1 00:00:45,128 --> 00:00:47,338 Don't fuck up my movie! 2 00:00:57,807 --> 00:00:59,517 Don't fuck up my movie! 3 00:01:27,962 --> 00:01:30,131 {\an8}I read the script. 4 00:01:30,131 --> 00:01:32,383 {\an8}I think the loss of innocence thing-- 5 00:01:32,383 --> 00:01:35,553 {\an8}I want you to be frank. I want you to speak freely in this room. 6 00:01:35,553 --> 00:01:38,181 Alright? Is that in your nature? 7 00:01:38,181 --> 00:01:39,182 Is what? 8 00:01:40,850 --> 00:01:41,976 Honesty. 9 00:01:43,061 --> 00:01:46,648 Oh, you mean as an Asian? 10 00:01:46,648 --> 00:01:50,777 As a what? No. As a person, fuckin' human. 11 00:01:50,777 --> 00:01:53,655 I don't believe in racial characteristics and all that bullshit. 12 00:01:53,655 --> 00:01:55,698 Come sit down. We're all the same. 13 00:01:57,075 --> 00:02:01,579 So, in this case, we're both just soldiers. 14 00:02:01,579 --> 00:02:04,123 Oh, so, you were a soldier too? 15 00:02:04,123 --> 00:02:07,168 No. What? Are you gonna take everything I say fucking literally? 16 00:02:07,168 --> 00:02:10,964 Not literally. No. I'm talking about in this space. 17 00:02:10,964 --> 00:02:13,675 You were a ranger, probably, right? Somethin' like that? 18 00:02:14,676 --> 00:02:15,969 Secret Police. 19 00:02:16,886 --> 00:02:18,429 Fuck me. 20 00:02:19,514 --> 00:02:22,892 Now I understand why Claude and Ned were so adamant 21 00:02:22,892 --> 00:02:25,687 advocating on your behalf. 22 00:02:25,687 --> 00:02:27,689 They want you to spy on me. 23 00:02:27,689 --> 00:02:29,566 You think I'm an idiot? You're a spy. 24 00:02:29,566 --> 00:02:31,776 Actually, I worked in counterintelligence. 25 00:02:31,776 --> 00:02:33,611 Spy, counterspy, what's the difference? 26 00:02:33,611 --> 00:02:35,655 It's all the same. Hello? Yeah, I got a spy here. 27 00:02:35,655 --> 00:02:39,075 He says he's a counterspy, so it's cool. What the fuck? 28 00:02:42,328 --> 00:02:43,746 How 'bout this? 29 00:02:44,163 --> 00:02:47,250 You work for me while pretending to work for them. 30 00:02:47,250 --> 00:02:49,252 Suss out how these scheming neocons 31 00:02:49,252 --> 00:02:52,297 are tryin' to use my movie for their own nefarious good. 32 00:02:52,297 --> 00:02:54,173 So you'd be a double spy. 33 00:02:54,173 --> 00:02:57,385 A spy and a counterspy at the same time. 34 00:02:57,385 --> 00:02:59,220 Are you game? Are you up for it? 35 00:03:01,180 --> 00:03:02,557 Look, I came-- 36 00:03:05,476 --> 00:03:07,228 Look at you all serious. 37 00:03:07,228 --> 00:03:09,856 Terrible casting for a spy. That's how I know you're not one. 38 00:03:09,856 --> 00:03:11,274 'Cause you got no poker face. 39 00:03:11,274 --> 00:03:13,484 Thankfully, there's only one thing I need from you. 40 00:03:13,484 --> 00:03:15,945 Of course. Authenticity. Right. 41 00:03:16,654 --> 00:03:17,488 Well, have you had a chance 42 00:03:17,488 --> 00:03:18,948 - to look through my notes? - Wrong. 43 00:03:18,948 --> 00:03:20,867 - Should we go over-- - You think I'm not authentic? 44 00:03:20,867 --> 00:03:23,870 I don't have any authenticity myself? I did my research, brother. 45 00:03:23,870 --> 00:03:26,331 I read my Buttinger, Fitzgerald. 46 00:03:26,331 --> 00:03:28,291 I sat down with a Green Beret 47 00:03:28,291 --> 00:03:30,293 who fought alongside the Montagnards, 48 00:03:30,293 --> 00:03:32,211 told me how the V.C. hung him upside down, 49 00:03:32,211 --> 00:03:34,631 drained red pepper tea through his nostrils. 50 00:03:35,506 --> 00:03:38,676 He shat himself hangin' upside down right there. 51 00:03:38,676 --> 00:03:40,720 After hearing his story, I almost shat myself, 52 00:03:40,720 --> 00:03:43,431 but instead, I yacked in a toilet, flushed it, 53 00:03:43,431 --> 00:03:46,935 and hired this motherfucker as my military advisor 54 00:03:46,935 --> 00:03:48,728 'cause that's how I do it. 55 00:03:48,728 --> 00:03:51,230 I go from reality into life. 56 00:03:52,398 --> 00:03:54,776 But now I'm thinkin' it's not enough. 57 00:03:54,776 --> 00:03:58,613 What am I missing? Oh, what am I missing? 58 00:03:59,155 --> 00:04:02,951 Answer is the perspective of the Vietnamese people. 59 00:04:02,951 --> 00:04:08,998 That's where you come in, right? Innocent. Modest. Docile. 60 00:04:08,998 --> 00:04:11,292 Much like the water buffaloes, right? 61 00:04:11,292 --> 00:04:13,002 Their simple plows 62 00:04:13,002 --> 00:04:14,963 pulling them through the paddies. 63 00:04:14,963 --> 00:04:16,547 Right. Got it. 64 00:04:16,547 --> 00:04:19,801 - Well, then here's a suggestion. - Yeah? 65 00:04:19,801 --> 00:04:22,512 Why don't we give our Vietnamese characters some lines? 66 00:04:22,512 --> 00:04:24,764 That way they can describe their suffering, you know? 67 00:04:24,764 --> 00:04:27,392 - Just a couple of lines. - So predictable. 68 00:04:27,392 --> 00:04:30,019 What, you're countin' the lines like an insecure actor? 69 00:04:30,812 --> 00:04:32,772 - There were no lines to count. - Here, get high. 70 00:04:32,772 --> 00:04:37,652 Forgive me, but when you say that, I know you don't understand cinema. 71 00:04:37,652 --> 00:04:40,446 Not a bit. I don't wanna hear people talking about their suffering. 72 00:04:40,446 --> 00:04:42,657 I wanna feel it! Fuckin' feel it! 73 00:04:43,074 --> 00:04:46,202 Feeel it! 74 00:04:46,869 --> 00:04:51,040 Ya understand? It's an emotive medium. 75 00:04:51,040 --> 00:04:53,001 Feeling is believing. 76 00:04:53,751 --> 00:04:54,961 You see, the Vietnamese farmers 77 00:04:54,961 --> 00:04:57,964 are actually somewhat different to the water buffaloes. 78 00:04:57,964 --> 00:05:00,091 For one thing, we're a lot more talkative. 79 00:05:00,091 --> 00:05:02,260 - You'd be surprised. - It's a creative choice. 80 00:05:02,260 --> 00:05:03,594 I'm making a creative choice. 81 00:05:04,387 --> 00:05:06,723 Do I have to teach you the fundamentals of cinema? 82 00:05:07,306 --> 00:05:09,350 You can render emotion without the use of dialogue 83 00:05:09,350 --> 00:05:13,604 through mise en scène, montage. 84 00:05:14,147 --> 00:05:16,399 Are you aware of Murnau, Dreyer? 85 00:05:17,108 --> 00:05:20,403 My first vision was that no one in my movie would speak. 86 00:05:20,403 --> 00:05:22,780 - Not a word. - But ya didn't do that. 87 00:05:22,780 --> 00:05:25,450 But I stood my ground on the Vietnamese characters 88 00:05:25,450 --> 00:05:28,703 who live on in that metaphoric space. 89 00:05:28,703 --> 00:05:31,372 Whereas the Americans, they're quite chatty, 90 00:05:31,372 --> 00:05:34,584 less Murnau and Dreyer, more Wilder and Hawks. 91 00:05:35,251 --> 00:05:37,420 Oh, I get it. You wanna pitch me some dialogue? 92 00:05:37,420 --> 00:05:38,880 Is that it? 93 00:05:39,922 --> 00:05:40,757 First time. 94 00:05:40,757 --> 00:05:44,427 Don't be intimidated by my Oscars as I am. Show me what ya got. 95 00:05:44,427 --> 00:05:46,095 Well, just for instance, in the scene where 96 00:05:46,095 --> 00:05:48,431 - the Viet Cong are torturing Commo Kim? - Yeah. 97 00:05:48,431 --> 00:05:51,059 The stage direction says they coerce him to confess. 98 00:05:51,059 --> 00:05:53,061 So, maybe, at the very least, 99 00:05:53,061 --> 00:05:54,562 they need a line like... 100 00:06:01,277 --> 00:06:03,821 You know? "Confess, you fucker." 101 00:06:34,560 --> 00:06:35,686 Go. 102 00:06:36,646 --> 00:06:37,563 Go. 103 00:06:38,231 --> 00:06:40,066 Go and be the voice of our people. 104 00:06:41,943 --> 00:06:44,320 How much influence can a mere advisor bring? 105 00:06:44,320 --> 00:06:47,907 Your influence may be small, but as they say, 106 00:06:47,907 --> 00:06:51,619 "If you keep rustling, the winds will gather and become a storm." 107 00:06:51,619 --> 00:06:53,204 Give us some good lines. 108 00:06:56,958 --> 00:07:00,128 These are the ones I gave you, right? You ever listen to them? 109 00:07:03,714 --> 00:07:05,049 Of course. 110 00:07:12,014 --> 00:07:15,434 Right, and you'll be gone 17 weeks? 111 00:07:16,018 --> 00:07:18,563 And leave me, stranded? 112 00:07:20,231 --> 00:07:24,610 Have you been to the Napa Valley? You could come visit on the weekends. 113 00:07:25,444 --> 00:07:29,365 Yeah. Wow, let me get my autograph book. 114 00:07:30,032 --> 00:07:31,576 Are you upset? 115 00:07:34,745 --> 00:07:37,790 Ya know, this movie's gonna be made with or without me. 116 00:07:37,790 --> 00:07:39,625 So, wouldn't it be better to have someone there to say, 117 00:07:39,625 --> 00:07:43,421 "Hey, your portrayal of Asians is totally bullshit"? 118 00:07:43,421 --> 00:07:45,715 I mean, someone should've been there to tell David Carradine 119 00:07:45,715 --> 00:07:49,177 to stop squinting like the fuckin' sun was in his eyes. 120 00:07:49,177 --> 00:07:51,179 I find it rather sexy. 121 00:07:54,307 --> 00:07:56,726 I find it sexy when you squint, too. 122 00:08:02,982 --> 00:08:07,236 Well, don't let my deep-rooted skepticism of white men 123 00:08:07,236 --> 00:08:08,821 burst your bubble. 124 00:08:12,283 --> 00:08:14,619 I really hope this doesn't blow up in your face. 125 00:08:19,707 --> 00:08:22,168 Four months away from here? 126 00:08:22,168 --> 00:08:23,377 It sounds like bliss. 127 00:08:25,963 --> 00:08:27,089 I don't like it. 128 00:08:27,715 --> 00:08:29,091 It's a long time. 129 00:08:29,091 --> 00:08:31,177 - Who's gonna chauffeur me? - It's a movie. 130 00:08:33,387 --> 00:08:35,556 Well, if you insist, I won't go. 131 00:08:35,556 --> 00:08:37,225 No, no, of course not. 132 00:08:37,225 --> 00:08:39,227 If it's important to Claude and his friends, 133 00:08:39,227 --> 00:08:40,603 it's important to us. 134 00:08:40,603 --> 00:08:42,063 This is also an investment. 135 00:08:42,939 --> 00:08:44,982 An investment in what, may I ask? 136 00:08:44,982 --> 00:08:48,152 Investment in a project to reclaim our homeland. 137 00:08:49,153 --> 00:08:50,696 "Reclaim our homeland"? 138 00:08:50,696 --> 00:08:52,240 I might have something to share with you 139 00:08:52,240 --> 00:08:55,826 by the time you return from your Hollywood mission. 140 00:10:17,742 --> 00:10:19,118 - Hi. - Hi. 141 00:10:20,536 --> 00:10:22,288 - Can I come with? - No. 142 00:10:25,124 --> 00:10:26,000 Fine. 143 00:10:29,795 --> 00:10:31,339 I'll just hitchhike. 144 00:10:33,132 --> 00:10:35,968 Americans do it all the time, so it's gotta be safe. 145 00:10:38,262 --> 00:10:40,765 And can you tell my parents? 146 00:10:40,765 --> 00:10:44,685 And let them know you left me here alone, 147 00:10:45,353 --> 00:10:48,272 on this desolate stretch of highway. 148 00:11:08,417 --> 00:11:10,544 Can I trust you to behave? 149 00:11:13,381 --> 00:11:16,550 I don't wanna find you hiding out in James Yoon's dressing room now. 150 00:11:16,550 --> 00:11:18,761 Am I supposed to know who that is? 151 00:11:19,553 --> 00:11:21,514 You'll recognize his face. 152 00:11:21,514 --> 00:11:23,724 He's the Asian guy you see in every Hollywood film. 153 00:11:23,724 --> 00:11:25,851 I don't see an Asian guy in every Hollywood film. 154 00:11:25,851 --> 00:11:27,895 But when you do, it's him. 155 00:11:27,895 --> 00:11:31,399 I mean, he's never there for long. They always kill him off. 156 00:11:31,399 --> 00:11:34,443 But in this film, he's got quite a run. 157 00:11:35,194 --> 00:11:37,196 So, what's this movie about, anyway? 158 00:11:39,365 --> 00:11:42,660 Officially, it's the story of six Green Berets 159 00:11:42,660 --> 00:11:45,413 who get stranded in a Vietnamese hamlet. 160 00:11:45,413 --> 00:11:46,414 Unofficially, 161 00:11:49,458 --> 00:11:51,919 it's the story of a small Vietnamese farming community 162 00:11:51,919 --> 00:11:54,922 who are forced to take in a bunch of uninvited guests. 163 00:11:56,215 --> 00:12:00,261 Welcome, cast and crew, to "The Hamlet." Make yourselves at home. 164 00:12:00,261 --> 00:12:02,888 Everybody's got two drink tickets. Let's party. 165 00:12:07,560 --> 00:12:10,604 Right. But, officially, what happens in "The Hamlet"? 166 00:12:10,604 --> 00:12:12,690 While trapped with villagers he doesn't trust, 167 00:12:12,690 --> 00:12:15,484 Captain Shamus becomes consumed by paranoia 168 00:12:15,484 --> 00:12:17,445 and an impending sense of doom. 169 00:12:17,445 --> 00:12:18,654 Hey! 170 00:12:19,572 --> 00:12:21,449 You a communist sympathizer? 171 00:12:24,827 --> 00:12:26,579 I'm talkin' to you. 172 00:12:26,996 --> 00:12:29,206 So, who plays Captain Shamus? 173 00:12:29,206 --> 00:12:30,332 Ryan Glenn. 174 00:12:30,332 --> 00:12:32,084 Another one I'll know when I see the face? 175 00:12:32,084 --> 00:12:35,546 Absolutely. He's a legendary method icon. 176 00:12:37,465 --> 00:12:39,383 You speaky English? 177 00:12:42,219 --> 00:12:44,597 Maybe you've had a little bit too much to drink, Mr. Glenn. 178 00:12:45,431 --> 00:12:48,434 - I mean, Captain. Shamus. - Fuck, man. 179 00:12:48,434 --> 00:12:49,477 Method? 180 00:12:49,477 --> 00:12:51,395 Don't fuck with me, slant-eye. 181 00:12:51,395 --> 00:12:53,981 It's a term they use to refer to an actor who's always in character. 182 00:12:53,981 --> 00:12:55,149 Captain, Captain, Captain! 183 00:12:55,149 --> 00:12:56,692 - Hey, easy, easy! - Let go. 184 00:12:56,692 --> 00:12:58,694 Apparently, you have to address 'em by their character name 185 00:12:58,694 --> 00:13:00,571 or they freak out. 186 00:13:00,571 --> 00:13:03,407 Let go, let go, let go! 187 00:13:03,407 --> 00:13:07,203 Film climaxes in this macho showdown between Shamus 188 00:13:07,203 --> 00:13:13,042 and the idealistic young Sergeant Bellamy, played by the newcomer Jamie Johnson. 189 00:13:15,503 --> 00:13:17,171 The Jamie Johnson? 190 00:13:28,224 --> 00:13:29,391 Check it out. 191 00:13:29,391 --> 00:13:31,477 He looks just like he did on "Soul Train." 192 00:13:32,978 --> 00:13:34,396 Hey, you! 193 00:13:35,981 --> 00:13:37,900 What the hell, man? 194 00:13:38,859 --> 00:13:41,695 - Oh, no way. - 173rd Airborne. 195 00:13:41,695 --> 00:13:42,821 Bon's friend, you remember? 196 00:13:42,821 --> 00:13:45,824 - Yeah. - Wild nights back in Saigon. 197 00:13:47,159 --> 00:13:49,870 - Freddie. - Yeah. Fuck me, man. 198 00:13:50,204 --> 00:13:51,914 Military advisor. 199 00:13:51,914 --> 00:13:54,041 You shat yourself upside down, right? 200 00:13:55,251 --> 00:13:58,212 How's Bon? He get out? What about the other guy? 201 00:13:58,212 --> 00:13:59,505 You three were practically brothers. 202 00:14:00,631 --> 00:14:03,801 - Yeah... - People, people, people, people. 203 00:14:03,801 --> 00:14:05,344 Please, please. 204 00:14:05,344 --> 00:14:06,887 Your undivided attention just for a moment. 205 00:14:06,887 --> 00:14:10,849 Feel free to move in and make me feel self-important. 206 00:14:12,059 --> 00:14:14,353 We lucky few are an army 207 00:14:14,937 --> 00:14:17,815 in the war against war. 208 00:14:18,566 --> 00:14:20,776 On the eve of battle, my Greek ancestors 209 00:14:20,776 --> 00:14:22,361 in Lincoln Park, Michigan. 210 00:14:24,238 --> 00:14:29,535 They would invoke the gods: Zeus, Athena, Ares, 211 00:14:29,535 --> 00:14:31,287 and ask for their protection. 212 00:14:31,287 --> 00:14:35,791 And tonight, I call on you, all, to resurrect the Pantheon. 213 00:14:35,791 --> 00:14:40,588 Yahweh, Muhammad, Baal, Beelzebub. Let's make room for Satan too, huh? 214 00:14:40,588 --> 00:14:42,464 Can I get light applause for Satan? 215 00:14:44,049 --> 00:14:48,846 This is Vietnam. Devil's at the table. Devil's runnin' the fuckin' table. 216 00:14:49,430 --> 00:14:50,681 Where's my... 217 00:14:52,141 --> 00:14:55,686 There's my man, right there. Our Vietnamese consultant. 218 00:14:56,228 --> 00:14:58,772 He's keepin' us honest. God bless him. Give him a little hand. 219 00:14:59,648 --> 00:15:02,192 Everybody's got a god. Who's the god of Vietnam? 220 00:15:02,192 --> 00:15:04,570 Invoke his name or her name. 221 00:15:04,570 --> 00:15:06,780 I don't know. Just God? 222 00:15:06,780 --> 00:15:09,408 "I don't know. Just God." That's powerful. 223 00:15:11,744 --> 00:15:13,746 Join hands, if you will. 224 00:15:14,246 --> 00:15:16,248 Take a knee and pray. Please indulge me. 225 00:15:16,248 --> 00:15:19,668 I do this before every successful project. 226 00:15:27,217 --> 00:15:32,431 Dear gods, tomorrow, we wade neck-deep into the evil 227 00:15:32,431 --> 00:15:36,268 dung of the bowels of our ancestors. 228 00:15:36,268 --> 00:15:38,312 But if we do this right, 229 00:15:38,312 --> 00:15:42,691 we can drag the whole sham artifice of war 230 00:15:42,691 --> 00:15:47,363 down with us to hell and rise. 231 00:15:47,363 --> 00:15:50,407 Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? 232 00:15:50,407 --> 00:15:52,576 We're doin' it on the studio's dime. 233 00:15:52,576 --> 00:15:53,702 Come on! 234 00:15:56,205 --> 00:16:00,834 Spirits of ancient Egypt, shadows of ancient Rome. 235 00:16:00,834 --> 00:16:06,006 Blessing on this cast and crew, for tomorrow, we ship out! 236 00:16:08,634 --> 00:16:10,344 The champagne is flowing. 237 00:16:12,721 --> 00:16:18,602 Is that tune familiar? Come on! Who's the artist who sings said hit? 238 00:16:19,353 --> 00:16:22,231 Oh, shit. He's a cast member! 239 00:16:23,399 --> 00:16:26,068 Hey, soldier. Why don't you get up and sing? 240 00:16:26,068 --> 00:16:28,362 That's what you do, right? 241 00:16:28,862 --> 00:16:30,614 - You sing. - Come on. 242 00:16:30,614 --> 00:16:31,782 You know I'm gonna ask. 243 00:16:32,449 --> 00:16:36,328 Let's encourage the voice of his generation. 244 00:16:38,038 --> 00:16:39,915 I'm doin' this just for you. 245 00:16:41,917 --> 00:16:44,086 Hey, cast and crew. 246 00:16:44,086 --> 00:16:48,507 Why you sittin' there cryin' with your head down? 247 00:16:48,507 --> 00:16:51,343 Don't you know when you cry, you cry alone? 248 00:16:51,844 --> 00:16:53,345 But when you're mad... 249 00:16:53,345 --> 00:16:56,807 Ooh, baby, keep smilin', baby 250 00:16:56,807 --> 00:16:58,934 Keep smilin', keep smilin' 251 00:16:58,934 --> 00:17:03,397 Let your smile be your umbrella 252 00:17:03,397 --> 00:17:07,568 'Cause to me, you're my Cinderella 253 00:17:07,568 --> 00:17:12,072 I'm not a prince, girl, just a fella 254 00:17:12,072 --> 00:17:15,701 Oh, who has a heart that's full of love for you 255 00:17:15,701 --> 00:17:18,203 Ooh, baby, keep smilin', baby 256 00:17:18,203 --> 00:17:19,913 James Yoon. 257 00:17:19,913 --> 00:17:20,914 Hey! 258 00:17:23,625 --> 00:17:25,836 - It's an honor to meet you, man. - Hey. Thank you. 259 00:17:26,879 --> 00:17:29,214 So you're the guy who got beaten to death with brass knuckles 260 00:17:29,214 --> 00:17:31,216 - by Robert Mitchum. - Robert Mitchum, yeah. 261 00:17:31,216 --> 00:17:35,387 And the Chinese railroad worker that got stabbed by Ernest Borgnine. 262 00:17:36,930 --> 00:17:39,600 Japanese soldier. Got shot in the head by Sinatra. 263 00:17:39,600 --> 00:17:41,185 Oh, man. 264 00:17:41,185 --> 00:17:43,645 You know I'm playing Korean American for the first time. 265 00:17:43,645 --> 00:17:44,521 First time. 266 00:17:45,397 --> 00:17:48,776 - You're the Vietnam consultant? - Yeah, that's me. 267 00:17:48,776 --> 00:17:50,611 That's why he brought me here. 268 00:17:50,986 --> 00:17:53,697 Hey, keep me honest, alright? 269 00:17:53,697 --> 00:17:55,157 - Of course. - Stay on me. 270 00:17:55,157 --> 00:17:57,326 Yeah. No, I'll do whatever I can, man. 271 00:17:58,118 --> 00:17:59,286 Thank you. 272 00:18:07,377 --> 00:18:08,712 - Hi. - Hey. 273 00:18:08,712 --> 00:18:10,672 My name is Monique Thibault. 274 00:18:11,381 --> 00:18:14,426 The production designer is responsible for the look 275 00:18:14,426 --> 00:18:16,845 of every nonliving aspect of the film. 276 00:18:16,845 --> 00:18:19,515 - Right. - This is my third outing 277 00:18:19,515 --> 00:18:21,725 with "L'Auteur," as I call him, 278 00:18:21,725 --> 00:18:24,561 the one and only true genius in the universe. 279 00:18:25,395 --> 00:18:28,690 - Well, how's it all going? - Well, it wasn't easy. 280 00:18:28,690 --> 00:18:29,900 Why hasn't it been easy? 281 00:18:29,900 --> 00:18:32,486 Because the vegetation's all wrong around here. 282 00:18:32,486 --> 00:18:36,073 We had to have the plants imported from the Philippines. 283 00:18:36,073 --> 00:18:38,325 - All the way from the Philippines? - Yes, Captain. 284 00:18:38,909 --> 00:18:41,537 - That's impressive. - So... 285 00:18:43,497 --> 00:18:44,581 the hamlet. 286 00:18:54,007 --> 00:18:57,970 We have imported all the livestock. 287 00:18:57,970 --> 00:19:01,557 We have chicken, buffaloes, pigs. 288 00:19:04,434 --> 00:19:08,021 So, as you see, no expense has been spared. 289 00:19:08,021 --> 00:19:10,524 I must say, we have a lot of support from the boss. 290 00:19:11,733 --> 00:19:13,902 - You made this? - Yes. 291 00:19:13,902 --> 00:19:17,906 - He's pushing very hard for-- - Authenticity. 292 00:19:26,373 --> 00:19:29,501 So, do we pass? 293 00:19:33,130 --> 00:19:34,756 I can even smell my mother's cooking. 294 00:19:36,758 --> 00:19:40,178 That's wonderful. Come, let me show you something. 295 00:19:41,513 --> 00:19:43,056 What else? 296 00:19:43,932 --> 00:19:46,518 So, what do you think? 297 00:19:48,061 --> 00:19:51,398 - This is extraordinary. - Thank you. 298 00:19:52,900 --> 00:19:56,069 Do you think I can do anything to make it more persuasive? 299 00:20:08,498 --> 00:20:11,835 Can you put this on one of the gravestones? 300 00:20:14,338 --> 00:20:15,380 Your mother? 301 00:20:16,757 --> 00:20:18,675 She died when I was studying here. 302 00:20:19,968 --> 00:20:24,932 She was sick for a while. Never contacted me. 303 00:20:26,058 --> 00:20:27,851 Didn't want me to worry. 304 00:20:28,352 --> 00:20:33,482 She was buried in some sunless grave. Unmarked, because we were poor. 305 00:20:35,192 --> 00:20:38,487 You know, in Vietnam, this spot would get the highest price. 306 00:21:10,894 --> 00:21:12,479 Alright. Go, sound. 307 00:21:12,479 --> 00:21:13,605 Sound speed. 308 00:21:15,399 --> 00:21:16,858 Roll cameras! 309 00:21:16,858 --> 00:21:19,361 Scene three, take one. 310 00:21:19,361 --> 00:21:22,739 Ready? Here we go! Camera! 311 00:21:22,739 --> 00:21:25,075 And like there's no camera rolling. 312 00:21:25,075 --> 00:21:27,077 - Action! - Go, go, go, go! 313 00:21:38,213 --> 00:21:39,339 Clear! 314 00:21:41,800 --> 00:21:43,969 - Go without me, Captain, I won't make it. - Hey, you fuckin' quitter. 315 00:21:43,969 --> 00:21:46,054 You're not gettin' out that easy. Come on. 316 00:21:52,769 --> 00:21:53,520 Come on. 317 00:22:08,410 --> 00:22:09,828 Are you even limping? 318 00:22:10,662 --> 00:22:13,749 You forgot you got shot in the fuckin' leg? 319 00:22:13,749 --> 00:22:15,417 - Cut! - You gotta limp! 320 00:22:15,417 --> 00:22:17,002 - We gotta go back to one. - Cut! 321 00:22:17,002 --> 00:22:19,087 The singer lost his fuckin' limp! 322 00:22:19,087 --> 00:22:21,298 I just lost my hard-on. 323 00:22:56,083 --> 00:22:59,252 Ready? "The Hamlet." Scene seven, take one. 324 00:22:59,252 --> 00:23:00,087 Action! 325 00:23:14,226 --> 00:23:14,976 Identify! 326 00:23:16,686 --> 00:23:17,687 Identify! 327 00:23:19,940 --> 00:23:20,899 Identify! 328 00:23:29,199 --> 00:23:30,617 Get down! Drop! 329 00:23:32,244 --> 00:23:34,788 Hold it, hold it! Shut up for once! 330 00:23:55,934 --> 00:23:58,478 Well, I guess that's one for Sergeant Bellamy. 331 00:24:00,939 --> 00:24:02,607 And cut. 332 00:24:02,607 --> 00:24:04,109 - Let's cut. - Dig it. 333 00:24:04,109 --> 00:24:06,945 - Captain Shamus, how'd that one feel? - Like dog shit. 334 00:24:06,945 --> 00:24:07,904 Because? 335 00:24:07,904 --> 00:24:09,906 Sergeant Bellamy did not advance in proper posture. 336 00:24:09,906 --> 00:24:12,576 - Yeah, I'm not, I'm not worried about-- - You're not? 337 00:24:12,576 --> 00:24:15,120 No, I just think it feels like total chaos and-- 338 00:24:15,120 --> 00:24:16,830 Chaos that's not military. 339 00:24:16,830 --> 00:24:19,166 You dug incompetence? 340 00:24:19,166 --> 00:24:21,209 - That's what you dig? - I trust you, if you'll trust me, 341 00:24:21,209 --> 00:24:23,086 I'd like to move on just this once. 342 00:24:23,086 --> 00:24:24,838 We have to do one more. 343 00:24:24,838 --> 00:24:27,549 Vietnamese advisor has a problem with that last take? 344 00:24:27,549 --> 00:24:31,011 - Yeah, that old lady... - Yeah. 345 00:24:31,011 --> 00:24:32,679 - ...she doesn't sp-- - That old lady? Yes. 346 00:24:32,679 --> 00:24:34,890 I told you this is Vietnam, right? 347 00:24:34,890 --> 00:24:38,310 So, if you have to speak, let's do it in Vietnamese, okay? 348 00:24:38,310 --> 00:24:41,438 - I don't speak Vietnamese. - Okay. 349 00:24:43,940 --> 00:24:46,109 Why doesn't she speak Vietnamese? 350 00:24:46,109 --> 00:24:47,777 What? Why don't you speak Vietnamese? 351 00:24:47,777 --> 00:24:49,779 - Because I'm Chinese. - Was I talkin' to you? 352 00:24:49,779 --> 00:24:51,698 Okay, hey. Okay. 353 00:24:53,575 --> 00:24:55,493 I understand that it's a different accent, 354 00:24:55,493 --> 00:24:58,705 but are you able to make it sound Vietnamese? 355 00:25:01,291 --> 00:25:04,252 - Do you speak Danish? - Dude, just fuck her. 356 00:25:04,252 --> 00:25:06,421 - I don't speak Danish. - Just swap her out for an extra 357 00:25:06,421 --> 00:25:08,590 - that speaks Vietnamese. - None of them speak Vietnamese. 358 00:25:08,590 --> 00:25:09,925 That's the thing. 359 00:25:09,925 --> 00:25:12,219 None of the extras speak Vietnamese, I see. 360 00:25:12,219 --> 00:25:13,511 - Did you know this? - No. 361 00:25:13,511 --> 00:25:15,222 I speak Vietnamese. 362 00:25:15,222 --> 00:25:16,681 Are you an old lady? 363 00:25:16,681 --> 00:25:20,769 Can somebody explain to me why I'm shooting a Vietnam War movie 364 00:25:20,769 --> 00:25:25,774 with Vietnamese extras who aren't Vietnamese? 365 00:25:28,902 --> 00:25:32,030 That was obviously directed at you, Mikey. I'm just lookin' over here. 366 00:25:32,030 --> 00:25:36,159 Oh. Right, sir. Sir, there was, there is no line in the script, 367 00:25:36,159 --> 00:25:38,495 - so we didn't need a Vietnamese... - Yeah. 368 00:25:38,495 --> 00:25:39,955 - ...speaker-- - Oh, wow. 369 00:25:39,955 --> 00:25:41,331 Look, she got too excited back there, 370 00:25:41,331 --> 00:25:42,999 - and she just-- Sir, she just-- - Don't gloat. 371 00:25:42,999 --> 00:25:44,459 She just blurted that out spontaneous, 372 00:25:44,459 --> 00:25:46,336 - so it's not-- - I like spontaneous. 373 00:25:46,336 --> 00:25:48,088 - It's Altmanesque. - Right. I know. 374 00:25:48,088 --> 00:25:50,799 Okay, let's bring it all down. Let's not fight in front of the kids. 375 00:25:50,799 --> 00:25:55,220 I need 100 Vietnamese extras ready to shoot by zero six hundred Monday. 376 00:25:55,220 --> 00:25:56,721 Thank you. Authentic Vietnamese. 377 00:25:57,597 --> 00:26:00,558 - Sir, that's two days from now, sir. - Yeah, there's no fuckin' "sir." 378 00:26:00,558 --> 00:26:02,269 - No, sir. That's two days from now. - There's no "sir," just do it. 379 00:26:02,269 --> 00:26:03,770 Hey, sir, that's two fuckin' days from now. 380 00:26:03,770 --> 00:26:06,273 Yeah, then you got two days, brother! You got 48 hours! 381 00:26:06,273 --> 00:26:08,066 - I'll call casting. - Call "The Chronicle" 382 00:26:08,066 --> 00:26:09,567 - and get some ads. - Fuck! 383 00:26:09,567 --> 00:26:11,569 - And put up fliers, Violet. - I can do it. 384 00:26:12,279 --> 00:26:13,446 Yeah. 385 00:26:13,446 --> 00:26:15,198 - I'll take care of it. - Go then. 386 00:26:15,198 --> 00:26:17,993 What accents are required? Northern or Southern? 387 00:26:17,993 --> 00:26:19,327 Northern is better, 388 00:26:19,327 --> 00:26:21,621 but if they're from the South, I can coach 'em. 389 00:26:21,621 --> 00:26:24,749 I mean, sorry to call at such short notice, but it's just, 390 00:26:24,749 --> 00:26:26,835 Claude seems so invested in this, and-- 391 00:26:26,835 --> 00:26:28,336 I'll assemble the troops. 392 00:26:28,336 --> 00:26:30,380 You'll have your extras by tomorrow morning. 393 00:26:30,964 --> 00:26:33,091 Now, let me speak to Lana. 394 00:26:33,633 --> 00:26:34,884 - Lana? - No. 395 00:26:35,885 --> 00:26:37,220 Lana is busy now. 396 00:26:37,220 --> 00:26:39,889 She's on set working hard as my-- 397 00:26:45,729 --> 00:26:48,273 Call him, or your father will kill me. 398 00:26:48,273 --> 00:26:50,692 You're still scared of my father? 399 00:26:51,318 --> 00:26:54,070 Guess I'm the only one who's matured over here. 400 00:26:55,030 --> 00:26:56,948 Be a man, man. 401 00:27:01,703 --> 00:27:02,871 Maybe I could be an extra. 402 00:27:02,871 --> 00:27:04,497 Camera, roll! 403 00:27:08,418 --> 00:27:09,794 Scene seven, reshoot. 404 00:27:09,794 --> 00:27:10,712 Take one. 405 00:27:15,425 --> 00:27:16,926 - Get on your knees! - Shut up! 406 00:27:16,926 --> 00:27:18,803 - Get on your fuckin' knees! - Shut up! 407 00:27:32,484 --> 00:27:34,027 - And cut! - Cut! 408 00:27:34,027 --> 00:27:36,279 How was that line? "Don't shoot me. I'm a peasant. 409 00:27:36,279 --> 00:27:39,157 - I'm only a peasant." Right? - Yeah, it was good for me. 410 00:27:39,157 --> 00:27:40,617 No, that was great. That was great. 411 00:27:41,409 --> 00:27:42,327 Camera, roll! 412 00:27:55,590 --> 00:27:56,883 What the fuck? Cut! 413 00:27:56,883 --> 00:27:59,594 - Laughably horrible. - Cut! 414 00:27:59,594 --> 00:28:01,679 Are you trying to ruin my movie? 415 00:28:01,679 --> 00:28:05,392 So now we got real Vietnamese extras, but it looks like they've never seen war! 416 00:28:05,392 --> 00:28:07,227 What the fuck? 417 00:28:07,227 --> 00:28:10,397 You're not, you're not Charlie, you're Charlie Brown. 418 00:28:10,397 --> 00:28:15,902 I'm not scared. I should be terrified, you fuck-ups! 419 00:28:15,902 --> 00:28:18,988 - Tell 'em! - Well, maybe they need a line 420 00:28:18,988 --> 00:28:21,199 - to yell at the farmers. - Who? Which amongst them? 421 00:28:21,199 --> 00:28:23,159 They all look like fuckin' children! 422 00:28:23,159 --> 00:28:26,788 He's okay. You, you're hired. Get him up front. Give him a line. 423 00:28:27,288 --> 00:28:28,915 - Right. - Get him riled up! 424 00:28:28,915 --> 00:28:30,917 - Okay. - Let's go! 425 00:28:47,851 --> 00:28:49,352 {\an8}Enough, let's go. 426 00:28:54,649 --> 00:28:56,734 {\an8}"The Hamlet," scene 35, take one. 427 00:29:04,701 --> 00:29:05,660 Cut! 428 00:29:05,660 --> 00:29:07,120 That's in the movie! That was great. 429 00:29:07,120 --> 00:29:08,621 - Cut! - Nice work, buddy. 430 00:29:08,621 --> 00:29:10,874 - Sir, we have a small problem. - No, we have no problem. 431 00:29:10,874 --> 00:29:12,417 - I'm happy. - Let's keep it movin'! 432 00:29:12,417 --> 00:29:13,835 Ladies, outta the water! 433 00:30:02,008 --> 00:30:05,094 Someone's gotta do it. I'll take the money. 434 00:30:05,094 --> 00:30:07,180 I'm sorry, but the script says they're supposed to be men. 435 00:30:07,180 --> 00:30:08,264 Thank you, though. 436 00:31:00,400 --> 00:31:02,819 - No. Leave him. - We gotta go back. We lost Kim. 437 00:31:02,819 --> 00:31:05,321 Charlie's swarmin'. Come on. 438 00:31:27,677 --> 00:31:29,762 Cut! That's a cut! 439 00:31:35,143 --> 00:31:38,021 That damn sure looks like someone gettin' shot. 440 00:31:38,479 --> 00:31:41,190 That was fuckin' real. 441 00:31:41,190 --> 00:31:44,527 Wait, did I mention that Bon was there? 442 00:31:44,527 --> 00:31:47,280 Okay, sorry. I'll go back. 443 00:32:06,799 --> 00:32:08,426 It was great to see. 444 00:32:08,426 --> 00:32:09,844 Movin' on! 445 00:32:10,970 --> 00:32:14,265 Takes someone who's killed a lot to know how to die, right? 446 00:32:15,224 --> 00:32:17,352 - It is fun getting killed. - Yeah. 447 00:32:17,352 --> 00:32:20,021 I don't mean it was great to see him make light of our dead comrades. 448 00:32:20,021 --> 00:32:21,147 You're gonna die some more. 449 00:32:21,147 --> 00:32:22,857 He shouldn't have said that. 450 00:32:22,857 --> 00:32:24,817 Don't fuck up my movie. Action! 451 00:32:24,817 --> 00:32:26,361 What I'm trying to say is 452 00:32:26,361 --> 00:32:29,530 that it was great to see Bon regaining his spirit. 453 00:32:32,617 --> 00:32:34,202 Cut! Great stuff! 454 00:32:34,202 --> 00:32:36,746 For the first time since we'd come to America, 455 00:32:36,746 --> 00:32:38,539 he was truly happy... 456 00:32:38,539 --> 00:32:40,541 "The Hamlet," scene 45, take four. 457 00:32:40,541 --> 00:32:45,797 ...dying, over and over and over in myriad ways. 458 00:32:45,797 --> 00:32:47,298 Cut! Lovely. 459 00:32:48,132 --> 00:32:49,175 Mark. 460 00:32:49,175 --> 00:32:50,385 The squibs! Waste 'em! 461 00:32:54,263 --> 00:32:57,600 But Bon wasn't the only one who wanted to get in the act. 462 00:32:58,768 --> 00:33:01,270 Friends and family in! Mourn! Mourn! 463 00:33:10,988 --> 00:33:13,157 Cut-age. That's cinema. 464 00:33:14,951 --> 00:33:15,785 Not bad. 465 00:33:15,785 --> 00:33:16,619 Comin' through. 466 00:33:19,789 --> 00:33:22,750 What's wrong with you? Why do you wanna act so much? 467 00:33:23,793 --> 00:33:25,169 Well, just-- 468 00:33:26,587 --> 00:33:28,214 You were so good, Lan. 469 00:33:28,214 --> 00:33:30,299 - Thanks, Jamie. - Of course. 470 00:33:32,802 --> 00:33:34,470 "Jamie"? "Lan"? 471 00:33:35,304 --> 00:33:36,305 That's what he wants me to call him. 472 00:33:36,305 --> 00:33:37,682 By the way, Little Miss, 473 00:33:37,682 --> 00:33:40,435 about those lines you added all by yourself. 474 00:33:40,435 --> 00:33:43,146 "Don't shoot." And then, the second one was, 475 00:33:43,146 --> 00:33:44,605 -"Don't die, Grandpa." - Okay. Not bad. 476 00:33:44,605 --> 00:33:46,941 Might be in the movie. Hey, Tommy! 477 00:33:46,941 --> 00:33:49,360 - Let's use that girl again! - Yes! 478 00:33:55,658 --> 00:33:57,368 Hey, Violet. 479 00:33:58,369 --> 00:33:59,704 I can take that off you. 480 00:33:59,704 --> 00:34:02,623 I'm going up there anyway. He asked to see me. 481 00:34:02,623 --> 00:34:03,624 'Kay. 482 00:34:08,463 --> 00:34:10,798 Violet wanted me to bring you this. 483 00:34:11,257 --> 00:34:14,510 Thank you. Put it on the light table, yeah. 484 00:34:16,804 --> 00:34:19,056 - Is that it? - I didn't wanna disturb you, 485 00:34:19,056 --> 00:34:21,517 but I was afraid we wouldn't have any other time... 486 00:34:22,852 --> 00:34:25,021 I'm gonna need some lines for the torturers after lunch. 487 00:34:25,021 --> 00:34:26,147 They don't need lines. 488 00:34:27,273 --> 00:34:30,276 Alright, but if they're gonna be torturing him, 489 00:34:30,276 --> 00:34:34,155 they're gonna probably need some lines to extract information. 490 00:34:34,155 --> 00:34:35,740 This is war. 491 00:34:35,740 --> 00:34:38,034 This isn't a courtroom drama. This isn't a fuckin' light comedy. 492 00:34:38,034 --> 00:34:39,827 It's sadism, animal cruelty. 493 00:34:39,827 --> 00:34:41,454 So, in fact, 494 00:34:41,454 --> 00:34:45,166 I thought of some lines that might help convey that, ya know? 495 00:34:46,751 --> 00:34:51,047 Not lines. A line, pick a line. No, pick a word. 496 00:34:51,047 --> 00:34:55,218 Something they can scream or repeat like a chant. 497 00:34:55,218 --> 00:34:57,220 - A chant? - Yeah, a chant. 498 00:34:58,846 --> 00:34:59,764 Do you mind? 499 00:34:59,764 --> 00:35:01,641 This is not some hobby I'm dabbling in. 500 00:35:01,641 --> 00:35:03,893 I'm trying to get inspiration for the end of the movie. 501 00:35:03,893 --> 00:35:05,144 It's personal. 502 00:35:05,645 --> 00:35:08,189 I feel like you're watching me masturbate right now. 503 00:35:09,106 --> 00:35:11,692 - Right. - Great. You wanna watch me get off? 504 00:35:12,235 --> 00:35:14,362 - Sorry. - You don't look sorry. 505 00:35:15,112 --> 00:35:16,239 Commander! 506 00:35:17,365 --> 00:35:18,366 Hey! 507 00:35:19,325 --> 00:35:22,870 What in the world inspired you to climb all the way up here? 508 00:35:23,579 --> 00:35:26,290 War is about sacrifice. 509 00:35:26,290 --> 00:35:28,543 Okay, I know what you're thinking. 510 00:35:28,543 --> 00:35:31,963 Yes, I am recounting something I didn't actually witness myself. 511 00:35:31,963 --> 00:35:35,258 Forgive me. Some of the dialogue is conjecture, 512 00:35:35,258 --> 00:35:37,927 but it helps to explain the events that follow. 513 00:35:37,927 --> 00:35:42,139 I would gladly lay down my life for my men. 514 00:35:43,266 --> 00:35:45,810 And I expect the same in return. 515 00:35:47,895 --> 00:35:50,815 - What? - But when I look in that rookie's eyes, 516 00:35:53,150 --> 00:35:55,653 I get nothing back! 517 00:35:55,653 --> 00:35:57,530 And that makes me feel like a chump. 518 00:35:57,530 --> 00:36:01,158 - And I don't like that. - Yeah, no, no, no. You're so right. 519 00:36:01,492 --> 00:36:02,285 Ryan-- 520 00:36:03,411 --> 00:36:05,163 Mistake. Mistake, Captain. 521 00:36:06,747 --> 00:36:10,793 You're a hunter, an apex predator, a lion. 522 00:36:11,836 --> 00:36:14,380 Top of the food chain. Top of the class at West Point. 523 00:36:14,380 --> 00:36:15,965 Three times decorated. 524 00:36:15,965 --> 00:36:20,595 Youngest Green Beret ever to make Major, but were demoted back to Captain 525 00:36:20,595 --> 00:36:23,681 only because he took on that fuckhead of a General. 526 00:36:23,681 --> 00:36:27,351 So maybe not a lion after the demotion, but you're a leopard. 527 00:36:27,351 --> 00:36:29,186 That's good enough. 528 00:36:29,896 --> 00:36:35,902 {\an8}Meanwhile, Bellamy, he's an antelope, a fawn destined to be eaten by you. 529 00:36:35,902 --> 00:36:37,612 That's it. He's a meal. 530 00:36:37,612 --> 00:36:39,280 You think a leopard looks into a fawn's eyes 531 00:36:39,280 --> 00:36:41,365 and gives a shit what it's thinking? 532 00:36:41,991 --> 00:36:44,160 They don't. They pounce. They swallow. 533 00:36:44,160 --> 00:36:46,621 They ingest. Shit out the carcass. 534 00:36:48,039 --> 00:36:48,915 That's you. 535 00:36:49,999 --> 00:36:50,958 A leopard. 536 00:36:51,834 --> 00:36:52,710 I like that. 537 00:36:53,419 --> 00:36:57,214 {\an8}I like that you like it. Come on. You got the afternoon off, right? 538 00:36:57,214 --> 00:36:59,675 Yeah, yeah. Recuperate. Maybe have a shower. 539 00:36:59,675 --> 00:37:02,303 Oh, fuck that. No showers in the battlefield. 540 00:37:13,522 --> 00:37:14,440 Hey. 541 00:37:15,608 --> 00:37:16,525 Hey. 542 00:37:18,778 --> 00:37:20,613 - How do I look? - Terrible. 543 00:37:22,365 --> 00:37:23,282 Great. 544 00:37:24,116 --> 00:37:27,328 Yeah, it's lunch. Would you like me to help you down or something? 545 00:37:27,328 --> 00:37:30,039 Fuck outta here. You know how long it took me to get in this rig? 546 00:37:33,542 --> 00:37:35,086 Water at least? 547 00:37:38,339 --> 00:37:41,384 That's good. That's good. That's good. Thanks. 548 00:37:41,384 --> 00:37:44,345 So, today's the day. You nervous? 549 00:37:49,892 --> 00:37:53,771 Fuck no. Lookin' forward to it. It's gonna be fun. 550 00:37:56,357 --> 00:37:58,943 - Well, good luck to you. - Alright, man. 551 00:37:58,943 --> 00:38:01,195 "The Hamlet," scene 32, take one. 552 00:38:01,195 --> 00:38:03,197 And action. 553 00:38:13,833 --> 00:38:14,959 Come on. 554 00:38:15,876 --> 00:38:17,253 - I love it. - Thank you. 555 00:38:17,253 --> 00:38:20,756 It's real, it's real. Come on. 556 00:38:22,216 --> 00:38:23,384 Fuck yeah! 557 00:38:25,386 --> 00:38:28,431 Man. Dude! Come on! 558 00:38:46,615 --> 00:38:51,245 God damn, that was hard to take. Right? Bravo, buddy. 559 00:38:51,245 --> 00:38:53,664 If you look close, you can see the boiled egg I had for breakfast. 560 00:38:53,664 --> 00:38:57,460 That yolk will be in the final cut, I promise you. 561 00:38:57,460 --> 00:38:59,045 - Yeah. - Thank you. 562 00:39:01,047 --> 00:39:04,425 Alright, the marvelous James Yoon, everybody. 563 00:39:05,009 --> 00:39:06,761 Nobody dies like James Yoon. 564 00:39:07,178 --> 00:39:12,183 James Yoon, everyone. That is the most authentic thing 565 00:39:12,183 --> 00:39:15,394 - we've captured so far. - I love you. Thank you. 566 00:39:15,394 --> 00:39:18,439 - Why are you clapping? - Fantastic death. 567 00:39:18,439 --> 00:39:21,233 Why are you clapping? 568 00:39:24,862 --> 00:39:25,780 I'll tell you why. 569 00:39:27,114 --> 00:39:31,160 Because Commo Kim was hangin' there for four fuckin' hours! 570 00:39:31,160 --> 00:39:32,828 He skipped lunch. 571 00:39:33,829 --> 00:39:36,373 Commo Kim was in torture for real! 572 00:39:37,666 --> 00:39:40,544 Do you think any of us would have felt what we just felt 573 00:39:40,544 --> 00:39:44,215 if he had flirted and farted and lounged his way through lunch, 574 00:39:44,215 --> 00:39:48,177 and then just spritzed on some fake sweat a minute before the take? 575 00:39:49,929 --> 00:39:54,558 Elvis Presley was prepared to serve! 576 00:39:54,558 --> 00:39:57,686 Cassius Clay was not! 577 00:39:58,229 --> 00:40:01,065 - What the fuck is that supposed to mean? - Uncomfortable is okay. 578 00:40:01,565 --> 00:40:04,485 This was a great day, and we just saw great dailies. 579 00:40:06,779 --> 00:40:07,988 All is well. 580 00:40:07,988 --> 00:40:11,158 Oh, fuck. Get the fuck out of my way. 581 00:40:12,159 --> 00:40:16,914 Before this war is over, we will all be covered in blood. 582 00:40:17,706 --> 00:40:20,292 Alright. See you tomorrow, pal. 583 00:40:20,292 --> 00:40:22,419 Wanna get outta here? 584 00:40:22,419 --> 00:40:24,046 I don't know. 585 00:40:27,925 --> 00:40:29,009 Maybe. 586 00:40:29,677 --> 00:40:33,389 It's a night full of inspiration. Thank you all. 587 00:40:42,022 --> 00:40:43,023 Shamus. 588 00:40:43,023 --> 00:40:44,233 Hey. 589 00:40:45,568 --> 00:40:48,445 Have you ever seen a Sagittarius that bright? 590 00:40:48,445 --> 00:40:52,449 - Half-man, half-- - Gittarius. 591 00:40:53,909 --> 00:40:59,957 My mind is racing, wandering. I got a fuckin' great idea. 592 00:40:59,957 --> 00:41:02,001 I think this night has offered inspiration 593 00:41:02,001 --> 00:41:04,920 - for the both of us. - And it's a new scene. 594 00:41:06,046 --> 00:41:10,801 And I'm gonna go write it right now. And I think you're gonna dig it, brother. 595 00:41:13,929 --> 00:41:15,347 I'm gonna go. 596 00:41:15,973 --> 00:41:16,765 Kiss me... 597 00:41:19,643 --> 00:41:20,519 Beautiful little... 598 00:41:21,937 --> 00:41:22,730 Kiss me... 599 00:41:24,190 --> 00:41:25,357 King of the Hamlet. 600 00:41:39,830 --> 00:41:42,541 Good morning, everyone. 601 00:41:42,541 --> 00:41:45,878 Our Captain Shamus is missing. 602 00:41:45,878 --> 00:41:49,298 He does have a gun. We think it's unloaded, 603 00:41:49,298 --> 00:41:53,302 but until that is verified, production is halted. 604 00:41:53,302 --> 00:41:56,180 We're working with local authorities to find him. 605 00:41:56,180 --> 00:41:59,266 He has a very pronounced smell, so we're confident the K-9 unit 606 00:41:59,266 --> 00:42:01,143 will locate him soon, right? 607 00:42:01,143 --> 00:42:07,399 In the meantime, hang tight and remain on the premises. 608 00:42:07,399 --> 00:42:09,151 Don't go. You can't leave. 609 00:42:31,465 --> 00:42:33,384 Girl, you somethin' else. 610 00:42:34,969 --> 00:42:37,346 This whole shitshow is comin' down fast. 611 00:42:37,930 --> 00:42:39,306 You just sit here by the water, 612 00:42:39,306 --> 00:42:41,350 singin' some old song that was taught to you 613 00:42:41,350 --> 00:42:44,979 by your grandma's grandma's... 614 00:42:45,896 --> 00:42:47,022 grandma. 615 00:42:49,608 --> 00:42:54,947 Do you understand a word I say? 616 00:42:57,908 --> 00:43:00,619 A word I say? 617 00:43:00,619 --> 00:43:02,454 Yeah, you got it. 618 00:43:08,294 --> 00:43:10,337 "The Hamlet: The Musical"? 619 00:43:11,171 --> 00:43:12,339 Yeah, yeah. 620 00:43:12,339 --> 00:43:16,135 Isn't she amazing? We're rehearsin' her new scene. 621 00:43:16,135 --> 00:43:19,888 Cast and crew, return to your rooms immediately. 622 00:43:19,888 --> 00:43:23,475 I know you're out there. This is not a fucking joke. 623 00:43:23,475 --> 00:43:27,313 - We can pick this up later. - Yeah. 624 00:43:36,739 --> 00:43:38,324 What's the matter? 625 00:43:38,324 --> 00:43:40,326 Apart from the writing? 626 00:43:41,410 --> 00:43:44,204 - You hate the scene? - No, I mean, 627 00:43:44,204 --> 00:43:46,707 I'm happy he's finally giving you some lines. 628 00:43:46,707 --> 00:43:49,710 Well, not lines, technically, more like words, but. 629 00:43:49,710 --> 00:43:52,004 Well, it's kind of a big break, you know? 630 00:43:52,004 --> 00:43:54,965 It's not her only scene. She's got another. 631 00:43:54,965 --> 00:43:56,383 Go 'head, show him. 632 00:43:59,178 --> 00:44:01,430 I have a final scene with Captain Shamus. 633 00:44:01,430 --> 00:44:04,475 Gets rough with me, and Bellamy comes to my rescue. 634 00:44:05,184 --> 00:44:08,103 Que-Linh? Your name is Que-Linh? 635 00:44:09,521 --> 00:44:11,523 - My mother's name? - Yeah. 636 00:44:13,359 --> 00:44:15,235 Oh, my God! What is that? 637 00:44:24,787 --> 00:44:27,706 This is your new ending? It's fucking insanity. 638 00:44:27,706 --> 00:44:30,709 They weren't built for it. You can't do this out of nowhere. 639 00:44:30,709 --> 00:44:34,296 Baby, I got inspired while I was painting because of you. 640 00:44:34,296 --> 00:44:36,590 Remember, you're the one who told me to use my gift of painting. 641 00:44:36,590 --> 00:44:37,758 And things changed. 642 00:44:38,634 --> 00:44:41,678 Everything's gotta go. Everything. No exceptions. 643 00:44:41,678 --> 00:44:44,681 Madness wins. Anarchy, chaos. 644 00:44:44,681 --> 00:44:46,558 - Carpet-bomb the world. - Like what? 645 00:44:46,558 --> 00:44:48,185 -"Zabriskie Point"? - Yeah. 646 00:44:48,185 --> 00:44:49,812 Exactly. Exactly! But bigger. 647 00:44:49,812 --> 00:44:51,480 - No. - A million times bigger. 648 00:44:51,480 --> 00:44:53,941 Fuckin' billion times bigger than Antonioni! 649 00:44:53,941 --> 00:44:55,901 - This is my, this is my vision! - No! It's dangerous. 650 00:44:55,901 --> 00:44:57,403 But you won't listen to reason. 651 00:44:57,403 --> 00:44:59,279 - You're a child. - That's why you love me? 652 00:44:59,279 --> 00:45:01,156 - Yes, I love you. - Because I'm a baby? 653 00:45:01,156 --> 00:45:03,367 - Yes, you're a-- - I'm your petit chou? 654 00:45:04,034 --> 00:45:06,161 Oui, oui, mon amie. 655 00:45:07,037 --> 00:45:08,622 So, Shamus came back. 656 00:45:08,622 --> 00:45:11,458 Knew he would, that son of a bitch. 657 00:45:12,543 --> 00:45:15,546 How can I help you? More notes? 658 00:45:15,546 --> 00:45:17,047 No, no, no, hold that thought. Let me guess. 659 00:45:17,047 --> 00:45:19,591 You're here to suggest that instead of having 660 00:45:19,591 --> 00:45:21,718 Bellamy teach English to the village girl, 661 00:45:21,718 --> 00:45:25,431 I should have her teach Vietnamese to him, am I right? 662 00:45:25,431 --> 00:45:27,850 - Ballpark? - No. Not quite. 663 00:45:27,850 --> 00:45:30,352 I mean, don't get me wrong. I appreciate the scene. 664 00:45:30,352 --> 00:45:35,482 It offers a perspective that shows the Vietnamese are real people-- 665 00:45:35,482 --> 00:45:37,568 Boring. Boring. Boring. 666 00:45:37,568 --> 00:45:40,237 The fact that I'm even thinking of such things, don't you understand? 667 00:45:40,237 --> 00:45:42,865 This is an indication of your positive impact. 668 00:45:42,865 --> 00:45:44,366 You should just be happy, proud of yourself, 669 00:45:44,366 --> 00:45:46,410 all that happy horseshit. 670 00:45:46,410 --> 00:45:50,706 Unfortunately, your language itself, it's fuckin' garbage. 671 00:45:50,706 --> 00:45:52,666 It's impossible. 672 00:45:52,666 --> 00:45:55,669 Especially to squeeze into the petite brain of our pop idol friend, 673 00:45:55,669 --> 00:45:56,670 so can't help you. 674 00:45:58,505 --> 00:45:59,298 Right. 675 00:46:00,090 --> 00:46:00,841 Next. 676 00:46:02,259 --> 00:46:03,969 - And-- - Next. 677 00:46:03,969 --> 00:46:05,179 Scene 64. 678 00:46:05,179 --> 00:46:07,222 - Scene fucking what? - Scene 64. 679 00:46:07,222 --> 00:46:09,433 Okay, right on it. I'm gettin' on it. 680 00:46:10,142 --> 00:46:12,311 - Yeah. - Is it really necessary? 681 00:46:12,311 --> 00:46:14,730 - Unfortunately, yes. - Why? 682 00:46:15,272 --> 00:46:17,858 You know, it's funny, when I wrote that scene, 683 00:46:17,858 --> 00:46:19,526 I knew I was gonna hear from you. 684 00:46:19,526 --> 00:46:24,114 I wrote scene 64 in "The Hamlet" as a tribute to her. 685 00:46:25,407 --> 00:46:27,868 To my mother? A rape scene? 686 00:46:27,868 --> 00:46:30,496 - A tribute? - To her pain. 687 00:46:30,496 --> 00:46:32,039 You don't know anything about my mother. 688 00:46:32,039 --> 00:46:34,458 I understand that she was raped, 689 00:46:34,458 --> 00:46:36,877 like everyone in your country. 690 00:46:36,877 --> 00:46:38,837 Not literally, but raped. 691 00:46:38,837 --> 00:46:40,214 Am I wrong? 692 00:46:40,214 --> 00:46:44,092 I'm tellin' you, the audience will react with visceral revulsion. 693 00:46:44,092 --> 00:46:47,846 They will be permanently scarred. It's the right thing to do! 694 00:46:47,846 --> 00:46:50,349 And I fuckin' did it for you! 695 00:46:50,349 --> 00:46:52,267 Yeah, well, maybe Lana. 696 00:46:52,267 --> 00:46:55,521 Have you thought about that? You know, she's still young. 697 00:46:55,521 --> 00:46:57,981 - She's not even a real actress. - You're right, you're right. 698 00:46:57,981 --> 00:47:00,025 That's why she looks authentic. 699 00:47:00,025 --> 00:47:03,654 - Just like your mother, Que-Linh. - Don't say her fucking name! 700 00:47:04,905 --> 00:47:08,116 Lana's a real Vietnamese who will now get the privilege 701 00:47:08,116 --> 00:47:10,869 of representing the tens of millions of Vietnamese 702 00:47:10,869 --> 00:47:13,163 who never got a chance to speak up for themselves. 703 00:47:13,163 --> 00:47:14,915 Isn't that what you fucking wanted? 704 00:47:15,499 --> 00:47:18,585 What are you fuckin' mad at me for? You should be thanking me. 705 00:47:19,253 --> 00:47:20,504 Thank you for getting us to where we are. 706 00:47:20,504 --> 00:47:22,464 - We'll take it from here. - Don't touch me. 707 00:47:22,464 --> 00:47:23,465 Okay. 708 00:47:24,299 --> 00:47:26,218 You know you're fired, right? 709 00:47:32,182 --> 00:47:35,852 I'm so lucky. Antonioni had Monica Vitti. 710 00:47:36,687 --> 00:47:38,230 Thanks. 711 00:47:39,273 --> 00:47:40,774 But I've got Monique Thibault. 712 00:47:47,698 --> 00:47:50,075 Yes, once again, I admit 713 00:47:50,075 --> 00:47:53,495 I am recounting events I didn't personally witness. 714 00:47:53,495 --> 00:47:56,957 I don't think this scene is extraneous, 715 00:47:56,957 --> 00:48:00,961 but if it offends you, feel free to skip ahead. 716 00:48:01,962 --> 00:48:03,880 Let's dance. 717 00:48:15,434 --> 00:48:16,435 What's that? 718 00:48:19,146 --> 00:48:21,356 - The fuck is that? - I don't know. 719 00:48:21,356 --> 00:48:22,649 You fucking with me? 720 00:48:22,649 --> 00:48:23,942 - I'm not. - What is that? 721 00:48:23,942 --> 00:48:25,319 I don't know. 722 00:48:27,529 --> 00:48:29,072 - Please. - Looks like a-- 723 00:48:35,245 --> 00:48:37,247 What the fuck? 724 00:48:39,708 --> 00:48:45,088 This guy is one dangerous fuck. We're ready for what? 725 00:48:51,094 --> 00:48:52,679 The dead shall depart! 726 00:48:52,679 --> 00:48:54,765 Thanks for everything, everybody! 727 00:48:56,475 --> 00:48:58,268 - Hey, well done, James. - Thank you. 728 00:48:58,268 --> 00:49:00,312 The dead shall depart. 729 00:49:01,647 --> 00:49:04,858 Indeed they shall. How's the deer? 730 00:49:06,485 --> 00:49:08,612 Surprisingly not bad. 731 00:49:08,612 --> 00:49:09,696 Yeah? 732 00:49:10,489 --> 00:49:12,032 I wasn't surprised one bit when he came back 733 00:49:12,032 --> 00:49:13,784 with that buck on his shoulders. 734 00:49:13,784 --> 00:49:15,577 You know why Ryan hasn't been in a decent movie 735 00:49:15,577 --> 00:49:17,579 in the last five years? 736 00:49:18,955 --> 00:49:24,211 He punched Ken Omaha's nose and broke it. 737 00:49:25,837 --> 00:49:27,005 Why did he do that? 738 00:49:27,005 --> 00:49:29,758 To get a real reaction from his scene partner. 739 00:49:31,593 --> 00:49:33,720 Watch your back, alright? 740 00:49:34,429 --> 00:49:35,555 Take care, fellas. 741 00:49:36,848 --> 00:49:37,724 Alright? 742 00:49:44,147 --> 00:49:47,317 {\an8}Alright, roll cameras. Marker. 743 00:49:47,317 --> 00:49:49,111 Scene 64, take one. 744 00:49:50,237 --> 00:49:51,988 And action! 745 00:49:51,988 --> 00:49:54,449 King of the Hamlet. I am King of the Hamlet, 746 00:49:54,449 --> 00:49:56,034 and you will be my queen! 747 00:49:56,034 --> 00:49:58,161 Gimme a kiss. Kiss me. 748 00:50:00,664 --> 00:50:02,791 Excuse me. Sorry. Is Lana in there? 749 00:50:03,709 --> 00:50:06,002 - With Shamus? - He's fuckin' unstable. 750 00:50:06,002 --> 00:50:08,839 He went off-script, pointed his gun at me with "Nigger this, nigger that." 751 00:50:08,839 --> 00:50:12,676 He's out of fuckin' control. But let it go. Lana will be cool. 752 00:50:12,676 --> 00:50:14,469 I'll make sure she's safe from that motherfucker. 753 00:50:14,469 --> 00:50:16,263 What the fuck? Let me in there! 754 00:50:16,263 --> 00:50:18,306 Quiet. Use this. 755 00:50:18,306 --> 00:50:19,766 Sorry, can you ask if Lana's okay? 756 00:50:19,766 --> 00:50:22,018 - Who is Lana? - The Vietnamese actress. 757 00:50:22,018 --> 00:50:24,271 Her? She can take this, okay? 758 00:50:24,271 --> 00:50:27,190 - Stand by for the cue. - Copy, copy that. 759 00:50:27,190 --> 00:50:28,567 When I get the signal from the director, 760 00:50:28,567 --> 00:50:30,444 I'm gonna wave this flag from right over there 761 00:50:30,444 --> 00:50:32,821 and you go, okay? I'll wave this flag. 762 00:50:32,821 --> 00:50:35,782 - Alright? Then you go. Good, stay. - Copy. I heard you. 763 00:50:41,204 --> 00:50:44,166 ...don't you recognize me? I'm your King! You'll be my 764 00:50:44,166 --> 00:50:47,836 beautiful, little, obedient Vietnamese flower. 765 00:50:47,836 --> 00:50:50,255 Just kiss me. Kiss me and you will see 766 00:50:50,255 --> 00:50:51,965 that I'm your king. 767 00:50:51,965 --> 00:50:52,841 On your knees! 768 00:51:14,696 --> 00:51:17,657 Get your fuckin' hands off her! Get off her! 769 00:51:17,657 --> 00:51:20,285 - The fuck? - Did we cue him? 770 00:51:33,215 --> 00:51:36,176 Fucking motherfucker! Get the fuck off me! 771 00:51:36,176 --> 00:51:37,427 Fuck you! 772 00:51:37,427 --> 00:51:39,638 Jesus Christ, what have they done to you? 773 00:51:39,638 --> 00:51:41,431 Did he say "cut"? 774 00:51:41,431 --> 00:51:42,974 And cut! 775 00:51:43,517 --> 00:51:47,103 Finally! You give me somethin'! Yeah, that was fuckin' real! 776 00:51:47,103 --> 00:51:49,773 How the fuck did this happen? 777 00:51:49,773 --> 00:51:51,650 - Evil fuckin' genius. - My man! 778 00:51:51,650 --> 00:51:54,986 Hey! Are you crazy? Why'd you let him in before the signal? 779 00:51:54,986 --> 00:51:56,738 Sir, the Vietnamese guy just took my flag 780 00:51:56,738 --> 00:51:58,532 - and started waving it. - You what? 781 00:51:58,532 --> 00:52:02,202 Trust me, Lana. You don't know. He would've done it for real. 782 00:52:02,202 --> 00:52:05,247 Well, you didn't know that I could've handled myself. 783 00:52:06,957 --> 00:52:11,586 You. Again. You just ruined my best take, you schmuck. 784 00:52:11,586 --> 00:52:13,129 My only take! 785 00:52:13,129 --> 00:52:16,174 I can't shoot it again 'cause these fucking mutts 786 00:52:16,174 --> 00:52:18,426 just bashed each other's snouts. 787 00:52:18,426 --> 00:52:19,886 Are you happy? 788 00:52:20,887 --> 00:52:25,976 The cultural consultant I fired came back for free 789 00:52:25,976 --> 00:52:27,686 to destroy the film. 790 00:52:27,686 --> 00:52:30,939 That's what you just witnessed. That is a first in film history. 791 00:52:30,939 --> 00:52:33,108 Really, that's all you care about? 792 00:52:33,108 --> 00:52:34,776 If I'd let it gone on, she would've been raped! 793 00:52:34,776 --> 00:52:36,903 - Stop! Shut up! - For real! Do you care about that? 794 00:52:36,903 --> 00:52:38,989 - Would you be happy-- - Fuck you! 795 00:52:38,989 --> 00:52:40,448 Would that be the first in the history of cinema? 796 00:52:40,448 --> 00:52:44,327 Stop! Stop! What are you doing? 797 00:52:44,327 --> 00:52:47,789 Shut up! It's just acting. It's not real! 798 00:52:48,415 --> 00:52:53,461 Why are you ruining my fucking life? Jesus fucking Christ! 799 00:52:56,381 --> 00:52:57,382 Fuck. 800 00:53:32,876 --> 00:53:35,045 Planes! In five, 801 00:53:36,171 --> 00:53:38,632 four, three... 802 00:53:38,632 --> 00:53:41,217 Yeah! Come on!