1 00:00:25,150 --> 00:00:26,359 Hey! 2 00:03:21,618 --> 00:03:23,203 "Ma chère tante, 3 00:03:23,203 --> 00:03:25,455 "These men want their country back. 4 00:03:25,455 --> 00:03:27,374 "But what they need is to be recognized, 5 00:03:27,374 --> 00:03:30,168 to be remembered, to be the men they once were." 6 00:03:30,168 --> 00:03:34,589 And you, old friend, what is it that you need now? 7 00:03:35,048 --> 00:03:39,219 I need-- We need to save our friend, Bon, from us, 8 00:03:39,219 --> 00:03:41,304 from the guns and swords of our side. 9 00:04:49,956 --> 00:04:55,545 To the Republic, we will be always true! 10 00:05:01,551 --> 00:05:03,386 Stirring speech, sir. 11 00:05:04,471 --> 00:05:06,181 I've been further considering our predicament 12 00:05:06,181 --> 00:05:07,932 with this troublesome newsman. 13 00:05:07,932 --> 00:05:09,893 Well, that much is clear, sir. 14 00:05:09,893 --> 00:05:11,811 Perhaps you ought to brief the men. 15 00:05:11,811 --> 00:05:13,104 Provide them with a cover story. 16 00:05:13,104 --> 00:05:17,067 If that subversive comes fishing for his leftist propaganda rag, 17 00:05:17,067 --> 00:05:18,902 then our men need only tell him the truth. 18 00:05:18,902 --> 00:05:20,779 And which truth is that, sir? 19 00:05:20,779 --> 00:05:23,114 That this is a charitable organization. 20 00:05:24,366 --> 00:05:28,244 And a legally registered nonprofit, no less. 21 00:05:28,244 --> 00:05:30,205 "The Benevolent Fraternity 22 00:05:30,205 --> 00:05:33,416 of Former Soldiers of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam." 23 00:05:36,795 --> 00:05:37,796 We are? 24 00:05:39,381 --> 00:05:41,758 And what is our charitable cause? 25 00:05:41,758 --> 00:05:44,427 Humanitarian aid for all the poor Vietnamese 26 00:05:44,427 --> 00:05:46,471 still oppressed by the commies. 27 00:05:47,263 --> 00:05:50,475 It's all legitimate, on the books. 28 00:05:50,725 --> 00:05:53,770 This is how we receive tax-deductible donations 29 00:05:53,770 --> 00:05:56,356 from certain generous friends. 30 00:05:59,693 --> 00:06:03,571 Whoever these friends are, they must be very generous indeed. 31 00:06:54,622 --> 00:06:56,583 - Chinese laundry's next door. - No, I'm-- 32 00:06:56,583 --> 00:06:58,752 Oh, I'll be damned. 33 00:07:00,211 --> 00:07:02,005 I thought you got blown up. 34 00:07:05,383 --> 00:07:08,428 You know, of course, I don't partake myself, 35 00:07:08,428 --> 00:07:12,849 but I just like to have somethin' on hand for my constituents. 36 00:07:14,601 --> 00:07:17,687 What can this humble representative do for ya? 37 00:07:20,106 --> 00:07:23,651 I was rather wondering what I could do for you, Congressman. 38 00:07:24,903 --> 00:07:27,113 I was so taken by your speech at the party, I-- 39 00:07:27,113 --> 00:07:28,740 Meant every word, kid. 40 00:07:28,740 --> 00:07:32,786 You know, I'm makin' a long-term investment in your community. 41 00:07:33,370 --> 00:07:34,662 Sure, you're not voters yet 42 00:07:34,662 --> 00:07:37,123 but your children, their children. 43 00:07:37,123 --> 00:07:41,378 So, you see, I've located great value in you people. 44 00:07:42,712 --> 00:07:45,048 And I value that you value us. 45 00:07:45,799 --> 00:07:48,176 So, whatever I might do to be of value, 46 00:07:48,176 --> 00:07:50,679 - offer it to the campaign-- - That's a great idea. 47 00:07:50,679 --> 00:07:53,765 I'd be delighted to have an ethnic on the trail. 48 00:07:54,974 --> 00:07:59,062 Do you have skills other than being Vietnamese? 49 00:08:03,066 --> 00:08:05,902 I know when to talk and I know when to shut up. 50 00:08:10,031 --> 00:08:12,158 Do you know when to play deaf? 51 00:08:14,035 --> 00:08:16,705 That motherfucker just won't fucking listen. 52 00:08:16,705 --> 00:08:20,208 A touch higher! Fucking white trash. 53 00:08:24,212 --> 00:08:27,465 Shoot. That is totally not like me. 54 00:08:28,174 --> 00:08:29,843 I didn't catch what you said, madam. 55 00:08:30,927 --> 00:08:33,430 - Ned sent you? - Yes, yes, he did. 56 00:08:33,430 --> 00:08:35,432 Now you must let me guess. 57 00:08:37,392 --> 00:08:38,643 Vietnamese? 58 00:08:39,561 --> 00:08:40,770 Only my better half. 59 00:08:42,230 --> 00:08:44,649 No, no. If there is one thing I learned, 60 00:08:44,649 --> 00:08:47,902 it's that here in America, race is all or nothing. 61 00:08:53,700 --> 00:08:55,702 Maria, tell the kids 62 00:08:55,702 --> 00:08:57,954 - to turn off that hippie shit. - Sí, señora. 63 00:08:58,830 --> 00:09:00,707 I won't allow it in my house. 64 00:09:00,707 --> 00:09:03,626 It's a slippery slope to socialism. 65 00:09:04,377 --> 00:09:06,046 This music is my life! 66 00:09:06,046 --> 00:09:09,549 Tom Collins? Of course, I don't usually partake myself. 67 00:09:10,383 --> 00:09:11,301 Please. 68 00:09:11,301 --> 00:09:14,721 Help yourself if you don't mind. I've got some things to take care of here. 69 00:09:27,233 --> 00:09:28,943 Donors, donors. 70 00:09:28,943 --> 00:09:32,197 I do my best to memorize them, but I just can't. 71 00:09:33,323 --> 00:09:37,035 I could whisper their names for you, when you're greeting them. 72 00:09:37,035 --> 00:09:39,788 That's how I did it for the General back in Saigon. 73 00:09:39,788 --> 00:09:41,331 I can be very discreet. 74 00:09:42,165 --> 00:09:45,877 No can do. Ned says I'm not to show this to anyone. 75 00:09:45,877 --> 00:09:49,047 - Of course. - I simply can't wrap my head around 76 00:09:49,047 --> 00:09:52,884 what politicians can and cannot do with their money in this country. 77 00:09:52,884 --> 00:09:57,889 What in Cuba we called electioneering, here you call election fraud. 78 00:09:58,306 --> 00:10:00,475 Well, at least our restrictive campaign laws 79 00:10:00,475 --> 00:10:03,520 can't prevent civically-minded individuals like yourselves 80 00:10:03,520 --> 00:10:06,815 from donating to a worthy cause. 81 00:10:07,816 --> 00:10:10,235 Oh, you're speaking of your General's Benevolent Fraternity? 82 00:10:10,735 --> 00:10:12,529 So you know. 83 00:10:12,529 --> 00:10:14,739 Ned said it's all in the books. 84 00:10:16,950 --> 00:10:19,285 What kinda books? 85 00:10:20,787 --> 00:10:22,330 You know what kind. 86 00:10:29,337 --> 00:10:32,757 Ah, fuck it. Just a tipple. 87 00:10:33,299 --> 00:10:35,635 I'm with company, after all. 88 00:10:39,014 --> 00:10:41,474 So, what were we talking about? 89 00:10:45,353 --> 00:10:48,815 What's gotten into you, coming here wasted when the sun's still up? 90 00:10:48,815 --> 00:10:52,402 It's almost down. And who says I'm wasted? 91 00:10:54,320 --> 00:10:55,530 Right there. 92 00:10:55,989 --> 00:10:57,991 You can see his pad from here. 93 00:10:59,409 --> 00:11:04,039 You fantasized about killing Nicos, didn't you? 94 00:11:05,915 --> 00:11:07,208 Admit it. 95 00:11:09,377 --> 00:11:10,754 What about now? 96 00:11:10,754 --> 00:11:13,214 Hey, we all fantasize about killing people. 97 00:11:13,214 --> 00:11:15,300 Just as a passing thought. 98 00:11:17,927 --> 00:11:20,972 Like, "Oh, what if I... 99 00:11:21,973 --> 00:11:24,517 ran over that asshole with my car?" 100 00:11:25,977 --> 00:11:30,065 Or at least we fantasize what it'd be like if someone were dead. 101 00:11:30,065 --> 00:11:32,942 Sure, like some motherfucker who'd write me off as a bastard 102 00:11:32,942 --> 00:11:34,277 and steal my girlfriend. 103 00:11:36,821 --> 00:11:39,366 Sounds like you got someone specific in mind. 104 00:11:40,033 --> 00:11:42,410 Come on, you bought that? 105 00:11:42,410 --> 00:11:44,788 It sounds pretty specific. 106 00:12:56,651 --> 00:12:58,945 So, when do they give you the Pulitzer? 107 00:12:58,945 --> 00:13:00,572 Did the General send you to shake me down? 108 00:13:02,073 --> 00:13:03,783 Why don't we go outside and talk? 109 00:13:03,783 --> 00:13:06,286 Sorry, can't. I just placed an order. 110 00:13:06,286 --> 00:13:08,538 Well, have it to-go. We can talk in the car. 111 00:13:08,538 --> 00:13:10,206 Chaps sitting at the table next to me 112 00:13:10,206 --> 00:13:13,960 were just remarking that you need to have pho in situ, 113 00:13:13,960 --> 00:13:16,838 at the restaurant, to truly appreciate it. 114 00:13:17,630 --> 00:13:21,551 Apparently, it's not the same out on the training grounds. 115 00:13:24,971 --> 00:13:27,891 Actually, I just wanted to offer you some constructive criticism 116 00:13:27,891 --> 00:13:29,934 as an invested reader. 117 00:13:31,770 --> 00:13:34,689 You never could keep your literary opinions to yourself. 118 00:13:35,357 --> 00:13:37,984 Well, spit it out. No one here speaks English. 119 00:13:46,409 --> 00:13:49,412 If I were you, I'd trace the money. 120 00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:05,011 Why are we surprised? This is the Vietnamese joint, after all. 121 00:14:10,600 --> 00:14:12,060 Your soup should be here any minute. 122 00:14:12,060 --> 00:14:15,146 Time doesn't matter to her. Not when it comes to cigarettes. 123 00:14:18,066 --> 00:14:19,442 Let's go outside. 124 00:14:19,442 --> 00:14:21,861 Wait, what is this? 125 00:14:24,406 --> 00:14:27,283 If you don't return by the time I'm down to the butt, 126 00:14:27,283 --> 00:14:29,160 I am coming to rescue you, darling. 127 00:14:29,160 --> 00:14:32,497 No, no, it's men's business. Be right back. 128 00:14:38,003 --> 00:14:39,629 Is it safe here? 129 00:14:40,213 --> 00:14:42,173 What if one of the General's men sees us? 130 00:14:42,173 --> 00:14:45,260 Officially, I'm questioning who your informant is. 131 00:14:45,844 --> 00:14:48,471 That's a good cover. 132 00:14:49,014 --> 00:14:50,849 You could be a spy. 133 00:14:59,441 --> 00:15:00,859 Why'd you tip me off? 134 00:15:00,859 --> 00:15:02,277 You're the General's man. 135 00:15:02,277 --> 00:15:04,571 'Cause we've got something in common. 136 00:15:10,410 --> 00:15:11,828 What's Sofia got to do with this? 137 00:15:11,828 --> 00:15:13,788 No, leave her the fuck outta this. 138 00:15:13,788 --> 00:15:18,543 I'm trying to say that we don't want any more of our people to die for nothing. 139 00:15:24,049 --> 00:15:25,884 You said to follow the money. 140 00:15:26,843 --> 00:15:29,429 - Is there a paper trail? - I can try to get you one. 141 00:15:29,429 --> 00:15:32,515 Get one, by any means necessary. 142 00:15:33,475 --> 00:15:34,851 I've got a friend at the LA Times. 143 00:15:34,851 --> 00:15:38,188 I can make sure everyone in America reads this story. 144 00:15:58,124 --> 00:16:00,126 Is he looking? 145 00:16:00,126 --> 00:16:02,128 Oh shit, he's right behind us. 146 00:16:17,894 --> 00:16:22,524 Don't forget we need enough time to shape them into soldiers again! 147 00:16:22,524 --> 00:16:24,901 Oh, thank you for getting me up to speed! 148 00:16:24,901 --> 00:16:28,947 You forget yourself, General. Here's how this relationship works. 149 00:16:28,947 --> 00:16:34,077 For future reference, I say, "Eat shit," you grab a goddamn fork and knife. 150 00:16:34,536 --> 00:16:36,746 This fuckin' reporter's changed everything. 151 00:16:36,746 --> 00:16:38,540 Our investors are freaking out. 152 00:16:38,540 --> 00:16:42,210 Get a grip on yourself. Fucking jagoff. 153 00:16:48,883 --> 00:16:50,844 Don't come back here. I remember. 154 00:16:50,844 --> 00:16:53,304 - I remember your stupid faces. - Easy, man. Easy. 155 00:16:53,304 --> 00:16:55,223 Motherfucker! 156 00:18:44,416 --> 00:18:46,543 What's goin' on in here? 157 00:18:47,168 --> 00:18:50,380 You put him on recon detail, huh? 158 00:18:50,380 --> 00:18:51,840 This fucking idiot? 159 00:19:01,725 --> 00:19:03,560 Get the car. 160 00:19:17,949 --> 00:19:19,951 Where are we going, sir? 161 00:19:21,202 --> 00:19:23,747 Drive. Don't talk. 162 00:20:27,769 --> 00:20:29,729 You think Sonny's a threat? 163 00:20:30,480 --> 00:20:33,900 - Potentially. - He makes our investors nervous. 164 00:20:35,443 --> 00:20:37,570 I'll leave it in your hands. 165 00:20:41,408 --> 00:20:42,617 Strip. 166 00:20:44,953 --> 00:20:47,580 - Sir? - I said strip. 167 00:20:56,506 --> 00:20:59,968 It's good for arthritis, skin infections, 168 00:21:01,177 --> 00:21:03,054 sore muscles. 169 00:21:05,306 --> 00:21:06,766 Not to mention blood circulation. 170 00:21:07,350 --> 00:21:08,893 It smells. 171 00:21:08,893 --> 00:21:10,854 Ah, the sulfur. 172 00:21:10,854 --> 00:21:14,065 Tend to smell like rotten eggs. 173 00:21:15,400 --> 00:21:18,903 Breathe it in. It's good for you. 174 00:21:24,993 --> 00:21:28,163 - You're wondering how I lost them. - No, sir. 175 00:21:28,163 --> 00:21:30,665 I never told you the story of how I made it through 176 00:21:30,665 --> 00:21:34,127 nine months in the communist prison camp, did I? 177 00:21:35,170 --> 00:21:39,007 - No, sir? - Well, no need for graphic details. 178 00:21:39,924 --> 00:21:43,553 Suffice to say, it was not all at once. 179 00:21:45,221 --> 00:21:47,807 The pinky toe, it was infected. 180 00:21:47,807 --> 00:21:49,392 I had bad boots. 181 00:21:50,143 --> 00:21:55,106 And the next one were electrocuted under torture 182 00:21:55,106 --> 00:21:58,193 until all the nerves were dead. 183 00:21:59,569 --> 00:22:01,112 And the rats snapped 'em off. 184 00:22:02,364 --> 00:22:03,740 Just for somethin' to chew. 185 00:22:04,574 --> 00:22:05,867 Is it my toes? 186 00:22:07,577 --> 00:22:09,412 The smell? 187 00:22:11,790 --> 00:22:15,627 It's a sin to waste food. Swallow it. 188 00:22:23,385 --> 00:22:24,636 Well done, Captain. 189 00:22:25,387 --> 00:22:26,846 Thank you, sir. 190 00:22:28,682 --> 00:22:32,310 The cold, the vermin, that was nothing. 191 00:22:33,353 --> 00:22:35,021 I knew that whatever I lost in there, 192 00:22:35,021 --> 00:22:38,692 I had to get out of that camp with my mind intact. 193 00:22:39,484 --> 00:22:42,946 For her. My little girl. 194 00:22:45,573 --> 00:22:49,160 I lost everything to this country. 195 00:22:50,161 --> 00:22:55,375 America, they eat your heart, then complain about indigestion. 196 00:22:57,419 --> 00:22:59,629 And now they have Lana too. 197 00:23:02,632 --> 00:23:04,843 But I'll get her back. 198 00:23:05,844 --> 00:23:08,263 I'll get everything back. 199 00:23:14,811 --> 00:23:18,106 - Put me on the mission too. - No. 200 00:23:18,106 --> 00:23:20,191 No, out of the question. 201 00:23:21,192 --> 00:23:24,112 You'd be more useful here working with me 202 00:23:24,112 --> 00:23:26,823 on the planning and logistics. 203 00:23:27,574 --> 00:23:29,492 I need you, my boy. 204 00:23:30,577 --> 00:23:32,454 You are the only one I can trust. 205 00:23:32,454 --> 00:23:36,166 Please, sir. Bon's lost so much already. 206 00:23:36,958 --> 00:23:38,877 He made his choice. 207 00:23:39,544 --> 00:23:43,548 A choice only granted to someone who has lost so much already. 208 00:23:45,759 --> 00:23:47,385 Don't stand in his path. 209 00:23:56,644 --> 00:23:59,064 "Bon volunteered to join the mission. 210 00:23:59,064 --> 00:24:01,107 I beg your leave to end my mission here 211 00:24:01,107 --> 00:24:02,817 and return to Vietnam." 212 00:24:04,527 --> 00:24:06,321 So you think you can save Bon? 213 00:24:06,321 --> 00:24:08,073 And what makes you think that? 214 00:24:08,073 --> 00:24:12,077 There must be some consideration. Some clemency? 215 00:24:12,077 --> 00:24:14,371 In the event that we're captured, can't I defend him? 216 00:24:14,371 --> 00:24:16,122 Can you? Why? 217 00:24:16,748 --> 00:24:19,167 Because I'm a hero of the revolution. 218 00:24:22,545 --> 00:24:24,130 I infiltrated the enemy. 219 00:24:24,130 --> 00:24:27,258 I worked in their ranks for three years, enduring risks untold. 220 00:24:27,258 --> 00:24:29,636 The danger of being exposed? That was nothing. 221 00:24:29,636 --> 00:24:34,099 No, the real danger was the contamination of one's mind with capitalism, 222 00:24:34,099 --> 00:24:35,600 with Western culture. 223 00:24:35,600 --> 00:24:39,187 The rank and file of the foot soldiers? They never had to worry about that. 224 00:24:39,187 --> 00:24:41,272 All they had to do was stoke their hatred of the enemy. 225 00:24:41,272 --> 00:24:42,816 They never feared they might become them. 226 00:24:42,816 --> 00:24:44,526 - Brother-- - No! We win the war, 227 00:24:44,526 --> 00:24:46,152 what do I get in return? 228 00:24:46,152 --> 00:24:49,155 Banishment to America. But I did what you asked of me. 229 00:24:49,155 --> 00:24:51,282 I was tasked to serve under a pathetic clown. 230 00:24:51,282 --> 00:24:54,160 I even killed for him. No, for our cause. 231 00:24:54,160 --> 00:24:57,288 Or was it the General's cause? Or Claude's? Or yours? 232 00:24:57,288 --> 00:24:58,540 I don't even know anymore. 233 00:24:58,540 --> 00:25:01,543 You think you'd be better off if you come here? 234 00:25:01,543 --> 00:25:03,878 Think carefully, my friend. 235 00:25:03,878 --> 00:25:07,382 What happens to a mole that has lived too long in darkness 236 00:25:07,382 --> 00:25:10,385 when it is suddenly thrust into the sun? 237 00:25:10,385 --> 00:25:11,970 It is blinded. 238 00:25:16,182 --> 00:25:18,351 No. You are better suited to the underworld 239 00:25:18,351 --> 00:25:20,979 that goes by the name America. 240 00:25:20,979 --> 00:25:23,565 You belong there. You're American. 241 00:25:24,441 --> 00:25:25,817 Admit it. 242 00:25:31,114 --> 00:25:33,199 Yeah, did ya get that? 243 00:25:33,199 --> 00:25:37,328 Alright, we got that. Good one. Thank you, brothers. 244 00:25:37,328 --> 00:25:39,289 - Thank you for your support. - Of course. 245 00:25:39,289 --> 00:25:42,167 Part of the problem is simply discursive. 246 00:25:42,167 --> 00:25:44,377 We let those unwashed hippies 247 00:25:44,377 --> 00:25:47,172 and the Negroes steal the meaning of the word freedom. 248 00:25:47,172 --> 00:25:49,215 Sure, yeah, yeah... 249 00:25:52,927 --> 00:25:55,013 What's a fuckin' gook doin' here? 250 00:25:55,013 --> 00:25:56,264 ...basic freedoms. 251 00:25:56,264 --> 00:25:58,266 You know, what I'm sayin' is, ignorance is not a sin. 252 00:25:58,850 --> 00:26:02,187 They can't sympathize with the communists all that much. 253 00:26:03,229 --> 00:26:06,232 I hear they killed quite a few of them in Vietnam. 254 00:26:08,693 --> 00:26:11,738 Rita, what's the occasion? Havin' a little drinky-poo this afternoon? 255 00:26:12,781 --> 00:26:14,657 Oh, my. I thought it was seltzer. 256 00:26:14,657 --> 00:26:17,118 My fault. I'll get the seltzer. 257 00:26:21,206 --> 00:26:23,166 - There we go. - Alright. 258 00:26:23,166 --> 00:26:25,919 My God, she is just a gem of a woman. 259 00:26:34,094 --> 00:26:34,928 Professor? 260 00:26:38,390 --> 00:26:39,766 The quiet Eurasian. 261 00:26:40,266 --> 00:26:42,435 What brings you into my lair? 262 00:26:42,435 --> 00:26:44,896 Well, I might ask you the same question. 263 00:26:44,896 --> 00:26:49,401 Well, as you can see, I've alighted to greener pastures. 264 00:26:49,984 --> 00:26:54,739 Our beloved Oriental Studies has at long last been slaughtered 265 00:26:54,739 --> 00:26:57,659 upon the altar of identity politics. 266 00:26:58,993 --> 00:27:01,955 I've been lending the Congressman my expertise. 267 00:27:01,955 --> 00:27:03,790 Who knew I'd have a knack for speechwriting? 268 00:27:03,790 --> 00:27:05,083 But I do. 269 00:27:05,583 --> 00:27:07,752 At least there are still those in public service 270 00:27:07,752 --> 00:27:11,756 who value my insights into the Oriental Mode of Destruction. 271 00:27:11,756 --> 00:27:14,759 The Oriental Mode of Destruction? 272 00:27:14,759 --> 00:27:17,345 Still don't understand why you're such a fan of that book. 273 00:27:17,345 --> 00:27:18,638 A fan? 274 00:27:18,638 --> 00:27:20,515 - Yeah. - I admit, 275 00:27:20,515 --> 00:27:22,851 I've been accused of intellectual narcissism 276 00:27:22,851 --> 00:27:26,104 but I don't think I'm quite that extreme. 277 00:27:29,774 --> 00:27:32,652 One can't write everything one wants 278 00:27:32,652 --> 00:27:35,321 within the inelasticity of formal scholarship. 279 00:27:36,489 --> 00:27:39,784 - So then you-- - Oh, and you never surmised as much 280 00:27:39,784 --> 00:27:42,203 with that marvelous brain of yours? 281 00:27:43,038 --> 00:27:46,666 R.H. Robert Hammer. Richard Hedd. 282 00:27:50,462 --> 00:27:52,547 Dick Hedd. Pleasure to meet you. 283 00:27:55,216 --> 00:27:58,678 "If the Orient has one inexhaustible resource, it is people"? 284 00:27:58,678 --> 00:28:00,638 "Life in the Orient is plentiful and cheap"? 285 00:28:00,638 --> 00:28:02,015 That Dr. Hedd? 286 00:28:02,015 --> 00:28:03,308 How could you? 287 00:28:04,184 --> 00:28:05,435 Oh, dear. 288 00:28:06,269 --> 00:28:08,188 I had such hopes for you. 289 00:28:09,022 --> 00:28:10,648 But there it is, 290 00:28:10,648 --> 00:28:13,443 bubbling under the surface, that primeval fury, 291 00:28:13,443 --> 00:28:17,739 that irrepressible Oriental urge to destroy. 292 00:28:18,615 --> 00:28:20,909 My duality is difficult to parse. 293 00:28:20,909 --> 00:28:23,203 Not unlike your Hammer and Hedd. 294 00:28:23,203 --> 00:28:25,622 If one side wins, then the other side must die. 295 00:28:27,123 --> 00:28:30,919 Alright, settle down. This is comin' right off the cuff. 296 00:28:30,919 --> 00:28:33,546 - That's right, brother... - You have such hate for me. 297 00:28:33,546 --> 00:28:36,591 But what was it that Hesse wrote in "Demian"? 298 00:28:36,591 --> 00:28:39,719 Ah, yes. "If you hate a person, 299 00:28:39,719 --> 00:28:43,014 you hate something in him that's part of yourself." 300 00:28:44,432 --> 00:28:46,434 Does that resonate? 301 00:28:49,062 --> 00:28:52,273 You know, I admit, I prepared some remarks, 302 00:28:52,273 --> 00:28:56,528 but we're all military men here, so, right? 303 00:28:56,528 --> 00:28:59,531 How 'bout I just mix it up 304 00:28:59,531 --> 00:29:02,659 and speak from the damn heart instead, huh? 305 00:29:07,956 --> 00:29:11,292 I don't need to make big speeches about what happened in Nam. 306 00:29:11,292 --> 00:29:14,462 You know, brother, you know, sister, we lost. 307 00:29:14,462 --> 00:29:17,173 It was a failure, a failure of will. 308 00:29:17,757 --> 00:29:20,593 A war of obliterations, right? That's the only kinda war 309 00:29:20,593 --> 00:29:23,221 the Oriental understands and respects. 310 00:29:23,972 --> 00:29:27,976 Yeah. Nota bene. Hiroshima. Nagasaki. 311 00:29:28,560 --> 00:29:32,814 But, well, see, we Americans who respect the sanctity of human life. 312 00:29:32,814 --> 00:29:35,859 We pause before we annihilate our enemies. 313 00:29:35,859 --> 00:29:40,739 And our Oriental enemies, they read this reluctance as weakness. 314 00:29:40,739 --> 00:29:43,158 See, if the communists in Vietnam 315 00:29:43,158 --> 00:29:45,827 have one inexhaustible resource, it is people. 316 00:29:46,453 --> 00:29:48,997 Life is plentiful in Vietnam. 317 00:29:48,997 --> 00:29:51,332 Life is cheap to the communists. 318 00:29:51,332 --> 00:29:53,793 The generals who fought the Japanese in World War II, 319 00:29:53,793 --> 00:29:56,504 you know all too well the Oriental perspective, 320 00:29:56,504 --> 00:29:59,299 their mode of destruction. 321 00:29:59,674 --> 00:30:02,260 But their voices were muted in this war. 322 00:30:02,260 --> 00:30:06,056 Just look at Cuba, China, Russia, and, of course, Vietnam. 323 00:30:06,473 --> 00:30:10,185 The flower that disguises itself as idealism 324 00:30:10,185 --> 00:30:13,104 is being exposed for what it really is: 325 00:30:13,104 --> 00:30:18,485 a corrupt, carnivorous plant of crowny thorns. 326 00:30:20,987 --> 00:30:23,239 In the battle of ideologies, 327 00:30:23,239 --> 00:30:25,283 communism will always lose. 328 00:30:25,283 --> 00:30:27,702 We must fight for the rights 329 00:30:27,702 --> 00:30:31,081 that our founders fought for all those centuries ago. 330 00:30:31,081 --> 00:30:32,207 Come on! 331 00:30:32,207 --> 00:30:34,751 - Dignity, justice. - Dignity, justice. 332 00:30:34,751 --> 00:30:36,670 - Freedom for all. - Freedom for all! 333 00:30:37,253 --> 00:30:39,964 We must not rest until these rights 334 00:30:39,964 --> 00:30:43,343 are possessed by all peoples of all nations. 335 00:30:43,343 --> 00:30:44,469 All nations! 336 00:30:44,469 --> 00:30:46,096 Yeah! 337 00:31:00,694 --> 00:31:02,153 I thought you went to bed. 338 00:31:02,487 --> 00:31:04,906 Would you like me to take you to the Congressman? 339 00:31:05,824 --> 00:31:06,825 Please. 340 00:31:06,825 --> 00:31:10,829 He just needs me there so I can speak Spanish to the fucking valet. 341 00:31:11,413 --> 00:31:13,665 You also here for a drink? 342 00:31:14,582 --> 00:31:17,585 Congressman told me to put these in here. 343 00:31:27,721 --> 00:31:29,889 Ned thinks I don't know his game 344 00:31:30,974 --> 00:31:34,519 throwing these beautiful young things at me. 345 00:31:34,519 --> 00:31:38,273 Like that counterbalances him bedding every blonde with a pulse. 346 00:31:39,691 --> 00:31:42,402 Then I guess the Congressman doesn't know his wife very well. 347 00:31:43,987 --> 00:31:45,530 I'm sorry? 348 00:31:45,780 --> 00:31:48,408 Well, such a blatant tactic would never work. 349 00:31:49,200 --> 00:31:53,455 Not on someone as astute as you. 350 00:32:00,045 --> 00:32:02,047 - Yes. - Right. 351 00:32:03,131 --> 00:32:04,132 Quite. 352 00:32:04,799 --> 00:32:05,800 Okay. 353 00:32:12,849 --> 00:32:15,018 - Hello? - I've got the money trail. 354 00:32:15,018 --> 00:32:17,604 Tomorrow. Noon. Where? 355 00:32:17,604 --> 00:32:18,730 My place. 356 00:32:22,859 --> 00:32:23,943 No Sofia? 357 00:32:24,778 --> 00:32:26,196 No Sofia. 358 00:32:27,155 --> 00:32:28,948 - Hey. - Hey. 359 00:33:33,513 --> 00:33:37,517 The money. Napalm Ned and the CIA. 360 00:33:40,520 --> 00:33:41,730 Holy shit. 361 00:33:44,315 --> 00:33:45,525 Holy shit. 362 00:33:47,277 --> 00:33:49,946 Send them to your contact at the LA Times. 363 00:33:50,196 --> 00:33:52,198 Yeah, right. 364 00:33:52,991 --> 00:33:54,993 And if I were you, I wouldn't disclose your informant. 365 00:33:55,410 --> 00:33:58,455 You'll get the CIA on your case, and then it's only a matter of time 366 00:33:58,455 --> 00:34:00,749 before it reaches the General's ears. 367 00:34:03,418 --> 00:34:07,422 Sure, the scale of this, well, it's bigger... 368 00:34:08,256 --> 00:34:09,215 a lot bigger. 369 00:34:09,215 --> 00:34:13,386 And I do try not to actively invite assassination. 370 00:34:18,308 --> 00:34:22,479 Listen, we never did have the talk we should've had about Sofia. 371 00:34:22,479 --> 00:34:24,272 I apologize for that. 372 00:34:25,857 --> 00:34:28,485 Honestly, Sonny, I don't care about Sofia. 373 00:34:29,694 --> 00:34:33,114 I'm being a bad host. Haven't even offered you a drink. 374 00:34:33,114 --> 00:34:34,616 How 'bout it? 375 00:34:35,200 --> 00:34:36,826 Yeah, sure. 376 00:34:40,121 --> 00:34:42,749 - Hey, can I turn that up? - Sure. 377 00:34:43,249 --> 00:34:46,336 ...Draconian measures to reshape Cambodian society 378 00:34:46,336 --> 00:34:48,296 in accordance with his vision. 379 00:34:48,296 --> 00:34:51,675 Despite public diplomatic exchanges of solidarity, 380 00:34:51,675 --> 00:34:53,927 - friction simmers beneath the surface... - Hear that? 381 00:34:53,927 --> 00:34:55,595 ...between Cambodia and its neighbor... 382 00:34:55,595 --> 00:34:57,972 After all the Cambodian attacks on our border towns, 383 00:34:57,972 --> 00:35:00,308 we're now raiding Cambodia. 384 00:35:01,184 --> 00:35:03,645 You think we had enough of war that we wouldn't want another one. 385 00:35:03,645 --> 00:35:06,773 I'm sick and tired of talkin' about politics, Sonny. 386 00:35:06,773 --> 00:35:08,858 You were the one that turned it up. 387 00:35:20,662 --> 00:35:25,333 That's it. I swear not to talk any more politics today. 388 00:35:25,333 --> 00:35:29,379 You know, I confess, I don't really know what to talk about besides politics. 389 00:35:29,379 --> 00:35:33,383 Most people can't stand it, but Sofia can. 390 00:35:33,883 --> 00:35:36,845 - That's love. - So you're in love with her? 391 00:35:36,845 --> 00:35:39,347 You weren't in love with her, were you? 392 00:35:40,181 --> 00:35:44,060 You know, it-- I understand. 393 00:35:44,060 --> 00:35:47,605 Losing her, it hurts. It's very painful. 394 00:35:47,605 --> 00:35:51,484 Even if you didn't love her, that's human nature, right? 395 00:35:51,484 --> 00:35:55,155 But, try to see it from my point of view. 396 00:35:55,155 --> 00:35:58,616 It's just that when we started talking at that poor major's 397 00:35:58,616 --> 00:36:01,911 mother's longevity party, we couldn't stop. 398 00:36:02,746 --> 00:36:04,164 That's love. 399 00:36:05,457 --> 00:36:06,708 Let me ask you something. 400 00:36:06,708 --> 00:36:10,378 If it's not about Sofia, why do you hate me so damn much? 401 00:36:10,378 --> 00:36:11,838 Who says I hate you? 402 00:36:12,547 --> 00:36:14,424 Then what? You envy me? 403 00:36:15,592 --> 00:36:17,218 I don't know, Sonny. 404 00:36:17,719 --> 00:36:19,346 Perhaps it's because you seem 405 00:36:20,221 --> 00:36:21,639 unburdened. 406 00:36:21,639 --> 00:36:25,477 Because you simply picked a side and then you lived with the consequences. 407 00:36:31,858 --> 00:36:34,277 - I have something to confess to you. - So, you do love her. 408 00:36:34,277 --> 00:36:35,278 Just get it out. 409 00:36:35,278 --> 00:36:37,489 No, I already told you I'm not here for Sofia. 410 00:36:38,073 --> 00:36:41,659 I asked you before if you were a communist 411 00:36:41,659 --> 00:36:44,204 and you said you wouldn't tell me if you were. 412 00:36:44,204 --> 00:36:45,997 But what if I told you that I... 413 00:36:46,956 --> 00:36:49,125 was a communist? 414 00:36:49,125 --> 00:36:50,919 What's the point of playing such a game? 415 00:36:50,919 --> 00:36:53,254 It's not a game. I am a communist. 416 00:36:54,381 --> 00:36:57,634 I've been an agent for years, for the revolution. 417 00:36:57,634 --> 00:37:00,845 I infiltrated the Secret Police and sent intelligence back to Hanoi. 418 00:37:00,845 --> 00:37:03,390 Even now, I report on reactionary activities 419 00:37:03,390 --> 00:37:05,433 and do everything I can to undermine them. 420 00:37:05,433 --> 00:37:07,769 In fact, me handing you these documents now 421 00:37:07,769 --> 00:37:11,481 is part and parcel of my anti-anti-revolutionary strategy. 422 00:37:17,195 --> 00:37:19,155 You want me to say I'm a communist too. 423 00:37:19,155 --> 00:37:22,826 - I'm being honest for once. - Did the General put you up to this? 424 00:37:22,826 --> 00:37:27,288 You two are setting me up to report on some concocted CIA conspiracy 425 00:37:27,288 --> 00:37:30,041 so you can discredit me and my criticism? 426 00:37:30,041 --> 00:37:32,085 That's what you Secret Police do, isn't it? 427 00:37:32,085 --> 00:37:33,837 How stupid do you think I am? 428 00:37:33,837 --> 00:37:36,548 What, did you think you'd suddenly be attractive to Sofia again 429 00:37:36,548 --> 00:37:37,799 if you said you were a communist? 430 00:37:37,799 --> 00:37:40,760 I told you, I'm sick and tired of talking about Sofia. 431 00:37:41,761 --> 00:37:43,263 When? You said that about politics. 432 00:37:43,263 --> 00:37:45,640 You know, for a long time, I've worn a mask. 433 00:37:45,640 --> 00:37:47,934 I just needed a chance to safely take it off 434 00:37:47,934 --> 00:37:50,020 at least once, 435 00:37:50,020 --> 00:37:51,980 even if it's just for a moment. 436 00:37:54,232 --> 00:37:56,818 And since I've taken that one off, here's another one. 437 00:38:00,363 --> 00:38:01,781 I killed him. 438 00:38:02,615 --> 00:38:04,325 Major Oanh. 439 00:38:07,245 --> 00:38:08,455 With that toy? 440 00:42:29,174 --> 00:42:31,968 That's it? That's it? 441 00:42:31,968 --> 00:42:33,636 That's all you have to say to me? 442 00:42:33,636 --> 00:42:35,221 Request denied. 443 00:42:35,221 --> 00:42:38,391 And our brother? You'd just let him die? Should I tell him that? 444 00:42:38,391 --> 00:42:40,643 Tell him that "all for one" was a bunch of bullshit? 445 00:42:40,643 --> 00:42:42,270 Request denied. 446 00:43:09,714 --> 00:43:12,384 Thank God you picked up. 447 00:43:14,803 --> 00:43:17,806 I am so sorry. Why-- 448 00:43:18,181 --> 00:43:20,016 Who could've done such a horrible thing like-- 449 00:43:20,016 --> 00:43:22,227 - We'll be in touch. - Thank you. 450 00:43:22,227 --> 00:43:24,312 Officers, thank you so much. 451 00:43:35,073 --> 00:43:36,241 I... 452 00:43:38,535 --> 00:43:41,621 I said you were here the day before yesterday 453 00:43:41,621 --> 00:43:42,789 for an afternoon delight. 454 00:43:42,789 --> 00:43:44,666 That should cover you for a while 455 00:43:45,375 --> 00:43:47,377 even if it makes me a two-timing slut. 456 00:43:51,131 --> 00:43:53,842 These cops are not meatheads. 457 00:43:53,842 --> 00:43:55,593 What do you mean? 458 00:43:55,593 --> 00:43:58,054 It won't be too long until they identify you as a suspect. 459 00:43:59,139 --> 00:44:03,768 A jilted lover blinded by jealousy? Is that what you think, too? 460 00:44:04,352 --> 00:44:06,813 Well, then why'd you come up with an alibi for me? 461 00:44:06,813 --> 00:44:08,898 You don't love me that much. 462 00:44:09,524 --> 00:44:12,527 And even if you did, you wouldn't kill over it. 463 00:44:14,529 --> 00:44:16,531 Because you're not impulsive. 464 00:44:22,912 --> 00:44:24,164 Indeed. 465 00:44:25,457 --> 00:44:27,042 - Indeed. - Everyone knows 466 00:44:27,042 --> 00:44:29,627 the General is livid at Sonny. 467 00:44:29,627 --> 00:44:32,922 And everyone knows you're the General's man. 468 00:44:33,590 --> 00:44:36,301 A man who'd commit a murder at the General's order? 469 00:44:36,301 --> 00:44:38,386 Is that your theory, too? 470 00:44:40,096 --> 00:44:41,973 Then again, why the alibi? 471 00:44:42,599 --> 00:44:43,850 I know. 472 00:44:45,643 --> 00:44:46,644 What? 473 00:44:47,145 --> 00:44:49,939 Sonny told me that the source who informed him 474 00:44:49,939 --> 00:44:53,234 about the General's mission was you. 475 00:44:54,694 --> 00:44:55,987 You're a spy. 476 00:44:57,947 --> 00:44:59,616 - I'm not. - And he told me 477 00:44:59,616 --> 00:45:02,452 that you were planning on meeting him again 478 00:45:03,995 --> 00:45:05,121 at his place 479 00:45:06,164 --> 00:45:08,500 the day before yesterday. 480 00:45:10,418 --> 00:45:11,795 Are you... 481 00:45:15,215 --> 00:45:17,676 thinking of killing me too? 482 00:45:18,385 --> 00:45:20,095 No, Sofia. 483 00:45:21,388 --> 00:45:22,347 No. 484 00:45:31,940 --> 00:45:33,942 How did you become this? 485 00:45:44,035 --> 00:45:47,831 Go. Far away. 486 00:45:49,165 --> 00:45:50,166 Sofia. 487 00:45:52,252 --> 00:45:53,878 Ms. Mori. 488 00:46:00,593 --> 00:46:02,220 Is it raining? 489 00:46:02,679 --> 00:46:04,305 I ran here. 490 00:46:05,098 --> 00:46:07,851 - From where? - Sawtelle. 491 00:46:09,728 --> 00:46:11,229 Are you crazy? 492 00:46:14,816 --> 00:46:16,443 What's goin' on? 493 00:46:33,168 --> 00:46:35,587 Good night. Take care. 494 00:46:41,968 --> 00:46:43,303 I would like to join the mission. 495 00:46:43,303 --> 00:46:46,639 I feel guilty sitting behind the safety of a desk. 496 00:46:48,850 --> 00:46:52,312 When an American has an ulterior motive, 497 00:46:52,312 --> 00:46:54,606 he looks you straight in the eye. 498 00:46:55,315 --> 00:46:58,318 I guess you have become fully American. 499 00:48:52,891 --> 00:48:55,518 Flight attendants, prepare for departure. 500 00:49:53,076 --> 00:49:54,994 Mind if we come along?