1 00:01:14,655 --> 00:01:16,448 "Comrade Commandant, 2 00:01:16,448 --> 00:01:21,871 "I pick it up in America, but with my heart still in my homeland." 3 00:04:53,999 --> 00:04:55,709 Do you have any rice starch? 4 00:04:59,546 --> 00:05:03,467 Nope. We got cornstarch. 5 00:05:03,467 --> 00:05:06,637 'Cause this is America, not Japan. 6 00:05:11,016 --> 00:05:13,143 Can of cola, 88 cents... 7 00:05:13,143 --> 00:05:15,938 And so it was that Man, with his rice starch, 8 00:05:15,938 --> 00:05:18,190 and I, with my cornstarch, 9 00:05:18,190 --> 00:05:22,945 each of us wrote a coded letter using a product appropriate to our locale. 10 00:05:22,945 --> 00:05:24,488 {\an8}...and a kiddy plane. 11 00:05:25,823 --> 00:05:27,574 That's 10.62. 12 00:05:29,618 --> 00:05:32,412 I would send the letter to my contact in Paris, 13 00:05:32,412 --> 00:05:34,289 my so-called "Parisian Aunt," 14 00:05:34,289 --> 00:05:38,502 and that contact would relay it on to Man in Hanoi. 15 00:05:38,502 --> 00:05:41,713 It comforted me to imagine Man reading my letters 16 00:05:41,713 --> 00:05:43,632 in his efficient new office. 17 00:05:57,771 --> 00:06:01,692 "Ma chère tante, Texas is scorchingly dry, 18 00:06:01,692 --> 00:06:04,528 "which helps to evaporate any doubt I might have had 19 00:06:04,528 --> 00:06:06,530 "about leaving my home. 20 00:06:07,614 --> 00:06:10,367 -"Tragically"... - ..."in our escape, 21 00:06:10,367 --> 00:06:12,578 Bon lost his family." 22 00:06:12,578 --> 00:06:17,416 "The rockets from the savage commies spared neither woman nor child. 23 00:06:17,416 --> 00:06:20,419 They were both buried in Guam." 24 00:06:23,172 --> 00:06:25,215 To form my coded message, 25 00:06:25,215 --> 00:06:27,843 I'd scan that repulsive book by Richard Hedd 26 00:06:27,843 --> 00:06:29,636 to find the right words. 27 00:06:31,221 --> 00:06:35,350 Once the word was found, I'd make note of the page. 28 00:06:37,644 --> 00:06:43,192 Then, like coordinates, I'd count the line and the word. 29 00:06:49,823 --> 00:06:51,742 Forty-two. 30 00:06:55,829 --> 00:06:58,540 Six, six. 31 00:07:02,961 --> 00:07:07,633 The coded numbers would reveal themselves with a brush of iodine solution. 32 00:07:07,633 --> 00:07:12,596 With three sets of numbers for each word, the sentences had to be concise. 33 00:07:13,430 --> 00:07:16,516 Even Hemingway would've had to restrain himself. 34 00:07:30,280 --> 00:07:31,740 In international news, 35 00:07:31,740 --> 00:07:35,369 it has been two months now since the fall of Saigon. 36 00:07:46,421 --> 00:07:48,924 Surrendering myself to the merciless prodding 37 00:07:48,924 --> 00:07:52,177 of the magic fingers and the nightly news, 38 00:07:52,177 --> 00:07:56,640 I couldn't help thinking about the General and that awful incident. 39 00:07:57,266 --> 00:07:59,977 Wait, I'm sorry. I forgot. 40 00:08:05,899 --> 00:08:09,069 Saigon, April the 30th, eight o'clock. 41 00:08:09,069 --> 00:08:10,529 I need to go back to Fort Chaffee 42 00:08:10,529 --> 00:08:13,198 and tell you about the refugee camp in Arkansas, 43 00:08:13,198 --> 00:08:17,077 where we first set foot on the U.S. mainland. 44 00:08:17,077 --> 00:08:20,247 The first North Vietnamese troops entered the city, 45 00:08:20,247 --> 00:08:23,208 packed into trucks that flew the red and blue flag 46 00:08:23,208 --> 00:08:26,169 of the Communist Provisional Revolutionary Government. 47 00:08:26,169 --> 00:08:29,923 General, perhaps the dress uniform is not such a good idea. 48 00:08:31,675 --> 00:08:35,846 My people have been through a terrible ordeal. 49 00:08:35,846 --> 00:08:39,224 Seeing their beloved General in full dress-uniform 50 00:08:39,224 --> 00:08:42,394 will make them feel fortified and reassured. 51 00:08:45,981 --> 00:08:47,524 Any word from Claude yet? 52 00:08:48,525 --> 00:08:50,902 My apologies, but he did mention he'd get your family 53 00:08:50,902 --> 00:08:52,904 settled in L.A. as soon as possible, 54 00:08:52,904 --> 00:08:55,532 or the settlement agency does have spots in Dallas. 55 00:08:55,532 --> 00:08:58,076 No, I'm takin' my people to sunny Los Angeles. 56 00:09:08,253 --> 00:09:11,506 Look, there! Let me take care of that vermin! 57 00:09:44,664 --> 00:09:47,626 And you? Claude is also sponsoring you, right? 58 00:09:47,626 --> 00:09:49,586 I'm not a priority, but in the meantime, 59 00:09:49,586 --> 00:09:52,547 I've reached out to an old mentor of mine in Los Angeles. 60 00:09:52,547 --> 00:09:55,425 Don't worry, I'll catch up with you out there before long. 61 00:09:55,425 --> 00:09:58,553 You certainly will, but if by any chance your mentor fails you, 62 00:09:58,553 --> 00:10:00,555 reach out to me at once. 63 00:10:46,685 --> 00:10:48,395 Cap, my cap! 64 00:10:54,693 --> 00:10:57,028 Get in! Get the fuck in there! 65 00:11:01,575 --> 00:11:04,453 Why on Earth are those women blaming me? 66 00:11:04,453 --> 00:11:06,746 Maybe they received some misinformation. 67 00:11:06,746 --> 00:11:09,249 What kind of misinformation? 68 00:11:09,249 --> 00:11:13,170 About you and the organization. 69 00:11:13,170 --> 00:11:15,464 How we lost through corruption and incompetence. 70 00:11:15,464 --> 00:11:18,049 How the enemy's revenge was fueled by cruelty and torture. 71 00:11:18,049 --> 00:11:21,845 Who? Who is spreading these lies? 72 00:11:21,845 --> 00:11:24,764 You know how it is. Malcontents. 73 00:11:24,764 --> 00:11:27,142 The people for whom nothing's ever good enough. 74 00:11:27,142 --> 00:11:31,021 Someone who knows me very well is out to get me. 75 00:11:32,439 --> 00:11:36,276 General, these women are just angry... 76 00:11:39,112 --> 00:11:41,615 - because of the maggots. - Then why attack me? 77 00:11:41,615 --> 00:11:43,492 Are you suggesting I am a maggot? 78 00:11:45,118 --> 00:11:47,496 Then why else would my people turn on me? 79 00:11:47,496 --> 00:11:50,582 Unless someone has infiltrated our ranks. 80 00:11:50,582 --> 00:11:56,213 A saboteur, a sympathizer, a spy! 81 00:11:58,298 --> 00:12:01,885 - A spy? - A germ that stowed away on our plane! 82 00:12:01,885 --> 00:12:05,138 But it was you who selected the passengers, 83 00:12:05,138 --> 00:12:07,682 and so you who is gonna recheck that list 84 00:12:07,682 --> 00:12:10,310 and report back to me with everything you find. 85 00:12:11,394 --> 00:12:15,357 A full security check. Leave no stone unturned. 86 00:12:17,692 --> 00:12:20,445 When the General's paranoia is sparked, 87 00:12:20,445 --> 00:12:24,616 the only way to keep safe is to keep out of striking distance. 88 00:12:24,616 --> 00:12:27,536 Fortunately, it wasn't long before an answer came 89 00:12:27,536 --> 00:12:30,163 from that professor of mine from my college days 90 00:12:30,163 --> 00:12:32,874 agreeing to sponsor me and Bon. 91 00:12:32,874 --> 00:12:36,127 Perfect, I thought. I'll go ahead and prepare a path 92 00:12:36,127 --> 00:12:39,172 and the General's paranoia will naturally dissipate. 93 00:12:39,172 --> 00:12:43,593 Anyway, that's what I believed, at the time. 94 00:13:03,196 --> 00:13:05,073 I don't know what to say, sir. 95 00:13:05,073 --> 00:13:07,033 To get out before you, it's really... 96 00:13:07,576 --> 00:13:10,120 Scouts are always needed. 97 00:13:28,138 --> 00:13:29,848 What a blessing. 98 00:13:29,848 --> 00:13:32,684 Thank you for defying time and nature. 99 00:13:33,393 --> 00:13:36,396 {\an8}How can it be, despite the depredations of war, 100 00:13:36,396 --> 00:13:39,274 {\an8}that you're still the winsome lad I remember? 101 00:13:39,274 --> 00:13:41,610 {\an8}So, presently, 102 00:13:42,527 --> 00:13:46,323 I will introduce you to my secretary, 103 00:13:46,323 --> 00:13:49,576 who will also be your boss. 104 00:13:49,576 --> 00:13:53,580 Let's see how Ms. Mori responds to my daily greeting. 105 00:13:55,081 --> 00:13:57,876 Oh, konichiwa, Ms. Sofia Mori-san. 106 00:13:58,960 --> 00:14:01,129 - Watch, watch. - This is America. 107 00:14:01,129 --> 00:14:04,841 If you don't wanna speak English, go back to your own country. 108 00:14:04,841 --> 00:14:09,179 But it's a privilege to have been born a Japanese, Ms. Mori. 109 00:14:09,179 --> 00:14:12,182 Please do learn a word of your lovely language, for me. 110 00:14:15,018 --> 00:14:16,311 By the way, this is-- 111 00:14:16,311 --> 00:14:18,938 Oriental Studies Department, Chairman's office. 112 00:14:20,440 --> 00:14:23,485 I think he's busy right now. Can I take a message? 113 00:14:29,532 --> 00:14:32,577 - Wow. - Not bad, huh? 114 00:14:32,577 --> 00:14:35,830 Quite the transformation from a decade ago. 115 00:14:35,830 --> 00:14:38,750 Do you remember this bottle? 116 00:14:38,750 --> 00:14:42,045 You gave it to me as a thank you when you returned home from Vietnam. 117 00:14:42,712 --> 00:14:44,464 After my mother died. 118 00:14:47,050 --> 00:14:49,594 Feel grateful to you for the ticket, by the way. 119 00:14:51,179 --> 00:14:52,514 My pleasure. 120 00:14:54,307 --> 00:14:58,645 Funny thing is, you have arrived just in the nick of time. 121 00:15:01,022 --> 00:15:03,983 Our foes are scheming to phase us out 122 00:15:03,983 --> 00:15:07,070 and fold the department into Asian-American studies, 123 00:15:07,070 --> 00:15:08,863 God help us. 124 00:15:08,863 --> 00:15:12,575 They say we're colonizers and imperialists. 125 00:15:12,575 --> 00:15:15,912 I mean, they object to the very word "Oriental," 126 00:15:15,912 --> 00:15:19,290 which is derived from the Latin "for the rising sun." 127 00:15:19,290 --> 00:15:22,210 Right? So, pray tell me, what is objectionable about the sunrise? 128 00:15:23,086 --> 00:15:26,005 - I mean, you're Oriental. - Well, half. 129 00:15:26,005 --> 00:15:27,465 Well, exactly my point. 130 00:15:27,465 --> 00:15:31,886 The perfect symbiosis of Oriental and Occidental. 131 00:15:32,846 --> 00:15:34,848 {\an8}I'm not sure I see myself that way. 132 00:15:37,434 --> 00:15:40,729 I have an idea. And this will be good for you, 133 00:15:40,729 --> 00:15:43,940 - dare I say, therapeutic. - Therapeutic? 134 00:15:43,940 --> 00:15:47,485 So, on the left side, 135 00:15:47,485 --> 00:15:51,281 I want you to make a list of all your Oriental qualities. 136 00:15:51,281 --> 00:15:53,324 And then with the right side, make a list that 137 00:15:53,324 --> 00:15:54,868 contradicts those qualities. 138 00:15:54,868 --> 00:15:56,745 Right? So, all your Occidental ones. 139 00:15:56,745 --> 00:15:59,414 Well, one can see the Oriental side of you in your... 140 00:16:00,039 --> 00:16:02,208 your snug little nose 141 00:16:02,208 --> 00:16:06,921 and yet the Occidental side peeks through in those lucid gray-green eyes. 142 00:16:08,298 --> 00:16:11,217 Half-breeds are the future, my dear boy. 143 00:16:13,303 --> 00:16:14,929 Oh, listen, I'm having a little gathering tomorrow night, 144 00:16:14,929 --> 00:16:17,557 little soiree courting potential donors to our program. 145 00:16:17,557 --> 00:16:18,850 I want you to come. 146 00:16:21,144 --> 00:16:22,437 Let's see. 147 00:16:24,063 --> 00:16:26,483 A few gently worn garments for your perusal. 148 00:16:26,483 --> 00:16:28,485 Take them if you like. 149 00:16:29,527 --> 00:16:33,072 Sorry, I don't mean to be practically streaking. 150 00:16:40,038 --> 00:16:42,957 Here's another little bag. And my-- 151 00:16:44,042 --> 00:16:46,336 And by the way, here's my tailor's address. 152 00:16:46,336 --> 00:16:49,589 If there's any alterations, he's right there, sweet sir. 153 00:16:49,589 --> 00:16:52,759 I didn't think you'd read this sorta book. 154 00:16:53,384 --> 00:16:54,511 What sorta book? 155 00:16:55,553 --> 00:16:56,805 Racist rubbish. 156 00:17:02,018 --> 00:17:03,520 A reporter is here... 157 00:17:03,520 --> 00:17:05,522 - A reporter? - ...for an interview. 158 00:17:05,522 --> 00:17:06,523 I have an interview? 159 00:17:09,859 --> 00:17:13,780 Did you feel the support and solidarity of American student activists? 160 00:17:19,160 --> 00:17:20,370 Not so much. 161 00:17:21,329 --> 00:17:24,624 We were all marching. You know, we were on your side. 162 00:17:24,624 --> 00:17:27,460 Really? And which side was that? 163 00:17:30,296 --> 00:17:31,422 The side of the Vietnamese people. 164 00:17:31,881 --> 00:17:34,092 Oh. Which people? 165 00:17:34,092 --> 00:17:36,511 The people in the North or the people in the South? 166 00:17:36,511 --> 00:17:39,848 Well, all of them, I guess. 167 00:17:39,848 --> 00:17:42,225 Guess we all look the same after all, right? 168 00:17:42,225 --> 00:17:46,646 I mean, I could be Viet Cong for all ya know. 169 00:17:47,230 --> 00:17:50,358 Undercover. How would you know? 170 00:17:59,117 --> 00:18:01,786 I'm not, of course. I love America. 171 00:18:07,250 --> 00:18:08,501 So did you kill anyone? 172 00:18:24,392 --> 00:18:26,269 With my own hands? 173 00:18:30,356 --> 00:18:33,610 No. No, I never killed anyone. 174 00:18:36,779 --> 00:18:39,699 You were here before as an exchange student. 175 00:18:40,533 --> 00:18:43,453 How does it feel to come back after 10 years? 176 00:18:44,829 --> 00:18:47,206 I'm in exile from my home. 177 00:18:47,206 --> 00:18:50,043 I feel like I've exchanged hope for despair. 178 00:18:55,131 --> 00:18:56,382 Smile. 179 00:18:58,676 --> 00:19:02,722 Excuse me, ma'am. Could you clear frame, just for a second? 180 00:19:02,722 --> 00:19:04,974 Change your frame, honey. 181 00:19:06,726 --> 00:19:08,311 "Ma chère tante, 182 00:19:08,311 --> 00:19:10,813 "I have finally made it to Los Angeles, 183 00:19:10,813 --> 00:19:15,068 "where I now reside in a quaint pied-à-terre in the heart of the city. 184 00:19:15,068 --> 00:19:19,238 "Not convenient to anything in particular, but neat. 185 00:19:19,238 --> 00:19:22,116 "I am still doing my best to take care of Bon, 186 00:19:22,116 --> 00:19:24,410 "but it's not easy. 187 00:19:24,410 --> 00:19:26,371 "He barely speaks. 188 00:19:26,371 --> 00:19:28,957 "I hesitate to use such language when writing to you, 189 00:19:28,957 --> 00:19:31,376 "but the motherfucker won't even clean himself. 190 00:19:31,376 --> 00:19:35,004 I'm talking filth layered on filth to the point where--" 191 00:20:51,122 --> 00:20:52,915 Are those chopsticks in your hair? 192 00:20:52,915 --> 00:20:55,918 Fuck off. Deviled egg? 193 00:21:05,136 --> 00:21:08,097 Well, Professor Hammer's parties always start off with these. 194 00:21:08,097 --> 00:21:10,725 He likes to compare himself to an egg. 195 00:21:11,309 --> 00:21:13,269 What, white on the outside, yellow on the inside? 196 00:21:14,437 --> 00:21:17,440 "O Captain! My Captain!" You made it! 197 00:21:17,440 --> 00:21:19,025 Fabulous! You look spiffy. 198 00:21:19,484 --> 00:21:22,945 Everyone, this is the young protégé I was telling you about. 199 00:21:22,945 --> 00:21:25,448 His mother was Vietnamese; his father was French. 200 00:21:26,074 --> 00:21:29,327 Lovely combination, as you can see, but complicated. 201 00:21:29,911 --> 00:21:31,454 Isn't that right, dear boy? 202 00:21:32,330 --> 00:21:34,207 If only you knew. 203 00:21:34,207 --> 00:21:37,168 Well, I gave our young Captain an assignment 204 00:21:37,168 --> 00:21:39,545 to list his Occidental and Oriental traits, 205 00:21:39,545 --> 00:21:42,298 right, to see if he might begin to untangle 206 00:21:42,298 --> 00:21:44,842 the complex knot of contradictions 207 00:21:44,842 --> 00:21:46,552 at the core of his psyche. 208 00:21:46,552 --> 00:21:49,180 Why don't you share your discovery with us? 209 00:21:50,515 --> 00:21:52,892 Jeff, can we stop the music? 210 00:21:52,892 --> 00:21:54,811 We-- Yeah, we-- 211 00:22:03,528 --> 00:22:05,071 Contradiction. 212 00:22:07,031 --> 00:22:12,203 The crux of the issue has always been about the contradiction. 213 00:22:12,203 --> 00:22:18,751 The Occidental side of me sees contradiction as something to overcome, 214 00:22:18,751 --> 00:22:23,381 but the Oriental side as something to endure. 215 00:22:25,925 --> 00:22:30,304 Hence, the Oriental side of me is never afraid to accept contradiction 216 00:22:30,304 --> 00:22:34,308 when faced by an unexpected turn of events and say, 217 00:22:35,184 --> 00:22:36,435 "I expected this." 218 00:22:37,395 --> 00:22:40,565 But the Occidental side says, "What? Why did this happen?" 219 00:22:40,565 --> 00:22:42,400 and immediately begins to analyze. 220 00:22:44,944 --> 00:22:46,696 The Oriental me 221 00:22:47,655 --> 00:22:48,823 feels 222 00:22:49,699 --> 00:22:52,785 comfortable in a crowd, 223 00:22:52,785 --> 00:22:56,122 but the Occidental me is always ready to take the stage. 224 00:22:57,206 --> 00:22:59,250 I think in two frames of mind: 225 00:22:59,250 --> 00:23:05,131 "Either/or" to the Occidental me and "both/and" to the Oriental me. 226 00:23:05,131 --> 00:23:09,385 So, accordingly, half of me values independence 227 00:23:09,760 --> 00:23:14,348 while the other half appreciates interdependence. 228 00:23:14,348 --> 00:23:18,019 - Also, the Oriental side of-- - Alright, I think we all get the picture. 229 00:23:18,019 --> 00:23:20,354 That was great. Yeah. 230 00:23:21,230 --> 00:23:24,442 Isn't he great? Ms. Mori? 231 00:23:25,818 --> 00:23:28,404 I'm sorry, I'm so distracted with your kimono. 232 00:23:28,404 --> 00:23:32,491 Do you mind? Come here. I'm sorry. It'll just take a sec. 233 00:23:32,491 --> 00:23:36,746 See, the traditional Japanese, the nape of the neck, unaji, 234 00:23:36,746 --> 00:23:39,540 is one of the most erotic parts of the human body. 235 00:23:39,540 --> 00:23:43,294 And they loved exposing their erotic parts to complete strangers. 236 00:23:43,294 --> 00:23:45,379 No, I'm just saying, you really should learn 237 00:23:45,379 --> 00:23:46,923 more about your heritage, that's all. 238 00:23:46,923 --> 00:23:48,925 Professor, I am from Gardena. 239 00:23:48,925 --> 00:23:53,387 No one asked JFK if he spoke Gaelic and ate potatoes every night. 240 00:24:09,445 --> 00:24:11,405 He still acts like a feudal lord. 241 00:24:13,574 --> 00:24:16,702 I mean, this is the '70s! 242 00:24:17,870 --> 00:24:19,580 Was my unaji disappointing? 243 00:24:20,373 --> 00:24:23,417 Were you not peeping at it rather eagerly? 244 00:24:25,670 --> 00:24:27,964 I couldn't stand up to him back there. 245 00:24:27,964 --> 00:24:30,549 - I'm sorry. - That's okay. 246 00:24:30,549 --> 00:24:34,220 You play your part without a flaw. 247 00:24:35,179 --> 00:24:37,473 I mean your Fresh Off the Boat role. 248 00:24:41,435 --> 00:24:42,812 You know you're very blunt? 249 00:24:43,562 --> 00:24:46,482 It's not very "Oriental" of you. 250 00:24:47,400 --> 00:24:49,318 I'm an American. 251 00:24:50,194 --> 00:24:51,904 I see you. 252 00:24:51,904 --> 00:24:54,865 I see how you act around our dear Professor, 253 00:24:54,865 --> 00:24:58,869 always smiling like the Good Asian Student you used to be. 254 00:24:59,787 --> 00:25:01,289 I recognize the suit. 255 00:25:04,792 --> 00:25:08,087 You wound me, Ms. Mori. But I can take it. 256 00:25:08,087 --> 00:25:12,008 When faced by an unexpected turn of events, I say, 257 00:25:12,008 --> 00:25:16,012 "Huh, I expected this." 258 00:25:19,932 --> 00:25:22,601 What are you concealing? 259 00:25:28,774 --> 00:25:29,900 Are you hungry? 260 00:25:31,902 --> 00:25:32,778 No, thanks. 261 00:25:32,778 --> 00:25:34,196 Come on, try it. 262 00:25:35,656 --> 00:25:38,159 Not a fan of cephalopods. 263 00:25:38,159 --> 00:25:40,077 "Cephalopods"?! 264 00:25:40,995 --> 00:25:42,163 What is it with you? 265 00:25:43,247 --> 00:25:46,292 You don't like eggs, you don't eat squid. 266 00:25:47,710 --> 00:25:50,880 Didn't you get the memo? We Asians are supposed to eat everything. 267 00:25:51,964 --> 00:25:52,965 {\an8}Oh, my. 268 00:26:07,271 --> 00:26:09,148 I know I'm gonna regret telling you this story. 269 00:26:10,107 --> 00:26:13,152 Embrace your Occidental side: 270 00:26:13,152 --> 00:26:16,697 Confessing secrets is the most exciting thing in the world. 271 00:26:20,826 --> 00:26:24,872 So, my mother was making squid as a special treat. 272 00:26:24,872 --> 00:26:27,083 It wasn't until she had cleaned the innards, 273 00:26:27,083 --> 00:26:30,211 that she realized we were out of fish sauce. 274 00:26:30,211 --> 00:26:36,050 So, off she went to the market and I was left, negligently, all alone, 275 00:26:36,050 --> 00:26:38,886 just me and the squid. 276 00:26:39,804 --> 00:26:41,847 You don't say? 277 00:26:41,847 --> 00:26:43,891 Oh, shit. Is that even possible? 278 00:26:56,904 --> 00:26:58,864 I marked my violated partner 279 00:26:58,864 --> 00:27:02,576 to keep myself from mistakenly eating it when cooked. 280 00:27:02,576 --> 00:27:06,580 But even a 14-year-old boy should've had the foresight to realize 281 00:27:06,580 --> 00:27:09,250 that if I didn't eat it, someone else would. 282 00:27:28,060 --> 00:27:29,854 I'm sure some people would find the story-- 283 00:27:29,854 --> 00:27:30,813 Disgusting. 284 00:27:31,272 --> 00:27:32,857 You know what's disgusting? 285 00:27:32,857 --> 00:27:35,151 Is the massacre of three million people. 286 00:27:35,151 --> 00:27:37,736 Torture is disgusting. But masturbation? 287 00:27:37,736 --> 00:27:42,199 Sure, I fucked a squid and I enjoyed it. I'm not ashamed. 288 00:27:42,199 --> 00:27:44,410 I believe the world would be a better place 289 00:27:44,410 --> 00:27:46,537 if we blushed at the word "murder" 290 00:27:46,537 --> 00:27:49,540 as much as we did at the word "masturbation." 291 00:27:55,337 --> 00:27:58,090 I want you to be completely honest with me. 292 00:28:01,260 --> 00:28:03,471 Since then, how many squid have you screwed? 293 00:28:07,475 --> 00:28:10,978 Squid fucker! He's a squid fucker. 294 00:28:10,978 --> 00:28:12,688 You kinky little bastard. 295 00:29:32,560 --> 00:29:33,686 Lana! 296 00:29:44,530 --> 00:29:47,408 General, welcome to your new home. 297 00:29:51,537 --> 00:29:52,663 General? 298 00:31:27,216 --> 00:31:28,467 Hey! 299 00:31:52,116 --> 00:31:54,451 - Done yet? - Done what? 300 00:31:55,452 --> 00:31:58,539 What we talked about at the camp. Goddamnit! 301 00:32:05,879 --> 00:32:08,424 I mean the spy. 302 00:32:14,430 --> 00:32:16,974 I've been thinkin' about it, General, and 303 00:32:18,517 --> 00:32:20,853 maybe there is no spy after all. 304 00:32:22,604 --> 00:32:25,315 What are you talking about? Of course, there is. 305 00:32:30,070 --> 00:32:31,989 But how can you be sure? 306 00:32:33,991 --> 00:32:37,619 Is there anybody back home who could confirm this? 307 00:32:47,671 --> 00:32:52,593 I was walking on the sidewalk and you know what fell in front of me? 308 00:32:53,510 --> 00:32:56,305 One of those toilet tank covers, 309 00:32:56,305 --> 00:33:02,603 a white ceramic thing, a fucking heavy thing. 310 00:33:02,603 --> 00:33:06,440 And that thing fell all the way from the fifth floor. 311 00:33:07,316 --> 00:33:08,859 Don't you get it? 312 00:33:10,527 --> 00:33:13,071 An assassination attempt. 313 00:33:17,701 --> 00:33:18,952 I'll look into it. 314 00:33:20,704 --> 00:33:23,457 Don't just "look into it." 315 00:33:24,374 --> 00:33:28,962 Hunt the traitor down, deactivate the rebel activity. 316 00:33:35,010 --> 00:33:41,558 Neutralize the threat. Do I make myself clear? 317 00:33:42,309 --> 00:33:43,602 Yes, sir. 318 00:33:45,854 --> 00:33:49,233 But I'm sure I can handle it. 319 00:33:49,233 --> 00:33:50,192 What? 320 00:33:52,486 --> 00:33:55,364 You've been kinda distracted these last few weeks. 321 00:34:04,706 --> 00:34:05,958 You're cool. 322 00:34:06,875 --> 00:34:08,627 You're the coolest woman in the whole world. 323 00:34:08,627 --> 00:34:09,753 I know. 324 00:34:11,922 --> 00:34:15,259 - I have a confession. - Oh, I like confessions. 325 00:34:15,259 --> 00:34:17,886 You know, you're a very good listener. 326 00:34:18,846 --> 00:34:21,431 The slight wrinkling of the eyes when you smile. 327 00:34:21,431 --> 00:34:22,933 Oh, the encouraging nod. 328 00:34:24,226 --> 00:34:25,769 You let people go on thinking 329 00:34:25,769 --> 00:34:28,230 you're perfectly in agreement with everything, 330 00:34:28,230 --> 00:34:30,649 all without saying a word yourself. 331 00:34:32,818 --> 00:34:35,445 - What's your mother like? - My mother? 332 00:34:37,656 --> 00:34:39,199 My mother's gone. 333 00:34:40,117 --> 00:34:41,243 Sorry. 334 00:34:41,660 --> 00:34:46,582 She was from a small village in the North, couldn't go to school. 335 00:34:46,582 --> 00:34:49,209 A very devout Catholic. 336 00:34:49,835 --> 00:34:52,087 She could work miracles in the kitchen. 337 00:34:53,797 --> 00:34:55,674 - Especially with a squid. - With a squid? 338 00:34:58,886 --> 00:35:01,013 A good teacher to her son. 339 00:35:02,347 --> 00:35:05,350 Doesn't sound like we have a fucking thing in common. 340 00:35:06,727 --> 00:35:10,147 And yet they say, for a man to be attracted to a woman, 341 00:35:10,147 --> 00:35:13,984 she must share at least one big thing in common with his mom. 342 00:35:14,610 --> 00:35:17,946 - Maybe that's not true. - Maybe it is. 343 00:35:18,655 --> 00:35:21,825 Trinh, a girl I dated back in Saigon, 344 00:35:22,743 --> 00:35:26,079 she would pronounce her vowels just like my mother. 345 00:35:26,079 --> 00:35:27,915 And Nicole, 346 00:35:27,915 --> 00:35:31,001 my girlfriend when I studied in the States, 347 00:35:31,001 --> 00:35:36,006 she had these long fingers just like my mom. 348 00:35:37,382 --> 00:35:40,302 And you, you and my mother, 349 00:35:44,264 --> 00:35:48,727 you share this surreptitious sense of optimism, 350 00:35:48,727 --> 00:35:51,355 which is foolish and yet lavish. 351 00:35:55,567 --> 00:35:57,277 Ms. Mori, I think-- 352 00:35:57,277 --> 00:36:00,906 Sofia. We've been fucking for a while now. 353 00:36:03,241 --> 00:36:04,576 Sofia, 354 00:36:06,078 --> 00:36:08,205 I think I'm falling in love with you. 355 00:36:08,747 --> 00:36:12,668 You sneak. You stole my confession. 356 00:36:14,628 --> 00:36:17,089 Listen, if we get involved-- 357 00:36:17,089 --> 00:36:20,717 - Aren't we already involved? - Emotionally involved. 358 00:36:20,717 --> 00:36:22,719 You and I are fucking. 359 00:36:23,428 --> 00:36:26,890 I'm 46 years old. I've done things my way my whole life. 360 00:36:26,890 --> 00:36:29,101 I am not about to change now. 361 00:36:29,559 --> 00:36:31,561 Fall in love at your peril 362 00:36:31,561 --> 00:36:34,773 'cause the only kind of love I believe in is free love. 363 00:36:35,732 --> 00:36:38,652 In other words, this love 364 00:36:39,778 --> 00:36:41,321 is free. 365 00:36:48,954 --> 00:36:50,038 Hello there. 366 00:36:52,332 --> 00:36:54,292 This is Bon. 367 00:36:54,292 --> 00:36:55,669 Oh, blood brother. 368 00:37:31,079 --> 00:37:35,500 So apparently, our General is opening a liquor store. 369 00:37:57,147 --> 00:38:02,194 "Focus. Don't ever underestimate the General. 370 00:38:02,194 --> 00:38:05,238 "Remember how he swallowed his contempt for your mixed race 371 00:38:05,238 --> 00:38:07,491 "when he knew he could use you? 372 00:38:07,491 --> 00:38:10,202 "He'll do whatever it takes to get his way. 373 00:38:10,202 --> 00:38:13,789 "You wrote him off, big mistake. 374 00:38:13,789 --> 00:38:17,793 "We're tracking communications with his contacts. 375 00:38:17,793 --> 00:38:21,254 Be careful, my friend." 376 00:38:21,254 --> 00:38:23,673 Who could know me so well? 377 00:38:25,008 --> 00:38:27,928 You've never executed someone in the street, 378 00:38:29,137 --> 00:38:30,138 have you? 379 00:38:30,138 --> 00:38:33,100 No, I'm not saying I've done such a thing, 380 00:38:33,100 --> 00:38:36,728 but the nature of what we were doing back in Saigon-- 381 00:38:37,979 --> 00:38:39,940 How could you be so slow? 382 00:38:41,775 --> 00:38:43,068 It's written in English. 383 00:38:43,401 --> 00:38:45,278 It could just be some racist asshole. 384 00:38:45,278 --> 00:38:48,448 No, someone continues to 385 00:38:48,448 --> 00:38:51,993 deliberately undermine me at every turn. 386 00:38:53,662 --> 00:38:57,040 It could just be the Armenian from the liquor store at the corner. 387 00:38:57,499 --> 00:39:03,088 Oh, you're saying the Armenian liquor store owner in L.A. 388 00:39:03,088 --> 00:39:08,343 conspired against me and had the women at the camp in Arkansas 389 00:39:08,343 --> 00:39:10,095 throw a slipper at me? 390 00:39:11,763 --> 00:39:14,724 Today is your one chance to reestablish my leadership 391 00:39:15,183 --> 00:39:17,185 as my Chief of Communications. 392 00:39:18,228 --> 00:39:19,146 I'm sorry? 393 00:39:22,232 --> 00:39:24,359 I just appointed you. 394 00:39:38,331 --> 00:39:39,875 Get the gun! 395 00:40:09,613 --> 00:40:10,530 Hey. 396 00:41:06,461 --> 00:41:07,545 Smile! 397 00:41:37,200 --> 00:41:40,245 There's no such thing as a second homeland. 398 00:41:40,245 --> 00:41:43,665 A homeland is a homeland because there's only one of them. 399 00:41:44,874 --> 00:41:49,045 My, my, it's Tran Thuyet Son. 400 00:41:49,045 --> 00:41:51,923 Wow. It's been a while since someone's said my name 401 00:41:51,923 --> 00:41:54,634 with such a perfect accent. 402 00:41:54,634 --> 00:41:55,969 But I go by Sonny now. 403 00:41:55,969 --> 00:41:59,180 Like, Sonny Bono? 404 00:42:02,392 --> 00:42:03,810 Last time I saw you was when? 405 00:42:03,810 --> 00:42:06,813 That seminar for the Vietnamese student council? 406 00:42:07,397 --> 00:42:09,816 - Where we had a difference of opinion-- - Where we had an argument 407 00:42:09,816 --> 00:42:11,192 about the Ho Chi Minh quote, 408 00:42:11,192 --> 00:42:13,820 "Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom," 409 00:42:13,820 --> 00:42:16,489 and its application vis-à-vis our nation. 410 00:42:16,489 --> 00:42:18,408 You know, I remember you getting all worked up 411 00:42:18,408 --> 00:42:21,578 and screaming, "Nothing! Nothing!" and tossing your textbook. 412 00:42:23,413 --> 00:42:24,539 You broke the spine. 413 00:42:26,750 --> 00:42:28,376 You know what? Back then, 414 00:42:28,376 --> 00:42:31,212 I thought of you as a CIA scholarship student. 415 00:42:37,260 --> 00:42:38,345 Very funny. 416 00:42:39,012 --> 00:42:40,597 So, what brings you here? 417 00:42:40,597 --> 00:42:43,808 Skipping the monsoon season to enjoy some California sun? 418 00:42:44,684 --> 00:42:47,562 Yeah, I admit. My side lost. 419 00:42:48,271 --> 00:42:49,606 Happy now? 420 00:42:50,106 --> 00:42:53,109 Well, I might not be exactly happy, but I think they'll have a shot 421 00:42:53,109 --> 00:42:56,029 at independence and freedom now that America's finally pulled out. 422 00:42:56,029 --> 00:42:59,157 Well, then, how about you go back to rebuild the country with them? 423 00:43:00,283 --> 00:43:03,828 That's right. You're an American now. No offense. 424 00:43:04,204 --> 00:43:07,165 I believe I have every right to have opinions about my homeland. 425 00:43:07,165 --> 00:43:08,708 I'm as Vietnamese as you are. 426 00:43:08,708 --> 00:43:10,877 - Oh, what, because you kept your surname? - Arguably, 427 00:43:12,128 --> 00:43:14,047 I'm more Vietnamese than you. 428 00:43:14,756 --> 00:43:15,882 You know, biologically. 429 00:43:16,841 --> 00:43:18,051 No offense. 430 00:43:22,138 --> 00:43:24,057 So, what brings you here? 431 00:43:24,849 --> 00:43:26,601 Human-interest story. 432 00:43:29,521 --> 00:43:30,855 {\an8}No story's too small. 433 00:43:31,439 --> 00:43:33,525 {\an8}By the way, the name. 434 00:43:35,402 --> 00:43:40,657 I get his patriotism, but in America, "yellow" means nothing good, like urine. 435 00:43:40,657 --> 00:43:44,244 For an Asian shopkeeper, he's kind of shooting himself in the foot. 436 00:43:44,911 --> 00:43:46,454 Just don't bring that up with the General. 437 00:43:48,289 --> 00:43:50,375 Well, I should get some quotes. 438 00:43:56,673 --> 00:43:58,550 There's more where this came from. 439 00:47:50,698 --> 00:47:53,409 Well, here we are now, huh? 440 00:47:54,952 --> 00:47:57,830 No, I, watched the news of the last helicopter 441 00:47:57,830 --> 00:48:00,083 taking off from the U.S. compound over and over 442 00:48:00,083 --> 00:48:02,210 hoping to catch a glimpse of you. 443 00:48:02,210 --> 00:48:04,337 Well, I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you. 444 00:48:04,337 --> 00:48:08,132 It's just, you know, the evacuation left me considerably fucked. 445 00:48:08,132 --> 00:48:09,967 I couldn't bring Y Vi. 446 00:48:11,678 --> 00:48:12,929 Dammit, her house was empty. 447 00:48:12,929 --> 00:48:15,223 I whizzed around the district on the General's Harley. 448 00:48:15,223 --> 00:48:20,937 I was lookin' for her, every street, every nook, cranny, alley, no avail. 449 00:48:21,896 --> 00:48:23,815 Last chopper was about to depart... 450 00:48:25,817 --> 00:48:28,111 I haven't cried over a girl in 30 years. 451 00:48:29,195 --> 00:48:30,780 But goddamn Y Vi. 452 00:48:37,620 --> 00:48:39,747 Sorry to hear that. 453 00:48:41,624 --> 00:48:46,087 So, it's been quite the shitshow with, you know, your colleagues 454 00:48:46,087 --> 00:48:48,089 flingin' dirt at each other. 455 00:48:50,967 --> 00:48:53,845 Only the spy says there's no spy. 456 00:48:58,891 --> 00:49:01,227 Look at this gift Claude gave me. 457 00:49:02,019 --> 00:49:03,938 ...44 Auto Mag. 458 00:49:07,734 --> 00:49:10,111 Anybody object to a little celebratory pop? 459 00:49:10,111 --> 00:49:12,071 Looks like you could use it. 460 00:49:23,291 --> 00:49:25,042 It's Major Oanh. 461 00:49:26,169 --> 00:49:27,086 Oanh? 462 00:49:28,671 --> 00:49:29,922 A spy? 463 00:49:31,340 --> 00:49:33,801 Which one of the two Oanhs? The "chopstick"? 464 00:49:33,801 --> 00:49:35,261 The "dumpling." 465 00:49:36,053 --> 00:49:37,638 The fat Oanh? 466 00:49:37,638 --> 00:49:38,639 Yes. 467 00:49:39,056 --> 00:49:41,058 And where would you get this idea? 468 00:49:46,230 --> 00:49:49,567 Well, you see, he's involved in some kind of business. 469 00:49:50,735 --> 00:49:52,069 What kinda business? 470 00:49:54,822 --> 00:49:58,201 I think it has somethin' to do with candy. 471 00:49:59,452 --> 00:50:00,203 Candy? 472 00:50:05,249 --> 00:50:08,044 This means he's got contacts back in Saigon. 473 00:50:08,044 --> 00:50:10,463 He confessed that he used his background from the Secret Police 474 00:50:10,463 --> 00:50:12,256 in order to obtain them. 475 00:50:12,256 --> 00:50:15,760 Fat Oanh, receiving innocuous candies. 476 00:50:15,760 --> 00:50:18,262 Which no one would ever suspect. 477 00:50:18,262 --> 00:50:21,307 His father's people come from China. 478 00:50:21,307 --> 00:50:25,311 Which everybody knows you can't trust that particular breed. 479 00:50:48,167 --> 00:50:49,627 Doesn't taste like a message. 480 00:50:50,503 --> 00:50:53,172 But again, he's too fat to be a spy. 481 00:50:53,172 --> 00:50:54,507 Maybe, maybe. 482 00:50:55,258 --> 00:50:59,011 And there are plus sides to a spy who looks disarming, so. 483 00:51:00,054 --> 00:51:02,890 Hard to say. I guess we could check with Saigon. 484 00:51:14,443 --> 00:51:16,571 Believe it or not, your name came up once. 485 00:51:18,489 --> 00:51:19,824 Really? 486 00:51:21,742 --> 00:51:23,911 That's funny, right? 487 00:51:26,330 --> 00:51:27,290 It's very funny. 488 00:51:35,256 --> 00:51:38,634 So, by the way, how's Professor Hammer treatin' you? Well? 489 00:51:39,260 --> 00:51:40,553 - Sure. - Great. 490 00:51:40,553 --> 00:51:42,805 - Can I ask you something? - Sure. 491 00:51:42,805 --> 00:51:45,933 Why didn't you get the General's family out of the refugee camp sooner? 492 00:51:45,933 --> 00:51:47,310 He was waiting by the phone. 493 00:51:47,310 --> 00:51:49,937 Yeah, I know. I don't know. 494 00:51:50,605 --> 00:51:52,690 Wanted him to be grateful to America. 495 00:51:57,486 --> 00:52:01,032 Sometimes, it's good to remind people how much they owe you. 496 00:52:02,867 --> 00:52:04,035 Night, kid. 497 00:52:36,901 --> 00:52:39,070 - Don't worry about it. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. 498 00:52:39,070 --> 00:52:41,948 - Just ignore it. It'll be fine. - No-- 499 00:52:41,948 --> 00:52:45,868 I'm still on duty. Stop! Jeez. 500 00:52:48,704 --> 00:52:50,957 Oriental Studies Department, Chairman's office. 501 00:52:52,375 --> 00:52:53,709 Yes, right. 502 00:52:55,336 --> 00:52:56,671 Yes. One second. 503 00:52:57,296 --> 00:52:59,256 He says he's your boss? 504 00:52:59,256 --> 00:53:01,884 - What? - Thought I was. 505 00:53:06,138 --> 00:53:07,723 Hello? 506 00:53:07,723 --> 00:53:11,018 Remember our Chinese friend, huh? 507 00:53:11,018 --> 00:53:12,853 The one with the sweet tooth? 508 00:53:12,853 --> 00:53:15,523 Well, I did a little probing, 509 00:53:15,523 --> 00:53:20,152 and it seems his relatives back home are safe and doing rather well! 510 00:53:22,071 --> 00:53:26,033 Meanwhile, all of our relatives have been imprisoned 511 00:53:26,033 --> 00:53:28,369 in the so-called "re-education" camps! 512 00:53:29,078 --> 00:53:30,663 We are starving and dying! 513 00:53:31,789 --> 00:53:33,249 Do your job!