33:46,898 Where the nwo kind of attacked everybody backstage. 712 00:33:47,017 --> 00:33:48,641 [ indistinct shouting ] 713 00:33:48,760 --> 00:33:52,420 Kevin nash in particular grabbed little rey mysterio, 714 00:33:52,448 --> 00:33:54,956 Picked him up, and lawn-darted him. 715 00:33:54,958 --> 00:33:58,260 -Oh, no! -Laid waste to everybody, 716 00:33:58,287 --> 00:34:01,654 Destroyed equipment -- chaotic scene. 717 00:34:01,773 --> 00:34:05,466 [ indistinct shouting ] 718 00:34:05,468 --> 00:34:08,587 -Serious injuries, maybe career-ending injuries here. 719 00:34:08,705 --> 00:34:11,757 -All of a sudden, we hear sirens. 720 00:34:11,875 --> 00:34:13,441 "what the hell?" 721 00:34:13,469 --> 00:34:15,277 Cops are showing up. 722 00:34:15,304 --> 00:34:17,020 Fire trucks are showing up. 723 00:34:17,022 --> 00:34:19,022 Couple of ambulances showed up. 724 00:34:19,024 --> 00:34:23,042 It's like, "what? Somebody got hurt really bad here." 725 00:34:23,103 --> 00:34:25,287 And evidently, some of the people 726 00:34:25,314 --> 00:34:27,197 In the local area around disney, 727 00:34:27,199 --> 00:34:29,782 Mgm studios, saw what was going on live 728 00:34:29,784 --> 00:34:32,903 And decided they needed to call 911. 729 00:34:33,021 --> 00:34:36,372 ♪♪ 730 00:34:36,374 --> 00:34:37,723 And that's another moment where you go, 731 00:34:37,785 --> 00:34:40,802 "oh, yeah, this is working. 732 00:34:40,829 --> 00:34:43,379 They're buying it." 733 00:34:43,381 --> 00:34:46,541 ♪♪ 734 00:34:55,393 --> 00:34:57,034 -Hi, I'm sean waltman. 735 00:34:57,054 --> 00:35:00,488 In the original nwo, I was called syxx and syxx-pac. 736 00:35:00,516 --> 00:35:02,390 -The man you're looking at right now, 737 00:35:02,392 --> 00:35:06,328 He was formerly the 1-2-3 kid when he was with the wwf. 738 00:35:06,355 --> 00:35:08,571 Now, we do know he was released from that organization, 739 00:35:08,573 --> 00:35:09,906 No longer with them, 740 00:35:09,908 --> 00:35:12,334 But what in the world is he doing here? 741 00:35:12,361 --> 00:35:16,746 -Vince basically told me, "look, we'd like you to stay, 742 00:35:16,748 --> 00:35:19,566 But if you stay, you're gonna have to start from scratch." 743 00:35:19,684 --> 00:35:21,100 This was his exact words. 744 00:35:21,161 --> 00:35:23,511 He said, "or if you can get a better deal 745 00:35:23,539 --> 00:35:25,104 For you and your family 746 00:35:25,165 --> 00:35:27,499 And you want to go work for that billionaire [bleep] 747 00:35:27,617 --> 00:35:29,684 I'll give you a week to think about it. Let me know." 748 00:35:29,711 --> 00:35:32,111 I heard nitro is the hottest show going today. 749 00:35:32,172 --> 00:35:35,023 I thought I'd come check it out, you know what I mean? 750 00:35:35,050 --> 00:35:37,192 -Yeah, well, you're here. -It was a hard decision, 751 00:35:37,219 --> 00:35:40,395 But I knew it was the one I had to make. 752 00:35:40,397 --> 00:35:41,805 I wanted to be a part of it 753 00:35:41,923 --> 00:35:44,165 Because it was automatically being a part 754 00:35:44,226 --> 00:35:47,343 Of the top storyline in the business. 755 00:35:47,462 --> 00:35:50,505 Nwo was the catalyst that started the biggest 756 00:35:50,507 --> 00:35:53,875 Boom period of pro-wrestling history. 757 00:35:53,902 --> 00:35:55,843 It was the coolest thing on television. 758 00:35:55,904 --> 00:35:59,156 The nwo, to me, was like a big street gang, 759 00:35:59,274 --> 00:36:02,625 Just trying to take over, and by any means possible. 760 00:36:02,627 --> 00:36:05,519 [ cheers and applause ] 761 00:36:05,581 --> 00:36:07,204 I mean, I remember one time, 762 00:36:07,206 --> 00:36:09,541 We -- they only showed it on television once 763 00:36:09,659 --> 00:36:13,228 Because apparently, it was a bit too -- too much. 764 00:36:13,255 --> 00:36:15,972 You know, we ran the steiner brothers off the road 765 00:36:15,974 --> 00:36:17,974 And crashed their car. 766 00:36:17,976 --> 00:36:19,434 -Check both w-- 767 00:36:19,436 --> 00:36:21,778 Proceed when clear. 768 00:36:21,780 --> 00:36:25,407 -Let's see what they're about. 769 00:36:25,434 --> 00:36:28,651 -I was holding the camera, filming everything, 770 00:36:28,653 --> 00:36:30,078 And we kept bumping -- 771 00:36:30,105 --> 00:36:32,305 Like, kev was driving, and he kept bumping them. 772 00:36:32,423 --> 00:36:34,523 Get them again! Get them! 773 00:36:34,525 --> 00:36:37,727 [ both laugh ] 774 00:36:37,845 --> 00:36:41,907 ♪♪ 775 00:36:42,025 --> 00:36:43,408 [ tires screech ] 776 00:36:43,526 --> 00:36:45,017 Oh! 777 00:36:45,078 --> 00:36:47,721 Oh, man. 778 00:36:47,723 --> 00:36:50,990 Oh, my goodness. 779 00:36:51,109 --> 00:36:53,234 You just never knew what was gonna happen. 780 00:36:53,395 --> 00:36:57,213 We ran through everyone for what seemed like forever, 781 00:36:57,215 --> 00:36:59,274 To the point where all the, like, the wcw guys were like, 782 00:36:59,301 --> 00:37:01,184 "what the [bleep] going on?" 783 00:37:01,186 --> 00:37:04,612 Like, like, it was too much for a lot of people. 784 00:37:04,640 --> 00:37:07,523 -Wearing black instead of his customary 785 00:37:07,525 --> 00:37:14,864 And traditional yellow and red, presenting the wcw 786 00:37:14,866 --> 00:37:24,257 Heavyweight champion of the world...Giant! 787 00:37:24,284 --> 00:37:30,096 -Putting the world title on hulk hogan versus the giant 788 00:37:30,098 --> 00:37:32,474 Was a super easy decision. 789 00:37:32,501 --> 00:37:35,310 [ cheers and applause ] 790 00:37:35,337 --> 00:37:37,387 -Hello! 791 00:37:37,505 --> 00:37:44,319 -There was just this extra "'f' you" to having hulk hogan, 792 00:37:44,346 --> 00:37:50,233 Who betrayed millions of people around the world, betrayed wcw, 793 00:37:50,235 --> 00:37:54,829 And now hulk hogan has wcw's greatest prize. 794 00:37:54,856 --> 00:37:57,323 -Hogan's got the -- he's got the -- 795 00:37:57,325 --> 00:37:58,741 -He laid him out! 796 00:37:58,743 --> 00:38:01,577 -He laid him out! -I can't believe this! 797 00:38:01,579 --> 00:38:03,062 -One, two -- no! 798 00:38:03,181 --> 00:38:04,705 [ bell dinging ] 799 00:38:04,707 --> 00:38:07,509 -A new champion! A new champion! 800 00:38:07,536 --> 00:38:09,736 -What do they -- 801 00:38:09,854 --> 00:38:11,845 Oh, that's spray paint. 802 00:38:11,847 --> 00:38:13,790 Oh, my god, they're gonna spray paint -- 803 00:38:13,908 --> 00:38:16,184 -I cannot believe this. This is unbelievable. 804 00:38:16,211 --> 00:38:18,928 -Somebody -- somebody need to go there -- 805 00:38:18,930 --> 00:38:20,663 -They are -- [ cheers and applause ] 806 00:38:20,782 --> 00:38:23,708 -There it is, brother! 807 00:38:23,826 --> 00:38:25,951 The nwo! 808 00:38:25,971 --> 00:38:32,867 The nwo is the only way to go, and what you gonna do? 809 00:38:32,894 --> 00:38:34,944 Thank you, brothers. 810 00:38:34,946 --> 00:38:37,539 -No longer was this just a group 811 00:38:37,566 --> 00:38:39,207 Causing disruption behind the scenes. 812 00:38:39,234 --> 00:38:40,966 This is a group whose leader, 813 00:38:41,028 --> 00:38:43,545 Hulk hogan, is now the wcw champion, 814 00:38:43,572 --> 00:38:44,946 And it took things to a whole different level. 815 00:38:49,703 --> 00:38:52,495 [ cheers and applause ] 816 00:38:55,158 --> 00:38:56,683 -When hollywood hogan 817 00:38:56,685 --> 00:39:00,787 Won the wcw title from the giant at hog wild, 818 00:39:00,947 --> 00:39:02,914 If that was not an indication that this storyline 819 00:39:03,032 --> 00:39:05,583 Was here to stay for a long period of time, 820 00:39:05,701 --> 00:39:06,885 That was it. 821 00:39:07,003 --> 00:39:08,386 You know, you're putting the title -- 822 00:39:08,505 --> 00:39:10,463 The number-one most important thing, 823 00:39:10,465 --> 00:39:11,890 Really, in the company, 824 00:39:12,008 --> 00:39:13,575 In the promotion, is the world title -- 825 00:39:13,602 --> 00:39:15,393 You're putting it on a guy from the nwo. 826 00:39:15,512 --> 00:39:17,228 -Well, I can see that the dungeon of doom 827 00:39:17,347 --> 00:39:19,472 And the four horseman are now together, 828 00:39:19,590 --> 00:39:21,232 Representing world championship -- 829 00:39:21,351 --> 00:39:23,068 -Here comes the giant! 830 00:39:23,186 --> 00:39:25,328 Look out, nwo! 831 00:39:25,330 --> 00:39:27,422 -Thank god for the giant. 832 00:39:27,449 --> 00:39:29,407 -Never thought we would hear it. 833 00:39:29,526 --> 00:39:33,244 The giant is gonna have their lunch. 834 00:39:33,363 --> 00:39:36,081 The giant is in the building. 835 00:39:36,199 --> 00:39:39,859 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! 836 00:39:39,920 --> 00:39:41,252 [ cheers and applause ] 837 00:39:41,371 --> 00:39:43,062 The giant! 838 00:39:43,181 --> 00:39:44,555 [ cheers and applause ] 839 00:39:44,557 --> 00:39:47,333 The giant! 840 00:39:47,452 --> 00:39:49,094 No! 841 00:39:49,212 --> 00:39:52,405 -If someone who represents wcw could join the nwo, 842 00:39:52,407 --> 00:39:55,174 Then who couldn't join the nwo? 843 00:39:55,293 --> 00:39:58,469 -Whether you like it or you don't, 844 00:39:58,588 --> 00:40:02,107 It's the best thing going today. 845 00:40:02,225 --> 00:40:05,418 -It showed the unpredictability of who could join the nwo, 846 00:40:05,420 --> 00:40:08,947 Who could become a part of it, and that -- that deeper feeling 847 00:40:09,065 --> 00:40:10,448 That was going on in the storyline 848 00:40:10,567 --> 00:40:12,951 Of you just didn't know who was gonna join next. 849 00:40:13,069 --> 00:40:15,803 There was almost a paranoia with fans about, 850 00:40:15,831 --> 00:40:17,639 "well, if this guy is in the nwo, 851 00:40:17,666 --> 00:40:19,031 Then anyone could be." 852 00:40:19,150 --> 00:40:21,292 -You know what? Maybe it's time to dig in. 853 00:40:21,411 --> 00:40:23,811 Maybe now, we start to fight. 854 00:40:23,839 --> 00:40:27,982 As the on-camera talent, I was doing everything I could 855 00:40:28,009 --> 00:40:30,135 To stop this nwo thing from happening. 856 00:40:30,253 --> 00:40:32,654 It's got to stop. It is going to stop. 857 00:40:32,814 --> 00:40:34,246 It's going to stop now 858 00:40:34,266 --> 00:40:35,974 Because this company is not going to tolerate it -- 859 00:40:36,092 --> 00:40:38,417 Not at the corporate level, not at the level here that... 860 00:40:38,478 --> 00:40:40,828 -In order for this to grow 861 00:40:40,856 --> 00:40:44,899 And to continue to grow, we need, like, less parameters. 862 00:40:45,059 --> 00:40:46,550 -Tell me something -- 863 00:40:46,670 --> 00:40:48,153 You piece of [bleep] 864 00:40:48,271 --> 00:40:50,989 You are a -- [ cheers and applause ] 865 00:40:51,107 --> 00:40:57,495 -The idea is suggested that I become... 866 00:40:57,614 --> 00:41:01,166 The secret weapon of the nwo. 867 00:41:01,284 --> 00:41:05,003 Now, on face value, well, that makes no sense, 868 00:41:05,121 --> 00:41:09,240 But if you think about it, who better? 869 00:41:09,259 --> 00:41:11,584 Who better to defect? 870 00:41:11,702 --> 00:41:13,695 [ cheers and applause ] 871 00:41:13,722 --> 00:41:19,684 -Now... Now that everybody realizes... 872 00:41:19,802 --> 00:41:23,354 Who everybody's working for... 873 00:41:23,473 --> 00:41:32,230 I mean, my god, this guy here was the foundation of the wcw. 874 00:41:32,348 --> 00:41:36,034 Now he works for the nwo. 875 00:41:36,152 --> 00:41:38,553 -So in the beginning, it seemed like -- 876 00:41:38,580 --> 00:41:43,282 Like eric was, like, the turner exec, head of wcw 877 00:41:43,401 --> 00:41:45,710 Trying to fend off the nwo. 878 00:41:45,828 --> 00:41:48,187 Eric was like palpatine. 879 00:41:48,189 --> 00:41:53,384 -Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any jedi. 880 00:41:53,503 --> 00:41:55,220 -Thought he was, like, the leader of the senate, 881 00:41:55,338 --> 00:41:58,223 Ended up being the sith lord. 882 00:41:58,341 --> 00:42:00,908 -You're the sith lord. 883 00:42:01,069 --> 00:42:03,877 -Eric bischoff is revealed 884 00:42:04,039 --> 00:42:08,215 As the the mastermind behind the nwo. 885 00:42:08,276 --> 00:42:10,268 ♪♪ 886 00:42:10,386 --> 00:42:14,471 It was a brilliant stroke because the nwo was doing 887 00:42:14,491 --> 00:42:16,257 All these, you know, crazy things that, you know, 888 00:42:16,284 --> 00:42:17,408 They're creating chaos backstage, 889 00:42:17,527 --> 00:42:19,077 And in the ring, 890 00:42:19,195 --> 00:42:20,820 They're bringing baseball bats, they're attacking people. 891 00:42:20,938 --> 00:42:22,930 How are they getting away with all this stuff? 892 00:42:22,958 --> 00:42:25,083 Oh, that's why they're getting away with all this stuff. 893 00:42:25,201 --> 00:42:29,328 Eric bischoff, who is literally the executive producer of wcw, 894 00:42:29,447 --> 00:42:31,589 Has turned and he's part of the nwo, 895 00:42:31,708 --> 00:42:35,167 And he's allowing them to get away with all these things. 896 00:42:35,286 --> 00:42:37,887 -And as much fun as it was, and it was very effective 897 00:42:38,006 --> 00:42:41,099 From the very beginning because it was believable, 898 00:42:41,217 --> 00:42:45,436 I didn't think about how it was going to impact 899 00:42:45,555 --> 00:42:47,272 My day-to-day work. 900 00:42:47,390 --> 00:42:50,023 Hello, everybody, and welcome. 901 00:42:50,025 --> 00:42:54,821 Nwo Monday nitro is on the air. 902 00:42:54,939 --> 00:42:56,647 I'm eric bischoff. 903 00:42:56,766 --> 00:42:58,557 Now all of a sudden, 904 00:42:58,577 --> 00:43:01,119 Without me realizing it or paying attention to it, 905 00:43:01,237 --> 00:43:04,972 A lot of people in turner broadcasting are watching nitro 906 00:43:05,000 --> 00:43:06,882 Because it's the number-one show on cable. 907 00:43:06,884 --> 00:43:09,294 We're kind of a big deal within turner broadcasting, 908 00:43:09,412 --> 00:43:11,629 But I didn't realize it. I didn't think about it... 909 00:43:11,748 --> 00:43:14,299 We have some business we have to attend to here. 910 00:43:14,417 --> 00:43:17,209 For those of you that weren't able to join us 911 00:43:17,328 --> 00:43:21,547 On pay-per-view last night, major, major injustice. 912 00:43:21,666 --> 00:43:26,902 ...Until on an episode of nitro in a scene, 913 00:43:26,904 --> 00:43:28,479 I fire a referee 914 00:43:28,598 --> 00:43:31,149 For making a decision that I didn't approve of. 915 00:43:31,267 --> 00:43:34,076 But under the circumstances, I have -- there is -- 916 00:43:34,078 --> 00:43:35,761 I have no other choice. 917 00:43:35,822 --> 00:43:37,655 You are hereby terminated. 918 00:43:37,774 --> 00:43:39,991 [ laughter ] you're fired. 919 00:43:40,109 --> 00:43:41,767 -My wife and children are watching. 920 00:43:41,828 --> 00:43:43,828 -I don't want to hear about your family problems. 921 00:43:43,946 --> 00:43:46,238 I'm telling you, you're fired. 922 00:43:46,357 --> 00:43:48,015 His name was randy anderson. 923 00:43:48,043 --> 00:43:49,517 He went by pee wee. 924 00:43:49,544 --> 00:43:51,777 Everybody loved pee wee anderson -- 925 00:43:51,796 --> 00:43:55,473 Everybody that he worked with, the audience loved him. 926 00:43:55,475 --> 00:43:57,917 In real life, randy had cancer, 927 00:43:58,035 --> 00:44:00,586 And somebody came up with the idea -- 928 00:44:00,705 --> 00:44:07,352 It was probably me -- where I fire randy, 929 00:44:07,470 --> 00:44:10,037 And then a couple of weeks later, 930 00:44:10,065 --> 00:44:11,689 He comes back to the ring. 931 00:44:11,808 --> 00:44:14,800 Presumably now, I've had time to think about it, 932 00:44:14,961 --> 00:44:16,819 Because randy has cancer. 933 00:44:16,938 --> 00:44:19,197 What -- what are your kids' names? 934 00:44:19,315 --> 00:44:21,215 Names -- what are their names? 935 00:44:21,242 --> 00:44:23,275 This is on live television. 936 00:44:23,394 --> 00:44:27,205 I'll tell you what -- kids, come on up here. 937 00:44:27,323 --> 00:44:29,115 It's alright, randy. 938 00:44:29,233 --> 00:44:30,816 -They're children. 939 00:44:30,877 --> 00:44:32,710 -It's alright. 940 00:44:32,829 --> 00:44:37,156 Kids, would you do me a favor? 941 00:44:37,175 --> 00:44:39,884 And I look down at his little son, 942 00:44:40,002 --> 00:44:42,361 And I said, "tell your daddy..." 943 00:44:42,363 --> 00:44:44,572 Tell your daddy he's fired. 944 00:44:44,599 --> 00:44:46,465 Get on with his life. 945 00:44:46,584 --> 00:44:48,393 -Do it for little tiny tim. 946 00:44:48,511 --> 00:44:49,911 God bless us, everyone. 947 00:44:49,938 --> 00:44:51,229 -Is there anything... 948 00:44:51,347 --> 00:44:53,064 -'course, the kids are crushed. 949 00:44:53,182 --> 00:44:55,875 Randy looks like he's gonna break down and cry. 950 00:44:55,877 --> 00:44:57,877 His wife doesn't know what to do, 951 00:44:57,879 --> 00:45:00,087 And he turns around and he walks off 952 00:45:00,115 --> 00:45:03,574 As the crowd is wanting to just fillet me like a fish 953 00:45:03,693 --> 00:45:06,518 Because they were so angry for what I just did. 954 00:45:06,579 --> 00:45:09,414 Tell you story walking. 955 00:45:09,532 --> 00:45:12,417 [ indistinct shouting ] 956 00:45:12,535 --> 00:45:16,720 -The next day, I come to work, get in my office, 957 00:45:16,722 --> 00:45:18,464 And there's a note on my desk from my assistant, 958 00:45:18,583 --> 00:45:20,975 Says, "dr. Schiller," who was my boss, harvey schiller, 959 00:45:20,977 --> 00:45:23,428 "wants to speak to you immediately." 960 00:45:23,546 --> 00:45:25,871 Well, that never happens. 961 00:45:25,932 --> 00:45:27,765 ♪♪ 962 00:45:27,884 --> 00:45:31,619 So evidently, what had happened is so many people 963 00:45:31,646 --> 00:45:34,838 In rome, georgia, where randy was from, 964 00:45:34,958 --> 00:45:37,716 Were watching that show, got so angry, 965 00:45:37,777 --> 00:45:42,129 Reached out to human resources at turner broadcasting 966 00:45:42,157 --> 00:45:46,892 To complain about the fact that I fired randy anderson, 967 00:45:46,953 --> 00:45:48,694 Who's undergoing cancer treatment, 968 00:45:48,813 --> 00:45:52,364 In front of his children and wife on national television 969 00:45:52,483 --> 00:45:56,035 And I was disgrace to the community. 970 00:45:56,153 --> 00:45:58,963 Human resources immediately calls harvey schiller 971 00:45:59,081 --> 00:46:01,466 And is like, "what's this maniac up to?! 972 00:46:01,584 --> 00:46:03,468 You can't have an executive firing people 973 00:46:03,586 --> 00:46:05,470 On national television! 974 00:46:05,588 --> 00:46:08,397 We're gonna get sued!" 975 00:46:08,399 --> 00:46:10,475 But the executives that were watching it 976 00:46:10,593 --> 00:46:12,477 Didn't realize it was wrestling. 977 00:46:12,595 --> 00:46:14,479 That's how real our stuff was, 978 00:46:14,597 --> 00:46:18,349 And that line between live or memorex, 979 00:46:18,467 --> 00:46:20,651 As they used to say, is it real, is it not real? 980 00:46:20,770 --> 00:46:25,172 It's that sweet spot, that -- it's a gray area. 981 00:46:25,200 --> 00:46:28,659 Created enough of that confusion in a good way 982 00:46:28,778 --> 00:46:32,246 To make people believe that what they were watching was real. 983 00:46:37,319 --> 00:46:38,628 -The biggest icon in wrestling. 984 00:46:38,746 --> 00:46:42,097 [ cheers and applause ] 985 00:46:42,099 --> 00:46:44,483 -Over a very brief period of time now, 986 00:46:44,485 --> 00:46:49,997 The entire traditional paradigm... 987 00:46:50,058 --> 00:46:53,525 Of wrestling storytelling and characters 988 00:46:53,527 --> 00:46:55,778 Had been turned upside down. 989 00:46:55,780 --> 00:47:02,268 ♪♪ 990 00:47:02,386 --> 00:47:05,713 Bad guys are doing cool things... 991 00:47:05,740 --> 00:47:08,908 And...Getting cheered. 992 00:47:10,987 --> 00:47:12,870 Whoa. 993 00:47:12,989 --> 00:47:15,297 [ cheers and applause ] 994 00:47:15,299 --> 00:47:17,683 Cool if you're a bad guy doing cool things, 995 00:47:17,685 --> 00:47:21,320 Getting cheered, not so cool if you're a guy 996 00:47:21,381 --> 00:47:23,731 Who makes his living being a good guy 997 00:47:23,758 --> 00:47:26,491 And now you've got to get that audience behind you. 998 00:47:26,553 --> 00:47:31,405 -Let's just stick with good, old family entertainment wrestling. 999 00:47:31,432 --> 00:47:36,276 I could feel a shift happening in our business. 1000 00:47:36,278 --> 00:47:39,705 I relate to the people, or at least I try to. 1001 00:47:39,732 --> 00:47:41,724 You know, there are a lot of great wrestlers 1002 00:47:41,842 --> 00:47:44,085 That just have a style of -- of 1003 00:47:44,112 --> 00:47:47,496 Walking into the ring and -- and tunnel vision, 1004 00:47:47,498 --> 00:47:50,591 Thinking about their opponent and -- and nothing else. 1005 00:47:50,618 --> 00:47:52,760 You know, black tights, black boots. 1006 00:47:52,787 --> 00:47:55,580 "let's get down to business" kind of wrestlers, you know. 1007 00:47:55,698 --> 00:48:00,525 And me, I like to throw a little bit of color into it, obviously. 1008 00:48:00,587 --> 00:48:04,255 So I'm somebody that everybody can relate to, hopefully. 1009 00:48:04,373 --> 00:48:06,774 They wanted to see something else 1010 00:48:06,801 --> 00:48:10,428 A little bit more cutting edge, a little bit more hardcore. 1011 00:48:10,546 --> 00:48:15,508 [ cheers and applause ] 1012 00:48:15,510 --> 00:48:16,984 Right around that time, 1013 00:48:16,986 --> 00:48:19,787 I knew that my character was gonna have to change. 1014 00:48:19,814 --> 00:48:24,867 I will walk into this either a loser...Or a giant killer. 1015 00:48:24,869 --> 00:48:26,627 They didn't want "woo" anymore. 1016 00:48:26,654 --> 00:48:28,120 I mean, that was right around the corner. 1017 00:48:28,122 --> 00:48:29,721 I could just feel it coming. 1018 00:48:29,882 --> 00:48:33,042 ...Feel like a giant killer! 1019 00:48:33,044 --> 00:48:34,601 I knew I had to change, 1020 00:48:34,762 --> 00:48:38,639 And I set out to try to figure out something, 1021 00:48:38,666 --> 00:48:41,475 Some kind of way to change my character 1022 00:48:41,502 --> 00:48:44,178 And be a little bit more cutting edge. 1023 00:48:44,180 --> 00:48:46,780 How you doing? -How you doing, sting? 1024 00:48:46,841 --> 00:48:50,801 [ chatter ] 1025 00:48:52,079 --> 00:48:56,490 [ cheers and applause ] 1026 00:48:56,517 --> 00:48:58,125 There's nobody around. 1027 00:48:58,286 --> 00:49:03,922 -Well, the problem was nwo in the mid-'90s was so cool -- 1028 00:49:03,983 --> 00:49:06,925 The baby faces, you know, that still painted their faces 1029 00:49:06,986 --> 00:49:09,661 Or the bright red and yellow colors like I did 1030 00:49:09,663 --> 00:49:11,930 Or the neon colors and -- and stuff. 1031 00:49:11,991 --> 00:49:13,340 That was kind of like, "eh." 1032 00:49:13,368 --> 00:49:15,534 -Alright, we'll you see there. 1033 00:49:15,653 --> 00:49:20,063 ♪♪ 1034 00:49:20,083 --> 00:49:23,775 -This particular story had way too much edge on it 1035 00:49:23,836 --> 00:49:27,521 To try to go back to any kind of a candy-coated, kiddy, 1036 00:49:27,548 --> 00:49:30,758 Teen, pre-teen, hero solution to it. 1037 00:49:30,918 --> 00:49:32,835 The formula wasn't gonna work anymore. 1038 00:49:32,953 --> 00:49:35,696 The audience was way past that formula. 1039 00:49:35,723 --> 00:49:38,107 We needed a hero with an edge, 1040 00:49:38,109 --> 00:49:40,426 With as much of an edge as the nwo had, 1041 00:49:40,544 --> 00:49:43,370 But it had to be somebody with credibility. 1042 00:49:43,398 --> 00:49:45,189 If you want that hero 1043 00:49:45,307 --> 00:49:48,709 To be a hero that's going to register 1044 00:49:48,736 --> 00:49:50,769 In every way, including financially, 1045 00:49:50,888 --> 00:49:53,455 It's got to be somebody that the audience already believes in. 1046 00:49:53,457 --> 00:49:55,882 ♪♪ 1047 00:49:55,884 --> 00:49:57,952 -The nwo really needed a foil, 1048 00:49:58,112 --> 00:50:01,455 So what wcw did was they took sting 1049 00:50:01,615 --> 00:50:04,133 And they made him an anti-hero. 1050 00:50:04,135 --> 00:50:08,395 -I remember having a conversation with eric bischoff, 1051 00:50:08,423 --> 00:50:09,797 And I think kevin might have been there. 1052 00:50:09,957 --> 00:50:11,823 I know scott was there, scott hall. 1053 00:50:11,884 --> 00:50:13,067 You know, I'm slicking my hair back, 1054 00:50:13,227 --> 00:50:14,360 Getting ready to go to the ring, 1055 00:50:14,362 --> 00:50:15,644 And he's in the mirror next to me 1056 00:50:15,646 --> 00:50:17,905 And he's putting his face paint on. 1057 00:50:17,932 --> 00:50:20,224 At that point in his career, he wore his hair really short 1058 00:50:20,342 --> 00:50:23,152 And fried blond, like, just white blond, you know? 1059 00:50:23,154 --> 00:50:24,411 And he started -- he was growing it out. 1060 00:50:24,439 --> 00:50:25,579 It was kind of brown. 1061 00:50:25,606 --> 00:50:27,005 I remember thinking, 1062 00:50:27,066 --> 00:50:28,232 "well, you're letting your hair grow out?" 1063 00:50:28,350 --> 00:50:30,159 He goes, "yeah." 1064 00:50:30,161 --> 00:50:32,478 I said, "you still gonna wear, like, the happy-guy tights?" 1065 00:50:32,596 --> 00:50:33,904 He was wearing, like, these neon tights and all that stuff. 1066 00:50:34,023 --> 00:50:35,814 He goes, "yeah." 1067 00:50:35,933 --> 00:50:38,683 -"why don't you paint your face white or something, you know? 1068 00:50:38,745 --> 00:50:40,819 Wear a trench coat or something like that, you know?" 1069 00:50:40,938 --> 00:50:43,430 And, "eh." -and I don't know him. 1070 00:50:43,458 --> 00:50:45,491 I have nothing to gain by saying this, 1071 00:50:45,609 --> 00:50:47,084 But that's the way I like to do business. 1072 00:50:47,203 --> 00:50:50,337 If I think it's good for our company, 1073 00:50:50,498 --> 00:50:52,973 Whether I like you as a person or not 1074 00:50:52,975 --> 00:50:56,351 And you're part of the team, "here's what I think, bro." 1075 00:50:56,353 --> 00:50:58,779 And I said, "you ever see 'the crow'?" 1076 00:50:58,806 --> 00:51:00,281 -The crow could bring that soul back 1077 00:51:00,308 --> 00:51:02,415 To put the wrong things right. 1078 00:51:02,477 --> 00:51:04,176 -And scott's describing 1079 00:51:04,336 --> 00:51:08,530 All these different scenes where the crow would pop up. 1080 00:51:08,532 --> 00:51:11,016 And by the time he got done, I'm looking at sting, 1081 00:51:11,176 --> 00:51:13,202 And sting's eyes were like this big. 1082 00:51:13,204 --> 00:51:16,297 Just like, "give me more." 1083 00:51:16,324 --> 00:51:20,926 -Think it's time you break on through... 1084 00:51:20,953 --> 00:51:22,369 To the other side. 1085 00:51:22,530 --> 00:51:24,038 [ thunder rumbles ] 1086 00:51:24,198 --> 00:51:27,674 -Somewhere here in the arena, there is sting. 1087 00:51:27,676 --> 00:51:29,676 -Oh, he's actually haunting the place. 1088 00:51:29,678 --> 00:51:31,537 Look at the man. He has no soul. 1089 00:51:31,655 --> 00:51:35,224 -The sting character was so mysterious at that time. 1090 00:51:35,226 --> 00:51:38,502 Started out up in the rafters, the spotlight here and there, 1091 00:51:38,620 --> 00:51:39,895 Smoke and mirrors. 1092 00:51:39,897 --> 00:51:41,889 -The dark side of sting. It is very scary. 1093 00:51:42,049 --> 00:51:44,082 -They brought the devil out of him. 1094 00:51:44,084 --> 00:51:46,960 -This character seems to be gaining a lot of momentum. 1095 00:51:47,021 --> 00:51:49,129 People are really buying into the fact 1096 00:51:49,190 --> 00:51:51,965 That blond flattop hair was going away 1097 00:51:52,026 --> 00:51:53,692 And, you know, all of a sudden, the hair was dark 1098 00:51:53,811 --> 00:51:56,337 And it was growing longer. 1099 00:51:56,364 --> 00:51:58,656 Don't open your mouth and become sting again. 1100 00:51:58,774 --> 00:51:59,931 Less is more. 1101 00:51:59,992 --> 00:52:01,342 That's one of the biggest lessons 1102 00:52:01,369 --> 00:52:03,344 That I learned at that particular time. 1103 00:52:03,371 --> 00:52:05,679 -He didn't speak for, I don't know, 1104 00:52:05,706 --> 00:52:07,681 9 months, 10 months. 1105 00:52:07,708 --> 00:52:12,244 He became... Like the cool antihero. 1106 00:52:12,362 --> 00:52:16,489 There was no more heroes. Just didn't exist. 1107 00:52:16,651 --> 00:52:19,751 -Sting kind of, like, gave us momentum 1108 00:52:19,870 --> 00:52:21,362 Because anybody that helped sting 1109 00:52:21,389 --> 00:52:23,955 Or anybody that sting helped or stood by sting, 1110 00:52:24,016 --> 00:52:25,957 They gave him instant credibility 1111 00:52:26,018 --> 00:52:28,277 And made him a formidable foe for us. 1112 00:52:28,279 --> 00:52:32,373 -The long, slow point right at hollywood hulk hogan. 1113 00:52:32,400 --> 00:52:34,775 -For years, all I ever heard about, 1114 00:52:34,935 --> 00:52:37,111 "vince mcmahon knows a year in advance 1115 00:52:37,271 --> 00:52:38,604 What he's going to do." 1116 00:52:38,764 --> 00:52:41,382 Hell, I was lucky to get through week to week. 1117 00:52:41,409 --> 00:52:43,384 All I constantly, constantly hearing it, 1118 00:52:43,411 --> 00:52:46,553 So I thought, "okay, here's my shot. 1119 00:52:46,581 --> 00:52:47,888 Sting-hogan. 1120 00:52:47,915 --> 00:52:50,057 I want the longest build in history." 1121 00:52:50,084 --> 00:52:52,542 -Wcw is back. 1122 00:52:52,544 --> 00:52:54,861 There has never been a better time... 1123 00:52:54,922 --> 00:52:58,415 -And that really, I think, started the american people's 1124 00:52:58,533 --> 00:53:00,992 Obsession or infatuation with the anti-hero, 1125 00:53:01,053 --> 00:53:03,295 With the bad guy as the protagonist. 1126 00:53:03,413 --> 00:53:05,631 Well, that's what we want. 1127 00:53:05,749 --> 00:53:07,332 ♪♪ 1128 00:53:07,393 --> 00:53:09,743 -It was obvious so early on 1129 00:53:09,770 --> 00:53:12,487 That we had crossed over into mainstream 1130 00:53:12,489 --> 00:53:16,099 In a way that I have never experienced. 1131 00:53:16,218 --> 00:53:18,051 -It became so much bigger than wrestling. 1132 00:53:18,112 --> 00:53:19,978 -Please welcome our buddy hulk hogan. 1133 00:53:19,980 --> 00:53:23,407 -What is the sponsor? Nwo. 1134 00:53:23,525 --> 00:53:25,459 -For the nwo in the '90s, 1135 00:53:25,461 --> 00:53:28,554 It was a time of the anti-establishment, 1136 00:53:28,581 --> 00:53:32,658 And the nwo was a story that took that to another level. 1137 00:53:32,776 --> 00:53:35,602 -Hey, your busting my leg! 1138 00:53:35,630 --> 00:53:38,997 -The hottest thing in pop culture at that time 1139 00:53:39,116 --> 00:53:40,532 Was death row. 1140 00:53:40,593 --> 00:53:43,685 That's why I would tie my bandana backwards, 1141 00:53:43,687 --> 00:53:45,279 Like tupac. 1142 00:53:45,306 --> 00:53:47,706 Like, we'll be the cool guys. 1143 00:53:47,767 --> 00:53:50,075 -Bud light, baby, bud light! 1144 00:53:50,102 --> 00:53:51,618 Whoo! 1145 00:53:51,646 --> 00:53:53,579 -Dennis rodman joined the nwo. 1146 00:53:53,606 --> 00:53:56,014 -Dennis rodman went awol on Monday, 1147 00:53:56,133 --> 00:53:57,958 And he decided to do the wrestling thing. 1148 00:53:57,985 --> 00:53:59,701 -Dennis rodman was one of the most popular 1149 00:53:59,703 --> 00:54:02,371 And controversial and edgiest nba players. 1150 00:54:02,373 --> 00:54:03,722 -He's in your league. 1151 00:54:03,783 --> 00:54:05,449 That's why you're with the nwo, my friend. 1152 00:54:05,567 --> 00:54:08,001 -That's right, baby. New world order, baby. 1153 00:54:08,003 --> 00:54:11,896 -Favorite memory would probably be the nwo guys 1154 00:54:11,958 --> 00:54:14,065 Going out to the ring with rodman, 1155 00:54:14,067 --> 00:54:16,034 In chicago smoking cigars, 1156 00:54:16,153 --> 00:54:20,814 And having phil jackson out of his mind... 1157 00:54:20,841 --> 00:54:23,467 Calling me going, "where's rodman at? 1158 00:54:23,585 --> 00:54:25,243 He needs to get back to practice," 1159 00:54:25,304 --> 00:54:27,321 And I said, "he doesn't want to come back." 1160 00:54:27,348 --> 00:54:28,822 He wants to hang out with us. 1161 00:54:28,849 --> 00:54:30,324 I don't know what to tell you." 1162 00:54:30,351 --> 00:54:32,826 We're the nwo! 1163 00:54:32,853 --> 00:54:36,814 You're messing with us for life. 1164 00:54:36,932 --> 00:54:41,794 -This is entertainment, and the hair color, the tattoos, 1165 00:54:41,821 --> 00:54:44,838 The piercings, the wildness, why not? 1166 00:54:44,865 --> 00:54:46,890 It's a perfect fit. 1167 00:54:46,909 --> 00:54:49,493 -It felt like there was something more there 1168 00:54:49,611 --> 00:54:51,495 Than your traditional pro-wrestling program. 1169 00:54:51,613 --> 00:54:54,230 -The bottom line is this is all serious business, joke man. 1170 00:54:54,250 --> 00:54:56,107 You crossed the line. -I didn't cross -- 1171 00:54:56,168 --> 00:54:58,076 Let me get you a hat, okay? 1172 00:54:58,195 --> 00:55:00,229 -I'm tired of it. 1173 00:55:00,231 --> 00:55:02,298 -You know what they say, the old cliche. 1174 00:55:02,416 --> 00:55:04,433 The bigger they are... 1175 00:55:04,551 --> 00:55:07,118 -The harder they fall! 1176 00:55:07,179 --> 00:55:11,198 -Is we all know how hard it is to become successful. 1177 00:55:11,225 --> 00:55:15,369 What I learned is that it's far more difficult 1178 00:55:15,396 --> 00:55:18,930 To remain successful than it is to become successful. 1179 00:55:19,049 --> 00:55:20,799 -I'm the man! 1180 00:55:20,860 --> 00:55:23,319 I am god! 1181 00:55:23,437 --> 00:55:25,738 ♪♪ 1182 00:55:30,152 --> 00:55:32,202 ♪♪ 1183 00:55:32,321 --> 00:55:34,721 -The Monday-night wars -- it was the reason 1184 00:55:34,749 --> 00:55:39,801 For everything in pro wrestling during the '90s. 1185 00:55:39,803 --> 00:55:43,305 -You know, ted turner wanted to put lightning in a bottle... 1186 00:55:43,307 --> 00:55:45,899 And the only conversation I had with him 1187 00:55:45,926 --> 00:55:47,459 Is if you're gonna put lightning in a bottle, 1188 00:55:47,577 --> 00:55:49,403 You've got to go head to head with vince. 1189 00:55:49,430 --> 00:55:52,890 The nwo with hollywood at the helm 1190 00:55:53,008 --> 00:55:57,386 Is just too damn sweet! 1191 00:55:57,504 --> 00:56:01,506 -It's hard for me sometimes to be as honest with myself 1192 00:56:01,567 --> 00:56:03,325 As I'd like to be. 1193 00:56:03,327 --> 00:56:08,330 Nitro, Monday night raw were head-to-head in competition, 1194 00:56:08,332 --> 00:56:11,925 Too close to call most weeks, from the very beginning. 1195 00:56:11,952 --> 00:56:17,431 It wasn't until the nwo story that wcw and nitro 1196 00:56:17,458 --> 00:56:18,932 Began to dominate the ratings. 1197 00:56:18,959 --> 00:56:22,177 It did so for a year and a half, almost two years. 1198 00:56:22,179 --> 00:56:25,972 ♪♪ 1199 00:56:25,974 --> 00:56:29,610 That would not have happened had it not been for the nwo. 1200 00:56:29,637 --> 00:56:32,179 -He wants to punch out a fan! 1201 00:56:32,339 --> 00:56:37,092 -That was the goal, was to become the number-one company. 1202 00:56:37,210 --> 00:56:40,954 I don't think the goal was ever to put vince out of business, 1203 00:56:40,981 --> 00:56:43,941 Even though we got really, really close. 1204 00:56:44,059 --> 00:56:46,201 -♪ we are the champions ♪ 1205 00:56:46,203 --> 00:56:47,961 -♪ we are the champions ♪ 1206 00:56:47,988 --> 00:56:50,297 -I've had a conversation with vince where he was just 1207 00:56:50,324 --> 00:56:52,874 A couple of weeks away from shutting the doors. 1208 00:56:52,876 --> 00:56:55,001 -The number-one program in the world, 1209 00:56:55,003 --> 00:57:00,807 It's nitro with world championship wrestling. 1210 00:57:00,835 --> 00:57:04,144 -I believed from day one when I cut that promo 1211 00:57:04,171 --> 00:57:05,537 That this was gonna work, 1212 00:57:05,655 --> 00:57:07,147 That they were gonna cheer for the bad guys, 1213 00:57:07,174 --> 00:57:11,318 But I didn't realize how big it was gonna get. 1214 00:57:11,345 --> 00:57:14,563 It got to the point where the only way to get destroyed 1215 00:57:14,565 --> 00:57:16,748 Was the people that created it. 1216 00:57:16,909 --> 00:57:20,552 -The battle between good and evil has begun. 1217 00:57:20,670 --> 00:57:24,523 [ cheers and applause ] 1218 00:57:24,641 --> 00:57:29,002 -The catalyst for the Monday-night wars was the nwo. 1219 00:57:29,029 --> 00:57:32,647 The rocket fuel for those wars was sting-hogan. 1220 00:57:32,766 --> 00:57:36,084 ♪♪ 1221 00:57:36,086 --> 00:57:39,145 -Sting to the rescue for world championship wrestling! 1222 00:57:39,206 --> 00:57:41,573 -You want him, you got him! 1223 00:57:41,691 --> 00:57:43,684 [ cheers and applause ] 1224 00:57:43,711 --> 00:57:45,927 -He threw the bat away. 1225 00:57:45,929 --> 00:57:47,596 -Right here, let's go! 1226 00:57:47,598 --> 00:57:51,266 Right now! 1227 00:57:51,268 --> 00:57:55,103 -We did a fantastic job of building that story. 1228 00:57:55,105 --> 00:57:56,771 It exceeded 12 months. 1229 00:57:56,773 --> 00:57:58,765 -Now, hold on here. -Wait a minute. 1230 00:57:58,767 --> 00:58:00,700 -That -- that's sting. Who's that? 1231 00:58:00,702 --> 00:58:01,935 -It's another one! 1232 00:58:02,095 --> 00:58:04,930 It's a sting-fest! I mean, they're everywhere! 1233 00:58:05,048 --> 00:58:06,598 [ cheers and applause ] 1234 00:58:06,716 --> 00:58:08,450 -Oh! 1235 00:58:08,452 --> 00:58:11,620 -We were putting so much pressure 1236 00:58:11,622 --> 00:58:14,739 On abc and Monday night football that abc network, 1237 00:58:14,741 --> 00:58:16,416 Who had the rights to Monday night football, 1238 00:58:16,418 --> 00:58:18,460 Had to take out an ad to convince advertisers 1239 00:58:18,462 --> 00:58:20,537 Not to spend their money with us. 1240 00:58:20,656 --> 00:58:23,890 The audience was so invested in that story, 1241 00:58:23,918 --> 00:58:26,602 I knew that the payoff was gonna be fantastic. 1242 00:58:26,604 --> 00:58:30,297 -The thing that gets me madder than anything else 1243 00:58:30,457 --> 00:58:36,811 Is all those idiots out there with those sting masks on! 1244 00:58:36,813 --> 00:58:39,239 I was here last week. 1245 00:58:39,399 --> 00:58:41,408 I'm here this week. 1246 00:58:41,435 --> 00:58:46,337 And if sting had any guts, he'd show his... 1247 00:58:46,398 --> 00:58:48,156 Because I will beat him up. 1248 00:58:48,158 --> 00:58:49,658 -You know, guys, hogan's lost it. 1249 00:58:49,660 --> 00:58:52,677 -There's hogan's nightmare right there. 1250 00:58:52,738 --> 00:58:56,406 -The payoff was originally going to be sting, 1251 00:58:56,525 --> 00:59:00,335 Finally, after all of this time... 1252 00:59:00,337 --> 00:59:01,928 ♪♪ 1253 00:59:01,956 --> 00:59:03,930 ...Putting a period at the end of the sentence 1254 00:59:03,958 --> 00:59:06,266 And walking away with a wcw victory. 1255 00:59:06,293 --> 00:59:08,493 -You know, that's an image that wrestling fans, 1256 00:59:08,612 --> 00:59:11,237 Sports fans around the world, will never forget -- 1257 00:59:11,298 --> 00:59:13,348 Sting, the door swings open. 1258 00:59:13,350 --> 00:59:16,459 He walks slowly towards hollywood hogan, 1259 00:59:16,578 --> 00:59:18,461 And he signs the contract, 1260 00:59:18,580 --> 00:59:22,949 Not taking his eyes off his enemy, off his opponent. 1261 00:59:22,977 --> 00:59:28,121 -That was the plan for almost the entire 18 months... 1262 00:59:28,148 --> 00:59:31,408 -Sting and hogan -- the contract has been signed. 1263 00:59:31,410 --> 00:59:35,028 The two men will meet for the world title. 1264 00:59:35,188 --> 00:59:38,465 -...Until the night we got to the arena. 1265 00:59:38,492 --> 00:59:41,301 -Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you 1266 00:59:41,461 --> 00:59:44,638 To the biggest night in the history of this grand sport. 1267 00:59:44,665 --> 00:59:46,439 -We had a plan all these months, 1268 00:59:46,500 --> 00:59:49,034 And then suddenly, there was a shift. 1269 00:59:49,152 --> 00:59:51,478 [ bell ringing ] 1270 00:59:51,505 --> 00:59:56,149 -Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to starrcade '97 1271 00:59:56,176 --> 01:00:00,729 For the heavyweight championship of the world. 1272 01:00:00,731 --> 01:00:05,416 -Hulk looked at me and said, "not today." 1273 01:00:05,477 --> 01:00:09,161 -Let's get ready to rumble! 1274 01:00:09,163 --> 01:00:12,256 [ cheers and applause ] 1275 01:00:12,318 --> 01:00:17,579 ♪♪ 1276 01:00:17,581 --> 01:00:20,173 -Let's just stick with the original plan, 1277 01:00:20,200 --> 01:00:22,034 Deliver what we said we were gonna do, 1278 01:00:22,152 --> 01:00:23,718 And move on from there. 1279 01:00:23,720 --> 01:00:26,145 You know, not -- not this last-minute stuff. 1280 01:00:26,206 --> 01:00:28,423 -I had a problem with it because if you're gonna beat me 1281 01:00:28,425 --> 01:00:30,016 When I get this type of momentum, 1282 01:00:30,044 --> 01:00:31,518 This is about making money. 1283 01:00:31,545 --> 01:00:32,994 Whenever you beat somebody, 1284 01:00:33,113 --> 01:00:35,355 You beat them in a way that they're better off 1285 01:00:35,382 --> 01:00:38,024 After they're beat than they were before, 1286 01:00:38,052 --> 01:00:39,426 And eric really wasn't sure 1287 01:00:39,586 --> 01:00:41,511 Where we were going with this thing. 1288 01:00:41,630 --> 01:00:44,580 -He had creative control. 1289 01:00:44,600 --> 01:00:48,443 You can't give a wrestler creative control. 1290 01:00:48,445 --> 01:00:50,128 Can't happen. 1291 01:00:50,189 --> 01:00:52,296 Just can't happen. 1292 01:00:52,358 --> 01:00:55,025 He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do. 1293 01:00:55,143 --> 01:00:56,451 -Despite the fact 1294 01:00:56,453 --> 01:00:58,378 That hulk hogan did have creative control, 1295 01:00:58,405 --> 01:01:01,456 And he never exercised it, he never threatened to use it, 1296 01:01:01,458 --> 01:01:03,216 He never implied that he might, 1297 01:01:03,243 --> 01:01:06,961 It was like, "yeah, it's there, but it's not." 1298 01:01:06,963 --> 01:01:08,388 Except for that night, 1299 01:01:08,415 --> 01:01:09,964 And because hulk wasn't feeling it, 1300 01:01:09,966 --> 01:01:11,449 He called an audible. 1301 01:01:11,568 --> 01:01:13,301 And it was a mad scramble. 1302 01:01:13,303 --> 01:01:17,472 -It got to the point where... There was too much tension. 1303 01:01:17,474 --> 01:01:19,399 I said, "okay, bro, I'll put him over. 1304 01:01:19,426 --> 01:01:21,968 No big deal. We'll figure it out." 1305 01:01:22,129 --> 01:01:25,304 -Not really sure what we were going to do 1306 01:01:25,306 --> 01:01:27,540 Literally until walking through the curtain, 1307 01:01:27,601 --> 01:01:30,727 And even then, it's like, you know, anything can happen. 1308 01:01:30,846 --> 01:01:33,279 [ cheers and applause ] 1309 01:01:33,281 --> 01:01:36,249 -That's a cold stare, is what that is. 1310 01:01:36,276 --> 01:01:38,718 -We had to figure out what we were gonna do that night, 1311 01:01:38,879 --> 01:01:41,588 And we determined and agreed that the best way to do that 1312 01:01:41,615 --> 01:01:46,334 Was with a controversial, disputable ending of the match. 1313 01:01:46,336 --> 01:01:48,336 [ cheers and applause ] 1314 01:01:48,338 --> 01:01:49,562 -Ladies and gentlemen... 1315 01:01:49,623 --> 01:01:52,499 -Come on, hero! Come on, hero! 1316 01:01:52,659 --> 01:01:56,436 -The goal was to give hogan the quick count 1317 01:01:56,463 --> 01:01:59,272 That gave sting justification 1318 01:01:59,299 --> 01:02:01,866 And the right to demand a rematch. 1319 01:02:01,885 --> 01:02:04,094 [ cheers and applause ] 1320 01:02:04,212 --> 01:02:06,513 -Big leg drop. 1321 01:02:06,673 --> 01:02:09,182 One, two, three! 1322 01:02:09,342 --> 01:02:12,018 [ cheers and applause ] 1323 01:02:12,020 --> 01:02:13,377 -The quick count wasn't a quick count. 1324 01:02:13,439 --> 01:02:16,214 -One, two, three! 1325 01:02:16,275 --> 01:02:19,192 -When a change that big is made at the last minute, 1326 01:02:19,352 --> 01:02:21,552 There's a lot of scrambling going on, 1327 01:02:21,713 --> 01:02:23,362 And there's an opportunity 1328 01:02:23,364 --> 01:02:26,691 For a lot of really bad communication as a result of it. 1329 01:02:26,693 --> 01:02:29,135 -The referee counts one, two, three. 1330 01:02:29,163 --> 01:02:31,696 He doesn't kick out. 1331 01:02:31,815 --> 01:02:34,657 -One, two, three! 1332 01:02:34,776 --> 01:02:36,734 -The quick count was the last-minute plan. 1333 01:02:36,795 --> 01:02:39,646 It was the band-aid that was put on the original plan. 1334 01:02:39,673 --> 01:02:41,147 -So he was supposed to kick out? 1335 01:02:41,175 --> 01:02:43,041 -Yeah, and he didn't kick out. 1336 01:02:43,159 --> 01:02:45,151 -One, two, three! 1337 01:02:45,179 --> 01:02:48,730 -I know some timing issues. -One... 1338 01:02:48,732 --> 01:02:50,156 -We got messed up on some timing. 1339 01:02:50,184 --> 01:02:51,825 -...Two... 1340 01:02:51,852 --> 01:02:53,384 -There were some things that happened timing-wise. 1341 01:02:53,503 --> 01:02:55,604 -...Three! -Watching it from the monitor 1342 01:02:55,722 --> 01:02:58,239 Felt like watching the hindenburg. 1343 01:02:58,241 --> 01:03:01,409 You know, just like, "oh, the humanity." 1344 01:03:01,411 --> 01:03:02,911 -One, two, three! 1345 01:03:02,913 --> 01:03:05,505 -I like things to be, you know, 1346 01:03:05,532 --> 01:03:09,659 I like them to go, you know, not always as planned. 1347 01:03:10,871 --> 01:03:13,179 -No one in the building in washington, d.C., 1348 01:03:13,207 --> 01:03:15,273 Thought at that time that it was a fast count, 1349 01:03:15,334 --> 01:03:18,568 But in the storyline, bret hart comes out. 1350 01:03:18,587 --> 01:03:20,428 [ indistinct shouting ] 1351 01:03:20,430 --> 01:03:23,248 -I don't remember bret hart being involved. 1352 01:03:23,366 --> 01:03:25,283 I don't remember another referee coming down. 1353 01:03:25,344 --> 01:03:27,936 I remember anything like that ever being talked about. 1354 01:03:27,938 --> 01:03:30,347 -Man, I can't even remember now sitting here. 1355 01:03:30,465 --> 01:03:33,266 -Sting eventually wins the title. 1356 01:03:33,426 --> 01:03:35,101 He beats hulk hogan. 1357 01:03:35,262 --> 01:03:39,014 And it was just a confusing mess of what happened, 1358 01:03:39,016 --> 01:03:40,949 And it just felt so anticlimactic 1359 01:03:40,951 --> 01:03:42,617 For something that they were building for so long 1360 01:03:42,619 --> 01:03:44,302 And they had built brilliantly. 1361 01:03:44,363 --> 01:03:50,008 And then the climax was just... Kind of a wet fart. 1362 01:03:50,035 --> 01:03:52,310 -What a wonderful night that was. 1363 01:03:52,371 --> 01:03:56,164 ♪♪ 1364 01:04:00,921 --> 01:04:04,564 [ cheers and applause ] 1365 01:04:04,591 --> 01:04:06,566 -Last night, ladies and gentlemen, 1366 01:04:06,593 --> 01:04:07,992 History was made. 1367 01:04:08,111 --> 01:04:11,096 After 18 months, sting returned to the ring. 1368 01:04:11,214 --> 01:04:14,165 There is a new world heavyweight champion. 1369 01:04:14,184 --> 01:04:17,719 He is sting with world championship wrestling. 1370 01:04:17,837 --> 01:04:19,813 [ cheers and applause ] 1371 01:04:19,973 --> 01:04:22,891 -When the viewer puts trust into a product, 1372 01:04:23,009 --> 01:04:26,628 Into characters, into a brand, 1373 01:04:26,746 --> 01:04:29,214 And then all those things disappoint the viewer, 1374 01:04:29,216 --> 01:04:32,683 There is a loss of trust. 1375 01:04:32,744 --> 01:04:34,502 -But if you don't deliver 1376 01:04:34,504 --> 01:04:37,080 On that anticipation that you've built 1377 01:04:37,198 --> 01:04:40,491 And the investment that the audience has made in your story, 1378 01:04:40,610 --> 01:04:43,770 They're pissed at you, they're disappointed in you, 1379 01:04:43,797 --> 01:04:45,696 And they don't trust you anymore. 1380 01:04:45,857 --> 01:04:47,332 [ cheers and applause ] 1381 01:04:47,492 --> 01:04:51,820 Nothing in terms of a build-up in the finish 1382 01:04:51,938 --> 01:04:54,139 Has ever been more of a disappointment. 1383 01:04:54,257 --> 01:04:56,223 [ cheers and applause ] 1384 01:04:56,225 --> 01:04:58,351 -I certainly think that it was 1385 01:04:58,511 --> 01:05:00,878 The beginning of the end for wcw. 1386 01:05:00,939 --> 01:05:02,956 ♪♪ 1387 01:05:02,983 --> 01:05:07,944 -Me and rodzilla -- we be taking over, bro. 1388 01:05:08,063 --> 01:05:12,965 [ cheers and applause ] 1389 01:05:12,967 --> 01:05:16,878 -In '98, the nwo starts to fracture, 1390 01:05:16,880 --> 01:05:19,164 And they become two separate groups. 1391 01:05:19,282 --> 01:05:22,617 The nwo wolfpac is wearing black and red. 1392 01:05:22,735 --> 01:05:27,756 -Wolfpac in the house! 1393 01:05:27,874 --> 01:05:31,000 -The nwo hollywood is wearing black and white, 1394 01:05:31,119 --> 01:05:32,819 And now they're warring factions. 1395 01:05:32,846 --> 01:05:34,562 So instead of being at war with wcw, 1396 01:05:34,564 --> 01:05:36,381 They're actually at war with each other. 1397 01:05:36,499 --> 01:05:39,067 That was definitely a departure from what the original idea 1398 01:05:39,069 --> 01:05:41,436 For the nwo was supposed to be. 1399 01:05:41,554 --> 01:05:44,906 -I'm sure you've heard the sad saga... 1400 01:05:44,908 --> 01:05:49,627 Of kevin nash losing his little buddy. 1401 01:05:49,655 --> 01:05:52,155 [ cheers and applause ] 1402 01:05:52,273 --> 01:05:54,049 Hey, kev -- 1403 01:05:54,051 --> 01:05:58,586 Hey, kev, you're an embarrassment to me, 1404 01:05:58,588 --> 01:06:02,849 And I used to call you my big brother. 1405 01:06:02,876 --> 01:06:07,403 You're not half the man hollywood hogan is. 1406 01:06:07,422 --> 01:06:08,930 -They broke kevin and scott up, 1407 01:06:08,932 --> 01:06:11,249 And no one wanted to see kevin and scott broke up. 1408 01:06:11,367 --> 01:06:12,692 That was [bleep] 1409 01:06:12,719 --> 01:06:17,621 -The whole split of the nwo 1410 01:06:17,683 --> 01:06:21,092 Was probably more a function of frustration. 1411 01:06:21,210 --> 01:06:22,477 -We're gonna humiliate him! 1412 01:06:22,595 --> 01:06:24,779 We're gonna teach him who the master is, 1413 01:06:24,781 --> 01:06:26,948 Then we're gonna choke slam him. 1414 01:06:26,950 --> 01:06:31,786 -There were a lot of internal structural financial changes 1415 01:06:31,788 --> 01:06:34,914 Being made mid-stream. 1416 01:06:34,916 --> 01:06:37,792 My budget was being gutted. 1417 01:06:37,794 --> 01:06:40,128 Didn't understand it. 1418 01:06:40,130 --> 01:06:41,997 Tried to fight it. That was my biggest mistake. 1419 01:06:42,115 --> 01:06:45,375 I tried to fight it because I thought I could. 1420 01:06:45,493 --> 01:06:48,652 -We're seeing a man whose life has fallen apart. 1421 01:06:48,714 --> 01:06:49,963 Oh! 1422 01:06:50,123 --> 01:06:52,899 -I picked fights with people 1423 01:06:52,926 --> 01:06:55,802 I should have never picked fights with corporately. 1424 01:06:55,962 --> 01:06:57,795 I was just fighting that battle and finally, 1425 01:06:57,914 --> 01:06:59,480 I just threw up my hands and said, 1426 01:06:59,482 --> 01:07:01,474 "okay, well, we can't do all the stuff we want to do, 1427 01:07:01,634 --> 01:07:04,093 So what do we do?" 1428 01:07:04,212 --> 01:07:08,473 Well, we can create some internal strife, 1429 01:07:08,591 --> 01:07:14,070 Conflict within the nwo and have the nwo have a split. 1430 01:07:14,189 --> 01:07:17,240 ♪♪ 1431 01:07:17,358 --> 01:07:21,594 It was random, and it was ineffective. 1432 01:07:21,621 --> 01:07:25,840 And it really took the steam out of the nwo. 1433 01:07:25,842 --> 01:07:28,910 Nwo heavyweight champion of the world, 1434 01:07:28,912 --> 01:07:35,650 Big sexy kevin nash! 1435 01:07:35,652 --> 01:07:38,903 -There's actual books that say 1436 01:07:38,905 --> 01:07:41,506 That I single-handedly killed wcw. 1437 01:07:41,624 --> 01:07:42,857 -You? -Yeah. 1438 01:07:42,859 --> 01:07:44,192 -What -- who said that? 1439 01:07:44,194 --> 01:07:47,195 -There's books. -What's the premise? 1440 01:07:47,197 --> 01:07:49,713 -Because the fingerpoke of doom. 1441 01:07:49,775 --> 01:07:51,340 [ scoffs ] -the what? 1442 01:07:51,359 --> 01:07:54,127 -They always say the fingerpoke of doom. 1443 01:07:54,154 --> 01:07:56,796 -Very tentative look on hogan's face, 1444 01:07:56,823 --> 01:07:59,257 But nash ready to go at it. 1445 01:07:59,259 --> 01:08:01,785 -Taking their time with each other. 1446 01:08:01,903 --> 01:08:07,123 -Well, the finger point of doom...Wrong. 1447 01:08:07,242 --> 01:08:08,458 Makes no sense. 1448 01:08:08,576 --> 01:08:10,251 Embarrassing. 1449 01:08:10,370 --> 01:08:13,479 -Let's see if that gets a reaction from hollywood here. 1450 01:08:13,507 --> 01:08:15,465 -Sorry I was a part of it. 1451 01:08:15,583 --> 01:08:17,558 Can I please take it back? 1452 01:08:17,560 --> 01:08:19,727 I mean, I got no words for it. 1453 01:08:19,729 --> 01:08:24,490 It was just completely wrong, wrong thing to do. 1454 01:08:24,518 --> 01:08:26,750 -He's been in so many big matches. 1455 01:08:26,812 --> 01:08:28,903 ♪♪ 1456 01:08:28,905 --> 01:08:31,239 -What was that about? 1457 01:08:31,241 --> 01:08:33,391 What's going on here? 1458 01:08:33,509 --> 01:08:35,743 What? 1459 01:08:35,745 --> 01:08:37,728 What just happened here? 1460 01:08:37,847 --> 01:08:40,264 [ cheers and applause ] 1461 01:08:40,283 --> 01:08:43,051 -Ladies and gentlemen... -Oh, my god! 1462 01:08:43,053 --> 01:08:44,835 -...The winner 1463 01:08:44,837 --> 01:08:48,297 And new heavyweight champion of the world, 1464 01:08:48,416 --> 01:08:50,925 Hollywood hogan. 1465 01:08:50,927 --> 01:08:55,855 -[ speaks indistinctly ] 1466 01:08:55,882 --> 01:08:58,616 -The continued b.S. Finishes 1467 01:08:58,677 --> 01:09:01,027 And just the way that the nwo was presented, 1468 01:09:01,054 --> 01:09:05,031 They weren't giving the fans... Something satisfying. 1469 01:09:05,058 --> 01:09:07,441 ♪♪ 1470 01:09:07,560 --> 01:09:09,110 -I think the fingerpoint of doom 1471 01:09:09,112 --> 01:09:11,629 Definitely contributed to the demise. 1472 01:09:11,690 --> 01:09:15,208 You know, I mean, if you're -- you're going downhill 1473 01:09:15,235 --> 01:09:17,435 And, you know, somebody pushes you, 1474 01:09:17,553 --> 01:09:18,786 It makes it even worse. 1475 01:09:18,788 --> 01:09:21,289 [ thunder rumbles ] 1476 01:09:21,291 --> 01:09:23,524 And eric got caught up. 1477 01:09:23,643 --> 01:09:25,493 [ thunder rumbles ] 1478 01:09:25,612 --> 01:09:29,372 -I became...Pretty distracted. 1479 01:09:29,490 --> 01:09:31,374 I want my lawyer! 1480 01:09:31,492 --> 01:09:33,209 I want him now! 1481 01:09:33,328 --> 01:09:34,760 -What's he yelling? He wants his lawyer? 1482 01:09:34,762 --> 01:09:38,673 -Some of his business decisions...Weren't... 1483 01:09:38,791 --> 01:09:40,266 I don't think what they would be 1484 01:09:40,268 --> 01:09:42,735 Now that he knows what he knows now. 1485 01:09:42,762 --> 01:09:45,220 -You're out of here! You are fired. 1486 01:09:45,340 --> 01:09:47,440 He's out of here, end of story. 1487 01:09:47,442 --> 01:09:49,650 -We know eric's really our boss... 1488 01:09:49,652 --> 01:09:52,153 -Eric bischoff, president, wcw. 1489 01:09:52,155 --> 01:09:54,747 -...But when eric forgot that for a short while, 1490 01:09:54,774 --> 01:09:57,475 That's when I feel eric kind of like 1491 01:09:57,593 --> 01:09:59,343 Got in the "cool zone." 1492 01:09:59,404 --> 01:10:00,987 -Is that eric bischoff? 1493 01:10:01,147 --> 01:10:02,797 -It's a new look, isn't it? 1494 01:10:02,915 --> 01:10:05,808 -The lines were blurry for all of us. 1495 01:10:05,827 --> 01:10:08,494 -We know all about that martial-arts background. 1496 01:10:08,496 --> 01:10:11,097 Bischoff's seven years perfecting his craft 1497 01:10:11,124 --> 01:10:13,174 In his own words as a trained killer. 1498 01:10:13,176 --> 01:10:15,084 -He wants a piece of me? 1499 01:10:15,203 --> 01:10:18,104 He wants to get in the ring with moi? 1500 01:10:18,131 --> 01:10:20,514 -Sometimes it was cool for the nwo 1501 01:10:20,516 --> 01:10:23,927 Or cool for scott and kevin or cool for hollywood hogan. 1502 01:10:24,045 --> 01:10:27,688 -Hollywood hogan has said that he will run for the president 1503 01:10:27,690 --> 01:10:31,509 Of the united states in the year 2000. 1504 01:10:31,627 --> 01:10:35,321 -But it wasn't cool for the business at hand. 1505 01:10:35,323 --> 01:10:38,266 America shall be the richest country. 1506 01:10:38,384 --> 01:10:40,685 Every child shall have an education, 1507 01:10:40,803 --> 01:10:43,296 And we shall make the whole world 1508 01:10:43,323 --> 01:10:45,448 A peaceful place to live in. 1509 01:10:45,566 --> 01:10:48,042 It wasn't cool for what needed to be done 1510 01:10:48,044 --> 01:10:49,694 To compete with vince. 1511 01:10:49,812 --> 01:10:51,804 That's where I feel the guard was dropped. 1512 01:10:51,831 --> 01:10:56,642 -I'm just having more and more fun every time I come out here. 1513 01:10:56,670 --> 01:10:58,661 -Hey, yo. 1514 01:10:58,779 --> 01:11:02,223 -Eric becoming a mark for hall and nash at the time -- 1515 01:11:02,225 --> 01:11:03,708 -What does that mean, a mark? 1516 01:11:03,826 --> 01:11:05,635 -Well, it means instead of being their boss, 1517 01:11:05,753 --> 01:11:07,228 He becomes a fan. 1518 01:11:07,230 --> 01:11:10,631 -This is a very disgusting, confusing picture. 1519 01:11:10,750 --> 01:11:13,058 This is a joke. -It's a crime, is what it is. 1520 01:11:13,060 --> 01:11:16,603 -What I felt was, "man, we need to tighten this ship up. 1521 01:11:16,605 --> 01:11:18,773 Man, we got to get back to what this business is all about 1522 01:11:18,891 --> 01:11:22,001 And not, you know, sitting up in a suite, you know, 1523 01:11:22,028 --> 01:11:24,562 With a bunch of girls from a strip club drinking wine 1524 01:11:24,680 --> 01:11:26,739 While wcw is wrestling down there." 1525 01:11:26,899 --> 01:11:30,493 -And I never, ever thought it would be quite this good. 1526 01:11:30,611 --> 01:11:32,253 -Just tell the girls to go home 1527 01:11:32,255 --> 01:11:33,937 And go down and backstab these guys 1528 01:11:33,999 --> 01:11:37,183 And beat them with spray paint and leave them laying, you know? 1529 01:11:37,210 --> 01:11:39,335 But that's just my opinion. 1530 01:11:39,454 --> 01:11:40,686 This is life. 1531 01:11:40,714 --> 01:11:42,096 -I like the way you think, though. 1532 01:11:42,098 --> 01:11:43,931 -I learned from you. 1533 01:11:43,933 --> 01:11:46,526 That bus last year, remember? 1534 01:11:46,553 --> 01:11:48,436 -If the bus ain't rocking, don't come knocking, right? 1535 01:11:48,438 --> 01:11:50,179 -Rodzilla. 1536 01:11:50,298 --> 01:11:52,273 -At the dawn of the internet age, 1537 01:11:52,275 --> 01:11:53,941 There is stunning new evidence 1538 01:11:53,943 --> 01:11:56,202 Of the growing power of the new media. 1539 01:11:56,229 --> 01:11:59,847 Internet pioneer america online announced today 1540 01:11:59,965 --> 01:12:02,525 It is buying big, sprawling time warner, 1541 01:12:02,643 --> 01:12:05,903 Creating the world's largest media conglomerate. 1542 01:12:06,022 --> 01:12:08,038 -There's a possibility for some friction, 1543 01:12:08,040 --> 01:12:10,140 But I don't think that's going to happen. 1544 01:12:10,142 --> 01:12:12,643 I think we're all committed to making this thing work 1545 01:12:12,704 --> 01:12:16,998 And creating the most exciting and socially conscious company 1546 01:12:17,116 --> 01:12:19,408 That the world has ever seen. 1547 01:12:19,527 --> 01:12:21,627 [ laughter ] 1548 01:12:27,310 --> 01:12:30,127 -I want to make an announcement now that next Monday night 1549 01:12:30,246 --> 01:12:33,130 In panama city very well could be 1550 01:12:33,249 --> 01:12:36,650 The last night of wrestling on the turner networks. 1551 01:12:36,652 --> 01:12:42,323 -It was just a matter of time before I, vince mcmahon, 1552 01:12:42,325 --> 01:12:44,492 Bought my competition. 1553 01:12:44,494 --> 01:12:45,918 That's right. 1554 01:12:45,945 --> 01:12:48,162 I own wcw. 1555 01:12:48,164 --> 01:12:50,923 -The merger changed our priorities. 1556 01:12:50,950 --> 01:12:53,517 You know, instead of having two really high-rated shows 1557 01:12:53,578 --> 01:12:55,595 On tbs and tnt, 1558 01:12:55,622 --> 01:12:57,597 They were more interested in movies of the week, 1559 01:12:57,624 --> 01:12:59,673 New programing, turner classics, 1560 01:12:59,675 --> 01:13:04,770 And they didn't want "wrasslin'" as part of their portfolio. 1561 01:13:04,798 --> 01:13:07,314 -Next week, ladies and gentlemen, 1562 01:13:07,316 --> 01:13:11,435 The finale of wcw Monday nitro on tnt. 1563 01:13:11,595 --> 01:13:14,555 ♪♪ 1564 01:13:14,674 --> 01:13:21,028 -I think we might have had half a chance... 1565 01:13:21,030 --> 01:13:23,247 If there wasn't a time warner merger. 1566 01:13:23,249 --> 01:13:28,035 -Welcome to a landmark night in the industry! 1567 01:13:28,037 --> 01:13:30,187 We are stunned. We are floored. 1568 01:13:30,306 --> 01:13:37,211 On the very last telecast of wcw Monday nitro on tnt. 1569 01:13:37,213 --> 01:13:39,680 -Wcw gets sold to wwe 1570 01:13:39,799 --> 01:13:41,991 For somewhere between $3 million and $4 million. 1571 01:13:42,109 --> 01:13:46,387 -For the first time ever in sports entertainment history, 1572 01:13:46,389 --> 01:13:51,926 This broadcast is not only being seen here on tnn 1573 01:13:52,044 --> 01:13:54,487 And cleveland, ohio... 1574 01:13:54,514 --> 01:13:56,656 [ cheers and applause ] 1575 01:13:56,816 --> 01:13:58,975 ...But it is also being seen 1576 01:13:59,093 --> 01:14:04,655 Across turner network television. 1577 01:14:04,657 --> 01:14:09,001 -The landscape of our industry is changing. 1578 01:14:09,028 --> 01:14:12,405 -What should I do with wcw? 1579 01:14:12,565 --> 01:14:16,192 -When we went to the wwe, I think, once again, 1580 01:14:16,310 --> 01:14:19,679 Just like hulk hogan leaving the wwe and going to wcw, 1581 01:14:19,706 --> 01:14:21,013 There was a short -- 1582 01:14:21,040 --> 01:14:23,683 Short, little red and yellow running 1583 01:14:23,710 --> 01:14:26,443 And the nwo thing took over. 1584 01:14:26,504 --> 01:14:29,797 I think us coming back to the wwe 1585 01:14:29,916 --> 01:14:31,340 Would have had the same effect. 1586 01:14:31,459 --> 01:14:35,269 -Hollywood hogan, hall and nash -- 1587 01:14:35,271 --> 01:14:39,440 The three men who who built the old wcw 1588 01:14:39,442 --> 01:14:42,501 But did more to destroy that company, 1589 01:14:42,562 --> 01:14:45,997 That brand, than any other entity 1590 01:14:46,024 --> 01:14:51,652 Are now full-fledged members of the world wrestling federation, 1591 01:14:51,771 --> 01:14:54,864 Thanks to mr. Mcmahon. 1592 01:14:54,982 --> 01:14:58,201 [ cheers and applause ] 1593 01:14:58,319 --> 01:15:08,377 ♪♪ 1594 01:15:08,379 --> 01:15:18,287 ♪♪ 1595 01:15:18,306 --> 01:15:21,649 -So we come in. 1596 01:15:21,651 --> 01:15:25,302 The rock challenges me, yes or no for for wrestlemania. 1597 01:15:25,421 --> 01:15:26,896 -How do you feel 1598 01:15:27,014 --> 01:15:30,157 About headlining one more wrestlemania with the rock? 1599 01:15:30,159 --> 01:15:33,085 -Oh, my god! 1600 01:15:33,112 --> 01:15:36,471 -Scott and kevin come down. We beat the crap out of him. 1601 01:15:36,491 --> 01:15:38,966 [ cheers and applause ] 1602 01:15:38,968 --> 01:15:40,885 We take him outside. We put him in an ambulance. 1603 01:15:40,912 --> 01:15:43,796 We chain the ambulance. I run him over with a semi. 1604 01:15:43,798 --> 01:15:48,801 I did everything I could to get heat on myself 1605 01:15:48,803 --> 01:15:50,436 And on scott and kevin. 1606 01:15:50,463 --> 01:15:52,772 They'd have the people boo me out of the building. 1607 01:15:52,799 --> 01:15:56,809 [ cheers and applause ] 1608 01:15:56,811 --> 01:15:59,645 I walk out at wrestlemania 18, and they cheer me 1609 01:15:59,647 --> 01:16:02,098 Out of the building against the rock. 1610 01:16:02,216 --> 01:16:05,467 [ cheers and applause ] 1611 01:16:05,586 --> 01:16:13,242 ♪♪ 1612 01:16:13,244 --> 01:16:16,529 As soon as the rock starts punching me, they boo him. 1613 01:16:16,689 --> 01:16:19,924 [ crowd booing ] 1614 01:16:19,951 --> 01:16:26,897 ♪♪ 1615 01:16:26,916 --> 01:16:29,125 Soon as I block a punch and start making a comeback, 1616 01:16:29,243 --> 01:16:31,510 The whole place cheers. 1617 01:16:31,512 --> 01:16:36,406 [ cheers and applause ] 1618 01:16:36,426 --> 01:16:39,393 Certain baby faces, and there were a bunch of them, 1619 01:16:39,395 --> 01:16:43,272 That were very upset that we were getting cheered 1620 01:16:43,274 --> 01:16:45,733 And they all of a sudden were getting booed. 1621 01:16:45,735 --> 01:16:48,394 I think the nwo, in my opinion, 1622 01:16:48,554 --> 01:16:51,997 Came in too hot and too strong, all of a sudden. 1623 01:16:52,158 --> 01:16:55,701 Once vince saw what happened at wrestlemania 1624 01:16:55,703 --> 01:17:00,247 With me and the rock... Flew back to tampa the next day 1625 01:17:00,249 --> 01:17:04,418 Got my red and yellow stuff, flew back to montreal. 1626 01:17:04,420 --> 01:17:06,712 ♪♪ 1627 01:17:06,714 --> 01:17:12,092 And I think that was pretty much the end of the nwo. 1628 01:17:12,094 --> 01:17:14,061 It ended very quickly. 1629 01:17:14,063 --> 01:17:18,591 ♪♪ 1630 01:17:23,288 --> 01:17:24,472 [ rain pattering ] 1631 01:17:32,899 --> 01:17:35,632 -You're never gonna see another bad guy like me, chico. 1632 01:17:35,652 --> 01:17:37,359 [ cheers and applause ] 1633 01:17:37,478 --> 01:17:40,321 -You want a war? 1634 01:17:40,439 --> 01:17:42,882 You're gonna get one. 1635 01:17:42,909 --> 01:17:45,217 -Those in the regional pro-wrestling community 1636 01:17:45,244 --> 01:17:47,978 Are sharing their thoughts about wrestler scott hall, 1637 01:17:48,039 --> 01:17:50,706 Who died Monday at the age of 63. 1638 01:17:50,825 --> 01:17:58,731 ♪♪ 1639 01:17:58,758 --> 01:18:00,474 -This is weird because this is -- 1640 01:18:00,476 --> 01:18:04,978 This is the first thing we've done without scott. 1641 01:18:04,980 --> 01:18:07,481 -This weekend or this film? 1642 01:18:07,483 --> 01:18:11,652 -This, from talking about nwo. 1643 01:18:11,654 --> 01:18:14,004 He was my boy. Still is. 1644 01:18:14,065 --> 01:18:17,157 ♪♪ 1645 01:18:17,159 --> 01:18:19,643 It's funny, I was talking to sean waltman the other day, 1646 01:18:19,762 --> 01:18:25,257 And it was just like, sometimes, it's just like, he's not gone. 1647 01:18:25,284 --> 01:18:29,486 ♪♪ 1648 01:18:29,605 --> 01:18:31,931 I think that when it came to scott and I, 1649 01:18:31,958 --> 01:18:36,627 You could always -- you could tell we were having fun. 1650 01:18:36,746 --> 01:18:40,556 ♪♪ 1651 01:18:40,558 --> 01:18:42,800 Everything else on that show might have been fake, 1652 01:18:42,918 --> 01:18:45,352 But our [bleep] was real. 1653 01:18:45,354 --> 01:18:47,596 As far as just the bond. 1654 01:18:47,715 --> 01:18:53,251 ♪♪ 1655 01:18:53,312 --> 01:18:56,755 People know when something is real. 1656 01:18:56,816 --> 01:19:01,093 -The following short film is produced 1657 01:19:01,095 --> 01:19:02,719 And directed by the outsiders. 1658 01:19:02,780 --> 01:19:06,056 -We hope you enjoy it. We did. [ laughs ] 1659 01:19:06,117 --> 01:19:09,860 ♪♪ 1660 01:19:09,978 --> 01:19:12,304 And just all the time we spent together. 1661 01:19:12,331 --> 01:19:19,311 ♪♪ 1662 01:19:19,338 --> 01:19:21,505 Give me a second. 1663 01:19:30,016 --> 01:19:33,158 This is, like, the retired athlete. 1664 01:19:33,186 --> 01:19:35,327 They always say when an athlete retires, 1665 01:19:35,354 --> 01:19:37,329 If he gets choked up, 1666 01:19:37,356 --> 01:19:39,815 It's better to say thank you and walk away. 1667 01:19:43,362 --> 01:19:48,365 There's nothing worse than seeing a...Man cry. 1668 01:20:07,603 --> 01:20:15,400 -The most impactful moment I've had...In all of these years 1669 01:20:15,402 --> 01:20:19,038 Happened about maybe five or six years ago. 1670 01:20:19,065 --> 01:20:23,183 I was in a comic-con in phoenix... 1671 01:20:23,302 --> 01:20:27,154 And I was actually moderating or hosting a panel. 1672 01:20:29,224 --> 01:20:30,849 What's it feel like to be back in phoenix? 1673 01:20:30,910 --> 01:20:32,751 How long has it been since you've been here? 1674 01:20:32,753 --> 01:20:34,912 -Man, I think one of the last times was one of -- 1675 01:20:35,030 --> 01:20:36,646 When we did the nitros. 1676 01:20:36,666 --> 01:20:38,724 -Really? Yeah, that's what hulk and jimmy said, too. 1677 01:20:38,751 --> 01:20:40,225 But, I mean, honestly, 1678 01:20:40,253 --> 01:20:43,261 I think that's one of the last times for me. 1679 01:20:43,263 --> 01:20:46,323 -And there was a young lady. Her name is amanda. 1680 01:20:46,384 --> 01:20:49,552 -You know, I was her first crush. 1681 01:20:49,670 --> 01:20:51,904 -He was. He was my first crush. -She told me that -- 1682 01:20:51,931 --> 01:20:53,238 She told me that earlier today. 1683 01:20:53,266 --> 01:20:55,891 It made me feel so good! 1684 01:20:56,010 --> 01:21:00,079 -She told me this amazing story about how 1685 01:21:00,106 --> 01:21:02,839 When she was a little kid... 1686 01:21:02,900 --> 01:21:05,417 She had a tough family situation, 1687 01:21:05,444 --> 01:21:09,813 And the only time that she got to spend with her dad -- 1688 01:21:09,932 --> 01:21:11,982 I'll start... 1689 01:21:12,100 --> 01:21:14,668 [bleep] I start crying every time I tell this story. 1690 01:21:14,670 --> 01:21:16,987 [ chuckles ] it's funny. 1691 01:21:17,105 --> 01:21:18,488 ♪♪ 1692 01:21:18,607 --> 01:21:21,433 [ clears throat ] 1693 01:21:21,460 --> 01:21:23,602 She said the only time she ever had 1694 01:21:23,629 --> 01:21:28,440 To really have... Father-daughter time 1695 01:21:28,467 --> 01:21:33,112 Was on Monday nights because he worked different jobs. 1696 01:21:33,139 --> 01:21:35,598 And he was an alcoholic. He had issues. 1697 01:21:35,716 --> 01:21:39,451 But on Monday nights, that was father-daughter time. 1698 01:21:39,478 --> 01:21:42,012 They'd watch nitro. 1699 01:21:42,130 --> 01:21:44,414 Loved the nwo. 1700 01:21:44,416 --> 01:21:46,216 And when she told me that story, it was like, 1701 01:21:46,277 --> 01:21:48,852 "oh, god, stop." you know? 1702 01:21:48,971 --> 01:21:53,540 1,500 people here watching me cry like -- like a baby. 1703 01:21:53,542 --> 01:21:55,025 And, you know, that was the end of it. 1704 01:21:55,143 --> 01:21:56,468 I got away from that show. It was over. It was done. 1705 01:21:56,495 --> 01:21:59,471 It was, you know, a nice story. 1706 01:21:59,498 --> 01:22:03,809 And, of course, she finds a way to track me down, 1707 01:22:03,836 --> 01:22:06,036 And she sent my wife an e-mail 1708 01:22:06,154 --> 01:22:11,349 And really went into detail about that same story 1709 01:22:11,351 --> 01:22:13,318 And said, "look, you know, my mother's no longer here. 1710 01:22:13,346 --> 01:22:15,562 My father's no longer here. 1711 01:22:15,564 --> 01:22:17,247 I'm getting married." 1712 01:22:17,308 --> 01:22:19,324 ♪♪ 1713 01:22:19,352 --> 01:22:20,826 [bleep] 1714 01:22:20,853 --> 01:22:22,895 [ chuckles ] 1715 01:22:23,055 --> 01:22:25,898 "would eric walk me down the aisle?" 1716 01:22:26,058 --> 01:22:29,409 [ chuckles ] 1717 01:22:29,411 --> 01:22:32,988 And...Of course I said yes. 1718 01:22:33,107 --> 01:22:35,340 ♪♪ 1719 01:22:35,368 --> 01:22:39,511 I walked her down the aisle, and that's when I realized... 1720 01:22:39,538 --> 01:22:41,513 ♪♪ 1721 01:22:41,540 --> 01:22:43,757 ...Stuff has a bigger impact on people 1722 01:22:43,759 --> 01:22:47,019 Than you realize when you're doing it. 1723 01:22:47,046 --> 01:22:49,746 When you hear a story about how... 1724 01:22:49,865 --> 01:22:53,358 What we did actually brought people together 1725 01:22:53,386 --> 01:22:57,921 And created bonds, made it way more meaningful. 1726 01:22:58,040 --> 01:23:07,856 ♪♪ 1727 01:23:07,975 --> 01:23:11,360 -What do you think the legacy of nwo is? 1728 01:23:12,863 --> 01:23:15,547 [ cheers and applause ] 1729 01:23:15,574 --> 01:23:17,441 ♪♪ 1730 01:23:17,559 --> 01:23:22,353 -You know who I am, but you don't know why I'm here. 1731 01:23:22,415 --> 01:23:25,982 -The legacy of the nwo is innovation. 1732 01:23:26,043 --> 01:23:28,760 It's inventing a new way of telling stories. 1733 01:23:28,762 --> 01:23:31,429 -The most historic 48 hours... 1734 01:23:31,431 --> 01:23:32,631 -This wasn't just a group of people. 1735 01:23:32,791 --> 01:23:34,958 This was an idea. 1736 01:23:35,077 --> 01:23:39,370 [ cheers and applause ] 1737 01:23:39,432 --> 01:23:41,907 It became a part of pop culture 1738 01:23:41,934 --> 01:23:46,169 In a way that we hadn't really seen before. 1739 01:23:46,188 --> 01:23:48,780 ♪♪ 1740 01:23:48,782 --> 01:23:52,526 -It is my pleasure to welcome to the wwe hall of fame 1741 01:23:52,644 --> 01:23:56,621 Class of 2020, hulk hogan, scott hall, 1742 01:23:56,623 --> 01:24:02,319 Kevin nash, and sean waltman, the nwo! 1743 01:24:02,437 --> 01:24:06,765 -It really was bigger than I ever dreamed it would be. 1744 01:24:06,792 --> 01:24:09,292 -New -- new world order. 1745 01:24:09,411 --> 01:24:12,496 [ cheers and applause ] 1746 01:24:12,614 --> 01:24:15,957 ♪♪ 1747 01:24:16,076 --> 01:24:19,762 -I think one of the most touching things in my career 1748 01:24:19,880 --> 01:24:23,282 Is the fact that you go out and you do personal appearances 1749 01:24:23,309 --> 01:24:26,009 And you look, and there's a line of people. 1750 01:24:26,128 --> 01:24:30,113 And 80% of those people got nwo shirts on. 1751 01:24:30,115 --> 01:24:32,699 There's a 5-year-old kid who walks up in front of you, 1752 01:24:32,701 --> 01:24:34,518 And he goes like this. 1753 01:24:34,678 --> 01:24:37,296 He's got his nwo shirt on. 1754 01:24:37,323 --> 01:24:38,872 You say to yourself, 1755 01:24:38,874 --> 01:24:42,618 "wow, man, this nwo thing is for life." 1756 01:24:42,736 --> 01:24:52,628 ♪♪ 1757 01:24:52,746 --> 01:25:02,638 ♪♪ 1758 01:25:02,756 --> 01:25:08,435 ♪♪