1 00:00:01,001 --> 00:00:03,294 Help yourselves. Dive in. 2 00:00:03,294 --> 00:00:06,506 {\an8}It ain't every day a man's daughter is back home from the dead. 3 00:00:06,506 --> 00:00:08,717 I wondered why everybody was looking at me funny. 4 00:00:09,759 --> 00:00:12,053 Today, I got held up by these highwaymen. 5 00:00:12,053 --> 00:00:14,806 That ring on your finger. You might need to donate that to the cause. 6 00:00:14,806 --> 00:00:16,891 And one of them hit me. 7 00:00:16,891 --> 00:00:18,435 - What's your name? - Billy Blind. 8 00:00:18,435 --> 00:00:21,021 - What do you mean you're on my side? - I protect you. 9 00:00:28,611 --> 00:00:29,696 I'm untouchable. 10 00:00:30,196 --> 00:00:33,241 Charles Devereux, madam. Toff, bon viveur-- 11 00:00:33,241 --> 00:00:35,160 - You're Isambard Tulley. - Lord, I should hope not. 12 00:00:35,160 --> 00:00:37,037 He's got a 20-pound reward on his head. 13 00:00:37,037 --> 00:00:38,329 Pa's dead. 14 00:00:38,329 --> 00:00:42,500 I ran him out of town under cover of darkness and then I killed him. 15 00:00:42,500 --> 00:00:43,835 And now they're trying to cover it up. 16 00:00:43,835 --> 00:00:46,087 I want everything now. 17 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:48,173 What stands between you and your estate? 18 00:00:48,173 --> 00:00:50,467 You want me to kill my own father? 19 00:00:51,176 --> 00:00:53,678 She killed him! - No. I didn't! It was him. 20 00:00:54,846 --> 00:00:55,889 Get after her! 21 00:00:55,889 --> 00:00:57,891 George! Roxy! We're leaving. 22 00:00:57,891 --> 00:00:58,975 What's going on? 23 00:00:58,975 --> 00:01:00,143 Where're we going? 24 00:01:00,143 --> 00:01:01,686 I'll tell you when we get there! 25 00:01:09,486 --> 00:01:12,655 Lord, Papa! How can you be so angry with me? 26 00:01:12,655 --> 00:01:16,284 There's always an uproar in the family about marrying the eldest daughter, 27 00:01:16,284 --> 00:01:18,828 and now poor I must suffer in my turn! 28 00:01:18,828 --> 00:01:21,206 Your Mama and I have been too fond of you! 29 00:01:21,206 --> 00:01:23,083 - Papa. - If you do not receive 30 00:01:23,083 --> 00:01:24,667 Mr. Ledger as your lover... 31 00:01:24,667 --> 00:01:26,503 Lover? 32 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:31,049 Has he ever once so much as cast a languishing look towards me, 33 00:01:31,049 --> 00:01:35,845 or, or written me a sonnet, or thrown himself at my feet? 34 00:01:35,845 --> 00:01:39,265 Mr. Ledger is a husband of your Papa and Mama's providing. 35 00:01:39,265 --> 00:01:42,102 And aren't they the properest persons to dispose of you? 36 00:01:42,102 --> 00:01:43,812 Dispose of me? 37 00:01:43,812 --> 00:01:47,690 Oh, Papa, your head is so full of trade and commerce, 38 00:01:47,690 --> 00:01:51,778 that you would dispose of your daughter like a piece of merchandise! 39 00:01:51,778 --> 00:01:56,491 My heart is my own property and at no one's disposal but my own! 40 00:01:56,491 --> 00:02:01,204 Her impudence amazes me. You undutiful trollop. 41 00:02:01,204 --> 00:02:04,249 Not undutiful at all, Papa! 42 00:02:04,582 --> 00:02:07,710 But the truth is, my heart... 43 00:02:20,306 --> 00:02:23,017 There! It's out, it's said. 44 00:02:23,017 --> 00:02:25,353 You see, gentlemen, what a situation I am in? 45 00:02:25,353 --> 00:02:27,355 No one cares. 46 00:02:27,355 --> 00:02:30,150 Nonsense, I think it's generous entertaining of them 47 00:02:30,150 --> 00:02:32,026 to share their dirty linen with us. 48 00:02:32,026 --> 00:02:33,945 You, sir, are drunk. 49 00:02:33,945 --> 00:02:37,490 That's a very-- Yes, yes, I am. 50 00:02:40,326 --> 00:02:42,036 Have we speeded up? 51 00:02:42,036 --> 00:02:45,498 - Lord, Papa! We've speeded up! - We're off the main highway! 52 00:02:46,207 --> 00:02:47,667 This isn't the road to London! 53 00:02:47,667 --> 00:02:49,586 Oh. Oh, really? - What's occurring? 54 00:02:49,586 --> 00:02:51,171 Stop this machine! 55 00:02:57,051 --> 00:02:58,636 What is going on? 56 00:02:59,429 --> 00:03:01,639 Lord, Papa, we've stopped. 57 00:03:02,849 --> 00:03:03,850 Give me that. 58 00:03:05,768 --> 00:03:07,353 Now, peel your kit off. 59 00:03:07,353 --> 00:03:09,272 - What? - Go on. 60 00:03:15,111 --> 00:03:16,196 Well, you said you wouldn't help me 61 00:03:16,196 --> 00:03:18,740 if I took part in random acts of violence, Billy Blind! 62 00:03:18,740 --> 00:03:21,201 Someone points a gun at you, I have obligations. 63 00:03:21,201 --> 00:03:23,786 Well, that's good to know. Hang on. 64 00:03:23,786 --> 00:03:25,872 - What obligations? - I don't know. 65 00:03:25,872 --> 00:03:27,457 Where did these obligations come from? 66 00:03:27,457 --> 00:03:29,125 - Now! - That is a good question. 67 00:03:30,877 --> 00:03:33,254 - And the answer is? - Tricky. 68 00:03:33,755 --> 00:03:36,007 I can only assume that your life is very important. 69 00:03:36,007 --> 00:03:39,302 - Given that I'm here to protect it. - Why though? Why? 70 00:03:39,302 --> 00:03:40,511 And... keep going. 71 00:03:40,511 --> 00:03:42,055 And who decides these things? 72 00:03:42,055 --> 00:03:44,265 - Well, you must fit the bill. - What bill? 73 00:03:44,265 --> 00:03:46,476 - Like I said, I'm no wiser than you are. - Come on. 74 00:03:46,476 --> 00:03:47,769 Hurry up. 75 00:03:47,769 --> 00:03:50,647 - Yeah, but you must be-- - Yeah, oh, our is not to reason why. 76 00:03:50,647 --> 00:03:52,815 Ours just to get on with things, eh? 77 00:03:53,066 --> 00:03:54,108 Yeah, but-- 78 00:03:56,069 --> 00:03:57,612 Papa, do something. 79 00:03:58,446 --> 00:03:59,447 Billy? 80 00:04:00,073 --> 00:04:03,201 I want to see skin. Come on, all of it. Let me see it. 81 00:04:03,534 --> 00:04:04,535 Well, get out then. 82 00:04:04,535 --> 00:04:06,746 - You get out. - I'm not next to a door. 83 00:04:06,746 --> 00:04:08,748 Well, I'm not the only one next to a door. 84 00:04:08,748 --> 00:04:09,832 Ugh. 85 00:04:11,125 --> 00:04:15,922 Oh, I must beg to be excused. 86 00:04:15,922 --> 00:04:17,340 On what grounds, sir? 87 00:04:17,340 --> 00:04:19,300 Two things, sir. One. 88 00:04:19,300 --> 00:04:23,221 We don't know what's out there. And B... 89 00:04:24,639 --> 00:04:26,599 I'm a bit soft. 90 00:04:32,563 --> 00:04:35,733 You're being advised to step outside. 91 00:04:35,733 --> 00:04:36,985 - By who? - Why? 92 00:04:36,985 --> 00:04:38,111 With your hands up. 93 00:04:59,424 --> 00:05:00,425 How do? 94 00:05:19,861 --> 00:05:22,739 Lady Wilmott. Colonel Standring's here with another gentleman. 95 00:05:22,739 --> 00:05:26,784 Ah. Yes. Bring them in here. Tell my brother to come downstairs. 96 00:05:26,784 --> 00:05:28,703 Tell him I don't want to have to ask twice. 97 00:05:44,260 --> 00:05:45,553 Thomas. 98 00:05:50,433 --> 00:05:51,559 Liar! 99 00:05:54,812 --> 00:05:55,938 Leave me alone. 100 00:05:59,692 --> 00:06:01,110 Leave me alone! 101 00:06:01,110 --> 00:06:02,528 Thomas. 102 00:06:05,239 --> 00:06:06,240 Mm. 103 00:06:11,537 --> 00:06:13,498 Ah, Blancheford. 104 00:06:15,249 --> 00:06:18,920 Lord Standring. Did I keep you waiting? I'm sorry. 105 00:06:18,920 --> 00:06:20,630 Your sister's been telling me 106 00:06:20,630 --> 00:06:23,591 your bereavement is taking a heavy toll on you. 107 00:06:24,342 --> 00:06:26,803 Well, and it could hardly be otherwise? 108 00:06:26,803 --> 00:06:29,764 Such a brutal attack. And right before the boy's eyes. 109 00:06:29,764 --> 00:06:31,933 I'm sorry for your loss. Your Lordship. 110 00:06:31,933 --> 00:06:34,894 This is Captain Jarrold. How do you do? 111 00:06:35,686 --> 00:06:39,315 If anybody can find your father's killer, it's Jarrold. 112 00:06:39,315 --> 00:06:40,608 By this time tomorrow, 113 00:06:40,608 --> 00:06:44,445 we'll have eyes in every city and town in England, Lord Blancheford. 114 00:06:44,445 --> 00:06:45,613 Will you? 115 00:06:47,198 --> 00:06:48,199 How? 116 00:06:49,158 --> 00:06:51,494 You must offer a substantial reward. 117 00:06:51,494 --> 00:06:54,372 We'll advertise it in every newspaper in print, 118 00:06:54,372 --> 00:06:57,792 with as vivid a description of Nell Jackson that you can give 119 00:06:57,792 --> 00:06:59,585 and any accomplices she may have. 120 00:06:59,585 --> 00:07:01,421 We'll have news of them within the week. 121 00:07:01,921 --> 00:07:05,216 Within a month, she'll be hanging from the scaffold. 122 00:07:05,216 --> 00:07:07,051 Finding her is one thing. 123 00:07:07,051 --> 00:07:09,637 Pinning her down may be something else. 124 00:07:09,637 --> 00:07:11,889 Thomas is right, Captain Jarrold. 125 00:07:11,889 --> 00:07:14,559 We need a lot more force than you could ever reasonably imagine. 126 00:07:14,559 --> 00:07:16,394 She fights like a demon apparently. 127 00:07:16,894 --> 00:07:18,813 And with the strength of 10 men. 128 00:07:20,523 --> 00:07:21,983 She's unnatural. 129 00:07:24,694 --> 00:07:26,279 I look forward to it. 130 00:07:37,748 --> 00:07:39,709 I can count the leaves from the trees. 131 00:07:40,293 --> 00:07:42,170 I can see individual items. 132 00:07:42,170 --> 00:07:44,464 I don't like going through other people's things. 133 00:07:44,464 --> 00:07:45,548 Listen. 134 00:07:45,548 --> 00:07:47,717 I'm not happy pilfering other people's stuff. 135 00:07:47,717 --> 00:07:49,844 I'm not happy to be in a position 136 00:07:50,344 --> 00:07:52,138 where I have to pilfer other people's stuff. 137 00:07:52,138 --> 00:07:54,140 Cheese! Who wants some cheese? 138 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:56,309 - Can I have some cheese? - Yes! 139 00:07:56,309 --> 00:07:59,770 Of course, it's ours now. And I did apologize to them. 140 00:07:59,770 --> 00:08:01,689 I did explain that I was in a tight spot 141 00:08:01,689 --> 00:08:04,400 through no fault of my own, and with mouths to feed, 142 00:08:05,193 --> 00:08:06,194 And I was just... 143 00:08:07,111 --> 00:08:08,571 I was redistributing some wealth. 144 00:08:08,571 --> 00:08:09,739 What did they say? 145 00:08:09,739 --> 00:08:12,283 You will hang. 146 00:08:13,659 --> 00:08:14,660 Not a lot. 147 00:08:15,328 --> 00:08:18,206 Yeah. Well. I was never gonna die in bed. 148 00:08:25,296 --> 00:08:27,840 - Shouldn't you, um... - Yes, Miss? 149 00:08:27,840 --> 00:08:30,927 Tie us up? So we can't escape, sir. 150 00:08:30,927 --> 00:08:32,845 Oh, I've not got any rope. 151 00:08:33,596 --> 00:08:34,680 You'll just have to pretend. 152 00:08:39,310 --> 00:08:41,312 Don't waste your sorrows on them, Roxy. 153 00:08:41,312 --> 00:08:44,190 These people have more stuff than they know what to do with. 154 00:08:44,190 --> 00:08:45,858 You know what's vulgar? 155 00:08:45,858 --> 00:08:49,529 Now why does one man need 10 pairs of pants, 156 00:08:49,529 --> 00:08:52,365 while another man, not three feet away, has to walk down the streets 157 00:08:52,365 --> 00:08:54,534 with his bottom cheeks hanging out of his galligaskins? 158 00:08:54,534 --> 00:08:57,119 If the world was a better place, the world was a fairer place, 159 00:08:57,119 --> 00:08:58,621 none of this would be happening. 160 00:08:58,621 --> 00:09:01,207 - I know. I know that. - I want to go home. 161 00:09:03,376 --> 00:09:05,169 I've been thinking about what to do. 162 00:09:05,169 --> 00:09:06,837 And none of yous lot have done anything wrong, 163 00:09:06,837 --> 00:09:08,172 - so in a good world-- - I have. 164 00:09:08,172 --> 00:09:10,341 I've prigged this prancer off His Lordship. 165 00:09:10,341 --> 00:09:12,718 That's a one-way trip to the three-legged mare... 166 00:09:12,718 --> 00:09:14,178 ...if ever there was one. 167 00:09:14,887 --> 00:09:16,264 I know it's not in the same league 168 00:09:16,264 --> 00:09:19,475 as what you did-- Didn't do. But. Just, saying. 169 00:09:19,976 --> 00:09:22,395 I'll be doing the Tyburn Jig, same as you, if they get ahold of me. 170 00:09:22,395 --> 00:09:25,773 Yeah. and I was talking to these two. So, I'll deal with you in a minute. 171 00:09:26,607 --> 00:09:27,900 - Oh. - Get out. 172 00:09:32,405 --> 00:09:33,406 In a good world, 173 00:09:34,156 --> 00:09:36,158 I'd find a magistrate who might listen to the truth. 174 00:09:36,158 --> 00:09:38,035 But in the real world, that's not gonna happen. 175 00:09:38,035 --> 00:09:41,539 So, now I've got some vittles down my gullet and I can think straight. 176 00:09:42,415 --> 00:09:43,499 What I think we should do... 177 00:09:44,292 --> 00:09:45,751 is head out west 178 00:09:45,751 --> 00:09:48,004 via the back lanes and the tracks less well-trod, 179 00:09:48,004 --> 00:09:52,049 then I'm gonna drop yous two off with Uncle Jack in Abingdon. 180 00:09:52,675 --> 00:09:54,719 Is Uncle Jack in Abingdon a real person? 181 00:09:54,719 --> 00:09:57,305 Yeah, of course. He's Dad's baby brother. 182 00:09:58,180 --> 00:10:00,057 What about you, Nell? What are you gonna do? 183 00:10:00,641 --> 00:10:03,060 Chances are once word gets out about this latest caper 184 00:10:03,060 --> 00:10:04,645 they'll think we're on the north road. 185 00:10:04,645 --> 00:10:07,315 So, if we was to light out west that would put us ahead of the game. 186 00:10:07,315 --> 00:10:09,150 And once I've dropped you off in Abingdon... 187 00:10:11,068 --> 00:10:14,363 I'll leg into Bristol, sneak onboard a packet, 188 00:10:14,363 --> 00:10:16,282 - and sail to America. - America? 189 00:10:16,282 --> 00:10:18,534 What? Yes. 190 00:10:19,744 --> 00:10:22,913 Once I've got settled, and I've made something of myself. 191 00:10:24,123 --> 00:10:25,291 I'm gonna send for you. 192 00:10:26,042 --> 00:10:29,462 - What about him? - Who? Yeah, of course. Give me a minute. 193 00:10:30,296 --> 00:10:32,298 I need a word with you, kid. Over here. 194 00:10:34,383 --> 00:10:35,384 Hurry up. 195 00:10:38,846 --> 00:10:40,181 'Sup, boss? 196 00:10:40,181 --> 00:10:41,557 I ain't your boss. 197 00:10:41,557 --> 00:10:43,476 Look, you need to take that horse back. 198 00:10:43,476 --> 00:10:45,019 - Blame me. - Eh? 199 00:10:45,019 --> 00:10:47,021 Say I kidnapped you. Or something. 200 00:10:47,021 --> 00:10:49,440 But then you managed to give me the slip. All right? 201 00:10:49,440 --> 00:10:51,942 Look, this isn't your mess. It's mine. 202 00:10:51,942 --> 00:10:53,319 But I need you to take yourself back there, 203 00:10:53,319 --> 00:10:55,821 and then I don't have to worry about you as well as everything else. 204 00:10:55,821 --> 00:10:56,906 I don't wanna go back. 205 00:10:56,906 --> 00:10:58,658 I'd just get bruised by that buffoon, Thomas. 206 00:10:59,200 --> 00:11:01,452 All right. Don't go back, go where you like. 207 00:11:01,452 --> 00:11:03,621 But I'm gonna drop these nippers off where they have a roof over their heads 208 00:11:03,621 --> 00:11:05,623 and then no one ain't seeing me for dust. 209 00:11:05,623 --> 00:11:07,124 - Including you. - Why? 210 00:11:07,708 --> 00:11:08,959 Because that's how it is. 211 00:11:09,543 --> 00:11:10,544 Where are you going? 212 00:11:11,837 --> 00:11:14,131 Fill your boots, take some of them nice warm threads. 213 00:11:14,131 --> 00:11:16,842 Pinch a pair of them pops and a blade so you can look after yourself, 214 00:11:16,842 --> 00:11:18,594 and then we'll all bid one another adieu. All right? 215 00:11:19,679 --> 00:11:23,140 - Can I not just hang about with you? - No. 216 00:11:23,140 --> 00:11:25,768 Can I not be useful to you, Nelly Jackson? 217 00:11:25,768 --> 00:11:27,687 - Uh-uh. No. - Look, if... 218 00:11:27,687 --> 00:11:29,730 if you'd have let me come and take the carriage with you this morning, 219 00:11:29,730 --> 00:11:31,816 you would've seen how useful I could be. 220 00:11:32,817 --> 00:11:34,068 Ow. 221 00:11:34,652 --> 00:11:36,946 Yeah. I ain't no double act. 222 00:11:36,946 --> 00:11:38,447 I did try that with Captain Jackson, 223 00:11:38,447 --> 00:11:41,033 and all I learned at the end is that it's every man for himself. 224 00:11:42,201 --> 00:11:43,327 But look, you're free. 225 00:11:43,327 --> 00:11:47,289 The world is your oyster, which you with sword may open, eh? 226 00:11:47,289 --> 00:11:48,541 Yeah, grasp it. 227 00:11:48,541 --> 00:11:50,960 The world is a big place, there's lots to see and do, 228 00:11:50,960 --> 00:11:52,336 so best get cracking, eh? 229 00:11:52,336 --> 00:11:53,546 Chop, chop. 230 00:12:03,097 --> 00:12:04,098 Where is he? 231 00:12:05,850 --> 00:12:06,934 Ah! 232 00:12:06,934 --> 00:12:10,104 I hear congratulations are in order. I'm sorry? 233 00:12:10,104 --> 00:12:13,858 You got what you wanted. The land, the property, the title. 234 00:12:13,858 --> 00:12:18,612 You're a rich man, Blancheford. And such a simple solution. Hmm? 235 00:12:18,612 --> 00:12:22,199 One that was there all along, just waiting to be grasped, please. 236 00:12:22,658 --> 00:12:24,660 And it sounds like you got away with it beautifully 237 00:12:24,660 --> 00:12:30,416 since they're all blaming this, um, this woman, this Nelly Jackson. Yes. 238 00:12:30,416 --> 00:12:31,542 - Well done. - I... 239 00:12:32,501 --> 00:12:34,336 I got a note to come and find you. Mm. 240 00:12:34,962 --> 00:12:37,089 - When's the funeral? - Tomorrow. 241 00:12:38,382 --> 00:12:39,383 I'll be there. 242 00:12:40,134 --> 00:12:41,635 You didn't know my father. 243 00:12:41,635 --> 00:12:44,180 Funerals aren't for the dead, Thomas. 244 00:12:44,930 --> 00:12:48,017 I'll be there to support you and your sister. 245 00:12:48,017 --> 00:12:51,270 - In your hour of darkness. - You don't know my sister. 246 00:12:51,270 --> 00:12:54,023 I saw her presented at court. A number of years ago. 247 00:12:54,023 --> 00:12:55,649 Before she married Lord Wilmot, 248 00:12:56,150 --> 00:12:57,151 poor fellow. 249 00:12:57,151 --> 00:13:00,696 Poor girl, still in mourning for her husband, 250 00:13:00,696 --> 00:13:03,115 and now she's lost her father. 251 00:13:03,699 --> 00:13:05,326 Thomas. 252 00:13:06,327 --> 00:13:09,580 The funeral procession leaves the house at seven. 253 00:13:10,122 --> 00:13:11,749 But look, there's really no need for you-- 254 00:13:11,749 --> 00:13:13,292 I'd like to. 255 00:13:14,877 --> 00:13:16,003 You see. 256 00:13:17,588 --> 00:13:21,300 People like you are rare, Thomas. 257 00:13:22,718 --> 00:13:24,428 I wasn't sure you had it in you. 258 00:13:25,304 --> 00:13:29,934 I wasn't sure you weren't just some spoiled little boy. 259 00:13:30,351 --> 00:13:33,896 But now... oh, now I'm intrigued. 260 00:13:35,314 --> 00:13:39,068 I feel a certain responsibility for what happened. 261 00:13:39,693 --> 00:13:42,613 But I do wonder what else you're capable of? 262 00:13:43,572 --> 00:13:47,034 I do wonder if you're not cut out for great things. 263 00:13:49,203 --> 00:13:50,204 What things? 264 00:13:52,164 --> 00:13:53,457 There'll be a time for that. 265 00:13:54,250 --> 00:13:56,669 It's a longer conversation. 266 00:14:00,214 --> 00:14:03,592 I just wanted to find out when the funeral was, 267 00:14:04,260 --> 00:14:05,761 and I wanted to see you. 268 00:14:06,762 --> 00:14:08,889 I have matters to attend to. 269 00:14:09,431 --> 00:14:10,766 I'll see you at church. 270 00:14:11,934 --> 00:14:13,143 Benning will show you out. 271 00:14:26,198 --> 00:14:27,950 He needs to make his mark on the world, 272 00:14:27,950 --> 00:14:31,370 and Rasselas can't do that if he's tiddling about with us, can he? 273 00:14:31,370 --> 00:14:35,124 No. He needs to do what he can with his life while he has an opportunity. 274 00:14:36,834 --> 00:14:38,127 But I liked him. 275 00:14:38,752 --> 00:14:40,504 - I liked him. - I liked him. 276 00:14:41,213 --> 00:14:43,090 Yeah, but I mean... 277 00:14:44,383 --> 00:14:45,634 you know, I liked him. 278 00:14:47,094 --> 00:14:50,764 Yeah, well, that kinda mush is a luxury we can't afford right now, 279 00:14:50,764 --> 00:14:55,019 and it'd be nothing but an inconvenience, and chances are, you know. 280 00:14:55,019 --> 00:14:56,103 These things. 281 00:14:56,103 --> 00:14:57,897 It's not often both sides feel the same way, 282 00:14:57,897 --> 00:14:58,981 I don't wanna see you with your heart broke. 283 00:14:58,981 --> 00:15:01,233 He did. He did like me. He told me so. 284 00:15:01,233 --> 00:15:02,318 Did he indeed? 285 00:15:02,776 --> 00:15:05,362 That's mighty inappropriate, he should've kept it to himself. 286 00:15:06,071 --> 00:15:08,949 Also, I suspect he's probably about eight... 287 00:15:08,949 --> 00:15:10,534 10 years older than you. Well, three. 288 00:15:10,534 --> 00:15:11,785 Three years older than me, that's all. And some. 289 00:15:11,785 --> 00:15:12,870 You aren't my mother! And some! 290 00:15:12,870 --> 00:15:16,624 No, nor would I wish to be, I've never seen anyone move so fast! 291 00:15:21,295 --> 00:15:24,048 So when have you been having all these in-depth conversations then? 292 00:15:25,007 --> 00:15:26,383 Here and there and along the way. 293 00:15:26,383 --> 00:15:27,468 Mm-hmm. 294 00:15:28,636 --> 00:15:32,765 Oh. And, and his father was... is the King of Benin. 295 00:15:32,765 --> 00:15:35,142 Oh, really? Yeah, that's likely. 296 00:15:36,685 --> 00:15:39,355 He probably says that guff to all the silly 16-year-olds 297 00:15:39,355 --> 00:15:41,815 with nothing but bits of fluff between their ears. 298 00:15:41,815 --> 00:15:43,776 So, why did he come knocking on our door telling us what he heard 299 00:15:43,776 --> 00:15:45,152 - going on up the hall then? - I don't know. 300 00:15:45,152 --> 00:15:49,239 Why would he risk life and limb doing that if he didn't care about people, eh? 301 00:15:50,658 --> 00:15:53,160 He said he'd seen me around the village and always thought I was like-- 302 00:15:53,160 --> 00:15:54,328 An English rose. 303 00:15:57,957 --> 00:16:00,250 So, what then, have you been kissing and that then? 304 00:16:00,250 --> 00:16:01,418 - No. - Yeah, right. 305 00:16:01,418 --> 00:16:03,128 - Who's been kissing? - We have been talking! 306 00:16:03,128 --> 00:16:04,213 - She and Rasselas. - No one. 307 00:16:04,213 --> 00:16:06,548 No one's been doing nothing, but listening to people's life stories. 308 00:16:06,548 --> 00:16:09,301 - I don't know. - And this is what I was saying. 309 00:16:09,301 --> 00:16:11,387 Right, he was bought at London Docks... 310 00:16:11,387 --> 00:16:14,515 Age three for fifteen pounds, eight shillings and sixpence, 311 00:16:14,515 --> 00:16:15,933 by Lord Blancheford, 312 00:16:15,933 --> 00:16:18,644 who took me back to Tottenham on his horse. 313 00:16:18,644 --> 00:16:20,938 And it was thundering and lightning, 314 00:16:20,938 --> 00:16:23,440 and Lord Blancheford put me under his cloak to keep me warm. 315 00:16:24,024 --> 00:16:25,109 And I was washed and dressed 316 00:16:25,109 --> 00:16:28,237 and given to Sofia and that pig Thomas as a play-thing. 317 00:16:28,237 --> 00:16:29,947 On account of, they just lost their mother, 318 00:16:29,947 --> 00:16:32,032 and Lord Blancheford thought he would cheer them up. 319 00:16:32,032 --> 00:16:34,159 So he was fed... 320 00:16:34,159 --> 00:16:35,869 And clothed and petted 321 00:16:35,869 --> 00:16:38,414 and treated like one of the family until one day... 322 00:16:38,414 --> 00:16:41,875 When Rasselas got to being about 9 or 11, that's when... 323 00:16:41,875 --> 00:16:46,380 Thomas got sent to Eton or some such, and I got put to work in the farmyard. 324 00:16:46,380 --> 00:16:50,342 Miss Sofia and Rasselas, they cried and cried, but... 325 00:16:50,342 --> 00:16:53,762 That was it, that was when everything changed, and... 326 00:16:55,389 --> 00:16:58,308 Stand and deliver! 327 00:17:01,812 --> 00:17:03,564 - Get out! - George, come on. Nell, what's going on? 328 00:17:03,564 --> 00:17:05,190 I said get out! Nell, what's happening? 329 00:17:05,190 --> 00:17:06,567 There ain't no one in here, governor. 330 00:17:06,567 --> 00:17:09,570 - Just a bunch of people's clothes. - Hang about. 331 00:17:13,198 --> 00:17:14,199 I know you. 332 00:17:14,825 --> 00:17:15,909 You do. 333 00:17:15,909 --> 00:17:17,161 So, why not go pester someone else 334 00:17:17,161 --> 00:17:19,121 before I part your hair for you like I did the last time? 335 00:17:19,121 --> 00:17:21,123 And who are these two beauties? 336 00:17:21,123 --> 00:17:22,332 It's that fella, Nelly? 337 00:17:22,791 --> 00:17:24,334 It's that posh fella from London. 338 00:17:24,793 --> 00:17:26,670 What's that poor little mite trying to say? 339 00:17:26,670 --> 00:17:28,088 It's us, Mr. Devereux. 340 00:17:28,088 --> 00:17:30,632 Why you dressed up so cunningly like a highwayman? 341 00:17:30,632 --> 00:17:33,802 What she's trying to say is, I met this fella. 342 00:17:33,802 --> 00:17:35,179 The other day in London. 343 00:17:35,179 --> 00:17:38,640 Who you'll never believe has a remarkable resemblance to you. 344 00:17:38,640 --> 00:17:40,893 Anyone with eyes might think you was twins. 345 00:17:40,893 --> 00:17:42,561 And, you know, he even had a scar, 346 00:17:42,561 --> 00:17:46,315 which I coulda swore blind I'd given you, him, myself. 347 00:17:47,316 --> 00:17:48,984 Mm. Curious. 348 00:17:48,984 --> 00:17:52,196 How came you by this handsome carriage and these four horses? 349 00:17:52,196 --> 00:17:53,447 I was obliged to borrow them. 350 00:17:56,950 --> 00:17:58,786 - Do you know what I think? - Mm-mm. 351 00:17:59,369 --> 00:18:01,455 I think you're Nelly Jackson. 352 00:18:03,373 --> 00:18:07,753 Nelly Jackson, who has a 20-pound reward on her head for murder. 353 00:18:07,753 --> 00:18:11,507 Took me best part of 18 months to get a 20-pound reward on my head. 354 00:18:11,507 --> 00:18:12,966 and this one does it overnight! 355 00:18:12,966 --> 00:18:15,094 It's all over London. 356 00:18:15,094 --> 00:18:18,764 This time tomorrow, it'll be up, down, and sideways across the country. 357 00:18:18,764 --> 00:18:21,391 - Twenty pounds? - How about, governor? 358 00:18:21,391 --> 00:18:26,146 We take this horse here, and them four horses. And the carriage. 359 00:18:26,146 --> 00:18:27,981 And these two trollops. 360 00:18:27,981 --> 00:18:30,609 And we turn the gobby one in, and get the 20 pounds? 361 00:18:32,111 --> 00:18:33,570 Have you learned nothing 362 00:18:33,570 --> 00:18:35,697 from the last time I duffed you all up? 363 00:18:38,659 --> 00:18:39,701 Go. 364 00:18:40,202 --> 00:18:41,245 Boss. 365 00:18:41,912 --> 00:18:42,913 He's new. 366 00:18:45,707 --> 00:18:46,708 Makes sense. 367 00:18:55,384 --> 00:18:56,593 Go on then. 368 00:19:10,023 --> 00:19:11,525 Aha, ha! 369 00:19:11,525 --> 00:19:13,235 - Drop the pistol. - Rasselas! 370 00:19:13,235 --> 00:19:14,736 What do you want me to do with this one, Nelly? 371 00:19:14,736 --> 00:19:17,114 - What you doing here? - I saved you! 372 00:19:17,114 --> 00:19:19,366 Sorry, you saved me? 373 00:19:19,366 --> 00:19:20,701 What are you on about you "saved me"? 374 00:19:20,701 --> 00:19:22,744 And Roxy. And George. 375 00:19:22,744 --> 00:19:25,622 - Have you been following us? - So, I was going to go my own way. 376 00:19:25,622 --> 00:19:26,790 Like you suggested. 377 00:19:26,790 --> 00:19:28,584 But first off, I'll be honest with you, boss, 378 00:19:28,584 --> 00:19:31,336 I felt sad, then I got to feeling lonely, 379 00:19:31,336 --> 00:19:33,755 and then I came over all worried about you three, and... 380 00:19:34,715 --> 00:19:35,799 So, what shall I do with this one? 381 00:19:36,300 --> 00:19:37,759 Ugh. I don't know. 382 00:19:38,844 --> 00:19:42,181 It kinda depends on whatever drivel comes out of his bunghole next. 383 00:19:42,181 --> 00:19:46,268 Yeah, well, obviously, I couldn't admit to being Charles Devereux 384 00:19:46,268 --> 00:19:48,103 in front of the academicians. Could I? 385 00:19:48,520 --> 00:19:49,813 So, what happened then? 386 00:19:49,813 --> 00:19:53,066 You went back and totted the scum that murdered your poor old dad, did you? 387 00:19:53,066 --> 00:19:54,610 No. I never. 388 00:19:55,611 --> 00:19:59,281 - But that's what everyone thinks. - Mm. So, here's an idea. 389 00:19:59,281 --> 00:20:00,407 You're going to get caught, 390 00:20:00,407 --> 00:20:02,659 and I don't know what your plan is, but based on the fact 391 00:20:02,659 --> 00:20:03,911 that we're standing here in broad daylight 392 00:20:03,911 --> 00:20:06,747 and having this conversation at all leaves me assuming it's a bad one. 393 00:20:07,748 --> 00:20:10,000 I hope you're not planning on dropping the little ones off 394 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:11,793 with a favorite uncle, Nell. 395 00:20:11,793 --> 00:20:14,296 Surely not that old chestnut. 396 00:20:14,296 --> 00:20:17,216 Well, and what even if I was? Which I ain't. 397 00:20:17,216 --> 00:20:18,842 Because that'll be the first place they'll look. 398 00:20:18,842 --> 00:20:21,929 If you have a second cousin 10 times removed, 399 00:20:21,929 --> 00:20:24,640 who you never once kept eyes on living in Kent. 400 00:20:24,640 --> 00:20:26,433 They will be outside his house this time tomorrow, 401 00:20:26,433 --> 00:20:29,436 believe you me, 20 pounds is a lot of dust. 402 00:20:30,187 --> 00:20:31,438 So, do you wish to hear my idea? 403 00:20:34,233 --> 00:20:36,902 - Can do. - You and me should team up, Nelly Jackson. 404 00:20:36,902 --> 00:20:38,320 - No. - I can help you. 405 00:20:38,320 --> 00:20:39,613 Doubt it. 406 00:20:40,405 --> 00:20:41,823 So, like I say. 407 00:20:41,823 --> 00:20:44,743 This time tomorrow, all the news sheets up and down the country 408 00:20:44,743 --> 00:20:46,703 will have your description printed all over them. 409 00:20:46,703 --> 00:20:49,748 And not just yours. Hers and hers and his. 410 00:20:49,748 --> 00:20:51,833 There won't be one safe place you can hide. 411 00:20:51,833 --> 00:20:53,961 So, what do you do, eh? 412 00:20:53,961 --> 00:20:56,838 Where do you go? When there's nowhere to go? 413 00:20:57,422 --> 00:20:58,423 Hmm? 414 00:20:59,758 --> 00:21:02,386 Did you nab any lolly when you borrowed this bone shaker? 415 00:21:03,220 --> 00:21:04,263 Few quid, maybe. 416 00:21:04,263 --> 00:21:08,100 Right, well, let's you and me pretend to be Lord and Lady So-and-So, 417 00:21:08,100 --> 00:21:09,977 and hire a good set of rooms in a nice hotel 418 00:21:09,977 --> 00:21:11,770 in an indifferent little town for a few days. 419 00:21:11,770 --> 00:21:13,021 You've got the clothes for it, 420 00:21:13,021 --> 00:21:14,898 - let's use them. - What are you on about? 421 00:21:14,898 --> 00:21:19,861 I'm on about hiding in plain sight, Nelly Jackson. 422 00:21:19,861 --> 00:21:23,824 Which amounts to no hiding at all. Just changing who you appear to be. 423 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:24,950 And what about us? 424 00:21:25,617 --> 00:21:28,745 Well, her Ladyship must have a lady's maid. 425 00:21:29,413 --> 00:21:34,209 And perhaps her Ladyship is traveling with her eccentric little cousin. 426 00:21:34,209 --> 00:21:37,337 and of course, Lord So-and-So must have a fine footman. 427 00:21:37,337 --> 00:21:39,673 Yeah, or you could be my footman. 428 00:21:39,673 --> 00:21:42,342 Just think, hot food, ugh. 429 00:21:42,342 --> 00:21:46,638 Warm beds, clean clothes, roof over your heads. 430 00:21:46,638 --> 00:21:48,640 While you and me work out your next move. 431 00:21:50,976 --> 00:21:51,977 Why? 432 00:21:52,519 --> 00:21:54,229 Why would you do that? What's in it for you? 433 00:21:54,229 --> 00:21:56,690 I like an adventure. 434 00:21:59,067 --> 00:22:00,152 Hmm. 435 00:22:34,644 --> 00:22:36,313 They're all looking at me. 436 00:22:38,106 --> 00:22:39,274 No, they're not. 437 00:22:52,829 --> 00:22:56,416 I am the resurrection and the life, sayeth the Lord. 438 00:22:57,542 --> 00:23:01,213 He who believeth in me, though he were dead, 439 00:23:02,130 --> 00:23:03,548 yet shall he live. 440 00:23:05,342 --> 00:23:11,556 And whoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. 441 00:23:12,891 --> 00:23:14,851 I know that my redeemer liveth, 442 00:23:16,019 --> 00:23:18,688 and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the Earth. 443 00:23:20,232 --> 00:23:22,401 No worms destroy this body... 444 00:23:22,401 --> 00:23:26,988 Thomas. - Through my flesh shall I see God. 445 00:23:34,663 --> 00:23:35,705 Just carry on. 446 00:23:36,748 --> 00:23:37,749 Um... 447 00:23:39,501 --> 00:23:41,711 Who-- Whom I shall see for myself, 448 00:23:42,379 --> 00:23:44,464 and mine I shall behold. 449 00:23:45,132 --> 00:23:47,300 We brought nothing into this world, 450 00:23:47,968 --> 00:23:51,388 and it is certain, we can carry nothing out. 451 00:23:52,806 --> 00:23:54,641 Blessed be the name of the Lord. 452 00:23:56,560 --> 00:23:57,561 Amen. 453 00:23:58,270 --> 00:23:59,312 Amen. 454 00:24:06,069 --> 00:24:09,865 Lord and Lady Shankley. 455 00:24:11,324 --> 00:24:12,492 Yes, that's us. 456 00:24:16,788 --> 00:24:18,206 How remarkably hideous. 457 00:24:18,206 --> 00:24:20,459 Is that a woman? Of course, it is. 458 00:24:20,459 --> 00:24:23,545 Bathsheba. Children should be seen, but not heard. 459 00:24:24,254 --> 00:24:27,757 Doesn't her countenance send chills down your spine? 460 00:24:27,757 --> 00:24:31,178 Oh, on the contrary. It's the other that unnerves me. 461 00:24:31,178 --> 00:24:33,930 See how one of his eyes is so much smaller than the other? 462 00:24:33,930 --> 00:24:36,266 Yes, ma'am. Rather grotesque. 463 00:24:36,266 --> 00:24:37,767 Well, I don't see that. 464 00:24:37,767 --> 00:24:40,604 She's rather ratty. Hmm. 465 00:24:41,688 --> 00:24:43,982 Do you think he looks a bit smelly from the left? 466 00:24:43,982 --> 00:24:45,066 Oh, yeah. 467 00:24:45,066 --> 00:24:47,027 Guarantee you that's the first time she's been wanted. 468 00:24:48,236 --> 00:24:50,822 Very good. No, honestly I just want to punch him in the face. 469 00:24:50,822 --> 00:24:52,282 Oh, to be a highwaywoman. 470 00:24:52,282 --> 00:24:54,284 Do you think, you know, like, she's rather beautiful? 471 00:24:54,284 --> 00:24:55,535 Rather a hag. Stupid hat. 472 00:24:55,535 --> 00:24:56,620 Face like a weasel. 473 00:24:56,620 --> 00:25:00,582 Do you think his nose looks like a, a dog's tallywhacker? 474 00:25:00,582 --> 00:25:01,875 Do you agree? 475 00:25:03,627 --> 00:25:04,794 What do you think? 476 00:25:08,632 --> 00:25:10,300 Both as vile as each other, sir. 477 00:25:10,300 --> 00:25:12,344 Oh. Our rooms? 478 00:25:14,679 --> 00:25:17,098 This way, Lord Shankley. 479 00:25:20,143 --> 00:25:21,520 Luggage, Jacques! 480 00:25:22,812 --> 00:25:23,855 Onwards! 481 00:25:24,648 --> 00:25:25,649 Jacques. 482 00:25:31,780 --> 00:25:33,365 Excuse me, gentlemen. 483 00:25:42,290 --> 00:25:44,793 Excuse me, my good man, where might I find the lady of the house? 484 00:25:44,793 --> 00:25:45,877 Through here, sir. 485 00:25:56,513 --> 00:25:57,597 Yes. 486 00:25:59,849 --> 00:26:01,017 Lady Wilmot. 487 00:26:03,186 --> 00:26:06,565 - May I offer my condolences. - Have we met? 488 00:26:07,482 --> 00:26:09,943 I'm Robert Hennessey. Earl of Poynton. 489 00:26:11,528 --> 00:26:12,529 Oh. 490 00:26:14,406 --> 00:26:17,033 I didn't know my father knew anyone on the Queen's Privy Council. 491 00:26:17,033 --> 00:26:20,161 Oh, he didn't. Well, not me at least. 492 00:26:20,620 --> 00:26:23,540 Some time ago, your father sent your brother up to London, 493 00:26:23,540 --> 00:26:26,418 to your Uncle James Ogilvy, your late mother's-- 494 00:26:26,418 --> 00:26:30,338 - My mother's brother, yes. - Yes, to see if he could, uh... 495 00:26:31,673 --> 00:26:34,009 do anything with Thomas. 496 00:26:34,009 --> 00:26:35,468 Ogilvy roped me in. 497 00:26:35,468 --> 00:26:40,098 I rather famously had something of a misspent youth myself. 498 00:26:40,098 --> 00:26:44,102 I suppose Ogilvy thought I could be some sort of guide. 499 00:26:44,102 --> 00:26:48,898 - Or mentor to Thomas. - I didn't know that. How kind of you. 500 00:26:50,483 --> 00:26:51,860 Ah, I've interrupted you. 501 00:26:52,861 --> 00:26:55,697 I'm trying to familiarize myself with estate matters. 502 00:26:56,406 --> 00:26:59,784 Thomas won't do it. But I shan't let it go to rack and ruin. 503 00:26:59,784 --> 00:27:02,621 If there is anything I can do to be of use to you, 504 00:27:03,580 --> 00:27:04,581 please ask. 505 00:27:04,998 --> 00:27:06,791 The only way anyone can be of any use to me 506 00:27:06,791 --> 00:27:09,336 is in helping to bring to justice the mindless, depraved, 507 00:27:09,336 --> 00:27:11,129 non-entity that murdered my father. 508 00:27:13,214 --> 00:27:15,383 Uh, Nell Jackson? 509 00:27:18,845 --> 00:27:20,805 Ma'am. Mr. Jarrold's here. 510 00:27:20,805 --> 00:27:22,682 He says he's aware it might not be the right moment, but-- 511 00:27:22,682 --> 00:27:23,767 Show him in. 512 00:27:25,769 --> 00:27:28,980 I've taken on this man, Jarrold, to track her down. 513 00:27:28,980 --> 00:27:31,066 Apparently, he's very good. But... 514 00:27:32,150 --> 00:27:35,028 I think it's going to take more than mere mortals to capture her. 515 00:27:36,905 --> 00:27:37,947 Has Thomas told you? 516 00:27:39,407 --> 00:27:40,700 She fights as though... 517 00:27:41,868 --> 00:27:44,204 she's possessed by a demon. 518 00:27:45,163 --> 00:27:48,833 And you saw this? You saw her kill your father? 519 00:27:48,833 --> 00:27:49,918 Yes. 520 00:27:50,543 --> 00:27:51,544 She shot him. 521 00:27:52,754 --> 00:27:53,963 Right in front of us. 522 00:27:53,963 --> 00:27:57,092 The cook and some of the men ran in when Thomas shouted and it... 523 00:27:58,093 --> 00:27:59,678 It was extraordinary. 524 00:27:59,678 --> 00:28:02,597 The way she stopped bullets with her bare hands. 525 00:28:03,932 --> 00:28:04,933 Have you... 526 00:28:06,893 --> 00:28:08,019 heard of such a thing? 527 00:28:09,729 --> 00:28:14,067 There are more things in this world than most people ever begin to imagine. 528 00:28:15,318 --> 00:28:17,278 - Really? - Yes. 529 00:28:19,698 --> 00:28:24,327 It sounds to me as if this Nell Jackson may have, 530 00:28:24,327 --> 00:28:26,162 whether she's aware of it or not, 531 00:28:27,080 --> 00:28:29,457 accessed some spirit. 532 00:28:30,458 --> 00:28:31,543 Some entity. 533 00:28:32,669 --> 00:28:37,507 And if she has, like must be fought with like, 534 00:28:38,341 --> 00:28:41,970 because as you've observed, no mortal will touch her. 535 00:28:46,349 --> 00:28:47,392 Can you help us? 536 00:28:50,729 --> 00:28:51,730 Possibly. 537 00:28:57,277 --> 00:28:58,278 Lady Wilmot. 538 00:28:58,278 --> 00:29:01,865 - Ah, shall I-- - No. Stay. Would you? 539 00:29:02,490 --> 00:29:03,533 I'll be brief. 540 00:29:03,533 --> 00:29:05,952 This morning, we had news of a carriage held up by a woman 541 00:29:05,952 --> 00:29:07,620 just south of Potters Bar. 542 00:29:07,620 --> 00:29:09,247 And from her appearance 543 00:29:09,247 --> 00:29:13,418 and the extraordinary way she conducted herself, 544 00:29:14,127 --> 00:29:15,253 it was her. 545 00:29:15,253 --> 00:29:17,338 There will be other sightings, 546 00:29:17,338 --> 00:29:19,549 and as soon as there are, the net will tighten. 547 00:29:20,467 --> 00:29:21,468 Was she alone? 548 00:29:21,468 --> 00:29:22,552 Mm-hm. 549 00:29:23,094 --> 00:29:25,930 And the guard and the driver were both heavily armed. 550 00:29:25,930 --> 00:29:27,849 Both former soldiers. 551 00:29:28,641 --> 00:29:30,935 Place more adverts in more news sheets. 552 00:29:31,394 --> 00:29:33,146 And raise the reward to 40 pounds. 553 00:29:34,063 --> 00:29:35,064 Very good. 554 00:29:47,202 --> 00:29:50,455 - Good, that's very good. - Oh, Lady Shankley, look. 555 00:29:54,209 --> 00:29:55,293 Yeah. 556 00:29:55,710 --> 00:29:58,963 Oh, I could've been in Bristol now. I could've been on a ship. 557 00:29:58,963 --> 00:30:00,298 Well, you see, the thing is, 558 00:30:00,298 --> 00:30:02,926 even then, I shouldn't feel obliged to run off. 559 00:30:02,926 --> 00:30:05,553 I should be able to find a magistrate who will listen to the truth. 560 00:30:06,930 --> 00:30:08,431 Won't happen. 561 00:30:08,431 --> 00:30:10,850 The law is made by the toffs, for the toffs. 562 00:30:10,850 --> 00:30:12,644 - the truth is either irrelevant... - Yeah, right. 563 00:30:12,644 --> 00:30:14,145 ...or whatever they want it to be. 564 00:30:14,145 --> 00:30:15,313 But it shouldn't be. 565 00:30:15,313 --> 00:30:18,066 But that's just how they all think, tiddler. 566 00:30:18,066 --> 00:30:19,150 You won't find one that doesn't. 567 00:30:19,984 --> 00:30:22,654 Why do you live like this? If you're a toff in real life? 568 00:30:22,654 --> 00:30:24,948 You assume I have a choice. I have no money. 569 00:30:24,948 --> 00:30:26,157 You're a liar. 570 00:30:26,741 --> 00:30:27,742 No. 571 00:30:28,409 --> 00:30:29,577 It's true. 572 00:30:30,537 --> 00:30:33,498 My old man liked the gambling tables too much. 573 00:30:33,498 --> 00:30:34,833 Left me next to nothing. 574 00:30:34,833 --> 00:30:39,295 Just the title and my address in Mayfair, which I'm very fond of. 575 00:30:39,295 --> 00:30:43,424 Except it's full of tenants. I just have two rooms in the attic. 576 00:30:43,424 --> 00:30:46,803 But, so what? 577 00:30:46,803 --> 00:30:48,763 It's an address in Mayfair. 578 00:30:49,389 --> 00:30:50,932 That's all that matters. 579 00:30:50,932 --> 00:30:54,269 If people can have confidence in you, 580 00:30:55,562 --> 00:30:56,896 in who you say you are, 581 00:30:57,397 --> 00:31:00,233 well, it makes 'em feel comfortable. 582 00:31:00,233 --> 00:31:04,779 Then you can get away with almost anything. 583 00:31:06,948 --> 00:31:07,949 Brilliant. 584 00:31:09,993 --> 00:31:13,121 Nelly didn't believe me when I said your dad was the King of Benin. 585 00:31:13,121 --> 00:31:15,248 I don't believe it myself most days. 586 00:31:15,248 --> 00:31:17,500 Don't you feel cheated? Yup. 587 00:31:17,959 --> 00:31:19,002 And my name too. 588 00:31:19,836 --> 00:31:22,505 Rasselas isn't my real name. Lord Blancheford gave it to me. 589 00:31:23,673 --> 00:31:26,718 My real name's lost. Like my family. 590 00:31:26,718 --> 00:31:28,553 Ain't you ever tempted to go back there and find them? 591 00:31:28,553 --> 00:31:29,762 I would. 592 00:31:30,638 --> 00:31:31,764 More than anything. 593 00:31:32,765 --> 00:31:33,766 But how? 594 00:31:34,350 --> 00:31:37,270 I wouldn't know where to start even if I saved up for the passage. 595 00:31:38,187 --> 00:31:40,064 And chances are, with everything that's happened, 596 00:31:40,064 --> 00:31:44,193 if I went anywhere near the docks, someone'd just clapped me in irons 597 00:31:44,193 --> 00:31:46,112 and I could end up sent to the colonies. 598 00:31:47,238 --> 00:31:48,531 There must be a way. 599 00:31:52,368 --> 00:31:53,369 Jacques? 600 00:31:54,120 --> 00:31:55,371 A note come for your governor. 601 00:32:16,768 --> 00:32:20,063 And then up. I'm up, I'm up. I'm up. I'm up. 602 00:32:20,063 --> 00:32:23,650 And I'm up. I'm up, I'm up, I'm up, I'm up. 603 00:32:23,650 --> 00:32:25,401 And I'm one, two... 604 00:32:26,778 --> 00:32:27,946 Go on then. 605 00:32:33,785 --> 00:32:35,703 Ah. Thank you, footman. 606 00:32:35,703 --> 00:32:37,789 I'm not your footman, you jumped-up pickpocket. 607 00:32:37,789 --> 00:32:39,791 I am pretending to be your footman. 608 00:32:39,791 --> 00:32:44,545 Why? 'Tis an invitation to Lord and Lady Shankley 609 00:32:44,545 --> 00:32:47,548 to go playing cards tomorrow afternoon over at Widdicombe Manor 610 00:32:47,548 --> 00:32:49,384 with Lord and Lady Springbourne. 611 00:32:49,384 --> 00:32:50,468 Who's that? 612 00:32:50,969 --> 00:32:55,598 We met him in church, yesterday. We were talking to him. Well, I was. 613 00:32:55,598 --> 00:32:58,309 I said we were just passing through on our way up to London, 614 00:32:58,309 --> 00:33:01,229 and well, they've gone and done the civil thing and invited us 615 00:33:01,229 --> 00:33:02,939 to drink tea with them and play cards. 616 00:33:02,939 --> 00:33:05,817 Well, you must write back and say we can't go. 617 00:33:05,817 --> 00:33:06,901 Why? 618 00:33:06,901 --> 00:33:09,737 Because as soon as I open my cake hole, they'll probably gonna smoke the fact 619 00:33:09,737 --> 00:33:11,030 that I don't know one end of a fork from the other. 620 00:33:11,030 --> 00:33:14,075 Nelly. You are such a disappointment. 621 00:33:14,075 --> 00:33:16,869 We can fleece them at the card table. 622 00:33:16,869 --> 00:33:18,496 - I can't. - I can! 623 00:33:18,496 --> 00:33:20,498 We'll be quids in and it'll be a riot. 624 00:33:20,498 --> 00:33:23,626 You were surprisingly convincing as Lady Shankley when we arrived, Nelly. 625 00:33:23,626 --> 00:33:26,462 George is right. You do have a natural... 626 00:33:28,089 --> 00:33:30,174 something or other about you. 627 00:33:30,174 --> 00:33:31,259 I brought this as well, 628 00:33:31,259 --> 00:33:32,343 just in case there was anything about you in it. 629 00:33:32,343 --> 00:33:33,678 Think of it like this. 630 00:33:33,678 --> 00:33:36,097 The more you practice pretending to be other than you are, 631 00:33:36,097 --> 00:33:37,181 the better you're going to get at it. 632 00:33:37,181 --> 00:33:40,727 Plus, Nelly, this Lord Springbourne, he might be a magistrate. 633 00:33:41,561 --> 00:33:43,312 You can fathom what sort of cove he is, 634 00:33:43,312 --> 00:33:44,897 and if he seems like the sort that might listen-- 635 00:33:44,897 --> 00:33:46,774 What time are they expecting us? Four o'clock. 636 00:33:46,774 --> 00:33:47,859 Listen to this. 637 00:33:48,735 --> 00:33:51,112 "The villain who held up and stole a carriage outside 638 00:33:51,112 --> 00:33:52,697 Potters Bar three days ago 639 00:33:52,697 --> 00:33:57,160 is believed to be none other than the same Nelly Jackson, 640 00:33:57,660 --> 00:34:00,455 who committed the foul murder of Lord Blancheford." 641 00:34:00,455 --> 00:34:01,622 Why do they call me Nelly? 642 00:34:01,622 --> 00:34:05,001 "If it was, it might be assumed that the fiend..." Is that you?" 643 00:34:05,001 --> 00:34:06,961 Yeah, it is. "...is heading north." 644 00:34:06,961 --> 00:34:10,089 Ha! Well, they've got that wrong. If everyone thinks we're heading north. 645 00:34:10,089 --> 00:34:12,383 We might be all right here in Slough for a good week. 646 00:34:12,383 --> 00:34:15,720 "The reward for information leading to the capture of Jackson 647 00:34:15,720 --> 00:34:17,722 has been raised to 40 pounds." 648 00:34:26,481 --> 00:34:28,024 Poynton. Poynton. 649 00:34:29,650 --> 00:34:32,904 This Nell Jackson, have you been keeping up? 650 00:34:33,946 --> 00:34:37,742 By all accounts, she's something of the supernatural about her. 651 00:34:38,242 --> 00:34:39,243 Does she? 652 00:34:40,870 --> 00:34:44,999 See, I thought, rather, your area of expertise. 653 00:34:48,211 --> 00:34:52,423 I, I wondered if she might be useful to the cause, perhaps. 654 00:34:56,469 --> 00:34:58,679 I'd hope that would be for me to decide. 655 00:35:00,431 --> 00:35:03,976 Yes, of course, of course. 656 00:35:11,234 --> 00:35:13,152 Yeah. 657 00:35:13,152 --> 00:35:15,363 My governor thought there was something fishy about them 658 00:35:15,363 --> 00:35:16,531 as soon as they turned up. 659 00:35:17,031 --> 00:35:19,909 Well, soon as her Ladyship starts opening her chops 660 00:35:19,909 --> 00:35:21,327 and trying to talk like a toff. 661 00:35:21,828 --> 00:35:24,580 They said they were from Thunderbridge Hall in Totnes, 662 00:35:24,580 --> 00:35:27,375 but Mrs. Blewitt, who works down in the kitchens, 663 00:35:27,375 --> 00:35:28,876 she hails from down that way, 664 00:35:28,876 --> 00:35:31,045 and she says she ain't never heard of no Thunderbridge Hall. 665 00:35:31,045 --> 00:35:33,422 Nor of any Lord and Lady Shankley neither. 666 00:35:33,422 --> 00:35:35,174 I've no idea who this Lord Shankley might be. 667 00:35:35,174 --> 00:35:38,386 But the description of the four others fits perfectly, 668 00:35:38,386 --> 00:35:40,346 including your runaway, Rasselas. 669 00:35:40,972 --> 00:35:43,432 The boy saw a note inviting them to tea this afternoon 670 00:35:43,432 --> 00:35:44,892 at a Lord Springbourne's house. 671 00:35:44,892 --> 00:35:46,644 Well, what are you waiting for? 672 00:35:47,103 --> 00:35:49,522 You better set off now if you want to catch them there. 673 00:35:56,571 --> 00:35:57,572 Come on, lad. 674 00:35:57,572 --> 00:35:59,782 Um, will I get some of the reward, mister? 675 00:36:03,161 --> 00:36:05,538 How can I contact your friend, the Earl of Poynton? 676 00:36:07,123 --> 00:36:08,291 Why? 677 00:36:10,293 --> 00:36:12,503 Because we have to look like we're doing everything we can 678 00:36:12,503 --> 00:36:14,088 to hunt Nell Jackson down 679 00:36:14,088 --> 00:36:16,257 because of the idiotic mess you've got us into. 680 00:36:16,257 --> 00:36:18,176 - Yes, but-- - If you're hanged for murder, 681 00:36:18,176 --> 00:36:21,345 the estate will go to our cousin in Northumberland. 682 00:36:21,345 --> 00:36:23,139 And he'll move in with his family, 683 00:36:23,139 --> 00:36:25,975 and I'll be dependent on him for every crumb. 684 00:36:26,809 --> 00:36:27,894 So, be strong. 685 00:36:29,103 --> 00:36:30,104 Hmm? 686 00:36:30,855 --> 00:36:31,856 Resolute. 687 00:36:33,149 --> 00:36:34,358 For my sake. 688 00:36:35,318 --> 00:36:37,528 I can only help you if you help me. 689 00:36:41,199 --> 00:36:42,408 Mr. Jarrold! 690 00:36:42,992 --> 00:36:45,203 I need to write a note quickly to the Earl of Poynton, 691 00:36:45,203 --> 00:36:48,331 but then I would like very much to come with you and your men to Slough. 692 00:36:57,840 --> 00:36:59,050 Get ready. 693 00:37:00,551 --> 00:37:01,552 Come on. 694 00:37:22,740 --> 00:37:23,824 Come on. 695 00:37:29,872 --> 00:37:31,123 How long have we been married? 696 00:37:32,917 --> 00:37:36,796 - Six months. - Six months, three weeks, three days. 697 00:37:36,796 --> 00:37:39,757 The devil's in the detail. What's my favorite food? 698 00:37:39,757 --> 00:37:43,928 - Jellied eels? Custard? - Candied apple. Quince. 699 00:37:43,928 --> 00:37:49,392 Plum. And gourd. And spiced dainties from silken Samarkand. 700 00:37:49,392 --> 00:37:51,018 Seriously, you think I'm gonna remember all of that? 701 00:37:51,018 --> 00:37:53,437 I have every faith in you, Lady Shankley. 702 00:37:56,023 --> 00:37:57,650 From the top, please, my dear. 703 00:38:03,239 --> 00:38:04,490 A letter for you, sir. 704 00:40:06,695 --> 00:40:08,781 It isn't all bad being on the run. 705 00:40:09,365 --> 00:40:11,700 I don't miss working in that hot sweaty laundry all day. 706 00:40:11,700 --> 00:40:14,036 I wonder how Nelly got to fighting like that? 707 00:40:14,703 --> 00:40:17,957 Do you think it is Captain Jackson, looking after her from beyond? 708 00:40:17,957 --> 00:40:19,250 It's something. 709 00:40:20,084 --> 00:40:21,085 I've seen it. 710 00:40:22,378 --> 00:40:23,379 How? 711 00:40:24,380 --> 00:40:25,464 I don't know. 712 00:40:26,215 --> 00:40:27,425 Oh? What's it look like? 713 00:40:27,425 --> 00:40:29,301 I don't know. - Well, what've you seen? 714 00:40:29,301 --> 00:40:30,553 Well, it's like... 715 00:40:32,012 --> 00:40:35,933 An aura. And it's good. Well, it feels good. 716 00:40:36,559 --> 00:40:39,812 And I don't know that Captain Jackson was any good. 717 00:40:44,608 --> 00:40:46,777 Isn't that, Lady Wilmot? 718 00:40:48,070 --> 00:40:50,322 - They must know we're here. - How? 719 00:40:50,322 --> 00:40:51,657 They're not stopping. 720 00:40:51,657 --> 00:40:53,284 They must know Nell is gone to Widdicombe Manor! 721 00:40:53,284 --> 00:40:54,827 How? 722 00:40:54,827 --> 00:40:56,704 There's too many of them! What are we gonna do? 723 00:41:07,798 --> 00:41:08,841 Pocket diver. 724 00:41:10,050 --> 00:41:13,846 - What's my favorite color? - Sort of brown, eh, sort of dung color? 725 00:41:13,846 --> 00:41:15,264 Aquamarine. 726 00:41:21,979 --> 00:41:24,190 I'm thinking this is a mistake, Nelly Jackson. 727 00:41:24,190 --> 00:41:26,859 Chin up, don't look at the floor. Look people in the eyes and smile. 728 00:41:27,610 --> 00:41:28,694 Um... 729 00:41:29,153 --> 00:41:30,613 I'm not sure we should be doing this. 730 00:41:30,613 --> 00:41:31,739 Nonsense. 731 00:41:32,114 --> 00:41:33,282 If in doubt just gaze at me. 732 00:41:33,282 --> 00:41:35,493 Like you're in love with me and I'll think of something. 733 00:41:35,993 --> 00:41:39,330 I'm telling you, Nelly. Something weird this way comes. 734 00:41:41,123 --> 00:41:45,002 Ah! Good afternoon. And what a splendid afternoon it is. 735 00:41:49,340 --> 00:41:51,258 Kitten cake.